Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 14

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A nn Vnn flrvirtrr ?
to Entertain?
If so, come In and see us about
your refreshment. We would
ba pleased to talk tne matter
over with you. AVe are nre-
the things you will require. If
you. desire we will take entire
charge of the preparing and
serving and relieve you alto
gether of the trouble and re
sponsibility. We make a spe
cialty of serving at Weddings,
Teas, Receptions, Card Parties,
You will find it a pleasure in
dealing with a firm In whom
you have Implicit confidence.
Absolute reliability U the
foundation upon which our
business is built.
This moans absolute reliabil
ity in the quality of goods
and also in every detail of our
business. Our patrons realize
that they are always assured of
receiving full value.
When entertaining if you
make your purchases from us
you have the assurance that
everything Is the very best. It
Is not always well to economize
too much In entertaining your
Arrangements made for
dinner partle and lunches
In our private balcony. See
us about dates.
1518-20 Fa mam St. ,
The homo of good things to
Studio, MS Range Block. Tel. llarnoy aisT.
Your Stomach
Is your best friend. Treat it right
by drinking the best COH EE you
can get.
la pure and good. Try it and you
wfll always use It. Ask
your grocer.
Coffee Bird oil Every Package.
Good Judge of Shoea, Great
Lover of Dogs
Oood judges of clothes pro
tjoudv the garments we make per
fect in ?t and style.
We have two expert cutters and
sixty tpert sewing tailors. One
of our BtrouKest cards Is our
promptness In filllus orders. Wea
ther turning cold should remind
you it Is t'nio to order your over
coat now.
Suits and overcoats to order,
$23 to $5t.
Full dross buits, $30 to 975.
'Phone Doug. 1S0S. So4-3o8 8 16th St.
Next Door to Wabash Ticket Ofhce.
T eat
i 'PHONE DOI G. 711. Jf
Pi a1- lr Alf3
vrii. ' : .; r hp-
1,1 WHAT
I J fmd mh h
m v c
ft Omml fipiid
I A V tar PJimAfMM,
Photograph Gallery
Of Omaha, is the larg. v. i:i e
trlo Light flallery in Anie i i.
located In the
Kruy Theater Dld'g.
Two Postal Card of our.
self will cost you !.V
Four lar Cabinet I'h itu...
SI iv. as K od 3j can be made
..Open From 10 to 10...
Ctlsodar Iaelnded WiJt Variety f Affairs
. Formal ad Othtrw lie.
Cotillion tlnb neornalal with w
O nicer. Rrprnrnli loonRpr Set,
t'romlains iiny Affair, fur
DrbnOvntr. This Sfiion.
lie Art of living.
To touch the fcup with eager Hps and tnatc,
Not drain It;
To woo and tempt nnd court a Miss, and
Not attain It ;
To fondle and enrex a joy, yet hold
It lightly
Lest It become ium oasity and ilinK
Too tightly;
To smother cure with joy und grief
With laughter;
To hold the prennnt close, not questioning
To see the sun sink In the west without
To hail his advent In the oftst, the night
To have enousrh t spare, to know the joy
Of giving;
To thrill response to every sweet of life
Is living.
The Man of the World. In Town Topics.
The Social Calendar.
StrNDAT Mr. and Mrs. TV. I. Flrncker,
supper for Mr. and Mrs. Harris Ifown.
MONDAY Dunce hi Metropolitan club by
Misses Orotte, Dreifui-s, Hans, fuhn, Hil
lr and Mosi"; cotillion at Chambers';
Mrf. U. V. llervey. luncheon for Mrs.
TL'KHDAY VlBitln Nurses' dance it
Chambers'; Mrs. D. M. Vluaonhnlcr. buf
fet luncheon.
Vl'KDNr.sDAY Htlilebrand-U'voy wedding:
West Tarnam Luncheon cltih meets with
Mis. I-Vsle I. AI)hott; Miss Altce Auld,
luncheon; Mrs. W. H. O.-itey, Kountre
riaee Luncheon club; Round Dozen club
meets with Mrs. W. I Selby; Metropoli
tan club, whist.
