Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday 'Bee
Pages 1 to 12.
No filthy Senaatlona
Best ?. West
Uineie Called Upei ta Ebow Thay Are
TIaited Araitut TJaited Etatea.
Natirei Wbo Buy American Geodi Eheuld
Ee Avoided by Otbera,
Aeeata of laland Home Tlte Adiantaee
f the Trenble.
Appeal to ?CatlTes Declares that Cl.
viilnn of China Depends Vpon
Development of People
Along rrartlral Lines.
PEKING. Nov. IT. (Sikh i I'osti rs
widely circulated hero and In the P?" I
, l,m,.r ui ......K.....v... .. ...
uire of revolt on" circular Is Ips ltd by
the warm-hearted people of Ipoh. It If ft
pnaslonate proteot airalnst th "cruel lawn
uiade h.r America Hjalnat tilt Lrtintsc, ana
It C3II8 on tne people ui ni.iiiiin.i. m r .
cott of American good- It poinn to mo i
nuccefi!' of the l.oycolt. unU a?ert that "It
la cu'-rled on In mich a clvillied tnunner
that no Ttcupe can IK? lound lor ila uji
ti ( sslon."
"The foreigners have cli.'iiaeterizej ua
'"hlnsse as txilng without patriotism and
without unity." It !. "It is our duty
to prove that thld Is not true. Mr. Chung.
:i wrultljy mcrclinnt of Shanghai, loft his
irieat fortune umarcil for In order to stjrt
th boycott. Sfr. Kung. u young man of
arvat taint 's, nacrlflced his life for the pur
pose of encouraging his countrymen. Mr.
I.Ian, Chinese minister at Washington,
fought for the cancellation of the cruel
exclusion laws at the risk of losing his ap
pointment. '
"Wealth, honor and life are things we fcll
care for. Hut thee three, g ntlemen were
Miltei ready to glvo them all 'up In order
that they sheuld help their own country
man. Ought wc not to r.-spect their mo
tives stid avoid the aingruce of being CHlled
id-blood d creatures?" I'oycotl! Iloy
cott' '
. (latrarlse FTIrnda of America.
"There are cold-blooded creatures of the
lowent order who still buy American goodi.
lo not argiio with them. Let all Chinese
with warm blood flowlna; In their veins
apply to theae low beings the same method
that they have done ti American goods."
The circular concludes with details of
'the marks on American goods, so that all
can know th'.n.
11 plainly hows.jBponese Influence. When
the boycutt of Anierlrun jroods started In
China, laat year,, msny forlgners declared
that It waa begun anl wcretly engineered
by the Jtipiinese, This charge was mude,
not because of awydlm't prool. but be
' l a.isi; of t he nltnosl unlvrrvsT suspicion" of
Japanear iK.llry and Intentions felt by
white peoole In the far east.
r.U.r,l1 In,,.!.-.. K'.a .l,,.l U t,
this charge Is unfounded. The' America a
boycott was cf Chinese, origin and under
Chinese control. But It Is true that cer
tain Japanese ononis of the Japanese gov
ernment monopoly and others utilised the
boycott and encouraged It In order to ex
tend their own tr.-ido.
A poster from Hankow gives good proof
of this. The heading is: "Hasten to read
this, patriotic gentlemen."
Avoid America Clatarettes.
The pAsler Is an appeal ta boycott Amer
ican cigarettes and buy Japanese. "Amer
icans are comiised of wicked minds, pois
onous as acid," It asserts. "They have
toll tho Hrltlsh that they sell cigarettes
In order to Injure Chinese and ruin their
lives. To ak for one of their cigarettes
Is to ask for the death of a Chinese. If
you do thK your heart Is as fierce as a
wolf. Are you not afraid that the thunder
will strike youT"
The final paragraph of this poster re
veals It source of origin. "Phould you
wish 'i smoke cigarettes, smoke the
Dragon or Phoenix brands, manufactured
by the Japanese Government Tobacco
Bureau, shies agents are the Mitsui Bus
ks:! Kalnha."
The third piece of literature Is a small
pamphl't that was Issued and circulated
in Immense quantties In the province of
Mohan. This province was up to quite re
cently the most blttrrly antl-ron-ian part
of China, and was noted fur Its bad treat
ment of white missionaries and travelers.
Hunan ha bten caught In the wave of re
form and Is mending lis ways.
The pamphlet is writen In the most
familiar colloquial Chineen In order to ap
peal to the common man. It is li.glal and
able, and what we should call u masterly
polltlcil appeal. It points out that China
today Is surrounded by. many nations,
rrj. ,h. ..... v ... .....
Kngland. France, fj-rmenr" Anteri -a to ?h.
west. AJ, of these er-.tronger than China.
7x.. " I'' ..... J .'"
nw.iv. . .mini., it. iiiinry. vt nil run rvn
done to stop thorn?
Borne Good Advice
First, tho Chinese niut learn.
There Is
hot a foreigner who does not give twenty
yeais to study. The women of foreigners
carry books about with th. :n. so ttsi
d. ntly even they can read. These foreign- !
