Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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nidation PnU December Wheat Option
on lower L?tl.
Minneapolis bids (or local grain
Man In StnkwfM Wast ekraska
Pronnet for Thele Mllla, Basalt
Betas Firm Cash Prleos Corn
Slaw aa4 InebangtosU
OMAHA. Nov; 23, 1906.
Liquidation In the ijecemher wheat option
'fUiiwi ttiui inonLn ia a lower level, tne price
at tna close being 4 rent below yeeieulay.
May was not Influenced 10 tna en en I tnat
i:ht have been expected, ana tna cioea
'4 rent above yesteniay. New run
About the Maine iruiu cisv to ilav. KecelDta
tne nnrtnwest were lighter than a ytsr
ao ana primary teceiute - were greatly
bimer last year.
The cafn waa good locally and
reports ot es-pecisily good trade come from
the nortnweat. wnere all offerings were
taaen rrsdlly by the millers at good prem
ium, foreign crop news generally la fa
vorable. Export business Is reported alow.
Receipts were very light In corn, but aa
trade is practically at It standstill, the
range of t.ia market waa narrow. Weather
In tne corn belt Is generally wet and rain
or hi ow Is promised for tomorrow. Prices
at the clone, were unchanged.
Primary wheat receipts were 7(11,000
bushels and ahlmnents of 773.00 bushels.
against receipts last year of l.(M,imQ bushels
and shipments of 3U,(KV bushels. Corn re.
celpts were Stil.OuO bushels and shipments bushels, agstnat receipts last year of
524,000 bushels and shipments of 8it.0"U
bushels, Clearances were 123.00(1 bushels
wheat. 4,f barrels Oour. 26,t bushels
l. ivernhcl closed unchanged on both wheat
and com.
The spring wheat movement Is still a live
topic of discussion. As yet there Is no
aaOsfsctorv explanation of the continued
small receipts In the northwest. Consider
able wheat still back In the country, It Is
said, has also been contracted for shipment
before the last sailing of the grain fleet for
Buffalo. . ' . j .
..o..iska grain men have been buying
wheat futures 1n Chicago during the last
two days. They are In touch with north
western millers. Who have been buying
bard wriest of them steadily for eonie
.time and , they are. talking very - bullish.
Minnesota millers were buying cash and
lecember wheat at Omaha and Kanaaa
City yesterday.. -An Omaha grain. . man
said: Minneapolis l ottering a tilgher
premium for wheat here today than It has
at any time on the crop."
Local range of options:
ereame, choice, l&4c; New Tork
creams, fslr to good. 121MXc.
llnotatloaa f t"oVnay on . Yarloaa
f otanaadltles.
NEW TORK. Nov. 22 FLOUR Receipts,
tl.1.18 barrles; exports, 6.378 barrels; sales,
9 packages; market stesdy but dull;
Kllnn.-.l. nalAnla ti 1rv7t I 41V Minnesota
twkera, M.a03 "i; " winter patents, M.ij '
.("i; winter straights, lAjtMJ.Wi; winter ex
tras, $2 frCyllO; winter low grades, liWix
$05. Rye flour, firm; sales. 800 bbla.;
fair to good, $3.4tV94.80; choice to fancy,
II 5iM l. Buckwheat flour, steady, $3.20
til. DO; shipment, to arrive.
CORNMEAU-JDull; fine white and yel
low. ll.Wtol.a.i coarse.; ktln-drled.
$X7fS2.75. , , .
I 1UK-Firm; No. 1 western, 7lHe c. 1. f.
JVpw York; Jersey and state, WVftVr. ae
llvered at New Tork.
RARLEY Steady; feeding. 44 He C. I. f.
New York; malting. 49fc C. I. f- Buf
falo WHEAT Receipts, 1W.000 bushels; ex
ports. 68,189 bushels; sales, 1.R30.WO bushels;
futures. 80,000 bushels. Spot Irregular; No.
2 red, 804c, elevator; No. t red, 824". f. o.
b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 83c. c.
I. f., Buffalo; No. i hard winter. T7H".
f., Buffalo. For a time the wheat market
was steadier on light northwestern receipts,
but from midday on declining prices pre
vailed because of December liquidation.
Great horthern Preferred Falls on An
nouncement of Ore land Settlement.
t alua Pacific and Konthern Iron
Shares Advance Market Saffera
Reaction aad Close Is Weak
aad Lower.
ties, Increased rl.9X.oiO; other deposits, In
creiised tl.W.tflO; publlo deposits, Increased
1, 24. oil; notes reserve. Increased 1.f'47.t'n;
government u til"8, unrhangej. The pro.
portlon 01 the bank's reserve to nihility
this week Is 40 .t 2 per rent, ss coinpsred
with 40. per cent last week.
Articles. Ope 11. 1-High.) Cow. Clo.Yee'ir.
. . . .-- ;
Wheat I ..- i ,; ' . I
Dec... . 87 X g., . 17 I . I4
' May... ;.Tl!4l,vi!H K WH '
May WVfct Ss-1; 3bi 8V! M',4
1...V...... ! h
. May. ..,...,,yiiw.. , en.! . -
Tlew York Moaey ,MBrlie1.
NEW YORK. Nov. 22. MONET On call.
Arm, fifiTc; ruling rate. 9 per cent; cine,
tng bid. 44 per cent; offered at 5 per rent.
Tune loans, strong; nlxty and ninety days,
7 per cent; six months, tcijl1 tier cent.
per cent,
actual business In bankers' bills st
tKuO for demand and at 14 Mca fori
sixlv-dsy bills: posted rates, $4MViti4.8tH;
commerclsl bills, S4.M4i!.0.
81LVER Rar, 7ti'c; Mexican dollars,
. 54Wc.
lii J Td il ' a m r n Arm rnllrAnri Ir.
t 111 phowd strength and breadth of arttv- rBular
Cattle at a General Thing; Bell io Te
terdty't Kotcbea
Heeo aad Ustbi, Both readers ad
Killers Sell Freely at Csei
Steady to Rtrons Prires
Receipts Light.
I not Belt to as good advantage as the same
gradea brpusnt early In the day.
Bhlppers will note that some of Ihe besl
heavy hna are brlnrlng pretty good riicos,
the market showing a tendenry toward
bringing the better grades of heavy hos up
nearer In the level of light welahie. due to
Ihe fsct that light hogs are becoming some
what more plentiful st most market pointa
This tendency was shown In today 1 mar
ket, when the top hoaa did not bring any
more money than yesterday, although the
general market wss fully ha higher.
Representative sales:
No. Av. 8h. Tr No. At. Ph. Fr.
Si 7J ... 5 fas g I
17 10 ... 0 44 lra 1) C 1
NKW YORK. Nov. 22 The stock markei
Oaaakat Cash Prires.
AHEAT-No. 2 hard, (&4o; No. t
hard. eTVfO1": No. 4 hard, abtyt7t': No. S
spring. CiVeitih'BC.
CORN N. :i old, 34'; new, 37c; No. 4
new, USMl-; No. 3 yellow, old, 41c; new,
374c; No. white, old, 4fc; new, tie.
OAT8 No. 1 mixed, Hc; No. S whlta,
S1'4i.lV,''o. 4 white. rci31C.
RYia-Ne. 2, SIVjc; No. , )c.
; larlnt Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oals.
Chicago .,',.k".t;
Kaneas City
Omaha ...'' , 38
Duluth -...A..3f.1
ttt. iouls 78 6 66
reatatrcB-'of tfao Tradlaa; aad Claslag
Prles on Board of Trad.
CHICAGO. Nov. K Profit taking In the
d-'llvery option caused moderate weakness
lonay in ina ioci wnrti nmriiei, inn ju-'
rcmher option closing at a net loss of (&
r. Corn - was down &kc. Oats were
also '41 1,0 lower. Provisions were 12',o
to iOc lovt-r.
Weakness In Ihe wheat market developed
after the trading was well under way.
I Hiring the first hour sentiment In t-he
pit a-as tjMte toajtlsti 'because ot-continued
small receipts In the northwest.' The early
llrtnness wus partly due, however, to an
absence of selling pressure. Toward the
middle of the evasion aeiiers became -more
active and the market eased off. Later a
decline of me In the price of December
wheat Minneapolis Increased the selling
here and canned, a still weaker feeling.
The local market was also depressed by
the Tear of liberal deliveries on December
cnntrHcts. Aside from report or a cm-
innatl trsde Journal which snld that the Flour, bbla
newly sown crop of fall wheat, was .in Wheat, bu
a.iod cond lion, the news or tne day waa 1 10m,
favorable to tho hulls. During lite last I Oats, bu
hour loral long and cash ho usees were
free sellers i-ot December. The market
closed weak.V December- opened unchanged
to a shade lower at 73c to TiH73Sc.. sold
at Sc and then declined to TSgTio.
Clerances of wheat and flour were.eaual
to Hil,oou bu. Primary receipt were 761. 0U0
bu.. against I.COt.CKM for the same day last
car. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago
reported receipts of 55 cara, against
lat week and gi cars a year ago.
and the market closed &o net lower.
