T1IE OMAHA SUNDAY "RUE: XOYEMBER 2.". IWfi. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE GOOD ADVICE Btiy whore no element of speculation enters into the tranactlon UOFLE VAIiD FATtK offers n sound Investment In residence property with a bright future. Modern homes, tree rtnd shrubbery, cement walks and macadamized treeU, sewer and water, gas and electric light, direct car service WITHOl'T TRANSFER these and other advantages attract conservative home buyers. Ho right down there and pick out. a lot without another day's delay. Reason able prlcet, easy term. The dwellings now building will be occupied by own era as Boon aa completed. Plata and particulars at ihis office. Dwellings General List If you are looking for a G-room almost new rottage, with porcelain bath, closet, hot and cold water, city water and sewer, cement walk, good lot, slightly terraced above street, within two blocks of three-minute car service: market, Mores, school, churches, see lis right away. You cannot afford to pay rent unother day when the above can be had for $1,800. Need not be all cash. Near corner 2 4th and Binney, ! rooms, modern except furnace, $.1,000. 7 rooms, modern except, furnace, good repair, east front, on paved street, car parses house, walking distance; $3,100. Vacant South front lot, 50x132, near 35th Ave. and Jackson, $1,000. Fine building lot. facing on boulevard, $800. Many others in all sections of the city. Small Farm 3!1 acres. 14 of which are In fruit: 8 -room house, on main traveled road: only block from electric car. Price, IS, 000. Owner would, consider sale of frutt land only. Don't miss this. 5 acres only one block from Florence car line. $2,000. Special price. Have good acreage on Iowa side liver. Improved and unimproved. Open Monday evenings till 9 o'clock. Shimer & Chase Co.. Builders of Modern Houses Ground Floor. 1609 Farnam. DUNDEE :00 feet frontage on t incut corner In this ideal district; can be di vided into three lots if desired. Ask us about the price and location. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bid., Tel. Doug. 1781. RE 2508 Poppleton This- Is a. good 6-room house, parlor, din ing room and kitchen downstairs, south front lot. oement walks around house, asphalt paved street, only .block to new 24th street car line, price reduced to $2,6u0 for immediate sale. The Byron Reed Co. 'Phone Doug. 237. 212 8. 14th Bt. -RE FOR BALE S-rooni cottage; modern; c ment walks: shade; lot oftxlflo; one block to two car lines; fine neighborhood; deal with owner. U X. S4th St. RE M3X1 siix R. G PETERS & CO., l.-Ko. 2710 8. Ifnh St.. elpht-room mod- ; $l,ftv-n Grant street, near 27th. we offer ern house. Lot otixlift. Kast front. ; ( a six-room house, with water, sewer Permanent walk. Look at this; It I ' and gas and summer kitchen. Newly worth the money. I shingled. 3,B'0-On North I4lh street we offer mi!,,,., ,. , . . rMit-room all.mo.lnrn hnu f. , ticnlly new and In perfect condition, j Oiw-ti pickle plumbing, porcelsin j lUh. TvOt ;xi:t5. Fine shade ami i plenty of fruit ! $3.5V A fine seven-room hou-e. with beau- I ' t!.' ! -?otlon i:oll. t!v i;irhlv mod- ern. .1 hot water hest. Ono block I from car line. ThU Ir a charming t hoiae for less than ou can build It. j $J,900 Kliht-room house. In fine condition, j Mod- rn except heat. All kinds or fruit, in the yard. Two blocks from 1 the car line, In Clifton Hill. I AN ATTRACTIVE HOME INI THE WEST FARNAM DISTRICT Located on 33th Ave, Inst not th of Fat num street, we offer an 'attractive eight room house. About six ytars old und thor oughly modem. This is a full lot. per manent walks, with paved streets. All pedals paid. Price, $'.. R. C. Peters & Co., Ground Floor (TI01CE ELORENCE PROP ERTY. On Tuesday. November 27. at In o'clock In the morning, st ths east front door of the court house in Omaha, the following choice residence sites In Florence will I old at referee sale: Lots six i6 and ix tfen (lb), in block one hiM.ilt'd thlrt I n (111); lots three (3), four f4, srveuteen "; and elght-fn ilsi, in lilocg one hundred sixteen tll, in Florence; alno forty acres of fine fanning and timber land about two inllxe weet of Florence. Thee Florence lots each command a magnificeut lew of tha Missouri river arid surroundhiK country, and are located within one block of tlv Omaha street tar line. For further In formation Inquire of F. M King at Flor. enoe. or R. H. Olipsted, New York I-!f" Hldg., Omaha. RE 428 "5 -V CHRISTMAS PRESENT $o(H) CASH BALANCE MONTI IL V Tour lfe has been living In that oid house long enough. Make her a I'hrlstmaa present ef this beautiful, new. nil modern votings, and at tho sajun time get out of tne ruf " House has 6 nice rooms, flue lth. gu. electric lights, double fWrs. nice porches, cemented cellar, very well built, nice lot. on north side, pear ;a;h tret ear! nly t,W. Office open Monday eveulugs until I. p. in. Hastings & Heyden,. 