TbtivKanAi-Ki-A-Virp club, dance n
Chambers; Mis. A. Orimiiul. rnrds In
afternoon, and Mr. nnd Mr. Ortmmel,
cards In evening; Mrs. A. 1). liiundeis.
reception. , ,
FRIDAY Cnplto'. HU1 Dancing club fit
Chambers'; tea and dance at Fort Crook.
The pajit week has been one of the busiest
of tho stasorv, a number of affairs having
been glvn every day. so that society was
on the go most of the time. The caneda'
Included a variety of functions dance",
teas, luncheons, dinners, showers, club
meetings and card and theater parties. Th ;
Qui Vive and Hanscom Park Danclns clubs,
two popular organizations, both opened
their season last week with enjoyable par
ties, which were largely attended. The
Cretghton "Medics" and the Wlnfleld clubs
also gave parties. Among the smart nJr.itrs
of the week were the Cowin dinners, Tues
day and Friday evenings; the series of
brldgo parties given by Mrs. J. J. McMul
len, Mrs. Hacker and Miss Free, and the
luncheon nnd card party complimentary to
Mrs. Conyne of Warren, 111., who has been
this guest of honor at numerous affairs dur
ing her stay. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harris Biown
have also been much feted visitors, Mr.
and Mrs. Nathan Mcrrm riving a de-.
llghtful dinner of the Omaha club, followed
by a theater party. Friday evening In com
pliment to them nnd to Mrs. Conyne. while
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Orcono ulso entertained
at dinner and Mrs. T. J. ,Mahoney ut
luncheon In their honor. Two othc- hon
ored guests were Miss Kldrldse o Now
York and Miss Roe of Kansas City, Miss
Ada Klrkendall entertaining at bridge Co.
them and Miss Mary Lee McShnne giving
a pretty luncheon at the Omaha club Sat
urday complimentary to Miss Roe, who
leaves this week fop" Her home, much to
the regret of the many friends sliQ has
made during her visit. One of the most de
lightful of the week'a events Wns tho tea.
given Fplday by Mrs. V. F. Ourley. which
waa really a house warming, and served
to introduce 'her niece, Miss Hoover of
Washington, D. C, who, although not one
of the debutantes, will figure in the move
ments of the younger set this winter. The
theater party and Hupper given by Miss
Jjrudy In honor of Mies Helen Davis, was
another conspicuous event of the week and
was the first glven-in-honor affair lor a
The first event of importance on this
week's calendar is the danc of the Cotil
lion club at Chambers , Monday cve-ilntr,
which will be largely attend.-J by '.he
younger set and ulso by those who have
been out for several seasons. The largest
affair of the week will be th? reception of
Mrs. Arthur Brandels. which will ulso be
a house warming in her beautiful new resi
dence, and the buffet luncheon of Mr.
Vinsonhaler. Tuesday, is of Interest to a
largs number of people. The two card
parties of Mrs. C. A. Grlmmel, Thursday,
complete the list of large events, the re
mainder of the calendar being tomaosi : i '
several dances, !ub meetings, -luiu-he 'n -and.
smaller affairs. As was tho cusc . is'
week, many Impromptu parties will un
doubtedly be given, making another full
Society Is looking forward to the tvrie
of dances to be given this winter by the
Cotillion club, the flrtt of which will take
place at Chambers' Monday cvenlrg. The !
parties given by this club have ranked
among the leading eventt of the winter
for several seasons, but this year new
Ufa and test will be given to these af
fairs, us the organization is headed by
three member of the younger set Messrs.
Junius Crown, George Redick and Barton
Millard. These young men are very pop
ular In that set and the debutantes and
the young men just entering society will be
In evidence at thei.9 functions aa never be
fore. The aecond affair of tho series will
be a cotillion Christmas night and the'
third will occur January 14. The pa
tronesses Monday evening will be Mes-
damea F. P. Klrkendall, J. E. Baum, J. S.
Brady, Ben Gallagher. E. A. Cudahy, W. A.
Redlck. F. H. Davis. W. B. Millard, Na
than Merriain, Charles T. Kountze and
Luther Kountze.
