Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1906, Image 1

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Omaha . Daily
r ,
Richards. Gomstock and Seven Cthera Must
Fieht Case Row on Merita,
Last Attempt to Quash Proceeding Tails
and Eearine is Inevitable.
Oue of Most Notable Cases of Kind Ever
i Before Federal Court.
IllrKatly Fencing Vast Area of tot
eminent Land and Failure to
Rrinovp Enclosures Climax
ti f tlx. Case.
I'm nee stops Importation of Pork ot
Pnrkfil ladrr Term of
PARIS. Nov. St. The elimination of Hip
tr. Torrey Asks Auditors How Much They
Weieh in Falance of Ood.
nil. io!onp,- .xHnilnalloii of ioik iron, Ihv I MANy fQLLOWING AFTER FALSE GODS
nnv American meat Inspection rrguln Hons '
Profess ( itiTrrilon at Tuesday
Cvrnlns'i Meeting All Con
cerned Fncourngrd by
hM resulted In a pn llmlnary decision on i
the. part of the French nuloms authorities Mur
barring American ham, bucon, canned i
pork, etc. j
After long diplomatic negotiations sov- 1
er;.l yen la ago France agreed to admit ,
American pork upon a government e-crtln- ;
cut-i that, it IiikI been microscopically ex- ;
amined mii found sound. When, therefore, j
the nevr regulations instituted nfter the.
Ll . . l .. h
th.-lr wav tu Mortcr and begin to confess mm as ms
"Is" there anyone here tonight who will
fi'M-ept Jesus Chrint as his personal Savior
to Htm as hln Lord and
At -Inst Rartlctt Richards and William
1. Comstock. two of the blgge- 'and
and cattlemen of Nebraska, nust ' rf, 'a I
on tlio merits of their rjwi nil "
the satisfaction of a Jury In tin
court, ir cucy woum escape u iic.i y
and penit. ntiary sentence', that the. '
not conspire to defraud the gnvcriiinen,
land transactlo: s, nor Illegally fence te
litory for their uto.-k. Ami with Rlchurds
and Comstock a-verul other big cuttlumen
of the state' are forced Into court.
Such la tho result of the ultimate failure
of counsel for defense to beat down tu
i ft net of the pxsnd Jury Indictments by a
warfare of legal technicalities. In turn, tha
motion to annul the proceeding on tha
grounds of tho Illegality of the Jury com
missioner's Incumbency, to quash the In
dictment and the general deniurrar to the
ilnding of tho court were overruled and
the last obstruction to one of the biggest
land trials In the country were awept away.
Tha motion to quash ehe IridlVtmenls
against Baillett Richards, W. O. Comstock
und seven other defendant tit the land
conspiracy cases waa overruled Tuesday
morning by Judge Munger. The defendants
tit once filed a general demurrer to the
linding of the court, which waa promptly
overruled by Judge Munger. The plea
In abatement net up by the defense
in the case, wherein it wss sought to
annul the Indictment because' of the al
leged Ineligibility of the Jury commissioner.
Dr. George TUden, who assisted the dis
trict clerk, in drawing the Jury which found
the Indictment In the caae, waa denied by
Judge Munger Monday morning.
'Kvery Point Denied.
Te motion to quash the indictment was
overruled on practically every point set up
by the defense, Including the insufficiency
of the allegations charged, the language of
the affidavits, duplicity, completed offense.
. a l fu. , 4KI.
uvpn n-ci unu iuirjiaiiiur.i. -..-a mf. him..
eight count of the Indictment apply to
conspiracy to defraud the government out
of use. possession and title to the lands
and conspiracy to suborn perjury. The last
two counts of the indictment refer to the
fencing of the lands n question illegally
and J virtually a, duplicate offense, but
according to the opinion of the court they
could be tried together, although tha pen-
' Rlry la the two groups of counts would be
Individually different. In the conspiracy
counts the maximum sentence would be
two years Imprisonment and 110,000 fine,
"while In, tho fencing counts the penalty
would be not to exceed one year's ImprU
onment and (1,000 fine.
The attorneys for the defense insisted that
the attorneys for the government should
elect upon which counts they proposed to
proceed to trial.. The court left this matter
to the agreement of the attorneya
At yoaterday afternoon's session the que
tlon of eliminating the two last count of
the Indictment again came up and District
Attorney Goes stated that the government
would not dismiss the last two counts, as
"after consulting established authorities In
nueh caees It was not necessary to do so."
The Court If you find this to be an, error
you are responsible for It.
Mr. Goaa We o understand.
Mr.' Brome, of Counsel for the Defense
We object tu going to trial on the first
thirty-eight counts.
The court overruled the objection, where
upon the government elected . to proceed
with the trial ou the first thirty-eight
The defense objected to plead to the first
thirty-eight counts unlets count thirty-nine
first shipments now on their way
French ports eti submitted to the au
thorities here thy ruled thst they did not
comply with the old agreement and prompt
measures were instituted to secure their
reversal and If possible avoid prolonged un
pleasant diplomatic negotiations.
Ambassador MeCnrmlck, under instruc
tions from Washington, made energetic
representations to the Foreign office, .point
ing out that while the microscopic examina
tion had been eliminated the new meat In
spection was more rigorous und more ef
ficient. Foreign Minister Plchon promised to give
the matter immediate attention. A slight
delay will not cause great material loss,
tho pork Importations to France are
'paxatlvely small, the' trade never hav
J.a -ecovered from the blow It received
3; 1 merlean pork was originally ex
V -oni France.
