Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Techon Po'igl; 618.
Be, Nov. 21. 1906.
Men's Winter Underwear.
tance of lerielatlve action both am regards
the note te!iea of the nation banks. ami
the better and more scientific handling of
the nntton s public funds on the part of
th" treury arrlnii'n'. Iian be n em
phasised hv the recent action of the coun
try greatest commercial body, the cham
ber of comenerce ot the t'lty of New York.
nci ihe country's mn.t Important hanking
body, the American Bunkers' atroolation.
who Jointly, through representative men
--Our lnok of Men's Underwear lias born! selected with creat car from Iho product of the
bcRt AiKnufarturors in this country, and our Jow prices arc mada possible only by dealing dU 1 Sc'rri.n'a "'Miiv'SZp.
rctftly with the maker?. AVo are insistent upon having sizes and. shapes -correct and quality , 5'5r&uri.. ZT oVy...?:
riffht. Buy your underwear from tlie-reliablc store. Io misrepresentation nere.
wool if it's wool, and cotton if it's cotton; the secret of our success.
! . . v-w-r' . -rr e TTT . TTT m.-n.m
, Special. ;
Mii NatiAwiJJVool Bhltts and Drawers,
fir ; soft flnlih, gofd winter weight, alt
stsesv. 75c each. ' "
We' tsrclally -emphasize, our showing nt;
Winter Underwear for Women
and Children.,
Now 1s the grat buyins time between
With the coming of colder weather the
demand will be for warmer gloves. Our
now and Thanksgiving. Stock ar at th stock Is complete with the following llrles.
Fxpert glove fitter always In attendance
lfl-button Mannish Street Gloves, In new
leather tans, very stylish, per pair. $1.00.
l-button 'Black Olace Oloves. extra
! best,' most nil sizes to be had In every per garment - This range Includes une, i.aicr on we can i sny mis.
bout every good kind cf undergarment! Women's Flne-Rlbbed. Heavy-Fleeced Cot-
th.cVNre know of. in llcht. medium or ton- -Vnlon Suits, high neck, long sleeves, an-
heart weights. In eotton or wool. ! length, ecru color, all sixes. 11.00 each, heavy quality, for street Wear, per pair,
yarnr' used In these goods, best for wear,
nil alzrs, 750 cacti.
Wool Union Suits, high neck, long sleeves,. Mannish Short Gloves. In new tans and
ankle length, color gray, 11.60 a suit Havana, either Pent' or Fowne'a, per pair,
' Women's Itraw-WplBht Wool" Union w
IMPORTED GERMAN WOOL, UNDER-, guU , . nck , sleeves, ankle length. Mannish Stxet Oloves. In tans, suitable
WELAR, finest on th market. Ask to see, color cream or gray, an Ideal winter gar-, or (,trpct or ghopplng, tin extra value, per
ment. $!.T5 a suit. pair, J1.50.
Children's Fine-Rlbhed Wool Vests, Pants Mocha Gloves, either unllned or silk lined,
nnd Drawers, color gray, soft, fleecy finish, n ,u the leading colors, per pair, $1.50.
them, I1M j?r garment Main Floor. '
Bargain Squire in Basement
': Thtirsday.
Remnants of Frlnts, best grade produced
tn America,' regularly told at 61V a yard,
cadet blue and white, gray and white and!
new beige effects, all Id the latest styles,
on sale Thursday at 3Vo a yard.
all le. Srtc each
Boys' Fine-Ribbed Wcol Union Suits,
color gray, heavy weight, all sizes, S5o
each Muln Floor. '
' We Especially Recommend
Skinner's Lining Satin
A lining that Is distinguished the world
Robe Blankets, West Basement IjSLM
The, largest assortment at lowest prices, satisfactory service. Beautiful, soft ex
all color combinations. One blanket makes tune, rich lustre, and a fine line of eolrfrr,
bath" robe for lady or gentleman. Prices cream and bluck. In the end, you will snve
tart at' 11.50. Cords to match any blanket yourself time and trouble If you will use
at toc'pef set. .Skinner's Lining Satins, 36. Inches, Jl .60
Extra .:Valn6 in Our " Basement
Dresa Goods Department.
Whett we, advertise' sppclal values In this
departtnent' It means good, clean Dress
Goods Dress Good . that we would be
pleased to buy and would represent a great
saving to you. Make It a point to visit
this department Thursday.
NOTEr-Bomplcs mailed to' our . out-of
town customers on application.- '
Special Yarn Demonstration
Commencing Monday, N6vember "6. Miss
Bilk Lined Mochas, extra quality
brewn, black or gray, rer pair, $?.00.
Silk Lined Silk Gloves, tn nary, brown,
gray, white and black, per pair, $1.00.
Silk Lined Cashmere Gloves, In black,
brown, navy and gray, per pair, $1.00.
Silk Lined or Fleeced Lined Cashmere
Gloves, in black, per pair, ?Sc.
