Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 6, Image 18

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Advertisements (or (hrie rolanias
will lie tskea anlll 12 m. for (he
evening; edition and nilU H p m. for
the morninic and Sandar edltloa.
Hates 1 1-lie a word first Insertion,
1c a word thereafter. Sothlac taken
for lea than !iKJ for the Inl laser
tloa. These advertisements aaast b
ran consecutively.
Advertisers) l reqaestlna a nsm
bereul check, eaa bar answers ad
dressed ta a numbered letter la ear
of Tha Dee. Answer so addressed
will be dellrered on preseatatlaa of
III B. 16th St.
Tel. Douglas i.
H W.4
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe
cialty of Are escapes, shutters, doom mid
safes. Ci. Andreeu, Prop. 102 8. loth St.
SIGN FAINTING-8. 11. Cole. 1302 Iouglas.
IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam.
DR. ROT. chiropody. Doug. 6497. l.' Far.
R 714
HEFLIN- Locksmith, moved upstalrR: en
trance, 1324 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 2974.
PTTBPER STAMPS Western Stamp and
Htenrll Co., 312 S. 12th St. Send for cata
logue. R-M3fiS D6
DAVI8 BP.OH.. Machinists: general repair
ing. 1406 Jackson St. Tel. Douglas 2V)0.
R M742 DL!
IjAW A university course at home: all the
advantages with but little- expense; cata
logue free. Kdwards Bros., Publishers,
Ann Arbor,, Mich. R-i.. Hx
WANTED Young men of good habit nnd
with high school education to study
drafting and structural englneerinir;
tracers mako from $tW to 1100 per month;
draftsmen, from $lou to 1150 per month?
engineers from $1,0 to llO.ftiu per year:
positions always open all over the cottn
try end demand for men cannot be sup
pliod; we can prepare you to become n
good tracer In 4 months; a good structural
and bridge draftsman In from 4 to 12
months, according to talent, and enn guar
ante. yiTu a position as soon ua efficient:
young men with common school education
can tako up preparatory work; all in
struction given personally, two evenings
per week, and studies can be curried on
while working at other work; a new class
will be organized December i: all Inter
ested are requeued to write for Informa
tion. Address M 3u6, care Bee.
B M1J4 30
HABITS Age 18 to 36, to prepare for rtre
men and brakemen on all the lead I nit
railroads and for new roads now being
completed; experience unnecessary; fire
men, 1100 per month; brakemen, $0 per
month, with rapid promotion to engineer
and conductor. Many positions now open.
National Ry Training Ass n. 620 X. Pax
ton block. Omaha. Neb. B 102 Dl
WANTED Five boys; good wages; perma
nent job. A. D. T. Co., 213 8. Uth St.
DRUG STORES bought and sold; drug
Clerks wanted. F. V. Kneist, 624 N. Y. U
HUSTLERS out of employment can do well
to call on us; pay weekly. C. F. Adams
Co.. 161 Howard. B-M133 D2
WANTED boys. Omaha Box Co.,
East Omaha. B M309
CALLS for competent bookkeepers.
Stenographers and office clerks are com
ing In faster than we can till them.
We also huvo calls for salesmen and
Jtetall clerks, etc.
See us at once or write.
810-2 N. Y. Life Bldg.
B 872 17
WANTED For the U. S. Marina Corps,
men between ages 21 and 3d. An oppor
tunity to sea the world. For full in
formation apply in person or by letter to
Recruiting Officer. V. S. National Hank
Bldg., Cor. 12th and Farnam Sta., Omaha,
Neb. B M5J0 Sox
WANTEI-Butter tub hoopers: write us.
Crete Butter Tub Co., Crete, Neb.
B M507 a
WANTED Two farm hands: W por
month year round. Address 1509 N. 26th
St., South Omaha. Telephone A-IS3.
B 731 18
COATMAKER wanted at once. Carl P.
Llndecrants, Holdrcge, NeD.
B-M771 23x
CHORE BOY and grocery cltrk; also ex
perienced general store ciern; uciiran
prererred: must no m. r,. v.
Co.. Spalding, Neb. B MSU 18
WANTED Rarber, first claas. I pay 60
per cent: a good man can make rrom
$12 to $20. C. D. Custer, McCook. Neb.
TWO hustlers to .handle a new line Christ'
mas articles; city work. 1619 Howard.
B-M133 D3
V. 8. NAVY enlists for four years young
men and mechanics of good physique
and character. Good pay. according to
qualifications. Advancement wnen qual
ified. Navy Reuniting Stations, Omaha,
Lincoln. Hastings, Sioux City and Des
Moines, o iKi
WANTED Four men to travel in each
tate, distribute samples and adverlbi
our goods; salary $21 per week and ex
panses, guaranteed; expenses advanced;
experience unnecessary. Address, with
fcUn.p, stating nge and occupation. Reeve
Co., ti ueuiooin ei., vnicago.
11938 lSx
WANTED Reliable men to sell dlun onds
and watch's to everybody on credit; god
" commission: salary to proved business
getters. Walker, Edmund Co.. Ioj btate
St., Chicago. ' B 640 18x
WANTED I rfical men In every town In the
United States to distribute advertising
matter; no canvassing; permanent; $t
dally. Harry Contris, Chicago.
B 925 hx
ACTING Young men to learn by mill
from proirietor big company; particulars
free. Ross, Box '.:2. Milwaukee. Wis
. - - B U-4 lsx
WANTED Good man in each county to
represent and advertise, hardware depart
ment, put out samples, etc; salary $Jl.iW
woeklv; expense moncv advanced. Dept.
A 6, The Columbia lloue. Chicago.
B-1123 lit
WANTED Men everywhere, good pay. to
distribute circulars, adv. matter, ta'k
feigns, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na
tional Distributing Bureau, li akln-id
Bank Bldg.. Chicago, 111. B-H&4 lSx
CIVIL SERVICE employees are jxtld well
for easy work. Exp. initiations of all kinds
soon. Booklet A 199, describing positions
and telling easiest and quickest way t
secure them, is free. Write for It now.
