Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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TuV,: ... ri!U)Al, -7 v) rt.iOKTr ..-w."".
'k :B)e Wonlan of Fashion
Jntlrrhte (he- pood cor3?t. Fhn scows to hare given her carpet the- sttPn
lon tbflt result la nwlstlii.s t!i. dressmaker to make all rubble-out1 of her
form. In the rtcVlfrm mid"'" nre styles to' suit nil kinds of forms, "and they
will all clve the latfM flrnrfr contour if 1po proper corset Is selected. Our
saleswomen kn.)- t""!' rlpM lyles. for all fipuret.. There are. too many line
and curvs to fx nfcentitatod in a R oman's form, to be becoralngjy dressed, to
l&norc' tha kind ol corset worm rnd our ndvlce U to be fitted by a fitter, whoM
In. silicas It Is to know the style for each figure.
We have the rlsht model for every form in the ItcdieTrr.'tho corset a la
run -Jo, fitted v. K h the "Security" rubbt-r button hose supporters , , , . lr 9H.m 1"T nir.
fceeend floor, t ."
. srFCl.lL XOTICr. ':.'' k- ' "';
Vtnf 'ctc'at fiearini Bale of black dress goods remnants" and broken lines
from our anniversary sale and this season's selling are now being gotten
ready for next Fr.turdav, November 24th. This great sale will be- equal iu
Importance to last SaturdayVsweeplnt? sale of colored remnants. ' As Is our
method, they rmsl all go., and the prices will be exceptionally cheap Watch.
Friday even In p. 'ti isper for particulars.
PpecHl doniorttratlon of I Jon Brand Yarns commencing" Monday, Nov em -er
6th and icmtifulng for one' week. . ;...
Open Saturday
, Howard, Corner
AcciddiiM to VeW tauso Loss of Life t
MfesaVloB ' t reV ' - Holland '
Able to flare Mn Who (lln
' lo-Crll Durlaf the .
TORONTO,.. ,Onti . Ny, , to.-The CtcaiH ;
hargW"-Rsohltibn" .ffonr -Krle. to ,
Toronto, sprang a leak hero early today
and sank. TAS'crrw-put off on two boats,
Ons, containing five men, reached the shore
saiely. wnlte.the senond wsa swamped. Its
six occupants ' bolsf drowned.
. BANDL'SKY, . p., Km-. -.K.-The bargs
Athens, lix tow o the. steamer.. Pratt, went
down In lkv Erie rn the storm last night.
The captain and six men of the crew were
proba.bly drownad.,, ;' .
XETROIT,'-Nov." 23. The ''anchor line
i package' freight stea.rner t'onemaugh, up-
.. bound wUb a .valuable cargo of package
freight, la ashore on Point Pelee, In Lake
Erie, paundlng hard and fllfed With ratsr.
The Coficmaug'h wen,l; on the point late last
..night during the '.sale; .The crew, of
twenty-two men- were rescued in safety by
the llfi-savtng crew St pblnt Pelee. The
r steamer is JaYa-, dangerous .condition' and j
may. d a uiuu iqd.-t
. ORANp" RAPIDS, Mich., Nov. S2.Fouf
jneii who tvere caught by lt night's storm
on ths crib, work ot the new breakwater
St the entrance to Holland harbor on take
'..Michigan washed away' by. th' waVes
'g TUrowned,,, ,.. . . .. '
"'' Tbe men- coul not sabi' the shora- bar
cause of the, lmiensi sea.,., The life saving
crew-attempted to aid them but 1he waves
were so high that no' boat could li ve. " At
tempts were made to' shoot a .line to tliem
ij) 4iurrloan hurled' the line back.
, . When flight closed . the men were ' still
clinging desperately to' the crib work.' 'At
. aybrpak today they were gone. . .;' i'
baa Vesael Safe.. .
' GRAND RAPIDS, Mich , Nov. M.-A long
distance telephone message from J. 8.
Morton of -the Graham &. Morton line a 1
lleoton Harbor, , states that . the steana
S rpntensQ ha . reached.-Chicago jai'eh.
haying put back to the, west' shore afu
the storm" struck )t in mid-lake. It had u
hard fight, but made harbor without loss o.
life or serious damage. i '
DETROIT. Nov. 22--A Detroit News spe
clal fsou; Maxquette.'says the steamef Pan
ama has been fouud wrecked on Mineral
Heet point, Lak Superior, nnd .that, the
J crew .has probably perjaluV, V '
,iw. '
Aa.tker Hall Cmfisr MasrracJ Omt
' af rrce-'as Port eao ''" :', '
Veaterday. t
" ' " '' - '-'"' it- i
FORT R.E1NO, OkJ.,;hNoy.- tt-me dts
chsrge of members" f the) Twenty-fifth
Infantry was resumeii today. Another half
company or negro soldiers -was fliacharjied
today, making a full compaBy -Mustarad
out -of service since President Roosevelt's
ordtfr was Issued. Half a company Is be
ing discharged at- ttmej- There remain
two Vompanles' ef "to be dlschsrgsut
WASHINGTON. TVoVi" 22.-Socretary TSft
said today that he had'not tbnsldered any
action by congress Id relatlon'to tha'-dts-charge
of ths negro troops Who "shot iip"
Brownsville, Tex. - . -
But there Is on Ihld I; ha ve. learned
that consree can dA" '"h said, laughingly.