Ladles' Golf Gloves, In plain colors,,
navy and gray, per pair, 60c
Children's Gloves and Mittens, in all the
popular styles and prices.
Main floor.
W C Bay Il"d Into law. It Is believed will reiu-dy
renc.y system and be productive of gen
eral good. 1 accept the Judgment of thee
men a sound and the principles enun
ciated as a basis of legislative enactment
as being as nearly correct as Is possible
under conditions where ideals cannot be
attained and perfeotion cannot be had. It
is possible that a great central bank
might better accomplish results more sat
isfactory, but a great central bank Is an
impossibility In this country, where po
litical Issues always prevail and whero
Individuality In every part of the country
will not surrender Itseif to concentrated
power In the Meld of banking, no mur
how carefully such power Is dealt with or
how periect and benoticlal might be the
result of Its use. The legislation that !s
the most nearly perfect and Improves ex
isting conditions and remedies present de
fects must commend Itself as a practical
thing , and the country can better afford
to take the nearest approach to the best
thing than to wait still longer yoars for
legislation without " defects and enact
ments that are beyond question In every
word and line.
The commission which est at Washing
ton under authority of the chamber of
commerce and the American Bankers asso
ciation proposes legislation which will
emasculate the subtreasury system and
place the banking business of the govern
niHnt of the United btates upon tho sumo
rational and common sense lines as Is that
or the banking transactions f the man
Otir Perfect
' Telephone
Connects Yon
Irt a Second to
In the Store
Douglas 9SI
Mothers and
Should Visit
on the
Third Floor
of everyday affairs, that of every State,
county and municipality In the country.
And why not? The government method
Of banking Its receipts of revenues Is the
irrational method, which, If followed by
the Individual, would spread disaster
everywhere and make daily business Im
possible. It converts the dollar of activ
ity into the dollar of Idleness, and takes
) j t! l m Trt out of the channela of trade the force es-
Urana UiapiSLV OI X ailCV JjineilS scntlal to a continuance of the flow of
Entirely different from our last
I business undertakings. As long as the.
: nation taKea, through force or law. rrom
grana the individual citizen more tnan tne gov
display. Beautiful hemstitched pieces from ernment needs for legitimate governmental
,,T . ,., .a ho purposes. It ought. In Justice to him, at
Ireland. Germany 4s partly represented by i,.aat attempt to minimize the wrong it
eyelet work. These handsome pieces were inflicts In Dermittinc the business world
NIseh, expert yarn demonstrator for the all selected by our linen chief, Mr. W. W. of which lie Is a parr to have the benefit
Llon'Brand" Tarns, win give free tnstruc-lP. Home, while in Europe. He was think.
flons In all the newest stitches in fanoy ing' of Christmas then. No wonder our
knitting and crocheting. Tou are earnestly stock if Imported Linens is the hand
Incited to .be present Second Floor.'' ' somest In the city. Be sure to see them.
Note 'Beautiful) souvenir pqstal cafds Bhowing interior ; views of our store free upon request
" " ' Open. Saturday Evenings.,
a t .. ' V . .
Howard Uor. Sixteenth Streat.
- -i s f . -. e . ' ' - 1
atAte, , gain In membership over 1906 ot
vi. and a loss of four old members by non
' renewal of memberships. The total mem
fbership In 1903 . Was 296,. in 1904 it was A,
in 1906 ISL Th egcess of receipts
r,er tupenses-. for the , year- were $S.97,
tblch dded to the aiflfunt'-ln the hands
ipjf the treasurer a4v thelast ahnuul meet
'4ng, gives tlia.aaaoclaUiin a balance on
iand Ot $W.2-.-' -; I'1 ,
'ine IHtint rInrest.
.resting paragraph ot the secre
'iii) . tpjrt reads:
;'Our protective fund has grown to a point
- nhre It seems time to make an effort
to .secure better pursuit of bank robbers.
-II Is the writer's personal opinion that
frvyme of the burglary Insurance companies
'Jis any too good a system for going
Xter the' robbers and that they never
' will go to any great length In this line
Miecause lt! "needs a rtertaln number of
rublMirlerai, keep tMs iuslness going jit
JHiod a ftft atiii lf-rt)bbtrls vor 'greafry
Kfider b4jjjvevlnagtii iinwemmsary. 4Vi
. Mast It rat remsiije.any where near
; where the-re at-iswurtt. - ,--"C
The protective committee Is now at work
With t Tr'r)3etl,,,orl, 'illJoHog Jowsrde
,d tabHBhlng "a iTrt' hf Vchleh J rohr-re
iA this state will be a great de more
'closely pursued than Is at present the
H-fxe. After studying the matter to some
'Vjttent the writer Is ofttm opinion that '&
itjjore effective method irarw be .de;lsed for
kvvcur1ng the capture (if. oflmlnats, than la
1mw In ue. We now make a simple offer
f rewards,
'..'Ti-essurer F. T. Hamilton's statement
f'nclded with the secretary's report of.tlje
f '('rianclal condition of ,Jhe . organljtttJpO;.
