Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Mi 3 mm BD,kk d
to stoves what Stetson la to hats: The manufacturer or
more and finer shoves than any o'thers In the land.
Here you'll find their heater side by side. "Compar
isons are odious," but you may tako your choice and your
house be comfortably heated at the smallest possible ex
pense. Bach has many distinctive features that we'd be glad
to explain to you; advantages worth your consideration.
We know them to be the best that's why we handle
With them your rooms are heated three or four hours
each morning with the fuel supplied the night b?fore.
All sixes and prices, from $10 up.
The fuel saved In one season will pay for your stove.
Come in and let us prove it to you.
We ran guarantee you satisfaction.
South 16th
Telephone I
Douglas 313 I
(ftt best l
Caucus on the fsnatorshlp it the Latest I
Scheme Beiur AdTtnoed. !
Talk f BUI Taklnsr App.lilmrat of
nnreme (oirl I nmlwlonf r
from Jndsree and Vesting
It with Goiffniir.
tFroni a "tatf Correspondent.)
UNCOLN. Nov. l!i.-fpetlBl.-Reliable
information was received in Lincoln this !
morning that the opponents tf Norrls '
Brown not only do not admit hp will b
the next t'nltcd States senator from Ne- i
braska, but thry lire busy working to en- !
compass his defeat. This information w;is
to the effect thut a member of the lglln- J
tiiro was approached and requested to con-
wnl to a caucus of both the lioma and sen- :
ate at which a secret ballot would be taken
on senator, the legislature to le bound by
this cnucu. This mi mbcr of the legisla
ture at om-e. notified friends of the repuh-!
llcan nominee for senator. He told thai it
systematic attempt wnj being made all over
the state to get th- members elect of the
legislature tu repudiate the action of the
rmibllcan state convention In endorsing
Brown. He did not know how niuny legit- ) the chargu of sending olwrme literature
latore had promised to go back on their through the malls to his wife. Mrs. Lottie
pledges, but he assured Brown's friends W'ltikl, from whom hi: was .recently 11
that he Intended to stand pat and carry out vorce.
1 !!.. Tlie liiirlinaton a .id th" P. It Island
Kt'STIS-The Ilurllntton & Mh-aourl ha
, r. i",ri fhnvrl out lit ok!;i -.iM of hT".
I nil' inn, nun emervvi-- ni!ree. ihk ii-im
The tfe of a rubber depends large
ly on the fit.
Clove rubbers fitthat's one reason
why they wear longer.
Another reason is that there is more
Pure India Rubber in them than
in other makes.
They coSt no more.
Look for the Foot-Scbule Stamp on
the sole of the genuine,
Leseling oVslert everywhere will tliow you.
'l-a. , he company will make many e-
t-neivc Impi o nents at this p-ilnt. Kn- j
larglng the ronl rhuts Mini lengthen. ns
the sidetracks will be th main features. 1
TKKAM.MI-There are now sh-ep
ii ml lambs In-ina- fed In this vicinity. Th"
tiirniers flsure Hint It Is cheaper to run .
shep in tin- cornfields . thnn to hivr- It
husked at 4 cents a hustv-1. Frank A. ,
Cameron and Houston Templcton nre the
Ilea lent leedcrs, esrh having over t.neii. .
COLFMIiCS-J. F. Flems left here sev j
look utter IDs larac cron of fruit mid lute WhlSKeV &S CrCSCriDed
I lust returned, having disposed of .the crop.
; which consisted mostly of itartl- tt penrs. m
eastern wrtlcs. ,M:. Flcmr owned o firm
of i'0 ncres snd sold It for IL.:.(0 nnd then
returned to Columbus.
COOK The son of Lewis kuennins i
(Helpless On valid
from Nervousness
Mr. Marcus M. Ooldschmidt, onco a prominent citixeti of Chi.
cago and publisher and owner of the "Jewish Conservator," had
to give up business on account of his health, but was completely
restored to strength and vigor by using Duffy's Pure Malt
who lives northent of lu re, was severelv
burned today. He pullr-ct the plug from
the washing midline and let til.- hot
I wnter l our out on Ilia,.' i ll. The burn
: covets the entire le.rt leg anrt tlgnt arm.
1 bi'Sldis several plce.i on his back and
I du st. Tt ts thought lie will recover,
i FAIRHl'RY The dty council lst ev.n
I log awarded the contract tor tin1 coi
I s'nictioii nt fi.4(io linen 1 feet of Kinltmy
I sewer In district No. 7. to King A: Lnm
hert of lesi Moines, la. The connect tune
i is t4.R22.f. The elty elerk whs dlreeteii
to advertise for Mils for building t.n.V.'
feet of eight-Inch sewi-r tor districts tw.
i and h.
