Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1906, Page 6, Image 6
1 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FIJI DAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1906. 11 il : Tile Omaha Daily Bee JoVnDED, BY EDWARD ROSEWATFR. 'VICTOR ROBEWATER. EDITOR. Entered at Omaha poHtefricc as second class matter TERMS OF SCBSCRIPTION. lally pee (without Sunday, on year..$t .W Osily le and Sunday, ons year J?" Saturday P.en, ona year!"!.'".'.'.'! 1w UKUVERED BT CARRISK. Il1y Bee (Including Sunday), per week, lit Dally Bee (without Sunday), per we.ek.-luo Kvenlng He (without Sunday), per wnrk, Evening Bee (with Sunday). per week..l'c Address complaints of irregularities ,n livery to City Circulating Department. ' ' ' officii;. ' Omaha The Bee building. South Omaha City Hall building. : Council Blurts 10 pearl street. Chicago 1640 Cnltv building. New Tork 1& Home Life Ins. building. Washington Ml Fourteenth street. CORRESPONDENCE. Ommunlcatiena relating to news and ecll tortaJT matter should be addressed: Omaha Dv Editorial Department. RKMITTANCEB. , . . Remit by draft, express or postal order payable to The Fee publishing company, only I-cent stamps received aa payment of mall accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. TH: HTB PUBLISHING COMPANY. , STATEMENT Or CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss: -Charles C. Rosewater, general manager of The Ben Publishing company. lng duly sworn, say that th actual number of full nd enmptets ooplea'of Th Dally, Mornln, T:ven!ng and Sunday Bee printed during tun .vmnth of October, fo was aa fo"" , ..30,680 30,800 30,800 30,730 .....30,780 31,780 30.S30 3140 31,330 31,300 30350 304IM 30,830 .80,300 30,670 ' 30390 10.... 30,730 II... 30,330 12. ........ .30,730 . 13 31,080 14... 30.900 15 31,480 1 33,000 Total Legs unsold copies. 24. IS 31370 31,410 17 31,740 23 30,070 S3 31,300 10 31,110 II 31410 301,330 11,033 Net total sales.... 60,397 Daily average. . 80,6M C. C ROSE WATER. . ... General Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before nr. this 1st day tf November. 19". tSesl.) M. B. HUNQATB, - . Notary Public. WHEi OCT Or TOWH. Subscribers leavvlnar the city tem porarily should hay The) He walla ta then. Address will be changed aa aftea as reqaeated. The indictment of H. Clay Pierce in Texas will give Senator Bailey an op portunity to show just how far the letalnlng ffce bound Mm. . President noosuveit b ueBire for citi zenship for Porto. Kicans will give congress a good excuse for sending the constitution after the flag. i A Denver woman is writing u book of rules on the subject of bridge whist, and eastern players may learn the ef fect of equal suffrage on the fashion able game. ' ' l6wa democrats are demonstrating tb wiadora of the voters in electing the republican candidates. Think of ' what the present fight! 'would, mean if the pi counter was at stake., ; Senator Clark of Wyoming must be accorded the prize for faith In human ity -or for' Ignorance since he de clares that he does not believe white men will conspire to rob Indians. Colorado la entitled to a front seat at ,. the. Transmisslsslppl Commercial congress,, but ordinary pride should have caused its delegates to have kept Its political affairs in the background. Residents of tbe Indian Territory accused of fleecing Indians through the appointment of. "straw men" as administrators of Indian estates, seem to have adopted the Thurston county .system. Senator Morgan of Alabama declares that "a white man's plank" must be inserted in the next democratic na tional platform. The senator must fear that Mr. Bryan and his followers may break the ."solid' north." ' The report, that James Bryce may be sent aa British ambassador to the United States is pleasing to America, as tha dlstlngut&hed publicist would be given an opportunity to see the Amer ican Commonwealth from a new stand point. ; ' Nebraska lawyers are discussing tneif own affairs in convention. It s to oe nopea mat wey will com nearer . agreeing than they generally do when arrayed in court fori the pur pose of discussing the affairs of other peoples ..." ' The Missouri supreme court In oust ing a St, Louis Jockey club from the state ,rnay have made Itself solid with men who buy mules, as tha latter will be tuore In demand than race horses when the latter cannot be used by the bookmakers. The majority of the PitUburg ice dealers have played the part of good little boys caught in mischief, pleaded: "I didn't- go to do It." and received their spanking; but two are willing to take chances 09 being able to dodge the penalty. jamee j. inn enould have waited until the newspapers told blm the plan for handling' the ore Und lease before declaring that no employe of hi railroad companies is permitted to hold stock la anything along the line of nis .roads. Commercial bankers