"It can Investigate. I know that from ex
perlwtce. for congreas has rinvaatigated
Fufi for ChildrcnGirisHis?cs
jp-ipnrlld far values In new cholcfc '
; .fcr-raLlrocj iiie.plil X'' X
. iby lax mare practical
'.,' ..w vw r
nlnlrtmjltlns X t
llrU" ilhic ; Moufflon Seta, of pUIOn
. -wwff sU Jtadoni scarf, t t C
))t !s.75 and! . . . .i ;: .'. J
( blM's Wte "Klectric Ermine, pllloxt
null with, srlft cur4. ftarm, cloa fit-
rrc-tty sets of China Lamb and 1C
MImcs' "flrook Mrok Sts, Moufflon,.
nrnadtalL Sets, WTilte Electric Ep
mine, etc, 13, $10, S.T5. C A f
a.50 and , stUU
i " " - ' . - '
' Writs) for Catalosu v.
ill .. SV1HS'VVI
1 -
'"'"bee, November 21, 1905.
Sixteenth Street.
cveryHiing'' 1" lravo ever had anything to
do with'" ' ' ' '.
Officers for Koanlna tear Elected an
Adjonrninent Taken Till After
The-Orchard "Mir Improvement club met
last night "M the- resldefice tof A. Tr' Ayers,
4(J?7 Seward strc. It was the annual meet
Injf. and, offlcem- acre cectd for the ensu
ing" yohV foll ; President, Dr. R. D.
Mason; first' vice president. A. A. Hopson;
second vice president. H. OBeatty; secre
tary, .MIbs McCartney; treasurer, Gordon
Rofh. '' " :'"- '
After the election of officers a little cnter
tslnnient of a. muskatl and literary charac
ter was injected Into the proceedings. It
was decided not .to hold any mnrf meetings
until after the holidays.
Orln O. Vlekroy
it H Tm
of Omaha for over thirty-two year, -died I
at 1:30 a. m.' Thursday from allrnVnts lncl-I
dent to old ag after an illness nf several I
months. . The funeral will be held at 2 d. 1
m. Friday from the home of Mrs. Croft,
1920 Ames avenue, .and Interment will be
had at Forest-Lawn cemetery. 'Mr. Vlck
roy is survfve'd by three daughters, Mrs.
Croft, "Mrs. C. R. Hlil and Mrs. F. B.
Hudson. - .
Oscar Wakelleld.
BLOOMINGTON, III.; Nov. . 2. Oscar
WakeflcW. president of C. Wakefield ft Co..
medicine manufacturers, died today, aged
GO. ' "'' ;
j. F. Sbropahlres .
.3.i F.fhropshire,-- formerly of Omaha,
died Weaneedsy at Ooldflctd,':., :of jn,ejj
monJa. ' , . ' , .
Blaae at Bertrand.
BERTKAND. Neb., Nor: 15. (Special.)
Fire destroyed tWo large , Store buildings
and two smaller ones on the main business
street of this place. The restaurant of, A.
F. Lewis, ' the piano store of C. XV. Fors
berg and the shoe shop of Joseph Meyer
were .destroyed.. , Some of the contents of
he buildings were saved. Partial Insur
ince. Hard . '-oYk of the' cltlsehs' and a
tap 6f one vacant lot prevented the burn
ing of an entire, block, The blaae started
mysteriously at the rear of a vacant building-.
The town has Just voted 1 11,000 bonds
for waterworks.- . t. i . j .
Electric Lloe Projected.
SIOUX FALLS, p. t),k Noy. B(Speclal.)
!J Is now reasonably-certain that early In
the spring an electric railroad tIU be con
structed between the towni of- "Wagner snd
lake Andes, In' 'Charles Wfx county.
Uesara. O rimes and Abshet; at Wagner,
a ho' are behind th project, '"arii who first
made publto their plans1 a;.fw months ago,
have announced that, mutters are fn such
shape , that there-,. Is every reason to be
lieve the road will be . constructed next
pr'tng. The construction of the proposed
yne will prove of, great benefit, to. Wagner
nd to the people living In the- country
through which It will be extended.
Jtew Opera Honae at Ipearlak.
. SPEARFISH7 8. D., Nov. 22.-8pecInl-The
ofxra house of this place has Just been
completed Bbd fills a lohg felt want of the
people and normal school.' The house seats
too on the main floor and &X In the gal
lery, vlt Is modern and up-to-date fn "every
way. It Is heated with steam and lighted
with K f reeted-' electric llghte. Th.flv
exits ar svfflcieirf to fmpty It In two.mln
tes if ncceasary. The architect and bqllder
s.W. Bartlett of Lead City.
si ' .V.
