Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE 0MA1TA DATTr ' m-n: ' KATCItDAT. ' NOVKMflEH IV IMfi.
Our Great Special Clearing Sale
of Black Dress Goods Remnants, Saturday 9 a. m.
Komnants of black poods piled tip during the Great Anniversary Bale. Then add to this, the
accumulation of remnants from the pn?t two months very busy spiling. You "will pee at once we
have too many short lengths. Now wo are going to make the prices so no.t Saturday they will go
flying out to every point of the compass. Skirt lengths, waist lengths, and many full dress pat
terns. No matter how nice the goods or what they cost, they will all go on the remnant counter
for Saturday's grand Clearing Sale. Remnants of silk and wool crepe de chine, serges, novel
ties, panamas, cheviots, suitings, etc. Note each item below carefully, and the special reductions.
Fine lot to chose from. No mail order filled. ' 1 ' ' '
Blark Melroae Novelty 42 In. regular 75e
quality, t yd. !n remnant, for I1.2J.
Black Bilk and Wool Crepe de China Nov
elty Beautiful fabric, Just a surireatlnn of
novalty, rttular $2.00 quality, 8 yd. In
remnant, for I6.J7.
Black All Wool Batista One of tha sea
on't most popular fabric, regular $1.00
quality, " yda. In remnant, for $3.91-
P-lack Crepe Poplin Handsome fabrlo for
skirts, dwp rich black, regular fl.S quality,
i yda. In rnmnant. for $2.49.
Black Worsted Sultlns-Oood weight. ti
yd. In remnant, for $l.r8.
Black 811k and Wool Crepe de Chine
The pretty soft ctlneing; fabrlo that 1 so
much In demand, regular $1.00 quality, OH
yd., for $2.l.
Black. All Wool Batiste Dainty, pretty
fabrlo, 7tt yds. In remnant,, for $2.3.
Black Shadow Check Wool Taffeta Ex
tremely new and very popular, regular $1.00
quality, t'4 yds. In remnant, for $2.91.
Black Basket Panama Very popular for
aklrta, Just the right weight to bang nicely,
regular $1.00 quality, 46 In.. 44 yda. for $2.97
Black All Wool Poplln-Rlch silk finish,
regular $1.00 qualrty. .6 yda. la remnant,
for $3.11.
Block Bhadow Check Wool CrepeThe
goods you have admired so much, regular
$1 0 quality, jr yds., for $4.71.
Slack French Serge 6 yds., .fine all wool,
for $3.97.
Black Worsted Suiting-Handsome fabrle
for the long coat suit, 66 In., regular fl.GO
quality, $ yds. In remnant, for $2.7.
Black All Wool Crepe de Chine Hard
twisted, shakes the duat nicely. 8 yds. In
remnant, for $3.98.
Black Worsted gultlng- yds., all wool. ,
goofi weight, for I'M.
Black All Wool BaUsto-& yde. In rem
nant, for $1.89.
SPECIAL NOTICE At the same time
and on the same counter, Saturday, we will
'nclude In this sale the balance of the
colored, dress roods remnant This will
Jte Beautiful rxmrenir pot
when I C. Irvine of Bt. Louis, vice presi
dent of the congress, was recognised by the
chair. ' Mr. Irvine made an Impassioned ad'
dress, censuring the aotlon of the resolu
tions committee In omitting from It re: port
the two resolutions Introduced to the con
gress by Mr. Bryan during his speech last
right. Mr. Irvine lntimate.4 that the omls
slon of these two resolutions savored of
political Influence and .- their ' authorship
rather than their subject matter was the
reason far., failure of the committee to re--Xort
tfclm. He said all of the American
people were In favor of the Bryan resolu
tions and that If this convention did not
wait to loae It power and its Influence
It bad setter not commit Itself to ait ao
tlon Indicating a partisan feeltng. He Said
that tha republican leaders who are fight
ing the trusts and Mr. Bryan ware a unit
on the trust question. He said that it
you took -a speech delivered , by Mr. Bryan
on that subject and another delivered by
Mr. Roosevelt or Attorney General Hadley
and you were not told the name of their
authors you could not tell which man was
the author of cither rpeech.
Cawaalttee Report Adopted.
J. A. Ross of South Dakota seconded the
speech of Mr. Irvine and Chairman David
R. Francis suggested that consideration of
the two Bryan resolutions be postponed j
until the report of the committee on resolu
tion sat reported had been adopted. . The
guggestlon waa accepted, the report of the
committee waa adopted, and Mr. Irvine
then formally offered the Bryan resolution
gainst private monopoly.
