Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 12, Image 12

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. a..., .,,.4 -tli' . 4 w .r.-4r - v. .JT' J ?., i -.rtie-t.-.ri' : ' -. ,V .7 . " , i
V WW Vr-
i-fiY ll. ijV,i.wH'
Ir'J " s
We loud thorn all In reliable black silks. Never
have we bold bo many black taffetas as we are do
ing now.
Imported Dressmakers' Taffetas, 36 inches wide.
finest tiiffi'ta ever retailed, worth $2
yard, for Monday, yard
Imported Antolno, CSulnet & Cle, Lyons, cele
brated Oil Boiled Taffeta, regular H"7 1
price j. r,5 yard, at. yard 0 2C
Genuine Buckskin Brown Black Taffeta, 27 Inches
wide, always sold at II yard . '
Yurd wide SwIhb Oil Boiled Taffeta, posi
tively worth 1.35 yard yard
New Bilks just nrrlved, French and Domestic Satin
Barred riaids, Pinipadour Crepe de Chine for
scarf d and waists, Fancy Crepes A f f?C
with pretty borders yard T'ZC lo I
Every yard perfect in weave and the styles arc
right. Fine Crepe de Chine, Checked and Striped
JjOuUenes, Dress Taffetas, Mouseline, 27-inch
Lining Taffetas. Drebden and Pompadour Taffe
tas, etc. two lots on bargain Q q
squares, new btore yard rUC'ZOC
Kxtra Sperial Yard wide Dress Taffetas, in blue.
heliotrope, pink, brown and a few glace effects,
only 15 pieces In this lot. would be a bargain at
i yara, in Bilk Department, second
section, yard
36-Inch Lining Satins .
3-lnrh Cleopatra Hatlns. I 3-in. Brandflu upecisl 1.00
.?rd- 6100 3-ln. rrand ol.l skl'inpr
S6-ln. Optra Satins. ..1.00 I Hatlim, yard fl.50
r-f ......
w ml
. r..i.ii. nn iiiiii.iim I iik i. .linn ii-i ' -in iuu.i..ii.ihi hi .imTX
I.IT-I.iilll. Ill . l I I- II III I Ullll I III lU II I III .1 110 II m.HIW IILII I IIIKUI
The Stunning New Broadclotli Coats, Fur Coats,
Fur Lined Coats, Fur Scarfs and Mulls
We are quotirig very special prices on this high quality apparel for Thanks
giviBg time. Everything mentioned here is in the height of correct Mstyle and
the most admirable workmanship.
Indies' Guaran teed
Astrakhan Jackets,
with guaranteed
s a t i n llnings. at
- $24.50, $29 and 9-15
Near Seal Jackets, in the most stylish cuts,
at 12.50 to 9 iO
Blended Brook Mink Jackets and Blouses,
at f 47.50 and $4&
The Newest Things in Fur Couts, in the ultra
swell blouse, pony and reefer styles, natural and
blended squirrel, pony skin, Persian lamb, seal
skin, krlmnier, golden. ottr, at prices 25 per cent
less than can be secured from the exclusive furriers.
A Stunning; Fur Lined Coat A 52-inch Wroad
cloth.'with blended squirrel linings and brook
mink collars, a regular 35 value, at $24.50
A Handsome Fur Lined Coat for 3.T A 52-Inch
fine Broadcloth Coat, lined with brook mink,
very full cut, blended brook mink shawl collar
a genuine 60 coat at $:l5.oo
Ladies' Fashionable New Coats Made in the silk
broadtail and velour, natty blouse and pony coat
styles special Monday at 910 up to
Ladies' Tailored Broadcloth Coat 50-lnch, very
smart, new styles, in braid and embroidered de
signs, -full -satin lined, large, full cut
prices 914.83, 922.R0 and up to 940
A Popular Novelty Mixture Coat 200 of these
swell novelty cloth effects, in plaids and checks,
a fine range of colors, neatly trimmed, at. .99.08
Ladies' Krinine Scnrfu
' lsh designs, Zazas
Muffs to match, at . .
