Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Milton Rogers fi Sons
14th and Farnam Streets.
Oldest and largest stove and hardware store In Omaha.
FAILURE II) RtMT CASK j charac ami MH'liiive 10 spend tho, remain-
Many years experience selling stoves
Omaha has. given us a reputation for re
liability. See our prices', all in plain fig
ures and you'll realize that you can save
dollars by buying from us. ;
Obartre to Be Filed AcaiDst Mrs. Pe Ljne,
Christian ScieDtbt
Jr. Hrliles aa It Waa Da o Lack
.it Mrtllral Aid and Health Df
imrlmrnl Derides on
I'roaecnt ton.
Radiant Home Base Burner
For Hard br Soft Coal . . . : . . . .... . :
Home Air Blast . . -
The World's Standard Heater
Genuine Round Oak . , ,
Beckwith's with double fire-pot.
Ruby Oaks
. Nickel Trimmed. Soft Coal Heaters.
Quick Meal Steel Ranges C T T
; AVith Woilderful All Steel ; Construct. on
Puritan Steel Ranges., fl?
O-Holes and High Wanning Closet ., (J
Agents Cole's Hot Blasts. '
Stoves and Ranges Sold on Payments.
: $19
Dr. Robert P. Jensen, assistant rity phy
sician, Mid Wednesday morning he' would
fi!r In the. police court a complaint against
Mrs. Ixmit. Cliritlan Science
healer, charging hrr with failure to re
port n case of diphtheria at Wl South
Twi nl j -fifth" street, at which address FraD
eos C'liimcll, 4 yearn old. died Tuesday even-Inn.
Dr. V. O. Bridges, who was culled to ai
der of the month In the county Jail. Iarkiii
Mole from Tatrlik O'Brien and ltufl
took $.".3 from May Chirk. Edward Morcly,
who Mole n quantity of diver bullion from
the smelting works, pleaded' guilty to petty
latceny and was sentenced to thirty dus
In Jell.
Man Foonil nlth Fractured Skull IHea
Without KTfr tinlnln
After lying at fit. Joseph s hospital In a
s.-iuI-coiikcIous condition from Injuries re
ceived early In at Friday morning, Terenct
K. ncrncy, aged 60. tiled about 12:30 p. in.
Wednesday. Bernoy was found lying on th
ground unconscious in the I'nlon Pacific
yards nt Fourteenth Mrcets and the tracks.
He was employed as a helper by the rail
road company nnd the circumstances sur
rounding his death are rather haxy.
tend the child one hour before deulh, noted i lierney win employed on the night shift
on his card to the Health department;
"Cause of death, no medical aid;' and on
his card giving the Health department ad
vice of a contagious disease at C S' nth
Twenty-fifth street. the doctor noted.
"Christian Science treatment until one houi
before death." .
Dr. Jensen declared that many of the
in the coal yards, and the first Intimation
of any accident was when he was found by
fellow employes. His pkull waa fractured
and he sustained severe Injuries to his
back. When taken to the hnnpital, where
his Injuries were dressed by Dr. Vpdc
graff. he partially recovered consciousness,
but never sufficiently to tell how he had
diphtheria cases reported in Omaha during been Injured. It Is believed that he fe
cuRFiEMT Literature .
.1 i 1 1
The December: ' OAUneator Is' a "typical
Christmas number. -"It la sufficiently' prema
ture to assist Christmas' makers with Its
hints for Christmas gift ;and holiday enter
tainment!, besidea containing an abundance
of seasonable. literature calculated to fit In
from now until New.' Year's day.' Maud
iialilngton Booth contributes a most touch
ing description of the work of the volun
teers. "Christmas Sunshln? In the Shad
ows." tbrlstrr.aV stories for adults art!
The Eyergrecn Tree, ". by Marlon Ames
Taggan and "The Shoplifter at Satterth
walte's," by ' William Hamilton Osborne,
' and those for children "The Blue Kimono,"
by Virginia Woodward Cloud, and "Betty
Evolves a' Chrrsfrljai' Ida." by Elizabeth
Preston Badger. Agnes and Egerton Cas
tle's romance. "A Young- Conspiracy," and
Anthony. Hope's, shor; story, "The Duke's
Allotment," seem especially suitable for
reading on winter evenings. Hut the crown
of the Christmas literature Is Edwin Mark
ham's splendid poem, entitled "The Great
Guest Comes." It in Illustrated In colors
by J. C. Leyendecker.. -The serial .stories,
"Frsuleln Schmidt, and Mr. Anstvuthe.r."
