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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1906)
10 TIIE OMAIIA DAIIiY BEE: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER O-J ixh;. SPECIAL I10TICES Adirrtlirmmu tor these rolarjti will be takes antll 12 m. for the vnlg edition Bad antll S m. for toe MoralnK ana daiidar edition. Rates 1 l-e a ward flrat Insertion, Je a ward thereafter. Rata! taken far Im ( 24 e for h rt laaer floa. These advertisement ma at be ran eoasera t Ively. Advertiser. b reojaeatlas; n -nan-feered eheek, n have nnw ers ad dreaaad ta a, nam bered letter la car of The Bee. Ana were aa addreaaed will be dellTered oa presentation at cheek. r . MISCELLANEOUS Flrat Winter Term Eoyles Business College and School of Telegraphy Opens Monday, December 3, Day and Night. The free catalogue Is redy ask for It. H. B. ROYLES. President Bnyles Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. D MX, GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., Hi 8. 15th St. Tl. Douglas 651. H 4 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of Are escapee, shutters, doors and safes., G. Andreen, Frop. 102 8. 10th St. R S5 SIGN PAINTING B. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. It m IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. R-OMJ HEFLIN Locksmith, moved upstairs: en trance, 134 Farnani. Tel. Doug. 2974. R 4S9 RUBBER STAMPS Western Stamp and Stencil Co., 312 8. 12th St. Send for cata logue. R-M3fi5 D6 DAVIS BROS.. Machinists:- general repair Ing. 14(6 Jackson St. Tel. Douglas 2S90. R-M7I2 VVi FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS TWO Besley letter rablnets. In gnod condi tion, made of walnut and nave two draw ers each. Call at Bco business office and get a bargain. Q 14ix FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool table?: wo lead the world in cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Balke-Collendar. 17 8. lth St. Q 70 BEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon rug Co., Omaha. Q 671 MILK cows, easy terms, 43d and Center. Q ;; SODA FOUNTAIN, any size. IMS Farnam. Q 07S SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint. Sherman & McConntll Drug Co. 0-T4 HALL'S safes, new. Id-hand. 1818 Farnam. Q 4476 FOR SALE Empty parking cases, cheap. Address IJ 38. Bee office. Q 144 OMAHA AUCTION CO. Doug. 6753. F. Kith. Tel. Q M D14 ONE -tnch Jenkins' vnlvo for sale. Apply W. H. iirldges, engineer, Bee Bldg. Q-MIU'X m UNREDEEMED 16th. overcoats, 41 S No. Q M.lfis D15 YES. try It, $.7o ton, Missouri nut coal. 'Phone Douglaa 2417. HARMON A: WEETH CO. . Q-M441 D7 Nails n kog. SUr Box Co.. St. Mary's av. Q-MIM1 30 FREE music lessons for 3 months with each pew piano purchiised before January 1. MATHEWS PIANO CO., 1513 Harney St. . .. . Q-217 PIS , Bo US'-'D pianos aud organs must be sold het'oro inventory January' 1. 1W7. See us lor prices and terms. MATHEWS PIANO CO , 1BJ3 Harney St. i .... Q-216 IJ PURE apple, cldor. vln gar. grape wine, apples, popcorn and cauniid fruits, deliv-etu-.l. E. G. Solomon, 'phono Benson 15t. , Q 204 2flx FOR SALE Empty Ink bairels. Inquire of J. P. Campbell, Beo mall room. Q olS KOP. SALE Cheap, six-hole Majestic ranc, with water back; splendid condi tion. 5w7 California St. phone iv-ug. Q-M3S 24x NEW typewriter S (i H. ISth. will sell regardless price. Q M:i 2f.x BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change If you have h (arm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. Omaha, Ne'j. Y-Mil Dl MINES and mining and lndusrlal vtocks bought and sold. Robt. C. Drueedow, atock Broker, M N. Y. Life Bldg. - Y-M990DI WE OWN property aurrounded by mlnea In the famous Bullfrog district in southern Nevada. For particulars address the Ne vada Standard Gold Mining and Milling Co.. guy New York Life Bldg.. Omaha, Veb. . Y-M!a Dl ARE. you from Missouri? If ao, I will show you how to gt $!.) for an Investment of $27. We ara building the greatest electric R. R. In the world and want 1,V0 stock lmldcra In Omaha. Our first Ihsuo fold at S2o. second at . and the third issue at - J.'7 la nearly all gone. All stock la of the , par value of IHiO per share and all re deemable by the company at par. Monthly payments of ona-tenth each month for i ' or more shares. If you mean business wrlta me and I "will ahow you." Address W. F. Porter, fiscal agent, room New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Y W FOR SALE Ztnc mtne, foO.oiio; ten acres, 20 per cent royalty, large auo-ton mill, enougn ore to run mill over Ave years, netting J7..0 per week now. Jamot Brown, Miners' Bank Bldg-, Joplln, Missouri. Y-M981 24x FOR SALE Boarding house furniture and buKiiiexn; good locution in Omaha. Ad drees la 3!"G. Bee. Y M 23x 'j'OWNSEND REALTY CO., Fremont. Nub. Have Imp. farms, wild lands, atk. , mdxe. for sale; cun Ura other property aa partial payment. Y Ml D17x FIRST-CLASS paying restaurant. Ji-ii!; two grocery atocka, ll.uiio each; grocery, : feed, coal and fixtures, I2.60; two-chair .barber shop, &u; blacksmith and wujiin ahop, Alva Smith Co., Co. Bluffs, la. Y-MlSiJ 1 WRITE for market Utter; sent rrec upon request; complete rcuine Nevada mials iMratlnna. Puu ick Flliott Camp, Con-s.