Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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.LP a 'PD ii
i S
Office, 10 IVurl
People of West End of Utj-Want to Bide
to Omaha for a Nickel.
Pufclle Metln to Be Hrlt Weuaee.
ilf, Novtmbrr 38, to Disease the
4iij Cvianrrct Commls-
' ! Mar Alri'iilr4 To. '
The question of a straight 5-eent motor
far between this city and Omaha was dis
missed last .ttlght at a meeting of the special
com roltte. of the city, council appointed
by Mayor Macrae and the committee from
the West Etui Improvement cluh In the
rqoma of the Commercial club. The com
m f Lee, consisting of . Couneilmen Wallace
Hondrlx and Knitdseri, wfii appointed' yes
terday mhrnlng by the mayor at the re
quest of the West End Improvement club,
which waa represented' at the meeting by
d. V. Skinner end t. C. Clifton; president
a n& secretary,, respectively, of tho club,
and former.Cogncllman W, 2. Boyer.
Residents ot the westerrhpart of the city
have been agitating a straight 5-rent fare
between .the two cldes for some time, but
have never succeeded In letting the move-
ment int proper form." Now, with the an
stance of the city council, they believe ,
. move In-the right direction can be made,
provided' It Is found that the public senti
ment favors such a fare. It Is understood
that the -retail' merchants of the city,
especially the members of the Retail Gro
cers' and Butchers' association, are op
posed ' tty the proposition, fcsrfng that It
wuld result In more of the trade going
across', the .river. This was the position
tirken by Councilman Knudsen at the meet
ing last night-
As things are at present nny resident of
the Bluffs employed In, Omaha or having might have." .
business . wtitch takes him, or her across, a claim of $.H) for extra clerk hire pre
the river repeatedly during the month en-" rented by H. V. Battey, clerk of tha district
Joys tho advanttgc of a S-cent faro through court, was referred to the county attorney,
the coupon tlcKOt book system, which pro- after Supervisor Sen had endeavored to
vldes thirty -rides for- $1.60. This the re- have It rejected.
tail merchants of this city contend should It has been an open secret around the
suffice.. They fear that If a straight 5-cent county court house for some time that the
faro wis granted by the' company, people, supervisors were planning to cut down. If
and especially .tbqsu living, (n the western not cut off entirely, the perquisites some
part of tho -city, would do .the bulk of county officers aro Inclined to. believe Is
their trading In Omaha. - their prerogative raperlalty that of "extra
In order to ascertain as far. as.poniblo clerk hire."
the public "sentiment on this proposition It The supervisors met In the morning as a
was decided last night to call a public drainage board and allowed a few minor
meeting for the . evening - ot "Wednesday, 1U In connection -with the Pigeon Creek
November at the city council chamber ditch, 'or which E. A. Wlckham has the
and Councilman Wallace as chairman of contract. The supervisors will meet today
tire city council committee- was directed to , lr Jolnt "cssion with the supervisors of
issue ,the call.
In .the : event of It appearing tlat thu
I'ttUena of. Council Blufts generally favor a
vtraight iJ-ceDt fare between the two cities
tha Interstate Commeroe, commission will
be appealed' to,', aa It is believed that body
would have Jurisdiction in the matter.
Card -of Thanks. ; .
' W'a desire) to thank our friends and fra-
lernal ordara- for their Wndnesg and sym
pathy, , extended to us during ' the illness
and bereavement of our dear husband, son
ind Brothers Edward. H..Ott; also for their
beautiful floral designs: v
::,-.iUUu..1JL'ZJu. truv.... -.,.', . .
' " HENRY E. OTT; " ' "
.Amien titMrpa ti 'nrcrrTjiHtTTirn
Great 'Western OfBcUls In City.
