Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Chincllr Sai President's Eidorwmest
ef New Bpeiline ii Lrtvnt ict
Valf Set Make It Compulsory, but
Arbitrary Addresses Woman's
Clab and Pglille School
"Th stand taken hy rresldfnt Koosevelt
en the reformed sr'Hna" is the bravest o(
all his action." said Onancellor E. Benja
min Andrews to a. reporter of Tho Boa wnen
he arrived yesterday to addreee the teach
ers of the city on spelling reform. Thla
addi-pen h mado on "Ban's Spelling" at thb
Kfcet Congregational church al 3:30 p. m.
Ono of the, most re,mnrkablo utterances of
Lis oddrcss wa-a the reform system would
rflduco the printing- bills of th? Enlih
leoaJtlna; world 10 per cent.
"The popular lde:i of tho now spelling is
wrong- tn several pnrtlctilnrs," eald Dr. An
drews In " hi Interview. ' "t! does
not aim -to bo ; phonetic entirely,
but phonetic with variations. Cer
!.il:t letters wnlch nre silent must bo left
lit Hone words to dlstlnentlslt them from
other words, with, the same pronunciation
hut different im-aning. Thus, the verb 'to
read' U apcllKl thu fame In the present
rid past-tense. Kmn reformers propose to
pell the present lense am It la pronounced.
Teed. But why not spell It as It Is spelled
now with an V Instead of pnttlng on 'a'
in the place. Then J would spoil the prist
tens of the verb with one .'
"The essehoe of this reform Is grjdual
tiess. It has been srrga-esLed that It would
l;e better to adopt certain rules and reform
the whole language 'at once. That Is en
tirely Impracticable. It. was trlnd sonic
5ars ego by the. philologist In the adop
tion of their famous 'ten rules.' Tt failed
beoause you can t eet the reoplc to adopt
i Ins rules and adhfte to them generally.'
ot a Complete Mat.
', The 3'J0 words now adopted contain many
(list wcro formerly spelled either ot two
wfjys. It Isby no means a ejompleto list.
1'aople ore puzilled and ask why we don't
add such and such a word. Thu reason Is
that this la an arbltrnry li.t. It Is adopted
Merely to make a start, to get thu people tu
yonder on th-so things. Hereafter thts
hoard may meet every ami or two or five
years and adopt and publish more words.
And so the -new. spelling will gradually
come about. Order will be brought out of
cJiao. .' -
"I would not make the- new -pe;Iling com-
putsory In th schools.' Let It be arbitrary. 1
We have it, o t the university now. A
student may spoil the word either the. old
w tho new way. I would advise that such j
a plan be ndoptoil In all schools.' . I
"As to the lime It will tako to effect a'
complete reform of the language, I cannot ,
.lay. As I said, H must come gradually.
Yon can't reform every drunkard on the '
streets In a single night. There will, doubt
less, al ways be somo' buttoncd-up literary
men who wlri refuse to recognize the te- I
formed spelling. I often get letters and
communications 'from friends In the cast
spelled In the old English way. like
honour and 'labour.1! ; Hut that doesn't hurt
me. I can only laugh or pity."
- Address Before, Woman's Clab.
Chancellor. Andrews was the guest whilo
here of Superintendent Davidson of the
public; schools, and Mr. Davidson and the
public; school teachers were special guests J
"i uir vv uman b nun hi too iirriur-,
! Mis. A. B. Somers, president of the
Woman's club. Introduced the .chancellor,
"who Is trie of the twenty-eight member of
tho simplified spelling board of the lnltcd
States. He gave answers to those opposing
the reform spelling and offered evidence to
show the reform would result In a pecu
niary saving.
"Tha project to simplify Knglish spelling
lias been 'dnmd' most amply: the time lias
tome to inqulro Into Its merits." said the
i hancellor In tho beginning of his address,
and In the word "damd" he mudts a pi-ac-tlcal
demonstration of his reform, for tho
manuscript originally had It "damned," the
typewriting having been altered by Ink to
read "darad."
"In splto of all Its vicissitudes, revision
of English orthography has gone far of
lata and la progressing with rapidity. The
inost rabid foes of reform spelling use re
form spellings,", said the chancellor. He
then cited the powerful authority's and
men conspicuous in the world's affairs ac
tive lu this reform.
I mparts, at Points In Discussion.
."To determine whether a new spelling Is
to be used In place of the old we should
"i. Xa it more economical either (a) Ir.
the learning of It, or (b) In the use o
it?" oaid Dr. Andrews.