by the Countess yon Arnhim. and "The
Chauffeur and the Chaperon.'.' by the Wil
liamsons, are continued, while Barry Pain's
"The Diary of a. Baby'" hi concluded. Es
says for every day are,.. "The Slavery of
Superstition," by Milan. Roll; "Eliminating
Nonessentials,": by JUthlt thurchllL and
"Pulling). Together-frrrroi;h a ' Crisis.", by
William. , pec(re, .,JorJai .David Belasco
contribute, a most interesting description
of "Making tba Flay fleem rVsaJ.". . . ' J
. The usual amount of space. la devote-1 to
up-to-date fashions In garments nnd rull
llnery, . and practical,; papera andr- depart
ments for housekeeper.
James J. .Hjl', president of the Great
. Northern , railway, believes that model
farms should be established In ever agri
cultural county of the I'nlted States,. under
control of the several state governments,
ur of the national, government.' or of the,
two con'- intl.,', Sucui farms, he argues,
would adlo t Intelligence, activity and re
form in tillage, with the possibility of
doublin; th farm product of the country.
The December Century will publish Mr.
fiH's dlseuH"lon of thee "Government
Model Farms'' and his pie for their es
tablishment.' "Might It ' not be worth
. while," hi argil, "to xiend the sum that
Our plan of selling domentlc cigars
for 5c has become known all over the
country.' 10c cigars have been sold
before, for three for a quarter, and as
low as Cc and 7c, but no dealer in the
country has ever sold 10c cigars for uc
until , we wt. .the, pace, Y , . ..
W aialiB'Mri)i:tt)';call. trlet;tentiiu
of ths'tmoktns ub:lc to the fact that
we have recently built a Humidor that
will til4 at last a half million cigars.
We uY 'therefore in a better position
to carrt for our cigars than any dealer
in Omaha. The steam heat has been
turned'' on. but it will not affect the
condition of our cigars thin year.
lOcrfVk'torldad Clear Havana Con
chas.' fjnas Kspecial 5c, or $2.50 per
box fit f.0,
lOd Victorldad Clear Havana. Puri
tunakExtra 5c, or. $2.50 per box of 60.
ldo,Queen Victoria Perfectos 5c,
or $S.5 per box of 50.
10O 'Inventors Conchas Especial 5c,
or $.&! per box of 50. '."...
lOtj jFlvtmtora Perfectos 5c, or $2.50
per tox of 50.
10i' ltpperial Crust Perfectos 5c, or
$2.50 pi;r box of 60.
10c. Imperial Crest Iloquet 5c, or
$2.60 Por box of CO.
10c La Dessa Perfectos 6c, or $ 1.2 5
per box of 25.
10f- Panquet Conchas 5c, or $2.50
per bos of 60.
10c Banquet Invincible 5c, or $2.50
pt-r box of 60.
10c Banquet Bismarks uc, or $2.50
per box of 50.
10a laTonica PerfectoB 5c, or $2.50
per brSx of 50. '
10c Vlrglnius Kufua Regalia 5c, or
$2.50 iwr box of 50.
10t Kror de Gounod Invincible 6c,
or Il.tO per box of 50.
10y"'. Klor de Gounod Perfectos 5c,
or $J,6i per box of 50. ...
10c Hoffman House Perfectos Katra
oc. 01160 per box of 50. "
Lwt, but not least, our celebrated
Combinations No. 1,' 2 ahd 3, five 10c
cigars for 25c. ' .'
Myers-Dillon Drug Co.
Cut jut? rigijr iKp,"rA .;
such a system would cost, even though it
shoilM be necessary to postpone for an
other year the building of a battleship or
a couple of cruisers." A Mgnitlcant dec
laration by Mr. Hill la such a scheme
should be kept out of tho clutches of the
spoils system.
The Christmas Everybody's Is full to
overflowing with the'holiday spirit, as In
dicated by the character , of fiction, easay
and verse, but at the tiam.4 time the seri
ous undertakings of A 'purposeful maga
slne are not neglected. There are ten well
known writers of fiction represented In the
numb- r. and Ave important special articles.
A reif.arkablt; feature of the Christmas'
Everybody's Is the reproduction In color of
Alphonae Mucha's paintings Illustrative of
the beattltuiles. Nothing uioie remarkuble
has yet been achieved by this grrat French
painter, the fame of whose religious and
allegorical pictures Is already rivaling that
of Dora.
