Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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-7"" .Vo'
' - - ai I
Tffie Dress Suit
', lin A. Frank Taylor , .
I A George paving town?
He certainly la noti
ileorge Is golnn to Old Dr. Oouv- to'
his ault pressed That Is all.
Ocorne hol'ls n Dress Suit Cose Parade
Onee every W eek.
For ort;e has to put up the givcll Front
.'it bis fliiPlness and he bus Two Suits to
l!nrk',iip!- hla 'Mruve HIulI
And, if t Jeort') ever mtsoM his Weekly
-tit (o Old lr. (loose If ho has to wear
1lt ciiMue Suit Two Weeks In ltaptd ."Suc
tkm'' ' It koc Into the Colin ci! MlnMn-l
Buincsii rtif lit . away the t.'oat Collar gvts
'ho Ya s wliutever that Is uud spreads
away from (.leorgc a neck. The Left Lapel
4 decides that the, rest if the Coat Is not
, -J tsirrwl form which Is not far wronar anil
3 "I'"" ,0 Hreak away while the Kle( ves
' twist - and loxik knock kneed and the
, TVoiisers droop sud-eyed at the Knees.
pi Theii's . wlien (leorge ees the I!ot look
;it hli flantwl. ,
jji -Ami those Hlnntwlse (ilances iiHiiully
preure ..- Jlejivy llp in the price of
lieorgo's- Miliary.
i ,
It costs George about the price of a
Hood Suit every year to keep up bis Swell
-And have the proper creases In his two
yapr of Trousers nnd keep hla two Coats
looking as tliouch they wero made for Jllm
and not for Ids t'nele Hill who ovnis a
Farm up Country and doesn't care a (Josh
Durn about Clothes anyhow.
And It's nil because Oeorsre's Rults Were
if i-ut wrong In the First Vlacc und made
wrOna In the Second Plate.
j Ant " W-ito So 8hapeleis and Peculiar
V that even the Woman who Scrubbed out
the Tailor Shop nearly laughed herself
i inta-. a Convulsion when she saw them.
J But the man who made Oeorge's Suits
s warnil going to rip them all up and mane
them over again Not If he knew It.
For that would cost hlni too much Money.
f Ho Moply handed tnm over to um
iKie.tor (loose The Hot Flat Iron.
) Arid, In the Wink of an Kye almost, the
ll Peculiar (Curves were pressed out Here and
There the extra Cloth was shrunken In
J where It was needed and th Tight places
H Stitched out
And behold (Jeorge's suits looked s If
" they had been properly cut !ind 'propeNS
inuiou ts inev nan Hlinpe wtvle and Fit.
" They (yked the Part of Heal Clothes -all
? P.ight. . ;
' Hrtt Ihe "Make, believe.-. Shape-Style ami
. Fit faded away In a mighty short linn
- -Vor J,,',i ,'r"b.
'!? vAnd Oeogr soon j onimenced fila wekly
urees tstllt Case i'aradc to Old Dr.- Otiose.
Now, wn're telling you about Oeorge'and
His Dress Vult Case I'arade
' Because nearly ?n per cent of all Clothes
pre simply rak-a into shape by the Hot
.Hat Iron Old Dr. Goose as George's were.
And because we. muke ".Sincerity
. rlothea" -
i , Whlrli" are NOT nienly pressed into
. Htiape resemblance ...
), But mhlcli are honestly Shaped' by the
..'.'eedl. .. -. ,. :.- - ., , .
. '.' Kvt-ry , defi t In "Sincerity Clothes" Is
,. ,arefully luvestlgated and p.rnvanunily ad-
Justed by genuine nt edle work Instead of
th cheap and temtwrarv F:H Iron.
l "Wrreerlty Clothes" will, tit 'Well and hold
their Shape with one-tlfth the "Dress Suit
"M!ase Parade" HusineHa a.nother milr nnii
'ii iook nair jiereni.
f 't ' -And to .-Fellow who bravely"", want ;to
"' i-etl5 urf tlir "Swell Front'' this feature la a
. . i 'i.n a ! H ui-a linn
f1' Therefore lf you want to drop out of the
i. ("I'arade" und Wear Clothes that are Kln
. -C eerely and Honestly well made from en
I'tlng to rl 1 1 1 nil 1 1 1 wr. Imk for the label of the
Sincerity ctollners on
yyur next suit or
i ivi"coat. "
r . i our up-ni-iniie loeui ucairr win forry
W"Hlnoerlty "Clothes."
t v l'h label teuds thin way;
rTha Ever-Ready Electric Vest
Pocket Light
Zi. This vr-rdy light la not a toy. It
1 V gives Instant light. No chemicals, oil,
I tinoka or odor. No heat, tnstehss, trouble
"tor danger. Cannot b blown' out by tbo
V wind. Many used aboui ths house at night.
i.-Jk child caa operate ths Evry-Ready Vast
J- li-otkst flash Ugt
?izt Complete, 75c.
