Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 7, Image 19
) B FOR SALE REAL ESTATE D. V. Sholes Company 721-22 N. Y. Life Bids;. Phone Douglas 49 REMEMBER "WHAT AVE TOLD YOU LAST "WEEK ABOUT THE GROWTH OF OMAHA? $2fi,Ofn IN SALES THIS WEEK IS THE REST EVIDENCE OF THE PEOPLE'S FAITH IN OMAHA PROPERTY. BETTER GET A LITTLE OF IT, AND THE SOONER THE BETTER. t 3.000 Fast front on mil Pt. Blvd., nenr Hurdotte, No. 22M; two-story fi-roin modem houi"o, with rlnXv roof; Int nix HO let. Don't bother the tenant. ioe us. It In cheap. t 3,220 On Wiftman Av near nnkncv, 2-storv, square, nearly new, strlctlv modern, up-to-date rouse; arloni!Ml v nt-ranped; full Int, on car Hue, with paved street pnld. I 3,300 an.) JI.O for choice of thrw tiw 2-story modern houses, a room. juM bring completed. nir 4d nul Fir nam Sts.. opn nickel plumbing, porcelain baths, sfwrT, w:itnr, and electric llprhts; thoroughly nv id em and up-to-date. Uit 17x124 f ( t each. 11 us show you tlioe. t 4.0CO Hard front. .VixloO feet on 3nh Avo . botween l'nrp'on Ave. ind tiw park, with 2-st'"-y, fe-roo'u modern house, splendid repnir. nrr build in lamer hoi'siv Immediate posses sion srlven. t 6,5)0 2G.6 Do;igla St.. earner lot iVx?S fwt with 9-room, ?-itory. modern linuw, In A-l condition; comport lively new; rmts fl5 per month. Good home or wood Investment. t S.GOO On aith. bit ween Popploton AV'V and Woolwnrth Ave. vicinity of Field club, the mot por"'lr orrrntnir residence section; bmnd new 2-stoey, n-st front, modern house: hnrjwood finish, fine o.'ik floors: ready to move rlKht In; full lot. with sewer, witv, n. permaneat walk aad atone step. H a 411 rlaht. 812,800 One ef the bent residence prone.ros In Omh for the price; .onlo.", fee, east front, with 4 hnndsomo rooms on first Boor, hall ta the center, four VACANT $ JjOO S. 'W. corner 44th and Harney, 50x128 feet, sewer, water and tras. $ 6)0 For choice of txl? feet lots on 10th. Just south of Vinton, In Slmlos' Sub. HI ah. slirhtlv, permanent walks, city water aad gas 3 7B0 oex 1.12 feet, north front on Vinton, between 1.1th and Kth; stono paving, t 1,300 fw.xr.'j f, w, st front on nd. nonr $ I,400-5?x1 feet, south tront on "oi r iHn. . . n,..n, .. nnrtk Ave., between 3;ith ana ,1fitn. writer, tras: streot now belmi Paved! Cheap. t l.EOO-f . li corner 1rtth and Vinton, 44x80 feet, with stone saving, permanent wulk on both streets: sewer, water and pas. cnenpem Biisincse comer nctual. bona thlo Invostnvmt. Room 3 for Ian utorea r,A flnts n.nrt-sure to Joublc. Koom for three geod flats, INVESTMENT t e uio chni, .nrtr rrirj foet on "ith 1 St.. South Omaha, between N and O Bts. Renting W per month. WESTERN LAND A chance to speculate 10,000 acres lu western Ne braska, 10 miles from the main line of the U. P. R. H. and about 15 inUrs from the . B. M.; mostly all good, smooth land, good soil, no sand; will be used for agrl " cultural purposes soon at the rate people are going west. Prlco $5 per acre; easy term. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor, N. Y. L, Building Tel. Douglas 1781 - RE WILL trade for lots or smaller house, house No. 606 S. 20th St.; T5 feet of ground; house 10 rooms; tarn. GRAHAM, t4 Beo HldB. Rl-M172 BO FOR $1700.00-No. 2120 N. 15th St, six rooms, modem except fur nace. Rout $1G.50. $2200.00 No. 1912 S. 34th St., six rooms, modern except fur race. Rent $20.00. $2200.00 No. 3405 Center St., six rooms, modern except furnaca. Rent $22.50. $2600.00 No. 3401 Center St., 7 rooms, modern except furnace. Kent $2o.00. $4500.00 New, strictly modem uifeiuu, ut-suttuiw iuimiiou. $16000.00-22x120 feet fronting and 16th Sts., with two-story building. The completion of the Lnion J'acific Headquarters buildinr at 15th and Dodye streets will enhance the value this. I believe it would be Money to loan on improved city purposes. W. H. THOMAS 503 First National Bank Building. ONLY ONE LEFT We have Just sold two of those comfortable homos ajid have this one left. i rooms, thoroughly modern, south front on boulevard, walklnf distance, permanent walk, brand new, ready to move Into; a home nice enough for any one to live la and In a good neighborhood. We can sell this place on easy terms and ut the low price of $2,tCv. National Investment Co., 53 Douglas Blk., l'Uh and Ho due. 