Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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nicies Monging in Yoer TIiaitfegMeg Week Shopping Ms! at a Less Price Than Elsewhere
Your Sewing Machine
should need adjusting or
repairing, 'phone Haydou
Bros.' Sewing Machine de
partment, Douglas 2600 and a
competent man will call.
No Charge for Estimates.
Grand Ribbon Sale
Raturdav will p11 staple plain taffeta and fancy fig
ured all allk ribbons at
All 5c Taffeta Ribbons, per yard 2
All 10c Taffeta Ribbons, per yard 5
All 20c Taffeta Ribbons, per yard 10f
All 30c Taffeta Ribbons, per yard l!t
All 40c Fancy Taffeta Ribbons, per yard 20t
All 60c Fancy Taffeta Ribbons, per yard 25
Fancy Boxes of Stationery
About 1,000 boxes in the lot containing two
quires fine cloth finish paper and fifty envel
opes, regular Too value
Saturday, at
Sewing Machine makes a -ool
and useful Christmas gift, and.
purchased on our Club Sale Plan,
can be paid for and you never
miss the amount. Inquire at or
telephone our Sewing Machine
Department. Douglas 2600.
( J
h Our Busy Cloak and Suit Department
Compare these prices, investigate these special offerings,
you'll find them nnappronched in value.
You'll find the greatest assortment ever
shown in Omaha here from which to select.
Children's Rear-skin Coats, values up to $4.00, at,
h $1.08
Infanta' and Children's Coats, regular $5.00 and
$6.00 values, in velvets, bearskins and other fine
materials, all newest styles and colors, special
Saturday at $2.08
Children's Coats, la sizes from 3 to 14 years, in
fine kerseys, friezes and fancy mixtures,, very nob
blest styles, worth up to $8.00, choice. ..$4.05
Sample Coats, made to sell at $10.00 and $12.00,
the Jauntiest new styles, in very finest materials,
about 200 garments to select from, at, choice,
Hy $7.50
Stylish Millinery at $2.98
An immense, purchase of prettily trimmed hats, direct copies of
expensive pattern hats but made of the short, lengths of fine
materials, trimmed with long plumes, fancy feathers and novel
ties, the greatest bargains ever shown in Omaha at f) nn
choice . . JL . UQ
Handsome Trimmed Hats that sold up to $7.50 will
Co in Saturday's sale at, choice $4.98
Children's Bearskin Caps, regular $1.25 quality,
la all colors, with, ear tabs, choice Satur-
y 08
Fancy Feathers, Flowers, etc., at special re-'
iaced prices.
100 elegant Patterns Hats, regular $20.00 and
$30.00 values, will be sold Saturday at, choice,
my $10.00
200 Trimmed Hats will be offered Saturday at,
choice SI. OR
Trimmed Hats that would retail regularly at
60 to $3.00, In Saturday's sale at 75 e
Everything Marked In Ilin Figures Here.
Glove Department Specials
Ladies' High Grade Underwear j.Jens Underwear m Furnishing
i 3v
Ladies' Vests and Pants, in Vega
silk, silk and wool or all wool,
pinks, blues, white or black,
fine Swiss ribbed garments of
the very best makes, values up
to $2.50, sale price Satur
day 08
Ladles' Union Suits, in fine silk
and wool, very special value
at $2.50
Lndles' All Wool Union Suit, in
gray or black, great snap at,
garment $1.50
Ladles' Fleece Lined Union Suits,
heavy quality, in white or cream,
$1.50 value, at 08
Ladies' Wool Vests and Pants,
broken lines, worth regularly to
$1.50, Saturday at, garment,
only 75
Ladies' Fleece Lined Vcts and
Pant, remarkable values at,
garment, 50c, 59e, 25c and J.9
Children's Vests and Pants, heavy
fleeced, at 25c and . 10
Ladies' Out lug Flannel Gowns at,
garment I0
Ladles' .Heavy Fleeced Lined
Skirts at, each 08
Always something Interesting in this great department,
but specially Is this true in Saturday's great sales.