Flfte. A Hundred Inventories Made
Yesterday with Few 9ertou
PA HI 3. Nov. Ml. The net results of tho I
Inventory operations conducted throughout
the county today and tonight how that a
total "of more than 1,600 inventories are
made. In only a few cases wero there
serious collisions between thooe who re
sisted the Intrusion of (he government com
missioners and the tmopa. The reports
show that altogether four gendarmes and
several peasant were . wounded and that
about one dozen demonstrants were ar
rested. They were at once tried and sen
tenced to Khort terms in jail. In several
Instances, the peoplo are still holding out
and will remain in the churches through
out tho night.
The work of Inventorying ha been com
pleted lit sixty-three out of the total of
eighty-five departments. There still re
main 2,000 Inventories to be taken in the
other twenty-three departments, 'and In
some places stout resistance is anticipated.
Premier Clemenceau said in the Chamber
of Deputies tonight that the troops had
been ordered to exercise patience, but that
if they were fired on tliey would reply.
British People Regardless of Politics
Confee with Foreign Secre
tary on Subject.
LONDON, Nov. SIX An important deputa
tion representative of the various political
parties of Great Britain called xa Fereiga
Secretary Grey this afternoon to moke rep
resentations on the subject of alleged atroci
ties in the Congo Independent state, de
scribed as the "African Chamber of Hor
rors," as tho speakers pointed out tho agl
tat Ion for reform from the methods of tho
administration of tho Congo Independent
state has become practically unanimous In
this country.
The fact that Secretary Grey consented
to receive the deputation on the eve of the
Congo debate In the Belgium Parliament Is
considered as significant. The secretary. In
his reply, practically promised that unless
the Belgian government taken steps to Im
prove the prevailing conditions Great Brit
ain will propose international action. Sec
retary Grey said the government would ac
cept co-operation from any powers without
the slightest desire to secure political ad
vantage for Great Britain.
Attack by Senator Repelled by Deci
sive Tote la I'pper House
of Parliament.
PARIS. Nov. 30. Senator de Villaino cre
ated a sensation in the senate today by
making a vicious attack on the foreign, and
a nd forty were disposed of. This objection interior policy of tho government. He
waa also overruled, whereupon the de-1 charged the government with playing into
fondants ontered a plea of not guilty to the ' the- hands of Great Britain and demanded
it rut thirty-eight counts, the reading of the . to know whether the report was true that
Indictment In court being waved.
Savior and strive to live from this time
to please Mini In everything from day to
To this plen of Dr. Torrey'r. made on the
third night ot the greut mission which Ih
being held nt the Auditorium, nine persons
iitood up and Inter came forward and de
clared their acceptance of the Savior. 1 ne
main floor of the vast Auditorium was
practically tilled la.t night to hear the
words of Dr. Tc trey end to assist In the
work of the mission which Is being carried
on by the evangelical churches of the city.
"Workers assisting in these meetings are
wot king aa well In On in If u on the third
evening as they do In mnt'.v places In the
third week." said Dr. Torrey last night.
"We are exceedingly gratified with the
work already accomplished und have great
hopes fur the future, for wo cannot help but
succeed when all are working in harmony
on.i with ti w-lll as aro these men here to
Dr. Doveland of the First Methodist
church led in prayer when called upon by
Dr. Torrey and the words of his prayer
were used to some extent by Dr. Torrey
In his sermon. Before Deginmng mo o.-,
mon Dr. Torrey told of two letters be had
received yesterday, one from the pastor
of the First Preshyterian church In Nash
ville in which he said he had 111 new peo
ple at his altar at communion last S.inday.
The other was from a "member of the
firm which sells fifty-seven varieties" in
Philadelphia and he said ho had been able
to bring W4 men to Christ during the last
four months by personal work among his
traveling men and others.
Meeting; foe Kaloon Men.
The announcement wns made that there
would be no meeting Saturday, but two
u-niild be held on Sunday next. On Friday
night the meeting will be given over to,
Mr. Jacoby. who Is In charge of the per
sonal workers at the mission ir. uUJ
is nn old resident of Omana wno
reckoned with the sports when lie lived
here In the 0's. and he and Ed Bothery and
Ed Miller, old pals of nis, will maae a
round of the saloons between this time
and Friday night and invite nil to come to
the meeting, and a special section of the
seats will be reserved for these. Mr. Ja
coby will then "tell the story of his life,
as Dr. Torrey expressed it.
Dr. Smith made the announcement that
lunch would be served In the Young
Women's Christian association "rooms each
evening during the mission at 6:30 for those
who did not wish to go home ror their
supper. Dr. Newman Hnll Burdlck of the
Bocond Presbyterian church explained the
wot kings of the nevr cards which ha J been
printed for use In the mission. ' r
Without announcing a text Dr. Torrsy,
after describing in graphic words the feaet
of Bolshanzar. used the first four com
mandments as themes for the dlscourso
which followed:
nthle a Dramatic WerU.
"Anyone who loves the drama should
read the Bible. Nothing In literature can
eomnare with it for beauty of expression.
One of tho most dramatic situations in the
i Bible wus Belshaaiar's feast. Here were
mvstle signs written In lire on tne wan
Belshazsar also sees and the praise of
his conscience waa changed
"He asked for an interpretation of the
writing. Tho wise men come, but their
expectation gives way to isdmay and they
depart. Then the queen mother tries to
reassure him. She told him of one man
in the kingdom who could solve tho mys
tery. She Bang the praises of Daniel. Dan
iel waa called and told he snouia oe
clothed with royal scarlet und a chain
of gold. He spurned these bribes, but
offered to read the writing. Daniel read
the writing, but the revelry went on in
spite of the warning. A sound Is heard
on the streets of Babylon. Cyrus sol
diers have entered the city and the guests
run find no place to flee. It is too late.
