A TJIK OMAHA SVNDAV HKK: . NnVKMUKU . IK, 1W6. Three stones, $75 Fay payments.- Diamond $50 100 styles of Cuff Duttoni at - $2.80 to $50 Diamond Ear rings at $30 to $400 ''ili Cluster Rln(?g, up from $15. "? fry.'.50 We 1M Wiik Buy Your Xmas Diamonds Now! I Sell Them On Easy Payments This Ought to Bring Yon Elrln or.Waltham work warranted to pass ex amtnation on any rail road entering Omaha tn a twenty year IP rr pane. Price 1 1 only Easy Payments. Vour Credit Is Good f;&J :'J-., I" I . . ..' ' - ' . -nv"' I Fancy bi.U IM: This Fln VVMch In a beautiful engraved rasp, Edgln or Wallham works Bajne works In olid gold rase, for only. ...... Easy Payments. MS $40 - Thla Ht. 100 A pure white tone very bril liant. Makes a gentleman's hand tome ring;. Sold on oivment nf $3.B0 a Wtk. A Dollar or Two a Week will buy at my store anything you wish. My fiftten years of business right here in Omaha on Farnam street will be baric of each and every sale. It's a perpetual guarantee of qual ity 'and satisfaction to the buyer. Don't put it off you are losing time that you will be sorry to have lest when you finally come to me. All Goods Are Marked in Plain Figures, Everything Strictly Confidential A. Mandelberg Omaha's Leading Jeweler 1522 Farnam Street l: This Ring $75 A ure water gem, mounted In a solid gold set ting sold on pay ments of S3.60 a Weak. 300 Ladles' nines $2.50 to $20 Bet I OFFICIAL VOTE OF COUNTY 1 fin vim ef Returns Comflcttd Uidsr riTMtiei of Clerk UiTrlj. SOME SLIGHT CHANCES AM NOTED ' r 40 styles of Sonl Rlncs $1.50 to $20 I $10, solid gold. MY OPTICAL DEPT. Is at your service. My expert opticians will examine your eyes free. Why pay your good money to some fake doctor. The best glasses In solid gold frames or rimless will only C. cost you (easy payments) tltal Alleratlna In the Orlalnal Rcanlts Is Apparent Hltebeork f arrlea the f oanty Sliteen Tfites. Saturday noun County Cleik ll.oirly completed the ranvnsn of votes cast t th' election held lat week. According ti these figures Hitchcock carried the county by sixteen votes, The result were: For Preference for T'nltd States g.Mi ntor Drown (rep.) ii,7;ic rhnrtipsun ifus.) yiii Kmc (fxic.) 7m Constitutional Amendment with Itefer ence to the Hallway Commissioners Kor is.M Against Jii For Governor Sheldon (rep. I 9,V,", Btiallenberger (dem.) y,i5 Sutton (pro.) , Taylor (six-.) i For lieutenant Governor Hopewell (rep.) 9.S7 Oreen (fus.) K.ir.l rrsythe (pro.) Howe (soe ) Kor Secretary of etate unkln (rep.) 9 -174 Gouoher (fus.) a,j4t j Hell (pro.) .f Knowles (soc.) "'I Kor Auditor Bearle, (rep.) s.954 OMAHA'S CREDIT (BUGS Never let a Monday go by without making it a big ger bargain event than the preceding one. .!W7 707 !,!71 ! M .'07 i SO Cariaday, (fun.). iMcnul, (pro.) McClure, (soc ) Kor State Treasurer Hrlan, trep.) Habcock, (fus.) AlaOdox, (pro.) Hawthorne, (soc.) Kor HunerinLeedent McBrlen, (rep.) waisrin. rus.) Wilson. (Dro.) B:hell, (soc) Kor Attornev Oer.erAi Thompson. (reD.) ,k7 Abbott, (fus.) 0,134 uraves, (pro.) ks Sorter, (soc.)..... 701 r'or Commission, r of Puhlif- l.umia una . HulldinRs Kalon irep.) o.S.'.S 1 Wolfe (fus.) k'w.7 Kent (pro.) ' ' ijippmcoit (soc) 10D ' tor Kallwav CnrnmiHlnni.