THE OMAHA DxVILY DEE; WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1906. tKAlX AM) PRODUCE UARKET Iu Whfit Tit Trade .8 Pre?! Esy. Light and CLOSt UNCHANGIO IN DECEMB'.R OPTION Liverpool Refuse I Respond to Mom. day's AdTnnce la America Irreuo Inrlly In Torn Market, May Rein Inclined to Strength. OMAHA, Nov. 20. lj. ... iVveedingly light trails characterised l.i. wheru market and price were easy. .Although Liverpool Monday refused to fol low Amrif' decline of Saturday, yet on Tuesday Liverpool ai elu oblivious to (he advance In America on Monday. Foreign crop nws m favorable, except in Argen llnu. where the weather was cold ttnd wet. A l.irge irrl-t pf hull new come from Min neapolis, where the market was strong. Receipts are running lighter than last yoar and the ciikIi demand la good for spring wheat. Brndstrcet s weekly world's vl.-ible showed a fair decrease, for the week and surly In the session It was a help to price. From the spring wheat standpoint the situ ation favors the hulls, but this U offset by an inoreasa In stork of winter wheat. Irregularity marked the corn. December Was steady, while May waa firm at a shade advance. The cash demand shows ro Im provement and receipt were moderate. Elevator Interests were good sellers. Primary wheat receipts were l.OW.mO bush els nml shipments 749,000 bushels, ag.-xlnst receipts ln;t year of l.SHIS, 000 bushels and shipments of liM.OOf) bushels. Corn receipts were 5(2,fl00 bushels and shipments 87S.'0 bushels, agslnst receipts last year of IVR.OOO bushels and shipments of 3H8.0U0 bushels. Clearances were 41O.000 bushels of wheat, 26.iw bushels of corn and flour and wheat equal to 437,000 bushels. Liverpool closed unchanged to Hd higher on wheat and unchanged to U1 lower on corn. This Is what Bartlett thinks of corn, ac cording to a wire from him today: "It looks as If the longs In December corn were commencing to llquidnte. With any season able weather we will hav plenty of con tract corn from the coutitrv next month, and. In any event, plenty of contract corn can be made. I look for December corn to sell at 4 cents and nrohably lower." Tioral range of options: Range of prices: rry, official rice, 2SUr; street price, 29c; extra neorhy prints. Sic. EGGS firm, good demand; nearby fresh and western fresh, 31c at mark. 'IIKESE Quiet, but stcsdv; New York full creams, i:friac. MCW lORk (iKinAI, MIRK KT on Various (isslalinna of the Day Commodities. NKvV YORK. Nov. 20 FLOUR Re- barrels; exports, 4.3.3 S.'iO packages; market slow trade; Minne- $4.10? 1.40; Minnesota winter ratent, U. i.n celpts. 2 7.1 6 J barrels; sales, nrm with a sota. patents, linker. $3.40l3.Kii Artlcleg.l Open. I High. Low. I Close.! Yesy Wheat Dro.... May... Corn Dec. .. May... Oats-Dec... May 72-V . 72! 87V 1 :i7il37Ta1-3SI I 37 ...I 67t! B7 72HJ 7.'. 87h" 37 37 V 37, 33sl 33V. Omaha Cash Prices WHEAT-Xo. 2 hard. c ; No. J hard, 7'?tif!c; No. 4 hard, tioftctriVic; No. : spring, 67'fiitoVic. CORN No. 3. old. 4(!Vc; new.' 37c; No. , new, 36tJ"6c: No. it yellow, old. 41c; new, aTfi.iiV.c; No. 3 white, old. 41c; new, 37c. OATS No. 3 mixed, SO-h 3os,o ; No. 3 while, 3K(31Se; No. white, 30WuMc. RYE No. 2, 6l',io: No. V, tiOc. Carlnt Iteeelpt. Wheet Chicago 4 Minneapolis 241 Omaha 32 Duluth 419 St. Louts 62 I 'M; winter straights. f..5"fi3 6"; winter ex- I tra-s. winter low grades. K.j4.i ; 3.05. Rye flour, firm; sales, 2"0 bbl. ; fair to good, tlt.V(i3.8f; choice to fmcy. f 3.8 U 1.15. Buckwheat (lour, steady, $2.20 fl2 3n; shipment, to arrive. j . COHNMEAle-Steady; flue white and yel lo 1.2f;'0l 25; coarse, SI .11.12; klln-drled, RYE Firm ; No. 1 western, JIHc c 1. f . j New York; Jersey and state. MtdtfiiBVfjC. dc- llveicd at New York. PARLEY Steady; feeding, 44',ic C. 1. f. New York; malting, 4945! c. i. f. But fllo. WHKAT Receipts. 73,000 htl. ! exports, I 26.3:t5 bu.: sales, 2.250,000 bu. futures, 30,000 bu. snot: snot market Irrcarular: No. . z ren, ini-, elevator; No. 82'4c, afloat; No. 2 hard, c. 1. r.. Buffalo. The wheat ancnlriK was steadier today on northwest mcelpts, fol lowed by reaction under bearish foreign crop estimates. Later, the market ral lied, on a "bullish Bradstreets" statement of world's stocks and closed steady at a partial V4c net decline. Sales included No. 2 red. May, 84 '4. T 85 6-lc; closed, 85c; Decemiier. 82 3-1 (I h c, closed. 8fic I "R.N Receipts, IS. 875 bu. futures: spot market easy; No. 2, R"v,c elevator and 5340 f. o. h. nlloat; No. 2 yellow, Mtyc; No. 2 w-hlte, S5o. Option market was steady In unfavorable weather and lighter receipts, closing unchanged to Sc net higher; January, closed Bl'c; May, SOtc, closed 504c; December closed 52 c. AT8 Receipts, 103, BOO bu.; spot mar ket steady; mixed oats, 2 to 32 pounds, Jir; nattiral white, 30 to 32 pounds. ."Kff 40',c; clipped white. SB to 40 pounds, 39 j H 43 He. FF.ED Firm, spring bran, 123.10, prompt shipment; middlings. $22.85, prompt shipment; city. 22.S0'7 26.50. HAY Firm: shlpi.lng. TRsfSOc; good to choice. Sl.fieai.-4X. HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice, 1o. 204j24c; l!e, JKil3c; Pacific coaat. 190u. Utl'llo. HIDES Quiet; Galveston, 20 to 2: lbs.. 20c; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 21c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 lbs., 19c. LEATHKR Quiet; acid, 27i 2Sc. PROVISIONS Beef, firm; family $12.50 13.00; mesa, SR.fltHiS.Oo; beef hams. $22.(ty 24.50; packet, SlO.fiofa'll.OO; cltv extra India mess. $19.5Vff 20.00. Ctit meats, steady; pickled bellies, $IA.2iU.0; pickled hams NEWYURKSrOCKS AND BONDS FriDc pal Feature of Day ii an Advance of Six loinU in III in 0 Central RUMOR OF BUYING TO PERFECT CONTROL Another Report la that t. Paal anil Southern Parian Are to Be Merged, With tentral aa HoldlnK Company. 4s, ri V. S. . r. in coupon . do coupon ..... V. 8. n. , ri . do coupon Am. Tobscto 4.. do NEW YORK, Nov. H. The restraint of the stiff rates for call loans wss manifest in the dsy's slock market. Its action sug gested that the speculative demand would have halted more toinpletely had It not been for the bracing effect of the sudden and violent advances which occurred at different times durlnir the day In different stocks. Thene special movements were un- j Atrhtsen can. exniatnen tiv nut horn nrt ve news, nut mere a" "nl. were pnty of rumors of a more or lcs 1 liitihllilc seeming. The tt-point Jump In . : I r. . , I n . . I r .. I nnnBtilnill.lia red. northern, 'example In this class. The runiora'had to winter. 7JV4oidu with the stinnoseii relation of the prop- , e-ty to the project of working out in re I gnrd to St. Paul. It was alleged on the j one hand that St. Paul and Southern Pa I cl1lc were to be brought Into more Intl 1 mate relations bv an Inierchanae Of stock- 'holding!! and thst Illinois Central was to 1 C, R. I ! haure as the holding comnanv for the 1 do col niergen property. Anotner rumor was tnm i:X7.n74; gold Colo Hnd bullion. SI 1 E1.R1 fcV 4- ; gold certlllcates, $w.91,:0. ew York Money Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 20. MON EY On call, strong at 611 10 per cent; ruling rate, is per cent; closing bid. 8 per cunt, offered at per rent. Time loans, firmer; sixty and ninety days. 7 per cent; six months, 6 pvr cent. PRIME MERCANTILE rAPER-aSf, per cent, STLRLINO EXCHANGE Steady at de. cllne, with actual business in bankers' bills at li.ti''rH.K& for demand and at $4 SWff 4.W for sixty-day bills; posted rates. $41H ard St 1; commercial bills. St.W1'4. SILVLR Bar. 71c; Mexlcsn dollars, BONt8 Oovemment. easy; railroad. Ir regular. , Quotations on bonds today were as fol lows: V. s. rof J. re. iJpn , M strlst.. 