"i Would It, If employed In a context
Involve ambiguity or occasion hesitation o.
study in respect to Its meanlns? If am
biguity Is going to result, tha spelling Is
not to be recommended, as It cannot provt
a step In reform.
"Nearly all that Is raid against the re
vision of t-pelllng seems to involve und
proceed upon the vicious supposition that
there Is somewhere, most deem It resident
In dictionaries, a standard of authority in
spelling, a species of Bible spellers, a su
preme rourt constitutionally empowered to
try alleged breaches of orthography. Many
sccrm to hold u doctrine of orthographic
legitimacy parallel to the exploded dogmas
of political legitimacy in state and ecclesi
astical legitimacy In church. The fact Is
that in orthography outside of printing
shopa there; such standard of author
ity, liictlonarles are not such and do not
pretend to be. Thev at b.-t record
usage and this very Imperfectly.
"The tie- spelling liord la not an au
thority and do,s not pretend to be. No
teucher, it is hoped, will enforce Its spell
ing k -inspired.' The utmost eipected at
WCHcnt .is that they will be accepted as
legimate aliernathr spelling not iH-liouni-ed
as errors "
Answers H Krrlrr'i ( rltlrisas.
Advertliuj!, as he did frequenily duiing his
address, to the crltlrlKin of Piesldent Ide
Wheeler of tho 1'niversity of Callfonila,
Chancellor Andrews said:
""rrmldent Vheel-r's censure oi v,r
movcinrnl as seeijonal ai;4 meraly Anier- i
lean sei-nis to lr.e bitiej. it would he J
o wore his premlsea true, for a movement I
Ti.'it it pea sketch direct from life
No aigunienl it necessary to the
wearer. of McKibbin Fun-they KNOW
warn regard
Atk the good dealer. K he won't
how you write to u and w will dinert
you to one who will.
McKibbin, Driscoll & Dorsey
Fui Manufacturers
Saint Favul, Minnesota
i Will Urr RtTocatioo of LioenMi of Tbom
ffllins Liquor laudty.
mmmmmmmm m
lias Whisky In Ills Possession mhleh
Ills Men Rousht at Apotfcrewrr
Khnsi When Saloons
Were Closed.
must begin somewhere; but tbey are In
fact false. The spelling board Is mainly
American, but' the first and chief impulses
to Its task were English, In the labors) of
Sweet, Ellis and Ske&t. ."'
"Nothing Is more certain than that the
current spelling of our tongue needlesaly
clogs communication, needlessly Interrupts
the flow .of thought ltctween human beings.
"A consideration of moment Is the waste
of time In learning tho traditlohul spelling.
"A needless drain would be stopped In
the schooling of the young. I'pon a rough
computation in which the cost of land and
buildings Is ignored, I make out that by
carrying its elementery schooling through
seven grades only and cancelling the eighth
Chicago could save not less than 4 per cent
of what the present eighth grade system
costs, -
"I conclude then, that the movement for
the betterment of. English .spelling, far
from being at flighty or a . funny project,
to te laughed at, satirized or damned -with
faint praise, it" Is of serious Interest and
moment worthy to ehgage the attention of
the publlo and particularly that of people
who direct education.". " ' . .
Workman on Kplesbrricer Balltllns
Plnnsrea from Top to firnnnd
. nnd May Die.
Matthew Burtlett, a laborer on the new
Pplesherger building, between Tenth and
Eleventh on Earnam street, lost his bal
ance and f'il five stories Into an areaway
in the building about 2:50 Monday after
noon. He was tsken to tho Omaha Gen
eral hospital suffering from Injuries which
It is believed will prove fatal.
Bartlett was hoisting lumber, together
with other laborers, from the first floor of
tho building to the fifth floor through an
areaway which will be usod for tho stairs
in the completed building. He had drawn
a heavy load to the top floor and was at
tempting to swing It from tho passage to
a resting place on the floor, when the load
became unwieldy and started to swing,
pushing him from his footing backward
toward the open space. He tried to save
himself, hut lost his balance and fell. He
turned over only onco' during his downward
(light, wh n he struck u : two-Inch projec
tion of the brick wuJl and landed on his
-.nees lii ;i crouching position. The force
, f his fall Mas somewhat broken by hi?
'ghtlrus boards which had been luld
iver the areaway leading to the hast
r.ent. but war practically unconscious
when picked up by fellow lborers.
The police ambulant: was summoned and
the Injured mini was taken to the hospital
tlt.h al! posslhle hute, where hls Injuries
'(' uilcvialed by Ir. Jensen.
