Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 12, Image 12

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BmpldDMlly (Grant
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acc-r.xo3K- : ;:: :: : : :; :: : : : : :.;. :. a '..3ev..:yR.. : ..r.5B'''.-5B--.W'a . .-:.?y.w -a : a a : : : . a;'
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V- nib W ii NL' Xm Mi -r m J f0?
I i l I I
nlte assemblage,
at, yard
A Great Sale of Fine
Bought from A. F. Montayn,e Co..
Importers of Silks, 135 Fifth Ave.. N. Y.
We close out thrlr entire stork at the close of the
waHon: 24-ln. Crepe Ac Chino Meteor and Crepe
d'Autc-il, manufactured specially for the best
inodf-stlef. Clel, white, roue, lilac,
champagne, prays, new browns,
new greens, new reds, black,
etc., and poxlilvely worth $1.50
yard, at yard
Just received fancy Crepe de Chines, Persian and
florul effects, some with borders, a most exqui-
25 pieces genuine 27-iuch Buckskin' dress taffeta,
regular price $1.00, Q
yard DJC
20 pieces Antoine Ouinet et Cits, Lyons, France, 36-
lnch taffeta, our own importation, worth
resrularly $2.00.
27-inch very lustrous deep black Peim de Sole, ho
much in vogue, $1.25 quality,
Ten pieces 43-incb black Crepo de Chine, full
double width, worth $1.75 a yard, at, yard.
Colored Silks
Plain and fancy weaves, in new fall silks, 27-lnch
taffeta faconne, Chiffon dress taffetas, 27 and
20 Inch fancy dress silks, novelty and plain
crepe de chine, etc., every yard worth
double the price we ask
'x ' 111 I muni III II - ii. i.. i i -ii in.. , ., .. -V
I i, , -v 1 "v. r-r( lr- - 1 -i T---fl -V
I ii u pw ws yoiMo
Hundreds of DeoLiliful, New Pieces Just Received Brandeis
The assemblage of furs shown at Brandeis surpasses any showing of the kind
that the west has ever gathered. A broad range of style in the richest, best selected
furs that are made by higlvclass furriers. It is an ultra fashionable showing"every
correct new effect is included.
Ermine, Mink, Black Lynx, Kolenski, Bourn
Marten, Japanese Marten, Etc. Every Piece Carefully Selected.
'ii'imiiH- ilrmlne ' 'P" 2 50
lluKcian t .ii uvclty Jack
et, very nwWl VfiQ
ppeclttl yOJ
Littlles" t'.lack Broadcloth Oiata
in n2 tnoh lengths, with
lo'ino back, for
The New White Coats for evening wear
three extra specials, at
Jcnnltw K -mino
Four in-Iland, :it
-Muff. J2.r0. $2!l and
Jcnulnp Mink-
ticmiini' Mink
Ofnuine NgrweKlan Mink
scurfs, 3;i, ti'.i
up to
Genuine Natural 6-strlpe Mink
Sahlfi Kolenski Srt, S-stripe Mult urni
4louhU tail trimmpd Heart
broadtail Set. with large square pillow Muff.
iiii-inrn t otir-in-iiamt
Larsrff Inahulla and fable ?inKl? Fox Scurfs,
with two large ht'UKh tails , ' .
xn CA i.n "P to "
J 1.3V LarK1. full Isabella and Pable Fox ff Cft
Muffs, 1 to ft stripes. 6.9S to '"
n.mtilno irl in ro nl i.eH A att-u khiin InlrotS '?
Scarf yjJ mcnes inns ami rmniin'Tj tmun SS
niaek Lynx Set. lonir. silky, (flossy Snecial Near Seni ' jackets,' ' extra e
fur. larjre Muff. (2-in. flurfy Scarf Pf f((j JJ
Klendcd Mussiiin Squirrel Ties, Zazag tM oe Genuine Curly Krlnimer Jacket, 24 KM
and S-arfs. J4.SI8 to I".O.J inri, extra uuallt v . . i . .
