nm OMAHA" SUNDAY BEE: XOVTOrBF.Tt 19, 1006. 9 n MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS- Phone Doughs 9)2. M50 On easy terms, 5127 N 17th St., four-room cottage, EO-ft, lot; rents $3 per month. A snap. 11,200 301G Plnknoy St., 6-room cottage, city water, barn, 50-ft. lot, Vi Mock to etreet car (DodRO St. line.) 11,100 2715 S. 21st St., good four-room cottage, 45-ft lot, part on terms. $1,500 1716 S. 6th St., email cottage, with lot 66x132 feet. $1,750 1706 S. 6th St., cottago, with corner lot, 66x132 feet, city water. 12,800 2237 N. 19th St., easy terms; seven-room house, In first-class con dition, modern, except furnace, mantel and grate, large lot, on boulevard; Im mediate possession. Bargain for a home. $2,900 2207 Howard St., six-room cottago, modern, except furnace, lot 60 feet frontage, close In. $4,230 1914 Locut St., good ten-room house, all modern, house cost $5,500 to build; two lots, 100x126 feet; lots cheap at $900 each. House needs some repair; would make Ideal home. $3,600 2224 Chicago St., ten-room modern house, corner lot; rents $36 per month. Non-resldct owner must sell. 3005 and 3007 Franklin St., two four Want offer. $1,600 3322 Boyd St., new 6.room pied, city water. Easy terms to right party. W $500 TO $5,000 To loan on Omaha Improved real es tate at lowest rates, with privilege of paying part or all before maturity and stopping lntereut. No delay. Money on hand. (1AKV1N BKOS., 1604 Farnam. w mu it UARVLN BROS., 1004 Farnam, 6 and 6ft per cent loans on real estate; no delay. W tl MONEY TO LUAN- Fayne Investment Co. W tibs WANTED City Farnam Simla loans and warrants. V. & Co., 1320 Farnam at. W-669 LOWEST RATES Bemis, Paxton Block. W-71 PRiVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1520 Doug. 11,000.000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates' no delay. Thomas Brennan, K. 1, N. Y. Lite. W 673 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co. W-S74 City ft farm loans. O. F. Carson Co., N.Y.L. W 75 JLOAN8 on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, 005 First National Bank FtMg. W 76 LOW rates. Private money. $.7)0 and up, CHA3. E WILLIAMSON CO. W BUSINESS CHANCES FOR BALE J3, 000 hardware stock, Iowa town 2,5oO. Will stand investigation, and best reasons for wanting to sell. $1,400 restaurant and confectionery, Iowa town of 6.UUO: dandv business, but sick neas cause of selling. Look this up quick. 100-acre Improved farm eastern Neb. A genuine bargain and will soon go. If you want u. snuu let me show this ii.QW. Full description of either of these fur nished promptly. ED H. TRUCKS, Beemer, Neb., Real Estate and Business Chances. Y-MU73 17 Try our quick action plan of auction sale to dispose of your city property. Wa can get you more money for your city lota, houses or farms than by any other plan. Get our terms before you list your property for sale. OMAHA AUCTION EXCHANGE, 'Phone Red-2107. 1201 Farnam St. Y-M6li 17 Do You Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, homo, business or property that you want to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, NeD. i-jjtii ui MINES and mining and lndusrtal stocks bought and sold. Kobt. C. Druesduw, Block Broker, &v9 N. V. Life Bldg. Y M980 Dl WE OWN property surrounded by mines In the famous Bullfrog district In southern Nevada. For partlculais address the Ne vada Standard Gold .Mining and Milling Co., gov INew loik Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Y-MifoU Dl FOR 8ALI-Flrst-class drug stock and fixtures. Will consider a good piece of Nebraska land. Address Y 159, Omaha Bee. Y M5J1 HARNESS SHOP, In good locality; will Invoice between $1,000 and $l,6"rt. Wlil ell right. Anyone looking for location, call and see inc. or write, D. S Iteeves, Belgrade. Neb. T MS02 19x ARE you from Missouri? If so, I will ihow you how to get ; for an Investment ot $27. We are building the greatest electric R. R. In the world and want l.'OO stock holders In OmalKi. Our tlrst Issue sold at $:i, second at J-'U and the third Issue at $J7 Is nearly all gone. All stuck is of the par value of JliVi per share and all re deemable by the company at pax. Monthly payments of one-tenth each month for 6 or more shnres. If you mean business wrlro me and I "will show you." Addres W. F. Porter, fiscal agent, room t"9 New York Life Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Y 8s7 BANKRUPT SALE. As receiver in Umkruptcv ca.e of John A Ilobnn I will sell at lMi9"I-ka St.. Omaha, at 10 o'clock a. m.. Tuea luy, November toth, IM, subject to the upproval of the court, the groceries, gmulte, tin and crockery ware stocks fixture. hoibcu. wagons, etc., now nt 171 St. Mary's Ave., lf2o No. 24th Si and ISt Lake St., respec tively, separately or together, or In par cels, to the highest bidder for cash. Inventory and property can be sei-n by ap plying to me at 211 H -. ISth St. WIIXIAM FLEMING, Receiver. Y-k43 14 THERE Is a way to make money In Ne vada mining stoeki. We will tell you how In our market letter, sent free for asking. Pa'rlck. Elliott Camp, Con servative Broker and Mine Maker, Goldfleld, Nev. Y 802 17x The Omaha Auction Ex change will close out your stock of merchandise by our "Quick Action" plan successfully. Pales aro belli; held orer the United Stater Write for particu lars or call. OMAHA AUCTION EX CHANGE phone Rod 2107. 1201 Farnam St. Y HOTEL leas ar.d fixtures for sale countv iie.il town ot S.Siw, commercial trade; Ht.-im heat; electric light; 3:1 rooms; many boarders. Price, jj.xoO: inonjiK of $1 c4tn be arranged. A Mress Y j22 Cr Bee. Y M 117 2ot WRITE for market letter; sent free upon lequest; complete resume N avail, i mining operation. Patrick Elliott & Camp, o n ervailve brokers Knd mine makers, O-dd. field, Nevada. WJ lSx bTART a mall order business; we furnish everything iecesury; only lew dollai re quired; new plau, success eeitaln; cost nmlilng to l'i t'S'Uie. Milburn Hi'-ks, Jb$ Dearborn 61., Chicago. Y a lix 1604 Farnam St. - room cottages, city water, 50-ft. lot. cottage, Just built, never been occu BUSINESS CHANCES WANT to trade city property and farm lands for stocks of merchandise. What have you to offer? OMAHA AUCTION EXCHANGE, 'Phone Red 21c7. 