A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NDVEMBETt 1. 1006. 11 V ) 1 1 A' fNEVVS i COUNCIL Of fire. 10 rear! JMk HIPKE IS INDICTED - t . - Woman to Fact a Chare of Murder . -r :: ,", '..sin'thd firrt Dotm;. W5T SHE CAN PRiVE INNOCENCE Nineteen Indictment Hrtnrnrd by ihr ' J-.! rnd Jary,' bat Dnlr Eight of . Thwn Made I'abllc at Ihr r ,v rrnl Time. Among-Mlf- indictments returned by the tlftiit court grand Jury, which concluded ,it deliberations yesterday and adjourned, - waston against Emma Rtpke, the young rn-ontan beld for the killing: of Frank Krlth . .Potts on ttra night 'of October IS last In a .jxrfuJruE ' figiiFe tin West . Broadway. ' The 'indictment clvargoj. murder In, the first de ree.'.. ' ; AVhrn Informed of the action of the grand . jury,'ljF Kl'pke did' not appear to.be the , -tiighteit disturbed, "I -have a clear coif clcrtce." . she." satrt,' "and I am glad the xrasif Jury did what It has aa I will now jlie able to.-provo my Innocence to the world.;. , . j The: grand Jury In aaid to have returned nineteen Indictments, but only eight were made public yesterday, aa the defendants named In, the .others are not under arrest. Two Indictments were returned against ' Jamen' Russell, accused of passing toiged hecks In this "city on October 18 last. One indictment charges forgery In connection with a check "for JW7.75 on the National Stock Yards bank of .South .Omaha, to which the signature of H. E. Cox. mem ...Tier of a. commission Ann of that city, was signed, which he attempted to pass on the ;-h-caJ bra net" store of A. Hospe & Co. The wow! Indic.inent charges cheating 'by false pretent." -In that he passed a torgod . cheeK fnt rtt.So " on' 'A. " Gillnsk-y and ro- lyed tll.ap good money In purt exchange. , Jt'usse.li'i', bond under each Indictment is "jrlaced-.a't tV) .?Ob indictment Is against Peter' Nelch, t one of th Hungarian railroad laborers V ' I.' ihat eed . nh breAklnc lmn un.l toaln.n n 'quantlty-or- shoes from V freight car In .''the I'nlWn Paclftcr yards On Noveniber 7 ', of ttjl yeax.. Ills bond is placedat Pt. Otv.- Indictment Is against Claude . .Bridges, op the. .charge, . qf. Ja.rc;ny from u building. He Is accused of stealing a borsM valued at $150 front the promises of IlanWlHusen of Cut-Off, on October J 7. last. His bond is placed at $S00. A Joint Indictment. Is against Grant Pootnn aftfl Jack Shields, on the charge of breaking and entering freight cars in the arfla of, the . Illinois' Central on' October j uon to the per cent on moneys handled J2, last.Th. defendants, It. Is' alleged,, they recefve $2 per diem for attendlrtg meet were seen hy i the officers to break the .ngs. of . the township boai'd and this prbb seals of the cars, but were friglitene.l ftbly brings them In from $10 to $12 more. iRWajr before aecurlng anything. They . Tj,e aapacvlaora adjourned to meet Mon- wefk captured "In the. yards. T;heir bond j day as a drainage board to take up matters Iwero plaeedt., M0.0-,ach;:r" '' !.in connection with the Pigeon creek ditch. " W.- M. gfevena is irifllcted on the chargo j Tuesday ,thy wl'.l ntMrt In joint session it; breaking and entering Into a dining ar Ho the locAl yards, of: the Milwaukee rni"ju Birnninf iuiuiic in in. connection, wltn tne uarrieon-rouawai- hetlds llrware. The.offeijse Is allege tatiila county drainage ditches and Wednes to hv,been comhittted on' November 4. j'day.wlll miit W regllar ad.toufned session last. Tls bond was; fixed at toO. j An fndlctDient wis return uralnst L. A. MrXVnM-4n the charj.'" rf tucest with sWp-dauglit,er, . liM! 4 wns ef Wt;r.iMH Carrie. . JHIs The reports, of thn gi:.jtnl . lury showed ''onable -prices; tho best of goodsv trim the count'y,land V:lty-Jall' to he In go,id nV-ngs and '.workmftnxhlp.'' -,1a rgat'dJ to condition. .. v ,r . - , . ; . . ! yotu; dress suit don't forget that there will .... . - , , '. . . . , ' be a - great , many social functional you Tlie exacting man in dress ix tlie man we sr looking for. because we can please hlhf'lti style, nV and material W-ith one of inir sweli' Hirt. SViiaffer & Mai x overcoats, Vrlf.!,lia. to $fiS. 'Other good makes at IT.Sn, TWt and $12. The Johh Beno company. I . ' . ; MALONEY "IGAR CO., ,n PEARL ST. .1 COUNCIL BLT-FFS. IA.. DISTRIBUTERS FOR THE ROBERT BURNS 100 CIGAR AND LITTLE BOBB1 IC, OLD TIMES , AND ERRIS oc CIC7ARS. j Utl Fnoernl Todai. Tho remains of E. H. Ott arrived j-i.ter- $ay. at'tocnoon from Texas and tho funeral will be held (his afternoon ut I:3f o'clock from tlie residence of his mother. Mrs. H. Ott, 34? Lincoln avenue, and at 3 o'clock from the First Christian church. There will be a special communication of Excelsior Masonic lodge at 2 o'clock this 1 . it. M; 1 "lUlH Makes old gs New rr ALSO kte p them new. There will be no old, dull looking furni ture or dingy woodwork in homei where thii wonder-worker is used. Mo reftnlshlne of revxrnishing necrt ary. Liquid Veneer ii not rarnislt, but a surface food and cleaner that buildl' up the original finish and ' makes it brighter than ever. - It initantly restores the brilliant hew neu and finish of Pianos, Furniture, Picture Frames, Interior Woodwork, - Hardwood Floors and all polihed, var nished or enameled surfaces. Removes scratches, suins, dirt and dullness. A child can apply it. Nothing but - piece of cheese cloth is needed and . there is no drying to wait for. NEW StZE PACKAGES ' 4-OUNCt Bottlk - 29c 12-Ouncc Bottlk SOc P. S3LD y If. noRWICK. 