Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 14

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    THK OMAHA Nt'XDAV V.VAr. . XOVKMRK1J 2.". . I'lOG.
Vititin: . Women Will Ocoatisu
Msjoritj of Ths Wek'i Affair?.
Famtlr DlniiTri, the Foot Rail
4 TTieater Art Principal Krriiti tor Tktkih-
CtfK'i Tlcnri.
"Ah. Cupia, rorj are sad." I eld;
' "Perchance you're found a love un'rnj.
ha4 rtrrometancs of unkind fat
'i Can brine till doleful phase to view?"
Than CnpUJ flench"! his little flict
' And fiercely strurk hie chubby knee.
' Oh. some reformers," ha replied,
"Have bean Investigating me.
! "A widow and a, widower
My every art and charm dlscusssd;
And subMuently both agreed
That I wx Juat a common truat.'
X later wet thn little elf.
Who cried aloud In roguish fun:
'Oh. may. I married thiwe. freah folks
And their InveatlKatlon a done."
Ierrln Lambert In Woman a Horn Com
panlon for September.
Saxital t'al.adar.
MONDAY Qui Vive flub dance at Cham
j Nts'j Mrs. J. J. (llheon, children' party;
I'mui guard, meuai arm ana aani-e-
Ing. nd lisht "efrehmen'a? were served,
Receiving tl giema wp: . Mtl. E. B.
I'mtt, Mrs. AhrrcTOinble. Mr. Palmer.
Jlra. Ayrce. Mra. 5tog(l.-il1. Mrs. Stone,
and Sire. Wrl. lu The Thirteen! h Infantry
bund rilHyrd tlirnliRbout the afternoon,
linking tUo occasion most delightful.
Mrs. Charles F. Meek entertained the
In.liHii. club at tho Jlrrrlain Wednesday
afternoon. Tlioen present were: Mrn.
Cramer, Mr. 1 lay ward, airs. GoUldlng,
Jlr. llurford, Mra. Knapp, Mrs. Htnnber.
Mrs. Wclgel, Mrs. Fclfkln, Mrs. IV tor a,
Mn. Helgelke, Mra. Bhoelke, Mr. Hansen,
Mra. Bal voter, Miss FUcs.- Mine Barman,
Mine Stught, Mlsjt Ncrly, Mies Belie Waug
berg 'and Miss Prick. Prises wero won by
Mrs. Peter, Mra. Wclgel, Mrs. Belgeiko and
Mlsa Neely.
In honor of ber alater, Mri. I.ou!a
Jaques, Mra. A. J. Beaton gave a pretty
luncheon Paturday, the decorations and
menu being appropriate to Thanksgiving.
In the renter of tho table wu a basket
ff yellow and white chrysanthemums, and
around the table, at alternate places, were
email yellow pumpkins holding red can
dles, and about the room were many
candles also. A large bow of yellow
satin ribbon, through which sprays of
wheat were thrust, adorned the. ends of
the table, and marking the places of the
sixteen gueats were small figures of
Puritan maids, leading turkeys.
Tobkln of Jdndaav, Ne!..' Ami Mies r.lla
P. rhfve oC Boiilh" CmoNw. In-. lred
Lanrptrin attended the cronm ns Iwst, nun,
While Miss A sues Jtl-Jy t'd as timid of
honor. The bride gowned In while
rwitlstr mid cmried a bouquet of brtrle's
roses and .smilnx, ' while the brlilcpmald
wore a rostume of pink cashmere and
carried pink roeeg. In the evening a re
ception was tendered the young couple
by Mr. and Mra. K. P. Peker at their
home In Honth omnh.t. fr. and Mrs.
Tobkln will be at home after Iecenibor
10 nt their new home at IJndsny, Neb.
Coming Events.
'Miss Klale Ooets will entertain the A. O.
T. Bowling club Monday. '
Mrs. J. W. Chapek will entertain the
tias Elsie GoeU, A. O. T. bowling club; ,,,- T ' ,,,K
Alias Alnorehad. luncheon for Mm. '1 Ien olub next Tneaday.
The qui Vive xanclng club will give a
party at Chambers', Monday evening.
Jaques; Mra. J. M. Cudahy, lunoheon for
ira. atrk-.K.
. TlIEHDAY C. T. Hub meets with- Mm
.' R. 1 Toting; Mies F.I I a Mae Brown,
bridge for Mrs. Jaques: Mrs. J. M. Met-
calfe, luncheon for Mra. Day! Mra. J. J.
