Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 5, Image 17

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Value on Fsrnara Street DiicutMs by th
Seal Estate Eichancs.
Kitlmttra en Knot KronKit Set hj
C. F. Ilnrrlsoa and Arrrd to
by Other Fiprrti of
the Body.
Evidences of the Activity ond Prosperity of the Lutherans in Omaha
Epeoial foil ii Cenntrj Freoineti Aii
te Sew Iitemrbat I ail way.
Thirty Tbonannd Dollars of Seearltlra
Are to Be Divided netween Chi
eaao, DonRlns, Millard
and Waterloo.
C. F. Harrison ventured the opinion nt
the meeting of the. Real Kstnle. exchange
lnut Wednesday that no Kamnm Blreet
property east of Twentieth will Ret too hlffh
until It had reached ll.Ooo a front foot. Thti
opinion iu concurred In by a number of
other dealers. If that la truo, the-n tha
present owners of some of the property
between Twentieth and Sixteenth can
make, good money by holding to It awhile'.
But Mr. Harrison ihowed In the name
talk that realty vnlucs are not stable. He
told of Clinton Brltfifs, who twenty ye-ra
ago bought the lot where the Kohrhough
college now stands. lc p.ild f-T,C'0. and
six nionthK after wae ofTeied V. but be
nold lost year for J19.00O. Other people Mr.
Harrison mentioned, however, are row
making money on the recent advance In
values, having bought a few yeitrs ago,
when real estate was depressed.
Realty on Farntun, befween Twentieth
nd Twenty-fourth, Is worth SITS to '.t a
f'ot, the difference of $J5 being in favor of
the north sldo of the Htreet. according to
J. W. Robblns. S. 9. Curtis ventured a re
mark on the value of property at both ends
of this strip of four blocks He said the
northwest corner of Twentieth and Par
itam street Is worth a foot, and that
the owner nf the, southeast corner of
Twenty-fourth and I'arnam holds h's prop
erty at JLKX) a foot.
"ha.t little trackage remains In Omaha
In desirable business locations Is being rap
idly taken up. It is now reported that the
C. W. Hull company has bought eighteen
" lots along the Burlington right-of-way for
larpre coal and building material yard),
which will require an expenditure of $1'A.X.
Only two weeks ago T. l- Pwlft & Co.
bought an entire block between Fifteenth
and (Sixteenth streets for a big coal yard.
Not long ago Herman Brothers bought a
piece of trackage property on South Thir
teenth street for the erection of a large
pickle and vinegar factory. And bo the
development keeps on. It is only a matter
of a short time, say the realty men. when
the demand for trackage will puuh the
denizens of the red lipht district to another
pert of the city. A commercial expansion
has begun in that direction and is bound
to conttlnue, for trackage property along
the railroad main lines Is getting scarce.
One of the sales of the downtown dis
trict, last week was that of a lot at the
southwest corner of Fifteenth street and
Capitol avenue to the Metz Bros. Brewing
company by A. B. McConnell. The lot Is
MxUX) feet and la covered by an old three
atory building. Mr. McConnell bought the
lot a few weeks ago from lta eastern
owners for $18,000. The property was orig
inally the alte of the homo, of Captain
Downs, one of Omaha's pioneers.
Mount Morlah Baptist church 1b prepar
ing to erect a new house of worship in the
spring, and O. . Brollne, architect, has
' drafted plana. It will be at Twenty-eighth
and Grant streets. It will be 35 x60 feet.
Mr. Broline has also prepared plana for a
13,000 one-story, press-brick addition to a
building at Twenty-fourth and Pratt
J. H. Dumont & Son report the following
aalea for last week: Two lota Just east ot
the Country club, which belonged to Mrs.
W. O. Henry, sold to the Omaha Electric
If your teeth are senaitive, and
if you are particular euppoaa you
Inveatigate these modern painleaa
methoda of mine.
Palnleaaneaa Cleanllneaa Ra
liability Moderate Prlcea are the
leading feature of my practice.
Fillings and Crowns, $1.00 and $5
Phone Douglae 537.
