10 THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: 'WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 10OG. Coll BHt Jitordif .raw i1- r-ju Hear Dally Concert la Cur Arcade There Are Thousands of Rare Bargains in This Wonderful Omaha's Pure Food Center s&msxasamssa 1.1 ZD MTOUIL'II.U,Jl.tgMBBWg!8 OHlIi VIATIEB rOBBCAST Wednesday ralr and Wrmr. S rail OET SALE II A Surplus Stock Dought From A. DLOOMENKORN, of NEW YORK A few of these smart styles have heen shown in our -window during the past few days. All are the newest ef fects in popular new checks, plaids, mixtures and plain tailored cloths Panamas, cheviots, serges and mixtures are the fabrics dressiest. of new tailor pleated styles-- These skirts axe regularly and $7.50, , . Wednesday at L Q9Q SI 4B& ; Blankets and Comforters M M M M H i A Royal Feast U steak from Courtney's. Tender, fc ! r. iulc.v and delirious in flavor la the K? $ porterhouse or sirloin from our . j hlRh grade beef. n White, gray and tan blankets, ex tra heavy cotton, 11-4 and 12-4 ., Bize regular fl.BO values at pair ! AU Wool Rlajikets at $:JJ)8 a Pali 98c Special assortment of $2.00 Silk ollne covered comforters qullt rd or knotted extra q large. l'w at -Strictly all wool blankets at $3.98 a pair, full 11-4 elze. In gray, white and fancy plaids. positively all wool and seldom sella under $6.00 a pair opening winter sale price pair , :98 M 7llSSd BELTS 10c A Chicago manufacturer failed and we bought the en tire belt stock. These are patent leather with pocVet book attached, white kid, embroidered with silk, Fritzi Scheff form fitting belts in brown, tan, blue, red and black, worth up to $1.00 your choice, in new store with pocket Ode 5 v c caier xo me connoisseur, ana e M the more fastidious and critical p the palate the more we delight In k ' Mlllng the order. ? N ' Only Ssven Shopping Days 'till Thanksgiving WKDXKHDAVS SPKCIALS IX MEAT DEPARTMENT: S3 i n k Choice cuts of Beef for 55 Pot Roast, Braised Beef. 1,000 lbs. Iowa Pride Picnic bt J? Hams, per lb 8? H y b Don't forget Mrs. Dwelle's Lec- F fc ture for Wednesday, November 21, $ p at 2:30 In the afternoon, on the U, second floor of our new store, $ ft when the following menu will be jjl prepared and served: j 9 Beef au Gratln. Js & Curried Eggs, J5 Cream Carrots, Shredded Wheat, Baked Pudding. n notion sal: TXB.T BrtBOZAXt 5 J. O. King's 200-yd. spool Z cotton, white lit. 5 and hlark. do ,oc H 15c Warren's Feather- bone, colors only, p ft silk covrred, yd....' 10c Warren's Fcatlnr 18 bon, cotton cov- X ered. colon) only ... " J Colored cotton. 8 cord, 2 200-yd. spools, f- special '. w JOc Onlo Press Shields, sisco No. 3, 17 speclul ;0c Klnlnerts Feather weight Uress Shields I5C Dressing; Pins, 200 to a sheet, paper only .............. c Safety "Pins, all sizes three dozen C for C 10c Hat Tin, all colors, each, at JC 10; Wiro Hair Pins, tab- Lr.8:...... 5c The best Sewing Silk, a spool, at "The O e m Duster special . . . V 1 1 8 & V. t' . . - .UA . , . Allien? c?cyarMO AiJLtaai;c3iouKltta k fij Street, 17th Street and West Arcade U g from Brandcls' Store. 1 p P 'PHONE nOCGLA8-47-Prlvat8 E- Quality" 5c BI4IIII4IbS RATES CUT IN TWO SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS 10DCA(B UESTTEIKJIRI Mlnden HarUn . Manning Carroll -Fort Dodg ROUND TRIP RATES - $ .99 1.56 2.25 2.77 4.25 Eaf 1 Grov Clarion Hampton Belmond -Mason City .