Northwestern Universi
ty of ChlcafO, says: "I
fullr believe that the
moderats use of good
ber at msal times acta
as a tonic, and is there
for useful to adult per
sons." Bton Bw 1a ths em
bodlmsnt of th doc
tor's Ida of good beer.
Tan order a casa sent
noma today and drink;
It with your meals. It
will not only add aest
to tha meal, but It will
build you up. Try K.
Stora Brewing Co
.. Omaha, Vi
ffic and Infirmary. Stb and Vlasoo Sis,
. gitAllA. JN4f. Tsleyhon Harney IJ
j UjtUrj Ooncernine Hi Identity is in
I Measure tlreu Up.
While Irl Medical Marient II Was
Arrrmrd nn the hare of t.rave
Hnhbrrr-State tiets I. ft In
Draining- Lrfike Beds.
( I'miii a Staff Correspondent. J
lM MOINKS, Nov. 24. (Special.) Mys-
t '.hut hus enihrouded Dr. C . H. HolT
I m ii, fur Home jmrs an Instructor In
bi.tke Medical school In this city, and :
thought by some to bo (Jrown Trlnce Uan
dolph of Austria, who haa been missing for
years, has been partly cleared. Hoffman's
rent name Is Carl-Kndllch. This discovery
is made at Klrkvllle, Mo., where the man
teis boeii teaching In the osteopathic col
.gu and from which city he has all at
onoe disupieared. letters and papers
i:il h he left behind In his hasty depar
ture disclose the information which has
been given out by his wife at Kliksvllle.
Mrs. Huffman was a nurse In tha Mount
Pleasant Insane hospital when Hoffman
was confined there and fhe nursed him
then. Their marriage in Ibirllngton. Ia.,
followed. 1 tollman's, or F.ndlich's parents
reside now at Karlsruhe, Germany. It ia
i . .,. ,.-.,, ..o.,r that be was '
Imnv d fritm Hoffman s papers that be was
loicen if; leave ui'hiihuj-. .m. n"
uys that he disclosed to her at one time
that as a medical student, he assisted other
students In rohhlng a grave and was ar
rrstrd nnd for this lft Germany, the pun
ishment being v long term of Imprison
ment, lleyond the disclosing of the name
and the fact that his parents nnd u brother
and sister are still living In Germany, lit
tle Is known of. Hoffman now that was
not known before. From the letters it is
known that the brother Is even now In
trouble In Germany. It Is stated that Dr.
Hoyt of Mount Pleasant, was made n oon
tblent by Hoffman. Hoyt Is now dead.
Two other persons In this country are
aid by .Hoffman's wife to know the se
crets thatJie refuses to tell, but she doe
not know who they are. nor their where
. . Requisition for Shndden.
A requisition for John Rhadden. wanted in
Woodbury county for the theft of a team
of horses and buggy and harness, was is
sued today from tho office of Governor
Cummins on the governor of Missouri.
Different Policy on Ik.
No more lako bed will be appraised
while they are under wuter, according to
a decision of the executive council. It has
been discovered that land under water In
the lake beds Is usually appraised at about
11.25 an acre and when the lake is drained
at an expense of $25 or . i nn acre the land
is worth $70 an acre, hut under the ap
praisement the state gets only the l.2o
appraised value. Rush lake, lArd lake
and Sand Hill lako were ordered drained
by the executive council. Appraisers were
ordered to value the land tuyl pu. it at
ttSS an acre; 'It was'tneri Under water, tait
ordered drained
I nder the law the ail-,
jelnlng land owners ran 'Complete; all fnrty
acre traots at the appraised value and this
took almost ail the lake beds. The result
Was that the suite got next, to nothing.,
Insurance Companies Raise Kates.
