Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Pure, Healthful, Refreshing
"The Queen of Table Waters"
Deputj 'Sheriff Testifies to Oillatte't
Account of tb Tragedy.
Defendant I nanle to Knot l.lrl
Rrpiatc He Was Afraid Both
Might tio Down Savee Snlt
Cnee Camera.
HKRKIMKR, X. T.. Nov. 2J.-ChesUl Gil
lette's 'own story of how his sweetheart
tame to her death In the waters of Big
Moose lake, July 11, a related by hlni to
tho. sheriff who arrested" him at Arrow
head tne Saturday morning following, waa
retold today to the Jury which Is trying
the young tnaq on the charge of murder.
It was brought out that Gillette knew that
the girl had been In a delicate oomUtlon
since May. . He said he and she had been
Intimate for a year.
"When the boat upset accidentally, as
you say, and she was floundering help
lessly In the water, why did you not go to
her assistance?" I'ndcr Sheriff Klock gwore
he atked bis prlxoner.
"Because," the young man said, "I was
afraid ehe might struggle ao that we both
might go down."
District Attorney Ward followed up this
lead tiy presenting In evidence the suit
case, the camera, and tripod, the tennis
Arrowhead the Inside gave no evidence of
having been wet. The defendant' cloth
ing found In the ease and a number of pho
tographs which he took on the two days
following the alleged murder were also in
troduced In evidence.
Member of Hoard Makes Lengthy
tatement on the Breaking;
of Mela.
L;-. A. 11. Hippie of the Omnha Water
lo:rd In quoted as follows by tha World-
Hi raid:
It hBR r"t ben the policy of the Water
beard to try Its affairs In thv newspnpere.
But In the last twenty-four hours there
na been a condition that has demanded
InvestiRStlon and should receive publicity.
Mr. Howell of the board and 1 started
nil Tuesday to And out what we could
atxmi th's water famine and spent until
midnight in the Investigation.
Wc nrst visited the Walnut Hill pump
ing station and found the reservoir empty
which meant that all the upper portion
of the city was absolutely without water
for Are protection and domestic purposes.
We found from the snow line on the side
of the reservoir that It had been not to
exceed one-third full. What water had
been in It had been drawn out.
We then went to the Burt street pump
ing station, exporting to find the pump
there working to their full capacity. Tne
Hurt street station Is equipped with thrc
pumps, one low pressure pump which
pumps the water from the river tnlo the
reservoir. and two high pressure pumps,
one of 7.onri.m) gallons capacity snd one of
5.0.(K1 gallons capacity, which pump water
Into the mains. To our surprise wa found
thM the lerge pump was not In oprtitlon.
We asked an explanation and were In
formed that four of the eight hollers were
I acq ue t and other articles which are sup- J out of commission and only four boilers
posed to have been rescued from the water "wre being run. They could only run one
by the young man after the boat upset.
"Gillette told me." continued the wit
ness, 'that he shou.ted to the girl to hold
on to the stern of the boat and he would
try to get her ashore. He said he did not
get near her, for he waa holding on to the
Klcck'a story waa the only testimony of
Intcr-M presented during the afternoon scs
rlin." He declared that since his arrest
Glllo'.te had given three explanations as to
how tht boat woa overturned. When asked
Gtate Board Declares Contract for Work in
Loritlatire Halli Illegal
eeretarr Miller af State Board of
Aarlcnltare Aanonncea Anard
In the Boys' Cera tirow
las; Contest.
From a Biaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nov. 3!. (Special. -The sen
ate chamber and representative hall will
net I papered before the legislature meets.
The contract for this work was declared
void this afternoon at a. meeting of the
Board of Public and Buildings, al
which Treasurer Mortensen, Attorney 0;i
tral Prown and Land Commissioner Eaton
were present. The board declared the con
tract void as the best way out of a bad
btrgaln, though each of the men named
waa a party to thi had bargain.
Several daj-s apo this board accepted the
bid .f the Lincoln Wall Taper company
to do this work at something like tionn,
this company being declared the lowest
bidder. Yesterday a representative of the
Davis Furniture company called at the
state house and declared his Arm had hid
something like I1.M0 for the Job. Then It
was anno'inced that a mistake had been
made In adding up the bids and the Lincoln
Wall Taper company had bid less than
I1.3C0 and this Arm waa declared to have
secured the work at the reduced figures.
Secretary of State Galusha Is out of town
today and other members of the board pro
fessed to know nothing of the contract
except that It had been let. After another
visit by the Davis representative today the
three members of the board decided to de
clare the contract void and so notified the
Lincoln Wall Paper company. As soon as
Mr. Galuaha returns a formal meeting will
be had and the matter made of record.
None of the members of the board In the
state house today would assume any re
sponsibility for the gross carelessness, at
least, displayed In letting the contract, but
preferred to go on record aa being Ignorant
of the proceedings of which each wag a
These three members have at last con
cluded It Is against the law for the board
hlah pressure pumu.