$4.80 5.1 O 5.90 5.45 6.40 Go4 raturnln following Monday. SAME KATES TO OMAHA FROM ABOVE STATIONS For full Information apply to W. G. VmcUton. City tmttnotr Agtnt, IB it tar nam Strut. ?l Our line of $3.50 Men's Shoes meet every requirements of a mod erate priced shoe. You can choose from several smart, shapely styles having all the appearance of a $5 shoe. The stock Is Velour Calf, Patent Colt and Gun Metal Calf. The shapes are the same as the higher priced shoes. We've all sizes and widths. ff t PA is a very popular price ypJt)J for Men'B Shoes these, days. We were bound to have the best, and WE'VE COT THEM. A, CTTBA. aad UTVBX, $53a85 dm. to, II aaa ta. Also vmoviiAsr cnnnui IKomr tb f lg" lomnNkn Bats to MAJrT rOIITTB BOTTTX and lovrmxjjit polal Batea Dally to All Wti Kssorta. rt Trains. Jtsoolloat rrloo For Rates, limits, Itineraries, Beautiful Descriptive Booklets, in fact, all information call at Wabash City Ticket Office, 1601 Farnam St. Telephone Douglas 355 or address Harry E. Moores, O. A. P. D., Wabash R. R., Omaha, Neb. FRY SHOE CO. Ill IIOIII, I61h and Douglas Streets 3M SPECIAL HOLIDAY. OFFER To avoid the usual Holiday rush wt will Rive, from Nov. lth until rec. 1st. your rhoto In a beautiful ART PORT FOLIO with curh dozen regular priced photos, from 14.00 and u . This In Itself will make an appropriate Chritttniaa ttt. Make no luistukc. U. HEYN, Photographer. West Side South 15th Two Story Building. 318 ta 322 Sou.h Ht.aenth Straat Cooper's Remedies Are proving they are here to stay, and wlU do all that Is claimed for them. $1.00 Cooper Remedies -S9 50o Cooper Quick Relief 45 60c Hyomel 45? 91.00 Hyomel. complete 89 $1.00 F. F. T. Skin Cure G9 $1.00 Plnaud'a Quinine Tonc ..75 $1.00 La France Hair Tonic . .-Got? Beaton Drug Co. ISth and Farnam. Mum of actuifacy la coanoaudiiig. 1. A. Bampbon. Lien, fcai.es Agt.. Or.iahu. UtRTY STATE VTEKINAHIAN. H. L RAMACCtOTTI, D. V. S. CTT VETKHMAHIA!. Office and Inrlrmsry. !Sth and Mason 8t OMAHA. NtB. Telcphon Harney S3a SCUOOL9 A.D COLLEGES. DELLEVUE COLLEGE COU.Ei.K Cluslatl. rt.BtlSf. phllowptalul courM or aoy otuer coII.m. sr ualvr.njr. CONoEKVAluMY 1 Utorr of mule, (uu, tsics. j OMAHA (.UNNKCHuNS Klctn and Bsrltu j wa rati r- lur ato4cio LMiriaMuri.. 1 aailiw flNWaut l.i.l, Utu atak. 1 DRY FEET IN Walk-Over Shoes Bel ia the World at Ihoe Pricei Walk-Over Shoe Store 1R21 l- ankam 8t. Ed 8. ThoirpMa. th Walk-Ovsr Man. Uttlaton's timw Ones, Too WANT DESIRABLE TENANTS? Acrtl ta la Ma IT) C N n L I I I l L , T. J M. M 1 N L . J Ladies Home Journal Style Book for December Free for the Taking. A thoroughly complete and peerlessly attractive line of Fur Coats, in blouse, 24-inch and auto full lengths. 2 Specials lor Wednesday Selling Sable Coney Coat, 22-inch blouse stylo, heavy satin lined, high torni collar, deep cuffs, regular $25 10 7 coat "Wednesday special J Isabella and Sable Fox Scarfs, o4 inches long, two large brush tails and four claws, regular $7.50 . A value Wednesday special mJ Silks Silks Crap d Cliln Scarfs on Sal W4os&ay Main Alsl all colors, all ' styles, tlefrant heavy i riualltics, lengths or Hi to 1 yards, very pretty, on sale Wednes day, each " scarf.... C 8SO Black Crap d Cblna . very dwp- black, lus trous quality, a great bargain for Wednesday ar.r..V.:!...4pc BOo China Bilks, on sale, aV?:?:..,......2yc rrlnt Jap Silks, polka dots, etc. r. t , at These silks are useful Christmas elfts, etc. for many purpose aasBsssaaMsBMMaaasi Special Prices on Dress GoodsWednesday