1W rurnam tit. - RK BAKtiALVB. C brick stores, $l.fJi rentul, $llfsio. at brick fluts. I1.H0 rental, U,oiv. s Near high school, $H4i rental. $7. mo. M stor-e and flats, Sun renul. l,:v. Near F. O.. 7-rooiii house. 4.Si. 114 South 2eth Ave., l-rooin inoOern house, east front, close In, 1 Owi. M. W. cor. vth and Cas teller, IHxlh) feet, i- room hout. ti, M.A yu Pprliig, lo-room bouse. ll.Jf.u lath, near Castrllar, otxJ ft.. tl.$. 3i Ix. near C'laik, 4uxli ft., tl.Oco. fxl44. near Jtld and Webeter, tsov. sightly serve, very chol.;e. $l,fiiv. ) acrea eaet of Benson, fl.HV IJO acres 11 mllee out, $e.v ltu acre 11 miles N. W Ik.iXw. JOHN N. FR&NZEK. OPV OIA P. u .KE-4W 16 $300 or $500 CaL kalaaoe paymenta. VS per month crerUig inirem ana finmipai. j-rie orfy n.'Mi. t-r., luidern huuso aua burn nn Went Far- na io mage. IX WSS.D, l&Ji DOUaLAtf FOR SALE RFAL ESTATE BUY, BUY NOW!J. W. Robbins Lots Douglas 3867. KE SPECIAL GOOD INVESTMENT A lu-room modern liouse'on Harney 81., be (n Kid and Mth Sts. Oak finish and oak I floors, lavatory, mantel and grate on first ! floor. Polished floors throughout. (Servant t bath, extm water closet; everything com plete and almost new. raving- paid: rented to May 1, 1!, at 7SO per year. Nothing to pay from Income until tuxes become due next July. Trine $7,25(1. which is tiX less than value. Terras: $4.25i cash, balance in i years at S per cent. Special reason for selling. J. II. DUMONT & SON. 9nfl- N. T. Mfe Bldg. -RK ' HERE IS A SNAP Owner removed to Denver and property must be sold at once. Four-room house In Benson, three lots; cheap at WW. House worth tl.tniO; will take $l.rt for place if sold at once. Terms. fci"0 cash, lialance In payments. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, 642 PAXTON m,OCK. 'Phone Douglas 1482. RE 474 23 BB8T ftOFTH DAKOTA T,ANTS. We can save you from II to $3 per aero on the choicest cheap lands In South Pa kota. near Pierre, the capital and comln? metropolis of the state. Our last exenr- . sion for the fall season, Tuesday, Pe cemher 3. Basler & Taylor. Tekamnh, Neb. RE 433 26x """'r','n" ,Mn sirei. near t.l.aries. $1,00 Oti-North 1Mth street. five-room bouse, with water and gas. This property is now being put In good condition, and can be bought on a reasonable piyment down. 91"1 THs is n very pleasant, four-room l cottage, on Murdette. near 24th. reasonable payment down, balance Installments, will take this place. JI,i:ho This buys a nhe live-room cottage, east front. Sightly location. On block from car line. Modest pay tnent down. This is you want a coxy home a bars .tin If VACANT on -n streer. between Pinknev and Pratt, we offer a bunch of six lots, lvlng on the east vide of ?nh street. Own"? desires to dispose of these and can offer thein at $JO0 each. This is n excellent lo. cation for small cottages, being only one block from the street car. BOULEVARD TERRACE WC I,UV8 a fe,v choice lots In B.jitl evurd Terrace. Out prices are extremely low. location considered. We would con sider building homes on these lt fur de. slrable parties. If Interested see u Bee Building -RK WHY PAY RENT 4 rooms, Hurdctte 8t., ntsir Soth. ltv wjtcr - l.in; down, balance Jli p,.r liiuuth v-roum cottage on Hou'h 2tth, nca- funtel-lr-tl,4'.v; 20o down, balUuuu $.D per U pr,,T" bll,:1- '1-Kt brick ;mntol. V! i .'k ". " V"- ''"'"t " Hlk In yard, near Miller I'ark I1.4U0; Sijo down, balance $v rier mciitti. v;d'.:wywh m-: C. . CAIiLRERG, fll N. V. Life 1JI3. I'hone Red-74H7. 1(12 FOUR NEW H-ROOt Ila-dv, oid caalng and floors, full basement - i iier ami builder has one In Kointxe I Isco and three In West Farnam district; hern asking $4.iu; will now aell o::e or m mow io raise some money. ! W. It. OATES. I 817 N. y. Lif, bldg. RE- M3C2 25 NOTICE Real ct( uManls: V..n ,..! niit'diR lit your busliieu M. i,n,-u ri.iI seoi.nU-hand lH. p.. o tssenser touring car whloli w ll sell at a baraaJn vmuPY .for,rVT '"y Karbseh Auto and Vehicle t o.. Uih nd upward Kr RE--Ti2i a "easyerms Isjim or, Qunf Bt.. 1uit a little north i.f K.nt hi. fcini u( uf mil bt., AV to 4tH; ninaU t ayment down und balnm th nr ni..F.h fj.tel in tJ... III . in umui 4 i hh-ijw; on rupy iihv- C. (J. CARLBERCJ. U If. T. Life Hldg. 'Phone Red.74T Rl-- Real Eetate, Loans and Insurance. Let us s'iow you cur list f city property, aoree, improved farms s-nd cheap western lands. BKRKA TeL Ixjuglas-.kii. HI ra, N. T. Life Bldg. UODEKN home. 7S feet front, perfect eon dltkiu, $-Wi; swucr must sell. i!W WlrL H. H. HT RINGER. 