Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Kavffmans Full Or
chestra Will Play
Choice Music From
7 to 10 p.
7 '
Credit to; Everybody
Free and Unlimited
Follow the Crowds to
Home Credit Clothing Co.
Where ,You Are Sure to Find. r
Best Styles, Lowest Prices, Easiest Terms
Women's Salts. Oats, Coats, Skirts, Etc.KIen's Salts.
Overcoats' Hats; Boys' Salts and Overcoats
We want every lady to kuow we are selling
Ladies' Black Tight Fitting Coatu, 42 in
long, a $12.00 coat jj JJ QQ
. The past two Katimlnys have boon for thilelron and candy. This Saturday will bo
for girl and dolls.
Our doll display will be on the third floor, and ive do not hesitate to say that It
will be the. greatest doll show ever seen in Omaha.
Dolls of America, Kntclaitd, Ireland, Sco flu ml. France, Japan, Africa, China and
other nations. Doll bnltis, doll girls, doll women; dolls nndressed and dolls decked out
in the gayest apparel. Dollars for a dime and dolls for a dollar. Dolls of every color.
This will be a fine doll show, and we Invite the mothers of Omaha to bring their
children Saturday.
For that, diiy alone we have made a tremendous cut on the entire sample lino of a
New York Importer of kid body jointed and dressed dolls. All of our 11.25, $1.39 and
$1.4 8 dolls, In all sizes up to kid body dolls 24 inches high, moving eyes, curly parted
sewed wigs, shoes and stockings." Grouped or 0'ir
choose tho doll you like best from the lot fon one lmmeiiso table and you can UOC
The chance of the season to buy the Christmas doll from this great variety.
I'ocket Emory Hoards, 13
plercs In neat box. can bo
carried In pockctbook, ifl-.
V7,r. value
Violet Ammonia. 1 pint Qf,
bottle, 25c value w
Drug Sundries
Borntrd Talcum Powder, violet
odor, H-lb. can, A
2fic voiuo ,JW
Hoof Manicure Sticks,
6c value, I for uw
ldeallno "Foudre de Hit," an
extra fln fare powder, rogu-
mr pnre, one;
Saturday only ...
O'Brien's Vanilla
Flavored Chocolate
15c pound
Fresh Chocolate
Chips -
20c pound
Peanut Squares
1520 Dodge St., NeaLf Comer 16th St.
"Swell Eleaaot Joata" at the Boyd.
Lira Kehdall and company in "Swell Ele
irant Jones," a comedy in three nets, by
Herbert Hall Wlnslow. The cast:
Tom Jones Lira Kendal.
Andrew Wltlson, uttorney-at-lv
K. 8. Gilpin
Judge Tuttle of the Bar association
Harold Cohil
Oeorge Alnsley. hotel clerk ann house
physician Haiinun MaeUreao
"Chub" (Jones, Jr.) Douglas Job
"Sleeper" Hundy. who was born under
nn unlucky star William McKc.
Puflingt.on Prasley, a porter In the Ho
tel Artesian George Nevlll
"foxy" Colby, town constable
George T. Welc
'Tted" ' Pepper, bellboy Joseph Wrlgi
mW- .- Mrs. Rllcabeth Jones, wife of Tom
Jones Genevlevo BUr
Miss Liicv Ainslev. Gcoree's sinter
Margery Taylp
Mlsa Helen Knox, a female detective
Caroline Eckor
Miss Clartnda. Tlney, Bundy's "particu
lar" .....Mao Well"
"Indy" Colby, tho constable's daugh-
ter Margaret SHav
Kra Kendall Is back with a much mon
worthy p!ay than any ho has had recently
A homely atmosphero pervades "Swell Ele
gant Jones," despite Its uncouth title, am'
Its story In one that Is of interest In eplt
of Its somewhat melodramatic nature. Ton
Jones is a lawyer who. went to AriBonr
from somewhero "down east" and located
a mine. He became a millionaire and scat
tertd his money right and lul't with a pro
fusion that amounted to recklessness. A
former suitor of his wife and a business
rival brings about' an estrangement be
tween the couple, and about the same tlm
the mine 'fails and the bank roll of "Swel
Elegant" Tom Jones evaporates. Ho It
reduced from affluence to poverty in ar
tnstant, but It doesn't worry him. His at-
Suffered Severely With fczema All
Over Body Examined 15 Times
, by Government Board Who Said
There Was No Cure An Old
Soldier Completely Cured.