Mcn Shirts The entire sample line and surplus stock of
H. V. Rothchlld, N. Y. Garments that would sell regularly
at 76c and 11.00. will be placed on sale Saturday at,
Men's Heavy Woolen Shirts, worth
regularly up to $3.00, Saturday
at $1.60 and f)8t
An ' Inminii neckwear Purchase,
consisting of men's ties. In all the
neweet stylos arid colors, four-in-hands,
clubs, shields, tecks, etc.,
' moRtly ROc qualities, will be placed
on sale In two lota at S5o and 12VaO
Men's Suapenders In fine lisle or aWt
web, In fancy box, regular 50c value
at .' 5e
Men's Handkerchiefs, in fine cambric
and linens, worth up to ; in two
lots, at 10c and Bo
Man's Wool Undershirts and Draw
er, In natural prey or camel's balr
worth up to $2.00, special sals price,
98c and 760
Mori's Kllk Fleeced Underwear, extra
quality, special at .per garment, DSo
and f 76o
Men's Shirt i and DrawersHeavy
fleece lined, single or double
breasted, all. sizes, at 45c and.. 35c
. ..F "browns, tan 8, gray, blacks and reds,
t $1.08
Ladles' $1.50 Silk Lined Mocha Gloves,
special Saturday at i .$1.00
'Ladles' Golf or Jersey Ribbed SUk
Lined Gloves, worth up to $1.00,
special at, pair... 49
Children's Golf Gloves and Mittens,
the greatest values ever show a at
J COc. 89o and 25J
Ladies' Mocha Gloves, unllned, regu
lar $1.50 value, special at. . .$1.00
Ladies Cashmere Hose, in gray or
black, special bargains at, pair, 25o
ad 12 H
Ladies' and Children's Hose, heavy
fleeced,- in black, special at 25c
and 12H
Ladies' and Children's AU Wool Leg.
Kings, in black only, great bargain
at. pair : 4Q
FOR h9c
A new line of three-yard Chiffon Auto
Veils, in all colors. Just received,
qualities that would sell regularly
for $1.00, on sale Saturday at.49
These are all the latest novel
ties in Drape Veils, in all new
A line of new, up-to-date Fancy Veil
ings, in blues, browns, black and
white, worth up to 35c yard, Satur
day at, yard 12
Our Manufacturer's Stock Sale Continues
Greater interest than ever is shown in thsl wonderful display of garment
bargains. New stocks have been added, lines held in reserve brought forward,
thns greatlr enhancing the cause for buying interest. In Justice to yourself
you should see these splendid offerings. The new military coat, a very clever
style Idea and now all the rage east, is shown in this department.
48-inch Coats, in kerseys and fancy mixed ma-'
terlaU, in newest shades and styles, made to sell
at $10.00, special sale price $5.05
$15.00 Coats, 48, 60 and 52 inches long, made la
fine black kerseys and fancy mixtures, the great
est bargain ever shown at $0.00
$20.00 snd $22.50 Coats, loose, seml-flttlng or
tight fitting back styles, in great assortment of
plain and fancy mixed materials, most remark
able values at $14.00
$50 Astrakhan Fur Coats, Skinner satin lined, guar
anteed for two years, special sale price. .g35. OO
aoo.OO Reaver Coats, made from genuine southern
beaver, sale price $69.00
Handsome Tailor Suits, $20.00 and $25.00 values,
about 175 of them In the lot, Eton coat and Jacket
styles, in splendid assortment of plain and fancy
materials, will be placed on sale at.... $14.90
$7.30 and $8.00 Skirts, In fine Panamas, voiles,
serges and cheviots, in blacks, navy blue browns
ani fancies, speciall priced Saturday at.. $4.98
$5.00 Taffeta, Jet and Nuns' Veiling Waists, all
colors and styles, will go at S52.98 '
$n.OO SUk Underskirts, made of splendid quality,
taffeta, In all colors, special $3.05
Special Sale, of Pictures
most of
1O0 Pictures,
them slightly
will be sold
at about one
third price.
All Pictures worth 60c to
$1.25 will goSaturda
at, choice ...... .25
All Pictures from $1.3
to $2.00 will go a
choice 60c
All Pictures from $2.00
up to $4.00 will go at,
choice 95C
Don't Miss This Opportunity.