J O ' A t
ft n Ru. .
r i w
V - '
Donjlai Lawmakers and (ffim Confer on
What Meauri to Enact
Rrprtl of t,aw pardoning Coarlcts
Fourth nf July and tmrillni
-" ' Kai'nT.rlOn frnm'TaVtftlrf
Mutate rrnpotfil.
I.eglilutlmi affecting tli various cnuniy
offlcM 'was augmented yesterday efternonn
at it niwtuig . of Hi" County officials with
tna iiietriber nf the legislative delegation
from this comity. ' The meeting was held
In tiro cohnnliwdoti' room at the court
house and brought otit a large attendance
mid enough sugseFtlons to keep an In
dustrious ' leKllaluro busy for several
months. The meeting did not pas on all
of tho suggestion, but those thai wero
loft aver. at adjournment will be taken up
iind .dlscucscd at another meeting- to be
held lo weeks from yesterday.
I. gl.s1atlon covcrliuj a wld range of sub
jects Is asked for. bat among th1! Important
provisions Is one to amend the tax laws
for exemptions so as not to exempt from
taxation commercial collcgos and private
schools conducted, for gain and to give the
county attorney power to summon wit
nesses and compel their Attendance at In-
qulrles huld by the county attorney. This impossioie to recognwe an tne gooa ma
would give tiie cuinty attorney practically trlal In (hs state, owing- to the neceasarlly
the same powers as a grand Jury. j limited arflimWSnee of new officers.
"J These changes in present laws were en-;, . .'. ' , ' '. ' ' ' and . the eounty attorney directed . The creation of a 4oglltivo committee
to 'draw tin bills, to be presented at tho onp 'n' mosf Important matters
next meeting:
lrovldin for a coroner s phvslclan at a
salary of a ycor to hold necessary
autopsies. .
uiitv health jutl.nrlHes In tmernnov.
Amending the law providing ;-trtr exemp
tion from taxatior-so as nt V apply It to
coininerclai c-olhgea and Schools, conducted
lor gain. .
Providing for a' marriage ceremony fen to
be (yillected by the dainty Judge and turned
Into the county, treasury. ..
- To K've the county attorney power to
summon witnesses and examine them
under oath.
Amending the Inheritance tax law to per
mit roadways of sixteen Instead of twelve
feet In roads built Under the law and al
lowing the money- to be iised 111 building
rouds .through villages and of the
second class.
Providing th'it Judges and clerks of elec
tion In the larger counties be paid $6 for
each election and for the prorating of their
pay among the county, city and. school
dlhtrlct when all three participate In the
election. - - .-
To repeal the law providing for. the llh
ernllon on July 4 of two;convicta who have
served, ton years or more....-' v,,- . ..
Presented by Slahanalk.
These .suggestions ' were .all presentcd-by
County Attorney Slahaugh. Tho rest of 4he
suggestions were read by the clerk of ,the j.
county board, but no action waa. taken, on l
them owing to lack of time. One of them '
Is from County Clerki Haverly- providing j
for tin; addition of the" duties of county au-'I
from Regtster of Deeds Itandle provides
for an Increase In the salaries of help in
his office. ' ', . . -
Commissioner Brunlng -presented suRgpa
tlons providing thai tho county retain 26
cents of tho-.$1-fee for hunting licenses;
for changes In tho law relating to the se
lection of Jury-panels;, for an olectlon com
mission, and for -an assessment of real
estate once every two years Instead of ones
evfy'foui years. - '.- ' 1 '
Another list of suggestions by Commis
sioner I'ro, which hss been previously bub
llshed. was also presented end read: XV' W.
Kierstead, who was present, suggested the
county might eave about $3,000 a yeaf by
abolishing thd Insanity commlsslon-' and
requiring that ' work lo be " dtin"e "by." tfe
county clerk, the county attornf y'snd .the
county : pftyslclsri. !, :' , ". ; ,
Two. Hnndrrd Dollars for ."BUly"
Williams, the Old-Time
The second performance of tha- testi
monial benefit program' for the 'old-time
minstrel, "Billy" Wlll'ams, was given at
the Lyrlo theater Thursday evening,' clos
ing" the series with a 'comfortable sum
islsed for the old and needy actor. , The
little playhouse waa well tilled during both
performances and all the acts were shown
thorough appreciation.' - -'.f ''"-, .
- Baby Denver Williams, ''the. youngest
child artist before the public".- Irt her own
original "traveling act," who. wqs. unable
t6 sppear on.'. the nist night because 'her
nurse - sad she hadn't slept any during
the' afternoon and must be put 10 bed, "was
6ne of. the biggest features of the evening.