338 Bee Bldg.
Pidut a dollar today with us and add
another one to It out of your earnings
each week. On nothing should you
spend more than is necettsary for a
decent living. Tha balance ahould be
laid up for the lald-off day. Six per
rent is paid on saviu.s accounts.
Monthly payment homestead loans at
reasonable rates and terms. Full in
formation furnished at new location
S. E. Corner ICth'and Dodge
Shlmer & Chase Co.
Builders of Modsrn Houses
"Bi it ever so humble
There's no place like home."
Tour means must determine the
lie of your Investment. UappU
ness and contentment It Quite as
often found In a cottage as a
palace. Draw a pencil sketch of
the house you would build. We
develop ideas and relieve you of
all the details of construction.
landing SUes. Suburtio Acreage, Homes
. 1609 Ptrn;m. Ground Flo"
BextKlasi 3S87
-..J. '
Light and Power company. These lota have
been chosen as a s4te for the construction
of a plant to supply Dundee and Benson.
One lot In Cunningham ft Brennan's addi
tion to Anton Larsen, who now has a
total of eleven lota In one tract. Mr. Larsen
Intends building a home on this property.
South feet of lot 2, block 9, J. I. Redlck'a
subdivision, beloiiRlng to A. C. Van Bant,
sold to F. H. Hamling. through W. It.
Gates. This firm also closed the deal on
the west half of lot 2, block 74, original
plat, sold to Charles R. Sherman as an In
vestment, the lot formerly belonging to
Mrs. Fannie Relchenberg.
Among the sales of the last few days
the Byron Reed company reports the fol
lowing: Two houses at Twenty-seventh
and Decatur, one to Nils A. Johnson and
one to John W. Johnson; house and lot at
322G Charles. Harry O. Jordin to Adam
Waybright; house and lot at the north
west corner of Twenty-fifth and Grant, to
Ellen Golden; lot at Forty-second and
Lafayette, to Luke McGrath, who will
build; two lota In Clark Place, south ot
Hanscom park, to J. Reznlchek; Byron
Reed company to Sylvester . Suchanek,
thirty feet on Thirteenth street. Just north
of Vinton; George E. Pritchett to Philip
Schlaifer, house and lot at northeast cor
ner of Twenty-fifth and Dewey avenues;
John Ennlfleld to John M. Roucek, north
east corner Eleventh and Hickory.
Booth Ooiaha Business Men Distrusted
at Offlc-lal Action on Inter
urban Trolley Matter.
The action of the city council of South
Omaha In refusing to permit the new In
terurban line to run Its cars over the tracks
of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Rall
wuy company from Albright to N or O
streets Is arousing the Ire of the merchants made is that outlined In tho dispatches,
of South Omaha. Here wus a great chance which warrants the fear that coming rev
for the South Omaha merchants. The man- elatlons regarding the diversion of relief
agers of the lnterurban offered to haul the funds will shock the country and lndellibly
passengers Trom Fort Crook and Bellevue smirch th" doubly afflicted city. The In
to the middle of South Omaha, right to the vestigatlon undertaken at the instance of
very doors of the merchants without extra
charge, but the city council refused to per
mit It. The council wants to force the ln
terurban company to build a station at Al
bright, where passengera would have to
change cara to the Omaha lines and pay
another nickel to get to South Omaha.
"When a passenger had paid that extra
nickel he might as well ride on to Omaha
to do his shopping, and thus would the
South Omaha merchant be shut off from a
chance of selling to the residents of Fort
Crook and Bellevue," said a South Omaha
business man.
Congressman front Fourth I'aabla to
Ontline Action of t'ongrcii
This Winter.
Congressman Edmund H. Hlnshaw of th)
Fourth Nebraska district, who was re
elected this fall, was an Omaha visitor
Saturday morning. Mr. Hlnshuw shows
the traces of his recent illness. He said:
"I am In tho city merely on a little
private business and shall return to Fair
bury thia aftfrnoon and will depart for
Washington early next week. We are
naturally well satisfied with tha results in
our district. Affairs In a material way are
fine dort In our part of the country. The
farmers were never more prosperous. I
cannot aay at thla time what Important
legislation will be enacted by the coming
session of congress. That will, of course,
develop as the session progresses."