( OLrMIlfH it. H. Halieoek. one of the
promoters of ihc C'nlumtvis power t tnnl.
has been In New ork .xtnte for several
weeks In order to get nth'r? to heln h'.n
promote Mie project. Mr. tiahroek Is as
ni'ini as an oyster In regard to what he was
able to accomplish, except to report png
grcBS. He will return to 'cw 1 oik about
1 cember 1.
TKCVMPKH -A serh s of revlVnl nie. ttii!..
A. He was given a. hearing before j closed at the I'hrlman ehuteii In this rl
the Instructions of the convention. i t'nltod States Commissioner Cobhey nnd ' " 1 ' Th ' r .,, -h i- ,i
I . . W 1 ..-.. " " ' .
j Bill Aimed at Court Commission. I Dounn out m me iei,er.
There seems little doubt A bill will be In- j rave bond in the sum of 1303 and was
i troduced In the legislature to take from the released.
I supremo court the powt r to appoint the !
; supreme court commission and vest H in the j
governor. Py one who is interested In this ;
matter It Is ald the court proper would
g-ladly be relived of this appointing power,
and hove It shouldered onto the new gov-
Iirlineton sod Great Northera Will Be
hl Consolidated within One Week.
.re orthera Will Take Over
orthrrn Paclflc'a Kqnlty In
Karllnortoa and Deal
Will Be Mod.
"Within one wotk the equity which the
Northern Ascitic now holds In the Burling
ton wli; pana into t har.33 oi the Great
Northern and within fifteen days the Bur
lington a,nd Great Northern will be merged
into one vast system, with James J. Hill in
This statement was made to a reporter
for Th Bee Monday morning by a man
lose to the official family of the Hill roads,
who has Just returned from Chicago, where
th. Intricate operations of this gigantic
transaction aro now being perfected. Ho
makes the statement without reservation
suits, comprising a tmtl.jn. as It were,
within itself, extending from the pacific ovet half way across the continent,
permeating' the Intermedlato country snd
running by means of tributaries over every
portion of the l.'nlted States. From the
pine forests of the North Pacini: const it
would carry raw ttmbor Into the populous
centers of the middle west, north nnd south
over its own lines and return likewise
the product of tiiese eastern sertions to
the people and industries of the grnt
northwest, and by aid of the Pacific shoot
them over to the orient.
With this herculean tusk performed, tiie
Hill dream of year In that titanic war
fare with Harrlman for commercial su
premacy of the highways of America nnd
the Pacific ocean will ut last be realised,
and, railroad mtn say. then will begin In
earnest ajid to a bitter end the most stu
pendous tight In which two tnonarchs of
money ever engaged for dominant power ns
the trophy of battle.
Bee Wan? AJt produce results. -
Calumet A Iterla Dividend.
BOSTON. Nov. 13 The directors of the
Calumet & Hecla Mining company today
delnred a ipjarterly dividend of J0. This
compares with $V) three months ago and $15
rlK months nnd a year ago. With the
payment of tcdays dividend stockholder
and in direct refutation of the report emu- i of Cnlumct & Hecla will hnve r.i..,i
Hecla will have received nii,..a i,,,i... .,. -m i.. i i i..i
nattng from Omaha sources last week. In j since the loroinilon of toe 'company total j morrow ,, ', .,, A,.r.,. -luu .i,
. , " , , , , ... d vldends amounting to J.860,un. morrow ana M meet and discuss witn the
which It was denied that this deal -was attorneys In the case when the taring p:
b-lng mad?. . CnPCPACT fC TUC UC ITU CD i testimony shall be resumed. Some testi-
For prudential reasona this man exacted vni-vnw. vi mu HUMllltn j m waJ, tflk fh , u t of
A. J. Holllngswnrtli. ws in charge and h'i
w is very aolv assisted by Mr. P'-n C
Troxd. baritone, who had charge of the
music. ' A large numtier Joined the chutih
during the week.
TABLK RHCK--A flight fall of snow (..-
j curred iieie Inst nlcht. The weather Is still
Safes WreoLril, bat Utile cloudy anil threatening.
Plnnder I. Secured TABLK ROCK The Nemeclirk Urwn.r,
- . ,n , stock of hardware ami turnltuie at thin
CAl.L.VAV. Neb.. Nov. !.-Spclal I r,,ti, )lM, ,)(,f n tradrt to Artmir Rh.,rt.8ni,
ernor. In favor or such a bill the argument , n( n ennw, tw I tlon of Antelope county land. The trade
has been advanced that It would make the bushier, while "''"?" ,h 8,ore f h" Nm.Th. k
iiroini rs.
COI.1 MIU'S The other day Chief of Po
ller tVnack arrested an Indian named
Walher who had run away from the In
riian sch'xil at Genoa. The fellow wns
pretty full of the cup that cheers and said
he got his Honor from members of a trav
ell"e minstrel show which came from
Genoa to Columbus. He was taken back
to Genoa t y an officer of the school that
came down for him.