Bartlett has been employed on the Splen
berger building for several months and
rooms with a brother near Nineteenth and
Hurt streets.
"I will recommend that they g't tio
licenses when their applications come
fore tho board. I got a tip Saturday that
th drug atorcs were all fiane-d up to sell
whisky Hunday and take advantage, of the
closlng of the saloons. Officers Waters mi l
Russell were detailed on that phase of the
question and their success speaks well for
their faithfulness and ability.
"It cost me $3 or Jli for whisky yesterday,
but I guess the results obtained In the way
of convictions will amply warrant the ex
penditure. The whisky bought from tho
drug stores with my money Is locked up in
the drawer of the desk of Cnptuln Mostyn,
and while"! do not regrr-t spending the
money, I'm trying hard to keep Boston
Oren from getting possession of my pur
chases." This statement was made by Chief of
I'ollce Donahue Monday morning. He ex
presses determination to bring tho drui;
store m-n who ,'ith trylns frustrate
efforts at enforcement of the Slocumb law
to' Justice.'
City Prosecutor Paniel Is Uldiig up the
aaiotui men's cases where the. chief left
off. Officers Waters and Russeil, who
bought whisky at ' the drug store s, were
sent out again Monday morning aud suc
ceeded iu buying a flask of "fire, water" at
the drug department of a department store.
Drag tttorea on the List.
Complaints were Issued by the cl'y prose
cutor Monday morning against the several
saloon keepers who vlolcted the law, and
also against the drug store dispense.
Whisky was bought by the officers on Sun
day at the drug store of Sherman Mc
Conncll, Sixteenth and Podge: J. H.
Schmidt. Twenty-fourth and Cuming; John
Bell. mi.r Tamam; A. B. WhJttuker, Fif
teenth aud Douglas; J. 11. Merchant, Six
teenth and Howard; E. T. Yatr-s, Sixteenth
and Chicago; R. V. Alton, Twentieth nnd
Grace; V. C. Albach. W North Twenty
fourth; S. It Farnsworth, 2115 Cuming;
Joe. Bell. Sixteenth and Nicholas; C. K.
Luthrop, 1334 North Twenty-fourth; Clark
Drug company, lflu North Twenty-fourth;
Me.rritt Bros., Millard hotel; John Hoist.
North Sixteenth, and the Howell Drug
company. Sixteenth and Capitol avenue.
The city prosecutor has issued "John Doc"
warrants, which will be served on the per
sons who sold the whisky on the Sabbath,
the extreme penalty for the offense beinjj
u. nne of U00, together with a maximum
sentence of ninety days in Jail.
The reform microbe. Insofar as it relates
to the 8unday closing lam-, seems to be con
taglour. as Judge Crawford assisted In the
ciuw In the dispos.tlon of the brought
before bim for trial in police court Monday
morning. Per&ons who Imbibed too freely
Sunday found that It costs more on Sunday
than on other days, as Judge Crawford
assessed fines of JS and costs In each case
of drunkenness. The usual fine Is $1 and
costs, but the Judge said that If anyone
exercised themselves sufficiently to gef In
toxicated on Sundays the ante would be
raised on them in his court.
CItIc Federation May Meet.
Aked if the executive committee of the
Civic federation would take an official ac
tion or msJte any report, to the governor
on the alleged violations of the law Sunday.
TV J. Maboney, chairman of the committee,
aid:',. :
"1 would not like to say until the com
mittee . has held a consultation. Some of
our members have been out of the city for
the last week and until they are here and
we can discuss ' matters I could not make
n statement for the public."
Mr. Mahoney said In reply to a question
that he contemplated calling' a commlttoe
mueting as soon as all the members, were
in tho city.
Locals Will Finish Strenuous Srason
Thanksalvlng; ftrron.
Creiphton has one nvro bird ginie to
be. played on its schedule before ihe close
of the season. illKj ,nu, coniP, on Thnnkw
pIvlMg ntteinoon at Vinton street park,
whon the strong Dos no Tip-rs will come to
town. The fint thst Behevun won from
Iviane will pot detract from the Kvimc. lor
Bellevtic showed in the irfime with Crelgh
ton a few weeks itgo t hut it had a splendid
tam and only hcud hic k In having Captain
i onson a liooting cr ipphsl irlv in lh
conflict saved Cr eight n from u much
harder game and . pollil, Tne
reports also show that the Hellevue center
tossiij the Inll over tlv head of the full
liack on several ooc.nsl.ins, and this some
fault resulted dlnvtrouslv In the Ctclghton
The foot bull season Is neiing ;t Hose
and the west did not moke the Wn show
ing In the world ng.ilnst the eastern con
tingent In the games played List Snturdnv.