Extremely nobby and styl
bow ties and thraws
.912.50, 917.50 up to 975
924.50 uo to 91
Mink Scarf In pretty bow ties, Zazas, Throws,
Pelerines, etc. 9.0H, 914.83, 9ip and up to 9H
Muffs to match at 924.50 up to 973
Kalenski Scarfs, in pretty Zazas and Thraws, fancy
ideas, at 97.50, 90.98 and up to 9:10
Siberian Squirrel Kazan nnd fancy designed Scarfs,
with ornaments and heads 92.08 up to 910
Muffs to match at 91.08 up to 914.83
Persian Lamb Zazas 97.50 to 919
Chinchilla Fancy Zazas at 914.85
One Genuine HuhUo Sable Set, special at. . i .998
One Genuine Kussian ' Sable Set, with double
throw .' 9133
The finest all linen bleached 8-4 and 10-4 Pat
tern Tablecloths ever sold for the inouey. 14.00
and 15.00 values, at 92.50 and 92.08.
J-4 and 9-4 all linen bleached Pattern Table
cloths for round tables, values 4.50 and 6, for
this sale 92.73 and 93.08.
20. 22 and 24-lnch Napkins to match above
13. 14 and 15.50 values, for this sale 93.50,
92-08 and 93.50.
11.50 and 11.2 72-inch all linen Bleached Table
Damask, yard, 05c.
8."c quality fine Table Damask, yard, 39c.
59c quality fine Table Damask, yard, 30c.
30c full bleached Table Damask, yard, 10c.
Bis lot of Napkins in Vi dozen lots to close out
at about one-half value.
A (treat lot of Lunrh Cloths. Scarfs, Tray Cloths
and Dollies, worth 75c, at. each, Oc.
One lot of Doilies of various kinds, worth 10c,
that are slightly soiled, go at, each, 1c.
0t Bargain Square, naT
10c Hemstitched Huck
.Towels, each . . . .Qic
15c Huck Towels at.
each lOc,
25c All Linen Huck
Towels, each .... 19c
35c and 40c All Linen
Huck and Damask
Towels, each ....25c
124c Bleached Turkish
Towels, each . . . .JAc
25c Bleached Turkish
Towels, each .... 19c
is$25 MATS -.$5
Entire Bankrupt Stock of Nine. E. Reboux,
592 5th Ave., New York.
i X "
Reception hats, theater hats
and street hats many of
them elaborately trimmed
with ostrich feathers, breasts
aigrettes and ' ornaments
every one of them
this season's
styles, also many
Imported model
hats choice
$7.50 and $5 Hats for
Over a thousand to select from.
These are all early winter hats,
made on silk velvet frames, in
black and all colors, trimmed with
velvet, fluffy ostrich feathers and
18-inch Irish Crochet and OrientaV allovers ami
45-inch figured and dotted nets, in white and
v, cream correct 'styles for yokes, waists, etc.,
$ values up to $1.50, f f " . Tv O
Zt: ....SS'C-TOC
Fine French and English Valenciennes Laces,
Insertings and BcadingS, new designs and
many to match, for fancy work and bordering
handkerchiefs two
very special lots
yard 4 . :
Ladles' white and drab Corsets, well known
makes, with four hose supporters, all sizes
New styles In Infants" Bearskin Caps, also silks, in
white and colors three A Tk Q
prices jyC-0!C!JOC
VT M Vf r m i. JUKI. SK'3Ke. WZ-W .w wr.
iu (UiLOVi pkess GOODS
The newest styles in ladies' Kid Gloves for
street wear, heavy cape effects, silk lined, etc
Mocha, Fownes, Meyer and Northrups and
Pernns Gloves,
Ladies 8-button Length Gloves, real kid,QQ
black, white and tan, at, a pair
Ladies' and Children's Underwear
Big lots on -four bargain squares for Monday. At
least 500 dozen and almost 100 styles to select from.