W thon vl.llarf ha mr-nn nf h. knot,
In the thlrty-elx-lnch main three blocks 10 Pnd any large turn of money for legls-
north of Fort street on Twenty-fourth
iStrcet. We found the broken section of
pipe had been removed, and a new aec
,tun was being substituted.
'I he water company Insists that this was
hot intended as an oblect lsson. but In ; kinks
in luw intu inn inr m'aipr company i
expended hundreds of dollars last week In
an attempt to create public sentiment In
favor of the citv assuming the cost of a
second main from Florence
to Omaha, to cost In the neighborhood of
r.U'.cm to 40i,rx, and In view of the further
If In; or the girl was to blame for the al- met mat tne umana water company claims
i .r ku n.nlll nronrillna to. the. ".' "T ui umana, una
"1 ruppoM I am to blame Jot It"
', that ita only object In securing the new
lative fixtures without an appropriation
from the legislature, though they failed to
wake, up to this fact until after their at
tention had been called to the peculiar
In the wall paper contract. This
law waa enacted by the legislature of 1908.
Only the small sum permitted to be spent
by law will be used In getting the legisla
tive halls ready for the lawmaker.
Winners In Corn Contest.
The corn contest authorised by the State
Board of Agriculture has been completed
Aside from this, interest centered In a
statement by Hev. Cuthbert Frost, pastor
of the First Presbyterian church of Low
ville. He wso at the Arrowhead inn with
a pnrty on the Friday following the
. "I saw Gillette coming downstairs from
his room that evening," said Mr. Frost,
"anil overheard him ask two men If they
id heard of a tragedy on Big Moose lake
In which it young girl had been drowned.
I did not hear what reply, if any, was
Vnder Sheriff Klock said that when Gil
lette was first arrested and informed of
"Billy" Brown's death by drowning he pro
fessed great surprise and sold be had not
heard of the accident.
"Aft. r a few minutes," said the witness.
pire line Is to provide bettev flre protection and Secretary Mellor announced the wln-
! ,. thiP JhVM i1" V".T. n thJs owning. Roy R. Johnson of the pipe should break at this time. . - . . . . . . "
and that t the time of the accident the B,,rthaM won ,n" nm P"1"- "lth S.43
Walnut Hill reservoir should be onlv about pomx'o. and Henry W. Olderosr came see-
, one-third full of water and the Burt street end, with 8,W pounds of corn from one
.TrtS'VloHer:i;.riW,ed haV,"K ,0Ur ; nd. TIprte.P,.W.
! An Interesting sidelight upon the water i f ana Ninety-seven boys on
t company's anxiety to orovide the people tered the contest and fourteen made final
reports. Many fell by the wayside, the
i OniHha with water for fire and domes.
II.. 1 1 1 1 r rw imt. m I. l.naM k, . l ...... il...
Utcr the break occurred the water com- ' vctlm of wat weather or drought or other
iny telephoned to al least one of the conditions. Many secured but an average
uth Omaha packing houses ond pre- : trop and made no report on It to P.cretary
nribly to all ot thorn IntormnUoH that M.iLr 17
. nreK naa occurred, hut that they knew
Records of Contestants.
The records of the boys are giver; at fol
... .:6
... n.m
... 6.M0
... .."y
... .40
... 8,lta
... 5.
... .oa
... .
... 4.MS
... 4
... 4.S40
... 4,134
money due his client In a case In which he
Is employed, and the act will bind his client
unlers the party pacing It had notloe of a
revocation of the attorney's acthorlty to
set In the cane. Whether a city officer may
bind the city by assigning his salary prior
to the Issue of a wsrrant tVcrr for, as not
discussed or determined by the court.
Dawes (!) Loses Case.
An echo of Ihe two trials of Charles Rus
sell pf nioux county tor tne crime or muriier
In found In the decision of the court In the
Milt between Dawes and Sioux counties for
the costs of one of the trials. The second
trial took place in Dawes county on a
Changs of venue and It sued Sioux county
for the mats, and was successful In the
lower court. The supreme court has re-
veised the case and recommends a new J
trial. The court hold that the county
from which a change of venue In a crim
inal caie Is taken Is liable to the county
In which the trial Is had only for the fees
of such Jurors of the regular panel as sat
upon the trial of the case and such addi
tions! Jurore as were requlrtd fo be In at
tendance on aeconnt of the trial.
Sapreme t'oart Proceedings.
Following was the proceedings In the su
pieme court November 21 and :
On recommendation of the Bar commis
sion J. Vietcr Hmigh. K. W. McDonald.