Sklyi Blended Squirrel Muffs, pillow (111 Sable Ulended Brook Mink AH Cfl
Shane. $6.98 to... 9M Fllouse tt.JV
14,85 JIO 7 J.50 I Novelty Mixture Coats 52- Q98 1 ?50 IJ.85 ' Ladle8' Waists In the new Plaldsjog . Q93
1 " '""T j inches long, very smart, at J " It and black taffetas, special at...T J
$25, $35 and $39
A new showing of pretty Silk Dresses for party ond ,
evening wear, at
Unusual Bargains in Higheit Quality
75c and $1.00 fine all wool dress goods 200 pieces all fresh and
new fall styles melroses, Panamas, serges, suitings,
cream mohair, albatross, nun's veiling, etc.,
at yard ,
.150 piecos new high grade imported $1.50 cloths suit
ings, also the latest styles black dress goods from
Germany plaids, tartans, etc., at, yard
Cream mohair and Sicilian, 75c grade
per yard
at v.
Tourist coatings and stylish cloth for ladies' and children's coats
and jackets regular price $1.50 to $2.50 yard, CJq 98c
$1.00 SILK and WOOL PLAID at 75c
High grade exclusive dress patterns at less than cost to im
port, in aisle 4.
Our linen department is replete with everything needed for
the Thanksgiving table. Finer qualities were never before offered
at such extremely low prices.
$25 to $65
5Vl, Uit!Ul I1V tlVMll?
Now Arrivals In
Valenciennes Laces
Pino French, English and German Valen
ciennes laces, insertions and headings,
many matched sets, dainty new designs
for fancr work,
borders, etc.,
at, yard
High grade Oriental and Haby Irish 18
inch all-over laces, and 45-inch fancy net
tings, verv latest designs for waists,
yokes, etc., in white and
. cream, regular $1."'.) and
$1.5l values, special,
Munsing Undcrweiatr
The finest underwear that is made me
dium and winter weight vests, pants and
drawers for ladies Jt QO 50
and children TJC-J0C-1
The famous gloves from Perrin, Ikcytiier,
Trefousse, Fownes, etc. white, black,
brown and evening shades, S, 12 and 16
button lengths, at. . .$1.98 up to $3.50
25c All Silk Ribbon at 10c Yard-Taffeta
and satin ribbon in black, white 1 ff
and all colors, worth up to 25c j! (I j)C
a yard -at. yard aULt
8-4 fine all linen bleached pattern table
cloths, worth $4.00, at 2.50
8-10 fine all linen bleached pattern
table cloths, worth $5.50, at 3.8
8- 4 fine all linen bleached round In
tern table cloths, worth $4.50, $2.7.1
9- 4 fine all linen bleached round pat
tern table cloths, worth $5.50, $;MH
10- 10 fine all linen blenched round
pattern table cloths worth. $6.50,
at t.H
10-12 extra heavy all linen bleached
pattern table cloths, worth $10, $0.98
10-14 extra heavy all linen bleachtd
pattern table clotlm, worth $12, $7.98
54x54 quilled Table
P..rta r n ii n ,1 nr
square, euch
S-4 and 10-4 scalloped button hole
stitched edge, spoke drawn work bor
der, all linen table cloths, worth up
to $5.00, for $1.98 and $2.50
20-iccb fine all linen napkins, worth
$3.50. at 2.50
22-lnch fine all linen napkins, worth
$4.00, at $2.08
24-lnch Fine All Linen Napkins, worth
$5.50, for $3.75
$1.25 and $1.50 quality, 2 yards wide,
bleached table damauk, yard 9Hc
85c quality fine table damisk, yd., ftlH
uUc quality fine table daniatslt, vd., :tt)c
Lunch cloths 86, 45 and 51 inch, each,
ut.MOc, U8c, $1.50, $1.98, $2.50, $1.50
Tray cloths . .25c, 0c, 50c, 98c, $1.50
3xt3 quilted Table-
Tads, round or
3 '1Uf're' oacn 1-so
nni rvn ppv f kw
mWslULAM the iS.lA U
Entire stock of an eastern manufacturer who sold to us on
a cash deal.
