Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1906, Image 1

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The Omahai Daily
. 1
Eead of Sorthern Hallways ppean BefoTe
Interstate Commerce commission.
Trtrmeri Ara How the "Victims of Speon
! lators and Manipulators. ;
Thinki Qrain Receipts 8hould Be
Heeotiabie and Froteflted by Law. . . .
i .
Agent ot Railway IUt So laterests
' la Campanile' Along; tha U
fivtri Federal Inspec
tion l CJmln.
MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. Jl.-Jsmes J- Hill
president of the Great Northern railroad,
took the' stand today when the Interstate
CAmmeree commission began lt Inquiry In
Minneapolis Into the relation between the
railroad companies and the grain companies
In the northwest.
The meeting Is held pursunp
Folletts resolution adopted '
Its last Be sslon-.
the Let
'y ss at
Commissioners Churl's A. .
Franklin K. La no personally com
hearing,' though several attorneys
ferent grain Interests participated k
questioning. -
Mr. I1U proved to he a willing wltnet
Ilia answers were, given to aU questions
without hesitation and In detail. He told
of the tremendous grain traffic on his road,
equalling each year twice aa much as the
grain hauled Into Chicago In a year by all
road a running- Into that city. He said that
the Great Northern In 179 hauled 2.870,0(10
bushels, while in 1KW thla had Increased to
probably llS.OM.nfW bushels. In view of the
fact that the bulk of- the Great Northern's
business comes .from the- farmers he said
it haa been .hia policy .to. aid the -farmer
whenever powlblc. ,
Frrlfht Blnrkadr la , Chirac.
"Is It the policy of your road.' Mr. Hill,
to delay freight for any reason?" .was one
of the opening questions.
No. It certainly Is not," was the reply.
"If the connecting roads would move freight
fuster we could do a great deal better. The
fact that the traffics la sometime congealed
on our Jlne Is -simply the fault of -the Im
mense amount of , accumulated business.
Other lines ore more open to criticism than
the Orcat Northern.' In Chicago a few days
ago I took spatial' pains to tirako inquiries
about-traffic and could not get a single
Una which would agree to move Sno.ono tons
-y.-. of freight t rmvi or oniore ueoemocr.
..rht Great Northern can right, along handle
all .business receive.! from the east
promptly the congestion cornea from trafflo
from the west.','
On the specific subject of rraln elevators
Ir.'I?lll testified: . . '. "''.'..
"Tea, It Is our rulo to penult anyPnV'to
erect .t)lerotr it -anUiowa-nf but-roBef on
theflghl-of-Way':" trc now mnke ow oo.n
tmeta, - however, not .transferable. ' aa wn
have found -instances where such applica
tion were not mado In good faith and aft
erwards sold at a good figure. W have
found trouble in keeping elevators -from
c-iWiblnlnj. artj sometimes In tracing down
applications for elevator sites - have .found
different applicants to really represent one
lnterc:.' We hae found ohjectlonuhle ele-
vator combines; we have aometlnes built
elevators oi our own und placed some miift
in cha-v'- In such instances the combines
have tried to freese our mau out. We have
such art Initance at Litchfield, but were
uble o fioip our man out. that, gentle
mcn," Mi. Hill said, with a smile, "was be
fore the passago of the Interstate commerce
. Elevators at Dolofh.
In regard to the Greut Northern's ter
minal elevators at DulutVi, Mr. I lilt stated
his company did operate them, bu; that
hecauae of tho Wlscons'o law requiring
grain in that state to be Inspecte by Wis
consin Inspector j thu.t thes elevators were
now leased. Their locattoa Is on Wisconsin
ground. .
"I think It le a gret; detricr.e';. to busi
ness thut we cannot oontrcl the loading of
grain." said Mr. Hlli. "I think It Is the
Jx-st thing for a railroad tn have Ita owh
rmlnat elcvatorc; unload Into them and
'.ni-lu letje cha-rge for so doing in the freight
rate By building our Duluth terminal elo
vat on we reduced for the shipping farm
rit.the elevator charge there from 1 cent
to H a ert a bushel. - This included nn
lotuiine '1 the eleva'or. a short stnriue
and looiljn ; Into for uhlpmenl throiiKh'
the lukos. JWe cleaned, but did not mix the
"Pid ycu make a charge for denning?"
"No. air. It should be remembered thot
In, cleajih-. the elevator gets the screen
ings, which are worth t. to IS a ton "
drala Method 4 re Wroaar.
Mr. Hill thought the present legal method
uf handling gtala Is wrong; that the farmer
la too much the victim of the speculator.
He ald every receiving elevator should
devote Itself to simply that bu.siiK., that
the operating In grain should be another
separate business, and that the - business
of the grain mixer should still be an
other separate business. Mr. Hill thought
the building of elevuturi of greater ca
pacity in Minneapolis would not relievo
uuugvstton ot grain traffic, but he dirt
think ttt action of thu State Grain com-
ulaKlon iu sending inspectors aa fur out
Vi 1W miles to inspect grain was a good
move In this direction. He strongly trltl
clutHj tin state law which legalls.-s siiarp
practices uf grain rnlxera.
"Va you think the farmer Is getting
what he aliould for bis rmp?"
"I dol'l think lit- is getting what bu
sh'Hild for oina cla tf grain. Kor In
stance, farmers are row raihing a lot of
durum wheat. Thci is a good deal of
ibk in what the foreign demand will be
ind a maa-Ket at nome for only a limited
f i i amount."
Ill Mr. Hill said that cltvators are
J tlnuully In-aUitg the farmers unfairly.