1114 Jet kaoo. l,ug TWl. RE iirf0J4. VJH All-lIae tU Vx; I1S Burt itr-ri x FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HOUSES AND INVEST MENTS I 2,M- r"nm house, re. ul rn except fir nsce, 2th and Hickory; easy terms; lent $22. t 2.X0 Nearly new fl-rooni house, modern except furnace, on Hurt, west of nth. t 3.0110 Full lot on antli Ave., south of Mason, with S-room inttagc; modern except furnace. CHEAP. J 4.0)0 South front on Marry, went of IVMh. an almost new modern house of 7 rooms: hardwood Mulsh downstairs, porcelain bath and furnace; prlee re duced for a quirk sale; rent I 4.0"0 7-room modem hooac on 2i'ith Ave., near All Saints church; rent J.T.".. t 4. ft ' ir, east front on 22d. south of Hurl, with an s-room house. This Is a fine property to Improve with brick flats. t New St. Iaj'iIs brick flat. In fine lo cation snd of superior construction, which Is paying 10 per cent net on price at which I can offer it fjr a few days. It Inlereated In a first class Investment you had better see me at once. $12.0n0 Kxl32. on Farnam property is rendy east of 24th: this ' for Improvement . and ran be made to pay handsome returns. UO.Oiio-Cxi:i2. within one block of the new Hoston future; rental $l..ViO nor an num ami only partially Improved; easy terms if d'.siretl. HUY NOW I VACANT TOTS AND BK RKADT TO BI !M IN THK SPRING. $3,000 7r,xl.l2, east front, on STth, near Far nam; will subdivide. $2,100 ooxlS. choice east front on 83d, near Pacific. $1,6.V East front, on 2flth, near Jackson, t 760 Nice lot on 4 id, between Farnam and Podge. t fiO Nice building lot on Hamilton, east of 3th; on grade. $ 450 Two tine lots, one a corner, In Oram- mercy Park, ono block from Military Ave. snd car line. $ 300 South front on Seward, west of 30th. DOUGLAS COUNTY farm of SO acres, paved road, 4 miles west of Omaha city limits: special price for a few days only. Sec me at once for par- tlculars. SKK MK FOR OiHKR NAHGAIXS. FIRK INSL'KANCK AND RENTALS. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 12 FARNAM BT. RE FOR SALE OR FOR RENT Desirable 9-room modern dwell ing. Immediate possession. 4117 Farnam St. Alfred C. Kennedy First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas 722 Thomas Brennan REAL ESTATE 'Phone Douglas 1264 $2,000 will buy nice house and lot and good barn ut 21.13 Grant St. $1,2U0 will buy cottage and lot at 920 N. 18th St. X1.U00 will buy two houses and lot ; (one brick and one frame) at 2412' and 2414 S. 17th St. ! $2,200 will buy modern cottage and lot at 2613 Davenport St. $2.00 will buy modem house und lot at 2715 Hamilton St. modern $3,000 will buy ten-room frame house and lot at 2212 N'. 19th St . , , FIVE PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN, i Thomas Brennan Room 1, New York Life Building FOR SALE Houses and lots mar Kounlze Place. Bargains, lnuulrc ys.n N. :ii St. RE M 477 D hH BALE Or trade, lot 2. block 3. Fv erett Place Address John R. ivttnn. V.'i E. fain Ft., ottumwn. la. Rl 1:5 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME Ll liDHA, THE LEADING PALMf.ST OF OMAHA, j PARLOUS AT IK! HOI'TH liiTlf ST., 1 tipptislte Boston rtlure. WHAT TIlANKHHIVlXti DAV BRINOS! BY carefully heliiff kept advised In the; events of the future by Mitrtittc rtseurcli the most successful r vents an bu turned, i THE many evil event can be averted' by mere 111 tic Investigation, and by con- i suiting MADAME MCDDHA. THE SCIENTIFIC! AND RELIABLE PALM1HT. PALMISTRV j AND 1.AIR li VANCY DlciPELl'iJl Hi ri. I THE PAST. PKESENT AND Fl'TCRE ! rade known clearly and In detail without asKintf any queaiions to ledid or fur guid ance. With study, and being naturally gifted In ihe OCCl'LT HCIKNCK. It Is. therefoie. why the events tan bu penetrated. A CONSULTATION MAY YL.'L." CONVINCE and il may pre e wonderful and beiieta-lal. SATIBFAfTlON IS ASSI RKD OR NO FEE ACCEPTED. PAKlXiKS AT 113 BOUTH WTH ST.. CPttl'AlHS. ENGAGEMENTS BY 'PHONE. DOUG I.A8 4SM. CONHI LTATIONS DAILY. 8 48 X MK8. FAfBT-Rfcliable pultuUt, gives ad vice on all affairs; ladla. Uk; gcatlmeu tL 1 Cummg Si. TL DourUe 8-Mkl 2flx MM ES BRKAN AND MAYO. Ufe reading, pariura .2 N. lii h. Splrtuu.1 meetlug Xiinua)' eveiui'.g. t e'clutk. P'i-.r.,u VnU s-ii; Xa FOR SALE FARMS -W 4 - -v -m r I ,1 I 1 M ;1 I ' I I I 1 V IJ 1 1 I Ll I 11 I 1 I I 1 I 1 ilIIwIVy -Jl. T -A- I We are rutting up and closing out for a bunk a fine fnrni of wt acre on the beauti ful table land In the southwestern I'liit of Washington county, one-hnlf mile, from n shipping stullon on the Klkhorn road. We have wild liV, acres, but still have un sold the homceteatl quarter section with the orchard, grovo and buildings; aluo another uuarter, which we cnnHder the bet quarter section of the farm. IYIcck have Iwn oil to liuutre quick sale. Full Information on request. Some Other Bargains A good quarter Hecliim near l,incoln, at Hi. Kelongs to non-resident. 