12 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1906. 1 5 Bit-- f Doli li Sa!a IV Salur- 1 L til Sm LI Extra Special Sales IN THE BASEMENT IUtnnasntA of Iftc Indian Linen will at 6c per yard. These are the aecu from one of the largent India line of them 40 inches wide, and run I v children's dresses, waists, aprons. Thousands of ' yards of Cotton . Scrims and Drapery Nets, In lengths from 2 to 10 yards, in .whites, ecru a, pinks, blues and ' reds, on sale In our - basement at, per yard . , Choice of 6 cases of Cotton Elder down and Swansdown Flannels, In light shades and dark brown. on sale in the brwement, at, per yard ,2c 5c fro on sale in our bargain basement mutation of remnants n manufacturers, all n lengths enough for A Eight cases of remnants of 12 He Percales, in light and dark col ors, all one yard wide, go on Salo In our basement, at. a yard 6c 10c Outing Flannel at 3c a Yard These come In checks and plaids and are suitable for , pettlcoat3, night gowns, covering for T comforters, etc., yard JC A remarkable bargain in Fleece-backed Flannels for Wrapper, all In beautiful dark colors, will go on sale in the basement at, per yard So Remnants in the Linen Dept. Mill frantnti of fine Cotton ",. i Bo Turkish Waiih Cloths, 4 Towelina, 6e value, yd - - ' each 2C Moiaio and Iuck Kcarfiug, some with drawn work border. Tip I 1 2 He Fleachnd Turkish 7lr jurd w , I Towels, each 5W Remnants Table Damask, in tablecloth lengths, at less than cost to Import. . ' . IN THE NEW STORES," 2& . French and English Val. Laces and Insertions i Importer's sample strips in 2 to 5-yard lengths, many to match and very fine quality, actually worth up to 15c ' yard, at yard Odd Lots of Buttons Pearl and Fancy Buttons. Dress and Cloak Buttons, large or small, oribar--galn square, worth up to 20c dozen, at, dozen SILK REMNANTS 30,000 travelers' Silk Samples at less than one-fourth their value. Relllng, David & Shoen, 97 Green St., N. T., manufacturers of Necktie Silks, dispose to us their entire collection and accumulation of sample pieces at less than one-fourth their value. They are divided Into five lots, , Lot 1 at IN THE MAIN FLOOR NEW STORE IN THE BASEMENT OLD STORE Set. Lot 4 at 2CA. Lot 5 at ICEA. 69c and 75c SILKS at 28c Yd. Plain anil Fancy Silk Taffetas, pretty Foulards, 23 and 2 7 -Inch Pongee, Satins, etc., all go at yard ......... . . . Remnants of Dress Goods Thousands of yards of black and all colors, also party shades-every imaginable weave and style. Exclusive idea, imported separate dress patterns, skirt, waist or suit, lengths of the best fabrics at a T. trifling cost ZC nd JrJQl in .easement duc double width dress goods, rem- I ...iC nants, waistings and 36-inch crepes, yard. OMAHA THANKSGIVING SALE MEM'S OVERCOATS SUITS A K-JL-A THE NEWPORT BRAND ; fiext Si l THE MOST IMPORTANT SALE I I EVER HELD Id OMAIIA J 4..-., , t n jt O A DIAMOND RING it uum muHB a. moMi occeiptatvio Chrlstmaa g-lft. We ure allowing u nice white duimoad net in a 14-K. mounting lor $2 j, til), $50 and up. according to the iz ot the tone. Yo have mme nice otiea wt in lriwlir, stick In, ruff button, icrtw c.rnnKi, etc. rpend a Tcvi jiiuutes in our store. Look for the name s. w. LiNnsiv ipwpi cr . r 1616 Dougl Stmt. 2 Omaha's Pure Focd Center Thry always go together & happy purne and a sood, nnurlnhlng loaf of Courtney's drlli-loua broad. Our bread doeen't make your punte eifrer, eithpr, being more economical than buying: at home. boHldes the time saved. Wo take great prldo in our bakery dp paxtment, which wins new friends j dally. Just received a shipment from Ger many of I-ebkuchen." or German love cake, wiucn a,mi in wic, doc and $l.h5 slier, or hnlf r, , , lound OUki Ono pound ..... 