7"4 do coupon 14 1 do 4s rlfs W OMAHA LIVE STOCli MARKET Good Ii-di of Cattle Generally Stead;, Cthen Slew. HOGS SELL EARLY AT STEADY PRICES been fteeelnfa Light, with Trnde Aetlee and Price Anywhere from Strong; to Considerably HlaherTnaa Yeateraay Atiamte C: h. 4s. Hi I O. 4s do :i'-i Br. R. T. c. 4s.. Central of (is. is. do lrt Inc do 2d Inc do td Inc rhrs A Ohio 4',, Chlio A A. I r., n. a. a. 4. p. 4t. to err. u g. 4s .ins I do ci(f a4 ..IK I do td frlw . . l"l H ' I. N. unl. 4s lfIS ,.11' Man. C. ( 4 1M ,.t;""4 Hex, f'cotral 4 J'S ..IW" do 1st Inc W .. 77, Mlnn. St. L 4.. V ..IIM M . K. & T. 4. I"" . .leo do la .. N. R. R. of K . 4s. n . : 7 K. Y. r. l4s ..I01H N. J. C. . ... .. 4S No Ps.'IBc. 4a l;"' Mi do s T5V ..111 IN. W. c. to !" .. W 'O. R. L. rfdx 4a t .. 74 Pcnn. cost. IM looi ,. TO Radlni sea. 4a 1 ..I t Rl. L. t. M. c. 6a .lllv SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. to, Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. 8hep Official Monday 7,a i. Othclnl Twesday 7,i0 4.( urgent buying ' to perfect the control of j "" ,.n'1 Hl St. U A F. fs. 4a. M ' St L. R. W. e. 4a.... II 77 'Smheard A. b. 4. S'H So. Pa ISo 4a Ui-i do 1st 4a ctfa... Colorado Mid to In. A 80. 4i f:aha-6s ...... r. A R. O, 4a TtMtltt- 8e., Erie p. I. 4a.. do sen. 4a.. Hocklns Val. Japan da Offtrsd. adj. 4n.. Illinois Central in view of the Internal dif ferences In the company win responsible for the upward ehoot in price. The move ment In Louisville A Nashville owed some thing to sympathy on account of the anala gous conditions and territory of the two roads. There also ware on the possibility of a dividend incresse for Louis ville & Nashville and its subsidiary com panies shared iu the strength. Rock Ts'.and was the subject of stories of an acquisition of control of Colorado & Southern, which met with official disclaimers. St. Paul was feverish and Irregular, re acting constantly from Its vigorous ad vances, fine or I wo of the industrial spe cialties made slmlUr spurts, notably Clen- Men. Central 4a era! Electric and People s Oas. The manner Atihlwn In which thee movements were conducted piovcd rather convincing to sentiment and their lack of Influence In sustaining the market became more marked as their number grew and the absence of In telligible ground for the movement became remarked. It became evident soon after the money market opened that the tight ness of yesterday was aggravated rather than alleviated. The opening rate of 6 per cent soon gave way to 7 per cent and yesterday's maximum of 9 per cent was touched and passed early in the afternoon acr. A. 7bVSo. Rallsar ts. in 71 !Tnm A P. la.. a., M ICS s4j .,..- STH ini 4Ha ..107 7 T . St. L. A W. (Colon Pacltc 4a. ('. a Rim! Id .V Wahath la do deb. B Woatarn Md. 4l. . W. A L. K. 4a.. Wla. Central 4a. .. l'a .. H ..lid . .120 .. " ..K.1H .. " ..til .. tH .. M .. W .. im Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON, Nov. 20 Call loans. -d7 per cent; time loana, b'fiH per cent. Official quotation on stocks snd bonds were , 'Atrbiaos do 4a $12. 00 12.50. Lard. steady; western 1 As known conditions seem to be moving prime. S!.45 9 65. nominal; refined, easy; , In favor of the banking position this sensl- t HICAGO ;rai akd provisions Features of the Trndlnig nnd Cloalnn I'rlces on Board of Trade. CHICAOO. Nov. 20.-The was weakened today- bv realizing sales in the December delivery, but the market; became more firm Just Ix'fore the close, which was a nhaUe under the final quota tions of yesterday. Corn was off He. Oats were down c. Provision were 2',c to UViC hlghes. Despite an array of bullish news senti ment In the whent pit wee bearish for the greater part of the day. Loca4 holders were sellers of December and commission houses and elevator interests made exten- contlnent. $9.0; South America. $10.7."; , compound. $d.00(p 8.2a. Pork, quiet; fain-I'- SIS. 506 19.00; short clear, SI8.00J! 1S.50. 1 A l,LOW Steady; city (S2 per pkg.), 6ic, countrv' (pkg. free), oCiOc. I RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 3'4 I 450'ic; Japan, nominal. POl'LTRY Alive, easy: western chickens, lie; fowls. 12c; turkeys, lie. Dressed, lrreg. ular; weatern chickens, 1'JfiloHc; spring I turkeys. 15 17c; fowls. IOftU4c. i Bl.'TTEK Strong: street prices, extra I creamery, fco. Official prices: Cream- ery, common 10 extra, ii.iac; neni, seconds to extra. SHiTie; dairy, common to extra. IDiiitiWc; renovated, common to extra, n;) J2-; western factory, common to (lrsts, iBVi itilOo; western imitation creamery, first. J'n o. ' ' slut e. full cream, September. fancy, 12c: state, fulr to Inferior. lWifj livi EGGS Steady; state. Pennsylvania and nearby, fancy nnd selected white. SSiV; state, choice. 3GKj3uc; state, mixed fnncv, 3iilTr7ci western, selected best. 33.'. Official wheat market I Pr'ce": First, 32c; seconds. 27i.10c. , Cor-. 345 51 Oa" 24b 47 CHEESE Firm: large and small, IHtc; October, best. good. IZOT.'Vc: state. tlveness of the market to the demands for the speculation proved disturbing. New York exchange at Chicago rose to 20 cents premium per SI.OUO. making the continued flow of funds towards this center. The re ports of condition of banks in other cities In response to the controller call a of do p(d November 12 are perused with Interest and 1 V. 8. Steal. show the general expansion of credits snd I do pfd .. low state reserves sustained in comparison with the showing under the previous call In August. The tone was firmer in the time money market also, In sympathy with the rise In chII lonns. The day's gains were much Impaired or entirely wiped out with the rise to 10 per cent In money and the closing was easy with a mixture of net losses. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value. $l,7Hi.00. I.'nlted States old 4s regis tered declined H per cent on call. The following waa the range of prices on the New York Stock exchange- Salca. High do pfd Fnrton A Aloanv.. IIo,1od A Milne.. Ftoaton RlaTttcd .. Fto-hburg p(d .... Mexican Central .. V. T.. N. H. A H Pcro Mamnatta . t.'nton Pacific Am. A. f ham. pfd... 2 lOacenla Amor. Pnsu. Tuba.... i:iH Qutncy Amer. Sugar U44 Shannon do pfd Tin 'Ti.marmck .. Amar. T. A T 137V. Trinity Amcr. Woolon a.',., t'ntted Copper do pfd 1"?VI:. 8. Mining. nonunion I, A R. .. . 3Si l B. Oil "Rdlton Elw. IHu...! it'tati . S3 ninsham .lor, '(. a.i. A Hsca. . 1 cntennlal AJ Coppar Rang ... .101 hair Wast .141 iPranklln .Ill4,aranh .Wl tale Rorale .134 IMaaa. Mining ... . ttniMichlsan .l?H,Mohawli . M (Mont. C. A C... l7'i, Old Dominion 4 :H m t; u J?S 7 l"4j :4 M 1?4 101 n IH 1D1 HI 74'i .4dJ SiM .bn) lu.jJfi 2'. 