240 acres well-drained Missouri river bot tom i-orn and alfalfa land, with fair Im provements, near Pacific Junction, at fi. Rented for hiUC the corn. Special reason for selling. 44o acres In western Iowa with fair Im provements, only $5. Owner wants to move to Ohio, where be has lartje Inturi sls. This farm is in the best shape to make money ob or any land we know of. Ask us why. It Is cheap, tio. Farms in same locality held at fi to $11. lt acres Improved, in Pohemlan neighbor hood near lieU'ltt, N'eh.. nt f5n. 1) acres imiiroved. near Hlue SprlnK'1. at 110 acres ,'l miles from Denson, DougiiK county, at 1. 313i acres near Rogers, on 1". P. mad. Pc. longs to a bunk. Write us for particulars. (Kmd lands Ui to J1 miles fii.rihvr west are selling for higher pr1cs. We advertise bargains, only. Please note that these re all close to the best markets of the state. J. H. Dumont & Son. ?n6-6 N. T. Life Cldg. - H WESTERN LAND A chance to specu late 10,000 acres In western Nebraska, 10 miles from the main line of the 1. P. R. R. untl about. 15 miles from the B. & M., mostly all good smooth land, good soil, no wind; will be used for agricultural purpowea noon at the rate people are going west. Price. $5 per acre. Easy terms. PAYNE .INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor X. Y. Life Bldg., Tel. Doug. 1781. 11- DON'T HOARD YOUR MONEY Make it work for you. Choap lands nre counted the safest of paing Invest menls. Huy at once, as the opportunity will soon be gone. The L'nlon Pacific R. R. h fast closing out Its lands In Western Nebraska, Colo rado and Wyoming at $J to $5 per acre Easy Terms The land consists of fine farm and ranch lands. For description of lands and full Information regarding special excursions, apply to LAND AGENCY U. P. R .R Dept. R 318 So. ISst. OMAHA. NEB. It '1stockfTr m sFnrsA 17e" acres Of rolling upland, well set to grass. Suitable for subdividing for fruit and vegetable farms, or for sheep and stuck farms: miles north uf Council HlulY.s and 11 rulle.s to So. Oimilia, ', miles to Omaha imstofTli-e and ono mil from the switch on the Northwestern. About 40 acres culti vated and some fruit: about !V acres of timber. Six-room house and outbuildings, lo ver falling spring with ga.sollne engine and reservoir fiipe to house, owner must sell at once and will sacrifice al $35 per acre. See us about this, us K Is a rare barguln. N.T. DODGE & CO. 1714 FAUX AM ST. H-M:!M 27 I OWN ,000 acres of fine rUe fund on rail road, within teven to ten mil -s o( Hous ton, the best and most progresui.e city In Texas. Will sell In tiacts of 220 acres and over, to actual settlers, for $Ji ver acre, payable in ten annual piyment. i Purchaser must hive money siiUicient to 1 put down Irrigation wells, build necessary I houses ard burns and to plant und take cuio of first ciop of rice. No payment on I land required until first crop i luii vej ed. i Work should begin by January 1 for 1S06 crop. If you are com Ins: to Texas to farm, see rue before juu !. Charles Finley bniith, 217 Main St., Houston. Tex. .'i-MUl D6 EVERY TUESDAY : wk have KXfTRPin r.tks to thi: l,ur,.V I 11 1 1 M r, r I r. r i .il.l.r.i. -1 , Ti)$)j SOI 'lll DAKOTA FARM LANDS. , WRITE I S. MAP, ETC. FREE. THE ITTNM CO.. rn n. v. life uldo., um.mia. ' H-Al.2 2B FoR SALE llo acres. 2 miles of Ansel-no. Neb.; good lajid; good Improvement ; yi acres in cultivation, M acres In pasture; nil fenced; If sold soon will give possession at once. Price. $2.nj. P.. C. F'npfleld, Ansi'lmo. Neb. II M'l'ji :j j NICE. Iving. well iiriprnved 160-aere farm 1 in tiovt hen stern Kansas, will s,:ll on ey 1 panients or trade Im good rental town property or farm nearer Hastings. Ad I dress 114 East 7lii HI., Hustings. Neb. It- MiSJ ::, IAN EXTRA CHOICE farm I couiii, .Nehraski. I 1 ;u acres of line bottom liiml In Thayer With KilOil itiiprovenii ins. ui.'.y onc-luil' mile from town. Willi two railroads. If oii are loi k'lis: for a home, near Knod s.-liools and town, you do not want to p:ss this by. but wrlto to John Mills. Geneva, Nob., for further infori.iution and terms. Many clhcr bnrg-ilns in farma and some eh. ilce runches. Joiiti Mills, Uenevu. Neb. H-n25. A WELL Imiuovnd farm of 14:, acres for ! s:ile at $:n ier acre, situated 2 miles i nortlnvcst oi llen.siiu. Write Of cell ,iu Smith & Leach. Benson, Neli. II 21 25 Cheap AV esteni Lands eminent homesteails bKated. Printed lists giving legal deci ip'ion and prices, also inai!. iilcture. etc., fiea. THE STERLING INVESTMENT CO.. Z From St., Sterling, t'oki. U- Snl'TH DAKOTA FARMS $12 to SHI art acre; l-.-iler than luwa land "t A One crop pays for the ,ir,,i. M ifs und fiai lieuluii. free. Age. 