30c Then there ' is the Princess Fruit Take, made in Uttlo Rock, Rl . Ark., at, per lb uU : In our Fish . Department, we have Imported dlle.acleH from Oesmany, Sweden and Norway. Bismarck Herrlog, Anchovies. Fillet Herrings in Wine Suuce, Eel in Jelly. Norway Fish Balls. A nice Mackerel, each 10c cooxxaro school Mrs. Dwelle's menu for Friday. No vember 23. at 2:30 in the afternoon, on the sucond floor of our new store, wiil be Finnan Haddle a-la-Delmonlco, EK and Hrkle Sxnd"'ich, Cauliflower au Gratln. Raisin and Nut Wnfir and Royal Icing. m Three Sep&rat Entrances Douglas J A Btreet, 17th Street and West Arcade W q from Brandeir' Store. y P PHONE DOrQLAS-47-PrivaU Ex- U chang Connects iOl Dapartments. mm OVER ALL Onimods are trumps! In fair play they will take every trick! They win every point in the 'Game of Shoes" Comfort! Style! Value! The Hand-built On! mod is the ace of trumps. Tliere Is noth ing in shoedom- that equals it. ti in made for particular men. It wins them every time. $5 and IG. Dench-ma.de Onimods Are next in rank; they win every man who wants a good shoe for all occa sions $4. S3. 60 and $2.50 Onimods win the econorilcal man most style and ' bast value for the money. A fair deal! See them Eeaent 20s " i i 1 SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER is.uTo "X0'.'1 th,"'Ul Holiday runh wc will give, from Nov. iSrM ,unl" ,1ec- "our rbnto In a beautiful ART I'OKT- I-X)L,Ju Willi each doxen regular pil.i photon, from U.O0 and lit. This in Itself will muke an appi opriato Christmas gift, link no mlatake. H. EEYN. Pbolographcr. West Side Socth 15th Two Story Building. 318 ta 322 South Fifteenth Street no rjAnm what- YOU WATjT It Will Save you timoand monoy ifyoa will (ISO ..... TOE DEE WANT ADS : y EOc Smart d Assarted Chocolates SATURDAY OMLY AVe want to Impress upon your mind that these goods are regular 60c value, and we sell them for 29c on Saturday only. Myers-Dillon Drug Co. rescription Dnigglwts, SIXTEENTH AND FAKXAM ST8. RAZOR STROPS Your last chance to buy. one at a bargain. See our big dis play in our 15th street -window. $3.00 Kazor Strop:. ..'.$2.00 $2.00 Razor Strops; $1.25 $1.50 Kazor Strops. .85 $1.00 Razor Strops. -.05 83o Razor Strops. . V. . . . . .50 50c Razor Strops. .'.25 25c Razor Strops .".15 Remember Saturday is our last of sale. BEATON DRUG CO' 15th and Farnam. The Irogrt-tilve Drug House of Omaha. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER fabllsh. Tlaalj rara. T.flM. v ' OMAn. MEATHEU FORECAST Friday, Fair- - ' T ' Only 5 Shopping Days 'III ThanksiYlrg 26 'lil Clirlto M Ml pr1 i JL1 JIU li 3 Agents for Ladies' Home Journal Patterns SAMPLE SUIT SALE FOR BARGAIN FRIDAY 85 Sample Salts From One of the Fore most Manufacturers of New York 25 Man-Tailored Salts for 915.75 Made of fine chiffon Broadcloths and cheviots, Eton blouse, 23-lnch fitted and natty Jack et effects, skirts are new pleated models, Friday Ladies' WaiKts, Sweater and tiowns Nun's Veiling Walat, embroidered panel front, trimmed each side with lace and tucks, tucked stock and cuffs, regular AO $2.50 value, Friday, special JJ Women's Plaid Taffeta Shirt Waist, tucked front and back, center pleat, cuffs and pocket of plain taffeta, all new style plaids, regular $5 valuer" Friday f C special.... Women's All Woo! Sweaters, blouse style, large pearl buttons, white, red and navy blue, regular $3 value. Bargain 1 Q C Friday, each ,JD Women's