Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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For Habitual and Obitlaita Coa.tlpstloa.
2 iiii
ORDINARY DOSE. A Wineglassful befort Dreakati.
The good effects of Apenta Water are maintained by small?
nd steadily diminishing doses, repeated for successive days.
A Refreshing ens' Pleasant Aperient for Mdrntnj Use..
Sole Exporters: THE AFOLLINARIS CO., Ltd., London.
Him with exultation la th ground of shed
Mood," h laM, ;
The address wa. not Ion?, but It was in
tense. At !t closo Pr. Torrey prayed,
asking all Christian to pray with him.
"Keep on praying. Christlsns." Then he
said, beginning to search for those who
were ready to confess:
"All who want to prepare to meet ITlm
Unit up. Ood bless you, sir. Who else?
Ood bless you. Keep on prnylng. Chris
tians. Ood bices you, sir. God hires these
two little girl. Out here In the main floor,
who will stand up? Ood bless you. Undr
the balcony there to My right, who will
land up? GoJ bless you."
' And so It went, each "Ood bless you'"
coating a repentant soul, until twenty or
more had como to their feet In answer to
the Invitation.
Charles Riiller . sang a solo. "Is He
Tourtrr ' ' . ,' .'
'Terfcct silenca," con-im.-inded Dr. Tor
rey as the words of the song died out.
Not a sound was henrd then until nr. Tor
rey spoke asaln. Asking those "who had
risen before to st.-rnd again.
After tlie Depestent.
. "While the cholf sings please vacate the
front row," he said, , "Will those who hnve
signified their Intention of accepting Christ
Some to the front?. All you Christiana turn
nd speak to the people near you. Oet the
econd row empty; we'll need thst, too.
Now the second stanza. Every Christian
get to work; don't hesitate to talk to peo
ple. Jaeoby, there's another one back in
the fifth row. oO and ret him."
A number of personal workers were, out
In the audience while tr. Torrey talked and
the choir sang, and they brought twelve to
the front row. Dr. Torrey then dismissed
nit who wanted to go, though only about
half the audience left. '
The evangelist talked to the converts ind
Mr. Jacpby prayed. The pastors of the va
rious churches toow the names and ad
dress of the converts and learned their
preferences of churches.
Something unusual . tor revivals. It wat
only t:30 when the meeting' was over.
Rev. L. O. Baird and Rev. John Ran
dolph Smith, two of the ministers active
In the mission movement, expressed them
selves after the rrieetl-g.
. "We are much, (ratified over the results,"
they aald. "Tt was an auspicious begin
ning. Between 7.000 arid 1,000 people heard
Dr. Torrey and they were Intensely Inter
ested. Twelve converts and conviction In
the hearts of many others gives us a nice
Services will be held at the Auditorium
oach afternoon at J- oolock -and each oven.
-hR' t S. with song service at 7:3". Each
day at U:lt m prayer meeting win V holff
at the First Presbyterian church.
Secretary Root Telia Its People How
to Get Trade
m , ' . Boat. 1
CHICAGO, Nor. IS. Secretary of State
ESIhu . Root passed through Chicago to
night en rout to Kansas City, where he
will address the Commercial club on "For
eign Commercial Relations."
; Secretary Root advised the people of Chi
cago to deepen the drainage canal aa aoon
t possible in order-to secure aa outlet to
the Quit of Mexico snd thus secure for
Chicago Its share, of the trade of South
, America. With a . deip waterway con
structed, he aald. Chicago would have all
the trad .that the canal could aooommo
iate, .' ., .,..
' . .' . . .
ear second Victory This Season
Otti Fort Create Eleven.
.The Fort Crook and Shamrock foot' bill
teams settled the question as to superiority
at the Vinton street grounds Sunday,
honors going to the latter, giving the team
two victories over the soldiers this season.
The sco.e was t to 0, secured by stiaJglit
l lie sco.e wa tu u pvcuieu uj siiajgni
foot ball down the Held aa soon ss ths bill
Was aeoured after the beginning of the wlli deliver his annual address at the first
game. Neither aide succeeded in scorli.g . , , . -, w ,,'.
Stter th. beginning of the game. Neither " d " tn vernoon Mr. Harriman
aide succeetlcd in scoring ttiereafter, the will make an Informal talk. Tuesday even
ball remaining In tho soldiers territory ug will be given Up to Secretair Root ind
much of the time. The lineup: I th ,..,, ni.,m... -ih..
Umpire: Cavanaugu of Cis.ghton. Ref-
eree: t.urren or sou in uuiana. ttend nnc-
lijin; Cameron.
Northern Paeiae mnlner t'lfa. '
Run through from St. Paul and Minneap
olis to North Pacific const points. Careful
and ' attentive service, excellent cuisine.
Ticket anJ full Information from
. B. D. ROCKWELL t). P. A..
til CUlaens' Bank Bldg., Del Moines, Ia.
Soldiers Back from Philippines. .
MISSOULA. Mont., Nov II. Th. Sixth
Infantry, which served two years ln the
Philippines, arrived today from the Pa
cific coast. The regiment will relieve the
Seventh Infantry, which has been sent to
Fort Wsyne, Mich. The Third battalion
Will garrison Mort Missoula and ths other
two battalions will be stationed at Fort
Harrison, near Helena, and at Fort Lin
coln. N. D
, R&pid changes of temperature mr
haurd on the Uughest constitution. ' .
The conductor passing from the V
heated inside of a trolley car to the icy' V
temperature of the platform the can-
asser spending an hour or to in & v
heated building and then walking against V
a kiting wind kno-vv the difficulty of
avoiding cold. 5?
..... f
Scoff j Emutjion strengthens . V
the body so that it can better wilh-Und g .
V the danger of cold
O tanperature.