-rvatlve Brokers and Mine Maker. Gold fiold, Nov. Y27 22x 1 l'OR SALO Blacksmith and wagon shop; well located, with extra good business. Townsend Realty Co., Fremont. Neb. Y-M25 D21x FOR SALh-Good drug store In good aouth-ceu: ral Ne'iruska town. Address Y lX Omaha B"f. Y M FOR 8ALK OR EXCHANGE First -cl-ss aeneral stock inilBe. ia.(i; stoie MilUt- 1g litixli. t slortHt, H fni; residence, H.mi; want clear land; doing larite business; no fake trades entertained: located In kihxI ainall fjwn in luwa. AddresK Ceo. J, Shoeiihalr, loa Fulla. la. Y-51C 23x MOST up-to-date millinery store iu the leading lUaimi sire( of Co. Blufts; will Bell ihoup; party wihhlng to leave city. Addreea tl 4i. Bee. Y MUD 2x THERE is a way to make money In Nada iiuni?ig atockii; we will tell you h..w In our rniirk.-t letter, fent tree for asking. PhI ivk Ellio't l Camp, Oi'ns-rvativs Bro kers and Mine Makers," GuldMeld. Nev. FOR RENT FARMS WILL rent cheup for caah or will sell ) acres, well improvej; l acres cultivated, )lnce hay. p'uie and timber: even purili ot t'oum-H Blufls, on inh )-moiii sell. Addi3 1X3 S. wlt. Omaha, WANTEDMALE HELP WANTED Young men of grind habits and with high school education to study drafting and structural englnenrlnn; tracers make from HO to t1"0 rr month: draftsmen from tl' to $10 per month; entlnenrs from $1.V0 to llrt.Ow P" year; positions always open all over the coun try and demand for men cannot be run plied; we can prepare yon to become a. good tracer In 4 months; a good structural and bridge draftsman In from 4 to 12 months, according to talent, and can guar antee you a rxlinn as soon as efficient: young men with common school education can take up preparatory work; all In struction given personally, two evenings per week, and studies can bn carried on while working at other work; a new clnr will be orranlzed Ix-cember '.: nil Inter ested are requested to write for Informa tion. Address M 3"a, care Bee. B M13I 30 -. . - AUTOMOBILE drivers, mechanics, chauf feurs, repairmen, demonstrators, sales men, parage managers wanted all over the country; 1!'7 will offer great oppor tunities and high salaries for competent men. Our practical nuto education ran be acquired bv night etudv st small monthly cost. Positions secured through our em ployment bureau. We have the only prac tical series of text books in existence nnrt our instructors are experts. Study now and be ready for the spring opportunities. For full particulars. Including one free lesson and dictionary of motoring terms, address The Correspondence School of Au tomobile Engineering, suite 1!5. American Oarage, 40 W. fifth St., New Vork City. SALESMEN: Different lines, $7B to $150. OFFICE CLERKS: 3 railroad, $50 whole sale. 14"; extension. ); mfg.. $.0. STENOGRAPHERS: Railroad, $5; mfg.. $70; wholesale. $Hfi; lumber, loo. MANAGERS: Jewelry. IJtti: gen. store, ll' and others. BOOKKEEPERS: General store, 10ft. Call or write for complete list of vacancies. Immediate action Is required on the po sitions listed. ' WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N. INC., 840-2 N. Y. Llle Uldg. B 297 22 WANTED YOUNG MEN OF GOOD HABITS Age 18 to 35, to prepare for fire men and brakemen on all the leading railroads and for new roads now being completed; experience unnecessary: fire men, $100 per month; brakemen, $M per month, with rapid promotion to engineer and conductor. Many positions now open. National Ry. Training Ass'n, 620 X. Pax ton block, Omaha, Neb. B-102 Dl WANTFD Five boya; good wages; perma nent job. A. D. T. Co., $13 S. 13th St. B 67t DRUG STORES bought and sold; drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knelst, 634 N. Y. U B-4T77 WANTED Fcr the V. 8. Marina Corps, men between ages 21 and 35. An oppor tunity to see the world. For full In formation apply in person or by letter to Recruiting Officer. V. S. National Bank tilde-. Cor. 12th and Farnam Sts.. Omaha, Neb. B M620 Sox WANTEDa-Butter tub hoopers: write oa. Crete Butter Tub Co.. Crete, Neb. B M307 8 COATMAKER wanted at once. Carl P. Llndecrantz, Holdrege, Neb. , B M771 23x TWO hustlers to handle a new line Christ mas articles; city work. 1619 Howard. B M133 D2 U. 8. NAVY enlists for four years young men and mechanics of grud physique and character. Good pny. Hceordlng to qualifications. Advancement when qual ified. Navy Recrutlng Stations, Omaha. Lincoln, Hastings, Sioux City and Dcs Moines. B MS7 Dl'i WANTED Men to learn barber trade. We prepare you for positions; 912 to ?9 weekly. Most thorough system of tl:e kind in the world, located in 28 leading cities. Tools given; wages In flnlsMng room; positions and locations waiting. Call or write, Moler Barber College 1116 Farnam St. B MS66 23x PHOTO-ENGRAVERS' WANTED Etchers, photographers and finishers; best wages paid: open shop. F. P. Russell, 221 Olive 6t.. St. Louis. B-M3S7 23x . WANTED 2 men and Co., East Omaha. boys. Omaha Box B M309 TEN me n to drive teams. Sunderland Bros. Co., 20th and Hickory and 24th and