Mrown and Miss Brown, luncheon for
Mrs. S'p trick.
VKONKBDATPark 1de richre club
I meets with Mrs. E. T. Johnson; Mra. J.
. W. West, luncheon for Mxs. B. C. West;
' Metropolitan club maaquerade.
TRIDAV Hanscom Park Ianelng club
party at Chambers'; Mra. "Clinton Miller,
.Kountze place Eurhre club; Mrs. J. L
Kennedy, Bridge club.
BATLHUAY Mr. and Mra J. F. Dale,
. Harmony club; Mra T. J. Mahoney enter
,t tains for Mrs. Jauuea.
, The last week, while one of the most un
eventful Society has seen for some time,
wag not quiet. There were but few func
tions of consequence and not many small
affairs, the one notable event being the
reception of Mrs. Arthur Brandeis, which
was largely attended and which will be
counted among the most brilliant functions
f the year. The dance of the Cotillion
Club Monday evening attracted the younger
iet and was a most successful party, augur
ing well for the future dances to be given
under tho management of the younger con
tingent. This debutante set were guests
of Miss Wessolls at a delightful bridge
party Friday evening. The buffet luncheons
of Mrs. D. M. Vlnsonhaler and Mrs. J. J.
ilrown and Miss Brown were also num
bered among tha . leading events of the
week, and tben there were several club
luncheons and. dances and many Informal
tfttle theater and bridge parties given In'
Jrtinor of Mrs. Loula Jaques and the guests'
W Mrs. Del Btrother, all of whloh, although
small, were very enjoyable. -
' Thanksgiving Interferes considerably with
the social doings of this week, for most
f the women are too' busy, planning their
dinners for
for the youn
for the holiday to pay much attention to
ocial functions:" Consequently the out
. look for the week la not brilliant, no large
pilTalr of dny, kind .being on the., calendar,.
The' presence ti the ctty of Mrs.-.4 Louis,
. aquea of Chicago formerly JKlss Anna
Jtl Ofcutt, and Mrs. John Patrick ,oT Wy
oming will occasion several luncheons and
chrd parties and Mrs. Clarence R. , Day
will also be the guest of honor at a lunoh
eon given by Mrs. J. M. Metcalf Tuesday.
Another luncheon of the week will be that
Of Mrs. J. W. West complimentary to Mrs.
(J. C. West "Wednesday. Outside of these
,arfalrs there Is Mule else except club nieeu.
.Jugs and dances. ;
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dale will entertain
the Harmony card club Saturday even-tag.--.
-Mrs.- T. J. Mahoney will entertain Sat
urday in complimpnt to Mrs. Louis Jaques
of Chicago.
The second party of tha Ilanscora Fark
Dancing club will be given at Chambers',
Friday evening.
Mrs. Frank Crawford has Issued Invita
tion for a euchre party Wednesday after
noon, December &
The Park Bids Euchre club will meet
Wednesday with Mrs. Erio T. Johnson, VK3
South Thlrtletn avenue.
Miss Ella Mae Brown will entertain at
bridge Tuesday, complimentary, to Mra
Louis Jaques of Chicago. .
The . Omaha Guards , will give a medal
drill, followed by an Informal hop, Monday
evening at their armory.
The C. T. Euchre club will meet Tuesday
with Mrs. R. L. Young. One o'clock lunch
eon will precede the game.
Mra. J. J. Gibson will give a children's
party Monday afternoon foe her little
daughter. Miss Hazel Gibson.
Mrs. J. J. Brown and Miss Jeanle Brown
will give a luncheon Tuesday In honor of
Mra, John Patrlek of Wyoming.
The Bridge club will meet- Friday after
noon with" Mrs. John L. Kennedy at her
home, tot South Fortieth street.
Mr. and Mrs.. Clinton Miller will enter
tain the KeuntSe Place Euchre club Fri
day evening' at .their home, . 1S23 Wlrf
An enjoyable affair of the week will be
the masquerade to be given Wednesday
evening by the Metropolitan club at Its
club rooms.