211 8. Main. ire- A. A. CLARK & C0 CHATTEL LOANS Our tmslarss was established nearly SO years ao (ISAM). rs) loan' on (torsos, rattle, household t uralture and other chatl-els. , Our reputalli n and ths business w snjoy Is the result sf fslr sad 1 bersl tresU meat sf our j.alrons during thise . y-r cv rates r 4' -m v I w than other offices. Our loans sr mads In "ur. swn mm and rv atold or b tit sV fiwrtsmbre. pur sow oitlcss ars orp sits slue bt ins uil'Ho. o.d tu s . s ronvenlintly arrwnged Hh private coiwulllng rooms. We wish to vsrn ths p;b Is that w have no conneetlin with ths firm doing business under the nsms ef the Cars. Uurtfage Co,, sow oocupying 1 ur old office., tt Is a romsllment we sppre ctste siting our nsrne to their buslnsss, but It Is cgnf uslna .to the public. Our 'Phone la 217 Don't confuse It W 1th the Tel. of Clark Mt. Co. COK. MAIN AND KJIOADWAV. OVfcB AMKUICAN EXKKet4 OFt H E. OF INTEREST FROM IOWA BLUFFS St. Tr-1. 43. afternoon to attend the funeral of the late H. If. Ott. Members of Jewel ooutt. Tribe of Ben Hur, are requested to attend the funeral of their late brother. R. H. Ott. In n body this afternoon. To get a nice, even Joint in framing a pic ture Is an art. We understand how to do that. Ilring In your picture and we will show you how neat we can frame It. If you haven't got a picture, come In and se lect one from Our large sample line and we will frame It up In first class style. Prices always reasonable. Council Bluffs Patnt, Oil and Glass company, Merrlam block. It doesn't matter what shape, alze or kind of a man you are. If you. are an overcoat seeker you'll find your kind of an overcoat here.. Prices, $7.50 to $35. The John Beno company. CENTRAL FLOCR-H 15. Every sack warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar ket. Both 'phones. 24. nOD OF TREAItRKR 19 HAI9KD Conaty Board Fixes It at Qnarter of a Million. , In fixing the bonds of the newly elected county officers the Board of Supervisors vtritriv ft ApMprl in rnlflp thut ftf the county treasurer from $.W,oon to ISO.ftrt. The reason given Is that the county treas- urcr probably will handle next year ap- proximately ilOe.OOl of dralnaa-e ditch funds. in'additlon to the regular tax collections, -t-i V. , .1.:.- t . I. . . . t -. , i iiv I'ui.ua ui hi i iicm tin mi nnr iiffmi from ll.oiio to $l.ftK although the board hesitated for some time before deciding on this, tearing that there might be some dlfliCLilty in securing men to serve. The Kbnnds of the other principal county officers were left as before, namely: Auditor, $10,- tlty of bras engine fixtures, believed to ort); attorney, $o,(i0o; clerk of district court, be the property of the Northwestern rall tCO.OW; recorder. $10.npo; sheriff, ,$10,0iX); sur- , road and valued at over $100. veyor, $2,000. - ' Revere refused to give an account of For some time there has been a question ' hfmself when questioned at police head as to what compensation township clerks quarters. He Is, however, known to the wera entitled to.-- The twentieth general police, having been arrested several times assembly enacted a law providing that they In the last few years. His companion receive 2 per cent' of nil. moneys which succeeded In making his escape after turn passed through their hands. In 1S97 the r- Ing on a man who had taken up tho pur- vised code provided they should receive 5 per cent on all moneys coming Into their hands "not otherwise, provided for." .The supervisors held that thw law already pro vided for 1 per cent, and the clerks' failed to receive any more. Now the last general assembly repealed the art of the twentieth assembly and In an opinion County Attor ney Hess yesterday held that the clerks were entitled to 5 per cent ajid tho board so ruled. . As but few of the clerks handle more than M.i(0 road money a year. It will be seen ihRt thrlr compensation. Is limited. In addl- wuh tho surxrvlsors of Harrison county 1 a8 dratnuge bbard to consider matters in to opep bids ftr the. cunty. bridge, work for next" year.: . ' Doh't 'forget thst K, 8. Hicks hi etiH at Ttho old jitand. nukrng fine clothe jit rea want to attend and need a dress suit, your old dresa stilt may ho out of date and you may need a new one. And your winter overcoat. How is that? Sec E.' S. Hicks for anything In tailoring. - 13 Ptrt St. . We can do wonders in fixing you out with good, warm underwear for the winter at .iu."t the price you would like to pay. We're sole agents,, for the famous Staley, wewtern made, and Munsing unde.rweaj-. The John Beno company. Ralldlnir Permit". j -The following building permits wtte i- sued yerterdny to-, the 'Consolidated ton- structlon compuny of tlUs city: ' GreoKlilehls Everest, t, n frame cottages in Home place addition....! !'J Ci yuJ?1?:':-...l"t,, Wi'lilsm Fallor, frame cottage, lot 4, block ?3. CentrRl sub VM ' ocVnta?:.!0? . 