Flannelette Gowns, made extra full. . double yoke, nicely trimmed, full length, regular $1.00 value, Bargain CI ...3JK. ''fl? Ilk III 151? Friday, each. BarBaia Friday la prcss (JoflQs 5 4 -Inch New Novelty Suitings, In late fall shad ings, as wine, navy blue, black and tan grounds with hair lines of white or other stylish effects; worth one dollar a yard bargain Friday, at, a yard .O Jt 7 FANCY SILKS Large. and beautiful lot of fancy silks, Louieine or taffetas neat stripes or small effects; some 23-inch Foulards; large pieces, no rem nants, worth up to 75c, on sale Bar gatn Friday, a yard . -SlC (On sale at Circle Bargain Square, Main Aisle. LININGS 20c Spun Glass Silk, 36 inches wide, all colors, Vi yards to 7 yards Bargain Fri day, at, a yard DOMESTICS ' 15c quality Silkoline, a yard 10c Dark Outing Flannels, a yard 5x4 Oilcloth, all colors, a yard. . . , Extra Heavy Comforters, at Half 9c Gc 89 W6ol Blankets, at 1 pui UNDERWEAR Bargain Counter Large lot children's Ribbed Union Suits, 25c value for ... 17c MOTTOES TOR CHRiiNAS 500 Original Water Color Illuminated Mottoes, sayings by' eminent writers like l'htlilp Brooks. Chin ning. Van Dyke, Rob ert Louis Stevenson and many others en"t be duplicated anywhere at less than $1.00 I ready for framing), salo price, P.arguln Friday only So. louble Green Trad ing Stamps on' 1'ic- , ture Framing. Art tveond Floor. NUTlv.NO FOm BAR. gain fmidi i 1,0(0 Shell and Am ber Back Combs, worth 'inc. at... 7c Shell and Amliir Hair Pins, worth 12 He, for .. c Black Darning Cot ton, dos., nt..l2HO Black spool 811k, dos en spools for... ISO Assorted widths of white Cotton Tapv. 3 pieces tor Co Assorted sizes of Pearl Buttons, one , dos. on , card. . two cards ......... 5c Bennett's Big Grocery V Ugbtats 0atnray deliveries, we make tltess ma special offers Fri day and Saturday. 1 rieaae-Tseuember this same list will be offered Trtday and Saturday. Pride of Bennett's Flour, sack.. $1.80 And Fltty Green Trading aiami' Bennett's best coffee, a lbs.... 91.00 And Fifty Green Trading Stamps Teas, your choice, pound 58 Ana f itly tireen Trading Stamp Bennett's Capitol Unking Powder. pound ran .84o And Twenty Green Trading Stamps Maine Corn speciul can 10c dozen ' J1.00 Bennett's Excelsior Flour, sack tl.40 And "5 Oroen Trading Stamps "Best We Itave" Tomatoes, can SHe Doten cans 11.45. Bennett's Capitol Mince Meat 8 pkgs. for SSe Anu J en Green Trading Stamps Shredded Codfish, 3 pkgs 3B And Ten .Green Trading Stamps Bulk Pickles Sour pickets, qt...lOo And Teii Green Trading Stamps Chow Chow PtckU'K, iiiiurt ISO d en Green Trading Stamps Small Sweet Pickles, quart 80a And Ten Green Trading Stamps Jos. Tetley h Co's. Tndla and Oeyloa Teas Special Offer Sunflower Blend, pound tin 7Se And Fifty Green Trading Stumps 4s lb. tin ; 40c And 6 Green. Trading Stamps 44 li. tin ;:0c And Tert Green Trading Stamps Grape-Nuts Breakfast Food, pkg.100 Bennett's Capitol Oats. 2 pkgs. .SOo And Ten Oreen Trading Stumps Bennett's Cupltol Wheat. 2 pkgs. BOO And Ten Green Trading Stamps Bennett's Capitol Pancake, 2 t-kKs 800 And Ten Green Trading Stamps KIAOQVaJKTIKB VOB CXEESB New York fu!