THE OMATTA DAILY BF,F,: TIIOSDAV NOVEMBER 22, lf0 AHA1RS AT SUUTH OMAllA Two Workmen Overcome by Turne Irom Gaiolins Ineioe, EXHAUST LET OUT INTO A CLOSED ROOM ' v ' " ' ' ' ' TVhlte Man Krlt Ovrr Dull Colortil Companion Draffs Illm Onl nr eaer Collapses Immediately' on Reachlaa; Ontaldc. ' Jacob W. Melnz'-r ar.(J Arthur Green, a. Colored laborer, cumo u'str.. a Serious col laps yesterday morniiiij from the effects of the exhaust of a Kiisoilno engine. . Mein fcer la one of Hnnnon's .foremen and was engaged In putting a eohorele Poor 'In the Htore room belonRlnK; 1i tlie public' school district at Twenlj -elxth and M streets. The concrete mixer" Ik run : by h' gasoline oiiglns and the exhaust escaped Into the ; room. Tlio room was too tightly closed . li nd the men suddenly became weak. Mein- I tier fijll to the' floor unconscious and waa dragged from . the building by the half stupeAed negro and his- companions. Out side tho ti"gro suffered a collapse of sev eral ihlnut-s and then went for a doctor to attend iMilnwr. In tho meantime. Iror lils return, 11 rig wan procured ami Mein ser waa taken to his home, 2701 N street. Both rnon were laid tip for tho rest of tho day, but their physicians anticipate no further danger. . - ' In Inspection Boreas. It la reported from tho bureau of ani mal industry that several Important trans fers of men have lately been ordered from Washington. Among them Pr. O. E. Llnd burg, who has been In rlotith Omaha fr the last nine months, lias bevn transferred to Washington, where he will work undr tho direction of Dr. T. H. McKeown, who. In tnr,n. was at one time connected with the department here. 'Another Is the trans fer tt Dr. John V. Hills to Baltimore, where he will be under the eye. of Dr. H. A. Hsdrlck. Both of the young men are (untM among tho most capable In the service. There has lieen over 300 men who galiif(f their first experience in tho In spection business under Dr. Don C. Ayer, the chief of the bureau here. Tho doctor says ho has not been treated fairly be cause there la aJways a call for his men before he has reared tlie benefit of break ing them In. He takes It as a good slgit. however, that the service here Is accept able to the department. Few of tho men who have been called to better positions from this point ljae proven failures In the numerous posts where they have been sent. .' ., James Perry Landed In Jail. Henry Elsfeldor arrived last evening from Douglas. "SVyo.. bringing In safety James iPerry.' the suspected murderer of Ktcvc Sledl" k. Perry was lodged hi the city Jail to a trait his tirellmlnary hearing. Ho took his attest Id a nonchalant, good-natured 1 manner. He said: -If you II just give me a gooj warm plnce to sleep I'll treat the crowd I to cigars In : flirt morning." He said lie wanted to see Captain Shields and "shake his old paw."-.He Is well acquainted j with all the nollce officers here. He was placed" In a cell Just next to Hugh Gray, the confessed slayer of Harvey Williams. Two rhore happy-po-lurk specimens of the Afrleafi race were never paired than. In all spoofs, ore these two. Fur from showing anxiety over their prospects, they fcyiii actually to enjoy 11. Perry Is the nefro who, litter asking hi-ylctinv frirn chew of t'lbacei and learning that Sledlek had none, flew into n rage and beat him over the head with a meat hook, fib'dlek never f't guliiedi consciousness nnd died after about twentvf days at the "otith-, Ontabat hospital? The charge of murder in the' first degree .-lit V.n 1 J . I ..ont-.f t-,10 .l.VDr 111 lU IVUBy OftUllin. 111. . Kattles' Insurance Company. L. C. Haulou ot Council Bltiffs waa South !QmahuycHtci:d.ay looking after tho ..1..liI1b nf liiiKliiAHn imnecteil with a new Insurant-1 . ,oomrmy whjih IS' iiroiioserT .ummig ' the Fraternal" Onler of Bii-Wi, ikdowii ua the Eagle Life association. The articles of Incorporation bve been drawn ' up under tho laws ofIown, and the com '.lain came Into existence November J. 