Washington Civil Service School, Wash
ington, D. C. B-932 ltx
TOUNO MEN, learn show cud lettering
and designing: It's a money maker; sam
ples fiee.- lhoinpson School, Pontiac,
Mich. B 831 lti
SOMETHING NEW in health and accident
insurance; a leading company, with large
profits, to a good Omaha agent, and alsj
tor outside agents. Great Western Acci
dent, Des Mollis B
MAN WANTED by Philadelphia mill;
work ln own town, full or sore t ine;
anlry and board paid; experteme iwt t
aenllal. P. O. Box 13'L I hlladelphla, pa.
XiEN Learn plumbing: day and night
classes; Western Plumbing Tiade School;
special terms: 15o Tremont St., Denver,
Colo.; W. T. Ore on. Manager. B
CIVIL service examinations will soon be
held In every rtate. Full information and
questions recently used by the commis
sion free. Columbian Correspondence Col
lege. Washington. D. C. Q
ENGINEERS, electricians, firemen. Ma
chinists, etc.; send lor new &2-p.ige pam
phlet containing ouestlons ebke.) by rx
S'olplng board of engineers; sent fr.-v
r,e .. A. liook tu, 16 & 4th St.
Lula, alo. U
Don't leave it to luck.
Link usually loses. Add a P to It make
lo you suppose that Pnderewskl plays
Is lucky? Do you think that you are a more
that it "Just happens" that he Is famous nnd
In it astonli-htng that John WanHmaker
that the Pennsylvania U. R. Is successful while others are not: is n iu. n i i
the pennsvlian A. R. R. a sood roadbed, the best engines and a perfect train erv!e .
D' n't voti ever think for n moment that it Is luek In these rases or In any other
rase of utirccsH. It Is Kood earnest, hard work work in the r'Rht direction worn
with brains but wverlaHtingly. perslstlngly and continuously work.
The opportunity to tx-eoine a crack Stenugraplier, Bookkeeper, or Telegrapher
Is presented to you by the fact that
Bovles College Opens Its
Winter Term on Mon
day, Dec. 3rd. '
It will requiro some work to fit yourself for a position as a highly r'"' BV"-
Oprapher. a better-than-the-ordinary Bookkeeper, or a nrsi-nasa inrnii'ii
But it will be work that will pay gf at dividends, u wilt uj wora uui .n nm
you jJP"1".- ,)Q any ,uok ln u u will jUfit be a caS(3 of showing your pluck
There are always positions waiting for Boyles graduates. The very fart that wo
placed over 400 graduates In positions in the last year proxe ni.u. iu ....
Boyles gradt:ate Is always great. The very fart that so many hundreds ol Boles
graduates are now oroutytng positions or importance m no- e "...
where thev need to emplov Bookk.-epers, Stenographers, or 1 elegraphrs for the con-
. i- - i ,i , , y, .. hnainpRv nffa'ri. enables us to rlsre eeiy
competent Bovles College graduate In a position Immediately after graduation.
i .(.. .i.tmi onn of nor catalogues and read It
through from cover to cover. It will prove
,.,u,i,,iu. Timiter that von ever ran across. A
better, pay us a call tomorrow.
II. B. BOYLES, Pres.
AUTOMOBILE drivers, mechanics, chauf
feurs, reisilr men. demonstrators, sales
men, garage, managers wanted all over
the country; 19J7 will offer great oppor
tunities and high salaries for competent J
men. Our practical auto-education can
be acquired by night study at small
monthly cost. Positions Becured through
our employment bureau. We have the t
only practical series of text books In
existence and our Instructors are ex
peris. Study now and be ready for the
spring opportunities. For full particulars,
Including one free lesson and dictlotiaiy
of motoring terms, address The Corre
spondence School of Automobile Engineer
ing, Suite 1S96, American Garage, 40 W.
8th St., New York City. B 967 18x
MANAGER to appoint agents for new great
scientillc game; lawiui everywnere; suo
stitute forbidden slot machines; played
with nickels, pennies or quarters. tr
drinks or cigars; finish beautiful like
cash register; rented or sold on easy
payments; 2.000 now ln use; samples sont
free. Proposition will please If an open
ing In your section. United Sporting
Goodb Mfg. Co., Dept. , Chicago, 111.
B-106 18x
Salesmen wanted for 1W7 line; largest a
sortment of Imported and domestic cal
endirs. wall Dockets, advertising novel
ties and fans ever shown: experienced;
salesmen, with best referenced only, write i
for most liberal terms. Thompson Mann- I
facturlng Co.. 78 to 86 West Broadway,
few York uty. a to is
WANTED Young men for railroad service
as olerka, operators, etc.; experience un
necessary; we teach and place you In
position; short course, low tuition, high
salaries; tuition returned by railroad to
telegraph students who take service with
them; write for catalogue. Chicago Rail
way and Commercial Institute, R. 61, 95
Washington St., Chicago.
B-S43 18x
WANTED Men to learn barber trade. We ,
prepare you for positions; 112 to T.'O J
weekly. Most thorough system of the
kind In the world, located In 22 leading
cities, Tools given; wages In finishing
room; positions and locations waiting.
Call or write, Moler Barber College, 1116
Farnam St. B M869 3x
WANTED Brick handlers and laborers at
Avery brick yards, 2 miles south of Al
bright on Bellevue car line; good wages;
boarding house at plant. B M837 18
HUSTLERS wanted everywhere; $25 to
134 made weekly, distributing circulars,
packages, overseeing out-door advertis
ing; experience not needed; new plan;
no canvassing. Address, Merchants Out
Door Advertising Co., 79 Dearborn St.,
Chicago. B M 811 18x
WANTED An experitneed installment col
loetor for time payment furniture hou-e;
reference and bond required. Address N
397, Bee. B-147 18
WANTED Experienced amateurs for road
show. Apply R. H. Gray, Lange Hotul.
B-S66 17x
WANTED at once, help on ranch; good
cook, German or Swede not objected to;
good wages; permanent situation if sat
isfactory. Address Moors, Dayton,
Sheridan county, Wyo. B 865 17x
Wanted First-class stick candy maker; ono
who understands making high-grade
pure sugar stick candy; highest wages
paid to right party. Balduft Pure Candy
Co.. 1111 Farnam St. B fcl 19
WANTED Candy maker who understands
muklng all kinds of fudges and caramels;
highest wages paid to first-class man.
Bulduft Pure Candy Co., 1114 Farnam St.