who oppose government wings banks have failed to read the history of the movement aright, as experience ahowa. that, when au Individual deposit reaches a rer-lal-t amount .It is usually withdrawn fiom the saving. bank and placed in peitt-ta! trt u'ation through ordinary iDllilr. ' TTC RAILROAD AMKXPMI.ST' It was to have been expected that the railroads of Nebraska would de cline to give over without a struggle and allow the adoption of the amend ment to the constitution to become an accomplished fact without exhausting 11 the resources of their well equipped tod extensive legal departments to defeat the will of the people. This has beea s consistent part ot railroad policy in Nebraska from the very be ginning. There has never been a time in the history of the state when the great corporations have not interfered to the fullest extent of their power in the affairs of the public. So accus tomed have the railroad magnates be come to dictating policies and shaping legislation to their own ends that it would have been a nine days wonder if they had allowed the amendment recently adopted by the voters of the state to go into full operation without making a struggle against it. This time the railroads have mis taken the sentiment of the people of Nebraska. It la not a revolt against the railroads as such, but it is a pro test against the continual' and perni cious Interference of interested corpor ations la public affairs for selfish pur poses and against public welfare. The people of Nebraska have borne with Ifiore or less patience for a great many years the injustices that have been put upon them by the railroads. The debt that the people of the slate owe to these great corporations for their assistance in developing the re sources of Nebraska has never been denied. Yet this debt should not op erate to prevent the people of the state from enjoying in some measure the fruits of their own industrious toll. As a matter of fact. Nebraska has been exploited by the railroads as few other western slates have. This was made very plain during the recent campaign, Governor-elect Sheldon making It the dominant note of his speeches throughout the state. Again and again he showed the injustice and inequality of Nebraska freight rates, and just as often did he exhibit the evidence of railroad rapacity. He was elected solely because he was con sidered by the voters of the state to be the champion of the people-as op posed to the domination of corporate interests. It would be well for the railroad magnates to heed this fact. The time haa come in Nebraska when the people are going to rule and direct their own affairs, regardless of the wishes of the men who have bo long sat behind desks and directed through their henchmen the course of public affairs in the state. It is not intended that any injustice shall be done to any of the great agents of commerce in Ne braska, but it is intended thaUthey hall do Justice to the people. EFFECT OF KANSAS C1TT COKORKSS. It is unfortunate, although perhaps Inevitable, that tha addresses and dis cussions at the TransLiisslaslppl Com mercial congress should1 spread over so wide a range of topic, thus losing the great force of concentration for practical purposes. Previous meet ings have fallen short of possible ben eflts through the same defect. The va'ue of tbe congress now sit ting is nevertheless not to be under rated on this account. Though the discussions in the main are on pro miscuous subjects, still aa a cyclopedic representation brought down to date of the immense and varied resources. industries and interests of an empire embracing practically one-half of the nation they constitute a powerful stim ulant to the energies of the people, broadening their conceptions and out look and tend importantly to promote common action for common purposes. It will, however, be increasingly necessary for the west, if its full in fluence is to be exerted politically and otherwise in its own behalf to eltml nate more than it hitherto has done a multitude of questions, however in teresting in themselves either locally or specially, or to subordinate them to great general ends, each in its turn and due occasion. By selective and strategic effort the cumulative advance will carry also Innumerable minor points. It is along thla line that the true value of the Kansas City meeting probably by far tbe most important and. satisfactory In the hUtory of the congress, largely as an educational Influence is to be estimated. I'KRIL J.V CUBA. The isbue in Cuba, full of possible mischief, seems to be rapidly sharpen Inu between thoso who threaten dire consequences if the United States does not promptly arrange for election of a government and then withdraw forthwith, and those who threaten dire consequences if this course is followed. The troubles Involved in intervention which have been