'Al though the company has no connection wl'h 'tfje Fraternal Order of Engles,: nevortheless 'it exoects to draw Its support from . i t ;'inks ajid to assume a cUUss of risks such 'as unay be found among this f'ntorr.lfy. Jlr, Hanlou Is secrttarj- of the new cotr. . siny, and he. agisted by E. E. 12. !tkige war. spent ull of yesterday preparing the 'necessary papers and printing of the pro- ... , . . t fsneral of Mrs. Howe. ' Mrs. Eltiabeth Howe, deceased, cs-sHvcd 'the, last ad rrtea at ''2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The friends of the family ; thronged, the horn to its full cHpaclty. In i honor of the deceaseu the city ottlces were ijosed and Judge Sutton of Omaha ud-J-jilrned hla court to attend. The funem! . was under tho direction of U. T. Brass and the eervlce . was . by Rev. ,H. H. Mil ; lard, assisted by Dr.i Oorst, the ' presiding j elder of the Methodist Episcopal church 4Jl this district, and Rev. F. M Slsson, ' the former pastor ot the tiuuth Omaha ' ciiurch. Music was furnished by a quar tet composed of Mmes. Cressey ufld Shugart 'and Messrs. Johnson and Baker. The pall bearers were Judge A. L. Sutton. Prof. m li; M mm FOR and mm. 4---m "TT J &TTX1UZC3 a: rMN H ? W XI w V ID Tl t4Ct KfletilbWiij Fniirs Style is valueless without quality mm qPleaie remember that McKIBBIN garments are all made from pelt per sonally seledted by a member of out firm at the primary fur market! of the work). Not erery dealer sells the best Get the STANDARD McKibbin furs J If the dealer won't how you write to us and we will direct you to one v. ho will. McKibbm,Driscoll Ql Dorsey FVR. HANVTACTVRCRS SAINT PAUL J. A. McLean, C. M. nich. O. V Davis, V. W. Fisher and F. A. Ciessey. Immediately after the servico tho body was takep to the I'nlon station In Omaha, where it was forwarded to Lovell, Me., the hirthplaii) ol Mrs. Howe. Mr. Howe jic eompanied the body. Ho will,. return to South OmnhA not later than December 3". Mrs. Howe's maiden name was Mnry Elizabeth Went worth. She was in her sixtieth year, having been born November 13, ISC She married 12. L. Howe at Lowell. -j -. years of her lifo were spent in Omaha and South Omaha. She was a devout member of tho Hanscom Tark church for many years. ' loiter she was connected with the Flint Methodist church of Booth Omaha. Her demise was duo to on attack of acute pneumonia dating from November 10, after which she lived barely seven days, dying on the night of November IT. ' Craft of May Makers. A craft 'of' I lay' Makers waaorganised at the Hay Makers' club "Monday evening! Novemlicr-1!. The .officers of -the ltU wer elected as follows: '-F. -Ti Powers P. CT H. M.i John Kennedy.-' t. If. Mi? Hugh Atcock. A. C. .H M. ; II. C. Mlll.jr. Ki J.' -iTvordtg. K. Offi,j )ir a.-iiVintewp K. of B ; H. L. Robinson, H, B.: Fred Haskins. B. D.: H. H Inkle, ti. of H.: If. W. F. Williams. G. of B ; V. W. McLone, George Huuptirutn and .W. J, Ilttser. stew ards. It is declared that a large Mock of tramps will bo Inltluted fritb the mysteries .of Mukhig Saturday eYu-nlng, whi.n the order has Its nexv icgulat; meeting. Th club 1x10ms of the order iut situated at '.'1"3 N street. Muk'c City (iosaiv. C. B. Cafford, livery. Tcl.-lOi. - Murglo 8mith, 50s North PlftAeiUh Hrect, Is miffertng from an attack of scarlet fiver. Magic Citv King's Dauglitrtss will meet with Mrs: Ayer. Twenty-flitU and E streets. Thuisday. afternoon. Salary .'loans. 