Gunter's for September Is, as usuul, filled
with brilliant Action, being a holiday num
ber. Some, of its stories .are appropriate to
the season. The opening story, "With
Averted Eyes," by Catherine Carr. is a
novelette of modern society , that contains
one of the most strikingly original and
powerful situations placed in type for many
a day. Another Installment of the great
serial the sequel to "Mi', Barnes of New
York, "The Shadow of . a Vendetta." by
Archibald Clavering Gunter. This remark
able narrative Is making us great a suc
cess as Its famous first part, that has been
transalted Into nearly nli languages ahd
published by the millions.
The Christmas number of Scrlbner's mag
antroj is'-sumptuotia inlfa fllutftrstlons.'fcoth
In color, and black TitH white!, 'and In ita
stortes and Articles It Is remark-able for the
variety and entertMnnient offered bv the
authors. The most effective color printing
probably that has appeared fn this maga.
sine Is the reproduction of Henry Mc
Csrter's series of "Scenes' from the Early
History of Ireland." "' These huve the deco
rative quality of really great painters and
In addition show a careful Interpretation
of old Irish- traditions. Dr.' Douglas Hyde
has explained them In a few notes.
the ln.t two months had been caused by
carelessness In th mutter of preventing
exposure and taking cases In hand during
the 'early stages.
In the ChlBsell case the child was suffer
ing with a cold for nearly two weeks be
fore death, although the little one was
ablo to be out and around until within
a few days ago. The father, E. J. Chls
Bcll, manager of the National Oil and Paint
company, requested Mrs. P cong to at
tend the child for the first time Monday
evening, so Mrs. Do Long said.
Mrs, De Long's Version.
Mrs, De Long's version of the case was
stated by her Wednesday morning:
"I was called to attend the child Mon
day evening. From appearances and from
what Mr. ; and Mrs. Chlasell Informed me,
I believed the ease to "have been one of a
cold and cough, the parents saying they
had not noticed sore . throat or fever.
Tuesday evening I advised that a physi
cian be called In, acting on the advice of
another Christian Scientist. I did not re
port the case, because I had nothing to
report In the way of any contagious disease.
It ' la our custom not to treat contagious
diseases when we know they exist."
This is the first failure to report n
contagious disease that has come to the
notice of the health commissioner this sea
son.. The city ordinances provide for a
fine of J1U0, thirty days Imprisonment, or
both, for conviction In the police court.
The Chlssell home was fumigated Wed
nesday morning, The funeral will be
from a ladder which lie had been using, at
least this was tho story told to his famliy
by a person who .claimed to be well In
The police w-trc never notified of the ac
cident and consequently no official invest)
gallon won ever made, but the case Will
probably go to the coroner for an Inquest
as to the probable cause of death.
Berney lived nt 3S26 North Seventeenth
street and Is survived by a wife and aev-
eral children. Arrangements have not been
mndo for the funeral until It Is decided
whether or. not the coroner will take action
in the premises.
Several Small Purchases of Heal Es
tate In Tlpfalty of I Dion
' clflc Transaction.
Echoes of the recent t'nlon Pacific pur
chase are heard Jn the announcement of
real estate transactions In the Immediate
vicinity ' of the headquarters' site. F. H.
Parson has bought from I V. Morse a
piece of ground y4x50 feet at the south
west corner of Fifteenth street and Capitol
avenue, paying $9,500. He has also bought
from H. A. I'erry the strip Immediately
south, 21x50 feet, paying t4,M8. On these
two pieces of ground stands a three-story
saloon and hotel building, known as the
Cumberland hotel. A few days ago it was
erroneously reported as having been sold to
the Mets Bros. Brewing company. '
The Albion apartment house at Tenth
and Pacific streets has been sold bjr J. F.
Luse to H. G. Bnrnnler for $1(1.000.
H. A. Fisher has sold to F. W. Armbrust
lots 7 and 8, In block 90, South Omaha, for
Man Who Fell Five Stories Considered
Ont of the Path of
: Death.
The first magaslne to Issue Its Christmas
number this year Is the Pilgrim, and we
dare say that jione of the magazines will
have a prettier, daintier, more attractive
cover than the Pilgrim. The scene Is
Christmas morning w hen a" tiny baby girl
awakens 'to, find her b'eij hung and strewn
with Christmas gif ts. ; but the first thing
to ea teh her, eye Is n "Teddy Bear" sitting
on Its 'haunches... and she Is. very much
tmdecldiid whether to be frightened or not.