Ladies' Warm Lined Shoes, worth up
460 pairs in the lot, choice
Men's Felt
patch, at,
pair. . . .
$2.50, about
Slippers, leather sole, kid side
Men's Rubbers of first quality will be on special sale
Saturday at, pair. 50tf
Men's and Ladies' Velvet Slippers, warm lined, special
Saturday at, pair 39
Fleece Soles, leather bottom, in ladles' or misses, at,
pair i-25
Men's, Ladles' and Children's Arctics cheaper Saturday
than you'll find them elsewhere.
For Pure Food Groceries Do Your Trading
at Hayden Bros.
1 , The Greatest Grocery Department in the West
Drug Department Specials
2 -quart Fountain Syringes 49
Hot Water Bottles, each 49
Cncnmber Jelly, at 15
Malvina Cream, at 35
Almond Cream, at 10
Swan Down Powder, at .12
Java Rico Powder, at 25
tJeanty Brushes, each 10
Talcum Powder, at i 10
21 lbs. beat Oranulated Cane Sugar. $1.00
4 pkga. Uneeda, Biscuit.. 16c
Jell-o, Jellycon or Bromangelon. . . . . . 7 4c
Oil or Muatard Sardine, per can 2Vic
1-lb. can fancy Alaska HaJmon 9c
Quart cans Golden Table Syrup 9c
1-lb. pkg. Imported Macaroni 8Vo
1- lb. package Bull Durham Smoking
Tobacco ; 49c
2- lb. cans fancy, aweet augar Corn 5c
H-lb. cans Breakfast Cocoa ISO
10-lb. aacka beat granulated Corn Meal. 14c
10 bars beat branda Laundry Koap 25c
lba. beat rolled OaAneal 25c
1 lh hput hand r.lcked Naw Beans... 25c
i . . i viv
.. .7Hc
Fancy Pantos CofTe, per lb. ......... .16c
Fancy Maricaibo Blend, per lb 17VC
Fancy Porto Rico Blend, per lb 20o
Fancy Ankola Java ana Mocha, per lb.230
Fancy O. Oj Mocha and Java, per 1Q..250 i
Extra fancy Mandahling Java and Arabian
Mocha. 3 lba.- for S 1 00 (
Choice Tea Siftinga. ier lb U'Hc
Fancy B. F. or Sun lrled Japan, lb...2uc
Fresh beets, carrots, turnips or ruta-
tuigas, lb i0
Two heads freah lettuce ...6o
Two bunf'hoa fresh rodlahea ,..5o
Two bunchea fresh parsley 6o
Two bunchea fresh celery root Be
fancy jersey sweet potatoes, lb So
Fancy Italian Prunes, pnr lb..
Fancy cooking Figs, per id...
Fancy Mulr Peachea. per lb...
Fancy cleaned Currents, per lb.
Fancy Layer Raisins, per lb...
Fancy Brick or Limbeiger Cheese,
per lb 15c
Fancy full Cream Cheese,, por lb 15c
Fancy Domestic Swiss Cheeae, per lb..l8o
Neufchak.el Cbeese. each 8c
hapsago Cheese, each 7 He Two bunches fresh celery
Extra, fancy separator creamery Butter, i-ancy Malaga grapea, ib
per pound 27o i Fresh roasted peanuts, quart
ttea or yenow onions, lb lit
r rean pnauota, nuncn Sa
Large graie trult, e.tch
New honey, per rack ...
Fancy cooking figs, lb
Fancy 6 crow imported flga, lb.
Omaha's Only
Money Saving
Meat Section
Pork Lions lO1
Spare Ribs .Sd
Sirloin Steak 9
Shoulder Steak ....... . G1
Round Steak' 8
Boiling Beef 214
Veal Boast 5
Beef Bib Roast, boned and
rolled '. Qf
Stock Fish, Salt Fish and Fancy-
Smoked Fish.