( cream, lb 800 And Ten Gievn Trading Stamps Swifs cheese, b 85o And .Tnn' Green Trading Stamps Prime Cst cheesn, lb 15c Neu facht el cheese, each 4o Hand Cheese, each.. 8l0 Royal LuncJieon Cheese, jar luo And ,Flve Green Trading Stamps Boysl lvuneheon Cheese, Jr 84o And Ten Green Trading' Stamps BTTTTE ; BCTTXB BVTTBB Direct from the finest dairies. Truh Oooatry Boll Butter, lb., up from., SOo t oriv can. Wax Beans, can Peus. ca:i ....... peanut Hditer, jar Gil Sardines, ran,..' Chocolate Menler, lb; And Thirty Green Trsding lis ta via Boiled Cider, pint bottle 50c And Ten Green finding Stamps Pimento Stuffed Olives, pint , 2Sc And Ten Green Trading Stamps Jell-O, assorted, three. packjues ' ' 'G And Ten Green Trading Stamps Bayle's Turn Yum Pickts. hot. ..15o And Ten Green Trading Stumps Bayles' Ping Pong pickles, hot. ISC And Te,n Green Trading Stalnps A. B. C. Catsup, pint bottle 83 And Ten Qrean Trading Stamps Diamond S Chill Suuce, pint hot. 85 And Tea Gr.cn Trading Stamps Navy Beans, best lbs. for 9o Bennru'S Bargain Soap, 10 bars Boo BKjnrETT'S CUTDHI Wine Balla. delicious flavor, lb. 10e Packages (t candy, splendid line 10c and , Salted peanuts, lb ...10 Fruits and Vegetables .FRESH SUPPLY DAILY ; Celery, S4naxl, ramley, Lt tturo, Radishes, Green Onlous Kansas kiln dried Sweet Potatoes, , pound , 4 Nuw chestnats, pound 15g KuglUh Walnuts, pound. ... jy .....Be I 80 I . . . . so I 80 I 40 I ...5o Stump I mm Mil Bargain Friday in . Linens . Extra large heavy ble'ached and cream Turkish towels on bargain tables, main aisle, regular 20c towel, for............... 12Hf. Dotted Swiss, nice . . fine quality, medium size ' dot, suitable for sash curtains, "regular 12M;c quality bargain Friday, yd . 8Vs 56-inch Cream Table Da maskGood value at '30c yard Bargain Friday, a yard 19f While China for Decorating Friday 300 Cups aud Saucers, good shape, thin . goods, 30c kind, lor, each 15 Pretty Coupe. Shape Hread and Butter Hize Tlnte Regular 15c value,4 Friday, each 10 Sugars aud Creams, in pretty Ba varian China, gold handled, a good shape, 75c value, on sale Friday, a pair -30 Chocolate Set 6 cups and sau cers an 1 jug to match, special, 8et ; $1.08 Big Cut Glass aud biunerware Sale Continues. SO Per Cent Discount from our already low prices on Cut Glass. Each piece perfect.. Xo chips or flaws. Thousands of dollars worth to clioowe from. Bargain Friday in Hardware Stoves Stoves Stoves Lai'gt $44 Base Burner, special al $37.50 Large 923.50 Hopper Feed Heater, special $10.00 Largo $12 Peninsular Oak Hester, special $0.05 Boasters See Demonstration on Iilk Boaster 'Bargain Friday t each $1.75 and $1.65 And Fifty Green Trading btaiups Savory Boaster Known the world over, seamless 08 And Thirty Green Trading Htampe. Carvers lor i tiaukegiviu All kinds and styles, from f 12 down to S1.G5 Double Green Trading Htairpn t i iuus'. Regular L6c Galvanised .utsd Tub, special 39 Bottette Iron, per set. 50 And Thirty Green Trading Stamps Large Furnace Scoop, apeclal 49 26c Standard Bread Toaster, special Tailored Skirts to Measure. Inquire at Dress Coods Department rv r '3i THE RtLIABLB TSRK s Remember . the Silk, Sail Monday Friday Is Bargain Day Remnants and odd lots will be sold at u small fraction of their value. Every item aj winner. m m sw sA w 'm Bs m m m 'ii. ir mm tji iu spi.vv onus, zjc Yuru r An opportunity for unusually profitable- buying is offered our customers In Friday's great silk sale. ; Over 18,000 yards of Plain and Fancy Silks, in lengths of 2 yards to 20 yards and ranging in value from 45c to $1 per yard, will be placed on silk bargain square, west room, at, choice per yard .k 23i IX MAIN SILK DEPARTMENT. " 3C-lnch novelties, plain and changeable Taffetas, specl.il values at.... $1.00 1; 7-inch Black Taffetas, In natural finish for dress, special at, yard 400 Remnants of fine Colored Silk Velvets that sold up to $1.50 yard will go at, yard Remnants of Wool Dress Goods 10,000. yards of fine twilled back Broadcloths, all colors, In