One of the unique clubs in the city, about
which little has been heard, although it has
been organized for nearly two years, is the
Matinee club, composed of a dozen women.
The meetings are held fortnightly on Sat
urday, a 1 o'clock luncheon being served,
after which the memhers attend one of the
theater:) In a body, each member paying
her own way. As the members are very
! congenial, the theater parties tire very en-
! Joyablo and vary tho monotony
and kensingtoii clubs.
One cf the women who Is im-11 k, I,.
society was iriv. n a aerie of sniniis. - .,.
week which caused her to wonder what
j waa coming next. On returning f r nn an !
j afterm on card party she wua astonished i
to find her ' sister, who lives In another j
city and who has been abroad for some,
time making herself nt home. A little
' later i-he was mill more surprised when
' l.'-r brother walked in. both having come !
u; 1 1 io invitation of her hust iiid. The!
I tieatei surprise of ail. howecer,
vt ! to
come The r.. xt cccnliur or bo. as ti e
a: d li r husband wove living the
to intend a dinner In. she &ujpocd a
number if friends arrived, rcnderlnc her
I sj eechl si- :'or the nioiuent. The affair had
been arranged by her huthand as a birth-' WeUUIng. !
day surprise and ii m Iev.':y carried I Mr. and Alia. C T.. 'au Camp have an
ot.t that the guest, declared he rxild easily i.otineed ti e iisageuiur.t of their daagliter,
cam his lielih'KHl hi ii.aiuing sooh.y Miss Jesai-.- iliaee Van tamp, to tr. Ar
fl n.-tions. Everythli.g w as pei iecliy car- IhJi' JLi- Voiker of Cushiog. eb.
rieil out and i ll without hi - wf e having I The inai riage ef KM Lev oy, daugh
the faintest, inkling of what waa t- occur, ler of Mr. utid Mrs. T. C. Levoy. and Mr.
even the cl:iii and table liavlng been Carl lllldtbruuj will be solemnized Wedn -a-
smuggled Into the house without her seeing
Social t hl- hut.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kennedy are now
residing in their new homo at -l'" North
Thirty-second avenue.
General and Mrs. J. J. Wint have taken
the house at XrM Harney street, recently
occupied by Major and Mrs. Zallnski.
Mrs. D. H. W heeler, Jr., has spent the
week with Mrs. Arthur Remington. Mrs.
Wh"ler will spend the winter with Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert WJieler.
Mist Hazel Connell, who Is attending
the Blnch school In New York, will be one
of a party of eighteen guests to be enter
tained for three days nt the Waldorf
Astoria hotel by Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan of
Chicago In celebration of their son's birth
day. Mr. gull. van is a student at Yale,
and Mr. and Mrs. fc'ulltvan will take the
patty to the Yale-Princeton foot ball game
in automobiles. Miss Kleanor Pierce, who
will te remembered as the guest of Miss
Conne.l the past summer, will also b one of
the guests.
I'lensnrea Pnst.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard P.aldrlge had as
their guests at dinner Friday evening. Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Redlck, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Remington and Mr. and Mis.
Isaac Coles. Following tho dinner bridge
wat played.
Mrs. W. E. Rogers entertained tho Mati
nee club at an informal luncheon Satut
day, after which the twelve members at
tended th Burwood theater. The tab!"!
was trimmed with pink and white chry
anthemunis. In honor of Miss Helen Davis. Mln
Bessie Brady gave a delightful theater
party Saturday, at tho Burwood, followed
by supper at her home. The party, which
occupied four boxes, was chaperoned by
Mrs. pen Cotton.
Miss Helen Brandels entertained the L.
and-P. club Thursday evening, those prej
ent being: Misses Borgl'im. Nell Fa ye,
Katherine Hantlng, Mae Hantlng. Pearl
Rorkefeilow; Mesdames C Flint, G.
Crcunlg, Le Brerhe. C. Moloney, W. 3.
Srain and F. Pniythe.
Complimentary to Mrs. U. J. .Hill of
Kansas City, who Is tbe guest of her slt
ter, Mrs.' D. M. Vinsonhaler, and Mrs.