President Btlckney of the Great Western
and party or omeiais ot me roaa nrnvea mo punuipai ciues inrougnoui
In. the. city last night In a special train the stats. If the latter be the case,, tha
of nine coaches. The- party reaohed Coun- l members of the Retail Grocers and Butch
cll Bluffs shortly after U o'clock and this era' association feel that Council Bluffa
morning 'wi:i go to Omaha to Inspect tho 1 entitled to an inspector and will try to
terminals-, there, returning to this city In
the afternoon for a Ilka, purpose. Presi
dent Btfokney Is on his annual tour of in
spection of the system. -
In. the party are: President Btlckney,
First 'Vice President" Robert Benson, Sec
opd Yloa Prssldent and General Manager
8. CL SUeknoy, Third Vic President L. B.
Cass'.CIjIef , Engineer W.- H. Chad bourn,
General Bupertntendent O. A. Goodell, Gen
eral Starekeaper IL C: Chandler, Purchar
!ng ent. V," F. Devtnney, Division Su
parintendants C E. Daloo, C B. Westou,
C. P.1 Sternbel. C.'Li, Nichols and Ov Conell-
MFirst Ald'.V to the
; : Bowels
if- v.-. .' 4 .
'HEN Heartburn, Sour
Stomach, Headache, - Bad
. Breath, coated Tongue,
' Belching of Stomach, Gas,'
or any oi these forerunner of Indigestion
appear, Old Dr. Cascarel wants to ba right
n the spot In your pocket.
Dr.' Casoaref guarantees to euro tha
moil" c-tistlnate cases of Constipation and
Indigestion, without -discomfort or Incon
venience. '
H' rntdiclna does not grips nor purge.,
but ' exercises naturally tha muscles that
Una tha walls of the Intestines and Bowels.
. .- ' .-':
' Wafil of Exercise weakens and relaxes
tha. Bo vol - Musslu, Just as It weakens
Arm and Let muscles.
Old' Dr. Cascaret goes directly after
these Bowel-Muscles. He wakes them up
Just as a cold bath would wake up a lazy
person.. . ,
Then he works them (through the
nerves) till they get so strong from that
Exercise that they don't need any more
help to do their duty.
1 Heavy dinners, late suppers, whiskey,
wine or beer drinking, nervous excitement,
eudJen exposure to cold or heat and a dozen
.other everyday likelihoods tire the Bowel-
In scch cases a little Cascaret In time
,...,.. . -
is worth fifjH debars worth of Treatment
Ister on, to say nothing of tba suffering.
discomfort, loss of Business Energy, and
lass of Social Sunshine it saves.
. -7 .
Little thin Cascaret Box. shaped so you
don't notice Us presence In purse or vest
pocket. - -i
Contains iix Capdy! tablets Price .Ten
Cents a rx at sny Druggist a.
' ' Be sure you get the genuine, msde enly
. ... ,. ' . r .
by the .Sterhng Remedy Company, and
rr a t:
rever Sold In bulk. Every table! stamped ,nvi,.g before :tni rliimed -e
w0." JUt.AS li jui i'iasl;Q. Aru. flic Liii, CT-
Rt. Tel. 43.
sen; L. M. Shipley, superintendent of Ocl
weln terminals; tJencral Muster Mfchanlc
J. E. . Chishotm, Bignnl Engineer C. A.
Chrlstopherenn and other division officials.
To ret & nlc, eten Joint In framing a pic
ture Is ah art. We understand how to do
that. . Bring In jour picture and wt will
show yoti how neat we can frame It. If
you haven't got a picture, come In and se
lect one from our large sample line and we
will frame It up In first class style. Prlcea
always reasonable. Council Bluffs Paint,
Oil and Glass company, Merrtam block. .
Just a few special runabouts left that
will he cloned out at ridiculously cheap
prices. They must go as we need the room.
First eomo first served.
Supervisors Likely to Cat Off A II ott
ances In the Future.
From tho remarks dropped by Member
Sots At the meeting yesterday of the Board
of Supervisors, 1 Is Inferred there will be
"something doing" when the question of
allowances for extra clerk hire comes up at
the regular meeting of the txard In Janu
ary. Yesterday County Recorder Palrd hnd
before the board a bill for $226 for extra
clerk hire for the quarter ending October 1.
The bill 'was made up of one Item of liso
for "one clerk" and ITS for an extra clerk.