'it a wanted. M. P. Goodlier. Pierre, s. D. H -472 ;'.x ONE MORE I5ARUAIX We have this week n No. 1 fiirm. B ndleg from Geiliu;, ihe county seut of 8'ott s BlulT founts", in North Plane valley, ,n proved $i.;." r acre. A year or so will si e It worth more than twice this. Tito Stewart Ixavon worth Co. il N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Neb 11-618 25 lffT-ACRV. finite well improved farm, in oential north Nebraska. A hoine-like plaie: evergreen trees in front yard. $i per a, re: H.ijuo rash, balanr to suit purchaser, ti pr cent. C. li. GLOVER & K0X Room 3. N. Y. Ute Bldu. 'Phone Dong. IKS. H-6 PLUMBING LYNCH BROS- Ueir work our ipeUaUy. ill - uiu 4l Iti- Duucls H77. Silt FOR RENT HOUSES ll.'tt P H TM SftTH AVE.. 11 rootns, modem. ,f rented h!. week, tin. 17 Coming St.. rooms. $:. ::? Fscinc. rni... nio,im. .. S. 2th St., 8 nns . JJo N- 2"th St.. 8 rm., modern. nw. $.;,. Farnam ft.. rme., modern. V. I. II N. tli Aviv, r.-rni. cottage. $12 .17 N. ZSd. 7-rni. rottage. V" . 4M! Seward St.. fi-rm. collage, modern but heat, fH. X N. :'?d St., S rooms, lii. 2704 N. 3th, H-rtii. furnished bouse, RG. See balance of list at otlice, HnetingH & Hey don, 1704 Farnam St. D-.1&' 24 NEW APARTMENTS Heat and janitor service fur nlshed, o and 6-rootu, modern In every respect, easy walking distance from business center. Xth Ave. and Half-Howard St. Hee us for terms of lease. GKOKGK & CO., KOI FARNAM. 11 GOOD IlOt'SKS FOR RUNT. ?'M f"lmrles. 12 rooms, modern $.;'.(v 77 Su. ::ith Ave., new t!-r. brick llat.... :i2.0 '2X2 Jones Pt.. good 8-r. modern :i;.50 itjl7 Iacl;ic. goud 7-r. modern 'S.W 11 OH fo. S'th St.. S rooms, city water and gas 2f 00 1M! Locust, good ij-r. modern -o W lfiCi !o. -ctli, (,-r. modern flat -V"-' SiJi HoyJ. new 5-r. cottage H.oo Ike. 6-r., bath, gas 11 no &Si t'hnrles. good t-r l.ilO 8.0 N. 33d. 4-r. cottage . 10 K) GARVIN BROS., UQi FARNAM ST. i M-oi a HOUSES TO LET 1537 Park Ave., 8 rooms, modern, f33.00. 3333 South !Kth, 7 rooms, modern except furnace, JTl.dO. 851 South Znt St., 5 rooms, modern except furnace, t'JDOO W. FARNAM SMITH & COMPANY, "J0 Fnrnam Street. P-M:30 25 COTTAGES TO LET 3H3. and S21 North 'th Ave., one-half block north of Spencer street, 6 rooms each. These will bo newly papered and Piut?d throughout, with new porches, cement cellars and permanent walks ami rendv for occupancy about December 1. W. FARNAM (SMITH COMPANY, 130 Faiiuim Street. I s-MITd 25 34b", Farnam St.. 12 rooms, modern. N. W. Cor. 'Mh and Charles. 11 rooms, modern, ?4o. 71- N. -:'d St.,' 7 rooms, brick, very de sirable. ro. o'H N. 32d St.. ," rooms, modern. $l"i. Others. RINUlVAliT HR08.. Parker Hlk. D Minn Co FOR saw: OR RKNT. 8-roitn boiise, with bath room, hut no fur naeo; good barn, permanent walks, etc., close in. Will put in furnace for good tenant if desired nt $:'-ri per month. Price, wllhout furnuce, tf.CfA 2fL'l Chi cago St. D 35 24x WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. DouKlua 11)25. Schmoller Ik Mueller I'lano Co., 1311-US13 Farnam. D tii fTOTTFS 1" parts r.f tho city. R UUUOrjQ c p.tera & Co.. Bee Bldg. trnnQlT! In ill parts of the city. The UUUOM o r. Davis Co.. Eie B'.dt. D ti HOUatS, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. U 6St OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack, move, store H. li. goods; storehous? 1120-24 N. mn. Oflice. 1511 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 155 D 7 VB JIOVK c'anos. Maggard Van Sc Ktor age Co. Tel. Do us. 14u. Office, 1713 Web ster st p-m 6KB us when shipping household goods lo large cities west. We can save you money. KXI'RKSSMEN S DELIVERY CO.. 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. 1196. D SJ . fOr.NSMAN-VAN BI RGH CO.. torago and transfer. Best storage house In the city. Immediate attention given. 15";i-31-3'J N. ICth St. Tel. Douglas 4filK. D-C30 modern 7-room house. T1,arj jin v mi D M516 FOR RENT 8-room flat, modern, good re pair, oppoMtu llanscom park $33. 'Phone Douglas S. D-153 FOR RENT-Modern, 9-room. brick house, 112S South Mst St.; $40 per month. Thomas Brennan, room I N. T. I,if Bldg. D MoiS storage s:i"d...fo,?a lncr. Fred Lush Transfer Line, 1&I3-5 Farnam Kt. DM626 D9 FOR RENT 8-room lious,?, all modern ex cept furnace $20. ' 9-room bou.-e, all modern, new f Jinace $a. C. M. HAC11MANN, 4;''! I'axton Block. D 48 5-ROOM hc.use, ZX'A Rees St.. water In kitchen. oaH finish down stairs, stair lo litruo nttle. $15. BEMIS, I'AXTON BLOCK. D-7P1 FOR RENT 9-room modern house, t06 8. 2ith Ave., $S2.W. Thomas Brcnmm, Room 1. New York Life I!;dK. D Mhil -ROOM brlc.U house, modern. 1011 N. 2V.!i, $ good and warm. Turklncton. 02 Pe-j Bldg. D-M840 NEW 5-room house; modern exept fur-! usee: located four houses ust of :th un Burdette St.. and the accord house west from :u;h St.; rent, $16 p r month. BEMI3, ! Pax'oti Elk. D MS79 ' FOR RENT Large home, modern, barn, : good lawn' snd shade; rarlinc. i :)01C Pa-! Ific Si. 