TIIE OMAIIA UAILT BEEj NATTRDAY, 'NOVEMnfcR 24,- 1006. 1 czn lzzii turn c ( The Cnly Exclusive CLOAK SHOP In the City Opsn Saturday Evenings Until 10 O'clock. 1517 FAR NAM OT. v nil . n i CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN AND BOYS THOUGHTS OF YOUR f L p 4 1 i V ale rr" n -LsjDggepii tite easBT) aft D A SLAUGHTERING OF COAT VALUES THAT WILL DE TALKED ADOUT FOR MONTHS COATS PRICED LOWER THAU THEY WILL BE IU JANUARY Come Early SATURDAY for the Dig Sale Event We have just purchased from one of the largest cloak manufacturers of New York City 750 coats of all descriptions and newest styles that will be put on sale Saturday at less than they can be manufactured for. D Coats that usually sell for $17.50 and 520.00, will sell Saturday for rO $27.50 value Ladies' Tailored Suits, all "styles ..... $20.00 value Ladies Tailored Suits, all styles 9.98 $35.00 Imported Model Opera Wraps 0 $75.00 Evening Gowns Exquisite examples of the tailor's art at its highest 17.50 7.50 $30 D Saturday Specials Between 8 and 9 P. E Only. $750 Silk Taffeta Petticoats, all colors.. ............... $3.18 $1.00 Voile and Panama Skirts $8.50 We are carrying one of the largest lines of furs in the city, and, as we are sonie , what overstocked in the higher priced furs, we have greatly reduced them, and if you make your fur purchases from us we can absolutely guarantee you a saving of 25 per cent FUR. COATSWe undersell everybody in. this line. Sable Coney Fur Jackets, up from . .V. ... . ..... $14.98 By purchasing from us Saturday you will beadding to your Xmas spending money. Cloaks, Suits, Furs ZZZJ C AUTHORITIES Skirls end .Waists . "EZZ3 on boa o STYLE 1 1 i i i 3 c 1517 Farnam St EPPERSON NOT 1MBIT10US Clay County Man Has No Peiire ' Preside Over the Senate. to NETTLET0N MAY C0M OUT FOR SPEAKER Vow that Passes Are Aboat to Be Cat .. Off legislators lacllacd to Think i They Snal4 Hare More ray. (From a Staff Correspondent.) .UNCOLN, Nov. 2i (Special.) Sonator Epperson, ho lias been mentioned as a rotable candidate for president pro tem of the senate, will not be a candidate (or this Important position, lie is here attending tlWrict court and on this subject, he said: "I nm not u candidate (or the place and J' wouldn't, accept H If It were offered me. rceral candidates have been mentioned, und I have heard B. H. Golding of Kearney H u candidate for secretary." Benator Epperson m i member of the Judiciary committee during the last session imhI he hn no I no very or-glnal ideas of what the next Keuato should do. "The very flint thing we should do," he fcald, "we should put the few pops up In the nailery. They will be out of the way tip there and won't get run over whin the ssnate starts doan the platform to carry Mike Lee of Douglas county will be Its author. While here several day ago Mr. Lee said there was do doubt a law would be enacted to prevent the giving or taking of railroad passes, and because of such a law the expenses of the ordinary legislator would be greatly increased, and therefore he should have more pay to make both ends meet. So far there has not Men any appropriations to pay the railroad fare of legislators to and from homo except one re turn trip. Martin Deputy Attorney General. Grant O. Martin of Fremont lias been ap pointed second deputy in the office of At torney General Thompson. Mr. Thompson offered the place to Mr. Martin some time ago, but his acceptance was not received until this afternoon. No other change will be made in the office, Mr. Rose having been appointed deputy some days ago. : both po sitions pay tho same, 11. Six) annually; Mr. Martin has been county attorney of Dodge county and in' an old schoolmate of the new attorney general. Child Barn Death. Oakland Floury, aged 3 years, was burned to death at the home of his parents this afternoon. Tho mother of the liuleone was out of the house for a short time and when she returned the body was burned to a crisp. It is supposed tho little one's cloth ing caught from the stove. Railroad Fare for Ks-t oa lets. Warden Beenier is going to recommend that every convict released from the Htute penitentiary be scr.t back to the place from it out. That is about the only thing I now J whlrh Ulf uer "ntenced or given suf. have In inlwd, except that Dan Nettleton of our county has been urged by some of his friends to bo a candidate for Seaker. le is well qualified for the place, but I am not sure ha will muke sn active canvass to land )t." Itoprv.'