Ladles' Underwear Vests, Pants and Union Suits worth
Misses . children's and boys' Underwear Vests, Pants
and Drawers at,
An Eastern Jobbers Entire Sample Lines at Just
a Fraction of Their Cost
Fine Dress Goods of $1.3i, $1.75 and $1.00 values bvery
style, black and all colors plaids, panama, etc. in two
special lots, Monday, 25C-45C
Cream Mohairs and Sicilians, GOc and 75c
i grades, yard
$1.00 Shadow Check Wool
Taffeta, .. : - . f f
yard U w
$1.00 Silk and Vobl
Plaids, yard .'. .-. .'
50c. and 75c "Wool
ings and Plaids, ;
- ya-i-d':
White Bearskin
Coating, yard .". .
, Waist-
Try This on Your Piano
9 9
A new German, ragtime success, composed by, Ernest A. Ittner, one of
umana s popular musicians, inis "rag" is even better
than "nappy Heine. Hear the rest of this number B J i
piayea Dy our competent pianists. Un sale this week
g Li
We invite you to visit our popular Concert Music De
partment at any time.
Large size Trunk, canvas covered,
deep tray with hat box, a $5
value, at S.1.08
Brass Trimmed Trunks, water
proof covered, solid brass locks
and catches, straps around body,
worth from $7.50 to $10. Di
vided into two lots Monday,
at $4.98 and Stf.08
All the $1.25 Suit Cases, Monday
at 98c
All the $1.50 Suit Cases, Monday
at 1 81.35
All the $2 Suit Cases, Monday
at : 81.50
All the finest Kerotal Suit Cases,
with shirt pockets, $3.50 values,
at '. . .$3,118
Genuine Leather Suit Cases, with
shirt pockets and straps, regular
$5 values, at $3.08
Genuine Cowhide Suit Cases, $7.00
values, at $4.08
Main Floor North End
This is a great, modern, up-to-date
book store. You will
be waited upon by intelligent,
' capable salespeople. Thou
sands of volumes to select from.
Do your Christmas buying at
Special Bargain
Thousands of good, cloth
bound booVs by popular au
thors, substantially made
will stand hard wear and
look well on the
shelves your
choice, each
10c j
Latest New York fad Chinese
Jude bracelets, sterling silver
deposite a very stylish
glove bracelet
Monday at
Received from our Omaha custom
house our own importation of
Jet Jewelry, in real jet and dull
flniHh pretty pins for the collar
and brooch effects
each, $10 down to
Ladles' and misses solid gold lings
made la Omaha by Omaha
workmen, full 10-kt. solid gold,
Tiffany setting, solltare doublets,
ruby, emerald, sapphire, ?C
jeweler's price, $3.50 J
and $5, at, each
The entire sample stock of ladies'
and gents' fancy stick pins, no
alike, over 500 styles m m.
worth 26c and 50c each, I S
at, each
Tourist and Fancy Coatings closing out values worth up
$ to $2.00 j-ard special for Monday only new store, aisle
i! 69c-98c
Special Easement Bargains
In Our Bargain Basement, Old Store.
15c INDIA LINEN at 5c
Two eases of 40-inch India Linen, assorted p
qualities, on sale in our basement at, jj
3.V Quality of Madras Waistlngn at !c This is one of the greatest
bargains in winter waisungs ana snirungs ever uneieu.
These are both light and dark coloring, yard wide, es
pecially adapted for walstings, shirtings and children's
dresses. On sale in our basement at, yard
Heavy Wide Outing flannels at. HH'c Vard Four cases of except lon
ally heavy Outing Flannel, also cfnderella Flannels, in Ol
solldolors, go on bargain safe at ... . . . . .
Fleece liack Wrapper Flannels at 6c Vard-Another lot of heavy
ie Kreaieev
Fleece Back Wrapper Flannels, in our basement at, per
yard .T777TT
12Me Comfort Cretonne ut 5c Yard Three cases of mill lengths of
Comfort Cretonnes, in light and dark grounds, varied de-
signs, on sale In our basement at.