In a costume resembling that of a track
runner, the chubby little one made three
trips the front of the stage as fsst
ss 'her little legs would . carry her,, the
last time with hop, skip and a Jump and
a laugh at the audience. This completed
the "original traveling get of the youngest
artist." ..." -
Nearly $300 will be realised from the two
performances for the benefit of Mr.
Williams. The first night netted llus.75
and the second, while not bringing la so
much cush, was almost us profitable. ''
Laat Re pert oa Ilodv Htreet Wark
Hece-lved by She City .
The oily council held an adjourned meet
ing yesterday afternoon to receive final es
tUuate .from Hugh Murphy for repavlnt
Dodge street, from Twentieth to Twenty
sixth streets. The amount of the estimate
was 113.069.' which will be taken 'up a
the next meeting ot the Board of Equali
sation. .
City Clerk Butler advised the council .thai
he had carried out the requirements - oi
ths concurrent resolution regarding " th
Lee Orler matter by handing to Mr. drier
and B. L. Baldwin, the latter local agem
for the United States Fidelity and Guar
antee company, copies of the resolution
these copies constituting iornrfal damanx
for an alleged shortage ot $3.1?3.$4. A cop)
of the resolution was mailed to ths home
I office of ths bonding company st Balti
more, it win not oe Known what action
will be taken until a reply Is receive
from ths head office of the bonding corn
puny. Mr. Grler, will make no comnjcsn
or, ths matter. ,.
The council confirmed Engineer Roee
wator's appointment of H. W. Cowduro
as asphalt paving Inspector for ten dayr
at $i per day. .
A. O V.. W. Faaeral oilc.
Ths members of North Omaha lodge No
159 are requested to attend the funeral o
cur late brother, Terence Berney, - fro it
the family residence, J0 North Sever
tee nth slrevt. Suturd-y. uiorniitg at
o'clock. A. REDOWICK. M. W.
F. M. M CfLLOT'GII. Recor.U r.
Hallett'a AeaHl Pleaaea. -
Bt'TTE. Mont., Nov. 22. (Bpeclal 'IV-le-pT'tm.)
Th case of the state against J.D
lUlett for shooting William Collins, euutf
1ng the los of sight of hla right eye, doe!
Jast nlgbts Trie Jury aas out five hoars and
.reiurnvii a verdict urqulited Il ilKtt. which
glvn universal satlst.ctl an.
. Tho "new executive fcoard of the "o
braska Federation of Women's Clubs broke
all previous records by a full attendance
at. the mreHnf held at Uneolfl Tuesday.
The rtillfe board Was "present. Including:
Mrs. 'H! I-.'Keefc. president. VsHhlll; Mr.
A. O. 'Thomas vice president. Kearney;
Mi sV C. ' tl. ' lertort,. rrrordtna;' "secretary.
Uncoln; Mrs. P. C MaryoU. corresponding
secretary, Vender jilra. 'C. 'P Hteele, treas
urer. Fhlrbury; 'Mrs. F XV; Mlllor, auditor.
Omaha; Mts. V. ft. ' Tnge. G.' T. secrctnry,
Byracuse. :
District "vice " pi-eslde'iits : ' Mrs.
Woodford, first district, Weeplnf Water:
Mrs. Edward . Jd'hninrt, second district.
Omaha; Mrs. XV. K. Reed.' third district.
Msdlson; Mrs. Mfc Veterson, fourth dis
trict. Aurora; Mrs. Detls Uartsough, fifth
district, Mlndcit, Mrs. Max Hostetler, sixth
district, Bheltoiv
Hesldcs the board members a number of
promlsent Uncoln and TVmahi wrtmen wero
,n attendance. tncludlnK Mrs. It. M. Btlsh-
nell. the retlrlna; president cf-the federa
tion. ' The appointment nt committee Vnem
ters rsclvd first attention,-Die board en-
doavortng t . scatter tho membership over
the statn as generally .i posslhle,' 'All lh
Committees were not flljed and the remain
ing appointments "Will me left'fo the presl
dent. An effort will be msde to honor as
many of the clubs as possible, but' It Is
discussed. Tho functlou of the "committee
outlined will be to watch such legislative
measures ns am of Interest to the club
women arid keep nt women ttdvlped. .The
oullf of the members would necessitate
tntr "being l.lhron Women, ahrt Mrs. II. II.
Whoefrr of tlttcMn was susrested as chair
man, with Mrs' T. C.'Mucaer and Mrs. It.,
M. Pushiiell -the olbor memhrs. It was
Ms' siisgested thfcf .lhe committee he en
larred Sy a rorreaitdndlnc- member, from
each nf the standms' committees.
The aepolntmenv Vf Mrs Edward Joiiiion
if Omaha to suc.card Jdrs. D. Johnson
of-Iundee. re"lned. s vice preHent "of
the Second dJstficTl wHl 'mcf't' the. a'nnrnv'sl
tt focsl club women and aH of the second
district. " Having. -srved -ss both record
In and corresponding secretary, of 'the
Omaha Woman's . club. Mrs. Johnson is
widely acquainted ' and well equipped , for
the office.