' "We have to watch the (levators all
lime." be rani. "Tnia work la done by the
traffic departinent. but as a matter of ftt
iiie department Js pivtty powerless."
sor- of BnCaio tleratur.
Mr. Hill gave an interesting story of
how he happened lo build a Buffalo
terminal elevator, the largest In tha world,
costing tl.atHOOO.
"Along our line and up to Buffalo we
wre able to keep good Hack of grain we
- nipped. Pec ue it went in our own c
r -nd tn ships manned by our own crt
J ind owned by ua. But In one single
i-iance there was reported to me a si:
khlppod, because It went In our own cars
lad which when weighed at Buffalo was
2.&0 bushels short. And, wull. soon after
thai we built an tlevutor at Buffalo At
tOuUiMsd jm Third Pa
Two WltaeBsea Testify that Mincer
InaeHed , bat He Flatly
Dralea (harar,
NEW TOHK. Nor. '21. Emlro C.vruso.
the great ttallun tenor, faced an audience
of 9)0 pf-rnons In the Yorkvllle po'lc court
today ami denlel positively that he had
made Improper advances to a woman In
the monkey houso in Central park last Fri
day. He declared that' his arrest was due
to pique upon the part of a woman, who
described herself ns Hannah Graham, be
cause he fnlled to respond to advances
which Khe made to him.
Mrs. Graham was not present to press
thu thargo which she lodged against the
singer and the police officers interested In
the affair testified that they "had exerted
every effort to find tho woman, but with
out avail.
I'ark Policeman Cane was In court, how
ever, end 'ho told a circumstantial story of
tho alleged events which led to the arrest
Of the singer, being corroborated In part
by other witnesses. Several other police.
mn. Including 'the desk sergeant and the
captain of emne'a precinct, corroborated
the officer as to tho happenings in the
police rtitlon at tho time of the arrert.
They declared that Cuixso pleaded with
the woman not to prefer a charge against
him and that wUh outstretched hands arid
In tn Imploring voice' he declared that It
Is "oil ' a.' mistake, madam; I mean -no
A young man who gave his namo as
Jeremiah - McCarthy correhora ted Cane's
testimony. aa to Caruso's, alleged action In
the monkey house. Ho said his attention
hod been called to Caruso by the officer. '
AgaltiPt all this the singer placed what
Tiounted practically to a flat denial of
whole case of the prosecution, lie
-?-.' ability to speak English and d
hat, therefore. It would have been
' ., for him to have made . the state.
n. , .ttrlbuted. to hlra by tne ponce, ne
dec. ied that the woman upon whose com
plaint he was arrested had smiled at htm
and by look and action Invited attention,
which lie did not condescend to give. He
was calm, self-possessed and well poised
during the whole . ordeal. Many of hU
answers were given by a nod or shake of
tho head before the Interpreter hod
finished tho repetition of the question.
Losg March Has Left the Indians
In m Destitute Condi
tion. (From Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21. (Special Tele
gram ) Commissioner Leupp of the Indian
bureau Is unofficially' advised by tho War
department that tho Vnlted States troopers
having charge of 'the renegade White river
Utes havo nearly reached Fort Meade.' 8.
D. A - long -march from Wyoming, ' where
tho-rtea were induced to 'lay down their
arms nnd accompany the tmops'to winter
quarters . at ' Fort Meade has: practically
worn out sich clothing as they possessed,
and now It. Is a. problem for the Indian of
fice ' to supply sufficient clothing for theee
recalcitrant ' red ' men tto ' carry them over
the - winter.1 The War department Is -pr
pfi'i.-4iot)M.' nl tho Indians, but
there 1h no" appropriation on whlci'to draw
tn elothu them. The War department bev
llevea.tho clothing should be furnished by
the' Indian bureau, but Commissioner Leupp
doe.Tot hnvc, funds to equip the .tribe, and
It le probable a speclul act of congress will
be noenwary to supply the funds to prop
erly clothe .these captives, who are to be
held -at Fort Mehdo during-the coming
Postmasters appointed: Klsie. Perkins
county. Neb., John ' F.' Brlttaln, vice T
McCulloug!i, removed;, Hurfton. Brown
county, S. t).,' Harry E. Benson, vice Frank
F. 'Vlckers. resigned; Ola, Bruiv county, S.
P., Stephen E. 'Houska, vice A ' K.' Randall,
resigned; Sutley. Campbell county. S. D.,
Henry Buckenberger, vlco O. A. Bcrreth,
. Kiu-al carriers - appointed: Nebraska
Saronville, route 1, Etlwnrd J. Axpeaxen,
eaiTier; no substitute. Iowa Douds, route
2, Ottto O. McCuilouglu carrier; Giorftf B.
l)llk'. sulwtltnte.
The application of L. F. Mlclmel. Ben P.
Hoover, p. J. and J. D. O'Ktwfe, E. F.
Gross and W. . 8., Small to orgunize the
First National bank of Gettysburg, 8. D-,
1th IJo-OOo capital, has been approved by
the comptroller of tffe currency.
Marora Who Fall to Knforre the Pro
hibitory Uw Mast right
the State.
TOPF.KiA. Kan.. Nov. 21 Suits to ou.t
from' office A. B. KIrkwood. mayor of Pitts
burg. Kan, and F. W. CVDonnell, mayor
of Junction City. Kan., for failure to en
force the state prohibition low. and against
the cities of Pittsburg and Junction City
to prohlbt. them aa municipalities and
their officers from collecting licenses from
Joints or illicit sa loons, were filed hero this
afternoon In the Kansas supreme court by
Attorney Oeneral C?. C. Coleman.
These suits are similar to that fil?d
against Mayor Rose of Kan-s City, Kan.,
which Anally - resulted !n Ills being ousted
from ofEee.
