Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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    . : - -- r ti
Mayor Janips Onto C'ltr rtorr1or
Dnnlel fur "aylnc He Put
doned Tut Certain
t barnclrn.
I Saturday 3peclalo - ""tttt!?". $Vf f 'vSsM 'vrn I
j LACE CURTAin SALE 7 ' J Ailif I I 4
Beginning: tomorrow morning at 9 A.M. we place 1" "., ' L, T UA--? : 1 't "v
on sale fifty dozen pairs of lace curtains of I f t f-y -s-'
I mnnv ciroa nnrl DBtlPtllH Incllldlnir Vnftlnir. I r 1 l I
iKA . iT tnd HHTin ..race. I a . ...... ' , ' .......... c.. - ....... .r.,-yr,r ,r rT7Tri I I f 1 The record which revonl this state, of 1 1 I finished, a his is tno secona 101 or tiiese trays oaro. ruuwti oi-i., etv. mm 101 01 lfcfr(- if I S'ff ft rf I W '' I If" fcl If i R'i;Si I r w
IT V, U .... .... I i i.. -..i - ... . i, i..,ih ...,.Pni.n I I 1 , h.uii nl.J nn buI Iha first Irtt wont curtains wns CKiioclflllv honcht for thU :ilt I IM'M E ". I P'l!' 1 r 'I U i S ',V j I : i j I R -n M('! I 1 I HI
lantiiin n-i.imT- inv v 1 I 1 " ; aT. ifiav. v i " -v - - t ' 1 1 11 l.i : 11 ' t. 11 II IT 1 B 1 . f H I mTT. I . . - . . I I Bv
and represent new, choice merchan- lir, m MM.'""1:' ly'- r' -ti'?:""-'-! I j fu
disc. As long as they last they go at RQ itf"" 1 I 1 W
ner nalr JS .r " ill I k
awt-,,- aay. tor : . .7&C f un each. M n I ! V
For the Thanksgiving turkey, try one of oilr Polf
basting roaster?. No basting, no waste, nothing
to watch but the clook. Roasts meat, game ami
poultry without loss of any nutritious qualities.
Made of polished steel it is a great bargain at
(.)C. Tor Saturday, we offer them, as long as
they last, at.; .22
7.vf rjindlo stick, sernent ' de
sign, in green and" copper;
special for Saturday.
A silk eandlo shade and hold
er, flowor design, in red,
yellow, pink or green, reg
ular GOc value; with the
above candle stick, Satur-
all new and
5 to 10-yard
for bath room or kitchen. 1.800 square yards so on' sale
tomorrow (Saturday) morning, at 8 o'clock.
We secured the entire output of short lengths of the
famous Nairn Linoleum factory. One solid carload,
prettiest r3tterns tile and hardwood effects;
fresh; guaranteed absolutely perfect goods;
This Is the finit quality linoleum. By taking the en
tire lot; we secured concessions that enable us to offer It
tomorrow for almost half Its regular value.
A most fortunate opportunity for us we pass It along
to you.
70c Tinted Linoleum for, square yard 37
75c Printed Linoleum for, square yard -42
$1.35 Inlaid Linoleum for. square yard 75
fl.50 Inlaid Linoleum for, square yard 85
I14-1S-18 S. 10th St. Thone Douglas 313.
HrpaMlran INomlnre for (.ovrmor llaa
Majorltr of Two Hondrrd
ad Thirty.
Three Thousand Garment and Other
Xecesnarlea Distributed to
Charitr 'y Galld.
(Jeoige L. Sheldon carried Pouglns county
ly an even 230 majority, according to the
official count of the voten. The totals on
governor wero made Friday afternoon and
how Sheldon recidvetf f.Ko votos and
Uliallenberger P.326.
Tht canvassing board protests against In
sinuations that It Is to blame for the late
ness In securing the returns. They ascribe
it to Incompetent and careless olpctlon ofll
rials. In four or Ave 'products the re
turns have beu Incomplete and It hiis
been necessary for the hoard to send out
and get the complete figures. In the Klrt
or the Tenth wrd the vote was not re
turned at all and the board had to open
the voting machine In order to get at the
facts. In Millard precinct thu board for
got to Include the count on the constitu
tional amendment and It was nncessiiry to
end a messenger -out to get the returns
from the duplicate books. In one, ot he:'
precinct an error was made In rccordlnu
the vote and the board had to go to the
trouble of having it corrected. All . thl
has taken time and the members of the i
. board contend they have done the work
as rapidly ss possible. The matter of
making returns is very simple, amounting
only to a trunsfer of the figures from thi
machines to the poll books, and even this
mechanical transaction appeared to stump
some of The tlectiou boards.
Nearly 5, Qua entirely new gurments are be
ing distributed among the hospitals ;and
charitable' institutions of the city as a re
sult of the annual collection of tho Needle
work snilld. The garments were gathered
at t'nlty church Thursday, counted and
sorted' and assigned to the various charities
according to their need.. The collect loft In
cludes everything in the way . of wearing
apparel nnd a considerable. quantity of bed
linen and towels.. About 116 was given -in
cash, which . will be. expended for . more
clothing. ' . '.' .-
The annual election of officers of the guild
was. held Friday morning.' Mrs. R. C. Mrtoro
being made president, to succeed". Mm.
Thomas Kllpatrick. and Mis Louise' Harris
and Mrs.-J. .W. Nicholson, secretary and
treasurer, respectively.- .