' ifVnry W. Tates read Ui, fprt ff "the"
.eiecutlvo council. ,?""
H.f- aadrrsj of FriVMeoJ. M ' 7 t '
i'-'l his anoMaJ a ilress Iresidjp.t ,.L. .B.
;-tuwey of lietirrlce offered sorive Jclfyis jori
fnk control fcnd WglslHtlon. $ id'in,
. T. I matter for rnfirnitiilfi i ion m.t
.erly on the part of this ns.M.'m(ioi!, j.ijt
of creating a guarantee fund for the pro-
tection of depositors in failed banns. As
ou uie t( ,a bill for such a purpom;
waa introduced during th last seas on -o
our legislature, and I recently received
the synopsis of a bill ol tins cnai ctt
that it to be Imrouuced at the co.iaiitt
a. union of congress.
It Is likeiy hiso that a bill of the same
character will again be Introduced during
the coming session of our state leglslutur?.
and I would recommend that a legislative
committee be appointed tolook atier this
and such other legislation, as may be pro
posed iiihi in any way anrects tne Danning
.n.erests of the state.
Along the line ot remedial legislation 'In
the Interests of all the banks in the state,
.here Is much for which this association
rt.ght Justly petition, but I believe oui
efforts had best be concentrated upon "ob
taining, a modification of one of .tthe
provisions of the prudent depository vlaw,
which requires security bonds to be, 'fur
nished In double the amount of a county
deposit. It Is certainly patent on Us face,
that If the bond accepted by,. a county, Is
"hot. good for an amotiht equal to -,the
amount of thtVtyMstt WTilch It oovers, '4ben
doUiilina .or .treDiifig it, would. add nutMnk
f-Kr-e aecurity which It" sffnnds, but oes
oriecttne banks, to additions 1. andvOn
rfreiy unnecessary expense. All bsatifirs
should unite In an earnest effort to set u re
Hin amendment -to the resinni.JkW, limiting
Uie amount of the surely bond required,
to the amount of the deposit which it
covers.. r
It occurs to me that the Influence of .this
tsaoolstloti should be used to secure. , an
aniendnenti to ouc state banking law, re
quiring all bank. operating thereunder ''to
'x examined twice a yenr and to make
rive reports to the State Banking board In
stead of four, as the law now provides.
Also the law regulating the compensation
( examiners should be amended and -an
increase provided for therein commerieu
ato.wlth the character of tho work-per-ormtid
and. sufficient In amount to enlist
he services of men of recognired ability-
and yet has one savings bank for each
J.OOO of population. He spoke of New Eng
.and as the thriftiest part of the country,
having one savings bank account for each
9 of population.
President Howey appointed a committee
on resolutions to consist of Henry ' W.
fates of Omaha, J. T. Trenery of Pawnee
City, P. L. Hall of Lincoln. C. F. Bentley
of Grand Island and A. L. Clarke of Hast
.ngs, ;
The program thin morning includes re
ports of important standing committees
and addresses by F H. Clarldge of Blair,
Frank McGiverln of Fremont and Henry
W. Tates of Omaha. "This afternoon Prof.
Joseph French Johnson, dean of the Uni
versity of New Tork school of commerce,
accounts and finance, will deliver. an.
arena, p. l,, Hall of . Lincoln and Cargon 1 Tnty
Hijdreth of Franklin are also on the pro
tram. Election and installation of officers
lll be-held tat in th afternoon;' . -.
. At the Change Connter, , I
F rd A- CAjscaden, a former Omaha man.
of the dailv use of -the surplus revenues
which are accumulated. . The wrong Is
douhlv Inflicted when the citizens' ceoltal
Is directly lessened 'ort tho one hand and
Indirectly Injured on the other. If on rev
enues deposited In the banks by the secre
tary of the treasury interest is paid, there
can be no complaint about such deposit
nor charo-A of governmental favoritism.
It, too, will put an end to the continual
appeal to the secretary to aid the money
situation, for day by day tho government
will bank as others bank and all will know
what th conditions are and not dwell in
continuing expectancy of relief being
granted, from Washington. It la unfair
both to the secretary of the treasury, no
matter who he may be, and to our busi
ness undertakings, no matter what they
are, that the law should necessarily create
so close an Intimacy between the two.
Under trying circumstances Secretary
Phaw has conducted the duties of his
great office with rare skill and Judgment,
but It would be Infinitely better to make
the appeals In every trying time an I
possibility, sndi such a thing can only
come about by either the complete aboli.-h-tnent
of the subtreasury system or th
rendering of it an Inconsequential force
In monetary movements.