Albert L. Schnurr. Jepse P. Palmer. Hurry
A. Dano and . haries J. Anore were oa-
mltted to practice.
on motion of F. O. McOIrr, attorney,
Thomas E. ftuwart of Beatrice, formerly
of Clay county, was admitted to practice
in tnla court. c
Following are miscellaneous orders:
Baker Furniture Company against Hale;
stipulation allowed; plaintiff allowed until
Derember . lit, to serve and file hrlels;
defendant allowed until January 30, IWI7, to
serve and hie briefs. Hteger agalnKt Koerh;
motion of appellee for continuance sus
tained; cause continued to December Is,
County of Otoe sgslnst County of
l.ancaalar; motion uf appiUnnt for con
tinuance sustained; cause continued to De
cember IS, I WW. Miller agilnst Farmers
Milling and Elevator. Company; motion of
appellee for continuance sustained; cause
continued until Icer-mbr 4. Endera
against Friday; stipulation allowed; appel
lant allowed until November 13. IK" to
sTve and file briefs. Lange against Royal
Highlanders: motion of plaintiff for con
tinuance euataln'd; cause continued until
Decmbr 4. l!""i. Gihson against Council;
appeal dismissed on motion of appellant at
appellant's cost. Runkle against Wclty;
stlplatlon allowed; hearing on motion to
dismiss continued until final hearing of
case. In re. claim of Peterson against Es
tate of Bauer; stipulation allowed; caus
set for hearing December 4. 1S0S. Lincoln
Transfer Company against Lancaster
County; rearFument ordered before the
court. State ex rel. Breltllng Co. agalnn
Hollenbeck; hearing on motion to strike
continued to December 4, 108. smith
against Bartlett; stipulation allowed;
cause submitted on briefs.
Following are rulings upon miscellaneous
McFarland against Altsrhuler; motion of
appellant to recall mandate sustained so
as to recall mandate; in a 11 other respects
overruled. itrFarland against AltFChuler;
motion or appellant to retax costa over
ruled. Wilde against Stori Brewlnc Com.
pany; motion of appellee to retax costa
overruled. 8Ute ex rel. Rutledge against
Faton; demurrer of relator to amended
answer overruled; T. L. Rain appointed
reireo io iaae evioence ana report wmt
to this court on or before December IS.
13f. Runkle against Welly; motion of sn-
petlea to dismiss parsed tintfl final submis
sion or cause. Benulenberg against State
motion for plaintiff for leave to file
amended petition In error sustained
Mound against City of Albion; motion of
appellee to. dismiss appeal submitted with
cause on merits. Dickinson against Ald
rlh: motion of annellant to nnMiliiint.
with Dickinson against Aldrlrh: No. HOT
sustained; cause advanced; appellants al
lowed thirty days to perve and file briefs.
vvaiaer against enresman; motion of ap-
u Cue m iMmYmm
M FpD K)d
lit the packing housea had to havr water
iid that It would supply them, but they
irsed them to be economical In Ita use.
The Oni.iha Water board has been giving
ni Is giving the Question of a second
uln aa well as many other questions Roy R. Johnson. Hurehard. Nb... .
that Involve the interests of the city the Henrv W. Olderog. Gretna, Neb....
rust careful consideration. Kxpert opln- T. C. Molga-rd, West Point
'mis have been solicited and the board ex- Alva Fry, I'lysses
oeeta within a few days to be able to an. Mornce K. Baker, gtromaburr
-J told him he knew bh well as I did that ..louuee a solution or .the lire protection fTeioay. nwaqton
A t .i ,!.. . t-.i " He rentied 'Yes the l'robl"m that It believes will be sntlsfac- Henry Knutsen, Hmpton..'
ttie girl was dtad. He replied, yes. me ory n (ne c,t,,en. sbw,,,ltf,Iv falr to Rmest M. Buhler. Sterling
hi uL upset.' He aald the boat tipped over ,he water company. And right here Is the Wallace Wlckllser, Lushton
about 6 n. m. Wednesday. The girl came key to the anxiety of the Omaha Water Ernest Drelr. McCool Junction
. ,k. ,,i v.. tnld her to cling to company to have an additional main. Clarence Drelr. MeCnol Junction...
to the surface and he told hei to lt ,K an open thjlt tn BouUj Verne L. Kauffman, Rokel.y
the Ktein nnd he would try to gel ner packers and stock vards have been clamor Dwight L. Kauffrmin, Rr-keby
Mfhore." ln, ,or niore water and that they have M. Rigby, College View
Asked aa to what the defendant said had J""'"""" , lar i cnn"'der the I "taie laaea aa Appeal,
cae,, tlfe boat to upset. Klock replied: 11 The .Ute ha. appea,e4 fr.,n tha dec.-oj.
"At tirat he said he wa.t standing up doing UHe the most water the capacity or the of La"c"t'r county court in which
something with his hut nr.d the bent went single thlrty-six-lnch main Is taxed and Inia- the Columbia National bank secured a ver-
, over. The next time I talked to him he ,.-;Mv InaduaTe t Tvhi. forTme ""T. , ?