TEKAMAH The I.Vyear-old son of John
Weber, a farmer living southeast of this
plae. was accidentally shot and killed
Friday while out hunting with one of his
neighbor boys of the same age. Tho boys
were hunting along the creek, yoetng
Weber bolnfc down pear the water, his
companion up on the bank. A rbh:t
Jumped up. and In shorting at It young
Montgomery hail to shoot over Weber s
h-'ad. The sho; scattered and nve double
B's lodged In the hack of his head. Weber
.Ived about sl.t hours.
COI-fMBCS A number of the good peo
ple of Columbus have been highly wrought
up End groatly indignant the. last week
at somo advertisements that have been
displayed on the billboards near the Pt.
Mary's academy, where their children at
tend school, and at other places on foms
of the principal streets. Rev. Fathei
Rambert petitioned Mayor Phillips to make
an effort to have the pictures covered with
other advertising mutter or elue put more
clothes on them. The mayor looked up tnn
law of Columbus and could not find where
he had authority to di. as the petitionfrs
requfwted. and the result at th,i present
writing Is that, the figurei remain Just
where they wer; placed and have no addi
tional clothing to keep them warm, and
the thermometer down below the freejing
( 1
Mr. (ioMschmldt s.iys tliat tnsttHid
f being; moody sntl dbctnolte, s
h' was whrn In IH-honlth. c Is now
rhcrrful snd happy, thanks to the
groat tonic stimulant and hody
bullilor, Duffy's Inre MgJt Whlskfy.
In n IntrrvU-u. Mr. Ooldschmidt
For years I hud been suffering with
F.'ere i'lioigestirin, which almost made m
a nervous wreck, unfitting me tor my
usual voeatton and rendering me si most,
a hdpless Invalid.
I consulted many specialists and my
own tamilv physician prenouni-ed me In
curable, and ml the medicine I took afford
ed me no relief. ...
"At the house of a ft lend t was Induced
to take a dose of Duffy's Malt Whiskey,
he remarking at the time; That's the
good oil stuff that will rmt you. It did
me so much good that I bought ft bottla
lor mvseir and have continued its usa
morning and evening, and now I am fully
restored to my former good health. My
appetite Is excellent, my color healthy,
itiv mind char and my step elastic. Iran
hustle around wi'h ease, and Instead of
being noolv and dlseonsolate, aaof jrora,
I am cheerful and happy." Marcus M.
Ooldschmidt. 71 Nassau St., New Tork,
July COth. 190fi.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
It is rer.ignlsed e ervwhere as the unfailing speeldc for the cure of ronsumMloj.
m rxMuness. tyi hold. :na.arl. every form , of stomach trouble, all diseases of tM
commissioners more Independent of the I
court and at the same lime remove the
court that much farther from pnlltlcs.
Should the bill hi Introduced, however,
there Is every Indication It will be fought
vigorously. Inasmuch as friends of the
court believe that body knows the eb'llty
of lawyers better than a governor would
and would be able to select better matertn'..
The term of the present commission expires
next April.
Vouchers Brinat Slarnw...
The nuhllcatlon of the fact, thit morning
that Auditor Searle had Issued a nunibe.- of
warrants on voucher which lacked the ap
proval of the secretary of atate probably
will result In all the; vouchers having this
safes nre today out of busitie.'.'. whil'
third Would be hud It been locked. The
general store of Helton & Roberts, In the.
center of the town and on the huslest cit
per of the city, was entered by breaking
the glass In the front door nnd their sfu,
Just Instilled, was blown up. The robbers
secured In Hilver which had been left
In th.j afc. The safe is a total wreck.
At the Union Pacific depot the robbera
gained entrance by breaking in the door
and the sate was blown, pieces of the
door of the safe blng scattered all over
the building. The sum secured at this pUco
Is not given cut as yet, but Agent- Grlnn s
states that It was no', much, only the sil
ver and small chango being left in the safe.
The Gllcres lumhe- office was also en-
necessary signature uerore me wgiKiatui teredi but hre the safe was not locke 1
meets. One voucher which has been on file nnd ,he on)y danlafcei dollu WBg the j,reak
for some weeks and upon which a warrant I ,ng pf th(, ,ook on ,hfl mpney drawur and
had been Isaued hmg ago received the sig- (ho brPak,nfS of th parhtons in the safe,
nature of Secretary of State CInsha this Nothlns was t-ecured here. At this time
noon. Other vouchers on file are for small (h s ,ulc knoTV1, ,jft , t))e roblev(,. but
sums, itnd most of them failed to receive ,! ..,
Is no on the trail. According to the elok
at' the depot, tho blowing of the safe oc
curred at Jus'. 2:4', the. Jnv of the shot
havtr.g stopped the clock. Nltto-Rtyctrln
was ustJ.
the signature of the secretary because re
ceipts had not accompanied the statement
of expenditure. Tu several Instances the
receipts hav been tiled with the auditor
after the secretary had marked the vouch
ers not approv,-d.
