Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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I '
Office, 10 rearl Rt. TM. 43.
Ten Cents Per Head EountT Be-ulti
Dsath 'of twenty TuouianrL
Itestlatrnrs at Recent Election Refuse
t .accept the Anoint Allowed
Them br the Board tt
thexe conditions, muct be remedied without
The board will be In rioii today nnd
possibly IYlday.
There la no hot blast stove on the market
today that Is eojial to the ttoss Hot Blast.
It has a front feed door, which makes It
easy to put In the fuel and a bis; Improve
ment over the old style Of rutting In the
fuel at the top door and filling the houao
with smoke. You can remove the ashea
Mnakins; and entering a dining car la
the Milwaukee yards, end stealing tl- and
some silverware, wen. on a plea of guilty
yeaterdnv. sentenced to thirty days In the.
county Jail. . ' '
nf-thls city- Mr. Plwcmdkfr In em;lrtyer
n e machinist In the I'nlnn rnclrtc shops
at Cheyenne.
Wo are -ell spirited nit.iln with Ohio
ti'it. the washed ritl Suhf Mtutr, Jc'l n
t'n. Prldenetein A- Smith.- Fourteenth
avenue and Klxth street. Telephone 1 S J.
8nd In yolir order for eivO mrly. Thl.i
reet, Omaha, enliftrd 1 lii- mmiitna
rnl'vrn m l'trta ta t- hit t, i di -rrs a ' "M Wen ther nmkeH Ua very btravi And we
mst nAv0 tt )i,tle time, to (ret your order
For Imported wines and liquors and Bud
welser beer, go to Xj. Rnsenfeld, wholesale
liquor dealer, 619 South Main street.
FOR THE ROBERT BURNS 10c CIOAR out. Council Bluffs Coal lea Co. Phono 7?
AND IJTTLE POHBIE, OLD TIMES Peter Nelson, ned ! yenrs, rtlvi at a
AND EKRIS 6o CIQAR3. 'te Tu-sdiy night at his borne
in unrner tnwnsnip. nemnes rus wue,
two sons and two dnuglueis survive
ItlKh grode grsnlte work, from the best
nrre Imported gr.inltes, lettering, carving
and tracing. Fine monumental work a
specialty. Sheeley & Lane, in .East Broad
way. Ruth, the Infant daughter of Mr. and
with a nice big ash pan. The Joints are all bating him and throwing him out of his died yesterday. The funeral will be held
::.iv, rrom ino-reaiaeuce,
be In Faliview ceme
has been released from the county Jail, . jut received a lnrgc shipment of self
where ho had been since Novcmocr 9. bwstlng Savory roasters, which we are go-
tiawvell Released from Jail.
William Bawvcll. who was charged by
without making a lot of dirt In the houso John Ern(lt of Krg Creek township with
absolutely tight and smoke proof. Gives
uniform heat day and night. Holds fire
forty-eight hours. Will bum soft coal,
hard coal, cobs and wood.. .The make-up Is
combined with excellence and beautv. Price,
$12.00 and tl.0. D. W. Keller, 1"3 gouth
Main street.
The Board of Supervisor at Ha session
..,-mwiv. fliriirf that nver 70. 000
gophers bad been killed In Pottawattamie ) Comblnatlon . ,,, eIectrlc charidellers
ounty since the bounty of . 10 cents a hcrul nd th) celcbratfd wHsbaeh Incandescent
went Into effect last spring At the June burners. Why not see us before you
buy. We can certainly please you on price
and quality of goods. Khcphan Bros., 53
West Broadway.
buggy, In which he had given Pawvell a , "ls arternoon at
...7 ... j , -. . and burial will
nil. Aim ini-u ui iviiik n v ry vtiin 1110 in
c it ... n i k log to make u lender of: tl.SO roaster for
""'-' ... (mn W(Hk otJy rpmrmlHr. See our
Ihdbj County Man Wanta ITis Old Plao j
at Cierk of tr.e tltn a
l.eon Loser Denied at Heliearlnai hy the
npreme C onrt and Mast "land
Trlnl Again In the
District Coart.
apprentice s.tivuii .it n inont
! 1 i-onsent of his mother.
naval recruiting office. Ic hnl i'i. vi
session of the. board vouchers for $3.46e were
approved and that meant the bounty on
H,tW ; gophers. The greater part of yes
terday aOerhoon's session w devoted to
lesslsg on similar claims and County Audi- Dollvered at your nearest station, lum
tor Cheyne estimated that over 17,000 had ner so low that It will stun yott. C. llafer,
!eeii paid out for the destruction of tlicso Council Bluffs, Ii.
llltle Tiesls. Membera of the lwurd-ex
pressed the. opinion that If this iate of de
Htinjp.tlon. Is kept up neiU yctyr- the farmers
w lfi seon be rid of the gopher pest.
The. Contract lOr tho Cotihty bridge work
for the year-beginning April 1. 1307,- was
awarded to William' M. Lana of Atlantic,
Beard of ltealth Rales ronfllrtlna.