While Attorney General Coleman tefused
to discuss his future plans. It Is generally
assumed that the filing of the suits tyday
means that other suits of a like nature will
follow against the mayor of every city
and town In the tate where the prohibition
law is being violated. H la hnown that
papers have already been drawn up In a
petition to oust Mayor Goodlander of Fort
The most flu grant violations of Uie pro-
hibition law arc .In the cities of Wichita,
j Lew ven worth. Fori Bcott and Topcka, but
most towns in the state are Involved. In
Topeka, however, contrary to tho custom
in most cities and town, the city does pot
derive any revenue from the Joints. ' '
Pittsburg l.-e Dealers Fined
Plea Others Will Bo Tried
for Combining-.
PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 21. Five of the
fourteen ice dealers who were placed on
j trl.U yesterday on Uie charge of conspir-
ay to raise vne price oi ice, today
pleaded "poniwlt oontcndre" and threw
themselves upon ,ths mercy of the court.
They were fined 7S and costs each.
Befoie entering the plea, counsel for the
tc men announced to the court that the
Philadelphia Ice exchange, through which
It was alleged the price uf Ice was fixed,
had been dissolved.
Following the entering of the pleas. Dis
trict Attorney Bell asked the court to di
rect a verdict of not guilty In the cases t.f
seven of the other defendants. Two of the
dealers refused to enter the pic of non
vull and decldvd to stand trial.
Jury was then completed.
6pechog on Great Variety of Subjects at
Trangmissitsippi Congress. .
Diplomatic Aseuta from Seath Amer
loan toaalrlea Tell of Need of
Fund for Development of
!tataral Resources.
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Nov. 21. Speeches
and discussions covering a wide range of I
subjects took up the time today of tho
three .sessions .of. the . Transmisstssiprl
congress. Improved waters, .tnsuranco
and currency reforms, the value of tho
Panama canal aa a means of enlarging
our trade relations with the South.
American republics and tho necessity of
closer relations between the I'nlted States !
end those countries, the great value to
the south of Improved levees, and the ,re
sourrfcs and needs of Alaska were rome
of the topics touched upon. The principal
speakers were' J. E. Ransdell,' representa
tive In congress from Louisiana; W. D.
Vandtver, president of the Nation! Bank
of Commerce of Kansas Ctty; John Bar
rett, t'nltod States minister to Colombia;
Minister Calderon of -Bolivia, minister of
Peru; Minister Cortes of Colombia, Secre
tary Do. Amnrel of the Brazilian legation
at Washington, Representative Morrts
Pheppard of . Texarkana, Tex.; . John G. .
Brady of Boston, former governor of
Alaska, and Richard E. Kerns Tof fit.
I.ouls, former national committeeman for
Alberta Yoaeham, charge d'affalrs of t'r.o
Chinese legation, was to hove addressed
the congress, but he was called from the
city. . ..
Representutive Morris - Sheppard t
Texas, one of the youngest congressmen
in tho national house,', made an earnest
plea for the .uf building of tho levee sys
tem, and won warm applause from the
delegates. He said in part: , '
At the morning session the first thing was
the call of state for nominations for chair
men of delegations, vice presidents, mem
bers of the executive committee and inem
bers of the committees on permanent or
ganization and resolutions.
Representative flansdrll Talks.
The first address of the day was deliv
ered by Representative J.' E. Ransdell of
1 I.akc Province, La., on "Improvement of
Navigable Waterways."
To move freight In tho t'nited States
coats lully six limes as much ny rail as
by water. Tho average cost ot raovitu
a ton ot freight on ail tho railroads of
the country. in J904 wus'7.8 mills per ton
per mile, while on the Illinois Central and
the Pennsylvania roads It waj mills. In
)04. It cost to, move .ecu I on the Monon
gahela river, -1. mills per ton-per mile;
on the Ohio, frbm Pittsburg to Louis
ville, .76 of one null; and on mo Ohio nnd
Mississippi .from . Louisville .to New Or
leans, .67 of ono mill per mile. In 1S05, it
cost to move- more than- "44.eOO,0i on an
average of 83& miles .through tho Sault
Ste ainrle canal and the great lakes, -.85
of one mill "per ton per mile. The average
water' rate is. loss- tha.r 1 -mtll per ton pr
mile, and the average rate by . roil Ac
nearly h mills, .but,' In' order to .be ex
tretoely--tonsrvaUx'e.i and bviause It !
lmpossiUle. to "procure, complete .statistics
of rates ouall our waterways. 1 hav5
tldpceil thC'rrttr ofonO'to six a- the-
prouer, oajrla lor comparison or. water and
rail rates. .
The - interstate, ' Coihmerco commlsslou
estimates that during 1D04. 4b railroads
of.the Union moved 1.309. S9S. 165 tons of
freight, but no estimate of the dlstanco
hauled is given. If we aisme that It
was an average of 100 ml1a. which seems
reaaonuble, the rail freight thereon
amounted to l.iC0,7l,1 IS.'n Now.' it tnis
immense volume or freight . coubl navo
moved on the water or at water -rates, It
would have oust only onc-slxtli as much,
cquul to $VTi).116,S68, or a saving to th
American. people,'r,f about $S50,aiMl,000 in
one year. These figures aro so largo as
to stajrgr.r ' crcduaht v. 'bui there is no
doubt about their relative correctness and
they present an irresistible argument in
favor of waterway Improvement
ehoold Improve ' Waterways.