tentlon is turned to the task of winning
bock his wife. He finally succeeds In un
covering tho deception that has beert prac
ticed on her, and Is finally restored to home
and happiness and a reasonable amount of
wealth. The action of- the play is simple,
and its course Is along lines that do not
t any time ask too much of reason.
Mr. Kendall finds In' tho name part a
fine chance for his own peculiar methods.
He abounds in homely, saws, ' quaint' and
"Mimorous quips and dry remarks that cover
world of fun. Ills pathos is not strained,
'lut the heart-deep feelings of a strong
nan. He fairly dominates the play 'with
Ms personality, and the result is. a well
Meased house. His company is very well
alculated to give life tn the characters
ho move through the story. Stage act
ings and all are in keeping with the spirit
f the play, and from first to last it is a
'istlnctly Kendall comedy. ,
Wo Are Klakf at the Km.
Mr. Lawrence Evart may not be a rel.t
've of Mr. Walker Whiteside, but should
he latter ever fall Into the predicament of
Cing Hector of Kahnberg. he would not
iav to look far for a Gustavus Vcnner to
ko his place.' Mr. Evart very strongly re
emblcs Mr. Whiteside in person, voice and
lanner, and so It was a IltUo difficult at
rst to realize that it . was not the original
vho wss so charmingly presenting the part
f the loading character of "We Are King."
'hich opened its engagement at the Krug
heater last evening. The play has been re
lewed before, and Is quite familiar from
fr. Whiteside's having presented it in
)maha on several occasions. Mr. -Evart is
worthy successor to the role. Ho lacks
n some elements the finish of the original,
ut he makes the young adventurer a most
ellghtful chap, and one is glad when. It dc
elops that ho is really king of Kahnberg.
Us manner and methods are good.
Miss Flora Mao Hav?n is the Princess
Mlvla of the present company, and is a
oung woman of great charm of person
tllty, and enacts her role with much taste
ind excellent dlscrotlun. The others- are
-ery well fitted in their parts, mid the ploce
is given In its entirety with great fidelity.
It deserves far. better patronage than it re
ceived last evening. Those who were pres
ent were really domonstratlve in their approval.
(Continued from First Page.)
not a good book for a beginner, and I
turned my attention to the civil and crim
inal codi's of the state in which I lived
and rend and reread them and becatne
familiar with their provisions and mem
orized portions of them.
"I may bo old-fashioned in my ideas, but
I am convinced that the lawyer forty years
ego was better equipped thnn the lawyer
of tho present. Hut this may bo becnuso
the calling was not regarded a a trade
or a get-rlch-qulck business, and there was
not so much haste, but longer and better
preparation than now."
"For over thirty-five years I was A
severe sufferer from cciem. Ttie erup
tion was nut (-on fined to any one place.
It win all over my body, . limbs,
. nd even on my head. I am sixty
ve;.r old .and an old soldier, and have
Lccn examined by the Government
board over fifteen times, and they said
there was no cure for me. I have
' taken all kinds of medicine and have
pent large sums of money fijr doctors,
without avril. A short time ago I
derided to try the Cuticura Remedies,
utid if ter u.'ing two cakes of Cuticura
rjoai-), iwo boxes of Cuticura Ointment,
end two bottles of Cuticura Resolvent,
twci treatments in all, I am now well
rnd completely cured. A thousand
thanks to Cuticura. I cannot speak'
too highly of the Cuticura Remedies,
John T. 'Roach, Richmoudale, Rose
ik., Ohio, July 17, 1005."
