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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1906)
he Omaha Sunday Bee OaaC Into th Hem THE OMAHA DEE Best ':. West EDITORIAL SECTIQ.I Pagss 1 to 12 ( VOL. XXXVI-XO. 23. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER LT, 1906. SINGLE COPY FIVE CKNTS. Only Three More Shipping Days 'Till Thanksgiving--- This GreeJ Store Will Close All Dy Thursday Twenty-Ninth Thankvjiving ( DO PLEASE SHOP E A It LY PLEASE DO Tweniy-Four 'Till Christmas J" 3 5 5 :3 DOUGLAS 137 3 1 ,.- M,ayi3 ' WW n in 3 lAn LAM "AT w i) i N tj l! SILKS for MONDAY SELLING Great Bargains for Monday 73e TAFFKTAS FOR 4;lc. THK HKST 19-INCH TAFFKTA. Sixty different shades. This silk will wear! We positively guar- m r ante this quality. Every shade on sale Monday at the Silk Pe- Lkt f pa rtmout sells everywhere for 70c, our price, yard. SILKS THAT SELL FOK .V AMI 91 -MONDAY :ii: Seiveral thousand yards beautiful new Fancy Silks, handsome stylos for fctreet suits, waists and liuing, every yard perfect and new, worth 85c end $1, Monday, a yard FANCY SILKS THAT SELL FOIl 05e AND 75c ON SALE, litk Large lot Fancy Taffetas and I-siuiBlnes -every yard perfect worth plxty-five'cents and seventy-five cents Monday, a yard 39c 28c TIIANK5GIVING PICTURE SPECIAL "On to the Feast," a beautiful fctudy by Ella Ha ruin 11 Whalen, very appropriate subject for tho dining room. In a specially designed frame, sold exclusively by Tho Bennett Company. Sale price Monday . . . 1.85 Watch for Hale of OKICnNAL FKl'IT AND GAME PASTELS for the dining room, in specially designed frames, at 20 per rent disconnt IJed Letter Day. See Harney St. window. FlC'l'lJlft FRAMING -We again urge early selection for Christmas gifts. All orders held for specified delivery. Grand Opening of Infant's Parlor 2nd Floor A J'jiM-ors 'A. rSS:'z. :0 - ,7. yc'-'-jri CHARM ING tittle white build- ingi in whicn is displayed all maimer of Stork supplies and wearables for baby. No other store in Omaha or the West has an exclusive Infant's Dipt. Everybody interested is heartily invited- See the Stork window i HANDKERCHIEFS 1,0(10 o.en Lailiex' White lleniHtitrhed HandkeiThiefs, 'X fine cotton, good vulue for 5c, Monday special, each C U."V oxeii Ladies' Embroidered and Lace Trlmiiicd Hand- 7-J- ' kerchiefs, worth up to 13r, choice Monday, each . . 2 , Thanksgiving THANKSGIVING Thanksgiving wmimmm T2I SPECIAL SHOWING OF LIJSCH CLOTHS, TRAY (TjOTHS, NCAHFH, CE NTEHS AND IMULIES IN LACE EM ItltOIDEHED, DKAWN WOHK AND SCALLOPED AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW P1UCES. 20-inch Square ' Drawn Work Center, A . FEW OF THE GOOD THINGS. irmnatltihaJ rtumnslr Tv 1 R T 9 7 eneclal for Monday, each .tin Pre"y detsigiiB. special for Monday. .39 Ilattenberg Lace Centers, 20-inch, round und square, with linen renters and well made, special for Monday 39V Monday in Omaha's Leading Millinery Bargains that arc really grvat so great we . never even 1 r e a in e 1 we'd ever have the opjtoi'tnnity of of- W -ivillis iiicin. an k iiniirii o'ictoi'ti i!ir tory line. Hats of every style, shape, material color and -trimming. Hats that for general street wear t:ilt; rank with tho most fashionable. Hats now beine unpacked and displayed, will not be repacked and stored away. Hats that will be sold to the first coiners Monday. See the bill window display. These hats were made to sell from $3.50 to $10.0i. we bunch them up into three great lots: $2.00. $1.50 and $1.00 Dress Goods for Monday's Selling 3 Three Wonderful Barf&ins for Monday 5 73c 8 25c ut least 89c ."W-Iiicm lUack llroadrloili Molct.kln. a very handsome cloth for suit or separate skirts, same sells elsewhere for $1.50. our ju ice Mon day, yard White Hcdford Cord, suitable for coat suits, waists or skirls, also for children's wear this quality ell3 for 50c. everywhere our price in note lleautlful Hroadclothn. in colors. C2 inches wide, worth ut least $1.50 or more, olive or bottle green, new shades of brown and navy blue, also black. This le a rare bargain. ,On sale Monday, yard Rare Bargains in Domestics Elegant White Cotton Hatting, fluffy and clean, each, roll, Mon day 5c Fine Cliallies In Per sian Designs, all colors, a great bargain for 4 Great Sale on Comfortables The Dent $ 1.00 Crude of Comforters, .pretty dark colors, tufted, good stlkoline, filled with white batting, on sale Monday, ea. 75 91.30 Comfortables in largi slw3. all colors, good silkoline covering with fine white cotton filling, on sale Monday, each 91.13 Hare Bargains in Blankets Either Cotton or Wool. All Prices. - Women's Dressing Sacques, Waists, Etc. Women's Flannelette Dressing Sacques Made extra full, regu lar $1.00 value, for 69c 2.1 Do.en Ladies' Muck lirilliautiiic Waists Pleated front and back, fancy stock and cuffs, regular $1.25 value, Monday 69c Women's Tnf tola Waists, made of good, heavy taffeta, tucked fronts and back, fancy stock and cuffs, plain black and black and white stripe, regular $5 value, Monday $3.95 Laces, Embroideries and Trimmings J.OOO Yards Torchon litres, from 1 to 3 in. wide, large assortment of patterns, worth up to 10c yard, Monday 2c :l,UOO Yards Cambrics Embroidery ni a t c h nets, from 2 to 18 in. wide, in insertions, edgings, flounclngs and all-overs, worth up to 50c a yard, at 12ic rt.OlHi Yards Silk Ap pliques and Embrold-er-d Chiffon Trim mings, in black and dainty combinations, worth up to $2.00 a yard, at- 23c UO-inch Cream Yenlse Ijmco All-overs, wait ings and trimmings, -worth up to $1.50 yd., at 49c i Choice 3950, 4500 acl Suits $29.50 Not much to the story only thl; Thero are forty ulta. awelleat producf of fifth Avenue tailors Eton Blouse, Colonial Blouse, 25 Inch full fit ted, and 30 Inch fitted coat styles Skirts a re all newest pleated modelsi Colors black, brown garnet, smoke. green and blue. For $39.50, $45.00 and $49.50 Suits, 050 choice - ,..mJ mi. 11H Women's Mannish Mixture GOATS' 60 inches long-, ne'ehed velvet collar. deep flare cutis, regular I7.s0 value, Monday 4.95 Women's Fine Kersey Coats, no Inches long, collar and cuffs braid and veivei irimmea, yoke and sleeves satin liuod, regular lift value, Monday special. til tiui uuu 9.50 Women's Fine Kersey Conts, 50 Inches long, full tight fitting, notched velvet collar and velvet trimmed cuffs, uoay and sleeves lined with satin, recuar 125 value, Monday special. . . 16.75 Fur Scarf Sale BOO FUR SCARFS, bought frbm one ofthe largest furriers in New York, will be piacea on &eue monaay, ai , 98c, 1.95, 2.95, 3.95, 4.95 and up to 19.50. FUR LINED COATS MADE OF FINE KEHSEY, lined with SABLE SQUIRREL, regular in r f $i;tj value, Monday sptclal lZ7LJ Dinnerware end ' - Cut GIslSs for (he THANKSGIVING TABLE. Urge, Cmplcle and Pretty Special Prices on all Dinner Sets and Dirmerware. Match up your set. BUY THIS WEEK AT A DISCOUNT tewest FOKOZIAIir, rtaik blue rtin . nor; set. on a fiootl shape, tho heat nC wari, lu vnlue, the net. at BEAUTIFUL ' I BAVARIAN CHIKA DIKNEB SET, ) pretty pink noral uocora- tloi). lileetl enumele.'l truoil tnteail of icnld. I OD pleet'8 for 9.98 ! 