121 Farnam St. V- BANKRUPT SALE. As receiver in bankruptcy cane of John A Hobitn 1 will sell at IN Like St., Omaha, at 10 o'clock a. in. Tuesday, Novemiwr 20, 1908, subject to the approval of the court, the groceries, granite, tin ajid crockeryaare stocks, fixture, horses. wagons, etc.. now at 1701 St. Mary's Ave. 1520 No. ?4th St. and 1m Lake St., respec tively, separately or together, or In par. r.ln. In the hiu host bidder for cash. Inventory and property can bo seen by ap plying to me at o. ran re WILLIAM FLEM1NU, Receiver. Y lltt 18 NEVADA MINES AND STOCKS All the news went free everv week tV W. 1-. Bona & Co., brokers, Goldfleld, Nov. Send your name and address. i Su4 llsx JTidO WILL purcha.se the best air-cooled two-cyllnuer amonmune mane aim -"-cure agency that will earn from IJOO to J5W per month at 20 jar cent commission. We manufacture and guarantee this car. Make check to The Barnes Mfg. Co., Sandusky, Ohio. References, the Ameri can Banking Co., tho Third National bank. Y-1 18 FOR SALE Zinc mine, JjO.OOO; ten acres, 20 per cent royalty, large 3 0-ton mm, enoumi ore to run mill over live years, netting J750 per week now. Jamot Brown, Miners' Bank Bldg., Joplln, Missouri. Y M9S1 24x JJ5.000 CASH buys Iowa manufacturing business, long eHtanllshed; averaged jb per cent net prolits for years, easily doubled; would retain an interest with right party. Best reasons for selling. Address, V 221, Bee. Y-975 U FOR SALE $20,000 In secured Iowa securi ties netting inveetor 8 per cent. Address, Y 106, Bee. Y $76 18 DO you need capital to extend or start business? If so, write ma berore arrang ing elsewhere; exceptional facilities for placing stocks and bonds quickly. F.v erett Dufour, Attorney, Le Droit Bldg., Washington, D. C. Y-22 lSx WANTEDPeople with $50 and upwards to co-operate In clear-cut, saje nusiness enterprise with assured future. M. E. ft L. Co.. Royal Insurance Bldg., Chicago. Y-UOu lsx CAPITAL. We take active lntereat in good enterprise and incorporate and secure money tor any legitimate business purpose. Bonds Bold on strictly commission basis. Money advanced on good propositions. Give full particulars. THE WILLIAM HALL CO., Hartford Bldg., CHICAGO, ILL. Best commercial and bank references given. Y-36 IHX FOR SALE Clean stock of hardware In Omalia: can show a positive paying busi ness; best of reason for selling. Addres J JUS, Bee. Y M'JOi lux FOR SALE Boarding house furniture and business; good location In Omaha. Ad dress L MS, Bee. Y-MK98 23x LOOK INTO THIS. Is your money bringing 3'4j to 4 per cent in a savings bank or is it earning GO per oent In a safe and sound Investment? Write or call for particulars. T. F. Weting ft Co., Yorkvllle Bank, New York. Y 990 If x WANTED Partner to take half Interest in patent; to devote time and have full con trol of the two Dukotas and Nebraska, Write for particulars. li G. Bell, 412 a Main, Wichita, Kan. Y 934 lbx WHEAT $12.60 buys five ups snd five downs, good for one week; 2-cent advance or decline from price gives $100 profit. Write for particulars. Commerce Grain Co., Commerce Bldg., Chicago. Y-OM lSx BbiND for "Successful Method' of trading In grain with small capital; booklet and market letter sent free. References. Comstock & Co., Commerce Hldg , Chi cago. Y 929 lSx TOWNSEND REALTY CO., Fremont, Neb. Have Imp. fanne, wild laiui.s, sik. mdse. for sale; can use other property as partial payment. Y M1S5 D17 FOR Sale or Trade Small stock of gro ceries, good location; complete with fixtures; will sell at sacrlllce, must be iold at once. ia-lH Davenport. Y1S5 20x FIRST-CLASS paying restaurant, $2,250; two groctiy stocks, $1.6ti each; grocery, feed and coal and fixtures, $J,fxn; two chair barber chup, $.uu; blacksmith and wagn siiop, $,5o. Alva Smith Co., Coun cil Llutt. la, V M192 A BI-ESS1NG to rheumatic sufferers, Cel-pep-kvo Leheiisretter. Respectable bar-koc-)eis handle Cel-Pep-Ko. Y 200 19x FORTY mines now and many awaiting de velopment; the great camp, nearest to I.os Angeles; S.itita Fe Ry. completed Dec. 1.; write us for Perkins' Investment, l ei kins Investment Co., Searchlight. Ne vadu. Y 9M 18x HOTEL doing large business for sale; $3,."o0 cash, $1.;" on time; personal, private re. Soi,- for selling: will stand Investigating. I 'omo and see the business yourself. Pool I liu.l. New Columbia, Nelson, Neb. Y-M122 19 SUCCESS In !eculatlon d-ind on rell uiilu information concerning the markets and responsible brokers. If you are Heal ing or intend to invest in stock, bonds. grain, cotton or help you make mining shares, we can money. U-NEED-US. W rite or call for particulars. The Invest- ora- Information burg, P. liureau, box Ilk"., pltls-Y-124 lx lOl." can never profit by business chances unlea you have some money; small say legs are the foundation of large fortunes; Hart a savings account with J. L Bran dels & Sons, Bankers, loth and Douglas St. Assets over $X ouO. y 50 WEEKLY and Independence; 76 of cur inacidiies for vending u,i J pesnuta pay an average, dally profit of $5. W rite for particulars; new proposition. Hllo Gum Co., 49 S. Union St., Chicago. Y-Hfl x FOR SALE Harness sdx-k and tods In one 01 inej uei iou 111 i.oiorauo; good farm wis cuuiiiiy, koou , idwn lor selling 1-or iiio.iia.ii.ni wuic o. uepnart L..ve liuid. Cox- i-7U lax BUSINESS CHANCES Q U All ANTEED Patents Secured or Fee Returned. Bend model or sketch for free opinion s to patentability. Send for Illustrated Ouide Hock. Contain 1X mechsnlcnl movie ment and I.13T OF INVENTIONS