LOT 1 Wednesday morning we place on sale a very large lot of dress goods, consisting of various qualities of Suitings in all widths. For instance: $1.00 TUark Tw'wd Suit ings for Pklits, Oc Novelty Soitinus and I'lalds 4-ln. Mohairs, ( heck ef fects, worth 75c, 50c new fancy WaisUngs, dark stjles a yard. Extraordinary Otter $1.00 Soilings for 48c These wool stuffs arc Indeed great bargains; they come 54-ln. wide, heavy enough for separate long coats, especially desirable for street suits, all wool, worth regularly $1.00. on sale Wednesday, A.R a yard ". .f OC 5c Fine WaisUnffs, ' plain or embroidered French Flannels, large lot to choose from, special 6alo Wednesday, a yard, 7A Great Sale of Men's Clothing. Suits Worth up to $20, at $7.50, UO, $12.50 and $15. THE RELIABLE ST9RB 1 J Ovtrcoats Worth up ,to $20 at $10, $12.50 and $15. Special Sale Winter Underwear. 1 Delightfully easy to find just what you want In this great assortment. du- ugntiuiiy easy to pay for them, too, at most- special prices: Ladi"1 KUk nn'l Wool Vests and r'sul.ir H..V values, at Indies' Vestn nn.l r.intn. woith up Kurmt-nt. tn 8wlns (ililwvl or flat woi, WednesdHy at. Rarmrnt Indies' llnrvHid Mills fnderwenr, lcerft nr nindinm wi lslit CMtton, t. pr Kurnii'nt Lndlos" Vets and 1'snls. Ikuvv fl'-e rny or whlti-, nt K'H-. :ihd 1-sdlea' Prion Sulti. Ij.svv wiiichl. extra speclrU, nt 9sr tmd Chllnren's heavv flnced I tuler- w-Hr at 2nc and Ladles" H.r.O Knit kirt.-. nil wool, kneo length, at Pants. 98 c to f 1.30 75c In nvy 50c 19c 50c 19c 75c Ladles' Knit Vndershlrts. heavy fiec lined. Jfisey rlblnd, i. M viilne, fJC lullcs' (intl'nr i'lannel Gowns, Rf)c K'""!' (ii.illlv, t vw Men's Wivil iind Wool Fleeced I'ndorweai. worth up to Jl.,"0 per sarment, on hniKnln witmre st a Men's 8hlitH nnd Drawers, extra heavy fleered, nil sires, great snap at nr V.e and CHJW Mens Woolen Half Hose, extra heavy Uiuility, hpeelal ut, pair, .'5c 12JC M'-n's ilesvv Wool Sweaters, In white or grays, worth 2."'. 98C Men's Wi'nlen Mittens and Lenther Gloves, suniph: line, worth up to fi.tU 2C pair, at SOc and mJ in i u H I II at Bennetts Big Grocery Our Coffe moaatar la' Bnsy All Pay Iionf. 48c amps. 48c Bennett's Breakfast Coftee, can And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Tea your choice, pound .....U. And Forty Green Trading Stamps. . Pepper, ground, pure, "- " can And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Japan Rice, Ofin i pounds ue.)..... 0 Aud Twenty , -Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Mincemeat, 0-r . 3 packiiRes aSiJW And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Shredded Codfish, i 'JZi.n 5 p.ekag..8 iJ4 And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Mluute Jella Crjrsta, 3 packages aSiCW And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Jellycon. assorted, OZ.r 3 packages '.... acW And Teu Green Trading Stamps. Uneeda Biscuit, BJ. 4 packages - .' And Ten Green Trading Stamps. BENNCTT'8 CANDIES. SPECIAL OFFER-Peppermlnt Balls, very tine, ls pound aw Assorted packages candy, Rp each lo and. uw UNDERWEAR. Tnr 81 Special la Underwear 2tt Doen Children's Ribbed Union I7c Fleeced ,.18c Suits, drop seat, 2Sc value. tor 113 Doien Womeu'a Ribbed Vesta and Pants, mostly pants. 