Taylor. B213 22 . WANTED An all around printer; no boozer. Anchor Publishing Co., raom 1 Patterson Bldg. . , iB M234.. i - . ' ' ' WANTED Chicken pickers at Lincoln Poultrv, Butter and , Egg Co., Lincoln, Neb. Will pay 3c straight. B-M248 24 WANTED Young man to learn sheet music buainess: steady lob. Inquire be fore 9 a. ni. A. Hospe Co., 1513 Douglas.' WANTED Bright boy. 1 to 1" years of ago, tor work In railroad office; good chance for advancement for right my. Address In own handwriting. Address E MM. Bee. B M301 23 WANTED Laborers on water trenches at ! Fort Omaha. Apply at Fort Omaha or I 61 tSC illdg. U M-0 Z4 w ... EXPERT cylinder presa foeder; Century press; ten hours; state wages. Wire Pa triot. Clay Center. Neb. UJSO 22 WANTED At once. 15 bovs. some for Saturday and others for reirular workj friee Mr. Harvey, main noor. tne nenneii Co. B-314 22 WE NEED: Several bookkeepers. Several stenographers. Several office clerks. Several retail clerks, la different lines. Call Ht once of write. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N. INC.. Suite 840-2 N. Y. Lite Bldg. B M333 23 WANTED Immediately, two tailors. C. F. Striitt. Atlantic. Is. B M334 27 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Young girl about 14 or 16 years to wheel baby morning and afternoon. 432 S. 3Mb Ave. C M-biJ GIRL wanted for general housework: must be good cook; two In family; salary satis factory. W08 So. 32d Ave. C 85 BCO GIRLS wanted to work In shirt factory. M. E. Smith & Co., 11th and Douglas. C-MW3 24 GIRL wanted in family of three. 3Uth St 210 South C-M175 WANTED General housework girl: also second girl; highest wages; small family; every convenience. Farnam car. lis N. 3Uth St. C-211 WANTED At once. H cash girls, over 15 years of age. Apply general offics, 3J floor. The Bennett Company. C 239 22 COMPETENT housemaid. Ward M. Burgei.s, 1-2 N. Apply to Mrs. 22 J Si. C-M2H8 24 WANTED An experienced girl for general housework. No. itiod St. Mary's Ave. Tel ephone D. 3272. C MX!) Six COOK and second girl; references required. 3613 Farnam. C 313 EXPERIENCED lady cloth s Ironerg and mangle girls. City Steam Laundry. 211 S. Uth. C 812 23 WANTED SITUATION A BROAD-MINDED, earnest business man wanting a thoroughly reliable yiunij man of ability aa private m-cietury, maiM'T, aleamn or "ad" writer; salary-. $;o; sober, tnduttlrtoua; ibHyly no lad hab its; referenca. men of high distinction urul hoiH.r. Addrcsa Philip A. Lama. Brown ing. Mo. A MX 23x . WANTED Position by experienced mill ana fn'wuui mxi, nuw umm Ad- dre Y l'U. Omaha Bee. A-M204 23x MARRIED man 33 years old. wants position bv January lit, fifteen years exteri-tice in banking and cash grain bu.iinees. Have litlon. but want bett-r one. Ollt edge references. Address F-407, Ueo. A-: 22x WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Men with team and xlg to sell a line of high grada family remedies. Vices and exuicis to consumers; must l,e honest, oober and Industrious. Th GladMune Mvdlclns Co., Hawarden. Ia. L MUbSj. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute. Doug laH. 41$ N Y. U Tel PR. BOW'S'JR, owr P&Ug. tji 15U0 Farnam. VeU It cosfs Utile to get what you want Use a Bee want ad. FORWENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Frnm. Doug. 611. O.M.E. Hauls Trunks D-7 CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol Ave.; onij kwi or European, steam pci- NICE, targe, southeast room; nlcelv fur- ineu; an conveniences; electric ngni bh-i a. Phona Douglaa 337. 2!7 S. ?Mh t. E I'll 3 ItOOMS, light housekeeping. 1112 So. 11th DU td OM 5 RfXIMS, furnished. $16; 4 rooms, 1 fur nshed, 8; city water. 3213 Emmet St. E Zto 23 TWO nicely furnished fi-ont rooms, compute ror light housekeeping, with steam neai and bath. 2019 Webster St. E M2-2 2ix FURNISHED rooms for gentleman; pri vate family. 21 N. ISth. E 3"7 ?St FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD PLEA8ANT steam heated rooms and board; also furnished apartment for housekeeping; 2 or 4 persons. 212 S. i5ih St. 'Phone Doug. 3138. F-M2J6 VIENNA cafe. hotel; private dining rooms; F-&3 THE ROSE. 2020 Harney St., nicely fur nished, warm, comfortable rooms. Good board. F 430 24x MODERN rooms, home cooking, reason able prices; 2215 Howard; 'Phone Douglaa 3i68. F '; ' THE Bachelors has vacant a few large rooms, suitable for two persons. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THREE nice large rooms, furnace, gas and range connection. 1907 Wirt St. Tel. Red 2557. Q-M1S4 FOR RENT Thrte rooms for light house keeping. 810 So. 27th St. G M223 26x A SUITE of . 4 unfurnished rooms. 621 So. 24th Ave. G-272 23 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES A VERY DESIRABLE office, room 548, with south and east light, is partitioned, one room being 6-11x19-8 and the other 19-8x21-7; has large size fire-proof vault; janitor service and electric light free. This is one of our best suites of offices in the building. StC Mr. Baker, S'jpt., Bee Bldg., 17th and Farnam. 1 520 FOR RENT Desk room In Bco office, city hall building. 