The Council Bluffs Medical society has
come to tho conclusion that the rules ot
the State Board of Health relative to quar
antine for diphtheria and other contagious
diseases are Inconsistent and conflict ooe
Robert Mackenzie, who took up the pur
suit In his automobile. Sheriff Canning
was notified and bo brought Pawvell to
this city, where he was placed In the '
county Jail. Sawvell asserted tha TTrnst ,
had been mixed up In a saloon melee In
Council Bluffs In which he received two
black eyes. When nenr his home In Keg'
Creek township, Hawvell snys, Krnst asked
windows for other bargains. , Petersen &
Hohoenlng Co.
Fred Jonesheit, son of Mr. and Mrs.
August Jonesheit of Iwls township, died
vesterday morning, atjed 17 years. ThH
runeral will be held Saturday morning
at 11 o'clock, from the lamlly residence,
ami interment will bo In Fail-view ceme
'1 ho local rolli e have been requested
the present contractor,; hla bid being tha with another. A committee consisting of
lowest of the tour submitted. The bid of Drs. J. C. Waterman, H. B. Jennings and
Contractor 1-nna waa fi.30 per lineal foot Mat Tlnley has been upolnted to draft a
fot newbrldg:es complete, 35 cents per foot request to the attorney generul of the
for piling for both red cedar and white oak, state asking hltn to examine the rules of
and ITS per 1,000 feet for lumber In place, tho board an,d rendef the society an opln
The -contract provides that work on all ion ks to which ones should govern In the
bridges- shall be commenced within thirty oft-disputed subject of quarantine,
days after receipt of notice from the su- j Recently Mayor Macrae In his capacitv
of chairman of the local Board of Health
to look out for Mrs. K. Oreenleaf of Fro
i he 1 v:ti.rii!i ftcrman.
homo In the condition be was. After his punish, Swedish and Bohemian languages
arrest no charge waa filed against Saw- I with fluency.
bothered with a poor
can sret vour wrtlch
Jury Ignored the case and returned. a "no cleaned, regulated and repaired In first-
Kiii ihr wna no record of Saw- . class style, all at a reasonanie price: i
him to drive the team on to Mlneola and tnont. Neb., who escaped trom a hosp
. . m . ,, j,,. t , there and is quite a linguist, as she
wait for him. as ho did not tare to go .al(J to Rp).a t)n , K,MS,, Goril
homo In the condition lie was. Alter nm Imnlsh, Swedish and
arrest no charge was filed against Saw- with fluency,
veil, but his case was presented to th.i i Do It now. Bring :
grand Jury, then In session. The grand jl? '
veil's arrest, or his being bound over to
tho grand Jury, the court officials were
in somewhat of a quandary yesterday
what to do with him, until Judge Green
suggested that e man be turned looso
and an entry on the court records to that
effect entered. Sawvell was accordingly
turned loose.
Stato Board of Health, asking .to be en-
Hghtehed on some of the disputed points.
Dr. Kennedy referred him to Dr. Hanchett
of this city, who Is a member pf the stato
board. Dr. Hanchett's ruling was not
The. other blddara were The Canipbell
Flaglo.r company of this city, J. W. Towle
of Omaha and. C. E. Beatty of Leigh, Neb.
Several of the registrars who served at
the r'eeent election have declined to accept
the 115 remuneration offered by the board.
The law provides that the compensation of agreeable to the la:al biarti.
the registrar of election shall be $2.50 per The attention of the attorney Ronoral
calendar day and the board allowed this is to be called to the rules which lonP.iot
for six days In the city precincts, with the as to the number of days a patient with
exception i of tliej Second precinct of tho diphtheria should be quarantined. One
Sixth, ward, which lies weHtr of the river, rule provides for the release of the pa-
anq" where the board allowed pay 'or four tlent after two cultures have been made
days. Bome.6f the registrars . have, filed and found free from the' disease germ,
claims for S and others for $30. although while another rule requires the patient to
two years ago they received' only $25. The be kept quarantined for seventeen days
whole matter waa Ordered referred to the after recovery. Still another of the rules
ceunty attorney. j provides that where a ' person suffering
County : Attorney Hess was Instructed to from diphtheria Is treated with antitoxin,
oolleot at once f rom '.3t P. Hess, guardian he or. she will be quarantined for thirty
of Kate I, Feely, Insane, the amount duo five days, and further on another rule says
the county for the care and keep of the a diphtheria, patient shall be kept under
Woman at the hospital for the Insane. j quarantine for four weeks.
' Tha -county auditor was Instructed to ,
notify the Rock Island and Milwaukee rail- ' Mr. Ed Cogley, bur poet and song writer,
roads that, several complalnta had been 1 the first to recognize the beauty and ar-
Yon Must Look.
At our superb stock of wall anj coiling
decorative papers If you have the slight-
wrote to J. F. Kennedy, secretary of the est notion of keeping In touch with tho
latest and best Interior decoration. This
Is a model store In that line and you miss
much if you keep away from here. Jen
sen & Nicholson, 238 West Broadway.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. X0. Night, U
made of the condition of their crossings
near the. Iowa School tor the Deaf and that
tlstlo value of the hall decoration, Muralla
TTItt ftfirlnr Tins tnnt linan flnlohoil In Ua
r i ... . .... in-nn a Horpn io I m r. iii-ii'iii'.
iri moineiie design, ana wnicn ne says ,", k'mV. nf nwL. 12-7U-44
Heal Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
November 21 by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
Agnes W. Casndy and husband to P.