100,000 MOTHERS
Dally Tell Other Mothers
Tint Cuticura Soap is the best baby
fcoa;i in the world (or clcannf and
purifying the okin, and that Cuticura
Ointment is of priceless value for
toothing and healing itching, tortur
ing, and ili.-guring eruptions. A single
application of Cuticura Ointment, pre--edid
by a warm bath v.Ui Cuticura
f:ip, Rives instant relief, and refreshing
hlocp lor iskiii-tortured babies, and reft
for tired mothers. bathe tht, a.'
f ectd parts w ith hot water and Cuti
cura iioap, to alcunsa the surface of
crusts and acalcs urid soften the thick
cned cuticle; dry without hard rub
bing, and apply Cuticura O.nttnont
frciiy,to allay itching and Inflamm
tiuu, and sooth and h-il.
t'uurun '.al icrr t , aj Pi u ftr m A thrmftMS
New Town on Bonesteel Emtenslon.
BONE8TEEU 8. D.. Nov. 28. (Special.)
Vcw Dallas is the name of a new town on
ho Northwestern survey. This new town is
ocated -five miles west of Gregory and
vithln one-half mile of the Tripp county
Ine. Jackson Bros, of Fairfax, 8. D., end
Vf. F. Slaughter of Naper. Xeu.. are
'athering this new town, which is believed
y many to be the coming town of Gregory
county. The old town of Dallas Is now
K'lng moved to th new location and busl-
it-ss lots are already In great demand. The
ew town will be the terminus of the Uon,i
iteel extension of the Northwestern until
the road builds on to connect with the
Pierre or Black Hills line. In view of tho
ract that Tripp county tn all probability
will bo opened up for settlement within the
lext two years, the - prospects for a good
town at the end of the line are flattering
indeed. New will hold the key to
he situation, as did Boncytecl at tho open
ng of 1904. New Dallas has the advantage
also of being at the very edge of tho hind
to be. thrown open. The grading on this
extension Is nearly all completed end tho
laying of track Is being rushed, about fif
teen miles now being completed.
Remembers Associates In Oniaha.
Lawyer in American History.
Th3 men who organized tho Northern Be
curitiea compuny knew that tney wore
violating the law. Tnal concern wm'h not a
corporation. It wan a c-rtmi-. It i the
plain purpose of tho law that there shaa
not be a combination or consolidation oi
two parallel unrt competing linis of rail
road. The suggestion that, none Iho i,-s
you may form a holding company which
Mull aeoulro the. flock ot the two railroai.
companies not Bti iiiKcnloils one. it
simply dishonest. Strip it of its gold plat
ing and It would be gros Mattery to call
It Fptxlou.". WlKM'ver shana In the vn
rlous si.-hrmen of modn-n tinunclal exploita
tion Ih reHponslble for tlnin. and there if
no solvent In a retulner to take nwuv tho
stain of them. The code of ethics to In
framed by the American Wir association
Bhoulil take cognizance of tliif. Tlte great
est danicr ot niMition to the profession
Is not from the shyster and tho barrator,
for the evil of thc.-v is nlone In wnal lliev
do and not In their example. Tlie miser
able creature who ihuUch a bare living by
hts dubious practices, and whose name is
never mentioned without reproach. is
shunned by the young man entering upoc
his career. The an reel Ion l rc.n the
strnlalu way Is exerted by those who win
the world's meed oi success and upon
whu" armor of eminent respertnblllty the
shafts of criticism hurtlcss fall.
"Tho Lawyer In American I.lstory," was
tho subject of tho scholarly and Interesting
address of F. W. Lehmann of St. Loutb
before tho Nebraska Bar association, unu
the shove Is one of the spicy utterances oi
that address. Mr. Lehmann had been
dealing with the necessary relation ot law
yers to corporations.
In opening his ndtlress Mr. Lehmann
It Is now more than thirty-two years
sg. that In tills elty I ,was admitted to
the bar of the federal court. The changes
that have been wrought during these year
re marked and munv. nllke in what has
come and In what has gone. The front!, r
mwn rias eiis:iiie:irea hiiu in lis pisce is
the city, a eerier of advanced civilisation,
t'nfamiliitr faces are leto;-e me, and uoor.
familiar fares Is thu touch of Chang-; fre,ni
hnt hand ly which none Is spared. Tint
was the duy of i'oiiplrttvt. Woulworth.