. aald he wua sUimlliig up trying to reach a Krnel. H the company would be very glad cent lnterest ,Tom June " lai7- Th c
pond lily. The third time he said he was to have an additional main Installed at ' -n ecno ot tne ola PP daya. Warwick
wa!!"ng toward the sttrn to talk to the 'J1, " of Omaha. The Saunders waa appointed on a commission
girl when the boat upset." j tha? 1..1 "au a Tad to Investigate the north and aouth rail-
Klock admitted that Gillette told lilm that uev it until ?lich time aa the city may roads. He turned oyer his claim against
.. . .-.a i H..rrtc.i u r,A h under. : acquire the plant Provided the rltv nova .v. n th nb kiK
food the defendant to m-a'n that the cere- I cm hyC howmc5 'whatever"'? ,uit' The lrfl d"P"'tn'nt " t claim
Mr. Josiah Zcitlin, 101 years
old July, 1D0, lives with hi&
daogbter, Mrs. Isaac Krinsky,
Mr. Zoitliu was a prominent
business man in his native
land, Poland, many years. In
1882 he retired and came to this
He says that Duffy's Pure
Malt "Whiskey has prolonged
his life, and is the medicine to
restore health and vigor in old
He writes: '
"Alhc-,igh I waa 1l years old on July
Srd last, I still feel that 1 am good for sev
eral years. I waa bom at Lodi, In Poland,
nnd after a lengthy business Ufa In the old
land came to this country In 1S83 to reaida
with my daughter. I have used Duffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey for many years and
find it very hcnlflclal. It Invigorates and ,
gives me strength. I feel that It has
helped me to live the 101 years. It seems
to be the very medicine old people, need to
restored their falling health and strength."
Josiah Zcitlin, 136 Lexington Avenue,
Brooklyn. N. V.-Auust 10, 11106.
Mr. Zeltlin Is one of the many thousands
of men and women throughout the I'nlted
Staten who owo their vigor, strength and
lrng life to the great Tonic Stimulant and
, Renewer of Youth, Duffy's Pure Malt
. Whiskey, and Join In extolling ita merits.
's Pure rJ3ait Whiskey
Is an absolutely pure, gentle and Invigorating stlmulent and toilo, builds up the nerve tissues, tones up the heart, gives power io
the brain, strength and elastloitv to the muscles and richness to the blood. It brings Into action all the vital forces. It metces n
gestion perfect and enables you to get from tho food you eat the nourishment It contains, lt la Invaluable for overworked men
delicate women and sickly children, as lt is a food already digested. It strengthens the system. Is a promoter of good neaitn
and longivlty, makes the old young and keeps the young strong. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey contains no fusel oil and Is the only
whlskev that Is recognized as a medicine. This Is a guarantee. I
Sold by all druggists and grocers, or direct, in sealed bottles only; nerar la bulk. Prion, 91. Insist on tha genulm i Ml sea
that the "Old Onemist" trade-mark la on the label. Baware of refilled bottlea aad spurious tnalt Whiskey substitutes offered for
sale by unreliable dealers. 1ny are positively harmful and wiU ao cure. Medical booklet and doctor's aarloe free. Duffy Malt
Wkiske? Oo Bochestsr. V. T.
f C . A - . 1
f , - . j!
V . ' t si
"A" ' :'-A
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Oreeley bloodhounds were Bent for and
have been working all day and have fol
lowed the same trail four different times.
mor.y tvaa to take place during the Adiron- I dTreclation
I ia not a legal on aealntt the atata. The
duck trip. ! , n wouldv "PPpae that If the city la 1 commission waa appointed by a Joint reao.
Sheriff Richard told of find ing ( the te, nnls ( 'fo !wo,Td"lb,UPw1l. I '"Uon 0f th
racquet behind a log. Oillette had told him . to pay a small rental for the use of the Miekey Back front Kaasaa City.
he haa piaci tne racquei mere, nimina iv j""'1 i",,r. PrP"B't"n made Governor Mickey returned tble marnlng
too much trouble to carry. The racquet tot. Water board contain, no such pro- j fr8m hu vlBlt to K.n.ft. CUyi J.
was put In evidence. A number of the Cty Ciglneer Rosewater Informs us thHt tended tha meeting of the Tranamlselaslpp!
rtnng nr orosen. h m a iweive-mcn main truncning off ' congrees. He reported an excellent meet-
tloo, the sheriff aald. when be found It from the larga thlrty-slx-lnch main Just ,
K nrfS dree'.,h.u.tre al ?32'2XSti Br.o. Cpany A,reara.
took poaaesslon of Gillette a .u.t caae at J with other olt, main. but tW. wa. no Btate Treaaurar Mortensen called upon
, i I
V Ai0
dead bear is truly eur aatlsa'a
baverata. A food a tonic a
sedative a be vera se for all
A product that has won
fame pn its pronounced
character , and honest
Junction, and therefore the branch main Governor Mickey this morning to go after
waa useless, as all water minmril mM
have run out through the break, conse.
uuently all tha pumps at Florence had to
be shut down while the break was being
Colder aad Claady In Nebraska Taday,
Prabably Lora.1 gnawa Fair
If you would tnjoy tha da
light of m full-bodied, deli
cious beer, try any of the
Blitz brands whether on
draught cr in bottles wher
ever you can.