B-82 19
BARBER TRADE taught in shortest time
at small expense; positions cured;
wrlto for terme. Barber college. 12th and
D.iuglos Sta. B 180 18x
IN six weeks we educate you In salesman
ship, secure you position as trnvePng
salesman with responsible firm. Address
The Bradstreot BysLem, Rochester, N. Y.
ft-110 lis
SALARY. $12 Short hours; two hundred
positions, fco to $l2o month, to nu quickly.
Will prepare you free. We'll leaih you
brokerage, commercial and railway teleg
raphy easy, quick and thorough, by mall.
Write today, brokerage Telegraph School,
Lockport, N. Y. B
LIVE AGENTS of ability for publications
that sell ut sight; big commission; also
extra liberal premiums allowed for large
suU'S. Write today. It. 11. Meiing Co.,
Mercantile lildg.. Denver, Colo.
Blul 18x
MANAGER WANTED An Ohio corpora
tion marufacturing household necessity
desires Nebraska manaKer. Demonstra
tion in leading department store, OVce
furnished; three ) cars' contratt; saJary,
$1.VU i.nd commissions. Good opening for
man of character and Address,
Manager 2a, Oiuario Bldg., Toledo, lhlo.
WE wont a limited number of ambltlomi
young men; most promising b.islne-s
going; to $f,Hl0 a year In it; wa
need workers rathr than experience. Ad
dress Chicago Standard Merchandise fn
62 Dearborn at.. Chicago,. 111. B-919 lSx
WANTED 10 tnon In each state to travel,
distribute samples of our goods, ndvertHc
and tack signs; salary $S0 per month: $3
per dav fur expenses. Saunders Co., IVpL
C, Jackson Blvii., Chicago. B 917 1S .
DON'T be a slave; two wondTful books
for M x:r,ts. bow to make monev; write
at once. Theodore I'mratlv Co., 17S Wash
ington St.. Chicago. B K7 lx
WORK for yourself: be Independent: we
tell you how lo make money; write at
once for particulars. Theodore Umrnth
Co.. 173 Washington 64., Chicago.
U-K lSx
J TO $5 thousand paid for distributing clr
cutiirs, a!iiples. etc. American Union, 12
State St., Chicago. B 8iS 18x
photographers and rtnlt-hers; best waos
paid; open shop. F. P. Russell. 21 Olive
ot , St. Louis. B M9S7 23x
WANTED Competent, resristered drtig
cltrk: mutt be quick, active and wili ng
to werk; refen nce teU!re i. Hai h y
lrug Co., Lincoln. Neb. B Ml-i 21
ANY PERSON willing to distribute cur
sample.; $jo weekly. Empire, 92 lAStlle
hit.. Chicago, 111. Stradv petition ; no enn
assl::g. B 121 lSx
WANTED Errand boy: mut furnish ref-
ircc.ce. A. Mandellierg, 17.22 Farnam.
B-127 1
VOUVG colles-e man to work around bouse
in t-xrhanta lur iwout and bosid 113 S.
. ....
it i.luck and you will win nut.
the piano as he does simply because
able piano player man iaum'i"i
you are not? , .
suce.-erts In the dry Roods business vt
one of the most Interesting pieces of
copy is free for the asking. Or even
I .AST WEEK wound up with consider
able more applicants placed ln desirable
posl-lons than was anticipated.
We will receive a number of calls for
stenographers, bookkeeieis, first -class ortice
clerks, experienced retail cierks and manag
ers of ('ifferent branches dutlng the next
week, and are open to consider all appli
cants qualified along these lines.
See ps at once or write.
S40-8I2 N. Y. Life Bldg.
B 173 18
WANTED Bright, honest office boy by
olil established mercantile house. Desir
able place for right party. Address S
400, Bee. B 155 18
WIDE-AWAKE solicitors wanted: big pay
ing proposition to good talkers. Call 9
a. m. Monday. 108 S. Uth SL B I'M lsx
WANTED A Janitor for St. Peter's Catho
lic school, corner Leavenworth and 2Stb
Sts. B179
FARMERS, stockmen and ranchers, coun
try merchants and hot"l men. will And the
Reliable Employment Agency. 1174 N.
lfith, Omaha, Neb. (phone Douglas 1V6 a
reliable fonrce to secure help of any na
ture. They make a specialty of furnish
ing selected help at n pittance. Bl9Pvx
WANTED Your order? for men for whole,
frale houses, factory and warehouse hxnds.
furnace men. firemen, engineers, linltors,
block watchmen, porters, coachmen, pri
vate place m"n; ln short, for all kinds of
help. T!ie Reliable E-nployment Agency,
117H N. 16th. Phone Douglas 1W. Suc
cessors to the Western. B190 18x
WANTED Competent prescription clerk;
good wa?es. Sherman A. McConnell Drug
Co., cor. 16th and Dod?e, Omaha. B106 1
WANTED-Experlenced picture framer.
Applv Furniture Dept. Hayden Bros.
B-197 3V
GET right with your health; drink Cel-Pcp-K'o
nervo-bracer and vou'ro all right.
B 201 IPX
SHOE operators wanted. Call at Midland
hotel Sunday from 12 to 2 p. m.
B 833 lSx
WANTED Experienced meter readers.
Call at once. Omaha Gas Co., Lith auU
Farnam. B 857 lb
WANTED Young girt about 14 or 18 ytars
to wheel baby morning and afternoon.
432 S. 3tn Ave. C M-63
WANTED General servant; small family;
every convenience; Farnam car. 118 N.
39th. C 763
WANTED Experienced fitters for cloak
and suit department. S. Fredrick Berger
& Co., 1517 Farnam. C 829 17
WANTED A girl for general housework.
U'M Biliney St. C-20 17
WANTED Experienced amateurs for road
sltow. Apply R. H. Gray, Lnnre Hotel.
C 865 17x
WANTED At once, girl for general house
work, family of three; good wagrs; no
washing. 2144 Manderson St.
GIRL wanted for general housework: must
be good cook; two in family; salary satis
factorv. Iti08 So. 32d Ave. C 8S5
WANTED Young girl for general house
work; Danish preferred. i829 California
St. C-89
GIRLS wanted for turning bags, tacking
fly nets; also small it 1 r I a for clipping
threads. Bern 1 8 Omaha Bag Co.
C 8.52 19
WANTED Competent saleslady; must fur
nlsh reference. A. Mandelberg, 1522 Fir
nam. C f 14 IS
WANTED A needle woman to trim men's
hats; must be neat sewer; steady Job.