- 1 Wlnnett (tcd.) mnM' Cowell (rep.) .4 io,u,5 wiumms (rep.) 9 Mil : Kltmimmons (fus.) fc.ian i Horst (fus.) 9.ta COSTLIEST OF ALL SPORTS It Is ftalloonlag and Every Aaceaatoa f'osta About Three Handrrd Dollars. I liavu often been aaked how ballooning compared with other sports, both In cost und In enjoyment. The first cost of those who wish to. soar above the clouds is smaller than In automoblling, but each ascension costs soma $300. A flight may last lesa than an hour, or It may continue the better part of a day. The tendency la toward flights of longer duration, as In vention helps the aeronaut, and "with the multiplication of lta devotees, particularly among the amateurs, the records will be come longer, both in hour and miles. The delights of the sport are such that they are hard to describe to one who hns never experienced them. They are intense that In tba reaction after they are over the earth seems tame and not worth while. One has almost to become acclimated on descending from the high altitude. Kor a week after an ascension I have no appt tite and am depressed. Incidentally I should not recommend ballooning to a person of weak heart or nerves. To start an ascension one must already he an enthusiast; one must make one's will and say good-bye to one's friends and withstand the suggestion of ninety nine out of 100 of them that ha will never como back ailve. Inauspicious beginning CHARCOAL KILLS BAD BREATH HuiT'vOdor of Indigestion, Smoking, - Drinking or Eating Caa B Instantly b topped. AMOrXB VAOXAOB BCAZXJEB rui. OUier people notice your bad braata where you would not noiloe It at all. It ia nauseating to other people to stand be fore . the n while you are talking, give 1 he in a whiff or two of your bad breath. It usually comia from food fermenting on' your stomach. Eomiumti you have a In the morning that awful aeur, bil ious, bad breath. You can stop that al once ty swallowing one or two b'Uaii Charcoal Uoaengea, the moat powerful Sis and oaor aotoroera aver prepared. gomuUmea your meals will reveal thm elves In your breath to these who talk with you. "lou've had eniona," or ' Veu'v been eating cabbage," and all at a sudden yoj belch in the face of your friend. Charcoal Is a wonderrul absorber of odors, aa every one knoaa That Is why fetuart Charcoal Loaengea ax 0 quica to atop an gaaea and ouuis er edor- us foods,, or gaa from Indigestion. ' Don't us breath perfumes. Tbey never conceal the odor, and never absorb the gas that causes the odor. Bealdea, the very, fact of using them reveals the reaaou (or thir use. Stuart's Charcoal losengea in tne nrsi piace atop lor goud all sour brash and belching of gaa, and make your breath pure, freah and sweet. Juat alter juuve a.""- 4usu no one iu turn hia face away from you when you breathe or talk; your cream ww be pur and fiaau. and beside your food will tast ao much better to you at your next, m.al. jut try it. , Charcoal does other wonderrul thing, too. It carries away from your stomach and Intestine, all th Impurities there mus.se 4 together and which causes the bd breath. Charcoal is a puriner as well ss an absorber. Charcoal la now by far tb beat, most ray ana mug laxeuve anown. A whole boxful will do no harm; In fact, the more ion take the better. Stuart s Charcoal loosen are made of Cure willow cii,. roai ana mixea wnn just a faint Haver .' Coney w " mini paiaiiu. f0, nii. but U"l too eweet. You Just chew th.m :k candy. Tbey are absolutely barm- ksa. Jet a new. pure, sweet breath. fr.h.. our stomach, for your next meal, and keep the Intestine in good working order These two thing are the secret of good i.eallh and long nie. jou can get ail th charcoal necessary to do these aond.ifui bat simply