750 Paul I. Van Order, frame cottage, lot 11, block 3n. C'eotril sub... v V&i I- U. frame cottage, lot 14, block J. j. Hughfsframe'dweiil'nR:. lot 1, bloek l. Turiey : wnite s soamon.. i." A. ftpiekermnn.. frame dwelling, lot i,, block 10, Beer's sub '...1.25ft L. H. "ItKims, residence and stable, near Wtft and E (unplatted. '. 2,000 O. IjwiiU. frame residence and store, lot 1, block 2, Mrs. Perry's addition.;-2,100 Hurry (lover, frame collage, lot t. ' i block 7, rerry s aanuion L. M. Coowr. frame cottage, lot 4. block ID. Ferry's addition 1,100 William Hayijiiod. frumu -cottage, lot 1. block 3, Doniphan' addition OX) If you wiish to select your gloves or utlt tens from among the season's very lest, we're at your service, perrin, Dent, North rup and other good makes. Lined or un llned at 75c, $1. $1.50, $3 and .13. The John Beno company. Our 10-yt nt catalogues of sheet music con tain some of the finest classical compost tlons. "Bourietus." 3.15 Broadway, Cor.netl Bluffs; where the organ stands upon the building. . Marriage Licenses. ' Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to tho following: Name and Residence. Charles tl Gregory, Council Bluffs. Lottie B. Garrett. Council Bluffs... Alonr.o K. Stickler, Omaha.., Carrie Welsh. Omaha .'cp Davis, Omaha Thel McCoruite, Omaha Age. . .ii.l . .IK . .26 . .20 . .26 . .20 A Mrtmr A Co. New Location of Wholesale Bakery, 51! Mynster Street, Council Bluffs, Is. Home-made Bread a Specialty. Visitors Welcome. lllaalns IMnnder Identified. Part of- tho goods found with James Hlgglne, alias McGulre. arrested In fnls city and taken to Omaha to answer for robbing- tlie CUrk store at Valley, Neb., were Identified yesterday ty A. O. Carlson of the Carlson Hardware and Implement company and C. Austenburg of the Auste.t- burg general merchandise store, both of Mead, Neb. These two stores were robbed October 13. The goods thus IdcnttfUl were part of the stuff found by the ollt irs In Omaha and brought to this city by Detective ' Callahan From hern Messrs: Carlson and Austenburg wont to Omaha to consult with the authorities there. Hello! Hellot Hollo: Yes, we've every thing for clothing men. women and chil dren correctly at moderate prices. We've Hellol Hello! Hello-o-o-o'. Don't leave the 'phone yet. We've the best of everything In our line and we guarantee you satisfac tion for every dollar you leave with us. Hello! Hello! You say you'll be In for a look? All right, we're at your service any day. The John Beno company. Combination gas and electric chandeliers and the celebrated Welsbach Incandescent gaa burners. Why.- not see us before you buy. We can certainly please you on price and quality of goods. Bhephan Bros., 529 West Broadway. SHOTGl N FAILS TO STOP THIEF Owner of Gan I liable to iet It to Go Off. Armed with a shotgun, Mark Williams, living at 83 North Eighth street, at tempted to halt two suspicious looking strangers as they were crossing the rear of his lot early yesterday morning. - The men were each carrying a sack, evidently containing some- thtnir rit rnnlftrnt,lf ttplffhr nvrr tl-iolr shoulders, and Mr. Williams Jumped to the conclusion they were thieves. Mr. Williams intended to shoot over their heads, but the trlsrter failed to work. Tho men. however. after running a short distance, droppedl i V. n l I , .. Y it,. A w , nidi nm'ia. ah mo nioiiii luiio uiiw vi jii, Williams neighbors had telephoned for the police and Detective Weir soon had onu of the men located In a railroad lodging house. He gave the name of Charles Revere. In the sacks was found a quan- suit from the Williams place and threaten, Ing to cut his heart out with a big dirk, i which he flourished dangerously near his pursuer. A Side Door Hot Blast. The only perfect hot blast on tho market; decorative paper If you have the slight does fiot fill the house with smoke when eat notion of keeping In touch with the putting in fuel; burn-s. anything; a good- latest and best Interior decorations. This sited ash pan. You do not need to scat- ler the ashes all over the floor. You can take them out clean: all at one time. Come and see it. It will cost you nothing . to Inspect It. We. are glad to show It to you. it noins nre loriyeigm nours. The boss Hot Blast. D. W.. Keller, 108 South Main. For Imported wines and liquors and Bud welser beer, go to ti. Rosenfeld, wholesale liquor dealer, 519 South Main street. . Bandar serrlees. Bt. Paul's Episcopal Church, Rev. H. W. Starr, Rector Twonty-second Sunday after