O h wCl help you to
KaiwiCity ta En trials Vair Fotible
Ctniae the Prftaat Wk.
Root to Talk the Monroe bootrlac
E. H. Harrlmaa ii W. J. Bryan
Expected to Be Ananf
KANSAS CITT, Nov. IB. More mer) of
public note will be In Kansas City next
week than ever before attended non
partisan gathering In -this city. They
come as guests to the annual banquet on
Monday night, given by ,the Commercial
club of City, iti commelnoratioii
of the signing of the John Jay commer
cial treaty, or to attend the seventeenth
annual convention of the Traiismlssissippl
Commercial congress, which will begin a
four days' session on .Tuesday mprninu.
Upon both occaslona the principal topica
of discussion will conuern plans for trade
expansion, both In this country and be
tween the United fctatea and pie Latin
American republics. .
The most significant event In the week'a
doings Is expected on Tuesday evening,
when iSllhu' Root, secretary of state, will
make his first official utterances on the
trade relations between this country and
the . South . American republics since re
turning from his trip to those countries.
Mr, Root will, upon this occasion, it is
stated, voice President Roosevelt's atti
tude on the Monroe doctrine. At the
same session representatives cf Bolivia,
Peru, Colombia, Bratll and Chile, now en
route here from Washington, are to make
short talks bearing upon the same Im
portant, subject.
Among others who have accepted Invita
tions to deliver addresses during the weok
are Secretary of the Treasury Leslie M.
Ehaw, E. H. Harriman, president of the
Union Psolflo railway; William J. Bryan,
gn even doten United States senators, fif
teen representatives In congress, the gov
ernors of twenty-seven states, the mayors
of thirty or more cities, and representa
tives of various commercial bodies from
all parts of the country. ' Fifteen hundred
accredited delegates are expected.
Important "objects I'p.
In pitif ior attendance' and epr ot
subject-considered, thjs ycafg ctmRTess
will be the most fmpdrtant in ttie history
of the. organisation, taking up, as It will,
eubjecu of an' lnterriatlonal character.
Among, the topics to ' be dlscuaaed . are
Hood control, harbor improvementa, mer
chant marine, oriental trade, Alaska, tbe
Columbia river,. Irrigation, forestry, fcan
Francisco, naval construction on the Pa
cific, coast, trusts and their relation, to
business, government ownership of rail
roads, telegraph Uses and public utilities,
laee systems In Texas and Louisiana,
the panameriean Commercial union, the
drainage oi puoiio tanas, imniiouu nu
deep water from the lakes to the gulf.
Secretary Root and E. H. Harriman will
apeak both at the Commercial club banquet
on Monuay and at the Commercial congress
on Tuesday. J )
The guests Monday: evening at the ban
quet' will Include, besides those already
mentioned, the foreign repreaentatlvea from
Washington; John Barrett,, mlnlsier,, ta
Colombia; William Jay -Schledelin, a dis
tant relative of John Jay, and Daniel C.
French, a aoulptor. both of New York;
several high railway officials, army, officers
from Foit Leavenworth aud Fort Riley,
anj many prominent asiegaiea to ma oon -
grass. .
' Congress Meat Tnesday.
The Commercial congress will oonvsn.
In Convention hall on Tuesday morning,
David It. Francl -of St., Louis, president.
I " ' " " i -
minister from Bolivia; Felipe Par do, minis
ter from Peru; Enrique Cortes, minister
from Colombia;' Mr. Ourgel d. , Amaral.
charge d'affaires of the Brazil legation, and
Alberto Yoacham, chargt d'affaires of th
Chilean legation. '' i r
On Wednesday forenoon there will b a
discussion of navigation, led by Representa
tive , J.' B. Ransdetl- ot Lake Providence,
La., and on Wednesday aiternoon Minister
Barrett will speak on our relit ions with
Southern America. - "
Thursday, at the morning sesifau,. Secre
tary of the Treasury Shaw will speak on
th - commercial possibilities of th. west
and William J. Bryan avtll addrssa himself
a nuiuoc. ikm. y- .in-. i nursaay
afternoon speeche wlU be made by F. H.
Jsewell, chief engineer of the reclamation
from changes of V
aroiJ taking cold.
B60. AND Sl.OO.
service; Olfford rinrhnt, chief forester of
the Agricultural department; W. II. llerron,
topographer of the geological purvey; El
wood Mrade, chief engineer In charge of
drainage surveys. Numerous other speak
ers have not yet been assigned dates.
The report , of tho eommlttee on resolu
tions will be made probably Friday morn
ing, on which date the fief place of meet
ing will be decided, ,
Several big de-.gratl(n arrived In tho
city today and others on the way are ex
pected tomorrow.
Julian Portele of the Argentina legation
at Washington and John O. Carlisle, fo;r.-,ef
secretary of the treasury, have wired their
inability to attend the Congress because
of Indisposition. 1
(Continued from First Page.)
"" v.
the explosion. Theis Is a certain nervous.
ness in the city and people are apt t'
magnify small events. This was exempli
fied this afternoon, whert the explosion ot
a firecracker In the new tunnel, above
which stands the QuIrMal, caused consid
erable excitement and alarm, people fear
ing another bomb outrage. It was soon
discovered, however, that the cracker ha-l
been set off by a hot as a Joke.
Every piece of the bomb that could be I
found was gathered up by. the police ami
cerefujly examined. The bomb evident. y '
consisted of a large tin box, bound tightly
together with wire of two slses. It luuxt
have contained more than two pounds of
gunpowder and three pounds of nails.
'J he nails were of three slses, some sevu.i
Inches long and so heavy that the forcq
of the explosion threw them only a short
dlstanoe. The nails were enveloped in
newapapera dated-November 16 and 17.
proving that the bomb was Prepared
either yesterday or today. Cardinal llerry '
Del Val, the papal secretary of state, was.