things by getti. Biuj,. Charcoal Locengea. We want you u test these Utile wonder vurkcii youne:t betore you buy them. 60 send us your lull name and addrea for a free sample of Biuret's Charcoal LoseHKea. Then ftr ou ha tr:ed th aarnple, and been coa vincec & to your drutslst and gel a 3a l.ox tf them. You'll feel better aM over, ri or comfortable, and "cleaner" luatds. Send us your name and addrvas today and we will at once send you by mail a sample p-tckatfe. free. Address l a. Stuart Co., fuart BJdg , Marali.J H 1 ii to the moat exhlllrattiig and fascinating of s portal . When one leaves ths earth the Impres sions com so fast that on can hardly differentiate them. They produce a kaleido scopic effect. A man must stop and con centrate his mind on certain special sen sations, or else on returning to earth he will flnd that he has no sensation In par ticular to tell about. There Is the . Im pression of the crowd of people shouting and waving their hands. .' Before you re alize they have vanished as Individuals. The earth sinks from you; the houses be come tiny, boxes; the-street, lines and large rivers appear brooks that you could easily Jump across; the lakes are pools, and marsh land seems solid. (This latter was the cause of my friend Nocquefs landing where he did and sacrificing his life.) For--sts become smooth llk,e pasture land; -ailroad trains are like crawling worms, ind all th earth sounds eventually cease. At 1,000 to 2,000 feet you pass the dust line. which Is as clearly marked as the line between , water and air. As high as 2,000 feet there are still frequently seen butter flies, mosquitoes -and other Insects. Re markably beautiul effects of clouds are seen from the balloon, especially when the sun shines on them. They often seem like snow banks, and their edges are alwayH bluish Ilk water, and ever give the aeronaut the sensation of approaching the ocean. When In the clouds ou can see onlv th basket and Its occupants, and you may suaaeniy pass out of them to And that you are driving straight Into a mountain peak, as we did one. If you stay In the fog there Is nothing to warn you of such a danger except the roaring of th wind in the tree tops, and a quick casting out bf ballast may be necessary to save you from balloon wreck on the crags Applc- ion s Magaxme. street he burst Into tears. The Inhabi tant crowded around him and aaked him what was the matter. "He druv me out," he wailed. "Druv me right out of the room. Said he's tired of lookin' at me and won't let me come back no more." "Why didn't you shoot himr asked the crowd. "Shoot him?" echoed the slayer of many lives. "Shot him! He couldn't walk; he couldn't see; he's deaf and couldn't hear; he couldn't run and he couldn't fight. Why, fellow citlsens, If I'd a' shot him It would a-been murder." La1s (fus.) Alccieary (pro.) uerrara (pro.) tirhty (pro.) Sehiermeier (soc.) Siemens (soc.) '. tienm (soc.) Kor Conareesman Kennedy trep.) t Hitchcock (dem.) Kor State Senator- Charles Lk Saunders (rep.) a. r. 1 nomas (rep.) K C. Gtbeon (rep.) C. S. Montgomery (dem.) H. O'Keeffe (dem.) W'. 8. Shoemaker (dem.) C. K. Michaels!! (soc.) , 719 Ton Sick te Tell. Laat time Consul General Wynne earns over from London a fellow passenger was a former senator, who was terribly sea sick. He suffered for several days. "One morning," said Wynne, "the sena tor came out of his stateroom and ran Into a lady who was coming along the passageway clad in the scantiest raiment. She screamed and sought a place of nf uge. " 'Don't be alarmed,' the seasick states man said. 