9t our terms. Standard Loan Co.. StlHJ N St. In the membership contest for the Young Men's Christian association the "IJluis" now stand twenty-six points ahead. The local Barbers' union celebrated its annual Imll last night at the Workmen temple. A large crowd was in attendance, Free IJfe-slzeif 'portrait WilH on dri'avp photos till Christmas. , iJeterson;ytudio. The Ludlea" Aid society of the EnglisH Lutheran church will mee! Thursday at J p. m. at the home of Mrs. J. C. Nlcholsen, i7 B street. H. A. Markey repent .. tlut he lost a valuable overcoat ut th Ancient Order of I'nlted Workmen templo Monday night. Someone took It from the cloakroom. Albert L. Johnson of the Great Western ticket office has koiio to Y'tnnieg, Man , j in; accept, u iioBHion- m uie .civil i service. lie will no in uiu immigration uureau. The Infant daughter of John HhoehUh as buried yesterday afternoon from the mlly residence, 1H4 South Twentieth stivci. h interment was In Laurel lull iuie- ry. Jetter'B Gold Top fieer delivered to all pans of the city. Telephone No. X. W illiam East Oeorgo Mills- and John O'Kourke furnished the usual rouuue at- ?v. Yv ur Grocer has it now f' No need for other cereals now SX FILLS3URTS if oym tid - a!UsJiU)il, BEST Cereal, Vitos The white heart of the wheat. A 2 lb. package retailing at 1 5c, when cooked makes 1 2 lbs. ' or dainty creamy white food, Made by the man who BREAKFAST Stir Jowly one half one half cups of .boiling water, tail to Uste minute, li too thick add boiling water. hot with cream snd sugar. When cold k dcucjotu luncheon dish, fned snd served with tyruf). Numerous dainty . duuier deseit tan be pre pared with fruit I II.. v . cnu jcuy, if si.rVI tlnrs )rtriri:iy ninrniMg. i:i'h n ppn rent I y lc- eelved what was couilnir to lilm. , i Senator-elect C. A. H'inil.'ill of N'. wnmn Clove lf the gufst of Jus. '. K. C.nmbr, Ms slnti-i-. He is hero to attend the banS l th' rmentlon; also to pay a vir-lt to his ;iniBhler, Margaret, who is a studuit at I'.elu vu cnllfHtv l! Tl rlnffrtr.l iiiovlna unit transfer. 1 Ti'L ' A (Inutile widding was eolebrnted at Hie Vnsey resilience nt Twenty-sevont h and L. strieis PundnV niii rnoiin. Fred Idoe wan j HMrvti t to .Mtss Lwu iey and her slsu i, .Anna M. 'n v., was wedd'd to Julius IS. .Miner 01 KanMi. 'l ne eawij 01 Augusta Stephens against the city, In whleh slie sued lor $?X lnm im.s to her lot by reawn of griming on t ho street. b'is tw n grunted a continuance on the gTound tnat th ?pt itle damager. have pot been nnmi'l by the plaintiff. Tilt vase wl'l be herd Decern Iht H. V"or rent, two splendidly furrlshed rooms, nltli gs.- electric liaht. hot and crd water, bath. loi'J North Twenty-third str-'et. t enipiaint mis been sworn out oy. Harty Uioomneifi, colored, ng'ilnst Harry Jone. ai?o colored, tor nsshuit, with In'ent to no great bodily Injury. Jones says be was a'tHrkeri by a gang at Twenty-seventh uud .N" streets Saturday night In one of the I saloons of that locality, and In self-dfenso struck Illoomtield In the neck with n knife. Inflicting a painful Injury. Jiloomficld tells another story. Tne cniioren nnd grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson met with them In reunion Mundav afternoon. Tho o- isewrnkA wn C: Tr wl : . inc i-aei'ic coa.t. i neie I'ave ano ins wise will spend their time between Honolulu, Iajs Angeles and 8au Idego, nnd rciurn to South Omnha in tho spring. Those pres ent nt the famllv board weie: Mrs. Laura Konner. Mr.. ". 3. Cook. Mit. Harvey Fenner, Mrs. Walter Femier, Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Light foot of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Uert Graves. VETERINARY LAW HELD VOID Statate Enacted by Last Lralslatare Pronounced Invalid by Judge Leslie if County Court. The law enacted by the last legislature to regulate veterinary surgeons Is uncon stitutional, according to a decision rendered by County Judge IoMie yesterday after noon In the case of the state against Dr.. l"i. D. Turner. The case was filed by Dr. Ramacclotti as a lest of the law. The decision