-entatlve-elect Wilson from Custer luunty was hvro today to ge; iiU seat marked off. "I haven't elected ant gpia.' ers :.r chief's clerks, either." bald Mr. Wilton, "and I have no Idea who lias the lougest pull for the places. I am here merely to b'-t my seal and find out what the other members htvo been talking about." More ray fur Legislators. A bill will be Imroduc-d in the legisla ture to Increase tho jy of legislators. ficient money to take them there. It Is said he will also n commend In his report to the governor that the death penalty be abolished. crushed. widower. Ho was a year' of age and OFFICIAL VOTE FOR COGHESSMA State Board Completes Work of Tabnjation. (rYora a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Nov. 23.-(8pecial.)-Following Is the result of the official canvass of the vote for congressman at the last, election: first msntirr County. Pollard. Doyle. Tarlnr. Root l''k iui-i c. Cass Johnson 11 Lancaster is emu ha ... Otoo Pawnee .... Richardson Totals.... Donglus Sarpy Washington Totals.... . 1M . 17&4 . ins .14771 181 J 04 73 Km 8S t 5ilJ Ml 9.' S7 !l 11070 PKCOND DISTRICT. Hitch Kennedy, cwk !H: 144.. o lt4 U13S THIRD DISTRICT. Farmer Han 4er and Killed. FREMONT. Neb.. Nov. U.-(Bclal.) John Hanson, a farmer living near Argo postufflce, in Burt county, was throa'n fivm his wagon and killed about S o'clock yes terday afternoon near t'ehlinj. Hanson and his "son were returning f rom L'thllng with a couple of loads of lumber. The elder man was driving the first team, and Just over the top of the hill east of town tlie team started suddenly, . throwing him to the ground in front of the wagon. Both wheels passed over him and his head mas County. Antelopo Hoone .... Hint Cedar .... Coltax .... Cuming .. Tmkout ... Dixon .... Dodge .... Knox Madison . Merrick .. Nance .... I'terce- . .. . I'luttM .... Stanton .. Th urston Wuyne ... Totals.. Boyd. .. l:2 .. l: .. l"ieS .'. .. 717 . . low ., &M . . T!7 .. li.14 .. ln.tii .. .. . . 7:i .. hwj . . irj .. Mi .. I'M Gravi-s. Flood. IHM Ht'ti 1 3A S70 1I2 Mil !t7li U1: HM 7J4 tin! ;4 lij 7m 47 lwr. 4t 14 17 4", 47 IK 11X 'St )J ;:i u 4 14 Hox Butte .. Hoyd Hrown 7.J 1 Buffalo Cherry Cheyenne Custer Dawes Dawson Deuel Oilfield Giant Greeley Holt Hooker Howard Keith i.. Voce, i Keva Paha . i Kimball Iti ' Lincoln I ok an :4 ! Loup IK Mcl'herson .. 3 Rock fleotl's Blurt 17 (theridnn ifti Pherman i l . Hioux Thomas Vslley Wheeler mo De- 1KKH FOCRTH County "'"ier Mil i.ui Ft I more wj )- Gune '; 3iM. iNt Hamilton yjit. J. .rterson I'olk i ;.. ;.t Halino jmi 1'y, Saunders : jiim ,v; g,,w" l'i l.'i ler 1"'" 1WJ ork 3WS Ui4 Totals lSuUj "lin . FIFTH DISTRICT. C,ag ... T 7 I lnhnsnn NAinahu. nuiHiiaw. 1 nomns. ton DISTRICT. Thanksgiving . Clothes are Derhaos uppermost in your miri .just now and it would be well to remember that by stu iiomU av tiding shaidv fabrics an i p ying ma ut most attHniion to tbn making of oup qarnnnts, thi store has cot to be knoim a "THE HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES" where every item is sold for less money, quality combined than elsewhere that can not be duplicated eiss where for less than $12,B0, Suits S for Suits $ for Suits $ for Suits S for Suits $ for 10 12 15 20 25-4 that are the equal in every way of other store's $13 suits. that can only be compared with $20 suits shown elsewhere. that are superior in every way to what other stores have at any price. These cannot b e com pared with any other ready-for-service clothes nor with any but the best made-to-measure clothes, for which you pay $40 to $76. Tmsefsorore Good Overcoats W ill (V famous for So far as we know no other store in Omaha has ever claimed to have as good overcoats as ours. Our $10 and $12 coats $ would cost you $18 else where and, too, we show you many so fine that other- stores are afraid to handle them Furnishing Goods at