'Phone Doug. MM. BE Ml 29 18 W. G. SHRIVER 123 NEW YORK LIFE BUILDIN. Large ll-room etrictly medern heme, new, faved street, .t!i Ave., near Farnaia; must see this houso to appreciate It, $1!,000. l?lght-ro.nn modern house. 40-foot let. near 29th and Tor. pit ton; this is a bj.i g-2.lii, 31.000. RE-UJ 13 THINK IT! Two alx-rooin cottages at &.th and Mason, walking distance, on c. nur lot, Hx'JJ feet; well, cistern aad trees; nar S'h.ol and viir: lentlng for 3J4 for i ulv - -". t"un muke terms or aril ohm fur" $'. 1"- Don t bJiuer tentils; call at oftico will out dclfcy. J- l."i.k A: Cu lVIlutt i-U. lii.- j: U - i'm.i.'i, i U! mjiii.-ii-ii. .i-JJ FOR S4LE REAL ESTATE fin" hti rooms nnd bnth room on second floer. throe trood ltnlshel rooms on third flvr; splendid r.los.-ts: very excellent barn, nil connected wlih stwer; Hntif walks ami step: brick drlvrwav from trip rtrvt to the bflrn. Picture of the h 'us -ind complete floor plans unci detnlls by mall or on application at the oflli-e. 316.00O A hnndsomo, brmid new WcFt Kn Tinm residence. Just hetnr couipkt"'.: 14 rooms. Including three, rooms on third floor; flno twit water htatina plant, two complete baths, beeid'-. lavatory on first floor; handsome oik IIootb, onk flnlsli. beautiful dlnlaR roem from cellar to roof; laro grounds. tir16o feet. Built by owner for a home, but having cost more than contcrplnted. if can bo sold before In, will g.-ll, otherwise to be taken off the market; P'.ir antee It as to location, i.'onstrucilon. $S.I00 For the K. I Bne reldence, with lartre frnns, uixi.ia i v" N. w. corner of ?Jd ana ITaninm Fta An eleormt home; 15 or mere ro.-ms, with 3 bath rooms, 9 mantels, hand some hardwood finish on first and se.-ond floors, all walls entivnssod and froHcoed- fine hot water heatlrjr llant. pood bam, and a most n slrable, well constructed home. Pho-tou-ranh of house, with complete de tail plan of entire house mslled or furnished on arpllenrlon. Itensonsble proportions fr the purchase of this prnpertv will be cenrtdere. Can!"' not bepln to put the Improvements on tody for the price, and ground alono worth $10,000. i,nf-fi(Hloo feet, narth front on Main boulevard, IflR feet east of :tth tt South Omaha car line; hlph and nightly. Big snap. 3 1,000 BDxTo feet, south front on Wool worth batween 33th and 36th. with sewer, water, (taa and aermanent walk. N'u pavlns taxes. The depth in these two properties makes the difference in pm i Suo 531 fee ot N. T. comer SSth Ave "and Woolwnrth Ave., adjoining above. Any of these are very choice an4 deslrabl 2,750-i feet, east front on 26th Ave., lust north f St. Marys Ave. CllUICB. 