Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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news: of
H '. " ' 1
Offlo, 10 Peorl ftt. Tel. 43.
JDavis. drugs.
Clark's, sodas.
Btockert sella carpet.
Fins .ngravlngs at Leffert't. ".
Ed. Rogers' Tony FsuVbeer.
Ses Borwlck' for Xmaa - foods.
Plumbing a-nd heaUrig. Btxby tc Hon.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phons W.
Woodrlng Undertaking: company. Tel. 13
We ew new1 sole, on 'your shoes for 75c.' Family Shoe Btors. . .
or rood picture framing so to Alexan-
r i Art Store, S33 .Broad wyi
All slaes of storm doom, storm sash,
storm window. and weather strips, at lieo.
Hogeland's. . -
Mrs. Flora Bell Bergen Was granted.
Considerable iiTrritT of Opinion m to It
- , Adr sability.
Real Kstat. Men Praetlcally ,l'uil
noil la Its Favor and Are
Barked Vp By the Wast fia
The Commercial club of . this city has
Orand hotel, will be host. William Ander
son of the Iter Grand" hotel. Omaha, is
president of the association, and H. B.
Pates, formerly connected with the Omaha
Hotel Reporter. Is secretary.
There la no hot blast stove on the market
today that is equal to the Boss Hot Blast. I
It has a front feed door, which makes It
easy to put In the fuel and a bis; Improve
ment over the old style of putting; In the
fuel at the top door and filling the house
with, smoke. You can remove the ashes
without making a lot of dirt In the house
with a nice big ash pan. The joints are all
absolutely tight und smoke proof. Gives
uniform heat day and night. Holds fire
forty-eight hours. Will burn soft coal.
hard coal, cobs and wood. The make-up Is
combined with excellence and beauty. Price,
112.00 and SH OO. D. W. Keller, 10S Couth
Main street.
divorce -in district -court yesterday from taken a hand in the agitation for a straight
Uarr.ttt C. -. f on h , railway be-
Man's a1fr 14a4 MaWahrMia tl RA Umi'i
Boston pure gum overshoes, tlio.' Duncan tween Council Bluffs and Omaha. - The
A fean. 21 8. Main. . club Is desirous that all business men and
We have -ordered , l.nno gallons of solid others Interested in the proposition at
Oroce QareTMiVke1t,flVln8' Cen,ral nd the public meeting at the city hall
A-"beautiful. Mi vianWai'gae burner. next Wednesday evening, when the ques-the-
Y elsbaiiiv chick tamp, complete, tlon is to be dlacuseed pro and con and the
-Htephan Bros., t West Broadway. sentiment of the cltlxens at large aacer-
, Winter. Verm Western Iowa College opens . tained
"hiAitM'9&!W- j in .'circular letter sent out yesterday by
ONLY ONE PLACE TO GET THEM W Secretary Reed of the Commercial club, he
POLDI NO - PHOTOS TOR 14.80. W1L says:
LLA' "V";"3 POSTOFFlCE. ( The qu..on of a ,,rarht 6-cent street
Take a look In, our. window at risk's car fare between this cltv and Omaha Is to
granite tejf-bastng roasters: four slies, ,e threshed out st a public meeting to be
Combination gas and electric chandeliers
and ths celebrated Welsbach Incandescent
gas burners. Why not see us befors you
buy. We can certainly please you on price
and quality of goods. Shephan Bros., 521
West Broadway,
Law j en EihauH last Resourcs in Behalf
of Condom,,e(l Kan.
held Wednesday evening. November 28, In
the city hall. This matter Is very impor
tant. Business men and cltlxens generally
should be present and voice their beliefs
with their reasons for same, whether for
or against the proposed 6-cent fare. If
11. if.. I-' 00. yi.iv, Swatoe A Mauer, 3J6.
aw vyestj ui-oadway.
Emma . Wlllelt has filed original notice
of suit, for-ducrce from- William Wlllett
on "tne alleged grounds of - cruel and In
human trfU.LIIM.Dt.
I iy ll ner ton for east Iron: mlsed. Interested In this question, please be pres-
$lt; stove. Is; rags, l"4o per lb.: ruboer, ent.
lo: copper-, 14c per lb.- . Katelman, 803 That there Is a wide diversity of opinion
Mattl, both phone 864. I on the advantage to be derived from a
ffi9&WVy.URr far. Is evident. M.ny of th. b0sl-
or a pound or two of our pure nome-made nes. men of the city are unalterably op
candy.; Mucct, 21 W. Broadway. i posed to It: others, whl'.e not favoring It,
The pj:itihcr of Tlgredla temple. Pythlsti do not believe It would result In much
Slrtois. lll be entertained this afternoon . ' , ., - , ,
at a Kensington by Mrs. John W. Martin hrn to tn r111 business of th. city,
at her residence,, lne Knepper street. I while quite a number are of the opinion
1 1 lK U grade granite work; from the best that such . fare would be of considerable
XCS'l '"vantage to th. city at large. On the on.
M.'. t.lalty. tjheeley Lane, Z7 East Broad- hand. It Is contended that a straight 6-cent
'up.' ; 'k -' . - . fare between the two. cities would tend to
tour watch must have attention. If you divert more trade to Omaha than la the
n - wum ii i(j run nam. uooi yuura nrau . , - s ,h nhr hinil l la
P cltaiiing or rituiatiug? I will guarantee to i'"' 4 present. On the other band. It is
i. J U oilier ' right If you bring It In. O. . contended that a 5-cent fare would do much
N. Mautne, 23 VV-.Bdway.
V The floeriof Bupervlsors adjourned yes
terday until attrt!ay Tpday.m company
,-r witn
President Dobbs Says Mnaey la la
9ls;ht to Blld It.