It is a very happy conception and 'is
beautifully enough't out ; In. .colors. The
Pilgrlm .certainty excels hi Ihe variety and
attractiveness of. Its. eolored covers.
- ' ")
' "Mr. Piakwlck's Chrltmus" I ihe title
given by George Alfred Williams to s.elec
llonn made from ' Dickens" "Pickwick' Pa
pers." which give sn account of the pick
adtkUn.'Sv.OulstfiaJt jt) tSie, Manor . farm
and "of the adventures there the taie of
the goblin, who stole a sexton, and of the
sports on the Ice. The book is illustrated
F.xellement Is ot What Ihe Evanae
llat Wants In Ills Revival
"A great religious awakening In Omaha
cannot be looked for before the third week
of our meetings," said Dr. Torrey, the
evangelist, when re-en Wednesduy at his
hotel. "We are laying a firm foundation.
My Plan in religious work Is to explain
the fundamental principles of salvation I Matthew Bartlett. the laborer on the pew
nnd then let these facts 'soak In.' I. do Spiesheigcr building, who fell five stories
.not. believe in worklug upon the peoples
emotions. That method of revlva" make
a .grent showing at tlrst, but thg gi?od Is
not lasting.-. Lam, If anything, aver., care
ful. When I pass out the pledge, cards, I
warn the people to think . deeply before
they sign them because I expect them to
live up to the pledge.
"What in the foundation of a successful
revival? God Is the foundation. But from
the human side I think thai prayer, the
preaching of the straight gospel and per
sonal work are the strongest factors In
producing a great religious revivifying."
Dr. Torrey la greatly pleased and en
couraged with the progress of the work
during the few days the big meetings has
been going on. The second Sundiv, he
says. Is always greater than the first, and
by the beginning of the third w-wk the
meetings are crowded every evenin-r.
"I have been In very few cities where
the local organization haa been so strong,"
said Dr. Torrey. "The people of Omaha
have taken hold of the work In n wav
that Is very encouraging. Tho Tr.lilMvrs,
also, ire taking a stand with va which
I want to commend most stror.gly."
through an aroaway, Monday afternoon. Is
Improving rapidly afid his recovery Is be
lieved to be practically assured by the
authortlfes'at fho'rriinha tJeriera! hospital,
where he was tHieh 'after the 'accident.
TJartlett sustutned' a fracture at "the base
of the skull,' "-as' 'well yn several broken
bones, and his recovery will be ' deemed
little short of marvelous. Wednesday morn
Ing he was very cheerful and was able to
talk to the nurses and-hls physician.
Third Annual Conference of Mission
aries and Friends Will Last
Three Days.
The third annual conference of mission
aries and friends of the American Sunday
School union Of Nebraska'wlll open Thurs
day evening at the pellone hotel, con
tinuing until Sunday.-,
The conference ,wlU, attend . the Torrey
meeting Thursday evening and the general
program will begin Friday morning. Frl-
wlth a colored frontispiece and line draw- i day afternoon and evening he conference
Ings by Mr. Wllllama, and la Issued by the will spend at tho Torrey meetings. On
Baker : iaylor company aa a companion Saturday tho entire day will be spent in
Fine Imposed on Dealer Who Dilutes
His Product from th
' Pump.
A. P. Grobeck, a nlllk dealer who resides
at Seventeenth street and Van Camp ave
nue, was fined $10 nnd costs In police court
Wednesday morning on the charge of sell
ing adulterated milk. A sample of milk
was taken from Grobeek's milk wagon on
November 14 by Joe Scully, an Inspector
of the health department, and It was found
that the percentage of "pump Juice" was
far In excess of that dispensed by the nor
mal bovine.
volume to ths "Otirlstrmis Carol"
of last
"Young People In Old Places," by Cor
nelia Baker, Is a story of the things that
hearing reports and addresses from mem
bers of the Sunday school union.
The . missionaries In attendance at the
conference will attend the churches of the
city- Sunday and address the congregations
were said and the things that were done ! on the work of the r.rnniiinn.
ay inn uveiy youngsters ana their lively
grandmother during a visit to ' London,
A memorial service will be held Sunday
aftArtioon for the' l:ite impHntnliripnt. V
-H..-, npuin sna jangiera. 11 is not at all , EnMgn. E. B. Your of Wayne will have
the ordinary "traveling tale." but a nai- chHr.fe of th,H S(.rvlce and Superintendent
ratlve brim full of novelty, originality u...l , E. ,,. Stevenson of Kansa. Cltv will give
exflteme,, . with enough loformntloN to adj ( nrrBolm, reminiscences of Mr. Ensign,
to the value of the book without detract- j
ma uue wuii inrn us iniyrcdt. 1 nere ale
many full page pictures representing
Eurojiean sivnea. and atuny pen and ink
drawings in the text Jy Franklin, Booth. I
Published by the Bobbs-Merrill company
"Japareoe Wives and Mothers' is the
title pf the'. second of the series' of articles
on Japary by, .Marian BonsHlI In the House
keeper and appears in the November Issue.