Practically every Are Insurance iigpnt-ln
the eity of De Moines has been' notified
to 'write Insurance only on the Bennett
rstltiuitcs which are made by W. C Ben
nett of Cedar Rapids and were the basis
of the old trust or combination rates
broken up by the Blancharu law. These
letters to Des Moines agents Instruct them
that they are Joslng money , otv the Do
Moines business. Since the action of the
supreme court; which held- tha state law
3hRtltutlonnl nnd the looal Insurance board
was broken up. Insuranre rates have gone
down from 10 to 6rt per cent In Des Moines,
One Insunin. e company Informed Its agent
tin., other day that. unle, lie adhered here-
rnftir to' the Bennett- rates-. the roinpany
would close up lt Des Moines office.. An-
other wrote that It had received from Its
Des Moines agency ?a;.900 In premiums and
had paid out In expenses and losses for
this business 1-14.0.4. From the- action ol this city and which elected lain vice presl
th. rnmiunlf. In Ih.1.1 nntlfvliiu- fhelr n-f.iil. . dent of tho organization from Iowa.
It Is expected that, the old high rates will
Immediately be put In. ' Jt is the opinion
of lawyers furthermore that the anti-compact
law will not reach the matter, as the
companies to all Intents and punses are
ictlng independently.
Swift's. Caae viitn, Jarr.
The case of. Rev.' John H. Swift of Wln
terset was given to the Jury in the federal
court this; afternoon. ' In Instructing the
Jury Judge Bmlth, McPherson told the
jury that he had serious doubts If a pas
tor was 'trying to reform a church when
he spoke' ot a- woman member as ''Poor
Old Net; she got her tall' over the lines
und how. she did kirk.
But In the next
breath the court Instructed the Jury that
the pastor's methods In dealing with his
church were not on trial and that the sole
question for them to decMe wa whether
he hu4 . written and malfrd. through the
Lnlted tntes malls, a letter attempting
to extort nion-y. The court further, and
at some length, scored the preacher . for
his methods.
Honeymoon Kullons Uaarrel.
11. C. Hathaway, tn chsrge of the mail
agents on the Mllwaukeo railroad, and
his bride are off on a honeymoon, following
a quarrel and- an attempt of the wife to
commit suicide last night. A quarrel en-
sued and wife ordered Hathaway from
the room. She then hoisted a bottle of
carbollo acid and swallowed it. Hathaway
heard" her screams, and. rushing back,
lurceu uci u iksiiuh iwo raw eggs ana
toaay tney are en tor a honeymoon trip.
Colonel Palmer Hobbed of f.V.
Colonel D. J. Palmer of Washington la
state railroad commissioner, was robbed
of at theX K.rkw.xKi. bote, last nigh,
This morning h. caused the arrest of Sam-
uel Mentke and William Owens, two bell
bovs. In the Docket of one wa fnnmi .tia
- - - -- .
and a small amount In the pocket t the
other. '
Bl Case May Be Settled.
MARSHA LJVTOWN, la., Nov. 24. (Spe
cial.) A settlement of the paving difficulty
lie twee nth city, 260 property owners and
the Barber Asphalt Paving company, which
involves asphalt paving of a value of 1150..
OuO and which has been In various stages
of litigation. Is on the verge of being
made. From private sources) It Is learned
that the Barber Asphalt company will
erva notice on th city and the properly
owners Interested that It will accept the
property owners' offer of settlement. This
settlement Is based on an extnslon of the
time guarantee of the paving company, an
Increase of W per cent in its guarantee
bond, th i-aytnent ot all court costs, which
have been advanced by property owners
vt have sought relief through the courts,
and other lesser considerations. Th stip
ulation of settlement, - which 'was formu
lated and presented too the company six
months ago, was signed by 2f property
owners, who waived their right to bring
additional suits baaed on alleged dcfuctlve
pavement, and agreed to withdraw suits
already pending.
Workmen Want Store Pa.
MARSHALL,TOVVN, Ia.. Nov. 21. (6e
eiul.l A committee representing th va
rious detainments othe local car shops
i f the Iowa Central has under course of
preparation a new wag.) schedule, to be-
com rlTecMvewlth tho expiration of tho ni'
rtnw operative, wlilch mil In- 1'irinih'r 1.
In which ith rnmmlttrp will demand nn
lncren.e of piiy of 85 rent (v Any. The
lncrenje Is to lio asked for nil branches
of labor, anil If granted will anVct Hlxmt
125 mm. Recently thp company advanced,
upon rcciuent, tirn In othir department
of the local shop.
Iowa ws otv.
PPIM1T LAKE Peth FlnnckitiK, the boy
who no mysteriously red a wfk
ago, has been IochI'iI. Th boy wa found
at the home of a furincr. where ho hail
asked for shelter, lie clxlmcd that he ha1
lecn til treated rv the people wnn wnn n
he had been HvInK and that he m (coin
away. The bov rpftfes to reuirn to nn
former home and will probably bo put in
care of some state Institution. ,
wiTrmK.nm. , .hell, engineer Ht !