417 N. 25th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 FOR RENT Irge corner store room. Will and Vinton Sts., $20. C. .M. Bach mam), 43G Paxton Blk. I MO THE two store rooms, with baaements, at 70;-7 S. 16th street; tbO pur month for both. inquire or R. C. PETERS A CO.. Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. I-M4S4 DESK room In one of the large offices, partitioned off, 110 per month. See Mr, Baker. Supt., Bee Bidg. 1521 STORE ROOM, 16th and Harney, 25x100 ft Can be vacated about Dec. 15, IOibS. Ad dress F 440. llec. I M659 FOR RENT One large store building; cor ner location. wm. Rutiodge, Herman, Neb. I M14S 24X STORAGE SPACM FOR RP:NT About -4.0)0 feet of floor space on flrat floor In .substantial brick building. Can bo dlviaea. l. j. Bievena, iw i. x. juu niag. i A11S4 BAKEEY Large store room, large bake room, with cemented floor: furnace-heated bake oven: all steam heat"d; 1718 Nicholas St., (list the place mid locution for a live mnn to supply t lie trade and at same time retail. BF.MIS, Paxton Block. 1 ii it BUILDING 1h Farnam; 2?xl00; S floors and basement. Apply 314 First National Bank E!d. t M.i-f MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS Easy to Get. Easy to Eepay MONEY On our new plan In which we give you a copy of the contract with a written guar ante.rl REBATE. FURNITURE, PIANO AND SALARY LOANS. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Doug. 32i 306 S. 16th St. (Established 1892.) X M848 NORTH LIGHT Office on sixth floor, 104x2O, will be vacant December 1st, suitable for architect or anyone needing a good light. Janitor service and electric lights free. Ak fr Mr. Baker, Superintendent Bee Building, 17th and, Farnam. 1-308 SALARIED PEOPLE and others furnished money upon their own names, without security; easy Pay. meats; offlcea In 63 Principal cities. Sava yourself money bv grtlng my terms nrat, li. tt. I OLiki AiN, 714 New fork Ufa Bldg. X-70 DR. PKIBBENOW S MONEY. loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses. etc., in auy auiuum, . luu uu v , perfect privacy; Immediate attention; auy terms wanted. Payments suspended when alck or out ol work. ii Karoacn hik. 209 South tfth SU K-7uX Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chattels of salary; easy to get; no red tap ; you get money aaine day aakad for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. X 84J EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable, accom modallng; all busineas confident) iL 1101 DougUs. X-S44 MONEY loaned on planoa, furniture, Jew elry, lioraes. coaa, ate C. F. Reed, 310 8. Uth. X-846 FURNITURE, live ' atock. aalary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room $, Barker block. X-Mi ' CHATTELS, aalary and Jewelry loans. I Foley Loan Co.. 1504 Farnam til. X-6M CHATTEL Credit Co. and salary loans. 633 Paxton block- Pnoenlx X-8W DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING In family or at home. Miss Stuidy, 2H6 Davenport. 'Phone Har ney 212. Mi- MTKDWELL system of dressmaking and cutting; patterns cut to measure; lessona Tuesday aul Thuifcday evenings. 1J Farnam. --Mali Nj MRS. E. FOSTER, drejsinaker, 20u4 No. 22d St. 'Phone Doug. 6S. 751 D23 DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMORB Deuctlve Service. "Phone Red 74ul. Rooma 1J and 14. Union Block, 15h and Farnam. M 67$ Dili " . AMKii.A.-N utitiiivt AoauiMuu.v luuuiy utKHiuivuuni(. . v. w 457, Omaha. M-52 D15x WINES AND LIQUORS SOL 8. OOLDSTROM Whlskica. wlnea and Iniuors for family uk. Mail orders given I buuth Omaha. Neb. Opposite Stock Yaids. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS SEE R. H. LANDEKYOU, BOARD OF TRADE New modern home, 20th and Burdette, two lots, paved street, all special taxes paid, 9 rooms, modern In every de tail, buUt for home, J4.S00. Cottage home, 3319 Maple St., lot 60x120, permanent walks, gas and water, sewer, snap, $1,400. Cheap lot, 2Wh and Mander son St., 60x125. t3.755. New cottage, 29th and Spalding St., 6 rooms, modern except furnace, on very easy terms to good party, 32,100. House and three lots, 33d and Corby, big bargain, $2,800. Meredith Ave., house, 3332, 7 rooms, very nice home, $1,500. House and two lots, 26th and Grande Ave., N. W. corner, $2,600. R. II. Landeryou, 442 Board of Trade. Tel. Douglas 2151-5634. RE-294 22 A. P. Tukey & Son HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS 2422 South 18th, $200 cash, balance mbnthly. 2424 South ISth, $175 cash, balance monthly, 2426 South 18th, $150 cash, balance monthly Burdette, $300 cash, balance monthly, 2539 Burdette, $300 cash, balance monthly. 2S15 North 26th, $260 cash, balance monthly, 2517 North MOi, $260 cash, balance monthly. A. P. TUKEY & BON. 444-445 Board of Trade. 'Phone Doug. 2181. RE 241 22 FOR SALE 6-room cottage; modern: ce ment walks; snade; lot b.xlOO; one block to two car lints; tine neighborhood; deal witn owner. W9 N. S4th St. RE M2'l 2ax $80 AN ACRE will buy the best 240 acres or land, right In the blossom spot of Ne braska, 8 miles from Lyons, Burt county. Nebraska. For Information write to box 11. Lyons, Neb: RE 292 22 Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Let us show you our list of city property, acres, improved iarms ana cneap westorn tanas. BERKA ft CO.. TeL Douglas-2S65. 