These Items are In addition to the salary of
l inert allowed by statute for one deputy. As
an emPnt wtn R,C()rd BaJrd to
allow him IT09 a year for extra clerical
help. In addition to the IGW a year for one
extra clerk, not to mention! the deputy al
lowed by law, at the time some objection
was made by certain members of the board
to allowing, pay for Mr. BaJrd's two sons,
who weref attending the public schools, the
bill presented yesterday was allowed after
some discussion. Supervisor Setx, however,
made the significant remark that "he
i guessed the recorder would submit vouch
.r8 next year for any extra clerical helo he
Harrison county to take up matters In con
nection with the Harrison-Pottawattamie
county drainage ditches.
Combination gas and electric chandeliers
and the celebrated Welsbach Incandescent
gas burners. Why not sea us before you
bur. We can certainly please you on price
and quality of goods. Shephan Bros., 63
West Broadway. -
Hsfer sells more lumber to the farmer
and stockman than all the' others. He has
his big yards at Council Bluffs, la.
. Blaffs Want mn Inspector.
The, Council Bluffs Retail Grocer and
Butcbers' -aasoclatkm will endeavor if pos
sible it) have one or the. Inspectors under
the state pure food law located In this
city and will urge the appointment of a
local man for the position. The atate food
and dairy commissioner Is charged with
the duty of nforc4n the provisions of the
empuweroa it appoint
inspectors, it nas not yet been ascer-
talned hero, however, whether these in
spectors era to be located in Des Moines
and work out from there, or are to be
have a local man appointed. The associ
ation through Its officers Is now In cor
respondence with the state food and dairy
commissioner In Des Moines..
A Side Door Hot Blast.
The only perfect hot blast on the market;
does not All the house with smoke when
putting in fuel; burns anything; a good
sutad ash pan. You do not need to scat-
t tha aahes 1 or th. floor. You can
take them out clean; all at one tlmei Come
and see It. - It will cost you nothing to
Inspect it We are, glad to show It to you.
It holds lira forty-eight hours. The Boss
Hot Blast, p. W. Keller, 108 South Main.
Bee Stephen Bros, for the latest and best
inverted burners. (9 West Broadway. -
"' ' ." Real Estate Transfers. .
These transfers were reported to The
Bee November 19 by the Pottawattamie
County Abstract company of Council
Julius C." Hasler, trustee, to Dora
Henley, part st ' 15-77-41. w d $ 4,X
Krnest B. Hart, Incorporated, to Peter
Lewis, lot 13, blo k ti. Jackson's Ad..
Council lllufts. w d
E. S. Klrkpatrlck and wife to Robert
... 4.0UO
tiendei sun, sr., lots 14. 16, lti, 17. Zl
. and 22. blocg 1. Sunnyaide Ad.,
Council Bluffs, w d
Leon Wood and wife to J. J. Gil
lespie, lota 1 and 2, block S. Hult s
Ad., Oakland, lu.. w d
Kmma K, It rod beck to Margaret
Burke, li't 7. block 13. Central tiub
divlsion, Council Bluffs, w d
Heirs ot William and Mary Sledeu
topf to benj.iinln-r ehr Kval Lmate
t-oinuany, lots 'i and 2S, block 15.
Kerry Add., Council Bluffs, q c d..
Will F. Siedentnpf and wife to Ben-Jaiuin-Kehr
Real Kntate company,
lot a. block lti, and .Jut lti, block .
Ferry Add., Council Bluffs, q c d..
Heirs of Kiancis V. KTenoh to Henry
l.uers. sw", neVi 3-,,-). q c u
Bnn; "f qd "0 Hob
, Bun M. Prentice, administratrix, to
Vvarron Hough. nW new Zi-io-44.
ad in x d
Jennie Murray to Matt Rowe, lot 7,
Auditor's subdivision, se'4 nwVi la-7t-4J.
q c ii
Total, eleven transfers
Yon' slasi Look
At our'auperb stock of wall and ceiling
decorative papers It you have the si. ani
ent notion of keeping In touch with the
latest aud best Interior decorations. Th.s
Is a model store in that' line and yuu mii-s
much if you keep away from here. Jen-
, & Nicholson, S38 West Broadway,
I h"kf um.mlm
On all our high grade dining furniture,
a, to 3 ,,pr C( nt rtl8counl on our entlre llne
f buffets, w.iebourds. china cahlneis, din.
ln tables and chairs from now till Thanks-
j ftving. Keller-Karnswarth Furnuuie Co.