- .
the AVaterloo t'andv comriiny a plant, was
caiiRht In a loose belt yesterday afternoon
and whirled around
rapidly revolving
phiift for the upace of a minute before the
machinery could be stopped. He suffered a tomato uouuion, l"c, hot clam bouillon
1.,1 fracture of th l..ft ferenrm n mi a.'l"Ci Hot llilCKen bouillon, 10c; Hot bell leu
number of bad bruises. Intetis" Internal
pains have caused his friends much uneasi
ness. It Is thought he will recover,
CF.NTEKVII.LF-Alec Hong, while In the
presence of his father In their room, be
came suddenly demented and attempted tn
tak" his own life by the use of his pocket
knife. A I .out six years ago he Was kicked
by a mule and since that time hah shown
symptoms of Insanity. He was to be taken
(toon to n medical Institute In Chicago for
treatment, lie will recover foni his sell'
Inflicted wounds unless complications set In.
. Smith, colored., accused of
breaking Into a boxcar on tho Northwestern nt M rl Vallev. was releaaed
irneks" nt Missouri Vallev. waa releaaed
I after ;v trial lusting several days. Vfon his
release he was arrested in the court room
for another offence and his attorney was
fined J.'nl for contempt of court on account
or acuoilS 111 mis lime. i lie muiiiiv;
Mg lMfpr h( Jure of (he p,,are
turned the colored client loose on the sec-
ond arrest. Court adjourned, Saturday aft- tne ecus hy molasses, tine or tho pria
ctnoon for the term. oners tipped it off to Jailer Gallup.
Drm'Q.l"K-Mrs. McCrse of Chicago, a ' Sea .the new wall ' decoration ai W. 8.
landscape gardener, has Just enmple.ed her Hewetfon's. M irnila, tho anuiitie designs
task In this city and has departed for her ami coionngs. Cot in es a nil Irani. ng. Haw
next slonnlna tilaec along the Milwaukee your pictures framed ready tor A mas. A
line to continue he rwork. The woman oo-
rupvlng this unliiie position ts employed by
the' Milwaukee railroad for the purixise of
going over Its lln" nnd superintending th
laving out of mlnlatu e parks around Its
station houses. Mrs. McCrae is a graduate
of an eastern horticultural school, and Is
one of the brightest persons In that Hue of
(Continued from Tenth rage.)
reconciling the family and all three left
tho court room smiling and evidently on
the best of terms, but the revolver was
confiscated. It was alleged that Mrs. Mc
Muul hail iiunil Him weniM-in somewhat nro-
mlscuously in backing up her end of the
All sizes of slorm doors, storm sash,
storm windows and weather strips, at Geo.
Hogeland s.
' Men's felt lined overshoes, $1.30. Men's
Boston pure gum overshoes, $1.50. Duncun
& Dean, 33 8. Main.
If vour shoes need repairing bring them
to us. We tlx them while you wail. Sur
gents family shoe storV.
We have ordered l.') gallons of solid
packed oysters for Thanksgiving. Central
Grocery and Meat Market.
Before bujling a gas or electric portable
cull and see o ir line. New, up-to-date und
prices are right. W. A. Maurer
A beautiful and ornamental gas burner,
the Welsbach chick lamp, complete, fl.lS.
Stephan Bros., Dl West Broadway.
tilrk(,vfi geese. ducks and chickens. J.
Zoiler Mer. Co., ino-l'C-lo Broadway..
Winter term Western Iowa Collcgo opens
Monday, Dec. 3. Send for catalogue.
'Phone for Information. Both 'phones.
Take a look ' In our window at Fink's
granite self-hasting roasters: four sixes,
$1.$6. $2.00. $2.26. $2.50. Swaitie ts. Muuer, 3Jti-
mT 'e" .1?r,"?w?' - . ,. ., .
$!0: tove. Id; rags, I'.c pr lb.; rubber,
ry; copper. MC per . . . . rvaie.i.m.i, o".
Manl, both phones 0.
A rare chance to huy rasnioniinie tailored
ult for women. The regular lli.fti) nil
valuen on ut for only i.w. Kecond nunr,
suit sec. The John Beno Co.