Sales Included No I red May st MHfcMe,
closed at c; December, H5l?c. closed
at SiHc
CORN Receipts. M.77R bushels. Ppot
market easy; No. 2, Mc, elevator, and Ssc,
f. o. b.. artoat; No. I yellow, 54c; No. 2
white, Rc. Option market was without
transactions, rlostna net unehnnred. Janu
ary closed at 6Uc; May closed at Wfcc;
December Closed St tvr.
OATH Receipts, fS.WiO bushels. Ppot msr
Vet steady: mixed oats. 21 to 2 pounds,
89c; natural white, 80 to 33 pounds. XVaAO':;
xllrnH Kln twtltnrfa !SlUS4nC.
- r r . - -.. . .a
FKKD Firm. spring bran, !"
prompt shipment; middlings, $22.85,
prompt shipment; city, $22. 00(02. R0.
HAY Firm; shipping, 7S80c; good to
choice, .
HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice,
190. 2024c; 1S06, 9S13c; Pacific coast, 1W6,
HIDES Pteady; Oalveston. 29 to 25 lbs.,
20c; California. 21 to 26 lbs., 21c; Texss
dry, 24 to SO lbs., 19c.
LEATHER Steady; add, 2T28c.
PROVISIONB-Peef, firm; family, 112
(S13.00; mess, $.0OS9 00; beef hams. 32.IXV
21.60; packet, $10 &011 .00; city extra India
mess. $1.BOS-20.00. Cut mests. steady;
pickled bellies. $10.(gl2 .50; pickled hams,
tt2.00ff12.5e. Lard, easy; western prime,
$9 3.vse.4S. nominsl; refined, quiet; con
tinent. $9.80; Pouth America. $10.75;
compound, .002. Pork, steady; fam
ily. I18.BOR19.W); short clear, $17.6"fil9-M':
mess, $17. TVa 18.75.
TALLOW Barely steady; city (11 per
pkg)i Hc; country (pkgs. free), H4
46 c
RICE Steady; domestic, fair to tra,
SHfffeHe: Japan, nominal. , '
BUTTER Strong; street prlnee, extra
creamery. 28 29 "Ac. Offlclal prlcea: Cream
ery, common to extra, 209 29c; held, sec
to etrs (IS 28c: state, dairy, com
mon toextra,JOi27Hc; renovated, common
to extra, l?22Hc; western factory, com
mon to firsts, itt20e; western Imita
tion creamery, firsts, 21 22c.
CHEESE Quiet; state, full -cream,
large and small. September, fancy,
laHe; October, best, 12c; Btate, fair to
good, lajmHc; etate. Inferior, 10llc
EGOS Steady ; stale, Pennsylvania, and
nearby, fancy and selected white. 940c,
state, choice, Sw&38c; state, mixed f".
SiaS7c; western, selected best, Stc. Ofrlclaj
prices: Firsts, 82c; seconds, 27630c.
POULTRY Live, Irregular; western
chickens, lie; fowlo. 12c; turkeys, 15c.
Dressed. Irregular; western C"'rke""'1-h(
lfttyc; spring turkeys. l.Viiri8c; fowls, NWlao.
St. Loots aeaeral Market.
ST LOUIS. Nov. 22. WHEAT Weak;
track. No. 3 red. caah, 75376Vc: No. 1 hard,
7aH(q74Hc; December, 72Hc; May, 77Hc.
CORN Firm; track. No. 2 casn. 4lc, new;
old. 45c: No. 3 white, 43c. new; old, 4eo;
t h., AiUJ.iM.r Vf a V 41'4ffI'4lC.
OATS Steady; track. No. t caah, 33ici
No. 3 white, 44c; December, 33c; May,
FLOUR Steady ; red winter patents, $3.99
VX75; extra rancy ana siraigiii, .iu-j,
clear, xitni sa
BEED-Ttmothy, steady, $3.2&Q.7S.
CAUK.'Ur.ilOulL li.g). .
BRAN Strong; sacked, eaat' track, 97
HAT Firm; timothy. $14.effl9.50; prairie,
$10.0015.80. .
I HEMP TWINE to, ' :I--Ml:,
i.uavtoiohh Piark. lnwier: lobbing, lit..
Lard, lower; prime steam.- $9.00. Dry salt
meats, ateady; ooxea extra siiona,
rih ia 12U.: short clear. 89.87U. Bacon,
steady: boaed extra shorts, $10.62; clear
Ity today. In some instances the advance
were sensational. The character of sev
eral of Ihe stocks which were thus af
fected, however, were such that the sym
pathetic effect on the general llt was
unsettling rather than stimulative.
The bad repute of some storks with the
speculative element has to do with causes
quite sslde from the financial standing or
character of the companies themselves.
Stocks of comparatively small cHpltal or
which are closely held In a few lutnds and
are seldom active in the stock market
are not favorite mediums of speculation
In time of ordinary activity. Their sud
den emergence into prominence either by
large trsnsactlnns or violent fluctuations
Is usunliy accepted as a sign that market
possibilities have been about exhausted In
the more popular stocks and that only
the course of elimination by exhaustion has
brought the speculation around to this
class. This feeling was accentuated by the
publication at last of the terms for par
ticipation of Orest Northern stockholders
In the benefits of the ore lands con
The valuable nature of these benefits waa
beyond dispute. But this transaction has
served so long as the mainspring of ono
speculative movement after another while
held In the' confines of vague conjecture
that doubts are felt ss to what can take Its
place with equal effect now that It is
Quotations on bonds today were ss fol
U. S. r. 2s. reg.,.104 Jspan s. 2d ser.. 974
do coupon 104 I do 4s ctfs Kii,
V. d. s, reg H do 44a ctfs 92',
do coupon 1"3 do 2d series 91 "4
TJ. 8. o. 4s, reg... 101 L. A N. nnl. 4s...
do coupon llyiMan. C g. 4 liM
U. 8. n. 4s. reg. .13 Mex. Central 4s.. 84
do cojpon i:w I do 1st Inc 2H
Am. Tobacco 4".. 77T M. A Pt. 1 4a.. t
do s 110 M . K. ft T. 4s....
Atrh. gen. 4s 1H do 2s &
do adj. 4s 9J4'N. R.R. of M c.4s MH
A. C. L. 4S 9S ,N Y. C. g. 3H".. '
Bui. O. 4s lnm N, J C. g. 5s. ..1284
do 3Vs W ,No. Pacific 4s....1(4
TV R. f. c. 4s.... MY do 3s 75H
Cen. of Go. DS....111 N. A W. c. 4s... .100
do 1st Inc 90 O. 8. L. r. 4s 9
do 2d Inc 74 'Penn. con. 34s. . .lno',
do 3d Inc 70 Reading g. 4s 99'4
Ches. A O. 4Hs...l0f-VS.L. & I.M.r.5 .1134j
"C. A A. 3Hs 79-W S U A 8.F. fg 4s. 84"
slders C. R. A Q. n. 4s.. loo 1st L. 8. W. c. 4s 81 H
tract, I c. R. I. A P. 4r.. 7 18 A. L. 4s 82
Receipts were:
Ottlclul Monday ...
OftlcsHl Tuesilay ..
OlticiHl Wetlnesday
Othcinl Thursday .
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
. 7.0R2 J.411 H.8-?
,. 8. PI
. 5.5.16
. 4.540
48 3M ... Ti
48 341 10 e07
52 311 10
53 27$ I 10
84 28 ISO 1:14
W 2M 840 li
72 190 1 9 12V
270 40 15
88 :n 8 15
4 114 J..0 47 r4 SI lit
$.713 , 12-54 I 84 20 19V $ 19
4.S90 7.8"
77.7 iO
do col. 5s,
CCC. A 8. L.g.4s..l02'
i ni, 1. 6s, ser. A. TC1
So Pacific 4s 92
do 1st 4s ctfs.. 9&4
Po. Railway ....lliVH
Colo. Mid. 4s 74'AlTexas A P. ls....lllVi
Colo. & 80. 4s.... 9JS T. B. L. A W. 4s 80
Cuba 6s 1034 l7nlnn Pac. 4s 1'34
i' K. U. 48...,. 89 11 . . . ia OS..... iNt't
definitely outlined and therefore placed ; 8ei. '5,...;: Ill 87 Wabasli Is ..".113
without the realm of speculation. This 1m- ErU, p , 4 m Aa d,h B f,,
in the "movement In Great Northern pre.
ferred Itself, which started downwards
from the outset. Northern Pacific moved
In sympathy. The feverish fluctuations In
St. I'aul also kept sentiment constantly
The most substantial example of strength
lit the market from the speculative stand
point was Union Pacific, which moved ag
gressively away from St. Paul after having
beep croased momentarily bv the 7 per cent
payer early In the week. The revived dis
cussion of a southern Iron merger was re
flected in that group of which Virginia
Iron, Coul and Coke was the conspicuous
figure with a buoyant rise at one time of
13V4 over last night. The coalers also
made sensational Jumps, apparently on the
drawing of an analogy between the Great
iNortnern distribution and what might re
sult from a separation of coal mines and
lands from railway comnanv ownershm. A
great many low priced Industrials were
concerned In the movement at one time
or another.