Shoo Bargain
for Saturday
Ladles' fine tailor made Fhoes, all T C A
styles and all leathers, for JtOf
Vine soft vtel kid ctKhion solo tshoes, n C
velvet finished soles, very easy for. Ut J
We are sole agents for the best made
shoe for men. It's the "Harlow," all styles,
$3.50 t S4.00
Barry's cushion sole shoe for men. M
worth $5.00, at r.UU
Try a, pair and havo real comfort.
Men's double sole shoes In bluchor, button
and lace, made of dull calf, box calf and
vlcl, with calf lining, regular 3.00 Cf)
shoo, for t&tUv
200 pairs boys' school shoes, 13 to QQ
2. all solid calf, for JOG
Boys' all solid calf shoes, 2 to 5 , . f TP
at l.JD
A full line of Buster Brown shoes for
boys and girls. They are the kind that wear
good and keep the feet dry and warm.
Boys' 2 to 5 , .'$2.50
Youths' 13', 4 to 2 $3.00
Children's to $1.50
Chllds' 5 to 8 $1.35
Made In box calf and good heavy vlcl
calf and good heavy vlcl kid, every pair guar
anteed. JUST the kind of a shoo for boy or
girl to wear for a school shoe.
Bargains in the Cloak Room
secoho rtoom.
Hundreds of new e-oats coming In compels ns to have
more room and mm racks for reiuts. These coats
havo all been bought after the wholesale season is
practically over, and Saturday we. will placo them on
salo at one-third less than they would have e-ost you
ten days ago. Fancy stripes, checks ami mixtures, in
full, loose hark, vcrv stylish i-oats, regular
value, $S.Mp, Saturday ' ' ' '
All tho newest tnntcrlnls, in no-Inch Coats. In shadow
platils, plain and fancy checks, velvet collars of green,
reel sua black, strapped bark, mado to Oil
hmII at I14.B0. at l'.VtJ
New Circular and Bias Barks, extra full ripple and Gii
son shoulder effects, pretty light and eiark colon),
beautiful fitting e oats, same coals earlier In j
season sold ot il7.ri), Saturday nil at
Black and Colored Tight-tit tint? Coats, in tiillond and
strapped styles, broad shoulders, largo sleeves, ele
gantly tailorr-d, at
$14.50-S18.0O-$16.60-tl9.S0-$22.50 and $S5.00
CHILDREN'S COATS, (5.50 and 85.00 VALUES, $3.98
lialn kerseys, llaked and mixed cloths, military anel
high storm collars, with and without shouhle-r capes,
prettily trimmed in silk braids and snmo piped, good,
full backs, nice cloths, ages 4 to 1 i years, broken iota
from the season's selling, and were sold ot O Q4
$5.00 anel $3.60, all In one big lot Saturday, at. ."O
nested barks, -with or without lloune-cs, trimmed in fin
ishing braids, body lined, regular $1.00 quality, sizes
H2-:j4 ana S only, assorted colors, special ,4 .
- -
Special sale of $1.00-$1.60 and $2.00 Corsets, 7Qp
Saturday prices "
Our Men's Furnishing Dept.
Offers soma inducements for Saturday that arc very sea
sonable and are exceptional offers.
Union Underwear, In blue, mixed, gray and silver 4 rr
colors, jersey Iltting, fleeced lined wool, $2, $1.,0 lUU
Men's Woi steel Ie-rby Itibbeil. two-pieco I'luler- i
wear, gray and salmon color, per garment "OC
Moll's Sanitary Wool two-pieco Uude-rweai-, f
per garment
Outing Flannel Night Shirts, extra value, fl
$1.00, 75c and OUU
Saturday at -
j Hata Trimmed Fre of Charge
Saturday's Magnificent Mil
linery Offerings
$15 Pattern A0O
Uats, at . . IV - T H V
$7.50 Trimmed flvVAiS,
T::...... 5!!