lengths from 1 1-4 yards to 5 yards each, that sold at $1 yard, trill go on sale at, a yurd 390 8,000 yards of finest twilled back Broadcloth, 52 to 54 Inches wide, that sold at SI. 50 to 12 vard. arood I lengths, all colors, will go at. 3"ard 400 French Broadcloths that sold up to $3 yard will go in this sale at, ''ard 59 10,000 yards of 4 0-inch, 4C-lnch and 50-inch Mohairs, in all colors and black.'that sold from 75c to $1 yard, and 6.000 yards of 50c Henriettas, all colors and cream, all will go at one price 25i 4,000 yards of genuine Danish Cloth, good, long lengths, half wool, all col ors and cream, regular 15c goods, all at. a yard 8 1,000 yards of high grade novelty rem nants that Bold up to $5 per yard, at, yard, 59c, 49c and 30 In Popular Dress Goods Dept. Remnants of Cotton Dress Goods Iu High Grade Cotton Goods Dept. All our fine Cotton Plaids. Mohair Lusters. Foules, Creponett Waisting, Percales, Wash Goods, etc., the rem nants of first patterns to sell, all wljl go in three lots, yard, 10c, 7 He and ......... 5 Remnants of high grade Linings, Lus tral, Manhattan, etc., goods that sell as high as 39c, all will go in three lots, at, a yard, 10c, 7 He anl 5d Special Sale of Men's Shirts The greatest shirt sale on record will begin Friday morning. Th entire surplus stork of two well known manufacturer, including their sample linen, In fine madrases, percales, chambrays, etc., was secured by our New Tork luyer at a great bargain. All the newest patterns, both light and dark. In cluding many pleated bosom shirts worth to $1, Friday at, choice. .....10 Men h, Women's and Children's Under-I Men's and Boys' . Suspenders, worth wear Brosen lots, worth up to 50c garment, on bargain square at. 10 Men's Heavy Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers, Heavy Jersey Overshlrta and Sweaters, worth up to 75c, choice Friday 350 400 Remnants of Linen High Grade Linen Dept. Remnants high grade Linen, in bleached, "unbleached and silver bleached, goods that anld at tl and $1.25, lengths from' 1 raids to 3 yards, all at, yard 30c Remnants of extra flue Iritih Linen, in remnants of 2. 2hi and a yards, that, sold at. $1.50, $1.75 and $i 98, will close at, a yard. 4lV Remnants of finest Irish, German rnd Scotch Linens, made in 68, 70 and 72 inches wide, that sold up to $ ?.5i yard, all will close at, a yard. .59r Remnants of German Mercerized Linen In lengths or 2i, 3 and S 4 yards, that sells at 49c yard, will go in this sale at, yard i. .... j. 25 slightly soiled Bed Spreads that' acta up 10 11.70. will close it..fiOA -. - WW Drapery and Curlains Be sure 'and fcee Iheea bargains. 50 pairs, consisting; of Brussels Not. Cable Net, Irish Point, Nottingham, Bonne Femme, etc., that, sold from $3.50 to $10 pair, in five lots. Lot 1 will go at, each. ....... .fid A Lot 2 will go, at, each. 074 juol o wii go ai.. 400 Lot 4 will go at .39 Lot 5 will go at , 2; 75 Rope Portieres, the last of sev eral lines, sold up to $10, will go in three lots, to close quick. Some- for double doors: Lot 1 will go at $2.08 Lot 2 will go atv $1.08 Lot 3 will go at 080 low prices. 