. is study n t the classics, but practical j
thing". Technical education fx their
strength. Let China have technical eduea- '
t ior.. j
The Chinese woman must abandon
binding, and the Chinese man must put his
.utlted. So long as tlire is no cohesion,
China cunnot stand. The writer uses the
familiar illustration of tne bundle of
Mi-ks to enforca this ixjmt. The Cli'
must show Incteas'd mutual love for one
'mother, each helplug the other
Following th; Uerniaii example of last I Italy ha broken off
treaty ne-ottatliins with Cliiua.
The neve
Chinese policy forbid
4 thi smallest atten pt
US half way, aud It la
to meet the foreign-
iee-?rdd as unlikely that either of t,.
remaining treaty powers a-fll open similar
negotiations. Article vlli of the Maekay
treaty of lWI. abolishing 1'kin and ether
.lues, this becoming a drad letter.
. lake
frrrlera, with Fnttre Foree.
In t ape Colony by Colonial
CAl'EYOvVN. Nov. 1T.-I'ert eim
leader or the Boer raid Iron: German
aouthweut Africa Into the noun, rn pnn of
Cape Cub.ny and all his follower were cap.
luiej today by colonial patrols.
Wnmai Released frnm Jail Trll
Trialmmt-Bernard Shaw
oa Subject.
LONDON. Nov. IT. (Special. i
regarding the wnmnn'ii suffrage; -."
Is railed here the ".'iiffraKette.'1 mo . et.
Q. Bernard Shaw said:
"This is a tciriMc moment In our nn
tioral life. We art- not often thoroughly
frightened. When England trembles the
world Knows that ft groat peril overshadows
our Island. It Is not the first time thnt
we heve fared dangers thiit hnvo
even our gayest ntid bravest clench thrlr
teeth nr.d hold their breath. Wo watched
the Armada creeping slowly up the c.han
tie) We wiped our brow when ( haute re
vrabd the treason of Guy Fawkes. We
are listening e en now for the bugle of the
Onmin Invader, and scanning the waves
.. rule for ih" i i is. o,i- ot the Fienrh
submarine. But until now we have fared
our fate like men. with otir Parliament un
shaken In our midst, grandly calm as tha
Roman senators, who oat like, statues when
Brennus am) Ma barbarians charged M.nd
strtlned Into their hall.
j "Rut the strongest n. rves give way at
last. The wan lor of Philip wen-, when
I ,,tl I. M ... r' .
lench bltiHu kets. Guy Fawk.-s. h,,i and
dat,rProus thoy T.lT(v ,,. ,..
The peril today wears a darker. dr.ii.Her
aspect. Ten women ten pciticnalcd, lon';-
j I stockinged, corset, d females hae hurled
iji"rnseiyes on ine uriusn nous or jii'
Ieperate meaurs are
snrj-. I have n right to speak In this m..t.
ter. hetausn It was In ,nv rUv. "Man ami
Superman. ' thai my sex waa r,t
worred of woman's tcrrli.le strench and
roan'u nilserabl. wenkmjsy."
Mrs Dora Moiitetlore, one of the suftia.-
gettesi just released for disorderly con
duct In the House of Commons, Inter
viewed. aJd:
"I, like the rest of my compatriots, was
treated In the Jail Just' like a commor
criminal as It we had committed murder
or tin ft. We were shown no special con
sideration. Monstrous treatment was
shown us when we arrived. 'What's 'your
religion?' I was asked. 'I'm u freethinker,
I replied. 'Freethinker!' said the womnn
official. 'That's no religion. Why don't
you nay you haven't got a religion'.' Well,
I'll put you down as a Protestant, for that's
what you'll be ivj long as you're here.'
"For an hour afterwards we stood In a
cold room while we ehanped our wtreet
clothes for prison garbs. Here, while wo
were yet undressed, our 'measurements'
were taken. For fifteen minutes I was In I
my bare feet. Then I put on shoes that
weighed four pounds eich. the reet of my
clothes and a badge bearing the letter and
number F-2-H
"With this done, we wore conducted to
our respective cells, where we settled
down to the dull routine. A cell, xlS feet,
containing a so-called bed, eighteen Inches
wide, tin utensils and poine brlckdust with
which to r.K-an them, a wash basin, a towel
and a chair this was riy home. Our food
was put In to us as to animals In a cage
and we were- tiot allowed to talk.
"While looking around In my cell I oh.
served tokens of its former occupants. In
acrlntlons were written all over the walls.
Right In front of my eyes yas th'; ,'Krr
Rwity from ffrhik, or you'Tf ccrtfe back "het
sg.iti.' Another one was: 'Fannie Je,
six momhH for stabbing.' I thougi t I
would leave a tt-cord of my visit, so with
the point of a pair of scissors I scratched
In the enamel In the bricks: 'Pora Monte
floro. two months for aeklng for votes for
women-' "
Italy Objects to Rlotlnr Which Fol
lows Meetlag of Author
at Naples.