'Phone C. Whitney, Oouglis! lil". D ,M3li -5 ' I 6-ROOM Hat. second floor. 2M!I I'nlrlw" St.: modern except furnace; $IH. Tn-krn; tun, 602 Mee Blrlu. D-MJSi :i fi22 NORTH 27th Ave.. 5 rooms. $14. M. V. 2Mb and Mn uiier.-oii. modern, lln. JOHN N. l'P.ENZI.l!, OPP. OLD P. O. I - fss -i FOR RENT New s-rnura cotinge, .-j,! und E.iwli r Ave.; will Is' ready to occupy D'cr.ubcr 1: rent 1S. Call and se,. ,t todav Wm. I. Klcrslvud. Telephone Med-".;J. 1 47 25 , . two 7-nmin tUis. modern. N. E. corner Park Ave. and Woolwurth Ave.. J 1 . 7i J cai'li. Tel. Rr-.i 4.Vv. I)-.M4MiV-c LEASE AND I'l RNlTlHE FOR SALE. , ,,l,,,..t, .. ,ir , IK- loom bou.-e on Parutim St., walking Uls- liitiro. rent .".i; I'uuiily leuviim city und will sacrltue furniture ami letise tugeiher oalv. 'Phone lunulas 241". D M4?.2tx FOR RENT New collage, 5 rooms, mod ern except furnuce. MS Ruggles street, vecent now: rem, i. R. II. LAXDERVOr. Tel. Doug. 2i:.l. Boird of Trade. D-Syl FOR RENT Nice t-rmim modern house; nil modern, with furnace; rooms Inrge. Tel. Doiiglas jed or Harney 1U7:I. E E. Huntley, owner. D-.MIi'l C-ROOM house, jill modern, S12 lllUUire .114 S. Hlh St. S. :i7ih St. D (jI2 20-v JTCm WEBSTER ST- rco;ns. water a gws, $22.'Ji:. lutiuiru at Kill Webster. D-j s 2T nil 8-RCXJM. modem dwelling, l'I'j South lull Ave.-$:. 8-room. modern dwelling, 4117 Farnuiu 8 .-$'. (-room cottage. lff'J North ?7th St. -$15. ALFRED C. KENNKhT. 2fiS First National Bank Hldi;. Tel. INiuglaa 7'ii. D--.S2J25 J N"BW modern brick houaea. just cotii pleted, near lUosrom park; prices re duced to $20. i 'tuj-lea P. While, owner, 212 N. Hlh. or F. D. W'rad. lo-- lKMglib. D rXft RENT -nKn cottage, modern exi-ept fumai-e. 2i"4 4:i.pllol vvf iS.oJ lonrii houae, modern exi'epi furuace, ilTli N. 'Jnh 3i.,J :-rery brick ttoro bulletiig. lllj ll.r- nev Sc.'JO joH.V W. .eHLic. U"2 FAJCNVil ST L- i.-I li FOR RENT HOUSES FRKK P KMT till pis ember I on the tollowlng list of barRMlii": :!At 1,'ii't tte. fc-r., niodein plumbing - 1 1. sus 8. ;th. . rooms, all mod. rn except ftir tMv'e, bar 1:- t:i.'v...;j Iodge, two new ." and H-room cot tages, nil modem ept heat. open imliing. H.ivhed floors, etc. wi ami V i H. i'f'th Ave , roc'iii, all modern i.i". b"l S. 1Mb. roon;s. nil modern, los- in .(.. i:.4 8. 27lli, 7-r.. all mod'-rn li; bat gain i :'4 N. rt.ld. 7-r.. modern except furnn'e- . 'M.4 S. .""ill. x-r.. all modern except heal. only t'Jr, snap. 4107 lr.nrri. S r.. nil modern M'i S. :.tth Ave 8-r.. all motiern---..M). .M f California. -r., strictly tnodern. lien - .Mix" Pnvenport. S r.. all modern f .15. lirsnd n -w 7-r. strictly modern house In Punde., tor rent nt tm). PAY N" K. MtiS I'W 1CK CO.. Sixth Floor. N. Y. LIT.- IIMir. I .: PKIt mo. for !-room modern house, small born. ;:M7 Hnrney Ht. 4." per mo. for Hi; S. Xui St.. p)-risini moil I ern house, steam heat, large lot near j lluntfiim pnrk. K per mo. for 11-room modern flat, .",14 H. ::.i St. KJ!i per ino. for 8-room modem house, gixid furnace, all In best of condition, 31H7 Pnvenport St. J-5 per mo. for t-room modern house, good rer.alr. nr,l!i lhlston St. $11) per mo. for s-ro, rn hotiw. modern ex cept furnace. ML'4 S. jnth. J17 per mo. for S-room modern coitu:e. ex cept furnace, In t'uod repulr, Ji Shirley St. GKOHOK A- CO.. 101 FARNAM P- f ij s-ROOM. all modern. In gool condition, Shi" Davenport St.. npposltu Henry Yates' resldHiu-c; hue location. tiV-Vrnom. nil modern. In Ihuiscom park district, on eir line. $L2.5t S rooms, all modern, 10 lthrop SI. I17.f. l7h2 Cuming St., . Isrjro rooms, all modern except furnace, on corner. -i riioujs. alt niculern. In excellent condi tion, PI4 No. 4-d St. N. P. DODOK A CO., 1714 Furuiini. P-582 It ll:ts p. 3fi(h Ae.. 11 rooms, b:ltll. toilet room, cemented basement, hot and cold water, furnace, gns; i,o. S.'It Pacltlc. HI., '.i rooms, modern: f. l:il.l S. -Mh St.. S rooms and bath: J2.Y 'fill N. -'th St.. new. S rooms, modern: $1. 717 N. J.'Iil. 7 niotns. furnace; $r,J..iiJ. 4o4i' S'tMird St.. new n-ruotn cottage; $18. "Si4 N. -:l St.. (i rooms; $16. !J1 1 N. Wh Ave., 5 rooms; $12. Furnished R-rooni liouse, for the wlnler; VS.. Two 7-room tints; ?17. Two i;-room flats: Kl.M and $4". Ht'e balance uf list at oflice. Hastings & Hoy den, 17i4 Farnam. D-4W 25 8 r.. all modrn. with furnuce and 2 lots, Bi'2-! N. :lh Ave.--a. 8 r.. all modi rn. with furnace. 21P9 Grant jr.;-. 7 r., purtlv modet n, r.VV) Farnam $25. 7 r.. ;-l'7 Decatur tin. 7 r.. well, cisiern and ham, with fruit, 2017 N. 2lst-JlK. 5- r. cottag". with gas and water; neat home; L1i:i:l l'arnam $2U. 3-r. cuttuge, city water, 2511 S. 3h Ave. $12.M. 6- r. cottage, city water, 2413 Indiana Ave. -$12. F. D. WKAD, 1521 DOUGLAS. D ItR RKNT. 3221 Poppleton Ave., .i rooms, strictly mod em. S.15. 