WANTED. Particulars NEW TRADE MARK LAW, COPYRIGHTS, etc. Pat ents advertised free In World's Progress EVANS. W ILK EN 9 ft CO., Reg. Attorneys, IRS F St. Washington, P. C Y CORPORATION SECURITIES. We are desirous of securing stock or bond Issues of high grade public service or In. d tint rial corporations. Correspondent e In vited. Williams, Dnnrklee ei Co., Bank ers, 31 State St., Boston, Mass. Y-118 lSx WE HAVE a hotel proposition In up-to- date, town which will hear close Investi gation. Communicate with T 90. Bee. T-9 IS FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS NEWLY-FURNISHED front room In mod ern apartment hours; bath convenient, electric light and steam heat; short dis tance from pustofllce and on main car line; will make it homelike for gentleman: no children in family. Address care 0 404, Bee. E 166 21x FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT One or two pleasant front rooms, furnished or unfurnished; steam heat, gas, bath tele phone, etc. Call Sunday, or after 6:30 p. m. week days. Tel. Red 62:. ica in 24th St., flat 7. E M152 20 DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. Doug. 611. O.M.E. HauU Trunks D-67J CATITOL HOTEL, ISth and Capitol Ave.; American or European; steam nea68() NEWLY furnished rooms; new house; on block north of Farnam car; gentlemen only; every modern convenience; hot water heat. 107 S. 31st St, E 115 N18x NICE, large, southeast room; nicely fur nished; oil conveniences; electric llgtn ana ga. Phone Douglas 3S37. "17 S. H t. E 111 FURNISHED vate family. ROOM for 31ti N. ISth. gentleman; prlr E-MS18 l VERY 40S S. desirable 24th St. rooms; walking distance. E-M812 19x NICELY furnished room for gentlemen; modern conveniences, excellent location; references exchanged. 301 Farnam St. K 8S4 1SX FOR RENT Near Hanscom park, 2 fur nished rooms; hot water heat. Call at 1550 S. 2Mh. E-SOT lSx NEATLY furnished room for gentleman; new flat. Telephone Douglas tl0. EM149 20 ELEGANT large south room with alcove, Becond floor; suitable for two. 2702 Far nam. K M177 18x LARGE, warm room, modern conveniences, suitable for two gentlemen; J10 per month. Mil 8. 8th St. E 146 18 ELEGANT room, all modern; middle-aged gentleman preferred, lsuo Chicago St. E 199 18 HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms. 1712 Jackson. E iS7 21x PLEASANT furnished room for gentleman: modern. 107 S. lith st. bM - STEAM-HEATED rooms; also house-keep-E-193 19 ing suite. 2238 Farnam, flat 1. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD VIENNA hotel; private dining room; cafe. F 6M THE ROSE. 3020 llarntv St.. nicely fur nlshed, warm, comfortable room, uooa board. F 430 2toX MODERN rooms, home cooking, reason able prices; 2215 Howard; Phone Douglas TWO refined young ladlea or gentlemen can secure warm, comionaoie room, wim good home board, In private family at reasonable rate, modern. 627 Park Ave. F-785 FINE southeast suite of rooms; steam heat: cholca meals. 617 8 18th. f-mso7 ax THE Bachelors has vacant a few large rooms, suitable for two persona F MSGS NICELY furnished room Chicago St. with board. 2224 F-k88 IS ROOM3, St. light housekeeping. 1112 Bo. 11th F-883 21 TWO front rooms with, all modern Im provements, with or without board. 8113 Leavenworth St. F M131 2D UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOUR unfurnished rooms for housekeeping second floor, IMS Farnam St.; referenceii exchanged. G 7!6 THREE nice large rooms, furnace, gas and range connection. 1W7 Wirt Bt. Tel. Red 2&57. O M154 2 LARGE parlors and ern, with steam heat. Dougla (309. kitchen, all mod 122 8. 2Mh St. Tel. G-MS74 lbx WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent good house, West Far ram district, preferred. Immediately; pay $50 or H per month; might take furnished house for winter. D. V. SHOLE8 CO., 722 N. Y. U "Phone Doug. 4fl. K 136 18 WANTED-A home to take In emergency cases, such as scarlet fever, diphtheria and measles. Must be without children. Will pay well for same. Call at lle.Uih Otlice, City Hall. Telephone Doulua 601. K MUM FURNISHED room, with or without board; good location; close In: no chil dren; by young married couple. V. H. Nichols, Omaha Rubber Shoe Co. K-MS51 17X FURNISHED flat, four or five rooms, good location, no children, by young inariled couple. V. II. Nichols, Omaha Rubber Shoe Co. K-MS50 17x MAN AND WIFE want 3 or 4 furnished rooms for light housekeeping; heated; good location. Address G 891, Bee. K-M877 18x TWO gentlemen want board and Winn room In private fumlly; hot water licet preferred; walking distance from N. Y. IJfe Bldg-i state price. Address H 392, Bee. K 113 18x WANTED By young woman, employed, room and board with private family, where there are a few boarders. Addr-s K 394, Bee. K 9o8 lSx WANTED To rent 9-room house for April 1. Private family, 4 adults. Must have 5 bedroom. Good location. Addres, G 374. Bee. K-973 18 WAXTEIV-By two or three young men, board and room In private family. Ad dress W 401, Bee. K 174 18x MUSIC AND LANGUAGES CHATEI.AIN School of Languages Day and evening classes, French, German, Spanish; fencing. Davldge Bldg. 826 D14 CHATELAIN SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES Special French and Spanish classes begin Monday. November 19, $1 a niunth. R g. Ister now. 417 19 VOICE instruction; opera oratorio, concert, etc. Grace A. Hitchcock, 628 H. 19tl. St. Phone Taylor 458. Miuo D9x OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Inbtltut. Doug. lbi4. 418 N. T. -729 DR. BOWSER. Doug. 0370. over 1500 Farnam. Tel. -MjU Nova DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMORE Detective Service. 'Phone Red 7wl. Rooms 13 and 14, Union Block, 15th and Farnam. M K76 Dili i 1 AM ERICAN DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION - County superintendent, P. O. lock box J ,W7, Omaha, Dl PERSONAL fEWINQ machines rented, nny make, per week or $2.00 per month. Second hand machine for sale, Jj.Ou and up. Neb. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney. L e 13 FP.IVATE CONFINEMENT HOME. Mis. Dr. King, 2ul N. Zlat St, Tel Doug. J.-.". V'io PLEATING ALL KINDS. Buttons, lljrhing, kn.l.r,-iiiiei illS. Jiyelng and cleaning, sponging and shrink ing; only 5c per yard, benu lor price hat and sample. GOLDMAN FLKATINO CO.. 400 Douglas Block. Tel. Dongas IMS. U 716 LAUNDRY CITY 8 T E A M. Tel. Doug. 254. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoft clothing; In fact, anvthlng you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4136 and wagon will call. U 5U fc'REE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college. 14tli and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors, 'phone Doug, ll'ii. Calls answered day or night. U 129 THE CITY GARBAGE CO., otnee 4th and Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Dougla 137, C-71S iSURVETINQ, Bllckensderfer, 312 Bee Bldg. U 718 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramge U 720 Bldg. M AOKFTTPtreatment and bath. Mma ALaUiMilAL- BlIlUn 118 N u 2d n,)ur. t; ami ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3S24 N. 24th St.. Omaha, Neb. U MluO PRIVATE home during contlnemcnt; ba bies adopted. The Good Famaritan han itarlum, 72H Flrtt Ave., Council Blutts, la. Tel. 774. U 3J2 r UiAMflON carpet cleaning. Douglas euo. inzi ieavenworin. u an PALMQUIST custom shoemaker. U M470 4124 D8 Hamilton. Af AXKAnV Swedish movement, 410 N. U M'JSJ Dl MOTHER'S BREAD-Ask your grocer for Z. 11. Reeder a MOTHER'S BREAD. U Mfcj7 Dl A Dollar Free for You This coupon will be taken as $1 payment on a $10 purchase of shoes, hats or cloth ing balance paid as you earn It. HOME CREDIT CLOTHING COMPANY. 1520 Dodge St., Cor. 16th, Omaha. U-118 Nl TO FARMERS AND PRODUCE SHIP PERS We pay highest market price ODiainlng on date of receipt for best qual ity butler and eggs. We charge no com inlmion. Remittance In cash or merchiin d!se promptly. THE BENNETT COM PAN Y. U-M775 20 PENNELL Millinery Co., 322 North ltth St. U 722 Jan 5 Kir URB CURED No knife, no pain, no detention from business. Call or writs for booklet, etc. QUICK CURE Hl'P- TCRK CO., 511 Woodmen of World Bldg, Omaha. II ;ji CHRISTENSON, carpet cleaning. Tel U-JC8 D14 Jjuuris ito'j. TYPEWRITERS All makes, for rent. J2 la $4 month. Central Typewriter Exchange, i-ftvenworin. -rnone itea-t.. U-Mirt7 26 BYRINGE8, rubber goods, by mall; cut E rices; send for free catalogue.. Myers illlon Drug Co., Omaha. U 724 PRIVATE DETECTIVE. 457, Omaha. P. O. lock box U-M363 DIBx TYPEWRITERS rented, $2.50 per month; all mages; satisfaction guaranteed, .-ox Typewriter ac Uupply Co., ii22 Farnam St. U Maui Do FOR anything in the sewing machine line go to P. E. Flodman & Co., 1514 Capitol Ave. U-MHJ Ui Masque costumes. Lieben. Tel. 4115. Open ev, U M442 DR. VOGEL'S private home for ladlea be fore and during confinement: best and cheapest In the city. 2319 S. 13th St. U-M845 30 E. V. Your father has charge of business, satisfied your partner and cleared you. Anxious to hear from you. J. W M801 21x SHAMPOOING, halrdresstng, manicuring; hair kept in curl by Hawley's Unique Curlene; a trial will give satisfaction. 426 Ree Bldg. U-M048 17 WEALTHY maiden, disfigured by acci dent, healthy and affectionate, desires a kind, affectionate husband. Addre.-s Frances Rich, 236 Washington St , Ronton, Mass. U 10 idx WIDOW, with large Income-bearing es tate, wishes to murry a capable man will ing to manage It. Box 4u5, St. Joseph, Michigan. U 107 lx OMAHA Steam Paste Co. manufacture pure flour paste. 2210 Cuming. Telephone Dougla 4521. U "NATURAL flesh," "brilliant white," pink, biunet, are tints of Salin skin powder. U SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and mole permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. MUs Allenaer, 422 N. Y. Life. U- MORPH1NE, opium, laudanum, cocaine habit; myself cured; will Inform you of harmless, permanent home cure. Mry Baldwin, Box 1212, Chicago. U MARRY wealthy ladles and gentlemen; photos and descriptions free. Address O B, Satisfaction Bureau, Canon City, Colo. U-942 lsx FRER Your fortune told, future and past revealed, surprising, oy America s emi nent philosopher, astrologlst, clairvoyant St John. 12 Sheldon St.. Chicago. Send birth date and stamp. Know thyself. ' U-:9 18x GENTLEMAN wants acquaintance of re fined lady; ohje'-t matrimony; positively no replies wanted from school girls, mar ried women or matrimonial agents. Ad dress P. O. Box 423, Omaha, Neb. U 956 ISx MARRIAGE PAPER 10c, sealed; best pub lished; best reference; tenth year; hand somest women, wealthiest men. R. k. Ive, Box ltJ, IV-nver. Colo. U ft5.1 Px MEDICAL DR. PRIES, specialist, women' disease, weaknesses, dlschaiges. Irregularities cured painlessly and safely. WiOinell block, 15th and Harney, Room 2, Omaha. 725 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray" Nerve Food Pills," $1 box, postpaid. Sherman At McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha 726 FREE TRIAL TREATMENT to sufferers from all drug habits; painless; no ab sence from work while taking euro. Ad dress Drug C. C, 41 Union Square, New York. 996 Ux DR. HUTCHINSON, specialist of womea and children. Office, 2'jj6 Cuming. 'Phone Douglas 3'A.7. FENCING ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing, 60 per foot. 206 N. 17lh St. Tel. Red 814. l-"; D14 POOL AND BILLIARD TABLES PASSOW'S new billiard and pool tables are the best money can buy and are sold much cheaper; easy payments; catalogue free. Charlok Passow & Sons. J18 3. 19th P t M 4 7 D 8 WANTED TO BORROW I WANT to borrow $;.cm on land wnrfh four lines as muih; time loan. Ail-liess P 3.9. Bee. V Mltil 24x Wnen You Write to Advertisers remember it takes only an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention Ui facl that eu saw lbs an. la Th b. DEATH NOTICES HOOT. Charles M , November 17, l!", aged tN years. Funeral Motid.iv at 10 a. m. from family residence. 