KOMI", Nov. 1.. (Special.) Maxim Gor
ky's pro-Rnsstain revolutionary meeting at
Naples was followed by rioting In tho
streets and by action of the Italian gov- m-hl. lt 1. 1 , ..... t t rt mp. . L-
that he must exercise a little more pru- f e claim of a sister. Hanna Calla
deuce while acting as the apostle of rev- j hn' ho "S,dea In a lane off Barrack
lutlon. Italy has already suffered from "tr"t- rk' a8 e,tf l 1 ? 'V"
the effect, of a socialist revolutionary cam- t.luc t she lived
paign In relation to Uu.sia. A campaign I tr " H'x m,on, h5' :X n,,mb"r
of nature some years nBo prevented !of oth,r mo"jd'nt wlatlvt. have now
the propertied visit of tho cur to Italy,
Official circles in the rnr'i dominions at
the time r.inrrlwl th siSalr am an 4nn:t
from little Italy to mighty Russia, and it
enously einhurraMed negoUatlons then
ending for 3 commercial treaty between
the two coimrrte. similar ner.ti-. (or,.
now preceedlng, and the authorities have
issued stringent orders that the Gorky pro
paganda tsliall be. kept within severe llm-
Its, us the government Is determined not to
have i( action hampered a second tlmo
by antl- Russian prnagitnda In Italy.'
Gorky hbccn watched by the plieo and
soldiers, who have itiiivril 1't.M Instrut-
tlom to put down any attempts which may '
be made by the admirers of the Russian 1 !'" f"ur ',,t'rr''n,- nd the remains,
author to r. sNt the regulations laid down i akl,11;' Um"- ' w"re """'"l"' Photo
for their guidance. graphed for the purposes of this Inquiry.
WT.1U, receiving r number of .,ll, in, a .hJ T- McCarthy, editor of the Ulster Her-
j "'her day the pontiff, notwithstanding; the
i severe attack or gout which he had. looked
' "
eTret nTT'fT
holiness was at once conveyed to his n,i.!V People and Frontier Herald, all of
. -
vate room.
o.-rorcn.i .r....Te--r e..
UA I nCUnML. Mntni I tU I LUVlCO
London Ki perls May u Mialake Was
Made In Seleclloik of
LONDON. Nov. IT. ial.i Tne deci
sion of the rroteKtant Episcopal church in
,le United Slates , entrust to G. I.
I Bodley. R. A., the preparation of tho de
'has not been received wilh disfavor here,
A New York architect, now In Ixindon,
In an Interview, said that Mr. Hodl'-y s
ecclesiastical work waa so will known ar.d
appreciated in the slates that no American
! could possibly t.ik" offense at the selecti iu.
It is to be hoped that a really fine ta-
: thedrol
will bi built in Washington." he i
In the b'lilding f officea and town '
I an,, rr,UI,tr' mansions and th:,
' rH" rehite-ts. who have us
llko j
a rule all
! studlod In r iropc, hue. nothing to learn,
:but !n -I"',it"'!,l they ,li..
i ,,ncui uiuewneu.
' "'Th'' "rt"h,c Art- 'most Ignored
i America, the prevailing craze being for
,r" Italian school. No brtter selection
. ,d 1v' ""'n nu,4, thin ,hat of Mr
Mr no.ll. y s manager aald tht little was
hr,wn f ,he site selected beyond the fact
Jthnt It was on very nigh ground.
"Mr. Rooley received a visit this
I summer frvm the bishop of Washington."
I he taut "and the final arrangenu-nta were
made recently by ruble.
. "Mr. bodley leaves next week for Wash-
irgtoii und mil remain a month Hairy
Vaughan, Willi whom he will work on the
d.-lgns, is a Uostoii aivhitevt."
0 ad Indintit at Etriotnrsi Pautd j
Opoa Amtriota Horn Hula Lttder.
Ecbo of Bacent Viait of O'Gencor ta the j
TJaitad Ttatrs.
Old Ecorea Tuc Up by Writar Who Daeai't
' Lika Aeitator,
American otarr Takea Kvldenee In
Pahlln to Find Belatlrvs of
Jinn tialllTain. I'aeltlc
Coast Millionaire.
DCHLIN. Nov. 1. (.Special.) (Hjnsideta
ble Indignation has been caused throughout
Ireland by lh publication In the London
Times of the following from toe pen of
"The Kdltor ot Orlevances from Ireland:"
"At the American convention of the.
fn!ed Irish lei'guc. Just held in Phlhtdel-
1 ,hi.. t r rrrnnm' ..nnvei-frd to his bear-
, " 7 '. ,.
" very flatteHng opinion o John P Hn-
ty. who ha, Just rned
president of the American United Irish
i league, ne shki;
"'l am going to t.'ll vou my private in
structions. I was told by the leader of the
Irlr-h party that If the org.inlBa.tlon were to
be deprived of the Inestimable service of
that srdendld Irishman,' that unsiin,as,l
orator, John F. Finetty (Irish World. Octo
ber :, VT. then Michael J. Ryan wus
the man to take his plnce. A pari of Mr.
Flnerty's services to Ireland Is recorded
In tho official government report of the
Parnell commission, volume I, page 213, In
which a speecli of this same gentleman Is
quoted, containing the following murderous
Quotes John Mitchell.
" 'Honest John Mitchell used to say
that he was sorry the Irish people had not
hot half enough Irish landlords. He would
go further and deliberately say that ho
was ashamed of the Irish people, if they
had powder and shot, they had not shot
them all. The whole cabinet, the loin lieu
tenant, the chief secretary, the privy coun
cil, were all guilty of murder, and If any
man could have power to place them all
beneath a single guillotine and lop their
heads off at once, that man would be Jus
tified In the Bight of God and man."