L. Etnyre. lots S, , 10. 11. 12. 1.1 and
14. in Casady's subdivision of lot 11,
and bluff lot on Mount Lincoln, in
Elders addition to Council Bluffs.
la. w. d '-iriO
Frank K. Ressler and wife to Jessica
J. 8lelentopf and Ellen M. S. Haas,
part of lots 6 and 7, In 14-7T-44 w. d.. 2,'0
PortHmouth Savings bank to Clara A.
Annla. lot 8 anil west 10 feet of lot 4,
in block C. In Curtis & Ramsey's ad
dition to Council Bluffs, la w. d I.SiiO
Charlotte C. A vies worth to Marietta
Aylesworth nrid Jesse F. Ayls worth,
part neVi swi4 and part nwi sc-V;.
19-75-43-w. d ..v fc'n
C. D. Dlllin and wife to Louis ...
James, lot 14 and west 11 feet ot lot
16, in block 8. In Central subdivision
in Council Bluffs w. d
ll.t Jf rtrhtt,
1"".- tUeMilHiata
Trd Mark
:0'n t n "PT rrm
Your Druggists Guarantees It.
Is-"the pride of the neighborhood." Bee tho I
new Muralla at W. 8. Hewetson's wall pa
per and art store. . Select your pictures now
for Xmas presents, order your framing done
In tlmev A large lice to select from. Bring
your photos to be enlarged In s'epla or water
colors any old photo that 'you like. W. S?S
Hewctson, Masonic Temple, Broadway ami
Fourth 'street. ,
. .Switchmen's Overshoes
At Sargant's family shoe store. Will out
wear two pair of ordinary overshoes.
w. d
Six transfers; total..
..rr. 151
A. Metsgar A Co.
New Location of Wholesale Bakery,
5U Mynster Street, Council Bluffs, la.
Home-made Bread a Specialty.
. . Visitors Welcome.
Protest on Carblus; Assessment.
Property owners on Glen avenue, be
tween Pomona street and the reservoir,
whose holdings back up against Jtiik ave
nue, havs filed with the city clerk through
their attorney a .formul protest against
bemg uss:-ssed for the curbing on the wert
side of the latter thoroughfare. This curb
ing hna been set preparatory to the pav
ing of that portion of Park avenue be
tween Pomona street and tho entrance to
Fairmount park. On the west side of
Purk avenue between these points there
Is a deep drop to Glnn avenue, the dis
tance varying from eighteen to as much
as thirty feet. Property owners on Glen
avenue, whose holdings back against Park
avenue, contend that they derive abso
lutely no benefit from the Improvement
of this portion of Park avenue, as they
Wil VA aK.Alllt.lir ....... . . . ... .1 J
no many peorle are troubled with cohis property at the rear from Park avenuu
in the head; -it you are one of theae, go to on account of the extreme difference In
your .druggist and gut a box of BRUMO grade.
LAX. the new and sult-ntinc Cold Cure. I . .' ,, .' . ' , , ' , ,
BROMO-LAX contains no quinine to A "milar protest will be tiled when the
make your head stuffy and produce deaf- street la paved, and if tho city council
i.cs; but It clears the head quickly alter insll,tB on assessing up a portion of the
a few doses have bees taken, leuvlng the ,,, . , " '
head free and clear and easy to breathe. curbing and paving on this part of Park
Your druggist positively guarantees avenue against the property on Glen ave-
Better nut a box today as you may
catch cold any day. 1 ' Thankaa-lTlnar Snla
BKowu-UAJi. yosts zao at an -oruf on all our blg-h grade dining room furniture.
Just a few special runabouts left that
will be closed out at ridiculously cheap
prices. They must go as we need the room.
First come first served.
Ma it-ta are Licenses.
License to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence. Age.
William H. Sllooit. Hastings. Neb 4
Grace Woodford, Council Bluffs TO
A W Patterson. Council Bluffs ?S
Hannah Welgl, Oskaloosa, la
Sewing machine supplies, sewing ma
chines repaired, sewing machines for rent,
or we can sell you one on satisfactory
terms. 8. M. Williamson, 17 S. Main.
ivur uiumiei iisiuwcij gun iiiucr. o-tvuuv afituiini me properly on ujen ave-
ri!a7 we.laft.0 ill'refnd "ZY?""' V 'a,t6r
our money -- - i matter Into court..
Ar.r.rt washing, uiinoint wet skin with
Satiu sklu iajH. -The Hkin absorb
uourihiuif . ' ' U .
ntorosALs for fivk wrick blild-
lus, Mnu'i'. mm Stiver Bysieui ifcpui i
nieot of the fuicnoi. Ollice of ludiau Af
fairs. WunliiuKtou. U. C, Nov.. Im.
Mated iroposais, ptuinly marked on
the OvitniJo ot tlm iiiveioia "Pio
poaals tor. Bujldliiiss. t etc., Bismarck.