Of cour-.e, t'arlisle ha a mi'.anltleent team
and hns miide a good nViwint In t lie east,
out failed to heat llat-i'l. and '.vheu the
Indlnns ciinie west Inst BHturdiiv thev com
pletely scalped tle Oophors, who had won
from Chicago. Now. where does tho west
stand. Michigan lost to Pennsylvania, -but
thut was exccted, tnr :mv team la bmmd
to be Imdly crippled lvn the rapt iln. the
largest iiinw nd fnosi. nllahle plavcr. is
taken nwuy at one fell swoon, and e;K-.
t-ially was IhlH severe on Mlelila-an. which
had more than an ordinary allowance of
green nu n.
President Dtcyfuss )s out two hata. When
the season begun he asreed to give I'hlbnpe
and lever each it new hut If thev made
a batting average of over .IHO. Pblllope
batted .ill nnd l.never .'.'11. T.ast year th' tr
averages were .UKJ and .102. Pittsburg Post.
"None of my family took' much to base
ball. ' said Connie Mack the other dnv.
But I've got a boy who Is going to be a
hummer. H-'s only 16 now. but he is com
Ing along h II right. Just now he Is going
to school. I want him to get an education,
and then If he wants to take up base bill,
all rltfht. There's a-ood monov In bare hall,
und the fellows who are In tho game, at
present-are saving their coin.'"
Billy l.ush. the -former Clr-cl-md out
fielder, is again coaching the Yule base
tiull team for next years campaign. In
dianapolis Star.
for himself. No man bns. ever played a
b, -iter, more sport.Miiunllkc game."
Modified : Measure to Be Introduced
Tonight by Bridges to Cover
lletnrna Heaolatlon to Proceed
Agalast tiHer Without Affllng
His Ofllelal Migaatare.
Yesterday afternoon .Mayor Iaihlmun re
turned, without his sisnuture, a concur
rent resolution adopted last Tuesday even
ing by the council and directing that the
city proceed to demand from Lee Orler.
former clerk of the police court, and the
surety on his bonds an urnounl of $:!,:7!lS,'t,
alleged shortage from May. 1!H3, to June,
UA This resolution will come up m reg
ular order al tlii evening's council met t
ing and it is U lleved wUl Iw acted on re
gui disss of the? mayor. Kvplainlng hs
failure to slim the resolution, Miyor Dabl
nian (Bid he had all along contended that
iction should not be tatsen in the Orler
natfT on the reairl rendered b'- Com
'.ro!lr K,oeck unci he believed hit action
egarding the resolution was nly being
oislstent iu this nuitter.
Jueob Burkhaidt, representing proper! 5
; owners living near the gas plant at Twcn
j t'eth and (Center streets, addressed tho
general committee of the city council yes
terday on the Bridges' gas tank ordinance
; which fell by the wayside two weeks ago.
At this evenings session of the council
Mr. Bridges will Introduce a mortified
ordinance, pi escribing neany the entir
i city in the territory to be Immune from
gas tenn-s or holders. The chief objectloa
I to the first ordinance was that citizens in
I other portions of the city might object
should gas tanks be located near them, but
this feature hns been eliminated in the
I eccnd ordinance, which bids fair to pass.
I The Idea Is to havo an ordinance ready
' to protect tho city In case the supreme
court, in a case now pending, rules In fa
vor of the gas company relative to lo
eating a third large tank at Twentieth and
v. enter streets.
By virtue of an action of the general
committee yesterday afternoon an ordi
nance providing for thirty street ear
tickets for tl for school children will br
Introduced at this evening's council meet
ing. This ordinance provldta foe tickets
to school children of all ages and to be
used between 8 and 9 a. m. and 3 to 6
j P- m.
( Councilman Zimman's transfer ordinance
was held ove r on account of Mr. Zimman's
absent from the city.
The general committee voted to bring
the inc-nt Inspector otdlnunr-e up this even
ing. This ordinance creates the effVe nf
j inspector ot m.ats, hotels and restaurants
I ut a salary of fl.;i rtl- (.ar. C'ounrilmen
I Elsatsor and Bridges lt. creel mailing the
, ordinance of larger scope, that of covering
the- Inspection of all foeid products, but
this Idea did not re-elve serious consldera
tlon. Owing to lack of funds no apiwln''
. ment will Ik, made this year under thlr
j ordinance, even if It does go through.