Jacob Btelnrt and Rate Stelnert, a youns
Connie from KumioII, Kitn., and flrnt couhIiih,
1 were inarTled In this city yesterday, Juxiice
1Ti..l,L tiurl'iirmlnff t liA mmniiinv
, xl)ankBKiving u not complete unless vou
1 t,Ve a box of bon bons we have the best-
or a pound or two of our pure nome-nwUe
; candy. Mucel 218 V Hroadway.
LP".,.",.: SiM'.'r ',E
ij'.ure of Monday afternoon at the residence
of Mrs, T. N. Petersen, 6i2 Fourth street.
i . Colonel W. K. IWiker arrived home yester
day trom Kansas City, where he attended
at delegate from the Commercial club of
Colonel Baker says there was no truth in
OUor of Indigestion, Smoking,
Drinking or Eating Can Ue
Instantly Stopped.
OUier peoiile notice your bud breath
! where you would not notice it at all. It
' """""a trcwpiv iu auuiu up
1 them a whiff or two of your bad breath.
( It usually cornea from food fermenting
I nn V n 1 1 h .ImMaoli IS. n.l im.a .n,i k. .. . . .,
! u in tn, mwnlnBut awful '.our, ba.
lou, bratu. lt)U Q lh,t
onc vy .wuowlii one or two BiUa,
charcoal Lotenges, tbs most powerful
lias and odor auaorbers ever piepdred.
I 8i.mtU.ii en your meals will leveal lunrn-
j lve" 'our bra" to those who talk
i wll!l ou- "Vou v Oulous," or
I ' 'ou'v bcen tln eabbage." aud all of
' udJn '0l btlcu ia tn of your
1 ir""L cbrtol u huerrul baorber
' odr,- ,a V?T' 0,n,I kno-
SfES. anSST. 00
ou, fouus. or gas from Indigestion
j n,,Dt UBe breath, perfumes. They never
I conceal the odor, and never absorb the
. gas thut causes th odor. Besides
very fact ot using mem reveal, th nasou
for their ua. Siuarfg CWcoal Uugt
for tneir us. Biuart Charcoal Loseuat
' lu (he flr1 plac "lop for oou Ji sour
' uri"n 'lJ belculu ot " nutk your
, Jac, away lrom you wn. yu JrS
. talK your br-iU wiu be " r
. . .
4UU ucsiu" iuuu wm taste so much
utuer to yuu at your uexi u.t.l. juat lry
Charcoal does other wonUerrui things,
too. It carries away from your stomach
and luustiiies, all th Impurities there
massed together and which causes th
bad breath. Charcoal la a puriner as well
aa an absorber. .
Charcoal is now by far the bast, most
easy and mild laxalivs known. A a bole
boxful will do no barm; In fact, the mor
you tak th better. Stuart s Charcoal
Uosenge ar mad of lur uioW tlJ(lr.
coal and mixed with Just a faint flavor
of honey to mak them palui.o.. tor you.
but not too wet. you Just chew them
Ilk cautly. They are absolutely harm
less. Get a uew, pur, sweet breath, freshen
your stomach, for your next meal, nd
keep tha lutestina In ood working order.
These two things ar the secret of gUod
bealih and long lite. You can get all th
charcoal necessary to do thts wonderful
but 'tnply things by Cttln( Bluart
Charcoal lxxengs. W want you te
lest these lull wonder woraeis yourgeV
befor you buy them. So stnd us your full
nam and address for a tree sample ot
Eturat's Charcoal boaengea Then aier
you ha tried lb sample, and been con
vince! - k to your druggist and get a 2io
box cf them. You'll feci better all over,
p-.or comfortable, and "cleaner" Inside.
Send us your nam and address today
snd w will at one send you by mail a
sample packsge. free. Address F. A.
Stuart Co., su Stuart Bldg, Marshall
Mich. - - ' '
til" press dlfpnli hrs that the proi -eedlnu
'of the rontTTfM cro U'OnlnntiHl l-y ilii.ini
Jei'tilMKs loysn
! Ilih grade (franlte work, from the best
T'.irie imporlid granites, let tcrlnjc, inrM:n
and tr.'teintf I Ine inomiiiieniMl woik
specialty, tjheeley & Lune, i'17 ivist Uroud-
lllchnnl Payne, njreel (j yenrs. died yes
terilnv inoriiiiiff at Mercv hosoital alter fin
illness of three weeks. The Iwnly has tn-en I
taken to v..i,rinwr s iiii.I.m tn k Inn roms I
pending; iirrHiiKcmenls for the funeral.