N. D.," - uiul uudn-Boed to the . om
inlssiour of looiuu AnuLi J. Wachiug
tua, 1X:C; will. bs reveivea ai the auaiXii
Jllice uutll two o'clock p. Iiv. of J ceuiiK.r
ti, ix. tur furnishltiis und delivering IL
ueceiiftfery mtiiertnls and labor requited to
construct and cumplutu uoriiuiuiy and
employ es' (luarttris, Jvotli.ot brick, wua
plututiin, btcum lieat and .electric light; a
laufulrv ..and boro. both of brick, with
ululiioinsf mui cici-iri" JighU a brick, aare-
housu, wilti licit ric light, and a waier und
beMer system, ull at KUinurcit Indian
bclibol, N. I1 . tn trlcl aecoiuance itu tiis
I . iv'cni'ii.on - tKl msiructlons to
errlwhicij iiij- u-.exaiploeiA at tbu
20 to 30 per cent discount on our entire line
of buffets, sideboards, china cabinets, din
ing tables and chairs from now Ull Thanks
giving .Keller-Fnrns worth Furniture Co.
CENTRAL FLOCR-11.13. Every sack
warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar
ket. Both 'phones 24.
Matters In District C ourt.
The second trial of the personal Injury 11
Bee Siephan Eros. " r ahe latest and best
Inverted burners. 50 West Broadway.
guarantee to do the work right. O. Mauthe,
rj West Broadway.
A car of merchandise In the Northwest
ern yards was broken Into and rohbea
Tuesday nmht. I he thieves, however,
discarded two boxes when they found
they contained soap. The boxes were dis
covered In the wi ls beshlo tho tracks,
yesterday mornlnK,-
Can you auord to throw away that la
winter's suit when you can have It cleaned
to perlectlon. Uive us a trial on those
fancy waists and drosses. We can mane
them nice and new. Wo dye and clean
everything. Council Bluffs Cleaning com
pany and Rug Factory, 'M North Main St
Tel. 616. ,"
Albert W.- Patterson of this city and
Miss Hannah Welgl of OsKaloosa. la
were married yesterday bv Rev. Henry
LeLong. Mr. and Mrs: I'atterson Will take
a trip to Oklahoma, where the groom's
parents live, und upon , their return ex
pect to make their borne In Omaha, where
Mr. I'atterson is employed.
Dave MoCreary. charged with the theft
of two automobile lamps and other prop
erty belonging tti Charles E. Kimball, was
yesterday bound oyer by Justice Gardiner
to await tho action or the grand Jury.
He secured his release on a bond In the
sum of 1100. The hearing of Lawrence
Curtis, alleged accomplice of Mccreary
was continued until today.
Have you voted yet? If not. come and
help one of the young ladles to get that V'ti
diamond ring. They will appreciate your
vote Immensely. One .vote with each "cent's
worth of candy purchased Saturday will
be the dav to cast your votes. All our
home-made candles will be only l"c a pound.
Take home a sack of candy. Furitv Candy
Kiichen, C. C. Brown, I6 W. Broadway
Did you ever notice if the glass on your
t.leture was dull and smokv and nerhaps
a number of blisters in- the class?. If
you want to, show off your pictures In
proper style you must have a good clear
glass. We handle, pnly the best' blass
and can frame your pictures so that they
will show up to suit vour taste. Council
Bluffs I'ulnt, Otl and Class company, Mor
riain block.
Mrs. EllenvMcSorluy. aged 62. died yes
terday morning at her residence, 1417
South Eighth street, -from pneumonia.
after an illness of three weeks. She Is
survived by six sons, James.- Daniel, Ed
ward, David, John and Bernard. and
three daughters, Xfellie .ind Mary Me.Sor-
ley and Mrs. Susan Mar an, all of whom
live In this city. .J "creased was a native
of County Tyrone, Ireland,
Frank D. Noble of Creston; la., and
Miss Carrie Barnes were marlred Tuesday
afternoon, at the residence of the brido's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Barnes on
Fairmount avenue. Rev. O. O. Smith, U. D.
pastor of the First Congregational churcn
officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Noble expect to
spend the winter lit the south and will
make their homo In Croston. The hrido
was formerly a resident of Red OaK, la
Charles B. Berry (of Omaha and Mis
Helen M. Kuhl of Kills city, wero married
yesterday noon, at'Uie residence of the
bride's parents; Mr. and Mrs. G. V,
Broyles. 313 Little Curtis street. th
ceremony being performed by Rev. G. W
Snyder, pastor of St. John's English
Lutheran church, in the presence of a
number or relatives and friends of th
brl.le and groom. Mr. and Mrs. fbrry
will make their home at 2205 Webster
ttreet, Omaha.
Hugh Silcolt and Miss Grace Woodford,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. N oi
ioro, were marrieu lasv evening at m
residence of Mrs. Katherlne E. Cook. J4
Vine street, where tho family Is- tern
porarlly making - its home while tuel
house -on Avenue U la undergoing re
pairs. Mr. and Mrs. Silcott will make
their home in Hastings. Neb., where Mr.