I wlh now to turn to a discussion of
that which constitutes the more Important
provisions which this commission on be-
nait ol the commercial and banning in
terests of the country will ana congress
to enact into law, namely tne eniaiging
of the note Issuing function of national
banks by granting them tne right, under
wtli conceived and conservative restric
tions which assure safety to the public
and guard the banks against misuse of
me power given, to put tortn promissory
notes of small denominations without a
spucltic deposit of - avai sis to secure the
same. I am aware tnat there are many
both in and out - of banking circles who
either doubt the. 'wisdom of such not
Issues or protest Against them altogether,
lniy lane counsel ol tneir tears anu
fortify themselves- by' harking back' to
periods where 'renditions existed which
ate now imt.oeiuhla.-
The era of wildcat 'money has grm by
as eiiectuaiiy as -nan tnat or tile Irrcdt-em
able greenback fallacy, and the silver
heresy. The world of business has moved
on to more intelligent periods, better de
TSiere has never c0nmsat LSTg
ing you at this great 25 per cent discount sale of genuine
Irish Linens, Fine Table Cloths and Sets, Below arc some
of the Great Bargains for -Thursday at the daylight store.
200 2-yard, 2i2-yard and 3-yard Table Cloths, in beautiful patterns, large open ,9 7 S
borders, worth $5 and $6 each; this sale for, each
250 dozen Full Bleached Table Napkins, worth $1.25 a dozen; for this sale, 7 C
dozen .
Look for Our Great Lace Curtain Sale Friday
now connected with the Erlckson State vised monet.ry anSc
ina oi r-riuKson. ib in tne city attending saner understanding ot Bank note values,
the convention. Erie Erlckson. president 1 No ol,s complains of the absolute good-
... . . . " ness ot present bank notes. They are
or tne bank. Is attending the convention sound beyond peradventure, but they bear
m ib ins guest ot Mr. ana Mrs. John A. " reiauon in volume or activity to tne
Cuecaden ' I varying wants of business conditions.
, . . , . ' They are measured by the single standard
- F. E. Btevens, formerly of Blair and now of the price of government bonds as re
of Omaha, said the plans for the organlza- fleet d by vhe daily quotations. It Is
tlon of a new bank in this city were well ?.b.!.lir? l ,c1f2n1!.hat 8uc.n a bank note
.unoer way and that he would have some-, bly adjust itself to the business growth
thing to give out on the subject soon. I of an expending country. We cap bettei
P..L. Hall of Lincoln 1. the candidate 'g l 'VTJl J?" n.f"
fp the part of tne public as-well, that mit
indfl of the O'Ni'lll and Tecum3ch trage
dies, there has not been a genuine bank
failure in this state for years: and this
'would aoeoruto lnloete that o have a high
-grade of. bsnkers Ip-the. 9jit), which, as a
'whole, tney undoulrtaedy are. but' we must
rtemeiTiber'thiif . these aVe "prosperous times
-and that under existing conditions the re
unite of incompetent aid reckleie manage
ment are not easily discernible. But.
granted that there may he banns in the
'state that are today suffering from bad
management. It Is a fact that, under the
present system of supervision employed, no
frteans are available for correcting such
evils, except -ben' the. solvency of a borik
may be questioned or Its management has
tw-en guilty of violations of the law; snd
attention Is seldom 'directed to the -latter
wilUl Insolvency. wWh. neturnlly follows,
ha become an accomplished fact.
Jtfr. Howey said the correction of this
tvll might be secured through the associa
tion, whjclli should Tn.nke membership so
ettraetlw.tli. ,,.!!!. trnMHei'S in. the state
would Lecoino mciiibers, and which should
then Imposu a condition reiulring all mem
bers t -submit to an examination by ai
expert .,J&-"ijnjiHsr- pf tneassodlation.
He added:
Of one thing we may tie certain, and
that is, if we do not voluntarily adopt
some measure calculated to afford greater
protection to depositors, we will, aooner
or later, have forced upon us a law pro-
ii tttis- witn a view or strengtnenmgourjthe association for the coming year
hanking ystem and thereby affording! ' ' -"" year.
greater, protection to depositors. - .
,, Cornell enr Land.
H; Cornell, president of tho First. Ra
tional 'bank, -Valentine, In an address,.pn
" What 'DlsppaUlon Should be Made of- Un
appropriated Government Lands," advo
cated the sale or lease of such lah'ds,
both for the purpose of deriving a revenue
for " the government and ' state purposes
and to prevent the Impoverishment of the
land. Under the present system, he said,
each cattleman and sheepman vies with
the other In trying to See how much tie
can get from the land, without a thought
of conserving the grass supply or pre
serving the capacity of the ground for
production. ...