2..1H W irt St. Interment 1'lntts niouth. Neb. I 'ei -eased Is smvlved by wife an ! two d milliters, both of Omaha, Neb., and two sons, J. I.. Root of Flattm nith and Dr. Root of Riusett, Neb. Lincoln and Beatrice papers please copy, RFAOAN-Miry aged 77, at 11 o'clock November K 1!"fl. Fttneial S . a. m. Moi d iv from the resl. d. in e of J. E R 'gun. 3 .' Shernun Ave. FLORISTS II ESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. -730 L. HENDERSON. 1263. 1519 Farnam. Tel. Don g. -731 MONUMENTS Great Western Granite Co. Doiurl-v H-wS. M1I5 D17 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES OFFICES! OFFICES! OFFICES'. We have them; desirable, modern and In fine location; right in the wholesale dis trict; we have some especially dilralil suites on the second lloor of the United States National Batik Bldg., 12th and Far nam Sts. Think of the good location. CAN YOU BEAT IT? CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO., 1201 Farnam St., U. 8. Nat l Bank Bldg. A VERY DESIRABLE office, room 5!S, with south and east light, is partitioned, one rootn being 6-llxl:-8 and the other 19-8x21-7; has large size fin-proof vault; Janitor service and electric llsiit free. This is ore of our best suites of olllces In the building. St e Mr. linker, Supt., He Dldg., 17th and Farnam. 1 FOR RENT Desk room In Hee office, 417 N. Uith St., South manager. I 1:!4 city hall building, Omaha. Apply lo STORE for rent. 1D07 No. 24th. 1-MS3S lSx FOR RENT I-arge corner store room. ltith and Vinton Bts., fM. c. m. nacn mann, 436 Paxton Ulk. I Mttll THE two store rooms, with basements, at 702-716 8. ltith street; $-0 per month for both. Inquire, of R. C. PETERS & CO., Ground Floor, Rce Uldg. I-MIM Hl'ILDINO 1005 Farnam, will be vacant November In; 2Cxl't; 3 floors and base ment. Apply 314 First Nat l Bank Dldg. 1-9.0 DESK room In one of the large offices, furtltloned off, $10 per month. See ,lr. iaker, Supt., Ree Rldg. 151 STORE ROOM, 16th and Harney, ir-xlco ft. Can be vacated about Dec. 15, l!i"6. Ad dress F 440. Hee. I M6G9 2129 FARNAM ST., large store room and basement. $.15.00 per month. GEORGE & CO., ltiol Farnnm St. I-MS71 19 Ml 3 HOWARD ST. Good store room with large basement, $75 per month; will be va cant about December 1. GEORGE & CO., lool FARNAM ST. Nov. IS, 1008. I 3-RTORY and basement building In whole sale district. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas. I-13 IS FOR RENT One large store building: cor ner location. Wm. Rutledge, Herman, Neb. I M148 24x LARGE store room; large bake room, with cemented floor; furnace-heated bake oven; all steam heated; 1718 Nicholas St.; Just the place and location for a live man to supply the trade and at same time retail. LEMIS, Paxton Hlock. 1-168 18 NEW store roomv 1820 Farnam; also space on second floor, divided to suit, for busi ness purposes only. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. 1160 18 STORAGE SPACE- FOR RENT About 4.0W feet of floor space on first floor In substantial brick building. Can be divided. T. E. Stevens, 1003 N. Y. Life Hldg. I-M1G4 LEGAL NOTICES ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR WATER WORKS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT SYSTEM AT JULEcSBUKG, COLORADO. Scaled proposals will be received by the town clerk of Julosburg, Colorado until seven o'clock p. m. December 3, 1900, and Ihortupon publicly opened. Material to be furnished for the con struction of a system of water works and electric light plant for the town, as fol lows: 1,400 fei 12-lnch cast Iron pipe, 1,4(0 feet 10-lnch cast iron pipe, Sou feet eight-Inch cast iron pipe, 12,m feet six-inch cast Iron pipe, l,5o0 feet four-inch ca?t iron pipe, eighteen valves. Including valve boxes; twenty-eight tire hydrants and forty spe cial fittings. One power house, 30x00 feet, with coal shed 10x30 feet. One direct connecting engine, 60 K, W. D. C. generator, 260 volts. One high pressure 125-hurse power steam boiler. one electrlo motor, SO-horse power, 260 volts. One two-stage six-Inch centrifugal pump. One deep well steam pump. nine-Inch woiklng barrel, 30-lnch stroke, 125-foot water head. One ten-Inch well, ?H0 to 500 feet deep. One pump pit, twelve feet In diameter, twei.ty feet deep. Ono switchboard and equipment. One carload electric light pole. Three miles of wiring. Fifteen incandescent arc lamps, 220 volts. With hangings. Twenty thlrty-two-csnndle power street lamps, with brackets and fixtures. Erecting and constructing all of the above works. Plans and specification, form of contract and proposal blanks are on file with the town clerk of Juleburg, Colo rado. Bids will be received for any portion or f,.r- , i,r entire works. Each bid shall be Bcconioanled with a certified check for 10 per cent of tho total amount of bid, made pavablo to the town clerk, as a guarantee that the bidder will, within ten days of ac ceptance, enter into a contract to furnish ,,.,-..niHlle bond for the sum of 20 per cent of the sum local 01 roimaci. pnio 101 the faithful performance of the work and the protection of the town against Ion or damage. Right Is reserved to reject any and all bids, and when a bid covers more than one part of the work, one part may be accepted and the other rejected. A. F. PERRIER. Town Clerk NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR STATU PRINTING. tiio ill tie received bv the State Print Ing Board at the office of the Secretary of State at iincoiu, ieeni, cm, vi i.t-ivmo 2 ".0 o'clock p. m. Tuesday, November 27, 191 for printing and binding l.auO five-quire assessor's books, fifteen county treasures cash books, sixty-two tax lists, one war rant register, one register of claims, one legislative Index and 34 o lithographed warrants; speclflcailons on tile In the oflle-e of Auditor of Public Account. Also fur printing 6n0 copies e.ich of all senate tiles, house rolls, resolutions and memorial to congress and :') and 5-0 bill titles; specifi cations i n lile in office of Secretary of State. All bids must be accompanied by a bond equal In amount to the probable cost of the work bid upon. The board reserves the rtuht to reject any and all b ds. Lincoln. Nebraska. November 10. 