The course of the call monev market
showed that the factors of relaxation were
not aa rapidly effective as was Indicated
by the later course of yesterday's market.
There was no rise to 10 per cent, as In
tha early dealings of yesterday, but the
ruling rate was maintained st about 7 per
cent until late In the day. New York ex
change at Chicago fell back to a small
discount after having ruled at 20 cents
premium when the week opened. Another
$i)0,0O0 also was transferred to 6an Fran
cisco through the subtreasury. The bite
money market continued strong and very
little waa offered. The rate of 7 per cent
was bid for three months and 8 rer cent
bid and per cent offered for six months.
There was a marked decline In speculative
confidence with the progress of the day and
uttviuea reaction in prices trom tne nigh
level. Net losses were as conspicuous as
gains at the end of the day and the clos
ing was weak.
Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par
value. $2,104,000. United States 2s registered
advanced per cent on call.
The following was the range ot prlcea on
the New York Stock exchange:
Baiea.tilgn.Low. Close.
.. tiaru.- ahorl clear. U0.8TV4.
POULTRY Chickens, c; springs, V-fr:;
turkeys, ducks, 10c; geese, 6tf9c.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 23$T23c;
dairy. l&tfcrMc.
EGOS-Flrm, 26c.
Receipts. Shipments.
9,000 16,000
...... .28,000
56,0u0 93.CM)
do a-en. 4s 9ii West. Md. 4s 84VI
Hock. Val. 4s.li6iVW. L. E. 4s.. 82
Japan Cs ST'i Wis. Central 4a... 90
Offered. "Bid.
Iloaton Mocks nd Bosida.
ROSTON, Nov. 22 -Call loans, 67j7 per
cent; time loans, 8tj64 per cent. Offlclal
quotations on siocks sna nonas were
Atch. adj. 4s 92
do 4s 100
Mex. Central 4s.. 81
do pfd
Boston A Al
Boston A Me
Hoston Ele.
Fltchbursr nfd ..135
Mex. Central .... 244
N Y. N. H. A II..192
Pere Marq 53
Union Pacific ....1M
A. A. C. pfd.... 91
Am. Pneu. Tube. 144
Amer. riugar
do pfd 131
Am. T. A T 138
Am. Woolen 34
do pfd 1024
400 33
Adams Express ...
Amal. Copper .......
Amer. C. A F
Am. C. A F. pfd...
Am. Cotton Oil ,
Am. Cotton Oil pfd
Am. Express
Am. H. & L. pfd...
Am. Ice
Am. Linseed Oil
Am. Linseed Oil pfd
Am. Locomotive 900 78
Am. tuoconiotlve pfd. 2u0 112
i9.8O0 1144 113S 113
1,000 45 444 44'
Pom. I. A S 21S4
t-.niHon K. 1 233
Mass. Electric ... 19
do pfd ...)....
Mnss. Gas
United Fruit ...
United 8. M....
do pfd
U. 8. Steel
do pfd
Amalgamated ..
Bid. "Asked
Cal. A Hecla..
Centennial ....
Copper Range
Paly West ....
Franklin .......
Isle Royale ...
Mass. Mining .
Mont. C. AC.
Old Dominion
,,.1354 Qulncy
Tamarack ...
united Copper
U. 8. Mining...
U. S. Oil........
. bSaj'WInoiia.
.lost,;1 Wolverine
. 72 North Butte ..
. 29 iButte Coalition... 3VH
. 48 Nevada
.105i'Cal. A Arizona. ..180
... 31
... 824
... 24
... 214
... 13
... 23
... 7i
... 174
... 72
... 24
... 284
... 174
... 114
. 754
. 62
. 634
. 6V.
. 11
Four days this week....2.'.87 15.M&
Pame dsys lsst week ...i.77J li.H
Same days 2 weeks
Same days H weeks ago. .ii.lf7 2u,iw
Same days 4 weeks ano. .Kfr
Km ituvi lam seek 1K.9M1 !4,785
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and Hieep at South Omaha ror
the year to date, compared with last year.
i9fV 1?". Inc.
Csttle 9X.m
Hob. 2.192.375 1W8.516 IE'
Sheep I,0u8.48 1,833.671 li4,i6
Good to choice cornfed steers ji
Fair to good cornfed stsers i2J2Sn
Common to fair corn-fea steers....
ooud to cnoice ranaa ateers 'l . Z
Common to fslr rsnge steers IT tf!ns
Good grass chws and heifers $
Fair to good cows and heifers ... "
Common to fair cows and heifers.. 1W
Good-choice Blockers and feeders.. 4 .2a 14 10
Fair to good atockera and feedera..
Common to fair stockers If2r
Bulls, stags, etc ! 2212
Veal calves ! 4,.0$
The following, table shows the average
price of hogs at South Orrmha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
Date. I 1908. 1905. 1904 . 11903. jl9O2.il9Ol.iW01-
Nov. 12... 1 8 00 I I 4 80! 4 l Wi J 3 MM
Nov 1$. ..) 6 94) ""I 4 54) 9 1( 59J 4 74
Nov. 14... I I 98 I 4 7l 4) 89t 4 57 9 2 i fj
200 ... 8 18
tK5 80 8 16
287 820 9 1
.110 80 9 16
87 ... 9 15
6 .
as. .
. 3M 40 6 174
...J ... 8 174
...KM MO 9 174
...y.4 80 8 174
...230 40 9 174 ia 9 174
...176 ... 9 9)
...I'tk 80 9 M
190 9 80
... 8
80 9 M
... 9 30
9" 9 y
... 9
... 9 ft
... 9 So
Ppelter waa unchanged at a" 27 irs in Lon
don snd st 8 to locslly. Iron wss
hlsher In the Knsltsh market, with stand
srd foundry quoted al 6"s 8.1 and Cleveland
warrants at k!f 5d. locally the market
was unchanged, with No. 1 foundry north
ern quoted at $JS 3Her?A.X: Nn. t foundry
northern. $'.2Mf.T5; No. 1 foundry south
ern. If. Wvjj-;7.50; No. 1 foundry southern,
$. nnnj-.s M.
PT. LttUTS, Nov. 22 MET At. S Lead,
higher; $5874; spelter, higher; $6,324.
Nov. 15.
Nov. 16..
Nov. 17..
Nov. 18..
Nov. 19..
Nov, 20..
Nov. 21..
Nov. 22..
6 4 4 Tl 4 64 I 9 32
8 10 4 834 4 fc3l 4 541
8 04 4 67 4 Tl 4
14 6BI 4 67 ' 4 391 8 311
8 01 VI I 4 631 4 43 , 9 29
6 TO 14 S " I I sj
4 66! 4 54 4 45 if 24
4 641 4 611 9 26
6 7 4 6
6 63
I 63
6 til
I 78
5 81
4 90
4 92
4 78
4 Ti
4 78
6 74 4 76
. 42 Arlsona Com.
.11.14Grcene Con. ,
.14 I
Boston Copper Market,
Closing quotations on Boston copper mar
ket, reported by Logan A Bryan, 113 Board
of Trade building, Omaha:
Adventure 54 Nev. Consoll'ted. 19
Alloues 434 North Butte 112
Atlantic 14 Old Dominion ...664
Bingham K Osceola IS04
Black Mountain.. 94 pneu. Service ...144
Boston con 31111 pneu, Berv.. pro., si
Cattle. Hogs.
$2.10f.00 W.HWM.30
1.76(07.40 6.6"f!fi.43
of cars
Kansaa City
St. Louis
Sioux City
The official number
brought In today by each road waa
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, n see
of stock
C, M. A BU P
7 2..
3 I
14 13 1
1 i '..
13 12 1
70 2
90 .
75 ,.-75
111 11)4
Butte Coalition.. 3$4 0ulncv
I Calumet A Ariz. .162 Shannon .
Cal. A Pittsburgh Tamarack
Copper Range
Daily West ..
East Rutte ..
Greene Copper
Isle Royal
,2184l'. '8..Cj)fd 454
. 26' ftah Con 84
Cppper .... 34
344 Tenn. Copper
.. 824 Trinity
v OVitnJteJ Fruit;..
4 II li... Ot ITUIIoss
a t 5 U,80 156' IMtaiL. S. A Pittsburg 27 W'oUeriw'V.
S- S'..5..Rbf5:-U- -iii Massachusetts .., 7 Niplaslng ; ...
Am. Tobacco pfd ctf. 9tX to 98
Anaconda MJn. Co... II.611O 281V 2794 279
The feature of trading In the com pit
w;is profit taking In tbe December delivery,
which resulted In a small loss In that
option. Other deliveries, however, were
steadv all day because of unsettled weather
In Iowa, Illinois and Missouri. December
a ss a shade lower at 4'-?40' to 424 4i46,
sold between 4240 and 4lAo and closed at
the lowest point. Local receipts were' 99
cars, with 8 of contract grade.