Paget Sound District fan Float Ark
on Short Notice, Bars
General Manager Mohler of the Vnlon Pa
clrlc hue returned from a three weeks' va
cation trip to Salt Luke, Portland and
other cities in the west. He left the Puget
Sound country Just before the heavy rains.
"I never saw a country anywhere else
on the face of the globe where an ark
I could be floated on such short notice as in
Beaton's Reply o Hall.
Chnrle. D. and John ii. IVjion.
' l ii ii r i'i k 1 1 ti rv u in r i r m tuiiar .li i . 1 1 . . . i i . . ...
- . - - i uuiiMt-ii it- vuiiinuuic it tne idiiuru wr a 11 U - n. i i . ,
Mr. Mohler said he had had a splendid ' 0f tho controlling officials From com specific charge of miscon-
rest and would have to get back Into touch .rat,v. 'poler' " A . Ruef has "imped
with th changing eltuat'ona before muk- ,n,0 the miiij0naire ela and no onen Kraute lf h dld not kUl one Sylvester In
Ing auy statement as to what the change. . Krinc?.Can .tons ask vZrl QUarrel BrW'"8 Ut f ,ence 'ran,LlC
on the railroad map meant. d lif l r 1 ,e kn w ' 1 , "' lhereby frWn8 a reply ,r0m
dm ne et lhey know or suspect. Krause that he did kill Sylvester. Thi.
prising the Beaton Drua i.i i it . Fif- f'ft tf it Mowing from the disiHer ol
teriiiu and Farnam street, have tiled i!h labt April. He 4s enjoying himself in tu
the dark of the district court an affidavit rona ..,,. Minor ,rafi
In reply to a petition filed by the C. W. i r p l Pre,ent- MJnor grafters pros
Hull company relating to a lai ge electrical' Pred proportionately.
siKii placed oy me tteatnn conpiy at
the Bdrkcr niocK. tne m.iton company
maintains that the nxht to have the sign
in uueenon constitutes a valuable rart uf
iurm,.ii ...... ,,o,, mna
V: nTn?rr V
Hull company a otHce In the sni block.
i w t.
: ..I
"1 I
i- -
Eitappitranee af Funds Gontributtd for
the Belief of Ban Franoiico.
Itiot of Municipal Graft Vniler the
Grand Jury Searchlight Relief
Work of the Knights of
There is reason to fear that San Fran
cisco is on the threshold of an upheaval
of administrative dishonesty as shocking
and distressing to the country as th.;
slesmlc tragedy uf April Is. That awfu
affliction touched a sympathetic chord li
evory true heart and Induced an outpour
ing of bounty more than sufficient to sue
cor tho needy. In promptness and munif
icence the country's response to tho call
of the stricken city surpassed any slmila:
draft on the people'a bounty In the history
of the nation. No one, In contributing v
tho fund, gave a thought as to the man
ner of distribution. Immediate relief of
the homeless waa the Inspiration. That
the funds and supplies would be distributed
honestly among those In need was taken -to tne fc.ditor of The Bee: .My Lear Blr was published after the announcement of structure erected In its place,
for granted. To assume the contrary would As an old patron of The Bee, having read the Intention to exclude them from the j The Byrne & Hammer Dry Goods corn
have been an Impeachment of the citizen- " for over twenty-five years, and one win columns of The Boe. In explanation it is pany is getting Its goods In Its new bulld
ship of the Golden Gate. Yet the passing has admired Its policy under your lamented stated that tho advertisement referred to ng at Ninth and How:ird streets. Within
months developed muny incidents showing father, with whom I was personally ae- was covered by a contract which had not the next ten days the W. L. Yetter Wall
favortism, greed, waste In distribution and
extravagance. These conditions, however,
although provoking sharp criticism, were
regarded as evils Inseparably connected
with the disposal of public charity and
did not bring discredit on the work of thu
relief committee. The ends sought were
attained. That was sufficient.