Mrs. J. w; West will give a buffet lunch-
eon Wednesday . In honor, of Mrs. George
that .day and getting ready . CowIei! We8t who WIU formerIy Mls, Hen
g people who wlincome home nrti
One of the novel affairs of the week was
"the baby party given by a young matron
who Invited half a dosen friends to lunch
with her end to bring their babies, all of
Whom were under 6 months old. The occa
sion was very Interesting and the mothers
sint a most enjoyable and profitable aft-
o-noon comparing children, relating ex- The wedding of Mr. Clarke Powell and
Verlonoes, exchanging advice and recom-i Mgs Janet Chambersdaughter of Mr. J.
tnondlng remedies and helps in the. rearing k. Chambers, will be one of the events of
)f vuuarea. . i January. --. r i :
Miss Gertrude Moorhead will be hostess at
a luncheon Monday, glven..ln honor of Mrs.
Louis Jaques of C'.ilcago, who Is the guest
of Mrs. A. J.' Beaton. "
fclrs.. H. JtlcCTanAahah ; llt fhlroduc
her' daughter, Miss Katherlne MeClanha
han, at a tea on the afternoon of Decem
ber" 4, ' f rem t Until '6 o'clock.
Mrs. Joseph M. Metcalfe will entertain
at luncheon Tuesday In- honor of Mrs.
Clarence Richmond Day,' who Is visiting'
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.- B. Smith.
The household . economics department,
of the Woman's crab will give a kensrng
ton Wsdnesday afternoon, December 6, at
the .residence of Mrs. H. L. Beard, S4S
South Twenty-eighth avenue, in place-of
the regular meeting which would ecour
Thanksgiving day. '
orlal C hlt-rhat.
Mr. and Mrs. William Coburn have taken
apartments at the Georgia for tho winter.
Mr. W. B. Melkle expects to leave early
In December for an European trip of three
Mrs. K. V. Lewis and Miss Lewis are ex
pected home from New Tork the first week
In December.
Miss Eugenie Whitmore will be the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wlswall In New
Tork over Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Herbert E. Gates will leave the first
week in December for New Tork to spend
the winter. She has engaged apartments
at the Georgia hotel.
Major and Mrs. R. S. Wilcox find family
nave moved from Kountie Place, where
they have resided for a number of years,
to 2001 St. Mary's avenue, the new house
recently erected by Mr. Warren Swltiler.
Weddings and Engagements. J
Mrs. E. H. Hoffman announces the en-
gagement of her daughter, Lena E.., Hoff
man, to Mr. Frank II. Ware of Norfolk.
'The usual manner of marking the places
Mr. and Mrs. Howard 'B. Smith-have
announced the engagement of their daugh-
v r 1 ! 1 1 1 IV M 1 1 V . VV. I,, a tllft'-lHll- "- UMB"
vt guests at a luncheon was varied by one ' ter. Miss Phoebe Bmltb. to Mr. Henry W'ar-
t the hostesses of the week In a clever
and original manner. When Issuing her
Invitation, she slyly found out her friend's
.fwls in the matter ef dress, and when hot
guests wore, -uahered Into the dining 'room
they were informed that their hobby In
drees Indicated their places. A woman
noted for ber pretty collars found at her
plate a miniature collar of lace and ribbon
with an original verse attached, while an-
ner Plerpont.
The wedding of Miss Leila Bcrlbner aud
Mr. Paul Wernher will take place December
17 at the tew Residence of Mr. 'and Mrs.
A-''W." Bcrlbner. at Thirty-fourth ' and
Woolworth avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rothschild announce
the engagement of their daughter. Miss
May, to Mr. Lou Verveer of Des Moines,
la. They will be at home to their friends
nth whose feet are always perfectly shod. BunjaVi December 9
wWa uer -ea Dy means oi a uaimy little At Bt John's church on Thursday mora-
npprr. jii wn- prncr. wera uny nats,1,. .h -Kdln of .Dr. 3., II.
skirts, pretty
Utile dresses and other
Come and Go Goaaln.
Mra. Hugo Hrandels Is expected home
from n, "visit in' New Tork.
Mrs. Wilson Low Is expected to returrl
from the east this morning.
Miss Juliet Morris has retupned from a
visit of six months In the east.
Mr. Lou CLnrke, who has spent the week'
In. Denver, will return Sunday.
-Mrs. W. D. Perclval has gone to the
Pacific coast to spend the winter.
' Mrs. F. H. Gaines has returned from a
visit of several weeks in the east.
Mrs. Harry Wllkins will leave Sunday
evening for a short stay In Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerrlt Fort expect to go to
Chicago Tuesday to spend Thanksgiving.'