Trinity, Holy communion at $ a., m.; morn ing prayer and sermon ut 10 ?0; Sundny school at noon; evening prayer and sermm t 7-30. Morning subject of sermon, "The Use of Time, the Body and Education"; evening subject. "Tlie Christian's Attitude Tbwardtho World." . . . First Christian Church'. Rev. W. B. Clemmcr, Faster Preaching services aA 11 a. m., when the paslor will t;ike as the theme of his address "The Christian Church In Iowa."' In the evening at 7:W o'clock will be ah evangelistic meeting, at which ,ho ",or ,1!,,tak " the xPie "f hls.":r' mon "The Bible, or Seven Wonders of the World." Biblo school will be at S:45 a. m. and meeting of Christian 'Endeavor society at t:Sn p. in. At the First Presbyteiian church preach ing services will be held at 10:30 a. m. and 7:W p. m. . In the morning Pr. Henry J: Coker will occupy the pulpit and in the evening' Rev. Robert S. Cnlder. Sunday school will he at noon and your.g people's meeting at 6 p. m. At the Second Presbyterian church Rev. S. Alexander will conduct services at 10:30 p. m. There will he no evening services, Sunday schcol will be at noon. ' First Congregational- Church. Dr. Otter-' Ueln O. Smith, Pastor-Morning pervlce: at evening ropers at 5 o'clock; Sund.v school at noon; prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:t5; Young Men's Fortnlirhtlv '.!, The Sermon at Noiaieth." Tho vesers will ba a .musical service, when- the follow- . Jng program will be rendered: n'f,ln Prelude-invocation ...Hatllv ..No. 122 s""," j; Scripture reading (Jii (i.-i-in .iij( of. Love Misses Baker and Pine and Smflcld and Wlkoff. Prayer. Solo nn I'nto Him .., Miks Baker. ...Shelley Messrs. ....Handel Schumann '"Tertory Abendlied "irt VlJovrty Peacry? H.nd4et iu.t-o lively .-Handel Aothem-O l.rdwManlfold:...ltHr,:bv "The Angels' Trio-l.Kt Thine Eves Mendelssohn Misses Baker. Pine, and Smith. The S-jng of Simeon Prof. Proper Svnions Mr. Sinfleld, male quintet and chorus. Hvmn--God of Mercy, God of Grace. .No. 017 Benediction. PoHtlude To Our Great Ood Handel There will be preaching services at St. John's English Lutheran church at 11 a. m. and 7:3o p. m. Morning subject of sermon. 'What Think Ye of Christ?"' Evening subject. "Enemies of the Cross." Sunday school will be at 9:45 a. m. and young people's meeting at 7 p. m. First Church of Christ, Scientist, will hold services in Temple Emmanuel at 11 a. m.. when th sublect will tw. "Smil and Body." Sunday school will be at 12:16 p. m. and the regular midweek testimony meeting Wednesday evening at 8 .o'clock. Second Church of Christ, Scientist, will hold services in Woodman hall In the Mr liam block at 10:45 a. m., when the sub ject will be "Soul and Body." Sunday school will be at 11:45 a, m. and the usual midweek testimony meeting Wednesday evening at 7:45 o'clock. Swedish Lutheran church. Rev. B. N. Glim, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 45 p. m. Sunday school at noon and Bible class at 7 p. m. Rev. Glim will preach In the afternoon at Missouri Valley. The Knights of Columbus gave a dan Broadway Methodist Episcopal church. parly In their hall in the Brown .v,i,. h- d... i t- , a .'bunding Monday evening. A large crowd preaching by Rev. A. E. Griffith at 10:30, maB pr. Kef rrshments were served class meeting at 10, Sunday school at i ouring the evening. Itim was the second noon, Epworth league at 8:S0. Preaching by the pastor. Rev. James O'May st T:30, topic, "The Lord Hath I-ald His Hands On Thee." Do you want your coal quick? Just give us your order and let vis send you a ton ot cooj thst will be better than you ex pected. Ws know if you get one ton you . will order again. Tel. 72. Council Bluffs CoaJ and Ice company. Baralar Was Iadostrlaas. The burglar who visited ths aparimen i of Attorney George S.. Wright Thursday night. Is believed to. ha-ve first entered ths residence of Gnrge H. Hayn. which j adjoins the Wright home. The spots of I candle grease found about Mr. Wright's ' room were red. und yesterday. It was no ticed that one of several randies in s candelabra In the parlor of the Mayne I residence was niUsing. sirs. Mayne Is 4 111 and It Is Supposed tho burglar wvt frightened away by the movements of the nurse attending her before ho h.il time to search the house. The residences of E. .Kretchmer at 509 South Flxth street, and J. M. Hatch at R07 South Sixth street, were visited '.iy a burglar Thursday night. At the Kretch mer home the telltale marks of red candle grease were found, but as far aa Is known nothing of value was taken. At tho Hatch residence, an effort had been mado to pry open a side door with a Jimmy, but the burglar was evidently frightened away before he had time to complete the Job. Finest I.tne of Pianos From which to make a selection. In the purchase of a piano a person should use uhusual care. The name on a piano counts a great deal. Our stock Includes five of the leading miikes, Conover, Cable, Schu bert, Kingsbury and Wellington. Every one strictly high grade Instruments. We offer no premiums or commissions, every ad vantage Is given the buyer. Anyone can purchase a piano now on our easy payment plan. Come In and let us show you. Pianos tuned, repaired and stored. Swanson Mu sic company, 407 West Broadway. See Stephan Bros, for the latest and best Inverted burners. 