Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 3, Image 15

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) f
mm ii cu'a Axa charity
I TJlllan Fitch to rrerldo. The flrt hslf w of vmjpj people from borli Onntu
hour will lo devoted to phvslral culture. end Dundee, who are nfnl'r of the
WinBfld tluK
The Nurses' asen ....hold , '- 'bVThe
Its annual inettng t the rnxton hotel , death of Mr, P.llss' brother.
Friday nftrmoon. Nnvmhfr t. St 3 Mr. I.. 1,. Hsrr nf f1ii,r wss mint
Announcements are r.tit of the first cr.n- "'clock. Offices will be 'l.-ctd for the dunni; the iveeK of lit brother. Sir. f
Ventlon of the Young Women's Christian coming year and annunl reports will he
association of the 1'nited 8 tit es of Amrr- I t'e-'e; ved. All Ipteresicil In the work of
lea, which will be held n New Yoik City, association are Invited to attend.
December B nnd . Tho meetings will be I
held jrt South church. Thirty-eighth nnd i nursery committee of the Child Pav-
Mad.son streets, and will f open to vie- I'1 Institute will hold Its annuel doll
Itlng delegate from assoo itlons that have ' ''azar Dec. 7 and S. In The pee lutlM'tia.
applied for charter membership In the new '
I. Pair. Mr. Uafs of Chicago, wni their
guest for a day.
Mies Minium Hancock, formerly of
Dundee, but for several years paat a resi
dent nt finishn. who died after a brief
nines:., list Sunday, wan burled or.
Wednesday, nt Forest Un. Th" ser
vires n i the home wore conducted by
Bishop Williams.
organization. This convention will deter
mine the union of the two national Young
Women' Christian associations and will h of the most Important women's meet
ings of the, year. There will be no x
offlclo rrprrsetitntlves. Voting elf legate'
tickets w ill bo Issued onlv to thn.o -hn !
Mr.. of Mason. Neb., is visiting
ii-. and Mrs. Otlo Ager.
Mr. end Mrs. Rnv Knofe w-re guests !
t G. R. Williams last week.
Jacob Hottck and family have moved Into j
the Kelly homo for the winter. I
Mrs. John Noble suffered last week
iv esi
- . " I MfF. It. lt"fT "if ' ""t "I'm iiiv run n HI Iftillidrtlill J ),
. rru-nm,, , ,gnea by the presl- Mrr. 1. 8ys and slter the Hst or tne H)rf.n jrnr of irnHr(, vHlted her
lent of a local association. Kueh local - week. nclre. Airs. K. R. Parker, during the we.-k.
aoclstlon Is entitled to one flrlegate for I . Ja,v"'- ,he Pon "f fl.nd MT,' rra.nk ' Mrr. Parsons Is entertaining Mrs. J. A.
very 100 members or fraction thereof. A I Jovered '''' entirely re- . Mutgay and little dunht.-r of Silver I.eal.
sp'lal rate of one and a third fare for the j Mr,. j,hn Itlake entertained friends f-om Herrv Unckman and Henrv Thomas have
round trip, on the certificate plan, haa been North Omaha this week, nt her home In Kone to assixt In the h,,r.. .ut in s..-
va A i . . .... : t'olrarntan '
onu rprciai irains win t run, v'v"r' . I
reZanorr.9,IOSn0 ?Cm?'T k to rt' AmbleV 'From For iy-hlrd anu
deleratlor.a. Ppeelal rates have also been I Center streots.
made by rereral of tha New YorV. hotels, j Mrs. D. .inanely ntfndcd the we.l.llnc of
Tha convention will be followed by n con-I two of her youiiB friends cm South Tenth
ference of association secretaries, auper- i lr,M"t Tuesday.
Intendents snrl r... i. ' . Mrs. R. (fetty returned from her visit
inienaenta and directors at Tark Avenue ho-I n her K,slp Mr;. K. To(l,i ,.,
tel. December 8. 9 nnd 10. I Omaha, Saturday.
Rev. R. M. Henderson su plied tho Meth-
Mrs. Emma F. Pyers. geera secretary. rulp,I ,st W"- Sunday, retum-
., ... , . neirPMi). j, .fc. lom Monday noon.
w ,P r" oranlllon " S. T. Campbell has moved back to his old
Mi a. W. P. Harford. The board of directors home on Forty-third and CVntt streets, sa
vi me unwna association only a few weeks "c lla "ol ' lne w" nom" s wen.
go unanimously voted to take chartet
membership In tho new national organisa
tion and the state convention recently took
the lame action. The new organisation will
combine the American committee and the
International Board of Young Women's
Christian association on the evangelical
plan, that has been the basis of the Amer
ican committee and Is also the baala of
the Young Men's Christian association.
Steps that have led to this union are most
interesting. About two years ago the In
ternational board, a iion-nectarlan organiza
tion with Urge property holdings, made I
overtures to the American committee for
consolidation, agreeing to accept the evan
gelical basis of organization of the Amer
ican committee. Several conferences have
been held and an agreement haa finally
been reached and the first convention of
the Young Women's Christian association
of the United States of America will or
ganize next month.