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Longwell have re
turned from a week's trip In the Black
Mrs.S. Eiseman of fct.' Louis Is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. If. Newman, 1614
Park avenue.
Mrs. ' Hugh McCaffrey and son left
Wednesday for Texas and Mexico to spend
several months.
Mrs. Ellen 8. Avery of Petersburg. Neb.,
was visiting her sister, Mra; M. M. Martin,
of South Omaha.
Mlas Harriet Paul of Henderson, la., re
turned home Saturday after a visit with
Miss Mary Bedwell.
Miss MlnnVo Riley of Tacoma Is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Brunner, 411
North Nineteenth street.
Mlrs. Pettit, who Is the guest of her sis
ter. Mrs. Del Btrothe, will return to her
home In Milwaukee Monday. '; ' '
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. "La Pacha of Denver
are the guests of their mother, Mrs. M. M.
Martin, and Mrs. J. D. Clancy.
Mrs. Clarence Richmond .Day has re
turned from Cincinnati and Is again the
truest of her parents, Dir. and Mrs. A. B.
Dr. and Mrs." F. . S. Oweu and two chil
dren,' Master Donald and Miss Gertrude,
left Saturday for California to spend a
Mrs. M. R. Smith and little daughter,
Miss Helen Cushing Smith of, Roanoke,
Va., have arrived to visit Mrs. Cushing's
parents. Mr. and Mrs, R. C. Cushing,
at 702 North Fortieth street.
Mjas Louis Jaques of Chicago arrived
Wednesday to spend a fortnight with her
sisters. Mrs. A. J. Beaton and Mrs. Ar
thur Keeline, and Mr. Jaques will come
Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving. ,
MlsS Marion Connell leaves Wednesdsy
for Chicago to be one of a house party of
five Vassar girls, who will spend Thanks
giving with Miss Dorothy Eckhart, who
was 'recently the guest of Miss Connell.
Miss Eckhart wllL.malre her debut Fri
day. ; 'u k; :
Miss Badle Bernstein .Is expected home
from the Btate university Monday evening
to spenjl Thanksgiving with her parents.
Mr. Lake Deuel, who Is' attending school
at Lawrencevllle, N. J., will spend Thanks
giving with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Morton lit
-New Tork. . !
Mitts Boulder, piano and organ, 51S Mc
Cagiie building.
5 Max Laridow
5 Concert-Pianist S
. H
e formerly teacher of the finish-
5 ing clasaof Stern Conserva-
a tory. Berlin, Germany.
Only Advenoed Pupil Instructed 4,
RESIDENCE: Seath Omaha, 1118 ft llta St "
J Tel. FS6.
2 STUDIO: ArUngtta Black, Isaaii aad 7.
The calendar for Thursday is a blank
snd in the main society will make the
Thanksgiving -dinner the chief event. The .
foot ball game In the afternoon will un
doubtedly attract many and several parties
of enthusiasts have already been made up
to attend and oheer themselves hoej-ee,
while the theaters also promise a favorite
place of amusement.
The sudden death of Mr. Herman Kountse
this week was a great shocjt to his many
friends, and wUJ cause the withdrawal from
aooJely of many families who occupy a
prominent place In the social activities of
Omaha. Mr. Kountse, while not taking
part In society for several years,, was
nevertheless Interested In everything, and
kla beautiful home at Forest Hill, so ad
mirably suited to entertaining, was tho
seen of many brilliant gatherings.
Select Your Christmas Presents Early
Our Stock Is Complete
Tkc Moycr Stixtioaery Co.
220 South 16th St.
I'leaanres Past.
' Mrs. John Patrick, Mrs. Joseph Barker,
Mrs. Arthur Remington, Mrs. J. - R.
Let) mar. Mrs. W. A. Redlck, Mra Isaac
Coles, Mra A. L. Reed, Mrs. David Baum,
Mrs. J. tl Baum, Mlaa Bharpe and Mlas
Ida Bharpe were guests of Mrs. Warren
r.ogars at a luncheon Friday.
Mrs. Wen Robidoux was hoatees at a
ptwtty card party Saturday afternoon at
her home, tldl 8penor atreet, slx-hatuled
euchre belnaV played at seven tab:. link
carnations were used about the room aud
assisting Mra Robtdeua were Mra - John
A. Wakefield, Mrs. John A. Eyler and Mrs.
If. H. CrofTord.