I do not contend that all tho freight in
otr Krent country can be carried by water,
or that it is even desirable for all of It
to move by water. There ar some com
munities that have no waterways sua
ceptihle of being mode navigable nt a
reasonntle cos', and there is a tremen
dous volume of passenger trafflo, high
cluas freights, and perishable commodi
ties which should move prefera.My by
rail. But I do not contend that we ar-J
warranted by every principle of common
se.nao und sound business judgment to
Improve our waterways aa thoroughly aa
possible, so that the vast majority of our
people can receive tiie beneiit of cheap
water rates six times as cheap as rates
by rail. At the present time, only a very
small liereentagn- of the' people, get these
rates, because navigation Is Imperfect on
the best of our riveva ajid Impow-lble much
of th time on I lie average river.
If our congress codid be mo need to adopt
the broad and liberal waterway pollrv car
ried out during the last crntury by France
and Germany In improving nil their livers
and connecting them by .canals, so that
there Is water communication
at all times betweeu till p uts of those or. un
tiles, there are very few places In the union
which would not derive the-greatest benefit.
Irf-t UK rbniige the present nigcardly pol
icy of Internal Improvement, which lias
given us for all our waterways. uJl our
harbors, our lakes, our rrivers and our ca
nals, an average of less than t.o.'lo.uiKi a
vear tor the luat ten years Ich tiian
Tier cent of' the total expenditures ot gov
ernment, which have averaged iTIJ.tnulen
a vear for ten years. It us place river
and- . harbor bills on a per with oth-r
arent appropriation oi conpiwHs. una wnen
we give to the army and navy, fortifiea
tioiiB end pensions, war anil Its rewards,
over tJWi.0".iHi a year over per cent of
the whole. Irf-t us give to our watei wayx,
to our commerce, more than 3 per cent.
That pltJful sum Is wholly inadequate to
the tak. The river and harbor ' project
nnw pending befoie congress, with the ap
proval of the engineering department, will
cost over J.Vrf... and the list Is grow
ing more rapidly than appropriations are
made. Wo cunnot Improve our waterways
properly on fjn.onfi.U') a year In this gret
republic of So.iKt.uuO people. It Is a phys
ical Impossibility. Think of it! That Is
only D5 cents a head. 8urdy wc can afford
to make It II a head, when, as I have
shown, ttie invest men t of this dollar will
pav each year In reduced freights from
W to i."0 per cent, of which every one of
our citiaena evoryi consumer and every
producer in the hind will reap the benent.
Surelv, when w uie giving to war and
Its rewards 2SO.iIO,nn h vear 3 SO for
every man, woman and child in the couu-lr-wi-
can afford to do much better than
2u'tenta for our splendid commerce, which
makea us the greatest commercial nation
of the world, nnd annually pours Into our
laps a trade balance In our favor of $.7)0,-
Following the address of Representative
Hansdcll. I'
an earnest
L. Irvine of SL Louis
talk on the matter of river
rato transportation. I pon the authority of
he Manufacturers' aasr.ciatlor, of St. Lou.s.
Me irvln. offered a reolutiou aonealln , '
the states to work for the organization of
a bureau of publicity that may carry on a
foir.paign of education 'ami to provide a
Ii.nar.ent guardian of the river of the
country as a means of IncrraM-d transpor
Utlou and of securing' cheaper tn-lgbt
rates. The further diacubion of the subject
of river Improvements was postponed un
til ' Thursday morning.
Vaadlver oa Insurance.
W. D. Vandiver. superintendent of tnsur-
snce of Missouri, then delivered an address eastbound collided head-on here to.Us.
on "The Business , of Insurance .from a Fireman Kerr was killed, two passengers,
Western -Standpoint." Ho said in part: names not given, were piobabjy fatally ln
The supreme court of the I'nlted States, ' Jured and several other persons were
thivoh a- long line of decisions, has fully shaken up severely. Both locomotives and
esiHl.liwh.-d the proposition that luuraneo ,h- , ,K. ...,k. . ,
U i"t niiersiut cuinuierew and hence can- th 11,811 ne tbond train weie
dviiiollshed. The engineer of No. I ws yn-
tContinued on Third Page ) . able to control the airbrakes. . .
American Federation Will Ask Presi
dent to odr Conditions In
Porto Rico.
MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 21 President Oom
pers of the American Federation of Labor
was today Instructed to send a cablegram
In the name of the federation to President
Boosevelt at Porto Rico asking him to In
vestigate conditions on the Island with a
view to giving the islanders self-government
and better labor conditions on the
Island. Mr. Gompers dictated the cable
gram and sent It forthwith. -Tho
text oi' the message follows:
President Ronserelt, Bon Juan, Potto
Rico: American Feileratlon of Lnltor con
vention urges yon give consideration, how
ever brtelly, while fn Porto Rica to Its
workers' aspirations for Improved condi
tions, local self-government and American
(Signed.! w, WMi'tits. ;
The committee on President Gompers' ad
dress finished Its nr-crt early today. This
committee disposed t several resolutions
which had been refe
red to It, among them
one directing the f
I .ulatlon and publlca-
tloo of the Work of
irlous labor organlza
cal campaign, and to
1eet cmirsc for such
tlons during tho poll
suggest what is the
organizations In fut'
i campaigns. '
The committee, recnmended the resolu
tion for adoption and fiiat action was taken.
The action of tho American Federation of
Labor In condemning Judge Smith McPher
son of the Vnlted States court for his ac
tion against strlkii-jf machinists of the
Santa Fe railroacf was sustained - by tho
committee and that Vas also adopted by
the convention. o
The resolution demanding that congress
recognize the peopl of Porto Rico as
American citizens and that they bo verted
with sll rights as sticp was passed, as was
the sympathy of organised lebor for them
In their struggle, for better conditions.