'Don't be alarmed, madam; shall never live to tell of It.'" Echoes from the Past. Montezuma bad offered th conquering Cortex a room full of gold and silver If he would go away and leave him In peaceful possession of bis kingdom. "Don't try any of your Monte games on me, old man," laughed Cortex. "I'll have to ask you for more rnaruma than that! As this was the next best thing to offering him a Job as police inspector, the hapless monarch fortbore to urge him any further, and died shortly afterward substantially aa narrated In the school histories. Chicago Tribune. THIS BOY WS LOADED Pathetic lneldeat la Mfo of School. hy Calculated o Awaken Memories. A 12-year old boy In the Sunnyside school. IMrtland, leaned over In his seat and a large marble fell heavily to the floor. Korty beads bobbed up from the books and watched th top roll toward the dek of the teartier. Miss KIphe K. Smith. Fearing more marble would tumble from the ' boy's pocket. Miss Smith called the boy forward and requested him to remove the othr things he wss earning. On hundred nrA three arttelea were removed. With tears streaming down hix lnon cheeks, for he feared that his collection was to be taken from him, the boy proceeded lowly to dlsrorge. The firat dive into the deep pocket produced a piece of copper wire and two pursws; the second haul was .t suspender faatener, eleven street car trans fer and a whistle; down In to the dentin the little hands proceeded and brought lotth tnree corks, a whistle, and two Hrews. By this time every boy and trlrl In the room was striving to worm forward and watch the proceedings. Eich haul from tli pockets produced new wonders, and the pile grew so large that Miss Smith became alarmed. After the proeets of einntvinu his pockets of childhood wealth wUf l)v. r. the tewrher made the UJ sit down nml write a list of the article. They were Two picture cards, one shoelace, one t... bacco sack, one piece of insulated wire, one piece or ribbon, four election card, two purses, one car ticket, seven tobacco cards, one piece of copper wire, two tobacco ta one tin monkey, one stixpender fitener, one wntsue. one M.hook n mirror, one wooden ax. one HonliE.,,, pjn. two scifs. one rubber mahor. oik- isinglass curd, thr. e buttons, one pin. thirty-seven agate tone seven, marbles, two hooks, one tobacco coupon, eleven street car transfer, three corks, two cartridge cap, one flntr.-r coi one pencil. Portlind fyegonlan. lupcikibl. Colonel Henry WUeron ia credited by an exchange with a story about a much hattered old lawyer who went up Into a mouhtaln region of Kentucky to collect a claim.' He was lame and half blind and one-armed. A local celebrity in the ..... was the district's dcid shot, who had kilbd many men and who waa ready to 8!,oot n'inipg cr anybody. He came In dally to .... aoout a cae in which he waa intereated. vntil nnully his visits be came extrem.ly tiresome, finally the law yer exclaimed: "Get out of here und stay out 01 h.ie. Get right away. l , ,ick uf aelni you. Don't eta ml there; go on out 1 tell you." Th.- d. i,iarto I., .h. U at t, fclri k f man In Incred.l.le .h.-m.iy b).f,)re h. knew what he waa doing ha waa backing ut of the room. vh.. he reached the SEASONABLE FASHIONS. NO. ft- 10.H2 t,;'19 "V S3 (.' KM . 711 7 . 7!t I . 9,43 i . 11,115 i I ..10,010 .. .. 