Apply at onoc. Kerr As Mcllroy, 2rrf N
17th SL C 133 lx
WANTED Exi!iiiicfd gill for general
housework; good wages. 1021 S. th Ave,
'Puvne Harney 3292. O-M'.f l!?x
GIRL for general housework. $126 Chicago.
C-.MW1 in
AMBITIOUS WOMEN to do writing at
home during spare time; $"0 to $luu paid
for magailne stories. Send for particu
lar ' Short-Story Correspondence Club,
8U W. UOth St., N. Y. C 996 lX
500 GIRLS wanted to work In shirt factory.
M. E. Smith & Co., 11th and Doughis.
C M;ni2 21
WANTED 60 girls for crockery dept.
Hayden Bros. C 130 18
, .
INTELLIGENT woman wanted by Phila
delphia Mill; work ln own town, full or
spare time; salary and board paid; ex
perience not essential. P. O. Box 13tUi,
Philadelphia, Pa. C
SEWERS Gingham Aprons Make highest
wges; material sent lo door free of
charge. Stumped addressed tiiveKi- for
particulars. L. P. Richards, 4004 Cottage
Giove Ave., Chicago. C 1W IS
LADHiS for shadow drawing; natural
talent unnecessary; $3 daily easily earned
at home. Stamped envelope for particu
lars. A Oil r ess. Bureau of Commercial Art.
1917 Indiana Ave., Chicago. C 14 lsx
WANTED Ladies to sell dress skirts, part
or full time, pi to $J0 per we-k- one skirt
free for t iking four orders; rend for sam
ples, sty leu. Jensen Skirt Co., 1:1 Van
Buren St., Chicago, III. C-l)li lcx
LADY AGENT Big monev until Christ
mas with photograph pillow tops Eloe
trlc Art Co.. DepL i, 112 Clark St., Chi
cago. - C- 6i )'x
LADIES To work piecework; $3 per doren;
mut'-rials furnished; no ranvassinn;
ttndy work; stamped envelope. Best
Mfg. Co., Champlaiu Bldg., Chicago.
C 917 lSx
LADIES, we lll make you a present of
$2e. give, you a splend.d lidy's suit every
ninety days and pay you a salary of $50
per month and expenses to manage our
business in youe section. Old reliable
firm. J. E McBrady Co.. ilft W Van
Buren St., Chicago. C tt-'s lsx
LADIES to make sanitary' belts; materia!
ll cut ready to sew; $1.21 per dozen;
particulars, stamped enevelope. T.enox
Co.. Dept. 972, Chlcag.x C-927 lsx
WANTED Cook and drnng room girl: both
wuitc, etate wpl'cs. Wai. ace ll"u.', Vail,
la. C liOlRx
WANTEIW nrst-class waist girls and skirt
niiisutrs. Room 7, DaViJgc 1:1 k.
lit b and Jackson.
C MWJ 19
YOl'NO lady bookkeeper and cashier In
whoiesale nousn; gnod salary to com
petent party. Address A KK. care Pee.
C 1W 18
YOUNG lady for general office work and
answering telephone In wholesale house;
state experience and salary. Address A
4"J. caro Bee. C IS.' 18
WANTED Experienced cook, with refer
ences. Apply Mrs. Kdwaid Hayden. ad6
Cass. C 19S 20
OIHL wanted In family of three. ?!0 South
36th St. C M175
AGENTS Opporlunlly of lifetime; ho ex
perience nocesaai y ; hlg ciit.h profits daily;
one agtriil made i'-l ln one huur; everyone
will buy. S e Ifcsue more in cident and
sickness policies than any other slmllir
company in the world; we give the most
H'l'Ulur and cheapest Insurance written;
new plan; 1 a year pays ior W pouuy;
no assessments or duw; other ai.ioiinM in
propyl lion; death bunelll, weeKly ludein
nity, free medical alirndinec, original
and popjlar features; eilner sex. Ali
claims promptly and liberally settled; in
surance asset IwHi.rtiO. Reliable rnMe
senuittve wanted everywhere; exclusive
teiTnory; liberal, permanent income, in
creasing each year; absolutely sure. Ad
dress International, M
Broudway (Dept. 15), New Vork.
J-iKo lSx
WANTED Good reliable life or accident
inau to sell a business proposition "t uccl
Oeut Insurance. Tula is an excellent con
trail; bouu terrltoiy. Cull or,
with relcieuie, American Accident Insur.
ante Coiopany, Lincoln, Neu. J MilK 1?
AGENTS $1 box Ox-blood
Tablets for 2.c; cure rheumatism, indie s
tlon, nen-oUFiiess; good salary. Senu ;Tc
for tl box ar.d agent s terms. Hnndersun
Drug Co., hO 16lh St., C'larlnda, la.
J itf)9 18x
FREE catalogue; Self-Threading Needles,
"Can't liend 'Ei." Pins and ugenis Ske
cl niies; (Hjnie new big teneiius. Add,es
Cha: E. Marshall, 115 Nassau St., Jne
York City. J-998 lsx
AGENTS to sell gentlemen's clothing on
easy terms; no; no security;
wear clothing while you pay; snull pay
ment down, fl pur month; samples fiee.
Vthite King Clothing Co., 28 K. d Ht.,
New York. J 994 18x
AGENTS can easily make $10 per day sell
ing our fast-selling holiday soclal(!cs to
merchants: enormous demand. vt r te
quick. Sullivan Co., 400 W. Van Buren
St., Chicago. III. J-993 lsx
LARGE corporation wants high-grade spe
cialty salesmen; exclusive or side line;
consideration lta) to $; per montn. Ad
dress David T. l"unch, Sec'y, 901 Washing
ton Ave., St. Louis, Mo. J-9H1 18x
PORTRAIT agents, are you looklag for a
good artist that can make good like
nesses? If eo, write for prices today. A.
K. Zlsklnd, Artist, 617 New Era Bldg.,
Chicago. J-956 18x
$25 PER week and traveling exnrnres pala
men 10 piace t roie-.nzsne nor siock anu
poultry) with dealers; experience unnec
essary. Address Defiance K. Co., Par
sons, Kan. J
$1" made dally selling Magic Drawing Pic
tures, latest l'V' novelty out; sells at
eight; no competition; samples free; ex
clusive territory. Stevens Mfg. Co., 529
Broadway, New York. J 91 lFx
LEARN an honorable profession during
spare moments; will positively yield In
come of $15 to $25 every week the year
around: either sex. Write for particu
lars. E. I. Ens1 bum Co., 214 Granite
Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. J-126 lfx
WE PAY $36 a week and expenses to men
with rigs to Introduce poultry compound.
Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept.
64, Parsons, Kan. J
AGENTS Male or female, make big money
selling our goods. Write for catalogue.
If you want to buy for your own us. our
prices win astonish you. United M f rs.
Mail Order Co., 127 Front St., New York
City. J-
AOENTS are making plenty of money
selling my unristmas siiectaiiy; so can
you. Ten cents brings samples. H. Hear
ing, Camden, N. J. J 102 lSx
$00 STARTS you In business for yourself;
be Independent; make $500 monthly; we
will give you exclusive rights for our
celebratrd "Star" inverted gas lamp; im
mense demand; large profits. Star Light
Co., 38 State St., Chicago. J 946 lSx
SEIL our famous glass burner; electric
light on kerosene lamp; sample by mail
60 cents; literature free. Monarch Nov.
lty Co., io Kasota Bldg., Mlnnen polls,
Minn. J 9.J7 18x
SELL TOILET snap; 13T4j per cent profit;
15 cents starts you In business; write us;
we show you how Acme Chemical Co.. 5j
Fifth Ave., Chicago. J 944 18x
PATENTED Hitch anywhere; weighs fcut
few ounces; carry In pocket; effective; no
rompeiiiion; rorsemen excellent agents.
Pocket Hltchpost Co., Muncie, Ind.
J 9 lKx
AGENTS Sickness, accident and d"ath,
one of the best insurance companies,
wants agents; they can mske .v per
week. Address, X, Box 3455. Boston,
Mass. J-973 lfx
WANTED Live agents to sell the latent
Improved Monnrch hand power tool
grinder nnd shnrpener; has the new
diamondlte nonhe-i tlr r grinding whel; out: puts 'em nil in the shnd; out
sells everything on market: extra good
profits; big demand: reserve territory nnd
pet our proposition quick. El Starr JTfu.
Co.. Milwaukee, Wis. J-952 Px
AGENTS waned in each county te sell
"Family Memorisls;" good profits, steady
work. Address Campbell & Ce., 1M ".V
St., Elgin, 111. J- 18x
$73 WEEKLY easily mad fitting y
glasees. Write today for "free booklet 5."
Easy, pleasant work. National Os'lcai
College, Ft. Iuls. J 9:1 18x
I WANT ten or more good saleemen who
are clean, good dressers, gem lumen In
manners and convincing arguers. 1 have
forty-seven itt such men who are clear
ing annually $5,000 to $7,00. I don't
want paupers or hard-luck story tellers;
I prefer men who want to better tholr
position. William A. Scholl t Diamond
Dick), 109 a lth St. L Mi 96 17x
WANTED Men with team and rig to sell
a line sf high grade family remedies,
spices and extracts to consumers; must
be honest, sober and Industrious. The
Gladstone Medicine Co., Hawarden. I a.
SALESMEN Kxrerleneed in any line, to
sell general trade in Nehraska an unex
celled specialty propos'tton; to fl!l va
cancy Deo 1 for the balance of this year
and 1917; commissions with !e weekly.
The Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland,
Oliio. L 983 18x
EXCKITIONAL opportunity for a solicitor,
call on commercial trade; we puy for
ability. Call or write 9Zi N. Y. L.. O nah.
1 L-omI
WANTED A traveling salesman who bu
been successful in any rgu'r line; con
tract for 19i7. J. A Kidwell, Mifr..
Euclid Ave.. Cleveland. O. L 111 lx
SALESMEN Local or traveling, to sell
fireproof afea to business men and fann
ers; experience unnecessary: quick seles;
big pn-tits. Alpine Safe Co., Cincinnati.
o. L-ine lvx
WANTED Traveling salesmen for most
complete and popular line of advertising
calendars and levelties; only men of high
character, good education' rycluslve tfe.
ritory; liberal contract; rioulre bend and
best references. Benne tt-Thoma Mfg.
Co. of Chicago. L
LIP.EPAL cemmissli.n is effred to a good
alesinsn acquaint! with the ha'dware
stove and house furnishing tnde; a lines
of quick selling enameled wnre; anpll
cants stue a and ekp nence. Acin- ss
Y hV. care Uee. L t'M Is
SALESMAN wanted to sell lares, embroid
eries direct from Importers to country
mei chants; small towns; must hace es
tablished trade. Meik & Co., 41 Broad
way. New York. L 9W lSx
BALKSMKN with established trad" for
tihlo. Iniliana. southern Mlch'ran. Illinois
Iowa and Nebraska, to rarry ss a sldi
line the nest nown mure of felt slippers
and tnoea. Addrus, Y IX, tare Bee.
WANTED A rlgar salesman, acquainted
In tewa territory trlhutary to Omaha:
lost be well recommended and give
bond. Address F. 3'M), rare Pee
L Ms3 18x
ROAD S.VLEUM t-TN Three: sltitle men
preferred; pnsltlon wo'th (" we, kly. F.
M. Kendetdlne, Kansaji City, Mo.
L119 lx
$,Vao WEEKLY and expenses to rrod sales
man for Nebraska nnd Iowa: full lire of
soaps and extracts and a proposition ef
vital Importance to every retail dealer.
Sales Dept. 21. W. Atwater, Detroit, Mich.
SALESMEN NOT1CW T.arve manufac
turer of staple well advertised sjeeUlty
wants two hiirh-cls's traveling salesmen
to see dealers; liberal contract with rWht
men; state nge nrui experience fully.
P. O. Box 12!t5, St, Louis, Mo. 1-
SAl.ESMEN for W to handle our line n
Nebraska. Wc hsve lni n tnsklng over
SliKt i-r w ek; high commissions; pent a
nent position for capable salesman. Mr-Alllster-Cornan
Co., 3u-j Dcarbcrn St., Chi
cago. L ! y. lSx
SIDI'3 LINE traveling n en enn make $.'.' to
too per week carrying side line of most
up-to-dite advertising fans of our ex
clusive and special designs: season now
opening; apply at ence. The Kcmpr
Tlmmn Co., Fan Dept., Station 1' Cin
cinnati, Ohio. L 915 lSx
ACTIVE salesmen ei ri $ri per month
selling as sp rinltv an l half ihat nmnimt
ss side line; staple, repeater. Manufac
turers, Ttex l'PX. St. LouIh. Mo.