31, Jl i Two day this week. . . .14,i2 I Same oay last week 17,4in ! Hums days i weeKs ago,.14,71 1 Hame day 3 weeks .. 1,,, si Same days 4 weeks ago.. 8.4li name day last year .4tf7 ine loiioaing ,uoo no luo mceipi 01 cattle, hog and cheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: lfcXi. IKa. Inc. Cattle 6,678 922.-I7 "-Ml Hogs JJS.-I.M8 J,014.S!i2 liS.-iM Sheep 1.(kX.4o2 I.0M.WI na-Sil RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha $2 M(ii.l0 $5. . 20 Chicago l.tfui.i '.Msu6.iW Kansas City nu 75 S.iMiti 15 St. Louis ".WmlJo .mkhH.15 Sioux City 2.6unH.OO ".Wi)ti-10 CATTLE QUOTATIONS, Good to choice cornfed steer K.W3 25 air to good cornted steer 6.i6.ftO Common to fair corn-fed steer.,.. .UVU tjond to choice rang teers 4. ion.4fl common to fair range steer 8.W4J4' liood grass cow and halters SAirl-W f air to good cows snd hellers.... a.emu.. Common to fair cow and heifers.. ld'ilJ W Uoou-choice atockers and feeders.. 4.2(4.7.i alr to good Blocker and feeder.. S JVijI.ti) Common to fair docker f.7t.J.2 Bulls, stags, etc tOa3.7i Veal calve 4.xB.u The following tsble showr the average price of hog at South On. aha for the last evaral days, with comparison: 12 cow $! I M Id cows TT1 i C. Heet-8. D. 12 cow P15 I 1 10 feeler.. S 60 F. Urocon Colo. 88 heifers... S4 10 52 heifers... M7 t 4 cows li& $ 5 IHMJShecelpta of hogs this morning w-ere small and other market points were net overburdened. In fact most every mar ket reported receipts lighter than a ar ago. At the opening there was a weak feel ing prevalent oirg to the fait that nrat advices from Chicago were lower. Accord ingly packers' first bid at this p.r' generally a kittle lower than yesteidny. but w hen the market flnslly or nd and the trade wan under way the prlcw pal., showed very little difference from those which pre vailed yesterday. When fairly started the trade was reasonably active and the bulk of the early receipt changed bnds in a short, lime, the hogs selling largely at $, the same as yesterday. Two very choice loads of light hogs soid tip to $rt.2n. which t was pc nigner man was paid tor nuy in i" tut i 'n1" yesterday. . .' ' After the more urgent orders were filled I and some of the buvers dropped out the u M ' nlrket slowed up and the feeling hec.ime S -1 t 1 lcr. For a time there wn almost noth i eii ln doing, the trade coming to n practical As the later Iralna rolli-d In the trade re vived and, although It was pot as active as early, at 111 the hogs Void at practically the same price. In a few cases, possibly, hogs did not bring jult as much as the best price paid earlv, nd the feeling was essler, but still there wae not enough c; rooster. 8c; epilog chliKeiiK, 17V' 1 choice to change to talk about. N. A. Ak. : .. Xe "h r ft i ... It 4 t 47 ji n I h 1 rJi r ... : 4 rj Jso t "'a ! f"' 1 7d tv 1OT 4 (10 l ; 120 i 07S 1 J 4 4 04 all 4 ... 07W a i k it t tv ft 1 ms I ft H IN M .. II 40 274 fori 4 Oil 4 3 40 4 "J . JM t " 4 OS ft Vi N Ion 5 .il IIH as ff ti ... oe n im it na if tm 7 ta4 I:m I 1 47 fM Tl J7 f0 S M M ... I 00 71 ... Ot, 0 ?S ... 4 00 I fi ... U 17 ..fS ... 4 00 SO IM ... t ! M. ....... J40 W S IM ... at : ... 4 00 Date. I 1806. 11S)6.1!M.1903.I102.1!W1.18"0. Nor. Nov. Nov. 10. 11. ... OS I 4 79 . 07 4 8" ! 4 83 4 791 4 X 4 i 4 7i 85 4 W 4 831 26 1 s r; V I 6 731 4 61 4 73 Date. I 180R. 1WI.104. 11908. 11902. 1901. 11900. Mans, glactrle do prd . Mm. flan 1 fnltcd Fruit fnllcd Shoa Marb. Advontura Allotiez Amalxamated Atlantlo , Bid. "Asked. II Victoria . . ! I Winona . . HI . Wolverine ..IU Norh B'ltfe .... .. 77 Hutta Coalition . . 31 iN'ovada .. 41 IMItrbell . Csl. A Artaona.. .. I iTacamaah .. 4j .Arljona Com ... . . 114 Oreena Cos Lx-dlvidend. Nov. Nov Nov, Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 12... I t 00 13... 1 8 ts 4 801 .. . . 1"4j ..I3S ..lit .. IC .. 1H .. . .lii .. 1H .. ftV4 .. H 14 15... li... 17... 18... 19... 20... i 98 I 4 731 4 69 t 4 2 4 641 ID 1 4 tUi 4 t3 044 4 7 4 71 I 4 68 4 67 01 4 b3 I 4 68 i 4 80! 4 631 0 101 ll! IM 4 t4 B ZU 0 Wl 1 (i 4 67 S 2S t K 4 7 I U ti. 4 .' 4 541 I 6 631 4 90 4 401 41 4 83 4 .-Pi 811 i M 4 45, 28 1 s tiS 4 "8 4 4'i! i 28 8 73 1 4 75 1 lew York Mining Stocks. NEW YORK. Nov. 20. Closing quotation cn milling stocks were: Adam Kxprree 1 Amalmmited Copper Low. St. I.onls (Iratrnl Market. I ST. LOCI8. Nov. Mi.-VHEAT-Veak: (rack, No. 3 red. cash, 7Mi76c; No. 2 hard, 72fa7l1v;. Decemiier, rV'0'd14c; May, 77 Ti c CORN Weak; cash, lower; track, No. 3 cash, 41c; No. 'i white. 44'a4v4c; December, HC-.o; Way. 41Vc. OATS Du'l; track, No. 2 cush. 3;i,c; No. 2 white. MuMe; December, 33Vc; May, 4C Am. 1 Am. I Am. I Am. ! Am. Am. ! Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. A m C. A K. C. A T. pfd Cotton Oil Cnlion Oil pfd EaprenB H. A L. pfd Icp. accurltlea I. lnacrd Oil Linnced Oil pfd...... LncomotKe locomotive pfd R. A R 8. A R. p(d Bugar Refining- Tobacco pfd ctfa Mln. Co 1.. 4S.WHI S.'iOl IMS 4SS 300 82 1011 100 MS II ll:l' 44W 119 S II S.4O0 744l 744 . , i,.. trnm Hi. In.,mlw.e to the Mhv 1 rwun-picaujr, leu winter puivru. .twi T.ptlon. during the first half hour the i.xi.,LnCy and "ra'8lu' ".45; murket waa firm because of the unusually SKtT1,r;hv ..eadv KfiiTT, mall receipt of wheat at Minneapolis and ! w .t-flimdv t-M Ut.Vl ,HRAN?rirm;.-rt Si-t track. MffVlo. V?Ln'7itoDlA rle'lloTsSlu Ou" ,"n0l"J' W6M; "re prices gradually eased off. Among the r V.7,vVS-,v. ,t.a e. c 1.. r w..lll.k . a" " 1 ir.o-.v.. , . 1 1 1 , I lirilin u , .nr vui,n,a liioi . " u . . decrease of GoD.OOO bushels In the world' I visible supply aa shown by Bradstreets ! and an urgent demand for cash wheat at ; Minneipolls. This influence caused some BCTTF.R Higher; dairy. 1iK('i?4c. BGOS Mrm at 2t;c. covering by local shorts lute in the day and resulted in a recovery ot almost an ot tlia early loss. The only factor of bearish Importance was an estimate which placed the Australian wheat crop about 22,ou0.uJ bunhcla greater than last year. The mar ket closed steady; December opened un changed to a shade lower at 73Ttc to 73Vtf 74c. sold off to 73si873'c and closed at 7a7c. Clearance of wheat and flour were equal to 497.WO buahels. Primary receipt ( Flour, bbls were 1,068,000 bushels, against l,3tx,000 bush- Wheat, bu els for the sume day last year. Mlnne- . Coin, bu apc.lls, Duluth and Chicago reported re-joats, bu celpts of 7(3 cars, against M2 car last 1 week and 1,137 cars a year ago. Wet weather throughout Illinois and the Ohio river valley held tha corn market leady despite the selling of the December 1 option by longs and elevator interest. Commission house took the greater part of the offerings. The close, was steady: ' Ieeember opened unchanged to He higher at 42vc to 42Ac, sold oft to 41Tc and closed j at 42c. Local receipts were 345 car, with ( 41 car of contract grade. ' Sentiment In the oata pit was bearish be cause of an Increase of 2.0a0 bushel In local contract stocks and because of stead ily Increasing receipts; December opened unci anged to a shade lower at S3o to 33 tW7,c, sold off to .Wic and closed at 33V tlMSe. Local receipt were 248 car. The provision market waa easy early In the day because of a weak market for live hogs, but It became firm later on buying lv commission house and shorts, which was based upon a decrease of 86.000 hogs western packing center compared with tho corresponding day lust year. At the close January pork was up U'Vc at S14.62H. Ird was 2So higher at So624 Rib were 7M10c higher at $7.77V9i7.80. Lstlmated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, 3 cars; corn, 140 cars; oat. 122 car; hogs, V. jn head. The leading futures ranged a follow: PAGHINC;-9e. HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS Pork. lower: Jobbing, 818.30. Lard, higher; prime steam, $9.10. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed, extra short, SX.S7V.; clear ribn. $9.12: short clears. Ss.tK'v Bncon, steady; boxed, extra shorts, . . ll.fne . . I.ioo .. l.Mn MO . . 0 'K .. JO. 4 2H0 .. 1,7(10, ,. l."0 ' 4.0110 . . 4,a0 inn 70 .. 4,410 . . . too ..117. S"0 M4T 117 . 134 ' Me ssl '.4 1034 lOi 14014 120't '7SH HIS 224', M4 1H IMS $10.42i: dent- ribs. S9.87H: short clears, 1 !i.;i,'tj- POl'LTRY Steady; chickens, 8c; springs, SVzc; turkeys. l.'V: ducks. 10c: geese. o'i'. creamery, 22?.uSo; Receipts. ...10,0i) i.,.2.fli ...52,OiiO ...77.0iXI Shipments. IH.ono (Kl.rtnl tw.OoJ 91, 0i) Kansas City Grain nnd Provisions KAN8A9 CITY. Nov. 20. WHEAT De cember. c; May, 73c; cu.h, No. 2 hard, fcj4JTlc; No. 3, 67'7ovo; No. 3 rod. Ulne; No. 3. 69fj7oc. CORN December, i'c; May, SS4c: July. 3'4c: cash. No. 2 mixed, Soasc; No. 3, 3Sc; No. 2 white. Sfc'-.e. OATS No. 2 white, S.ltiXiTac; No. 2 mixed. 33c. HAY Firm; choice timothy, $13.75Q 14.00; choice prairie, $1 1.7utf 12.25. RYE Meady, ,r)!(ti61c. EGOS Firm; extras. 27Hc, case In cluded; firsts. 16 Vie; seconds, 19 4c 4,fO0 HI 177'i 174S 30 M'i " it 147M, fi v. 14( S4S MS IJUTTiUt Wheat, Corn, Oat. bu. bu. bu. Creamery, 27c, picking, lHVio. Receipts. Shipments. ...70,00) 87.O00 . ..2.1. 000 25,000 ...11.000 4.000 Board of Trad quotations for Kansas City apd Chicago delivery. The range of prices, a repot ted by Logan & Bryan, 112 Board of Trade Building, waa: Article. I Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. lYee'y. ' Wheat I ICC Artlcl-. Open. Hlgh.t Low. Close. Te y Wheat fee. May May July I M I S 1 ec. May July Pork Jan. . May Lard Nov. I ec. Jan. May R'bs My l73St574 7'l(ll7n,: !42iiV.I 4:i's! i 44 ! rni'ff7,i I 83', I I I 73S! 78v:TeTf74 Wl 7iST9i6TSS: 41H: 42 ' 4343nff'1l 44 44w44'( 4-S 44s: 33-4,1 3f.l 14 40 14 65 so ! S 7Hl 8 4a I 3 40 ! 7 70 I 7 Km 14 70 14 90 30 8 75 8 55 8 50 I 73 4.14 43' ."BH,lssv,7N.:a 36 I 35i 3&I4 Vl33iS'33V Si I I 14 45 I 14 fi:S! 14 50 14 b.7 I 14 SI'S: 14 70 I 7 i I 7 l."4l 8 hTSji 8 46 8 4 770 I 7 82l fn; 8 75 I 8 tm 8 6U I T 80 7 8 40 8 671, 8 to 8 46 7 70 7 No. S. Cash quotation were a follow-FLOl'R-FIrm; winter nia tents. $.1 Suf 3 40 atraiyhta, tS.lotrr3.30: spring patents. $3.Siry $ W; straights. S3. .143.50: bakers. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 784f(i2c; No. 3, 71lc; No. 1 r4. TJH'ir. COllN-No. 2, 44c; No. 3 yellow. 4ii4ri'47c. OATB No. t Sas'Mc: No. I white. 3iy Si.Hc; No. 3 white, lyytHSc. RYE No. S. ta4c. 1UK1.KY-Fair lo choice malting. 4S63c. 8KKD8 No. 1 flux. SI. Ill,; No. 1 north western. $1194. Timothy, prime, $4 to. Clover, contract grade, $13.26. PROVlSH 'NS Short ribe Kles loosi. t? . 210 .75. Pork, mess, per bbl.. $K.CO. tjtrd, rer 100 lbs., f :'-S Short clear Mile hoxed). S8.374tiK.50. Trie r(e.pu ami shipment of flour and grain were: Recelnts. Sii.pmentx lour. bbl SriaO 2fl w Y heot. bu 87.nn l:i.7'l Corn, bu 34t.?co :j? i Oat, bu 447. Hi liiiisrn) Ttye. tu D.fHi pi ha) Barley, bu Ii:'.!! 49.5i.O ln the Produce extiii.e tod"y Ihs i.ut ter market was mng; creameries. S0ii2?4o; dairle. ' .4c F.ggs. firm: at maik. cwa. g Inciiidi d, : iIi kis, kTc: iirirn. firsts; ; extras, tc. Che-se. strong; 134 Wl4o. May.. Corn- Dec... May.. Ill -"a, id 37HIST'i-.: 37! 3o'v3fiVri,V 3-Vtl. I 3S4l visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK. Nov. 20. Special cable and telHgraphe communications received by Bradstreets' show the following charges in available supplies as compared with pre vious accounts: Wheat l'nitfd Sttles. eaxt of Rockies. In creased 907, Own bu.; Canada, decreased HtTi.isO bu.; total. I'nlted State and Canada, Increased, &4O.UO0 bit. Afloit and In Eu rope, decreased. l.iOO.OOO bu. Total Amer ican and European supply, decreased tioD.Ouu bu. Coin I'nlted States and Canada, de creased 891.0IW bu. OATS I'nlted States and Canada, in creased 814.0H) bu. The lettdlng Increases and decreases re torted this weak are shown In the follow ing table: Portland, Me Manitoba Fort Worth, Tex Chicago, private Port Huron Mlnneapolta, private. Omaha Increase. ...1M.00U ...lKt.mO ...I21.ffl ...142.K") ... 5ii.( ...lUO.vtiO Decrease. 13,(1X1 UUlh Grain MarL.I. Dl'I.CTH. Nov. SO. W HE AT On track. No. 1 northern, tlVac: No. 3 northern. 8-'Sc; Novamber, si'Sc; December, 7tS-; May, "c: July. 8isc. tiATqV-To arrive. 8sc. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov, SB. FLOUR-First r items. $4id4.40; second patents. S4 154J io: firat clear, S3.2ufi3.3j; second dears, $2 "'riC 60. BRAN-In bulk, $16 0016.13. Board of Trade uuotatlons fur Minneapo lis and Chicago delivery. The range of f rices reported by Logan A Bryan, 113 ord of Traoc building, wa: Anaconda j Atchtw)n 1 Atchlaon pfd j Atlantlo Coaat Line., Halt I more A Ohio.... I Dal. A Ohio pfd 1 Urooklyn Rapid Tr.. (Canadian Pei-inc .... 1 ( Aural of N, J I Ckcaapeake A Ohio.. j Chicago Ot. W I Chicago A N. W ... I Chicago, M. A At. I I Cblcaao T. A T . Chicago T. AT. p(4 ! C. C, C. A St. L 700 I4 ' Colorado F. i I f.k'W 64 I Colorado A go 1.700 4 ; Colo. A So. it pfd I Cnln So. ill nfd 300 . 57 Conaolldaied Oa S' Ml ! Corn Produot, rtg dim loi ! Corn Products pfd, rfg H "S ; Delaware A Hildaon (410 lit Delaware. I A W i Henver A R. 0 100 41 1) A R. O. pfd . rIMlllera Sccurltlea 1.100 71S Krte S.too 4.'., Krla lat pfd 1011 7 Krte ;d pfd fiencral Flei'trtc 1 Hocking Valley, offered llllnola Central ISO Imernattonal Paper Int. Paper pfd Int. Piunp - 1 Int. Pump pfd Iowa Central 100 10 Iowa Central pfd 400 SIS Kantae City So to 0 K. C. 80. pfd S.700 II I,oi,l. villa A Naah.. Mexican Central I Ulnneapolla A 8t. L i M . St. P. A 8. 8. M ! M . fit. P. A 8. 8. M. pfd. i Mleeourl Pacific MlMourt, K A T I Si., K. A T. pfd National Lead National R. R. of M. pfd... N. Y. Centn! iN. Y . O. A w 1 Norfolk A W j Norfolk A W. pfd 1 North American ' Pacific Mall Pmneylvanla 80. lliO 140, People's Caa e.2'u t:t P . C C. A tl. L Preuwd Rteel Car l.onO iO Preaeed 8. pfd Pullman Palace Car. Reading grading let pfd Rekdlng td pfd Republic titeei 4i Republic Steel pfd fifl Rock Inland Co e"0 Rock laland Co. pfd -H) St. L. A 8 F. td ptd 7lH St. Louie 8 W OKI St. I 8. W. ptd too Southern Pacific 0, litfl o. Peclfii ptd liw So Rallaay 4.0m ... Railway pfd luO TcitnceHee 4 A I Tcxaa A Pacini' l.du Toledo. 8t. L. A W 100 T St. L. 4: W. pfd 1110 t'nlou Tailtlc 121. 5111 1 iiloi Pa.lOc ptd 100 f. 8 Expreas t . 8. Hcelli t. 8 Hul.her eon t 8. Kublier pfd 4in I". K. fi.cet 57. e' t". 