Lumber I'sw Ip Attain ; PROSEf lTINO
Judge Pos;. refereo it: the suit against the
the nftmlti Ki 4 nmn wr'il1 Tint ltf llfd 111 i
this connection. As to the authenticity of ! Fn,p Today, Warmer In
his statement he says he Is willing to let Western Portion Fair and
the public Judge If what he says does not
com to pass within th time he mentions.
The rutnot h.-.s been afloat for some time
tbftwWFMrflet!vm- "rotild be made and
thai whin it was the Burlington would lose
tt.-i Identity. Its nams bring swallowed up
(u that of the Greai Northern System. This
man (Soubts thld.niuch of th story.
ani Too VulaHble to Drop.
"I Itelieve the name. Burlington. Is worth
JI.iVVIOij a year tu the road," he F.ild; "I
d ubt If James J. Hill will everlook that
fuet. The- Burlington is too well known, too
well rrtablithed In Its own great territory,
t.) bf strengthened by the surrender of its
rnme for mother. I bellevo 1 voice tho
Warmer Tomorrow.
' WASHINGTON, D. C. .Nov. 19.-ForccaM
of the weather for Tuesday and Wednesday:
Port Nebraska Fair Tuesday, warmer In
western portion, Wednesday, fair, warmer.
For Iowa Fair Tuesday, except enow In
extreme south portion, colder In southeast
tern portion; Wednesday, fair, warmer.
For Colorado and Wyoming Fulr. warmer
Tutsday and Wednesday.
For Montana Fair, warmer Tuesday;
Wtdnesday. warmer and fair except rain
or snow In northwest portion.
For South Pakota Fair Tuesday nntl
'Wednesday, with slowly rising tempera-
Judgment of every rail mud man in tins j tura.
si-i d if he could outline or .iug?eat the ' Local Record,
oltle iul chanscs, in Omaha, for lindance, OFFICE OF THIS WEATHER BCRKAI'
which this consolidation would make, tho OMAHA. Nov. lit. Official record of tern
ber, but an adjournment was taken before
the case was fairly opened.
Gorernar lu Knnaaa fllr.
Governor Mickey went to Knnsiw City
this morning to meet with the directors of
his cement company. He is expected to re.
turn about Wednesday. .
Sew Plan to Assess Grain.
Secretary Bennett Is trying to figure out
n plan to proposo to the next legislature to
assess grain In elevators. At this time the
assessors assess this class of property on
the average amount of capital stock In
vested during the year, and tills phtn has
been endorsed by the supreme court, but
Bennett is not satisfied with It, and will
figure out sonic plan which he thinks Is
bcttt-r. t
Cwptln Culver Wrda.
Captain E. E. CulveV, eiuartermaster of
Cltisena of Waterloo Raise Fnnd for
the Purpose.
WATERLOO. Neb.. Nov. in. (Special
Tclegtam.) Cftliens of Waterloo met to
night In public meeting and took steps
to make a thorough search for Viola Ayres,
the girl who left Friday last and has not
been heard from since. Her futher was
litre Sunday and eny she was not In
Fremont utid search lll be made around
Waterloo and a. lookbiff'.fcopt on the river
to see If the body crojpts. to the surface.
Meincy was raised i nil the people aro de
termined t ferret out tho matter If possible.
Stanley Ilrnldeu Appointed Asalalnnt
General Saperlut endeut
NORFOLK. Neb.. Nov. 19. Genera
Superintendent C. C. Hughes, does not to
tire from the Northwestern service, ut
Grand Jury at Washlnajtou Probes
Affairs of Aetna Trnst
throat and lungs, and all run down -nd
weakened conditions of the brain and
hod v. It restores youthful vigor to the
old hv nout Idling and feeding the vital
force s of life, and maintains the health and
strength of the young. It Is a fiod al
ready ellgeated. It Is prescribed by doc
tors of all schools. Ih used In all the lead
ing hospitals of the oriel, and Is tile
only whiskey recognised as a medicine. It
i. absolutely pure anil contains no fusel
oil. Medical advice and a vulualvle booklet
on disease sent free.
Duffy's Ftirs Malt Whiskty Is sold by
all nrst-class druggists ana grown, or
direct. In sailed bottlas only. Fries f 1.00.
Be that th "Old Chemist" tiaaomark
Is on tho label. Xiook for it carafully,
and refuse substitutes. It will cars yon
after all other romeeUss hava failed.