Miss Bonsall'a intimate knuwlt-ilgo of Japu- I
nese home lire makes the article author!
William ftmltb, who Admits Wallop
Ins Frank Smith with Unp,
Gets KisThteen Month.
William Smith, a South Omaha negro,
who used a flaming lamp as a club with
, which to beat up Frank Ss.lth, was sen
tenced to eighteen months In the peniten
tiary by Judge Sutton Wednesday morning.
Demand foni from F.lkhoru, hut
Omaha Police Can Supply
It Sot.
A telrphone inesage waa received by the
police department Wednesday morning from
H. , A. Heiisei of Elk horn requesting that
the Omaha bloodhounds be sent to him at
once for the purpose of trailing some
thieves who had made off during the night
with several of his finest hogs, Hensei
nkm advised that the bloodhounds of Omaha
were still n fond dream, instead a painful
reality, and that nothing could be done to
assist him. "
tailva aa well as bright and Int. resting. . x 1,e 'nl"' - " u
! Intent to wound. It Is charged he brokt-
That the Atlantic ke.ri in 'touch with ahUmj frank Smith's room grabbed the lamp
unusually wide .ange of interests I, strik-nd B J ?.ea,,B""..--The, ,rUb"
ingly illustrated by th. current November "'"'J81"' ,19 9
issue. Tha teadlrg place hua been alven to Htnry May enten:d E , lea of 8UlI," f
vuvlllliirii iiiiiiiiiai nauu u;i'ii iiatn
Graser, a young girl, and was given a
three-year sentence by Judge Sutton. May
Is a youth apparently of a degenerate type.
Wtlllum Larken and Alvlu Huff both en-
A Methodist Minister Recommends
Chamberlain's Conch Remedy.
We have used Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy In our home for seven years, and It has
always proved to be a reliable remedy. We
have found that It would do more than the
manufacturers claim for It. It la especially
good for croup ami whooping cough.
Pastor Milaca, Minn., M. E. Church.
Winter Ultora' "Meek. Knd Exeur.
On Suturdays and Sundaya during the
winter the Chicago Great Western railway
will sell tickets to points in Iowa at half
tariff rates. The rates also apply in oppo
site direction, enabling your rrtends to re
turn your visit. Ask W. G. Davidson, C. P
i . A., ibi Farnam St., for information.
Marring Licenses.
The following marriage license has been
Letters 1
UoseccessM Men
t ta aathat at Letters from a Seli-Kats Mtrckast t kit So
mho run mle s million dollars at
hour's Botkf, but who can't rsiit a
who west tlirmirh thnuuna1 s year, who own 11 hunrli of cow on a mountain
but couldn't (at lliroiif b Harvard. runirf.wherf tlieyran't gnr.r an Hour tnanr
direction without alepping o th murta-at.
Jonas writes to Brother William that in spite of
the fact that Jack hat been given everything that
money can buy he has made a mess of his life.
Here follow some extracts from Brother Bill's
letter in reply:
"Jack is your problem and you're welcome to it. You
could solve it, but you won't, because Jack isn't wheat,
or steel, or stocks, but just flesh and blood."
"If he were a million-dollar deal gone wrong, no subor
dinate could touch him. But when your son starts
for hell in a canter, you send a hired man after him to
beat him back with a club."
"Have you looked up the men who have taught Jack as
carefully as those that you have hired to run your plants? "
"You expected him to associate with idlers and not be
idle; to make friends among the foolish and not be a
fool. That is a pretty big contract for one boy to fill,
even with a father working overtime to help him."
"You and your special breed of business men arc all
alike. You begin in your corner groceries sanding
the sugar for pennies; and you finish in Wall Street
sanding the sugar for millions."
In this weeK's) issue of
5c the copy
f In the next installment Jack breaks a strike in his father's Chicago plant
and almost breaks his father. .