In the Borgia apartments busily at wor
with his private secretary at noon aivl
did not hear the explosion.
Pop Was - Expected.
The rumor having spread abroad thst the
pope Intended to visit St. Peter's today to
pray betore the tomb where the outrage
was committed, drew an exceptionally
large crowd to the basilica. This rumor
was unfounded, for only Cardinal Ram
poila entered with the procession.
A three days' service of prayer will be
celebrated In all the churches In expiation
of this ollense to religion. This bomb ex
plosion makes the third anarchist outrage.
In Italy in four days, the other two being
the murder of Prof. Rossi, in Naples yes
terday, and the explosion ot a bomb In
front of the Cafe Aragno In this city on
November 14. The attempt of today has
caused deepseated and universal horror and
Indignation on account of the locality se
lected by the miscreants, and the resent
ment of the people Is very great. St.
Peter's Is the greatest basilica In Christen
dom. It took 360 yean In the building and
stands today a result of the eftorts 'of
forty-three popes and the genius of Michael
Angelo, Bramante and Rafael. The com
mission of such an outrage In such a place
has called forth unlimited condemnation
and Is characterized as proving that the
perpetrators of the crime were actuated
by feelings worse than those which moved
the vandal and the Baraoens..
The theory is held that this attempt was
not directed against the papacy, but rather
a challenge to society In general by at
tacking religion, the most sacred Institu
tion of the people.
Report It Is ta Be First an the Calen
ar In Erroneana.
SIOUX FALLS,, S. D.. Nov. II. (Special
Telegram.') Dispatches from Sioux City
stating that the case of Mm. Emma Kauff
mann, wife of Moses ' Kauftmann, a
wealth Slou Ml. brew.e. rhard with
the murder of her hired rlrl waa exnected
by court official In thia city to be th
tly court oniciais in inif city o ue tne
.... ,M ;,,,,f
first held at a term or atat. circuit court
which In IToll. mr.,,
ar. wholly baseless. Instead of tho erlm-
Inal cues hntntr tried flrst aa waa .l.lcrt
in the Sioux City dispatches, the civil
cases will be dlepoaed of before th. crim-
inal calendar Is called. The petit Jury
is not required to report until Tuesday,
when the trial of civil casss will begin.
Th. case of Mrs, Kauftmann will not he
reached until well Into, the second week
of court and perhaps not until the end
of the second week. This statement la
made on unquestioned authority.
Tws Convicted of Murder.
MITCHELL, S. D., Nov. II. iSpectal
Telegram.) Conviction was scoured In
two murder cases by State' Attornoy
fenanffler ISrldav and Saturday, in circuit
' . " .
lw"'u " -wuiiu
ir.r.r""TC crofa;,g w
and for wh.. H tt : Ur,f CrW,1 Cf triia wh0 IntlraatelylBEATivlCB
. Z. .? E' ! aenualnted with Mr. Courtney durlna- hla chaied w..n
muroervr piMA.Ta an i ia.
complicity In kllll
I tramp, last July,
, vey waa conviciea r nuay. nnen ar-
rested ln July, both men made confea.
slons charging each other with the crlmi, t
when there was no absolute proof against
either other than th. fact that they were I
, . . , ,
J ,n tn crowd when the crime was cora-
nmiea ana mat vey was recognized by
tils voice ln the darkness. These confes
sions were used against them. Lanuers
waa tried Saturday aud the cas went to
the Jury late in th afternoon. About
10 o'clock the Jury returned a verdict find
ing him guilty and llxmg th punishment
at imprisonment for Hie, Just what waa
given Vey.
Implement Denier I hang Offloere,
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D.. Nov. H.-(8pe-clal.-At
a meeting of th member of
th. recently organized Bloux Fall Imple
ment and Vehicle Jobber' association th
resignation ot Theodore Klug a president
of th association was accepted, and C. A.
Cadwtll wa elected president to fill the
vacanoy. Mr. Klug has been promoted
by the Moline Plow company to the man
agement ot the Denver branch, and will
soon take 41D his residence In thai citv
( Tnf association has charge of the mutter
I of arranging for the entertainment of those
who will attend th eighth annual conven
tion ot the Retail Implement Dealer' as
sociation of South Dakota, Southwestern
Minnesota and Northwestern Iowa, which
will be held in Sioux Fall December 11.
11 and II. Among th matters to be dis
cussed at the convention will be the propu
sttlon of adopting a plan ot reciprocal
fire Insurance.
Railroad bwltchman Killed.
EUSTIS. Neb.. Nov. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) Whll making a wltch Patrick
Llrgen. aged a, was killed last night at
7:30. He slipped oft the pilot and the ca
boose passed over him. His parents re
side at Hastings. His body wss taken by
special train to Curtis, Neb. ,
Ranchman Hart In Runaway
SUTHERLAND, Neb.. Nov. 18. (Special
Telegram.) Bern. Wlnkenwerder. a pros
perous ranchman living flv. miles south
east, received a fracture of the pelvic
bone by his team running away while '
driving In town, and will probably die as a
Cry of rire Starts Pialt.
NBW ORLEANS, La., Nov. XI A small
panic was caus-d at the Lyric irtejtrr t.
dav during a matinee rrformnce bv aonie
person ahojtlng "KlreV' The eudlnce
enmasse and waa ruhlne: toward the M's
slii-n ainw level-lieaiitni pern iM lh-audlc-nc
shooted thut it was only e small
Pre acroe Hie street and there waa no
danger. 8evrral women tainted, but other,
wise no one was Injured.
Bet results from Be want ads.
i- '
Dolsy in Yaiiar. ' Apmintmaatt a Wat
Blaektl ffi-ueken.