5.8KV H7V.Tiro feet. 8. E. corner I5th and Q "Sts.. with four B-room frame dwelltnss, renting JoO per mon!; Building Lots West Farnam district, Hanscom Fark, on Florence boulevard, several neur Knrt Omaha; auo near 24th ard Fort Sts. bemis; Paxton Block. TWO houses, S rooms eadi, modern; 25th and Franklin Fts. l oth for GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bid. RE-M171 13 Park Avenue Home 69feet with deublo frontago on rark Ave. and 3"th St., with 8-room modern bouse. oc cuplrd hv owner. Price Just reduced from :.5u0 to $7,600, which Is but llttlo more than t'ie mound Is worth, A Rood home and a first-class Investment combined. The person who "camps" on this property for a few years la sure of a handsome profit. J. H. Dumont & Son 306-6 N. T. Life BIdg. RE SALE house, oak finish first floor, lot on Capitol Ave., between loth of the property. See me about a good investment. property. Loans for building Administrator's Sale a urai buhis property, o to 7 roam cottate and good bars, twa 100-barrel citterns, water, sewpr, furnaca, mo.., large basement suitable for a light buslnees. One f the best built cot tages In the city. Built by the day en hnor. Property coat over 16.000. Expect to sell about 40 per cent of It. If not sold soon will rwit to careful party. WM. FLEMING. Administrator 211 SouU 18th Stre-t RE 144-13 I have four lota lyn,ri to 13ib til. cx line, near liuj South Omaha line, Wit enu-rn owner wants to dl pu.; of u.l oiiob and ha put the prWu, to wll nuick, ilio. Fine aouui-front kit i.ear Fort tit. car line; chespest lut in that part of the clty.- South-front lot In Bluff view $tl00; easy terms. I. N. HAMMOND, til BOARD Oi' TRADE. eili TIES CttLAILA FOR SALE REAL ESTATE GEORGE & pVil 1 A UN AM STREET. GOOD HOMES AT REASONABLE PRICES, 35. Ml for a very desirable heme In Hanacom )'a.-k district, n'ar car line ami Jr.eid C'iub. having 3 roomB, all moaern. bot water lea:, Kood bare, on pared street. for ntw story ciuam mo i.-in house, hircl l finish, oak Honrs, full lot, on i.ih Pt., nar 1'ie'd 1uh; Immtsliaie pos session: choice location. H.j) for UK't l ndeiwui.d Ave., l-room mod ern s iUiire r use, new, only ll.iou cfi, balance monthly lame aa rent; Key at our otni e; want efler for quick sale; In- v. Btlgate. V4.30 for 191! Corky 6t, S-raem modern square h"Ue, n w, hot water heat, ce ment wolk, nice shade, fiilt for a home, pa veu street, lot o"xLi leet. $4.ofi0 for 7 -room 2-story modem sqtiara l:use, nearly new, wun barn, art iveii street, close in, near Leavenworth Bt. $J,mj0 for Sol9 Hawthorne Ave., (Bemie 1'ark), 7-rooni modern house, hot water K . . u . kaullMlilllv lAall I. . imt $. im iHO Bristol ft., s' rooms, all mod em, new oin pluuiblng, new turnace, food birn, chicken house, eemont walks, ot fcexLI.' feet. 30,7011 for lf.1.' N. 1st h '., ? roons, modern except In-nt, new bath room, house won built and in tnM-rl:is3 condition, lot 50x 14i) feet; terms. VACANT. $3,000 for 76 fret east Jrentage on pa veil afreet, In chotee location. West Farnam district, subject to all paving taxes. $Aoo for ui;xlJ8 feet, on California, op posite crciKhton toilono. $J,.5l ter i teet, west innt. on 2id, be tween California ana w eDt-ter Bts. $2.1jo tor 5f'Xi:; feet, east front, on 40th ot., near t arnam. paved street. $l,80i) for 42xwj teet, e:t front, ea paved street, near Creighton College and Hlgn School; all clear. $l,6CO for 4xiat feet, double frontage, en iv.uievarj ini wth Si. tl.tno for n.AxUS feet, eoth froat. rm Un co, n ttouievdia itiemla lark;, near jotn; two lots, same size. TRACKAGE. $17,426 for lTJxlS feet at northeast comer Hth and wouglas Sta., with . & M. and Nonliw. stern tracuage; building cou.d have entrance also from Douglas St. via duct. Ua.wo for 132x132 feet, at southeast corner INVESTMENTS. $3,0'l for store and house near 10th and William, rentlr.K for $430 per year. $15,000 for four new brick houFes o cor- close in. rental i,e per year. $li!,B0O Brick business block neai jrnh and N Sts., South Omaha; net rental over $1,700 per j-eur. ROOMING AND BOARDING HOUSES $7,0O for large rooming and board ing house anly 2 yeara old; no better location; now netting owner 30 per cent on price asked. Owner losing husband a short time ago only rea son for selling. Small