'There Is nothing to show that Mr. Fln
erty haH ever anologlxed for these murder
ous utterances, or altered his views. At
this latest convention he said:
" 'I say without wishing to compromise
my parliamentary friend T. P. O'Connor,
M. P. or In any way to hold him Or his
party responsible for try sentiments, thnt
I would ask of God to give me grace and
strength to live to see the Krltlsh empire
broken Into mlthererrta' IrV World. Oc-
tobvr is, mi,
"Such are the vUwk ;,f the 'splendid
Irishman' who for several y ir past ha$
! rn president of thu American United
Irish league, tna paymasters or tne irisn
party at home, - and whose 'inestimable
services' to the home rule cause have Just
been gratefully acknowledged by T.. P.
O'Connor In the name and by the author
ity of John E. Kedmond."
Irish Heirs Wanted.
A commlf-sion of Inquiry appointed by
the I'nlted States has been sitting in Cork
for the last few dayK taking evidence as
to the relatives of n man named John
Sullivan, a nativn of Cork, who died In
Seattle, Wash., five or six years ago, leav
ing Immense wealth, estimated at mora
than ll,(HiO,V)0. He was a lumber man and
died . unmarrld and Inteste. Three . years
vestlgated by M. W. Bolster cf Seattle.' an
Amerii-an rmtary. Finally, tin txtraordi-
"," ihen ln P"''". of th.a
: tntiat!on. The commiRslon sat in Ft,
1 3"P' M K had opened the
1 Brave In which Hnniiah Callaghan was
I buried. The coffin Was taken out and the
lid removed and the remains photographed.
The cntfiti ' of another sister of Sullivan.
j named S'lva, who, It was stoted, was
married to h Portuguese sailor, and who
was buried in 1871, waa also brought to the
i surac and subjected to the sanw treat
ment The grave was further excavated
; to a dentil wlilcli showed there hud been
aid and uaso. iut.-d papei-s, hay been ap-
' 1 .,.
i I , M?' ieCav
' " TVto, wh
which are published bv the Northwest of
Ireland Printing and Publishing company.
i ni"- f,mc"" ur il OmaSh. He corn-
in. need hJs Jourtialistlo career on the Cork
! Herald, and ( afterward usanciatid with
T. P. O Cnnor s London pa.eiv, tlic. Sun
and the Star. He returned to In land to
e.lit a IXOfast paper, thu Northern Star,
and later Joined the staff of the Evening
Telegraph. He wrvs editor of the Irluli
People dwring th.- coercion regime of tho
late tor government, when thai rwrer
was sttppresaed. At the seme time Mr. '
McCarthy wa sentenced to two mouths' J
jple'j cutise.
Promoters In London Get Cash, hut
Clso Lonst ttenteare to
LONDON. Nov. U.-tSperlal. )-Isy means
of bogus shases in a company .railed nlw
; Amei lean Mining. Milling and Smelting
mrapny, Mark Anthony Young, aged it
, ajl engineer, and Henry Jonas, aged tO a.
urveyoi. succeed in obtaining from the
public many thousands of. dollars art- .
trli.1 lasting Dearly a week they wtto
foun1 n,,!,y nd 'ud,' Rn, p"u
aentence of ton ytaro' Denal ..rvii.i. ....
' Young and eighteen months' hard labor
on Jonas, lie remarked that certain new.
papers had assisted, whether nt,.ni nliallv
r not he c.uld not y. the pilsners m
tker out-rrUioiiS. and should they e ,
to recoup by tlielr help Mm), r ,',
!ho haU been defrauded lie should be .. .j
! t lay before the home secretary that c'lr
! cumstance from tiie p ,ln f view w "
' U.g whether the sentence ehouhl i. ..."
Jdaced jr not.
French I nutlet More Fortunate Tins
Prrrnrxir In Mind
Ictnr llagt o.
TARIS. Nov. IT. ( An extraordi
nary act of bravery performed by on
escaped convict has resulted In his obtain
ing Is practically a free pardon.
Tho man Is Francois Plvet. who seven
years ago was sentenced to death for
murder. Th- sentence was afterwards com
muted to penal servitude for life. Five',
however, succeeded In escaping, nnd noth
ing more wr.s heard of hint until a few
days 3o, when he reapp'arcd nt Nantes
under extraordinary circumstances.
A lunath- barricaded himself In his
house, and from an upstair?: window !Ucd
shots from a gun at the people In the
street. Several persons wore Injured and
great excitement prevailed.
Pudden.v a man sprang forward find,
sealing the wall of the house, wrenched
the gun Out of the madman's hand.
Th? mayor of Nantes specially congratu
lated the stranger on his remarkable cool
ness and bravery, when suddenly a pollee
man present recognlled him as the missing
convict. He was arrested nnd was taken
before the trthunnl. .
The trial was thort but sensational, The
crowd cheered and applauded Plvet and
clamored for him to be s t free.