will be of interest because several other prosecutions . hinged on the outcome of this case. It is said It may be carried to the supreme court fot a final test. The law which Is declared bad provides person engaged In the practice of veterinary surgery shall assume the title, veterinary surgeon, or any analogous title or any degree conferred ' by a recognized college of veterinary surgery unless he has first secured a license from the state board. Tho law did not prohibit unlicensed ;urgeons from practicing, but merely pre vented them from holding themselves out as such or from using any title or degree In connection with their profession. Judge Leslie held that this was . not a proper application -of pollco power of the i'tate and wns an Improper abridgement of the personal liberty of citizens. He pointed out that the law made It a crime for a person who was unlicensed to tell I anotier person that he had received a de- gree of veterinary surgeon from a college, even though it was true. A. W. Jefferls, who attacked the validity of the luw, also contended It was against public policy and Intended to protect titles. Dr. Turner has practiced In Omaha six teen years. He was a student at Oxford, a graduate of the Edinburgh Veterinary college and a graduate In organic and In- 1 ...n,l,- i.hnml,lrv In :l. I.onilon Mrhnnl I Because he was not registered the law prohibited him from hanging his diploma on ' tho wall of his office or even telling anyone he had a degreo or' was a veteri nary surgeon. His specllic offense was In sending out a bill with the words "Dr. Turner, graduate veterinarian," on it. He was.urrested for uslug the title a!r his na'mV. judge Leslie' said he thought a law that provided no veterinarian ..should practice without registering wovjld bo sound, but, he did not think the legislature had the right to deprive a person of tho right -to usem, title or degree that had been conferred upon him. i LINCOLN WANTS LIKE HOME Juvenile Workers nt State Capital Come for Pointers ou De- . tentlon Home. Judge r"rot of. the Lincoln Juvenile court with u coninitte. representing the county commissioners,. Lincoln .Woman's club, and Citizens' committee organized for the, pur pose of securing;, a detention school , for Llii'-oln, will visit Ojinilia Saturday for Jhc purpose of learning more of the ope lit Ion of tho local Juvenile court and corrective system. , lrs.. O. ,M. .Stonchruker and . Jlrs. JL D. ,WVlnh wl'l represent the cl'lb- womenand Superintendent Stephens of the Lincoln schools tho Citizens' committee, of which he is ciiuirmun. One of tlio county com mirtsloneri, the truant oflicer, probation officer and others will be In the patty, which will be met at the station by u. local committee and taken to the Juvenile court for the morning session. .luncheon for-the .visiting- committee 1 and others interested will he given at tlie ! rmnmcrcial ,.ih at noon ami wilt K.. ni ' t"ul" ,rc lal ' at noon wMI b- fo'- 1 iowi u vimi m me uuiention school. ,' I'nless other cases develop, which in not apprehended, the quarantine for diphtheria ' ' . . . c H, J wil l' "'T1 fro.m ,h "hoo " make such Inspection safe. Story of s White Heart il make3 "Jte Flour" cud into two and boil Serve makes tendh'.g ihe S'lirliiistnill yy v vv CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Thirtj Street Car ' Eidei fbr a Tollar for Children Attending School. ONLY ONE VOTE AGAINST IT IN COUNCIL i . Mayor's eio Concerning lentand on Crier Held to Be. Too l.ate to He effective, and Clerk Ordered to Ask foe the Money. Tile city council Tuesday night passed an ordinance compelling all street car com panies operating In Omsha. to sell to school chlMsrn thirty street car tickets for II, the tickets to be honored between the hours of S and 9 n. nt. and 2 and 5 p. m. No age limit