Primary Law and Tsisllts of Term
inals B the Principal Objects
of Attack Darin the Cnm
Inc Session.
( f'Mrn a Staff Correspondent. 1
LINCOLN, Neb.. Nov. js.-(8peclal.)-The
statement by George L. Sheldon, governor
elect, that he did not Intend to make any
appointment until after the first of Janu
ary and until after he had taken up the
reins and had become familiar with the de
tails of the work required of him and his
assistants, has acted like a wet blanket
on the aspirations of some of the wou d-be
political manipulators down In this section
of the country.
The fake reformer down here don't seem
to realize thst Sheldon has been elected
governor Instead of themselves and conse
quently while he Is preparing himself for
the work of the winter, they have been
naming his office force and making his ap
pointments. That he failed to ratify the
appointments they made has given them
quite a Setback.
In the meantime the old time railroad
lobbyists are up In the air on a program to
be carried out during the legislator and
they have so far been unable to get to
gether. One road has proposed staying
away from the scene of action during the
organization of the legislature and thus 'put
up an unconcerned front, so far as the pub
lic Is concerned, while the others have not
Tt decided whether to fall In with thst plan
or have their men here as usual. Nearly
all of the railroad men who have been here
lately seem to realize the legislature will
carry out the program mapped out by the
republican state convention, but they n.lll
believe they may be able to get off easier
than It looks now.
What Worries Ballronda
The great tight of the railroads will be
to kill or mutilate the primary law and the
the law to tax railroad terminals for city
purposes. These two measures are wotry
Ing them, so it hat been figured, more than
the railroad commission bill or the anti-pass
bill. To put an additional tax on the rail
roads means an Increase in their contrlbu
Hons to the public of several hundred
thousand dollars annually and that Is U.e
bill they Intend to fight the hardest. Hav
ing laiiea to Kill tne sentiment for this
tax through the. medium of the democratic
state committee the railroads Intend to try
to kill It In the legislature and to do so It
Is figured out down here very little oppo l
tlon will be made to the other measures out
lined In the platform.
Inasmuch aa the Lancaster delegation is
not pledgod except by the state platform on
this measure, the railroads are expect ng
help from soms of these men. The fake re
form News here pledged the members to
vote for Norris Brown for senator, but
according to a few pf the delegation It did
not pledge them on terminal taxation and
the county platform eays nothing of that
proposition. Inasmuch aa the senator
have already repudiated their pledgee to
Brown by trying to get the Omaha delega
tion to oppose him. the railroads, eo tt is
claimed, have a right to reap the reward
now of the tie-up between them and the
fake reformers prvlous to the Lancaster
county convention..!
Tronble Over Bills.
Auditor Searle probably, ha laid up some
grief ' for .himself, by Issuing, warrants In
paymsnt of clalpia which have not received
nm approval o'. jne secretary of state, as
P''dod by law. Th. auditor. Deputy Cook
i "n1 6retary of .State Galuaha hav. bad
IT" "''"'"i"'' f f tna usu-
i - . .
ally ithe deputy auditor and Mr. Galuaha
. ' . , .' .
1 hav. tOOd together against allowing COT-
! f,n uim- but ln number of Instances
! i imn ynrniica oy tne auditor and
. u i i .11- . . .
t in some instances Mr.
"'UBn, rciueeo to approve claims be
cause the bills hav not been Itemized and
have not been accompanied by recetots and
these h.v. w nw.ii k .1 J..
I.!!.. f .A A"."1.0'11. th ufll,or
without the approval of the secretary of
Just how many claim have rone through
the auditors office .without the necessary
endorsement of the seoretary f state has
not yet been looked up, but it is understood
they are numerous.
F-wcr-l f D. ti Conrtner.
Th funeral of D. O. Courtney wss held
from his late residence this afternoon after
! ...l - . - . . ... .
' wmcn uif Doay was Durtea at wyuka cetr.
etery. Chancellor " Andrews
rtney during hla
"""f in r-rmt n Book.
Richard L. Metcalfe, associate ed'tor
" ' an aumor. 1 alter UiauU uhdX ga.ncd en.ranc to tne
Not of political battles lost or of how they10"'" u" lasiuua 111 a wmuuw with a
kre won, but of a book entitled "Of Such Is ' u'lllln'-
the Kinedom. and Ofhr Bhrt m,i- i.-
... .v.v- wuk n in cuntain a
j o"1!"11'"" " me.iieji-polltlcal wrttlnga and
I some other artleli which h. ....
published and the manuscript Is now in the
hands of tho printer.. The book will con
tain about JOO page and will, a Indicated
by the title, be stories of especial inter
est to children and the parent of children.
Barn and Rnrses Born.
Fir last night destroyed the barn of
Wesley Jone on South Thirtieth street,
burning' to death two horses and a mule,
beside considerable harness. It I not
known how the blase originated. The barn
wa of little value.
'Phono Price Increased.
The Lincoln Telephone company, which la
the new Independent company bere. has
notified it patron that Its rates hav been
raised. Residence 'uhonts ha.. 1.. ,
creased from 11.73 to ti .nt k........
------- mm iiiuiipi
from tt to 14. The company tel;s It pat-
Pnhtisn n fua Awoat ludrf, .
There ha baeu inucn dlacuaaion a to
L.wuee anu rufium ta.e.y, ao uiuo.., in lacs
u. au.i.e 01 ti.e cu,.v tiuii.eia a.ia
roaateis nave ui ipe tu v.uniute ti.e
Sa.4 Ol tutftr Wiiti, kuu Ctlarcs II pukalkf.a
u.e'rapid grow in or tne use ol ronu,.i
00a coitee. -
n tne roues Importer' book a chapter
ia tieauea 't ouee'a a aieuicine,'' anu ad
vocate it tue aa suon.