Monday afternoon's meeting of the
Woman'a club will he open to the public,
contrary to rule. The business meeting
will convene at 3:30 o'clock, but little of
Importance will come before that session,
excepting an address bv Superintendent
Morris of the Associated Charities on the
work and the methods of that institution.
At 3:39 o'clock Miss Jane nf
Toledo, O.. will address the club on "Ethi
cal Education In the Tubllc Schools." The
Itoard of Education will be guests of the
club and the schools will be dlmesej
early that the teachers may attend. Miss
F.mwnlee cornea under the auspices of the
club's civil service committee, the beard
and the principals. Miss Brownlee was one
of the principal speakers at the conven
tion of the Nebraska Federation of
Women's Clubs nt Kearney in October. a"!
h"r system of ethlcnl Instruction has at
tracted the attention of school nnthorlti'--:
all over the country.
Ed Walsh camo In from a business trip
for tho Woodmen of the World Wednesday
and spent a few days with his family her".
M ar.d Mrs. r. J. Trabor outer's Ined
their friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Aughe, at
their homo in East Ambler Saturday even
ing. Allen and Albert Faverly are Improving
their time Saturdays firing the switch en
Klnee at the Northwestern round house in
Mouth Omaha.
Invitations are out for the wedding of
Miss Frances Ormnby to Mr. Elmer
Drninor nt Paoli, III., on Thanksgiving day.
Miss Ormsby is the youngest daughter of
Mr. M. Ormsby. formerly of Eckennan,
now of Florence boulevard.
Miss Palgler of Omaha was the guest of
Mrs. M. J. Gleason Wednesday night.
Mrs. Alice Covert will move into her new
house on Main street the latter part of the
Mrs. W. A. Belknap of Omaha apent
Thursdav visiting with the family of Mr.
Louis Grebe.
George R. Whitney of Lincoln spent one
day here this week looking after some busi
ness matters.
Mr. rnd Mrs. J. N. Martin and daughter
of Omaha were the gusts of Mr. and Mrs.
Lou Grebe Sunday last.
Rev. Mr. Brown of St. Mark's church was
Miss Emily Gavin, who has been s-k
for two weens, has returned to her school
Charles E. Ryram of llenson was mar
ried Ihh week to Miss Elli Lent:ng i.i
Man at 8 a. m. nnd 1:!M n. n.. at r't.
Bernni'd s church lott.iy. Su.iday school at
p. m.
Eur Peterson has returned to his home In
.Iiilerburg, Colo., atter a visit to Jarne.i
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McGuIre entertained
Mr. and Airs. 1'. ttyan of Chicago during
lne past week.
Mr- K. J. Whistler and Mrs. Stevens have
r-iurneti tioni .i month's visit with rela
tives in Iowa.
. n' woi and billiard hall hus been movtd
from Its old location to the upper room a of
the postolllce.
The nw restaurant on Main street ir.
nearly completed. It will bo occupied by
Herman Z'ilari.
Frank WuliT Ins left for his home in
Colorado Springs. Mrs. Wulff will remain
to visit a short time. 1
William Rice nnd family have moved
into the home of Thomas Smith, who is
now located In Chicago.
The firm of Johnson & Woebke has dls- !
solved partnership and Mr. Johnson will
run the Benson transfer.
The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid met last
week with Mrs. V. It. Smith. A lunch was
served to those present.
Mrs. K'lley and daughter, Alice, leave
this week to join Mr. Kclley In their
new home In Arkansas.
Mrs. Morton Orlndulph has gone to Mis- I
sourl for a six weeks' visit. Mr. Onn- j
dulph will Join her later.
The next regular meeting of the Fra- '
ternal I'nion lodge will be held at the God I
Fellows' hall, November 30.
There will be Eilscopal services at the
Odd Fellows' hall today, at 4 p. m , con-
13 jOOliSL
- i d - J I v ll n I
rluned by Rov. Father Ro,
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Tucker at .''A w- s..n v rh 1. 1 at l i s. m.
Epworth Ie.tgue at 9:M p. m
t 1
Members of the Women's Christian Tem
perance union are much disappointed that
Temperance Suudivy. which will be ob
served !n churches till over the world to
day. Is not to he observed by Dr. Torrey
at the Auditorium. A committee from the
local Women's Chii?tlan Temperance union
presented a request for such recognition
to Dr.' Torrey. Thursday evening, but the
cvengelirt declined to comply on the
ground that such a service would Inter
fere with the regular evangelistic work.
The un'.ou will hold its November educa
tional meeting Tuesday afternoon Instead
of WednesdMy. at 2:.K) o'clock, at the home
of Hit. George Covell. K1 Wirt atr?et.
Mrs. Fred Patterson, who attended the
world's and national conventions of the
Women's ChriHtlan Temperance union this
fall, representing Nebraska, will give a re
port of those mooting.
The Women's auxiliaries of the Episcopal
church Willi meet Friday afternoon of this
week at Trinity cathedral ut I'M o'clock.