Trading In the oats pit was quiet end
with the exception of a sl'ght declino In
the December delivery the market was
stesdy. Small local receipts had a tei,
fnry to render . th market firm. De
fmlier opened unchanged at 334o, sold be
tween 33'u334o and Sio and closed at
IJVaMHc. Local recelpta were 104 oars.
Provision were firm at the opening on
J a 6fti0c advance In the price of live hogs.
f JTter the market became weak on selling
caused by reported large increaae In the
local stocks, of pork and lard. At the
close January pork was orr sue si i.tws.
Lard was down 124c at $8-46. Rlba were
MiJi:4c lower at $7,724-
Estimated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat,
3U cars; corn, 21 cars; oats, 164 oars; boge.
m.ti ieao.
The leading futures ranged as follow:
Artlclea.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.) Yes y.
KaiMi City OrBlsi Frovlslofca.
cember, 67Ho; May, i4c- caan: ni
hard. 70H"a4c: No- . 64?c: N- reJ
v'n.,.mhr r.Li: Mav. S8W2. Caah:
No. I mixed, 8810880; No.- 8, $7c; No. 2
"Kri white. 33c; No! t mixed.
$24n82ic ... .
BOOS Firm.' Missouri ana iv.on
tras. 24c per dosen; flrsta, inc; seconds tic.
HAY-Strong. Choice timothy. $14.o0;
pralrtev $11.75 ltr.J
RYE Steady at 6etgle.
BUTTEK Creamery, 27c; packing, 164c.
, .... Recelpta. Shipments.
Wheat bu. S?.0"9 73m
CorT buT . . . 41.000 27,000
O.U. bit ' " 110
Atchison pfd
Atlantic C. L
Baltimore A Ohio....
B. A O. pfd
Brooklyn R. T
Canadian Pacific
45.tiO Central of N. J
57,000 ! Ches. A Ohio
Chicago G, W
Chicago A N. W
C. M. A St. P
Chicago T. A T
Chicago T. A T. pfd.
C . C. C. A St. L....
Colorado F. A I
Colorado A 80
Colo. A 80. 1st pfd..
Colo. A So. 2d pfd...
Consolidated Gaa ....
Corn Products
Corn Prod, pfd, rfg..
v.... 174 Cananea
... z
IO.", 102A
iw iiu l"i-v it
1.100 1394 138 138
1.000 1204 120 120
1O0 K'l 924 914
46,600 814 804 804
5,3110 182W 181 4 1814
900 23044 1264 228
6t 604 64V 644
9i0 184 174 lb4
1.4(i0 2084 2074 l4
75.800 187 184 ' 1844
, 22
S.S00 664 6B4 . bv;
1.4O0 394 334 38',
100 69 69 tk
1,800 67 574 61'a
2.000 214 '214 214
an) 81H4 80 t)
Delaware A Hudson. I$,2i0 234 2294 2314
Del., L AW
D. A R. G
D. A R. O. pfd
Distillers Sec
Erie ,
Erie 1st pfd
Erie 2d pfd
General Electric ..
Hock Val., offered.
Illinois Central ....
int. Paper
700 651V 550
aw 404 404
1,400 178
w i mtrttAtlimi for Kansas
City and Chicago delivery. The range pf Int. Paper pfd
prices, as reported by Logan A Bryan, 113 1 int. Pump
Board or j raaa dumuuis, "
200 1764 176
Corn l
Dec. 1424 3S!
May i.
July I 444
dais I
Dec. :ns4
' pora
Jan. May
L-11 J.
Nov. loc.
1&64 U"
14 85
M 06
8 60
I 65
7 85
T 9741
79 I
16 06
8 65
T 86
T 974I
784' 734!78rlM4
424 424!tJ4tS
44 4341 414
444I 444 444
834&!H'am - 33N
14 55
14 7741
9 65
T 724
1 as
14 974
14 $34j 1 00
14 774
9 63
9 4ft
T 7141 7 6
1 ai I 7 9&
I 80
I 8T4
No. 2. "
Cssh quotatlona were as follows:
FLOUR 30c higher; winter patents, $3.50
43 Mi; stratum. 8i-tl3 lo; aprlns natents.
$t t"t4.U'; straights, $3. Saul. 70 ; bukera, $2.80
W Hi.
WHEAT No. S spring. 78t54c; No. 3.
73i S'Jc: No 2 red, TSVft'o.
t:ORN-No. t 44c; No. $ yellow, 4T448o.
OATS No. 8 spring. 334c; No. 3 white,
Ji'c; No. 1 white. 332X4;.
RYE-No. t J4$4c.
SEEDS No- 1 flax. U.18; No. 1 nocih
weatein, $121; prime timothy, $4.16; clover.
txmraci araue, .
PHOVIbKiNri ehort ribs sides (loosev,
88 3406.76. Mess pork, per bbl.. 815 26. Lard.
per luil lbs., $a Id. Short clear sides (boxed),
1 1. rveipis ana sninmsnis 01 nour ana
rain were:
Hour, bbla
Wheal, bu
Torn, bu...
oats, bu...
Rye. bu...
H -rley, ba
Ks. elms. Shipments
... 2.M
... Kuu 4KSU0
...Ur7,0 3u3.i0
. ..luSoi"!
... 10,3. 1 8k)
6o.3ut 86,&8u
n the produce exrnanse tonay uie bjt-
t-r market waa strong: creameries. 20nuc
an r lea I'rtilf--. tr- Arm; at mark, cases
Inolu.ied. ii'Jec; firsts, 3.c; prime firsts,
i; extras, 32c. Cheese, steady ; 13 ViJUc.
PhllMa1elsklav PTBe Markei
Firm and In good demand: extra weet-rn
crea mary, offic iJ price, sueal prtce
sxiw-Ur: extra nearby Trims. 8io.
EiOS 1rs) Bud In g'H1 rtomand; nearby
freh nd western fresn, !o at mum.
4'1!F.I-B Un-hsnged; New York fil1
ArOcle8. Open-I Hlgh. Low. Cloae. Tes y.
WDec!7l 97 67 7! 674r 974
May.!: ::72Vtf!T2SS'T24rA 72B
CDe7... 7V, 37hI 8741 87SA,8744B
May... 84B 38HI38H'li384SA,3841.A
62 K
5,0110 14S4 147
4.1011 25 . 244
Mlloaakee Grmlsi Market.
unurirvrm Nov. 22. WHEAT
nteadv: No. 1 northern, 81i&4S!c; No. 2 north
ern, 772c; May, 78447840.
RTE-Bteaay no. 1. vevpu--
BARI-EY Steady; No. 2. 564s36c; earn-
PcbKNteady; No. Aoaeh, 4o44c; May.
434o bid. ,
Liverpool Grais Bad Provisions.
LIVERPOOL. Nov. lt.-WHBAT-8.pot
steady; No. 3 red. western winter, oa iito.
Futures steaoy; 1 ierniur, m sj,
1 5d; May. 6a 'id.
CORN 4 pot steady; American mixed. 4a
S4d. Futures, quiet; December, 4s iia,
January, 4a d.
Peoria Orals Market,
PPftRIA. Nov. a CORN Firm; new No.
I yellow and No. 3, 4oc; No. 4, 89c; 110
9TrAC,- . .!.. SJl'.e- Vn
white. 334-d3i.c; No. 4 white, 8J4fi'Ae-
RYE SiBsuly; NO- fc wow-
Dalatk Ursla. Market,. L . .
mtMTTH Mov x?. WHEAT On track.
No. 1 northsrn, 8)4c; No. 3 northern, 7c;
November, ate; uecemoer, mmy, m.
July. 804c.
OATS To arrive, 33c.
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO, O., Nov.' X3.-6EED8 Clover,
msh and November, $8 26; December, $8.:'74;
March. $8 45. Timothy. $1.95. Alstke, $7 80.
tastar aad Mslaaaea.
vms vriK. Nov. 22. SUGAR Quiet ;
fair refining. $ e-15c; centrifugal. 98
test. 13-Uo; molaaaes sugar. 8 l-16c;
refined. quiet; No. 6. 4 Joe: No. 7.
4 fee: No. 8. 4.20e; No. 9. 4 15c; No. 10, 4.0bc;
No. 11. 4c; No. 12. $.860; No. 1$. $-9uc; No.
14 $80c; confectioners' A. 440e: crushed,
$50o: powdered. 4uc; granulated. 4.80c;
CUMOLA8iiES teady; New Orleans kettle,
aood to choice. tiJ8e.
NKW OHlJOANaV. Nov, S.-SUOAR-Btettdy;
open kettle centrifugal, l-lOc ;
centrifusal whites. $15-lu4c; centrifugal
yellow. I-3 16-Ilk-: seooru,! 24-OtfV-
MOlAS8ES-New syrup. 3aMSc.
48, 811O
5 10
ni w 1;,-22 l32 yM'1 Writhe action was checked by the good bank
TVw :'4 474 1 returns which imparted moderate cheerful-
f, ,lfV m 9 M74 4J ! ness. Consols were a shsde easier on the
Int. Pump pfd.
Iowa, Central 1,400
Iowa Central pfd.... 1.2-10
iansss tity Ho
K. C. 80. pfd
Louisville A Nash...