J. W. Stelnhart of Nebraska City talked
on the subject of "Postal Savings Banks,"
arguing .for their establishment on the
ground that they are safe; they educate
the people to habits of thrift; that tho
production of new forms of wealth should
be taken car of by the sayings of . the
people o,nd not by the capital of the com
mercial biuiks. He pointed to the fact thut
only 8 per cent of the uvople of the United
Btates are savings bank depositors, while
the percentage in any progressive European
country is several times 4s large. The
United States has In Its savings Lanka 37
for each one of Its population and has
only one savings hank to each 67,000 of
population, while England. for Instance,
most eenemJIv nviV.n tn. . ..." j" ' .r7.. ' " fur."
- - , --i . .... iiwiuriu di luiiiiamoiHaiiy ngni man go on witn
measures which though sound In a single
raiccnf annm.n .K- ....... - regara are inadequate and wrone- in everv
J" "' J''" ",rau,uu Other respect. It seems to me that we
makes a man who has served one year In- have readied a point In dealing with cur
ellglble for the office the following year. i rency questions whrre we can wed afiord
B. Stevenson who lived in Omaha for i,eie!;?.CTVUhr,f;cLhra7'thty
many, years and Is now cashier of the Knox are and not as we either think tiiey re
county bank of Verdigris, Neb., Is attend- or wln were. TllTe is no doubt
ing the convention but tat ultimately the knowledge of what
Ladies' Coats
New tight-fitted Coats, new loose
back, and inlxed cloths. Every ex
press brings something new that
has not been shown beiore.
New circular backs, cut gener
'.ously full, prettily trimmed, spe
cial Thursday at 12.50
Fancy check, and stripes, veivet
trimmings on collars and cuffs,
loose strapped back, a regular
18.50 coat. Thursday at.g5.y3
Just received, and will be marked
for Thursday's selling, sampio
lino of tight-fitted coals, woitn
from $22.50 to $30.00, on sale
Thursday at $22.50, $16.50
and S15.00
Neat, well-fitting, dressing sacques
and skirt combination suits. In
clean patterns of grey, blue,
black and white, suitable for
kitchen or general housewear,
Thursday $1.50
Infants-' Heavy Coats, ages 1 to 5
Years Extra heavy all wool
eiderdown, soft and washable. In
red, white and light blue, made
--Hp in Buster Brown style, regu
. lar price, $4.95, some slightly
soiled by moving, sale price
Thursday $1.93
Ladies' Fleeced Pressing Karaites
at 48c Medium and dark coN
ors, loose and fitted backs, some
trimmed In embroidery and fin
ishing braids, sacques that sold
at 69c and 75c, Thursday .48
Bearskin Cloakings, In red, brown,
grey and cream, plain, and fancy
effects at, per yard, $5 down
t " $2.75
Astrakhan Cloakings, in red, blue,
black and cream, 54 inches wide,
regular price, $2.25; only, per
yard' $1.75
Crushed Plush Cloakings, black,
'red and tan, 52 inches wide, sold
at $4 yard, only, yd. . . .$3.00'
'New Scotch and English, effects, in
fhe: nobbiest plaids and checks,!
'. 56-in. wide, $2.50 and. .$1.50
Special Silk Bargain
A Sale of Pure Silk Crepe . do
Chine for pretty waists, gowns
and neck scarfs. We are show
ing this fabric in both light and
dark shades, including cream
and black. Our regular selling'
price, S5c a yard, 24 inches wide,
Thursday, yard 50
Black Chiffon Finished Taffeta.
75c quality, wear guaranteed, on
sale, Thursday, per yard..,4g
In Our Neckwear and
Turnovers, fancy embroidered
linen lawn turnovers. In over 50
different patterns. 10c to 20c
values, choice, each 7J
Hand Embroidered Initial Irish
Linen Handkerchiefs, unlaun
dered, excellent 10c value, spe
cial, each 57
Six for 25
Up-to-date fancy and plain colored
pull Braids and Cords, worth to
25c the yard, in our trimming
section, Thursday, the yard, 15c,
10c 5
Hosiery Special
In our Hosiery section we will
offer another big lot "Vlffla,"
best cotton Maco hose, for'la-
1 dies at, the pair 25
Plain and Illbbed Cashmere Hose,
heavy fleeced and cotton Maco
hoae, for ladies and children,
warranted fast black, double
soles, worth to 40c pair, special,
per pair 25t
Ladies Wool
Extra heavy wool Vests and Draw
ers, flat goods, silver gray, sizes
32 to 44, regular values at 89c,
sale price Thursday, each.(JJ)
Basement Specials
150 pieces of Fancy All Silk Rib-
bons, in checks, plaids, stripes,
. .dots and warp prints, fancy Per
sian effects, 4 to 5 inches wide,
every yard in thla lot worth, 25c,
Bpecial Thursday, s, yard..l4
Bargain table filled, with narrow
and medium width edges and ln
; sertlons, In nainsooks and earn
' brie', extra good' values at 5c yd.,
... for, Thursday only, yard.., ..2
In China Department
Importers' Samples at 3c An
assorted table of Fancy China
Cups and Saucers, Plates, Vases,
Figures, etc., values up to 75c,
at, each 39
Stcin An importer's line of
,. Fancy Steins, over 300 different
styles, prices ranging from 25c
. to $12.50. Thursday, all the
$2.25. $2.48 and $2.95 . steins
will be grouped on one table
and closed out at, each. .$1.05
Colonial Shapes in
Our Colonial Glassware stock is
now complete- tame glassware
and drinking glasses, everything
from a toothpick holder to a punch
bowl. This line is beautiful and
easily kept clean and bright look
ing. Prices very low.