TVhlls the number of conversions at tho
ToiTey-OUver misnlon ha not roni up to
expectation Pr. Torrey and his usMRtunts
)rofess to be very well satisfied. Great In
terest has been aroused In the meetings
jid the Auditorium has been .crowded- v
vral evenings during the liutt week. No
meeting will be held Saturday nlRht. but a
monster meeting l planned tor Sunday
evening and a choir of at least TOO volrns
Is expected to be In attendance, as services
will not be held at tho vurious churches
uniting In lh mission.
Or. Torny has ably proven his ability as
an evangelist and Is a most versatile and
lluent tpeuk.t r. 1Hh in not a dida-tlc manner
but rather that of a friend engaged in what
might be lernud a hrart-to-heurt talk. lie
has often, been compared most tavurably
wall thf eminent evangelist, Dwlght 1
Contrary to the plans as first made for
the nilf'lon afternouu meetings at 3 o'clock
bave been held each day and also a noon
prayer service, botli of which have been
largely attended. These meetings bave been
an additional tax upon the strength of Dr.
Torrey, but he has shown no' signs of fall
ing vigor und goes at the work more strt n-uou.-ly
at each meeting.
tine of the feature of the meetings has
been the campaign song entitled. . "Get
Klght With J"d." This song whs composed
by French K. Oliver, ihn ablo asxtstaut of
IJr. Torrey. -and-la being used at-the-nils-sion
meeting and also at '.he different
churches, Sunday schools and young peo
ple'g societies. ..' .
The personal workers' committee, under
the leadership of. Rev. W. 8. Jacoby, has
been conspicuous by Its extreme activity,
and much of the uuccess of the mission can
be asciibvd to the members of this cou uilt
. tee. '
If the success cf tho mission daring the
last week cull be. used as a criteibm It
augurs well tor the three weeks w i.l.-ti are
i.ow before IJr. Torrey aiid his IelLtv , oilers.
church there will be no services In that
church on Sunday; also no Sunday school
or Epworth League service will be held.
The church Joins In the Torrey meetings
In the. afternoon and evening at the Audl
tcrlum. ,
MuMc at the First Congregational, Nine
teenth and Davenport, Sunday morning:
Prelude Andante on a Flain Song
Theme Gutlmi.nt
Anthem t'ome Now and Let Va Reason
.- Together - ..Brant
onvitory Cpj-xona Wolstenholme
Anthem hy Quartet Mv Soul Truly
' W.-ilteth Still upon Und ...Rea
1'ostlude In F Oappelin
Alurtln . Hush iirraM.t' Tp. n In..l
man, director.
Music at the First MethodlHt church:
Quartet Praise the Ixrd. O My Soul....
Q Elliott
Mrs. Harry jennlson.
Response All Things Coin of Thee
Quartet , Jesus, Lord Most Merciful..
No evening; service.
Beginning December 2 Rev. Newton Mann
win give at l uity church on alternate Sun
day mornings a course of lectures, begin
ning the course with an Introductory din
course on "The Sympathy of Religions," of
which the succeeding lectures will be a de
tailed application.
of Wayno will deliver a eulogy and Super
intendent E. B. Stevenson of Kansas City,
Mo., will give a few personal reminiscences
of the dead superintendent, who waa held
In great esteem.
The Brotherhood of the Third Treaby
terlan church will hold a meeting at 12:13
to listen to a report of the Presbyterian
Brotherhood convention held last week at
Indianapolis- A. D. Schermerhorn was
present at the convention and will speak
to the members of the church brotherhood.
A special musical program will be ren
dered at the Kountse Memorial Lutheran
church. Twenty-sixth arAl Far nam alreets,
at 10 JO a. m., as follows:
Quartet The King of Love Shelley
Solo The Penitent
Mr. Henry Heldloff.
Polo Thy ill Be Done
Mr. Moore.