Rev. John Albert Williams will address
the meeting on "Fetiches and Superstition
of Africa." Mrs. James AVlse nf Sou'.h
Omaha will present the current topics and
Miss Blanche Sorenson will sing. Auxlla
rles from Omaha,' South Omaha, Blair,
Tiattamouth and Ashland will be In at
tendance. The Society of the Fine Arts will hold
lis regular meeting at tha public library
thla week on Friday at 10 a. m. instead of
Thumday. Mrs. M. H. I-owrle will tnv
rhargo of the program. Subject,
Misa Laura A. Gregg has recently" corn
plated a tour of the atate In the Inte-est
of tha Wopian S'Jffrnge association of Ne
braska. A number of new orgs-ntiatlons
hava been effected and the clubs of several
towns have made a gratifying gain in mem
bership. The American history department of th-.-Woman'a
club will meet Tuesday efter-
noon at 3 o'clock;
Mrs. C. R. Glover,
The oratory department will meet
Wednesda-y morning at 10 o'clock. War.
dinner Thursday evening.
Tho puhlic schools were closed Tuesday
on account of the break in the water pipe,
the wal'T supply being cut off.
Mies Mae Callahan of Omaha spent Sat
urday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. fl.
Tuokr, the guest of thir daughter. Miss
Nels Sorensen. pi stmnster at Brownlee.
Neb.. Is here for n few days visiting his
fathr. Chris Borensen, who lives north
west of town.
Frank Pascal has his nw store building
under way which he is having built on the
corner of Jefferson and Main streets. It
will be 32x70 feet.
Miss Emma King sport Sunday at home
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M.
King. She makes her home In South Omaha
with her sistr. Mrs. Francla.
Michnfl Gleason has finiahed the resi
dence on the Nosh property near Coffman.
Nehi.. and is now ererting a large barn,
which will take some time to complete.
An Item In a plattsmouth (Xeb.) paper
states that Miss Mlanehe Warlier of Flor
ence Is assisting with the work of the
grand recorder's office of the Ancient Or
der of f'nlled Workmen.
Hon. F. 8. Tucker spent a couple of days
In Lincoln this week looking over the
ground for his work this winter In the leg
islature. He apent several hours In the
state penitentiary while there this time.
R. H. Olmstead of the firm of McCoy
Olmstead, attorneys of Omaha, letl
Wednesday night tor Dfnver. Colo., to try
a cattle case In the federal court there. Ho
will probably be absent until Thanksgiving.
Sheriff Claus Menrke of Washington
county had some business to look after in
Omaha and Douglas county. Wednesdav.
Mr. Menrke Is one of the old-time slurlAs
and haa ssrved Washington county a long
Florence was without water Tuesday last
on account of the bursting of a main of
the Omaha Water company cn North Twenty-fourth
street. Fortunately no Serious
The Degree of Honor lodge will give a I
high Ave party at their next regular busi
ness meeting. Wednesday e'ening.
An electric substation will soon be erected I
In Benson near the Country duo by th
electric light company of Omaha. i
A. M. Totnian has handed In his resigna
tion as rural route carriT and will In the
future tv pastor at the Baptist church.
Mr. and Mrs. O'Lynn McGuIre will make
th'ir home with their parents this winter
and assist Mr. McOjire In the postofilce.
The B. L. S. club gave a supper and
entertainment at Odd Fellows' hall last
Friday evening which was well attended.
Mrs. N. K. Patterson of Papllllnn and
Mrs. William Hpeedle of Springfield were
guests of Mr. John Bpeedle during the last
Baptist services today at 11 a. in. and
7:! p. m. ; Sunday school at 10 a. m.
U'-v. Mr. Tolmnn will conduct tho aci
vices. t'nlon Thanksgiving services at the Bap
tist cnurch TmirwJV n.o at 1. 0
o'clock. Rev. Mr. Wilson will conduct tho
Presbyterian services at Odd Fellows'
hall tonay at 10:30 a. m.; Sunday 'School
at 11:45 a. m. Not evening services.
Christian Endeavor at 6 p. ni.
The chrysanthemum show and enter
tainment given at the Methodist church
lust Wednesday evening, drew a large
crowd and a pleasant evening waa hed.
Prlxes were given to Mesdsmes. Congdon.
Wall, Kellogg and E. C. Fuller.
Complete for . . ' ' -
Term, $7 SO Cash; $i.00 Monthly.
Will deliver to your home at once any of the articles Illustrated In th let advertisement. Vo streh
our teim of payment from now until the first of the your. Py that we moan. If you desire any of thoso
advertised goods you will not be asked to make anjr payment on tliem until January 1st, ltw7. (iooda
will be sent, to your home at once. No other More can or will do as much for your as Tin People's Store.
Our accommodating credit service requires so little money In rash and such easy payments that
the cost of furnishing a home is Insignificant. The vnlties we offer are not equalled elwewhrre in this city.
Thla la an a.bxolute. Indisputable fact recognized and acknowledged by most Omaha people, and a fact
that you can easily prove to your own satisfaction If you will but look around aud combnrc qualities
and prices here and elsewhere.
If you are intending to purchase Furniture. Cornet, Stoves or other articles of home furnish
ing., you should find out where you con do tho best for every dollar you spend. We urge your In
vestigation and comparison, because we are confident of our position, because t know our prlct are
always lowest and because the more thoroughly you are posted on furniture prices tho quicker you will
appreciate the value we offer for either cali or credit. Remember, payments on goods Illustrated in
this advertisement do not commence until after January 1st, 1907.