Her Is an admission of th truth, mpst
impoitaiit to nu inicrestcd.
, favery pnsiclan knows, and every
V'ou.inlul ptuwun shou.a know, tuat haoit
uai use of ny - "med.cine ' of t.. uiug
w'" " . "' M-e-y evening at o'clKk on tne L. Wa
cm uses Imiaiion tit in tissues and u..,.iiU,n 11. n p mnA uin a iii...... and nnai.y yet Ui disease in'"4 dismlrsed the inemhers A verdict
the great majorny .1 case, if prr.lsi.d ,. j - VTWlTX
it l:iay snow in any one of tn many or- j proposition. Mr. Waiters brought ,.nt
gans of tne bouy and In the gieat majority aaainat tne Miiitrs on a note f. r .lion and
of cases can be olrecuy traced to conee ln ' V. ,"ru.t"r' 11 0"T.'r F"n I
, . . " M Her bought Mr. Wslier livery bsrn In 1
a imift umnletaaaoie way by leaving frlf , tr, fllTi lv(nf ,h. not. , part pivment!
the active Irritant coffee and ualng I'oo- ! I aier Mr, MUU-r went thcouirh bnkrujucv !
tuni Food Coffee for a n atter of 10 oays.;If fyf'f.'nc' 11 'ralri ,nil ,n nu, !
ttu- rruil 1 relief from nefjvous trouble. I . .
dyspenela. bowsl complaint, heart failure,
weak eyes, cr any other malady set up by
a poisoned nervous system, you hsvr yjur
answer with the accuracy of a demonstra
tion In mathematics.
"Thars's a mason" for I'oetum,
trons this Is not done to mske more money
for the investors, but In order to keep the
system In nrt-rlss condition, t'ndet its
franchise the 1ncree Is permissible. '
Alexsnder Troup of New Haven, Conn.,
who was prominent at the recent meeting
of the New Ensland ivmocrstlc Progres
sive league at Boston, st which democratic,
presidential possibility a were discussed, ar
rived In Lincoln today to tell W. J. Bryan
about that meeting. Neither Mr. Troup
hor Mr. Bryan would siy the Boston gath
ering had any particular candidate in view,
and Mr. Bryan said tonight that he had
not yet discussed the objects ot the Pro
gressive league, of which Mr. Troup is
president. He said the visit was a social
one. Mr. Troup is accompanied by Mis.
Troup and they will be the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Bryan at Falrvlew for a number
of days.
Blond Pnlaoa Miy font Arm.
TABLE ROCK. Neb., Nov. 11. John
Gottula, a wealthy Oerman farmer resid
ing six miles northwest of Table Rock, w
suffering from a serious case of blood
poisoning. The Infection wss contracted
from a small sore on his hsnd, coming
In contact with some fluid erllleid upon
the floor of a room by the undertaker. In
embalming the body of Charles A. See
man, 0ie of the three men killed by
lightning, while beneath a separator dur
ing a severe storm In Per.tember, last.
In cleaning the blood from the floor with
some water and a mop. Mr. Gottula
wrung the water from the mop with his
hands. A few days later, an Itching sen
sation appeared In the sore; he showed it
to a physician, who pronounced It blood
poisoning and later amputated his thumb.
The operation did not prove successful,
however,, and It Is now foared that nin
whole arm will have to be taken olt
Farmers (J. .In Company.
MASON CITY. eh., Nov. IS. (Special.)
A large and enthusiastic meeting of
farmers waa held here today, addressed by
C. Vincent of Omaha. After a thorough
discussion of methods, It was unanimously
decided to organize ss a branch of tho
Farmers' Grain company, doing business
at other stations In Custer and Buffalo
counties, and with headquarters on the
Omaha Grain exchange, and a branch In
the South' Omaha Stock exchange. Ten
thousand dollars slock will be taken hero
and business will begin soon In vhe
handling of live stock, the grain business
following a little later.
' Fremont Woman MlsslnT.
FREMONT, Neb., Nov. II. (Spoclal.)
Mrs. Frank Greenlle.f has been missing
from her home on West Military avenae
since Friday, and her family are mujh
alarmed about her. Friday afternoon she
visited a trlend living about a mile eaM
of town, who accompanied her as far
toward her home as East First street.
Her friends have heard nothing from hor
Since. She has been . In poor health for
some time past and it is thougnt that If
she had left here by train to visit rela
tives or. friends they would have le
ported It.
Nebraska Mews Kotes.
BEATRICE Thomas Woodward sus
tained a severe injury to his knee wnli
piaylng foot ball
inriTninr '!.. 1 1 . . i - ...i.. . ...
and M, a. Hooert Mchouborg aim last night.
liiu remains were taken to Holdrese, Nub.,
toWy for Interment.
K.Aimci-Hentj Bcharton. a native of
Rumim, and a resident of Beatrice since
tij, oied Mturaay evening, &fceu o4 yea. a
ne is survived oy & widow and seven cnu-
AiNSWORTH At the residence of A. .
WarricK. Mr. Charles Buchanan was
united in marriage to Mrs. Anna L. Good
man, both of Long Pine, Judge
otttciating. ....
. TECUM8EH The city, of Tecumseh Is
making arrangements to refund Its i,otn.
n i-uj. nun ounus. ine present Donas are
tier cent IntpreMt anri ir . i
anown tney can re noaied at V per cent
. JBLX MBH-Th?ii J?n.on County Teach
H1gh TcnT
aaauciauon will hold
session in the
building In
Tecumseh next
. oaiuraay. aiuoa . prog-ram nai neen pro-
, . . . .
i vlu"J- ,with J't- M. oregg of the
' normal on It for an address on the
' Wt of l'h ITnnnt.ln
, L&Al'KlcE-Hubert Bpaias of Ellis,
y-ra oi a,, nae made
wonderful -record of husking coin on the
lurui of C. it. Green, eouin of
in twenty days ne neieo l,ii4 bushels
by weight, a trifle over ninety-seven Duh
"f . u,iy' "rn wa nUBKJ " h"'l
. wnlctl verod thirty bushels to thtacre.