Swords fly in air aud Belshazxar. is killed,
for In that night was he slain.
God Welithlnn- la All
Order for nis-hare of Troops Will
Sot Be Kernkrd I (I-m ew
Evidence ia l'reaented.
NEW YORK, Nov. 3. A cable from
l'reslil'-nt Hoosevelt declining tu suspend
his order discharging colored troop of the
Twenty-fifth regiment unless the facts as
known to him are shown to be false, but
expressing a willingness to Ivor new facts
bearing on tho cac, was made public today
by Gilchrist Stewart of the Constitutional j
league. i
Mr. ' Stewart cabled President Roosevelt'
Lit Aneon utt follow:
Itepubliean county committee unanimously j
"e'liouiiees njsenHIK" oioreo r-unie-i'-.
Parsons. Oleott, Bennett, committee- peti
tioning department. Newspapers emphatic.
In velopmnts and new fncts warrant ask
ing immediate suspension Of order.
The president's reply contained the fol
lowing: t'nless facts as known to me are shown to
be false the older will under no circum
stances be revoked and 1 shall not for one
moment consider suspending It cm a simple
allegation thst there ere new facts until
these new facts are laid before me. Inform
any person having new 1 acts to have them
In shape to luv before me nt once on my re
turn and I will then consider whether or
not anv further action bv me Is (ailed for.
WASHINGTON, Nov. :'. Secretary Taft
refused to make any statement whatever
tonight concerning the negro troops that
have been ordered discharged at Fort Reno.
"I can't discuss th caw until tomorrow,"
Secretary" Tnft replied to all questions.
Ife refused to say whether he had been In
communication with the president.
Immediately after, hla arrival In Wash
ington this afternoon Secretary" Taft went
to the War department and summoned Gen
eral Ainsworth, miliary secrctury; Briga
dier General Barry, cjiief of staff, and Gen
eral Oliver, assistant, secretary of war, for
a conference. William Loch, Jr., socrctiry
to the president, was also summoned to the
War department before the end of the con
ference, which lasted more than an hour.
AH were silent about tire conclusions
reached, and It la assumed that the secre
tary ot war has decided to let the case of
the colored trooops stand Just where it Is
until ho gets in touch "with President
Roosevelt, who is expected to .arrive uf
Ponce, Porto Rico, tomorrow.
FORT RENO. Okl... Nov. 20. Tit order
from Washington to hold In abeyance the
order discharging the negro troops with
out honor did not come as a complete sur
prise at Fort Reno. . Military men who
have watched the extent of the public feel
ing against the discharge orders have be
lieved that the War department would de
lay tho carrying out of the project until a
further Investigation was made. It wus
believed hero that Secretary Taft was re
sponsible for tha abeyance order. During
his recent trlp"of inspection of the mili
tary posts In the south it is understood
that General W. S. McCaskey, the bend of
the Department of Texas, made the secre
tary thoroughly acquainted with the his
tory of the entire affair at Brownvllle.
Before the order waa received yesterday
from Washington twenty-four members of
Company B had already been discharged
ithout honor. The weather was cold and
disagreeable. , As the soldiers were p lid off
and dismissed they were orderly and well
behaved. Nono displayed any ugly feeling.
The officers were mute. The only comment
was one in keeping with that of the sol
diers. -'V "" . -
Secretary Will TevoU Enereies to Finith
intc TJp Land Fencinc Cues.
Auditor of
Figure tint
Can Be
Treaaary Department
a Way Pollard' aah
Retoraed to the
Federal Treaaary
Fair and Warmer Wednesday Thnra
ly Fair and Warmer in F.aat Por-tloa.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday 1
Hoar. Pea.
B a. an If
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Head ot Dloceae of Albany Saye Poal
tlon ot Chorch Buonlrt Be
ALBANY", N. Y., Nov. &. The thirty
eighth annual convention of the Protestant
Episcopal diocese of Albany convened in
All SaJnt-,' cathedral in this city "today.
The feature of principal public Interest was
tho address of Right Rev. William Cros
well Doanc, who from the foundation of
the diocese has been Its bishop. His widely
known interest on the subject of marajage
and divorco was again displayed in his
earnest references to that subject, in the
course of which, after alluding with ap
proval to the meeting ut Philadelphia of
the congress on uniform divorce laws, at
which he was present, he said in part:
Whatever result is to he attained tn deul
I'ltr vith this most important question de
pends upon three things: In the first place,
what legislative action secured to
correct the methods of procedure; l.i the
.a v ,ii,,-H u-lmt iiri'kuii. rnn Vu. htvMiirht
I to bear by people who really control and 'renin carrier.
govern what Is called society: and in the t'Jte; Oskaloosa,
next place, by the positive and definite out
spokenness of the churches. And I am In
creasingly hopeful and anxious lhnt this
church hhall take the lead In a strong atid
definite ixiHltion as to .our relation, at anv
rate, to the question of the remarriage of
any divorced hisoiis,
(From a Staff Cortespondent.l
WASHINGTON. Nov. 2a. ISpeelal Tele
gram.) Secretary or the Interior Hitchcock
will devote the remainder of his time as a
cublnet ' official to the prosecution of tho
case which he has worked up against
cattlemen of Nebraska, charged with the
Illegal fenrlng of tho public domain.