941 N. Y. Life Bide, TWO modern houses at the southwest cor ner of 31st a no Cass Bts.. with ground on which to build another house. Paved street, east fiont, nice shade trees. Make ma an offer for ona or both. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room Y. Ufa Bldg. RE-691 MODERN home. 75 feet front, nerfect con anion, hwj; owner must sen. imji wirt. kk Mia) SUBURBAN BUILDING SITE. On 30th St. car line, 1 mile south of Flor ence, 2 acres, nice timber, fine for home, Price now $1,500. W. T. GRAHAM, BEE BLDG. RE-244 22 ALL modem 9-room house and lot for sals at a bargain. V23 No. mil RE M'Jl H. R. STRINGER, 111G Jackson. Doug. 72H1, RE-M760 30 FOR SALE Houses and lots near Kountse I'lace. iittruains. inquire ssm N. 24tu a RE M177 DS FOR SALE Apartment house consisting of six apart ments. In excellent locality. A safe, pay ing Investment, look over me ngures: Monthly Rent. Expenses fcr Year, $37.50 Taxes .$ 253.00 37.60 Insurance .... 37.60 Repairs 35.00 Col. of rents.. :.H) Depreciation . 35.00 Water 70. CO 1TO.0O 24o.t' 00.00 I Janitor 12O.00 Heat 24o. u Total $217.60 $1,313.00 Gross rentals per year $2,f.l0.o Expense 1,3' 3.00 Net Income $1,297.00 Capitalised at 6 per cent gives value of $21. blrt. ' i For sale at $17.0u). W. II. THOMAS, 503 First National Bank Bld'. . RE-31S 23x FOUR NEW 8-ROOM MODERN Hardwood casing and floors, full basement; owner and builder haa one in Kountze Place nnd three in West Farnam district; been asking $4.5; will now se!l one or two at $3,800 to raise some money. W. H. GATES. 617 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-M332 36 HERE IS A SNAP Owner removed to Denver and property must be sold at once. Four-room house 'In Benson, three lota; cheap at $600.00. House worth $1,000.00; will take $1.35000 for place if sold at once. Terms, $350 rash, balance In payments. BENSON & CARMICIIAEL, 642 PAXTON BLOCK. "Phone Douglas 14S2. RE 317 23 FOR BALE OR TRADE Ixit S. block S, Everett Place. Addresa John R. Cotton, 120 E. Main St.. Ottumwa, la. RE323 Ox MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 14 Farnam, i and 6 per cent loan on real estate; no delay. W-w7 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 066 WANTED City loana and warranta. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1J20 Farnam St. W-6o LOWEST RATES Bemia. Paxton Block. W-6T1 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 1520 Doug. W-6,2 II.OjO.Ow) TO LOAN on business and real- I deuce properly in rnan; lowtti rates', no jtUy. Thomas Brennan, It. 1, N. y. Life W 473 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters A Co. W-674 City & farm loans. O. F. Carson Co., N Y L. W-475 LOANS on Immovad city property, w. H. Xiiwi, M First National Bank Bldg w-; FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT. 412 Indiana Ave., 8 rms., modern except furnace, $20. t 221S N. 27th Ave., 6-rm. cottage, modern except furnace, good condition, $.'3. 2424 8. 10th St., 8 rms., modern except fur nace, $20. 3224 PoppVeon Ave., 9 mis., strictly mod ern, Jt. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Fl. N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Douff. 17S1. DM300 23 GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. 221G Charles, 12 rooms, modern $3o.00 70i So. 21th Ave., new 6-r. brick flat.... S: .60 2fo2 Jones 8t.. good 8-r. modern 32.60 .1217 Pacific, good 7-r. modern 26.00 1102 So. Dth St., 8 rooms, city water and gas 2F.00 IMfl locust, good -r. modern 25.00 Jnai So. i"th. -r. modern tint , avaO ;22 Hoyd. new 5-r. cottage 1S.00 0 Iiae, 5-r.. bath, gas 12.00 836 Charles, good 6-r 15.00 820 N. 23d. 4-r. cottage 10.00 OARV1N BROS., 1004 FARNAM ST. P-M291 25 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest nces. 'lei. jLiougiaa l'.Jh. ticnmoiier a lueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. HOUSES ,n rrU of th c,t'r-. R UUUOM C. Peters at Co.. Bse Bldg. D S!l llUUOXilJ o. if. u.-H. Cm. Urm R:o. D f HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. u an OMAIIA Van A. Storage Co., pack, move. store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-P4 N. Utn. Office. 1611 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 155. D B7 A. T. TUKEY & SON Houses to be Rented We have the following houses, which have been under repair nnd now must be rented. 1 hey are renting for lis, and we mignt take Some less. 2t71 Dodge, 5 rooms with basement. 17 Corby, 6 rooms. ' 1812 Corby. 6 rooms. Also. 4118 Farnam, C rooms, modern, for which $30 has been the price. 1 A. P. TUKEY & SON. 444-445 Board of Trade. 'Phone Doug. 2181. D 242 22 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. Doug, ltlni. Office, 1713 Web ster St. D tWS SEE ut when shipping household goods to large cities west. We can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. 1196. D S COUNSMAN-VAN BURGH CO, storage and tiansfer. Best storage housa in the city. Immediate attention given. 