Harris Brown, who Is visiting Mrs. J. H.
Butler. Mrs. T. J. Mahoney gave a pretty
luncheon on Saturday The table wm
attractively adorned with violets and tho
places were marked with violet place
Tom J Welch pleasantly entertained a
small party of friends Friday evening at
hln beautiful new home, 3819 California,
strec'.. Dancing, cards and music fur
nished the amusement for the evening, a
dainty lunch following. Those present
were: Misses Laura Geyer. Jesslo Gibb,
Mayme Edmonds; Messrt, F. L. Hatterotn,
B. P. Angell, Welch.
. The kensingtor. of Maple Leaf chapter,
Order of the Eastern Star, was pleasantly
entertained at the home of Mrs. J. O.
Burger last Friday afternoon, about
twenty-flvs ladies being present. Cocoa
and wafers were served. Mrs. Burger was
assisted in entertaining by Mrs. J. W.
Maynard, Mrs. C. W. Shook. Mrs. A. J.
Jackson. Mrs. L. B. Whitmarsh and Mr3.
F. E Rudolph.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrle entertained
tho Kountze Fla-'e Euchre club at the
first meeting of tin season Friday even
ing. Those present were: Mr. .and Mis.
A. B. Jniulth. Mr. and Mrt. B. P. Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Yates, Major and Mrs.
Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilcox, and
Mrs. F. S. Owen, Mr. and Mrs. T. W.
Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Miller. Mr.
and Mrs. F. F. Porter, and Mr. and Mrs.
H. O. Frederick.
Complimentary to Miss Roe of Kansas
City. Miss Mary Lee McShane gave a
delightful luncheon at the Omaha club
Saturday. Pink and white chrysanthe
mums adorned the table, which was laid
for: Miss Roe, Miss Loinnx, Mist Besslo
Brady, Mist Ada Klrkendall, Miss Marie
Mohler, Miss Margaret Wood. Mrs. W. T.
Burn. Mrs. Samuel Burns, Jr., Mrs n-n
Cotton, Mrs. Harry Wllklns. Mrs. Ella C.
Nah, Mrs. W. J. Foye, Mrs. A. A. Mc
shane and Miss McShnne.
Saturday evening the Mi -sea Joe and Fay
Lyman gave a Japanese shower for Miss
Efllo Levoy. whose wedding will take place
November 21. The dining room was con
verted Into a Japanese tea garden, being
decorated with palms and lan
terns. Painty refreshments were served
by two llttln Japanese maids. Much amuse
ment was ;i (forded when It was found tho
guests wen- tj seat themselves In true Rutn Blrford of that city and Mr. Glen
Japaneso et;-le upon the floor. Th -sc pres- ! Buck of Omaha, which will take place No
ent were: Misses Emma Allen. Bonnell. I vember IS. Miss Einford has been the guest
Inez Bonnel'., Bertha Klopp, Ievoy, Edyth of Miss Dale several times and made many
Marley, Iv-!la Shaw, Irene McCoy. Bri lgey i friends, who will be glad to welcome her at
Hfr Ardlo Ada Stanley. Nellie Winn. Sue
Red field,
Virgil Redfleld, Joe and Fay
CpinliiK Events.
Mrt. W. L. Selby will entertain
Round Dozen club Wednesday.
The Bridge club will meet with Mrt.
iianiuel Burns, Jr., Friday" afternoon.
; Metropolitan club wul give a wins, parry
! Wednesday evenlnj at the club looms.
Tho lt-A- li p ciuo win give us nui.
party at Chambers', Thursday evening.
The Koraizi? Place Luncheon club will
moot with Mrs. W. H. Gates Wednesday.
Tho Capitol Hill Dancing club will give
its Bt-conil :'i.r!y of the eason at Cham
bers', Friday evening.
The Visit Inr Nurses' asvoclation will
givo one of Us enjoyable patties at Cham
bers. Tuetday evening.
Miss Alice Auld will be hostess at a
luncheon Wednesday, at her home, 11U
Pouth Thirty-first avenue.
