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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1906)
TTTK OMATT.Y DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1006. sr. Don't Miss Our Tuesday Specials You'll Find Hall- r r i. 2i- OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Tuesday, Fair. nn Z3 i3 nn B'g Sail Silk Thursday Stfurdif Sale of Co lis S Only Eight Shopping Day 'till . Thanksgiving Dorcnen Dress Forms Here L2 THE RELIABLE STORE 10 A PI I V BIG SPECIAL SALE -BLANKETS ft Omaha's Pure Food Center 8 S is . ' I i - Our Ifght lunches these chilly V 8 One lot of cotton blankets In gray, white and tan color full 10-4 and 11-4 sizes, that sell regular ly at 98c and $1.25 go "TC tomorrow at, pair S DC Heavy fleece cotton Blankets, in assorted colors, our seventy- five cent value, go In this sale at, per pair, ' only 4 . . ! 49c All our imported wrapper and bath robe Blankets, very large assortment of colors and designs in wool fl98 and cotton would be very cheap at I $3.50, each, at , Strictly all wool at $3.98 pair Very warm, full 11-4 size, in gray, white and fancy plaids, positively all 2T98 wool and seldom sells under $6.00 a pair li Opening winter sale price, pair Full eize eilkolino covered 2" tlTi comforts, with white cot ton filling, regular QO $1.50 crrade. each. OC t satin or silkollne cover either quilted cr knotted, go tomorrow, if at, each J $1.39. 1.98. 2.25 &nd 2.50 every day. Many appetlto tempters I,; at our dairy -lunch counter, and P for easy "carry! rig. & Crackers, Cheese Potted and Slicctl Meats Sardines Olives Jams ' Jellies Ever tried our sandwiches? By he way, drop in and visit our a 1 delicatessen dept. and see the ar- p ( ray of tempting foods and variety & 1 of salads. h f HOSIERY. 10c and 15c Iz Ladies', men's and children's some all wool and others 4 fleeced plam and heavy ribbed worth 1 A. up to 25c, at, pair Iuw"lIW I UNDERWEAR 19c-25c 1 Misses', children's and boys' medium and heavy fleeced winter underwear, fine and heavy ribbed Q C all 6izes, at, a garment , . Ir C"a JC Pretty Fur Scarf at $3.98 Here is a high quality blended brook mink fZ.tyR double scarf - at -very special, Long Novelty Coats at S6.90 Ladies' 5u-inch novelty mixed coat the swag- 00 ger loose back tailored styles- at 69-0 JESS lid A ifc '9, &Morm& Does not depend upon flowers and palms alone for its beauty there are mountains wonderful natural scenery and charming watering places innumerable. And then the ah is better different there's the scent of the flowers, of course, but a drier, finer air, like Colorado. It J A Great Winter Resort California is the place for you this winter. No other place is just like , California for your winter's trip. ASK THE UivioiY Pacific about hotels, etc Ask for the Cali forma books. Inquire at City Ticket Office, 1334 Faruam Strert. 'Phone Dougla 384. Cooking School $ Mrs. Dwelle's menu for Tues jjjj day's lecture, Nov. 20th, at 2:30 In N the afternoon, on the second floor of our new store will be: Scalloped Lobsters Potatoes Dashed with Green Peppers Spinach Salad Shredded Wheat Snow Todding Ankola 8 Java and Mocha Coffee, finest y pounds for a dollar coffee sold -J Omaha. Once tried always used. Served each day at our lunch coun- SjS f.-? 1 jr iof nun K JC I fetes Three Separate Entrances Douglaj : Street. 