17.40 I'retty, neatly rnirruvfil TABLE TVHBLIM, a UIV value, on hhU Monday, ' rj for Vliirty Green TnullriK Ktampn on e-ery tlozeti TUMBLERS Helling 11)1 from, a (loKMl Thirty Grcii TiaJmrf ttam,.4 on every 7AB.SIHIEB.S I sold lloiullv, ; llrU-fB U . from 18c I 30c I 29c CUT BTAJt WATEB rtET, 6 tumblers and Jug, finest crystal, no seconds, for the set, 3.15 Handsomely cut foot'd OOMFOBT, a 16 valuo, Monday 3.98 PYROGRAPHY BARGAINS Money Savers for Christmas Orders $2.73 and$a.6 Plate Racks 2.4S $1.83 Long D -e-is Jf B sxes 1.39 $1.23 Hand Mirrorj tor 98c WOc Photo Boxes for 69o 7Bc Thormomeier for 65c 43c WhisH Broom Holdra 53c 4Qo Book. Racks 30c Specials ta Hardware MONDAY Tbanksslvlng Specials Teur Turtey won't be trood unWa you have a sood Router. Lisle Seamlcus Knameled Itouttr, Monday, 11.16 and And fifty Orern TradinK Btampa with each. 1.65 Savory feamleea Srlf-Bastlng- (Q Roistor .VOC And Thirty Green Trading Stamp.. Carvers for Thanksgiving An ele gant 1-ptero set, .tug f handle, for i.Ud And Forty Oretui Trdlns Htampa. Nle Nickel Plate. et of S fir Nut II. k ItFfc. And Ten tlreen Trading Ftmp. Nickel I'hiled Nut Crack, with spring And Ten Green Trading Stam- . Ito.ette Irons, iior act And Thirty Green Trading Stamp.. lnr Family sire Dover Egg 7 c Beater, special " i'-c Standard Bread Toaster 6c Galvanlred Wash Tub Nle Ni. kel Dated Tub hoau llsli Jiml Ten Oreen Trading tiains. ITOTII STOVES J.arg. 113 I'entnxulur Oak ark OC lieatrr for IU. OO Larii'i $13 1'eiiiiiaiilar Oak Oft. 1 Later for J. IT) i;o I'enlnaular I!ae i'urnrr 15c r-e. 50c 15c 39c 10 24.50 ,"urn"rT.l"r" 37.50 .4.50 perfection Oil l.a4er. large Thanksgiving Furniture 6nly three more days to . get these new dining room pieces for the annual feast ii ' Table (like cnt), made of wrathored oak. square 48 inch top und legs, extends 8 feet, a stunning Mission deslRii. at 810.75 IHniiiK Tublrs, in many sizes and styles, ui froin.87,00 J fining (liaii-H, up from SOd DininK ( liaJr ilike cut), well constructed, golden oak fin ish, wood Beat, eiuboetted panels, for $1.00 Diiiititr Chair, solid oak, box sent tipbolBtered in chase leather lth leather buttons, an unusuul value. $2.00 8TocitALBB!:?,c,NG CARPETS Ruds In all Siren at Reduced Price Wool nivina R'lij. 3wxii0 for.. 91.09 Smyrna Hxi. 36x7;;. for 81.75 Morpiette IUir, 2TtS", for 93.35 Ssnford Beuuvais ItugR . iHxiiO. for 93.60 tvmrord H.-auvals Rugs 36x7.'. for San ford lleauvala Rugs 4-lixti-S, for Tapestry Brussels Rugs, Tor Axmlnster Huns. h-SxlO-S, for Wilton Velvet IUikk. UxlJ, for l,ody BruHsel Hums, iixlJ, fcjr. Sanfonl Heuuvaid Rugs. yxl-'. Hoynt Wilton Rugs, HxlJ. for Room-Hixe K isliniir mas. exti.t heavy liltlll!V, fHSt colors, hest ruK on th iiiHrket fur bed rinmu und dining roonts, in three viieK: 6x'j for 7-ilxlit-tl for 9x12 lor Big Variety All Wool Ingrain Xugx All sizex, best finlltv iMH-le, lii blue, green, tan and red. strictly fast col ors, from 'J lis Uuwn in ' 4i.9B Cot-o.i lioor Mats, in all slz -s, bent duality, each ut, II. 50, II. -5, He, Soe, ri."e anil 45c STOCK BEDUCINO BALE Or LACE - CUliTALNB. Nottingham 1 ju e l urlHlns. 