Mrs. Lysle I. Abbott will be hostess at
the next meeting of the West Parnara
Luncheon club, Wednesday.
The Park tide Card club will meet Wed
nesday, November 2S. with Mrs. E. T. John
son, lc33 South Thirtieth avenue.
Mrs. G. W. llervey will give a luncheon
Monday, in compliment to her sis'er, Mrt.
1. O. Campbell of CofTeyvlIle, Kan.
The first dance of the Cotillion club will
be given at ChainLers' Monday evening, and
1 promises to be a very enjoyable affair,
! Mrt Arthur Biandeis has issued cards
! for a larte rec eption Thursday aft-rnoon
ut l:fr l'.on.e, South Thlrty-ightu street.
Mrs. V. M. Vinsunhaler has i: s.ied in
vitations for a larg - ballet lunchu ui
Tuesday, in compliment U her sister, Mm.
Hill of Kansas City.
Mrs. Charles A. Grlmmel haul itsutd in-
of card vltallotit for u card party Thursday after
i noon, and lu the evening llr. and All.
Ur.r.imel will entertain at cards again.
The weiiu n ot Uio li.uuetn inian.i win
! K.v a lea and dance Friday afternoon at
'hc I'i'P ro""' a
L Fort Crook. A number of
are included in the RUest
ilinaha pro!'!
I' -t.
Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Uar.aker will en
tertain at supper Sunday evening, in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. HuirU Brown of Galla
tin. Teun.. who arc guc.ts of Mr. a:id
Mrs. J. H. Butler. j
Invitations huvc bun itaaed for a dancing
i . . ti r.,-,,1,1 ... lnh
' - -
. Monday
evening hy
Mis Illaiielie drone,
. I Mif Ze.-llnn luelfubs.
Mis. Un-i calm.
M!-i Syhil Haa
Mis Mi'tle Hoi-
Miia FlorndO HlilT and
day evening at i o'clock at the residence
of the brlde'8 parents at 3.11 S Johns street.
Mr. Fred Roys will be best man and Miss
Irene McCoy and Miss Joe Lyman will
serve as bridesmaids.
Thursday morning ut St. John's church.
Miss Alice Crawford and Mr. Hugh Mallen
of Ooburn. Mo., were quietly married by
Father Feld. The bride, who was gowned
In her traveling suit of gray, was attended
by Miss Agnes O'Malley, while Mr. Arthur
Mallen of Plattsburg. Mo., a'.ted as best
man. Following the ceremony a wedding
breakfast for forty guests was served nt
the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. A.
Montgomery, ZtOl Douglas ttrret, the rooms
being prettily decorated with yellow and
white chrysanthemums. After a short
wedding trip Mr. nnd Mrs. Mallen will re
side In Oshurn, Mo.
C ome anil Clo Gossip.
Mrs. Wilson Ixwe will return from Bos
ton about November IP.
The Misses Mattie and Ida Sharpe have
spent the week in Chicago.
Miss Flora Webster Is the guest of Mrs.
Arthur Jerrems In Chicago.
Miss Vivian Griffith has returned from a
visit with f i lends in Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. William Martin will return
from the east early th! week.
Miss Jeanne Wakefield has spent the past
week with friends In Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bradley have gone
to Kansas City to spend a week.
Mrs. John Ross, Jr., has aa her guest
Mrs. Robinson of Bhelton, Nib.
Miss Helen Mlllspaugh of Topeka, Kan., once of a large Nebraska delegation will
Is the guest of Miss Helen Davis. advertise the state. The Omaha delega-
Mrs. W. N, Dorward returned Saturday tlon will let It be known that Omaha Is on
from a week's stay at Albion. Neb. . the map."
Mr. E. W.'Dixon lias gone to New York Htnry T. Clarke, vice president for Ne
to remain until after Thanksgiving. I braska of the congress, is interested more
Mrs. J. K. Croswell of Kankakee, 111., Is than all else In the improvement of the
the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. P. Dalo.
Mrs. Walter B. Wllklns leaves today for
Berkeley, Cal., where she will visit her son.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed 11. Williams leave Mon
day night for New Orleans and the Gulf
Mrs. M. M. Standish has returned from
a two months' visit in Chicago and At
lanta, Ga.