One of tho' most 'embarrassing experi
ences that OmtfllD. riffb'TVomen hav been
ca'lod. upon- to . meet foofn)trled them at
Lincoln last Tuesdayvst the meeting of tho
exedntli-i board of ' the Nebraska Federa
Jlori of Wppien's .'cinbs when the expectei
endorsement Ky - the Omaha CotruTiSreni!
club r.f their invitation to the' federation
t "hold lis annual meeHrr In Omaha-next
October : faik-d to materia Use. -Cons'derlng
upon .by - the
various men's orgsntsStfrirts of the city to
lend Its -support fliVinelalty' morally and
otherwise, to the many public enterprises,
ths women natnrally- felt privileged to ask
th Commercial! clu,h' to .endorse Its In
vitation ' to the o4 her', club. -women of Ne
braska to be their guests next fall. The
request- was- duly tskflh to-- the '("Vvmirierclal
erub and a promIse-"recelTed'"fhot the de
slre.d'' -endorsement liquid be telegraphed
Tuesday, afternoon., .The .telegram dtd- not
come, -and the' Imitations of the Hastings
Womatfs Hub, thli'rrtayo'f Snd -Co merdal
Hub of - Hastings , were '.accepted. - Local
club wsmea.mky find B grain of comfort,
however. In the assurance, that the failure
pi, the. Omaha tCvrssx-colah club to" secoiid
thfft Invltatlba wnw qae- to somfctfilng else
than a tarH 'Of ,ilKd'-'l'hte-n'oh:,VTn.r ..ri?
quest svss con'(ifier'd'"at a.jneeilng.of tne
club Tuesday nooitiand axk-tter "endorsing
tha tnvitaOsn or the "vyoman'a tliib" was
malted T.dSday stternoVA.'. -' ", , -'
-Tlie nursery committee ft'hn Chjld Say
ing 'Institute will hold its-annual doll ba
rar December 7 and $o The place of the
sale has not yet been announced. "
' FlyS. hew and , one. reorganised unions
have;, como- Into the- 'Nebraska ' Woman's
Christ Ian- Tebiperatjce union during the last
.twon months. Cedar Rapids, -ITnlori, Law
rence, Inavale and Webster "bounty hare
effected now organisations ' and Superior
union haa reorganised with a probilHlng
membership. ' '-. -r ' ' ",';' ''
After nearly seventeen- years the dis
rupted losra Woman's- Chrtstisa Tmpr
ance union has united again. The union
was. celebrated -at the Toet -armusWoh-
vention of the Jowa- organisations. The:
two state .papers and alf-nf the departments
hays been united and the work has gained
In strength a well 4S numbers. . ''.
Preliminary Rporf XhowS Avfi,e Is
Over rns..ThoaaB4 Pllar. .'.
-v "Ptl. , - '
,tV8Ht.VOTON, Nov.- C-A preliminary
retrt of the Intcriftfus Clommerce coinriils
slim on the InceiiK- -ttruoimt of the railways
of ths I'nitcd State for the year cndlnK
June 30 lt, corttalnS returns foin cumpa.
SlAS-rratlnir 'BHMX iiillrs of ltnr. or sbout
X per cent of the mlteae that will be cov
rvd.In the final report. The total irross
earutngs ef ' the read were $2,319,7M.Oi,
belnK equivalent to- 110.348 per mile. Pus
renrer csmlngs ' were- H1S.B55.934. or 2,&11
Dr mile; and freight earnlnss (1.64,iM:,A2,
r $7,4M per mile. Operating: expenses wit
'a.M-'.lfillK, or $rt,63 por mile. The net eajn-
Bga of the roads were l787,S!f7,trrr, belng
'AM) per mile snd nearly S07.0ui,aj0 more
ban the corresponding amount for the pre-
lous yeari
.'Income from other sourceM than those of
opxntlion assi'-faled $L12,.!1 The dlvi
1inJ paid lunounl.-rt to f?),4u.5iM and
.axes, 3b,9(C.isS. 1 " !
'umbrr ' of Haral Free Dellerr
Honlri KetabUaked la South
iKrom a! Staff torretippiideptj .
WA8KTN'JTON. Nov. ?2.-(8pecial ,'i'ele
. rani.) South Dakota rural routes ordVred
stabllshed' February ; 'Acad-niy. Charles
Jls county, routes 1 slid "2. population KXa,.
amines, ; ; 8UcTiiyy. Aurora county,
-ontts 1 and 2. population SuO, families It);
.Vuite likeT Aurora county, routes 1 snd
'. population 775; fanjlllcs lor.
Edl!h,M. Hendricks has been appointed
tmastervat Buhnell, . ProoklngK county,
louth Dakota.' vice Tliomas A. Gray, re
laned. Th ' postofflce at Perkins, Bon Hnmme
our.ty, pojth Dakota, has ben ordered
tscontinued sfter January t next.