Peoples Store Special Weathered Oak Desk
(Exactly like cut)
Is constructed of solid oak and comes iu
the popular woathered oak linlsh, has a
spacious drawer ur.d two upper cabinet
-om.tirimiiTs ior i apers g g
and stationery, a lurgc 9UII
under shelf, makes a fl"
very beautiful and useful
article our special
Terms i $1 Oaaa, 9a Monthly.
The Peoples Store
Passive Morris Chair
S1.09 Cash; $1.00 Monthly
1 our
Is Good.
We Trust
. MWlW'iMtatV' rtll4V
(Exactly like cut)
The frame Is of solid
oik aud highly polished,
has heavy carved heads
on arms and masslva
hand carved claw feet.
The covering is of spe
cially selected velours,
has smooth upholstered
seat over soft and com
fortable springs, the
back Is tufted over high
ly tempered springs
and has a pillow top ex
actly like shown In Il
lustration. Our tre
mendous purchasing ca
pacity onahles us to
offer this magnificent
Morris Chair at
'-fl: !'
pr i
Peoples Store Special Kitchen Cabinet
(tfxactly like cut)
This cabinet has golden oak finish, made very
strong and durable, trio base has two liifeo bin
for flour and other monls, two largo drawers, also
bread board and good sized meat or chopping
board. The top lins four Kood sized
drawers for spices and two largo
glass door compartments, occupies
the space of a kitchen table and lias
the room of a cupboard our special
price, complete
Terms l fl Cash, aa Monthly.
The various high school literary societies
held the following programs this week:
Frances Willaril society: "Tho Origin of
i natiKsgiving. ueorgis. victor; rcc:tatlon,
damage resulted, people using wells for a
supply of water.
County Superintendent Yoder Is spending j Helen l!lljeberg; original Mory. Bertha,
this week In the western part of the county I "F.-produc:lon." Kitth Neef ; din-
looking after the public schools. The l"gu''. Orace IStenherg nd Edna Ostrjtn;
tendance has been nearly up to the aver- j ".n' bv t,w society; treat, bv the green
IK" during the season so fsr. He reporta a t ?.!'.' surprise, by the white side,
few children out of school who should go. ! . J J-lnlnger J ravel clui.: recitation.
Mri. W. It. Wall and daughter. Ruth re- ! Jr Srk7ih
turned Mondny from a week's visit with L," -H,1 ?lg''L"I ' V '.tolv'
r til? Minn he!,;,:vd'l!.,n..f,n r ir
Bt. Paul. Minn. (Jn their wa home the (h). ..hmnlele hv the minmiiti-n
r,rrwUhVMrl tlle'sm.and ?X M-rW pSfleV" "What a
l"B.- m,r hVv. nh.TiJ Z "d,,"rhV,HJra "-'"ret roller Oirl Should be Thankfl
rosier, who have charge of the hotel a Fm.,- Anna McCagne; original poem, Kutli
that place. . ( Klrfher; ' How Some Oirls Stiiriv," an
J. M. Bii-bin and W. R. Wall, referees, i original hke.trb. bv Jrma Stnplos nnd Ollvo
will sell several lots in Florence, near Muff . Hc.kcr; svinpoluni on th -Re-street
and within one block of the car lino, i solved. 1 nat a Senior Has Move to ho
at the east door of the county eourthous". ; Thankful Kor than a Freshman,", tifllrma
Omaha, at 10 o'clock next Tuesday tnornins; the. Klisabeth Mown; negative. Muriel
also forty acres or nne land two mllea west Johnson: reading, inei Bloom; violin uuet.
of town near Kriggs ntation. lnis is me
property of the Korgy estate.
Mrs. Ttussell of Ord, Neb.. Is the guest
of her daughter, Mrs. W. B. Howard.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Borr paid a visit
to Fellevue college, on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Petera left during tho j In." '' Orace Thompa-a, Joisephl:;c llu,.l.
wrck for a trip to Kxcelalor Strings, Mo. and llfon Potter.
,n .m i . ,i., . .... i, a The Pleiades society: rceltatfon,
t-'rt, ...7 I.'Ti.:' Y Vr: 'enworth: reading. Freda Cayley; nun-
Helen Soniers a:id Caroline Conklin; psrodv
on "The Merchant of Venice," entltlod,
"Thanksgiving jiists." Myra Tirecken
ririae and Marie Macldn.
The lrisclla Alden society: T!mr.kRg!v
Ing p'cm, Fr.tnces Lmon; recitation, .lon
nle 1'nderlam): teold story, Ksther ftiw
son; short hlotv. Mnrarnetlte Havens; recl-
tation. Helen Wright; recital. "Outside and
John Bartlett hss returned from a week
pent at Arapahoe, and other points in
A daughter was born I:it Sunday to
1v. nnd Mrs. liuls Borsi-heim, at 491i
Chicago street.
Tho Hundee Womati's club will meet
m Saturday. lecember 1. at the home of
Mra. 11. C. Bnlrd.