Huere May Be Chicago Crook.
1 E- Hurbank. special agent of the North-
wearrrn ralir'.Jtn. y'Teinjy MeilTm4t
luiii Revere, the man arre( ji rtatur
d.iy tin the charge oi slen:,g a quantity
wt valuable biaaa vnlno rixiiig its
"Frencby," suld ti be a well-knoan thief
tl,h record In Chicago and other larg
'cities. Rev sis, hoaever, mhen confronts
offlcer denlJd "!
fleer Rurbank said, had been stolen from
the Northwestern a shops In Mlf-eourt Val
ley. Tha sacks In which the brass wara
found were Identified aa belonging to F.
IV Heath, a grain uealer of Missouri Val
ley. In police court yesterday Reveres
preliminary 'hearing was continued until
We hAvn a new shoe for your work.
Come In and see thum.
CENTRAL FLOL'R ai.U. Every sack
warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar
ket. Both 'phones Zi.
Jury Follows Ip Action
Food Commissioner.
Among the Indictments returned Satur
day by the district court grand Jury were
thre against F. H. Evers, proprietor of a
grocery store at 113 West Broadway; Tay
lor Woolsey, proprietor ot a restaurant at
303 West Broadway, and J. Simons of tha
Central groce.y and meat martlet at Broad
way and Sixth street, on charges of
violating the slate law regulating the snle
of oleomargarine. The Indictment charges
that the defendants failed, to have the
oleomargarine labeied. as required by the
new - state law, "substitute for butter."
Evers was required to give a bond In the
sum of k&JO, while Simons and Woolsey
to put up only a 1300 bond each.
Another Indictment, brought to light yes
terday by the arrest of the defendant, was
against Mike Vencll, charged with the
theft of one white sow, the property Ot
8. P. Robertson of this city.. The evidence
before' the grand Jury showed that the
sow, which had strayed from Robertson's
premises, had been picked up by Vencll
and by him sold In South Omaha for 15.
Robertson followed Vencll to South Omaha
and the latter turned over to him the
which he bad received for the porker.
When taken Into custody yesterday Vencll
appeared gTeatly surprised. "Why, I paid
Robertson for the sow the 125 I got for it
and which was the amount Robertson
claimed It was worth," he said. , He se
cured his release on a $300 bond.
A. Metsaar Co.
New Location of Wholesale Bakery, '
518 Mynster Street, Council Bluffs. Ia.
HomO-made Bread a Specialty.'
Visitors Welcome.
For Imported wines and liquors and Bud
welser beer, go to L. Rosenfeld, wholesale
liquor dealer, 619 South Main street.
Waterwoks Report la Decern be.
Word has been received from William
Klersted, the expert employed by the city'
to make a computation ot the value of the
waterworks plant and an estimate of the
cost pf construction of a new one, that ha
will be in Council Bluffs on Tuesday, De
cember 4, prepared to submit his report. -
Three weeks ago Councilman Wallace,
chairman of the special committee having
the waterworks matter in hand, received
a letter from Mr. Klersted stating he would
be hero with his report In a few days.
The completion of the report was delayed,
however, until Mr. Klersted could secure
certain data from the litigation pending
between the city and the waterworks com
pany. '
Illinois Coal.
We've got the Inside price on all Illinois
eoal. ' Come down and figure with us for
your winter's supply. Both 'phones 1S2.
Brtdensteln & Smith. 14th Ave and (th St
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250, Night 60S.
Davis, drugs
Clark's, sodas.
Btockert sells enrpeta.
E.l Rogers' Tony Faust beer.
Fine engravings at Leffort's.
See Borwlck for Xmas goods.
Get thosd new photos at Schmidt's.
Plumbing and heating, Blxby Son.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phone 997.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. m
We sew new soles on your shoes for 750.
Sargent s Family Shoe Store.
For good picture framing go to Alexand
er's Art Store. 43 Broadway.