17th Street and West Arcade from Brajidelc" Store. v' 8 change Connects All Departments. ; PHONE DOT 'G LA 8-647 Private Ex- S Artistic I Shoes I v 1 r reel are oitca clumsily a 1 I 'FRISCO MAKES BIG STRIDES trlek Clly Maklas Woaderfal Progress Toward Re co-re rr. Safe a. F". Booth. S. T. Booth, rnerU arent of the Union IVielnc at Ban Francisco, waa in Omaha Monday, enroute home, and wan enthused over the way Bun Francisco Is picking up. lie said Sun Francisco Is the bugirst city In the United Statu today and will be for the next ton years. Forty thousand men are working- In the ruins and debris, clean ing It up and putting In new foundations for the new city. "The bank ' clearings of our city show a vnln of from IS to S par cert a month, and this does not Include the Insurance tno:iey, but straight business." said II r. Booth "All merchants are showing an Increase In their business ot from 25 to SO per cent An erroneous Idea Is out that most of the people left Ban Fraru-lwo and California. They ale still there, and while many had to move out of 'Frisco temporar'.ly and are v.ot back 111 the city. Just us In my own A Skin of Beauty .j a Ww Tyfever DR. T. Fall Oouraud's) Oriental Oroarn or Magical BaautlfUr Kmts Ta, f1l , u4 bit D..w uq t.rrr ri t oa sutr. kUS d f Ic ile.fttlna. It ka uki4 ia tor uf tl Ttva, au4 U ao i tfie U tr a.urlt la ik pr B&tia Aoetpl aoccxtaitr Ull af alaiua rM. Hr.i. i fe.ia aald to l llf af taa aaut i VS (ltB(l "At rau ld'm uaa tbtii I iieuaatu Oearaea'a Treasa aa ta timNi ol a.i i a.ja uibrJ ton. t f aaia t f all a iaim 'a aaa ro7 fawoik Umw Is th iaaa. C. M.4 Kurape ILUT.K:rii3, tny. 17 tut m Sintt. l.f I 1 s W r T -Ut W Ka Srlb f caae, a I still live In Oakland, they have not left California and are on deck. They do not foar another earthquake, as the damage from that was small, the main loss, of course, being occasioned by flic. The harbor Is intact and Ban Francisco baa ot little of Its shipping. "There is another erroneous Idea, that the coast cities of the west are jealous of each other and are cutting each other's throats for the buHiruss of the orient. This Is nnt the caso. All are friendly and arc working in harmony, excursions being exchanged. Although It has been but seven mnntlis slnoe the Are. between Iju.OuO.Ow and A0oo, OM) in building permits have been issued, which In comparison with Chicago or Ilalti more after their tires U an Increase- cC over too per cent. Twenty modt-ru buildings are now in course of construction with wtccl to the second and third fctorles In rome In stsnces. "The street curs are all In operation and are hauling as many, if not i.tcl-, pt-oplc than they did before the Arc. Groat confi dence wus Iiihplred into the merchmts by the decisive and quick action of Prt aide lit Harrtman of the Union Pacific, whj ha-stcntd by sieclal train with J. C Tubbs, tiaffic director, and not only did the right thing all around, but had confidential taiks with the merchants and braced tht ir fallen spirits. The roads have hauled K4 people to California this summer on colonists' rales and the Southern Pacific and Union Pacific are now doing the bent th:y can to get skilled laborers to San Francisco. The Inland towns, which suffored to some ex tent, have all rrov-red from their losses. Pretty clad. A woman's foot can bo made prettier by selecting the right kind of shoe and having it properly fit ted. Our ladies' shoes are skillfully modeled. Our clerks know how to fit the foot correctly. Our ladles' shoes are made in shapes to fit all types of feet and to make ANY FOOT ATTRACTIVE. If you want the latest designs In all kinds of footwear come to us. If you want your shoes to lit your feet so they will be comfort able and show to best advantage I come to us. A sire and width for every foot. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnaci St. SJS.Jll sai nanm-flr Moderately Priced, but Highest Grade No Jt welry house In the, country shows a stock of DIAMOND AND OTHER PRECIOUS STONE JEWELRY that either In variety beauty of setting and value at price, can compaie with the lines carried by us. The simplest Ring. IJrooch, Necklace or other piece of Jewelry must have merit above the ordinary to meet our standard, must bo chaste and beauti ful. Inspection Invited. BROWN & D0RSIIE1M EXPERT JEWELERS 221 SohUi I6ik SL 3 Yoor Money's Worth or Your Money Back $29.50 Ted Women's Suits for $17.75 33 Sample Suits, made to SCll for $35 All are this season's latest crea tions color and color combinations are perfect. S9Q 5ft Wnmpn'c 5Tl 775 VatVIUV II VIUVU Lf Suits, for . ... 17 Women's Plaid Poplin Waists-Made . up in natty styles, tucked front and back, fancy stock and cuffs, regular $150 value, Q(f Tuesday special pr flip Dining Chains Best golden pol ished cak. heavy embossed panels, cane teat, braced arms, a good strojg ICC .l.aJaS chair, worth $2. for. Chairs Chairs for living-room, par lor, hall, den any room in your house, a splendid assort ment, all priced to please. Roman Chair, (like cut) graceful design in polished mahogany finish; broad arms, carved ornamentation, seat of genuine leather or fig ured verona, red or f C( green, a $10 value! U J" Dining Chair of solid oak, box seat, upholstered in, chase leather, with leather 1 AA buttons, only UU Extrior Jlnary 11 nsy-SavIng Soaps la Crockery and Cut Glass The latest artistic attraction Is the new crystal room resplendent, sparkling and beautiful,' contains $5,000 worth of rich American rat glass. TUESDAY IN UNDERWEAR To comjn(yiprat the opening of thia beauti ful Bectlon'vW make a discount of , 20 Ter Cent on Cut Glass Every piece is highest grade. Libbey's Peer less cuttings includeu. Cut prices on every dinner set 'till : -Thanksgiving. Havlland Plates On display last week in Har tley window, earh reposing in a pretty box. easily worth $1.00 Tuesday, each. 50c Theo. Havlland 100-pie Dinner Wets Pretty pink and green combinations of colorings, stippled with best gold; shapes artistic, and practical,-t'-ib values (only 5 sets to sell) choice Tuesday 922 To Creamlc Lovers A Barvarlau China hand painted plate, coupe shape, exquisite color combinations, each signed by artist, 1.00 values, Tuesday 60c Nice, Cozy Under wear Makes One lor net Colds and Chills. Cozy Underwear . at Cozy Prices Vvomwn'B KiMed fieeoa Vests and Pants, 2c vuIup. ot lfcc Women's Ribhnd flH;c Union Bults. 6iJc valuo lor 'x: Women's Wool ITnlon Suits. $1 value for 73p Hoys' heavy fle-ci Shirts and IrawerM, men 21o Children's ribbed flee- . rd union nilts :!lc ' Doublo Green Trad- ln Ht.'tmpr on Under wear Tuesday. Bennett's Candies One thousand p 6 u n d s old f a ah i o n d Kock Candy, white, red or amber, tpe cial offer for one day lb. Oc Bennetts' Bifl Grocery Collee Roasted HnLe Too Wait StE IT m m ....... JSC 36c Sole Selling R.ihts in Omaha for IPIES HUMlJOURNALFArTEnNS A. JUST A LITTLE tlmu firx-nt in our store will help you to deride about our Christmas giving. Our store Is full of suggestions Vutches, Itamomis. SUvei. Cut Glau and novelties LOOK KOR THE NAME. S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. 