President W. J. Dobhs of the Council
Bluffs, Tabor ft Southern Electric Railway
company Is to the fore again with a state
ment that the project' Is not dead by any
means, but has been merely enjoying a
protracted slumber. This statement was
made by Mr. Dobbs at Olenwood a few day
ago while trying to Interest the citizens of
that town In the proposed electric road.
The delay In getting the proposed road
started on anything but paper has been duo ' returned by six Instead of seven grand
of DMerent state Instlta
i Have Over ThlrtyThree
Thousand Dollars on
tFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
tES MOINES, Nov. Z2.-(8peclal.)-Louls
Busse will be hanged at the Iowa state
penitentiary at Anamosa. on December It, as
a result of the action of the supreme court
today In affirming the action of the district
court of Linn county In dismissing the pe
tition for a writ of habeas corpus for
Busse. Busse was tried and convicted In
the district court of Bremer county on an
Indictment returned In Butler couhty. where
the murder was committed. He appealed
to the supremo court and the court was
evenly divided, three for affirming the
action of the lower court and three for re
versing It, the division being over the defi
nition of manslaughter given by the lower
court In Its Instruction, to the Jury. The
supreme court being evenly divided, ac
cording to th. Iowa law, the action of the
district court was affirmed. The execution
of Busse was set for April 20 and his at
torneys asked for a writ f habeas corpus
to take him from the sheriff at Anamosa on
four grounds, first, that the Indictment was
who was arrested fur" brandishlna" a gun
In the Iliad hotel the night previous.
In police court this morning Moore
pleaded nit guilty to disturbing the peace
and will be tried later.
Moaat Ayr Maa Hart.
L. Griffith of Mount Ayr fell under a
Rock Inland train here today at the depot
end one foot was cut off. He was taken
to Mercy hospital.
Re. our beautiful new Xmaa -photesraphs
and portraits. We are making some hand
some water colors, sepia and crayon work
which must be ordered before December
17 and we won't disappoint you. Schmidt,
to the. difficulty the promoters found in
curing the needed financial backing. This
difficulty, Mr. Dobbs Is quoted as saying,
has been overcome, and recently arrange
ments were completed with eastern capital
ists to Inspect the proposition, with assur-
Jurors; that the first date of execution
fixed for some time In 103, having passed,
the governor hod no authority to fix an
other date because the supreme court did
not enter a new- Judgment; that the -su
preme court, being evenly divided On the
nces that they will flnancs It, If It proves first appeal, raised the question of "reason
to be as represented. Representatives of able doubt." The court today holds that
these monled men are expected here the question of six Instead of seven grand
shortly to look over the field, and If they ap- Jurors Is a question' of error that can be
prove the project, bonds will be Issued at raised on an appeal In the first Instance,
once and the work of construction begun, hut not In a petition . for habeas corpus
Few expenses lead to low priors. Our
expenses are next to nothing and our prices
on pianos are the lowest of any house west
of Chicago, quality taken In consideration.
Bourlclus Piano House, J35 Broadway, Co.
Bluffs, where the orgiin stands upon the
Killed by relarht Trala.
WEBSTER CITT. Ia.. Nov. H.-8pecsl
Telejrram.) Miss Bertha Sheldahl, aged
25, was Instantly killed last night by s
train st Ellsworth. She was going home
from prayer meeting and . crossing the
tracks when a fast freight went through
the towti.
rlotlo women whose -deeds he records. In
th. first section of th. book Is a "sympo
sium" in which th. author collect, all the
important and noteworthy tributes to uin
southern women of war days. This col
lection is IiiVs'ssMe. Here ar letters and
r re I ss from soldiers, statesmen, poets,
historian.. Judges; from President snd Mrs.
Davla, from Generals Johnston, Jackson,
Forrest and Butler snd others; from Judge
Reagan of Texas and Judge Alton B. Par
ker of New l'ork; Irom President Roose-,
elt and scores of men of note. It Is a
'goodly companle." During tne long and
terrible days from 1WU to 185 the women
of the south suffered Unspeakably; of. their
privations, their pathetic makeshifts, their
heroic services In the home, of their un
ceasing sacrifice and work for their sol
diers, their vigilance and untiring sen-Ice
In the hospitals, their unfallng faith In their
country and Its cause, their high courage
and cheer, Mr. Underwood has written lov
ingly. Justly snd carefully. These women,
who commanded world-wide respect and
admiration, could ask no better biographer.
no truer friend, no more sympathetic In
terpreter. Published by the Nettle Pub
lishing company.
the members of the Harrison county
board, tnoy wur, mspect tne work- oeing
done on the Harrlfaon-Pottawattamle Joint
drainage ditcBus.
Hot chocolate, 10c; hot coffee, 10c: hot
tomato' bouillon, 10c, hot clam bouillon,
10c; hot chicken bouillon, 10c; hot beef tea,
Iijc;. hot malted milk, loo; Jiot clam broth,
lou, and hot lemonade, luc; Clark's aumue.
loo, served, with cream and wafers. Clark
Drug Co.
The . .case . against Lawrence Curtis.
charged, wti.k being implicated In the theft
of two automobile lamps and other articles
bilon;tn. to C. E. Kimball, was dis
missed yesterday. - It- was shown by wit
nesses that the articles- were given to
Curtis by ' McUreary"'to dispose of for
Charles, Brown, a youth of 18 years, was
rrested 'yesterday, charged with the theft
of a revolver and other articles from the
roams of guests at the Metropolitan hotel
on Broadway. Brown, who claims to be
from Little Rocks Ark., had been stopping
at the hotel for several days. Burglar
tools were found. In his possession.
taken Into custody yesterday oil a charge next Wednesday , night will bring out a
of Itiebrlacy preferred . against him oy
his mother, who has filed an application
asking th. court to commit Ulnvto-the
state hospital lor aip8ommaca at tinox-
to build up the western part of th. city
by' bringing over many families from
Omaha to make their homes on this side
of the river, where It Is generally con
ceded that living Is cheaper than on th.
other side.