White semi-porcelain cups and
saucers, either American or En
glish, with neat embossed flgurq,
at, per set of six 49
In Housefurnlshing
Clothes Wringers at $4.95. $3.95
and $2.25
The difference is in tho rolls,
the better grades are Dall bearing.
Special for Thursday $2.25
Clothes Wringers, each..$1.4S
For -cutting meats, nuts, vegeta
bles, etc. Not the Email size, but
the No. 1 family size, usually
Bold at $1.25, on sale 79
So extremely advertised, per can,
75c 40c, 25c and -15
For ranges, and the ones with the
high stand for gas stoves, 95c
and s. .-75d
Trunks, Valises and
Suit Cases in Great
Special value in a 24-inch Leather
Suit Case, worth $5.00 . .$3.95
Oil Heating Stoves
We are selling lota Of Oil Heating
Stoves nowadays. Wo have the
kind the Standard Oil company
advertise in . another column-
prices $1.75 down to.. $3.4$
vldlnj jor assessments for-the purpose , has only for each oruV of population,
iShocsBpysShocsGils, Shoes
Winter is here with it mow and cold and the first tiling to t
considered is the foot war for the children. The question is "Where
can I get the best 8hos?" Your child is entitled to the best shoes made.
That' our butinetts lnre and we liure such a large assortment in win
tor khocs, overshoe- and rubber that If 110 trouble to fit any foot.
Here' where we n il those stjllt-h long wearing shoos.
Uo.&' hiyli top storm boota, made
of txtra heavy water-proof with heavy double sole
from heel to toe and gusaet up
front The warmest, strongest
and most durable shoe
made, sizes 1 to 5 'i . .
Boy' heavy box calf blucher shoe
with heavy vis valued double.
Mies. Educator last
Sizes 1 to 5 4 2.Si
Sizes 9 to 13i . . . :
Girls' heavy guu metal calf shoes
in late aou uuiton wiih heavy
welt koJcs. jMaile of extra selec
tion stock all thioush
l-. o j uaiiies sizes . . . .$1.?M
lUto 2 $1-00
iti in 10'i 2.50
Un is' heavy box calf button shoe
with double . aolea, very durable
nd stylish -
Sizes 2 Mi o 5 fJJiO
.sizes 11 Vi to 2 t2.25
Sizes HVi to 11 .91.85
Girls' heavy dongola shoes la lace
and button with heavy soles,
very durable and stylish
Sizes 2 V to S 92.SO
Sizes 114 to ! $2.25
Sizes 8 4 to 11 $1.85
Child's flt.riEola kid button and
lace shoes, made with brpad toes
for growing feet, very fine
Sizes 6 to 8 $1.50
A grert assortment of overshoes
and rubbers to fit all shos.
Get our illustrated catalogue.
jiiU SON TH 0 RNE3
onAUAaJiEn.- y
. . v.ji.B.n.uiro me uiiiirujiiij principles ot
rne hanks of the state were never In ao bank note Issues will control and we will
flourishing a condition before as they are 'f- our nilnds of many misconception '
no-" said Fdwln lurv r,r.M. .u-, that both hamper and confute us. 1 am
S-irLt .1. .1 k I T S,r'8l(,"t of "".sure the publto will at no distant day ec- ;
First National bank of Elm wood. "The cept aa axiomatle the fact that bank nous !
banks have touched their hlgrh -water mark ar nothing but mere proinissnry notes 1
Money is plentiful and It Is difficult to loan SM.r.'r.'rSeirnab'ff u'pon demand '
it because the farmer have all they need, that which has recognized value. They 1
"Bank Advertising-" was the subject of fr DO l00 money than a bank check
an address by W Rhoades. assistant ISoaVaTe l?'?. !