1510 lioaslas btreet. High Grade Linens Bennett's Capitol Coffee, lb : And Twenty tireen Trading Stamps Bennetts Oolden Coffe, lb And Twenty Ureen TraHlnir Ctmn, Bennett's Goldun Coflee. lb sSc And Twenty Gr-n Trading Stamps Diamond 8 Preserves, large jar So And Twenty Green Trading Stamps Bennett's Capitol Extract, bottle ISc And Twenty Green Trading Ftiimps GOOD THINGS FOH THANKSGIVING MINCE MEAT. PM M PUDDING. FRUIT CAKES. fRB 8KRVED GINGER, OLIVES. SAUCES. PICKLES. SARDINES. CAPERS, SALAD DRESSING. Strawberries. Three Star, ca n 1 5c And Twenty Green Tradlnsr Stumps "Best We Have" brand Tomatoes, solid pack, can 12He, aoxen Bennett's Capitol Mince Meat, t packaRea And Ten Green Trading clamps Bhredded Codfish. pkg And Tea Green Trading Stamps BismareU Hrrln(r. can 2e hroadland V'lsh Balls, can t8o Fresh Herring, enn leu-. (lanm. Seal Island, can IV-. Shrimps can 10c CHEESE. Prime Gt, pound 15c Goat Chees, pound fn. New York Cream Cheese, pound c And Ten Green Trading fetampa aaKI From Now Until Thanksgiving Wakh Our D Ji7y Linen Sales From 2:30 to S:30 We will soil 72 Inch. 64-lnt h, OS-inch all llnon Ublo damask, ronde in Ireland by the bosft nianufartiirors and sells at $100, $1.25 and $1.50 yard one hour only at, a yard 4G? from 10 to 11 A. M. We will sell 100 hemstitched all linen table cloths. 10-4 (2' yards square), It would be eood valuo at $2.00 one hour only and only two to a customer at, each 07t SPECIALS OX NAPKINS FOR ALL DA VS. Wool Dress Goods Sale From 10 to 11 A. M Wo will sell pieres of waisting, consisting of 60c and 75e all wool challies. $1.00 mo hairs, 76c and 9Sc Roman stripes, $1.00 and $1.25 French fancies all in ono lot and not over 12 yards to a customer (no dealers) at, yd., 18 From 2:30 to 3: SO P. M. We will sell E0 pieces of plaid dress goods, 49, 52, 54 and 58 inches wide, that sell at $1.00 and $1.25 yard. They come in shadow plaids, ombre plaids, shep herd plaids etc only one pattern to a customer at, a yard SS? SEVERAL OTHER SALES FOR ALL DAY. Draperies and Lace Curtains From 10 to 11 A. 31. 200 pairs of i From 2:30 to 3:30 200 pairs of lace lace curtains that sell at $1.00 and curtains that sell at $2 and $2.50 per $1.25 per pair only three pair to rair only tbrcd pair to a customer a customer at. each 37 at-- each SEVERAL OTHER SALES IN THIS DEPARTMENT. Special Cloak Dept. Bargains 200 EleKant Soits Made of fine chiffon broadcloths and cheviots, sua tail ored, in the most artistic new styles, regular $30.00 and $35.00 values at, choice , 10.75 925.00 Tailored Suits In handsome cheviots and serges, in all tho newest colors and styles, wonderful value at 14.00 50-in. and S2-in. Coat In fancy mix tures, broadcloths and kerseys, seml fittinK or bos back styles, regular $15.00 values, at'. 0.05 SEVERAL OTHER EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAINS TUESDAY. In the Great Bargain Room From 8:30 Till 0:30 A. 31. Large cotton bed blanket, worth 75c pair will go at, each . 