16 THE OMAHA DAILT BEE: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24. 1006. ft ' H H n H M H n H v Ul ' H m Hi n M 5 m M N n H M M H M H n ' M k 5 M n u If 100 Ctl'Jn; Cards 33c, Arcade SiV I .v I ' 'l II A Great Sale of 2,250 yards Plain and Fancy Velvets at 33 J c on the Dollar 75c to $1.50 Velvets at 25c 39c Yd. Paon velvets, silk warp velvets, gun metal dress velvets, boulevard dress velvets, Lyons velvets, velour appliques, in the. new. shades. of reds, browns, , navies, old rose, re sedas, Alice blues, Framloiso, pink, white, cream and black positively the best velvet bargains ever offered in Omaha-on bargain square, entrance south door, new m store yard. SATO S Children's $3 and Vry latest styles some with fur, collars Is all sizes and nearly fifty pretty styled well j tailored, at. . Ladies $25 Hats ad $5 These consist of reception hats, theater hats and street hatsmany elaborately trimmd .with ostrich feathers, etc. This is bankrupt stock from Mme. E. Reboux, 592 Fifth avenue, New York Men's Hosiery Thousands of pairs of men's fancy colors silk hnished izrid, wool camel's hair black wool 25c quality pair. I A IJ.,, Plaid, fine and heavy LadieS IlOSiery ribbed taw for ladies 5 and children fast black at, fOc 15 C " DOLL SALE! Gigantic Stock Bought from R. Ft. Co. At Just About One-Half Price $2.50 kid body dolls, fully jointed, natural Th 5 sewed wig, moving eyes, etc '30 $1.50 Dolls at 59c Each Large jointed bisque fn (TK 5 dolls and fine kid body dolls- $ZrC 2 " , ! $1.00 Dressed Dolls Moving eyes, fully jointed some of them in damaged boxes 25 C 4!!C $4.00 Jointed Kid Body Dolls, $1.98-This is a very 4 QO special bargain for Saturday at. I0 .HIB Km f SPECIAL SALE 5 ' IN THE 1 New CKina Section I West Arcade n RusHlan Jardinieres Superior grade, highly polished hand made brass, manufactured by expert. Russian brass smiths. The very latest creation in the Jardiniere Hoe. Simply beautiful In ap pearance and very practical. To introduce the new goods Saturday we will allow a special discount of 20 per cent on every Jardiniere In stock. HavUand China Dinner Sets, 100 pieces, richly treated with pure coin gold, decorated with deli cate -pink rosea with silver gray M W n M background a very 22S1 handsome aet; Saturday ..... 1 I. Have Yoa Visited Our New Dook Dep't? IN OUR NEW STORE, NORTH SIDE. As a Special we are offering o M U U a M M u Splendid BY THE WORLD'S GREATEST WRITERS. LOTS OF OTHER SPECIAL BARGAINS Ladles' Red Cross Shoes $4.00 m fi 1 If ! I I M . m H M I I V K-;OH6. J4n 5 V CIVCIO s n C T$ TjP 1) U 6r U n DAY'S n fV II II V VV J 1 .SH XV 2 W tJ iA 11 il $5 Cloaks fj 9g a H m H 2 5 h fine hosiery plain and mercer- -rt pssa and heavy at, II DC H H M M B4BaBIB New Store M M Prt-M Cut Vases, as per cut. Inches tall, very handsomely fln- isnea witn tne real cut glass effects, Sat urday, each 10c Blown Sherbet Glasses, made of pure thin glass, beautifully en graved, worth regularly m . $1.75 per dozen, Sat- if urday. each JK Toilet Sets, 12 pieces, in our new, fall shape, white and gold, a set that would readily qc 392 sell at $6, this sale M arlfe i :0 3 A 8 Omaha's Pure Food Center L ' 3 h yuener Things to Eat a'jriinis utvay xvnu mm eats up p lots of money, If your butcher doesn't gi treat you fairly. Are your bills un- & duly largo? Suppose you try our O 5 meats, our service, for a while and B V see If there is any changre for the Sj better. Perhaps our prices pound U ior pound win Interest you. The ft neat tt8eIf the best stock wo can '1 buy for any money anywhere. Saturday' Special la Meat Dept. MOO lbs. Pig Pork Loin, per lb..94o . S3 mnrreii s lowa i'rldo Bacon, per U " ' 74 " t U In our Fruit and Vegetable denart- 'I .1 mont . i -"- mm a. leuipuna; array M Knmnuatj 5 - J Enpflsh hot hous a 2rrr Cucumbers ise Cauliflower Persimmons Mushrooms Artichokes Mexican Chill Brussels Topper Fprouts Egg Plaint Green Peppers Iu fact, everything In the market. j Only a few more days of Lhls month which means only a few more of Mrs. Dwelle's cooking lessons, on the second floor of mil- now anr. at every afternoon during the month of U November. . yi lu'a7 o menu, iivvemiiwr jr K Stuffed Eggs, with White Sauce. t'j I'otato Ruff, i Orange Cream. I Three Separata Entrances Douglas Street, 17th Street and West Arcade from Brandels' Store. 