An exciting incident developed when
Delegate A. Johnston of the Chicago Wood
workers denounced the action of the
executive j committee and the grievance
commlttc 3 In fayurino the amalgamation
of the woodworkers with the carrientere and
asserted that during the last year In Chi
cago lie hod been forced to carry a gun
and a blackjock to protect himsc!f . f rom
the . assaults of thug members of the
Carpenters union.
"We will amalgamate with the car
penters." he shouted "but we. will never
forg't tho cowardice of the executive coun
cil In their trea.tnienr of ur case.
After a wnrm debate the convention of
the American Federation of Labor this
afternoon referred to the executive com
mittee the question of levying1 an assess
ment ogalnsit the federation- in favor of
tho striking structural Iron workers of the
The old fight of the
fitters was settled by
lumbers and stenm-
hc convention vqt
arter be given the
ing that a separate
It Is thought final i
place Saturday noon
bournment will take
Gnlo Does Consldorable llinf to
Property and Several -Persons
, " . Are Iajarod.
UtUCAGO.-Nov. S.l!jch Oawrge was
dono in Chlcag-o ontl suburbs toijay hy a
fevere rain, snow .and windstorm. In the
business Boctlon of the city . number of
signs were Wowti down and several pedes
trians sustained Blight Injuries. The chim
ney ot a building at Chirk, atreet was
sent crashing through a skylight covering
the kitchen-of a restaurant next door. The
room was filled with waiters, who lied In
wild panic, into the dining room.- Tho iot
lons of the restaurant, seeing the waiters
In full flight, became panic-stricken In turn,
and all fled into the street, several people
being severely bruised In the crush.
The oftlrlal figure given for the velocity
of the gale was fifty-eight miles an hour,
but In the outlying districts tho wind ol
talncd a speed considerably greater. On all
sides of the city barns and sheds were un
roofed and many of them blown down. In
parts of South Chicago the gale blew fences
across the street faster than the police
force and firemen could clear them away.
At Eighty-fourth street and Eighth -avenue
n newly completed frame building. In
which a number of men were working, was
blown down and the men were all impris
oned in tho debris. They were extricated
hy firemen and nil escaped with slight Inju
ries. Tire damage to trees and shruhberyxln
the parka and suburbs was heavy, and
shade trees in all sections of tho city were
leveled with the ground. Tho galo was
preceded by a heavy fall of rain, 1.11 Inches
falling within three hours. During the
greater part of the afternoon the wind blew
at ilfty-nvo miles an hour, buf later sank
to thirty-six miles nn hour, and was getting
Two Daughters lu Sew. York.
Mother la ftnllty of -Harder.
NEW Y6RK. Nov. 21.-The spectacle of
two women denouncing a a murderess the
woman who brought them into the world,
but whom they refused to- call "mother,"
was witnessed In the office of.the district
attorney today. The women are .Mrs. Wil
helmina Ihiig of this city and Mrs. Marie
Schoch. The mother whom they accused
Is Mrs. WUhelmtra Eckhaidt, who was ar
rested yesterday on a charge of having
performed an illegal operation,
Both Mr. Ihrig and Mrs. Schoch asserted
that they did not wish to be known as the
daughters of Mrs. Erkhardt. who. they
said, is not worthy to bear the name
Both declared they hud seen Mrs, Eck
l ardt kill hour-old infants nnd dispose .of
the bodies by burning them In her kltcheu
stove. They said also that they bad seen
Mrs. Eckhardt perform criminal operations
upon women In her East Nlm-ty-thlrd
street home, and Mrs. Ihrig declared that
1ft mother had quarreled with 1W be.
cause sbe refused to assist In burning the
1 " ' L I. ' . - -
: , ' lum " ? a,Blncl 0"'fy
"'"LT I" I 7' .J" M h'
m h"r " a bundle of rags
and cast her Into the street. She waa res
cued by her grandmother, who reared htr.
Trains Collide la Colorado Whoa One
Engineer C'aaaat Control
the Air Brakes.
HILTON, Colo., Nov. il. Santa Fe paa
scnger trains No. i westbound and No. C
Pioneer and Leader In Omaha Commercial
L.fe Dies in New York.
Only HI Devoted Wife la with Him
When Death, t neipected De
' . spite Long; Illness,
Herman Kountze, aged 73. a pioneer and
one of.the wealthiest, men of Omaho, died
suddenly at 1 o'clock Tuesday night at Wnt
klns Glen, N. T., whero ho had gone about
two'months ago for his -health. He had
been sick for nearly two years, but his
denh was unexpected, and only bis
wife was present at his bedside. Mr.
Kountze was president of the Flrrt Na
tional bank, n member of the firm of
Kountze Bros, of New York and Tenvrr,
and one of thojargest owners of real es
tate In Omaha. : i
A telegram was received by Charles T.
Kountze. assistant cashier of the First Na
tional bank and ason of Mr. Kountze.
frotn Augustus F Kountze, another son.
who Is manager or the -New Tork house,
stating 'that Mr. Kountze had died sud
denly at Watklns Glen, and that he had
left for that place' and would bring' the
body to Omaha in company with Mrs.
Kountze. Further particulars as to the
cause, of. the sudden death of the eminent
financier "have not - been - received byi any
members of the family -in Omaha, but !t Is
believed thnt death was due from ailments
ipc.ident to:olrl agn. ' '
Mrs. Kountze went to Watklns Glen last i
fall, engaged a suite ot rooms
Glen Springs avl. was soon followed by.
her husband, who Intended to take the
treatment at the hotel for a few months
and then go to Hampton Terrace, a south
ern winter resort, to spend the remainder
of th winter. Mrs. John T. Stewart of
Omaha, a daughter of Mr. Kountze, spent
some time at the. Glen with her father and
mother apd returned to Omaha last Thurs-
day. At that time Mr..Kountze was greatly
improved, so her presence was no longc r
- Hardening of Arteries.