9i'J 8,968 S.,90 s,7.,1 r3onday'G Bargain s in the furniture department will prove to the housewives of Omaha our right to the title of the Credit Kings. We Furnish the Home on EASY TERMS - ' 0 ' -1 1 EXTENSION TADLE (Exactly like cut) Six foot, solid oak, highly polished top, massive pedestal, rtRular price 10 Cfl $1R. 00 Monday Ifc.u J ( Mews T M L1SI 0j Stands and libraries IN LARGE CITIES, WHERE RANGE Solid steel construction. lai'K'i warmlns; closet and oven, beauti fully nickeled, regular OO 0C price $35.00 Monday i-U.fcU V.',-V ? I ::..-M.::s.fi.i vir I 4 CHAIR A. Jacobson (soc.) George Wells (soc) ,. Kor Stat Representatives- Edward Leeder (rep.) A. R. Harvey, (rep.) K. 8. Tucker (reD.) H. T. Clarke, Jr., (rep.) James Walsh trep.) K. C. Bet.(iep. N. P. Dodge, Jr. (rep.) S. C. Darnea (reg,). raicnaei uee (rep.) Harley G. Moorhead (dem.)... John M. Tanner (dem.) W. H. Green (dem.) J. P. Butler (dem.) F. A. McArdle (dem.) Otto H. Btuben (dem.) uotninic (Josgrove (dem.) Michael Gos-tcins (dem.) John E. Reagan (dem.) ,t tt aiiiiunr w. ...... K. I. Morrow (soo.) f. C. Jeffeiia (soc.) J. W. Carter (soc.) William Weetrnan (soc.) Kor County Attorney J. P. English (dem.) , w. w. uiabaugn (rep.) I'h.m m m LJ .J , . I , 1.U.C3 wnll .WV.f ........... . .. . it0 Kor Superintendent of Public Instruction V. A. Voder (ryp.) 10.1S2 M. K. Mclivaine (soc.) 7j V-' For County Commissioner, first Dlstvlet-. W. M. J. Kennard (rep.) 9.9.J5 W. W. Mct'ombs (dem.) Charles K. Harms (soc.) ;oi 719 .. 719 ..19.13S ..10,067 ..10,015 .. .. 9,7d .. 4,5 .. ft,tll5 ..',73 .. 9,7n .. 9,2nt .. S.9.14 .. .. i.vou .. S.810 .. S7.89 .. 8,708 .. 8.74J ... $,6W .' nt . 713 7(16 . -m . TOT . 8,f97 itS 2 Massive carved legs and largo arms, upholstered in rich Ver ona velour. regular . ii I ivz- Genuine Chase Leather COUCH Closely tuffed, solid oak frame, full sixo, best steel spring supports, good for a life time, on sale 4 t Cft' Monday '. 1 4.31) 1 e COOK STOVE Full size, constructed of tiest steel and malleable stove iron, perfect baker, regular price in 7c $ 1 7.5 0 Monday IC.fU ' BED In white, blue and green, sub stantial chilled Iron posts, pretty design, regular price $3.50 Monday. . FREE With Any Purchase of $10 or Mors a Beautiful .1.93 ROCKER 1 WE fturirtHi-" A HUWAN RELIC OF 1776 When You Buy Tools iraRSHflSBB? tPgaateafBgjiji.guaaasaBa Buy Good Ones... Don't bother with th bargain counter stuffyou cant afford to. It costs more in the end aud t " tools arH not in the fame class a3 our. When Warrant a Tool you got another for ovary do foetivo ono. AN EXCELLENT ('DAT FOR ALL K1ND8 OF VSE. The straight hanging box coat I consid ered the style for small maidens, in asmuch as it will serve for any purpose go on over any frock without crushing It and is simple enough for youthful wearers. A vast amount of Myle Is expreKsed In the well cut box coat and the one shown Is double-breasted, a mode which gives the appearance of vigor and robustness to small wearers. The neck may be eloeed snugly to the throat with a shield having a low standing collar, or it may be worn without thla accessory, as well as the roll ing collar. The cuffs are of the smart turn-back variety which appear grotesquely fetching about small hands. The buttons may match the trimming of collar and cuffs or the material of the coat Itself. For the medium sine two ysr.ls of M-lnrh goods arc needed No. 4f!