More serious than any charge heretofore
President Roosevelt indicates that vast
sums of money received through the malls
and from express companies have not been
accounted for. At least the missing money
did not reach those charged with the dis
tribution of relief, and the Inference Is
that several persvns in high station
pocketed the money. It Is said tl.OXl.OX)
has disappeared . in this way. Meanwhile
the Investigation Is proceeding with
energy and determination. If the results
Justify the forecast of the dispatches It is
safe to predict that the federal courts will
send the grafters over the road In a hurry.
The punishment will fit the crime.
The f.rnnd Jnry'n Probe.
Vnder the d'reetlon of District Attorney
Langdon and his assistant, Francis J.
Heney, the gTand Jury of Sun Francisco
has begun Its inquiry into the conduct of
city officials. This Inquisition Is related
to the alleged robbery of the relief fund,
but Its scope Is much wider and deeper,
It Involves Mayor Schmltz. Acting M:yor
Gullaghcr. the Board of Supervisors, the
Police Board and Abe Ruef. political host,
the real dictator of the city. Charges of
bribery, extortion and purchased protec
tion of crime have been made against these
officials, and all the power they could
exert was brought into play to prevent
Ju HcUl inquiry, but in vain. The attempt
to strangle or control the grand Jury trans
formed public susplclona of wrongdoing
Into public conviction that the charges
i ,,uve ,0"(1 foundation. The charge, even If
only half true, constituie a riot of graft
The privilege of changing the street rail
ways from cable to electric power is said
to have cost the company JTAOeu, of
which sum J7J.0M waa divided among the
supervisors. The telephone comjtany was
obliged to hand over a tidy sum, estimated
at J!iK.00o, for certain concessions, which I
Ruef was employed to seiure. Permits
fur temporary buildings and some pernia- ,
nent, cost much more than tho law re- j
quired, and from this source, the San '
Frunciseo Call says, the grafters realized
neurly J3,0t). Graft anil extortion extended
down every line of administrative work,
embracing saloons, breweries, restaurants.
Chinatown and the tenderloin every bust-
I ness aubject to license, it is charged, was
...i. ....... w ujrnu-
-r, greyer
The purpose of the grand Jury Is to de-
,.PmI,, ..,
"rmlne n0 ot
-ne district a'.ti
the money and how much.
Uorney's office entertains no
aouoi on iius point, for montns past ex-
P t service men have Uen on the
J lral1 ot grafters, and It only rainalna
t j if ,
The Bee s Stand
-To the Kdltor of The liee: Dear air-
Noting your decision to exciuae irom im
columns of The Bee all nauseous medlcnl
advertisements and that you reserve the
right of revising advertising copies that
come under this heading, the Omaha
Woman's club passed a resolution unnnl-
mously commending you for the rosltlon
taken, and desired that a letter be written
you, Kigned by the president arid recording
which should Inform you of
their hearty endorsement. Sincerely,
Corresponding Secretary.
Recording Secretary.
OMAHA, Nov. 6, 1906. To the Editor of
The Bee: Dear Sir Allow me to congratu
late you on your new step forward In ex
cluding all nauseous medical advertising
from the pages of your excellent paper. I
have been a constant reader of The Bee
tor fourteen years and shall now prize It
more than ever. Yours very truly,
R. E. ESKILD60N. M. D.
KLM GROVB. EIXJIN, Neb., Nov. 6. 1W0.
quainiea. i cannot toi hear a word of con-
gratulatinn upon the step you have talten
with regard to the elimination of obnoxldiis
" '
for thm to present tho evidence thus ob-
tuined In legal form to procure Indictments.
followed by trial and punishment.
Relief Fund Partly Refunded.