20 From 0:30 Till 10:30 A. 31. Fancy Plaid Wool Blanket ll-4 size, weight 5 pounds, good " value at $5.00; per pair -3.50 From 10:30 Till 11:30 A. M. .50 bolts of shaker flannel, regular 7 He quality, will be placed on sale at, a yard .4$ Furnishing Goods Specials From 8:30 Till 0:80 A. 31. Men's heavy fleece lined shirts , and drawers, worth 50c garment limit of four garments to a customer at, garment 25t From 0:30 Till 10:3O A. 31. Heavy winter underwear, In men's, women's and children's, broken lots worth up to 50c garment, at...JJ) Men's heavy duck mittens, warm lined, worth 25c, at 15c? Ladles', mluses' and children's hose, worth regularly up to 25c pair Tuesday at, pair ?10 Men's heavy woolen hose, worth 1 Bo at, pair 12 H Ladles' and children's hose, heavy winter weight, worth 20c. palr..lO From 10:80 Till 11:30 We will Bell ladles' combination suits, winter weight. in sliver grays, 5uc values, at -25c 3fariy Other Special Bargains in This Department Tuesday. Hayden's The Greatest Pure Food Grocery Department in The West Prices That Will Save You Money tl lbs. Best Pure Cans Granulated Sugar . ...1100 10 Bars Best Brands Lfl.undry Soap nc 10 lb. Saek Bept Granulated Cornmeal..l4c 7 lbs: Best Ha-nd Picked Navy Iieans....25o 8 lbs. Best Kolled Oatmeal 2oc 35 lb. Sacks Best Rye Flour .Vc Bromangelon, Jello or Jellyron 7V:C 1 lb. Can Condensed Soups be 3 lb. Cans Boston Baked Beans "VsC 011 or Mustard Sardines, per can 2 lb. cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn 00 Burnham'8 Clam Bullion, per bottle 94 Tho Best Soda or Oyster Crackers per lb 6c Fresh Crisp Ginger Snaps per lb 5c 4 pkgn. ITnceda Biscuits 15c Fancy Cleaned Currants, per lb 10c Fancy Seediest) Raisins, per lb "jc Bejit Italion Prunes, per lb 7,4c Best 3 Crown Musc'jl Raisins, per lb..8',c Largo Iloads Fresh Cabbage ....W Fresh Carrots. Beets, Turnips or Ruta bagas, per lb In Shallot Onion, per bunch , Si Fancy Wax Beans, per lb ......7Mrf. 1 Bunches Salsify 04 New Jersey Sweet Potatoes, per lb 2c Red or Yellow Onions, per lb..., Capo Cod Cranberries, per quart JVu Fresh Spinach, per peck I'M- Large Ripe rnanas, per doi ;..l'i Large Juicy iemons, per doi .....J"' 2 Heads Freeh Celery -..Be Large Cocoa.nuts, each .5o Fancy Malaga Grapes. Ir lb 1C: Irge Grape Fruit, each 7y: New Honey, per rack loo WATCH TUB RALE FOR OTTR FIT ST CAR OF FANCY - HIGHLAND 'NAVEL ORANGF.8. EM o)o) i Tf" J 1 $ ONLY ..TO.. $ f5 and PS Li C) Caly Attorney Steps la. The county attorney has filed a complrtint against Jerry Wlthrow. an Innmte ot the liito Front lod(iln bouM, all-.-ving thnt Wltlirow stole alnjut ) from the pockets of Pat O. Kourke, a aortal lion of Kline t riek's gtadii.g camp. whll.j tho son of F.rln was riJoug nap hit S.mirdav aftr 1100 n in tlie Whit From saloon. Eleventh and Farnm streets. Now Is the time to make your wants known throng The Be Wont Ad pa go. BAILEY & r.lACIl DENTISTS - 5D FLOOR PAXTON BLOCK s HIGHEST CRAD4, DENTISTRY REASONABLE PRICES no mum MAT YOU WANT It Will Snvo you tlmo and monoy if you will iiso .... TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER rabllaaoa Tlsvely rarsa Tle. THE BEE WANT ADS If TOD ERJOf cool, d llcioos, Mtltfylntc amok one that will banish yonr rare and tnak Ufa worth living, be corf and call for the old rcllabl f. IU IUc alcrcaoUlo Clar Co Biaimiatiurca-, 6U Loula. Via air Via 5 TRADES DAiL Via th Only Double Track Routo Y Tickets on Sale Dec. 1st to 4th, Good Till Dec. 10th CITY OFFICES, 1401-3 Farnam St. j