Duffy Molt Whiskey Co., Rochester, H. T.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 19.-Th' grand jmj
of the District of Cnlumbln today returneu
an Indictment against Abncr B. Clements,
former cashier ef the Aetna Banking an .
Trust company of Butte, Mont.; John T.
Hoag. assistant cashier of the sune Institu
tion, In charge of the Washington branch,
and Eveleth W. McCormack of this city for
conspiracy. A separate indictment charging
false ptetenses was returntd against Joim
T. Hoag only. The Indictment charges con
spiracy by unlawfully procurirg in the Dis
trict of Columbia charters for corporations
,..n,.n..,i f,-,,m Klou Cltv. iStanlev
Braiden Is appointed' assistant general nnd obtaining charters in the irr.ltod State.-
"-n""i c-. c. vuner, uuanermusier or - .. r,i. nrMnnim
ihe Second regiment, Nebraska National ! Superintendent to aueoe.d Pran nU b,U.
guard. WQb married last Saturday at Sut-
Kulghta of C olnmbns Hus .
man said he could not. Ho did not doubt ; nrresXd'a'y1' "'W th'iiS I n "" k' ' - br.da. i o?mv Khtsof V.lambus
ton to Miss Eugenia Carney of that place.
that some such changes would come a'.xiut years:
here and at other places, where Burlington j M ixlmuui temperature.... 2! :4 w JM 'si
hendoitartei ate maintained, but what i ,,.'"";?" 5 i! I. i? ' st-lstant cashier of the First National
19yi. 1!6. HK. 19i. lr, lne , -apiuin i.uiver is tne ., , , Ulaod on Sundiv
on of .djutsnt General Culver and Is i tf ,lf,lp )n t!lo Initiation of a class of m arly
The gTand Jury Ignored charges against
i Ti a TVin.ildson and SIlss B. E. T. Wretch.
mann of this city, who were arrested In
connection with the same ge neral charg i.
thoxe chaiigcH would bo he i'.id not pretend j l'recipltatlon
to ray. nor did he prweinl tei say that he
thought H'.l' would use the name Bur
lington system tr.Kpjad of Great Northern
system; ho only thought It would be better
that way.
So rar as the lines of track of the Great
Northern, Northern Pacific and Burlincton
pre coneerned. these three robe's lack but
one liltle link now of being, in fact, one
great system. Whvil the short cut from
Billings to Greet Falls, Mont.. Is completed
the unlrtcHtioi, will be consummated. Tlie
witern temilnus ef . h-: jiurlinston 1b
Willlnf. where It meets the Northern l'a
cilic. A line has been In process of con
s'mctloti for somi tlm from Billlnyi ti
Oreaf Falls, where the GMit Not '.I.5: :i
runs en Its way to the coast.
Will Make One Vast gyatem.
This tine will soon be finished, and when
It is. thei threj great railroads will be
joined and merged, physically. Into one
.it s stent, but, the f-deral governnvnt
objee tins, thti Northern Pacific will not he
naniad lii tho union. And It will cover a
tenltory prodigious 111 Its nltculiura!, 1;
iunli ial and commercial resources und
.() At
l4) bank ut Sutton.
Te:iiirature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1,
und eomoaiisons with this pt two years:
Normal t Toperature: $
Dericiency for the day 14
Total excess since March 1 !7
Normal precipitation 03 lnh
1 leftclency for tha day ifl Inch
PreclpltatJoii since- March 1 24.73 Inches
Iieiietency since March 1 4.14 inches
liedclency for cor. period, ldfij.... 2.9 Inches
De ficiency for cor. period, 1904.... 4.SS Inches
Reports from Station at T P. M.
Station and State
of Weather.
Blsmaick, clear
Ch yetme, clenr
Cr.lcago. c.outly
l.iavenuort. snenvlr.g ,
Lienver, clmr
Havre. cWsr
Hedena, eloudy
Huron, clear
Kiirioas City, snowing....
North Plaf.c, cloudy
Omuhi. clouel
lal.l rhy. clar
St. Ioiu, i.tlnliig
Pi. Paul, clear
.Salt Irfilie City, clear
V il ntlne, clear ,
Wr.liston. clear :
"T" indl'.M.;es trm-e of pi e-eitatlon.
U A. Wia.SH, Local Forecaisttr.
Temp. Max. Rain,
at 7 p. m. Temp. fall.
p. r
14 T
x .m;
i .n
hi T
1U .U)
:n .isl
. M
i .00
Jl .1
:io .in
ii .in
IK .eo
ii .n(l
s .
(harch Howe tnder Knife.