Men's felt lined overshoes. 11.60. Men's
Bum puie gum overshoes, ll.oO. Duncan
St Dean, U B. Main.
The reguiar nioiunly session of the Board
of fcxluoaiion Is scneuuleu for tnls evening
at tne niK" school building.
A beauuiul and ornamental gas burner,
the Weisbach chick lamp, tromplete,,
olephan Bros.. &- W. Broadway.
Mj!.M AT UOOD W ALitS. y, A. bfEfrCmt,
TLNk,H AND FLLJdBtR, lo Wbat'
gramte ViTbiV ro-r four
. U-'iu, tAOu, K-o, -J. Bwaina tk Mauer, .
ikt M, Broaaway,
I pay ili per ton for cast Iron; mixed,
$lo; stove, to; rugs, lo per lb; ruooer,
i-ac; copper, 14c per lu. J. Katelman, 4
luain, bom 'pbonts tiD.
You can enroll any uay or evening at,
Western lows colieae. ntudenta ara u.
I aiSied to positions. Send for catalogue.
'f hvina fur iniormation. Both phones.
I Miss Agne Wlckham has font to Chi
cago to visit her sister, Ml Uenevkve,
wi.o is taking a course in the nursus' train
ing dopartment of hi. Josepn s nuspitul. graue granite wora, trom lue best
Bans imported granites, lettering, carving,
and tracing. Pine monumental worn a
specialty, bhecley av Laus, 21 J East Broad
way. Borne fine bargains In second-hand pianos
at "Bourlclus." Investigate If you wnt
mora titan ... m . . n . .. . mmrtl. , I ' .
I no expenses. "Bourlclus," Broadwuy,
i Cm,ni ll Bluffs.
The luneral of the late Nicholas Hansen
I will be held Weunesduy morning at 10
o clock instead of in tne afternuuu as pre
viously announced, ilurlaj wui be in the
(Juiott cemetery.
W. B. Huston, the Rock Island conduc
tor and well known local horseman, suf
fered a fracture o( a leg bunuy as lua
result of one of nis hoisva rvaj-mg and
fuuing back on him.
Tnree, new cases of measles were re
ported to the oudj-d of Heaiih' ye.iierday.
liiey are: tuini. 5v west Wasiiin
tun avenue; luibert I'eyton, OH Aveuuu E;
Ddgmar 'lhompson. V-4 Avenue U.
Just rece.veu, a large siuinueiit of self
bunting savory roasieia. wmivu wa art go
ing to iuKe a leauer of; $ W roaster tor
1. One week ny, ri.i amuer. a.e our
windows for other bargains. Petersen
oi.iieniiig ui,
-tuicnnu me ovemDer ttrm
j ft,a aUu,nor court vuteruav and iiuk
afternoon will niaae an aaaianiuent of
oases. Ha Is anxiuus to clnar Uie Uvtkel
aa tar aa rxMsiuie ueiore his term as Juuge
e4(jin-o, unu m ia on tne iui ot tuu
y, ar.
Judge Macy held a short session of dis
trict court nere yesteiuay, en route in
ti.enwcMiu. wheie he i.i omix court luday.
in tne personal injury djinue suit uf t,u
ward Itaeiner aauiiiHl tiuw-r .lulneis, tie
oveiruiau tue muuun of llie plajuliil for
a nsw trial.
Prank Smith, arrested a week or more
sko with a quaniiiy of cigars in ills pus
e. ,n whicii tne iHjliee liieve to be tne
rrMut ot some ronOery, was discharged
yesteniay. 1 he, poilce, i.owever, reUiii 4.U0.
sek.-mn cf the cigars and femlth made no
calm to thaiu.
Do It now. Bring In that watch. What
la the usa ef beang bothered with a pocr
tlnvepleca when you can get your w,tch
rlea4ied. regulated and repal ed In firot
cluxs style all at a teasousble price? 1
guaianiee to do the'work ilgUC O. Mauthe.
.K . Broadway.