Those opposed to the proposed 6-cent faro
take the position that as things ar. . the
man or woman employed In Omaha has the
advsntage of a 6-cent fare through the
coupon books and that this ought to suf
fice. Some business men even go so far
as to say that they wished the far. be
tween th. two cities was 26 cents, as if
this was the case much of th. Council
Bluffs trade which now goes across th.
liver would probably stay at home. Others,
however, say they do not believe a 6-cent
fare would affect th. local retail trade
one way or the other.
Real estate men, as might naturally b.
expected, favor th. proposed 6-cent fare,
believing that It would tend to build up
this city, especially the western part of It.
The agitation for th. straight 6-cent fare,
which was started by the West End Im
provement club, has reached such propor
tions and appears to be of such general
Interest that It Is expected the meeting
says President Dobbs.
The franchise granted the Council Bluffs,
Tabor ft Southern Electric Railway cfmi
pany by Council Bluffs long airo beeamo
null and void from failure of the grantees
to commence the work of construction
within the time specified. Titers Is little
doubt, however. If the company should be
in a position to build the road but that a
new franchise would be granted. -
TnanksarlvlnaT Sal.
On all our high grade dining room furniture.
20 to SO per cent discount on our entire tin.
of buffets, sideboards, china cabinets, din
ing tables and chairs from now till Thanks
giving. Keller-Famsworth Furniture Co.
For Imported wines and liquors and Bud.
welser beer, go to L. Rosenfeld. wholesale
liquor dealer,' 61S South Main street.
v-llle. He was placed In the county Jail
pending a hearing before juagv ureen.
Have you voted yet? 'If not, come and
help one of the young ladles to get that V
diamond ring. They will appreciate your
vote Immensely. Ono vote with each cent's
representative gathering of all classes.
Comncllmaa Peter Smith the Father
' of th. Scheme.
Councilman Peter Smith of th. Fifth
ward Is reported to have cocked and primed
Street Railway Men Daace.
The attendance last night at the third an
nual ball of the Street Railway Employes'
Relief association of Council Bluffs was so
large, that it made dancing somewhat bt a
difficult task, even In the large auditorium
of th. Masonic temple-. It Is estimated
there were over 400 couples on the floor,
who, despite the crush, appeared to enjoy
for the release of the prisoner; that the
opinion of the supreme court Is ample au
thority for the governor to fix a new date.
as the supreme court has no authority to
enter a Judgment in a criminal case and
can only affirm or revcrso the judgment
of the lower court; -and, ' finally, that the
question of the supreme crturt being evenly
divided, ralRlng the question of reasonable
doubt. Is a question for Juries trying facts
and not for courts deciding 'questions of
law. The crime for which Busse must
hang was committed June -18, 1901. He was
convicted of murdering his wife, the claim
being that he struck her over the head with
a chair and then saturated her clothes with
kerosene and set fire to them. The date
for the execution has been set four times,
and If now made will le the first at th.
Anamosa penitentiary. ' ' .
Casey Man Commits Suicide.
Charles S. McMullen of Casey, la., a
young man, committed suicide at the Sa
ve ry hotel in this city today by stabbing
himself through the -tkrwat with a pen
knife and hanging himself with a sheet
from a steam pipe- McMullen Is a young
man, who had been studying law in tne
office of A. F. Fagen at Casey. He worked
at one time In this city, and Is a son of
Joseph McMullen, who Uwa Just outside th.
city limits of Casey, ami la engaged in
the poultry business. , No' jnotivc for the
suicide Is known.. He has 1. sister living In
this city at the comer f ; Fourteenth and
the excellent program of dances, for which ' Buchanan streets, the wfe-'of a street car
the 'music' was furnished by CovalCs or-'conductor. McMullen ettme-to this city
chestra. Ed D. Carr officiated as master of , Tuesday from Casey and vngatjod rooms at
worth ol t candy Purchased Saturday will ; r t flr t the clty councn t
homa-mada candle, will be- onl 10c a pound. its meeting next Monday night a plan to
Take home a sack of candy. Purltv Candy create another ward, to be known as the
Kitchen. & C. Brown Broadway I Beventn The new ward, according to the
Did you. aver notice If the glass on your "v Hi,, . i.ih. .h,,
picture was dull and smoky and perhaps plans of Mr. Smith. Is to Include those
a number of blusters' In the glass? If portions of the Fourth and Fifth wards
you want 'to. show oft your pictures in w h th f tha j, i8ian1 and
proper etyl. you must,, hav. a good clear . ", , . ' - Hnit
glass. W. handl. only th. best bla-s Mllwauke. tracks. Bo far no definite
and can frame your pictures so that they boundary line, have been decided upon,
win ahow up to suit your taste. Council, fc t rouiy speaking the ward will be
rtlMo" U COmP"y, 1 bounded on the south by th. city limits,
Charles O. Murphy and' Miss Lulu Gas- on tho north by the Rock Island tracks,
ton, botir of this city, were married yes- ) eaet by Main, street and west by the Mis-
ceremonies and J. H. Wilson performed tha
duties of floor manager.