FKfcMON l-A low ,n a iower afatn street
restaurant caused consideiable excitement
labl evening. tne ponce arrived one
of the wauers and a diunivcn customer had
tue piace to inouiBe.ves. i ne uruna was
armed wltn a big poller and tne
witn a butcher km l ne scrap appe,e.j
to be about a dra.. -ud will be explained
in ponce court siunuay.
L.UinB At a special meeting ot the
Lyon school trua.ees the general contract
tir Dutiuuig tne new bciiuol uuuse nas givau
to wtiiiam G. Merten ot cmerson, rseo.,
n,r the gum ot .K...K. 'ihe work on tne
uu.iau.g is to commence A pi 11 1 and to
oe niii.iied August. 1. and after oeing-
wiu be reauy for use by tue
tne next eonool year.
ICE Tne case of Charles Bland,
assaulting nis wue, wiaiuhj
ii.auu. ana iwoiu iruiuwi. wnm ne luuua ' Marconi system and Ihe United States war
iin a room, Intent to do M"??fy' e.m. .,. .. ,
tHui.y luju.y, i.u oeen uifuu.seu ill t..e
u'u - l, - ct court for laua of evideuce. ihe
I e.Anuvr-iuc "'ricf vam nnu i-ower
I w..u
me uuuiiiy cie.a. Hie capital stva
" " at and me Incuipo.a.o.s
jw, and .ue liuuip
tiu, iuoiuaa ruce,
-yiu . fualiii, iuoiuaa uue, Ai
(,p.iiinr and rv. K. ivyd. Tne ouioers
k.ecteu are J. F. Lang Ml cievtoiand, pri
auiit: it. K. Kyd of Beatrice, vice iirti.-
dem; Cyrus hi tutiun. sevreurry-treasuier.
'in company waa recently g. anted a fian
ouw to operate In iwalnte, and ia en
gaged ln bunnlng its p.ant tier, at present.
'I tCUMSliH bctiou. ia again In profits
at true Lone Tree mi.kiI house and in a
brand-new building, 'ihe Lone Tree school
house waa umiroitd by a tornado ln ben.
1 tember and tnreu culldren killed and sov
jerai injured. Mian ilanch farguson of
.diicuiii wt um icwimnr. pnnna w-it vowa
for the election ot another building, the
Old one having- bt.nn ouiupieteiy destroyed,
and the erection of the same wss rapidiy
pushed. Now It has been oiscovered that
the bonds are not legal, owmg to a tech
nicality in the prucet-uings. iiowever, new
bonds will be voted at once.
ttelA i mv-'iv V line ln Beatrice yesterday
J. '. ttaaer anuuuncod ina iniaiu.uu uf
t ",lr
a coiiiplalnt against John tuter on
tna charge of vicrtaung tne postal laws.
John Bauer la the man who has been ie
c4vmg mall tne last tew weeks from M s
King. and of Kanaas City, who supposed
sim was correapunuing w.lh her unc.e, J.
V,, a Lri iner. bhe aid not learn of
her mis.ake until she rescued Beanioe
Friday, li is a.mged lhat John itax. r ha
opriird and load tue lot ten reguUily with
out making any effort to lucale J. F.
bukerathe young woman s uncle.
TLCLMSLi CHiunty Attorney J. C.
Mooie revived a mossaae from C. B
Binwn. the jthtr ot r red brown, tho
young man who Is rnentaily unheianced,
asking hint to have the son returned to the
asylum at Clarlnda. Ia., where It I as
S Tied young irur. had" previously been
eontineq. The home of the Browns Is near
Lamonl, la. Tho county attorney had no
authority to return young Lrown to the
Clarlnda aaylum, hence he sent him to the
home of his father, sending a man along
with him to look out for the unfortunate
young fellow.
TECIM6KH At an early hour Sunday
morning Judge J. P. Raper of ti, dlhtrirt
court called the Jury from the iury room.
where It had be n cloeid since Friday
t. Panl, Minneapolis and. Nrrarn
11025. '
Via Chicago Great Western ratlwjy.
Western ratlwjy.
1 and i. All in.
. office lii Far.
Tickets sold November
formation at city ticket
nam fet
k'srrcraf All Maroont tm Con
ttraa ia loom nutated.
Sew Twenty Million Dollar Company
TaVea Over All Wireless Telegraph
Bnslaeas of America, Canada
and Esilaai.
tFrom a Staff correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Nov. 1. (Special.)
Announcement Is made here today of the
formation of a combination to control
Commercial wireless telegraphy, at least
ao far ss English speaking countries are
This Is the latest trust. Its president
Is Abraham White, who Is Its otganlsor.
and Ita capital will be I20.000.0u0. Mr.
White made an enormous coup In the re
cent flurry In Union Pacific and Southern
Pacific, and a large part of hla protlts
went to the perfection of his long cher
ished plana of consolidating all wlreleae
telegraph Interests. . -
Includes 'Marrnnl and DeForest.