cashier of the Lnlted States National bank. But the argument Is advanced that the
He discussed the value of newspaper, elr- Pr"POd unsecured bsnk note suggnstrd by
oular and souvenir advertising and ended j "0" o' S Tr'y
by declaring the best advertising of all to : which will encourage speculation on every i
te tne Dana a- custom
treated , by the bank
tney will bring other customers. through an issue of notes which are uuil-UIv ':
I convertible u denuind, wltn ril inpilon ,
i rii ri nv iiL L-nniu ol. r-i xincm..- 1 aKenclcs ticai-at hand, and where the iiioiic-'
. - VHC.1VM 1 lurv ,.t .l. I
notes rest- Is not debused. The Inflation of 1
currency come from a debasing of a coun
try's monetary standard of value and never '
from fh I MB 1 1 u flm r, t rrtri vi-1 1 HI Kanlr nnl., i
- In the course ot his address on th re- 'And it is euually true that speculation bears I
form 'of -the currency ytera James ' H.' :o relation To th putting out of convertible I
r,i,iH ih. rm i.i bank notes, but finds Its birth and growth
Eeklea president of th Commercial Na. an(, flnaJ d.viopmOT,t ln tn, unwlie and
tlonal'banic of Chicago and' farmer eomp- 'abnormal extension of bank credit, ee that '
troller- of the currency under President :olt Is represented by ehecJt and deposit
fl.l... ..M- ' curr.ncy.
'Tnmi hi an 10 ; which win encourage speculation on every
era. If they 4r well ' hnd and work outipunlo and disaster. I
m aitihlvi h. .i .challenge the objection thus maae un-
employes, he said, aound because inflation never coniee
Kornaer C'ouiptrollrr laser Cleveland
Addresses the Raakers,
Tndav thera is nA adeonate mMni In thla
1 am not unmindful of the fact that th I eountrv. outside of artinclal and unnatural
auackan wtiat ate termed the evil effeota ones, of meeting the chsngins; ; need of
of ao-cJied trusu, the inequalities ot taxa-. business requirements. The granting nota
tion, and tne wrongful tollies of tariff and then of government drpoilfa means
cnedules, ' to. ether with the dreamy and nothing under existing condittens. In every
ctiariiiiialy tictuitd banehta of vuvirn. mikiti of pxtrmordinarv cron movmnt or
'mental and municipal contiol and owner- manufacturing activity the banks find
snip, toaay attract tne at Ion t ion of men themselves either unable to properly pro-
In niblio piace and more Hil tn public eye, ride credit to those who deserve It, or If
but tavuen Oy and large no one of them Is they do so the strain Is so great as to
of more tHr-retciiing importance xr -affects cause euch hiah rates of Interest as to- lay
more 'grcauy tiie underllng conuitluns of an sdried burden upon every customer,
prospeuty In the country tnan uoes tne less The bank's a.sets, no matter how good,
aiiuniig nuuji-rl o( cut rency reiorm. It a" are d nd Insofar as being available tor
a nappy circuniaiaBce tnai ttie need of a purposes or rellcr or a situation which
We Pay Six Fei- Ceit
Because we earn it, and we pay no more than we actually earn.
We earn it because we have no preferred stockholders to receive
the "cream" of the profit; take no klsk in making loans, as we do
not loan on negotiable paper; pre not required to keep large amounts
of cash on hand, but are expected to keep all money loaned out; and
because ours is a mutual association and pays its members what their
money earns. -
Wo invite investments of from $1.00 to $5,000 and assure such
investors of carefulness, promptness and security in the handling of
their money.
Resource,' $1,901,002,80. Keserve, $75,00(1.
Call or write for information. " v
Ae Conservative
Savings Loan Ass'i
205 South 16tk Street
Omaha, Neb.
tJOYD'S Mgrs.
Tonight, Friday, Saturday Matinee
and Night.'
in His Latest bUcc-tf. '
Hot tower floor Beats at
The Rogers Iirus. In Ireland.
The Musical Buccei of the .bottson.
TO N 1 1 JUT A t. L. WElSls .
oaptaih gwrrr.
Prices LiVeinnua and bun. Mats., loe,
itc; Tus., Tliur., Sut. Mats. )iic, Vic.
Next t -'eek-PHlNCK trTTO.
our highly developed and complex business
world. . '
Such a bank note system we do not have.
and until we ar posHi-e.:a m u we mu
look for rrigh rates of interest when we
least should have them, and rcurrlrm
more re.poiH.ive character of baua note ought without difficulty to be corrected, periods or uncertainty an.i uuui.i. wie
Issue and u. Letter adapted relation of guv- They cannot discount their paper without I pin of one undertaking here ana iinoiner
eiumeiil hnunce to daiiy bu.inees uuuer- catislns comment snd criticism, and th-y there, will mark our business ana nnaneiai
taa.ines deii.uiids attenUon at a time when canr.nt encroach upon their reeerve. The career. It cannot be otherwise.