,Tm IXart al Vort f raok.
The otner' wives st fort CYok alll
.1 -e a eubM-rljition tes, rtaiK-e this afternoon
nmi SO 4r 0 olk in Oie rooms of the
Ulcers chit .The proverbs alll go to (he
rmy fvid Muleiy,. A nurrrtxr ol Omaha
oclety people hkvf oiKiiirtrd tbelr inirndoo
f aaelKilnit. The- Thinlelh Infantry nr-tu-stra
wllk furnitfb the. muslr for danilnj.
t'sartrid Bad. Sulfide.
' .UllAND RAPII18. Mich.. Nov. 1'.' -After
, trivial otArral -iilKk- kii Mh hi hit
it thr Month uvu u, puitiiaao of
. ' . ' r II
n i . . . ' -
1 Mail Order you
i " Wanf filled -
quick and 1o your'
'send it fierc" 1
- llth
Pkone DosglsstSI
V) iislv for your 'trade because we say frankly that wo" expect
to do butter by you than other torej tfllt' do. ' For example .whtfrH';'can you lud
LINENS at the namn pricm thit will in any respect equal ihe values we are giKr..
lug you, at tli H special discount of 26 per cent. 'Von can't afford to nri-u them- -
Friday i an. unn-uii harcriln dav in the Davlisrht Sora and hern nrHHonv jgood' on!
Another Special Bargain at ou r
I Big Linen Sale
A 25c Sale Table Linens
. 200 pieces of fine turkey red
damask,, 58 "inches 'wide '-"-fin
bleached, mercerized du
riiask, heavy uhblenchcd and
bleaclied- damask rour reg-
1 uiar 40c, 4oc and
ode qualities for
Friday only ... ;
Krwclal Sale Ladira' Coats at
l,.IM Large new ehlpmeut bf
- plaids and checks, loose - full
: backs In ltgut and dark colors,
largo and medium plaids and
neat checks, colored . velvet col
lars tomatch, made to sell at
... $12-50. at .gO.OJ
Infants' Slik lkinnef BcadUIal
little Embroidered Silk bonnet,
"lined end padded, nonie tur,
trimmed and little fur heads
these are real $1 and $1.25 val-ues--Brecial
.'. . .' . ..8d
Long Flecwd Kimonos Heivy
fleeced Long Kimonos, Persian
and oriental patterns, extra full
backs, faced with plain cash
mere to match ..color tneso
sold at 11.25 and $1.39, special
:. Friday at .. . , .'.. ...$1.10
Chtldrt-n's Knit MiUtary Coats
i, In plain white .and reds and
fancy colors of green-and white.
. bine and- white, green and red)
turn-down collars, -with or-with
- , out .'. beltBXi-pr'etty -little coats,
v more neat than the sweater anu
' 'Just- as.- warm, renolar $1.2;
value, special Friday. . .. .'89(
Embroideries at'- Half Frier ;
Big lot of 'manufacturer's samplo
' pieces of fino and heavy Nain
sook Embroidery Edges3 to 12
" Inches wide, ' Insertions to
" match, worth up to 35c yard,
' divided Into two lots:
Lot 11 5c and 20c values, all at.
- the yard V". . . . . . . . .', . . . -10
. Lot 2-r-25c and 35c values, all at,
: ' ,the yard ..... ..... t ...... . -lStf
Ribbons- at 5c he Yard At our
Ribbon 'Section - Friday we will
place'on sale 200 'pieces' of Silk
Taffeta Ribbons, in all the plain
-shades,-1 to 3 inches wide, sells
. -.up to 456 yard, special, the
yard ' 5S
,Prng Sundries v
Antlceptlne, Prophylactic, .Anti
septic, rjlBinfectant . A. (Superior
househoj.d' r'e'rriedy and eieanslng'
' lotion, Oo '.n .V , . v,. 3Qk
West , fndla,' BarRunj, ''sprinkle
top. bottle Go value. . . .23
Standard Nail Enamel, cake form.
25c value. ...' ;. . .. .-. . . '.
Standard "'Natl"' -Bleach,
'f nmne'pwnorf uMpV ' Kfn
af ';......'
In Chlna.Departrnent
nm. e have a Kreaf variety of Fancy.
. ,. Chirac for Chrlsuiias premnts.
' v..Buy : bow,,, avoid the Christmas
. rush- , and get the . choicest bar--jialns.