4-fi9 Cuming, 7 rooms, modern except fur nace. 271' Webster, 7 rooms, modom throughout, $25. 2412 Indiana Ave., S rooms, modern except furnace. $:X. 155t Shertniin Ave, 3 rooms, modern except furnace. $11. 1424 R. 2ntli Kt.. 8 rooms, modern except fur nace. $'.n. 3u22 N. lHtli St., Ptore room, $1". PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. Lj. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 171. D- FOR RENT Elffht-room oil modern house, West. Farnam district, :! 167 Davenport St., opposite Wrn. Yates' residence. Open for Inspection. N. P. DODGE & CO. , 1714 Faruam St. D 8-ROOM house; electric light; water and sewer; large yard: tW: 3333 Darlmore Avo Turklngton. 0 2 P.ee V.Uig. D M2S4 25x MODERN home on Kinney street; 10 nmms, fine barn; cement walks: one-hnlf block from 2!th Bt., car line. Tel. Harnev fo. D 3o9 2S FOR RENT 7-room modern flat, hot water heat, telephone Douglas 14!V. D 310 25x GOINO TO JIOVK? foals less, breakage considered, lo have an expert pack your bit. a :ind glass; 2rt years' experience; cburpcs reasonable. Jos. Burns. Tel. Har ney I12l. D-311 D21x FOR RKNT-S-ronm brick house, basement finished, nil modern, new furnuce, only hi If block from c;ir, good ueighlarrhond : rent $25 per month fworth $)). C M. Ilachniami. 4'A I'axton block. D 336 I -ROOM, modern house. 7,27 H. 27th ft. D-33 : FOR RKNT 7-room mod. house, ex. fur nace, ;Ml!i Hurt; 3-rooni fiat, 6o4 No. ltith St. J. If. rARltOTTE, PAXTON BLK. i-aio 2G GOOD S-room house, ail modern, close In, Tel. Di nglas f.f. D S42 26x FOR RENT Cottage. rxioms, modern, with furnace. 222 No. With. D M364 2K ' FOP. RENT Bi.iou Theater, store rooms and club rooms, on long lease. N. P. Isidge A- Co.. 1714 Voriniin Sn. D 71 U 12-RoOM house, close to postnfflce: strictly modern: steam nett; cheap. 2M1K Daven- port. D M'l'O 2"'.x - - . FOR RENT 1'-room mod-rn house. 317 lliirmv Si. Jolin R. Webster. Boird of Trade Hldfr. ll-.M: Si llOl'SH fer rent: :!li:i Burt St. D-375 25 -ROOM st l ee!. '.'XI li St. ho. isc. modern, enst ft nt, paved . 11-2 8i. near llansciiin lmrk car Inouire Airs. .1. A. Hone. 'Phone Doug. D Mlfcr Nix FOR RENT Elegant store room. 214 S. 14th St. Cheap rem for right party. I - 4 ROOMS, second floor. D- -5SH 27x 2j0 Leavenworth. i Intjcire lOii S. 2aih St. D M57.I : j , , " " , , FOR RKNT-ln Remis I'rk. ntw i-rwn j house, stileily modern, $.t.(l). One e I x - r"""1 ''in t a ge by 1 )e, . 1. modern cxpt ileal, ...rf. didi ikir ii i-ubuii. v--. nu !'.'' ; I t D-TiTI ix WifED TO RENT WANTED A humn to take In emergency cases siK'h as scarlet fever, diphtheria and measles. Must lj; without children. Will pay well tor isanie. Call at lie villi Ofticc. City Hall. Telephone DoiigluS 01. K-M!a WANTEIv Board and room in vicinity of llHtiHcoin park, by voung limn In packing house office. Addt ens li iJi, Bee. K 25x WANTED -To rent, a furnished hotel In I small W' stern town: mall full particulars. ! W. II. Colby, lir gory. S D. K-t'7'j x FOR RENT FARMS WILL rent cheap for cash or will sell 40b j PRIVATE MONEY-F. V. Wead. 1620 Doug. acres, well improved; ljO acres cultivated. W 672 balance hay, pasture and timber; seven j ., . , inib-s north of CounOI Bluffs, on rich l,0O. TO LOAN on bu.-lnesa and resl bottom muII. Aduress 122" S. 31st. oniiihu, deoce property (n Omaha; lowest rates. 'eb. --2ii 2 x LAW ANQ COLLECTIONS WILLIAM WAPPIfll. commercial lawyer and coii-tloi.s; corporation litigation and chums eoll-f-f ed : eetdtes prliated; ub - struct i una legul paper prrpurea. ?o try publ.c. Cietghtoti Blk. J. M. Mscfarland. 30 N. Y. Doug O'L I- Bids. Tel. M ?4 D?x WANTED TO BORROW ! I WANT lu borrow fl.VM i fsiir Uim sa aiucs; tiuu m laatl wvrfVi loan. Add'ret V-ii.vl :u FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOWS I'liWEY European tiolel. 13th and Km,nu Doug. CI 17 O.Kf.E. I Ian la Trunks CAPI lul. Ilfll r.l IKh and t'aiiltcl Ae.; Ameica:i or l.uronean: steam be. .at. NI'-K. lare, southeast room; nicely fur nished; all ronven'encf s; ulrctric llcht and s. Phone Douglas iM. Z1 - j Fl "RNIS1 1 KD front room In modern lious, williln easv walking distance; U I per month. Address N'-lll. ltrs-. I , i ; - t:c ax ; Ft PNISM r!I) rooms for gent I' tn-i n ; p-l-i vate family. 31 N. ISth. K-f'7 SSx FOR young men. two plensnnt moms, en- siilie: aisii single room: n.itr. neat. g. M oilnuis' walk from pennett's. "Phone Douglas ;'4I'. ol.i South 2'ith St. TVf furnished room privileges; telephone. modern: breakfast 11H N. th E M43S 26 WANTKJi- Iidv riomer, with or without board; one-half block from llanscom park. Tel. Harney 1171. K-M4H1 T.X ONK lucre room, lisht housekeeping: steam beat, modern home. 2ici Hurt Kt. Tel. Douglas ,VM. M M3f0 2 2 KX'-I'l.I.FNT modern furnished rooms for lltrlit hoijsekeejdiig. by Iecembr 1. 