8. tteel pfd 4.010 Va -Carolina I' loo a.-(arolwia I hem. pfd W'abaiili too Wariaeh pfd 10O Welta-Kargo Eipreaa Weatinghnuea Rleelrtc aoo U7 Walern t'niun w h ellng A L E W:aioneln Central Wle. retKrei pfd VQ fij Northern Pai i0c 14.4o! m.-. Central Leather pi0 37 1 enlral leather pfd Slceft-herneld R'.eel ....... tixl 74, Oreet Northern pfd l.foil 12 Interborough Metropolitan.. too Interborough Met. ;(d loi) 77 Clone. 27 1134 44 S J01S J1S to 240 2i . 1 Ta IS 111 1S4 1IIS 1S I7S 20 101 H 101s las Ut IS 77S" 71 17tm xJ794 M4S S' Adams Con Alice Breece Ilruitnwtck Con . Cotnetoik Tunnel Con. Cel. A Va. 1 Horn Bllyer Iron silver Leadyllle Con .. .J... :o 775 .. S"i .. (f .. U ..140 .. .liiO ..400 .. I (Utile Chief ... Ontario lOphlr I Pol oal I 8a rasa Pterra Nevada Small Hopes .. Standard .. I . .SM . .300 .. 10 ..130 .. 00 .. 80 153r 111 1J.". 07S J7 101S 102 , 131 119 54 S fS 14 US 18 jiV ll MS 7S !24S 40S ii 444 74 Foreign Financial. LONDON. Nov. 20. Money was In fair supply In the market today and the de mand was brisk. Dlaoounts were steady owing to the Hrailllnn gold requirements. Trading on the Stock exchange was fairly active and there was a reactionary tendency on the reporu that Bouth Africa would re quire So.uue.fiiO lp gold In the near future, which somewhat ohsrmrad the recent cleared monetary outlook and caused proltt taking In consols and other first class securities, while a lull tin Investment pur chase mode homo rails droop. American suffered from profit taklnar . earlv In the 1 day, but support at noon sent price up to . over parity, Chicago, i Milwaukee A 8t. I Paul and Canadian Patflftc making the best I recovery. Later, Irregularity occurrJd. but j New York suppdrted tfle mnrket near the xiii v me uy biju (ii luce i-iuecu linn. lSS ! m l Bank Clearings. l4 I OMAHA. Nov. 20. Blink clearings for to- It oay were ii.01z.xn3.74. end for the eorre- 11.100 15.200 too l.ftno 7.K10 llOO l no .son 14,100 IM 100 .-.s 31 714 7I.S &5 1.-4 4a M US 7' 71S 7S 54 181 47S f.i 4no rat, ts 181 JS K4.000 14H 147S f . US MS s MI4 l:-S MS 7S fS 540 ' Its 71 44t; 7S ITS 174 184 177 iS II 40 tS It 61 MS 0 147S KS r. 144 14 H I7S 71 S 75 S bi S 3tS 474 S MS II ses ls 4 10 I4S n 1474, ri sponding date last year $1,466,018.30. S MS 8IS T4, 41 6 li4 K 111 84 S 14 S 'ti" 44 84 S lkf. 8 52; lie . 4S it 'is 43W 87 M 0 7 48 16 1 4 Hi 84S 4S 3S 844 54S l7S US 1"1S liS 1VS 4jS Artlcle.l Open. I High.; Low. Close. Tn'j. Wheat-' -ill Dec...! TSS: "V 7Tsi Th'aR TS-S-iB liy...i si S WV -V,VVVi . so July... HWl Ct4. SI1, 81VH PhlUdslnhla Prndare Market. I-H1LAPELPHIA. Nov. JO. PUTTER ! tiiiM, ouil drmud, exit ItiUrn trtaui- ( LIrrnuol Uram nntl Prut laloua. LIVERPOOL. Nov. It Wll EAT-pot. steady: No. i red western. wlnt-r. ts 11S1. Futures, stcadyi I Ci-tnber, e 4'vl. March, M 57d: May. s 5Sd. CORN bpoi. quiet: American mixed. 4s 4d. Futuris. quiet; December, 4s 3Sd; Jan uary. 4s d. Peoria r.raln Mnrket. PEORIA. 111. Nov. 3ft CORN-Hlgher; new No. 3 yellow and No. 3, 4isc; N,. 4, Ta4c OATS Ease: No '' whi'e. atc; No. 3 e Mie sr.'-c; No 4 n:ii- Jitg KIU-Xuiu; Nu. i dfcu. It7 M'ai iiii 'ii' CIS . 87 'iis 1 1 Wool Mnrket. BOSTON, Nov. 20.-WOOL-Market I in a healthful, progressive condition, with a steady demand and steady prices prevailing. A feature of the situation Is the scarcity of wools, running to three-eighths and half blood articles. This Is particularly notice able In tetrltorle and In fleeces. Attention Is now being paid to clothing wool. Pulled wools are steady. Individual transactions in tetrltorle touch the half-mllllon mark. Foreign grades are Arm. Leading domestic quotations follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above. SiHftSIc; X. SlfiSjc; No. 1, 4Wi41c; No. 1 iS'tj-olV; fine unwashed. 25r-g'38c: unmerchantable. 2Srfi30c: half blood un washed, 23(:s4c; three-eighths blood tin- ; washed. 3434: quarter blood unwashed. 'SJfidttc; deliilne washed, 35Tj.')t!c; delaine un- ! washed, 2li3!c. Michigan Fine unwshl, S4fiWc; three-eighths blood unwashed. i'Vrt 84c; quarter blood unwashed, 81"33c; delaine unwashed, Zl12ic. Kentucky, Indiana and Missouri Combing quarter blood. SOrg-le. Texas (scoured basis) Fine 1? months, TKrT 73c; fine 6 to 8 months, 66ft67c; fine full clean, BMlftlc. California (scoured baslsl Northernecholce, 7fij6oc- northern good, tf.ff 66c; middle countlen. KWHinc: itouthern, 62fT (tie; fall free, 6611G7C, Oregon (scoured Ixvslsl Eastern No. I staple, 7id;i'nc' east ern No. 1 clothing,- 6s7(ie; valley No. 1, 60 f72e. Territorx- (sinple Bcoured basis) Fine, 70fi72e: fine medium, "7 70c; medium, 65rt)6c. Territory (ordinary scoured baa'ai X, 6fVji6Hc; No. 1, T!lf. Pulled wools (scoured baslst Fxtr. SHi71c; tine, 3dWc: A supers, B7t)60c; R sutlers. I153c. 8T. LOUIS. Mo.. Nov. 30.-WOOI, -Steady. Medium grades combing and clothing. Nfit a7c: light fine, l.ff21c; htavy rtne, 14fl!c; tub-washed, 8.'4ij37c. j( j Metal Market. I NEW YORK. Nov. 20 -MFTAt-There 'was an advance In the Iindon tin market to 1W for spot and 1!8 5s for future. Lo cally the market was quiet, with spt quoted at $43.j& 43.20. Copper waa Irregular In the Iondon market, with spot closing a -ahade lower, at 101 12s t'A while futures were higher, at 102 17s d. Locally the market wa Arm. with hike ouoted at Si. 2M-I22.50; electrolytic at $:'1.75iJr.2.oi. and canting at Sil.SOCill.hi1. Lead was 5 lower, at 1. In ljondon. I-ocally the mirket was quiet, but a shade higher, with spot quoted at to.7rya.00. according to delivery, etc. I3S Bpelter wa quiet, at KJo 40 in tho lH-ttl S3S niarket. and at 27 15s In Indnn The Kngnsn ircm maraet was iioi-nHnKeii to a sliHile higher, with sLindard foundry quoted at 5b 5d and Cleveland warrants at 58s lu'Vl. Ixcallv the market wa unchanged, with No. 1 foundry northern quoted at fc5 !'4i"Jt, JR; No. i foundry northern at $.'4.7Wi'36 75; No. 1 foundry southern at : u 11 ."7. 5o. and No. S foundry southern at Si.i'J7.t). ST Mil'IS. Nov 80. META LS Ijead, quiet at S5.S5; pelter. weak at $6,271. I Sunday. The official number of cars of brought In today by each roao waa: stock Cattle. Hogs. Blteep. U ses -'.. M. A St. P. Ry.... 1 1 waoasn a 1 Mo. Pac. Ry 1 1 ' .. Union Pacific system. i ti u C.& N.W. Ry. (.kust). .. 1 .. .. C & N.W. Ry. (WestUiK 16 3 1 C, Bt. P., M. & O. Rv 10 C, B. & O. (Last).... 6 R C, B. & Q. (West).... 160 11 3 1 CR.I.& P. Ry. (Hast) 7 3 1. C..H.I.A P.Ry. tUestl .. Illinois Central 3 Chicago Ureal Wust.. 6 2 Total receipts 317 tx Iti 4 The disposition of the day s receipts was s follow, each buyer purchasing the num. ber ot heud Indicated: Buyers. Oiruiha Packing Co... Bwift and Comonnv ICudahy Packing Co.. Armour A Co O. P. Co. (from Denver).. Vansant A Co Carey & Lenton Lehman ec Co McCrcary A Carey W. I. Stephen Hill & Hon F. P. U Huston . C Hamilton .. -. ....Av.iW.ti... L. V. Huss J. H. Bulla Mike Haggerty J. B. Root & Co T. B. Inghi-jun.. Sullivan Brothers ... V. A. Britton Agor Ittcking Co Other buyers Cattle. Hogs- Sheep. 