Mr. Irish made a stirring reply to Mr.
Irvine. He said that he opposed the Bryan
resolutions because of the views Mr. Bryan
had expreased In hla New fork Speech. He
aid that those views were of such a nature
that he did not want the congress to go en
record aa supporting them, directly or In
directly. He said that Mr. Bryan, who
was an eminent dialectician and candidate
for political honora, had advocated govern
ment ownership of all public utllitiea and
that an endorsement of hie trust resolution
would be an Indirect endorsement of gov.
eminent ownership of such utilities
Several delegates remonstrated with Mr.
Irish that Mr. Bryan had not advocated
publlo ewnershlp of all publlo utilities.
Mr. Thomas Knight of Kansaa City asked
Mr. Irish: "Does the authorship of a reso
lution stamp the resolution?" and Mr. Irish
rejoined: "Would you consider any resolu
tion put by Mr. HarrlrnanT"
Mr. Knight answered: "I would if a
good one.'
' Without further debate the reaolutlon
This Store Is in a
7e have no patent on the Children's Outfitting busi.
ness; other stores could devote just as much careful thought
to outfitting the young people as we do but they don't.
Tmm-row we will have soma
Coats and Drewss Presses at ffl.OO and up to $13.-10 for tallor-reada
models -Coats, in "Wooltti" and "Wile" tur-dels, at $."S.80, d.0,
7 00, f9.7H and SI2.BO tor the larga girls. F6r the little tola they
arc f3.63. .BO, tS.OO. $6.00, 7JWw - ...
ttoys' Overcoats of -Burnttsslng beauty, .for .every a Re, up to 20 years
the widest posKibIa variety of fabrlca and nobby etylea makea cbooa-
tnj tha youua ffllow'g Overcoat a pleasure here. .
n . i $XU3, $5.00, $8.00 and H7.S0 fur tbe Little Fellows' Coat. -PflPpf
J t.VOO, $7.M), $8.ft0, $10, $12.50 fur the Latter-Hoys' Coats.
I IkUwO f j 0.00, $12.50, $13.00, $17.60 for Young Men's Coats.-
Saturday ErhooJ CMldrcn'a ray will be another busy day in our
Shoe Department A new lot of JJoya' aud Girls.' Shoes Just In.
Kverv pair arientlflcally fitted. Keuiember no trading stamps, no
. rtreni.1.uu:!rrAu:! .'f.'".11.0.'. s 1.50, 82.00,- 82.50
11: lezr'SiiZZ
rite for Catalogue.
be the time to buy the little tot or miss,
sister or mother, a handsome Christmas
present. The variety Is o great you will
feel like taking three, or, four Instead of
one or two, as they are such fine value.
Main Floor. , . '
Knitted, Underwear for Women
and Children.
A great underwear 'busineas has sprung
up here. Why Is It? Simply this: We
never misrepresent; every garment la sold
for Just what It Is, wool for wool, cotton
mixed for cotton mixed, all cotton for all
cotton, and our prices are always tha low
est. Come Saturday and see; there are
several special which are not advertised
Children's heavy fleeced cotton union
aults, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length,
made with drop seat; color ecru; sixes, 1,
It S, 4 "So each; sixes t. , 7, $ too eaoh.
Boys', fine ribbed wool union suits, high
neck, Jong sleeves, ankle length, color
gray, all. sixes 86c each.
Women's fine' white fleeced cotton vests,
high neck, long sleeves, drawers to match,
ankle length, made with French band;
sixes 4. $, 8 60c each.
Women's fine ribbed merino vests, high
neck, long sleeves, drawers to match, aakle
length, color cream or natural 85c each.
Women's line ribbed merino corset cov
ers, high neck, long sleeves, good heavy
weight 86c each.
Main floor.
Dress Trimmings
At. this department you win find many
style of triiiiminps foral kinds of gown
nd occasions; Plain and fancy braids,
Peralan trimmings, silk plaiting, silk ball
fringe, silk tassels, silk drop ornaments
chenille In all the pretty colorings, silk ep-
pliquea, laoe appliques, especially designed
for lace waists, baby Irish all-overs, bands
end edgings, real point, duchess, Valen
ciennes, Venice. Irish crochet and princess
laoea, All these and other novelties at
cards showing Interior vlaws of
Open Saturday Evenings.