From 8 Till O A. M. 7 So Dressing
Bacques 35
From 8:0 Till 0:30 A. M. $1.60
Long Kimonos . .' G9
From 9 Till 10 A. M. Women's Coats.
satin lined, that sold up to $10, at
cho'ce 51.00
From 9 Till 10 A. M. Women's Silk
Underskirts $1.93
From 0:30 Till 11:30 A. M. Chil
dren's Bonnets, In silk, bearskin and
Velvets, $1.50 values, choice. . .50
From 10 A. M. TU1 12 M. Children's
$1.50 Leggings, In all colors. .79,
No matter what the make, no matter what
9 jf the model, if it's good you'll find it here,
r us STemo Self-Beducincr Corsets, with relief strap
and hose supporters, in white or drab, all
sizes, at $3.00
Kabo Corsets, with cloth eyelets, all new mod
els to choose from, at $1, $1.50 and. . . .$2.50
B. G. Tapering Waist Corsets, in a complete
variety of styles from $5 down to $1.00
Scott's Hip Pads and Bustles, in all colors and
styles, at ....50
Sterling Cloth Corsets, in white or drab, long
or short hip, with or without hoso supporters,
at 4J?
Extraordinary Bargains in Sheet Music
Saturday only we offer the following vocal and instrumental
numbers at 9 Per Copy.. Any three copies, 25c. Add lc per copy
extra for postage in ordering by mail.
Herman Konntts Remains Broueht frcm
Sew York t Old Home.
- w ,
fume Members ( Family Have Rot
Vet Arrlrcd. bat Will Be
' Her la Tin. for tho
Ths body of Herman Kountie, 'ho died
at Watkins Glen, N. Y., Tuesday evening,
arrived in Omaha at 7:SS Friday morning
vi r tha Burlington railroad and was ao-
t eompanled by tt.a widow and Augustus F.
t Kountsa, a son trotn New York City. Bela
I tlvsa who wers in ths city wers at ths
station and th body wus Jaken to ths
I KounUe boma, Forest I !!'.!. on South Tenth
( street, by the undertakers. Cole & McKay,
who have charge of the funeral arrango-
snents. Ths body was placed in a new
' euket and will remain at the residence
1 nntll it is taken to Trinity cathedral Bat
nrday afternoon for the funeral services.
uhlch will begin at I o'clock.
Ax Ths pallbearers, active and honorary,
r have not been selected as yet, as several
i aiembers of the family have not arrived
with whom consultation Is desired. '
Mrs. M. K. Gardner, the eldest sister of
lr. KounUe, has arrived from Pittsburg
srnd It is ' expected another slater from
Fltuburg. Mrs. George T. Oliver, will be
In attendance at the funeral. Luther
Kountie of New York and C. B. Kountse
of Denver, brothers of the dead financier,
have telegraphed they probably will arrive
In Omaha Friday afternoon, and Herman
D. Kountze, a son, Is expected to arrive
from New York either Friday afternoon or
Saturday morning. Mrs. Meredith Nichol
son, a daughter from Indianapolis, and her
husband arrived Friday morning and are
stopping at the Kountse home.
The funeral services will be ths burial
ritual of the Episcopal church, which will
be conducted by Dean Beecher. A special
program Of music has been arranged by
the choir. Ths caaket will not be opened
at the church.
The Flrat National bank will be closed
Saturday morning at 11 o'clock for the
balance of the day on account of the fu
neral of Mr. Kountse, late president of that
NOVELTItS Frenser, lath and Dodge.
"Take Me Back to Dixie" (new
oallad); "Autumn" (new reverie);
"Star of the Sea" (reverie); "Moon
winks;" "Breath of the Rose" (new
waltz); "Iolai" '"Mid the Fields of
Following classical music at SVo Per Copy
les 25c.
"Cinderella March" (easy teaching
piece); "Rustic Dance," Howell; "Sex
tet," Lucia; "Tannhauser March."
Wagner; "Morning Prayer," Streabog;
"Fifth Nocturne," Leybach; "II Trova
tore," Doran; "Black Hawk Waltz;"
Goldenrod;". "Anxious" (from Girl
and Bandit); "Echoes of Love" (new
waltz); "Dixie Blossoms" (two-step);
"Elaine" (new song); "Sylvia" (new
Any eleven cop-
"Longlng for Home,'. Jungman;
"Minuet," Paderewskl; "Blue Danube
Waltz;" "Little Bo-Peep Walt"
(easy, second grade); "Danube Wave
Waltzes;" hundreds of others to se
lect from.