, f '
A Silk Sale in Our
1 See the b'ig.baraain'"squar.etul'l.of,pre'tty.' silks lor ,
.;',"Vlan6y work on sale 'Friday .lop, per yard ....... '
furniture, D:lps Highland, a fatmpr livlnn
near Casnovia, shot ana Vllled her. He
thn turned"' th revolver xipon liimfcelf, kill
Ing himself Instantly.
riarallt for .Head ' of . Keppbllcan
Tick at is Flftr-SI -Thoasand - '
' Thk-ee Hnndrrd Maety. ' "
COLt'MBL'S, Nov. 2i-The" tifflclal cii'i'-.
vuS ot the yotS? ut the 'lute election In
Ohio Was cofnpleteU by the secretary of
state' today. -'The total vote was Sl.'.Ltil.
for secretary of state, Thompson (rep) re
ceived 40S,0W; " Hostelns (dem.), 35l.67i';
Henale (soo.), I8,4?2; Hughes (pro). 11.670;
Elsonberg (hoc. lab.),' 2.211; scattering, 10.
fV. "Thompitou's plurality, 6H.3SO. . '
Coltialoji Ja .rw York Harbor.
NEW YORK, Nov. 22 The North
Lloyd, steamer Main was In collision will,
the schooner May V. Neville In tho lower
harbor 'today. Five 'plates In the side ot
the Main above 4.he water Hue were stove
In and the sciiovtier loxt lie bowsprit. The
Main returned to tiuaiantlne and the
schooner waa towed tip the harbor.
. - - ' - .
Crruon Hout lnks.
PORTION D. Ore.. Nov. Z-.'.The river
a. .... ,.r,'llitA u-nl Ailtik in a ' ertt 1 1 it,n
lih rhn tnw hunt fiiSf-Hde 111 the rivr riff 1
Ranler eitrly. today. The Lurllne carried
sev ral pannger. wno. with lis rrew, es
caped in their niKhtclothes trtito th deck
of the Onottde,- which stood by to render
assistance. . , . .-
HUr for Milwaukee Sivltch men
CHICAGO. Nov. 3?. Announcement f
mc1o her. tonlKM that the i'hlcHBo. Mil
wauki-e Jk St. IKaul railway had (cranled.
IrirreAH In wages uf 4 centn an hour to
wwltchnien Snd yardmen on th entire yK
tem. iThe order tm- the 4iicn-ar l tlmrf
hnck- to IncJude the lirst of the. prewent
niouih. , , .. .
Headaehes aad earalaiu rea rolda. j
I-axatlve lirome Quisln, the world wide
Cold snd Grip remedy, removes cau,e. Call
for full name. Look for signature K. W i
tirnve. for ' ' '
1 '10 0(1 11 be iJ-.-r, f.r 4y " t
muy rufjilai. in; rte,4 ru , . ,
.,r"-w e.tFT VlVVt'VfV'
, . Fine Dress Goods
Main Floor
Waist, juid "skirt, lengths of
light and dark mixed suit
ings, fancy panamas, irregu
lar checks and plaids, plain
panamas. nerges, nun's-veil-ings,
batistes, Shepherd
rheeks, ombro plaids, shad
ow ' e h e k s , henricttas,
French flannels, F r e n c h
challies, figured and silk
-htriped and rain proof puit
ihgs lengtlis. run from lVa
to G yards that sold for. 50c,
75c, 80c, and $1
j WWW 5 c
yard to clean
ui) Friday, yaft!
A Lace
Curtain Sale
of Great Magnitude in our
Money Saving Basement
Seti 'these beautiful curtains
iu' our Howard . street win
dows.. The biggest lace cur
tain sale arid oportunity of
buying curtains ever held in
the city. of Omaha. 500 pairs
of manufacturer's samples
and discontinued . styles
RniFsels net, cable cords and
fine Nottinghanis. : Every
pair 3 ami yards long,
not one pair in the lot worth
less than $1.98 'jfip to $3.75
Friday in basement, pair
Childreit's Mittrns 10c Big lot of
. boys' arid girls' black worsted
Mittens and Infants' . red and
white.. Mittens-,' 20c values, spe-
cial .for Pri.dav, the pair,. . 10J
Vsl." IiHcs'.'aci Bargain square
' rilled with flnejTal... Laces, and
'.'InsertlooB to. match,-.-excellent'
vnlues at 5c to 10c yard, for
Friday's sale; the yard. . ,..'.'3
.New Handkerchiefs at 3c An
' other treat lot ,6f. .ladies and
, children's plain white, , hem
stitched, shadow " embroidered
.. and fancy border Handkerchiefs
that are worth 5c to 10c each, as
. a bargain leader Friday,!'
Toilet. Sots Beautiful 12-piece
- Toilet Sets (indnding slop , jar
and cover), embossed and deco
rated. In-' gold, ;8.75 value,
for . ... f-. . . . ..... . . .$5.05
Money - Saying Basement
a oyds Tya M grs
in His Latest Suocess, v
3uu lower Hour seats at il.Oj.
ThsnksglTing Week Nollilng Like It
Ovsr 104) People. "Best snd Biggest
bow They Ever Had. The most
novel of all musical comedies 25c to
l.'.OU. Beats now on sale.
Only Two Chances to See It.
With JESS BAXST Bargain Mat.