1906. STATE PRINTING HOARD. By Lou W. Franer, Secretary to the Board. N-ll-5t RAILWAY TIME CARD 1 1H toy iTATIOS TESTll .ISO MARC V t'nlon Paclne. Tave. Overland Limited a 9:56 am The China and Japan Fast Mall a 4:16 pm Colo. & Calif. Ex a 4 :5 pm California tic Ore. Kx. . nm Arrive" a 8:18 pm a 6:10 pm a 8:30 am a 5:10 pin a10.6 pm a 6:uu phi a 7 :4 int a 4 :il pm bl2:45 pm Ixjs Angeles Limited. .al2:; pm Fast Mall 1 Colorado Special 1 ho pm , .a 1 :4a am .a S Vi 11m .b 3:00 pm Noiih Platte Lcii. Beatrice Local t Uleuao, P.ock lalaud k Pacific EAST. Chicago Limited a$.2tam Iowa Locai a 7:tw am Chicago Mll a n.U am Iowa Local b,2 li pm Chicago (Eastern Ex.). .a 4.n pm Chicago Cluwa Limited). a C.3a pm WEST Rocky Mountain Llm...a 7 :20 am Colo, and Cal. Fi press. a 2:ui pm Okl. and Texas h-k a:vpm Lincoln. Kan bury and Belleville a s 55 pm a Dally, b Daily except Sunday a 1:10 am a 4:30 pm 111 ll t 11 b 1:56 pre a 1.46 p a ali.lu pm a 3:1$ am a 8 65 pm a!2:ul pio al:M aia CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Vn o. Impleraint Bow Nw Htppieit tf All in Lcil Jobbi&c Circ'.. TAKE. BIG OFD.hS DURING CONVENTION Ilnrdnare llonars Also F.njny I nnsnal Volnme of Trc.dc, nnd Heater In Cither lino Are nllrd Flsb Si 111 Adiaure. The Implement men are the happiest for a hugeiy at tended annual convention of retail dealers Is Just over and the Jol liers have many thousands Of dollars woith of oideis on their books to show for tnelr ncllwty of the Week. The implement joMiers are be ginning to get tlieir stock and bonk In shape for the new year, and business for the year Just closed they de- lHie to have been entirely satlslnetoiy. No Immediate change in prices Is scheduled, but wagon now are going at the advance which was named early 111 the fall. Mall orders are coming In for fall sort-Ing-up and winter good In the shoe line. The jobbers had a good business last week, much of It being orders for runners, in duced by the few days of wet weather and coming from dealers who had neglected lo lay In adequate stock. The drv goods houses are practically bare of winter goods, though the wants of the retailers In the country have not been entirely satisfied, the reason being that shipments have been deiayed from the factories on many desirable lines of goods. When the cold snap came last week irimy rusli orders lor winter goods came In from the country. Some lines are still Imtk wurd In coming from the factories nnd the Jobbers begin to fear hat the delay will put tho spring business In the same condi tion In which winter trade has been. Cot ton is firm at the high prices. Fish Still Advancing. Local Jobbers declare mackerel Is a good buy for any merchant at the present tune; that while prices are hlgn In comparison with former years, in a tew months th,y will look cheap. The catch of dome. 0 fish Is practically a failure and the Nor way catch Is sbout half the usual. Prices have been advancing rapidly for two or three weas. No prices have been named on fall caught Irish yet, and It looks hs though the market would open 2 to $3 a barrel higher than last yenr's opening. The demand for Holland herring Is heHvy, and although the culch Is much larger than Inst year there are no surplus stocks. Codtlsh is high and will continue to be higher for genuine eastern caught fish. The foreign pack of sard I no Is prac tically over anil but very few cases have come to the American market, the fishing In France having been almost n total fail ure. Reports 011 good authority say the French government hns made a second ap propriation of 5, 000,00 francs to keep the fishermen from starving. All imported sar dines will be very much higher, as the fishing will not begin until July of next year. Tomatlcs and corn are without any ma terial change from last week. There Is a good, healthy feeling in tomatoes without any change whatever In prices; also a good, healthy feeling In corn, with a tendency to higher prices. The market In canned peas Is much stronger, with hardly anytnlng available for a 10-cent seller; In fact, there is not much of anything available to sell under 15 cents. Canned oysters are In very strong posi tion, with many of the packers withdrawn and declining to name any price- on futures Canned goods of till kinds have been mov ing remarkably well and retailers' supplies seem to be very light. Pltnntlon In Dried Kralt. The dried fruit market has ton exceed ingly active, almost every Item in the line having shown advances during the week. Evaporated apples have been marked up cent or more. Evaporated apricots Pre hard to obtain at any price. Peaches have shown a 4 cent advance with most sellers and as high us 1 cent per pound with othwrs. Seeded raisins have advanced 1 cent per pound and prunes another v. cent, with fur ther advances In sight. It Is Impossible to say whore the end of these advances is to be. The raisin packers contend that prices are not yet as high as they will go and that these prices are caused by absolute scarcity of the material. In prunes, two of the heavy shippers seem to lx taking In the available supply, believing that the goods are much lower than the market Justifies and that the spread between prunes and other anea rruits is auogeipcx loo great, certain 11 is me nomiinu iot drled fruit of all klr.ds, considering the abundant crop that wa harvested, is beyond the most sanguine expectation ot the average joooer. Head rices are very strong, wirn nn nn- vanclng tendency, while Jaiins are a shade easier. The demand, however. Is sufficient to kocp the market In healthy cinctitnii. and lower prices can hardly be expected before the middle of December. Sugar Is unchanged in price on notn raw and refined, thoueh on the latter prices are quoted a little lower for December and January dedlvery. The local demand In the last few days has shown some im provement. The cheese marKet is strong. iounw Amerlcas are firmer and scarce. It la said RAILWAY TIME CARD COMTINI'ED Chicago A IVort hneatern. Cedar Rapids Pais .7:0oam a 6:06 pm alO:00 pra all :15 pin a 3:45 pin a 9:30 am a l:w um a 3:45 pin a 7:30 am a 8:30 am a 2:00 pm a 7:06 am a 9:31 am all .ol am a In . 