For several years Mr. Kountze had bee n
troubled with a hardening of the walls of
the arteries and his death can probably be
traced to this affection.
Herman' Kountze was one of a family of
five sons and five daughters of Christian
Kountze, who emigrated to this country
from Saxony when a youth and settled 'at
Omiaburg. O., and was engaged In mercan
tile pursuits In that city ' until his death.
Herman and Augustus Kouivsse,' wlio-have
been associated together in nearly all the
business affairs of the firm, received .their
early training In their father's rtore at
Osnaburg, and most thorough training it
was. . '''"''.
The elder 1 brother, Augustus, came, to
Omaha first and being Impressed with, the
opportunities-of the country was followed
by Herman In the fall of ISM,. .when tljo
two brothers acquired considerable land
at varUras" Missouri river townsi 'none of
which proved a profitable Investment, how
ever, except -thalat Omaha, In M57 they
eetat)IMted:th! banking Hrri of - Kountze
Bro.iv.. just . after , the great' panic of that
year, and erected a. aihall story- and iahaTf'l
frame'-.structure nt. the. enrher of TwdlfUl
nnd Fo fnam . streets, where the Nebraska.
National bunk now stands. On the. win
dows of this unpretentious .structure were
the signs: "Gold , dust and government
vouchors bought and sold." .
. A few years later.-the business of the
firm warranted tts occupying more - com
modious quarters'; and. a .larger, building
was erected f on the corner, of Thirteenth
and Farnam street, the. present ajta of the
First National bank. In 1&1 this building
was torn down and the present magnificent
structure erected. .
Change In the Firm.
The firm of Kountze Bros, went out of
existence. In Omaha when, tho First Na
tional bank was organized August 2H, lh63,
with Edward Crelghton as president and
Herman Kountze cashier. I'pon the death
of Mr. Crelghton In 1874 Mr. Kountze was
elected president, which position he- occu
pied at t he. time .of his death.
With the assistance of Luther and .Au
gustus Kountze the firm of Kountze Bros.
- , . .... 1,1 Va.1, 1 i
. ' . . ... j . i , . ... ---. i uin an,, 1.1X41
grown to be one of tho. most potential fac
tors In the financial world. The business
handled by the New. York branch. Increased
so rapidly and to. such an extent that lu
187 J it bet me necessary for Augustus
Kountze. lo leave Omaha and assume per
sonal direction of the affairs ot the New
York concern. . Two sons of Herman
KauntzeAuguHtu F. and Herman D. are
employed in thla hank.
In addition to his many, other financial
Interests Mr. Kountze organized a honk at
Denver' In He was tho owner of a
great portion of the choice residence realty
of Omaha, having bought a tract of 16)
acres, now known aa tho Kountze addition,
in the northern part of the city. He was
also Interested In railroads, being one of the
original owners. of the Omaha. & North
western, which ls'now a psrt of the Chi
cago, Minneapolis, St. Paul Si Omaha, road.
He owns many shares of stock of the
Union Stock .Yards company of South
Omaha and, also large, tracts of land In
Iowa, Minnesota and Texas.
Marriage and Faintly.
Mr. Kountze married Elizabeth Davis of 1
Omaha on May 1", 15M. and four sons and
two daughters wero born of the marriage.
all of w hom are Ih Ing. Auguwtus F. and
Herman D. Kountze are In New York and
Charlea T. Kountze and Luther L. Kountze
are assistant cashiers at the First National
bunk arid reside In Omaha. One of the
daughters, Mrs. Meredith Nicholson, wife
of the famous author, resides at Indian
apolis and the other daughter, Mrs. John
T. Stewart, llvs In Omaha. The former
Mrs. Kountze died many years ago and
Mr. Kountze married Mrs. Cotton in ISou.
It Is expected the body will ar
rive' hero Thursday or Friday and that the
funeral will be held st the Kountze-Memorial
church, which is named In honor of
tho father of Mr. Kountze and was largely
endowed by his sons.
Marderer of Dr. Paal at Crater Tried
and Executed Wilhla Foar Days
of Ills Crime.
CENTER. Tex.. Nov. 21. Dick Garrett,
the iiagro who killed Dr. M. M. Paul here
last Saturday, was legally hangd this aft
ernoon. The grand Jury returned an In
dictment yeaterday morning, the scaffold
was constructed last night on the public
square, the ,rlaI a held this morning,
lasting from to 11 o'clock, and the execu
tion took place at noon.
Thu trcopa stationed at the Jail to pre
vent threatened mob violence have all dc
parttj apd all excitement is now over.
Dr. Paul as killed by Garrett, whom he
was endeavoring to at rut for dl.ipluylng
a weapon ou. the streets Saturday sfter-
Generally Fair Thnrsdny and Friday.
Temnerntnre nt Omaha Vesterdnyt
. . 3t
. . l&l
. . 2-1
. . 24
.. 21
. . S.I
. . 27
. . 27
. . it't
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. . H.'l
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. . .1
. . as
. .
. . nt
. nn
K a. m .
a. m.
T a. m.
a. m.
1 n. tn .
f a. m .
11 a. m.
12 m., , .
1 l.
J p.
.1 p.
4 p.
H p.
T p
n p.
Siext Annual Convention of Sotlonol
Body Will Be Held In tiri
' Stnto.
DENVER. Nov. Sl.-Tho National Orange
voted today to hold Ita forty-flrst annual
convention at Hartford, Conn.