Howard Ocr. Sixteenth Street
offered by Mr. Irvine waa adopted. Then
Mr. Bryan's peace resolution waa sub
mitted and adopted without debate.
Ex-Go verncr I B. Prince. of. New Mexico
made a strong plea, for-separate statehood
for that territory. He, said that New
Mexico had elected alxty-slx delegates at
the last election who would meet in Janu
ary and draft a constitution, after which it
would be submitted to congress.
Congressman John Stephens of Texas
requested that he be allowed to submit a
resolution favoring statehood for Artxona,
saying' that he wanted to act as "the
friend In court" ; of thaf territory, which
had no representative In the congress. Con-'
reus man Stephen wanted to make hie
fAanltitlnn An Amnt1ment ttl the' TJeW Mex
ican resolution embodied In the resolution,
but Governor Prince objected, saying that
New Mexico had voted In favor of Joint
statehood, while Arlxona had voted against"
it. x . .
"I don't blame Arixona for voting sgainst
you. They are American there, while you
have a good many Mexicans in New Mex-
Ico," rejoined Congressman Stephens.
Congressman Stephens then submitted a
resolution worded elmllarly to the New
Mexico resolution, ftivlnc separate state-
hood for Arlxona, and the resolution waa
accepted by the resolution committee and
adopted with the rest of the report.
. Railroad Hesolattaas Oaattted.
Various resolutions were offered against
antl-rallroad legislation, as welt as for more
drastio legislation to control the rallroada,
but the congresa did not adopt any-of them,
a. I. KlndeV of Denver offered a resolu-
tloa for the classification of railroad freight
rates, so, long and hort hauls would be'
proportionately the. same.- . -r ' .
J. A. Rosa offened a reaolutlon directing
congress to ascertain the exact cost of all
the railroads in this country, what would
be a reasonable profit n the money In-
vested and that all so-called watered stocks
be eliminated in the consideration of these
questions.. .
J. W. Rlgg1n of Texas offered a resolu-
tlon and made a speech againai ami-ran- South America follows the canal. Bccre
road legislation.. He declared that the j tary Hoot dwelt at some length on the
drastio rate legislation of Texas had Injured , needs of shipping for the South American
the state, delayed its growth and is hurt-
ing the whole Motion of the Texas neio.
I C. Irvine of St. Louis declared thai
the railroad rate law did not discurage
The date of the next meeting of the con-
grees will be decided upon by the executive
committee.- . -'
The congrea directed that each delega-
Class of Its Own
especially attractive values In Girls'
- c:
1313 UOUULAS feTItfET.
IKS' :
Ilo, Nov.
prices to suit all needs. Ask to see our
new line of tassels and drop ornaments for
dress trimming.
Main floor.'
Fine Furs, Cloaks, Suits, Sepa
rate Skirts and Choice Ready '
Made Garments for Women
There are hunUreus of new garments te
celved this week for Saturday's selling. A
Thompson, Belden & Co. cloak, suit or skirt
is always correct and fashionable.
Hundreds of stylish new coats. In fancy
mixtures and plain black broadcloth. We
have fine coats at $10.00, $15.00, $17.60 and
Separata skirts. In fancy and plain black
broadcloth, at $6.50 up to $27.50.
Fur coats. In the driest Astrakhan, fully
guaranteed, at $35.00, $40.00, $45.00 and $55.00.
Near seal coats, brook mink coats, blended
and natural squirrel coats.
Neck furs, In mink, marten, Baum mar
ten, and all the choicest styles at unusu
ally low prices.
Come Saturday and make your seleotlon
from the best cloak department in Omaha.
Second floor.
Women's Hosiery, Winter
We call your -epeeia. attention to two
numbers Of fine domestic hosn, beautiful
yarns and finish, elastic, Krong and dur
able. Women's black cotton hose, made of a
medium weight yarn, indestructible finish,
high spliced heels and doublo soles 20c per
Women's black cotton hose, mad with
rib top, full fashioned, double soles and
high spliced heels, 35c per pair, or 3 pairs
for $1.00. '. i
See now patterns In women's fancy
hosiery, at 50c, 85o. $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 per
-Main flour.
our Btore free upon request.
tlon select a committee of three members
to go to Washington when congress con
sider the rivert and harbors bill. ' 0
The executive committee met tonight and.