The Knights and Ladles of Security will
meet this atteriionn at 1 :3i o'clock at the.';
1'esldi'iM'o ot F. l-llslieimcr, b.i: Avenue K, (
to attend in a ImmIv the funeral of the
late Mrs. Kate K. lH.ion. which will beheld
at ii o clock trum the resilience, Ave-
'T . m..r.m.wr. ' r . . A I 1 1 . If.. I. . , t 1.
Olson will be held tills afternoon at i
o clock Irani I lie fiiinily rci.ien.e, 1..LH
Avcnno K, nnd burial will be in riurytew
cemetery. Itev. F. A. I use. pastor of tho
Fust Presbyterian church, will conduct tne
Hoi chocolate, !; hot cofleo, lw: hot
luc; hot luuite.l iiiiik, J'c; hot clam liroth,
loo, and hoi letnonaoe, Hc; L lurks,
lac, served Willi cream and Waters. Clai k
Drug Co.
Your Tlmnksgl Ing dinner will not agree
Willi you unless you sit oown and rest a
few minutes alter cliiiner and hsien to one
ot our Victor or Kdison ta.kmg machines.
We have Hum from io up him most any
kind ot record you want. iliianinon, li
So. Main St.
'IN THAT NliW HOtrK? IF VOi A K I .,
t 1- Ol R HO 1 -A I K G t r.LN 1 I 1. AI,1..
Pltiri-; AND WOKK
F. A. Bi'KNi:t:n. ICo
Thrco steel saws which might have been
used m ittint.icr attempt to break Jail
wtre discoi'ereii at the county imstile ;i
few days ago ly the sherilT s ton e. 1 hey
wero touiui stuck to the ceiling of one of
large tlur ot new mouldings to select trom. j
. S. iiewctson. Masonic Temple. Proud- i
way and Fourth Sis., Council Hluffs.
special meeting of the officers and
trustees of the Associated Charities will he
H til .Monday afternoon at - o rlocg at the j
residence of Mrs. George i'hclps, "itt- Mrsl.
aveiuic. A fuil at tend. nice Is reciuested a-i
tmimrlaut business In connection with the
home lor the I'reci.e Is to be consloered.
Did you ever nutieo If tho giuns on your
Ilcture was null and smoKy ami perhaps
a number of blisters in the glass if
you wunt to show off your pmitres In
proper .style you must have a good clear
glass. We bundle only the nest hlj.-fs
ami caii frame your piciuroa so that tiioy
will Hhow pp to suit your taste. Council
Uluffs l uliH, Oil and Class company, Alui'
nam block.
What Is the ue of buying ready-made
fcults that get out of shae after you wear
tailor-made suit at Hicks' right up-to-date I
In style, a good lit. and lit a very reason- I
able price? One of Hicks' suits wijl out
wear three ready-made Suits and will al
ways look well as long us there Is any
thing left of It. 8eu Hicks about your
clothes-it pays.
Gertrude, the 6-year-old daughter o'Mr.
and Mrs. A. II. Read, SHT Fourth avenue,
died yesterday from pneuinoniii following
an attack of scarlet fever, after an illness
of two weeks. The funeral, which will
Im private, will be held this afternoon at
3 o clock from the family residence and
interment will bo In St. Joseph's cemetery.
The services will he conducted hy Dr. O. O.
Smith, pastor of the First Congregational
Kstlmalcs ure being received by the li
brary hoard trom u number of llrms for
opera chairs for the aiuliiorium of the li
brary building. The board expeeis to pur
chase aboui XJ chairs, and when ihus
equipped the board plans having seveial
pulmc. entertainment, during tin- winter
In the auditorium. It Is possible thut a
small charge Just sutiicient to cover acual
expenses may he made, but this has not
yet been determined. '
The body of Mrs. Emma A. Carroll, wlfo
of J. M. Carroll, who died Friday at Sher
man. Wyo., from blood poisoning after a
weeks Illness, arrived In the city yester
day and was taken to tho reiidc-ni'e of hi;r
father. 1.. 11. .eiusm, 2:tl2 Aventn- L. The
, funerlU wl w Mln,ly fternoon lit
, o t.l,K k from the Free Methodist church.
gtxteeuth street and Avenue H. Deceased
was 'li years of une, and besides her hus
band Is survived, by two sons.
Vfr KxchanKc tof-aire Improved farm In
X. K. Ho. Dakota, 4 inlles from 2 good
rallnwd towns, with a fine 8-room houj.e.
large barn, granary, cribs, well, mill and
t.nihs. 211 acres in cultivation, brfl. in clover
and timothy and iiusture. all cul
tivated. Farms all around uro highly im
proved. iK'ip black soil, everything In good
repair. Price, fcXMX) per acre. Will take
$1U,UW In other property; bul., Jl.imO per
year. I also have 8o acres 12 miles north
of Co. lihuls. 2 miles from station, on ill.