Is placed on those who may use such tlcketf, but It Is stipulated that purchasers shall present a certificate of school at tendance when buying the tickets. Council man Davis cast the only dissenting vote, he taking the stand that tho ordinance was c'.nss legislation. When brought up for final reading the r1lnanrr creating the offlc- of meat hotel and restaurant Inspector Was lost. Lack of funds with which to mnlntaln such an office was tho chief objection raised at thla time. Councilman Bridges Introduced another ordinance prohibiting the erection of gas tanks 'or receptacles or changes In those existing within a territory taking In almost the entire city. This ordinance was re ferred to the committee on lighting. Mr. Bridges' last ordinance on the same sub ject was lost In the general committee. The prr-sent contention centers at Twentieth and Center streets, where the Omaha Gas company has two large gas tanks and Is seeking to erect a third. An ordinance Increasing the salary of three elevator conductors and four Janitors In the City hall from $53 to $fi0 per month wae up for first and second readings. It was referred to the coramittee of the whole. Mayor Too Slow.' A concurrent resMutlon regarding tho Leo Gfler alleged shortage was brought up, the document having been returned from the mayor's otllgo without that of ficer's signature. In view of the fact that tho mayor retained the resolution longer than forty-eight hours without either sign ing or returning it unsigned, the resolution was declared valid and effective by de fault on the mayor's part. The city clerk will now make a formal demand on Mr. Grlcr and the United States Fldolity and Guaranty company for, the amount of J3.173.SS, the amount of alleged shortage. The mayor's appointment of John Quinn to succeed Jack Donahue as engineer at the city jail was confirmed. Mr. Donahuo has resigned. City Attorney Burnam advised the coun cil that that body had tho right to order railroads to place and maintain lights it all crossings within the city limits. This matter was brought up at the time of a collision between a street car and freight train on South Thirteenth street. The council adopted a concurrent reso lution Instructing tho comptroller and treasurer to retain J2.500 or the $7,000 deposited October '20, '. by the HeUn-Fol-loc.k-Parmele Telephone company to de Tray election evpcrtsesl P. E. Her. Rome Miller and Elizabeth Kountze presented , protests against tho sale of a triangular strip of land at Nine teenth and Jackson streets, the f.rotos tants stating that the land' was bought by the citv twenty years ago for tho I numo.o of onenlntf Jackson Street through to St. Mary's avenue1; , Hydrant Ordered Moved. ,. . A resolution ordcrg, tho city enginor to change a hydrant from Eighth street, between Farnam and Douglas, to Earnam, between Eighth and .Ninth, waa adopted after some, discussion as to whethor tho council had the right to order such change, in view of pending litigation over the waterworks system, Councilman El sasser contended that eight oouncllmeu Oould' change any hydtsnt, any timei 'and to any place they wished. It was . ex plained that the water company had re fused to make ' the change without an order from the Water board and that the Water board hod refused to take any hand in the matter. The Druid Hill. Improvement club ten dered a list of. defective sidewalks In Druid Hill. ., A concurrent resolution was adopted directing that an architect he scloctod to draw plans for the new fire engine house to be located on Lake street be tween Twentieth and Twenty-first. Tho council adjourned to Thursday afternoon at 8 o'clock, that estimates for public Improvements may be received and passed on In time for consideration at the ucxt session 'of 'tlio Board of Equali sation. . ' ' , . Comptroller Reports on Finances. Comptroller Lobeck offered the following financial report:' ' fotal Fund. Receipts. ..