At One-Half Actual Cost to Manufacture
These goods are all in the most desirable grade and all the very newest patterns for
fall 100(5. Jt will be beyond question the greatest bargain offering in Brandeis' history of
big sales.
Nearly Our Entire Basement Devoted to This Sale.
All the Floor Oil Cloth In 1, HI:
vard widths, that alwavs sells f
up to 30c a square yard, at
a square
and 2
All the Floor Oil Cloth-In 1, 1U and 2
yard widths, always sells fTT fZf n
up to 45c a square yard, at J ) IsTS
square frJJ
Usually sells up to 0c
a yard, one fjw
great lot at yi
sq yd La7U
All the
four yard wide, the yT
regular $1.00 grade, i Mj
at square J
varti lj
Usually 7)c
grade, goes
at square
a vard j
i v
The most elaborate and grace
ful evening hats exquisitely
trimmed theatre hat?: fine dress
hats, and trimmed hats, copied
from original French models.
Long fluff y ostrich plumes are used in
trimming also tips, pompoms, aigrettes.
ornaments, breasts, etc. :;' jSrSSS
A number of stunning and fashionable l'ur?.
nftnwi and tnrbnns. unmrtlv tVitnmpd. f- '''"?Ai. V,;
All the leading colors and the most becom
ing and stylish dress shapes.
,' conn
Jot Bracelets, very
lar price $1.00
stylish, regu-
72-inch Muff Chains, chains
.7r:: 50c.75c
The Anthony Delt, genuine
goat skin, special at.
Imported Coin Purses, all fancy
leathers, all leather "nedf
. worth 25c, nt 1UC
StiTling Kllver sclssors
cxtra heavy,
all styles,
Pprslan hark and
i'omb, yuur rholr
at, pai:-
Ladles' strap Purse, rhamoU lined,
pearl button clasp, large size, in
black only, worth rf
$1.00, at DJC
ISoxMn ShopplnK Bags, in m g
lilaok only, worth J1.00 and
11.25, at J Us
LudlfE' Purof-s with ftrap
and pearl clatp. very
apclal, al
Style service economy comfort. Fitted by competent
salesmen. Satisfaction assured.
Ladies' Pblt Ezl Shoes, our popular leader,
Red Cross Shoes, the solo bends with the
foot '
Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes, perfect
comfort, at . . .
Have You Visited Our New Book Department?
Special Offering During Opening Sale
BOOKS at 10c
By the World's Greatest Writers. Splendid Cloth Bindings
These books are a wonderful example of value-giving, and,
i i
must be seen to be appreciated. t ?OTiWM&JI? N.K End
m New Store. UL31 VT'Ji ' &OU3 New Slo,.
Jtaloiuy Leads tot Fatal fbotiie iffraj
Friday EeDir
llirv' WHIiania, tUe Vii-tlm, Mad
Won tiic Aflertlona of Womaa
Who loriarrl) Smile on
Hush Grtt.
A fata! shooting oicmred at Tlilt ty-rfiftii
and Q at reus Ust'iilirht at 60. Harvi-y
Wtlllama, eolored.' vaa . fhet ia tho
abdomen t'V Gray, ho ! tlll .it
larsa- WlllUme d'.d at noon Saturday at
tbe South Omaha liPapltnL The nt-lghbor-liooj
aa aroused ly the aound of
hhoia and the hystandera w-re at
tracted tj woman runnliif from tb
0or of 815 Q. acreahilng for aid. Clost
behind her came William, trylna- weaV'y,
l i.j hot. I'm atiot." On r-arhlnit the
k'rert he aank don and earned to
ihr Krd Croaa dru atoie. nwr by. Ir.