Glover Takes an Aimcnl.
fcor score that wete anxious to ride the: STl RGIS, S. I.'.. Ne.v. i!i.-rr,perti!l reie
: goat 11 nd iK-come associated with the olh- ! gram.- Rome Glover of Meade, county,
lers in the work In which they are engaged, j charged with horse stealing, was found
Yesterday the knights eaino he-re frmn guilty at a recent term or the circuit court
Omaha; Lincoln, Fremont, Grr.nd Ishnl and sentenced by Juripe Rice to eighteen
and other ports of the state, and the months In the siat? penitentiary. A r.10
Knights ef Columbus council Inltlited a j tlon for n new trial was denied. The cu-,e
largt- number Into their order and mudej 1 will be carried to the supreme court.
things very pleasant for the visiting ;
knights, closing up the whole business with
Hon. Church Howe was operated upon
this morning by Dr. Woodward for a
growth under his ear. Tho growth de
veloped during his residence abroad, hut
Is not considered i-erlous. Ho Is recovering
nlt;ely from the operation.
lalverslt) Resist rat Ion.
Official registration figures compiled by speech making and feasting
Registrar K. H. Clark show the total at-
tendance St the University of Nebraska
at proscnt to be l.SZU snd with the l
students estimated at the School of Aprl-
r,ilnt trtr Ihc unin1 l.m. ...
11 fh .., v.. ., I busgv. The horfe wns killed and the buggy
tha largest In the history of the big school, i
Following Is the enrollment In each of j
the different schools that are affiliated J
with the unlveikity:
tule Cbaneed ..for Bentih of Yen Wbo
Settle on Tenert Lacd.
Secretary Shan Rales Lincoln School
Bofird Can Rlabtfully tne a
Portion of Old Federal
i Front u Staff Correspondent)
.WASHINGTON. Nov. 1!. (Bpeclal Tele
gram.) The secretary of the Interior has j
decided that the desert land entryman In
Li.c t-tate of Wyoming who hns a certlfi
. to of the Ftaie engineer based upon a
.eport of a water commissioner, that the
lahiinnt is In undisputed ponsesElon of
.ufiicl'.mt water to irrigate the land entered,
end Is using tiio fame In accordance with
his permit, find who makes affidavit that
no has made a bona fide appropriation of
the water anel haw furnished sufilc'ent
proof thereof and shown compliance with
tio tt. utile nnd regulations of the depart
ment, may procure a patent to his land J senator Millard, arrived today
ihretoforc the department required a cer-
tiOc-ic of tho engineer based upon action NEGROES SCORE PRESIDENT
of tin- State Board of Control, which can ' ,
only ifpiit- nfter till water rights upon a
particular stream have been ndjuoted.
Post Oulces Too XtsII
Senutor Burkett Is preparing- bills carry
ing npproprlatlons for the enlargement of
tho . etr.hVe; bi.i'.illngs at Lincoln nnd Fre
irort. The postnl business at both these
point. has so Increaseel ilnrlny the last
Nenr that vneoo r-pae-e is absolutely neres
rary. At Lincoln tlie government owns -i
f'u'.I elty block and In this instance 1111 ap
propriation v.i'.l be necessary to enlarge the
pre 1 -nt structure. At Fremont the postal
l.-tiMncHs has been steaeiiiy Increasing' ond
.Mr. Lurkelt snld today tie would make an
effort at tho coming session to secure an
appropriation to purchses additional ground
to enlargo the postofflca St that place.
Boards Can I e City Ball.
Senator Burkett today received a letter
from Secretary of the Treasury Shaw In
which h Htutes he holds there can b. In
his opinion, no legal rcasou why ths school
board snd sanitary board should not be per
mitted to cecupy offices la the old Lincoln
postofflc building. It appears the city
of Lincoln purchased from the govern
ment the old postofBcc building with a
prociso that It should be used only for
munirlpal purposes, and should the City
of Llncnln use It for other purposes tha
property Is to revert to the fnlted States.
Now the e.ity clerk seeks to secure offices
for the srhool and sanitary boards In tb
old pot to Hire building and the question has
arisen that these two boards cannot under
tho deed by which thu city acquired title
to this property be given offices In the
building. Secretury Shaw, however. In
passing upon the question, holds that tho
school and sanitary boards are cloarly
part of the municipal government of Lin
coln and that he sees no reason why -,)'
should not be assigned space for office pur
poses in the building If the r utile I pal au
thorities desire. ,t'
George Toby of Uneoln. Hi. vatd Smith
of Central City, secretaries lo Senator
BurkeU, arrived In Washington today.
George R. BiHHn, assistant secretary to
New Tork Cbnrebea Adopt Resolutions
Regsrdlag Discharge of Sol
dlrrs at Fort Reno.