Chicago's. Return
a summary by S. W. AIcCall of the work
of the Flfty-rilntli congress the cmg-re.-s
that puswd the rate bill,' uuthortxod free
alcohol and -expended Jfmo.yni.ino ,,f public
noiey. The MitsNachusctts potigrensnuin Is i
loted for a habit of speaking his nijnd
a-lihout fear or favor, and Ills fourteen !
years of national service give him a good
basis for Judging of tho character and sig
nificance of the iate.t sension. David C.
Brewer of. ths supreme -court,, who holds
the next place in the number, has some
Interesting thns nxay about --rhe Ideal
lawyer." Forty-four years of experience
In the law have njt destroyed Justice
Brewer's btllef in tils profession.
Above books at lowest retail price.'
thews, 13 South Fifteenth street.
Books reviewed are on sale by
Bennett Company at rut price...
- -a i i..aa a n. . w ,
'.-.. VY8t Ad pri'duct '
Tooth Powder
Dentists say "it is the best denti
frice and antiseptic io .the world
for the teeth and gums leaves the
enamel white and gleaming"; also
leaves a delicious after Uste."
, - la handy metal caa"or boitles, tSa.
D - Craves Teeth Pender Co.
Name and Residence.
josepn it. loiiKin. IJnrtsay. Neb. ., .Over 1
ii- in vnace, noum crmatia . .. .Over IS
iJlAJJONlib-Edhoim. Jth and Harney.
Blrtha atnd Drains.
The following births and deatha were
reported to the Board of Health during
the twenty-four lioura ending Wednesday
noon :
Birthta-.L. B. MeCoun, 10S South Thirty
sixth, girl; Harry 8. Briggs, Su7 North
Twentieth, girl.
Death Fr ncea Chlasell, HQ South Twenty-fifth.
1 ,
Illinois Centred RsLilrostd
Account International Live Stock Exposition
Tickets on Salo December 1. 2. 3 and 4
Return Limit December 10th
Two Fast Trains Daily
Leave Omaha 6:00 P. M. - - Arrive Chicago 7t30 A. M.
Leave Omaha 8:00 A. M. - Arrive Chicago 9:30 P. M.
The police have been requested o ap
prehend Bert Dukes, formerly a collector
for the Omaha Clothing and Furnishing
company. .1l Karnani street, who colle.-ted
a aunt 1U Tuesday afiernom belonging to
his employers and fall.d to turn It In.
The Inlern.itioiml Ijiml und Investment
conipany, lormnl to df-nl in real eaial
encourage immigration and provide lu,nv
am.e, hus tiled ailK iea of incorporation with
the county clerk. Tiiv capital stock is $.Si..
und the Incorporator are John IL
Snary, Vailav Buresli and John I. KuUk.
The M?rcy tanda of Train school, Sixth
and Hickory Mretta, will meet Tiiuraday
a:ti-rr,tMOi in it' various tooins bttan n
1 U aad ). Officer ui tUs 'ebraaaa
Humane society will speak to the pupils.
Principal Mason has charge of the pro
gram. The Bun Tent and Awning company, with
a capital stock of feu."), haa been incor
porated by Albert il. Kawltsr, I. M. Ka
wltsxr and Joseph 8. Klrachber.-
County Altorney Blabaugh has filed In
formations In dlwtrict court against Ella
Mctiulgan. charged with picking Ihe pock
eta of a man appropriately named Julian
lieslmple: Andrew Hanks, charged with
grand larceny, and Henry Smith, charged
with grand larceny.
The musical department of the Woman'a
Club will meet Thursday afternoon 'In ths
paxlora of the First Congregational e.huicii
at 2 3o o'clock, when a program from the
(lernian composers will be given. All who
are Interested In mualc and who Intend to
Join the club are ourd.ia.lly invited to at.
The recent cold snap has created a great
den, and for overcoula and persons with
out ihe price of a eervioeable "Benny"
satisfied their needs by stealing the coats
of John Black, 1110 Iodg aireet, O. H
Btevens, a visitor from Uvlng Springs,
la., and F. J. Hyland, "11 South Slxleentli
street. . r
has been used for ever HIXTY YKAKS bi
Si iFTK.NH the Ul'MS. ALLAYS all 1JAIN.
ICl hKrt WIND COLIC, and Is the boat
l reined v for t)IARKHoKA. S.ild by Drua-
giMs- f' evry part of Ilia world. Be aui
iuts jwinklow's booTuiNQ 6imr
SPOO Chicago
and Return
Nov. 22 and 23
Tickets and information at
1512 Farnam St. 'Phone Douglas 260
Bee Want Ads Produce Result