Ij-W. lSx
SAT.E"S.VKN nke V' weekly sailing
White Sox rlgar. talking machines, rec
ords, electrical books. O'Connell-Oruss,
325 Dearborn St., Chicago. L frJOlSx
SALESMEN to sell loose loaf ledcers. bill
registers nnd other oft'ee helpe n.eded by
every bit-sinews mnn; tine side line. Per
ehing Mfg. Co., South Bend, Ind
1j-'X6 lSx
A SALESMAN visiting Ice factories, brew
eries, cold storspe nnd stea"i plants w'U
learn of highly nrofitsblo side line. Ad
drt'so, Factory, Box 6;3, Cincinnati Ohio.
L 79 lKg
WANTFD By wholesale ruhlier ho;se,
traveling salesmen thoroughly under
staiidlniT the ger.ernl rubber goods busi
ness; also rublM-r lxcts, shoes and cloth
ing. Address, with refe-enees, stating
sa.inry. experience nnd territrv covered,
H 8, care Lord & Thomas. Chlcsro.
L 974 lSx
SALESMEN WANTED Two experlencd
traveling speel'liy sniemien for Nehraski
nnd Iowa territory. Preetlnn permanent.
Salary guaranteed. Rennnsille mnnu
fnrturer. Staple line. Write y 104. tine,
wl(h references. L 971 18x
ClfAR snlesmm wanted In vntir locality,
city and country- ttdrto; snl.rv m il t
penses or ( oni'Ttis'lnn ; exoeieueo umioc
Mivtry: ene'o-e stamp for r rttul rtrs.
Madison Cigar Co., D'Pt. 67. Tnlc-'o. O.
I9'n 1x
WANTFD If you are snerHlty sales-nan
desiring to tnnVp a ohtr-re. renlv. st-tlnir
nge expeHenre. lln- hnndlr amount of
goods sold territory covered: evcellent
earnrt'inlty to the right man: will give
errluve territorv-; replies rnflni (tl.
Box y.5. Cliicego. " Tj 1Sx
THPEK frt-rlnss s'tcsmen for remainder
of this yenr and 1Ki7; will ginrantee $"
A vnr nnd expenses to rl-ht snlesmrtn.
vrresf. Wholesale, pox 7v, St louls.
Mo. L-9li 1x
WAVTFT Snerlnttv nnl'Wi. t.Vi Ti-ok'v
ar.d expenses. Hcrzfeldt, Wlndsrr TT tel.
. I-W lPx
POSITION wanted as roarhr,-i"n nr wortt
arnmd tb hon; eTrr1enced mnn Ad
dress D W. esre W-e. S'S17T
and may be paid befere due and you will
only be charged for the actual time you
have the monoy.
Reliable Credit Co.
Rooms 307-9 W Paxten Blk.
'Phono Doug. 1411. Cot-. Farnam and Pith.
X iW 18
Easy to Get. Easy to Repay
On our new plan in whic h wo give you a
cepv rf the contract with a written guar
anteed REBATE.
Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.,
119 Board of Trade iiidg. Tel. Doug. 2295,
36 S. Will St.
(Established 189.) X-ilSU
The Union Loan Co
Have increased their capital and du.lng the
Iiiutitn ol October ul make a spcCi
rain on oollaural loans, personal , rop
erty, mortgages and individual uot-s,
without security. Terms to su.t .-ur
oonveniMiCfS. 'ilior.e DouglaB 2lH or cad
at 310 bee iiklg. X
and others furnisi ed money upon their
own names, without security; easy Pny.
meuts; ofhees In 63 Mlnclpal cities. ri?
yuuiself money kr ftlng my terms Orau
il. H. IuuiA.V,
714 fcew iotn L.U Hldg.
loaned on fumiiuie, solaiy. pan s. buraea
etc., In an aiuwuot; !cs Liiou half,
perfeot privacy; immealate attri,tKn; any
te, ms wanted. Payments susuen..ed wn.a
sick er out ef work. 214 Kaibh B.k.
KM South lilh St. K-7u6x
"Dowen, 703 N. Y. Ufe Bfdg7
Advances prl ate money on chatis.s tt
kklury; euty to get, no red tap ; juu gel
money same Ua aakcal iwr at biuaii ci.u
Opcl evtruiiigs till 7, X 84i
EAGL13 LOAN OFK1CK; rellaaie. ccms
mudating, all tusineea contideatiai. ljtil
Doug lag. X ii
UONEl loaned on ptaaos, furniture, )t.
lry, tiorst.s, coas, etc. C F. He4, ilu 8.
ltLh. X-
FURNITURE, live stock, salary loaas.
puff Greea Loaa Ce., rovui k, Iisrksr
CHATTELS, salary an4 Jewelry loanJ.
Foley Loan Co.. Ia04 Farnam St. X it
CHATTEL sr.d salary loans. Phoenlg
Oeolt 'e. S's.ioi. sir-k X k 7
LOST Monday, building and loan associa
tion book. Return lo W4 N. 17 1 h St. He
ward. O 8J2 18x
f 'ST A gold watch fob. with gold lorket.
Liberal reward for return to 4C7 ptrown
Blk. Lost MMl 19
LOST Two KOld watch e ue In envelope,
ltea'aid. Return to Bee effr .
Lost 167 li-x
LOST Fur bea. Thtirsdav mormnK. he-
1 lw.fn Yit h ;ind 'J'Ht. Piu St.: r--wnrd
fer return to clft N. 31st List S3! 1
IXHiT Ijidv's plain gold wstrh with monn
rrati E. fj. H. Return to 4,'4 Rirde'te
fc-y. and receive reward. Lost 1 '". 18
SOL S GOLISTP.OM WHskleo. wines and
Il linois for tatnily use. Mail erieia given
prompt mi u n' 1. ti. Send t.,' 1 r t i-t.
Bouth Omaha, NvU Op;uit block Yaxda.
Great Cut Price Piano Sale
We need the room for holiday Mtuk. which 1s dully arriving from ear-tern
factories, and ere forced to bell rrpr.rdlew of price and terms. Visit our toi
and pet rested for such values were never offered 1o the American mbh:
600 pianos to select from, including Ihe world's b Bt, Ftelnway & Sons, Stogcr.