Doug lag
Cor. tfe
Lous- I
i 3E&::3
WASHINGTON. Nov. Sl.-Hbrecast of
the weather for Friday and Saturday:
For Nebraaka Colder and cloudy Fri
day; probably local anowe; Saturday, fair.
For Iowa Partly cloudy Friday; possibly
local rains or snows; colder in west por
tion; Saturday, fair.
Fir Missouri Fair Friday and Satur
day. For Kansas Partly cloudy Friday; pos
sibly local snows; colder In north portion;
Saturday, probably fair.
For Colorado Snow and colder Friday;
8aturJay. fair.
Fur Wyoming Fair Friday, except anow
in southeast portion; Saturday, fair.
For Montana Fair Friday and Saturday.
For South Dakota Fair; colder Friday;
Saturday, fair.
Laeal Merer.
OMAHA, Nov. li. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
the corresponding day of the past three
years: lam, 1906. !. tm
Maximum temperature M C ill 62
Minimum temperature.... is W 3H 31
Mian temperature 14 W 48 42
Precipitatlun 04 .00 .ue .oo
Temperature and prvclpttatlon departure
from the normal at Omaha sine March 1,
and comparisons with the past two years:
Normal tmpratur 3g
KserMa for the day 3
Toial excess alnce March 1 3
Normal precipitation OS Inch
Kxtu-xa for the day "4 1nli
Total rainfall alnee March 1 94 ? Indies
DenVtency alnce March 1 4 13 inches
Uetlciency for cor. periid, 1H0V... 8 TS Inches
lIlciency for cor, period, 1WM.... 4 77 Inches
Keperta fro a gtatlana at T r. M.
Station and State Temp. Max. iialn-
of eattie.r. at I P. m. Tcnin. fall.
niamaxca. clear I
Chownna, snowing 1
t niitco, clear M
Laveuport. clear 91
Iw-nver, snowing at
Havre, clear 14
Helena, clear 3w
Huron, clear t4
Kansas t'lly. Clear M
North Platte, cloudy '
Omaha, cloudy 4
Rapid City. t. cloudy Is
HU Uoula, clear ;
fft. Paul, clear j Iika City, cloudy m
Vlenime, cloudy ai
'C Inuicatea trace of precipitation.
U A. W ELtH, iocal soracatter.
the Lee Broom and Duster company to
compel that Arm to live up to Ita contract
regarding the employment of convict labor.
The treasurer reported the contract called
for a nettlement at least every sixty days,
and lt had been four or five months alnce
the state' and the company wera even in
their accounts.
Rlerator Aeeesswent Appealed
County Attorney Caldwell fllei a brief
In the auprema court this afternoon in sup
port of his motion for a rehearing in the
Central Granaries assessment case. This
la tha cas In which the eupreme court
upheld Secretary Bennett's plan of assess
ing grain elevators on tha average amount
of capital Invested during the year.
Damage Caaa Reversed.
Tha Burlington waa given a reversal of
the Judgment against It in favor of Nancy
E. Clineball of Custer county, who waa
Injured In a runaway cauaed by the horses
being frlghteped by a freight train. She
waa driving a gentle team and cam to a
crossing, where a freight train emerged
from a cut in so sudden a manner aa to
frighten the team and waa thrown out and
jor4oa Geta Salary.
The old daya were vividly recalled this
afternoon when William A. Oordon of
Omaha ioat his case against the city ot
Omaha, in which he aought to collect the
salary of l"o!ice Judge Oordon, which had
been assigned to him. This assignment was
made In January, lung, and in April of the
same year, J. W. tiler, representing Judge
Gordon aa an attorney, secured the war
rant for the salary and receipted for It on
a Judgment of the district court. Tha city
bad notice of the assignment of the clulin
at the time Elltr got the warrant. The
court holda that an attorney may, by virtue
of his retainer, receive and receipt for
ppllees to quash -bill 'tif exceptions sus-
Tha following opinions were filed:
Oordon against Omaha; affirmed: Duf
fle, C. Thostesen against Doasee; affirmed;
Oldham, C. Continental Trust Company
against Peterson: on rehearing former onln.
Ion approved as modified; Barnes. J. First
National Bank of kiadlson against School
District No. 1 of Madison; reversed and
remanded, with directions; -Albert. C.
Barnes, J.. not sitting, -dinebell aalnxt
Chicago, Burlington.. Quincy Railroad
Company; reversed snfl remanded; Old
ham, C. Sammons' ugainat "Kearney Power
and Irrigation Company affirmed; Albert,
C. Caproon ngalmt.Mltchell;. affirmed;
Puffta. C. Merrlniart, againnt Decree of
Honor; reversed and Temandfd; Oldham,
C. . Battles agntnst -Tyson; reversed and
remanded;. Duffle, Ci Fox against Fox;
afTlrmed; Jackson. C. Segear agninst
Westcott; reversed and remanded; Epper
son, C. Carmack against Kidenberger;
affirmed; Albert. C. Farmers State Bank
of Saronvllle against Sutton Mercantile
Company; reversed and remanded: Albert,
... runt niuunii nana against Hut I on
Mercantile Company;- reversed and re
manded: Albert. C. Bahr aodti St f u n 1 u 1
reversed and remanded: Epperon. c!
wroin- ae-ainsc i.anei ninrnifd; Jackson.
c. Md-ague against Eller: affirmed:
Ames.' C. Daa-es CruTlitv airulnat
County; reversed and remanded: Duffle, c
Ruf-ell nrs Inst State; reversed and re
manded; Sedgwick, C. J.