appointed' Colonel Fred Fleming ef L 'thla
city chairman of the congressional 'comt-'
mittee and Harry Hawea of SU Louis vice
Chairman. ' V ;
D.- R. Francis of St. Louis, J. B. ;Ce
and President Loveland were chosw'n ,a a
committee to arrange the program for -next A'
year. ' " -4
(Continued from First Page.)
nes. Markets, sources of supplies and
other such matters are the business of
tnos In charge of public affairs, but it
unusual for them to talk about It. He
"ald tr"at Just now he was Interested par-'
tlcularly In the special development of the
nations to the south of us, which would
3 much for the commercial interests of
the Vnlted Slates. There never was a time
when producer' were more ready to reach
out for trad, and he believed much could
, oe had from the Latin republics.
Speaking of the' Panama canal in that
connection, he urged the carrying out of
the project of (l' united commercial club
Journey to the Isthmus, which had been
suggesteJ by the Cincinnati club to clubs
in a number of other cities. He said Chief
Engineer Stevens and his supporters had
been dolngT a rnagnlficent work for the love
of It, notwithstanding constant villlficatlon
and such a trip would be the means of
settling many disputes over the actual con
dltlons there. We will,, lie said. ,grt the
canal built Inside of ten years, and then
the route from New York, Norfolk. Bavan-
nah, Charleston, Mobile, New Orleans.
through the canal and up the coast to
Ban' Francisco becomes the coast line of
the United States. That line runs close
by the West Indian and South American
i countries. Currents of trade already tend
, southward. Direct communication .with all
trade, renewing the argument made by him
at St. Louis Tuesday night.
DIAMONDS-Frenzer, 15th and Dodge.
"oath Dakota's Official Confer
Flaa for Carrying; Oat Party
irURONT, 8. D., Nov. 21. (Special Tele
gram.) State officers-elect, except Con
gressman Hall, were In consultation here
last night with Governor-elect Crawford
The altuatien was canvaaaed and plans for
carrying out the principle of the plat
form were considered. It I underatood
that no courtt-Bloa in the line of free
transportation will be accepted from Tall-
ways or other corporation, and th$ opin
ion of those preaent wa that member
of the lcKlalature would act almost as a
unit In thla particular. Nothing was done
relative to the organization of either
branch of the legislature or who would
be named to fill the appointive offices,
though reference to these matter was
Te Car a rul . nmr nr
Take Laxative Br6rr Quinine Tablets
iru!g1si refund mon. y if 1. falls to our
w. urove .irnajti ,e Is on cn bus.
Blsr Fossil raaad.
SHERIPAN, Wyo., Nov. 23. (Special.
Miners employed in opening a new coal
mine on Beaver creek, near here, unearthed
a Urge fossil section of ganoid fish (claaU-a
cuneatua, one of the' four orders of flshea
In the cUlr)cat!on of Agassis. This
pecles, now extinct, .w numerous In the
earlier geological pi,x1s and attained
enormous slse. The pecil'iarity of the fish
Is In Its scale, which artangular In nhape.
In oblique rows and cov.led with a bright
reddlsn purple enamel. Vm the fosail
Irked u& at the mine 1
from which It came in
least it-ven feet long. I
belli g made for Uie bala
is said the rlxh
t have been, at
UKnt seui-ch I
e of the fosll.
PIIm Larea la M i
Psao Ointment 1 turn
14 Days.
td to cure aaf
case or ueiiing. tsimd, blJmf or Hrocrui
I r.
Q-nr.tan Oti.ha Sport TdU Erro
Chipt;n of. H i Life.
Dissipation , Palls I psa lllm and
Kew 1.1 a bt Eaten HI- Hitnl
' Appeal t Others to Follow
. . Ill Later Read.
After William S. Jacoby told his simple
yet thrilling life Story at the Auditorium
last evening forty persons expressed a de
sire to lead a new life and accept the
Christ of whom Mr. Jacoby spoke In his
talk. The Auditorium was nearly filled.
There were very few empty seats and the
crowd was estimated at nearly 6,000. Those
In charge feel greatly encouraged at the
results of last evening. The announcement
that Mr. Jacoby would tell the story of
his life served to bring out many who
would, perhaps, not otherwise have at
tended. . If any saloon keepers attended
they were lost In the crowd. None were
included In the forty redeemed. One of
he forty was' a man who knew Mr. Jacoby
in his days In Omaha and wuo only a week
ago was suffering, with delirium tremens.