The new combination will take In 'the
American DeForest Wireless Telegraph
rompany, and tho Marconi Wireless Tele
graph company. Limned, ,of England. As
the American DeForest company Is ' the
parent company of the English leForet
company, and the English Marooni com
pany Is the parent rompany of the Mar
coni Telegraph companies ot America and
Canada, the comoinatton of the jarent
companies will bring all the wireless com
panies now commercially operating In
England, the United States and Canada
under one control.. In adaition the
llsh Marconi company controls the Mar
coni comie.nles ot Europe-
The new wireless "trust" will be called
the United Wireless company, dropping
the names of all Inventors, and in aoaluon
to oontrolllng the Marconi patents, will
control many improvements which ha.e
been made by other Inventors, It is said
a new system will be acquired which. In
simplifleo. terms, may be called "muitlr
plex wireless.'' Under this systenf it Is
possible to send -or receive from one sta
tion simultaneously, aa many messages ss
there are operators. By this system six
menkages have i-n received Simultane
ously at one receiving station, oeuig sent
irom six different sending stations.
Stock fronts Provide Knnds.
The plans tor ths consolidation of the
Marconi ana De r urtsi cuinpiues have
ueen worKeo out at a series ot cumereuces
at Wiute para. West End, New Jersey, tne
mdkiuncent Hume vt tne late John 1. Mc
call, turnieriy president of ihe few yoik
Lite lnsutance company. Abranam Wnua,
president of tne A.iieiU-an le r'ureet com-
tiany. lecentiy purchased tne estate, for
merly known as bnauow Lawn, and re
named It White Par. Mr. W niie, long a
aarinrf and euocessiui operator In stocas,
foresaw tna puusioulUes in Union and
Houtuern Pacific stock and In altruist a oay
j cleared an amount estimated at trora IjuO,
uuo to siu.utM.uuu, In those stocks alone. He
I ha never given me exact ngures, out ne
! paid approximately IjUu,uIO. for White Paik,
I an(l hm0 pleniy left. He refused KOjO,iM
, ,h for hl, nronts at th time of. the
; c " Z ,,, . u ,,.
recent rise., in union raoiuw n ouumvin
pacific stocks.
After purchasing hi new estate, Mr.
White decided .to devote part of hi re
maining, profit to bringing about a long
cherished plan' of consolidating the wire
less .telegraph companies: For: several
months ho ha been entertaining at White
Park large parties of distinguished Amer
ican and foreign scientist and capitalists,
during which- th plan for th combina
tion were discussed. Last Sunday Mr.
Whit, announced to hi guest that the
plans had been perfected and a public an
nouncement would aoon be made.
. All Stockholders ta B Protected.
Details of exchange, of stocks, business,
etc., incidental to the new combination of
Interests are being perfected by the attor
ney and brokers representing the various
companies. The terms have not yet been
fully decided upon, but It Is stated th
stockholders ln sll concerns will be fully
protected. The United Telegraph company
will be .capitalised at tJU,0ou,O00 and Mr.
Abraham White will be the president of
the "trust." The list of other officials is
practically, complete, but will not be an
nounced for a few days.
The new combination assures the inter
change of message from all stations
equipped with the two systems, including
the chain of land stations on the Atlantic
and Pacific coast and at interior points,'
aa well aa from all the trans-Atlantic llnei
and coast trade vessels, all of which use
either the Marconi or Do Forest systems.
As the English government employs th
einp -.,..o
ped almost solely by tne ue vovw com
pany, It I more than likely the two govern
ments will look Into the new combination,
which will be known the "wlieless
trust." ' ' x
Triple Mnrderer t'ausrht.
MUSKOGEE, I. T.. Nov. II Ira G Camp
bell, who shut and killed George Sullivan,
the latter's son-in-law, Vvarren,. and - a
negro preacher, Thomas Field. In a drug
store at Taft, I. yesterday, was ar
rested today. The shooting grew out of
the forced marriage of Sullivan's daughter
to the prisoner's nephew, Kd Campbell.
Data CeU latOMDasr, C
box, 22a
li-i, !- k-i. ' i-
This cafe, the finest In
. the city, is NOW OPEN. '
. . Private dining ' rooms.
Special pseparatlon for
. After-t heater parties- :
1508 Howard Street
Tsbl D'K 4 Ptaaer Xvsry Irtulif,
e O'clock
' I
1 Clopsc Staraak QuartM Sis CoHai f
1 IScentistcb; 2 lor 23cata f
W IbknrfrhMxIW-.'tM.lrt. J
i-an lions
Btn Mtnwin or
r oi tin if v nr 1 1 r f im m ,w r,vr
Oat the tans.
fFroni s Stuff Corres,xindent.)
MNCubN, Nov. 1. (Kpp i.u. i he mis
erable l.ln iilnde by ,err,ika yestt r
day sgiilnst tlie jayheeKers rms si.ii,lv
dnxed the Tvm lel. w.irld rton bfre mil
- . . . . I
Ontninn Is divided the Mult is
with the roMcMnr: or with tne frin inn
tr.l. Ntb,asa absouielv tn.ow th gi '4S
av. tin two cm resume it l"d tutor I
win. in Its Riasrt omy to ive up tie 1
sdvaniac by 1 1 most nnns.nKlrsI play
ever belure een on a Nohr.Hr.a Held. V
It demonctraied box end a do.iM that
Individually the JnjMRheis Hie no he,ir
players than the xrnhuske. s. but tne
Kansas team work nas way anead of
li.Anl. A .. V. . . . 1 . h. V. ... .-. lAan. n'uvoil
HKe "a olf In n swun.p. J ne li..
iirnsgen sno lacKei Rinmr wnn one im
two exceptions. Netiriena's Interlerenrc
was the poorest exhibition that his ever
been put up hrc. 'Ihe lesrn seemed !.
want to apologue to the J:iyha'keis evorv
time a local made a tackle. On the other
Imnd. the vlsno.s were on lop of Ne
htnxka every time the ball was caught.