Special, Saturday Only Folio containing the song hits from "Umpire," "Land
of Nod," Ginger Bread Man," etc., regular price 60c,per copy 15c
of the n.aney he had paid. Mr. Powell
refused to accept the machine and do
manded the amount of profit he would
make out of the sale Anderson went Into
court, claiming he was a minor and had
no legal capacity to mako the bargnln. and
Judge Leslie gave him judgment for the
amount. The case will be appealed to the
district court.
Saea to Fore Dealer to Take Back
Machlao aad Scores as
Because he bought an automobile while
he wes under the age of 3, Alfred A. An
derson has secured Judgment against the
Powell Automobile company for H00. the
amount of the payment he had made on
the machine.
Anderaon bought the auto as an Invest
ment to rent out to patrons. After paying
t400 on it he got tired of the bargain, took
the machine back and asked for a return
Mr. anal Mrs. KIIjr aad Swedish Im
maaael Chareh Choir Give
Flao Program.
Assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Kelley, the choir of the Swedish Immanuel
church. Nineteenth and Cass streets, gave
an interesting program Thursday evening.
The church was well filled and the various
numbers appreciated, the appreciation be
ing expressed by rustling programs Instead
of the clariplng of hands, a rather pleasant
innovation it proved to be.
The choir was under the management of
John 8. Helgren and showed the result of
careful training. "David's Twenty-eighth
Psalm," by the choir and Mrs. Kelly, was
particularly well rendered.
Mr. Kelly gave four organ numbers In hie
usual artiatlo manner. Ilia "Proceaslon of
the Knights of the Orall." from Wagners
"Paralfal," was a pleasing rendition. Mrs.
Kelly's soprano voice was pleasing to hear.
Careful Observer Blows Off Tew Stacks of
Fhilosopby to Oldest Inhabitant.
atarrh cannot be washed away vrith sprays, inhalations and such treat-
nor can u te smoKea out wnu bicuhtbicu iuuuu, iaivu, ..v.
I you attempt to cure Catarrh with auch things you are wasting time
Jlowinj the impurities and poisons in the blood, which produce the
te, to get ao firmly rooted as to become not only a disgusting trouble,
i very dangerous one. The annoying symptoms of ringing noises in the
r "hawking and spitting." headaches, mucus dropping back into the
.irrt iinnainuent of the senses of taste and smell, and a feeling of general
debilitv prove that there is a deep-seated cause for Catarrh. This cause is
a polluted and unueauny conamon vi ic muw, uu
cored until this i removed. The only way to get rid of CaUrrh permanently
m to tmrif v the blood, and S. S. is the ideal remedy for this purpose. It
Vaoon clears the system of all impurities, purges the blood ol all catarrhal
matter and poisons, and effectually checks the progress of this disgusting
and fdx-reaching disease. S. S. S. puts the blood in perfect order, and as
this pure, healthy blood goes to every nook and corner of the body Catarrt
4. rJnnanenUy cured. Uk with information about Catarrh and medical
tvkefr r::r 3v;:rrcrzz::;3 ailaxtsX, cas .
Oaaca-a Oil la Uood lor Any Pala
that can b reached externally. Trial 10c
Don't tall to read ad. No. 10, page 12.
Civil Service tuaicei.
The Untied Utiles civil oorvice commis
sion announces uieae txdiiuiiaiiuus to so
uura a ust ol euatu.ea to tni txiaung v Ltcember 6 For the position of tagger
at per annum in the bureau of aiu.ui
.nuuir ; ago tnnU, 'at to ers.
ueieuiber 1.1 or tua puaitiou ut veter
inary iuiecUr at (l,u per anuuui in I lie
bureau ut animal luuusiry; uge II nut, iu
ti or over.
December 1J For the positions of Open
tan intt.ip. eier at (l.JtAI per anuum lu tne
iiumigraiion Nervlre at NogaUs, Aaco and
(juusidd, Aris. ; a iiinli. ju years r over.