It Is beginning to he' generally believed
Wahoo Sam Crawford will cover first base
regularly lor retroit next season.
"Silk" O'lxiughlln of the Ahicrlcan league
umpiring staff does not sgreo with!
of thei derisions handed down this season,
and he has good araTiments that support
his position in the matter. The two deci
sions he takes exception to are the ones ot
Pittsburg regarding the declaring of a baso
runner hit by a hatted ball whllo on the
base sftfe, and tho ones declaring that a
substitute batter has a right to allow the
regular ono to go up after the announce
ment of the change ha1 been made, gnys
O'l'iughlin concerning the derisions:
"If a base runner is allowed to interfere
with the ball while on the bags, there I no
limit to what , he can do. Instances arise
frequently where a brine runner can Inter
fere with n fielder while on the bases, and
there Is nothing to hinder him from doing
It If It is legal to have the ball touch him.
"This other point In regard to Mathewson
batting after a substitute had been an
roune ed Is, one which should be settled or it
will cause trouble some of these davs
You will remember another member of the
New York tea.m went In to bat for Mathew
son, and It was s,o announced by the um
pire. The hnse runner was put out before
a ball had been delivered to the batter and
the latter retired In favor of Mathewson.
According to my view of the case, Mathew
son was out of the game when the an
nouncement was made and the other hotter
vent In.
"1 hold the same Is true when a hotter'
Is announced by an umpire before the game.
The rule soys that the batting order as
given to the umplro Is not subject to change
und. according to mv wav of thinking, the
announcements; of batteries and changes in
tho lineup nnd hatting order ore but ex.
tensions of this rule. This, of course. Hoes
not bar a. club front sending in other men,
but it does mean tha,t those announced are
out of the ginno. If others are sent In In
thrlr places ufU-r the announcement has
been made." Plttaburg Uasetle.
Somo sapient WW. In' heetuwithlng to the
Ignorant- publlcl'1 few choice- and "unpub
lished'' bits oritstocy, savs John Hit
field's tbrow,.of 143 yards, 1 foot and 7V4
Inches nt 1'iiion base, bait grounds tn Brook
lyn October 15, -iSiZ, has never been offi
cially efunled. There are records to show,
however, that Ed Crane, in 1Vi4, threw the
tail 1.T5 yards, feet and one-half inch,
and that Ijirry Twltchell beat ine hv v o
feet. Crun- has' Just beaten Kd Wllliem
son, the old White Sox shortstop. Crane's
throw was officially ree-orded. nut Twitch
ell's was not. At, that, the H ttfleld throw
was a great one?, for the ball went ngjinvt
the wind across 'tin? field, nnd the distance
was properly measured with a steel tape.
A. ti. Caller Wins First Match from
C. Peterson, l::0 to 162.
NEW YORK, Nov. l'J.-The American
shoimtnp billiard tournament at lK-inch
balk line, two shots in. wss begun tonight.
Albert O. Cutler of Boston anil Chaiics
Peterson of St. l,nul met In the initial
game and the Bistnn man won. Knl to Kd.
Cutler showed good billiards for 11 run of
7!! In th.- ninth Inning, which gave him
h. commanding lead, anel ufier making ?
In his thirteenth, he van out the game
in the fifteenth Inning with a beautifully
plnved unHnlshed run of 1'-'.
William 11. Sutton, brother of George
Sutton, he ls-2 .champion, was referee.
There are seven men entered In this tour
nament anil twelve night games and nine
mutinee conte-srs have been arranged.
In Helrtillim to the contestants tonight, the
following will play throughout the tourney:
Thomas J. tJiiilHgher, Kdwnrd Mclaughlin
and Prank Hopiw. Jr., Ne w . York; Harry
P. Cllne. Philadelphia, and Alex. Taylor
ef Chicago.
The s,,res of touight'K contest follow:
A. O. Cutle.r of . i'.nstoii-i n, 14. s. 0. J.
-1, 1V 70. 0, 1, ' I. Rk, 13. 12 Total, i;
average. ?! la-15: high run. H'?.
C. IVterson of St. louls 1, 2. 10. 15. 3.
14, l. 7. 4W. 2, J4.MI. 1. 1. Total, 151;
average, lei 1-15; high run, 49.
t ollege Athletes lost Choose Between
School and t lab,
NK.W YORK, Nov. in -The record of
9 :l-fi seconds for P yards, made hy Dun
J. Kelly nf Speknne, Wash., on Juno i'.!
last, has be-en approved by tie- Amateur
Athletic union of the l ulled State and it
w?ll stand hs a world s record.