In compliment to Mrs. John Patrick of
Wyoming Mra, J. J. Brown and Mlas
Jeanle Brown gave a delightful buffet
luncheon Saturday at their residence, 101
frYmth Thirty-second avenue. The table
was attractively decorated with red carna
tions and red candles. Assisting Mrs. Brown
' and Mlaa Brown wri Mrs. Ward Bur
gees. Mrs. Hniy Wyman, Miss Jsaale Mil
lard, elite Helen Millard. Miss Nannie
Richardson, Miss Marie Crounse and Mlsa
raifch Potter. . About fifty v guests- wer.
present, the hours of the luncheon being
U ;! to 1 o'elock.
One of the enjoyable alTaira of the week
was ths tea and dance given at Fort
Crook Friday afternoon, by the women
ef the Thirteenth Infantry, about 140
gueats being present, among whom were
fcauy f rom . Qpiaj, rTl, r It
uttoi aauoratsd Willi aal buut-
n vs. Do one
Thanksgiving Day. 3:30 p. m.
rrK,.r.u.taKi;,. Vinton Street Park
and Karnunw- .
at Half Price
This line of samples represents the output of one of the largest factories In
the country and consists of the latest and moat beautiful ueelgne for men and women.
All lrlgh grade 'warranted movements.
. w, ufiar a regular l!0.00 watch for B1 ?
Several sites regular 118.0 watches for .00
t ome early and make first selection, We wUl save you 50 per cent your purchase.
If you wUh a well h or any other Jewelry for Xniae iresr.nts, we w ill put them
away for 'ou until Xmas.
e . -ve have the fluest collertioa of Persian Rugs from the cus-
T ( torn house. Alao a Urge collection of liraus Works from Danias-
V ... --a nniiia TnrkUh Towt la and Bath Robes from HroUBsa.
bad bc- tUcin
'J.'lTTAMlA.OSLlX 4 CO.. 215 McCaaae. Bbck. Omaha, M. Tel. Doug. 5J27.
Turkey. They are Imported direct. Prices reasonable. Com
rS To
I t
teat Cdkcfei
ft TV T
For This Week We Have
Added a Large Collection
ol New Styles to Our
Great $25 Coat Sale.
The Most Remark
able Sale ol the
Do you reullzo what an unusual thing It Is to
nave one hundred of more styles to choose from
at this price? Each stylo distinct In itself anK
different from the others. Styles for every oc
casion dress. Btreet or evening wear. Large,
full, loose coats, tight-fltUng coats and half
fitting coats. In plain or trimmed effects.
tVe havo enjoyed a phenomenal business this en
tire season. But there has boon a remarkable In
crease in our coat business for tho last few week.
Wo know the reanon of our great coat trade, and we
would like every woman In Omnha. to know the rea
son. A visit to our Coat Department and careful
inspection of our styles and prices will make tha
reason plain.
The two coats here illustrated
were selected T
from this '
great collec-
tion of styles .
shown at ... .
The beautiful looee coat to the left is made of
fine broadcloth, lined throughout with beat satin;
It has a capelike sweep around bottom; collar and
neck trimmed with velvet $26.00.
To the right Is a strictly tight-fitting coat, 54
inches long, made of finest broadcloth and perfectlj'
tailored; tho beautiful flare of the skirt and the
graceful lines of tho coat are epeclally noticeable
CM Sflyks
M j
i .
It f corns
I i m
I & Cmdr im
R i . BL TluuNee
Your Stomach
Is your best friend. Treat it
right by drinking the best
COFFEE you can get.
is pure and good. Try it aud
you will always use it.
Ask your grocer.
Coffee Bird on Every
Thanksgiving Z) inner
Pastry and Sweets for the Occasion
At our busy store you will find a variety of choice confections and
tempting pastries that will exceed every possible demand.
You will have no need to look further than Balduff's to supply every
need in these lines. .
A Few Suggestions From Our Great Variety
Marron Glace XettMcJrarte Pudding
Creamed Malaga Grapes Frozen Kgg S'ogg'
Chocolate Maraschino Koman Punch
Bulled Almonda Ininerlal Punch
. and Individual Apples
Old-Fashioned Molasses Individual Pumpkins
, Taffy ; Individual Kars of Corn
Neapolitan .Bricks '
Please get your order In early to receive prompt attention.
Plum Pudding
Mince Plo ,
Pumpkin Pie.