$5 Trimmed f)50 &
Hats, at. . . . U - A v
$3.98 Trimmed jJ
at.... 1- UlTrirfflir
$1.50 8'trect Uats, made of felt and
velvet combinations, in all colors,
a grand bargain for
Saturday, at Uvl
$1.50 Un trimmed llats, all rtr
sshapos and colors, at UUj
25c blisses' and Children's Velvet and
Cloth Caps and Bonnets, (j
Special showing of holiday flowers
for fancy work forget-me-nots, vio
lets, small roses, foliages 4 A
and fruits, from $1.00 to 1(11
Our Busy Glove Section
Offers Saturday the Dest Gloves t$1.00
"Reynier's Iella" glac French kid. two-button gloves, in ail
the suit shades, fitted and warranted, at, tho fc . a.i
pair ;..$ I UU
"The Cortland Bilk Lined Mocha Glove," in gray, brown, tan
and black. Our regular $1.25 value, special . for Ml n,
Saturday, the pair p I J VJ
Celebrnted "Left's Real Chcvrette" heavy short kid C " ffl
gloves, , tans, gun metal and white, tho pair -Pd.V)J
The Chatham heavy English Kid Gloves, one wrist clasp,"
black, tan and red. .worth $2.00 the pair, our price, 1 .
tho pair .M'
The Lome" best. French kill, 16-button niosquetBlro gloves,'
in black, gray, white, light blue, pink. red. navy and , a .
green cxccllont $1 value, our special leader, the pair W
Fnormous stock of wool cashmere, llne-d and unllnod, knitted
worsted gloves and mittens, all colors, for ladles, misses
and boys, worth to 75c pair, special, tho pair, ijo .
60o, 3.ic and
Don t
Fail to take Advantage of
Our Great Linen Sale
25 .
Everything is
" C U. T "
Gigantic Purchase of Sample Neckwear
To be placed on sale In our basement salesroom. Saturday re
gardless of values, consists of chemisettes, lae-e half sleeves,
collar and cuff sets, and an immense assortment of stock
collars, prettily trimmed in lae-e and embroidery, '. .
worth up to 7."c each, sale, price, each
Another chance to buy- manufacturer s samido voliliigs. In
fancy anel. plain nets, with or without dotB aud fancy ciill'
fons, In all the drslrahle shades, nt almost your own
price, 60c and 3."o values, all at, tho vard... "
easlt orrLsina nc labiis- rAwcrr hawdkebcthieps.
Over 00 dozen ef ladles hcinstltcluid embruidored all linen
and fancy embroidery linen lawn Handkerchief s, giving over
, f0 patterns to slcct. from, worth 3-rc and Sue ejich, in
our ladies' neckwear seetiem. fiaturday. choice, each. C ,
Purchaso ouo of our new satin lined astrakhan auto-iuutilnra.
An excellent I'he-st and throat protector for ladirs and chil
dren, black, white, red, light bluo and pearl gray, , ...
ut, only, each tpiUU
At our neckwear section selee t Hue of Ostrie-li ireuther Boas,
in black, gray ard light bluo, l-J'ard length, spocial. earh,
$J2.t0. $15.00 and . 110.50
Moiey-Saving Basement
On our bargain square 4 big lots of blankets.
r.n . r,.ir, wbHo tan nnd grov. COOd Blzc
blanket, worth C9c a pair--
200 blankets, grey and tans, 11-4
Binglo size basement
50 pairs fancy strip nnd grey, 11t4
Kiro. worth 89c basement, pair.
500 nalrs groy blankets. 11-4 else, soft heavy
fleece, worth $1.19 a pair
50 comforts Just In. Early In the season we
..a n ehia Mum comfort at $1.69. Full
slisei, white cotton filling, sllkoline covering,
tied and knotted
25 comforts of best pure white soft cotton fill
ing, satoen finest covering, full size, O PA
worth 3.25 each basement .D3
't heavy
ison we
59. Full
fivrin c.