Instead of beii.g sent back to penal servi
tude for lif.. lie was sentenced to one
month's inipriscnmint, after whicli he will
be tree "in consideration of his heroic
First Speech of German Colonial Min
ister Shorrs that He Means
BERLIN, Nov. 17. (Special.) - Tho
kaiser's new colonial minister, Herr Bern
hard Dernburg, who is expected to become
the Joseph Chamberlain of" Germany, has
made his first public utterance In a speech
at Halle. The atmosphere of "hustle,"
which It freely breathes, bears out the
predictions ma do nt the time of his ap
pointment that Germany's colonial administration-
under the American trained
banker's regime Is forthwith to be rid of
Inefficient bureaucratic methods, and to bo
characterized by a spirit of Intelligent ag
gressiveness. Her Dernburg Intimates that he will
summon to the task of rejuvenating Ger
many a drooping colonies "men schooled In
the determined art of standing up In the
world and going ahead." He calls upon
the country to abandon tho theory thst
Germany's) twenty-two years of colonial ef
fort represents nothing but useless sport,
and to Join with him In making the Father
land's oversea possessions not merely an
"appendix" to the empire, but thriving out
posts of German activity.
Hcrr Dernburg Is keeping his own coun
sel regarding his Bpcclllc Ideas for colonial
development, but they will mark a com
plete break with the traditions which have
made the kaiser's colonies hitherto merely
capiclous consumers of subsidies.
London Time Thlnka jn franclsco
Incident Will Hve Bad
Effect Abroad
LONDON, Nov. 17.-(SpeclsI.)-The Lon
don 'Times gives warning that American
trade in Japan is In danger. Editorially,
the Times says:
"The Japanese cannot be expected to carry
beyond a. certain point their allowance for
the municipal difficulties, of another nation.
If California persists, the Japanese govern
ment and people will come to the conclu-
j sion that, the treaty obligations are being
j set aside by tiie I'nlted 8tatea and that
Japanese subjects are being treated with
gross Indignity. Japan Is In a position to
I retaliate. It can say If Japanese ace not
j good enough to mix with Americans,, then
I Americans are not good enough to mix
j with Japanese. The day it eaya that, a
I great and growing branch of American
commerce is likely to go by the board. A
i Chinese boycott on no great scale waa
I found extremely Inconvenient. A Japanese
I boycott will be very much moro serious.
j Us effects would be very heavily felt by the
offending state, because San Francisco Is
the center of a great trade with the cast
and the home port for important lines of
American steamers. It is not always that
the offender bears the brunt of the mis
chief, and perhaps in the fact, that in this
case he will do so lies the best hope of a
settlement of the question."
American Attempt to Corner Product
Seen In Inquiry for Iron
In Scotland.
LONDON, Nov. 17. (Special.) The North
Mall seea In Inquiries for Iron In the Tees
side district the possibility of a coming
American attempt-to corner the commodity.
Some good judges think the foreign de
mand may take the whole available Eng
lish t-upplles If they do. then the price of
Cleveland plgiron will Increase materially.
Pigiron is certainly In the throes of a
"boom," which will, it Is fondly believed,
carry prices higher than for year. It
comes from the busy trade proceeding
abroad In Germany capnctnllybut Ameri
can dolngj are now receiving a share of at
tention to which they have long been a
Certain it is that today there is abso
lutely nob enoug'.i pigiron and steel in
Germany to give consumer what they
Six months or so ago the inability of
Germany to sell to many British users
would have been almost & matter of indif
ference, for America was then a seller.
Today America, like Germany, has not an
oupce of stuff to spare. On the contrary.
It haa bought tens of thousands of tons of
i Vornay Hot Certain as to 1 Itlmnle
i Action Regarding: (leisure af
COPENHAGEN. Nov. IT. Spe. 111.) The
, Cbrlstianla Attenpos'en states that t".:.
' Norwegian govei-titnet.t has not yet come
I to any definite decision with reference to
l the annexation of Spitsbergen. The Swed
ish press Is devoting considerable attention
to 'this question and is urging the govern
ment to investigate Norway's claim to the
It Is rumored that a committee, of which
Dr. Frldthof Naosen. the Norwegian min
ister In London. Is to In preljent. lias
been appointed! by the Norwegian govern
ment to Insli'jV0 inquiries into the Ini.r
nationui position of SpUzla-rgr'n. It is
probable that Norway will propose an In-
I ternational conference next s.irlng .j dis
I cuss the whole question of the "wnriJi
I ut the iiJar.d,
Sttadird Cil Director! Dafaad Tbaif
Attituda Toward the Pnblic.
it Eaya Ia?eitri Baa Hotbta? ta Iaar
from it. Lcnia ..nit,
Ita Bmineis ii Condaetad I airly, Hon
eaily aad opaoly.
Its Officials Eapect to Maintain Ita
Position Ipna Ita Merita and
Vindicate It Before I, aw
and Pnhllr.
NEW YOHK. Nov. 17.-The directors oC
tho Standard Oil company Issued a circular
tooay to the atocKtioiders ot tne company
saying that tne company s position Is un
assailable from both a legal and a moral
itanopolnt. The directors declare thr m- '
selves confident that In the proceedings now
Instituted the company's position will bo
successfully maintained. The circular fol
lows: NO. 3fi DROADWAV. NEW YORK. Nov.