-Sues, 4 to U )e.tS. rasala of the urtlvln. Widow of a Soldier ef the Itevola tloa. Esther Sumner Damon, who died at I lie age of 93 at her home In Plymouth Union, V't., last week, Is believed to have been th last surviving widow of a soldier of the American revolution. At all events, she was the last known to the pension office at Washington. Noah Damon, then a boy of 15, took up arms for bis country on April 19, 1775. the day on which "the embattled farm ers stood" on Lexington Green and at Concord brldgts and "llred the shot heard round the world." Hence he may have been one of the Middlesex plow lads who chased the British redcoats back Into Bos ton town. Noah Damon served as a private soldier among thu Massachusetts troops at various periods from that time until May 11, 17M. In his old age at 75 Noah Damon took to wife Esther Sumner, then a girl of -1, who lived to be the aged Woman who has just died. n Thera may bo cynical comments on the motives of a woman of 21 In wedding a man of 75. Their Impropriety in this case may be Inferred from the observable tact that Esther Bumner was f.dthful to the memory of the aged husband of her youth. Danif.-l K. Pakeman. the last known sur viving soldier of the revolution, died at Freedom, N. T.. In 1. aged loo years. There were known to be. at the heirintilnu- of this year, four surviving daughters of t revolutionary soldier, tbe youngest of ! dT i ..i.i, nt. i i.T-r f .... pronaDiy oinerp, and IxisRihly some eons. I But these children of their later years COllM not tiav Irnnwn (K. W, . . I . . this nation s birth pangs as did their There Is a marked diticr nc in Pianos, as you are aware. The fine, old wives, especially those who were born ' B'aDdilr1 makes e sell are inning us new friends and customers daily. You as Esther Bumner was. in the midst of wl" flnd u a P''uro to ,r(1" hTt- 'hei'i correct prices are plainly marked on tne tag uitacnea to eucn riauo, iiom wnirn mere is no aeviallon, and where you are at liberty to express your own opinion, and make your own selection. The saUsman furnish detail information only. C0ME AND SEE JA , r.ioRTon a son co. 1511 Dodge St., Omaha exclusive; agent for wood's ice tools wiim ...WE iWITE... arisois w mr nanos vindicated the the second struggle that republic's independence. What she hw and -hom she knew in timately la what makes the death of Tther Bummer Damon an event of na tional Interest. With the men of 177fl the was the last surviving human link. Chi cago Inter Ocean. Quality, Price and a Square Deal Go haud in hand at this store. Do not believe because e do not tell jou that e.'su.tm 1'ianos win sen tomorrow at 137.bu. etc., that our prices are higher I tlan elsewhere, the difference is, we tell you that $137.50 Pianos sell toraor i row at that price and $350.00 sell for $350.00. Sometimes It happens that a $500.00 does sell for $2&0.00, but when It does "! h Ween. Travelers through the Syrian desert have seen horses weep from thirst, a mule has; its. value has depreciated by usuagt to that price . en seen to try from the pain of ar. In- j Our present stock is large and contains selected Pianos from the factories J " 1 "". it is who. snco oi w ener, rte K, .iieiuin, i. r, m tuner, iSchafr tiro., Foster t .-ATM In .trfjlin. 1 .aU I i. . i v i. j . i. ii i t ... . . v u n o. iV rrm- niiaa, kiuii, uu oiners eq.iHiiy biaiiiia.a IS FOR SALE 03 ON FILE Boston, Mass. Public Library. Buffalo, N. Y. P utile Library. Fsmuel Cohn, 155 'jllll'Mtt 8L Chicago, HI. Auditorium News Stand. Joseph Heron, 4 64 8. Calif ornls At. Great Northern Hotel. Pot Office News Stand. 