25c value, each W Dozen Women's Ribbed Fleeced Union Suits, 60c value, 0P a suit at OLOTSS Two Biff Specials la Woman' and Children' Warm OIqt 1ST Dozen Women's Cashmere, silk and wool lined, aud fancy and plain Golf gloves, 60c value, pair afiOC ISa Dozen MlfseV and Children's Cash mere and Golf Gloves, 'Jbc and 35c values, pair icw EXTRA SPECIALS Extra Heavy Iurge Comfortables Wednesday, A RAKE Qilr BARGAIN' for ...OVfc. Tour rhoice of 75 pieces good light OUTING FLANNEL, that sells up to lrte, on sale Wednesday, rfis , . a yard U4w F1VK TIMES GREEN TRADING STAMPS ON ALL BLANKETS AND COMFORTABLES. WE HAVE THE LARGEST BLANKET AND COMFORTER STOCK TO t'HOOPB FROM AT VERT LOW PRICES. 1 Jl :Jr J Dining Room Furniture We've a splendid line just now, when you need it most. Here axe a few of our specials: Dialnff Tabl (like cut). ol.,en polished oak. round top, twisted legs, extend 6 feet. This Is a bargain for. ...kll.00 Bqnar Top 6-ft. Exten sion Tabl, highly pol ished golden oak, has pietty shaped ls, only '..$15.60 Extension Tabl, gohlen ouk, polish finish, square top, masl vo Vedestal center, claw feet, at 920.00 Extension Tabl. round top. pedestal cenier, heavy claw feet, made of quarter-sawed gol den oak, hand polthed, at a8.oo Watnrd Oak Tabl. qu.ue top und let-", extends H feet, a beau tiful mission design, severely plain and good proportions, at ..910.75 Buffets, Sideboard and Cnaixa to match at this same low prioes. CLOTHING Duko of York FurTrimmed Overcoats Made of well.known "Lake George" kersey, body lined with Salts seal plush, collar and facing down inside edge oi bienaeu musu rat. Natural Muskrat Overcoats Everything in fur overcoats and buffalo from $100 down to Adjustable Fur Collars, can be put on any coat blended rauskrat, natural natura, fceal dyed natura and wombat from $10 down to Great Thanksgiving Linen Sale NOTHING LIKK THKSR VAM F.S SHOWN KI.SKWHKKi: for THIS MONKY l'rom 10 to 11 a. ni. We will soil you choice of tlie folIowlnR Irish Llnena: 72 inth trnbleachod. ixtra heavy linen, the 11.00 quality; GS-ln. Silver Blrached Irish Linen, the $1.00 quality; 64 and 66-ln. Full Hlcaihed Irish Linen, th $1.00 quality, not over 6 yards to customer at. a yard 376 From 2:.'lO to :) a. m We will aell 100 short lengths of tho very flneat cxlra weight German Mercerized Damask, rtnular 65c a yard values, tho en tire remnant of 2 yards each, only 2 to customer, at, each ......... .47 Napkin sale all day. V Drapery Sale From 10 to 11 a. nt. We will sell 200 pairs of Darnett and Cable Net Cur tains that we sell at $3.75 and $4.00 per pair, only 3 pairs to customer, at, each 08 From 3 to 4 p. nt We will still 100 Couch Covers that we are rolling now for 13. U0, $6.00, $7.00, $8. SO each, for one hour only you can buy: The $5.00 Cover, for 82.39 The $6.00 Cover for $2.80 The $7.00 Cover for ........ $3.24 The $8.50 Cover for $3.08 Wool Dress Goods Sale From 10 to 11 a. m 100 pieces Wool Plaids, all nice grey, new styles, shadow plaids, ombre plaids and de cided plaids, these goods sells at 50c, 5tc and 75c now, only one pattern to customer at, yard 27 From 2:30 to 3:30 p. m.-We will sell 25 pieces of 52-ln. Fine Black Sicil ians Eroid dye, made in Bradford, England, and sells iu this town at $1.00 and $1.25 per-yard, only one pattern to customer, a yard -36W Several specials on dress goods. We make skirts to order. Inquire at dress goods department. Two Cloak Dept. Specials Even better values than those which have drawn such enormous crowds to this department during the past few days: BLACK BROADCLOTH COATS-S tln , WOMEN'S WALKING FKIRTS A manu lined throughout, collar and cuffs trim- facturer'M mirphm htoek and emniple line, med with velvet and braid, 4!