largely lost Bight of since the return of Secretary Taft, can 110 longer be concealed and. in the judgment of those in good position to know, are approaching a crisis not less dangerous and even more difficult than, the one of civil war which was averted by prompt American military occupation. But Governor Magoon as tbe representative of our govern ment on the ground, is now beset with Increasing- clamor and menace on both sides, the one that he shall declare definitively that the United States shall promptly arrange for a native regime and quit the Island, and th other not only that this shall not be done, but also that assurance be given of our remaining there indefinitely The feature rising more ominously every day is that either side has both the power and apparently tbe dlspoa! tion to precipitate a catastrophe. So bitter and Irreconcilable are the Cu ban factious showing themselves to be toward each' Other that thiaaC of those who are known as conservatives to destroy railroad bridges and burn the cane fields and sugar mills in or der to compel continuance of Interven tion Is believed to be serious. On the other hand, thone who were lately in arms as insurgents are in large part so impatient to seize the spoils of office so nearly within . their grasp at the moment of intervention that they will with dlJHculty be restrained much longer, although restraint Is indis pensable if there is to be safe and sta ble government. In short, a point has been about reached at which it is necessary to bring the Cubans to their senses. If such a thing be possible, by definitely prescribing the conditions with which they must comply on the basis of Belt rule, and it is almost certain that those conditions will be profoundly repugnant to many native leaders who are now forcing an emergency and who have already pushed matters so far that the situation is full of peril. ( USFLJCTISG RAILROAD STORIES. The stories emanating from circles of high railroad authority are not con sistent. Now we have the sensational disclosure, suggestively framed with a keen eye to stage effects, in substance that carrier companies centering at Chicago have resolved to curtail by fully 160,000,000 the expenditures for betterments that had been planned for that terminal during the coming year, and that this resolution as to Chicago is merely part of a general policy among the roads for abandoning or restricting contemplated extensions and improvements. But we have also just had another tale, not less startling and upon like mpressive authority, to the effect that the existing railroad system is utterly Inadequate for the bulk' of tonnage and travel that the growth of the coun try is producing and will produce in the future on even a larger scale; J. J. Hill having within two weeks deliber ately asserted that 115, 000" more miles of track are needed now, and other ex perts that terminal facilities and roll- lug Btock are similarly deficient. And It is substantially agreed among them that even If the existing transporta tion system could be brought up to present requirements, an annual aver age of at least 10.000 miles of new construction would be needed for growth of business the next ten years. Now, how can two such stories be reconciled on the basis of candor and good faith? Or is the explanation to be found in the circumstance that with umerous state legislatures and the national congress about to meet the commanders-in-chief among railroad interests may desire to arouse public apprehension of the consequences of progress in public control? We have just made a memorable ad vance in the enforcement of old and enactment of new laws on the particu lar pont of equality, of transportation charges and services for 'all, that ad- ance having been in spite of every obstacle that the carrier corporations could throw in the way. But the not less vital question of the reasonable ness of charges, particularly on service within each state, but including also hauls between states, remains and confronts every legislative and admin lstrative body in the land. It is thrust upon the people not only by grotesque nequalities between state and Inter state chargeB, but also by the prodigi ous profits which existing exactions produce, without regard to the item of increased wages. In a word, the railroads have grossly misjudged the temper of the people If the purpose Is as it can hardly but be, to intimidate and terrorize them at this time from going forward to right what has been wrong by threat of withholding transportation service that is vitally necessary. It is Elmply the familiar opposition tactics that haa been resorted to for preventing every exertion of public authority in public interest the last forty years. While it has latterly been futile, never before was it so untimely and dangerous tor the railroads themselves as it is at