1.117 .1,72 82 bH 41 211 17S 37 158 4l 67 161 IJi 36 4 14 ni 1 .1 4i 127 1.0.1 1.561 l,3i : t.'x 1 1.164 1.258 SHEEP Receipts of sheep were tremoly light for a Tuesday, hardly enough being In sight to really make a market. At the same time there was the ueul good demand for killers and the market opened erly nd active. o that pretty much everything In sight was disposed of by the middle of the forenoon or soon after. Fat sheep generally commanded good, strong prices, but owing to the light run nd the anxiety of buyer to secure sup- Rllcs, there were sales thst looked KvtYlSr: Iher t least. Fat yearlings of pretty good qusilty sold up to $4.n0, with old wethers at $5.50. Home good range ewes sold at $5.25, with old wethers at $5.50. Home good range ewes sold at $5.25, the highest price paid for' rangers In some little time. Fat lambs were also In demand and the few loads In sight sold at fully steady print s. There were not enough feeders In sight to make test of the market, but the few loads here sold at prices that looked juet about steady with yesterday. Quotations on killers: Good lo choice lambs. $7.0otj-7.40; fair to good lambs, $6.75i? 7.18); good to choice yearling. $5.75i!i6.0u; fair to good yearlings. $6.5o(riS.7ii; good to choice wethers, $5.2SS6.Bii; fair to good wethers, t6.0O4t6.2ti; good to choice ewes, $5.uO&V2; fair to good ewes, $1.65,00. Quotations on feeders: Good to choice lambs, f.0oiq,35: medium limbs, $5.rVrf6 (if); light lambs, $4.25f(1.25; yearlings, $5.1Mi6.3o; wethers. $4.TTvi.ii; ewes, $3.5ua4.40; brtod Ing ewes, $4.75fit.00. No. ill Idaho ewes, culls 48 Wyoming wethers, feeders., 61 Wyoming ewes 173 Idaho ewes, culls ?04 Idaho ewes, culls 210 Wyoming yearlings, feeiders, 651 Nebreska wethers IB5 Wyoming wethers tM Wyoming wethers , 21 Wyoming wethi ra 55 Wyoming we her 16R Wyoming wethers S!H Wyoming wethers 217 Wyoming yearling 184 Wyoming yearlings 67 Idaho yearlings 127 Wyoming lambs, feeder 68 Wyoming lamb 13 native ewe culls 97 native ewea Av. Pr HW 4 50 111 4 !I0 86 6 00 108 6 CO 1' S tn ,82 6 3. HH S 40 1)4 I 50 117 S 50 11 8 VI " 6 50 115 S V) , 11.1 6 60 81 6 76 , 141 5 76 ,11 6 0 67 8 15 , o ' tt 7 ,88 4 So . .99 IM Total 7,243 4,021 3.773 CATTLE Estimated receipts of cattlo wene very large this morning. 3n6 cur being :eported, but of this number not many moie than half were In sight when it waa time for the market lo open; hence tho early marxct waa very slow and It wa late be fore buyer and sellers got down to busi ness. Because of the late trains the trade wa prolonged Into the afternoon. There wtre very few desirable cattle In sight, the great big bulk of the rere.pts consisting of trash of the 'kind that It was dlfllcult to say whether It had been shipped for beef or for feeders. A a matter of fact much of the stock was undoubtedly the clean-up of the range shipments. There was a fair demand for desirable killers and i the market did not seem to be very different on anything that could be called good. Common and Inferior kinds, owing to the large supply, were naturally slow. Good cows and heifer sold well, most salesmen quoting the market a steady with yesterday. The feeder trade was without any new features; the good, fleshy and well bred CHICAOO LIVE STOCK MARK FIT Cattle Slow Hog Steady to Lower Sheep Steady CHICAGO. Nov. , 20 CATTLE Re ceipts, 8,300 head; market slow, generally teady; ' common to prime steers, $4.0017" 7.40; cows, $S.65iB4.75; heifer, $!.SO0 5.00; bulls, S2.404J.4.60; atockers and feed ers. $2.4094.60; calve. $3.00(3 8.00. HOGS Receipts, 38,000 hoad; market steady to 10c lower; medium and heavy, $6.0596.30; light, $8 2046.80; good to choice mixed, $6.05fr6.1o; packing. $3.50 66.10; pigs, S5.404J6.OO; bulk. $6. 00476.2,0. SHEEP AND LAMBfl Receipts, 18,000 head; market steady; sheep, $3.25(1 5.76; yearlings, $5.:6.00; lambs, $5.60$ 7.65. rw York I, It Stock Mnrkrt. NEW YORK. Nov. 20 BEEVB9-R. cenpts, 724 head: drestcd beef market steady at 6se to 10c per pound for native sides; Texas beef at 5ic to 7c. latest cable from Iondon quoted the market for live cattle steady at 12c to 13c per pound, dressed weight; refrigerator beef lower, at 9Vc to Wiic per pound. Export today were ! cattle nnd S.300 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 511 hesd; market feel ing quiet andttste.idy. Common to good veal sold at SS.fO to $8.50 Pr 100 pounds; western calves at $3.25 to $4.25; city dressed veils steady at 7c to H4jc per pourd; country dressed stendv at Gftll'tjc. SHEEP AND IAMBS Receipt, l.fl hftiiil- mark, ! steady, flood sheen at V 00 'per 100 pounds; medium to good lambs at 7c i7 trariBurtlon about 52,7V bags. Incln.llng Iecem)er st 6Mitlr'; March, '-n tot : Mnv. 8..T.T 85c: July. .7iV; rVptenihci. c H'xi8 ; October, 6.:c. Hxl quiet; No. I Rio, 7 9-If!. OMAHA -W'ltOt.KSAI.K M 4MKET. Condition of Trade nnd Quotations o Stan! nnd Fancy rrodne. EOO.S-Per dir. . . LIVE POi l.THY-Mens. tut keys. 14i ir.e; ducks, Pc; eVl ge'.. 6i-c. Bfl TKR Pa. -king stock. fancy ituirc. siro-jii-: iieaTiier. 2ta.iC. HAY Ch ire upland, $9 Jo; medium. $9.00; co.itse. $.vi"iit.50. Rye straw, $ti 5iVi7.0o. BRAN Pir ton, $15 00. VhlKTABLES. SXTKKT POTA FOEtJ Per ''bl , U 60. TOMATOES California, per basket of 28 lb , 12.36. , WAX BEANS Per one-third 4u. box, $1.00. BEETS AND CARROTS Per bu., 75c. LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per do, heads, 4Cc. , CELERY Per do., StsUWC. Cl'CI MBERS Hothouse, jn-r di r. , $2( tiN IONS Home gtown. ler bu. ; Span ish, $1.75 per crate; Colorado. 7oc. GREEN ONIONS Per di. hunches. 250. HORSERADISH Ose of 2 do., SI 90. RADISH KB Per do bubt hes, 80c. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $175; No. 2, $1.f. LIMA MEANS Per lb , 5Wo. . OREKN PEPPERS Per mnvket basket, 76c, PARSLEY Hothouse, per do.. bunche. Wo. CAPBAG E Holland seed, home grown, pc th lt-jC KGO" PLANT-Per drv . V 20. ptiTATOES Pf r bu.. 40ti"c. Rl'TABAGAS 150 lbs. to suck, SI. 50. Tl'RMPS-Per bo.. 5c. F HC ITS. PEACHES California Salway, per bog. $1.10; Colorado, 82.3a. PEARS Winter varieties, per bu., $2.2T'ii S.00. ' CRAPES-Tokay $1 75; M ilaga. pel" hbl., $5.(iO0dfiO. APPLES Ben Davla, $2.25: Jonathans, 83 25i3.5ii; New York arims. i7.25; GrltneV Golden, $3.00. . CRANBERRIES-Per bbl.. 9 taXjriO.W. QCINCES Per box. $! !. TRcPfCAL FRUITS). ORANGES-K.orioa oranki-8. S3.00. 1 LEMONS Llmonlers. extra fancy, 24) , sire. $5.00; 300 else. $6.1)0; 360 sife, Sfi.Ht; other brands, S1.0" less. BANANAS Per meoium-Siea ouncn, $2.f"i! 1.25; Jumbos, S2.D0di3.5O. Flfts Kadawav, 6c; savers, .: new stuffed walnut dats, 9-lb. box,- $1.10: Cali fornia bulk, 5'ic; 7-crown Turkln. 16c; 8 crown. 14c: 6-crown. 13c; S-crown, I2c. OR A PF, FRUIT-Sli M to 64 and 80 to 98, t-4.266-4.75. MISCELLANEOUS. SUGAR Orunulated cane, in sack!, $5.31; granulated beet. In e:ick., $5.31, CHEESE SwIms, new, liic; Wisconsin brick. l&Vtc; Wisconsin limberger, l-'dic; tina. 15c; Young Americans, 15'tic. COFFEE RoaFted, No. 85. 2t.c nor lb.; No. 30, tlo per lb.; No. 25. 19c per lb.; No. 20, 16c per 1 b ; No. 21. 13c per lb. COCOAN1 TS Per sack of 100. $4.60. BYr.UP In bbls.. He per gal.; in case. ( )0-lb cans, $1.70; cases. 