prices that will stretch your dollars out. SHIRTS A variety of patterns for a vari ety of tastes 75 lP NECKWEAR New creations constantly arriv ing 500 GLOVES Almost any man could be suited here 91.00 'P FAXCTHOSE For men looking for novelties, at ...15Sl'P MUFFLERS That comblna comfort with ele gance 450 -'P HANDKERCHIEFS The newest Ideas await you, at 200 UP OUR Boys Clothes 2.50 WO JT4,r-, That makes "keeping. Underwear warm-easy jee n and "money saving" possible. Hw p Exhibit the right Idea of style and their high quality and low price spell Value points to. remember If you have a boy to clothe. Suits oaslly worth ?3.50. 3flAfor Suits that sell iVu elsewhere for 4.00. 4 fill for Suits equal to vUthe regular. 1 5 kind. 5(f fc r Suits that would .UUeell for $7.50 at other Btores If they had them, , . . YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHES It's a pleasure to show our snappy creations to young men who have tried on clothes at other stores. SG.OO. S7.50. S 10.00 for Suits that would cost elsewhere up'to $15.00. 912.00 nd 915.00 for Suits that have no equals In Omaha. 1(D) - 50 tK l HaTC X 912.00 nd 915.00 111 I rA l li A mnn uM the other dav sir F . V7 ,1 ours were "Hat-Wonders J? I 1 CHILDREN'S ) lots of people must think like- R' ; I. OVERCOATS , , , . T N wise. Judging from the number f " W.OO AND ri. . ' ss J W DERBIES .-...$1.50 Up MM 'SOO Totiiln... aOi K18 5;i 7.' 1444 il4u -74 SHS i L2 hS ' S'.T 'JIT 3VJ 7M , ltyj Hi 4rt , 47.1 5.-I1 , --.v , 2ii4 I) . 71 , 17 ....1357 4-: )54S 1M 154(J U7 4.". 7-1" 17.. 4 :4s hit Wit Jl.i M . lii 13147 HI 'J 4 -.5 y.n l 10 :h ii 2X 4 7 10 7 i- l in u VI RST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Ranor. Aehnr. cumaph people nfust furnish a Kite. PreI dont John R. Plerson of the Commercial club has appointed a committee to look Into the matter and the city council and llbrnry board have taken It up. GORDON FURS In furs, goodness -from start to finish---counts for more than In most things. County. Adams Cha Clay Dundy Franklin .... Frontier .... Kurnn (rOHptr Mall MmtI.vi M t y i t Hilrhcoclc .. Kirnry .... Nuikod. .... IVrkins HikIiw Rwi Willow tWbutir .... Totalx N.irrU. ... lw"J ... :no . .. 1 ... ... :s ... K47 ... ll ... :v.i ... lw ,.. 1M ... ... IM ... U-J ... 1U.1 . .. l?M . . . ... 1137 ...164i"lt Suther land. 17S1 j'.T loJIS ill I'll S.'t 14 . Li 441 !71 ! 14: ii i7 lar. key. a -i Count . HdDlUT LUIimi .. SIXTH DISTRICT. Klnkald. 141 Hlnim- 4 1l 4k'J Far- 3 Hit hardton TotaU.... Iw4 l-'y? 14tt 14l 1JS! IK1 1T7 s: 1"7J 7o7 1"o6 Library tor Tecumaeh. TECUMSEH. Neb.. Nov. at (PpeciaD Tcciiniheh hat an opportunity to ecure 'a Carnegie library building. Tlie private c retary of the Iron king ban written the city council that if provision Is madd to ralHe $ pr year tor tho maintaining of the library Mr. Carrugl will give the city Sti.OUO for the erectlou of tho building Te- COFFEE AILS GONE When you use POSTUM ' "There's a Reason" Gel the little book "The Road to WollvlUa," lo pkg. Far air r Foil ad Uead. GR-VND ISLAND. Neb., Nov. a. (Spe cial.) Henry Kroeger, a fanner renidlng near Cairo, thla county, wu found dead behind his wagon In his cornfield last even ing. His shotgun had accidentally dis charged. It seems certain, when he wax about to replace It on the wagon. One lond entered the center of the body. Just above the hlpe. Mr. KrogiT was tn the habit bf taking his gun along when busk ing corn In order to shoot any ganin he might Incidentally come acros. Neighbors heard him shoot yesterday afternoon. He was to return to the house at i o'clock with a load, and for lunch. When he had not come In at 6:30 hla wife went out to look for him. Bhe was horriflej to find his dead body. The horses, accustomed to hooting, had remained In their tracks. Neighbors were at once called and the i body taken to the house. Coroner Suther land was notified, but the evidences of acci dent were no plain that no Inquest was held. The deceased was about O years of age and leaves a wife and three small children to mourn bis loss, besides a large number of other relatives. dog and swore out a warrant and hud Mr. Wiseman 'arrested for resisting on officer. Ho