Emerson. Hardman. A. J. Cht. Kurty.mann. Mcfhall and our own Haud
M.ide Schmoller ti Mutller UprlRht, guaranteed to wear a uiourne.
A 4"0 Steger upright only
A $'7f R-,1 & Sons' upright only
A $.U) Mueller upright only
A ia lister upright only
A f-it& sample upright only
A $Ai Chlckerlug upright only
A t-io Helming upright only
A t Kimball uptight otiiv
A t-M Ivers & Pond upright only
A MJ J. P. Hah- uptight only
A t.J Ibwpe upright only
A " Knabe tirsnd. siiuare
A K t'l Icherlng, sou-re. ebony case.
A f ') Stelnway sip'-ire
A t4n' hranlch Hneh. rosewood cast
A $iV4i Emerson square
A SJ!''i Great Union s.iu.ire
.. M
,. l'.D
.. 1."S
.. l.'S
.. lln
J? I
;;. ;
A toB J. I . H.'le s intir......
: I
A ftotJ iil iuioer siaare..
1 iil iuioer siiuare
- ...
Our modern system 01 mm ami; "41rt rl,h and bOr-
each cuB.omc the BrcUtest -ertirity for full value ,,ft "sh "JT in
to $1 ,.er ween will Ming one of the above barrens to ,our J;- velJ J
Btrumeut fully guaranteed as represented or money refunded. Call or writ,
at once.
Schmoller 6k Mueller Piano Co.
Pianos Moved, Tuned and Stored.
1311 and 1313 Farnam Street. Telephone Douglas 1625
Jf you contemplate the purchase of a
typewriter, don't pnss up this opportunity.
Every machine is guaranteed to work per
fectly and to be In the best of shape.
Below will be found the largest line of
bargains in th city:
Remington, No. 2, in good shape.. $19
Smith-Promior, good ns new M5
Densmorc, fine condition $13
Oliver, new $41
Remington. No. 6, J.TR. $ir. $17.
Biickensdcrfers, up 1'rnm $10
New Wellington VlFiblc $0
Chicago $15
Special attention paid to out of town orders.
Central Typewriter Exchange
l'loi Leavenworth St. Tol. Red-b5X'.
If yju are In need of a good second-hand
typewriter. In (irst-class condition, we know
we can Interest you.
Following is a list of typewriters which
we are ottering for this week:
Remington No. 6, fine condition $37. art
Remington No. ti, new 67.50
hmine'ton No. 7, a snap 42.uO
Remington No. 2, a snap
Remington No. D, thoioughly sullt 36. ffl
Smith l'remler No. 2, elenant Bbae.... 36.00
Smltn Premier No. 2, new Ofi.on
Oliver No. 8, fine condition 37.60
Oliver No. 3, almost new 4t.M
Underwood No. 4, fine condition 6o.W
Underwood No. 4, almost new mM
fox No. 3, best of condition 4o.iv)
New Century, slightly used So. 00
Wellington, new 40.00
Iiensmore No. 1, beet of condition li.60
pensmore No. 1, best of condition J-1
Densmore No. 4, piacileady new 3).l')
Pllekensdorfer No. 6, new 14.50
Postal, new VI. GO
Chicago, a snap l.'.&O
Sun No. 2, almost new 35.00
We have many otb r makes, which we
can offer you at a saving. See us before
buying, for we can r-ave you money.
Fox Typewriter and Supply Co.
Tel. Douglas 3874. li Farnam SU
MUST sacrifice all the furnishings of my
beautllul homo, every tiling of the very
best quality, material and workmanship,
artistic in design, and must be sold re
gardless of oust; 6-piece mahogany
parlor suit, hand carved leathur chairs
and rockers, hall clock, odd parlor
chairs, library table In mahogany, and
massive oak dining set, leutner-seated
chairs, sideboard and bufTet, dressers
anu chiffoniers In mahogany, Tooma
mahogany and quarter-sawed oak; brass
beu. hulr muttres and box springs, dr. p
head Singer sewing machine, handsome
leather couch. Inlaid mahogany center
tables, Axminlaler rugs, tine pictures,
large mantel mirror, lace curtains, tmr
tiers, also beautiful mahogany upr'tht
piano. These goods are the very
choicest, selected with great care and
It is worth your time to .ee these fur
nishings if you contemplate refurnish
ing or beginning hotiseKeeplng. Those
goods were used less than 3 months,
are without scratch or mar and will bo
sold at your own price. Call at once
for choice selections, 1231 Parkwllde
avenue. Take Harney street car, get oil
at parkwllde avenue and Pierce St.
Q M60 20x
PHEB $1. 00 FRER
By sending us your name or name and ad
dress of others that will buy a piano be
fore Dec. 1, 19i6, we will pay $10 in nss.i.
Our prices are lower than any oiher
piano house, no matter where located.
Full site unilght planus from unit on
Terms to t.ulu Call or write J. C. Aou.iv.
Fremont, Neb. Q
POTATOES for sale In carload lots. C.i!l
1 toe be, Mondamin, la. (J Ml JO 'Jjx
THOROUGHBRED Barred Rocks, I-alha-n
and "Ringlet" strains, chejs. JMvia iilM
Ames Ave. Q 918 lhx
FOR SALE Practically new No. Rem
ington typowriter. .'15 Luke St. K R.
Graham. Q M145 19X
FOR BALE Sort cal hoater; good condi
tion. loiiS Retho St. Q iH42 19(
FOR SALE $200 sealskin coat Id good coo
diuoii. cheap; slue St. Appiy fl4 N Ui St.
W HUn, lx
FOR SALE New No. 4 Underwood type
writer and $5 desk for iM; clear title
guaranteed; owner leaving city and mubt
sell at once. Call N. Y. Life Bldg., or
telephone Douglas 5"J9. i M14j 17
SHERIFF'S HALE of unclaimed household
goods and pianos, commencing Nov. il,
ti, at Omaha Van and bluiuge Co. i
wurehouse at 10 a. in.; C4 lots must go
UJti-Jt North llth. Q 191 21
TWO liesley letter cabinets, In god condi
tion, made of walnut and have two draw
ers each. Call at Beo business offloe and
get a bargain. Q-Hlx
FOR SALE New and serond-hand billiard
and Kol tables; we lead the world in
cheap bar fixtures; easy payments.