4 PHONE DOTTGLAS-647 Private Ex change Connects All Departments. An Umbrella Christmas Gorham Umbrellas, gold, and sil ver mounted, for ladles and gen tlemen. Also sets for gentlemen with cane to match. . - ' A large line. Some very elegant and high priced, If you want a fine one. Some reasonable ones also, as low as $5.00. But all good ones and warranted. No poor grades in our store. Good goods at reasonable prices our motto. Brown & Borsheim, 220 Sooth 16th St 00 COYS' SHOES Our $2.00 Boys' Shoe is a prize. So parents think who have been buying them for their boys. , We selected good cased calf for these shoes, had them double soled and strongly made looked after all the Utile details in mak ing, and sell them for the rea sonable price of 92.00. Somebody, somewhere, may be selling as good a Boys' Shoe for the same money, but we've, yet to seo it. - FRY SHOE CO. rum iioibi, 15th and Douglas Streets i DAILEY & . DENTISTS - 3D FLOOR PAXTON BLOCK HIGHEST CRADt DENTISTRY REASONABLE PRICES HAIR BALSAM H we Wmim to li-ator (rrcf X L V FRY'S S2o r s n rm.oo For heavy all wool blue serge suits, a $15.00 value. 2nd Floor Sams palily our nslglta get $35.00 No matter how much you pay you can't get baiter Overcoats. Long Black Kersey Overcoats .sifcoo - 99.60 . mm On whlcli we save you from 1519-1521 New Homes In the To the man who is possessor of a few hundred dollars the states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho Present splendid opportunities for securing a home and a competency. Through Trains Daily ed with Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars, etc., via the UNION PACIFIC The Short Line to Portland 1 taaotrt City Tlcktt Offloa, 1334 rarasm Bi. 'Fhoaa Bonglaa 334. Wherb to Eat? BEST'PLACES IN THE , CITY SEE AMUSEMENT PAGE EOc Smart Set Assarted Chocolates SATURDAY ONLY We want to Impress upon your mind that these goods are regular 60c value, and we sell them for-29c on Saturday only. " . ., Myers-Dillon Drug Co. Pescription Druggists, ( 6LXTEENTH AND . FAItNAM 8TS. Wide -A wake Merchants t . You will fini the leading and most progressive dealers in GROCERIES and MEATS of Omaha represented in our "Sunday Dinner Bargains," page 12 The man who advertises keeps his shelves freshly stocked - he does not permit his stock to become stale his policy is to keep things movin? he creates the demand, lie goes after the buyer does not sit with folded hands waiting for someone to discover him. He is alive and let'a the world knew it. If yourc wise, .you'll deal with Kirn Be progressive it pays , nnn 1 1 r3 nn I nil iUU For fancy pure worsted suits, like tailors make to order for $40.00. Take Elevator $5.00 to $7.50 psr coat. Douglas St. Customer Kvery thing yoa bvf to sell is wanted by o roe body if price uA quality are right A Dee ' Want Xd wtU Cad tfe enrtomac, 3 (0) Hsrt, Shaffner O Marx Hand-Tailored Clothing Is Best mm THE RELIABLE STARE 1 J Clothing Sale Over $40,000 worth of hi eh grade clotliing, including the balahce of our Great Purchase or Men 'a Suits and Overcoats, .t special purchase of Boys' cloth ing and hundreds of garments from our regulart stock, greatly underprioed in onr Thanksgiv ing Clothing Sale. . Everj garment perfect in .style, in material and work manshi)). Dependable in every sense of the term. Like Quality Elsewhere You'll Find Higher Priced. Men's Suits In all newest styles, materials and patterns, worth regularly up to $20.00, in 4 lots Saturday, at $7.50 $10 $12.50 $15 Men's Overcoats Latest, styles in long or medium length, almost unlimited