300 seats on. lower floor, $1.00
Keats on sale.
Tharsdsy Mat. Bight sad rrlasr
Cupaelty Everywhere. Kntire Nf
-. . .- . Voik I'ast. - ,
I All Managers Say This Is the Best
sluSM-Hl fcliow They Have I'iuyed
I hia' Year. I
Ml TErN frl
Tonight, Bat- Mai aad Bubt,
PrK-es k.nng and tun. .Mais
.&-, ,Tues., Tiur., Bit. Glials, Juc
JJext T.'eek-rRlNCE OTTO.
AU Day, Saturday, Boreiuber 14,
Mftralng, Afternoon and Xvealug.
Must b tUe Brad. '
Cur Art DepKi
should iniert;t
you now for il is
lime you
y 'ccmmtnced the
t Chrlilmas
, ' daiuues..
Tree insuuetions
A Grand Silk Value
lor Friday Oqly
30 pieces of fancy silks, all
shades and blar-.k, very neat
patterns, including a large
assortment of pretty graVm."
Then1 silks are worth' from
50c to 75c a yajd as' lonir
as they last thev
will be sold
per yard
Our Money-Saying,
The House I'limlslitng IH-purt- ,.
nicnt should he of specioJ liitei-cst
tosliepMrs nt TtiniikngiviiiK time.'
Special pikes from now until
Thanksgiving .iu Dinner aru.
On Friday we will gcjl a. 10- .
piece set of Homer LausUHa '
btst dinnerware, worth 157,.
for : 810.05'.
These sets are nicely ueciiraiod
In geld and have a neat prnk
floral design.
Salmi Hon Is nt 05c Friday, we
offer a large tablo fined with
fancy . Salad Bowls, worth .Trorri J
i.25 to $i.95,. for v..;. .,,' .05 ; Y
Gliisstvare nt 9c Fancy Fressmi.
Glass Tableware., Covered .But
ter Dishes, Spoon. Holders, tttivr
ered Sugar bowls, Celery Trays-,
Water Pitchers; Syrup Pitchers
values up to 25c, all at. .
Clean Cnt Cake Pan.i--l,ayer cake
easily removed without a' knife,
regular 10c vnlue, Friday ; . ."7
Special Prices on V.ifli !ilt'r
We have all kinds, , copper, tin
and galvanized , Iron. '.-
Full assortment of Llsk Wash
Boilers. Friday wo will 6ell $o.
7 tin- Wash Boilers, with; covers .
49c value, at. .......... .20!
Adjustable handles for Mrs. Pottsr
Irons at, each; . . ., .5
Coffee Mills Buy a Coffee Mill.'
and grind your own coffee fresh
every day. "It's better.'' We
have good ones att each, 95c, (
10c, 00c, sc ana,. tiC
Floor Brushes With long handles
for hardwood floors. Special
Friday, 14-inch Bristle Floor
Brush, $2.25 value, at.. $1.48
Money-Saving Basement j
Friday Remnant Day
Another .big' lot. of be'sPr.lnt C,alTl,,
ico, lengths 4 to 10 yards, base- ,
.meat Friday: ... .3Hf
Silkollne remnants of best qual- .
ity, for drapery and comfort
covering, worti 10c and 12 hie,
basement Friday, yard . . . 3 '
Shrunken and Linen FlniBhed
Musilns, worth 15c, hasement "
Friday -7ii '
One big lot of high grade Flan
nelette remnants. In waist and .
kimono lengths, worth 15c a
yard, basement Friday, yarLJ)
Cotton Watts Two big cases of
pure white soft 10c Cotton .
Batts, basement Friday . . 7 H
1 I
" -1 tt-W"? r--t e- a,' i-tJ
Tbls cafeV' th'flnest In
the city. Is "NOW OPEN.
Private dining- rooms,
t Special preparations for
' after-theater parties.'. r
150S Iloward Street
TabU D'K a Blzuaer By BTeZuV
a to O'clock
John M.Fixa's
and Restaurant
1516 Dodge St . a ,
KvcTj-Mng Ner.J'. (
1 IJct oKvcri thiiig r
' ThoroagUljr,t,'-t4lMe
First Class in All HcHjiccts
a1 , i.l.iatauwr: ,
Then rtnugb.a 4S4 .
Tonight sad Baturday Matinee and Bight
Itallaa Trio, Maroo T-wtns, Woitoa sad
I Wlchulaoa, Argyta Xattron. 1en Ailbcs.
j Konulogs, Low is and Meanings, Baywsrd,
wuiuvy auu ana t2 iLiauuroum.
rrlces 10c, 36c, Sua.
Tt.nlfflit tl
M(i:i',"t H-iturday,
MK. l AWi'tf: :i;
lit, WtilhKC h:te:'.d 4i
' 'aili d 4irAiti i.
VVIi Mt KirsO v
n.'xi'.v v- i;i ct-n;n hkown
Jf n-C"tlOMTOr-
. i