On nftojnt
new Li. 4 r.
of !
.1 r and d-. .
ti. V
Memorial services will be held at the Dil
lons hotel at i p. m. by the members of the
Atiif-ncan Sunday School union now as--
., )-.-. d for the third annual convention of
t. . ..ttor.. The services will be In
. . . e' !ste r. O. Ensign, formerly
i uf th union. j, b. lauug
Music, at First Baptist church, under di
rection of Miss Margaret Boulter, organist:
Prelude Silas
Anthem Praise the Lord O Jerusalem..
Organ Offertory 'Wolstenholme
Anthem Selected
Mrs. L. T. Sunderland, soprano; Mr. J.
McCreary. tenor; MUs Alice M. Faw
w cett, contralto; Mr. E. E.
Gray, bass.
Postlude Markel
,o evening service.
The address to have been given by Hon.
O. M. Hitchcock Monday evening before the
Young Men's Christian association on
"Everyday IJfe In Washington," has been
postponed on account of the Torrey meet
ings. At- St. Mary's Avenue Congregational
church Thanksgiving service will bo held
tomorrow (Sunday) at 10:30 a. ni. The lol
lowlng program of special Thanksgiving
iiiuhIi- has been prepared by Mr. Kelly and
the choir:
PioccsNional Hymn "Come. Ye Thank- ,
fill people. Come" Sir George Ktvcy
The 'nnti-U-"Pralse the Lord. O My
Soul (P. ion Henry Smart
Hvinn "iod Bless Our Native I.and"..
Anthem "Praise Ye the Lord for Ilia '
Ooodnoss" , Dr. Gurrctt
(Mens Voices. Women's Voice and
Full CholrV
Choral Response "Sing Alleluja Forth"
Dr. W. II. Monk
Offertory Anthem "I raise the Iinl, O
Jerusalem" Hev. K. V. Hall
iHolo in the Anthem by Mr. Kel'yl.
Rec s.ional Hymn "On Our Way Re-
jolilr.g'' Thomas J. Kelly
I Kimn led on a Theme from Handel).
There will be no vesper service.
The feast of 8. Cecelia will be solemnly
celebrated tomorrow at St. Cecilia church.
Fortieth and Burt streets, at the 10.30 mass.
The mass will be a solemn high mass, of
which the i;elbrant ' will be Right Rev.'
Monsignor Colanert, V. a.; deacon. Rev.
Peter McLaughlin; subdeacon. Rev. James
Dobson; master of ceremonies. Rev. James
Aheme. Right Rev. Bishop Scannell wUl
preside, at the . throne. . asalsted by Very
Kv. John Jocuett a it;.lf ut priest. Rev.'
John T. Smith and Rev. D. W. Morlarty
as deacons of honor. Father Smith will
preach the sermon. The regular choir
composed of the following members: Misses
Mae O'Brien, Sophia Shirley, Orace Lowe,
Anna' Parks. Mary McStrawick, Anna
Welch., sopranos; Mrs. F. J. Morlarty and
Miss Loretto Mulirk. contraltos; Messrs.
Joseph Doyle, J. O'Connell, tenors, and
Messrs. Mark Martin and Charles O'Malley,
baritones will render Zangl's "Festival
Mass." arranged according to the recent
Instructions of the holy father on church
music. Mrs. J. A C. Kennedy will direct
the choir and Miss Ixra Cushlns will pre
side at the orgnn.
Y. W. C. A. oles.
Theie wiil be no December meeting of the
membership and devotional committees on
account of the Torrey mission.
Beginning with Tuesday of next week a
noon prayer meeting for women will be held
at the rooms from 12.30 to 1. This will bo
In connection with (lie Torrey mission.
In order to give the members of the
clahses an opportunity to attend all cf the
meeting conducted by Dr. Torrey, no reg
ular class work wlil be done by the B hie
classes during tho mission except by Miss
Felt's Wednesday evening class. This class
clows ut 7:l!i and will continue to meet as
At the request of those in charge of the
Torrey meetings the lunch committee bus
decided to serve Mipier every evening ex
cept Kundav. The hours are .i:;i t 7.