69 West Broadway. Heal Fstate Transfers. These transfora were reported to The Bee November 17 by . the Pottawattamie J""1? Ah",rac,t comy of Council Bluffs: Mary A. Haynos and husband to John Collins, lot 7 and 12 feet strip ad- ! tnlnlnrr on wst In hlock 7. In Tjiri 'llor subdivision in Council Bluffs, Ifl,, W. U. i.ono i M',rj?arct Iawson to Frederick , William Frolmnlt. lot 1. in suhdi vision of bit 3Vi. in original plat of Council Bluffs. la., w. d C. E. larson and wife to Stelln Lit tle, lots 1 and 2, In block 6, in Ferry addition to Council Bluffs, la., w. d. J. W. Michael and wife to J. R. Schuyler, lot 3. In block 1!. In How ard addition to Council Bluffs, la., w. d Charles T. Officer and wife to Chris topher Jensen, lots 14 and 15, In block 15, in Highland Place ad dition to Council Bluffs, la., w. d... M.irgaret Ij. McGce and husband to Monroe Van Scoy. lots 1 and 2 and n of lot 3, in block 3. In B.iyllss' third addition to Council Bluffs, la., w. d Agnes Folsom to M. Van Scoy, lot i, In block 3, in Burn's addition to Council Bluffs. Ia., w. d 3. SCO tioei iiOO 40 Seven transfers, totiil $ 5,508 Von Mast Look At our superb stock of wall and eeillna in tt model store In that line and you mlss much if vou keep away from here. Jen- BPI1 & Nicholson, 238 West Broadway. ' - I pvrrrnrhv outfits and supplier C. E. Alexander, 333 Broadway. N.. T. Plumbing Co.. Tel. 25 Night, "J. PAST WKF.K IN I1I.VFFS SOCIETY . . ''! Event of Sprelal Importance to Record. Miss Allie lA'ons has ns her guest Mis. a r.mi,hcll of Boulder. Colo. . Mrs e. II. Walters has left ror an ex tended trip through the east. Mr. Arthur .Colburn of Chicago, is vis iting friends In this city for a few days. Mr. atid Mrs. C. A.. Lacey -win leave to. pVVowr California. toW.bsent -ti. m OHrlstmas Miss Morene Pnlh will 1-ave today for Denver, where she will visit relatives for some time. Mr. R. A. Whitman and family of Den ver, Colo., ar visiting in tii, city for a few days. . - ? " ' ' ' . The University olub was entertained W ednesday afternoon, by : Mtsi . ' George Hulett", 407 Park avenue. Mr f W IJooit ot Kliralioth. Colo.. IS In the city for a short visit with his I rousJn, Mr. J. J. Mewart. Mr. . naries ianuiug oi i-es muiufs is the guest at tho home of his sister, Mrs. Williams of Madison avenue. Mrs. Harrison F. Gleason and Mrs. Ned Shepard, both of Kansas City, are tho guests of relatives In this city. The Oakland Avenue club was entertained Friday afiernoou by Mrs. F. C. Lougie at her home, too Oakland avenue.. The Misses Myrtle' and Mabel Uasson of Stranton, la., are guests at the home of their brother, 'Dr. J. H. Gasson of this city. . ihe Indies' auxiliary No. 314, of 1Ctttr Curriers, will give a dancing party Wednes- oa evening, iuveuiuer ui me masonic a. id tracing. t ino monumental wum a ball- j Mpeclail). bheeley A Lane, 21? East Broad- . Mr. and. Mrs. J. C. Mcl'herson of Halgler. 1 way. . . Neb., are visiting with the former's unci", The pupils of Miss Relle Hoon gave a Mr. J. R. Mcl'nerson on East Pierce I piano recMal lost evening nt the home of street. (Mr. nd Mrs. M. A. Livingston. T-i First Mr. and Mrs. William .Walling ha ve gone , avenue. The pupila played without notes for a visit to Ienvr. Colo., where they and gave a very creditable performance, will be the guests of Mrs. Waiting's par- Just received, a largo shipment at-saif-ents . for several weeks. I basting Savory roasters, which we are go- Mrs. Charles Johnson and daughter. Frances, of Fort Ixidge, are the guests st the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Daniels.- 1$24 Avenue F. The household economics department of the Council Bluffs Women's club met last fci'Kiuy nutiianiii wan Airs. Lewis Mc Daniels, (i.'o Fifth avenue. ' Harmony chapter No. 25. Orfler of the Eastern Star, gave a d.incir.? njvty :n the Masonic auditorium Thursday ., cver.l lg. 1 ' and Mr8' Ueor """.er." Jr., ;71 Glen ... ellU:l-tnlllea lllc Kive H-...,.iM,i club I Miss Maude Wllllums left Frifi-.y -veii- I ln t"' lr Monies, when: t.ho will Li the. guest at tlie Lome of her brother, ir. chaiies Williams, for get e: hi weeks. The Proto club was entertained Jit sjay afternoon at the home of Mje. L Ur-r-en. V Lincoln avenue. t'arJs wi- ji'e.i ourtng the sfternoon, after which a dainty luncheou was served. The old Lucnre ciub held its firs', meet ing of this year Friday afternoon at tiie home of Mrs. Wiilianv Pyper, 2M Franklin ateiius. Five hunured was decided oil. as ti,e game for the winter. One of the leading social events of the week was the buuei lunch given yesterday