$ .Si8. tM.ivitj.H ;.&. 1'i library 9.Wfi.07 ' 1.1S.ii.74 Balance. $ W.S6.. 4ti.4l(j.H1 ?. 3 il.iiS.i.07 rs.Hli.oi l31t). 15.:iln.j; :.0I0 77 (iiS.35 ilf.077.1 17, l-i.!5 M.m .r,7i',..".i NI.Mi.M 5.lv5.!i l.I'lJ.'Jt K.!if..: 'j"""'1 Sinking Library Murphy spec Fire Pollco Park Lighting Cleaning Ut sweeping. Curb, gutter & paving Water board General library ....... Judgment hptxMal slnkiag No. 1. '..'..". 16.M.3 74.ia.f.9 H5.71H.5J :il..W.15 HJ.4.' 7K.!) SS5.H1 ' 7.ln7.fd !l.1! 8.IM 37 Wt.rjs.7J Intersection bond 1 1 iinsha ar wer ; Road , , ' Market place I og Firu engine houso h'd Totals tl.At.3Ti.7H $"i.fct.M; ' ( Tmi-t'.-ttori hnnii fllnrl luilnm-v. f.i -VG Amount ce.rtilted to by comptroller av!s&2.1'J ' Available balance t1o.VM.t4 Omaha sewer fund hnlanco., Amount certified to by comptroller T7.5"t.n) Available balance f-'vi.'.U . w; t'ondilloM of the Department Knuija. Funds. L'nexpeinb d leniirtiiient. Wet Astd.' Uslnr.i'i). t 3.1i.'..J i.s';.v, 1.4:;.T a.i;;;.:-! U.HU Ma voi t t.'li7. f) f'ouncil Itf.l.w Pomptroller H.tM "ltv cliik P.fWti.uj l.eftal l'.'.fw" Ml ', Tux commissioner .... I.6' V ! City treasurer 14 Ti.o i lOrnrliif-er Jrt,.").( Klei til, al I.2-.VW j P.tillding In.-'pector .... 6.0(i.4.i j Holler inspoctoi- l.&Ji.ti I VMuinbinK lnsiector .. 1.74".o j i nse liis) ctor J..Vl" , Nan ;np(-tor !..i.i-j I Welphis and measures 1.25a.O Market master 1. I Pollef: court J.'.'Su .' Malntrtining city lull. nmergency hospital ... I Kieetion expenses 7).i.i 1 lntii'Clors pub. works ' ,'.V mi . Insp-'l'rs street -uts. 4.4-Si.t"! Htri ' t repiilrlng ai.f' o'i , Construction if bridges. ! t.'M.'l j Co"""riicli'ill Of CHiS- i walk lu.u.i.i.i I' Remov'g dMd anltiruls 4.1.ii Meals for prisoners ... K.ikO.d Aiivcrtiring ! r'n-rniuni on ofh. ial 4.7;7.U t' fi.ini ; .H'3.: T'D.l-.' M.'-i '' ?"'.(i .::; :.T78.7S !'IH..!I i.'i.a i 716. o; l.S.3U ' iXl.i ' til. bonds l.Xii.Ui Tart paymei t ou ot- insr machines ... 4.7e.7i Vlr-Par-Hn illumina'n I' Judicrm-nt 5..ii Heslih and chemicilx. 11 S i Oi 8eer inintiniog ... li..irt l'iU"tid 11-ii bills Ijkj liJ I'nnHiil ami. aspliult plant SjO.OO ftra'Ung n I lev btetu Vi'ituii i: Kim t.... Mi(''llalieou i. J.31Z.14 1 -.i4 1.SJC.2SI t .?ia,oj Totals t"-"j.ti7ii.4;! r t iti- ' 5 d i The Children Enjoy Life out of doors and oat of the games which they play and the enjoyment which they receive and the efforts which they make, comes the greater part of that healthful development which is so essential to their happiness when grown. When a laxative is needed the remedy which is given to them to cleanse and sweeten and strengthen the internal organs on which it acts, should be such as physicians would sanction, because its component ports are known to be wholesome and the remedy itself free from every objectionable quality. The one remedy which physicians and parents, well-informed, approve and recommend and which the little ones enjoy, because of its pleasant flavor, its gentle action and Its beneficial effects, is -Syrup of Figs and for the same reason it is the only laxative which should be used by fathers and mothers. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy which acts gently, pleasantly and naturally without griping, irritating, or nauseating and which cleanses the system effectually, without producing that constipated habit which results from the use of the old time cathartics and modern imitations, and against which the children should be so carefully guarded. If you would have them grow to manhood and womanhood, strong, healthy and happy, do not give them medicines, when medicines are not needed, and when nature needs assistance in the way of a laxative, give them only the simple, pleasant and gentle Syru of Figs. Its quality is due not 'only to the excellence of the combination of the laxative principles of plants with pleasant aromatic syrups and Juices, but also to our original method of manufacture and as you value the health of the little ones, do not accept any of the substitutes which unscrupulous dealers sometimes offer to increase their profits. Please to remember, the full name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO.-is printed on the front of every package. la ; r e. 3 ... V ROTES ON OMAHA SOCIETY In honor of her sister. Mrs. U. J. Kill of Kansas City, Mrs. D. M. Vinsonhaler gave a handsomely appointed buffet luncheon Tuesday at her homo for about 100 guests. Toe rooms were prettily decorated with a profusion of cut flowers and palms, tho hall, where a harpist was stationed, being banked with palms, while In the dining room the tuble waa adorned with a large mound of yellow chrysanthemums and forhs nnd yellow-shaded candles In silver candlesticks. A tablo was also- placed In tho library nnd was ornamented with Law sou cnrnutlons and crystal candlesticks holding pink-shaded tapers. Assisting Mrs. Vinsonhaler wero Mrs. J. H. Butler, Mrs. J: ir.Tratt, Mrs. F1. B. Hoehstetlcr. Mrs. C. E. Clapp,' Mrs. W. D. Banrker, Mrs. P. B. Myers and Mrs. W. F. Ourley Cue fourth party In the series of dances being Riven by the Visiting Nurses' asso ciation was held at Chambers' Tuesday evening and proved to be the most success ful yet given. About one hundred couples enjoyed tho' long program. Punch was served and late In the evening light re freshments. Tho chuperones, were Mrs. C. B. Herring and Mrs. 11. D. Reed. Tho next party will be given Tuesday evening, De cember i. Mrs. E. K. Wukeley entertained inform ally' at supper Sunday evening In honor of Mrs. Winchester and Miss Frances Win chester of Whitewater, Wis., who are vis iting Mrs. Lucius Wakeley. Miss H. Estelle Brown entertained a few friends Informally Saturday afternoon. The rooms were attractively decorated with flowers and ferns and light refreshments were served late In the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Melkle and Colonel and Mrs. J. H. Pratt were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Gilbert at a theater party at the Boyd Monday evening, fol lowed by supper 'at the Omaha club. Miss Laura Conguon will entertain at an Informal bridge party Thursday afternoon ':(:rt'V7:U "- ry to buy the genuine ,S V, f TY t " (&ki tfV&Y only. For Mto by H re- A .6' v--, te-A "-Vm "-We druggists. L$&r?W- The "Discovery of the Soda Cracker '., .. K ' order to get its beneficial effects it is always neces sary to buy the genuine only. For sale by all re liable druggists. In honor of Mis Frances Winchester of Whitewater. Wis., who was a classmate of Miss Congdon at Vassar. Miss Frances Wesse.lls will entertain In formally at hrldgo Frlduy evening for the debutantes of the season. ' Mrs. F. II. Spraguo has returned from Chicago, where she went to attend tho wed ding of her sister. Miss Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. Fprague will reside with Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Balch this winter. Major and Mrs. Thomas Cruse have taken apartments at the Paxton for the winter. Mrs. C. L. Mills of New Tork City is visiting her father. P. J. Girardet, at 10ti7 North Twenty-ninth street. Mrs. Mills will be Joined at Christmas time by her hus band, who was formerly local passenger agent for the Illinois Centra! Railroad com pany. Mrs. Alvin Saunders nas returned from ii visit in Denver. , Mrs. Alfred Burley has returned from a visit In Rawlins, Wyo., and is at the rest; dence of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Barlow. Mr. A. J. Love .loft Monday for a sojourn at Excelsior Springs, Mo. The Misses Mattle and ld:i Bhurpe have returned from a visit in Chicago. Mrs. A. D. Brandeis' is entertaining Mrs. Sam Michaels of Jefferson City. Mo. The card party to have been given Thurs day afternoon by Mrs. C. A. Grlmmel of 123 South Thirty-seventh street and the card party to have been given by Mr. and Mrs. Grlmmel Thursday evening have bee:t In definitely postponed. The Comls Card club will meet Thursday nflernoon with' Mrs. Arthur L. Hoover, Ohio street. Fire Dae to Bats and Matches. Fire In the basement of the plumbing store of W. T. Wbelan. 