15. 19o. To thf Sha.eholdcis or the Stand
ard oil Company: rtegarning the suit
day commenced in the t nited S'ates court
at St. Imls, Mo., in whlcn it is sonant to
prevent the Standard Oil company (of New
Jersy) from holding any siocks oi otn.-r
cominles. your directors are- entirely con
vinced thnt the company's position Is uii-
assauaoie ootn trom a legal and moral
standpoint. Vie are confident that In the
proceedings which will follow the company
will successfully maintain Its position upon
merit and vindicate Itself before tne pub
lic and tho law.
While your directors feel that there Is
no adequate reason for sixth a suit, yet un
der the circumstances It Is perhaps hetter
for your Interests and the business Inter
ests of the country" that the controversy
should be removed to the judicial atmos
phere of tho courts In whose Integrity and
wisdom every citizen should have the ful
lest confidence where mere allegation must
give way to legal proof.
The prewnt organization was formed I
alter an exhaustive consideration
legal and business problems 'invol
has existed unchallenaed for man-
Kverythlng relating to it has been
of public report and at everv step
most care has been observed to com
business honestly and fnlrlv end in
ance with not only the spirit, but tl
nleal requirements of the law.
The legal organisation of vour c
Is of essentially the same nature an.
acter as that of the other important
trial Interests' of the country and tl
tlnuous growth and expansion of It
ncss have been leaitlmatA and nom
Is not to be lightly awumed (hat tl
to be a reversal of the wheels of nroa
a destnietlon of the foundations
great industrial businesses of the cou
You may he assured that In this Utl;
as In all matters affecting the con
your directors will see that tho propc
ore iaaen to protect your interests.
By order of the board of directors.
C. M. PRATT, Secret
Bon of lotted States Attorae
rased of Kmbeaellnat Funds
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 1T.-Tht federal
Jury returned an Indictment against
ceivtng Teller u. . f. uyer, jr., so
United , State Attorney D. P. Dyer, ' this
morning In connection with the shortage
of,VTI,2O0 In tho local subtrensury.
The . charge against Dyer- Is,' embezzle
ment. .'
The federal grand Jury was convened on
Wednesday and at once began inquiry Into
the shortage of Wl,50O,
When the Inquiry was adjourned yes
terday thirty-three, witnesses had ben ex
amined. Shortly after the grand Jury con
vened th'ls morning a report of Ita finding
was made to the court"
Mr. Dyer was not taken Into custody Im
mediately, os It waa stated' that a capias
would 1 issued and he will then be taken
Intd custody by the. United States marshal.
Soon after the Jury had made Its report
to Judge Finkelnberg. Dyer surrendered
himself. The. court named January 8 as
I the date for his appearance, at which time
a definite date for the trial will be fixed.
The Indictment contains two counts. The
first-reel tee tha Dyer, as second teller In
tho eubtreasury. . "wrongfully and cor
ruptly embezzled and converted to his own
use" tK1.6") intrusted to his care The
second recites that as nn oflloer of tho
United States government.' he did this, nnd
Is merely intended to prevent a technical
evasion of the charge.
Tho Indl.lnients charge that Dyer em
bezzled t.l,6i on September 27 last.
When Dyer came Into the court to give
bond he was accompanied by his father.
United States District Attorney Dyer,
former Congressman Champ Clark and ten
residents of Pike county, in which Is lo
cated the Dytr family home. Bond was
furnished by the ten resident friends. After
leaving thu court room Dyer and his father,
down whose cheeks leurs were streaming,
entered the private office of District Attor-
ney Dyer, where they were cluseted some
time with United Statea Senator Warner
end Chester H. Krurn, who are retained as
United States District Attorney- Dyer, who
recently made the declaration when the in
vestigation was in progress that In case
any legal action was taken against his son
he would resign his .position and defend his
son, refused 10 ray whether ha would take
j this step. The sou declined to make any
statement, other than to thank his honds
i men, saying:
I "Gentlemen, I ani innocent of this charge.
I I want to thank you all for signing my
bond, and assure you that I shall be In
court ready for trial."
j Master af Freight Steamer Aceused oi
Smuggling! alike and Opium
j from Japan.
SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. IT. Charges of
smuggling on a Isrge scale against Captain
G-.-orge V. Williams of the Boston S.eain
shlp company's oriental freighter Lyrra,
who resigned after his arrest at Tacoma
a week ago. are under investigation by the
federal grand jury now In session In this
city. Williams Is under wrest charged
with smuggling on a larger scale than baa
ever before len attempted ln this city. lie
In accused of undervaluing the Invoices of
silk und opium comprising his vessel's cargo
and then disposing of the goods in tValtlc
and Taionitt at their real valuation. This
would Involve the complicity of certain
JapajicHo customs officials and several eon
federates ou this side.. Williams haa lieen
on the oriental run to this port for liv
f eera
Foreenst for Nebraska Fair "oda
nd Monday! Colder Monday In Fast
KW F.t'Tlo-Twelvc Pases
1 Chinese Ream the Boycott.
Irish Lenders Score Flnerty.
Statement from the Standard Oil.
Railroad flnttle for nn Fniplre
3 Secretary Taft Ilnrk nt tnpltnl.
flonsrs Are Scarce nt Mokden.
.1 from Ml Parts of ehrnskn.
4 tlty Meraer Rill Is Popular.
o More Passes for l.nnd aent..