Colonel John Mosby procured the greatest
amount of evidence against the callle lar
ons whili acting ns special agent of the
Interior department several years npo. Re
cently a number of other cases in Nebraska
of alleged Illegal fencing huive been Invest
igated, and these are to be prosecuted before
Secretary Hitchcock leaves the position of
secretary of the Interior. Further than this
he has prepared anil will print In his re
port to congress as an appendix a full list
of the names of cattlemen who are charged
with Illegally occupying the public domain,
with a description of the lands which they
are alleged to have lllegaly fenced, and, In
fact, all the details upon which the Depart
ment of Justice, through the evidence fur
nished by the Interior department, has en
tered upon legal proceedings against the
cattle growers.
Way to Accent Pollard Money.
And still the Pollard "hack pay" case
worms Us way along through tha inter
stices of red tape. There seems, however,
to be light ahead and a way found to
accept the check of the congressman from
the First Nebraska district for the money
sent him by Sergeant-at-Arms Casson of
the house of representatives to cover the
interregnum between March 4, 1905, and
July 18, 1U05, when Mr. Pollard was elected
to succeed Senator Burkett. According to
one of the auditors connected with the
government, an unexpended balance under
an annual appropriation is covered back to
tho "surplus fund" three years from the
date of its availability. For instance, an
appropriation beginning July 1, !!;, Is
for the fiscal year V.xf!, and any expense
Incurred between July I, !HJ6, and June
i, 190", must be paid out. of the particu
lar appropriation. If it is a salary ques
tion, as It; tho Pollard case, according to
the auditor In question, and no one is en
titled to the money within that time, then
the amount will bo covered back to the
surplus fund two years after the close ot
the fiscal year for which the appropriation
waa miuie. ,
In the opinion of the auditor, if Sergeant-ut-Arms
Casson In the Pollard case had not
drawn a chtck to Mr. Pollard the amount
of money accruing froe. March i 1905, to
July IS. .1905. would have gone back to the
surplus . fund two year after the close
of the fiscal year for which tho. appropri
ation was made.
As the auditor . for the state and other
departments has authority under the law
of reopening any settlement that miy have
been previously made after the expiration
of one year und revise the account on the
basis of new and material evidence It ia
thought that Mr. Pollard's check will not
remain long In the hands of Sergeant-at-Arms
Cabson. It is now suggested that
Mr. Pollard redraw his check payable to
the- treasurer of the United State, send It
through Colonel Casson s office with the
request that the amount be covered to the
appropriations from which it was origi
nally obtained and the incident of Pollard
"back pay" will bo closed. One thing Is
sure; the government will get tho money
and it may leael to an opinion which will
solve the vexed question of who Is en
titled to the money as In the Pollard case.
Mluor Matter at Capital.
Congressman Hull of the Des Moines (Ia.)
district arrived in Washington today for
the forthcoming session.
Colonel Hepburn of the Clartnda (Ia.)
district is in the city. He said he expected
little legislation of a general character at
the coming session of congress beyond the
passago of appropriation bills.
Rural carriers appointed: Iowa Cantrll,
route 3, Earl Hoskln carrier. Jasper Hoskln
substitute; Hedrick, route 6. Sampson F.
Anna E. French substi
tute, James C. Phillips
Financier Who "eenred Million
Dollars hy Fraadnlent chemee
Hon Foal of I nele am.
CHICAGO, Nov. . Several underwriting
eompenios which are alleged to be the
largest fraudulent concerns of the kind
ever operated In Chicago were raided here
today by 1'nltod States marshals, assisted
hy postal Inspectors, and seven men. ac
cused of promoting the fraudulent enter
prises, were arrested. According to the
federal authorities the men accused of op
erating tho swindles had many victims and
obtained nearly a million dollars by the
scheme. The names ot the men arrested
and thi companies with which the federal
authorities sny they are connected follow:
W. J. Root, president: W. H. Welch, vice
president, and W. D. Hulbiirt, secretary, of
the Central States Underwriting and Guar
antee company.
Charles Endicott Brown, president of the
Prudential Securities Corporation Rrokers.
Frank 8. Wlnslow, president of the Amer
ican Corporation and Security company.
Secretary Boot Etates Ftaitiou of tha
Administration ou This Fricoiple.
feople Eecard it aa an Expression of Eound
Political Judgment.
United States Will Not Eesitate to Apply
it When Occasion Arises,
President of I ulna raclflc 9aya
Meaanre Will Make Trouble for
Railroads if It la Xot Impar
tial I r enforced.
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Nov. .-Before the
TransmlRKissippl Commercial congress here
tonight Ellhu Root, secretary of state, de
livered his second speech In this city
within two days. His speech was the fea
ture of the first elay's session of the con
gress, which convened this morning. As on
Monday night, Mr. Root tonight again
dwelt upon our relations with the South
American republics, telling of his recent
trip through those countries. He eald the
time had come for the expansion of trade
between tho countries of the north and
south that would result in the peaceful
Eira C. Bai-num. president National Stock nrr,Rnerltv of a nilchtv commerce. Ho de-
and Guaranty company and the Bankers' j tInled tliat tnL, n)canB 0f communication be-
C'rcdit and Mercantile company.
David C. Owtngs, National Stock and
Guaranty company.
Hurlhurt. Root and Welch were tuken to
the United States district court und gave
bonds of JS.PflO each for their appearance for
trial. According: to the postul authorities
the other men who were arrested were
locked up In Jail because they were unable
to obtain bonds.
The alleged fraudulent operatleins of the
men, as explained by the postal authorities.
Is that tho unelrrwrltlng companlea were In
league with certain of the brokers, with
whom they divided the fee taken lor the
suppose-d underwriting, which was never
done by the alleged underwriters.
Ivnorrn Victims of Mil Colllalon In
Seattle Harbor Now Camber
SEATTLE. Wash., Nov. 2".-To the death
list of tho wrecked steamship Dlx eight now
names have been added todr.y, making a
total of fifty known dead as a result ot the
disaster. Parlies arc still searching along
tho shore of the sound in 'he vicinity of
where the Dix went clown. .ut no bodies
were found today.