Colonel and Mrs. E. E. Edwards of Palo
Alto, Cal., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clem
ent Chase.
Mrs. R. G. Schaeffcr left on Thursday to
spend several weeks In Kansas City,
Topeka and Wakeeney, Knn.
Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick, who wero the
guests of Mrt. J. J. Brown, are now visiting
Mrs. Potrick at the Winona.
Mrs. Edward del Strother is enterainlng
her sister, Mrs. Pettlt of Milwaukee, and
Mist Northey of Waterloo, la.
Mrs. D. O. Campbell of CofTeyvlIle, Kan.,
who is the guest of her sister, Mrs. O. W.
Herveir. will go to Lincoln Monday.
Mrt. A. J. Poppleton has1 gone to Hot
Springs. Ark., where Bhe will spend the
winter with her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Shan
non. '
Mrs. Clara Fenwick and Miss Grace Dunn
left Friday for a trip to Little Rock and
Hot Springs, Ark., and other aouthern
Mrs. John T. Stewart, aecond, has re
turned from a ten days' visit with her
fathe-, Mr. Herman Kountze, at Watkins
Glen. N. Y.
Mr. John D. Lowrey of Sioux City, who
has been the guest of his mother, Mrs, 8.
C. Caraon-Lowrey for tome time, has re
turned home. .
Mrs. Henry Chamberlin of Chicago, who
hat been the guest of her motherr Mrs.
Jensen, for teveral weeka, hat returned
to her home.
M13S Ada Virginia Barnum, the popular
contralto, has gone to Wahoo, where ahe
will take charge of tho music during the
meetings which will be held there the com
ing week.
Mrs. W. F. Conyne, who is tho guest of
Mrt. P. H. Cole, will return to her home in
Wnrren, III., Wednesday. Mrs. Conyne has
been the guest of honor at many delightful
affairs during her stay.
Major R. S. Hardman of the British'army,
who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Gibson, has returned from a western trip
and Is visiting them ugaln before returning
to his command at Woolwich, England.
Miss Clara Belle Roe of Kansas City, who
j thn S'-iest of Miss Mildred Lomax,
will have for home Monday. Miss Roe
came for the Horse Show and was one of
the much-feted visitor! of that week and
has been the recipient of much attention
during the last few weeks. ,
Miss Laura Dale has gone to,
la., to attend the weddlnn of Misa
, a resident.
Miss Poulter. plane and organ,
Cague building.
51S Mc-
Ladles, do not fall to call at 426 Bee
Building and Investigate new process of
hair waving, shampooing, etc. Tel. D.-72T9
iluimv nrntrmt V-Jj ' f"! wm fujp',.qry.--
Obesity Quickly and Safely Cured. No charge to Try
Jult Sand Your Addrtta and Supply will b Sent You FREE
Wa inch marvelous records of reduction in hundred of caie. with the
Kreulin Treatment, that have decided, (or . limited period only, to give free tri.i
treatment.. A reduction of 3 pound, ai we.K Bjuranto4el. No
persoo if to fat but what it will Lav. the deiired effect,, and ao matter whrre the
exce.t fat i. located Motnach, bust, hin. cheek., neck it will quic kly v.msh with
out exercising, dieting or in .ny way interfering with your cu.tmary habaa, S'o
starving, oo wrinkle, or discomfort. Prfctlf" harrol.tsi ear.y and quick
reauits Doo't tk oar word for thist we .wlll pro vw 11 to rou mt our
own wwpwn.w. Kheuraatism. Astnma, Kio.ney ana tlearc irouuie. leac as
fat is reduced Write to-day for freo trial treatment and iM '
mi the subject; !t ent you n ithin. Address: Vt. brotclcy Co Dept. 461 O
8 ! ultoo Street, hew York City.