Uetumoet 1-1J or tne posiiiuns of ny
drusrupmc surveyor at l.-uu 10 and
recoruer at ll.Oiw jer annum in 11. e .v
uepurnneut; age liinil, JU years or over.
Utceiuber li-i r'or the posulim of mis
cellaneous piece work Computer in th
Navl utwervatury; kdlaty, iruin ImiO to
si.Olm per annua., age limit. 2i years or
over, but prelerenne will be giveu to ap
plicants undr ix years of age.
Ueteuibe-r U-li For the po.nlon of forest
asalstant (male) at fcv D-r suuutn lu tha
luiesl service; agu Limit. !X years or overf
December ltur tne position of wheel
wright at Tju per annum at the I'lntah and
Ouray agency, t'tah; age. Limit. M years
ur over.
January 4 For the posit 10 of Interpreter
at II. uw) per annum la the immigration
ervloe at Laredo, Tex.; applicants will be
required to read, write and apeak Uyiiac
sji4 BuAnUhi ikse lliulb S rears ar over.
Holds I'p Koak of Old as Pioneer
, la Game of Hanging; oa Till
Goal Is Reached or
Floods Cease.
"The next thing I want to teach tny
congregation Is that the world does not
like Quitters,'" remarked the Careful Ob
server to the Oldest Inhabitant yesterday
morning when they assembled nn lot S,
block U, E. V. 8mith's addition. "Or, to
put K In 1 positive degree, it might be
aald the world approves of a stayer, a per
aon who stays with a labor until ths end
Is reached. These contlnuM-ln-our-next
people usually have no next," continued
the Careful Observer, as he fingered a
bottle of horseradish in his overcoat pocket
"One of my guide poets along the path
way of life has been that I should complete
a task or duty one begun, although 1
confesa I have not always heeded the di
rections on that guide post. It requires a
certain fortitude always to see a thing
through to a consummation," replied the
Oldest Inhabitants "To face adverse criti
cism and ths call of the man that cries
'louder.' the shout and tumult of angry
conatltuents clamoring for redeemed plat
form pledges and the gloomy forebodings
of medical handbooks thrown on the front
perch, it requires a stout heart and a
paid up policy to go through with life's
engagements without calling for help from
friends or wife's folks. This matter of
sitting up with things until the problems
have been solved becomes second nature
with some. It is all a matter of habit or
backbone. With some it is a constant bat
tle, this going through with a thing to the
last ditch. If we would but realise that
the virtue of stlck-to-ltiveness is Its own
reward, and that each victory makes u
stronger, we would have mors seat in tha
affaire of life.
"Noah of old was a shining mark In this
respect. lie set about to build an ark and
he Itullded an ark, and no disparaging re
marks from ' "Constant Reader,' 'Vox
Populi,' 'Anxious Inquirer or any of those
fabled knockers could turn Noah from his
task. And trie secret with Noah was, be
knew be was right. One should first know
he Is right and then go ahead, regardless
of the little winds that blow from every
way. Te play a losing game and stick to
It for purs ouaesdnesa (a worse than fool
ishness. If you do mlsa it now and then
through being persevering It is better to
have tried and lost than to have never
tried at all.
"By being constant In all things one Is
enabled to bear up better under ths de
feats which will come even to the Wet of
men and ths best ot regulated families."
Then the Oldest Inhabitant filled his pipe.
"When my wife takes hold of a task she
hangs to it like grim death," rejoined the
Careful Observer. "When I married my
wife I was Inclined to be listless and would
do things by halves. Bhe would tell me
to bring the cows home and invariably I
would leave half In the pasture and would
have to return for the rest. Under her
I learned that better results wers ob
tained with less labor by going through
with a task in the first instance. I got so
I could bring the whole herd home at one
time and then have time to spare to go
down to the town hall on Friday nights."
"Don't be a quitter." Oldest Inhabitant.
The Mlsae Goldstone of Webster street
entertained the O. B. C. Tuesday evening.
Elmer H. Wood, general freight agent of
the Union Pacific, has returned from a trip
to 6t Louis.
Officers and teachers of the First Meth
odist Eulscopal Sunday school will meet
Saturday evening at the home of Rev.
Frank L. lveland, pastor, tor a business
and social hour.