The local United States marine inspectors
will commence cn investigation of the
wreck tomorrow. Captain Mason of the
Jeanie. which collided with the Dlx, will be
the first witnes.. . .
To tho list of missing complied yesterday
the following have been added:
JOSEPH BUCHER, ship caulker. Seattle.
GEORGE BURNS, longshoreman. Port
FRANK GORDON, mill hand. Port Blnke-
ROGERS, blacksmith. Port Blakeley.
J. W. GEAL, aiulkcr, Sherlock.
Port Blakeley. N
AUGUST HANSEN, fireman, Poit Blake
ley. JOSEPH BOP.BUN, blacksmith-. Tort
Secretaries Hay Association Farea
Crlal Which Threaten It
, Caart Overrate Defenae.
The defense aim objected to the trial ot
..... .. . i . Vl In h Hal,, nee of
a military convention had bee-n planned be- mo oajam o i - - -
tween Great Britain and France as a pre- i public opinion.
. ,i.. ,.ni i u.vik "God Is weighing every one
iuu7 ,w ..-. i.. niiiiu ,ui 1
nlgllt In Hie Sam iwuaiiee ue .ripiivu
'Thou art weighed in the balance and i i'n.ii ix v-ars ago our canons treated
founel wanting- ' Not in Ills own, UUl 111 i quil-HV US possioie me icmnrnage (ii ine
DES MOINES. Ia., Nov. 20. At the Iowa
state conference of Young Men's Christian
association workers this evening Fred B.
Smith and Fred 8. Goldman, International
recretarles pf the religious department, de
clared that the association faces a crisis
that thivte-ns its existence. Iecause of the
tween thesa countries must be Improved
nnd increased, and suld the "woeful defi
ciency In the means to carry on and en
large our South American trade Is but a
part of the general decline and feebleness
of the American merchant marine."
Great Interest was taken In Mr. Root's
reference tn tho Monroe doctrine, which he
declared is still re garded os a vital principle
in the conduct of the affairs of the western
The representatives of Bolivia, Peru. Co
lombia. Brazil and Chile also spoke, follow-
I ing Mr. Root's theme closely, speaking of
the possibilities of Investment of American
capital in their enterprises, ami dealing
ul?.o with the political aspect ot the situa
Secretary Root's subject waa "Commer
cial Union w'tli South American Repub
lics." He said:
Since tho first election of President Mc
Klnley the perIo ot th l ulled State
have for the first time accumulated a sur
plus of capital beyond the requirements of
Internal development. That surplus Is In
creasing with extraordinary ruplditv. WV
have paid our de(ts tc Europe and have
become a creditor Instead of a debtor na
tion; we have faced nbout ; we have left
the ranks of the borrowing nations and
have entered the ranks of the Invent Ins
nations. Our surplus energy Is beginning
to look heyoit our own borders, through
out th world to find opportunity for the
profitable use ot our surplus capital, foi -elgn
markets for our manufactures, foreign
mines to be den-eloped, foreign bridges and
railroads and public works to be built, for
eign rivers to be turned into electric power
and light. S'
Maat I nderataad Other Peal,
Tht we' are not beginning our nv-ol
feebly is Indicated by l,iU.liil.W. of ex
ports in the year 1ijo aa against Sl.ll?,- '
tU.fil of lm)or!. aud by $1,,4.I.4.W -x--rts
In tho year as against sl,lM,)H.M
of imports. Our -first sieoa In the n
held melted are somewhat clumsv and ' n-.
milied. in our own vast country with
oceans on cither side we have had too
llttlo contact with toroign peoples readilv
to understand their customs or learn tneir
languages; yet no one can doubt that we
siiaJi learn and shall understand and shall
do our business abroad ns eve have done It
at home with force and efficiency.
Coincident with this change In 'the United
States tne progress of po,iiie-al development
has been carrying the neighboring con
tinent of South America oui or the stag.)
of militarism Into the stage of industrial
ism, 'i hronghout the great, r putt of that
vast continent revolutions have ceased tu
be looked up,n with favor or submitted-In
with Indiftorence; the revolutionary gen
eral and the dictator are no longer ihe ob
jects of admiration and Imitation; civic
virtues command tne highest respect; the
people point with satisfaction and pride to
the stability of their governments, to the
safety of property and the certainty of
Justice; nearly everywhere the people ar
eager for foreign capital to develop their
natural reourees and for foreign Immi
gration to occupy their vacant land. Im-mi-dlately
bclor. us, at exactly tho right
time. Just as we are readv for It, great
opportunities tor peaceful commercial and
iiMiwn.imi expansion to tne south are urc-
Henlerl -
carrier. JoaeDh Philllna substitute. R.mih """urdl"'" 01 rc.uj.oua worn ana tne
Dakota-Montrose, route 1. Charles C. Rob- . ov"r ,mrhrts of tho work of the physical
Inson carrier. Aradela Robinson substitute. 'and "ocM departments. Unless Immediate
Rural route Ne. X has been irn.nvt ! steps are taken to ar.iuse greater religious
of us to-
t... .... l ,...- .. bI.i. n . i. i .. I r. A.riniutf llnrlii.n uttjl k. ( ; . ,
.... ..V. .., .K .c-. UW h,..l emlv.rte.1 l.h !,-., !.... el.,. I BelsliaXZjr. HOW HlUCh do ) OU Weigh In
This the court also" overruled. Mr. Brome,
us attorney for Trtplett and Walcott, asked
for a, separate trial for his clients. Mr.