Ins 20th Century Opportunity
& Auiomi one
CJJ Knowledjo
Means Money
Your rocket.
w ar th. ouir icaoal
tli.t provides complete piao
tical Bonay.eartiiitf and non.r-
saving tra'ntne, bv mall in cuer.tttifE. repair., coo
sirutu:.. end deiiguiui every aiud ot motor vroict.
to drive a M itol-tar. to oteraie tne str.rln. Wbt.:.
levers and reaai.. uui ou cau nei-r
at CuIU-
i.-tni cliajOtui, nevtr b t..f: oa tit ruud. utvtr
Lla la $ our uioiioLU roprr cr uuts ou
t ... . th vrniixh kliu iiicts n malm t.hin. a....
glru,.t on Bmi m.' Uui.iu. Our )!; a ofl.ri laa
j o:t!y 'rctil U'.ihui ot ehrawt. our Kintoymvm
' Bui-kU trjcurci lui-rnlUe po'luuDa ar our grJ-
y, rhuflur, Drlvars. Automobile Kr-f.ttert, M
ebat lea. Hfplroin rd U $Lr. mutur
vehicle tVjlJ m tb l(..utl fcttiu ;) .r. Qr44,,-r
BftL'dut-tioa in Yj'l, rrwaimn grrt dm4i.a lr torn
pettwut u4aiaoL il man. Writ lor una w tb, f r
Atuut lt'r. Ou-tiunary of MJtoria
It-riua. '' ,r- r,RK'hiNHP.St 6 liaOU
AUir.-u. 0ArAc. v e-1 Vwrlt Ca'
Loral nmlieia Men Will Advertise
t llr and Mute at Kansna I
thy leetlnu I
This week a delegation of Omaha business
men, appointed by the governor, Mayor '
Danlman, the Coinu..rciai club und the
It' al Estate exchange, wl.l go to Kansas
City to take part In the deliberations of
the Transmississippl Commercial congress. :
which units No ember "f-'J2. Other dele-
gates will go from other cities of tne state.
In the list of subjects which are to be I
discussed are some especially Interesting
to Nebraskans, among tneni river Improve
ment, the live Mock Industry, Irrigation :
and forestry. Among the speakers will be ;
Eilhu Root, Jaujes J. Hill nr j E. H. Har- i
riman. j
"The meetings of the Transmississippl
Commercial congress are powerful agencies
for education aiong the lines of commer- ,
clal Improvement of Importance to the na- 1
tion," said John M. Guild, secretary of :
tho Commercial club and one of tho dele- i
gates. "As citizens of the nation wo are
Interested In all the subjects to be brought
up, and at Nebraskans especially inter
ested In some subjects directly concerning .
our own state. We are sent there to give
I our Ideas on these questions and to bring
back the ld a of others."
"Aside from the Importance of the tub-
Jects to be discussed," said President Jud-
l son of the Commercial club, "the attend- i
Missouri river and will appear before the ,
congress with an address on the subject.
"We need federal help In straightening ,
the Mlssiurl river, confining it where it
Is too wide and for otherwise improving i
it," said Mr. Clarke. "Discussion before I
tne congress at Kansas city will He a
means of agitating the subject and making
preparation for Its presentation before the
rivers and harbors congress In December
at Washington. Forty years ago great
side wheel tteamers plied the Missouri
past Oir"ha and the river s a better
stream toT.ay than It wat then, being freer
of tnags. With a little government help
the boats would run again. Transporta
tion on the river would cost only half
what It 'costs by rail."
Foot Rail Only Good for College Men,
Say Prof. Don Campbell of
Anthan, Iowa.
Prof. Don Campbell, head of the schools
at Anthon, la., and an athlete, believes
high school students should not play foot
ball. He thinks the game, while all right
for the college man, Is too severe for the
high school boy.
Mr. Campbell whlli In an Iowa college
smashed the state record for the high Jump
and half-mile run.
"High school track teams and base ball
teams should always bo encouraged to the
utmost, but I do not think any high school
student Is well enough developed to with
stand the 'knocks' of a foot ball game
Foot ball Is all right In college, but not in
high school," he said.
Prof. Don Campbell brought his little
hand of assistants to Omaha Friday for a
day's visit to our public schools. In an
Interview yesterday before leaving Prof.