home property considered In trade, $4,2.10 for a 10-room house near STth nnd California, close In. BEMTS, Part an Slock. RES- UNUSUAL TERMS FOR INSIDE PROPERTY A Great Reduction In Price Four Iota north of Vinton St., only two blocks from car, line natural shade, good neighborhood. A month at,ro we advertised these lets at $400 to $io0 and the owner thought thein cheap. We have since re duced the prlco- twice and now effer them at R50 to $500. Terms, 3Ci down, balance ti per month. Owner Is bound to sell. Tou can't buy wall located lota la Ben son, Bellevue or Florence for these prices. J. H. Dumont & Son 9-6 N. Y, Life Bldg. RK- 1920 So. 34th St. ThU la a g-eed 3-reem house, with beat ef medern pronibing, full east front lot on paved street, permanent walk; only two blocks te Haa scorn Park and en carlla. Price $e0o. The Byron Reed Co. Phsue Lou. JJ7. m s. utt) su TIILS IS IX)U YOU TO T1UKK AitUUT AND A.OT CPOJf, ui iuu at 1 VOU Win GET Thi; MHlXkFir. tujs la AN EXTKAUIUiinHl I ! ll e n ji.u uin rui ttiL, uimuATjat ui H OMliA. MARK THIS! w,??,.,1 -N,-ART r A ttSKllyitVtZiXw& OR 50 rUr.T. ALL SriM4tJ- pAVhll BliWLK. UAS, WATJfilt. KLItC'l KiO LIuHT, i Mi.M'THS ALiC tVoM ALL I "HAHUA1N IX1'NTKR8. AT A KHiCa .T YOV JIlAl WILL AOl-UMSIf lOi; WHfjiN jut atjsia a.xu th.n, AGA1." IP 1 I M lu n CAN. If tOL WISH Tt Ui 1 HhilT. VOL' 4 F1M5 hOi'SM WiTlliN 1 BLOCKS OV THE Pl'BLIC LIBRARY. T. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A- BURltOLNO. lNt.8 vsnv best, this pKOPKtt t if will enhance i.v tali e thrkk foi.n ovlr anything cp town or 01'TtllE. INVESTIGATE FOR .l'K PEJ F. IF YOf T0 YOU W1IJ. RE COX. V 1 NCF7T) WITHOLT A DOl'ItT. THU F1RP I PER -JON TO SETS I e VWUL .d f REGRET IT. THE PUTNAM CO., 514-6 N. T. Life. BJh- Texas Land RANCH 5 r acre. In solid body, well Improved, 13 miles of Hereford. Tex.; price per acre, $12.50. RANCH, 20.0e acres, 360 mtlea west Fort WorTb, near Texas Ac Pac'.f;c railway, all fenced; price, M il per acre. RANCH. 12.000 aires, 12 miles from AmariUo. This irac will cut jp and v.11 at good prout. Blic, j;.00 per Sat. 9.600 A-CttES IN GRAY COUMTT. allghtly rolling prairie; price, fi.OO SuiOO ACRES Ieaf Bniiih and Palmer counties; ikrlce. $li er acre. And nave many mora. For further particulars write or call en T. 11- W1IJIY, 424 BEE BLTX!., maha. Neb. RE131 13 In West Farnam District Wa offer for $5.i a modern eight-roen house at 207 S. 36th Ave. Good. we;l ar ranged, practlcslly new. modern In erery respect, close to Farnam car line. Look at It and '' will please you. R. C. Peters & Co. Exclusive Agnte. 220 S. ITth t.. Cue Eldtf. SUNDAY TZZ: NOVTOIT.ER FOR SALE REAL ESTATE COMPANY 'PHONE DOLQLA3 'K. iX.VA for new t-room modrrn house, baring isik tinlsu. rooms int so. an 1 pic-ismt, tot .'v6' feet, mur Md and iiuit Sts. $J.4'i fee 6-room J-stnrv inulurn house, n. ar -nth and Ohio 8ia. $J,o0 for 7-room linise, nearly new, all modern lea', on C'aplul Ave., neAr 2Wh St.: close In. Jii.Kt fur s-roo.ii Iiojsc on N. 24th St.. near Nicholas; cliy water, sewer, gas and new furnace; lot 4.lxL.T feet, east front; large; tfreund alonu Its valued at afc'iut tl.SOO. 32,fsO fer 244H Spauldlng St.; -room aof tage, all modorn except heat, well bul.t, lot 48.xl.1e fet; paving paid In full. $2,ot for 8. E. corner lih and Lake Sts.; It rooms, modern, conveniently located; rjo not disturb tn.-tnt. linoo for 7-room I-siory modern house, with mantel and grate, on corner lot near Reunite I'Ijoo; one-trrird cash, bal ance at 6 per eent. $M"0M N- If"' 8-. 5-reom etery and oae-taalf, all saodera except Beat; good ne gnbotaaed. 