!c it s i if
(j l ""ah Goods r
!) I Advertifestl Ifi
J) Kxactly MUc
Cuts Csed. J
1 W'sl
(Exactly like cut)
Frame Is made of solid oak, highly polished
and Is covered with especially selected
velour. and upholstered over guaranteed
and highly tempered springs. Can be had
In plain or tufted top our special
price ,
Terms: 1.00 Caak, 93.00 Monthly,
(Exactly UK" cut)
Made of solid oak with quartered
effect, stands J indies high und
is 3fl Indies wide, has bent glass
ends and dust proof glass door of
has pater.
and makes
fine appet
strength, J 34
r.t lock. Tr
s a very If in
(.ranee l 'Jr
Peoples Store Special Buttei
(Exactly like cut)
Made of genuine quartered
sawed oak, haa piano fin
ish, three top drawers, one
nr-wer Is plush lined for
silverware, lower .compart
ments have glass front i
and ornamental woodwork.
We've never delivered this
buffet for
lets than
$2.00 ensh
on sale
this week
tVe guarantee that no matter what prices are
fiuoted elsewhere, you will find OHM LOWES OB
That the quality of our merchandise la BIT
TIB OM AS GOOD aa can be obtained elsewhere
at tho prices quoted.
That our terms of payment are BASXKB AITS
HOSE IXSZBAX, than others offer you.
that we lake better care of our cuatomers; have
more consideration for their wants and ncels and
will do more to help them, ZBFECXAI.X.T YniiiJt
HIT SEES IT, than any otlier firm In Omaha.
"r-V Are
f ''T AgenU
r lor the
mm -
so ywm
our special price... - -
Tennaj II Cash, 2 Monthly. Termat 1 Caah, 93 Monti iy
People's Store Special
The body is constructed of heavy blue steel,
thoroughly riveted and asbestos lined, has
large lire box. heavy covers and cross pieces,
the castings are srimth and all the trimmings
are highly nickeled. last Friday we reccivid
the second car of these stoves
this month. This has broken
sll previous records. We ofi-r
this -holo st.-el ranRo with M)JC,f
ifi-lnrli oven and high warming wJfiafiJ
closet for
Terms i 93.C0 Cash, 2 Monthly.
i iiiji K.iin Dimwi
rroriii's raririTur-r :. Ci?r:r uo. atawiskad ac7.
(Exactly Kiko Cut.)
Made of very best selected cast
gray iron, heavy nickel trimmings,
haa air-tight magazine und good
steed guaranteed nrcpot. Wo know
It to bo tl.e best low mm pf
priced base burner fl Jk l
on the maket today 1 1 U II v
and never offered I j JTW
such eTceptl-nal mmim J'
terms; special price.
Terms, v.00 Oaafc; $3.00 Monthly.
Made of heavy gray Iron castings, finiahed
nicely, oven good sie, hus 4 8-Inch holes on
top. This atove will burn either coal or wood,
and get the maximum amount of k i
heat out of either. Delivered to '8 1)11
your home for aW
$1.00 Oaah, 13.00 Monthly.
la of good else and nicely nickel trimmed,
most economical stove and an excellent bcefr,
haa screw draft register ajid Is air tight, the
castings are all heavy nnd well fitted, haa
heavy fire pot with draw center q&iw
grate, will burn any kind of fuel, f f i
our special price ' "
SMtllflJ 'N(T M sii
iiiisaJ niiti -- ''
t 1
....... '.J
dolin duet. TCdlt.h 8 hnim and Nettle S-hoo
lev: recitation. Grace Moiphy
story. Marie Kisven: vocel solo. Vina Mar
shall; reading. Mattlo W.tliHee; so"ioty n
ler. .bssie Kdson; reading. Grace Rxid;
lerilation. Mary R'e
Hawthorne i-o-iey: Song. "The 111
grlms," by the program committee; essiv,
"The Mayflower,'' Irnvi Hook; rejdlng,
"Mllea Standish." 'Grace Rood; recitation.
! "The Mvllnwi-." M rna Bovi e; violin
I .1 . . .. . I." i ,i luJn. 1'm.I . I .. 1
larire dance will be given Wednesday j p,wm Helen lwvlmi: itlers from th
.veiling at the Dundee hejl by a num. MHy(lower." Iluth Wnterhouse; orot'oi.
I "The pilgrim Motr.e:s. Aloln- element
"America, me society
Modern lVotiiimrn of Ameiicn.
The member of Omaha enmp. Xo. K'n,
celebrated th" twenty-tlrst Hntilvrrstii y
of the enmp v.ith nn interesting program
Wednesday evening, nt rvuisht's hall,
Nin-loenth and Karnam str"ot. An in
tereitino fpatiire of the ociasloii were
riJ ,, . addresses by churlf-r memncrs
onginat . . ,,, .,,!,, !,i
if ; iiv in th- state. It was org-inized in
October, ISSn. In Hreyel Mauls utid-T-tnit'ng
extiiMlHliinent. with fifty-two u'm
liers. The pios'T.t nnin'erahip Is l.O.'ij.
Hlt"en if the ch.i'tey innnbers .i;-i still
hohling th"lr tr.emtcrsi,ip. Tltoie of the
rh. li ter nietvijora pieent were j. H. l'.ut
ler. ti. V. KMaaser. Henry Knndidl, Slmor.
'."loftier cid George K. Moiit. 'I hrce
hundred Woodmen were piesent.
temnle. Fifteenth and Dodge Mreets. llc
fresiiments will ho served.
A h:!l n 111 be given by laurel hive No.