Cai you afford to throw away that la.t
ruler s suit when you can have It cleaned
to perfection. Uivs us a trial on tlioae
fancy waists and dresses. YY can make
them nice and nta. We dye and clean
ctcrything Council Bluffs Cleaning cum
'lit 4!u ssc.ury, .vi ori0 Mln el
Frm.k P Hradlev. form.r I'm, ..i w
former 1'iiite.i
tuuiijitai ul lite awuliiaia diauivl ji lu
: The
enhanced by colds. The cold
system for the reception and
of the
not otherwise
one child will contract the disease, and
exposed at the same time will not take
one that takes it, as a rule, has
slight colds are dangerous, and
a child
upon to effect a quick cure,
get in giving it to children
opium or other harmful drug.
and a former resident of Council Bluffs,
now living In Topeka.- Kan., Is In the city
renewing acqun intancea and incidentally
looking after his property Interests here
and In Mills county. Hie son, Charles
Bradley, now a practicing attorney at Lc
mars, la.. Is here visiting with him.
For Sale or Kxchdnge ElKhty-flve acres
twelve miles north of Council Bluffs. All
level, land. Fair Improvements. Nice, deep
black soil. Forty acres In cultivation;
twenty acres of timothy and clover hay;
twenty acros in pasture.. Price $60 per
acre. $800 Incumbrance . per cent will ex
change. Address D. S Kerr, 641 Broadway.
Phones 417 and 40B Red, ,43ounctl Bluffs. Ia.
C. E. Kimball, president of the Kimball
comnany, yesterday filed an information
the superior court i against Lawrence
Curtis and Dave AlcOreary, engineer at
the Ogden house,, charging .them wltn tne . . , . ... , .,.
theft of seventy sheet tin, two auto- His body was found this morning. Get Una n
mobile lamps and three inside automobile was formerly a preacher and had a pastor
tire tubes ot the total value of $.1. C'urtls t , Kossuth county. Iowa. He was SO
and Mccreary win havo thelr preliminary , . ... ' . . . ,,
hearing this mornltig. li 0,(1 and had married his present wife.
In the superior court yesterday morning
I rtiv Hollrnor K-Jmhall moved fur and sc
' cured a dismissal ot the eo--e Rg.Unst Jacob
Stein, charged with violating tne cuy or
dinances by moving' a small frame shuck
onto a lot on Broadway. Further action
may be brount, however, by the city au
thorities to compel Stein to remove tne
structure, as Mayor Macrae and several
of the councllmen are opposed to It being
there. ( '
John L. Price, who was found lying in
an alley Baturouy nignt oy me un-t,
v..iprrlav uive.n thirty duvs at huaii labor
by Police Judge Scott. In passing senunce
Judge Bcott told Price-
he bclmved
that at the end of the thirty days he would
be a We to appreciate th kindness of the
poIHe In plcamg him. up and taking him
where he would nfjeeie to death, aa
might have been the case had he. been leu
where he was. ,
The case In which Mis Dagmar Jensen
Is trying to prove that Marcellus Moxiey.
district court before Judge Green and a
Jury. A suit for damages In a large
hrnnirht hv Mian Jensen aealiiHt
Moxiey Is aio assigned for trial at this
term. At a former term ot court a crlnii-
nai cnarge uiuukih
asalnst Moxiey waa Ignored by the graud
Jury. .' ' " 'V
. 1 ....... v. n 11,, i.nitnv wntniui
Kagrlncer Mistakes Signal and Goea on
n-.lll.B- Ha-llph.
NDOI. Ta.rNov. ifSpeclal.Telegram.)
A tnlstake In a signal by the engineer ot
J ,.,a t., irUm No. . westbound.
jvm. 1, ioim - nvr, . ..." - ,J
was the cause of a wreck' here this mom- tlon pf Mount Vesuvius In April Inst.
Ing. Rounding - the turve near, town at The auke, who is commander of this mill
good speed the signal for the Milwaukee tary aigtrlct and cousin of King . Victor
crossing was set against, the Rock Island, Emmanuel, waa standing, surrounded by
a Milwaukee freight train being on the (nB itCal military authorities and the troops
crossing at tha time. The tower operator, o( tne garrison, at a short distance from
seeing the passenger train made no effort tno massed standards of the regiments,
to stop until it was too late to do so, ran wnrn a man named Nicola Flnre, known
the train onto the derailing switch. The to be a member of an anarchist organlsi
big engine and Its tender left the rails ond tlotli threw a package of antl-mllltnry
completely blocked the' Rock Inland tracks nfBpapers at the regimental standards
all day, and It will be morning before the nd at the same lime shouted insults
wrecking crew will get the engine back on aalnst the army In general. He was sr-
the rails and the track cleared.