Mexican Central
Minn. & St. L
M., St. P. A 8. 8. M.
M.B.P. ft 8 8. M. pfd
M.. K. A T
M.. K. A T. pfd
National Iad
N. R. R. of M. pfd.
1 . central
N. Y..
N. A W. pfd
No. American
Pacific Mall
People s Gaa
P.. C. C. A St. L.
Pressed Steel Car.
Presaed 8. C. pfd.... ...
Pullman Palace Car. loo ifc-jj
Reading 1st pfd...
Reading 2d pfd
Republic Steel ....
Republic Steel pfd
Rock Island Co...
Ruck Islsnd Co. nfrt 1 uai
St. L. A S F. 2d pfd.
St. Louis 8. W 4 5-0
SL U 8 W. pfd id.)
80. Paclflo 17.HJ0
bo. racine prd....
So. Railway
So. Railway pfd..
Tennessee C. A I
Texss A Pacific.
T., St. L. A W..
61 T,
81 4
146 4
1. J
London Closlaar. stocks.
LONDON, Nov. 22. Ooatng quotations on
the Stock exchange were:
Cons., money..... 8ti4M. K, A T 404
do account fc'iS N. T. Central 135
Anaconda ; 144'Nrsrfolk A W 97
Atchison .-.lOMk do. pfd 93
do pfd KfeH'Otitario A W 484
Bal. & Ohio 1231 Pennsylvania .... 72
Can. Pacific .1874Rand Mlnea -6
Ches. & Ohio 00-4 1 Reading
Missouri Pacific ....
Union Pacific
C. A N. W., east
C. A N. W., west..
C, St. P.. M. A O..
C, B. A Q., east...
C, B. A Q-, west....
C. R. I. A P.. east
C, R. 1. P.. west.. ..
Illinois Central 4
Chicago Ot Western. 3
Total receipts 182
The disposition of the dey'e receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated:
Buver. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 311
Swift and Company I.OhJ
Cudahy Packing Co..
Armour ft co
Armour, from- Denver...
Vansant A Co
Curey A Benton
Ixibman A Co
McCreary A Carey
W. I. Stephen
Hill A Bon
F. P. Lewis
Huston A Co...-
Hamilton A Rothschild.
L. F. Hubs
J. H. Bulla.........
Mike Haggerty ..
J. B. Root A Co.,.
Z. H. Clarh....v...
Other buyers ......
. Totals
' 88
8 HEEP Receipts of sheep this morning
were Hunt, only twenty-six cars being re
ported and not all of them In sight at the
lime when the market opened. The trade
could be summed up In a very few words
ll waa a good steady to strong and active
market Paeekers evidently wsnted sup
plies, and as there was no great number of
either fst sheep or lam ha In slgnt, they
made quick work In Ticking up such Ionus
as suited them. The big hula of everything
received sold In very good season In the
Only a few loads of feeders were offered
for sale, but there was a very fair Inquiry
and the markei wss fully steady.
Quotations 011 killers: Good to choice
lambs, $7.0Otf7.4O; fslr to good lambs, la.;5
7. Hi; good to chctre yearlings, $j.754.0u;
fair to good yearlings, k.iivMn; good to
choice wethers, tb.'ArW&K fair to good
wethers. 8ftfj6 36, good to choice ewes,
$6.0tiia.26; fair to good ewes, $4.46.00.
Quotations nn feeders: Good to choice
lambs, l.0t.26; medium lamba. 85.50-96 00;
light iambs, $4.2i.2b; yearlings, $6.16U8;
wethers, $i.75ti6.ii; ewes, $S.60fc 140; bleed
ing ewee, $4.75420.00.
73 Wyoming lambs
97 Wyoming lambs
55 Wyoming lambs , .,
619 Wyoming lambs ,
204 Wyoming ewts
29 Wyoming ewes, culls
7 Wyoming ewes
23 Wyoming ewes, culls ,
26 Wyoming eaes, culls
lat W yoming ewes
30s Wyoming ewes
16 Wyoming ewett
714 Wyoming lambs
236 Wyoming ewes, feeders....
16 Wyoming ewes, culls
95 Wyoming ewes, feeders....
153 Wyoming ewes, feeders..,,
18 Wyoming ewes, culls
35 native ewes
Hi! native ewes
71 native lambs
21 native culls
26 South Dakota ewe culls....
lot South Dakota ewe culls....
443 South Dakota ewes
Ill South Dakota ewes
400 Wyoming yearlings
24 Wyoming wethers
101 Wyoming wethers
74 Wyoming ewes
Cattle Stead Huge Ten Cents Higher
-lanhi Higher.
6.500 head; msrket steudy; common to prime
steers. $4.0O-q7.40; cows, $2.65if4.75; heifers,
$2.6tii6.0O; bulls, $2.40u4.60: calves, $3AUif
6.00; stockers and feeders, $2.4air4.60.
HOGS Receipts. 16.0CO head; market 10c
hisher: choice heavy shlDtiing. $6.4otr0.46:
light butchers, $6.36a.46: choice light, $6.40
8)16.46; light mixed, i.;pt.40; packing, 8A.90
4336: piss. lrJMl.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 15,000
nead; lambs, lhl&c higher; sheep, steady,
Evaporated Anplea aad Ttrleal Frnlta.
APPLES Market continues firm snd shoaa
an advancing tendency, owing to a good
demand and comparatively light offerings.
High choice sre quoted at 84c; choice, 74
9jc; prime. In cases. 74c.
j are In fairly active demand on spot, with
quotations ransina irunt 10 rnuo,
cording to grade, for California fruit. Apri
cots are scarce and more or leas nominal
in the absence of Impfwtant transactions.
Choice are quoted at 16V; extra choice, 11
trl8c; fancy, lMO'.Uo. I"eaches are quiet, but
firm. New crop choice quoted at lJc; extra
choice, 124c; fancy, 13c. Ralalne are very
scarce on spot and prlcea are held firm,
lxwse muscatels are quoted at 74'31c;
seeded raisins. 7104c; lndon layers, $1.86
7.077 4.947 7.854
CATTLE There waa Just a fair run of
cattle ror a Thursday ana, fortunately,
most of the trains were In In good season,
so that buyers were enabled to get started
In fain time In the .morning. The gen
eral market did not show any very ma
terial change as compared with yesterday.
Beef steers were generally quoted as
steady, but there were Instances where
Av. Pr.
.97 6 40
.78 7 10
,74 7 10
.96 9 40
,ti 4 36
,83 X 26
.94 4 25
. 92 4 20
.96 ij
. 100 4 7
. 112 t 10
.98 4 28
.77 7 10
. 89 4 36
. 74 2 66
. 84 4 36
.85 4 3a
.68 2 66
.82 $ 80
. 87 4 75
.55 6 75
.49 4 75
.80 $ 00
. 78 260
.90 4 la
.89 4 16
.72 6 40
.83 8 16
.86 8 15
.101 4 90
Coffee Market.
markei for coffee futures opened steady, st
unchanged prices to a decline of 6 points,
but quickly steadied up in covering and a
little freah buying f.w long account, which
was attracted bv the unfavorable crop re
ports from Braall and a private cable say
ing that a sur lax of 3 francs would be
Imposed by the slates of Rio and Minus
during December. The market closed firm
on this demand, net unchanged to 10 points
higher. Sales for the day were reported of
IM.TtiO bngs. Including December at 5!;
January. 6i5c; March. 6.2Mi.30c: May. 8 40
fjbc; Julv. 6 65c; August, 6 6'w; September.
6.7Mi.ic: October. 6.800. Ppot steady; No.
7 Rio, 7 9-16c
Condition of Trade anal notations on
Staple nnd Fancy Prod ace.
EGGS Per doe , 26c.
i.ivrc Ptmi.TRY Hens. 8c: roostera, 6e;
turkevs, 14alfc; ducks. 9c; spring chickens,
".;.J?t; . . ......
Hi: I I KK pacsing stocK. nnc; vnuita
fancy dairy, 2H2Lc; creamery, il';c'
U A 1 Choice upland. s. w; meaium,
co.trse. $S.flitf8.50. Rye ilitw, $6.5uJ.W.
BRAN Per ton, Hb.ou.
TOMATOES California, per basket Of 89
lbs., $2.26. . .
WAX BEANS Per one-tnira ru. ooa.
91M. ...
BKKTB AISD i.Altttui-rer uu.. i.
LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per doe.
heads, 45c.
CKLKKl-rar aoi., wsywe. .
CUCl'M HERS Hothouse, per dot., $100
ONIONS Home grown, 60c per bu.; Span
ish, $1.75 per crnte; Colorado, 75c.
OllKEN ON IONS Per tlos. bunches. 250,
HORSERADISH Case ot 2 doe.. $1.90.
RADISH ES Per dos bunches. 30c. .
NAVY BEAN8 Ter bu.. $1.75; No. !. $1.65,
LIMA BEANS Per lb., 640. t , -
OREEN PEPPERS-Per market basket.
PARSLEY Hothouse, per do, bunches,
CABBAGE Holland seed, home grown,
per lb., 14o.