One of the few admirable features of the
relief work In San Francisco Is detailed In
a late Issue of the Columbian, the official
patXT of the Knights of Columbus. This
organization undertook .to raise a relief
fund of $100,000 for members of the order
and their families who suffered from the
.apthquilke and fire. A fraoUon OVPr mm
was forwarded to the relief committee of
the knights. This sum was deemed suffi
cient by the committee, and further con
tributions were stopped at its request.
t'nilor dale of September 28 the relief
commltt'-e reports to tho national officers
of the order: "We have relieved all the
distress of our brothers whose cases were
made neceBsitous by the April disaster. We
feel that any cases which might present
themselves In the future will come from
other causes than tho late calamity and
that they should be borne bv the proper
local council. We wish to have It known
that we learned upon Investigation that the
number of applications for relief made upon
our board fell far short of that upon any
other fraternal organization in our midst,
The knights here were among the earliest
to rehabilitate. This statement la supported
by the fact tint, though the knights were
hit as hard as any other class of our cltl-
aeiis, only lt,lo, approximately, was used
by us in relief work, despite the fact of
nearly $KVo being known to be at our
"Our books hIiow th:it we actually re
ceived W' have used Jl5.St51.iB.
H.-nco we arts preparing to send bs.ek
"The Knights of Columbus here will have
enshrined forever In their heart of hearts
ne name and noble action of their broth-
prs throughout the cauntry. Sweet. Indeed.
was their charity to us, at a time when ull
that human fortitude and patience could en
dure wan our portion."
Make Second Plea on Ground Raster
Was 1 nfair in Ills Con
duct of Trial.
John and Herman Krause, not satisfied
with their first vain appeal for a new trial
to the United States circuit court of ap
peals, have filed a second application for
a new trial with the same court.
The brief for the second application
charges United States District Attorney
Baxter with misconduct in the trial of
question and the answer, it is argued, im
pressed thtmselvta upon the Jury, and
though the court did direct the Jury not to
consider thia question and. answer, the
Jury was so prejudiced and influenced
against the defendant that the adverse
verdict waa given, is the plea advanced.
John and Herman Krause were convicted
after a long trial in the United States dis-
trict court at Omaha in Mav 1 of lllo.
gay fencing some lO. or nZ acrj ! of
4 public lands Ui irldaa county and tit
is Appreciated J
medical advertising.. I am sure this step
win oe appreciate uy
iiua c mi ucvumc m
lished In the homes of Its subscribers.
Wishing you all success, very sincerely
CTATION, OMAHA, Nov. 115, 1906,-To the
Editor of The Boe: My Dear Slr-Tha
board of directors of the Young Women'a
Christian association or umana, in us
meeting yesterday, by vote, commended
your recent editorial In which you stated
that all objectionable advertising matter hod
been eliminated from the columns of The
Bee and should at all times be refused In
1 . V- .. . . 1 .. n (l.r
umer ui.u a. l
might be In the homes of our pcopl-
... . . ... . ... I
We wish personally to thank you for this I
action and to let you know that wo ap
predate the Importance of such a stand
upon your part. Sincerely yours,
Acting Secretary.
A note was received from Mr. Truman
Buck, directing attention to tho fact that
one of the objectionable advertisements
expired and which could not bo brolcen.
As soon ns the time Is out It will vanish
from the pages of The Bee forever.
seeking to Intimidate settlers and home'
steadere from going on the lands bv threats
and other annoyances. It was in this case
that Mrs. Bessie Osborn won fame ae a
most remarkable witness and It was chiefly
upon her testimony that the Krnuses were
convicted. They were sentenced Jointly to
pay a Ann of $1,300 and costs, amounting to
nearly J2.C0O, and to a short imprisonment
In the Douglas county Jail.
Several f'hnnares Are Made, R. A.
I.eanalrr llelngr Appointed As
sistant General Manager.
The Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Rail
way company has reorganized lta force of
employes for what Is considered a great
strengthening of tha service because of the
dividing of responsibility and of the dif
ferent branches of the service. The office
of general auperinttndent Is abolished.
The new appointees are R. A. Leussler,
assistaint general manager; Louis C. Nash.
superintendent of transportation; William
Musgrave, assistant superintendent trans
portation; Ii. B. Noyes, chief engineer; J.