19 til Mueller s, Seventeenth and Vin
ton Mreels. the evening of December 1.
t;ate Cltv hive No. l will give a card
party In Ij-irlght's hall Tuesday evenhl.t.
Hoyal Areanaim.
A dri.?atioti to the number of venly
five ni' tubers of the, Koyal Arcanum In
Omaha went to Council Hlufta Monday
evenii g in responso to un Invitation to
purtik.- of some of the luxuries of Iow.i.
liio program consisted of a tianquet lor
over jro member snd guests and short
talks bv Attorney Tlnley, who acted &s
loa-iiiuister: Clu- Solicitor Kimball, A.
H-no (jrtnd rcqrut of Iowa, and others
o Co; i:lun.. ami by C. H. Gerbcr. r.
.1. Norton, N. I liecaaru. granu :"'-"h11'."
mini flection of officers Monday evening.
November at Its hall. Seventeenth and
Fat n;jn streets. All members should at
tend. Royal igbhrs of America.
Ivy car.p No. i, at Its last meeting
Wednesday evening, succeeded In carrying
off the membership prize, a new floor
cloth, presented by the supreme oracle;
Mrs. K. D. Watt, and supervising deputy.
Miss Martha ltlmore. on th- ocraslon of
the great class adoption of 186 new mem
bers at Creignton hall. In honor' of this
event Ivy camp will give a reception to
Its fiftv-dght new members Monday night
al Barlghl a hall. Election of will
also take place at this meeting.
A FOcial dance will be glve-i by the G. t.
T. O. club of I'nnsy camp No. 10, Deoeni-
W Oman's Krlirf Corps.
Don't Suffer Get a Vibrator
The Most Beneficent Invention of the Age
The Haas Ideal Portable Vibrator j?ives instant relief
iu all painful conditions; positively cures.
Chronic Headaches
Our Vibrator gets marvelous results ia Constipation,
Neurasthenia, In.omina, Facial Paralysis, Neuritis nnd
This Vibrator will be demonstrated free all next week
at the office of
Omaha Electric Light
(L Power Co.
Tne Drmostl
Current even's.
solvel. That the
laatlon tiwn
Rcrt Hone and Albert t'olin: nt-Ji.ittv
Iwis Day smi Ivexe t-'lhherscn; ilevlmnu
lion. Satn Rosenbloom" tHlk. Mr. DennWo-v
The Webster Miclety: Tlk. Walter
Rerndw: tlebnte. ResoUert. Tl"it the
World owe More to Navtauiinii than to t-
rulliroaas. aim niaii n. , ut-.i-
tlve. U. Willllngton. This debute was won
by the affirmative. Oration, J. S nneirtei-;
r-clia;it,n. V. i'ayne; current events. '.
I he t icetonirtti society held M p-e!nln?.rv
debate to pick nut the members of the
inter-society debating team. The .,it.tlot-
oeDaieo whs: nueo"i. i .ui iiir imir. ,
pendant 'Phone Would 1- Detriments I to ,,. ,h (. R
OnwJia." fun of n imtur-T o: .Irbnier.. , , , . ,
)Urtl Vance o?.rt Fain Reynolds wer- lurfleld circle. No. 11. hUl meeting
chosen. Thse two are to dehne next nif ei. I ai its new q-mrfrs in Birletit's hall
Ing ajfsinst Kalph lxud and Hiindill fur- i Kridav evening. AshIbihiii I i-frt mer.t
!. T!. ix,i winners will be the renre. I InKpeetor Mrs. Tr:iell of I.ineoln. wis
sectH'lves dt the Ciceronian aoclety in the i rreKent ir 1 lnpeited the circle, which
I inter-s'oclety debates. I now ranks as t' e Mti"" ciici n tn-ri-
.-rtaaV tne r.liUIItf IH!I W1""" '"" ; i"m' niei .i .-r-c- n , i- ni,,.,-. ntti
gram. The usual sitvcnit. hand-viin'et a rnecibe'-shir' o' I '1. Nile in'..- ineni'ieis
prrgraiu card. were in the Hlnpee cf mr-
N breka.' of fmiaha. snd by A. W. Sid- j orr a, Morgan hall, Sherman avenue.
nell. WHO IS Hi iircsem in .' , ' I
Heutlvg the supreme council of the order. liuirtved Order of Bed Men.
The Klks' quiirt-t '";''p,"''r;;1!" "7 several I Omaha tribe No. IS will give s Thanksgiv
ings of an ellrl,.g vuu to nnd ev. ra II Wednesday evening nt Its wig
present respond.! with ""r"" ,!, Twenty-foiirth street and Ames ave
brciiKht flown the Jio.ise 1 he i.m tl n Wednesday officers were elected
Till .c relumed by the councils III Omaha follows; W. .?. Albin,
n:i eiir.y dnle. Hacliem: Charles I,. Sanders, aerlor saa-
. " the society. i 1-. s. .C.rant corps. No. 101. presented l,.; r "-' - ,,, 1 ?A, ,eii mill hold Its regular sacliem: diaries I.. Sanders, aerlor saa-
.tho.lur Lf-bMing i-orlet v. i- H. ilniil post No. 110 with . besnti- ''"' '' " ' f, 1 'Ti,. week and morei-K. J. Hucr, Junl-r sagamore: FreJ
. M.;x Borsky: del,ie. "It- f,l silk Ih.g Tuea'lay evening. The pre- meeting Monday ;' ' ', ' ' Tak, prophet: J. 11. Niekerson, chief ol
:,e World Owe, Mote 'o Nrv- J,.',,, lnV9l eniovahle surprise has r'ven.l n or. ca id I U tcs to nlh " rr,.ordl,:v. T Shackelford, keeper of warn,
(o K: ilroads " ufitmatlve. i to Vl0 ,,OH, "M,.B. K. a i,.,,t made th 1;l11 1,1 t relght.m Institute on IJgnuxiiin W(U K(,)bf.r ,nw.tor f wmpun; R
id Alliert Colin: nwr.itlv-. ..r,J.. -,'.ir- t i, h ! street. . ........ i: Hlne mid J. K. Haselin. trustees.