Hie piospemy of Uie country is unduuhied, resort to a bond secured note Is exnenHlve
lis agiicuituial, nmnufaituring ana nnan- and far from speedv, and so In more thin
clal activities everywnere i parent and one Instance the country ln the midst of
suiMtianlial und its credit conauiuna neaJih- unprecedented pronnerlty has stood in the
tul und sounu. 'Dm demand tor better shidow of disaster because of needed bank-
thinjja spin. ks neither Ironi panic nor ing relief. It Is because of this fact that
.i.L.ien-.i dlatress. there Is the demand 'that- the bunks, the
The uetuineak of the hank finds Its frui- 1 properlv organised agencies fnr csrlng for
lion la tne grow in and
farmer not leaa than tiiHl nf
the manufacLorer iml la iharv ihu I
tii coruuraLHju which rnnirnii tha, nihii. I of belna responsive to the requirement of
t finds Its frul- : properlv organised agencies for caring for
ueceas of th the nefds of bn-lness, be granted the power
! the merchant rt provide a credit currency which Is not
than that of 'onlv possessed of th quality of Safety, but
try iTunaiiuriaiiun lines. It is as essen
tial to labor us It is to capital, and through
its Int-tjumeniality adds to the efficiency
ot both. 1 a:n certain no banker tails to
appreciate, though the public too otten
seems to, that the bank 1 the on
place where the idle money ..and credit
of every loca.tty where a bank ex
ist finds lodgment not for Idle purposes,
but tnat they may become active lore a
In the daily aOairs of such locality. It
take th dollar of fhe single transaction
and makes it bear the burden of many
transactions with more dnect benefit to
Ih.yfcr wno buy Its ue by pament of inter
est thereon than to the bank which In It
turn borrowed it from tne deioajior. The
tiiiposMhiuty of there being u.n iunt capi
tal at any time In any on persoit pussea
Dion, or in any place, to carry on a single
day exchange, must autgest Itself to
the person alio' a 111 tne subject even
the most casual lnveattgation.
I am here to urge an awaaening ef th
nation's legislative, body to the vast tin
poriauce ol ll all and an Insistence that
It he given precedence over inerw expendi
ture of public funds, the creation of ottl
rial place or the formulating of laauea for
llutuie ptliik'l cacniajsua. 'aba loiyer
adds to It . the no less important quality
A Skin of Pauty m, Jcy rowwf.
T. Fella Ooureod'a Oriental
Cream or Magloel OeautlTier,
B . m rra Tin, plnplw
lireiln, Jdi lh JP.ccl.
altt. tug ctia f .ri.n
anq very B,rni,,
en b&ut. and Ut
ttt dr.ectlnn. Ii
lu uU 111 US'
of 7 vnr. ul
It a lam t a (
1iU (cbturtl
U aptarlf Bitila
Ateisl aoecublfr
lr I at !u,.,
S r i U 1
bvly ef lii kftid
l a (a sal won
"at ynu iaiiiai
Will B tlifa.
I rieuartli
tSaarsas's freaai' m tV t-t barnful f 'l tin
Ik otrtri ! " I I aW If all Or U a r
Uausa la Uia Caa Hue, Uua IH
IL39kT.iaEIS.rKK 3? " S'M
Governor-Elect Sheldon Will fpeak
and II. W. Vate Be Toaatmaater.
. banquet will be tendered memb-re and
visitors at the Millard hotel Thursday
evening, beginning at 7:30 o'clock Henry
Vi' Tates of the Nebraska National bank
will act as toostmaster. The speakers on
the program are P. R. Forgan, vice presi
dent of the Flint National bank of Chl
caeo: Hon. George L. Sheldon, governor-
elect of Nebraska; Hon Gilbert M. Hitch
cock, editor of the Worldellerald.
The la yvar- has been a .hard one for
forgers, swindlers and others who disturb
the peace of mind of the bankers. The pro
tective committee of the American Bankers'
association, secured the arrest, of eliiety.
three .forgers and swindlers, cf whom only
fifteen were released. or acquitted. The
number of burglars arrested In the list
year was sixty-six. Thirty-eight bf these
wr convicted and fifteen are jti to be
tried. . ' "
AwcHom rrnci oompabtt,
B07 soni 1lU Bk, OKUt.
'Phone Douglas 494
TODAY of Houi
CHILt"K"l 10o.
Prices 10c, 850, 80c
ii IV U U IScJSc. 50c 75c
Tonlpht 8:13. Matinee Saturday
' In Walker Whilenlde's Grcatsst
'omedy Drama.
Wh fcMg KlrtQ
P1'NI I--RI-8TEH intOWN.
fabllsbc Tlaaslir Parsa Tuples.
lleadaofeee ami .earuiaila t'roaa i'ol4a.
Laxative- promo Quinine, the world wiui
Cold d
remedy, reinova cause. Call
for fall oakue. -Uook lor amnatura r..
Ciovs. v ' -
UwVaut Ads irodU'.c i-auHa, .
This cafe, the finest In
the city, is NOW OI'EN.
Private dining ' rooms.
- Special preparations for
uter-tljeater parties.
1508 Howard Street
Table S'B Slaaer Ilvary Zvaaiag,
to a o'eiook
and Restaurant
1516 Dodge St.
Everything w
Best of Ever thing
Thoroughly l'p-to-late
First Clas In All IlesiM-ct
(aV IT
Prompt Service. The Best of