Before Mr. Jacoby spoke Dr. Torrcy of
fered a few Introductory remarks, in which
he referred tf hie refusal to give a tem
perance talk next Sunday upon the solici
tation of a delegation of Omaha women.
He said he told jhe women who waited on
him that he preached temperance every
evening and that Mr. Jacoby would speak
to tha saloon nien Friday evening. "But
we; don't want to go to the saloon men,"
replied tho women. "Then you ought to,"
responded tr. Torrcy,
Mr. Jacoby 1 a man of imnoftlna presence,
His benign countenance shines with a light
unusual for' a rrian SI years of age. He
carries his hearers alonsr wlh an eager
interest At the r-los of his talk last even
ing Dr.- Torrey . suppressed an attempt to
applaud Mr. Jacoby.
Jacoby V Tell HI trr.
Mr. Jacoby'a life story was In brief as
follows: w
"There are many here this evening that
know no one could have been lower In the
depths of sin than I was when I lived In
Omaha about twenty years aeo. I waa born
In Philadelphia and was drunk at the age
of 10 In my own father's home. From 10 to
15- I associated with bad boys In all man
ner of evil and at the age of 15 entered
the navy, where I was further Steeped In
sin ror three years. At 18 I was going
frorn bad to worse and finally had to quit
home, as my father would no longer coun
tenance my presence, I having betrayed
nis connaence at every turn of the road
"During lSfi6 I entered the United State
cavalry under Custer and was In the guard
liouee most of the time. I was dishonorably
discharged for desertion and resisting an
I officer. That was at Leavenworth. I was
Drone ana. a long way from home. Sister
wrote we that a man called at the home
nd plsyed 'Where Is My Wanderina- Bor
Tonlftht' on the piano, and that mother
cried for her Bill. I tell you a mother's
love - will follow you wherever von m
started homo on a freight train and
near RedrtJng worked on the, section.
reached .home - ragged and unkomnt.
went td my father's house and asked for
Mrs, Jacoby. Mother came downstairs and
fell in a .faini on my shoulders. Rha
washed me and fixed me up and kept me
niaaeo ups.tairs.fdr three dais. When
did come down to, -the family table father
said, 'Pass,.' yourplate,' and 'What are
you doing, nowf --; '
- Too Bad for a Policeman.
'I said nothing, but lcolted towird mother,
who was trying and smiling, fof she saw
her boy close to his father and unreconciled.
I Joined the array again and returned to
Philadelphia to go on the police force,
mil." proved even ' too bad. for the police
force.- I later going with a bud crowd and
was In the Phlladolphla and Omaha Jails
numerous times. I Joined the army still
again and was statlonerat Fort Omaha.
On one carousal here one of our crowd re
ceiveo. a compound fracture and I was
tried for that charge, but was discharged.
While In Jail In Omaha I met Los, George
and Jack Nugent. The chief ef police
gave me twenty-four hours to leave town,
and I went. Biit now I am glad to say
am able to return here under different
"Finally mother and fAther died. I don't
think mother ever knew I was saved.
Maybe she knows now. I have often
wished since that I might have her back
Just for a few minutes to ten 'her' her boy
has changed his ways and place my arms
around her neck.
-wniio ai rort Kantian there was a re
vlval. I was feeling the old life burden
some and felt a desh-o- for something dif
ferent. I went up to the altar of my own
volition and a minister asked, 'Don't you
fool any different?' i did not then know
that whosoever called on the Lord would
be saved to the uttermost. But I soon
learned that If any man la in Christ he
will become a new creature, and that the
old things will become new. My old record
waa wiped out, and I had one of the black
est records a man possibly could have.
Plea is Effective.
"I am a new man with new life and new
hope. I drank much liquor In my life, but
God has not only given me a new heart,
V. a. i kL oiBde
It StinSs fcr tb Finest
Cccca In tha VcrlJ
Made by a acicntific blending
of the be' Cocoa beans grown
in the trepics the result of
126 yean of auccessful en.
A p filg-hest Awards la -iU
Europe ttnd America.
A new and handsomely lllua
tratad Rclp Book sent fro.