EGG PLANT Per dot., $2 25.
POTATOES Per bU 40&6V.
RUTABAGAS 150 lbs. to suck, $1.50,
TURNIPS-Per im.. 60e.
PEATHES California Salway, per boa,
$110; Colorado. 82.U4. k
PEARS-Winter varieties, per bu., K.V9
$ 09
GRAPES Tokay i $1 75; Malaga, per bbU
APPLES Ben Davis. $2.25; Jonathans.
83.2503 60; New York apples, $3.25; Grimes
GC1RA1Nm'5RRIES-Per bbl.. $9 0.lj10,oa
QUINCES Per box. $2
k ORANGES Fiorina orsnues. 63.00 .
ad; lambs. Kfil6c hlher; sheep, steady, I ,WMOI.-Uiiionln .',r' w'.tw
t alow; sheep, $3.2&f!fi-75; yearlings, $6.25 I ee. $6.00; W alae. $..0O; 960 slae. $6.u0. ulher
.00; lamb., $5.60,7.66. "gKr - medlum-si.ed bunct.
New Tork Live ttoek Market.
celpta, 157 head. Market feeling weak, with
35 cars reported for Friday's trade. Dressed
beef rather slow at 4rtI0c per pound for
common to extra native sides; Texss beef
t4ft7c. Liverpool and London rattle and
beef market slow; exports. 625 cattle,
C A LV EB Receipts (part late Wednes
day), 141 head. Market reeling ateady for
good stock, but trade limited. Veals
quoted at $4.5fth880, choice $9.00; westerns
and gnutsers nominal: city dreased veals
quiet at 8ri3c per pound; few extra car
casses. $6.09.
HOGS Receipts. 5.SK7 heed. Market
ateady. State hogs, tC &ofi.60.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. i,008
head. Trade slow. Frlme stock full steady;
other gradea weak; shevp. $.10t&3.00; ltimba,
17.2Mi.7&; culls, $6.00. No sales of Canada
Kansas City Live stock Market.
Receipts. 7,600 head, including tV south-
Chicago G. W.... 184 80. Railway
C- M. A S
De Beers ....
D. A R. G..
do pfd ...
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd.
..19141 do pfd
.. 214 So. Pacific ....
.. 424iUnlon Pacific
..88 I do pfd
.. 464'U. 8. Steel....
. 1 1 a
. 354
. 9A
. 984
. 96
. 494
. 30
. 444
. 954
. 784 do pfd
. 70 Wabash ...
Illinois Central.. .18! I do Dfd ...
Louisville A N-...152V4!Spanlsh 4s .
. Bld.
SILVER Bar steady, 32 9-16d per ounce.
MONEY 4 per cent.
The rate of discount in the open market
for short bills is 6 per cent; for three
months' bills, 64ft6 per cent. 1
New York Mining Stocks.
NEW YORK. Nov. 22 -Closliig quotations
on rr.lnlng stocks were:
Adams Con ....
1 Brunswick Con
Comstock Tun.
Con. Cal. A Va..
20 .Eittle Chief ...... 3
Tio I Ontario ftm)
35 lOphlr 285
&S Potosl 19
33 Savage , 90
,115 iSlerra Nevada ... 80
Horn Silver 180. jSruall Hopes ....
iron Silver .......400 Standard 3tX)
Leadville Con .... i I
Foreign Financial.
LONDON, Nov. 22. The supplies of money
In the market were reduced, owing to the
bank's calling In loans in preparation for
the balance sh-ta. Discounts were a ahaile
54 1 easier, on the reports that Paris Was n-lpan.
58 I Ing further gold. On the Stock exchange
sellers thought they got out a tittle better ems. Market strong; choice export and
than yesterday on their westerns. Kange nrenseq oeei steers. xo.(M...d; ran- 10 gooa,
steer of good quality sold up as high as $4.10ti-60; western steers. $3.6'a6.26; eUxk-
Good cows and heifers were mostly
steady, but the trade waa a Utile dull on
the medium kinds and there were weak ,
SDota In the market. At the same time'
prices showed up very well, with a string
of good western heifers at $4.00 and fed
heifers still higher. As a matter of course.
It was the quality that made these prlcea
Good feeders such as buyers want every
day sold quite freely, speculators being
well sold out and in need of fresh supplies.
The common and Inferior grades were slow
and dull, the same as they are every day.
Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
20... 1181 4 80 40 1136 4 60
40 1352 4 90
18... 776 2 40 ....1091 8 10
15 775 I 26 1 4 8u0 $ 20
3 790 2 75 2 1460 3 25
9 892 1 80 1 1430 3 50
i 1066 2 90 13 1111 I 70
2 225 4 50 1 150 9 00
4 697 2 30 9 712 8 25
2 635 2 75 8 438 9 25
; 475 i 7 . 7 sw
2 965 3 0 19 932 S 60
63 798 3 10
KSU. 1 balance. Home rulla hardened Imt i.a1.
89 90 j ume of business was njl large anv where.
89 40 I Americana were the briaker section, re.
1S9HJ .fleeting the firm close of tin- New York mar-9:1-4
9tS l-et yesterday. Prli-rs duilng the forenoon
854 84 i rose to considerably above parity, the must
544 i44 1 pronounced advances being in Canadian Pa-
9'4 ' cine and I nlon Pacific. I.mer the lmprov-
2.cJi "-Ji I man w - i ... ,.,. ,n I." tr .
,w 1014 Hsa i4,S74 aupiwrt, and prices c-loeed Arm, particularly
3ii0 9)
600 404
69.7U0 141
9ii0 91
600 854
5 H
300 904
ioiotio "sis
2.8"iO ioou
33,4'H) 3;ai
H8 . 91.4
31 1 loi
4.OI0 374
&m 3i
81 4
MlaHOiirl, Kaiiiiis A Texas. Foreianeis were
qtiiet. Jupunese Imperial 4s of ll4 closed at
118 cuws.
16 Steers.
4 cows.
12 cows lttt) 8 90
v cows JU z 90
1 cows 9.U 2
11 hellers... 553 2 40
9 feeders.. IrtiMl 3 75
3 bulls 12i 2 16
187 steers. ..10&S 3 80
6 steers.. ..1190 8 00
bu 4 10
83 kle-ra.... 94a S S6
12 cows 897 3 25
43 calves... 3l 3 1)
lk l-leeii. ...llu 3 6
21 steers.. ..17 4 60
1. cows 116 3 4o
24 cowh l"?rt 3 t
4 feeders.. 9M 3 50
'ia tetders.. 8a4 8 9U
18 COWS 871 2 60
14 cows W !W
it feeders.. 7w( $ 70
4 bulls 1410 2 26
22 cows 917 3 35
21 CO a Mi i 80
2 calves... 300 $ 25
2 leouers.. ija 1 A
29 steers.. ..114 3 86
6 steers.. ..1255 4 00
4 steers.. ..1022 9 80
97 steers. ...1180 $ 81
.. KWI 8 76
,1"3.' 8 36
37 steers.. ..UK.' 4 40
33 sterrs....loH2 4 10
71 cows 822 2 36
57 cows 910 X 90
2.' cows Io) 3 55
46 feeders.. 594 1 90
:6 cows 910 3 20
17 cows 8u6 2 20
9 heiieis... out 2 7a
16 feeders.. M2 9 66
11 bulls liM X 80
6 cows Mxi 3 86
38 feeders.. 547 2 so
10 yearll gs 608 3 76
ers and feeders. $2.6Ka4.75: southern steers,
$3.0ffi.26; southern cows, 12.26&3.26; native
cowa $2,011.26; native heifers, $3.00a6.;
bulls. $2.15113.86; calves. $'3 .7Mj-7.CH.
HOGS Receipts, 9.6O0 head. Msrket W?
10c higher; top, $6,374; bulk, $;
heavy, $6.216.374: packers, $6.2&tf6.324; P''
and light. $68Ma6.30.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 0.700
head. Market weak to 10c lower; lamlw,
$5.76-37.26; ewes and yearlings, $4.75i6.u0;
western yearlings, $6.avi;.00; western sheep,
$4-366.60: fed ewes, $3.75i.0O.
St. Lonls Live ttock Market.
ST. IX)UIP. Mo., Nov. 82. -CATTLE Re
ceipts, 3.500 heed. Including 600 Texana. Msr
ket higher. Native shipping and enport
steers. $5.007.00;-dressed beef and butcher
steers. $4.5(rt4V2fi: ateere under 1,000 pounds.
$:ij5r4.65; stockers and feedors. $2.i54.50:
cows and heifers, $2.50.26; canners. $1.0ni3
2.25; bulls, $2.2014.00: calves, $8.0(m.S0; Texas
and Indian steers, $2.5ui6 60; cows and helf
era ti llt.1 Vl '
HOGS Receipts. &.000 head. Market 10J
15c higher. Plirs and lights, iViTH.30.
packera, M.10ti-K'; butchers and best heavy,
$6. ? 4(6 46. -
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 200 head.
Market higher. Native muttons, $8,004.-5 K;
lambs, $4 (Wh7 00: culls and bucks, $2.764.3.50;
stockers, $;l.SCJj-4.00.