The fireman Jumped and waa slightly
bruised, but the engineer stuck to his post
and was uninjured. No passengers were
Injured. Passengers, both east and west
bound, have been transferred to the Mil
waukee and sent to their destinations.
Bryan'a Candidate for Iowa Commit
teeman Offers Solution to Problem.
CEDAR RAPIDS, Ia., Nov. !. The oon
test for the vacant position from Iowa on
the democratic national committee, became
more Interesting today, when Cato Bells,
who apparently has been la the lead for ap
pointment, and who haa the support of
Bryan, offered to withdraw if the state
committee would recommend the appoint
ment of Claude R- Porter, late democratic
candidate for governor, or if the question
were submitted to the next democratic state
convention, which selects delegates to the
national convention.
trw Iowa Newspaper.
grOCX CITY. Ia., Nov. 19 -(Special Tele
gram. V-rF. E. Crawford, editorial manager
of the "Clover Leaf" Bewspapers, sn
nounrrs that Oliver P. Newman of the Des
Mninxs News will be managing editor and
Frank IV Wilson of the eioux City Journal
will be city editor of the new Bloux City
News, and that publication will begin De
cember L
Twantr-Sovoo la'll'.lmaata.
IOWA CITT. Ia., Nov. 19.Special Tel
egram. Twenty -seven men are now under
Indictment In thia county for the No- I
vember term of court. The alleged offeoses
range from safe breaking to chicken- steal
ing. . ' -- - -
- I . Goes to Study the Indian.
IOWA CITT, la.. ?h.v. 19 -.Special Tel-
i ' glum.) lr. I'uren J. nrn. antlivopo o-. 1st
ka)iu uie luivvrsuy vi 10 a, nui uiote to
best authorities now agree
for contracting diphtheria are
germs of this
find lodgment;
and intelligent attention. Whether for
or an-adult you will find no better prep
to cure a cold than Chamberlain's
It can
Boulder, Colo., this winter to continue his
Investigations of the American Indian. Ho
will be affiliated with the Unitarian move
ment near Boulder.
After Knocking Woman Senseless
lovra Man Kills film self.
SIOUX CITY, la., Nov. 19. (Special Tele-gram.-After
knocking his wife of a year
senseless with a stove poker, Peter Ge it
man, a prominent farmer three miles east
ot Sanborn, Ia., walked to a haystack a
mile away and committed suicide by cutting
hI. tnroai wltn a pock knife Saturday
wno is i years oi age, last tan. lie aa-
sauitea nis wne ana later Kiiiea nimsen
after a quarrfl with her over a house they
Intended to buy. Mrs,. Gettman will re
II Haa Come
to Raise
the Dead
FORT DODGE, Ia., Nov. 19. -(Special
Telegram.) Announcing he had set forth to
. . . . ,
had been sent to ralso the dead, an unl-
dentifled man walked Into the room In the
f h h(l MrjL McDonad tty
dead, pushed his way through the group of
mourners to the coffin and took the corpse
by the han(1
Bystander,, r-nlizlng they were dealing
with a it; i"
be usca'
mpted to seise him, but
house and fled.
While ' Aro Being Dlstrlbaled
Kuiti.u Throws Aat l-Mllltary
Papers at Standard.
NAPLES. Nov. !. An anarchist made a
' " 4 Y Ao.t, was dTuUng
Z soldier, who distinguished them
?: ..!. ,.iief w.,rv durin. .h. .e,ln-
demonstration against the army here today
1 '
prepares the
that would
a cold,
always be depended
There is no dan
as it contains no
QeTcramaii Celleoter, Qaardei by Fald'.er't
ItUoked gnd Eobled ia Streets.
Leaders of Party, Said to Hare
Sera red Over Naif Million
Dollars, Are Taken
In Poland.