1 .. dif ferent patterns to select from, sell tip to 7ic. Monday, a pair, nnij .39o NottiiiKham ljo e t iirtalns I'ull sine, plain i-enters. with border and all over en'eets. big vurii-ty, sell up to Sl.f.0, Monday, a rir 9BO Nottlnghuni l.aee t'urtulns. in pretl', dalnly ('fleets, curtains thai sell up to some splendid values, Mon day, a f air 91-39 Corded Arabian and Vine Nottingham t''irtalns, some very pretty paiior elT'i-ts; oilier patterns tnat niaau splendid living room and library curtains, a latge assortment, sell up to Ij.t'U, Monday, a pair. 93.79 ....94.60 99.00 8-3x10-6, . . $13. EO 919.73 22.SO S28.0O 817.50 , .86.75 . 8-75 913.75 SHOES... SHOES SHOES Women's Fancy Velvet Carpet Sole Slippers, no heels, noiseless. 49 And 20 Green Tradiug Stamps. Men's and Women' Felt and Leather Sole Felt Sllppen.59 And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Women's Felt Fur Turned Juliets, in brown, red and black, pair. 31.23 And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Men'a Felt Slippers and Xullifier., leuther soles, pair, $1.75 and $1.25 And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Men's SIkh's for cold, tender feet, cork filled outer soles, piano felt cushion undersole, sweatproof, leather lined, pair. ... .$5.00 And 100 Green Trading Stamps. Women's Cork Filled Cushion Sole Slioew, made on famous foot-form lasts, keep feet dry and warm, pair $4.00 And 100 Green Trading Stamps. Fine Hlack Jersey Ieg Kings for Women at 75C For misses at. .(5c for children at. 50c And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Fine Illack Felt Over garters, 7 or 1 "-but ton, for Monday only, 50e and Tie kinds for nf And 20 Green Trading Stamps. ...... j COPYRIGHT BOOKS $1.25 and $1.50 EDITIONS 49c Thousands nt a price that enables everyone to have u good book, or for presents. All freish, clean handsomely bouejd and beautifully illustrated. A few of tho titles: Buster Brown Books 49c "The Boae of Old Bt. Loala," by Mary !illon. T. Bea Wolf," by J;uk London. "Drl and I." by Irving' Haeheller. "Tbat PrlnUr of Ud.U's," by Harold liell Wright. "1 tat Great Mogul,' l- lxiuls Traey. "o. of th. World," liy A. and K. Castle. "Bob. the Bob of Battle," by Alfred nlllvaul. "to Have and to Hold," by Mary Johnston. "The MliUonaire Baby," by A. K. Green. "The Circle," bv Kstherine Cei '1 Thurston. "The fit," bv William Norrts. The Lightning' Conductor," by Mrs. C. N. W illlamson. "Infeltce," by Auirusta Kvnns Wilson. "The Hone.r," by Oeraliini" Bonner. "Mjr Lady 01na.lla,,' by Mrs. C. N. Williamson, "blr Henry Morgan," bv t'yrus Town.end Jlrady. "The Kidnapp.d Millionaire.," by F. I'. Adums. "The rrodlgal Bon," by Hall Came. "Shea Xolden," by Irving Uaehi ller. Ktr., Kte. LABOZ, ILLUSTBATED SDZTIOH . rOB CSILDKEV Baiter Brown, Ms dog, Tlge, and their jolly time.. Bu.t.r Brown1. Antic. Bnrt.r Brown's Praaan. , Buster Browa and XI. Be.olutlon.. Bu.ter Browa, Xls Dog Tig., and troubl.f. Boys' Copyright Books ' $1.25 Ciitlons 49c "TV- Cooks for boys books that never sold for less than 98e. 500 different titles by famous writers, such as Alger, Ellis, Stratmeyer, (net)Hl, Fatten, Cast lemon. Oti, Standixli, Win field, Thayer and many others. Sheet Music on Balcony We have had to move Sheet Music to Balcony, adjoining Green Tradiug Stamp Parlor. All the latest hits played for you and offered you at bargain juices. See the Magnificent Thanksgiving Window . It occupies a full sweep of Sixteenth and Hamey comer, displaying up-to-date way of Thanksgiving table elaboration, giving some ideas that might be well worth following up for Thanksgiving. Sae Great Window Display 49c