Following are rulings upon motions for
Byron Reed Comrmnv arslnst Kiuimnrio-
overruled. Seelev Htre'nst Rltehev: snowed.
Dieinaunier against Btate; overruled.
Loala Montgomery. Under Arrest far
Trylnar to Kill, f ar Rennlrer.
ALLIANCE. Neb.. Nov. 3.-(Specla TeJe-
gTam.WLoula Montgqrntiry, night switch
man In the Burlington - yards here, was
arrested thia morning on tbe charge of
attempting -to murder: W. J. Durkin, a car
repairer. ' Montgomery was drinking and
profuse with abusive language which re
sulted In a ciuarrel with Durkin In which
Montgomery drew a knife inflicting a six
inch wound across the abdomen of Durkin.
Prompt medical atteution was given and it
ia believed no serious results will secure
unless complications set in.
Boy Dragged to Death.
HAT SPRINGS, Neb.. Nov. 22. (Special.)
The little Ji-year-old son of A. Heptjackcr.
living near here, was found dead on the
prairie at 1 a. ro.. hia skull being crushed
and the shoe and overshoe from one foot
missing. The lad lind been riding a horse
and It Is believed he was thrown off and
that his foot held fast in the stirrup and
he was dragged to a horrible death.
Kevra e( Kebraaka.
BKATRICE Two cases of diphtheria
were reported to the authorities yesterday.
BEATRICE The Beatrice Power and las
rompany began laying mains on Court
street today.
HENDERSON Two of Henderson's most
popular young people, Mr. John A. Friean
and Miss Mary Stinger, wera married to
day. BEATRICE Mrs. Samuel Rinaker was
called to Carlinvlile. 111., thia morning by
a telegram announcing the neriouH.. Illness
of her father.
NEBRASKA CITY-Mrs. Margaret Rott-
V. W. Kotimn.
and after the bloodhounds were placed on
the trail of the would-be murderer they
followed it to the barn at his son's home.
No arrests hsd been made when Mr. Case
left for Beatrice, but the authorities wera
well satisfied of the young man s guilt.
ALBION The mercury slid down to 6
above Inst night, making the coldest night
of the season. The cold weather Is wel
comed by the farmers on account of the
soft condition of the corn. Much of the
corn gathered before cold wenther had
beun to spoil, but farmera say the recent
frerxe will now put It In good condition
and to a very great extent avoid further
KkKMOST-No trace has yet been found
of Mrs. Frank Oreenleuf. who disappeared
from here Friday afternoon. Stimulated
by a reward ofiered by th.i relatives, a
search has been kept up this week and a
number of clues followed without finding
anything, bhe ownad some real crista
here and had some money loaned out n
mortgages. Her family think there le lit
tle doubt that she committed suicide by
FREMONT Coroner Overgaard held an
Inquest this morning on the body of Charles
.uisiiive, tne Noitn western fireman who
was- killed in the yardn yesterday morn
ing. U appeared Irom thp evidence tht
he 'was struck ny tho tender of a road
engine which was boing temporarily used
for yard work. The verdict was that his
deatn was catlsod by noeldent. The oom
tnitn wioow or Tne lata
died today at her home In this city of pany wns rtpiwented at the Inouest by
Bright a disease. its attorn vs.
M'COOL JVNCTION Oeorgi? Davis nnd RCLO Snow at Interval, from Sunday
Miss Mabel Oniham, both well-known . nicht until today ot lu a. m., has stoppen
young people, were married and wili make corn husking and other farm work Is at a
their future home here. rtundstlll. The snow has not drifted here.
ALBION Dr. W. L. Manchester, who has Foil wheat Is doing nicely since tho snvr
practiced his profession in this town for of last week, as the ground was very dry
the last fojr years, left yesterday for Mis- and moisture was badly needed. The last
souri. where he expects to locate. few days have been had on feeders of slock
PLATTriMOl'TH Alexander Patterson. aa well as other stock, for but few farm-resldlna-
southwest of Platlsmouth, fell - era have rtalk fields ready to admit stoek
from a load or corn and one of the wagon for winter forage.
wheels passed over him, fracturing a col- BEATRICE John Tocam of Falls City,
lar bone. I who was nrrested In this city some time
BEATRICE M. F. Kalrn of Anamosa. ago by Deputy Game Warden Hunger on
Ia.. churgnd with obta, money und-r the charge of selling fish Illegally, and
fa e nretetme tnrouan ine saie or a i;n- .c. nmua iiu !
purpese of disposing of some more flsli.