The ladies of the First Christian. Church will
have a sate of home made eatables In our basement
salesroom Saturday from 10 A. M. until closing.
Proceeds to go to their
Housefurnishing Department
Every convenience for housekeeping will be found
In out toastmsnt salesroom.
Mrs. J'ott's Irons
A set, consist-
I titr . ,t 1 K nit
19 7 ..hie liMnril ami
an iron btand,
e-omplete sot,
spcelal !Cc val-
tu. Saiur- t
Zinc titovc ItiMirds. wood Good, rle-o root scrubbing
lined, for putting under Brushes, wood back, U
stoves, bize 2ix2 j Inches long, c
inches, each JJW Cath "w
Universal Bread Mixing M .-curies
Large cnous-h to meko Largo enough to make
i'jui M. ...ft i riu ir
leave qi-.VJU i()avc8 - .T.r3tJ
Th-sc give such Cleat satisfaction that w
them on approval.
Toilet Papers
Ve have contraeted with a paper mill to furnish
us an immense lot of toilet paper. In all grades
under our own brands. We solicit tho trado of
hotels and upartment house's. Special for Satur
day, our Hanscom brand 2.000 shee-ts of line
tissue pape-r in the roll, regularly 12 Vic, ,
at, per roll lw
In (hina Depar'ment
Tsnoy China at 10c Large table llle,l with fancy
Cups and Haucers, fancy lilsqui ligurcs, .
salad dishes, fancy trays, e-te-., nil at lw
Oeoorated Parlor Lamps at 81.93 Heautiful deco
rate,! parlor lamps, with elecorate-d glolxi . . -!
Inches In diameter, $2.75 values, at. tlVO
Ball Hanglnr Lamps, $1.76 Mall hang 1C
ing lamps, with red globes, each plaj
Oas mantles, sliades, portables, rubber tubing,
Tho new inverted gas lights, complete, globe.
miLiiilu anu uuillt'l, UL, k 4 . m
C-Kriabas Hart l Iowa.
AME8, Nov. 23 e8peclal.)-John B. Neely,
a senior student In the civil engineering de
partment at tho Iowa State college, waa
seriously Injured while employed as bridge
Inspector on tho Fort Dodge. Dcs Moines
& Southern railroad. The crew aru cm
ployed putting In a bridge two mites south
of Ames, where Mr. Neely was working.
A pulley or ring breaking on the derrick
In use let a piece of it fall, striking, hun in
the head. His aw aud nose were both
broken and several teeth loosened by the
blow. The basu of his brain was also
Jarred by the shock, but Is now better.
Mr. Neely comes to Ames from Wayne,
Neb., where his parents live, and has bean
la the habit of spending his vacations
working at or . near Ames. Ilia condition
shoitly after the accident wus believed very
serious. In fact his life was despaired of
at one time.
tAt" ' T iilWISallli "-Hi -s
MAM r am mjwm-st iir.t
Oasler ftu t ostlaard.
ST. LOl'I3, Novembe r a. Tbo hearing of
the government's eiusie-r suit against the
Terminal Kallroad association whs uot r--rumAd
todny, a r. umig ti'rn tukeu
uiiiil Monday mornint, In order to gl th
eittiri-il aienejnaiihrr lime In which to com
pile tne rtdkiic so far Introduced. Ky
ieemnt of Httonieys on bt,in id-s tt
tiin limit of til government In which to
complete th preseotktion of Its e Ide-nce
lik been extetni vj lo lecvmber 3u.
Chocolate Bonbons
Always. Delicious Pure
Wbolqsome Digtsuble
Oat will make
A titppy home!
Every Sealed Package guaranteed
Fresh and Full Weifht
Pmacr Se-zes Rttkrim fa tsetuthm
44talr Uittt
Makers of Cocoa and Chocolates
A'nltelev, Mason, ManiueUe and Estahrook.