171 fi- orn It. Palmer House. Ftrigss House, 185 Randolph 8t O. E. Barrett, 217 Dearborn 8t Cir.dnnati, Ohio Public Library. Colo. Cprings, Colo. H. H. Bell & Co. Denver, Colo. Juliua Black. Cor. 16th and CurtW Kendrick Book and Stationery Co.. 'It 17th St. The Brown Palac. Hotel. fidmondton, Alta, Canada ' Cross News Co. Vtti Daly. Excelsior Springs, Mo. Sisk A Clevenger. Hot Springs, Ark. Cooper A Wyatt, 620 Central Av , C. H. Weaver Co. Hot Springs, S. D. . Emil Hardens. Kansas, City, Mo. Public Library. Butcher News Co. .Rtcksecker Clear Co.. Ith aa '.Valnut. ; ' 'Tho Yoma Newa Co., 9th and Main. Jenkins Citar Co., 8th and Walnut. -Reld'g- Wea "Agency. 813 Wall 't. "' ' i Los Angeles, Cal. 1 Public Library. B. E. Amos. Abe Berl Newa Co. Milwaukeo, Wis. Hoter Pfister. Frank Mulkern, Grand At, and Ird St. Minneapolis, Minn. ' M. J. Kavanaush, 48 S. Jrd PL West Hotel. Hotel Opera, 321 1st At. 8. Century News Co., 6 8. 3rd. &L New York City Astor House. Oakland, Cal. N. J. Wheatley Nwa Co. Ogden, Utah D. L. Boyle, 110 25th St Lowe Bros., Depot Newa Stand Goddard Petty. 366 25th S4. Pasadena, Cal i. F. Hornung News Depoi, Pittsburg, Pa. H. A. Sthafer News Co.. I0T tro Avenue. . Portland, Ore. Carl 'Jones, 2 75 Washington 8t , J. Bader Co. Oregon News Co., 147 6th &. Rockford, HI. Vubiic Library. St. Joseph, Mo. 7. Berger, 613 Edmund St Urandow's News Stand. 711 iund St. St. Louis, Mo. So-utberu Hotel. Hews St. Jamej Hotel. E. T. Jett. Public Library. ct. Paul, Minn. C. L. Aflller. N. St. Marie, 96 E. 6th. St Salt Lake City, Utah Mrs. L. t,evln. 2 4 Church St Marrow uroa., a w. Und. bo. M Salt Lake News Co. T.lnrlf man, ire wno had tended It from calfhood . , wept pitifully. A young Boko ape used to cry from vexation if Livingston didn t nurse it In hia arms when it asked him to. Wounded apt hive died crying, and ares have wept over their young. ones slain by hunters. A chimpar.see trained to carry uater jus broke one. and fell a-r-vlnc l which proved .rrow, thouith It wouldn't ' muni the jug Rats. discovering Terms of payment arrang' d to pleawe the buyers. Matthews Piano Co., Omaha, Neb. 1513-1515 Harney St., TH r. VLSI T4) UVY A PIANO, . . a az uiuami , Bee readers these patterns, which usually y UTOwnr' have b'" moved u tears retail ut from & to to cents, will be fur- ' f '' '' A Klratfe which a huntsman's rile nUhed at a nominal price (10 cents), which j n,lj injured began to cry wlmn approach..! covers all expense. In ord. r to get a pat- j s,,a lions often wpep over the loan of their tern enclo'. 10 cents, giving number und j youn. Gordon Cummlng observed (ear. n.m o; pattern acted ana 1mii measure ! 'tickling down the face of a dying elephant As th patterns are maihd 1 1 re it fmm the I And even an nramr-outang when deprived publishers at New York, it will rrqu(r, j of its manro was ao vexd thst it to..k It about a week's time to hll the order. Ad- weeping. There la little doubt th.n f. re ' drei Pattern Department Oinaha Bet. j that anlnv.l do cry fro.n rrtef or w.,p Omaha, Neb, I from itlii or annoyance Ifarpei g Weekly Opposite Burwood Theater. K. H. Cl THniE, Mgr. NO MATTER WHAT YOU WANT It Will Snvo you tlmo and money if you will us . , THE BEE WANT ADS B. n. San Diego, Cal. Amos. Seattle, Wash. Hotel Statu. International Newj, Co. Trank B. Wilson. 107 Plko Bt, J. R. Justlca, 2io Columbia alt. Spokane, Wash; John W. Graham. Tacoma, Wash. Acm Nwa Co. Washington, D. 0.