!. Uuurey and the police responded to tln
uil ai d the wounded man i UiWen to ttir
Scr'.h Oniaha huiltul. Two ball from a
:-ia:iber revolver entered his body Klti;cr
inie In thought to Lo aufncteiu to cuu
! ath. H auffeird gnat ijaln nnJ uinVr.
wtiit :in iieratio'i nt Jo i. n. lr th- -l.-aitluii
of lln- biiUri. which liMlgcd In the
inus;l?a ut llio h-ick. The dot'.uia IhjM out
i.o hopea of tha man's recovery.
Tha motive for the lioi.tniif wt, ur
usual, Jralouay. Gray had Leeu living with
a woman purpwitlns to be h!a wife, between
AlMiut ten day ngo t? left him ;md It y
aald had become a frequent visitor witb
William?. Gray laned yetcrriuy altcr
noon that the woman waa ut th.; WiUiiui'a
Plucu and he aeturvd t tic revolver find In
vaded the home of the rlvnl jmkI shot him.
The woman was found In the lu.c Af; r
tlio ahoirtlna- (Jray muOo Ins escajH' :ind
aonie of the nelahlKus s;iy ho took a to
lit la a durk-klnned nifro. with scars
ovir his face and lu-ck. The troin:tn In the
irso stayed le.-lde th Ktrlcken man.- Phe
declared that Cray waa a tu .u hrou. man
tind had been in two or more ahuotliiu
KcrupB in the south. (n report i that
Gray cajne from Sioux Ciy lo e.iiniiilt the
deed. A w.nuiii came to tho police u few
days uko with a threnttnlnu letter from
the man i bioux Oty, Ksvng that he wan
nbo'il to return to South Oniahu, and hn
he arrived would take v, nman.'e on h's
enemies. She was reerred to the federal
uuthnritiea for redress for the improper Uh
of the mall. When last jeeri Gray h;id n
cap on liu lead and wai earryiim a iiat In
hia hand.
William died ut nooti at the South
Omaha honpiial after an operation to try
to locate tho bullet. It wa found that
but one bullet had entered the body, but
this had done iffuttlvc ,,rk and liuj
pierced innht of the lntetiiie.
Gray Is atill at larjte. tho police ling
still unable to locate htm. u... returned
to the place of ahumlng lant nlaht and
ilr.d Hire.- allots throuKii lh window to
try to bhoot the nomeii in the cmc. Ha
applied at ne of the neiuhU.n' lor a bed
lo eleep in and t.,d an .ih, r he would
never lcd town until h Imd k,.-(i Ui
vo. iiea.
lr. harak t.trta Dead.
Mia. baiah 1. Greei, mother of Mrs. I..
K. j-itineli ai.d ilrs. A. J
i liis city and Mis. Fred L. Oreen of
Oinulia. died at 6 a. m. yesterday morn
lnt;. Sho had been living with Mr?. I'ln
ivll and here she was taken with tie
llnal illnefis. She was in years old. bme
had bin an Invalid for several months,
but her dcalh rani'! rather unexpectedly.
The funeral will In.- conducted by Ke.'.
JiiiitH Wise find Dr. R. 1.. Wheeler from
the residence to Laurel Hill cemetery. The
I ceremony will be this afternoon at 2
Arrangements fur Kuer Funeral.
CHIinlte at rans;eniente are announced for
the burial of l' J. Etter tomorrow. The
private funeral will be at the residence at
1 p. in. After this ceremony tiia orders
nnd the nuill m-rvlce will accompany the
biKly to the auditorium of the South
Omaha HiKh school building. The public
sen ice will be conducted thera by Or. R.