Brunswick-Balke-Collendar, 407 S. ltith St.
J ?
SEND ua your mail orders for drugs;
freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Di.n.n
I rug Co., Omaha. Q 71
MILK cows, easy terms, 4!d and Center.
Q ti?J
60DA FOUNTAIN, any elite, ISIS Farnam.
SHERW1N-WILI I AMS CO.. best mixed
paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
HALL'S safes, new, id-hand. Wig Farnam.
FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire of
J. R. Campbell. Pee mail room. Q r,!l
FOR PLF Empty parking cases, cheap.
Address U Zi. Uee otflce. Q 414
Doug. tTu2. Q-M-aO D14
ONE ft-inrh Jenkins' valve for sile. Apply
W. H. Bridges, englnoer, Uee Bldg.
UNREDEEMED overcoat h. vn No
Irth. Q-M:r Pi:,
YFS. try It. $175 ton. Missouri nut coal
'Phone Douglas iilZ. HARMON a
ShmolUr Mueller mnhogany piano
FaIlu. fancy walnut piano rase 75
Beautiful Mason Hamlin, oak case.
ylth looking glass "
Late ftyle Ettey. oak case, wtth
Beautiful Packard, oak OBe, late style, to
i..i,, 1 i-. -, e,iti sire, with mirror 49
" 1 riiiiimu ,
Chicago Cottage, high lop, like new M
Storey A Chirk, black walnut case.
Mason A: H.unlln. good co:id1tl m....
1 nckard Orcliestrelle, high top
Shonlogar. walnut ruff
Whllney t Hobm s, fine tone
Daiiicl Pealtv. 24 stops
Anoint iienii.v
i, .nu
h instrument In plain figures gnet
The following articles of furniture ara
offend for sale. Thero Is a bargain in each
One oak bedroom set.
Two oak bovkcases.
One parlor table.
BoVd black walnut dining table.
Chlnr. cabinet, with plate glass shelves
and mirror back.
One gas stove.
One heating" stove, and various other artU
Call afternoons or evenings. 4'10 Nicholas)
Bt. O-
Ri"GS, furaiture, etc; also plane; otvp.
415 N. ZkL 0-M9Ct 2"J
GLOBE-WERNICKE sectional bnokrasoi
and ingTain ruK, at a bargain. 119 Dav
enport. 4 M'kO l!x
Nolls $1 keg. Star Box Co., U07 St. Msry s av.
Q-Mim :!0
FINE upright Checkering piano and oilier
furnlluru, chaap. Coil at once. ilS N-
ftr-W) 1'3U
fine stock of geneial merchandise, located
ln a good Kansas town; will invoice about
i0; a tine paying business; will ex
change for well improved farm.
No. Iy9 A fine drug stock, located in A
good lowa tor. n of l'J,. iiihaolL.ims; will
Invoice about $lfi,OO0; will sell for cash on
easy terms or exchange for good real es
tate. Globe Land and Investment Co.
Omaha, Neb. Z M7-U
IF TOU do not 3nd what yob want hi this
column, put an ad in and you will soaa
get it. Z-t)3
FOR EXCHANGE A number of good firs
mortgage loars and good lands to e
change for groceries or a general stock of
merchandise. Globt Land and Investment
Company, Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
WANTED A modern residence In Omaha
Id exchange fcr Holt county, Mis.ouil, land,
on the Missouri rivr valley near Forbes.
Own two eighties and one forty adjoin
ing, and will exchnnge all or part, ac
cording to the value of the residence.
Would prefer 7 er S-room house, W. D.
Bird, Missouri Valley, la.
2-M708 W
WASHBURN GUITAR for good Oliver
typewriter. Address, E 3S9, Eee.
l-i;S 17x
FOR PALE Or trede for automobile, de
sirable rtsldnnee jot on Pratt St. Ad
dress I3ox S2, Route 2, Florence, Neb.
IF YOT7 want to trade or exchange for
land, send lnc for Farm Buyers' Guide.
Contains description of 325 farms with
owner's address. Want farms to sell.
Horace Grant, Kansas City, Mo.
Z 963 18
TO TRADE One sf the finest creameries.
In the state of Iowa; location A No L
Box 33C Vintoa, Iowa, Z 9 Ux
Past events and present affairs are
' straightforwardly made known. No qucs
j tlons needed to guide her ln delineating
I'ur aflalrs or circumstances.
I The present, past and future are clearly
and dtnnlttly described In every detail.
Call and be convinced to your content.
Satisfaction always assured or no (ce paid.
CALL douglas am.
S 911 U
MADAME NORD1CA, scientific pa.misj
Par tors, ltO S. lith. Phono Dvug. b,V.'.
. t-AUiu v
WANTED 10 or 12 acres adjoining Omaha.
Gtvs full description and p ice. AUdrsaa C,
lu I'tuil fct.. Council filufls.
s,' ANTED to buy, 10 acres improved, etna.
Irult. iieai Le.nton. Adlreas 370 Doaga,
N mi;: ,-s
WANTED To buy second-hand furniture,
stovch, carpets, clothing and slioes; pf
the best prices. Tel. Douglas 3J,1.
WANTED Leghorn chlrkenj. State ago.
quantity and price. Address O 3.S. Beo.
WANTF-Tj S cond-hand drummer trunlc;
stnte size and price asked. Add ess I) 4-ii,
cre Bee. K Ut
WANTED Union Stock Ysrds stock. VAV
orlti. Address W 4. Be,. N ill I'x
DRESSMAKING In family or at home.
Miss Sturdy, i006 Davenport, 'Phone Ilr
boy Ji.'.
M'IjOWELL system of dressmaking and
cutting; patterns cut to measure; lessons
Tuei-dy anl Tnursday evening. 1SJ
Fa mum. .-M..U NJf,
MPS. F F06TER, dressmaker. 'w4 No. .Zd
St. Phone l oug. 6H6. Tj2 Di:
UORSEd All kinds. Myers, 1711 Jaewsoo,
P-M954 Dl
FfiR SAI.FV-a Hnrss st reasonable price
W. H. MeCord, Cass St. P 7V18
LYNCH BROS Repair work our spexlaity,
il N. bill bL 'ml LULWUs 14,'r.