A suit case, containing wearing apparel,
was stolen Thursday afternoon by a sneak
thief from the room of J. V. Lantall, iA
North Twenty-thtrd street. There is no
clue to the miscreant.
-The name of The Only Co-operative Life
Insurance company ban been changed to
the German-American Ufa Insurance com
pany of Omaha. Notice of the change was
filed with the county clerk Friday.
Jart Hus lodge, No. &, Knights ot Pythiaa,
will give an entertainment and dance next
"unday evening at Tel Ted Bokol hail.
Thirteenth and Dorcas atreets. Vocal and
Instrumental music and a one-act farci
will be given before the dance.
Police Judge Crawford was out of the
c'ty Friday morning snd the usual session
of court was not, held until afternoon, much
to the dlsgnat of several pr isoners who were
anxious to speak their little piece to the
Judge and breath ths air of liberty once
more. .
Tha Nebraska Amusement company has
filed articles of Incorporation with the
county clerk. B. F. Elbert, R. O. Grayaon
snd W. H. Herdman are the Incorporators.
The capital is to.OuO and the company will
operate an electric theater on Douglas
A deed was placed on record with the
register of deeds Friday conveying from
Frank B. Kennard to the Union Pacific
Railway company the Kennard property at
Fifteenth and Dodge streets, the site of
the new headquarters building. The con
sideration was. I40,00u. The property con
veyed was the west forty-four feet of lot
i. block 88.
Standard Oil Shares "Lower. ,
NEW YORK, Nov. 23.-The stock of the
Ptandard. Oil company aold at on the
curb market today. Its lowest price for
years. At this price the stock shows a
shrinkage In market value of more than
f.'iM.CM'i.'"') since the high price ot January
this year.
Pain is nature's signal of distress, a
warning that must not be Ignored.
Those sharp twinges in the back,
those stab-like pains that follow any
sudden twist or turn, are simple signs
of hidden danger in the kidneys.
No trouble starts more easily, gains
ground more rapidly, nor proves more
often fatal than any disorder of the
kidneys. All the outward appearances
of health may remain until a terrible
disease has taken root.
It is best to learn tha duties of the
kidneys, to watch for early signs of
trouble, and to correct any Irregularity
before its serious stage begins.
The blood goes to the kidneys in an
incessant stream, to be cleared of poi
son and to be cleared of surplus water.
This is passed off in the kidneys by the
urine. It is the retention of poison
In kidney trouble that breeds fatal
disease. . .
Don't wait. The moment yo'u feel
any uneasiness, lameness or pain in
the back, the moment tha urine shows
irregularity, either in Us appearance
or in the quantity' or number of the
passages, begin with tVian's Kidney
Pills. This remedy hat been curing
kidney troubles for seventy-six years.
and never yet has failed to give relief,
if taken in time. It cures the kidneys,
and thus cures backache, lame back,
headache, dizzy spells, urinary trou
bles, rheumatic pain, gravel, dropsy
swellings, nervousness, languor, scia
tica, and all other symptoms of kidney
Fifty thousand people have testified
to the worth ot Doau's Kidney Pills,
Here's a home case:
' Mrs. O. A. Earl, of 1011 V, S. 11th
St.. Omaha, Ken., says: "My apprecia
tion for Doan's Kidney Pills has in no
way lessened.- The statement I gave
you in IK 9 9 touching on tha merits of
this preparation holds as good today,
seven years later, as when 1 first made
It. For two years I was troubled with,
my back and although I tried different
remedies, none brought relief until I
began the use ot Doan's Kidney pills.
A short treatment cured ma aad there
has never been a return of the trouble.
I recommended Doan's Kidney Pills to
a gentleman who stayed with as soma
time ago and complained of backache.
He used them and found moat satis
factory results."
XMgnttT" ''. '"i 'T.A.'.ir iff,- f .nrX'.l mmnmm. .n'.i. VinL mi. "inn Tni 1 i I'ii ' i ;jmMmtmewmammm(mi TWl. ...
Sold 7 aB dealers. Prtee cants, rawrsa-Uiaavas) Gov, Bufflfe, K.Y.. Proaristara,
- .l..,-...,., ., ";