Ton Mast Look
At our superb stock of wall and ceiling
decorative paper If you have the slight
est notion of keeping In touch with the near the celiing. He had evidently stood
the Savery. He stayed much of the time
in his room. At noon today, when - th.
chambermaid went to the room, she dis
covered, the body.' He ha twisted a sheet
into a rope and tied it. to a steam pipe
leading to the floor above, fastening It
"Fardner of Blossom Ranpe," by Frances
Charles, author cf "In the Country God
Forgnt" and "The Awakening of the
Duchess," Is a new story of Arixou.i. The
book differs from most western stories, the
reader's Interest depending comparatively
little on action. A young army captain,
Ferris, aent to investigate nn Indian mas
sacre, falls In love with Holly, the grand
daughter of the owner of Blossom ranch.
Holly has a strong prejudice against sol
diers, one In particular, alleged to bo re
sponsible for the death of a boy private.
whose horse, Pardner, came Into her pos
session. The interest In the story Increases
when Holly, who returns Ferris' ' love.
learns that he Is the officer she hates. Be
sides the love Interest there Is sufficient
dramatic Incident as well as graphic pic
tures of ranch life. All the characters are
well Individualized, and as In her previous
story. "In the Country God Forgot." Miss
Charles displays deep Insight Into the life
she so admirably depicts. Published by
Little, Brown & Co.
Jler Brothers letters, uy an anony
mous author, consists of a series of letters
from a lawyer brother In New York City
to his 'sister in Cincinnati, In which he
tells her how many of tho affairs of girls
and women are regarded by men In gen
oral, and her brother In particular. These
letters touch upon subjects In which girls
and women are really Interested, and they
are written In such a delightfully personal
style that they are very entertaining, as
well as Instructive and suggestive. Two of
"Kitten's'' replies to her brother's letters
are also Included In the llttl. volume
These letters previously appeared In serial
form In the Ladies' Home Journal. The
book is illustrated with drawings by F.
Vaux Wilson and C. M. Relyea. Moffat
Yard ft Co. are the publishers. a
"Esther Ried's Namesake," by Pansy
(Mrs. G. R. Alden). Is th. title given to
the story of the bright and talented daugh
ter of- a western horn, missionary, tor
whom circumstances make possible a col
lege course. Her wit and accomplishment
make her a natural leader. , and many
questions of conduct and ' character arise
calling for "Ji. exercise of both prlncipl
and tact. She Is compelled to reason out
decisions that are at times contrary to
the views to those to whom In her new
page deoorations frein drsacs In color V
Innche Ostrrtng. . A. C McOlurr & Co. ar.
the publisher. . - !.;..... 1-
"With Rogers' Riins-t-rs," by U. Waldo
Browne, Is a nw volyme . of the well
known "Woodranirer Talos," which, like
the "Pathfinder, Talcs". ..of. Ponlmord
Cooper, relate o tlw eaixiy pioneer days
of 'America. ' The haokwoods of-thos
days were full of mystery. 'They wrr.
vast, and often trackless.'snd lurking sr
ages and wild beasts g:ive plenty of ex
citement .for tho Hunkers." TM volume.
while appealing to every hoy with a spark
of adventure In htnt, sis. Interest! hln in
the American history crf.the period .1760..
Illustrated by L. J. Frldgman. Published
by L. C. Page Co.
latest and best Interior decorations. This
on a chair with the nooue about his neck.
N. T. Plumbing Co. TeU 260. Night, 601.
th. Dastor. Kr.- u. W.
Snyder, oDioailng. At th. clos. of the
nirrljre osremony both the. greom and
. brid. wore baptised m to the church by
Rev. Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy will
mak. their borne for th. present at 61
South FUtnth sUmI -
, What hv th. Us. ' ot tiuytng; ready-made
suit, thai get out of shape after you wear
Uiem a .tew aays wnen you pan gei
sourl river. - 1
Councilman Knudsen, th. member from
the Fourth ward. Is stated not to have
any objections to having. a portion of his
bailiwick taken from him and is said to
favor Councilman Smith", proposition. The
matter has been talked over some by the
members of the city council and It Is stated
tailor-mad. sua at llicka' right up-'to-da ther. la no apparent opposition to Council
In -style, a. good tit, and at a vary reason
able .Drlce? . Jn. of- tiloks suit, will out
Is a model store In that line and you miss -,ubbed himself through, the throat and
much if you keep away from here. Jen- then klcked the chair from under him. Th.
sen ft Nicholson. J38 West Broadway. Ljy haJ turn(,d over to tne cor.
Want low History Taoght. .
State Superintendent Rlggs has been
asked by the Grand Army of the Re
public and Women's Relief corps of Fair
field, la., to endeavor to have the his
tories used In the state give due and
proper credit to tho men from this state
who were leaders In the civil war. Super
intendent Rlggs Is giving the matter his
support and has written ,to the publishers
of school books for their co-operation.
The Grand Army of , the Republic aud
Women's Relief corps " at Fairfield have
passed resolutions asktng that General S.
A Larky Thoaaht.
To have your clothes cleaned instead of
buying new ones Give us a trial Is all
we ask and we aro sure you will tell your
neighbors how nice It was done. We dye
lace, plumes, etc., to match samples. Coun
cil Bluffs Cleaning Co. and Rug Factory,
34 N. Main. Both 'phones Slti.
Wear. tore, ready-mad. suit, and will al
ways-, look Wall as long a. iner. is suiy
I thing left of it. Bos . UUuks about your
cioUiea-it pays.
building occupied by lbs Associated Chart-
Mlsgaaglng of Beer Tank. Caste of
the Discrepancy.