WARSAW. Russian Poland. Nov. W.-A
daring terrorist attack was made in the
street this morning on a collector of the
government alcohol stores, who was es
corted by two soldiers. The terrorists
killed one soldier, wounded the collector
and seised a bag containing II. OA The
remaining soldier fired .wildly, killed one
passerby and wounded another, whereupon
tho terrorists dropped their booty and es
caped. The two leaders of the band of revolu
tionists and twenty others Implicated In
the tialn robbery at Rogow November by
which the revolutionists secured a sum ot
money ald to amount to $ti50,0W, have been
arrested. They all belong to the Polish
soolellstic party.
Mystery Sorrennde Reported fnloa
Between Rich American and
Famous Opera Singer.
PARIS, Nov. 1. The vague rumora
which have been circulating here for sev
eral days to the effect that Mme. Calve
waa betrothed to a rich American and
would never again appear on the operatic
stage, are apparently confirmed. Last
night, having quietly left her apartment.
'ln'M' ' D'
'Wr,conKfld,ln tne "ew t0, feWnVm""
friends, but demanding a pledge ot secrecy
regarding the name of her future husband.
Mme. Calve s servants said she went away
with her affianced, but they were unable
to give either their destination or his name.
It is believed that the couple are now on
board a yacht.
The whole affair Is shrouded in mystery
and romance. The future husband of Mme.
Calve Is described as a rich American and
artist, passionately fond of music, who for
a long time baa never missed a perform
ance of Mme. Calve, but who until re
cently had not sought an Introduction.
Just at the time when the American da-
. invested in a package of
teaches you many truths:
That 6oda crackers ar the best of all food made from flour.
That Uneeda Biscuit are by far the best of all soda crackers.
That Uneeda Biscuit are always fresh, always crisp, always
that the
is why
it. The
elded to ask for Mma. Calves hand la
marriage an accident to art electric ap
paratus rendered him blind, the last vision
before he tost sight being the face of the
singer. Upon the return ot the couple te
Franca next spring, it Is said. Mme, Calve
and her husband will Install themselves In
a chateau, where a theater similar ta
Adelaine Pattl'a theater at Cralg-y-Noo,
Wales, wilt be built for Mme. Calve and
her friends. .
The news of Mme. CaJve's marriage haa
created a sensation in musical circles, al
though there Is still considerable skepti
cism on the question whether she haa de
cided to end her operatic career. The t Jl
Bias calls attention to the fact that ar
has signed a contract to create the leadlr.CT
role In "Mary Magdalene' at -the Opera
Comlqua In March.
In response to a telegram addressed to
Mme. Calve at hef chateau, In the depart
ment of Aveyron, her secretary wires that
the prima donna will sail tomorrow on a
prolonged cruise, and that she decllnea to
make any communication to the press.
Kin and Queen Maks First Visit tu
Germany Since Ascension
to Throne.
BERLIN, Nov. 1.-Klng Frederick aad
Queen Louise of Denmark arrived today
( from Copenhagen, paying their first offi
cial visit since their ascension to the
throne. Their majesties were wolcomed at
tha railway station by Emperor William
and Empress Augusta Victoria. The
streets through which the royal party
passed wero guarded by the whole of the
garrison of Berlin, a special act of cour
tesy on the part of the emperor. The bur
gomaster welcomed the visitors at the
Brandenburg gate, the king replying to the
clvio address with a speech. The . third
carriage of the royal procession contained
the Danish' minister for foreign affairs.
Count Rabsn Levettau. and Countess La.
vetsau (formerly Mtas Moulton of Boston),
who carried her right arm In a allng, the
bones of her hand having been broken
when she was thrown from her horse at
Copenhagen Friday last. The counteee was)
specially Included In the emperor's Invita
tion. ' The Danish king and queen will
leave Berlin Tuesday night.
Karthajuake In Australia.
PERTH. West Australia. Nov. Is. An
earthquake occurred at l:J0 o'clock thle
morning along the whole coast from Al
bany to Sharks bay. Tha disturbance wag
very severe at Perth, Busaelton and Oa rat
: I
. I