Premier Clemenceau, after de fending M.
Ptnchon and General Picquart, announced he
so-called Innocent party to a divorce, with
much confustion In the details or Its lan
guage Three years ago the church made
I', difficult. But thin Is really not dealing,
it seems " n e-liher traukly or taiily
with the demand f"i r net
activity they snld that tho association must
go down. Everywhere, they said, there was
a nied of this religious awakening in the
assocla tlon.
Hall, as attorney for Richards, Comstock i could not say anything n giu-ding the
and Jaineson, asked for a separate trial for Franco-British understanding, but stated
his vllsnts, and Messrs. Gurley and Wood- he did not twlieve a military convention ex
rough, as attorneys for Huntington, Hoyt, , luted.
The Senate rejected the interpellation, :i3
to 22. and voted confidence in tho govern
Oorernor aud Others Mill t.reet
President "When He lli-aelie
Island Port.
Reld and Todd, asked a be pa rata trial fur
a heir clUnts, The court overruled the sev
eral pleas for nt-parate trials and said:
' "Tha cuurt Is dlxposed tu try these cases
iu two groups and leaven it to the attor
neys to agree upon the two groups, but will
not allow the trial of threa group."
Mi'. Gurley again asked that Ms clients
might constitute one group, which waa also
overruled by the court. After some con
sultation between the attorneya it was de-
' . elded that Comstock, Richard. Jameson.
Triplett and Walc.otl should constitute the ernor Beetnan Inthrop and several other
first group and Huntington, Hoyt. Reld ! prominent otTUIals and citizens will lcnve
and Todd tho second group. The trial ot j San Juan today for Ponce, where they 111
the first group Is to take precedence. receive President Roose velt when he lunds
The entire afternoon was exhausted In ' there Wednesday from Colon,
empanelling a jury und the heoir for cloa- j Extraordinary precautions are being
lug came before the Jury was selected ' tu ken to assui-e the safe trip during tt.o
and an adjournment waa taken until
Wednesday morning at 8:S0 o'clock.
the balance of God? That wnicn la nigiuy
esteemed among men is despised by God.
"If we could sou ourselves as we are In
the balance of Oed we. would be o r
whelnud und so many of us would not
walk tho streets with our heads arched so
high w hen our hearts are not right. i which some peopl
"The ten commandments are Uou s hr.-l mined by our lori
ten weight. How much do yott weigh by 'fll
tabllshed February 1 at Plankinton. Aurora
county, 8. D., serving 4M people and eighty-
i five families.
Upon the recommendation of Congre-ss-1
man Blrdsall. Dr. C. A. Waterhnrv ha
been appointed pe nsion examining surgeon j SARGENT GOES TO HONOLULU
I at Waterloo, Ia., vice Dr. D. W. Crouse, -
resigned. Commissioner of Immiarratlon Will
C. A. Swauson of Columbu. Neb.. E. E. I Assist in Securing Laborer.
uiauKcr or wnson junction, la., and II. S. t
Pe-ahody of Webster. 8. D., have been ap-
Weary of the discussion and content to I
feel that the new e-anon makes remarriage j
morn dithcult, there- is a tendency and
temptation to let the sleeping dog lie?, but ,
tin- trouble Is that this dor Is not asleer.
I cannot belle.vo that the church ought to pointed veterinary inspectors In connection
be content with u 'anon that really cx- i W)th the bureau of animal Industry,
presses nobody s honest convictions It . -ill I- i,.a
December 5 at Lead. S. D.. and Laramie,
Wyo.. for position of clerk and carrier in
casts a slur ami
shadow upon a marriage
tniiiK eiiMineuy per
il nd it forces the hand.
those of us who think other.
Is right. It onht rie,f to tie
these laws? hedged in with the dmicultlcs. If It Is
"A man's God Is the thing he thinks tue I wrong, it ought to be Impossible. Let us
most of. if a man thinks more of money
the poetoffice service.
SAN JUAN, Porto Kico. Vov.
than anything else, money is tils god, and
so with pleasure. social position and
whisky. Many are sacrificing their con
sciciucs) for money for they know llicy arc
... I., r, ,llk.h,.n..nilili. hllfiin... Iw.f'i, tlw.
' the i o U money' in It. if it is hard on the ! teachings of the church Bishop Doane said
: vUn.iinir of the conununltv. Manv turn 1,1 i""
' a deaf e ar to the rxr and widows anil oi-
Wasll Our nanus oi me nurincsn. jvv in,
slate, which separates, unlie. And without
elaborations of detail or definitions of dis
cipline, let us simply forbid the clergy to
give the church's benediction to any such
I'Don the reading of the Bible and the
Unbalance of ladletmeat.
Tho Indictment, in substance, Ia:
The United Elates against Bart leu Hi. h
ards. Will G. ComstocK, t'harlee C Jame
son, Anil ii. Todo, Aepitlla Triplett, Thomas
M. Darlington. Fred Hoyt. Juin.-s K. lleld
ti ad F, M. WolcuU. For cnti.-ptracy to dc
Iraud. anliorn conspli-.i.-y and icain-
talno.g unlawful t m l... sure. In vSilmkin of
president s automobile rid across toe is.
land to this city, from where he will tall
for Hampton Roads, Y., Wednesday evening.