SIOUX CITY." Is... Nov. 22. (Sbeciaf Tele-
man Smith's proposition. An ordinance gram.) Federal authorities completed an oyevu oi ims.cny prep a. euppie-
creatlng the now ward. It Is said, win te investigation here today which showed that monl lo m V"" l" n-gmur -
"The Master 8plrlt." by Sir William
Msgnry, Is a present-day romance of Lon
don social and political life. The hero,
Paul Oastineau. Is first presented as the
mouthpiece of Geoffrey Herrlard. a lawyer
and statesman of great renown, who Is sup
posed to have been killed In a railroad ac
cident, but who Is In reality a helpless
cripple living In obscurity. Herrlard at the
height of his fame fslls In love with the
beautiful Countess Alexia von Rohnberg,
and In defending her In a suit ah. has
brought for libel sgalnst a newspaper that
has associated her name with a murder
mystery has a falling out with Gastlneau.
The complications that follow sustain the
reader's intense Interest In the story. "Tho
Master Spirit". Is written along original
lines, with strongly drawn characters, re
plete with dramatic Incident, ending with
striking and satirfactory denouement,
Published by Little, Brown ft Co.
Don-a-Dreams," by Harvey J. O'HIggtng,
Is the story of a lover, a poet, a gentle sol
itary from his boyhood days to and through
tho success that. comes to crown lite after
many years. The little "make believer" of
6 cried all the night through over th. dls
covery thst his Santa Claus was not rest.
then bravely set himself to spare his
younger brother the pangs of a similar
disillusionment. The lad of 16 was a wan
derer In solitary places, a devourer of
Spenser's "Faerie Queen," an Idealistic
lover of the maiden who In the years since
their first chance meeting had been the
constant companion of his dreams and
thoughts. And the Don-a-Dreams of
nd 15 never grew up, though Donsld
Gregg, rebelling against the misunder
standing of an unsympathetic father and
the fettering conditions of a small Cana
dian town, betook himself, his Inexperience,
and his Innocent Impracticability to New
York. The bitter struggle to gain a Jlvell
hood in a big city, unaided by equipment
Influence or money, the acquaintance with
the sordid and depressing conditions of life
such experiences entail, left Don a. they
found him. atlll a lover, still a poet, still
gentle solitary, but always on. whom men
and women loved, even while they did not
understand. Published by the Century
company. '
"The Lion and the Mouse." by Charles
Klein, Is a story of American life novel
ized from ths play by Arthur Hornblow.
The book deals with "the question of the
checking of colossal fortunes, th. curbing
of our multi-millionaires In their audacious
attempt to attain power greater than a
king's by seising all the wealth In the
world. Yet this Is no dry treatise in In
dustrial or social problems, but a vividly
drawn picture of our American life pre
sented In the form of powerful fiction. It
Is a stirring, human story of a woman's
fight to save the honor of her father, a
Above books at lowest retail prke.
thews, 12 South Fifteenth street.
Books reviewed are on sale by
Bennett Company at cut price.
Catarrh of the Stomach
rionsHiil, Simple, " Hut Safe pd
Fffet-tunl Cure for It.
costs voTHnro to tbt.
Catarrh of the stomsoh has long been
ronsjdered the next thing to incurable.
The usual symptoms are a full or
bloating sensation after eating, accom
panied sometimes with sour or watery
risings, a formation 'of gases, causing pres
sure on the heart and lungs and difficult
breathing, headaches, fickle appetite, ner
vousness and a general played out' languid
There Is often a foul taste In the mouth.
coated tongue and If the Interior of th.
stomach could be seen It would show a
slimy. Inflamed condition.
The cure for this common and obstinate
trouble is found In a treatment which
causes the food to be readily, thoroughly
ingested before It has time to ferment, aud
Irritate the delicate mucous surfaces of th.
stomach. To secure a prompt and healthy
digestion in the ono necesHary thing to du
and when normal digestion is secured th.
tatairnal condition U1 have disappeared.
According to Dr. Harlanson. the safest
and best treatment is to use ftfteT Bach.
meal a tablet, composed of. Diastase,
Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nux, Goluen- beal
and trult acids. These tsbiets can now be
lound at all drug stores under th. nam.
of f-tuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and not be
ing a patent nicuiclne can be used -with
poriect- safety and assurance that heaituy
appetite and thorough uigestlon will touow
nii-ir rtguiar use alter meals.
Mr. R. H. Workman, Chicago; Ills, Wrltsi;
Catarrh Is a local condition resulting
irom-a neglected cold In t no. head, whereby
lue lining memfcrane of the nose becomes
innauied and the poisonous discharge there
irom passing backward into the -throat
reacnes tne stoniacn. Medical authorities
prescribed lor me lor three years for ca
tarrh ot stomach without cure, but touay
t am the happiest of men after using only
one box or ptuart s Dyspepsia . Tablets. 1
cannot find appropriate words to express
my good , teeung. l-have found flesh, ap
peine and sound rest from tnetr use."
btuan s DyspepMa Tablets is the safest
reparation as wen as trie simplest and
iut convenient reinuuy for any form of
nulgesthm, Calarrn of stomacn, biilous
jess, sour stomach, heartovtrn and bloat
ing after meals. 1
Send your name and address today for a
tree, trial package and see for yourself.
Address F. 'A. Btusrt Co.. 58 Stuart Bldg..
Marshall, Mich. -
surroundings she would naturally defer, and , Judge of the supreme court, from the un-
an impulsive nature makes it all the j clean clutches of the money oolnssus who
harder. But her native good sense, seeks to crush and disgrace this honest
presented at th. council meeting next Mon- jn th. past two and a half years 615 bar-
torles of the state In which the additional
day night. - ' . . , ' rels ot beer, had been sold from the Sioux miormauon is given.