Silcott will have charge of a branch of
onw of the large agricultural tmplenie.n
firms with headquarters at Omaha. - The
Da Is, drags.
Clark's, sodas.
Stockert sells carpets.
Fino engravings ot Leffert's.
Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer.
Bee Borwlck for Xmas gpods. ,
Get those new photos at Schmidt's.
Plumbing and heating. Bixby & Son.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phone 9s
Woodring Undertaking company. Tel. 3-iS. marriage was hastened on account of Mr.
V'or niod nlcture framing go to Alexan- Sllcott's promotion to this place. Mr.
der's Art Store, 333 Broadway.
Men's felt lined overshoes, 11. 5o. Men's
Boston puru gum overshoes, l.u0. Duncan
Ac iKun, 13 S. Main.
Patrol Driver Andy Lorenzen Is mourn
ing trie loss of one of hla bloodhound pups
winch lias strayed away.
A beautiful und ornamental gHs burner,
tlm Welsbach chick lump, complete, II. tj.
siephan tiros., i') West Broadway.
We make a specialty of children's shoes
and ulso fitting children's ieet. Largest
stock In tins state. Sargant's Family Snoe
Take a look In our window at Flsk's
granite seli-bustlng roasters; tour sizes.
f..i, swaine st Miuer. &t.
Silcott Is a graduate of the Council Bluff
High school.
Ten per cent special discount on our pi
anos for the rest of the month. Bouriclus
Piano House, 335 Broadway, Council H.uffs,
where the organ stands upon the building.
biCliier.luclj l be exa 'PUleA at th
c-rrice. the iffli e i.r tno Ifiipi uveuieiit Bull
tin. Minneapolis. Mi'in.l. Itie Auierlcau Cou-
ti-urtor, I'lncAtfO, in ; the Tribune, Li
.rch. Nk 1' ( tho. Forum. Fargo, N. l. ;
r4 bee. Omuhu. Nebraska; the Globe--eij.eciat,
ft. Louis, Mo.; too Builders' and
r-.lei' FM'hiirixesv Omaha', Nib., Mil-wauki'er-
Vti ; tft: Pant, Minn.,- Mlnneapo
h. Mliln : the C. S Indian warehouses at
i tilr-Ho. Ct. - Louis; Omaha fhl New Yoik.
arid th"- pesim.i.ster at Bismarck, N. D.
I r fuither lHftMfiiutlon';a-)i'Mcatlim should
be niude to tins cmrr; t.
Ac Una Commissioner, .
i .. 1 N .-10-ia-15-I7-20-2t-S4-
i ,i
damage suit of Mrs. Louisa Reed against
A. A. Gaines and other reputed owners of
the Sapp block, was commenced in the
district court yesterday afternoon. Mm.
Reed received a fractured hip and other
Injuries in an elevator accident In the
building, and asks damages in the sum of
120,600. At the- former trial a question
as to the ownership of the building arose
and the suit was then dismissed by the
plaintiff, without prejudice. S!nce that,
J. Norman Macalister, bookkeeper for the
real 'estate firm of Greeushtelds A Ev
erest, has declared himself owner of the
building. '
In the personal injury damage suit of
Clarence Nh'kell against the- Bloomer
Manufacturing company, a -dlstrict .court
Jury, yesterday .brought In a verdict '.for
the "defendant. Ntckell asked for 12.000
tor the partial loss of a finger while em
ployed by the defendant company In Jan-
LAKRABEt;. uarY- l03-
w . At Mevetis, tne negro indicted for
AW West Broadway.
I pay t2 ier ton for cast Iron; mixed,
in; stove, ; rags, jo per io.; ruuuer
lr; copper, 14c. per lh.
Manl, both 'phones 660.
Thanksgiving Is not complete unless you
have a box of bon bon we have the best
or a pound or two of our pure home-made
Candy. Mucci. 21s W. Broadway.
A. HOA til. A Nil, THE I'lONbr-K Lc ..1
The Ladies' Aid society of St. John's
English Lutheran church will meet this
allernoon at the residence of Mrs. Nauv
aiilel H. Baker, 27la Third awn.
C. S. Crane, general iossenKer and
ticket agc-iu of the Wabash, with liead
quartera In St. Louis, waa In the city
yes'.trday calling on the local otlice.
You can enroll any day or evening at
Western Iowa college. Students aie as
s.sted to iMisitlons. Send for catalogue.
'Phone for Information. Both 'phones.
Mies Pearl Swanson,
her father. W. S. Swanson of 3ul Benton
street, left Tuesday evening tor they
iniu', Wyo., where, last evening, she' was
married to James S. Shoemaker, formerly
Man Convicted of. Killing; Mabel
KcoAeld Must flay In Prison.
DES MOINES. Ja-. Nov. 21. Charles
Thomas, serving a life Imprisonment for
the murder of Mabel Senfleld seven years
ago, was denied a new trial by tha low
Bupreme court today.
Thomas was convicted two years ago an
. . n . 1 .A Htm T T n tv
uer 111.: rillmei . oemruccu e. u.w .