this moment. Douglas county had the distinction of casting the largest percentage of its total vote on the amendment. It also has the distinction of casting the smallest percentage of Its vote against tbe amendment. Almost 19,000 of the Douglas county voters registered themselves in favor of the adoption of the amendment, while only forty-six went on record as being opposed to it As the people of Douglas county do more business with the railroads than those ot any other county in the state this vote ought to be significant as in dtcating the attitude ot the commercial Interests of the state toward the trans portation companies. South Omaha also had a taste ot water shortage, and Is equally Inter ested with Omaha In the establish ment of a sufficient water supply sya tern. This supply can only be secured by the construction ot a second main pipe from Florence to the city. How much longer will the Water board ex pose the business and domestic inter ests of the community to the danger and inconvenience which now exist? The Bee disclaims any Interest I the progress of any suit before any court beyond that bf anexact and Im partial chronicler of tacts. This state-, ment is made In view of a dispute that now exists between an attorney and his client as to certain statements which the latter made to a Bee re porter tor publication. The announcement from Chicago that the railroad companies of the United States Intend to economize on expenditure to the extent of many mil- lions of dollars during the coming year does not track with the admis sions of the leading railroad men that no company at present has equipment or trackage sufficient to enre for its usiness. High prices or low prices. the railroads must build more miles of track and employ more cars and en- Ines or go out of business. Competi tion In this regard, at least, is Inexora ble. Legislators should remember that lobbyists ' who appear at the capitol are only figureheads. The real lobby ist seldom goes near the state house. By keeping this fact In mind the new members of the incoming legislature will probably be able to avoid some of the pitfalls that are set by scheming persons for the feet of unwary law makers. Lincoln is coming to Omaha to se cure pointers on how to conduct a de tention home for Juvenile delinquents. This la a move in the right -direction. It Lincoln had began to pattern after Omaha many years ago the capital city would have been all the better. The Nebraska bankers opened and closed their -convention In a most busi nesslike v. ay and are proceeding with eletlty along the program laid out. his happy result is the outcome of the excellent business training the banker gets at home. W. D. Vandlver, superintendent of insurance for Missouri, gives strong reasons why western men . should patronize western insurance companies and one of the. strongest is that It keeps the reserve fund where It can be watched. That Texas negro who pleaded guilty to the charge of murder in Texas did his best to redeem the state from the stain of lynch law, and the authorities seem to have given him hearty co-operation, as he was legally hanged the same day. I.Ike Framed Motto. Washington Herald. That Nebraska congresaman will find that hi good examplo of refunding unearned salary will be, like the mottoes framed upon the wall, seldom followed. Besides, how would moat of the congressmen live, If It were follov.-ed? A Pleleaa Opinion. ' Chicago- Chronicle. General Castillo, one of the heroes of the recent chicken coop campaign for Cu ban liberty, aays that the American pro visional government weighs upon Cuba like a curse. It occaalnna no surprise to learn from another Havana dispatch that the general waa an uiisuccBsful aspirant for a Job under the provisional government. A Tip for Indiana. Baltimore News. Commissioner': of Indian Affair I-upp recommends that Indian tribes having money and lands should organlxe them selves Into Joint companies for., the purpose "f administering their common ea tat. This In 4r)Vbly the oldest form of the corporation, but will the present dlallke of corporaUo'ns'be waived in fevor of the Indiuns? . . , Good Mewa, If Trne. Wall' Street journal. Mr. Hurriman says that he has no am bition to be a financial king. Mr. Hearst announcea that he will never again be a candidate for office. This is good news. It Is to be hoped that these gentlemen will not change their minds. This country wants neither Hearst nor king, neither social revolution, nor financial absolutism. More Care or More Track. Philadelphia Record. Harriman backs up his opinion that what the railroads need Is more cars by order ing t21.0O0.000 v'orth of refrigerator, box, flat and gondola cars, all of which will be delivered before the heuvy t raffia period of next year. Mr. Hill fcaya what the com panies need la more tracks, and we are waiting