Old men all these' seiemed to Ije then
in v. old men they must have been to
now so murh, to possess Intellectual pow
ers s.j well niHtured, so ample for every
nv.e-i geiK-y. and so readily exerted. Juelge
Wnkel-.v abides, not older to my seeming
harillv "so old . then. With hlni 1 was
brought ln!' asrxiation in the first case I
.rieil li. a. federal court, snd In the next I
aVHS brought Imo opimisIiioii to Mr. ooi
.vorlh. ti't with su.'h men, whether, as
toes you slar.d face to fare, or as frlnels
you jnd sheiiHrr to shoulder, respect and
Htceui rri- both of the meeting. And I
snnoi permit the occasion to jxik with
ut making acknowledgment of tho kindly
incouiiigenient I had Horn General Man
derson, us we then called him. Others
.here were, mi-n nearer my own age. with
.horn I have met now and again on tho
way thrrugli life and always ou such terms
hat upon paitlng It wa "Auf Wie-der-irhen."
The tirst lawyer of whom we have record
In America, but he did not practice his i ro
fexsioil. Thomas Morton, who settled
upon a hill near Deiston, which he chris
tened Meiry Mount, and he Justltle-d the
name bv riotous anil licentious preeeedliiBs.
which treatlv rovokfd his Puritan neigh
bors. Thev had. however, an efflclint rem-
eh- for the rn' of every person who ris
urbeel their peace-, either by his doctrino
ir his de-vlltiy, and that was banlshm nt,
vhieh thev aiiulie'd to Thomas Morton, to
Mrs. Hutchinson, to Roger Williams and to
the Ijliakeu.
Thu tirst lawyer- elue-ate;ei as euen, ana
ho prsctlc-d his prot'eftsion in America,
was Thoniita Lee-hfnrd. but lie did not i n-
duro lung, for his Insistence upon the forms
ind precedents e! the law ws not con
genial te, tho puritan teinijeranient.
The- speaker reviewed tho preigrcs of his
tory from the time when a man either
pleaded bis own case, "or. distrustful of his
ability to do so, engaged his neighbor, as
Miles Blandish engaged John Alde-n to plead
liia suit to Prise ilia Mullens." And then on
down citing conditions and tho various
stuges of development, indicating tho grad
ual adveut and rise of the legal profession
and the active part it has played in the
great game of A men-lean polities and state
craft. By the middle of the eighteenth cen
tury hu said litigation greatly Increaned and
lawyers became numerous, but prejudice
against the profession still existed with
many people and "then, as now, the emolu
ments we re regarded as too large by those
who paid them and too small by those who
received them.
As showing some of the great and lusting
achievements of the lawyer In American
history. Mr. Lrhmatin said:
The Declaration of Independence, the
Arti- le of Conjedtsration anel the cemdut
ef th government under them eare eii
tiully tin. we It of lawyers, as also was the
ordinance for the government of tho North
west Territory, by which that great country
wus foiever dedicated to Institutions ot uni
versal freedom.
The government thus fashioned by law
yers nnel adopted as the result of , thtr
reasoning and persuasion, has. In gnatei-t
part, bw-ii administered ' by them. Of the
three departments the: Jitdlcl:iry has been
their exclusive: province. The Jnelges of the
court havo been drawn entirely fremi their
ranks nnd tho business before the courts
lias been conducted by thcrn.
Hero tho speaker toeik his hearers down
the long lane ot political and statecraft
activity from the day ot Webster, Cal
houn and Clay in the national congress
to the present, shewing always lawyers U
be tho leaders, concluding:
In tho more recent e-ontrove-rsjr over enir
ce'lnage system the distinctive representa
tives of the two contending schools were
Cleveland and Bryan.
With one exception, every president
of the United States has come to the
office from tlw battlefield or from the
court room with one cxcepliem, they hive
be-cn lawyers or soldiers, er both, ami of
tho twenty-live Incumbents nineteen nave
be-en lawyers.
It has not been given to many men to
; do moro for humanity than wus give n to
! the lawyers of Massarhuse Its ulul Virginia,
In reveilut ionury days, and to write Hio
lives of Otis and Adams, Henry und Jel-
ferson. Is to write the history of America
during this time.