It Is understood that there are several city Brewing company without ' the gov-! Inmates Hre Much Money.
statesmen living In the district out or ernment stamp. The federal license Is $1 A report made to th State Board of
ties- eraeua. un FourtU MnW. met an Us- which It la Tiro nosed to form the new wara tier barrel, and it means that the rnutrn. 1 Pnntml ahnn thst the Inmate nt tha
" ie-ln th. nr. whicn recently did ,, -v.... anxious to serve that mn i. ikis .hnrt. Th. r.-oi .n,n,iM ....... in.,i..i. k e in u an
considerable damage In 111. basemen- of i " " . ., . i ' " ' V '- """"- -
th. house. The odor from tne dead ro- i comuiutncj in -""""
i.u w,w nudA thai- buildin .almust I - ,
untenable and wursmen or. tearing up the
hours in an cQuit to get rid wf the dead
and decaying ptota.
Bewlng .machine . supplies, sewing ma
chine repaired, new lug machine, for rent,
' or w. can sell you" one on satlsfaotory
tsrtnsv B. U. WUUamson, 17 8. Mala. , .
go Btaphaa Bros, for th. latest and test
mv.rta4 teumsrS. 6 West Broadway.
;!'? ':'; M.tsar c.
. N.w Location ot Wholes!. Bakery,
H Mynstsr eUrest. Council Bluffs. U.
, Homo-mad. Bread .a Specialty,
i , ' , .Visitors iW-Ioomsu "
-"-'1 . . a ,
steal -Ks tat. Transfers.
W. will have a nice stock of fanty tur
keys, duoka, geese, chickens, oysters, gam.
ar.d fish of all kinds for Thanksgiving.
Central Grocery and Meat Market.
sent detectives on the case, thinking that on deposit With the superintendents of the
there was connivance between the brewing Hate Institutions. There jre In round num-
company and the revenue collectors, but bers a total of 9,0u0 persons confined in
J. F. Reed, revenue agent for WlBConHln, the state institutions. Th,e greater amount
Minnesota, Michigan and Iowa, declared of deposits are at the Soldiers' home at
the discrepancy was the result of the mis- ' Marshalltown, . due to pensions received.
strergthened by her continued confidential
relstions with her parents, carries her
safely and triumphantly through. The de
scription of a young woman's college life
Is admirably given, and the account of the
struggles of a "Ladies' Aid society ' In a
small church 4s true to life and genuinely
humorous, as well as effective in other re
spects. The whole book is so brightly writ
ten as to hold the reader's Interest at
every point. Tho illustrations are by
Ernest Fosbery and the oook U published
by the Lothrop, Lee & Shepard company.
"The Court Jester," by Cornelia Baker,
is a fascinating tale of two high bred
women of the sixteenth century, the
Duchess Anne of Brittany and the Princess
Marguerite of Austria. These two girls
are real chlldif i, with a lov. of dolls and
pets and stories and a knack of getting
themselves and other people into amusing
trouble. Strangely mingled with their for
tunes is a i jv us court Jester, witty and
Impudent, L." true friend. Again Mrs.
Baker proves how gay and entertaining
th. historical romance may be made fur
children. Margaret Ely Webb supplies lbs
book Mllh twenty-five attractive Illustra
tions. Published by Bobbs-Merrill V Co.
"Pumhloa un thn Ftivarlu ' hv- fp-unnla
xiittmin la one of the mors creienncM. ,.f ; book, being daintily decorated and artistl
the season's books., which will be enjoyed : "lusirawu. ana win do especially
by lovers of travel and history. The appropriate for a sentimental gift, Eauli
Rlverla. with Its beauties of nature, its I P0"1 enclosed In a heart-shaped wreath
wonderful climate, and Us life and gaiety.
man that dares to thwart his will. The
pluck and Ingenuity the daughter shows In
her struggle with the man of millions, and
the many Incidents leading up to the de
noument, make an exciting and fascinating
narrative.. Published by the O. D. Dilling
ham company.
"The Jingle, of a Jap." by Clara Bell
Thurston, Is a most attractive Juvenile.
Each page Is printed In several colors.
J giving perfect reproductions of the fasci
nating original water-color sketches, while
the taking little Jingles of the lov. ot
the Japanese doll for the beautiful
Parisian one in her pretty dress of pink
are sure to be favorites In th. nursery.
The volume Is effectively bound Jn Japa
nese cloth, and what will take th. eye
of th. llttl. ones Is "a fascinating and
real "live" Jap doll on the cover. Ths
volume is enclosed In an attractive box
running over with llttl. Jap men and
women. The author ha. not only written
the text, but Illustrated th. story as well.
Published by the H. M. Caldwell . Com
pany. "Sweethearts Always," la k collection of
love poems, compiled and arranged by
Janet Madison. It is a very pretty gift
The s,r.ciin ot wais inst nevsr
cloy.abaugk yoa sat a nonad.
The A. 'cction of purity, richness and
quality that made Rrpetti famoui. The
name on every caramel.. ..
Chocolates, Bonbons, Candy Pebbles
and all kinds of superior confections.
Mall orders esrciully snd promptly filled.
Writo lor Price List.
ladlcted Parti. Arrested.
Arthur Southwell, against whom an in
dictment was returned by the. grand Jury
on the charge of assaulting Soren Thorn sen
with intent to Inflict great bodily Injury
upon him, wis taken into custody yester- gtw.e
day, and, being unable to rurnisn tne re
quired bond In the sum of tOOO. is behind th.
bar. of th county JalL Thomsen live, at
witn his lamuy, tn. upper porxion oi ine 'rihonea lfe
k.ilMlni. liA.r.lln r hla tMllmnnV hefnr .. .
. These transfer, war. reported to The Bo. ?" "JlTii J ln m'
Number J. by th. Potuwattaml. County ( .'ZyL.,
gauging of th. measuring tanks and ab
solved the revenue collector.
We have a new shoe for your work. Cmne
In and see (hem. Sargent's Family Shoe
spads! Spndsl
Choice eajHv Ohln fYntaloajt fi.t ftk ,1a.