to hear if he backs up his opinion as substantially as Mr. Harriman backs h'.s. Will Piatt Take the Hint New Tork Sun. It Is a mlstaka to suppose that the senior senator for the. Empire state, the Hon. Thomas Collier Piatt, la incapable of fur ther usefulness. "He is not too old or too seriously Incapacitated, either In the phys ical sense or Intellectually, or too shame fully discredited In his public and private relation to the community, to perform now, at once, this week, today, the greatest ser vice which It has ever been In his power to render to his honorable constituents, the people of New York. It U the statesman's last opportunity to win their approval and applause. With their fingers defending their olfactories, they will applaud him with enthusiastic feet. TITLES WOOIKG DOLLARS. Reflections on British Peera and the American Heiress Market. Harper'a Weekly. The present duke of Marlborough seems to have Inherited the moral qualities of the Churchill without their brains. The brains tend to be good; tha moral qualities tend to be rotten. The first duke had extraordi nary talents, geared to morals of the ut most flexibility. The most noted of his re cent descendants, Lord Randolph Churchill waa an able man, and so far aa Is known a decent man and a good husband. ' His brother, the father of the present duke. had Intelligence and suavity, but was disreputable person whom his wife di vorced. The present duke seems to hive his father's morals without either his man ners or his intelligence. He has medft his young American wife so Intolerable a hus band that she has finally applied for a legal separation. It Is a pity, for she Is a woman of fine character and great attractiveness, fitted for a happier career than merely to bear two sons to a young brute who hap pened to be the heir ot an historic British title and a heavily encumbered historic estat. If the trade between American dollars and British titles and second-hand dwellings Is to be maintained, It la neces aary (or ought to be) that a larger per centage of the financed peers should make good. To take a young woman's good money and then mistreat her la Just a caddish and culpable as anything the Pitt. burg millionaires do. It la conceivable that the whole line of purchasable British peers may become so discredited as to doatroy the t runic, though, to be sure, it would take an awful list ot swindles to drive the ambitious American mothers away from the burgain counter at Burke's. There are some admirable gentlemen in the Rritixh peerage, and some of that quality hav married Auiericun women. But the a vera of tbe Iota offered in the American market is nut htfel IIOISD ABOIT SEW YORK. Nlpiiles on the ( nrrrnt of Life In the Metropolis. Builders of suburban homes In Greater New Tork are turning their attention to the erection of a class of separate dwellings designed to accommodate two families. "These homes." said an experienced builder, "are of brick or brown stone, have high port hei and are o stories with a base, ment. "They range In price from to 9.. and large numbers of them have been sold in tho last two or three years. There are usually five rooms and a bath on the top floor, which rent for lis to $23 per month. The main floor and basement usually have six rooms with a bath and storeroom and rent for fcS to $35." These houses are fitted and furnished as are the average apartments In the larger buildings. . The Interiors are of good trim and finish, with oak or other ornamental wood material, oien nickel plumbing, tiled bath tubs, ranges, Ico boxes, dumb waiters, etc. There are lO.Ouu professional criminals at large In New Tork City, according to police estimates, quoted by the New Tork World. They Include bank robbers, burg lars, fiat thieves, commercial swindlers, confidence men, pickpockets and shoplifters. A large percentage are ex-convlcts, whose pictures are in the Rogues' gallery and who ai-e known personally to the detec; tlves of the central office. As many as IOC) of theso professionals have been picked up on the streets as "suspicious persons" In a single night by Inspector McLaugh lin's detectives, only to be set at liberty In the morning to pursue their criminal vo cations. In other states, notably In Mass achusetts and New Jersey, they have a law under which known criminals unable to glvs an account of themselves may be sentenced to short terms of Imprisonment as vagranta. The law works so well thut many Massachusetts and New Jersey crooks have deserted their homes and come to New York to live. Alfred Henry Lewis sketches In Pearson's Monthly tho personality and career of Florence Sullivan, commonly known as Big Florrie," a type of Manhattan politi cian: Big Florrie began to make a living nt the printers' trade. His health suffered from the confinement and he took up the open air life of a