31. for 314 N. 2Wh 8t.;' good oottafre; c:ose In. 31,7on for S-room cot tap", all modern ex cept heat, In t'1"1' condition., on low!r Ave., near 2'h St.; easy terms, rents for $18 per mcnUj. $1,150 fev JTH1 feet, seuth frent, e kalf plock e8t of 10th. r oi .ortaaatn 9t., 31,000 for 32xf4 feet, on paved street, be tween St. Mary a and Dewey Aves, near iaii Ave. 3ts for 40k140 feet, east frent. on 10th Boulevard. 207 feet south of Clarke St., cheap, and mi st be sold Immediately at that price; adjelnlng lots aama eise have sold for $1,010. 3-lfiO for '(HIM feet, south front, m Caaa SL, 1M feet west of 3-d Pt. Chetee trtilldlng lots, Mens of ihe city. located In all por- 12th and Jones Sts., with U. P. trackage In alley. Ground lease fer 25 years on favorable terms, will bf given on S. li. corner nth and Farnam Sts.; ixl32 foot; lot has B M. and LT. P. trackage. $23,000 for very sroorl and sufa investment o-e block lrom Bennet's department store. $12A'y)0 for brick store and office buildlag on cornur, in business ceator. RE SUBURBAN Cory -rom cettage aad 1 acre of ground, nice lawn,' trees and roed barn; this property is located oa Flor ence boulevard and car line and is a beauty. Let ub ehow It to you. P A YN n INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor, N. T. L, Buildlns Tel. Douglaa 1781 An Ideal Investment Ask ns for particulars In regard to this West Farnara hill property If you want a 12 per cent gross lnrestment that has always paid the owner 10 per cent net. An honestly built houso; In first-class con dition, well rented and cheap. Takes about $l,uO0 cash to handle this. J. H. Dumont & Son 0-6 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE- H. R. 8TRJKGER, 1118 Jackson. Doua. 7tl. RR-JlTiO ?., PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Sixth Floor N. Y. Life Building DWELLING HOUSES 3303 Macola Blva.. Bemrfs aark. a eairU fol heme place, fine nitural shaae, lot Wx 1UJ, with oement walks, hoe eontndns 3 reoms, with oak finish, oak fleors, fine fur nace and aasearteat. gas and nteettlc tltjht ' rAmlikrintion fixtures. aiYT-vlhlne rlarht nn- re-aae, en block from Cuming St., framV lng cm the aew axtenaten ef eania park, i rnce. $4,mo. 4T18 Famaw St.. a medern e-mm hmse, f menace, gas and electria light, pave street, permanent walk, aa ideal heme, rrloe, $3460. 3T09 N. 22a PC, a brani new s-rooai heuse, M.lnllv mda.n .ra.trf hirao. ...rf tm aaove right Into. Briee. 32.M. Owner vet y I wtmia tm oil kl alr i 5M S. h St., or (Seergia Ave.. 3-reem heuae, all m.dom. with gas and alectrie "fct- VII4 V,rr- " HniCom . ln- 'rloe, $2,M0. 3112 Masoa St., two-atery. 8-room house, ell inteh, 80-ft. lot, asphalt eavement, all m4era, Inoludlng furnace. Price reduced from $3,000 to $2,3)0 for quick sale. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Sixth Floor N. J. W. ROBBINS HOUSES AND LOTS $ 4.000 7 -roam iiMOern house n Ave., near A.! f .iiU ciu.cli; a I1.1O loca tion ar.d Close ill. CHOlC'kS lluilt $ 4.W0 juulh front on Marcy, west ef .tn, tti. a Is an almost new modern house f 7 rooum, huidwuoS tinish uowa S', iaie inaiooms. purceiSin buth and furnace; rents fer Ui. B.N.VP. $ S,o( ull lot on )th Ave., Boulh of M'isoii. Wiin n-rjoni cou.tge, nioJ.TQ except furnace. CHEAP. $ 3,Ooo--ioom modern houit- and barn, east front, near Hanscom ram. $ 2,806 Nearly new n-rooin house, modern except furnace, en Hurt et., wcat or 27th. $ l,oa 6-ieom hsuae an4 three lets, 3Uh and Maple. VACANT LOTS 31 2,01s vl32, on Farnam, oast of Wth: this is thu Dost barman, on the uteit. $ 3,U' ,axl32. east front on J7lii, nar Far nam: will subdivide. $ 2,100 . 1-, .fine taei front on ii-4, near Pacific. $ LIS-) Sou. h front on Chicage, want of W'lh; pav.d ard paid, t l.lft-Fine lot o Boulevard. In K'lan Park. $ .' feet on 29th. nsr Jackson. $ South front on Seward, weal of SO. I.. . SEE ME FOR OTHER BARGAIN'S. FIR.". HS' F. A.SU l'.ijM'Al.rf. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1M FARNAM ST. BE- FOR SALE fine of the finest lo-room houses in the West Frnam district, new and modern in every respect; a great bargain if sold this week. HICKS' REAL ESTATE CO., 4J9 BoujJ ui Xraee. , i-U4U 1?, 1006. FCR SALE REAL ESTATE N. P. Dodge & Co. HOMES Only f0 dow n fer a S-roem moder COtt;l(Tf, $.i, fi'.x reorns, all modern ooi tamj iTand in w, cemented uu der the wheie hoiwe. Covnor lot, walking distance. Lot 60:ilM. Honee J'ist i niKli'-d and ne er occupied. Combination fixture, gn nnd elic triclty. in other words a verv coni slete home with corner close In. Ton can't belt It for the money. One block from Ilge street car and aiie Hock from Lofig sciieol. $j,lCn This is a house esuctly like the one above depoiibed, and 1 in the amo lecallon. The only difference, belweon them i the corner lot. Ik'tU of these hou'S should si ll Monday innrnlnn, so don't target ta look at these Monday, $.Tbo A niw 10-room, nil raedern house on a turner lot, TCxlH, nenr hhern an Ann ie nd I-a k Btrent, In the new Hluff View Addltloa. The house Is modi-rn nnd complete in every respect. The pres.-nt owaer built the housv for a home, but his bin-In. hus conipcUl him to lca- the city. Hire is a chance te pn a house fer iust what It weuKl cett you to bulid, with the lot thrown In. INVESTMENTS $18.000 Three story brlek Bjlldln. Jressed brick. In ecekint crttldinoii, store and lar. rwonaf Hate on Cuming street, complete cost i-.'"-Oottage In rear; rental $177 rer month, iong time and ea?y terras. We know of Bo.htng belter for a permanent Investment. , t $14.0"0 Two corner lots with 2C0 feet frontage, in the very best nelhbor hood, two-story fratno eonf.Unlng 7 Rt re and 2J io ms. pait of the ground not improve d; paving on beih streets and Ihe streiU :iro the mnln lliorojsthfare nenr I'arnam and Hanscom Park district. Total In come -.Ho. We challeime you to epial tins bargain in Omaha todity. j(i,m'iO fix stores, four modern flats coitnge and bar, all on tay BHm.' nenr 3.h. Income $3.S2; HBIt n ranwm by i:6 feet din, In tine condition and always rented. jl.Two small frame biillcHn?, souih fronf en tainam. opposite .Mil St., rent C! per month; lot sxl-i. Choice location for stojes. IP iKil Fori v-lour fct on nmnm St.. rear ZA. south front. Splendid place tor snaae or (.tre. t-usy Verms. Increasing In their value steadily. ... . $3(iiA 3-siorv brick corner, 1 bIock from Auditorium and Home Miller hotel: three si.iies. six flats, seven rooms each. Rents Incr&asinK; bulkl fn is well built and In ood condl- ii.fWi I-storv brick, one block from rou t honse. rents Increasing. Spleu- did plaoe for lodge or fraternal so ciety. , ft4,nrc 2-story frame, corner. 7 at' re ' and 22 room.'.; laree birn. some vacant ground: over 2i feet fnnt aue on paved street. Kents, $2,llt&. BUILDING LOTS gni,y 44 ft. on Farnam, near d. j;,,rl4 ft. on 12 h, near Doilne. il'Vvt trackife lot near 10th and $15,. on Trackage lot near 8th and VouK'aa. ACRES 5,5XV20 acres In Benson, on MilU tnry Ave. on paved street. Ideal place for country heme and orchards. $1,00020 acr.s near Benson, ont roilo nenh of Krug park, on hlnh rldpe read. Very beautiful, sightly ground. $2,2'0 10 acres near above. $1.25rt t acres near above. $l,5iv 5 acres ner Houth Omaha, ti mile from city limits In Sarpy county; i irn'na sprint? creek all year round. Ideal phce for country home and feeding place. N. P. Dodge & Co. 1714 Farnam RK- VXi Fraaklin St.. aaeaera B-ronra cottage. ved street, permanent walk, all paid for, $1,200. 1S0T Blnkaay Bt., two-story, 3-room heuse. aaodern except furnace, with 60-lt. lot. Price. $3,000. 