Vocani wss arrested here after he had sold
several hundred pounds of uunaio nsii,
which he had. taken from a lake In M.s
sourl after he had obtained permission
irom the game warden of that state.
BEATRICE The Ice. and cold storage
plant installed at the Beatrice Poultry
and Cold Storage company'a establishment
liv Mr. Fingado, the expert employed with
the iJirsen-Baaer Ice Machlno company
of Omaha, the firm which furnished the
machinery for the plant, has been accepted
and turned over to the local company. The
plant Is one of the best in the state. In
the poultry department the company now
has lf,,'i0 chickens on hand, and a large
force of men la employed at good wages.
RlTIX5 Louis Fulton of this elty was
arrested here today and taken to the county
Jail In Falls City, being charged with rob
bing Tlco Adams of this city of $1.0 last
Saturday night. It Is asserted that Louis
Fulton got Tire Adams oruna ana tnn re
lieved him of hia wallet. These young men
have husked corn for the sums man all
fall and each holds the rocord of husking
1,77 bushels of corn In seventeen and
half days. The data of the trial has not
yet ben announced, but will be held In
Falls City.
1 ORK The Christian-Lang- company.
Torlt. Neb..' breeders nnd irrorters of--
Aberdten-AnguB cattle, hotlghl this week
at the Baker aV Smith dispersion sale, In
the east, the famous lo-year-Old cow,
blackbird of Woodlawn Sth and her It-year-old
show daughter, Black "Beauty f Clover
land. The leading stock Journals this week
state that Blackbird of Woodlawn la th
most famous cow this side of England and
the greatest producer of wealth In th
United States, Twenty-five of her de
scendants sold at this sale for I8.S00, and
adding sales of descendants made before
makes a total of over S16.000 the produce
of this cow sold for.
Potatoes n Profltnble Cron.
DAKOTA CITY. Neb.. Nov. SS.-(Speclal.)
Aa the potato shipping season has about
come to a close In this locality it has been
very conclusively proven that Dakota
county ia fast forging to tha front as one
of the best potato .producing counties to be
found anywhere and that lt la one of the
best paying crops that can be raised.
Nearly 10D cars of potatoes were shipped
from the different railroad stations on tha
"Dakota county bottom." and, besides thia,
It Is a aafe estimate that half that quan
tity waa marketed In 8ioux City by the
wagonlnad. It ia a conservative estimate
that i,O0O bushels of potatoes were sold
by the farmera of tbla county at price
ranging from 0 to 40 cents per bushel.
The acreage next year will be much larger,
as It has been proyen for several years
past that the most profitable crop the
farmers can raise here la potatoes. The
highest yield reported this year was sort
bushela per acre.
t .01
i'J .us
' .k
go T
40 .ou
4 Ml
44 m
4 .JU
Tho long,
steady PULL WINS
Store up energy fur "atayiuk"
qualitleg by breakfgbtlug on
far a for laterarhan Line.
DAKOTA C1TT. Ntb.. n(ov. 3.-(8pecial.)
Joseph A. Foye. who recently acgulred
possession of the effects of the Sioux City.
ttomvr ft Southern Railway company,
changing Ita name to tho Sioux City, Cry
stal Lake Homer railway, t now la
Chicago superintending the loading or mo
cam and an engine to be used on tha line
between Sioux City and this place, and
expecla to begin service by December 1
next A large gang of men la at work
putting th roadbed In shape for rolling
stoek and connecting tha north end of the
old line at South Sioux City with the
Great Northern railway, over which the
' interurban line will run its cara over the
combination bridge Into Sioux City.
Stare at Harwell Robbed.
BfRWELL, Neb., Nor. it (Special.)
! The Brst real burglary ever pulled off In
j Burwalt was done on Monday eight when
j burglars entered the general oierchandtae
! store of I. W. McGrew and succeeded In
I getting about fk) from the cash drawer
I and triad an unsuccessful attempt to blow
the trafa with nllro-glycerine, but It was
unsuccessful and a second attempt was
lion to Barneston parties, waa
from Jail on bonds of $3,000.
BEATRICE County Judge Spafford
yesterday stated that for the first time
In the history of the county his office will
have taken In by the close of the year
more money than It has paid out.
YORK Many contemplating building
complain that they are unable to secure
carnentera and plasterers. Farmers are
complaining that they cannot secure corn
huskers. In many cases wives and daugh
ters ar In the fields shucking corn.
PLATTSMOUTH While demonstrating
to a younger brother the workings of a
S2-callber revolver. George Bax. Jr.. acol-
dentally put a bullet through one of his
hands. The ball entered near tha base of
the middle finger and passed through his
ALBION Notwithstanding the cold
wvatber, workmen continue busy on the
r.ew Catholic church building. Consider
able progress has already been made and
it Is expected to have the walls of tha
haaenient story completed before work
shuts down.