College athletes In entering e otnw tlllom
must. In the future, choose ln-twei-n their
college ami t he Ir Mthletle e -nibs. Thev will
not be permitted to represent both lit the
samee time. This choice may ls made once
each year. The meeting adopted a resolu
tion lo this effect.
The registration rommltt' made the fol
lowing renomme ndatlons: Neil M. l.orko
of Riverside, Oil., reinstated; Heme J.
l.ennon id Chicago, reinstated; 1.. F. Wid
inws of chlejego. reinstate,): J. p. Kick of
Sin Francisco, provisionally leeonmiended
Pacific Coast Hiciatlon Grant card. 1 1. K.
I Sneocgar, provisionally recommended La-
cme coat com mi tree giant card.
Thei following general reeoiumeneiat.lons
were adopted by the meeting:
That district nsociatlons N permitted
to suspend for good nnd sufficient reason
any line of sport in their respective tetii
tory. "That the recommendation offered last
year with reference to the organluit Ion of
an American Athletic: as-ociatliiu lu the
army nnd navy establishments ol the
1'niled Stales be uiialn unewed and re
1 erred with full ioveis to the president
and neeaetary for notion.''
The Rocky Mountain association, which
takes in the; states of I'tah, Wyoming.
Colorado and New Mexico wss admitted as
a member of the American Athletic union.
The chnmptonship oonimlMoc decided to
award the American Athletic union track.
J held and r-wiinmlng contents to the Jam, s
I town exposition for next year and tie- lu.jc-
ing niatciicte iu oosiun.
Iast night at the Association alleys the
Cndahys sprung the surprlso of the soason
by winning three) straight names from the.
O. D. Ks. KiplitigeT's boys were all away
off their usual gsme. falling S.' pins below 1
their total of lust week. 1"alor was tho
best man for the night with a total of j
5fU. Greonleaf. who was but one pin behind,
C.L- Kich .Inffl,, o-nn. n-itl, T..- '
night. Slots Blurs vs. DicU Athletics.
- ' O. K. P S.
1. L'. .t. Total.
Neale 1M li!i 171 Ml
Chandler P',2 lJ 1M 5" 15
Molyncuux 11 l"1' V 471
Olerde 1SJ 1,-je Ml
Sprague 175 Ifi'i Hit iio-'i
- t,''i,il-e-eiene s-ea,.v.-s.s. A s.
BKBR-Our Mstlftn's Beererage contaist but
about Ii per seat of AlcahoU.
2) Ll-'A 11 LL w
11 ..evu
hc .': ..'.raH,.
Is brewed and aged on honor.
Full of character and beer body.
A hop, tonic, malt nourishment
and delicious beverage, all in one.
Try any of these brtuids
whether on draught or in
bottles wherever you can
Private Stock, Wiener.
ftiuencnener, export
Omaha Tlranch.
8OSM0 DoujjUs 8t Cor. Klh.
'Phone Doul 10RI.
111 iji
uu 1
1 St
WIS. 1
1 1. 2.
Williams 1e,i
tiriffltiis 1i lies
Taylor W
fireenleaf t..l7 W
Keod ltH 1M
Totals f33 'Ml
a. Total.
17il iV!
VU -17;i
1 77 .Vtl
1S.-I M4
On the Metropolitan alleys last nlsht the
Iaily News won two out of three games
from tho. Gold Tops. Wee of tho News
team and Urotte of the I10M Tops bowled
a steady game. Rice pulling off one single
game with llfl and totals with S7. Grotto
of the Gold Tops had high single ganio
with 211 and high on totals with i77. There
Is certainly a great Improvement in Pat's
bunch. Score:
1. -' S. Totnl.
Polcnr 1H"l 17fe 142 :vl
S 1.1 no K'il 131) l.VJ 411
Mucglns V.l iss rx 4;n
Paker ISO If:! 116 5-
t -
0 ':'7 !
- r - :!
' ' )
1 : . t t-ot 4- - , f "
... . .. ; ' . t '
e . . J '
- V " N
4t - y J -
7H1 :',j?'J
S73 V
1. 2. 3. Totnl.