25c, special at in Men's, women's and children's Heavy Wool. Hose, worth 26c, at, pair, only 12 WO Men's and Ladies Outing Manuel Gowns, made long and full, worth up to $1, choice Silk Working Floss lc All colors" per skein.. . This means the finest qual ity wash silks in felo, rope, etching and embroidery twist, every skein warrant ed fast colors, regular price oc ; Friday, skein, 1 Ribbons, le ft This sems a ridiulous price for ribbons, and it is when you consider the actual value, but we have thou sands of yards, worth from 2 to 5c per yard, that will be sold Friday, yard..l) In Omaha's Greatest Bargain Room Curtain Swihsea One big square of remnants will go at, choice, yard.l 7 He Outing Flannels, very special value at, yard 3&0 t2bc Silkoline at, per yard 4 Lonttdale Muslins and Cambrics, every piece stamped Lonsdale, at, per yard G0 5.V Bleached Sheet, ready to use, special 39 12 He Jillow Cases, ready to use, each 8H0 L. L. Muslin, 36 Inches wide, extra heavy quality, from the bolt nt, per yJ 490 Amohkeag Apron Check Ginghums at, 8r(1 50 10c Savoy Fleece Bark Flannelette ati Percales, Calicoes, etc.. (inn hi ir cnn of remnants will go at. yard.' , . .v , . ivtiijuiiui and' wrappers, good remnants av.. yard kJ 10c Bookfold Percales, light and dark patterns, from the bolt at, yard. K 12 He Cotton Flannel at;. . .'. . 7 He Shaker Flannel, special at, per ya-l -.. ........... 4H Remnant of Table Liuen. all" lenRths. at ll-ss than half price. ' Cotton Bed Blankets, largo size, at. Pal'" '...-450 3-iuud Wool Blanket, in plaids and grays, $5 values, special at. -83.40 Friday's Cloak Dept. Specials Heavy Beaver bhawls double face, full sire, regular $4 values, at. . . 81.25 Women's Wrappers, regular $1.50 val ues, all sizes, at. ...... GOO Double Fox Scarfs, 74 Inches long. $1 30 values, at '85.05 1 JHarlt .Mercerised rndert(w h,. deep flounce, with ruffle, very special value at . . , 1 .49 Children's Cravenette Coat,' worth to $5, come In sizes from 2 to' 10 yearn choice Friday .'. Kfi For Pure Food Groceries Do Your Tradina ai nayaen vros. The Greatest Grocery Department in the West il llis. bent Granulated Canr Sugar. $1 .00 4 rkg(. I'nfda Ulnrult lie Ji-ll-o, Jllycon or tiromiuiKulon 7c Oil or MiiHturd hardlriKC, ir can 3',f 1 -lb. can fiinry Alaska Sairnnn Hi; Juarl cun Clolden Tablt- Hyrup He 1-lb. tkg. lmport-fl Muoaionl 1- lb. pa kage llull I'ui ham Kmoktng . 'I'obttJ'cu 4.'" 2- lb. can" f.imy, wret uRur Com - 'i-lii. cant t!rfakfat Co.oa 1 xc 10-lb. nark bcl itranulitvil Corn Meal. He 10 bars lit-8t brands luundry tuup Jr.c 8 lb. Ix-at rolled Oatmeal Sne. rancy Italian frxines, per iu.... Fancy fooklna Vg, per lb Fancy Mulr 1'eaihea. per lb Fancy cleaned Cnrrrnta, per lb... Fancy Layer Kaialna, per lb BVTTEm AID CHZrSB. Fancr BrlcK or Llmberger Cheeac, per lb T.' . . .. ...II r'.... ..Mr IK , 1 1 . . ii .. - . ' ... - ii.' - . ....... - 1.'..,.... ri.....n.. i'K.mj, IV. 1 ki Neufchalel c'l;e, each ic mapna(tj CMieepH, each 7 He Extra fanny heparaior Creamery liuttii-, per pound .. '-7c 7 ic .7 He 12 Ho 12 He IIHl- . 1 iii- . . loc TBAB lis immii 1-ancy Santoa Coffee, per lb.. .. lie amy Martoalbo J-llend, per lb.. 17V Fancy for to Ktco bbnd. per lb..!.. 2n J am y Ankola Java and Mocha, per lb..':io Fancy O. O. Mocha and Java, per id. .5 ... J-.ijlra fancy Mandahlliif; Java and Aiahlui. MrK'ha, 3 Urn. for Ill" Choice Tea Mfilt.au. per lb. .'.Vl: W I'uucy li. 1 or tun Lltd Jupn. lb...2.'.. OMAKA'l OBB1TZIT TWIT AXS TDOXTABLS BXFT. Freah beuta, carrot ki. turmpi or ruta Uf.MB, JIJ ..... .... ... Two 4jeana fieMh li.ttn..u Two hunched re idlh Two bunches flex). par.lVy Two bunchea treeh celery root .... Fancy Jersey nwcel potato, lb .... Hed or yellow onluna. II, Freah ballot, bunch iMtne Krai truit, a h Nw honey. ht rack Faney cookii'.g- fiKS. H) Fancy rruu Imported fljja, lb... 't'wo bui.ctiea freh celery Fancy Maliimi Kraiiea, 10 KrtMh roasted peanuts, qttan l.i Ui i fc'. ......6.1 ..... to .'.'til ....7ifc. .... ii ..7Ho ...lis tl IS, i lm uu 3 fZ3 I (Ml L'JUu