35 am al0:3o am a 6:uei put a 6:05 pin b 6:0e pm bl2:40 piu Twin City express a, Twain Chicago Daylight a 8:00 am Chicago lochi .. Sioux City Local all 30 am ....a 3:50 pm a 4:32 pu Cairoll l.ocsl Sioux City Local ... Chicago Express .... Fast Mall Fast Mall Twin City Limited... .a 6:50 pm a 8:23 pm 8:25 pm Overland Limited a 8:3 pm Chicago Limited alLOOpm Norfoik-Buiietel a 7.4-' am Lircoln-Chadron b 7:40 am Deadwood-l.lncoln a ou put Casper-Shoshonl a 1:00 pm Hastings-Superior b 8:00 pm Fremont-Albion b :02 pm Chicago Great Western. St. Paul & Minneapolis. 8:30 pm St Paul eSIc Minneapolis. 7:46 a in Chicago Limited 64?1"11 Chicago Express 7:46 am Chicago Express 8:3u pra Missouri Pacific. 7:10 pm 11 .so pin (:U0 u 111 11 :50 Bin i : mi pm a 6:30 am a 6:06 pm all: 40 am K. C Bt. L. Express. .a 1:00 am K. C. & -it. L. Express, .all :li pm Nebraska Local a 2:06 pm L'bioatfUt Milwaukee A St. I'uul. Chi. and Colo. Special. ..a 7:5 am aT:8t)ara California and Or. Ex a 6 o pm a J. 10 pin Overland Limited a 8:35 pm a 9:20 am Marlon & Cedar R. Lc.b 6:45 uio ftll.uupm abash. St. Louis Express a SO pm a8:cKam Local (from Bt. Louis Council Btanberry Council Bluffs) Local Bluffs) a f :16 am al0:30 pm (from b 6:00 pm bll 30 ain Illinois tenlrul Chicago txpress a 6:0o am a 6:uu piu a 8:66 pm a 7:3u m Chicago guinea. Ul'Kl.HUTOX srATIOX-luth & M4S0.1 Burlington. Lav Denver California. ...a 4.10 rm Black Hill a 4:1" pni Northwest Special a 4:10 pm Northwest l-.xpres alVlu pm Nebraska Exprea a 8.10 am Nebraska Locai a :M um Lincoln Local Lincoln 1-asi Mail b 2:m pm Ft Crook & Plattsm'th.b f :50 pm Bellevue & Platts'n'lh. .a 7:50 am Denver Limited bellevue & Pac. June. . .a $ ::'.) am Chicago Special a 7:26 um Chicago t xpitw a. U K ---, Chicago Fljet d ( pm Iowa Local ...a 9:15 am 6t. Louis Express a 4:46 pm Kanai City-St. Joe....al0:4.i pm Kansas Clty-St. Joe a 3 15 i..n Kaiua Clty-St Joe a 4:45 pm Arrive, a 3 $o pm a 6:30 pm a : am a 6:30 pm a 7:40 pm a 8:06 am al2:ol pm blO:25 am a 8:.'9 am a 7:,0 bin a 8 30 am a 7:25 am a 1:55 pin a 7:26 iuj al0:5J pm all 30 am 6.46 am C Jo pm WED STL II STATION 15th WF.USTKU Chle-aao, Omaha. tt. Paul, Minneapolis A Leave. b S-i t- ni .a l:C') pm b 6 20 p;n .c 8 :45 atu Arrlvr b !i !0 pm all no am b 8 10 am c 6.50 pm Twin C'tr Passenrsr.. Bloux City Passenger.. Emerson Local Emeisun Local Missouri Parlfle. Local via Weejilng Water Falls City Local a Dally. a 8:06 am a 3:50 pin a 6 :50 pm aJl:20 am a Dully, b Dally except Sunday, except Saturday, s Funday oniy. n'i.t Moi.rtny. 6 Dally Dally ocean sti:ami:hs. ORIENT Clark' Vin annual Cruise al-eb. it ui, , aayn, uy ensrtered 3. a. "Arabic," li.ouu luu. Tiiru Toun Round tiia World FRANK C. CLARK M B wa, N. X. that stocks on hand are much lighter thl tvuson than for ye-ir. This is largely on account ni the liu-renM-d domestic con sumption and the export demand. The Im- r In resslon pievnns tlore win ie no ueciin fancy iHtotn-r and higher price may rub-. Ilnrdni re. TVe presence of mmv Implement denier In Onnlia at the convention this week had a tend 11. -v to stimulate the hardware trado with luc-ii Jobbers, as pel haps two-thirds of the In pltm -it men of Nebraska and western lovca ali-o hmidle hardware. Ad vances have been noted In practically all line of fti-mii nffflp- nnd these advances ringe from 5 lo 15 per cent. Sheet te.-l and all metals are hard lo get In any form. The luenl market is almost en tirely bare of formicated roofing, nnd It i- ms to be Impossible to get anything In that line. Stovepipe and elbow ate up on account if siaii ltv of matioinl. Barbed wire and plain wire, as well us wire nails, a-e up 5 cents p r hundred. Cut nails h:ve t iken a Jump of 1 cents per hundred. There is gre-at scarcity In all line of hardware. I'alnts, Oil and Gin. There Is no change in the alas market outside of the fact that staple goods are dlflieult to get from the lactone. Some lines are eiy scirce. Turpentine ha takn a Jump to 75 cent and may go hiKlier. I .oiui remains the same as laat week, Carter s being 7V cenis. while outh ern Is 7 cent?. The Indications are that lead will see an advance shortly. The paint busiiii s Is good at present prices, but It Is believed that liquid paints will advance because of the prospects of the rlso In lead, as well as the sudden Jump of turpentine and an advance in llnseeed oil. The boiled Unseed oil is now 4.' cent and the raw 40 cents. Mlnnenpolls nrnta, Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 17 -F1.0UR First patents, $4.3u4.4o; second patents, H.liuJ 4 25; Hi st clears, $3 253 30;- second clear. $2. ek'ii2.iil' BRAN In bulk. $16.25. (Superior Board of Trade quotation tot Minneapolis nnd Chicago delivery). Tha range of prices, as reported by F. D. Day & Co., 110-111 Board of Tiade, was: Articles.! Open'. High. Low. I Close. Ye'y Wheat I I 1 ec . . . , i V , 78 77 77S T74 Hole, 79" R0 80 il 80-j, 60 9074 1 24j 1 St 1 UV, 1 22 1 2u I 1 i: 1 19 1 n1 1 U'ti HI 1 23v, Mny...MJH 114 July... mj;-1V Flax- Nov.,.1 1 24 Dec... 1 20 May... 1 1 2-Hi Minneapolis Cash Prices Wheat : No. 1 northern, iMC-ne; No. 2 northern, 7!nc; to ar rive, 77')iic; No. 3. 