I,. Wheeler. The members of the Gmnd
Army of the Republic, and especially llu
members of l'hil Kearney post, are to
me t at 1 p. m. at Twenty-fourth and E
mwls. From there they will go in a
b.xiy to the residence. The Odd Ke'iows.
uUo have instructions to meet at their
hall tor the rami purpose nt 1 p. m. The
mutiic for the occasion wiil be furnishtd
by the Presbyterian choir. The burial will
be it, Laurel Hill cemetery.
Knndnr herlee.
There ill be morning service only In
most of South Omaha churches, so tlmt
the iii iiiIm rhlp may go to Omaha In the
evening lo swell the crowd at Ihe Ti irey
The regular ervteen ure uiuiounctxl for
the first Presbyterian chureh. Mr. J.
V. Hornier will sing a special solo.
At the Kim Methodiel eliurcli Dr.
William Gvrst. prenidiug tldei, will con
duct tho morning service, followed by the
sacrament of the Lord's supper.
'A Great Opportunity" will be Dr. Ren
wlck's Sunday morning topic. No evening
Rev. (reorsrt Van Winkle will preach
from the subject "In God Wo Trust" at
tho fiaptlst church.
There lll be the regular services both
morning and evening at Lefler's Memorial
. M. '. A. otes.
The organization of the boys' branch into
a Sunday club waa started, under the
direction of Assistant Stoetzel, with At
torney Ringer as udvisor. Tho perfecting
of the I'lub will be done next Sunday nt
S o'clock. An Interesting program lias
been prepared by the boy themselvts and
every boy in South Omaha la Invited to
be present at thai hour. The meeting
will be held in the. association ashembly
' "Pledge, Promises and Aims" is the
j tubjei t of the address that Prof. Graham
will lelivr to the members and their
friends next Sunday afternoon, at i
o'clock. In tnt- association rooms. The'u
will bo good music and a praer service.
All meu urged to come.
The ladlas' auxiliary is ready and will
ing to tit up tha basement rooms for a
boys' department. Such an arrangement
would he plea-taut for the boys and more
than satisfy the men.
The Ulues are now In tho lead, but only
rive points, and the Red are feeling sura
of ultimate success. Somebody has to
wash the dlxhcs.
South Outalin lisak klatriurnt.
A comparative statement of tho nuances
of tha three national banks of Suth
Omaha ghosts that there ha been an In
citane hi dep"lt over the same period
if lui year of $:.T,2T0.9i. The inrrease in
loans nnd discounts' this year is VU7.06n.o4.
Tho Increase In total resources in the
banka of the city Is t371.57ti.S5. Following
is tho detailed statement prepared In ac
cordance with tho call of the comptroller
of the currency:
I'nion Stork Yards $2. vV4.:ilt; M
South Omaha 3.:M-l."i
Packers' l,34c,0.32
a. n4.S:i.BA
Totals f7.i-,142.B.'J ;,513.fc)
Increase .T.370.
.;. isft,.
Cnion Stock Yards.... $1.7.471. 77 $;'.oai.147.4i
South Omaha 1.414,;4 M l.S.MI.Ji
Packers' l,a&o,ilo TO l.u4.&ii2j
Total $4,,TO,4M li 0.4vO,514.1O
Increase 17.W0.)
l:Vi. lm.v,.
I'nion Stock Yards.. ..$S.n ..! H.:t71.1i2 4'
South Oniaha 4 el''. it.. ,5. Sit, .;
Packers !i".!iil.4". V,3,hi.w
.$:',:io.:.:2 f.6',Kj.67
. 371,j7.'S
Appeals From Holler Court.