sp-.nded to by Vof ( ociniHuder .1 Iv .,' 1(. ,.Hp, Kiftenth and iN.uglas, and n behalf of i b - ,st. 1 hen ",',,,'..',.,, cnriidHies.
ranie a pleasant ,i.t. r-p.-i -se I - .o,,,-!! will meet In the Ttohr
II meets Tuesday evening 1. HI" nnd J. E. Haselln. trustees.
Alfuretta council will give its regular
OC'IIUIIU ......... - - . ..., ..,,..,.... ..,
. ii. .t. 1 ..nt .....i . t ami mc ill ii f'trn ruinv in uvnii1 uau n una)
"oi-irsdes Van Dusen and IImviIv. i:" i "!'"' ,V... .'.i rhl will be all loir. Prir'ea v. ill be awarded and refiesh-
evenh-g com luding with the serving ..f r',,,,','., ,.,inK f,- t,i., council. raents served. A cordial welcome to all.
refroflinicnts ol Ice cream. cake i.iiu I ' 'VJ,., tlous well under way for an-, Onn.ha court No. W. Trit of Hen Hltr,
co'Tce nv tn m-reuers oi ; ne .i ' ,." i,,,., dss to be inillated about nlPl Monday evening with a big attendance. , .tinna ,r.. w I., .noHie.i
Co org" A. ust-r corps. .No. will nol.i '" : , . ,irfet,ce of Huineme lie- . Twi mndiilatea were initiated and three -
an open meeting w.lli rem-Hje of ' uater " ' " , f. wit' gins bv the four coun- applieatir ;m received nnd referred. The en-
welcome the officers and team of Alpha
camp, and the cordial reception Recorded
the, visitors will be long I emenibered b
the boys of Alpha camp. The charily bail
given by the camp takes place on Tuesday
evening, the Z7ti lust., nt Myrtle hall, flood
music haa been secured and a good time Is
promised to all who attend.
The Koyal league will hold an initiation
Monday evening at 8 o'clock In Patterson '
hall, Heventeenth and Kurnani stritcts.
Director of F.daratlon of Phlllpplaes
Mill gee What Islaud tn
denta Are Doing
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24.Dr. David P.
Barrows, director of education in the Phil
ippines, is on his way to this country and
Is expected In Ban Francisco November Tl.
He will remain for eight in out lis in the
l.'nited States on leave of absence, during
which he will keep in touch with the young
Filipino students w ho are in American In
stitutes. Dr. Barrows will also confer with
the Kureau of Iimular Affairs officials con
cerning teachers to be sent to the Philip
pines and will assist in making appoint
ments. It la probuhle that some of the young Fil
ipinos sent hr for four-year terms will bo
continued In this country another year to
complete advanced professional training.
Several of the young students who havo
1 oat Til. sday
in embers o
arc invited.
. . . K.brunrv 1 In the prrence or Buprenie ne-
etliig w.lh coiu-HjfH of uster ..a c Wit g'ns bv the four coun-
ay evening Noye,v.!.er . Ail p ,!;,f'?,;lhj, rn.i Soulli D.naha.
f post nn.1 con nd friends Ti. iinnl,al election of officers occurs at
be fl!: ifKHlar iii'-etiiig iu Doeei.ib. r
tho fl!: MKUlur in'euiig
throughout the order
keys, pumpKlns and othns signttvnnt er
the season of Thanksgiving. Ttie followim
program was rendered: Keeitetion. "rli'.a
of Thankfrivlng," H.i7el Howard; prwli.
intlon. Marie Hollh.ger: "History of
Thanksgiving. " Mary Sheets; re.idlng.
Carol Howard: recitation. "A Plea for th
Dhv." Alice Carter: dialogue, "Pocshon
ts' Oretchen McCc.nnell n! Mary
Sheen ; original story. Alberta Veld.
were Initiate.! aeit everi' n v cnr.". ..
tions rend aud referred to the appropriate
committepn. Following the resular i.ieet
ina. addresses s ere delivered bv Mrs
TruH an.l Ca;iinin Tl'.eil of LLtieol.i inul
ref reshui'-nl ver.' sre.l. The iv xt
nieetli g of the f ircle will he h"hl lie cii
ber 14. when the annual lieciion of o!L
cers will be held.
term innieiit comnilttee reDorted all arrange.