11 5-lb cans.; cases, -4 ZS-lu. cans, Sl.Bi. 1 If INKY Per 24 frames. $3.60. CIDER New, bait barrel, $2.75; barrel, $5.28 CUT BEEF TRICF-S. No. 1 ribs, 14Vec; No. t ribs, 9c; No. 3 rib. 6Sc; No. 1 loin, 17c; No. t loin. UNc; No. 8 loin. Wjc: No- 1 chuck. 6c; No. 2 chuck, 5c; No. S chuck, 4c; No. 1 round, 8c; No. 3 round. 7Sc; No. 3 round. 6Hc; No. 1 plate, 4Vic. No. i nlnte. 4e: No. 8 nlate. 2V.c. CANNED GOODS wrn, standard west ern, 56iti0c; Maine, $1.15. Tomatoes, i-lh. cans, $1.10; 2-lb. cans, 674c'tf1.00. Pine apple, grated, 2-Ib.. $2.853.30; llced. $1.90 t2.); gallon apples, fancy, $.65; California apricots, $1.90'&2.!l&; pears. 1.75'4Ti.50; peae, 4M. fancy, $1.75'i(2.40; 11. C i.eai he, SJ.i8N6t6D. Alaska salmon, red. $1.26; fancy Chinook, F.. $2.10; fsncy sockeye, K., $1.j: sardines, quarter oil, $2.75; three-quarter mustard, $;.0. Sweet potatoes, $1. 10ai. 26; sauerkraut, Sl.rt); pumpkin. 8OC0SI.OO; wax etean. S-lb, 5ci0c: lima bean, 2-lb.. T5c3$1.3; plnach. $1.35; cheap peas. 2-lb., 60c; extras, 9oc" $1.10; fancy, Sl.3o4tl.76. CURED FI6H Famlllf whlteflsh. per Quarter bbl., RO lbs.. $4.00; Norway mack eraL No. 1, $28.00; No. S, $26.00; No. 3. $50.00; Irish. No. $16.00; herring. In bbls., 200 lb, each, Norway, 4k, $9.(; Norway. 3k, 89.00; Holland herring, In (tegs, milker, 80c; keg, mixed, 70c. FISH-Trout. 12c; halibut; . 12o; catflsh, lie; buffalo, 8c; buUbeads, 11c; black bass, fine stock, 25c; salmon, 12c; pike, 11c; red snapper, fresh frogeri. 12c; whlteflsh, fresh frozen, 13c; yellow perch, dressed and settled, Sc; pickerel, fresh Iroien, lie; frog legs. Sic per do. saddles HIDES AND TALLOW-Green ualtett No. 1. 12X0; No. 2, llc; bull hides, ffjlaf' , green hide, No. 1, 11c; No 2, 10c; hoilV, tl.6Ci2iS.76i sheep pelt, 60c4)S1.2S., Tallow, No. I, 4c: No. t 2c. NUTS French walnuts. ISV.o; California walnuts. No. 2. hard shell, 12c: No. 1. soft shell. 14c; Brastl. .UllVfce; pecans, lfS17e; filberts. 12'dilic; penuts, raw, 6Hc; roasted, "He; California ' Almond, hard he;l, liic; soft shell, 18a , ' ' kinds of cattle commanded good, stcadyi'0 lOGS Receipts, 10c lower. Pttn S.S7S head: n.arket weak time state and Penn'ylvanla prices, the same as they have every day for the Inst several weeks. On the other hand, the trash, which no one seems to want, wa slow and dragging, the same a it I all the time. Representative sales: . BEEF STEERS. S I I'S 17 48 KS US MS Ilk 34S 14 S nt Total salea for the day. 171,400 akare. I"S 2S 118 7 &-'S 107', 44 lor. 14 3b 110 us 4:s 1S4 a.4, 17S Ik ii KSS a?s 1S 73 s m tS 7'. Ko. Ay. Ht. No. Av. Pr. II Itil I IS ? ..1141 3 71 1 12.'i0 5 15 84 1407 I 10 17 1101 t 8 S2 1847 I 40 1 1000 I TO COWS. 4 ItT f So l iojo I m I f S 34 Ml 3 n 1 110 1 50 I ici 1 o I loei I S 1 UeO I ti 44 191 t 7( II loae I 1 1 M! 8 7J II ieu I M HEIFERS. 1 710 I 0 J 707 I ft) 1 71t I 10 BULLS. 8 HIS I SO 1 II I h 1 1700 I M I IM I Id S K'4 I 00 t 14M I 80 1 8lu 1 l CALVES. 14 404 2 88 1 let 5 Tl 1 IS" l t Id I io 1 io 4 iu 1 on I 170 4 00 K 1 u t si" I 00 are quoted at $n.) lo $6.50 per Itx) pounds. Kansas CHr Live tocW Mnrket. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Nov. 20 CATTLE iiecetpts, 14.000 bead, Including 600 southerns; market steady to strong; choice export and dressed beef steers, IS.SOfi 6.76; fair to good, $4.0086.40; western teer, 3.O0ti6.O; southern cows. $3.0043.25; native cow. $2.00(4.26; native heifer. i $3 n:i4I5.25; hulls, $2.258.75; calves, SJ 50 40 .uu. IK'GS Receipt. 1.200 head; market steady to 00 higher; top, tt.20; bulk of ale. $6.07H f?6.15; heavy, t6.104tt.20; packer. $6.0i W x6.15; pig and light, to.B 1 v .i . i Rngrnr nnd Molasses. NP7W YORK, Nov. 20. SUGAR Quiet: fair refining, 8 15-liSe; centrifugal. 941 tesl, 8 1S-16c; molasses sugrtr. 3 8-ltir-. Refined, steady; No. 6, 4.3oc; No. 7. 4 25c; No. 8, 4.3cc: No. 9, 415c; No. 10, 4.06c; No. 11, 4c; No. 12, 3.9."c; No. 13, S.ltOc; No. 14, S.80C; confectioners' A. 4.6oc; crushed, 6.50c; powdered, 4.H0c: granulated, 4.80c; cubes, 6.05c. MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans kettle, good to choice, if738c. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. Lf): rfOAR Steady: centrifugal whites, 3 15-16 f6c ; cen trifugal yellow, 2 9-1641 3 V; second, 2(0 STtc MOLASSES New syrup. 27ftD2c. 8TOCKER8 AND FEEDERS T tl I W !J till I 80 11 787 I 4. 1 111-0 I SO 81 HI I 46 fj 1014 4 10 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. 2i feeders.. 4 3 15 3u heifers... 83 S !)0 v (U.MINU. Kvnpornted Apple nnil Dried Fruits. NEW YORK, Nov. 23. EVAPORATED APPLES The market remains firm in tone, with demand healthy and supplies for fu ture shipment showing an advancing ten dency. High choices are quoted at 8"?c, choice at 7Vfc nd fncy and prime at "i'h '"CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunes arc Arm, both on the coa't ojid for spot de livery. Quotations in the local market range from Sc to 9c for California grades. Apricots aro unchanged, with ehrice quoted at li'.o, extra choice at ITtfJ 18o and fancy at IRdjJf'.e. poaches continued, quiet, but of fering are small and the tone firm. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 1 .000 j J'V tlllernnkee Grain Merket. MILWAUKEE. Nov. 20. WHEAT Mar ket llrmer; No. 1 northern, MfySic; No. S northern. 7Kfoe0c; May, 79c. RYE Higher: No. 1. 6'fit!9c. ' BARLEY Firm; No. 2, iotyuMe) sample. I V2 cow W5 1 15 feeders.. 7(18 24 cows l.w) 3 feeler..10-t 7 8 cow 1 18 cow 8 cows.., 3 cow. .. 8 cows. . . 17 f' eder 12 cow... 17 leer. . 6 cnlves. 98 row... 13 cows... 10 cows. . , 4? steer.. ..Ili4 19 steers.. ..1075 7 cows 925 London (losing Stocks. LONDON. Nov. 20 Closing quotations on the Stock exrh.ingc wete: Cooaola, money do account .. Antconda Atchleos do ptd Baltimore 4 Ohio. Cauadiau Pa.iBt: .. Chee. a Ohio 1 ntafo tit. W f . M. 11 P.... ItcHeere lieuT.r a R. O... do pfd Urle da let ptd da ?d pfd llllnola tcnlrul .. L'Hi'evllle Jt- Neli HILVFR-Bar MONEY The rite for short bills in t months' bill, is Ir .. MS ..l.'.i .. .7. .. II d 11-14 V , K. a T 4 lJ--.e s. V Central.... ... 14S'Norfolk a W ...10SS' do pfd . ..lot Ontario W ...U'iS Peiiniylveola .... ...18S Hand Umea . . . S Readln .. 1S Southern Hallway . 'MS, do ptd ... 18S Southern Paciflc ... 41 , I'nisn Pacinc ... rt ! do pfd ... t,!r. a. Steel . . 7S j do pfd ...To Wabsali 1i I do tfd .Ill lienth 4a Httctdy. .12 13-lCd per ounce. 4S426 pe- cent. n Hie .'pet market pec cent Lent. I nltou Tirkel. NEW YORK. Nov. ). -COTTON Spot rlnued oulet. lu Point decline: middling up- Und. ll.ooc; middling gulf, ll.;5c. Sales, o bales. ST. LOUIS, Nov. ?. COTTON- Steady; middling, lov'. Bales. W8 bales; shipments, 4o9 hales; stock, 13.5S8 bales. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 30. COTTON Spot auiet, prices 6 point higher; American mld- dling fair. 6.5Sd; good tnlddllrg, 6 ltd; mid Idling, 60od; low middling, t.sld: good ordl- I n.p K. tt.4 nnllniirv K ltWl Th InIiii lit I the day we're 6.CU0 bales, of which M were 1 U for speculation and export, and Included : . 6JO0 American. Receipt. 28,0i) bales. ln-;-l:v"" eluding 22 9-I) Ame-lcan. I NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 20 COTTON - . , 1 ... . - . B.I., C 1 1... 