Britain Jealooa of Germany,
LONDON. Nov. ?J. The Westminster
Gazette today urge the government to
select a mau of supreme abillt for British
ambassador ut Wuslnngton. The paper
-ctlon &l-f. Revised Statutes of the United 'declares that Great Britain's lormer Influ
4. .manes r. jointly e nargeei In ' ,nce and" Tr"8,lf a Washington have
1 e inclusive. Willi consetlrai-v ! . . . .t .. .
iefraud the government of the tin. - bern usurped o ine c, rmau emiiassy. add-
puhlic l.-.nds bv procuring sixty-three en- I Itig that Mr. Roosevelt la in moie close
irynieu fur Hperulutlvu purposes and who , Bud more cemfldential communication with
nan no iini-ii'ioii ei ivsni.iiu- oil tne land wL . -oo . .u-.. .. u ,
They are charged tn cunt J with . !ti- fniperor William than wuh any ruler or
The Bible Is largely an unread ami nn
ir,w.-r i..Of to ebildre'ii and to ronle of
phun that they may pile up their bank ,,ilddle age. The misuse nnd the mis
account. Ollie-m crowd competitors to the understanding of criticism is restKinslhle
w all to be come- a money king because gold i 'or this iu n flight degreo.
la thel,- god. .Many do things for social j The bishop dwelt at length upon the
.positions thai tli.-ir conscience condemns ! essentiality of the historic fact of the for. make a god out of htioim j virgin birth of Jesus, one of Ihe cardinal
,i.ik .iNn,i.-ri,i. their n..e ... u-ieei. . faiths of th- Episcopal church, with Ihe
in wtte and friends for drink, for rum denial of which Dr. Crapacy was charged.
Is as cruel a god a any god Iu India.
Pleasure God of Some.
"Manv worship the goddesa of nb-aauie,
for whose sake they are giving up con- tio rraar ummina aad Party Aealatrd
s.-lence, the
woman In
escape hell
will go to
spiraev to de-irau.t Uie government of title
l public laiieia by menu or false ali-1
lorg.d tsildiers' de.. larainry siaieme nta. In
counts to Jf. Ir.clubiie, they aro charged
wiui cuapiioey to ciihorn entrnien to
make fraudulent entrie of put. lie lands,
and in cuuut K mid with e-onspiiae-y to
ii.aiiitaln to tncleeuies of ti.e public
lands in Sheridan and Cherry Counliia up.
jiruxiiuaiing Jkx'.cuO acres.
Personnel ot Ilefrudaala.
Bait 1st t Richards. Will G. Coinatock unj
C'l'.lult-a C. Jauioon art the othcera and
liQJvd uo tfetcvud l'u ft j
taleiinian in Europe.
Mora Kabbera Arreated.
WARSAW, Rtssian Poland, Nov. Ju
Through the confession of one of. their
number this police have arie-si.-d another
batch of participants In the triln robbery
at Rogow November by which the revo
lutionists aro aatd to have secured about
$kj0.iw, making altogether thirty-four per
sons atresi.-d in this connection. They
will all be Immediate! tried by drumhead
Bible and Christ. One young i
Nushvlllu said, 'If I cannot
without giving up dancing, I
bell." Does, ihe God of the
stand above everything else in your
Hie? The- next day she came forward In
1. pt-litanee. ' '
"The tv-e or.d commaoidnnt-nt is delibci
: atelv broken by many of tbu nobltst of
women. They worship pictures of all kinds.
! "Many unwittingly violate the third com
t luandmciil by taking the name ot the Lord
! la vain. When a man becomes a profane
character tlio solid foundations of true
character are gone. No man can rafely
treat God irreverently. A profane swearer
will lie and the foundations of character
are rotten and a mun must sink low in
the scale to become a profane swearer. A
loan who speaks disrespectfully of God
is below a man who speaks profanely of
Confederate Veterans Xear
Georgia Use.
t.Viiilnucd ou Second I'afi )
Rrataarant Keeper Dealrea to Correct
Testimony f.lven Before the
Grand Jr.
BAN FRANCISCO. Nov. s. When the
grand jury reconvened today to resume It
Inquiry Into charges of municipal graft and
extortion Jeau Ixupe. a French restaurant
keeper who had appeared le-fore the Jury
last Wednesday us a witness, again ap
peared with the request that he wished to
"correct and reconsider" the testimony he
had given. Loupe was admitted to the
grand Jury rooms and as be remained be
hind the closed doors for mine time it is
believed that lie was allowed to take the
stand again.
Juror H. H Young was again temporarily
excused this morning during the Investiga
tion Into the restaurant mutter.
It is believed that the Jurors will also
take up today the charge that Abraham
Ut-uf practiced extortion on an O'Farrell
st.-eet resort by demanding a block of ttock
: In tho concern.
for the Islands,
Opportunities Are Great,
The opportunities are bo large that figures
fall to convey them. The area or this
newly awaeued continent Is i.nni.MS Square
miles, more than two and one-Lair times as
large as the Uniteel States wlinout Alaska
and more than double tne United biates
Including Alaska. A large purt of this
area lies within the temperate zone, with
an equable, and invigorating climate, fie..
I mm extremes of either heat or cold
Farther north. In the tropics, are enormous
exparves of man tablelanus stretching from
the Atlantic Iu the foothills of the Andes
and lined Iht above the tropical beats; the
f.-rllle valleys of the. western Cordilleras
are cooled by the perpetual snows ' even
under the equator: vast forests tmr ..r,.
i tour hed from a soil of Incredible richness
The population In 1! was onlv iVj.eVU axj,
le-ss than six to the square mile. Tha
density of population was less than one
i eighth of that In the ntate of Mi-oiiri
of : less than one-slxileth of that In the sati
less han one-seventieth
ess than 1 ne-r cent at
With this sparse population the ppodttc-
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 'Jet-Frank
Sargent, United States commissioner
Immlgrat'oii. who arrived here last night. l Massachusetts. I
will today on tho steamer Core, for j WX Beigium""
Honolulu. He goes to aid In carrying cm: 1 With this sparse
a tcheme proposed by the territorial gov-I !'on wealth Is already enormous The
. u , ii tn imr.n, . i latest trade statistics show exports from
ernment of Hawaii to Import a large num. fv(lllh America to foreign countries .of
per or i., nm in seining up
the country aud developing Its resources.