Appeals were taken tn two cases from the
decision of Judge P J. King police court
ycM.-td.iy. Tl.e first wan the case of Gun
Ward-man. for a?sault and battery. This
assault was a tit ged to have been commu
ted on the nbht of November S on the per.
son of C. 8. Iiolby, timekeeper for Swift
arid Company. Wardetnan wanted b tnter
the plaiit to tike a lunch to a party at
work at tho laundrv, but the timekeeper
did not I'ke his appearance. The vigilance
of tlie employes had been aroused over Ihe
Ioks of ome valuable metal, to the vain';
of nearly ". Waideman Insisted on going
Into the plant, and wnen the tlmeke, p r
attempted to put him out the gate he
Mito k him. The .rret f-dlowed and Ju-'ae
King Imposed a fine of V and rot. Waide
man, through his attorney, riled notice of
The second was the case of Anton Synto,
charged with assaulting John Herdxrnan nt
Uncowski's saloon. Twenty-seventh and J
streets, on the night of November 11. The
two young men hnvc been rivals for some
time, contending for the affection of a
pretty Polish maid. On that night a qtm
rel arose ltween them over n game of
craps, which was being plnyed on the floor
of the saloon. In the fight wblch followed
Svsto drew a knife and plungel It Into the
back of Herdzman, causing n serious
wopr.d. In the evidence It was brought out
by tho testimony of two young women Mint
Systo had threatened violence to Here"x
man should the young- woman In qnesrlon
refuse his attentions. It appears that he
kent his word. Judge King fined him f.V)
and costs Ills attorney, W. C. Lambert,
filed notice of appeal.
Mantle City IJotsln.
G. B. Gafford. livery. T. l'.
IMwin Lambert has gone on a trip to
the Pacific coast with the hope of ben
hting his health.
Chattel and salary loans. ;4.VH N St. All
business cnntldeiitial.
Mr. and Mr. J. D. Courtney have be-n
eniertniiiing her two sister and ihir
daughter, from Lincoln.
A. A. Tnurlow. who has been suffering
for some time with congestion of the
lungs, Is now recovering.
Fix Llfe-s'.ied port! alt with one dozen
photos tlil t'lirlnima. Peti n in'a Studi i.
Mr. Kd Trapf Is reported oulte . rl
uuiiv ill. She ha been em, lined to her
bed for a week or mure.
All member of tbe lad, pendent Orde
of odd Ftllow are to niert at tin o id
Fellow hall Sunday at 1 p. III., lo attend
the funeral of F. J. Ktter.
11. It Ga fiord, moving nnd transfer.
Tel. V.
A luige number of y mpa-lhlxlng friend
attended the funeral services for Mrs.
Louis.) H. Marling at her home, 914 North
Twenty-second street, yesterday aftertioou.
A small fire occurred In n building be
tween Twcnty-sevent Ii anil Twenty --eight h
on Q street, Thursday night. It was
caused by an explosion of gasoline oil tie
Seeoud floor.
The loss was about $.'00. The place was
owned by Harry Goss. Frank Green, col
ored, one of the tenants, had his fa.
seriously burned. He was attended by
Dr. R. K. Schlndel.
Affulr Protri Success Financially
nnd Otherwise Despite gome
I) ran barks.
The second day of trje baxaar given bv
the women of the First M'tliodi.'t Kplsco
ral church. Twentieth and Davenport
streets, closed the event Friday wit fx
a favorable showing, financially and other
v.ise. The Imzaar Is , not usually held
until the fore p-iit of December each ear
but because of tho Torrey mission to l
held In the city, the dates were s t earlier.
Thl change In the plan cut off some of
the time -needed for preparation, but de
spite this fft. the affair was a success.
The booths, which werex very prettily dec
orated, were In charge of the followli.g
chairmen: Doll booth. Mrs. Dint Nelson;
Christ mua articles, Mrs. W. H. He-ith; do
mestic booth. Mri". Weston; randy booth,
Mi. GreenniiKh: old women booth. Mra
Htrl.klun.1. t
Ice cream nnd other refreshment were
si-rved, snd va phopogiaph loaned for the
oeeaslo by George K. Mickel, f ui iiUUed,
music. -
Bt Want Ad j-fxlurt rsult
$4 1
N i