EMt Broadway, where he occupies, ,lvere(1 ,n flve.bushei iot, or more. . Both
Brldenstln. aV Smith, 1401 S.
Abstract company of Council. Bluffs:
John R.-Drxel at at. trustee, to Abra-
.. ham I heed, trustee, land In 1-16-
u, a.... "
Abraham L. Heed., trustee, et at to the
Terminal Land company, land tn 1-15-11.
I Lever-and wife to H. O. WU. lot
6. block 4, Ferry addition to Council
.- Bluffs, ;U'w. d,..".; 100
County treasurer to A.' J. Seaman,
thrte-quartei s Interest In lot 12, block
It, HaH . addition ' to Council Bluffs,
la., t. d.-.w
County treasurer to A. J. Seaman, one
half Interest In lot 7. block 2. Oak
Urovs addition to Council Bluffs,
la., t. d v... 1
County treasurer to A. J. Seaman, three
quarters tntm-oet in lot t. block W.
, Evens' f-cid Bridge addition to
CouncH Bluffs. I.. t. d
There Is fl2.824.9S on deposit there and
$iUo0.07 st the Fort Madison penitentiary.
Non-Frnternltlea Win.
In the election of officers of the senior
class at th. West High school In this city
today the candidates pf the nonfraternlty
students won. The election took several
hours. The entire question of fraternities
or no fraternities In the school, which has
been a bone of contention between stu
dents and faculty and Board of Education
for some weeks, was at Issue. The victory
Is a victory against th. fraternities
Who Helped Charles Thomas t
The grand Jury of Polk -county Is mak
ing some effort now to ascertain who ac
companied Charles Thomas In disposing of
the body of Mabel Scofleld of Maxburg.
Six transfers, total..
household furniture Into the lower part of tW(. cltr fh arc bee Celebrating.
the house. Thomsen accused htm of -leav- I tqwa CITY, la., Nov. 21 (Special.)
Ing th. doors open, and this aroused the Ire jowa clty ct,nwegationallstsand Methodists
i, of Southwell, who knocked inomsen oowu r preparing to hold notable celebrations,
and klckod him several times, displacing 0n November 26 and 2 tha Methodists will
j ! several of his ribs. Southwell finished by jav tn, cornerstone of th. 6jO,odo structure I The supreme court finally determining the
, dragging Thomsen. so tne latter avers, out tnilt la to supersede th. Ore-destroyed ' ullt " Thomas yesterday, it Is believed
in. yai py ims tnumD, ana inomsen nas building on th. same sits. On th. some by the snenrr. omce nere tnat Thomas
not boon able to use the member since. days the Congregationallsts will celebrate ! wl" disclose th. nam. of the person who
Two Indictments were returned against th. golden anniversary of the organisation ! helpod him dispose of the body lq the river,
Simon McGrew. Jr., who was taken Into -0f their church body- in Iowa City. Among 1 all th. evidence being that Thomas was
custody yeaterday and committed to the the notable orators of the ocraxlnn which I sen in a buggy the fatal Sunday morn-
county JtUI In default of bonds placed at will b partly Joint will be Rev. Dr. Rob- I " "Ith another man and the body of
wvu. vno inoicimem cnarges wcurew wtin ert Forbe. of Philadelphia, Rev. Dr. 8. N.
the forgery of a check for 113.23 on th. Fellows, on. of the organisers and during
Stat, bank of Neolo, la., to which he Is fifty years a member of the upper Iowa
alleged to hav. algned the name of Powell ! conference, and Rev. Dr. H. H. Fairall.
editor of th. Iowa Methodist of ths Metho
dist Episcopal church; Rsv. Dr. M. A. Bul
lock of Lincoln. Neb., and Rev. Dr. George
L. Cady of Dubuque of th. Congregational
Gilba. The other indictment is In connec-
tlon with tho same transaction, and chaiges
111 McGraw with uttering a forged instrument.
riincll Ttltiffa. fa.. Yias tha lowaat lum-
bar freight rates, . Hafr has the lowtst I WE ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE TUB
price, aud the best assorted stock of goods. "Arl 1 ML
All vehicle, now on my sample floor will THE WORLD. CALL AND SEE THEM,
b. eloeod out at Cut price, for th. next SKATES AND SLEDS FOR THE BOYa.
M day I must make room for other PETERSON & BCHOENINO CO., HOW.
is the mecca for tourists the world over,
and it is safe to say that none of lis
charm will pass unnoted by Mr. Miltoun in
his Interesting and illuminating descrip
tions of old Provence, and bis appreciative
survey . of the Individual characteristics,
manners and customs of 'this region.
Blanche McManus has contributed a col
ored frontispiece and many illustrations
and decorations. L. C. Page' Co. is th
'"Brooks'' Rf-aders," by Stratton D.
Brooks, are Intended for a good all-round
basal series suitable to any school, and
for all grades from the first to the eighth.
Inclusive. They will sppeal to tsschers
of forget-me-nots, printed In delicate
colors. At the foot of each page Is an
appropriate motto, or ring posy, such as
was In olden times engraved In engage
ment and wedding rings. There are
twelve full page pictures In tint by H.
Putnam Hall. The bindings are English
cloth, with elaborate design In gold and
colors. Published by the Rellly ac Brltton
"The Stained Glass Lady," by Blanche
Elizabeth Wade, is another of the season's
attractive gift books. It might be called a
living fairy story suitable not only for the
children, but for the older folk as well. A
small boy, who had lost hi. mother. Is at
tracted to a beautiful woman whom he sees
Htsstactsrisi Ctctiser
411 Mi avsaus. Now Tsrk
C ,S?i- ' I :
because of their very easy gradation, both j at ih churcn attended cy lie and his
In thought and expression. Although a ; father because he finds a striking resemb-
! i . .i , m ths mcrtira nr ma mninar ft a
goods. Now Is ths time to get good bar
gains at VonBrunt's, '
MarrLnn. kteensas.!.