NEW TORK. Nov. 1':. President Rx se
ven was arraigned yesterday from the pul
pit of Afro-American church's In this elty
for his order dismissing without honor
three companies of nfgro soldiers from tho
Twenty-ill th t'nited States Infantry. Reso
lutions, of which the following is sn ex
ample, were adopted by several congrega
tions by a rising vote;
That the action of the president of tha
1'nlled Htatee I most heartily dlsanoroved
by us, and Is so much the more disapproved
by ns beeatiae of the hljsh regard we hava
hitherto cherished for him.
Train Strikes ehlclr.
MILLARD, Neb., Nov. 19. tSpecial Tele
gram. 1 This morning at R:d train No. U
on tho t'nlon Pacific struck a herse and
domollshed. Godfrled Westphalen Jnnn r-d
'loin the bi.-fcgy and John Ruhe wan thrown
out. Foth were bruisxd, but n sfrl
oiiHy Injured.
Is ttie) Joy of the houseTiOid, for wtthotrl
it no happiness can be complete. How
sweet the picture of mother and babe,
angels smile at and eommend th
ra rs v m thoughts and aspirations of the mother
- MM MM bending crer the cradle. The ordeal through
1 4 1 1 Infi' which th expectant mother must pais, how
J vll j vj7 LLa ever' so oJ dnfc, n,i suffering that
she looks forward to the hour when she shall
feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread and
tear. Erery woman should know that the danger, pain and horror
of child-birth can be entirely avoided by the ose of Mother's Friend,
scientific liniment for external use only, which toughens and render
tillable all the narts. an1
num. iy its aiu tuousanas
of women have passed this
great crisis in perfect safety
and without pain. Sold at $1.00 per
hrt I V, A
-.K'-. VMt WIWA VI Li teuton
a!ue to all women sent free. Address 4t
. Allmmem. ma. U UU
Colleg of arts for tne:i
Clege of aria tor women
tfcientirtc schools
College, of law
College of medicine
Graduate schools
School of agriculture, long term
Fine arts
School of music
Deduct for double registration
Summer session
Deduct for double registration
. . . . 70
. :ti
i-hi of NrliranUs.
lr;NNAKD--Moiiiiay niornina tlie
coldest of any morning mis peasi:.
1. iik,iees a'oovr: s.-ro.
rL.VT" .'EMOl'TH El -Bitt w-its h:ive Jus.
bi-n placed in tile new l-irst Me-thoilyt
iD 1 Lphropai church In thin euy.
,1S i TrKA.MAII The l-vet r-edu-so 1 of Jam.
I'ow'ien. e. I' li !H3 nort!,eii-i of mis
I lace, dicej tni; n.umlng of ilii.i. tn-r,a.
Tl-.KAAIAH - bessto. th.- l-ycar-cdd
tip. lighter ef D. J. barker of tli.s (lie.-.
ii'.liu hteri:y n-.or-iiug of typhoid fce-.'.
Ki-NNAlilj-Atieiul twenty ef the Ken-
lg i tit.-dites .Mined in - l.yons-dte tt sp -eii
jj irom m.11. o r;-''oiniL ni-i
ltr;itn leiuneii 11.1 r 1 ne roei-t ng
Grand total in-j ' I nxsv-Tu,- I .ens oai-ket en-ii t v.i'.l
School of agriculture, second term 'play its f.rsi Kii.,:e .( me t.e.ts...t lueiiii.,
j (estimated) i0 tenuis i-.mi ...t-i' ... .i. n u.. v i..v ..t
j ii-yuoo t otoinei . ul tO.,tgo of t nr.
i 1otH! I l-LATTtr.VOI'TH -The w-mie.i it Ihe
j "The total registration up to this time j f hi lamn ci icn cujud ,n-w..t !. f.
Is larger than at the same lime l'it year." M'-eir tanai. while tot t.-.imeu 1. e i r.-
, .i..,.i r it. 1 by I. nap cnuivn ei.ii.rt imr.- i"'
inntdinu iicimuai twin. 1 iui , ene 1 - Ihltir . , ...
iiudiiu y Mm
j tendance ia under the 3.e0 mark, a figure I
j ne have been striving to reach fur many !
I yearn, but the prosjiects arc that we will i
j more than re'ach our goal 1 fter the he- !
I sinning of the second semester. All In- 1
dilutions point to one of the most sue- i
tioni tnclr 1 j.oi
1'l.AT'l E.MOi 1 ti ThoniHS C. Junda and r.i.iiiiitio x.csicr, both 01 in, n r.ty,
ru mined in i,,'e woi.o.i;.' 111
t.euii miuil 1 lit.!!-!!1.' ctiu.i h. .-d.iierd lir.-t-iey
and iiansiK oiiirianiig.