U 1 &.SLTTC0. H
. Teas oafi Selling Satoday
EiuhdrcdD of Dcautiful Hew Styles
No clever model has been overlooked in this great collection of new coats. - This sale
hag acted like an endless chain from Ihe first announcement of last Saturday. It b been growing;
greater each day, and it we could but picture the beautiful tailoring, the absolute perfection of fit and
the elegant materials, you would readily understand why the coat business haa been coming here in
Up to $7.59 Skirts
dred and fifty irls for
materials in all colors
from-Regular $5.75,
but a new stomach. I stand sound In phys
ical health. . When a man accepts ChrUt
he becomes a new mivn from head to foot.
"While In the west I was wired that
mother -was dying. I, hurried home and
found mother unconscious. They told me
she looked up all week, every time the door
was opened, hoping; to see her boy. Up
yonder there Is One constantly looking for
His children to come home. You may have
betrayed Hla confidence you could not have
had a blacker record than I yet He 'still
loves you and want a to recall you. Come
toHim, now. men and women." .-
Mr. Jacoby told of what Dr: Torrey had
done for him and of the mutual. Jove they
have for each other.
Sunday morning there will be services in
the churches as usual. Preaching; at I p.
rn. at the Auditorium, with sons; service at
1:20 p. m. and preaching at' 8, Special
Thanksgiving services at tho Auditorium
Thursday morning' at 10:30 and evening: ut
7:30. . '
Aeeaaed Mayor of San Francisco Says
Me Court the Fallest
( Inenlry.
NEW YORK, Nov. 'a.-Mayor Schmita of
Pan -Francisco, who arrived here today on
the steamer Patricia, said there was ab
solutely no truth In the charges made
against him and that he will go to San
Francisco and court the fullest Inquiry.
When tho Patricia arrived at quarantine
Mr. Schmlts was shown newspapers con
taining reports of the charges abalnst him
in Ban Francisco. He said:
"There is not a scintilla of truth In the
charges. The fact 1, It la an attack made
against me by my political enemies because
I made a atrong fight against District At
torney La.ngdon; who waa defeated for gov.
ernor. His friends are now taking their
revenge. It Is an odd. atatement for a big
man to make, "but it Is a fact that my
nerves were so affected after the long and
trying time we had passed through that I
made this trip 'abroad. .1 had Intended to
sail for home December 15, expecting to ar
rive In San Francisco about New Year's
day. My friends were to give me a big re
ception and I suppose these people put this
up to prevent It. Hearing that they were
attacking me, I returned sis weeks sooner
than I expected. I did not know of these
charges until today, after the pilot came
on board. I shall court the strictest In
quiry and as promptly ss possible. I want
It, I can only say that I have s clear
conscience In this matter and where gul(t
doea not exist I have nothing to fear. I
I ahall go to the Waldorf Astoria for a day
and then go directly home."
Mrs. Sc-hmlts accompanied the mayor. No
attempt was made to arrest Mr. Bchmlts
when be came ashore from the steamer.
An automobile waa waiting for him and he
left the dock at once. . .
laloa Pacta Masaala Plli to
Obtala Coatrol of Chiracs
C1IICAOO. Nov., .S3.-Plans are being
formulated by K. H. Harrliuan and othei
eastern financiers, according to the Chron
icle, for the formation of a giant corpor
ation which Is to control practically the
Commercial life of Chicago by means of a
combination of tbe subway, transportation,
freight, express, electrlo light, power and
telephone oompanlea now holding franchises
In the city.
The first Intimation that such a deal was
under way came today from an authorita
tive auurue. The statement was made that
the proposed merger of the Illinois Tunne
company and the Chicago Edison company
waa the first step tn the formation of one
of the greatest corporations the world has
ever seen.
It is known that Mr. Harriman wants to
gain control of the tunnela In order to use
them for distributing systems for frtlxhi
arriving in Chicago over the many rallroada
now under his control. Such a systttn for
the exchange and distribution of freight and
express would m-an a saving of millions for
the Harriman reads.
Don't fail to read ad. No. i. page li.
Rational Grant Adjoaras.
DENVER. Non ZS. After sitting ten
dava and ltilatlnK on many luaiter of
fell ft
Mi 13
i iuiyurtuute lJ liie !,', 'M meiuUcrs of the
n r
151 0 I)QUGICVS Stjjy
such incroaaed volume.
Hundreds 6f new coats will be added for Saturday's Belling, all
made in newest styles, either tight fitting, loose fitting and seml
fltting. in every wanted color.