Campbell tald:
"Over in our state Omaha's schools have
a fine reputation. Since visiting them I am
sure they are deserving of this praise. We
picked up tome 'ideas' which I intend to
use in the Anthon schools. However, we
did not make this trip for our own benefit
exclusively. I believe the Omaha teachers
we met were helped, in a way, by our
visit. I believe every teacher who receives
a visit from anyone Interested in pedagogy
Is benefited. I liko this exchange of 'Ideas,'
this reciprocity among teachers."
Ladles, do not fall to call at 420 Bee
Rullding and investigate new process of
hair waving, shampooing, etc. Tel. D.-7279.
Prleat Uurlea Both Parents.
ST. LOCIS. Nov. 17. Rev. Joseph A.
Siubert, assistant pastor of the Holy Trin
ity church of this city, returned to St.
Louis today from St. llenevhve, Mo.,
where he yesterday conducted the double
funeral bervico over the bodies of his
father and mother. The futher wus w)
years old and the mother 68. rtoth had
been 111 for som; time and their deatiia
were a few hours auart.
Harrr Thaw In Well.
PITTSBl'RO. Nov. 17. Former Superin
tendent of Police Roner O'Mara returned
today from what will probably be his last
Interview with Harry K. Thuw before Thaw
Is placed on trial in New York, December J,
for the killing of Stanford White. O Mara
sara Thaw's health Is good. He goes to bed
and gets up at regular hours, has rigulur
exercise and plenty of good air.
2024 R mam St, Omahs
Music Studio 533 Park Ave.
Graduate from tbe Seminary of
Mnaic of tho Duke f Soudert
lmtit,eu, Germany. Teacher and
instructor on Violin ana Hiano.
L.n Ytari i lxrieacc
Ciaranlrt Crv.a
..533 Park Ave.
Into D eal Ml .1
Greatest Value in
" Ml H f:
Early buying for Xmas will pay you in
many ways besides in dollars and cents and
especially if you favor us with a call or two.
"We are prepared right now to convince
you of this fact with a tremendous stock and
disposition to show it and such prices as will
delight you. We make anything to order.
Hurry and get our superb engraving free.
A 6mall deposit secures anything.
correct prices. We bave
made Diamonds a study for the paat twenty years and are will
ing to give you the rfEult. With each purchase from us we give
a contract to take them back at anytime within one year, less
10 per cent of price paid, or
will allow
to JC00.00.
full price paid In
Kings from $5.00
Tbe Holiday Preparation! are Complete and Onr Store It Kloh la OUt Suggeitlong
Chrl.ty, Pitntr and Oilbert Plcturet.
223 1 222 iouih Suieen'.h Street
Till .atV, tho finest In
thf city, I. NOW OI'KN
I'rlvate dining room..
Sitilnl preparation.! for
after-theater paitie..
1598 Howard Street
Tabla D'K Dinu.r Every Ev.nlog,
5 to 8 O'clock
$25 Coats Known
Tho important features
of this sale nro the cor
rectness of the styles, the
great nuinhtT of models,
the choieeness of the fab
rics and the wide rangfe
of colors the coats are
shown in.
They are not only beau
tiful coats, but they are
practical and serviceable
coats. Styles suitable for
treti, evening or theater
wear, models and colors
becoming to the young
women, as well as the
older women.
The illustration correctly
pictures one of the many
models from
the grtat
1 -"Jaa'weff
ttvZl lit
Chatelaine Watches
Wothiag more acceptable for Clirlitinat gift
than on of oar little Chatelaine Watch.a tolld roll
beautiful chat cavtet somi tet with dlaanondt,
p.arla, rnbl.a and enavmeled ranging; In price front
1S.00 to 9150.00.
Silver or gold filled from S to 919.
We'd like to thow you tbeie watchea.
Mavvliinney & Ryan Co.
15th and Douglas Sts.
The Gem of Increasing Value
We have them In all sizes at
Bny STow while Oar Stock It Complete.
Clr. Ut a CalL
When You Write
to Advertisers b. r It takca only tr. extra atroka ot
two of i lie poll to im-ntiori t,. tact
ioU a.w their ad In a'lHt