No meals will be rerved Thanksgiving d.iy.
but the rooms will bo opr n from 3 o'clock
until time for the evening service at the
On account' of the Sunday afternoon serv
ice at tho Auditorium in connection wiih
the Torrev mission there will be n gospel
services at the rooms until after I tec-ember
10. The rooms will be open Itelween tn
afternoon and evening services to accom
modate those who wlsn ro remain uown
town for evening service.
Miscellaneous Airrutsli
Bethany Branch School. First Baptist
Church, S3 Ixavenwm h 3 p. m.
Church of the Covenant. Twenty-seventh
and Pratt. Hev. H. T. Bell, Pastor Serv
ices at lu.30 and 7 90.
Church of tlie Living God, College ball.
Nineteenth and J'aruani "Millennial
Dawn" Btble study at J p. m.
Grand View Raptiat .Sunday School.
Fourth and Cedar. U. D Middlsou, Sup
erintendent Meets at S:20 p. m.
( alvary Baptist Branch. Thirty-fourth
and Seward Bible school at 130 p. ui ;
Friday, at I p. in., gospel service.
First. Baptist. Tenty-ninth and Harney,
Rev. J. W. Conley, D. It . Pastor Services
at 10.3 a. m stiiuon-.' Ut'.Cm Right ith
God." Sunday school a: noon. No evening
Unity, Seventeenth and Cass, Rev. New
ton Mann, Pastor Sevvices at 10:50, ser
mon, "The Human Brotherhood;" Sunday
school at noon.
People's Church Rev. E. H. Turner of
Tipton, will preach; morning subject,
"."hrist frueiiieu; Ptof. Merles will have
charge of ih music.
Parkvale Congregational, Thirty-first
and Gold Rev. Herbert L. Mills will
preach at 4 p. in.; Sunday school at 2
p. m. ; Christian Endeavor at 6 p. m.
Swedish Methodist. Nineteenth and Burt,
Peter Munson, Pastor Tho pastor will
preach at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in.; Suiiuny
school at 10 and Epworth league meeting
at ti:30.
MoCabe Methodist Episcopal, Fortieth
and Farnam Preaching In the morning at
11 by the presiding ol Jer. Dr. William
Gorsc. communion serrice to follow. No
evening service.
Seward Street Methodist Episcopal, Twenty-second
and Seward. J. F. Pouclier. Pa"-
tor. Preaching in ihe morning al lo.lal;
subject, "A New Commandment ," Suuiiey
school at nonu.
'German Evangelical Lutheran,' St. Paul's
Church, Tttenty-elgutli and Parker. Rev.
11. Hollo, Pintor Hegular service at
10 n. in., subject, "Conio to Jesus;" no
evening service.
First ' Presbyterian, Seventeenth and
Dodge, Edwlir Hart Jeiik.". D. D.. Pastor
Morning service. lo:0; subject. "Chrislian
Prerogative;" Christian Endeavor, ti p. in.;
Sunday seljool at mMin.
Plymouth Congregational. Twentieth and
Speiver. Hev. Frederh k W. Leavitt. Mln
iter Preui hltiK servi'-e ut 10:3o; Suialiy
school at in mi ; morning sermon topic, "i
Will:" no evening meetings.
St. Paul Episcopal. Thirty-second and
California, Rev. K G. B. Browne. Priest
in Cbatge -Holy Eucharist i a. m.; Kuti
duy scleiol ut u. in.; Ilolv Eu harlst
and sermon ut 11 a. in.; evensong ut T.lj
p. m.
Third PreJiylel lan. Twentieth nnd Ix"v
enworth The Lord's supper will be ob
served at lrt:."t: men's prayer leeeting at
1010; Sabhalh school nt i, Chrlstiun Kn
deavor at t; evening services al the Au
dlturium. First Christian. Nineteenth ar.d Fanium,
Rev. S. D. Duleher, Pastor Bible school
at 9:4.1 a. m : preaching by Ihe pastor at
11 a. in., subject, "Chi 1st the Way. the
Truth and the Lifej" Christian Enieavor
at :30 p. in.'