The transportation committee's report,
which was adopted, beside endorsing the
new rate bill urnes that the farmers stanVl
together In fostering waterways from the
distribution of their products as a means
to cheapen transportation. Tho report ex
presses the belief that much can yet be
done In the matter of regulating tho fa II
tonds ond forcing them to stop discrimi
nating and give more reasonable rates.
Resolution!! presented by State Master
F. A. Derthick of Ohio, demanding that
railroads orecjt gates at .-ill rural crossings
and place flagmen in addition to the more
Important- intersections with public high
ways, were unanimously adopted. These
resolutions also demand legislation which
would compel railroads to pay damages
to the heirs of nil people killed by trains.
I f,cnlitt I, ,n m-o tt mlnritrfl nnnnnlnff tl-.e of (he rw.t mailer anornl
on lTiat1,;r ,n.
crMsoJ tnm , ., to 4 or 5
, enmmttioe of the
j National Grange wa.i Instructed to attend
' ., , , .. ... ,
the sefsions of the Joint committee of con
gress, to he held on November Id. and Inform-the
congressmen of the' unalterable
opposition of the body to the proposed
Another resolution favoring generous ap
propriations by the federal government for
the Improvement of publics highways was
adopted. This resolution also favored tho
publication and dissemination by federal
nnd Mate agricultural departments of Infor
mation upon i-oad building and main
Property to Be Distributed Pro Rata
Annually Among; Great Northern
NEW YORK Nov. 21,-I)eails of the
long-looked fqr dividend to Great Northern
Railway company stockholders, resulting !
from , the leasing of Its ore lands to the i
I'nlted States Steel corporation, were dls- i
closd today In a circular Issued at the
Great Northern offlcee.
For overy share of Great Northern stock,
nolders will receive a share of stock of the! W.r Tales, chairman of tho committee on
Lako, Superior company, limited, an vnln- j uational financial legislation. Too con
eorporated eompnny, in whoso nam.) the ; fljcUng Idoaa' on thl subject have their
ore;, lands have been hold. The Lake Su-
pei lor .company, however, is to transfer
the oro property to the Messrs. Louhv W.,
James , N.. and , Walter J. Hirt, sons " of
James .J. Hill, who will net its trustee of
th". stock far. tho shareholders of-tho iircat
Northern company.
' "The .beneficial iuterest" will consist of
1.5itl, 'ICO shares, Wh If h equU the amount
of 'Great Northern shares. Thus tho dls
tiibution will be on a share for, share
The next, profits derived from the ore
properties will be distributed at least once
annually by. the trustees. Some Idea of the
dividend Which Great Northern Stock-
holders wUl receive may be bad from the
fact that the United States Steel corpora-
ttrtn Is to pay. the beneficiary 85 cents. per
ton- for all ore mined tn the. first year.
beginning in 1!Y)7, with an increase of S.4
cents per ton a year for an Indefinite
period. The oro lands ore believed to con
tain' not less than 5Kl,0"V),0() tons of Iron.
Gross Karuloaia of Two Roads
Much Larger Tho a Last
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. ?1.-For throe.
months of the present fiscal year, ronslstlne
of the months of July. August and Septem
ber, the . gross earnings of the Southern
Pacific amount to $ as against 125,
662.778 for tho same three months last year.
This makes an Increase of J3,CuS,9.T6 for tbo
present year, or a little more than $1,000,000
a month. If this rate Is maintained the
earnings of tho Southern Pacific will easily
reach at the end of tho fiscal
For threo monfhs In the present flsenl
year the earnings of the Union Pacific are
l,4!9.9a greater than for the same threo
months of last year. If this rate of In
crease keeps up the earnings of tho two
HaiTlman roads will have an Increase of
l.'.,0"O,O00 over last year.
Imprudent Act of Second OBieer
'Steamer Dls (aased Lass of
Fifty Llres.
! SEATTLE. Wash., Nov. 21. That Mate
! Dennlson. who was one of the fifty or
i more Dorsons who perudied with the sink-
1 ln of the steamship Dlx. was wholly to
I blame for the loss of tho vessel Sunday
right is evident from the testimony taken
! before the United States m arine inspectors
Ltodav. Cantaln Lcrmond. master of the
Dlx, who was among those saved by the
steamer Jeanle, testified that he had
warned Dennlbon never to attempt to cross
In front of another vessel, but to pass at
thu steamer's stern. ,
f'onstltn'tlonal Convention Nlarta
'Work ' After Members Are
Sworn In.
GUTHRIE. Okl.. Nov.. The convention
which Is to draw up a constitution for the
new state of Oklahoma a as formally or
ganized today when John H. Burford. thief
justice of Clkluhoniu. swore In officers
elected yesterdui'. William H. Murrav. the
presiding officer, will name his committees
tomorrow. Tho committees wUl not get
down to the bUHlness ot making funda
mental laws for the new state until next
Johnstone May Soeeced Dura ad
WASHINGTON. Nov. ja.-Slr Alan John, the present minister for Great Brit
sin to Denmark, Is being dlscuss.d In
Washington as a possible successor to Sir
Henry MortlnTir Durand, the British am
bassador, who Is soon to retire from the
diplomatic service- snd leave the Wafhlng
t"U po,-it vacant. ...
Tornier Comptroller Urffti Oonireai t
I roride for 8afe lucal lolicy,
Want Nite-Imuiac 1 unction of National
Banks Enlarged by tUtnte.
With Diiappearance ot This Goes Alio
Bi.Ter anil breeoback Hereiiea.
Interestlns Sesi,.u Promised Today
When Convention Takes Ip DIs
rasslon of , Asset Currency,
Led hy Henry W. Yates.