.tenia l.u.l been mude for the regular dance
Doeeiiib. r ! to be given Monday evening. The dance
I v. ill be held in nar;gni s nan.
I irvim l ttnrisrht. sunreme president of
Order of ffeoltlsh ( lans. the Royal Achates. h In Chicago ass sting
,'lar C.ordon No. fit Held. a big meet ing in t he ' orMnlMtlnn of the firs. loU,- of
Tuesday Dr..'. -TZmt2 ! "thoenl, lod No M. Royal Achate In
1 Hie oi uei ttif.1 "'-- ".'. I ,..' '..i'' ,.' -" li. I..
a-al only rfenily celebrated h.s gol.l. I rff.-ntli and DouKlaa
M.i'iflav evenlna.
Degree of
I nfi. of the 1a"calees.
Mis. Hattl liufflnaton gve tl hlh
. .. . ,.! i. i.i sfr'tls
NoMinauon tor "-.- .... 7 T Washing n !uge No.
fril lie. li n i.i " i
Dee r.-v.- application was received and the i
, v. tii.vr closed with atl entertainment by ; h' c N. l, Woodmen nf tie
th" pipe nia;i r and nCf Kennedy. I wVrl.i. at its last meeting put on the nro-
i tecttve degree and received nineteen new
I ampliations for membership The drree
(tTKRUNH B1L.VER rremer. li & Dae. I ptriy at her edi.esday a 'tern x.n in
1 ho;
,ior of the mem hers of Laurel hive No.
l.f The Mi a v.cto won bv Mrs. Tooin.
Mrf. Boyleu m1 Mrs. Scott. Following
pert c'Jwena and O. J. Johnson, who wer !(,. tt ,,M,n. . 'which was decoi-ai-d with ih
Roth Back In Jail
arrested Thursday night for raising a ciis
turbance al Un' former boarding pluc
before he had b-een centenctd to lh county
Jail, were ch given en opportunity tj
en.'oy another laate of high ills at thu jail
to the extent of thirty a-tys. Uwe.-is end
Johnaoii bevame acqUKlntel wil e In.pris
cned and upon their releane la-t Thursday
Owens a-clc-d the hukt by t iking Johr son to
the room he lud fom-rly c-cupied near
t i.'l.iee'i; h and Cass streets and these stole
lus vteri'isat.
colort of the order. Thite D'eacnt
Me--da.oeM H. vie. Roller and (la'igi-t.r.
W nr. Johnson. Ve'son an i dauni.lcr.
Ne.nile .:hI son. Thompvn. l.iv-ilv, C'ro-tfier,
liulii, Hlnsiker. Tobin. Kol.ler. I'.lair. Mud
Ikoii, pro. kinlH r. .Scott. Zltnniernieti. I.u.l
low. Wade and son. l'oten and daugnur.
Hrui ker and Mise;; And- rson. pailn an '
K1U I.. MarV l ive No. 0; '.ill entcrl.-.i-Its
lUiiilMr". and fr'''!''-: wi:'. nn ';nr-
I buzar the ivc-nlni; of Nov. 3u at Lulxir
Fraternal I nloa of America.
At the last nv.etlng of Banner lode these
nffiteis verc elected for the ensiihif yar:
D". !,. W. Morsuian. fraternal mauler;
Jeorge II. .lone, .hi ft ice; Cecelia Borr.
-ero ; B-rtl.a '.. Wa'delich. truth; J. H.
Mson. aeeretmv; Cora Carrington. treas
urer: J. WaideMch. guard: I. N. Steaart.
ani le.el ; A. K. I'ra' -on. sieivard (one year;
IT. K l.ed; ard. steavrd Hwo yesra); T. M.
Jtardnrd. ' s'ewsrd .tare years); K. M.
t..rr. musiciHp. or candidate received
'if d gr-e of fi aiernltv. and at the close
tlv reifuiar mt I'm the entertainment
cin.i'iltte serve 1 rerrei.'im-ntR. The next
-.retina; of the lod will b held Thanks--!
:"gr evening in Myrtle hall annex, the
7-. hsvl.ig e:.f bunged halls thst evening
''i It'evtln fame. Tribe of Pocahontas.
Moiidau-.ln lodge .No. Ill will hold Its an-
teain and officers went to tpringfleld Friday
eiening snd Initiated thirty-two of the lead
ing citizens of that city. The people of
St.rliis'neld lurr.e.l out in Wrg nuTtie's to
professions! schools are especially anxloua
lo obtain degrees and this Is casential to
their professional standing In thn Isiands.
After their return It is likely that Dr. bar
rows nil! recommend the extension of the
When the first students came here from
the islands the secondary schools there
fr not capable of preparing the young
Filipinos for entrance to colleges aud uni
versities in this country. . Consequently
many of the student were compelled to
take s yecr of preparatory work in thn
I'nlt'd States and lost time which they hail
expected to give to the' beginning of a four
year college or professional course.
Kmprrss Office Looted.
OHAKLKHTIiN. W. Va.. Nov. J4 TI e
Adams expre-s office and the rnllioad sta
tion at K.'.yfjrd was looted fif ti,uou and
burned by rnhbets today. Agent Adams
was found bound, with a bullet wound ii.
his 11.-
Opera and Field CLuses
CWJ w ike Uad Sbt Ar r mi Navy