Fully 300 coats are embraced In our $25.00 offering, giving an un
limited scope for satisfactory choosing. All made of very finest
Vorombo broadcloth, kersey, fine cheviot and covert. The styles
are loose flttlnn, semi-fitting and
plain tailor tight ntting errecis. liinea tnrougoui V..
with best satin or taffeta, $35 values, special at. . . i
$25.00 COATO ON SALE AT $10.50 .
Over 200 coats are placed on sale for Saturday's selling at $19.50,
regular $25 values. These garments are made of finest all wool
materials, in black and all color, in fitted, semi-fitted and loose
styles; lined throughout or body
satin. rney are wonaeriui Bargains 11 jf .
at Uvr
The coata that go on sale at $15 are wonderful bargains, and while
there are 200 of these in the lot. we advise early choosing, for
garments of their style will soon be picked up at such low figures.
Every one in this offering Is made of all wool material, either
broadcloth, kersey, cheviot or mixed goods, in all of the smartest
loose fitting, semi-fitting or tight
Compare these garments with any
eUewhere at $20 or $25 special
These beautiful sulta are made of finest broadcloth, in blouse or
tnrket styles, with stylish pleated skirts. They come In black.
blue, brown, green and red; there
few mled suits in the lot. Kegwiar fsa suits, v
reduced to i
on Sale at S3.95 ifcIos
clearance. They are all made of eplendid
and in a great variety ol gool styles ! cnoose
$6.50 and $7.50 ikirts on sale Saturday at . .
National Orang-e, the fortieth annual con
vention of the order finally adjourned this
afternoon. It way decided to etahllh a
weekly paper to be devoted entirely to
the interest of the Orange. J. W. Darrow
of New York, who ha been head of the
publication bureau of the Orange for many
years, 1 elated to be editor. Resolution
for modification of the tariff were adopted.
THERE'S no excuse Jor not dressing aa
good as the best.
NtcoU's generous assortment of first-
class fabrlca as large aa'any three stores
usually exhibit and our twelve store pur-
j chasing organisation arms us with buying
privileges and consequent selling advantage;
I -not enjoyed by any Jocal competitor.
i Trexsers $5 to 512. Suits S20 to 550
2 OO-11 So. 15th St.
Flt r roughened by needlework
catch every stain and look hopeletsi
dirty. Head Sapolio removes not only
the dirt, but also tbe loosened, injured
cuticle, and restores th tlagen to
their natural beauty.
This cafe, the finest In
tbe city, ts NOW OPEN.
Private dining rooms.
Special preparations for
after-tbeater parties.
1508' Howard Street
Table XV X Slaaev Zvery Sve&laf,
to O'clock
and Restaurant
1516 Dodge St.'
1 Everything New
Beat of Everything
Thoroughly Up-to-Iate
First Class in All Respects
n cHiiai;??;
k a a At m m.
'Pbonw, Doug lt.
PRICES 10c. v 26c. too.
in the strictly js
lined with PK50
fitting styles.
coat shown
price Saturday. . . 4
are also a
Saturday we will place on
Twenty years ago: ood
- store, no agencies.
To-efmyi town a tore
over 00O agenoleaJ
This, tn brief. Is the storv
f JAEGER Mice- In the
Unltrd Slates What other
Underwr can shew such
striking proof of merit?
AH Weights for All Wants.
fc'oi "ale in Omaha By
dOYb'S r&yff.Mgrs.
In tils Latest Success,
suu ioner Hour teats at U.IM.
XhaaksclTUeT Wees Npthlns Like It
' Over 100 People. Beat sad Blffest
how They vr Sad. The most
novel tf ail musical comedies 2&e to
$2.80. Seats now on sale.
Only Two Cliancus to 8e It.
With JESB DABDT BarrUft Mat,
too sat on lowr floor, tl.uu
Beat on ae.
TXAjrxBorrnra attbaotiov
Thnraaay Mat. XUfht and Piiday
sxaaxsT kit ur tzabs
Capacity Everywhere. Enure KW
York Cast.
All Manager Bay Thl
i I the Bestl
Have Played I
MusKal bnow iney
Jhis Year.
25c; Tues., Thur.. Sat. Mats, 10o. K.
IV IV U U ,c. 50c. 75c
Katiae Today. Toolrht, 9 tit
In V)'alker '.uteKiiie's Ureaieat
' !omedy Urama,
tf r
All Day, Satnxday, Morejabet
at or aia". Ansraooa and Bvealag
alula y the Bui.