7i'ArK oic; No. 1 durum, in-Ve; to arrive, cJfV.c, No. 2 durum, ttfWoi to arrive-, 5i:'4c. Coin: No. 3 yellow, 49c; No. 3, 44-S,c. Oats: No. 8 white, 82c; No. 3, 2n1n'ii3i',1c. . Barley, 3V47o. Rye, biVJu&toVi. Flax, $1.20. Kansas City (irnln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 17. WHEAT De cember, 07-V; May, 72V; cash, No. 2 hard, Oini.lc; No. 3, ti; Vtjmuvic ; No. 2 red, lio; iso. 3, O.oVac. CORN December, 87Vc; May, 38,c; July, 39c; cash, No. 2 mixed, cfijc, No. 3, 3i437c; No. 2 white, 3M-; No. S, 37c. OATS No. 2 white, 33' c; No. 2 mixed, 32'4iiilc. 1 1 A 1 Steady to strong; fchoice timothy, $13. 75'y 14.0O; choice prairie, $11.7u4'12.00. Ill E-Stoady; 67i(ii1o. BUTTER Ci eamery. 2Gc; packing, ICo. EGGS I'llVsC higher; extras, 2Hc per doz. ; firsts, jjc per dux.; seconds, la lie per doz. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu h.,,oc) 76,ouO Corn, bu 27.0O0 .oo0 Oats, bu 13,0u0 22,000 Mllnnokre lira 1 11 Sinrket, MILWAUKEE, Nov. 17.-WH EAT Mar ket steady; No. 1 northern. Se'uMc; No. S northern, 7i;ji!oc; May, 7tVVa;78c, anked. RYE Firm; No. 1, 67Vtlic. BARLEY Steady; No. 2, i5V4o; sample, 424 55c. CORN Steady; No, 3, caBh, 7Vc; May, 45Vc, bid. Peoria flraln Market. FEORIA, Nov. 17. CORN'-Lower; No. 3 yellow, new, 40c; No. 3 yellow, 40c; No. 4, 2Vc; no grade, 3cVic. OATS steady; io. 2 wnue, ai-cjc; xmo. while. S3V44j34c; No. 4 white, 32330. RYE Steady; No. 2, 64Bej6c. WHISKY On the basis of $1.2$. Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 17. WHEAT Spot steady; No. 2 red, western, 6s Hd. Fu tures steady; December, 6s 4ftd; March, 69 5vkd; May, 6s 2,i. CORN Spot quiet; American mixed, 4s 3d. Futures steady; December, 4a 4d; January, 4 Id. Pulnth Grain Market. DULUTII. Nov. 17. WIIEAT-On track: No. 1 northern, Hi'Vic; No. 2 northern, 784c; November, fwic; December, 77',ic; May, 7U 4jMic; July, HO'e. OATS To arrive, 32c. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 17.-COTTON-Spot closed ateady; middling uplands, 11c; mid dling gulf, 11.25c. Sales, loo boles. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 17. COTTON Steady; middling, loVjc. Sales, 445 bales; receipts, 97ii bales; shipments, 508 bales; stock, 12,776 bales. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 17 -COTTON Spot In fair demand prices 1 ii'i,t points higher; American middling f u . 0 50u; good mid dling, 6.12d; middling. oiiMi; low middling, 6. Sod; good ordinary, u.4ld; ordinary, 6.17d. The sales of the day were 8,0u0 bales, of which (n0 ware for speculation and export and included 8,100 American. Receipts, 64, OuO bales, Including 49,300 American. - Wool Market. LONDON, Nov. 17. WOOL The arrivals of wool for the sixth serle-s of auction salens amounted to 80,0o0 bales, Including lti.OOj forwarded direct to spinners. The Imports this week were as follows: New South Wales, 8,900 bales; Queennlund, 7.700 bales; Victoria, d.fioo bales: South Australia, 8.5vQ bales; West Austrulla, 7: bales; New Zea land, 6.(!0ij bales, and various, 2,ii'i0 bales. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 17. WUOI. Steady: me dium grades, combing and clothing, 24f 27c; light fine. p-cii21c; heavy tine, 14-ulOc; tub washed, 32i37,jc. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 17. COFFEE Mar ket for futuree opened steady at unchanged pt-loes to an advunco of 6 points In re sponse lo steady Europeun and primary markets. Trading was quite actlva In tha v.ay of exchange-a from December to later months and later closed steady, net un changed to 10 poln's higher. Snles were reported of toiXo Ihib, Including Decem ber at f.0ittii.(".e; March, 6.3cWoc;.3dc; May, 6.6oe; Juiy, o.eoc; eii'piember, o.iD'UU.two. Spot quiet; No. 7 Invoice, 7 ft-ltic. Sniyar and Molaaar. NEW YORK, N.W. 17.-SUOAR-Julet; fair refining, 3 l'l-l.ii-; molasses sugar. J i-Hjc. 111 111 m, eiulet; No. (j, 4 3oc; No 7 . , AU. O, .iC l , .O. IF, 4.15c: No. 10. 4.e6o: .NO. 1'. 4c; JS'ev 12. S.9r.. 14, 8.80c; confeclioners' 66K-; lowdered, 4.80c; cubes, tf .ifio. No. 13, 3in)c: No. A. 4. One; crushed, granulated, 4. Hue; MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans kettle good to c hoice, HcVii :sc. ' NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 17.-8raAR Stc-a.ly; centrifugal whites, 315-ltVc(4c; cea lilfugal ellows, 8&-liu3v,c; secouds, ljl S'uC. MOLASSES New syrup, 27ii31c. Bank of Germany Statement. BERLIN. Nov. 17 -Trie m ekly statement of the Imperial Bank of Oermany show the following f-huiiges: Cash In hand. In creased i'.Ilio Horn; treasury notes, increased 2.5lo.ii'iiri ; other see urlt 1 ., di-creaaed 14, lm.''ni; notes in cliculutlon, deoieaed 40,' 7oo,,noiu. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. -Today's 'state ment of the tn-isury balanc. s In the gen eral fund, exclusive or the; $15o,ou0.uoo gold reserve, sliuus: Available cash balance, $-',! 30. 241 : gold coin and bullion, 3116,!W3,ao7i gold c rilflcates, $I7,!iS4,410. REAL EST.tl'K TH NsKERS. Luther II. Kuhns et al. to John T. Hall, lot Is, blck 6, Crelghton Heights $ 2,200 Fanny L Mundiy to H L. Hue and H. A. Kuhn. lot 14, block 3, PlaJn vlew (fcO Jacob Wehrll to John A. Bartou. lot 5, block 1, Bullous siilidlviHlon 200 Fame to sin,j, lot VJ, Albright & Avle.aaorth's addition lex) Highland Realty company to T. J. 11 Nell and J. J. FlUec-ral-l unell vl.h d 1S-20 of h ts 2:! ar.d 24. block 1, Hun-is a Pattemon s ann. x JliO Willbiiu obenlorfer ami wife to FTd Nnc. lot 2. block 1. Mount Uiiigliis, 10 Cl irl. s J. lik.-ry and v. if to J.,hu lb iiiplonien, lot 11, bloe k U, Walnut Hill Mint). a liiiaiiiuss, n dinl hiiktmnd to V. F. Kunel, p.irt t:ix lot 47, nwV s.-Vi e, u..ii 84-U-1S ; E. it. lames i June B. TuvanUey, part lot 7, Uo:k 8, Park place ToUl. J, too 25 4,400