5 Committee Itrnfta Insurance 1 .ft s .
we from Iowa's t npltnl.
in fornhnnkers Defeated by Kansna.
CrelBbton Too Much for Turk!".
Neither Vale or Princeton Score.
Mlscrllanrons Sportlnst F.vents,
Official Vote of Donates t'onnty
Special F.lectlon to Vote Honda.
T Jortae Sutton Flays Put Crow..
i Letter from Mrs. Abraham Lincoln.
S Services at the Omaha Churches.
Ullabt of the Purchase Titles.
10 Sportinsr Kvrnta of the Day.
11 Council Hluffa and Iowa Mens.
1J Aflaira nt South ttisshs.
I'DITOItlCl. SKCTIOX-Twrlvc roars.
Z i'nat Week In Omaha Society.
A Odd Knl of Klecllon Happenings.
Ganiliuntc with the Medicines,
t Kdltorlal
Timely Henl Fstnle Topics.
Rehnlldlnai of San Francisco.
Flection for Intcrnrbnn Hondo,
tl Want Ads.
7 Want Ada.
N Went Ada.
! Condition of Omaha's Trade.
10 Financial and Commercial ewa.
H CI F-TOM! SKCTIOV Twelve Pna. n.
1 Lnt of the Bryan Letters.
WcldensnH's lonr In orwy.
2 Prosresa In Flectrlc Science.
8 Kosaln of flays and Players.
Music nnd Muslrnl Matters.
Water WIT of the t nltcd Stales.
Man Whom Klondln Carried.
Five Little Stories Well Told.
.1 ftet-Rlch-QuIck Schemers.
Grnnt nnd Lee nt Appomattox.
H Army of the Tennessee Reunion.
7 Where Jncknon Lived and Died.
Foot Ball Inder the New Hoi .
h Womunt Her Ways nnd Her World.
10 Romnnce of the Fur Trade.
Tralta of a Noted Jodar.
11 Sporting r,,n 0f , (,,. VeeU.
Prosecutor Makea Sensational State
ment nt BeKiunlnst of t.lllette
Murder Trlel.
HERKIMER. N. T., Nov. IT. That tho
dying cries of Grace Brown were heard
by a witness who will be called by tho
state in the, trial of Chester E. Gillette,
charged with the murder of his sweet
heart, waa tho declaration of Attorney
George B. Ward, who made his o).c,,
speecli today. After describing the trip
of the prisoner and Miss Hroivu to Moose
lake, from the waters of which tho ftiii's
hotly waa recovered, and a struggle on
the shore, thi prosecutor said:
"And that night, as he struck ihat girl
and her last death cry echoed over tl.e
lake, there was a wttness to oil that, and
she will be here to tell you about it."
The prosecutor's remarks created hor.w
thlng of a sensation, as It was the iirst
Intimation Ihat the state would rely on
other than circumstantial evld.-nco to con
vict Gillette. The prosecution would not
reveal the Identity of his witness who, l-e
said, waa a woman. At the session today,
which was adJoumod until Monday, tlvj
twelfth Juror was secured.
Gamblers Are Commencing: to Look
Around for New Fields for
LANDER. Wyo., Nov. IT. ( Special. ) As a
result of the action taken against gambling
i In Cody, Buffalo and other plnces In thu
state, brf-al gamblers are beginning to fed
uneasy and some ot them are already look
ing for other fields in which to continue
thttr games. After his visit to the north
western part of the state. Judge Carpenter
is quoted as saying that the Judges of the
four district courts In the state have de
cided to rigidly (ti force tho anti-gambling
laws of the state and have so notified the
different prosecuting attorneys. They will
make a dftermlned effort to rid the- state
of open gambling, in spite of the opposition
in some quarters, and it is fully expected
that at the next term of ccurt here, which
Is held' next month, the lid will be shut
down tight.
Paymaster at Fort Kne and Work
of DlacharBlaa; Battalion la
Is Inder Way.
FORT RENO. Okl.. Nov. JT.-MaJor H. J
Wallace of Fort Ram Houston, acting chief
paymaster, accompanied by James McKay
and R. R. Kelley, who arrived in Fort Rno
late yesterday, were engaged this morn ng
In making out the rolls for the discharge of
three companies of negro soldiers of the
Twcn.ty-lifili infantry. As ths rolls con
tain a p. -rsonul history of each soldier's
army life, it will require six or seven dys
to complete It.
Tho soldiera will be paid off and Ma-churg.-d
sl:iKly olid It is probable that the
firM dismissals will be mad.' this afternoon.
1 1
1 I
1 1
I t
.ii 1
I 1
I l
i i iii """"hi ii , uri
Mf I N a, 311 I t. v :il !
9 m, m 2H ft p. ns i4
to n. m Zll Op. m .V2
11 a. m .11 T p. m 31
12 m . 3.1
Great Btruiela Eatweaa Grfat Eailrcadi
how Goine o" in the eit.
a'aiter Miadi of Irarapcrtitian Warld
Jfiral Each ' tber io Ifforts.
Fraieut Position of tha Titana in Tbair
Race for ' upremacy.
Greet Systems that C enter In Gate C lly
Are Maklnit Tremendous Changes
In the Commercial Map of
West and Northwest.