NEBRASKA CITY The Womnn's Relief
corps. No. 107. was inspected by Department
Inspector Clara Feenan of Omaha at the
Memorial hall. Mies Feenan waa enthusi
astic In her praise of the local corps condi
tion and said that it waa superior to any
in the state.
YORK Hon. J. P. Dolltver of Iowa was
In York and railed on many of his ac
quaintances. The senator delivered an ad
dress at the York opera house und-r the
auspices of the York college. Senator Dol
liver was surprised at the growth of lork
since his last visit.
YORK MlfcS J. Rankin, superintendent of
the Nebraska Children's Home society, was
here this wrwk visiting the Jewell s Orphan
home and children that siie had brought to
this home. Miss Rankin expressed herself
as being much pl-ased with the manage
ment of the home here.
YORK Engineer Held of the York Oa
company had the fight of hia life to save
the gas company's new plant, when he
alone put out a tire that promised to burn
the plant and cause an explosion Unit
would have sent him Into eternity. Carry
ing water until exhausted, he finally over
came the flames.
ALBION The Masonic snd Eastern Star
lodges last night tendered Mr. and Mrs.
T. F. Martin a reception on their return
from their wedding tour. Mr. Martin Is
president of the local telephone company
ond one of the early settlers of the town.
He was married to Mrs. Mann one day last
week at Lincoln.
BEATRICE Nowlta council No. 14. De
gree of Pocahontas, elected these onVera
lust night: Nancy Lee. prophetess; Alice
H. Bradley, Pocahontas; Rosa Millen, Wl
nona; B. H. Oden, Powhatan; Elizabeth
I. e-h. keeper of records; Bessie Oden.
keeper of wampum; Sarali Roller, Jessie j
I t. 1 lllfa U .iial-a ' 1
BEATRICE P. M. liagerman, for tha
last thirty years a resident of eastern Gage
county, died yesterday at his home at
Filley after a prolonged Illness of paralysis.
He was engaged In farming and stock
raising until about six years ago, when ha
located in Filley. Defeased was ft yeais
of uge snd leaves a widow snd two sons.
PLATTSMOl'TH-J. K. Weeks, represent
ing an eastern installment company, naa
In this city to invest lgatu the opeiati.iia
of a man oamad Dav!don, who. until re
cently, waa a colleetor for the aam rom
pany. Davidson came here about a werk
ago and cellected lor the company,
but ski!ed out without turning any por
tion of the money over to the company, It
is claimed.
BKATRICE Calvin Case, who waa called
to Mound City, Mo., the other day with
a pair of the Fuiton bloodhounds to run
down a man ehsrged with attempting to
mmdi-.r an old man named Grove, re-
turnd home yesterday. Groves naa shot
put eacapfed aeiioue
Ing In the county court, la In town for the
Calve Cauflrrna Report of Marriage.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Nov. 22.-Mme. Calve
Is not to retire from tho stage, aa reported,
jhe cabled today from Milan to her man
iger, John Cort of this city stating that
even though married she will tour under
nls direction next season.
JlL I ffB SYifflP )
CT3 JftilTffti)
JFz : eox
t H
Just think of your whole housefrom the
basement up being nor comfortably beated
this winter than ever before. Picture to your
self that cold room or hallway being Just as
warm and cozy as the rest of the nous. It
will all come true If you have a
OH Healer
. (Equipped with Smokeless Device)
Very light and easily tarried f roai room to room- Absolutely safe; Wick
cannot be turned too high or too low. Gives intense heat without smoke
or smell. Oil lount and wick carrier brass throughout.
Fount beautifully embossed. AU parts easily cleaned.
Operated as easily as a lamp. Two finishes nickel and
iapvi. Every heater warranted. Superior to other oi!
heaters. If not at your dealer's write to our nearest
agency for descriptive circular. .
The JEVT5", I AH f T IBks ""k britht and
X.Xy(J LUXalir cheerful Gives a clear,
Vm steady light at small cost. No better
lamp made for all-round househola use. Safe and simple.
You will appreciate a Rayo Lamp. Brass throughout and
nickel-plated. Equipped with latest improved burner.
Every lamp warranted. Write to our nearest agency if
you cannot get It from your dealer.
Stauadard Oil Company
ut through a window
made, but tbe burglara sere evidently j Injut v. A shot etruck Mrs. roves, wnu
frightened away. They entered by the I "l"'". wh nd
. I trovcii lha aleht of one of her rvm
front door with a skeleton key. Th r;rves son a auspevtvd of lbs shooiiug. ! l
The Gem vt Increasing Value.
Do you know that Diamonds have
been a splendid investment for the
past eight yeursT Numerous times
have we offered to buy back from
liartles who purchased of us, allowing them a profit from 10 to
60 per cent. Today we sell then) uuder a positive guarantee to
refund In casb cine-tenths of what we sell them for If returned
within one year from date of
purcbube. Do you - know of
anythlog that jou can buy that
Kings from
95:00 to $000.00.