J. Gorman, superintendent of track and
roadway; Thomas Wood, master mechanic,
and D. W. Gilbert, superintendent of power
The directors think the change will be
for the betterment of the service, as sev
eral men have been added to the staff
ur.d In a short time several new rod fore
men will be appointed by the superintend
ent of transportation. The chief engineer
"We dined in some of the
finest hotels andV restaurants, but
did not find anv coffee to excel
in quality Arbuckles'ARIOSA."
That is what one lady writes and
millions of other prove they believe,
by Uiing more Arbucklej' ARIOSA
Coffee than all the other packaged
coffees in the United States put
The fact that Arbuckle.
ARIOSA Coffee costs less and
has suited the health and taste of
most American people for over
will be in charge of the mechanical shops,
tracks and power House and under him
the superintendent of track and road
and also the master mechanic and the su
perintendent of power stations.
superintendent of transportation will
have that solely to look after and can
give his entire time to the betterment of
the service, and he will see that better
schedules are prepared and that the ached
ulcs are carried out.
Farlln, OrendorIT A Martin and Px-
ton A Gallagher and Others
Enlarge Their Room.
With tha removal of the Parlln, Oren
4n.ff a ftnmrtanv tn Its n.n hnmft
" ' '
nn , of tha vlnduct. the Pnv
ton & Gallagher company will take pos
lAStl UK. wai)UBUB vumii'ouj "til tony won-
se8Blon of tnj lmp,ement cnricern'a old
home and avail itself of additional storage
room, which It so urgently needs. The Im
plement firm la moving now. With the
Parlln, Orendorff & Martin building, which
the Paxton & Gallagher company bought
a year ago, the grocery house will be a
block In length. Tho firm has the problem
of finding still more storage mom, which
must be obtained In order to carry on busl-
nes, while the old building alons the vie.
duct )a being torn down and an eight-story
i paper company will move to one of tho
buildings at Twelfth and Howard streets
vacated by the dry goods concern.
The Swenson Bros. Mercantile company,
which has been located at 1119 Farnam
street, Is moving to the new Mercer block
on Howard street and will occupy the
rooms formerly used by the Byrne & Ham-
mer Dry Goods company as an annex.
Recommendation for Office, Millard
Maya, is In Recognition of
Party Services.
"It la true, aa reported from Washington
in The Bee, that Senator Burkett and 1
have recommended the appointment cf
Colonel John F. Evans of North Platte as
register of tho land office there," said Sen
ator Millard. "Mr. French has held the
office for eight years and the office has been
vacant since August 6. There was not
the slightest fault to be found with Mr.
French, who has made a very efficient
omcer. dir. vans nas ocen a laiuuui
worker for the republican party out In
that section and we felt he waa entitled
to some reward. In view of the fact that
Mr Ynneh ,iad ,,, tn0 onlce for c t
... . ,. -. .,Hi.
waa department commander of the Ne
braska Grand Army of the IlepuMir. and
his appointment is largely due to a desire
to recognize the old veterans, who are
rapidly passing away."
Bee Want Ads produce results.
Murder Trial in !ev York.
HF.RKIMKR. N. Y., Nov. 17. -The Jury
for the trial tif ( luster tiillette, churned
with the murder of Grace Brow n, was com
pleted today.
37 years, ought to induce every
body to at least sample it.
The cities hide many country girls
and boys who secretly sigh (or a
cup of good coffee like M mother made.
"Mother" probably uaed the old
original M Arbuckle " the fir it roasted
packaged coffee.
See that you get the sealed
it'll u r m ii" i ii f
Preliminary papers were received by the
Board of County Commissioners Saturday
morning for the propoaod special election
o he held In Chicago, Douglas, Millard and
Waterloo precincts to vote bonds In aid of
he Hastings & Nebraska Central railroad.
The papers provided for by the statute lire
signed by W. C. Button, vice president,
and are accompanied by the required peti
tions from the four prclncta named. It
Is proposed to have the following amounta
of bonds Issued: Chicago precinct. 110,000;
IXiuglas precinct, i."OU0; Millard precinct.