6H North Six teenth street, did damage to tho extent of nbout Sl) st 0:30 u. m. Wednesday and considerable difficulty was experienced by the tlremen before It wae extinguished. It Is believed the troublesome combination of rats and matches was the origin of the blase. A largo bale of oakuqi was Ignited In the basement, causing n great deal of smoke and giving the Impression that tho fire was likely assume large proportion The Hlxteenth street cars were blocked for about half an hour. During the run . f Hi " For years the humble soda cracker remained obscure and unappreciated. No one seemed to realize its food value no one seemed to know that it was one of the most nutritious rations obtainable. Then one day the soda cracker was "discovered." The NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY saw its value if properly pre sented to the public. They set about to bring its quality to the highest possible stand ardthe result being UnSGda Biscuit, which are to-day recognized as one of the staple foods of the American people. Nearly 400,000,000 packages of them have been sold, and the food value of the soda cracker is a settled fact. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY . ."'-"i:-rt .'V- . :"-"v to the fire one of the horses on hose truck No. '3 fell on the Icy pavement, but no damage was Inflicted INQUIRY FOR JAMES ANDERSON Two Meters ' Thluk Maa Hilled n Vladact May Be Their Brother. Believing that James Anderson, the man who died from 'injuries received In falling from the Eleventh street viaduct a short time, ago, might prove to he'a closo rela tive, the husbnnd of one and brother of the other two women from South Omaha be gan making quiet Inquiry Tuesday as to the body. In an endeavor to establish Its Identity. If possible An intruest was held after the death at St. Joseph's hospital, anil the body now Has In the rooms of a med ical college, being prpared for dlssoctioii. ' The women were not 'greatly alTecteii when told where -they might And the body, hut .admitted-the fault w-as theirs In not Investigating sooner.- They said they would call at the CrelghtOn Medical college this momlng and ask leave to have tho body brought out, so they might view It The relative for whom they arc looking, they explained, has been mlsslngr since the acci dent to'' the man who guvo his name us James Anderson, and his failure to return to them has made them suspect he ,1s the dead man. Before ho died the Injured man was un willing to give his name, and gave a differ ent name nt the hospital than ho intimbleil to the pollco. It was then believed ho had not revealed his correct name. The women were taken to the niedlcaJ college Wednesday morning by Mr. Dor ra'nce and after some difficulty tho''body was brought from tho pickling vat. It had .been In course of preparation for dis section for some . time, but, tho .features were welt preserved. After viewing the-body both- women were positively -convinced. ;it" was : not. that of their missing relative. They had" brought a picture of their relative with tuoru and the , coroner thought the resemblance was very marked. Who James Anderson really was Is now a problem that will probably never be solved. i ! ! If ou anything to trade advertise tt ' In the Kor t hansa column oX TU Bva Want Ad !, iVkJ'