The team cleirly lncked conlidenre, anl
while some io.t (,avs were ma'1 both hy
Cooke and Johnson, the mind which guidJ
the team was weak In crliln', spots and
either did not grasp the Kiinio or "t
Slampeded and flustered when victory hov
ered close.
because of the gool showing midA asninxt
Minnesota tl.e h.rdl emnusmMe picked Ne
braska for a winner. '1 hey had e right"
to. Ixits of money was pnMd on th- out
come, and the Minnesota name was the
cause of It The belief is now that elth'-r
Nebraska has taken a miserable smnip or
Minnesota merely toyed with the bojs. for
certainly the Cornhusiiera did not play foot
ball yeMerday.
With the proper guidance of the team
Nebraska shuuid hae won from Ksnsa
easily. On straight fnoi ball Nebraska
made a touch oown anil demonstrated tt
had the best of It, while Kansas got its
scores hy field klvks. With st rms: n t-lin
bucking Nebraska should have had two)
more goals, but Instead of that Netvraski
tried the forward pass and a goal kck on
the first down wthout even a try at th
lino. NO one has yet been found who cm
offer a reasonable excuse tor the twi
plays. When the last kck was made tm
was almost up and that could have bejn
a reason for that piece of foolishness, bin
there Is no excuse for the first bad hre.ik
except incom;et.enoy, either In the wsy ilia
boys have been trained or In the boys
Nebraska showed no better form than it
did In the Ames game, when it wss th'
limit. 1 hat a reai-on exists for this thoru
Is no doubt, and Just now, there are a
few people who are willing to believe
the reason Is In the coaoh. - Nebraska's
line waa week, the Inlerlerence was mis
erable, and the head work waa mlsersnK?.
As the result of the showing made yester
day, the hundreds who contemplated gouitf
to Chicago for the game next' MHturday
will, no doubt, dwindle down to doseiis,
for It Is ;laln. unless Nebraska does a
miraculous pick-up act, the exams will be
a series of humiliating Incidents.
. It Is even douhtful now if any railroad
will offer reduced rates for the game.
Dei Molnea Coach Dismissed.
IOWA CITY, la., Nov. 18.-Speclnl.
The dismlmAl of Coach Charles E. Boyla
ot Des Moines college by the faculty of
that Institution for alleged misconduct, is
one of the most senHatlonal IncldenU In
the present font ball campaign and hns
caused great surprise througnuut the state.
Boyle Is said to have piayed Pearson at
guard ln a game with Monmouth college
a week ago at a time when Pearson had
been disqualified by the Des Moines col
lege faculty on account of deficiencies in
studies. Following the discovery of this
fact both Boyle and Pearson have been
dismissed. The Incident Is entirely un-
Rrecedented In the history of lowa ath
!tics. This Is Boyle's first year in Iowa.
Intercollegiate attnetlcs and he Is believed
to have made a marked success. He wss
mninverl hv Ties Molnea college to sue.
ceed former Coach Hamilton, who lost
September went to orinnen to tag cnarg'
n ih. Cnnfrrreatlnnalistn' team. While I
Is believed here that Boyle might have
made a mistake in playing reamon, sun
his punishment has been greater than the
offense warranted. Boyle s future plan
have not been determined, .
Snperlor Defeat' Bclmonts.
The Superiors , defeated tho polmonts
again yesterday afternoon at Diet pnvk
In a fnet and clone game. In the last nrt
of the eeeond half the Belmonts suhtitutvl
Tuttles for Jenkins, thlnklnsr the ono-tlma
famous punter could help them to score.
nut It was no uee. rim ouiirnun
Tuttles' punts nearly every time. This Is
the second game between these two teams
this year, but the Belmont failed to scoro
either time. Score. 6 to 0.
' Split In Bnvrllnw Circles.
NEW YORK. Nov. 18. The New Totk
Bowling asscclstlon at a meeting todnv
., ii. withdrew from the American
! Bowling congress and decided to Jolo tho
' newly organized National Bowing associa
personal rliarra are ewerstert In lh
gertghrfnl Brtl necessities of U.e r
norl tellet
on of th Ind Unna'la '''. T
jsaj'a bath, atomlrer and handkerchief.
To man It ta mot eomfortlu tor u
flar '.ivln.
en4 l seats (M f Pt4ss ssd paox
h 1 t IH-etil mp!,
f. Plaaui talUlai LWY0RX
a, nnr..L 1
rhla is Automoblls Club Night. The
auto play you ought to see.
The cast Inoludea Alice Dovey and
Eddie Bald. See the Auto Race.
0 lower floor eeala at l..
Tbura. Frl., Pat. Mat. and Night.
Eira Kendall. In His New P'ny,
wei.i umaABT, joites.
300 lower floor seals at si.uJ.
ronlght All Week Professional Mat,
lues ftruvenlr M't Thur
ln the .New 10 cos.
captaibt swzrr.
Prices fcvenings and bun. Mats., Il)'
ic; Tues.. Tiftir.. Sal. Mats. 10c. Sc.
tft.i1 ' 'eeV PniVCK OTTO
Phone Douglas 494.
Evtry pVlght Matinees Thur.. Bati. Sun.
The Itallsn Trio.. Marco Tvtna., M'a
Norton & Paul Nicholson.. Argyra Kastra.,
I-s Arlbos.. Hennings, i.ewis V llenntngs.,
Hsyward Conroy Hl Hayward and th
Prices loo, J50. . 0O0, . '
Toaigbt Silt. sfatlae. Wssassday.
Those Premier f'oniemans.
OOX.B at fOKntiov. ,
i In ih if I .steal , uwn,
Th Sboo-riy BsytmsDU-
d People 10
t. NliOUtOATia
1X07 Douglas St.
Open 11 a. m. daily. Performance
1 hourly after 1 p. m. Highly ln'riartu
and entertaining, ripotted pony "iirauty"
I given away January 1st. A4imI,iuu 19
, cents. Vn price ti -lL