Preside it Roosevelt is greatly Interested
' In the question and lias dirtrte-d Commls
! sioner Sargent to see that nothing ia lef
undone to Insure Its success, if that be
S. Vi.5to.iKai and imports of jt!n.K.Vi.mi. of
the $..i.0uei.OO of gorxls that South America,
buvs we- s'-ll them but $U.245 or lie per
cent. Of the 74:"..e-ji.i.i.o that South America
sells we buv IliC.iiM.fne. .,,r 20.4 per cent,
nearly two und a half times as much or w
The Monroe Doctrine.
The relations between the United Slates
and South Ainertea have lieen chiefly M.lit
leal rather than eoiuerclal or personal. . In
the e-arlv elavs of the South American
I struggle for ind.'iH-ndenee the eloquence of
Great rthern Magnnte Will Appear ! H''"ry Clay n wakened In the American
-.'l.CT . '.e.....r. .... ,.,-n., I,,.-
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn.. Nov. -An.
other monument to Iowa troops was dedi-
cate-d this afternoon, the occasion lielng
marked by the preiue of conf,d. rate vet- CPMCC CDOM DCtDV
nans, w no a.-sisieq ineir eranu Aimy com. , mr.'Jwnww mwhium i iiviii t.nn i
rades. The shaft stands in Kosavllle Gap.
near the, Georgi line, and a very elub- Vessel Walta Off Sewfoaudlaad I attl
orata one. It hus len taiee broken
being placed In position, delaying the work
Hefore Minnesota Commlsalon
ST. PAUL. Minn.. Nov. SO-Prea'denl
11111 of tho Gre-at Northern railway will
appear before the State Railway and Ware
house commission at the resumption of
the freight rate hearings next Monduy
without the formality of a subpoena.
Members of the commission are authority
for the statement. Mr. Hill's sudden de
termination to appear at .the hearings as a
voluntary witness. Is taken to mean that
ho intends to say something of an Inter
citing nature.
for mouths.
General E. A. Cowan, e hairniaii of the j
National Park Military commission, repre-
seated tho se-cretsry of war. The presenta
tion to tho governor was mude hy Captain
J. A. Young. Tt.o governor and his party
left tonight for Johnaonvtlle, Te-tin., wbere
they will take a steamer tu Shlloh bit tie
field, near PlUsbar Landing, vu Ut Ten
nessee I'lvtr.
Weather is Fit tor Longer
NEW YORK. Nov. is Morris K. Jess up
ot this city today received the following
telegram from Peary:
BANDY POINT. N. F.. Nov. -Morris
K. Jessup, New Y'"tk: Passed Cape 6t.
George noon Saturday. Unable to weather
( ape AlaulUe owing to head wtnels anel set.
lta.ii tn here daylight this morning for coal.
M.all proceed when weather foratile tor
uussituc aa.f- iSignuJ . i'tAfiV.
So Foaadatiou Bald
lor . Story of ft I ft
le a generous sympathy for the
triots of the South as for brethren strug
gling In the common cause of llbertv. The
clear-eyed. Judicious diplomacy ot Klrha-d
Rush, the Ameri.-an minister at ilu- court
of St. James, effected a complete undej
standing with Great Britain for concurrent
action iri opposition to the designs of tlu
lioly allian.-e. already i-onte-iiq.latli.j,- th
partition of the southern continent nifi'int.'
tlie great isiweis of c-ontlnental Europe.
The famous declaration of Monroe arrayed
the organized and rapidly Increasing ixm.-r
of the: United States as an e.bstacln to
European Interference and made it forever
plain that th-- eosi of Emopean ageitsslon
Mouli be greater Ihun any uuvsnteige
which could 1 won eve n by succsstul ag-gr.-ssion.
Other es easions for the application . of
the principle have mi-en since; it needs
I no proohetu- vision to .;e tnut otner.occa
" I slons tor iu application may hi ise hstc-
RrDPDT alter. The prlia-iple deeaarrd bv Monroe
ntrvn I , s as wise an expression of sound political
i Judgment tKlav. as trutlnul a repreenta
to Exist tlon of the se-ritimc.ite and ttistinets of the
' An.ericaii people to.tav. as In ing In Its
to ; forit. ua an effectlva rule of i-onduct wliTn-
ver 'occasion snau siis, as n wn un
TleiCember 2, lS2i.
The autaker r-ferred to the efforts e.f
Jame G. Bloiue to establish a T'anamericun
congress and i's failure, iinj continued:
Kow Ih.iIi North and South America Mve
Interna- ixwn up to lilaine s poiic ; in.- pr sia.-tion.
I t 1 It LJ.lOe, '.". I'. r-e ... ti.v
NEW YORK. Nov. :. Yh report Ihut
Andrew Carnegie has promised fl.Otri.OQO it
Congressman Ktcnara iiarinoiai or mis
souri to promote the cause of
tlonal arbitration was denied at the rest- : i-nii-xi Hiates have l.eloie them ihe
j r Mr. Cam. sin In this clt tunitv to follow, and tte-y tere Ire
jm c -i...i'!e Kent word that there was no , I'tw
batia for the story.
I ik-llte.l
( growth
the patb.t- mark
sialesni;- n-li'i
U Auwrl'.-a, N-
-d out In-
of llaille
IW ana t
Op)S I -t-l
I' lilt