Flirrt Church of Christ. Scientist. Twn-ty-tirst
and Farnam Sunday school at
k:4-" a. m.; Sunday here. re ai lis in an i
1 p. m.;-subject of lesson sermon, "An
cient and Modern Necromancy, or, Mcs-
me rl ttm and 1 r pnttlsm."
Immanuel Baptist. Twenty-fourth and
Binney. Rev. Philwtus H McDowell. Pas
ty,r Morning ser.-io at 1't svi-non topu-.
"To Please G1d Ihe Purpose of Lite,"
Btt.Je vhvKtl at uoub with skwit vsngell'i'.le
services: no evening service during the
Torrey mission.
St. Mark's English Lutheran. Twenty.
flrr and flurdcite. Groh. Pastor Serv
ice Sunday at 10:4 a. in..- "The Highest'
Form of Jtuman Lire ; nunoay scnooi at
noon. No service In the evening. All go to
the Auditorium meeting.
Calvsrv Baptist, Twenty-fifth and Ham
ilton, Rev. E. R. Curry, Pastor Service at
10:30 a. m., conducted by (he pastor;
Bible school at 1- m. ; no evening service,
the congregation uniting In the Torrey
mission at the Auditorium.
First Congregational, Nineteenth and
Davenport Th pastor. Rev. Htilmrt C.
Herring, D. D., will conduct the service
at JO-.So s. m.; no evening service; Sun
day school at 12; Christian Endeavor at
k jo n. in. Strangers Invited.
i Knox Presbyterian, Corigr
on i Ohio. Hev. M.
Morning worship nt J0-S0: Sunday school at
iioon; our,g -oph s meeting 5, Wi:ird
i MrEacbron, lender: No evening services
' .... iimnl
school at noon; Epworth league at 5:30; no
ftreachiug service in the evening, as all are
nvlted to the Torrey meeting at the Audi
torium. Hillside Congregational. Thirtieth ang
Ohio. Rev. Herbert L. Mills, Pastor A .
Sheldrlck of Ixindon will preach at lt:Jf
when he will tell of Dr. Torrey'g revlvaig
In England. Wales nnd America, and also
will address the Sunday school at noon;
no evening service.
Orace Lutheran, Twenty-sixth and Top
p)enn. Rev. M. 1 Mellck. Pastor-Services
at 10:(fi, subject. "Christ Is the True
Helper;" no church At night: Sunday school
at 1- If) and Luther le.iguo at tt;.C4iachumens
end inquirers taught by the pastor ou Fri
day at 4 p. m. ; all welcome.
Grace Bartlst, Tenth and Arbor, Rev.
B. F. Fellman, Pastor 10:4S. morning
sermon. hlch is Jours, Sin a Wages or
on acco'int of Torrey mission
Clifton Hill Presbyterian. Forty-fourth
end Grant. Rev. R. L. Purdy, pastor
Morning service at 10:30, preaching by the
oastor;' Sunday school at noon; the voting
; people s society will meet Willi that or the
i First church; no evening servic e, j
I St. Mary's Congregational. St. Murv's I
Avenue anil Twenty-seventh Street Morn- I
, Ing worship at 10:30 o'clock, sermon by i
i the pastor. R-v. L. O. Bilrd: Huiidiv!
scnooi at noon , special i iisnKKgivmg tnnsic
x-i.., . . i sermon. v men is i o
Higbee. Pastor- ' "" l,";T "noay scnooi at noon;
prayer meeting at ft p. m.; no evening
servtco ou account of Torrey mission.