J. Katelman, suj , pealed on technical grounds. The body of
Mabel Scofield, a country girl,- was founo
In tho Des Moines river. An analysis dis
closed the presence of chloral. Thomas,
who had been In company with the girt,
was found to have purchased a quantity of
the drug. He was tried before a local mag
istrate end released. He was afterwards In
dicted, tried and convicted.
iFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Nov. a. (Special.) Rush
Benedict of Snelby county is In the city
tod ty. He will in all rronablllty be tne
next chief clerk of the house, thus suc
ceeding himself, as A. E. Keptord, tho
only other candidate, has withdrawn. In
H -nodlct s favor. Kepford was reuding
dork at tho last session of the legislature
and became a candidate, for chief clerk
on the expectation that Benedict would
bo elected to tne legislature. He la now,
however, a candidate for his qld position
as reading clerk. It Is understood that
Dennis o Leary of the Council Bluffs Non
pareil 1s a cardldate for the position ho
held at the last session, that of second as-
stant clerk.
Appeals to Commission.
The B. t. Lumber company ot this city
has appealed to the Interstate Cuinnieice
commission for a decision as to a rebate
u an interchangeable nule.ige book used
by two employes. Att;r one employe had
sed tho book for a time be resigned And
tne employe who took his place lined tho
book. The Rock Island, from whom the
book was purchased, claimed the rules and
agreement wero vloluted und refused to
ay the rebate. The lumber company there-
upon appealed to tho Interstate Commerce
Senator Maunders Resigns
Senator C. G. Saunders has tendered to
Governor Cummins his resignation as a
member of the governor's military staff.
Senator Saunders occupied the position of
Judge advocate general with the rank of
colonel. He wrjs appointed to the position
In February, 1W2.
Government After Dr. Hoffman.
Dr. C. H. Hoffman, whose disappearance
was discovered yesterday from Klrksvllle,
Mo., Is wanted by tho United States gov
ernment as a witness lit the trial of Soren-
son. and Hodges, who are charged with
robbing tho Van . Meter, la., postoffice.
Their trial was to be had at the present
term of the federal court. Hoffman, whom
many believe to be tho missing Crown
Prince Rudolph of Germany, Is an Im
portant witness for the government. A
search Is being made for lilm. i
Refuse to Rehear Case.
The supreme court today overruled the I
motion for a rehearing In the case of the
state ngainst. Leon Loser, who was tried
In tho Pottawattamie county district court
for swindling" In foot races. He was con
victed and sentenced -to threo years' Im
prisonment along with an , accomplice by
the name of Moore. The supreme court
reversed the chse and remanded It for a
nfcw trial. Ben I. Salllnger, attorney for
Loser, asked for a rehearing and complete
reversal of the case with no new trial.
. Receive High Mason Degrees.
Dr. A. B. Storms, president of the Stato
Agricultural college, and Judge John C.
Sherwlit of tho supreme court of Iowa re
ceived high degrees In Masonary last night
and today will complete the degrees up to
the thirty-second. They are among a large
class of Masons from over the state who
are taking the higher degrees of he order.
Implement Men's Program.
Governor A. B. Cummins, ex-Governor
Larrabee, President Storms of . the. Slate
Agricultural -college. vJadg M. J. Wade -of
Iowa City, J. M. Berryhlll of Des, Moines
and Henry Wallace of Wallace Farmer ars
among the speakers who will address - the
state convention of the Iowa Retail Imple
ment Dealers' association, ttv be held hero
the first of next month. The association Is
the largest trade association In the state.
Dr. .evrmnn III. !
Dr. G. A. Newman, assistant adjutant
general of the Ilowa department. Grand
Army of the Republic, is seriously 111 at his
home at 535 Fourteenth street In this city.
Dr. Newman was taken ill suddenly at his
offices In the state house and was removed
to his home. Sunday and Monday he was In
a very serious Condition, . but today Is
slightly better. ' ' '
Iowa Visited by Storm. ' I
Sleet, began to fall early this -morning in
Dubuque and Davenport and -other points
In the eastern part-of the state, and snow
everywhere else In the state, with the pre
diction that It would continue into the night
In spite of the snow being heavy there is
no obstruction to traffic reported, because
ot the absence of wind. All railroads and
telegraphs and telephones reported late to
day that no trouble had been experienced
from the storm.
Find Important Witness.
Rev. E. T. Coyle, the minister to whom
Irene Blydcnburg ot Eldora Is alleged to
have made statements before her death In
this city and who is wanted as an import
ant witness In the trial of the case of this
accused of her murder, baa been located In
South Dakota.
'Merchant Commits nl-M".
CfcDAR FALLS. 1 1 ... Nov. 21.-(Spe inl
Telegram.) John M. 1W pml.v. a mi ml"-r
Of the whol.s-.ile and retail h.-iMlwa- l.rm
of Borpmler Bro., oonimiH.d micul. U I
night In the. bath rncm of lit home In thin
city by firing a Si-i .illbij- bult In'o .tils
head. He lived for lhr" hour., but was
unronsclous' all 1!e tilne.
As far as known his family r I. it ion a
were hnppv. He b-nvrs a w t" uiiil lx
children.' He was suce.ssli'l In lm:lms.