boatman. In this Hie ho developed until he became a muscular marvel. Next he became a policeman of the river squad and fought with the river thieves of all sorts. Tiring of the police man's life, he opened a saloon and sold drinks for four years. He kept . "a '. Illy white place," but he sickened of the busl pesa He never has tasted liquor or to bacco himself and he could not see why he should sell such things to others. He had made money, but he. could not keep It; he waa too generous. Mayor Van Wyck gave him a city office at a good aalary at time when he was penniless, and after that, apparently, he was no longer penni less. Boss Croker put him In charge of the Tammany organization of the Kighth dis trict, tho Infamous red-light district. The first thing Big Florrie did was to buy pair of kid gloves, so as not to soil his hancs. The next thing was to go out Into the street and knock down the first sped, men he met of the species of men who live on the earnings of fallen women. Then he went through the district, smashing right and left, careful not to touch the vile, crea tures with ungloved hand, but felling and bruising all whom he found of this class. Within a week the district was cleaned un. No one cared to come again within roach of the iron hand within the glove, and the police had orders not to Interfere. Having driven out those 'whom lie did not want thei-o, he became the feudal lord of those who .were left. Picnics, balls, chowder parties, ond excursions were given at his expense. Free turkeys, free bread, fre lunches were provided by him. Fun eral expenses were paid where there was poverty, and flowers sent where the bereaved were left In comfort. Ho broke an engagement with two t'nlted Btates senators because on the way he read In the paper that two old women were to be evicted for nonpayment of rent, and he did not arrive at the rendezvous until the Women had been placed In comfort. He wet his feet one winter day and realized the discomfort of Imperfect foota-ear. Before ha returned home he had bought $15,000 worth of shoes and stockings and left them at the clubhouse for distribution. Democrats?" he was asked. His answer was, "Pon't talk politics nine months be fore election day. Look for barefoot people." "In such a district who Can contend wltlj such a man?" comments the Chicago Tri bune. "The people know nothing of polit ical principles; they care' nothing for re form or for civil service. They are for the man who sympathises with them, who may plunder the rich for all they know, but spends the money In his district. They will follow the man who has the strength and tha courage to face his enemies and those whom he considers enemies to the people and knock them down and out When stu dents of civlo problems lament the existence of the boss they are wasting thrtr tears over something which suits the bossed." Tea drinkers are finding ecant encourage ment in a report recently made by a large tea exporting nouse in Yokohama to Its American customers. Incidentally It Indi cates that tho United States Is not alone in facing increased cost of living. The report says: "Owing to the rapidly Increasing cost of living in Japan, labor cosi more, and in consequence cultivation of the tea gardens Is leee generous and extensive than formerly, and lees care and skill are ex pended In picking and curing the leaf Hence the avorage quality of the tea now' offered for sale Is below that of seasons prior to the war. and for the same reasons we are not likely In the future to see anv reversion to the excellence of former years These changes are tho Inevitable results of new conditions that are affecting many of tbe old industries of Japan." The only open unimproved lot in the business district on Fifth avenue. New York, is owned by an elderly spinster, a descendant of the As tor family, and, to mix terms, apparently a genuine old-fashioned Knickerbocker. She will not sell the lot, for which real estate dealers have been scrambling, even though offered $650,000 for it. She prefers to keep it so that her pet dog may have a place to exercise. Respect for American Mo San Francisco Chronicle. The attitude of the Japanese toward our Institution may be inferred from their re quest In a case reported yesterday. In which it was requested that one of their number, arrested on a charge of forgery, be turned over to them to be dealt with. This Is precisely what the Chines have been doing for years. They refuse to reo ognlse our courts and attempt to admin ister Justice In their own fashion. About the only thing American respected by Jap. and Chinese Is our money. A How Mevlaav ('naclcace. Cleveland Plain Dealer. A conscientious cltlsen has returned the ICou he received as bounty during the civil war, explaining that he went as a soldier because he was paid to do It. Uesldea, he has proierd and can