St. jBsepn Live Stock Market.
PT. JOSEPH. Mo.. Nov. 22. CAT
TI.E Receipts. 8.750 head. Market steady.
Natives, 83 8i.4i6.2i); cows and heifers. $1.7&f
4.8S; stockers and feedera. $3.Wtt'l.0O.
HOM Rfceipts. 7.174 head. Market iigTHc
higher. Top, $6.30; bulk, $V20tt6.274-
SHEEP AND LAM l4 Receipts, 987 head.
Market active, 'lop. 86.46.
T.. St. L. A W. pfd.. 100 634 64 534 1
t n on Pacific 307.1i) 1;.h5 is4 1 1
i iimn rc:ni' pro..
U. S. Express..
U. 8. Realty...
I'. B. Kubber
U. S Rubber pfd
U. S. Steel
C. 0 Bteel pfd
Va.-Carollne Chem...
Va.-Car. Chen), pfd..
Wsbash pfd
Wells-Fargo Express
Westtr.ghouae Klec..
Western Union
Wheeling A L. E....
Wis. Central
Wis Central pfd
Northern Pacffio
4'entral leather
Central Leather pfd.
SlosB-Sheffleld Steel.
Great No. pfd
Int. Metropolitan .....
1111. Met. prd.
"S 1864 ls
1" U9i 119V j,s
500 89 89 89
80 524 514 614
418) lwI hi; j,,;.
40.4110 4S 474 48
X.9-10 iof.4 ltl-,i4 1,,4
HO II114 1104 i,4
"0 194 194
4tK) 44
4i loo
4iO Ii4
1-4U0 17
'.' k"
7i 2iiVi
4.400 8x4 : '
?"0 1034 j113
l.rtui 74 74 -
690 3C4 r.S
!. 3 3714
155 '
Tolsl sales for the day, 1,088,ta shares
Bank of France Malniuri)
PARIS. Nov. 22. -The weekly statement of
the hank of France shows the following I 'M feeders.. 7J3 lui
i-nangi-. ixuim in ci nuiai ion decreased 1 itl sleei s. ...12-'l 4 JO
75.3i('.t0 francs, treasury deaaits Increased ! SOUTH DAKOTA. francs, general deposits decreased 1 1$ cows luuti 2 HJ -. 31 sn-e(....1177 3 90
l.'..S.Oi francs, gold In hand decreased 4i steers.. ..UpO 4 t 4 steers. ...1140 3 70
23,415,1)00 francM, Hilvi r In hand Increanod 90 steers. 8 80 9 cows 1016 3 16
8t'i0nn fram-a, bills discounted decreased 13 cows 913 3 10 24 fers.,..lJ44 4 16
39.4iO.otlO franca, advanoes devreased 9,0w - COLORADO.
ouo francs. 195 feeders. 929 4 26 10 feeders.. 929 (0
Bunnell L'hler, Sout.i DaKuiu.
Wool Market. 31 steers. ...1S.-3 4 90 H steers. ...1H 4 33
BOSTON Nov. 22.-WOOL Market Is in 1 c ''98 1
a henlthful, progressive condition, with a 1 William Morrl-8. D.
atendy demand and steady prices prevailing, j 46 steers. ...11 3 85 15 cows 9) 3 3b
A feature ot the situation Is the scarcity of 11 cows bUtf X fa 9 feeders.. s7 3 7S
B'ools. runnlnc to three-eurhtha and hnlr. 43 feeders.. 920 3 76
blood grades. This is particularly notice, f T. Longhlen-Ncb.
8la City l.lvo Ktock Market.
SIOUX CITY, la.. Nov. 2J.-(8peclal Tele
r.m Y CATTLE Receipts. 250 head, wir
ket steady; leevea, 8.0u46.0O; .cows, hulls
and mixed. $'.'.6m4 4u; stoi kera and feeder,
I3.usti4.00: calves and vanities, $2 50fW6.76.
HOGS Receipts,- 2,6a) head. Msrket Jft
loo higher, selling at bulk , of
lock lei Right.
Receipts of live stock at the six principal
Western maraets yeeiernay;
Csttle. Hore. Sheen.
South Omaha 4,660 4u
Sioux City s iMV
Kansas City 7.5iO 9.5)
St. Joseph $ "50 7 174
Pt. Louie 8.500 6 Ota
Chicago 4.'0 16xiO
H IHR1 inmhoa. 12 6ll2 f0.
FIGS Kauaway, c; snyrre, n--
Bluffed walnut date, 9-lb. box, $'..10; Cali
fornia bulk. 54c; 7 -crown Turkish. 15o; 9
crown. 14c: 6-crown. 13c: 3-crown, 12o.
GRAPE FRUlT-6lre 94 to 64 and 90 to
98, $4.26434.7. '
cane, in sacks, 95.11; '
grsnulsted beet. In sucks, to 81.
l-nCCOi!. oviat, new, w, ,t,v,uw.m .
brkik, 164c; VN Isconsln limberger, 124c;
trlne. 15c; Young Americans, 1540.
UUr rtSt-rtoasiea, i.o. so. -tic s"r
No. 30 ?1a ner lb.: No. S. 19o per lb.; No.,
-20, 16c. per lb.; No. 21, 13c per lb.
cocoAKi.i j o rer eaca 01 iw.
vnnp-in bbis.. 27c ner sal.: In casea.
9 10-! t cons, $1.70; cases. 11 5-1 b cane, $1.40;
cases, 24 H4-IU. cans,
HONEY l'er 24 frames, 0.
CIDER New. bslf barrel. 32.76; barrel.
No. 1 ribs, 114c; No. 2 ribs, 9c; No. S ribs.
Uc; No. 1 loin, 17c; No. 2 loin, 124c; No,
3 loin. 8ic: No. 1 chuck, 6c; No. 2 chuck,
5c; No. 8 chuck, 4c; No. 1 round, Bu; No. $
rounu. Isc; i u, 0 ruuuu, o-iv, t
44n; No. 2 plate, 4c; No. 8 plate. 2c.
CANINE.!- UtJ.)lJO ijrn, aranunrij wri
ern, 65ii0c; Maine, $L15. Tomatoes, f-lh.
eana. 11.10: 2-lb. cans. 67VC&I1.D0. Pine
apples, grated. 2-lb.. 32.0T.C2.3O; sliced. $1.90
gallon apples, fancy. $2.66; California
apricots, $1.90'8i.2&; pears, Il.75itfl.i0; peacliee.
fancy. $1.7M2.40; 11. c peainea,
Alaska saltron. red, $1.26; fancy Chinook,
P., $2.10; fancy sockeye, F $1.9u;-eardlnes,
quarter oil, $2.75: three-quarter mustard,
83.00. Sweet potatoes, $1.10Q1.26j sauerkraut,
11. no; pumpkins, 0cfi 81.00; wax oeans. 1-lb.,
630c; lima beans. 2-lb., 75cfe4135; spinach,
$1.26; cheap peas, J-lb., 60c; extras, 95ttj$1.10;
fancy. $1.361.75.
CURED FISH ramlljr whlteflsh, per
ousrter bbl., loo lbs., $l.oo; Norway mack,
eral. No. 1. $28.00; No. 2, 126.00; No. 8, $20.00;
Irish. No. 2, $16.00;- herring, In bbla., 200
lbs. each, Norway, 4k, $9.00; Norway. 8k.
89.00; Holland herring, in kegs, , mllkera.
Wei kegs, mixed, 70c . -. .,.'
FI8H Trout, 12c; hslibut, 12c; catfish,
lie; buffalo, 8c; bullheads. He: black bass,
fins stock. 25o; salmon. 12c: pike. 11c; red
snapper, fresh froser.. 12c; whlteflsh, fresh
frosen, l$c; yellow oercfej. dres-d and
scaled, 8c; pickerel, - fresQ froien,, 9c;.
frog legs. $5o per dos. anddlea.
HIDES AND TALLOW Green , e!ted,
No. 1. 124c; No. 2, 11140; bull hides, 94Jloc;
green hides, No. 1,' lie;- No. 1, lOci.lioraB,
$1.60t$.75; sheep pelts, 60okj$1.2S. Jallow,
No. 1. 44c; No. t HkC. " -
NUTS-Frsnch walnuta, lSV.o; California
walnuta, No. X, hard shell, -12c; No.. I. soft
shell, 14c; Brssils, 1343144c; pecans. lvS17c;
filberts. 124414C! peanuts, raw, 64c:
roasted. 74o; California almonds, hard
shall, 16c; soft shell. Uo.
L. C. Hutchinson to the O. F. Davis
company, lots 23 and 24, W. A.
Redlck's add $ 100
H. T. Bone to the Benson Land com
, panv, w4 of lot 9, all of lots 10 and
12, and w4 of lot 16,. block 29, Ben- 1
son ,...'......7... i
Ctiarles E. Roberts snd Dora I Tid-
well to John' A. McCluskey, lot 9. ,
block 114, Dundee . '1
John A. McClutikey to Harriet
Bweesy, aame 400
Jacob G. Bollver to Msry Lohlen, -
e4 of lot X. block 2. Drexel's sub l,50v
J. A. Linahan to Andrew Murphy, e4
of lot 2. block 3. fiweeney s 1
7.8m Jeremiah A. Linahan to Alliert Fair-
i brass, eutitot l, government lot 4,
5. " section 3-16-13
..2U,(X0 44,174 29,ti?