alleitxim bv Mrs. M. F. Rohrer ami daughter. Mrs. Robert E. Thelnhardt "and .Mrs. Fred Johnson at the Rohrer home on ne Slieel Tiiu v omen's club met Wednesday after noon at the home of Mrs. ". D. Parmelee, ll Second avenue. Tho topic of discussion was "William i'hackery. ' The club will bo entertained Wednesday by Mrs. A. P. Hanciiett, Iju South Mini eueui. Mtss Gertrude Hulette,of 407 1'a.k avenue, will leave tomorrow tor Loi Angeles, Cal., where she, will SDend the winier. While there Miss Hulette will continue her study of the violin under the direction of Mrs. Frank Wiiscek. Mr. Bi.fi Mrs. Emmet Tinley. entertained the Seven O clock Bridge club Wednesday evehlng. The game was won hy Mr. Da vis ami Mrs. C. E. Price. The club will be entertained this Wick by Mrs. Prico at hur hone, 21!) South Seventh street. Pr'y of the scries scheduled for the win ter. Miss Ora Fulmer. who has been spend ing a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fulmer of this city, has re turned to Fremont. Neb., where she is at tending college. She was accompanied oil her visit her by Miss LUlis Malcomb of Fremont. Tha Klatter Klub was entertained Fri day afternoon by Mrs. Henry Cutler al her home, 1 W Turiey avenue. Three tablet Were used at cards. Min Eleanor Brown ..n 1 I.e. lust 1 1 lie an.i Mrs. Robert Wal lace the second. After the game a dainty luncheon was served.. . . 'Ihe regular monthly kensington and business meeting of Ins ! lower iitiHaion was held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Miss Eleanor iirown, Hi First avenue. Tnree new members were tuk n Into the cliib. They were Miss Helen lllxby, Mn.i Heien Robinson and Mirs Cecelia, WuK haia. Th Jolly Sixteen Card rlub was enter tained Thursday evening by Min Pllo-be Jiiil-uil, UJ Sixth avenue. The nrst gen ileinan's pi Ise was won by Mr. Worth and th unit women's jiiae by Uiss Maud S11.50 Kk fjolld Gold, 2 roil pearls, eiiHm 'led Hi colors, Horn in gold finish, cha elnlnc attachment. 854.00 l 4k Solid Gold, bright signet, rose finish. i COUNCIL BLUFFS, 1111 IA, MWRIaT aTHHIff'MrYa irTnnni',i ii'it" i Davis. The consolation priics were won I the two men pawned a number of ovcr by Mr. Walter l.uix and Aflss Bessie (coats In Omaha before coming to tills side liach. 1 of the river. 1'hnnksul vln Male On all our hl8l grade dining room furniture. So to "0 per cent discount on our entire line of buffets, sideboards, china cabinets, din ing tables and chairs from now till Thanks giving. Kellcr-Farnsworth Furniture Co. MtKOIt MKVIMO.V Davis, dmg3 Clark's, uodaa. Stockert sells carpet. " . Fine engruvlngs at 1effert s. EJ Rogers' Tony Faust beer. Get tliosj new photos at Schmidt e. I'iumbing and heating, Hixby & Son. Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phone 997. Woodrtng I'ndertaklng company. Tel. 3. For good picture framing go to Alexand er a Alt htore, S.i3 I'.romlway. UIAMON U8 AS AN INVESTMENT. TALK. TO LEFKKRT ABOUT IT. A life-size portrait, given free with a dozen cablivt photos. No high prices, at Uil.lmiiH' studio. Nownere will you lind clothes and toggery more picasing to the e e and purse than at I 1 he Jotin Beno Company. beautitul aim oriidinenlul gas burner. i th elgt,acn chicK lamp, complete, $1.J6. ! biephan Bros., iJJ W. Broadway. i WANTED A man to wort, tfeu iouse land barn. Apply at ottice ut Leonard bverott, IS I'earl St.. Council Blufls. We m.ike a specialty of children's shoes, and also fitting children s feet. Largest siock In the state. Sargent's Family bnoo Store. J ..uOTSS HANDSOMEST JEWELRY WINDOW IN i 1 1 c c 1 1 1 . A GOOD STEADY JOB FOR THE R1GH1 lh. A f .jt.)OiJ V AjES. F. A. SfENCEJt, 'li.SiNEK A.U PLLi.lBER. Iva Utol btWAuWAl. Take a look in our window at Flek'a granite solf-basiing roisters; four 8V, 1.Vd, $J,0h, -.2;,, ..M. Swulne & Alaucr, o- . l.rouuway. The woman s guild of t. Paul's Episco pal churcn will nux t Monoay aiteruonn at , lho ,t.l,lut,m.(. vt Mis. fj. it. Dooltltle, I'll botitli Seventh street. 1 pay 1J per ton for cast Iron; mixed, He; stove, ras.. Hc per lb; rubber, i-c;' copper, 14c per lb. J. Kateiman, SoJ Main, bom 'plionts ti."0. 11EN GOING TO BUILD GO TO GEO. A.. llOAGiAAD, THE PiONKER LL.M l.Clt. .viAN OK COl'NCIL BLUFFS. 12 bOL'TH MAIN STKEET. TEL. 245. You can enroll any aay or evening at Western Iowa college. Students ure aa kisiea to positions. Bend tor catalogue. TiKine for information. Loth phones. High grade granlie work, trom the best Bane Imported granites, lettering, carving, "HJ to make a leader ot: w roahirr irn- VI. lino week only, remember, bit our windows for oilier bargains, reiersen at fc.h.iening Co. What makes that sewing machine run so hard? It netds cleaning. Call up Wil liamson. 17 South Main street. 'Phone Red 11.7. He will clean it up for you. Don't drag along and worry aliout tho price, lie only charges w hat Is reasonable. A man progresses just as long as he Is wHlltiK to learn. wneu ycu learn mat my watch repairing Is the best In the city, I 'f, get your trade. Bring In your watches :-'i t hit . 