then broko a padlock and took the dog out. The trial came, off today before ths county judge, C. W. Potter, and the Judge rendered a verdict of guilty, as charged, and fined tho defendant " and costs. His attorney, J. A. Douglass of Bassett, asked for an uppeal to tho district court, which will convene here In January. Child Hur.rd to Death. t'TICA. Neb.. Nov. 23. (Special.) Neut this city this morning a death resulted from the uso of kerosene oil by trying to start a fire. The -year-old girl of Will Blazing, living nice miles northwest of the clly. started to light a fire last evening In the kitchen stove liy placing a cob In the can. As she took the cob out of "the can she dropped some oil on her clothing and as soon as she had applied the match It Immediately set her clothing- on fire. Sho ran out doors, where her mother was work ing, and the mother tried to put the fire out and was badly burned about the face and bands. A young man working on the place finally extinguished the names by hrowlng a bucket of water over her. Uy I' this time ull her clothing had been burned off of her from her shoe tops to her waist band and tho flesh was burned to a crisp. She lingered along until this morning at Sj o'clock, when sho died. Broker Cliarsjed with Larceny. BEATRICE,' Neb.. Nov. J3 (Upeclsl Tele gram.) John W. Culver, until recently pro prietor , of a broker's office In Beatrice, was arrested today on a warrant sworn out by 'rather Dolen, a fanner, living northwest of this city, charging him with larceny as bailee. . The complaint alleges that Culver secured 1210 from Dolen for the purpose of speculating on tho markets as his agi-nt, buj afterwards converted It to his own use. His preliminary hearing wof set -for December 5, and In default of 11,000 bond "h wus .lodged. In fait Dolllver Talks at Aurora. AI'RORA, Neb., Nov. Zl (Special. ) United States Senator John . Do.lliver of . Iowa delivered a highly Instructive and en tertaining lecture at tho Aurora opera house last night. He had a large audience, which thoroughly enjoyed the address, which was (Continued on Fourth Page.) Revival at Bnrehard. Bl'RCHARD. Neb.. Nov. 3t -(Special.) The village of Burrhard, on the south line of tho B. A M., Is In the midst -of a religi ous awakening such as It has never experi enced In Its past history. Rome two weeks ago the churches United and a revival meet ing waa begun In the opera house. From the very first the crowds were large and the Interest has continually Increased, until now people are driving for miles to attend the meetings. Evrngellst Enslso of Chi cago Is In charge At first the evangelist and his methods jwere severely criticised and for a short time feeling ran high. Religion Is the sMe topic on the streets and In the stored Omaki Haa Flaea. AINSWORTH. Js'eb.. Nov. (Special.) Lat Saturday tW Marshal Edward W. Dyer and Theodoije Wiseman, a dog trainer of Omaha, got Inio trouble over the collec tion of a dog taxi In which they got Into a scufna over tht poaMision of the dog. Thry both bad hold it the dug at ths same, time. Ths marshkl bad to let the 73- i i ejQd diphtheria ftr twin evlla. Prom a email b4?fnnte(?ttpyeWalthIylnvad the system, and result in death or Berioua illness. Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup I xioa lur vtiars lire n nnoff7wi am inn nnr- - - est cure of eoro throat and a preventive cf diphtheria. Doctors preacrl be it. Mothers wear by it. "My little boy. years old, had a hard, dry OCrngh frouiaooldandlueoWed to t ry ' DR. DULL'S COUGH SYRUP " , 0011 1il7l after a few dose only rind entirely eured yf tlie or;up and thruat trutibla. Herealter I will a warn lun f ... u lira, lllair Wallace. Duneaiisville, Pa SAMPLE, SENT FREE . to r!1 readers. We want yon to hav annotate oourideiiu In r. Bull Cough Byrup and. to .nab VIMS. will writs Adirea A. want yn ull s doi sul iid .you a a.inple free. U JOU lor It snd piontlon Uilsraiwr. i. 0. ki.l t.14 4 CO, Laluuiore, Md. 0. fi Sri SUHlTITUTIt (a as g.xd s I k broifii you fc-et It j It U lun.io ot i I Bull's ".-. h Hurop. isk tor Dr. BiH' -i . i T; r , i'i,, uiaujr ariof.i RVU llf a4 U'UUU'd A...W, V.t (TAi, li.M IfUlli. 1 1