Prlmeau, H 154 177 170 m
I'rimeau, C U2 14S v. 416
Grotte 1! 211 17ei 5,7
Wnlte lw YS 4:1
Foley e,s 5;d
. . . .WS . 8il MW
Notice lo Red Ink nf His Appointment
as Correspondent on Good
County Commissioner Solomon has re-
1 celved a commission making him public
I roads correspondent of tho bureau of pub
I 11c roads, Department of Agriculture. The
I commission Is elaborately done In red Ink
j and notifies him he Is one of a number of
public-spirited citizens who will be called
on to furnish Information to the depart
ment regarding road conditions In this
county. In return for this fhc department
offers to supply him with copies of avail
able public documents for his winter's reading.
The Reliable Specialists
We make n thorough, searching and scientific examination of vonr ail
ment, Bn examination thut will disclose your true ph.vaioa.1 condition-. "Wttb-
out a knowledge of which you are groping In the (lark und without a, thor
ough understanding of which no physician or spec ialist should bu allowed
to treat you. All men who are not what they should be, who are weak,
nerxous and debilitated from any causw, or who may ut present be suffering"
from Ignorance, neglect, dissipation, etc., will find It well worth their ttmg
to come to the Mate Medical Institute for consultation and examination
which has been established for tho purpose of curing tho terrlhta diseases'
and blighting weaknesses that destroy men's mental and physical pbwors
making the duties of life a hardship and happiness Impossible.
We treat men only and cure them safely and thoroughly.' Kvery man
suffering with Nervous etllity. Rectal r.nd Kidney Diseases," with any or
their numerous and distressing complications, owes It to himself aj)d his
family, to ge l cured promptly, safely and thoroughly., , ' .
I ici Consultation and Elimination ,9fflce nours: 8 ,rt- v m. Sundays,
its vwiiiiui.aiiuii 11111 LsillililUilUil 1() to j on)y I ym cannot call, write.'
U308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.: Ik
FOR S7.50
sA rAVC&f TfieIT StJ e pa
By the Old Reliable Ci Searles & Searles '
Kstabllshed In Omaha for 25 years. ' Tho many thou
sands of cases cured by us makes us tho most experi
enced Specialists In the West. In all diseases and dis
orders of men. We know Just what 'will cure you
and cure quickly.
Prnn examination and consultation. ' Vrito for
-5" M
v i r te i pkiir st,i i r. ..m.'
w a: w .1 aii. pri
119 S. 14th, Cor. 14, b & Douglas S.s Omaca, Neb.
HOT i:ls.
Small Blase In Jewelry jtforr,
Vires started in a box of Inflammable nia
terial en a radiator under a table at tha
Mawhlnney & Kyan Jewelry store. Fifteenth
I sad Douglas, late Monday nfterncMin, but
' was discovered and extinguished before the
; ferrivnl of the llr' inen. Diligent se :irch
, failed to reveal the source, of the tat tiering
I smoke and an alarm was furneil in be fore J
j the tire w;is located. Thu room was tl.or-
' oughly lilled with smcko for se vc al mo- j
ni'-nts, but no el h mage further was done. 1
v-tai flT lii f t "lsUiecause of a polluted condition of the blood. This
vital fluid 1 infected with some germ or old taint, or perhaps has been left
l!i?VDaUh-r7',COndltl0n frm a loas sn of sA or the trouble may
be inherited. The poisonous germs and matter with which the blood is gat
orated force an outlet on the face, arras, legs or other part of the body and
form a sore or ulcer. This being continually fed by a polluted blood supply,
rows, red and aaasry. festers and eats into the surrounding flesh until it
becomes what is very aptly termed an -old sore." The relief produced by
CKterntreatment is only temporary. The only treatment that can do any
veal good is a blood punber that goes to the very root of the trouble and xl
moves the cause, and for this purpose nothing equals S. S. S. It drives out
froru th circulation all morbid matter and ger us. even reaching down to
hereditary tamts, and by cleansing the blood heals old sores permanently.
S. S S. not only removes all taints and poisons from the blood but builds it
tip by supplying it with the rich. Lealth-susUining properties it needs to
Veep the fctew in health. S S. S. makes pure blood and a sore must
he.l if the blood is pure and healthy. Rook on Sores and Ulcers aad
uJicl advice f re,. r s wfT SPt:Cmc COmg A JLANrAs QAm
' Wants w Trial llreaase First Was
Held After the Ranimrlhart
Mnrdr, Il,lges, a negro convicted e.f
elding up-unci rubbing two white girls.
Nc'.lie Jacobson and Tillle Isiiacson. hi
Soinli Omaha July . and tjeUIng 15 centh
rrom one of them. U seeking a new trial
In district court, A. C. Pancoast and J. 8.