afford to reim burse the government. A coneclence that has such a creditable awakeuing after forty years of inaction ta something lu which its owner should take prids. GORDON FURS A picture's a picture, but there's , thousands of dollars difference between the value of a masterpiece produced by inspired genius and highly developed talent, and a sign-painter's chromo there's a like difference in furs. . Genius conceives and the best talent com pletes Gordon Furs into masterpieces; yet m the most expensive garments the element of utility is not lacking. ! . ' ( 3 Jv V sjrf i J mm Jitk your dtaUr for GORDON FURS Lionel "STRICTLY COSFIIJKXTHL." Wliit nreome of tUe Letters Sent l Medical quack. Chicago Tribune. Collier s,, in following up Its crusade against quack physicians and deulers in worthless patent medicines, has touched upon one Interesting feature of the busi ness. This is the regular trade In confiden tial letters from patients describing In de tail their real or Imaginary ailments. The recipients of these letters, which were writ ten under a guarantee or'abaolute seerecy, bundle them together as soon as the writers have spent all the money they can e in duced to thinw awav on one lino of treat ment. The letters are then sold or rented hi that authorized under the Trneat Inspec ts other persons In the same business, and tlon law. It would only recjulre the ap the writers besin to receive circulars and pointment cjf several hundred (thousand In personal letters making glowing prornlses" Kpf(;tors to guarantee that pianufactures of restoration from the malady which the victim believes himself to have. """ ' One brokerage company advertises over one million letters on hand. These letters are classified. Over IM.'W letters describing, kidney troubles may be bought or-rented, telling ot suffering from abuse of nur ootics. and so on. Every person who has at any time within the last ten years written to these correspondence doctors or dealers In wonderful remedies may be certain that his or her letter, describing physical diffi culties which may have been kept a secret even from one's own family, Is on file In an office where It may be consulted by any one willing to pay $2.50 a thousand for the privi lege of copying these letters. Not only doctors buy these letters, but also other speculators In human credulity. Tho sellers of stock In wildcat mines and In bogus companies of all kinds make a busi ness of exchanging Huts, so that what money lias escaped one swindler may lie reached by another. . A , person who ha( been an asy?mark for pauot nvj4lclpe ad vertisements was considered by. one com pany as especially suitable fur ts pur poses, and until the postoffice department forbade the uso of tho malls it astonished those to whom It wrote by Its Intimnto knowledge of personal difficulties. Professional etiquette forbids a physician to reveal secrets confided to him by a pa tient. A sick person or one who thinks he is sick is foolish If he does not tell his phy sician the whole story, so that the Case may be diagnosed with complete knowledge. Hut the moxt foolish person of all Is the one who writes to a stranger things which he is unwilling to tell a neighbor. The phy sician will respect any confidence plnced In him. Tho advertising qtiack will sell the letter or a copy of It to any one who asks for it. A person who once gets, on the quacks' lists will be tormented for years for that bit of folly. PERSONAL NOTES. 81) lock's price per pound has been cut by a Washington woman, who only wants $5,000 for thirty pounds which she lost by not joining the anti-worry club.. Governor-elect Rollln 8. Woodruff of Con necticut Is now head of the hardware con cern In New Haven where he first went W work as an office boy at an early age. ' Miss Nora Stanton Blutch, a granddaugh ter of Elisabeth Cady Stanton, has been appointed a member of New York Clty'a staff of civil engineers. Miss Blatch'a ap pointment was not due to any pull, but was made on merit, after she had stood her examination. The contract for boring the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul's big tunnel through the Rocky mountains has been let to Nel son Bennett, the man who built the North ern Pacific tunnel through the Cascade mountains and has recently completed the largeat Irrigation ditch ever constructed. The writer known to the novel reading public aa Ralph Connor Is known to his parishioners in Wlnnlpc at Charles W. Gordon. He is a man of 43. tall and slight, keenly Interested In sport and out door life and sympathetic and earnest In hla work. His church has been completely fitted up with parlors and recreation rooms, where those without homes may spend their evenings In pleasant surroundings. In Chicago during the last year, accord ing to figures compiled by the Bridge and Structural Iron Workers' union. 