LYONS The nee-rind e:' of the
mis lecture cjuie wi,i r-v g.von t,.i
i la S I I f I
Nssful yeara in the hl.Uorv of the mil- i my e enn.s- iSi.vo.nbr-r .1 '. rrm. .mru,i ,
versity and we are better ao t, aceonimo- j '. 'T Ur ' "
date an Increase In the enrollment thla tl b'l .f-N..w mat tm- h.-oh Ins cptir.-el
year than ter liefore." ' la.s- iiun'in 11 iu :l at-: 11. m t najfc:.-
i--i .1. iioni an imrtr oi ine i ii-.-I.sve
eonir.Mtett 01 Fi, n.e-r ci i ...y, . it. en
t,e -ins to he r- 'loexvous ii r epian.
1 1-
j Bills for Prlatlnv Amendment.
, Moat of the county papera which pub-
Ilinhed the notice of the cone Jtutlonnl
amendment have tiled their vouchers
. the secretary of state for 152.S". This is
1. Drnakeaaess, Oplnsa, Morphine, extra charge of Xl.Sii for tho extra week
Cocala ana oilier m- addlcuous are the mtioc was published. No extra charce
diseased conditions. . "'
S Therefore. .elentlSc ,.itl., . 'n"',e for ,h tXlra ri'tions pjollshed.
cut is necessary.
meiit is necessary.
. In oase of stcknesa. none but the
best should be accepted. !
4. Our treatment Is known the world
ctr, and lias proved its merits in over
iiJO.OOi) cases.
We give value received, and that
Lear for Deputy Treasnrrr.
i-l.Al 1 tSMKt'T'll 'I h bojy ,.i liarles '
1,. t.or.t. lstr,jr eif r-iate w:i.iinr Je.-M- t.. '
ilitGi el te.s .-itv. htiuiit L-Hiav an.! ',
laid t'i ret 1 in mk Hi'.l ren.Miery. t!h..t
! t t-iirt wer, ci,niUeti-,1 .11 I , j - uiit hi- 1
in. J. T. tJiiid. '
TKKAMAII Fri.nt'is ii Crue. vifo 01 ,
J. S. t i tie or tins pla- e. e'led torn ii.orning
after an illness .11 seveiai we-eKs. At.
I v S:' W -:-
1 w'Mm-i
w v v; y y- .
'. '
Treu surer-elect Brian tonight announied true hud two very dn.uate uperti-i,a i-r-
thn appointment of Henry F. Le-hr as dep.
uiy treasurer. Mr. Lehr lives at Athlon
and for ait years was treasurer of Boone
county. He wan also titeted republican
ioniK-n .tocoi iiuvt- !i-e-r. 4.,1 ttiei rtait
h. emtd to he i'l ttnis a,oug lin:ei 111:111 1
TEKAMAH While out hurting y ier- 1
day at tot tienin ueoiae Wuierj we, a
. The only Keeley Institute In ths,
state of Nebraska is located in Omaha, j
Serve, owing to the illness of tils wife.
4t4. mu Caa Imea.
i!.-?.tiT"0 w,ar' tb h " our jt.ta chairman two years ago. but did not "i'y, t1' K'i '. n T:'UV'S
s;de ot Walero' heid, piriuli.v ie,iu j
I awhy the st.p. Tne wounii ts not can- I
- . . . I . , A . w .1 : . 1
Correpondenca confidential. t...r. v--i. x-. , -'-.. i M.tTTaurttTius 1 hm...
f S7 I It IV v- w., a m. O . IUI w- a " - - - j ti m i. v
. .ITC Omahl NftK Telegiam.) Paul Witiki. . out i a. tor. aS'ni oiine .mis.oji i n in', r.a pa! j ia
i iJ -t VJ IT! ana. IIGD. i . . . . ,. . .. .. : ' onntv Treasurer . D. t heeler tii sum
''eU-d y hy iK-ri'tV I nlt-H of ,1.0.573 44 In ravment In lull f the roni
.. tai- l,a altasl otk. I Slate Wtithal i'l.ttvi of Misi, cdlj.Mra lax- iu Cis ceu.,(j i-ir the j ear
VS?-'' Vi
Acts Q&riy
jkcis piesa.ttly.
Acts Bcrvc-ficially,
(ids trvily ss a. Lzxxaiiver.
Synp of Figs appeals to the cultured and tho
well-informed and to the healthy, because its
component parts are simple and wholesome
and because it acts without disturbing the
natural functions, as it is wholly free from
every objectionable auality or substance. In
the process of manufacturing figs are used, as
thev are pleasant to the taste, but the medici
nal virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained flora f
an excellent combination ot plants Known to
be medicinally laxative and to act most bene
ficially. To get its beneficial effects buy
the genuine manufactured by the
V .., '-' . For sals Yf D lesdioc Drsgtists, ia srigiaal sseasras salr. searujf tas faD
Sams of us Cenrpaay.
' --. -.-V.V