1 -ran convince you that 1 can (II) ' IIW I1&III. KJ. DIUUllir, V. j l:rfilii' vun v. I Hot drinks served with whipped cream nod vi.ifers at Clark s this week: Oyster roikt.i'l loc, hot sherryed chocolate be. hot If f tea liic, macaroni muise 15c, hot lemonade lor. clam broth 10c, hot tomato boiilllirn 10c, Clark's sundae 10c and hot chocolate loc. A. Murphy and John Haley, arrested several days sgo while trying to pawn two .-. vercoats In this city, are still being held oy the police for Investigation and their 1 their .ton-lay. d, t.MBt hearing has been continued until Mon The police have learned. It Is said Civ " " W V . - ' Us The P. C. DeVol .Hdw. Co., THE LEADING STOVE EE LERS 504 Broadway. ' 10 North Main. Talent, Are llio Vitalities Nt'rawary 4o .Ithi.-tt Sneers in Tliis Slrt imns Age. The forward pare In buslnoss Is mndc more r.tsy iitrd quick by adllng the rleht kind of poods poods that are sntlsfylni; In quality and value. . We offer you Roods thnt have th requisites neccpsnry to pleaso you and ire better values than can be obtained elsewhere. ' Out" name on the box la a stamp of reliability and assures you of first qualities merchandise. Our stock this year Is the larpcFt ever, and contains the most artistic pat terns of the. gold and silversmith's ni t. We Want Your Xmas Business Our prices are Irresistible; in faot, they. spell economy In the truest form. Richness, elegance, servlceahleness, characterises every article sold here, no matter what the price. 310.50 hk Solid Gold, fine cut diamond; a blazing; gem. SG.00 14k Solid Gold, rose and Roman c;old finish. 3 Reliable Jeweler u u u IOWA rii fJi " 1 :: :: Mail saaanri Chimes t-ckland. a farmhand who has been working in tho vicinity of Under wood, Pottawallamie county, nas oeeti brought to the General iio-pital In this City, sufle.rlng from internal Injuries re ceived m a fall trom a hay mow. Ills home Is in Republic, Mich. Every woman should know that men's shirts made to measure are always more HJie to please and weir belter, especial. wnen presented as a gift. No Is ine time to oroer him two or a half dozen; We've muny preity samples for selection. The Joun Beno Company. F. fci. Keuei, ine republican candidal., for Justice ol I no peace wuo was omy ie lealed by hity-une votes, announces in.,, ne lias no iiuciiuou to vomest tlie elec tion, HltiioUgii it was ret'oiieil tnat u. was tiguiiiit, on uoingi so. tie Males tie I.-, wining to uccept tno result as nna.1. - lan you auoid to tliruA' uwd mat la.. winters suit nen you can have it cieaneu to pvriectiun. Give ns h trial on iiiopc lancy aisis and dresses, we can maivt tnem nice una nw. e dye mm ilea., everytn.ng. council Bluns cleaning com pany mm Hug 1-aciory, 34 Nulla Main o. tul. biH. Fred W. Robinson of Avoca, la., was yesterday comiiuiteti bv juoe Greeno ic three years In the State Hospital loi Inebriates at Knoxvllle on complaint o. hi broiner. Hooinson Is the man who a. soon time ago created somewhat of a sensation In Omaha by feeding fo billu to stray dogs on the public streets. For Sa'e or Exchsnge Kighty-flve acres twelve miles north ot Council Bluffs. Al. level land. Fair improvements. Nice, dee, black soil. Forty acres In cultivation, twenty acres of timothy and clover hay, twenty acres In pasture. Price $.V pe. acre. $800 Incumbrance; per rent will ex change. AddieKS D. S. Kerr. to Broadway, phones 417 and 4c Red, Council Bluffs, la. City Auditor iVicAnenKy a connneu to n.t, home as tlie result of injuries rwrivwl o. a fall In his omce at lire city building Friday evening. Smutty alter o ii'cim'h, a. which time toe orticce in the city hail olose, Mr. McAneney was tounn lyniK 81 retched upon the floor, bleeuing pro fusely from a gash on his furenead ami omy partly conscious. It developed thai he mid been Hcizeo: with a mzay-spell una In failing had struck his head aguinst the edge ot the adding machine w men wa stundlng near his desk. Mr. MoAneney, It Is said, has been overworking himst u lately and this Is believed to have brougnl on the tainting .pell. lxs than two yens Ujto Mr. AicAiieuey lost an arm In a rftil- 1 road accident. Illinois Coal. We've got the Inside price on all Illinois toal. Come down and tlgure with us for your winter's supply. Both 'phones 1S2. Brldensieln &. Sniitn, 14th Ave una olh St. V Switchmen's overshoes at Sargent's Fam ily onoe piore win umw-oi j...., ordinary overshoes. C RIME TO Bl V VOTE WITH CIG4.R Ned Jenaraa Proposes Ktrlngscnt Lan . Against Inflnenrlnsr Voters. SIOUX CITY. la., Nov. 17. (Special Tele gram.) Ned Jenness, republican chairman of Woodbury county. Is drafting a bill to be presented at the next session of the legislature which will mako It a crime for any candidate for office, state, county or township, to give to a voter a cigar or money; buy him liquor, or Influence his vote directly or