Ucsnses to wed wer. Issusd jreotajrday
to th. following ;-
Nama and "Rdenoe. - - '
t'.harles O Murphy. Council Bluffs.
J.ulis Oastoa. Council Bluffs.........
''-horles T. Rleslere-. Omhs ....... .
Mar If l:ii.t-uUMia Mryero, innaha.
i.l.imea W'l'dnr: Calif, jF.iU juHitlwn, la., I 5
IJntkiii H.iU, t'yuixal M U., t W
, K
Hotel Clerks' Meeting.
The third annual moeting of th. Hotel
Clerks' association, of Omaha and Council
Bluffs will bo held at the Grand hotel In
this ftty on Monday evening. December t.
Oncers for th. ensuing year wilt ba elected
wt this meeting. Following th. ruistnee so.
slon th. members of the association and a
few Invited friends will bo guests at a din
ner at which M. B. Park, thief clerk of the
Ar. you having trouble with your hard
coal stove? Just try a ton of our Cross
Creek Lehigh and your troubles will end.
Council fluffs Coal and Ic. Co., 'phone 71
Dirt Csae Blood Polaoa.
ATLANTIC. Ia., Nov. !2.-Speclal.)-Charles
Strut x, a tailor ot this plaqe. Is
sufferiog fivm blood poisoning in his
thumb. He went to Walnut one day this
week and. in running to catch u train,
fell and split his thumb- Some particles
of dirt got into the wound, and be did not
have it Attended to until he reached At
Ian tie. . It Is posslbla that he m'glit lo
thtj thumb,
Mabel Scofleld between then.
Swift Case Tomorrow.
The trial of Rev. John II. Swift of Win
terset, la., in tha federal court for send
ing threatening letters through the United
Slates malls will be hoard tomorrow. He
Is alleged to hav. made charges against
W. J. Cornell, a prominent Wlnterset
banker, Impllcttng a young woman of the
town with him.
Former Omabnn nn Wnrpntn.
Wildly shouting defiance, H. B. Moore,
formerly of Omaha, held 'three big police
men at bay for several minutes, yeaierday
afternoon after he had bodily throvyn
Deputy County Jailer llarry McLean out
the window of Moss Levlch's place at' Third
and Walnut. ----- .. . .....
Moor, was finally overpowered and cartod
to. tha city Jail. Hera- he engaged In an
other setto and wus only landed in th. bum
cell after the llvelieat tussle the police
have, had In many a day.
IM oiuicuiiy . aroeu jv-eteixmr morning
wide variety of reading matter It pro
vided, good literature embodying child in
terests has been considered of fundamental
Importance. Lessons ot similar nature sre
grouped together, and topics relating to
kindred subjects recur somewhat regularly.
By th. use of these books the child will b.
made acquainttd with th. masterpieces of
many famous writers. He will gain a
knowledge ot many subjects and acquire
pure and attractive Ideals of Ufa and con
duct, and he will also be taught a love of
country and given glimpses Into the life
of other lands. In mechanical appearance
tha books ar. as attractive as they ran be
made. Each volume contains a large num
ber of choice Illustrations, which, with th.
exception of a few reproductions of famous
paintings, have been made especially to fit
ths selections. Published by th. American
Book company,
"The Women of the Confederacy," by
Rev. J. T Underwood, master of arJ ot
Mercer university snd captain and chaplain
in the confederate army, presents the hero
ism of the women of ths confederacy with
accounts of their trials during the war
and th. period of reconstruction. The
author, himself a soldier, not only knows
the ond!ttoDs of mblch he writes, their
significance and historical value, but he has
stained glass window In the church. They
become acquainted informally, and the
young woman, being an Imaginative per
son and a Jover of children, the attract Ion
is mutual. This attachment supplies to the
small boy th. affection for which he hung
ers, his father being too busy to show all
his lov. and th. aunt who cared for him
being too occupied In training him In the
way be should go. It Is a picture of simple
love and childish trust that will appeal to
all who read It, as It Is full of sentiment of
various kinds. There are Illustrations and
6)e Wale '..
Adding Machine
' Is the latest, most modern,
up-to-date Adding at d
Listing Machine on tU
markets It mast bo seen'
to be appreciated.
Correspondence Solicited. ' '
, Trial Examination Free.
A. L. McCrearyV
- Nebraska Agent, . . i -P.
O. BOX . 881 L1ACOLK. '
over payment of lbs Cue uf James Ltrjwn, ja ap lov and adinlraUuu tor tha pa-
nt Mranaal rbaras ar. ssersrsd tn che
asllgbtilil Mttle seaaiUe tf Ut h
ni toilet.
ED. Pin&UD'S
m ms sf th. In diss ana S las for tjr
l4y's bath, atamlssr and haadkercatef,
Ts man it Is most esaionUig to mm
after st.svlsg. - - -SV4
IS saata n say tat pnam sad San
aa Sm S l!WM Saats'a,
11 "ftu.1 IWni kuyctj
Do "Your
Do year glasses cause diaoosaforU f
Do they suasc your eves sens I
crfect filling glaaac never caaaa
discomfort iLcy ansSs the vision
aonai. Caeooafui tiiln glass
dos l fit may be tbey feld oauc, but
(lie eye sre connuy ciuuagisg.
Is suy case, Uiey are
the wrong glAsses
sad wrong glosses ' wars, than
no st anea.
If yoiw flaaars are sot evnrct1
omUjelaUU, Dun t wait a auiauia .
com to tut and we U gir yon tn.
rv4eaea. - -
frlE H J
lna ITS