Reaffirming the iiucuiial faith in the gold
fiHiiaard as tne scud basis of monetary
ana currency Issues. Its demonstrated
stability, iiKm congress and state
legislatures tne enactment of lawg ado
quuteiy to satcgtiard tuo country's ilscal
interests, the . Importance of such rcfotiu
us will enlarge tne note Issuing functlou
of national banks by granting them the
rtgiit under wed conceived and conserva
tive restrictions which will Insure safety
to the and guard the banks against
misuse of the power given; proclaiming
the permanent disappearance of the era of
wildcat money as completely as that of
tho Irredoemablo greenback end silver
heresy with these utterance as among the
most Important, ' James H. Eckles, presi
dent of the Commercial National bank of
Chicago nnd comptroller of the currency
under President Cleveland, addressed the
Nebraska Bankers' association yesterday
In Its tenth annual convention at the Lyric
theater. The convention will close this
afternoon. Mr. Eckles was the central
figure of the day and his speech was re
ceived with profound effect Ho dealt
at length with the matter of currency
reform, v pointing out tho national needs
and tho methods which, !n his Judgment,
If pursued, will produce the best results.
Contest Comes This Afternoon.
Omaha Is busy , entertaining thi Sou
bankers In attendance nt this convention.
Much .interest is being shown in the de
liberations of.the convention and the at
tendance at. the two sessions Wednesday
was large, not being conlined to the bank
ers. Legislation; for the betterment of
conditions In tho banking world Is th
chief subject and ' almost, every . address
on the program touches on otio phsse or
another of . It. The fight of the conven-
tlcn. ff fight there -Is to be, will come this
forenoon, when a discussion of "Asset
Currency" will follow the report Of Henry.
dent champions.
While hero Mr. Kokle was entertained at
the Oniahu club, lwln.tha guest of Presi
dent Lwther- Dre ke of 'the' Merollfcnt Na
tional" ' bank ond Ifermtof Millard. Mr,
Eckles said he Accepted the invitation to"
speak at this cOBvcnlioti because it seemed,
to him that both time and place ware
opportune for a discussion of the question
of .a reform of .the; currency system.
' No Doubt ot Uold Standard.
""I think 1 am quite within 'the bound of
truth when I sny that tnero nowhere oxisU
serious differences as to the economic wis
dom and soundness of maintaining as the
! fundamental himls for Our mnnatnrv !
currency Issues the fold standard of
value," said Mr. Lckks. "It la Immaterial
I so far as the present is concurred bv whaL
process of reasoning ' those who opposed
such a standard have, brought themselves
to accept It; tho important fact Is thot II
Is accepted and the error of the doctrines
and theories with which ,it was opposed
has been cusf aside and burled In the
grave with the hundreds of other economic
heresies which have from time t- time
been set up In opposition to the Immutable
and unvarying laws of trade and commerce.
"The elimination of this fruitful source
of bitter discussion, personal recrimination
and party fury has carried with 4t tho de-
- i sti-rtvlnir eli-ment . 1 1 ruMttlCAl hlnM ArA nay.
, lH1 QeaJre frnm all thiit whlch sa.e0l.7h.
treatment of monetary and banking prob
lems tn the United States, and we can ap
proach their solution upon " the sounder
basis of merit, historic accuracy, scientific
truth, and economlo fact. ,
"Tho currency question ought never to be
a partisan political one, and now least of
all, for the differences between contending
political hosts In the arena of public af
fairs turn on other things which appeal
more to partisan Imagination and partisan
Mill You u at and Great.
Mr. Eckles still possesses that fresh,
youthful appearance which makes hlro look
more like u man of 3b than one of HI years
and not the one who would be picked as
head or one of the biggest bunking Institu
tions of tho country and ot the greatest
thinkers of finance In the world. His pres
ence at the convention was tho source of.
greut interest.
The first consideration of the convention
was a sad one. After prayer had beu
offered by Dean Beecher of Trlnty csthe-
! dral, Henry W. Yates announced the death
! o' Herman Kountze, and
this threw a
1 t' '"Porary gloom over the gathering of
i hankers, for many of thorn had not hearl
I of thB death. Alfred Millard paid s high
. tributo to the character of Mr. Konntzu
i nd requeued the appointment of a com-
mlitee to draft memorial resolutions. Th
committee was appointed to consist of
Senator J. H. Millard, Luther Drake, H. W.
Yates. V. B. Caldwell. J. T. Tronery of
pawnre City. Frank McGiveiiu of Frs
mott, P. L. Hall of Lincoln and A. L.
Clarke of Hastings.
Seuator Millard welcomed the vUIUutT
bankers In a short address. In which he
noted the rapid growth of wealth lu Ne
braska since the dark das of 18!vt. when
land and every commodity was u. drug on
the market. He c-ongi ul ulatcj the banker
that th ir paths arc now leading through
such pleasant places.
. II. Bnraham Krsponds.
8 H. Urnham, preslU. nt of the First
National Lincoln, rehj.oi.aed to
Senatjr Milliard
He. t.. ivierred to tho
: panic days and explained .In a humorou
! aV '"lr elx yn tn th 's had passed
without a convention oeing neia oy tna
e,a.Ution. "They wvre discussing 14 to 1
and the pops had elected a legislature,"
ho said. "Banks and bai.kers were at a
discount; It wus thought a disgrace to be
seen with a bunker. If one or two of us
wanted to talk things over we sneakaU
out after night and did. It, No conventions
fur us then. Yet I realise that thoce sl
years wc ro a most valuable asset in tho
banker' experience.
The secretary's report showed a total
membership of U77 out uf "W buks la Ike