Cen. li. Ii., V acrs In cultivation,- balance
In ciover and tlinnthy hay, all can be cul-
! tlvated; good barn and granary, riot much
i years; will exchange equiiy for i.ittr
property. Address D. H. Kerr, R4i) Kdwj
Co. mutts, ia. Phones 41 1 and 4'ti red.
A pltlnble case of destitution was re
ported to Rev. Henry Di-Iong yesterday
by tho neighbors of Mis. Mrown, who, wlih
six small children, one a haliy i weeks old,
were found almost on the verge of starva-
tiou in a smail hovel near the corner of
Sixth street and Mnth avenue. Jt was
stated that Mrs. Brown hid been evicted
from her former iiome for Inability to pay
the rent, and that with her children she
had sought shelter In the hovel with what
had sought shelter in the hovel
with what few belongings she had
managed to carry with her. The
woman's husband Is said to have
left the clly several weeks ago on a trap
ping expedition, and Mm, Brown has not
received any word from him Hince. Rev.
DeLong provided for the imuniliaie wants
of the unfortunate family and called the
attention of George Miller, overseer of the
poor, lu the case.
Action of Hurlinaton In Rebate Cnae
Puts Commissioner l.aoe
on New Tack.
CH1CA0O. Nov. ;'4. Franklin K, lime of
the Interstate Commerce commission heard
evidence here today regarding the manner
tn which the uggregato line of iU,0uO re
cently assessed ugainst the Chicago, Bur
lington & Qulncy railroad and two of its
officers for rebating was paid. It was
shown that the railroad corporation had
paid the three tines In one check and that
in reality the individuals hud not been pun
ished at all.
Commissioner I-ane stated at the conclu-
1 " " " i..e
! formu,lon for the Purl,tt9e of that
under the present law It was impossible to
reach the officers of the company In a per
sonal manner for any violation of the law
ugainst rebating.
Mlssourtan Says Last Resslosi of
Transnitaslaslppl Congress Was
Urit Kver Held.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 2t. Dsvid R. Fran
cis, the retiring president of the Transmls
slsslppl Commercial congress, before leav
ing for St. Louis early today, said of the
convention Just closed her:
"It was the greatest session of the con
gress ever held. I want to express the
hop that our executive committee may be
successful In selng that our national con
gress executes the many Important recom
mendations made hy this body. I hope to
see the Influence of this congress grow In
the future as It has In the past."
Wireless Message "ays President Is-
Making Good 11m on
"Way Home.
WASHINGTON, Nov. M. The Navy de
partment today received a wlrelesa dis
patch from the battleship Ixiulstana giving
Its location at :30 o'clock this morning &
miles north of San Juan,. This Indicates
that the ship bringing the president home
from his Panama and Porto Rlcan' visit
Is making about fifteen knots an hour, al
though the message apparently was mixed
in sending and is rather confusing to nuval
im X
Vmifm( x:M&ww itf'xy
Ml to
WE have an object In view when we make this offer the most liberal ever made, to buyers of
fine wine. We want you to come In and feet an order of this fine old California Port, knowing;
thai after you have once had it in yotiY home that you will prefer it to all others.
A Decanter of Port Wine Should Be in Every Home.
NothlnK is more exhilarating and beneficial to the general health than a tlass of ri"UK I 'OUT
WIXi:. It tones tho system, clears the blood, arouses the appetite and gives one energy and ambition.
A glass for your friends makes, the evening call a pleasant one.
This fine decanter and bIx glasses will be given free to all who purchase a gallon or more of
Until Thanksgiving Day
Dont forget that we carry the most complete line of
both imported and domestic liquore west of Chicago.
Telephone Your Order.