Cooler ate reprtse otlng him. They assert
on thei night of tho robbery Hodges ha I
no coat on.' though the young women said
lei had. and testlrted to sewing hloi rush
his coat bu-k as If looking for a revolver.
The trlul was had during the ii. item. -lit
after the Kummvlhurt murder and it is
claimed that fact prejudiced th Jury
agtinsi negros In general. Objection was
also mado to evldince of one of tha young
women that the defendant tried to mako a
ee.irch of her person for,i a
'.uihles. Tha attorneys contended this had
tiie elfoct of further inflamiiig the minds
f the Jury. Judtto Sutton bM he would
I, serve his desoislon on the motion until
r'rlday fternooo.
Final ontest ot Vrar with Hastings
on siatnrday.
HFI.I.KVl'K. Neb.," Nov. 19. (Special.)
Tho Hellevue; foot ball squied wns given
a hard work-out tonight, for the lirst
time sinee the gaiiie of last week at
Crete, where the boys from old Elk Hill
twisted the Tuters' tails for tho first lime
on Sunset rldgc.
Considering thei hard game, tho team Is
In fine siiapo to begin its final work In
preparation for the lust game of the sea
son with the strong Hastings college
team, which held Iw-ane to tne sev.rc of
4 to J, outplaying lioane during- the lat
half. With the exception of the usual
twists und sprains, which always go woo
such a game, every rimn is In the pink
of condition, and is begging the coach
for heerd work, end in thla they will have
no ciitise of eomplHint. for Cevach Whlt
more Ims a program mapped out for tho
n-i i k that will pin every man In shape
for the g;imc of their lives.
This gikine will be played In the college
campus Haturdav afternoon at i o'cloe k.
An effort will be made to bring a ltirge
crowd from Omaha to see. tho game as
It will decide tho- championship of the? !
Nebraska, colleges and Is tare to be a
hard-fought contest.
M ill RecrlTr Great Sand-0 la t.aute 1
with tbraikn.
CHICAfiO. Nov. 19 Walter Eckersull. 1
cxip-.aln nf tho t'nlverslly of ("bleago foot
liil team, for the last four years Us hero
nnd star, and' twice an All-Ani.rlcHii
player, will next Saturday bring h,s nota
ble career In foot hall to a rlos.,. Tho Ne
braska game- will bring Chicago's 1HHS
rrnidclf to an end. The great feature of
the ginv. s lr has been In many s hard
fousht liUitle, will probably be Eckersall's
piuylng: In facr, C.wch Ptagg I iilannlng
10 build up his offense to enihajlse the
playing of the captain more than ever be
toie. "r l Eckle-'s last game and we will trv
to give him u send-oft.'' said Coach StaKg
estidav. "He will il. with iie-kt t?.el
ui.lay s game one of tho most notable n-
11 e-rs upy . foot bill player has ever made
ms. wuriiLowi aooTHuia iTmtr
ti.,3 oeen u..eo ove i lAn !...(. o
MILLIONS of M.1TKKHH for thlr HH .
EE. T prt'CKbS. IT hue.THES the CHILD
Cl'hErt WIND COLIC, aud is th. tw'.t
remedy for DIA ItKHuKA. (i.,ld by Drug. in i vcry iart ol the world, lis urt ,
and ai'k forx I
I ditln Tl Tbehrlrhtss thing n store
I , 1 dJI poll-l. . trr tioolr. t lv n..l. V I
1 v hrllllant lulr- uuU lOi;.J
' Mrr in hn oi r. I
'FKI'lE HAMI'1.1'. A.:rirfs-ni.t.s.l
mat'i ri.ri'- iv. r I' riisMtn St.. N.Y I
" grA-, y.K. ---j f J
Broadway, Filth Ave. and 27lb St., New York
Is a modern,1 flrst-class hotel. In the cen
ter of the shopping district Complete la
11 Its appointments and absolutely flre-
froof. Furnishings and decorations en
irely new throughout- Accommodations
for 600 guests; 1&0 suites with bath.- Hot
and cold water and telephone In every
room. European plan. Cuisine unex
celled. Rooms I1M a day up, with beth
fjto up. The only hotel In Manhattan
fronting both on Broadway and Fifth iva
GEORGE W. aWttNBT . rroprtetw
Illinois Central RaLilroa.d
Account International Live Stock exposition
Tickets on Sale December 1. 2, 3 and 4
Return Limit, December 10th
Two Fast Trains Daily
Leave Omaha 6:00 P. M.
Leave Omaha 8:00 A. M,
Arrive Chicago 7t30 A. M.
Arrive Chicago 9:30 P. M.