12,(j; Waterloo precinct, J3.000. Tha board
decided to take the qiustlun up with the
county attorney next Friday afternoon for
discussion. Before decision In tho matter
he commissioners will also Confer with
the people of the four precincts concerned.
Auditor to Check Jail Books.
Tho commissioners passed a resolution of
Commissioner Solomon to have the county
auditor check up the jail books and find
out how many prisoners have been confined
during the year and for how long. The
occasion of tho Introduction of the resolu
tion was tha custom of confining nonresi
dent prisoners, for which the sheriff la paid
by outside counties. Before the resolution
was passed tho reference to nonresidents
was elimlnuted, so that the report will
caver all prisoners.
La mil n k era and Officials.
Chairman Brunlng of tho county board
has act next Thursday afternoon at 2
o'clock for a conference between the
county commissioners, the legislators
elect and the county officer. The purpose
of tho conlercnco Is to present and discuss
proposed amendments to existing lawa af
fecting Douglas county and also new lawa
that are considered necesxary to meet ex
isting conditions. Every commissioner and
nearly every county officer has some sug
gestions ready for the conference, and It
la expected that by having several meet
ings with the local legislative delegation
these can be framed for presentation to
the legislature In good shape, either by'
the-county attorney or some lawyer ape
clully qualified for the work.
Letter of Commendation Sent to Ulna
by Society of St. Mary's
Avenue Chnrch.
The Society of St, Mary's Avenue Con
gregatlorml church, through a committee
composed of A. IL Watorhouse, T. W.
Blackburn and S, R Towne, baa conveyed
to Judge Sutton a letter of commendation
for the work he has been doing to sep
arate children from evil Influences. Tht
following letter waa presented the Judge
Saturday morning:
Hon. A. L. Sutton, Judge of the District
Court, Omaha: The undersigned were ap
pointed a special commlttoe by the Society
of 8U Mary's Avenue Congregational
Church to convey to you the commendutlou
of the society for the stand you have
taken aa Judge of the juvenile court for
the protection of the moral welfare of
messenger boys.
At the time the resolution waa passed It
was not known that you were the Judge
who Issued the order directing that these
boya should not be sent with messages
Into what is familiarly known as the "red '
light district."
Having ascertained that you ere the
author of the order. It Is our privilege to
transmit to you evidence of approval voted
at the annual meeting of the society. It la
our further privilege and pleasure to add
our Individual endorsement to the actlor
of the society and to assure you that tho
people of Omaha esteem you most highly
for the excellent record you have made in
the Judicial office. (Signed) A. H. Water
house, T. W. Blackburn and S. R. Towns.
Little Vprlslna; at Omaha Clob Over
Invitations Sent Oat for
A circular has Just been sent out by the
Omaha club, under date of November 9,
in which It Is announced that the rule re
garding banquets to be held at the club
shall be strictly enforced. The rule pro
vides that the list of visitors to the ban
quet must first be submitted to the house
committee for approval before the Invita
tions are extended.
There la a Uttle more behind this cir
cular than the mere paper It la written
on. It was Issued as a result of a protest
registered by several members against the
fine discrimination exorcised in the selec
tion of guests of a recent banquet of elab
orate form widen waa held at the club.
It Is known that certain members of Mgh
social standing were anxious to be invited
to that banquet and Were disappointed.
Insist on Man Who Forces Cheek
Serving; Short Tern for
His Crime.
Friends of Ben Wlneberg, who was ar
rested Friday afternoon on the charge ot
passing a worthless check on the Berg
Swanson company, sucieded in squaring;
accounts with the clothing company In
consideration of its failing to prosecute
Wlneberg. Matters were not so easily ar
ranged with the police, however, as Wlne
berg was arrested on a vagrancy charge
by Chief of Detectives Savage and was
sentenced to thirty daya in Jail Saturday
morning in police court.
package, one pound full weigh;
eating the name ARBUCKLES
signature of Arbuckle Brothers,
which entitles you to presents.
That is the genuine articlf , no mattes'
where you buy it ot what price you pay
for it'
Same old Coffee, tame old firm.
If your grocer won't supply, write to