-ineh and I very newest etylea and materials, ?".! fn)-inoh lengths wonderful Cf(t to $7.60 values, at "y fl!l bargain at PiUI choice Another Great Notion Sale A full line of Staple Notions on sale at to Vi regular prices: 20 yards Machine Thread, best qual- f lc ity, per spool JV No. 3 Pins, two package f 0 for Shield Nursery Pln, all sizes, at, lr dozen Hump Hooks and Eyes, best quality Silks, best quality, t o spoolH for Be.ldliiR Bros." Sewing Silks, two spools for All colors Waah 8llk Floss at, per bkeln , Hundreds of other staple articles will lio shown at correspondingly low prices. 5c 1c 1 In the Great Bargain Room. 8'4e Press Ginfrhams. stripes and plaids, ut, -yard 8c Dark Percales, heavy quality, 32 Inches wide, at 10c All Linen Brown Crush, special at, yard 10c Outing flannels, heavy quality,. .. at. yard BOo Flannel Skirts, ready to uie, each 10c Cotton Flannel, extra heavy twilled. t unker Flannel, special Wednes day at .sic , ..5c .51s 61c 39c .7ic 4ic ivc jnuiau tieaa Brown .nuenn, cir, special at OJC Lonsdale Muslins and Cambrics at, 3 . yard OJC 10c Fleeocbuck Flunnelettes, heavy (C quality, at ft 11-4 Cotton Ped Rlankets, In grays or tan, ut,' pair, 9Se, 75c, 5fc 43c 11-4 Heavy Wool Blankets, all colors, at. pair, MM, I3.W O Af und 'f Omaha's Greatest Pure Food Dept Com pare Our Prices With What You Are Pay ing for the Same Goods.. -.'l.ll.B hext mi re cane uranulated snirar $1.00 8-lbi. best rolled breakfast oatmeal SDc 7-lbs. best hand picked navy beans CCc. 10 bars best brands laundry soap HruinunBelon, Jell-O or Jellycon, pkg..7c Potted meat, can 2VrC 2-lb. cans fancy sweet sugar corn ....00 The heat sorta nr oyster orackers, lb.... 6c Frt-nh crisp dinner tsnupn. lb 6e It. bottles Burnham's Clam Bouillon .. 3!ic 1-lb. pkg. condenwd mincemeat ...8 l-3o P-lb. sacks pure bui kwheat flour 35c in-lh. sarks best white jr colored cornmeal He, '-lh. cans Walter Biker's Chocolate. 18c Kancv full crenni chee"et I Neufchatel cheese, each , lb ..12"o ... .Jc bugan, lb In Two heads fresh lettuce 5i Two bunches fret,b radishes- 6c Two bunches fresh parsley fir Two bunches fresh celery root to: Fancy Jersey sweet potatoes, lb it. lied or yellow onions. II) lv- Fresh Shallots, bunch 60 Large grapo fruit, e.u-h , 7Vc. New honey, per rack I'.c. Fancy .cooking ligs, lb .7 He Fancy 6 crown imported figs, lb 15a Two bunches fresh celery o Fancy Malagn grapes, lb j....li-- Black walnuts, peck 3ik: Fresh roasted peanuts, uuurt wa illJ M o)fo)fm o)jiiy)S)D ii 5.00 Wool O'Coats BrokaWJJ? A A Bros., at $33, $30 and. .JUU ' il l m, ill ' mv MM ! '4 uw Hill 0 ; H V'R I W7 mark; H V7i pjRCltSTERED ?)UKE OF YDUK" DR. BRADBURY, Dentist L6opVtfor:8,m" 1S06 FARNAM, OMAHA 'Pnone Oouslat 178S Try the new roof m" v Teeth extracted wlth- Dlate. made to crack ! . out pain 6 differerrt nut. with. V T-'V way.. We give Mi mm rYs-a lZTrn' Uo Crewa $U0iy IllJ Werk Giaraoteta II yean. CHICAGO and RETURN VIA CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY Account International Live Stock Exposition. Tickets on sale Dac. 1, 2, 3, 4. Return limit Dec. 10th. Three Fast Trains Daily From Union Station, Omaha, to Union Station, Chicago. Leave Omaha at 7:55 a. m.t 5:45 p. m. and 8:35 p. m. For information, folders, etc., call at City Ticket Office, 1824 Farnam St., or write to F. A. NASH, General Western Agent OMAHA, NEB.