No cause is assigned for the (. e l. IK w ,is
one of four brotheis.
Fireman Knlla anil I Killed.
PIERRE, S. D.. Nov. n.-iPpecial Te'e
gram.) George Cunnlrgham. fireman on
tli Northwestern road, was Jellied by fall
ing from his engine; a short distance from
Fort Pierre this morning. He went unnVi
the train and was cut In two. lie was
rot missed until tho train had roim a hair
mile. The engineer did not see him fall
and does not know the cause of the acci
dent. Cunningham was a now firennn.
making his first trip, and when hired
gave his homo ns Rochester. N. Y. Noth
ing Is known of friends or relailvcs.
Ire Koreea Ont I'osterin ItrMuc.
YANKTON, P.. D.. Nov. 21. (Special.) -On
account of the heavy How of Ire it
was necessary to remote the iwiiroo
brldgo here, tho sole connecting link wi;h
the Nebraska shore.
Now Is the lime to make your wanU
known throng Tho Bee Want Ad page.
Upon Eucry
and wrapper of the -eivi!ne Or RH' Plr.e
Tsr-llonet N thiIoI the nlxoe rirxttm It
larmth ir:nlc marl niil nunniitf-e - a nar
rant lial the mcllolnr op i allied In thebt
tie will euro cocj.'hs colds and all lnn.
ihrotit ar.l clicsi tronl.lci more quickly
and eOectuullr than any oilier remedy.
Or. CeJS'o
Is sold br all dr-ii-gN". '., Ve. nd
II 00 per bottle. ManufictMri'd t.r
riUBCAH. Kf.NTUl'tT.
aifiS5w SSSW "T? fv
It 11 11 11 If tl . K i V:w- VTO-v
f ' -
, - l ! ! ;
8 . i
The Reliable Specialists
mistakes of men
Many of you are suffering from physb inl weakness, your
nervous system Is being ilepli ted and your mind weak
ened ami Impaired, l.lle Is nol what II should ho. Despond
encv and cloomv forelmilinus lulu n t lie plnce of bright
prospects nnd happy aiubilion. You no longer enjoy your dally labors tr du
ties; your nights are restless nini unref re:;hlng t ml eaen morning j on awnk- n
again to tho cheerless rcullzallon of Jmir pliysieiU iinpeiliin-nt s and weak
nesses, and you have neither the ambition nor the tower to -maintain your
position among your fellow men.
. In many rases neglect and ijrnoranco .ire the muses of your con
dition, while in others it is some disease, or frequently the results of neg
lected or-improperly-treated diseases, which cause Kidney ami I'.ladder Dis
eases and the complications that, ensue. 'I liese discuses tor symptoms of dis
ease) cannot be cured until first their e.uise is removed and cured. Men, don't
delay. Don't give up If others hae failed you. Coine today to the MEN'S
TRUE SPECIALISTS and learn you true condition. Gc( the right treatment
' flrat and be cured safely and thoroughly. ,
For a safe cure of the diseases that so Insidiously destroy the Intellect
and strength secure the services of the eminent specialists of the State Meilt-
" cal Institute. They wilt restore to heal h the pitiable victim of Nervous lo
billty and Brain Fatigue. We cure safely and thoroughly Nervous Debility,
Rectal and Kidney Diseases and all diseases and weaknesses of inen due. to
neglect and Ignorance, or the result of specific dis -ascs. .
ffet Consultation an! Ennrtoatloa-W f X 'u kuSAil
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha,. Neb.
(G 00
- - Omahrt Boy Joins avy.
8IOUX CITY, la., Nov. 21 .-(Special Tele
gram.) C. E. Miller of 2816 Leavenworth
B:ds will be received by fbe State Print
ing Board at the cfti.e of tbe ,S.-crliry of
St its at ljncuin. Nebraska, on or l.e.ora "
2 l o clock . ru. 1 ues.lay, November 27,
for printing and binding l.Sut hve-qulre 1
ss!sor f WXJ, imeen county treasure
cash books. rity-two tax lists, one war
rant regn-ter, one register of claims,
one lemsUtiva imfex and M.ox) iiihographed
a arrant , aps itli n.ini on hie in tne oittce '
cf Auditor of Public Accounts. Also for
print Uig ) C'Tls esch of all senate files, ,
honse rolls. ' resolutions and memorials to .
:oogrrs and J nnd bill titles; Speclrl- '
aiions i n lib n otfic of Seereta. y -oi Sta,te, 1
All Wds must be accompanied by a oond 1
e.jvial in amount to the prohuble rat of
the wbrt bid Un. The bwrd reserves the
ri.,l. i. re.tei-t any and sJI bids. i
).itutili. NeOraaka, November 10, 1i.'
U l.CUW. Fiaa icLlLaJ to the Board. . 4
A, A, Clark & Co., chattel loahs
Our business waa established nearly 20 years ago ( 1883). Both Phones 217.