Cotton Market.
able In territories and In fleeces. Attention 19 feeders.. 9.M X 50
is now being paid to clothlnj wools. Pulled I James Slout- Neb
wools are steady. Indivlil-tal trsnsactlons ; 21 stesrs. ...1183 3 80
in territories touch tne halt-million mirk.
Foreign gradea are firm. lading domestic
quotations loiiow: t inio and Pennsylvania
clo'ed quiet. 2i po'nts decline: middling
j uolnnrts. 1WK8'; muiniing guir, n.ioc; naies.
' 2,1)11 bales.
' HT IXiL'18, Nov. Xi COTTON Steady;
middling. Wv; slcs, 17S ba'es; receipts.
1.1.9 talee: shlpmonts. 79; stock,
! H.779 bales.
i business done; prices 13 points higher;
HOGS-Recelpts of hogs were more lib- I American n iddilns- lair, vt; gooa m d
r.l ihl morntnir there nelo u,i d'lng. 4 T.d; middling. 6.l7d: low mld-
eniy cars in. In sddltion to this there war dllng. 6-7d. gojod ordinary, 6 Kl: ordinary
IJ 1. A 1 ' a. A V Bxgt -f4 ' fl 1 1 at linavB ula,l 4-'ac n 4 I ... '.I k- . . I . 6. i,K 1 TUm sai'aae'ak r . m nruuaiilii 1am
k-SHlc: No. 1 8Mi39c; fine unwashed, stance
unmerchantable, ,1?t30c; half blood un
washed, SJo-ia'ic; three-eighths blood un
washed, 34 4c; quarter blood unwashed
32'y'o3c; delaine washed, 3t:lc; delaine un
waehed, 2"n39c. Michigan Fine unwashed,
24rt 26-; three-eighths blood unwashed.
34o: quarter blood unwashed, 3lrai2r; delaine
unwashed, 27ij2-c, Kentucky, Indiana and
Miaaourl Combing iuarter blood. Siyl.-.
Texas (scoured basisi Fine 1? months. 72"f
73c: fine 6 to 6 months, 6i''(i67c; fine fn'.l
clean, 68fi6oc. California la.nuied Utsisi
Northern choice, 47ii8c- northern aood. Vir
''ic: middle counties. giijCa: southern, 62ir
1 I .'111 FB- " . .. . . ...
i.rrt-v The stale hoas were .om l,.t bales, or wrucn i.ow were i-r spoouiauon
came In late yesterday after the market " export and included 9.009 American,
had practically closed, bo that no one tried Receipts. 1$,0 bales. Including 8.XO Amer-
to buy tnem. Taken aitoretner tha offer- i
Ings on the msrket were considerably
larger than on most days of late.
The trade opened with prices ser eraliy Sc
higher than yesterday, but while there waa
a lair movement, buyers did not apir to
be in any great rush to fill orders, some of
the nailers holding off with the evident
Idea that prices were hisher tli.m they ,
WJnieo m aj. ilia carnwr uu -ra picsed
mil the ltter loads, psylng for weighty
. 7 i Treatart Sfateute.t
WUH Ivr.Tnv v m i...-, .... . . fic: middle counties. b.s-o.k-: aoutin-rn. Kf
NEW YORK. Nov. X2.OILS-Cottot,eed. , ,, vf the treasury in 7h. ..nrii V"'V : 'r- 66J7c. t'iregon (scoured "ogs arouno ts iwe.i, wun a top .load
steady; prin.. crude, f. o. b. mills. 264; exclusive of the 81W oro.wi !,.m ""ld Iwalsl-Easlern No 1 staple. 7ilj7lc' eat- ! ot light hoBs as high as $6 2.. Rough heavy
Prima yellow. 44c Petroleum, steady; re- I J0 Avail ab'e tiTh I li!n 1 V -'."'t' No. 1 clothing. 6,7oc; vail-y No. l. go load 4 wen. r.ot so much sought after and
fined Sew York.. $7 60; Philadelphia and K.,uT cin snd bullk.n Terrliory '(staple , ml baeli- they did not show the full advene. Aftar
Baltlmore. fl .45; Philadelphia and Balti- I tnl.ates $47 iSs Btli el'o-.".. irold rer-1 F,. 70tj72-; fine medium. 6-i7ic; medium. I the rtrsl rojnd or two the market slowed
in Knik 14 1a. TurDentine. firm. 70 i ' ' - k.-niAi Terrltorv ordin.rv a.-oureii v.:i: i somewhat and the trade fiw a tliua
strained, common to
faacy, U4wi3toi New Yxia lull j age, lii.aal bbla, v
s;ie. -ROSIN
"oUL "c-UTT. Nov. 23 -4"l!L--4"Yedlt bal
anee $1.68'. runs. 880. 247 bhlp. : average.
.3u2 bbl.; ship'ienta. 18.84 bbls.; aver-
R . - . . . . A, W-qilsc; U. I. -' ' 1 I'lllie.l wool i'""i- i uuo, -itu. i-iuip; was
, ,-, jT".. """'O """"' : ' j.onredf baais.-Kxtra. 71o- fin-, V.( weaker.
IXI.NDON. Nov. 2? The weekl statement A upers t7virt'c; H suners. if.v- i While the late ma;kt wis not as active
of the Hank of Knsland f S tile fol- I PT. LtlUlSi Mo.. Nov. 12.-WOOI-Sieadv; j bb h early, buvera kept picking up the
lowlnsr chanaea: Total rese've. Incae'd Vedl'ini grades con-bing ar.i. el-. thin x I ftnff until rracttcatly everything In sight
Kl.4wr: rlrcjlstion i4rreaa-i so; ;;P; l,,t ruif 1,71c, he-ivy fine, llik-. i ha1 iha-igd hands As Is usually The
bulilvn, .ik regard .1,3.',M1; other sciyri- lub-t asiicd, 3'-'t37"jC. J c:. Kith laH anhals. some of them aid
Spot closed se-ady; sales. 5,1 50 bnlra: low
ordinary. Tc, norrinai: oroinary, i.c, nom- :
Itial; good ordinary, 8 1l-16c; low '.uln.lllng. I
94o: middling, 1U4C; good tnldd.lna. 11 6 Ko;
middling fair. 11 11-lSc. nominal; f ilr. (
12 6-lM.'. no'innsi. iiecciiiis. s.i.s naies;
stock, 297.312 hales.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 32 M ETAi-S The
lAndon tin imrkel was higher, ac .ord'.n-;
to today's cablea, with spot quoted at 1.
Ai.d future al 197. ln-ally the ma kt
waa steady, with pot quoted at HI 9 'it
42.1 V Cf.tper also was hlsher In the Iin- '
dim market, with spot quoted1 at UlCl It j
and futures at lr ;ia. lineally the mar- j
ket whs unchsrged. with lake ouoted st j
$2:.!o''-'; 6. electrolj-tlr, $-1 t'ti.ta); casr- .
Ins, $.7.6tf?t 874. Iad was unehansed at
$. 7?"T!6 t In the lotrl market. In lyndem 1
tl.B p.'lre was Is 3d higher, at fllMLi
Irving F. Bsxtor to Nellie A. Sher
wood, lot 3. block 1, Drew's Hill,
South Omaha 3W
Antun llospe to Clara A. Thompson,
e5 feel of sublot 7 of lot 8, Capitol
sdd. ., 9.600
gaiiiuel Ui not. and wife to Jumea
Johnson, lot -4, block 138, South
Omaha l.iuO
Soli mnn J, Firestone end wife to Wil
liam Kelly, w.'.U feet of lot 1, Ellls-
lun -ara i-iace,.. iw
1 -. . . . .. A . a
noren joraennen nnu wu 10 timiiea
Bpil.-k snd wile, lot 2. block 3.
KouiHle's Tilt 1 d 1,775
E 1) Samson and wlfa to Alva L. ,
Tlmblln, lots 1 and X, Haas' sub., and
other lots - 1
The He Publishing company to Lu
cinda, E. Jordan, lot It, block 3,
Ames Place add luO
South Omaha Ioan and Building as
Socoitlon to Floyd V. Stafford, lot ,
2. block 36. Albright s r.'4oice. South r .
Omaha .. .j i STo
The Terminal land company to the ,
city of Omaha, part of section
10-15-18 .. , '!
i ne Financial World
t) tlrongivny 109 Uaindalpk at.
T.e Leading Tlaaocial Weekly
VaiusMs te toni.eri aad rinanclers
ladispenaabli to I nvsstors aad k pecalatera
Tbe only flaaselal publlratlna of lis klad. gxad
(or leer timiiK pr You will te ooB'iaced uf
lie talaa aad send var ubacrtii'. '
the ririAnciAL tohld '
Brondway 3wTrk