162S-31-33 N. 16th St. Tel. Douglas 4619. D 690 CENTRAL, steam, modern T-room house. Tizard, $20 N. 23d. D Mbl FOR RUNT S-room fiat, modern, good re pair, opposite Hanscoin park $33. 'Prions Douglaa D 151 FOR RENT Modern, 9-room. brick housa, 1126 South 31st St.; $40 per month. Thomas Brennan, room 1 N. Y. Life Bldg. D M368 QTHRAniV. Household goods, tner OlUitAU chandi. ec. Fred Luaa Transfer Line, 11W3-5 Farnam St. D M528 D9 FOR RENT -room house, all modern ex cept furnace $20. . . 9-room house, all modern, new furnace $36. C. M. BACHMANN, 436 Paxton Block. D 492 6-ROOM house, 2536 Rees St.. water ln kitchen, oak finish down stairs, stair to largo attic. $15. BEM1S. PAXTON BLOCK. D 791 'T2"00 ThmniTnn' S a a'h Ave., $32.50. Thomas Brennan. Room 1, New lork Life Bidg. D M8 7-ROOM brick house, modern, loll N. 2Stli, J'JO; good and warm. Turklngton. 602 Bee Bldg. , D-M840 NEW 5-rodm house; modern except fur nace; located four houses eaat of 36th on Burdette St., and the second house west from 34th St.; rent, $16 per month. BEM18, Paxton Blk. D M8i9 7-ROOM modern house, 527 S. 27th St. D-243 22x SUITE five elegant, large, modern, partly furnished rooms, fine location, one block from car, ground floor. Cheap rent. Ref erences exchanged. S54 North lth. D-MI.63 23x I REDUCED RENTALS FOR GOOD TEN- ANTS. 1 12-r.. entirely modern, best repair, very de- slrable. 241 6herman Ave.. t?,tj; B-r., mod ern, close in, b. inn, -r.. modern, best condition, choice location, 2204 Maple, a bargain -at $20: 8-r., mod., select. 2S10 N. 22d. $20; 5-r., tnod., choice, 2820 Slier man Ave., $20: 8-r.. mod.. 3401 Decatur. $?; 7-r.. 1710 N. 21th, $15; 2-r.. 2d and Spring, $3. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO.. 432-33-31 Ramge Bldg., 15th and Harney. D 269 23 FOR RENT Bright, light, pleasant office, 634 Paxton Blk. J. H. PARROTTE. D-271 24 FOR RENT Larse home, modern, barn, good lawn and ehadu; carllne. 201g Pa cific St. 'Phone C. Whitney. Douglas 1212. D M305 2u 6-ROOM flat, second floor, 24".) Caldwe'l St.; modern except furnace; $lri. Turklngv ton. 602 Bee Bldg. D M2M 24 8-ROOM house; electric light; water rind sewer; large vard; $lt: XiXl Lariinore Avn. Turklngton, 6"2 Bee Bids. D MJM 25x MODERN home on Blnney street; 10 rooms, fine bam; ceme-nt walks: one-half block from 24th St., car line. Tel. Harney Ko. D 'Mi 28 FOR RENT 7-room modern flat, hot water heat, telephone Douglas HUS. D 310 Z5x GOING TO MOVE? Costs less, breakage considered, to have an expert pack your chiia and glass; 20 years' experience: charges reasonable. Jos. Burns, Tel. Har ney 112!. D 311 D21x 113H So. t h Ave., 11 rooms, modern. $15. 1113 Park Ave., 8 rooms, modern, $45. 33 Pacific St., 8 rooms, modern. $3t. 41 If Farnam St.. 6 rooms, modern. $iu. 644i Seward St.. 6-room cottage, n-w, $18. (-room furnished house from December 15 to March 1. $.. See list ut office. Hastings Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. D-S15 23 HOUSES TO LET 1537 Park Ave., 8 rooms, modern, $35.00. 1333 South 28th, 7 rooms, modern except furnace, $21.00. 851 South 21st St., 5 rooms, modern except furnace, $20.00 W. FARNAM SMITH A COMPANY, 1320 Farnam Street. D MSJO 23 COTTAGES TO LET 3213. 3215 and 8216 North 25th Ava., one-hulf block north of Spencer street. & rooms each. Thee will Ihj new ly,fapered and painted throughout, with new porcnea, cement cellar and permanent wulka and ready for oecupsncv about December 1. W. FARNAM SMITH COMPANY, 132U Farnam Street. I-MT:i 25 FENCING ANCHOR and Iron Fencing: Wire Fencing ic per foot, lue N. 17th kl Tel. tted kit k--7 DU PERSONAL 6EWIN.3 mnchln'-s rented, sny mas. 7x per week or $.(.00 per month. Second hand machines for sale. WOO and up. Neb. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney. U TIZ fRTVATK CONFINEMENT HOME. Mrs. Dr. King, Oiii N. 21st St. Tel. Doug. :!. U-15 P L E A T I N Cl ButV.ns.KK Jti mg. 1 LLill 1 111 VJ Kmbrriderirg. Xyelng And rlimnln and shrink- 1 big; only 6c per yard, feenti for price list mull 4iinpir. OOLPMAN PLEATING CO.. 100 Douglas Block. Tal. Douglas 1W, U T18 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM. Tel. Doug. 264. 211 S. 11th St. U J17 SHE SALVATION ARMY aollclt csto(T clothing: in fact, anything you do not reed; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St, for cost of collecting to the worthy pKr. Call phone Doug. 4Ri and Wagon will call. V SU ""REE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college. Hth and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cas; all treatment aupervlsed by college professors. "Phone Doug. ll7. Call! answered day or night. U 129 4hE CITY GARBAGE CO.. oftrce 4th and Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas 1387. J 18 PURVEYING. Bllckensderfer. 813 Bee Bid U-719 OMAHA Stammerers Institute. Ramge U 720 Bldg. MAGNETTnttmnt and bath. MM 4rxvixixiV a,nUn ug w u Kd floor. U MA ANY POOR GIRL ln need of friend call or write to the matrou of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 8824 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. U-MW0 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. Ths Good Samaritan San itarium, 728 First Ave., Council Blufts. la. Tel. 774. U-322 CHAMPION carpet cleaning. Douglas 65S. 1(28 Leavenworth. U M476 D PALMQUIST Hamilton. custom shoemaker. 