Fruit Cake (French
1518-20 FABXAM. 'PHOXE DOVO. 711.
Special Sale o!
Bagolar prio., $350. eavtag of 1S
on Tae World's itaadard a-laao
915 down, 97 moataly.
nfiscsllaaeous riano riay.ra 960 to
100. T.ry taod.rate paymeaU.
Used Pianos $80 Up
Over 200 piano's that have been,
taken la exchange for the Pianola
Piano, the pluno anyone can lay.
The llbt includes several each of
such makes as 8telnway, Steck.
Chlckerlng, Knabe, Krankh &
Bach, Krakauer, Kimball, etc. To
obtain choice of selection an early
visit la advised. Free catalogue
furnished on application.
Hepresentatives for Pianola Pi
anos, Vocations, Pianolas, Orches
trelles. 1311 and l;tl Farnam St.
Tel. Douglas 1625.
Jit r''f J;('
: Am, :tKt- I'll"
Select your I'urs now for Clirist
inas. Do not wait till our stock is
broken. We will hold them in stor
age for you. . ,
We will make to order any gar
ment y6u wish if we do not have it
in stock.
AVe manufacture every garment
and sell to you at a saving of one
yjl profit.
i;au ana compare our price.
(With kern.'tfie Milliner.)
The Zmlnent German Tlanlat, will givs a
Grand stectal in first Congregational
oaurcn on Tneaay evsnlag, Sao. 3, 1908.
Grand Coimorto taoloi l; minor. ... I.lsit
Nocturne op. 15. V aharp major. .Choj-in
Valwe op. 64, U flat maor Chopin
Mazurka op. 33, C sharp inTaor. . . .Chopin
Mazurka op. 68, A minor Chopin
echerxo op. 3, C sharp minor. .. .Chopin
FourKtudcs op. Si", C minor Chopin
Op. 10, K major Oiopln
Op. 10, K flat major. . .Chupiti
Up. 5, C sharp inaJor..Cliopln
Poloualee op. 63. A flat major Chopin
Ballad, op. 10, D minor Urahm
Healgnatlon op. J6 Mii Hcger
Keverle Fantaaique Max Rtgtir
Krl King tafter Schubert) I.l.-si
Khapaodle Hongroiae l.last
Tickets, to be had at Matthewa piano Co.,
1516 Harney, and i loupe's Music House.
by using- ' tho
Ifornsby Ak-
-11... I I M 1 ..
glne, can be produced at a cost of
1 K. W. HOUR
2C " C ,
The fuels used are the cheaper grades
of crudo, fuel or kerosene oILr .
Our catalogue will Interest every power
plant owner.
Ix)cal Aftents - i. " '
10th and loug. Sts. Omaha, Neb.
- IT
This cafe, the finest In
the city, Is NOW OPEN. .
Private dining rooms. , ; ..
Special preparations for
after-theater parties.
1508 Howard Street .'
Table D'aTH. XHnner BTery ET.alBg,
to s O'olook
Coea litt the Horn
Best t';. West
Bring a Dollar Down
Early Tuesday FJJorning
And compare it wit hany one of a hist variety of brand new
Sterling' Silver Creams, Ladles, Spoons and Forks for olives, plcklea,
sardines, smoked be-f, cold meat, salads, etc. ( Many with gold tines
or bowla ) and, whichever looks the best you keep.
Our "Silver Dollar" will do something I'ntle Sam won't and
they make daudy CnrUtmaa Gifts. All forenoon you can ''Trade"
with us, but between 10 and II o'clock (only) you got a fine 60c
box extra with every piece you buy.
Not over 1,000 to sell sso don't henitate.
Mail orders will be "Honored" aud filled "till Tuesday noon (If
those we hold out. for that puruotse last that long) with SOc box and
all for 10c extra for. walling.
John M.Fixa's
, Cafe .
and Restaurant
1516 Dodge St.
Kery tiling New .
Best of Every thing
Thoroughly Vp-to-Date
First Class in All Respects
quick Bzmvzca. . azit Cookibt.
Olre Us Call. .;
. V
Schlitz No. 2
tllTirjgigT aad CaJTE.
Ill auuth lin kk
Highest graoe of Wine.. Liquors
and c:icara. Imported Ale purtar
hrhlttsa Famuua Milwaukee Hour aud
liir-Kiid-liif on lira u ht.