1 t.w ; Orillllltrr, IWIW:. ii.iTiiiuai, umili.lji f iw-l'J,.-. j nominal; good ordinary, 8c; low middling, i9 7-16c: middling. 10 8-lie; good middling. tjs ' 11 l-16c: middling fair. 11V, nominal; fair. I ! 12'-.. nomlral. Receipt, 22, bale; stock. 8 4U 3 S5 3 4o 4 50 3 To J 7 ". 4" 3 55 SOUTH ;;2 2 j& 6)0 S 915 2 70 4 2 3 mi 3 50 8 10 12 cows 23 steers. ... 879 937 12 feeders . 1154 1'6 feeder. .Ilia) tre . 91.'. .1240 . 2M) . 954 . 0 975 8 cows.. DAKOTA. 4 cows... 14 bulls... 31 cows... 61 ter. St ctiw v . . .121 3 50 8 4 to 4 40 5 10 ..1115 3 S 20 S 85 4 15 3 35 IDAHO 110 stter.. IWS... 21 cows. . . 7 cows. . . 6 Steer.. IIS! . M .l.'IA . tXi .1115 .l'l . 75 .1045 .loyil ! 24 cows 130 cows I 31 cow.. hcifet.., 3 Calve... 10 c ws A Bros. Wyo. 13 bulls 1243 iaj 1 at . 7S . ! . l . tS .II414 .. 4S . .ls .. II .. 44S ICS 274.836 bale. : ."9 cow. . Ruckv 1 165 st-ers...lli7 I 18 cow.... il , M. 1 17 cow 11.M 8 teer....U'lt 7.. 16 feelers..lo48 10 cows It TV 14 cows oU Treasury statement. WASHINGTON. Nov. 2c.-Today state ment of t,i e treiur hV.mce lit the gen eiil lun4 1 .-'i.'t .f t i- ' i"' in "ni I, !io. AviiUt.e caalt balance. OH and Rosin. NEW YORK. Nov. 3v OILS 4 ;ottored. Arm; prime crud. f. o. b.. mlils, 27i'i7V4jc; prime yellow. 43o. Petroleum, steady; re lined, New York, $7 5C: Philadelphia and Baltimore. $7.45: Philadelphia and Balti more, In bulk, $4.35. Tuipentlne. firm; 704 ir'"1 e ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good. $4 26 ..IT r-ITV I I 111 I .... L . . . 1 . . - - . . ,,., 1 run "Till", n for three' $1.U: runs- barrels, averago kl.i'o lnr- '18 Cow. reir; hiimenta li,iu Darrelr. aversge 139,. 740 barrel. SAVANNAH. Gn.. Nov. 20. OI L Turpen tine teadv at tViVe. , Br .SIN'-Flrm. A. B C. t 75'ril 80: D 131 4i3k6: 1x 13 ! ': F $3 1 '', G. U '": 44. I. .40- K ' 'O M, 6.5u; N. S6 'v. vv. a., .', v. w., $7 ou. tjt o 8 15 200 S 50 . ... ; 2 no J. M. Carey .... o5 2 3-" lr9 S 45 A. Scott Wyo. 836 3 lo 3 bull 129) Fred Whitney W yo. 5 8 60 Mountain fn-Wvo, 4 SO 86 CJns 1027 5 .5 Bickards Wyo. 8 tVI 19 fre-1er..Mi; 4 40 T. Brown Wyo. 8 H5 11 teers....'Ni H 4 enws 1KM) 3 at 7d cow.. ! 27 t. er. 4u feedei. 28 row 8 aie-re ., : ' 't-.-is.. 1 17 .011..., Riverside L. S. Co. Wyo. ... V t 45 J. Hlgglne Neb. .. 11"4 4 2o 1 tn.r, ... F. Margrave Neb. . 7:3 ? 5 S-' fe.-.l-es. C. L Spearman Neb. . f,l S 50 4 feeder. Carr Bros.-S. I. I ft) 4 feeder. Kent B 8. D. lini" 4 40 tKra.., -i, li hulls . w C co A a.... . tern . 7M . n0 MKi . ITS .)' 3 1 H 3 fat 1 .1 f3 3 15 2 10 2 n 4 In 2 5f 4 0 I i5 I 40 2 30 3 35 4 on 4 40 8 25 2 V 2 i S 7o S Do ; a 1 ti head; market strong; Ismhs. Si. 75497. 0 ewe and yearling. $4. 506. 00; western yearlings. $6. 25 W 6.00: western sheep. $4.25(fj S.50; stocker and feeder, $3.75 ti' too. pvt. Inalf tire Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. ao.-OATTt,E Receipts. 4. 50 head. Including 1.5(0 Texan. Market waa steady; native shipping and export Steers, $5 0i"87 On; dressed beef nnd butc er s'eers. $4.5orii(V.30: steer under l.On) lbs.. 88.26 4540: Blockers and feeders. $2.(Vrt4 50; c-s and heirers. $2 5tirt(5.2f; canners, 81 0K?t2 1"; bulls. S2.3i4i4.0ii; rulves. t1.tOnY4.50; Texa and Indian teers, S2,5ti6fl.'"i0; cows and heifer, $2 K"tiS (). HOGS Receipts. 5.:") hesd. Market was steady; pigs and lights. 85 9rHfft! 2o; packers, $i rvii".20; butchers and best heavy, H.lOft .2S. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Reof Ipts. 100 hesd. Market strootr; ijativa mull ns. t f) Ji5 5ir: lainlr. $4.o"rii7 CO: cull and buck. $2.75'6$.50; stocker. $.2Vt;4 t. Slonx City l-lv" Slock Market. SIOUX CITY. In... Nov 2f".-(Spe clal Tele gram.) CATTIE Receipts, I l.eid: market steady : l"eves. 84 tnttO.'at: cr.w bulls and mixed, $'.' 5oi4.(): stiK-ker and ; feeders $.' unv4 '": calves ana veetrrng i $? 5".'3.7S. I HOfJS Receipts. 1 it head: market steadv. selling at tVliLId; bulk of sales. er am-tn CORN Steady; No, CS4II3V4P. 3 cash, 404j4GHc; May, Toledo Heed Market. TOLEDO, Nov. 20. SEEDS Clover, cash and November. SK.12i; December, SS.USj! Mrch, $fi.3fi. Timothy, $1.95. Alslke, $7.80. RKAI. EST tTK T ASM'F.RS. SHEEP AND IJkMBS Ri-Celot . head; market steady. gt J--nh l.le gtoetc Mnrket ST. JOSEPH Nov. SO CATTLE Re ceipts, $.(.72 heail Market (low and steady : natives, $4 00ff, V 75 ; ocwir srd heffrr, ..Orf) 4.60: storkers UN fe"C'rs. 81(id HOGS P.eieii-ts. 7. it 7 opened weak to fe loer: v.. .it, f.0 lit it tf,i; 1 i. fiirvs-u 1 vn USI PS Recelma X lit I bead Murkei strodv to strong; lambs, $7.4f ; I yearling. $6.00: wether. f 40. Hugh 8. Thoiiiit and wife to Charle M. Johnson,, south 40 ft, lots 1 and t. block 1, Lincoln Place S 2 Arthur East to Harry F. Bennett, lot 11, block 4. sub-block SO, Al bright' Choice. Bouth tniutha .'. 850 Ooruon M. I-ee to Lester T. and JuioeH A. f niiderland, part lot 7, block 101. Omaha 2, AM 61111M ti, te m .e. tMtrt lots 7 and 8. j block 101. Omaha 7,0ut ! Joan A. McHliane ti Fred Nelson, lot ! 11, Hkm k 00. First add. to South 1 LMiiatta -IM 'gvluvn Dtihotty to Alfred I. Cieljfli. ' lot 3i, Kasixu's add t) Frederick A. SchueU r lo Junics J'. At kthson. lot 14. block 34, Kountre Place 3,."io0 Edward D. Jones and wife to Fred S. Trulllngcr, lot 8. block 6, Halcyon Hcitnts 1 I J. F. Lilac and wife to H. G. .. j Pruni ii .'. south 61 ft. lot 4, block- I ::. Omaha : lrj.iit) IGei.e Waircn Smith tu Clinil-s A. I Hansen, lot R block 1, Bmlihfleld... 7d) IT. C. Gilrtltli lo Alice M. Bydaofi. wtr'. ft. lot 11 and 12, block IS.' South Cm ha ' boO 'Clat.i Kutth to Ijeupold A. G ihlMinith, ". i lot 12. block 1", K. V. Hmlth's add ... -2,000 William P. MtDevitt to Mtrguret, 1 tu.l- lute 7. 8 and 10. I1I1K k "' t'O&ti. M irki t 1 k, utn Omuhu top. $ii.Ou43 1 17S: Gei:ge Irf'ks and wife to William P. lrlcviil, ettmc to F. C. t ral. lot Ifnek In Metal. Receipt of live stock at the six pit- oirjl western mnrket yenerd.v wtre as follow: 1 C-ttle. (loirs Sh South tmtaha 7noo 4.iv i ft oux Citv 1 6"'l l.'ft I Kfioi fily 14111 1 I Rt. J.wnh 87 7.'7 1 ,.!,, 4 net 5. Chit ago a.') tH.O (I 1. 11 1 iu,u. ' . ....1 1.1 L. 1- '..pi .1 11...- I) a 11 11 iu. uiw it 11, iiiiii tiiiR 'Mu. y Chadonlixi lo John -P. Wtchert I anil wite, south 44S ft., west l.u ft. j lot i". bun k 15, Inipnivenient ; clatn n ad 1 t.750 en 1 3 KM 101 ; 1 ' I ri, I 1 fi) 1 18'Of) Total ..7,4. Totals. 3r,.72 47.t!ri7 t'olTee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. t. t '( FFE B Th u market for colfe futures orened tedv at unchanged price, but segxed off under xeatterlng liquidation and ealer Furooesri markets, nith the close steady, at a n-t ile cline rf rVrilfi prints. There we t io.i deal of t-wttoMng front rieir to late niAuf h". ' but n i lilti tittu tiUMn-. ft, Kti 1 be total The Financial World T.iVlOHK CIIICAtiO r S3 ItrondtTay 103 Ur-ndolpb . T.:e Lertdtug rintBcUl w sokly ' Vai;l to Bcnkcri sni tiiMviciar . InUiipeasablc to lnvi;ors aad Speculator TU utily financial pub'.lcctloa el It kind, tend fr.r f ro sauiplno..i,y. Yiu mil beoiDflDesU ot Its value sad Mod yuur rubavrlplloB, THE I I5IA.HC S IL tOBLD , 3'i Broavdway lawleih