For the railroad supremacy of the west
the moneyed kings of the country are to
day waiTlnc one of the most Interesting
fights ever witnessed by a public, which
Is Immensely interested. Hill and Har
rlman and Gould, with th- vast fortunes
of Clark und the Armours and tho Kocko
fellers. and their crowds pouring millions
into the work which Is soon to yield mil
lions In return, nre the central figures lu
he battle for the control of the situation
ln the vast agricultural, nnd for the
transcontinental business which all still
reckon on in spite of the construction of
the Panama canal.
With Hill bullulng or planning to build
lines from Guernsey to Walt Lake and up
the North Platte valley, and from Fmu
nle to Tlirrmopolls and feeders out of
Cheyenne and Immense work nround Lin
coln and Ashland nnd with a line Just
finished from Sioux City to Ashland, tho
Northwestern building from Pierre to
Rapid City and baling Just finished
a lino from Casper to Lander, with
Intentions of extending to Salt Lake; Willi
the Union Pacific talking of a line from
Wolcott to the northwest ln competition
with the Encampment road, and with the
Milwaukee and Western Paciiic bnlldliw
to the coast, the railroad map Is sure to
somewhat changed within the next
I nlon Pacific Extension.
rhe Union Pacific has lis Hue up the
rth Platte valley about ready to run
- cars. This beautiful atreteh of coun
ts practically undeveloped and great
tches of grazing land are waiting for
tiller of the soil The building of this
means the settlement of thu! section
he country by farmer, who will to a
; extent become Intensive farmers, and
all be In a , erny tributary to Omaha.
Burlington's line huilt this summer
yorland reached the rich Wind river
try on the north, the same as tho
hwestern extension from Casper to
r roarhr-d it on the south and a
race was made to see which road
be In the beet coudltlon for the .
ng of the thousands which would'
to go to the government drawing at
servntlon. The line from Pierre to
City will open a iirh grazing couti
ich has been hampered by the lack
road facilities and 'with the North
i nnd Milwaukee both building;
n that section of South Dakota both
agricultural nnd gracing In forest a will
be stimulated, and Omaha will reap tho
?ll wnokee'a Grent Project.
The largest single undertaking by one
road Is the construction uf the Milwaukee
read from Dakota to the coast, with Seattle
as Its western terminus. The scenery along
the new route means It must become one of
the most popular routes In the'eountrty for
transcontinental travel. The beautiful Yel
lowstone valley will bo penetrated. Th
standing Pock Indlnn reservation will be
one cf the points of interest. The Rocky
j mountains will be along the ripht-of-way.
but will not form an Impassable barrier.
.The Bitter T:.ot chain, along the western
! Hue of Montana, will be pierced, nnd the
j high peaks of Idaho will b among the
; sifhts the tourlist will see.
In a general way the route lbs about
fifty miles to the south of the Northern
; Pnciflc railroad, and opens up a vast coun
i try now scarcely settled. From C.Ienham
and Evails, In the north central part of
South Dakota, now the western terminus
I of the St. Paul road, rails have p.lreaiy
I been laid up to the point where the road
! crosses the Missouri river, twelve mile to
jthe north. The first eighty miles will trs
j verse the Standln Rock Indian mem.
lion, pnfslng through Horman and Schiiae
counties In South Dakota, and, cutting
through the southwest corner of North Dp.-.
kota. will open up Nettlngc-r and Bowroun
j counties.
I Tho Milwaukee officials are hot alone In
their anxiety to have a line to the roast,
for that Is what is thought to be the de-
sign of the Burlington in Its contemplated
line from Salt Lake to Guernsey, and thHt
Is thought to be the ultimate deslm of the
Northwestern, which is working to the
west each year. They realize that a rail
road without a connection of that kind by
which it can protect Itself can have llttl
chance of holding Its ow n when the Pan-.
ama canal Is completed. The, directors
hope to novo the Milwaukee built as far
at Butte, Mont., bv January 1, lius,
Glanta In the Contest.
Where the next Jump by one of theea
railroad giants will be no on stems to'
, know. It Is known that men of two or
j three different roads are surveying from
Denver to the north, and that numerous
'. surveying parties are in Wyoming south
i of tho Yellowstone, but where Hill and
i Harrlmon and Gould will Jump to n.-xt
', spring is a guess.
These men are the central figures In the
i west and one hears of Hill building that
: road, and Clark building this one, and
Harriman fighting Hill for control of tills
nnd that strategical point. Each have
seen the possibilities of the west and are
now spending all tne millions they ,can '
get their hands on to have the best load
for the handling of tho wond.-rtul tonnage
which tbe west Is producing yearly and
which la Increasing yearly. When Harri
man was asked if he had confidence in
the west und saw any great future there,
he replied, "Certainly I believe In 'tho
west, and it is there my work haa been
doue. I believe In large through lines
working with others along the line of
l.-ast resistance In order that traneporta
' tlon may be produced at the least cost
ar.d eventually sold at a reduced charge.
"II has been my in the matter of
rate control by trie Interstate Commerce
commission that it might interfere with
I i he legitimate accumulation of profit
necessary In order to improve the means
uf transportation and thus make posxIMc
o charge.
"About every ten years a railroad haa
to be reionstructed. Wo do not know
ktnd of motive power will be used ten
esis trom now. A railroad must I aW