Central Fnlted Presbyterian. Twentjr
fourih and I lodge. Rev. R. B. A. McUrlde,
D. H.. Pastor Morning worship at lu., .
s. rmon by tiie pastor; subject. "iHtubtlng
Thomas, the Reason and the Cure of His
Doubt;" Subttath school at noon; no even
ing service on account of the Torrey mis
sion. Ch irch of St. Philip the Deacon, Rev.
John Albeit Williams. Priest lu Charge
n. ie communion ut 7:0 and It a. in.;
mt:ns ami Sunday school ut 10 a. no.
I evensonR ami sermon ut x p ni.;
H-pie, morning, 'ainering i p mih rrtg-
! imJor tl.A rllre.Mintl nt' 1'lioitifla I Wall.-
i CastAllar Street Presbyterian, Sixteenth
land Cuxtellar. Rev. Waller H. H:-,iiold.
I Pastor At l:i the juistm will preach;
; Sunday si at noon, chapel echo .1 a.
'3 P. in ; no evening services, as ihla
church unites In the Torrey mission at ino
j Auditorium.
Lowe Avenue Presbyterian -There will
'be a union service Sundae morning at
.lO AO with the Walnut Hill MMmdUt ,
I Episcopal church. Forty -first and Cl aries, ,
conducted by Charles hitler, the sinter for,
tlie Torrey mission; Sunday school ut' same
1 place at 3 p m.
Trinity cathedral. Cardiol Avenue nnd t
Eighteenth. Very ltv. tieorge A. Heccla " 1
lan Ilolv coininunlcn at s n. in.; In-
l.ltsl at 9:15 a. m.;
aim mnie cias at i.o a. . m ! . . Thsnksirivlns relations arc
i.i.vrr n,l sermon at 11: even Us i.iavn' ,,,,r 1 hanhsgiv ing r. lations an
and sermon at i .'.
Man's Perplexity
, inents of Llfa;" evening.
i i;.,i 3 ourtorittnity.
' llundeo Preebv tei lan. Fiftieth and I ndci -j
wood Avenue. Thomas T. Hunter. Ptitor -I
Morning worship, 10 ::ai ; evening serk'ic.- '
, iunp.iin"d for tto Torrey il ls-Ion; Suhhatii
a.-hool hi noon: Junior Endeavor at .!:.'
j p. m.; Sin lor Kjidea,or unites Hh tiisl of
i the First prcsli) to'i.'in i hurcli, ! v e:ileenu
i and 1 odse, . I ti p. 'i:i.
I , ,
I RINGS Kr'nxer,! ir.ilv anu n-slae.
IhaaUsglvlait utrs from IKIItllte.
We return thanks for two turkeys stnl
Sunday srw)l i th(. ,.,n flf iV; , ;,ln,.r eoi with.
nl-irr lil
on I'very lealo; bin. a the scliedu!"' an
iti't 5-i
Second Prusbv It rlan. Twenty fourth mil : days behind, we ie iu hopes ih.-
Nicholas. Rev. Newman Hail Hurdo k. n,.re j., j,.)t. or tu-ke"
IPZ'ltfl iZZ lMvlce ! These .ndlan sum,;,: ,- days are so stli;
.at Ui no evening service on account of T.r- I Wore uflahl to s. uerte 1'ie .anle on a e f
i rey mlswiun. The voc al quartet will luvr Vll. 4p lar for t m be ll holier I n I eiounl,
ichsrge of the mus.c. j fo lt1ruc, ur f . f. ,u ;ili , r. .lUo, s.
n:1lZh':iit i.'t k,,'. .,.,. r , e,e, ha, (,.
! 1'Msior At lu:lii Ihe Una Avenue Pieaov- enonyh or nol. as we ut.- ellll V-!wl:;t t'i
J terlau congregation joins with this otiuidi Coi and ih . i' cp e i ','r il 1 i ' Hi a:i j ti.
In a union evangelist service under tlir rilr ... . ... . ,. ,,i . , ,
reel ion ot Charles Butler of ibe 'I'dTiy . i.. it--' l'r'" . ... v. !
; ivm; brlri your Revival n; .ui.