'I'liono in house, tf.,4 Haniey rt. I-M5S 2 CIOSK In. first-class, tnodern. sleeping rooms for gentlemci. i'CI S ?th tt Ke Mf-70 27 X NEW furnished rooms In new house, vt water heating, one block north of Far nam St. 107 8. 81st St. J?jrcZ7lfic FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD VIENNA cafe. hotel; private dining rooms; F Ml THK ROSE, 2030 Hsrney Bt., nicely fur nished, warm, comfortable rooms. Oooa board. F 430 2b x MODERN rooms, home cooking, reason able prices; 2215 Howard; 'I'hone Douglas 2668. r-lM THK Bachelors has -acant a few large rooms, sultalile for two persons. F MM FFRNISHKD, with good board. 181 fsnl to Ave. 'P-MKJ?!-. UNFURNISHED RQ9MSroRENT FOT'R rooms, with bath and kitchen, sult nble for light housekeeping, at N, W. corner ISth snd (trace sin.; $17.60 per month. Applv to John A. Hoott, tunOmulut National HBnk Building, forenoon only. O 34 24 THREE nice large rooms, furnsea, gas an range connection. 1907 Wirt Bt. 'lei. R"4 1557. 0-M164 FOR RENT Three rooms fer Hrht house- keeplna. 810 so. 2itn ei. O M2J3 tx FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES OFFK 'KR! OFF1CF.SI OKFK'KM! We have them, rieelruble. modern and In lino locfttlon, rlglit In the wholesale dis trict. We have some especially deslrnbla suites on the second floor of the Fulled Stats National Rank Hldg., J Jit lx snd Farnam Hts. Think of the good Inc-atlun. CAN YOIT BEAT IT? CIIAK E. WILLIAMSON CO., 1201 Farnam St., V. H. Nat 1 Bank Wldr. I-51T U NORTH LIGHT Office on sixth floor, lOxJO, will vacant December 1st, suitable for archil act or anyone needing s. good light. Janllor service and electric lights free. Ask lor Mr. Baker, Buperintendent Beo Building, 17th and Farnam. 1 8il A VERY DK8IRABLE office, room S4S. with south and east light, is partitioned, one room being 6-11x18-8 and the other M-8x21-7; has large six" fire-proof vault; Janitor service and electric light free. This is one of our best suites of offices In tho building. Bte Mr. Baker, Supt., Re Bldg., 17th and Farnam. 1520 FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 2&th St.. South Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 FOR RENT Irje corner store room, 16th and Vinton Pts., $20. C. M. Bach mann, 436 I'axton Blk. I M621 THB two store rooms, with basements, at 702-706 fc. 16th street; $o per mouth for both. Inquire of R. C. PETERS & CO . Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. I-M44 DESK room In one of the large offices, partitioned off, $10 per month. See Mr. Baker, Bupt., Bee Bidg. 1621 I STORK ROOM, 16th snd Harney, 2".xl00 ft. I Can be vacated about Dec. 16, -irS. Ad- dress F 440. Bee. 1-M8T ! FOR RENT One large store building; cor ner location. Wm. Rutledge. Herman, Neb. I Ml 48 24x STORAGE BPACM FOR RENT About 4.010 feet of floor space on first floor In substantial brick building. Can be divided. T. E. Stevens, 1008 N. Y. Life Bldg. I-Mltil BITTLPINO HXK Farnam: 22x100 ; 3 floor and basement. Apply 314 First National Bank Bldg. 1-M.T7 $25- 2i2 Farnam St., new, storeroom. $.0 27flC Cuming St., large storeroom. N. P. DODGE! tr ,CO.. 1714 Farnsm. 1-33 35 LARGE store room, large bake room, with cemented floor; furnace-heated bake oven: all steam heated; 171S Nicholas St.. Just the place and location for a live nian to supply the trade and nt sajne time retail. BEM18. Pax ton Block. ' 1-472 25 BASEMENT. S14 8. Iftth St.. basement 23x80 or 4x!n; IlKht. high and dry. concrete floor, street entrance. Apply to Garvin Bros., 14 Farm in. I ' ! l'HH Howard St.. after January 11110, ! Hill North 24th fit. -$14. i lbus Mortn "4i n nt. i.w. j ALFRED C. KKNNEDT, 2f Mcst National Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas I-52S a MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE fSOO TO JK.OOO to loan at lowost rates on Omaha Im proved real estate, with privilege of j paving part or all of principal before maturity and stopping Interest. Money on hand. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM w GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam, t and tm per cent lusr on real estate; no delay. W 4, MONEY TO LOAN-Psyne Investment Co. W 1 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 12.0 Farnam Bt W69 LOWEST RA I ESJ-Beinls. Paxton Block. I W -71 no aeiay. auuiiiu nitnuau, ri. I, rn. y. Life. 'WANTED City loan.. It. C. IVters & Co. W-674 v m, ,arm i,,nM j loans, . O. F. Carson Co.. N.Y.l jLliANH on Improved city prvperty. W. H Xtonirs. but, First Naiiouat Bauk Bldg W-7 LOW rates. Prlrale monejr. fcos and uo. CHA8. E WILLIAMUON CO. THREE tirst-clasj h per cent niortvagis un iMatilia real nta for sale Vayne, Beiiwus Ce., ia fior, K. i. f.ffe Bid tV-4 ha