! And now ho led out Into the arena of
publicity the- great lawyer leaders of the
cjvll war.
This prominence und influence of lawyers
In our public affairs was remarked by ull
lore-igneia who visited America. I'omiin-iils
upon it are frequent In thee bonks they
wroto ulsnu us. and gem-rally we-rc. favur
ub'.ei or unfavorable us the writer thought
well or ill of our Institutions.
As wo look back over Ihu pabt we dis
cover a c'.oso asisoe-iation and sympathy bo-twee-n
tho lawyers ami thw pe-opie-. Tho
genius of our government was individual
istic. Thei lie-claration of Indcpcmle-ue-e wus
essontlally un assertion of peisonitl rights,
anel our federal and state constitutions
were designed to guarantee those rights.
Adverting to the practice of the profes
sion and the duty of a lawyer the speaker
There are many things brought to litiga
tion which etui and should be compromised,
Ix-cause no prlnc:ple is lnvedved, und a little
tact, good temper and mutual forlieai-uiio'
will bring the iter ties into urcord. Hal so
alo there ure rontrove-rsies which elo nett
admit ef compromise, and so tlteeie will be
Until h mi ne it in, lure litis iindei lioiie u rad
ical i-liange. Wrong will be done; uKieres
sions made upon the rights of tther, etliii h
can prox rly le met only bv uiiiborii in
sistence upon redra and relicejuiidiiiie-ut.
A litigious spirit is a plague l. lis pos
aeaeeor and a e-urmi ti bis ne-ljclilsir. and
Jet it mutt ke leiue-lubered ILal 11. u ona.
of right ran bo elevele)pcd oily through
struggle tor the right. .
The- growth of corporations hus als
tondeei to withdraw ninny lawyers from tli
general prue llee In another way. Tlie lurg
i-oriKiratluit may have lepiel business o
i-vri-v klml. and easels In ull tho e-ourts, bu
It is usuully represenieel by a lawyer wb
lias no oiln-r client; who, in his profce
sieinal e-apaclty, represe nts the- i-onipiuy ex
e-lusive-ly. Tliis sny lawyer may elo wit
propriety ami with honor, but none ih
less it serves toim what to isolate hlni fro
lute fellow men.
l!ut ne.tlu-r specialization in some on
brsueli ef the law, nor ex lusive represeii
tatie n of n single e lie nt would greally Ir
p.eir the lawyer's influenie with the' people
The- function he exet e-lse-s Is still un he,t
enable one. mill eif public Interest, allee
the liiteie-st is not sei manifulel as in ll
case ef the geneial prae tlltone:!'.
Infected House l)eatroed.
MV'ETKETSE, Wyo., Nov. 23. (8pecUil
To pivvenl possible siite.-nl of coiitagl
the authorities of Me-cte-etso set lire to uj
estroyed the four-room resilience, together
ifith its contents, occupied by the family
uf U. L. Chamberlain. Two of tho members
f the fanitl- have died scarlet fever,
nd tho house being lined with cloth coul l
lot be well fumigated. Tho building be
oiiged to W. Dean Hays, a Meuteetse
latiker, who told thei uuthurltles to de-strov
t. Hays paid the family for the furniture.
Alleged Kmlintlrr la Court
ST. IriS, Nov. Zt. Charles Everlv
e-ted teller of the. 1. IllllH I'nl.m
juiMiny. who weis nrn-sieel Tu'-selnv
Jorrison, e'ulo., en tin: ehargti of embez-
.eille-ni, was lereillKtlt to HI. LU rt
Horning by 1st,, live ll.iwnid Beheneck.
i win rneir com i salel that
..en ,.i,iu ,i, e,e eeue-n III CI 1 . 1UIS.
ig that while he; wus awsy lie hud
wree-K in iiuiiii uml Ixedv from
ik-r lid IrnntiL. i- e.. 1
... .en". I-jveiiy in preis-
dtcd with grle-f because of her husbands
eili tme-nl and Is stated to be In a serious
in t
d he-e-ll
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