assortment worth up to $25.00, at $10 $12.50 $15 $18 Youth's Long Pants Suits In the nobbiest new styles, un equaled quality, at, sale price, $0.50 $5.00 $4.50 Youths' Loner Overcoats A sni values at $7.50 $6.50 $5.00 $3.95 Children s Knee Pant Suits-All latest styles, with plain or Knickerbocker Pants, at $3.50-$2.95 and $2.50 Children s Overcoats In ages from 2Ms to 8years-the neatest style ideas-special , . $3.50 $2.95 $2.50 $1.95 Children s Odd Knee Pants, regular 65c and 95c values, at 50c and 35 FRELl FREE!! In our Hardware and 5c we will give free with each (none to children.) HAVESEKI BE! a TIKI E3Y8' .FUS If. Must be wU shod. We always give the boys' feet as much, or evea more, attention than we do the men's. We use as much care In select ing the stock that goes Into the boys' shoes. Perhaps we give the boy a little better value than we do the "daddy." We are alter the boys' trade and we are getting more of It every day-' ... The values we are giving In our boys' shoe is what gets the busi ness. , Our boys' "Steel Shod" shoes have a reputation that we are oroud of. Boys' sizes, 2Va to 5, $2.50. Youths' sizes, 1 to 2, $2.25. Little gents' sizes, 10 to 13, $2. Drcxcl Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam SI. 50c MUSIC Add 1c If by Mail. THE GREAT UOSPK SAT I'KDAV SHEET Ml SIC SALE. The Following Hits Or. "Walt for Me Where tlie l.ilace Bioom;" "Gueua lit Ufuv th Train Ba.ua iiomu" (lilt from "Coming .Through' tlie Jty"); "Aloonwijik;" "lola;" "The Dobl i'oa ue Your Mothur You Cannot Imv Willi Gola;" "Holies of '7b;" "Is There Any Jloom in Heaven tor a Little Girl Llko Met" "The Hem X Uet is 1 here lie (iof-a" (bis coon ouf hit); "Walling at the t'hunn.' "Ain't You t'omips jH k to Old New Hamiikli'ire, Molllc?" "Weebage ot the Dying- KuKl-nt-er;" Jloomnriit," by AJsn; "Down' by the village Gn'rn;" "La Detroit Waltits;" "ilule Blat .March;" "IVnipi-Bt Tos:d." march; "Kveryono Wen Meant for Some One;" "Kuenla" new rug by sStott Joplin; "f'arnivul Tlmei. 'i'liounHntlp of other hit at cut rato prtct-s. Itcnieiuber, only one covy of u- kind to a cuntomer. BATUaDAY OSLT. Don't uegit'ct tlua oioi tunlty. . A. HOSPE CO. 1513 lkniglaa bt. Omaha Agents) for Hart, f Shalfner & Marx Hand-Tailored Clothing Extraordinary ( ..V Copyright ioe5 by Uart Schiffhettf MVS. FREEH! and 10c departments Saturday purchase a Tipped Sugar Shell . I 1 M 1 A ' wh) - ;rM SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER ,., T avoia the usual Holiday rush we will -lve, from Nov. iSVi iJv ..v "i- uur .ni.io in a Ofauurul ART PORT FOLIO with each doueii re(rular priced photos, from 4.00 and up. This In itoelf will mnko au appropriate Christmas alfu . Make no mistake. ' n. DEYJV, Fhotographer. lVest Side Soolli 15th Two Story Building-. 318 to 322 South Fihoonth Stroot flE FAffi 1121 - Farnam - 1123 Offers You Today Tremendous Bargains Men a Heavy and Medium Ribbed and Flat Fleece Tan and Black Ijnderwear Hetulor n.i value 69o Our special i ulo price, Saturday VtlV 16n Wool Hose for 7c Union Suits for Men $1 50 values Camel Hair Flat Fleece m a and Gorman Wool 71 1 On sale Saturday lit i.uun coat Hangers In wire and wood worth 15c Saturday 2c Men a Winter Caps I.Ined with Hudson Bay B.aver. Russian bquirrel, Mink and Bear Skin . Sold everywhere for mn tor. to 11.01) On UHl sale Saturday., MILLER'S CALIFORNIA PORT WINE Stimulating. sn Invlgarttinf Port Wine la na ture's own tonic. It tones the 8a tem. purities the blood and gives one new life and ambl. tlon. A PURE WINE Suit Is HUler'a CalltornU Port Wine. It la made (rora the moat select of California choice fjrapes by ne of the oldest ind most reliable Cullfornla wineries. It Is aged and ma tured h wood. Bot tled and sold by us J exclusively. COME rN AND 8AMPI43 IT. Full Quarts Per Gallon 75c S2.50 WE DELIVER PROMPTLY IF IT tOMES HUM MLLEirS IT MUST BE GOOD 1309 Farnam Street ' 1 ' . . . .:, HILLERS California Phone DougUs 1241 )