4124 U M470 D8 MASSAfllV. Swedish movement. 410 N. 1U00U Wtn Koom ,econd floor. U-M9S2 Dl MOTHER'S BREAD Ask your grocer for Z. H. Reeder's MOTHER'S BREAD. U-M9S7 Dl r PENNELL Millinery Co.. 322 North 16th U 722 Jan i Dl. RUPTURE CURED No knife, no pain, no detention from business. Call or wrl;a for booklet, etc. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO., 611 Woodmen of World Bids. Omaha. XI ",21 CHRISTENSON. Douglas lt69. carpet cleaning. Tel. U-K28 D14 TYPEWRITERS All makes, for rent, $2 to $4 month. Central Typewriter Exchange, 16ui Leavenworth. 'Phone Red-6.9. U-MjiT 2$ 6YRINGES. rubber goods, by mail; cut Erirea; send for free catalogue. Myera dllon Drug Co., Omaha. U 724 PRIVATE DETECTIVE. 467, Omaha. P. O. lock box U-M853 D15x TYPEWRITERS rented. $2.30 per month: all makes; satisfaction guaranteed. Fox 'typewriter & Supply Co., 1822 Farnam BL C Mi7 DS FOR-anything ln the sewing machine line go to P. E. Flodman & Co., 1614 Capitol Ave. U-M14JD7 Masque costumes. Lleben. Tel. 4115. Open sr. U-M443 DR. VOGEL'S private home for ladles be . f ora and during confinement; test and cheapest in the city. 2319 S. 13th St. U M45 30 A Dollar Free for You This coupon will be taken as $1 payment on a $10 purchase of shoes, hats or cloth ing, balance paid as you earn It. HOME CREDIT CLOTHING COMPANY. 1520 Dodge St., Cor. 16th. U 216 D18 REMOVAL. WOLF BROS. CO. HAVE REMOVED to 1313 Howard. , ... . ..... Tel. Douglaa 0(. U 240 D19 ARTISTIC plnno tuning: work guaranteed. 'Phone Doug. 7313. Mathews Piano Co., 1513 Harney. U 218 D18 ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Pax ton's salve. B. J. Scanell, agent. 5ii9 Ware Blk. U 270 D20 ' A RED, coarse, unsightly kln made fair by Satin Skin Cream and Powder. 2fic. MEDICAL DR. PRIES, specialist, women's diseases, weaknesses, discharges. Irregularities cured painlessly and safely. Withnell block, lath and Harney. Room 2, Omaha. 725 BEST nerve bracer for men, "acay's Nerva Food Pills," $1 box, postpaid. Sherman & m McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha 726 FOR SALE FARMS I OWN S.000 acres of tin rice land on rail road, within seven to ten of Hous ton, ths best and most progressive city In Teis. Will sell in tracts of 320 acres and over, to actual settlers, for $26 per acre, payable in ten annual payments. Purchaser must h-i money sufficient to put down Irrigation wells, build necessary nouses ard barns and to plant 'ind take care of first crop of rice. No payment on land required until first cnip la li.n vea:ed. Work should begin by Jnnuary 1 for l&ot crop. If you are coming to Texas to farm, sea me before you ouy. Charles Flnley Smith. 217 Main St.. Houston. Tex. H Mill D FOR SALE 100 acres, 3 miles of Anselmo. Neb.; &ood land: good Improvements; acres In cultivation, so acres in pasture; all fenced; If sold soon will give possession at once. Price. $2.0. B. C. Empfleld, Anselmo. Neb. H M '21 2h PRINTING I YNHSTAD Hlgh-grads 1907 Calendar a, LI1XJU3I U 8 E corner Wl fct. ar & JORVE, Capitol Ave. TSS CENTRAL PRINTING CO, typewritten letters. 110 blocka north Bee Bldg. -Fine Job work; . 17th St., 1 M-741 D13 THE ACORN Press. Tel. Doug. (792. Commercial printers, 1610 Howard St. M 231 D19 COMPLETE line of 1907 calendars. Snell Printing Co.. 310 B. 12th S: -M135 D3. WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy second-hand furniture, atovrs carpets, clothing and ehoea; pay the best prices. Tel. lJoU8l'Ug'-46D1 WANTED Second-hand mimeograph. Ad dnsBa 32 3 W. 5th St., Grand Island, Neb. N M22K 24X WANTED to buy, a good young cow, giv ing 10 to 18 iuarta of milk per day. Will pay good price. Address P. O. li'iK 8!S, Omaha. Neb. N M303 2S PATENTS P. J. LARSON ft CO.. patent lawyers; patent book free. Bes Blag., urniu. 73$ 6HARPE MACHINE WORKS Patanta procured, lnvenliona developed, drawings, pMterns. casting, mat bin work, im-wi 8. 10 8L -'M PATENTS procured and sold, 1 fee. Nat l Invtment Co., Douglas Blk.. 16th and Dodge. WANTED TO RENT WANTFT A home to take In emergency cases such as scarlet fever, diphtheria and meaalea. Wubt be without children. Will pay well for sama. Call at He'lUi Omce, City HalU Ttlephouo Doii.luS Sui. K M& POOL AND BILLIARD TABLES PASSOW'S new billiard and pool table ar the beat money tan buy and are sold much chenpar: fy payment, catalogue fre. Charl Pasaow Sons. 21 S H. Uth fcU M' I DEATH NOTICE VICKROY-Orln G., Thursday rooming,. Novemlwr 22. j:w. , , I Funeral Friday at I p. m. from r'T!(1'l;T I his daughter, Mrs. Pauline Croft, !! J mes Ave. Interment at roreet Lawn of Ame cemetery. KOl 'NTZE Herman, on Tuesday. Novem ber 20. st Watklns Glen. N. . Funeral servlcs will be held at Trinity cathedral Saturday. Novrmler .4. at 1 p. m. interment Forest l.nwn cemetery. Friends will kindly opilt flowers. Interment private. i W ARE MAM George W.. ngod ffl years, at his residence. 1!17 Wirt street. l uneral notice later. FLORISTS HERS A 8WOBODA. 