If It Comes
. i
Further Trouble Threatened in Bun'a if
Government GranU Favor.
ruhlicatlou of Reforms Mr Mark
Final Break. Between Premier
Molypln and Monarcklal
Iart- nt Hoila,
ST. FKTKnSTM'Kfl. Nov. 21 The threats
of the reactionary parties that Jewish mus
sacres will be organized the rights of
the Jews are enlarged are steadily- becom
ing inure definite. The central council of
the Ix-Hgue of the Russian People, claiming
to represent ;t0,ono,0"( people, has issued a
declaration disclaiming responsibility for
the "outrages which may result from the
Just Indignation pro-lured by the enlarge
ment of Jewish rights," and has published
the text of 2n0 Uisputi lies of protest sent to
the emperor from local organizations, of
which the following Is a sample phrase:
It Is dangerous to further test the gen-
I tleness and p.ilicnce of the peaceful Itus-
I si.-in population, wnicn may De lorceo, in
Its defense against the Jews, to overstep
the limits of law and order and resort to
The publication of the reforms Is certain
to result In a final break between the re
actionary und monarchical parties and Pre
mist Stolypln's administration. A curious
story comesi from Vlhra to the effect that
the rabhls of three towns In that vicinity
Interceded for three Jews who, It is us
serted, were Innocently condemned to death
as terrorists. The governor. It Is added,
agreed to spare the lives of the three" men
If the rabbis would take an oath publicly
In the synagogue that they believed tho
condemned men were Innocent. The rabhls
consented end the sentences were com
muted. V
The po'ice today began a general search
of the Okhta quarter of this city, where
two revolutionary arsenals were recently
discovered, and arrested many persons.
Supreme Court of Philippines Derides
Case In Favor of Catholic
MANILA. Nov. it. An Important decision
Just rendered by the buureme court of the
Philippine Islands ousts the Agllpayanos
and the Municipality of Lagonoy from pos
session of the parish edifices there In favor
of the Roman Catholic church.
The decision establishes a most important
precedent, as It affects suits now pending
for possession of about fifty churches seized
by the Agllpayanos.
Lagonoy is a town of 8,500 Inhabitants in
the province of Camarlnes, Luzon, whero
the Agllpayonos, a religious sect, founded
by Agllpay, a Spanish friar, wields consid
siderable power.
Constantinople Think Chief of Secret
Police Sets Bombs to Help
Ills Cans.
CONSTANTINOPLE Nov. 34 -It became
known today that the explosion of a bomb
In the Pera quarter of Constantinople No
vember was a second alleged attempt to
blow up Fehmi Pasha, chief of the secret
police of the palace, whllo he was driving
through the main, street. Two spectators
were injured.
There Is much skepticism as to whether
the explosions were not engineered by
Fehmi Pnsha himself with a view of im
pressing th sultan with his importance us
chief of the palace police and securing a
continuation of Imperial favors.
DIAMONDS Frenrer, 15tl and Dodg.
lirrmn ( uniMloluirr Hrports.
IIKIILIN, Nov. 14. Dr. Theodore Lewald,
the commissioner grnernl cf Uerrnuuy at
the St. I.ouls expticltlun, has Issued his
oftk'lul repot t, It fills an octavo volume of
ni'urly Riy pas-es. Is elaborately Illustrated
and routulns fifty reports of QrrniHa
pf-rlaltsis on different subjects ttl the exhibition.
Decanter and Sx Wine Glasses,
like cut. Free with a Gallon of
S2.50 Per Gallon
75c Per Full Quart
innraMnnni'f? u
U Cy LjU
Perplexing questions on avail
able book space easily solved by
using Globe-Wernicke "Elas
tic" Bookcases the kind that
grows with your library and fits
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Every business man should
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iloSMay laemiMers
Oil Paintings, $5
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VU".Vi3 Colors. $2.50 to
$200. Genuine Artist Proof
Etchings, dlscountg from 10 to 33
jier cent off, $1 to $100. Engrav
ings, American and foreign, at
publishers' prices to close out.
Carbon Photographs, $1 up.
Fpnm0cGold Frame8 for
1 1 (llllCtJ card or cabinet
photographs. Metal Frames In
gold, silver, gun metal. 2c to
1513 Douglas Street.
Ma F
iu 119 S. 14th,
This hand some
Pres-cut Glass
Deliver Promptly.
It Must De
U LU Li ojl
Molding for framing, In natural
wood, In gold, in silver, orna
mental and plain, from 56 per foot
up. -
Come early and get your frames
Wood (o Burn . and
up. All shapes for burning, plain
and stamped, 10c and up.
FOR $7.50
By th: Old Seliable Cr. Seules Scarlet
tatilihed in Omaha for tS ytari. The many thou
sands of tttfl.-B curod by us mtikct us tha most sxpvri
enced (tpfivialists In the Wnl, In all disrascs snd dis
orders of men. We know Just What will cor you
and lUiu quhkly.
f7saf examliitttion and ronsullailon. Writ for
bymptoni blank tor hum treatment.
Cor. 14 h & D.u.lis SU., Oisiti, lei.