- We loan on hordes, rattles household furniture and other chattels. -
Our reputation aud tbe buslneeB we enjoy la the result of fair and liberal
treatment of our patrona during these 20 years. Our rates ere uniformly
lower than other pfticea. Our loana are made In our own name and never
sold or negotiated. Hemernber our new of flcea are opposide side of the hall
from our- old office, are conveniently arranged with private consulting
rooms. We with to warn the public that we have no connection with, the
firm doing . business under the name of the Clark Mortgage Co.. now
occupying our old office. It la a compliment we appreciate giving our
name to their business, hut It ts confusing to the public.
Harrison Connty Affairs.
LOGAN", I., Nov. 2. (Special.) At a re
cent meeting of the Harrison county Board
of Supervisors the report of W. R. Cox,
' clerk of the district court, was received for
the months of September and October,
showing tl.T2 In fees had been collected.
! G. W. Atkins, county auditor. hRd collected
accompanied by I during, the same tmie $J5 .5 In fees. Con
stables to fill vacancies until 'January 1
were appointed as follows: M. L. Osborne.
Jr., for Boyer township, George Phreeves
for Cass township and H. J. Brookhouser
for St. John's township. Charles F. Luce,
president of the State Savings bank of Lo
gan, waa appointed a delegate to the Trans
misslsslppl Commercial congress at Kansas
City on November SO.' 31. tl and "3. The
board fixed the amount of the bonds of the
following officers for the coming year:
Treasurer $150,000, deputy llO.Ood; auditor
lin.OrtO, deputy $5,)n0; recorder W, deputy
12.300; clerk (00.000, deputy 110.000; sheriff
llO.Ouo, deputy ta.OOO; superintendent of
schools, $5,000; county attorney, $500; jus
tices of the peace In townships containing
an Incorporated town, $1,000; other town
sldpe. $000; constables in townships con
taining an Incorporated town, llO'; other
townships, $f0; assessors, $Vj0; clerks, $irj0;
county surveyor, $2,500.
Bnslness Chang at Logan.
LOGAN. la., Nov, SI, (Spooial.)-C. A
Holmes, Logan's only tailor, bas sold his
establishment to L. P. I'uvall ot this ph-ce.
who was tbe former ntur,
Bad Symptomsr
Tbe woman wjio has peckyllcsJ head
avshea, backache, sees imaginary dark
spou or specks floating or dancing before
her eyes, haygnawlng distress or heavy
full feeling IftjTiomach, faint spells, drag
ging-downAeellng In lower abdominal or
slly startled or excited,
f ul periods, with or wlth
arru, is runerins irom
erangecnenU that should
it Ion. Not all of above
kely to be present in any
badly treated and such
into maladies which de
surgeon's knile it they do not
pelvic regfon,
liTeguyfr or pa
out irlvic catj
have tsfif av'r
symptoiti so!
case at oneim
Neglof I'jA oi
cases yoiirn
manf te
No medicine et
Return Limit November 23'.' '
' , . t
.i...... ..... ...
From Union Station Omaha to Union Station Chicago,
leave Omaha 7:55 A. M., 5:45 P. M. and 8:?7 P. M. . .
1524 Farnam Street,
25 Pearl Street,
tsrt rtss t'leh a Inn i
anJ "riun-. roi:a n i:vr J" cLia.irT sucB ,
l'"t?"r- ' ,' ro'' v"r',e lrc:,cr;u
tion. J.U mejlcine ba such a urongj
t.n f. ?lpr.a i...!".t n-..- i.i. c.i t. trrrTTy
(Hi :nT-rri1ients.-XMirlh ninm 1 ha n t " Y
Vlliilllff f fit '-r-bnarv m .n-l.r, .f es Inn r,T 1 ,
r.linaru rTip-pryife-vlonn I 1, y
Ihe very besl inrec)ieiiti
time-urn IS.
Wnortn to medical science for the cure of
woman's peculiar ailments enter into its i
composition. No alcohol, harmful, or ;
habit-forming drug is to be found in the '.
list of Its ingredients printed on each I
bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. I
' In any condition of the ferns le system,
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription can do i
only good never harm. Its whole effect ,
is to strengthen, invigorate and regulate
the w hole female system and ecpecially
the pelvic organs. When these are de
ranged In function or affected by disease,
the frtomacb and other orgaa of digestion
become sympathetically deranged, tbe
nerves are weakened, and a long list of
bad, unpleasant symptoms follow. Too
much must not be expected of this Fa
vorite Prescription." it w ill not perform
miracles; will not cure tumors no med
icine will. Itttit often prevent them, if
taken in time, and thus the operating
table and the surgeon's knife may be
Women suffering from diseases ot long
standing, sre invited to consult Itorior
Pierce by letter.rce. All corTepotidetica
Is ti Ul a strictly private and sacredly
confidential. Address Lr. K. V. pierce,
Buffalo. N. Y.
)r. Pierce's Medical Adviser '1J0O page)
Is ssnt res on rweipv of 21 one-cent
stamps for paper -covered, or 81 stamps
lur clbLk-bouui cobf. Addroa as abwvs
d OjS-a mm V-V . J-t
Good in Stand
ard Sleepers
GooeJ in
On Sale Ihv. 22nd and 23rd Limit Nov. 25th
Trains Leave Union Station
...... 3.251. f. 8.15a. n. 4.C5 p. In. 6.35 p.m.