1415 Fsmam. -7S L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. TeL Doug. 1263. . MONUMENTS Great Western Granite Co. Douglas -71. -Ml!& D1T FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE; No. $7; a fine stock of general merchandise, located in a good Kansas town; will invoice about IHoi, a fine paying business; will ax change for well Improved fsrrrt. No. ItS A tine drug stock, located In a good Iowa town of 10,u Inhabitants; will invoice about $15,om); will sell for cash on easy terms or exchange for good real es tate. Globe Land and Investment Co, Omaha, Neb. Z M7t IF YOU do not find what you want In thla column, put aa ad In and you will anon get It. -M2 FOR EXCHANGE A numbar of good Aral mortgage loara and good Iande to ex change for groceries or a general stock of merchandise. Glob Land and Investment Company, Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 840 ACRES of good land in N. D. to trsds for a stock of goods; JO asires well Im proved Minnesota land. Dodge Co.; will consldtr any good trade. Submit offers. Box 862, Le Sueur, Miun. Z M268 27 WILL exchange W-acre farm In Butlr county. Neb., for a good stock of mer chandise. I". O.-Box 132, Hendlev. Neb. Z M2W 3T,x 8 A LOON for sale or trade tor land. Joseph Slobodwy, St. Paul. Neb. Z-M244 24x CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. The leading palmist of Omaha, Revelation of past and future described Parlors, lis 8. ISth St.. Opp. Boston Store. 97i MADAM BEAN, spiritual medium. Do not not St. md fan to consult ner. parlors w!3 N. win 'Phone Red &nto. Seances Tuesday a Friday evenings. S M247 23 H s- HORSES & WAGONS FOR SALE HORSE, buggy and harness for esle. 170 Webster St. P-M326 2Cx HORSES wintered; large box stalls: no barb wire fencing. Keystone Stock Farm. Tel. Benson S1S1. P. O. address. Benson. - P-Mre D MUSIC AND LANGUAGES CHATELAIN School of Languages Day and evening clasces, French, Germa,n, Spanish; fencing. Davldge Bldg. 82$ D14 VOICE Instruction; opera oratorio, concert, etc. Grace A. Hitchcock, 621 S. 19lh St. Phon Ta ylor 4iV9. M50O Dx LOST AND FOUND FOUND Cow and calf at St. Joseph's hos pital; owner can have on proving proi- erty. ks-'4 2- WANTED TO BORROW I WANT to borrow $7,000 on land worfli four times as much; time loan. Address P 399. Bee. V-M1C1 24x CHIROPODY AND MANICURING DR. ROY, chiropodist; Miss Alice Hall, maplcure. Room 2, 1505 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 6497. M2U0 PLUMBING LYNCH BROS Repair work our specialty. 118 N. 15th St. Tel. Douglas 1477. M511 N2i HORSES & WAGONS FOR SALE HORSES-AU kinds. Myers, 1715 Jackson. P WM Dl LAW AND COLLECTIONS J M. Macfarland, 309 N. Doug. 6353. L. Bldg. TeL M-624 D(x C r1 Go With Us On on of our regu'ar excursions to whera you can buy flna farm and ranch lands at $3 to $6 per acre on easy terms. Th V. P. R. R. la closing out Its lands In Western Nebraska, Kansas; Colo rado and Wyoming. For Information regarding lands and excursion rates apply LAAD AGVCY V. P. IU R. Dapk B, lit 8. laiJi tttraat. GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER-MABTP-'R. Fort Robinson. Neb.. Novem ber -j lmM. Scaled propals. In t rlplliiate. Bubjfnjt to the u.-nial conditions, will be re ceived here until 10 a. ra., western standard time, Decemix-r V, IK, for the construction of one set Held officers' quarters, two double scbH captains' quarters, one double set lieu tenants' quarter, one tn set bachelor officers' quarters, two double cavalry bar racks, two double stable guard and etiop buildings, four cavalry stables and one vet erinary hospital at Fort Robinson, Neb.; also for beating. . plumbing and electric? wiring same. Full information furnished upon application to thla omce. Plan may be seen In office chief quartermaster at Omaha. t'hlcBgo. Denver and St. Paul; depot quartermaster New York; quartei master general Washington; quarter mauler Fort Leavenworth and here. Pro poxiilx to be marked "Proposal for New Hutuilngs and addressed to the under signed. Capi. LEON S. ROUD1E'. Con structing Q. M. N23-24-J-27-D17-18 LINCOLN IS AFTER CONGRESS Nebraska's tapl'a.1, Galld Bays. Will Try ta Get TraamUl lpl Meetlas. . Commissioner Gmid returned Thursday morning' from the Transmlsslselppl Com mercial congres st Kansas City. Mr. Guild spent one day at Kawvllle. He reportil that thirty-four Nebraskan attended, half that number being from Omaha. Governor J. H. Mickey was elected chairman of the Nebiaska delegation. For the ensuing ear H. T. Clarke, Jr., wa elected vice-president from Nebraska and Mayor Brown of Lin coln a member of the executive committee of the congres. Uncoln will try to get next year' congres. On hi note book Commiacioner Guild noted: "Omulia'a fctreeta ore wider and cleaner than those of Kansas City or St. Joseph. Glad I came ivi (icur. Ualldla farsali. The following building permit were Is sued Thurfcdav l.y the building lnfqieclor: Th 8. p. Mercer cjunjnv. 5.i") brick sior at Eighteenth ami California ami tine $1 l dwellings ut FWty-nret and Izard: Uexrge Hprague, Twenty-slilh u4 Caldwell, $l,eOU UwelliiiK. )