Indirectly. The recipient of the campaign gift would also be liable to punishment. Mr. Jenness" bill also limits the expendi ture of candidates In the preconventlon und ,.ioctlon campaign, on a sliding scale. A mndldate for a state office would be allowed " t Tenrt W- for a congressional office $); i fur a county oftlco $-i), and for a lovuiMlnp office $K,g. Each candidate must tlie. a sworn statement of his expenditures. To get out the vote by legitimate means, the hill fixes a havv nnll tux. nuit of which would be remitted to those who vot i Thl I , . j"3 The last day of registration is fixed thirty befoto election. Candidates would be THE VORTEX Hot Blast HI eater Has an Ash Pan. The Vortex Hot Blast is a decided improvement over the old style Hot Blast Heater. The Vortex has two top drafts that dis charge highly heated air directly into the comlmstion chamber, with a rotary motion, giving better combustion than is possible with a single tube. The large ash pan enables the user to remove ashes in a cleanly manner without the dust and dirt so common with stoves where it is necessary to use a shovel and coal hod. Vortex ia clean, safe and economical price, Mtvke tv Small Payment Down (hen & Dollar or Tw bl Week WiJ Do. . .'. Energy and Progression $3.75 14k Solid Gold, penulno Bo hemian garnet, rose i;o1d finish. Orders Promptly Filled prohlbltnd from provHing conveyanceg for able-bodied voters. Old and infirm voters would be taken to the polla at public ex pense. ATI.AMIC UF.FKATS PR AXC'IUPE Politics Cause Advrrse Vlf on Tr Propositions Submitted. ATLANTIC, la.. Nov.. 17.-(Speclal Tele gram.) The council refused to consider the amendment to tho electric light plant and electric roud ordinances and a special elec tion held today resulted In the defeat of both propositions.- The salo of the city electric plant was beaten by a vote of 207 for and 421 against, and the electric road franchise by a vote of 223 for and -40! asalm-t. This Is not a victory for municipal ownership, nor an expression opposed, to tho electric road, othe. conslieratljns enter ing Into the cumpaiin for the sale and the franchise. Medical Society Elects. MISSOURI VALLEY, la., Nov. 17. (Spe cial.) The Harrison County Medical asso ciation held Its semi-annual meeting here .yesterday with Dr. McFarland presiding. The following officers were elected for . the coming year; President, Dr. J. Knowies of logan; vice president, Dr. R. A. West .u of Little Sioux; secretary, Dr. Hans Han sen of Ixigan. The memters of tho society are: Dr. Knowlcs and Dr. Hansen of jo ian, Dr. Caldwell and Dr. Weston of Uttlr Sioux, Dr. McFarland of Mondamln, Dt. Cooper of Modale and Dr. Broughton and Dr. J. L. Tamlslea of Missouri Valley. Mil Iowa Voter. ON'AWA, la.. Nov. 17. (Special.) Mr. Samuel G. Irish of Whiting, who cast his ballot at the polls In Whiting Tuesday, is probubly one of the oldest voters In tin county, if not In western Iowa. Mr. Irish has passed his ninety-fifth birthday and cast his llrst vote In 132. He was carried to the polls Tuesday In an automobile, it being his first ride in one, and he Buys transportation facilities have greatly Im proved since he was a young man, when tix teams were In general use. Mr. Irish has lived In Monona county since lil and enjoys fairly gubd heulth. Fifty Vcnrs for Criminal Assault. (JNAH'A, It., N iv. 17. (Kpecl il Telegram.) Cluudo Fisher, the Maploton man who was Indicted by the Monona county grand Jury for an assuull on a young woman there, and who pleaded guilly to the charge, was sentenced by Judge Oliver this after noon to fccrve fifty years in the penitentiary at hard labor. The, appeal bond was fixed at $15,fA). Tho sentence is one of the most severe ever pronounced in the Mononn rounty district court. Ions Sirsi Notes. WOODRIN K A. C. Deupree tins sold his stock of general merchandise here to E. r Freeman ol Creston. who is invoicing and Will soon be open tor bus.ness. AMES Ray Broece, a laborer In Ames, attempted suicide ut his father-lnta w's home Friday night by shooting. Trouble between him and his wlte was the cause. He wus in a demented condition Saturday and Sheriff Rleketta of Story county took, him to the asylum at Clarinda. ONAW A The corn of Levi McNeil), south of town Is uveraglng seventy-two bushels per acre 'by weight, eighty pounds to. the bushel, und "Lee, " who is the late defeated demift ratle candidate for auditor or ' Mo Winn r-iniiitv. savs there Is no. King like i (.rn held to take a man's mind away from J KI1)NKYwlM(am MumB f .. Norman, i ,-, k j d from an overdose of calomel which caused salivation and an attack ot 1 ....II.I..U I ntccotigns wnn n ins.eu -n.n.ui .,c. slon fnr seventeen diys He took the drug himself wlihout consulting a physician. Sir. Home was raised mar Sidney, where bis father and many, other relatives still live, lie wa. ears of ago and leaves sj wife and family1. j Iff" $10$25J We are the Hot Blast Experts