4107 I sard St., 7-reom heuse, all modern, on 0-tt. let, vacant at present, will sell for $3,000. If sot 'eeld this week will be rented for the wiuter. 3316 Mlaral Sc. two-stary. 8-room house. let 60x120, barn, fine shade, fruit, owutr anxious to e'U. Price, $1,600. 3325 Mlaral St., 6-reoru house, with good eelUr, cistern, well, scroens, barn. In good repair, renting ter $14 per niocth. bale arte... $W"0. 1910 Blnney St., large two-snry heiise, with aak finish, enk stairs, all modem, billiard room on 3d fleer, 5T-ft. lot, paved street, permanent walk, all paid In full Owner would talie part trade on this prop, arty elUier in smell houses or vacant lot. Bemrnne Is going to get a big snap In thm property In the next tew days. Don't fail io see it. Y. Life Bldj RE r. D. WELD Brlek building of Ave slure rion.a ioid rive Aula, uudcin, on goca biiMim-ss ttn-rt, proit.-rty paying 10 pr cent; prlco. .$i2,oo0 12-room house and lot, 7(xl2dt Noith .1st, a jul l 1 mlie notth of P. O. ; will aull on easy puyinenia $-J,jOu s rooms, all modorn, with good 2-story bars, two blocks from Joalyn home; $W0 eaao, b Jiuiee M.uoO a-riwmi house en Emmett St., near 24th. wilh lot 1i0xS7, oement walks i,n froni? . w .nun, uiiianoe -u per thunui, 6 per cent interest $2,X 8 rooma, corner 19th and Ixurd. neat home $3,j,;e 6 pjorai, -n Ontario Bt., near 17th, full lot. snap t.t $l,a1 I won cottave, with eltf water, !7th, near Nicholas, ast frent, pved street, fully paid; if aold wlthla three 4ays pries $1,.M J-rom cott.ige, with city water, on North 27th. near Grant; $2"-0 cash, balance monthly gj& Thre houses on Maple, nenr Ist St.. with cily water, heusee rent fer $21 per month; would fell all fer $1.3nft; or would sepa rately at $& each; $LjO cash, balanaa $10 par icoutU. F. D. TVEAD, MM Douglas. RE- FINE LOTS On boulevard and 24th at. Prices, $c00 and There are only four of them. If inter tslcd come In at once. O. C. OLSEN, B. E. Cor. l'lh and Dodge Sts. Aliin Fluor. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Did You Ever How Cheap Kountze Place Lots Are? Take, for instance, a lot on feet, on a through, paved street street from l(th to 21th, paving paid, permanent sidewalks, sewer, water and gas. Tlio improve ments alone are worth $o00 and the class of neighborhood is worth; u great deal more, clo-e to two good ear lines, the 24th street and Sherman avenue lines, close to good schools, churches, stores and the bnriness district. The price on IUNNEY STREET (paved with asphalt), only $100 higher. 50-foot lots on EMMET STREET for $800 and $900. You cannot buy a lot in Omaha, with, the same class of surrounding?! on a paved street anywhere near the prices you ean buy in KOUNTZE PLACE. That is why you shoiuld let us show von the unsold lots in this beautiful addition. Select your lot now, make a payment on it and arrange your plans this winter. HOUSES BUILT TO ORDER. "Not how elieap, but hw good." HASTINGS & HEYDEN Sole Agents 1704 Farnam StreK. Bee Building. Open Monday Evening Till 9 O'clock. RE SOUTH END Splendid 9-room hanise, modern except furnaca, locat ed In jood neighborhood, on nice cast front lot and only two blocks to car line and boulevard. A decided snap at $2,450. Wo can make terms to Btilt you. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor, N. Y. L, Building Tel. Douglas 1781 RE LABCiE LOTS LN FLORENCE Only tvo blocks from street car line and conter of the business dis trict, be line, ni-li and sightly, close to school, lor 2i and J.'fO ouch. These aie sure to double in price In a short time. Oiien Monday evenings until 9 o'clock. Hastings & neyden, 1704 FARNAM ST. Rli- TWO houses of six rooms each, near 24tt and burt Sts.; rent for 3w. i'rioe for both. Aso. ORAILVM, "j 601 Dee Bldg. RB-M170 20 LOCATION The Best In the City For sale by owner one or two lots on 38th Street one block south of Farnam Street? at $60.00 front foot. Lots are 155 feet in depth. Paving and sidewalk taxes all paid. Purchaser will have to hurry as this property is worth $100.00 front foot and will probably sell at that price within one yea'r. Address Owner, 546 S. 29th St., or Tel. Harney 3488. llOMI'S! HOMES! $2,880 6-reem misurn house, close in, near 22d and Plt-ree Sts. $14--i oori cottage, city water, at 1118 N. 17th St. 31.80n 6-room modern house aad reception hall, N. 27th Ave. j,4u0 6-romn house, in good condition, nt-ar 24lh and Sahlor Su. Investments $13,0006 modern 8-room houses, in finest shape and only 6 minutes' walk from nostrfflce, rnied to A 1 tenants for 32,1't) per year. 110,00 Double frame flat on nice corner, close In. rested for 31.1 iO per year and room to bulk! another row flats. T.OOO Deub;e brick flat near Kth and Call femla, rented fer 340 per year. 6.30 Large frame flat, rented for $'X pel year. Snap. $ 4,500 Full lot on a4th and Hamilton 8s ' and o stores and flat, rented for $." rnr year. 8 5.0O0 4 larue houses, lu first class condi tion, rented for $7oO per year, near ant and Clark. Robinson & Wolf 'Fhonc Douglas 2lli. 423 Paxton B'ock. Rli-Sl-' 1 To Investors We eon offer this week the ttvn.- cor ner on Farnam, 110 f.-et frontage on Fr nam for $..j.ij per foot; ample room lor four hous s. IIK'KP' REAL F-STATE CO., a B-iid ui Ire09 Bi'lir. &tir-Ui lit 7 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Stop to Figure Sjncrr street for $9o0, 0xl2f Modern Homes 33.500 fer S-room boose, all modern, lot flf,xl83, an N. 24th St. $1,000 for S-room house, all modern, lot 100x133, Kountze Tlace. $2,600 for 8-room houtso, all modern, east front, near 27th and Pratt Sta. $2,500 for 6-room house, modern but furnace, corner lot, 1 block to Dodite St. car. Theue are all tn first class condition, and ate cheap ot price asked. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RK A Big Reduction $7,500 to $7,000 Just the place for expressman, contractor or any person using several teams. 90x127 feot corner. Larue, comfortable house and exceptionally larno burn. A Kood neigh borhood. Will make a fine Investment or a good home. Itented for $ to a good, tenant. Full particulars on request. J. H. Dumont & Son 9(6-6 N T. Life Bldff. RE BRICK BUSINESS BLOCK. Council Fluffs; well located on P.rondway r nting S6')fi per yenr", pncea ror quick aaie. I ?5,0fi0. H. G. McGee, 14 Pearl St., Council I .Jlufts, la. ' RE-191 18x HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS SEE R. II. LANDER YOU, BOARD OF TRADE New modern heme, 20 Ui and Buidotte, two lots, paved btrtel, all opecial ta.ea paid, 8 rooms, modern in every de tail, built for home. $l,Suo. Cottage hoinu, Maple Su, lot xi20, purmunent walks, gaa und water, sc cr. bnap. $J.4uu. ClKay lot JSth and Marnier aon St., 6vxl26. New Cottage, 2Hh and tjiilolng Bt., 6 rooms, muutru except lurnaco. On very easy terms to good party. $2,lou. House und tiuee lois, Xii and Corby. Uia', bargalu. iltrcdl'.li Ave. house. Mi T rooius, very mcu nouie. $100. House and two lots, 25th and Grande Ave., N. W. Corner. .',). E. H. Landeryou, H2 Board ot Tiadu. Tel. Doug. 21ul-!03t. R til 418 525 So. 25th Ave. (Hetween tit. Mary's Ave. and Dewey Ave ) ihla Ik a good ;-room house with s wef and cliy water; l:ouse Juai put In best ol rep-i!r; pa.'ed street; in good lulghuorhood and within easy wIkii.g distance; an easy renter or a good home. I'rlce $-,ooy. ' 04 Urir,i 17 des'red. Th? Byron Reed Co. 'Phone Poutf. 212 8. Hth Ht. RE- AI-L modern -room Imuse and l"t for sla) at a bai.tiu. o. Uxix. Mi-Hm .