147 of Its l.SSfc members were either killed or dis abled by accidents while at work. Thirty, four men lost their lives, thirteen were to tally disabled and w were partially dis abled. Most of the deaths were due to falls from the steel framework of buildings In the downtown district Tet INDIA AND ' CEYLsbN t G(Dl Ttkt-rt is no gueaa wtn-k in bu) I114 Tt-'Ws Tea. - Kvery housewife who haa tried it knows that It is suix-rior to all other packet leas. - - McCORD-BR ADY CO., Wholesale AgenU, Omaha. Gordon ' 5 Alaska Seal Skins More than in any other fur is the "Gor don Way' necessary ta make a jcal gar ment what it should be.;' . The garment pictured here is one of the , Gordon masterpieces With semi-fitting back and loose front, if is a woman's ideal of elegance and comfort, and can be had in many sorts of furs in addition to London dyed Alaska Seal,' at prices from $50 to $500. ; t - . ( HIM)' LABOR LAW ODblTIE. I Can the Federal Government Ileal with the Subject f Haltlnioro American. Once again a novel proposition to utilize that elastic clause In , the t'nlted State constitution giving to congress power tJ tegulate. commerce, among -the several state s Is made, i .Senator llcverldge thinks that the federal government can indirectly, but effectively, ' deal with the- subject of child labor by prohibiting th ttansporta-, ( tlon of products of factories where chll- . dren under 11 years of age ifre employed. A In theory the senator Is undoubtedly cor-- rect. ' A precisely similar exertlse of power tainted with child labor are fiot smuggled to the railroad stations. Probably Lncle Sam could afford it, but he In apt to hesi tate for a long time, before h takes the step. Some duties ought to Be left to the state governments, and the settlement of the child lubor problem Is on of them. It would almost be as reasonable for the United States to uttertipt to fettle the dU voice question by--.thevJdaat1cal constitu tional clause which the Hoosler statesman wishes to bring Into piny with respect to child labor. Let the VnUed States con gress prescribe the! grounds .by1 which di vorces ought to be granted and deny the use of Interstate commerce in any form to Uie Individual who offendsr, by. getting divorce not according to the accepted stand ard. Docs the Idea appear fantasticT Per haps it Is. It la not more fantastic, how ever, than that of SenatorBeyerldge. MKItnV JIXGLE. ;,U"lar-nAlus,. Uje BjMd$altft our fatheis Podaier NonHnnse;-, there- are more hair restorers arid gold bricks sold than ever before Atlanta Constitution. Dubley Did you ever see anything more pathetic than a woman trying to tell a tunny story? ' Wise Well, that's not as foolish as some men I know. A woman nevnr attempts u use dUlect when she doesn't know how. Philadelphia Press. "A shoemaker In a good type of the kind of man an aristocrat . prefers In tho masses." ... "How do you mean?'' "The sole Intent of. his-labor is to sus tuln his uppers." Baltimore Amesican. 'I - think you're perfectly awful!" she simpered. . "I think you're awfully perfect!" he Hlghed. . . There was an InStapt mixture1 of brll llantine and rouge, anu all was well. Chi cago Hecord-Ilei aid. "Wot did th' superintendent do to yei'l w'en yer was caught emokln' ciaarettes. "Turned me over to th' prlncipul." "W ot d' he do?" . . . , "Turned me over to me teacher. An she turned me over to pa." wot did yer pa do'?'1 ' "Turned me over his well. wot d' ver s'pose he done?" Cleveland Leader. 'fls Muffler getting pretty fair salary?" "Oh, yes; enough to keep, body and soul and automobile together." Brooklyn Life. "Hiram." said Mrs. Counterfront, "have you noticed that Spotcash Co. -have anV nounced their Christmas opening for next ' .week?" "No, I haven't,'! answered her spous: "but I know what that means, and I niaie" i as well make the announcement right now that my pocketbook will not have lis) Christmas opening before the 'middle ot December." Chicago Tribune. THE HOMELY GIRL. St. Louis Republic: -Whose face Is It that's never seen T'pon the tempting msgaxlnet ' Who Is it that is never snapped By kodak artists thrilled and rapt? Who is It that is never in A novel ss the heroine? A homely girl. Who Is It that can play no part In great displays of modern art? Who is It that the daily press Will not portray In her new dress? Who is It that upon the stag May never even play a page? A homely girl. f Who is it that In all the ads May never pose for fashion's fad. Or call our tnlnds to foreign Scenes, Or powder, paint, or pork and beans. Or Hulii. candles, fancy goods, v Or furs, or soaps, or breakfast foods? A homely girl. Who is It that is ne'er a bride? Who for divorce has ne'er applied? Who never thwarts a tyrant s rulat Who Is It oh, who, but a fool, Would place her in this lengthy Ustf Who is It blmply don't exist? , A homely girl. ) ( )i f "TV 1 3 "1 -1