Friday afternoon' the guild v held ' n tea
In the parlors of Unity church that all In
terested might have an, opportunity to see
. tho collection and the disposition that. had
; been made of It. - ','.'..
I This annual 'distribution Is one of thu
chief sources from which tho hospitals and
charitable Institutions of the citv derive
their supply of new clothing. The e.nntrihu- i
tion of two new garments Is the member- I
ship fee of the guild and the only obligation j
entailed. The guild was organized In Omaha I
twelve years ago by Mrs. Humphrey and!
Mrs. James Van No Jt rand and has grown j
from a small beginning of a few'dosen par- i
menfs to this year's splendid result.
Thirty-four prisoners lu the city and
county Jails benefited by the executive
clemency of Mayor Dalilmnn during the
month of Octvbtr, for It was that numler
of pardons tho mayor lssm-d ns shown by
tho official records at tin: police headquar
ters and sheriff's office.
I The records wnieii reveal tins state oi
affairs relative to the lavish exercise of
the pardon power also discloses the fact
that his honor, the mayor, has ventured
to remit fines .Imposed upon offenders of
the law by the: police Judge, tho name of
fenders being pardoned by Colonel Dahl
man. This has been done In at least three
cases, thoso of Richard Joyce, Ed Thomas
and J. C. Llndsey, where the lines wero
$.1.50 each.
That Mayor Daulman's magnanimous at
titude toward the erring Is not exactly to
the liking of all his party rsnentei lins
come to light from several different
crevices In the uncertain liouas of demo
cracy. Tho mayor has not undertaken to re
fute the records in the sheriff's office nor
those held against him by the clerk of the
polles court, but he did take violent ex
ceptions to tho 'publication of the state
ment that he pardoned Mamie Willlan s
and Verna Clark, two characters who got
out of Jail on bonds. Both he and Chief
IXinahue aver the mayor did not pardon
the women, though The liep obtained Its
Information on which the story was pub
lished from C'lly I'rosecutor lanicl, who
asserted the mayor's pHrdou of thoso
women was told him by tho desk sergeant
at the police. ' station. The desk sergeant
says "I didn't, either."
Dablman Jumps on Daniel.
Friday morning Mayor I'nhlnian called
Up City Prosecutor Daniel over the - tele
phone, and while Mr. Daniel's end of the.
conversation was not audible lu the mayor's
office to those listening, what Mr. Dahlman
said to Mr. Daniel fell upon tho ears of
all with no uncertain sound.
But for this littl.! string of pardons Mr.
Daniel is not responsible; It comes from
the official . records and only covers the
month of October:
K. Ooble, drunkenness: Klla Harris.
vagTsncy: ( Lulu Wright. prostitution;
James Delaney, drunkenness: John O'N'eil,
drunkeness; Percy Truelove, drunkenness;
Richard Joyce, drunkenness; Ed Thomas,
assault and battery; J. C. Lindsay, as
sault and battery; May Snow drunkeu-ne.-s;
F. L. Smith, vagrancy; C. C.
Ketchum and Clara Ketchunt, vagrancy;
Jessie Curry, .vagrancy ; Boy Givens,
vagrancy; Joe McDormott. drunkenest;
Walte.r Taylor, disturbing the peace; Isslo
and Ernest Custer, cruelty to children;
Ernest Jopp, vagrancy; Nellie Graham,
drunkenness; Mabel Clark, drunkenness;
Peter Carroll, drunkenness; William Har
mon, drunkenness; Ed Jones, vagrancy;
Harry Martin, vagrancy; EO" Kelly drunk
enness; Frank McVey. vagrancy; George,
E. Brewer, vagrancy; Clarence Ollmorc,
vagrancy; Lulu Howard, disturbing the
peace; James Wooduni, disorderly conduct;
Sam Anthony, vagrancy; Katie Baker, in
mute of opium Joint.
The pardon for Frank McVey, who was
charged with' vagrancy, was secured from
tn: mayor by Frank Duffy , who was also
In' Jail charged with vagrancy. "When Duf
fy's sentence was out he went to the
mayor's office and returned n a short time !
with a pardon for McVey. Both are well
known chracters. Boy Givens, another ben-
cftcary of the mayor, la back In Jail again.
Two others. C. C. Ketchcm and Clara
Ketchem. are a 'colored man und white
woman, who were found living together
Hid sent tip on a vagrancy charge.
Five hundred fancy trays, in three assorted de-
ri g,lin, , 17 V J U i I I II 1 1 T u-i vi m ' v nuu .tuuwi t j
finished. This Is tho second lot of those trays
we have placed on sale the first lot went
very quie.Kiy. saio negins at y a. w
L, and continues until all are sold.
Special price for tomorrow
the advertised price-
at Searing ale
ftVJade Suits
mMk1 AU mM Suits22 50
W'MM All $25.00 Suits 7 CA
' iMM'' A All $22.50 Suits 1?7C
rMmi at 1x15
Bnildlng: Perrult.
H.,n,lt . t ..... .1 . t IT If., ..i.
r'i 1 1' i iik I"- i ii i i-a i-tiivi i. w. r. iinim, i
Tw"ntv-ttitli :hh1 Cttldwell. $2,C0 dwelUnir; 1
kf. Rahm-2m 8out" Nln,h' M,;w) dwo"" i MESSENGER COMPANIES OBEY
Byron Heed company, Thirty-fifth and
Harney. $;.iin dwelling: Thirty-fourth and
Dewey avenue, H.floa and dwellings;
A. J. Pierson, Thirtieth and Sohler,
oni.-e and shed; Harold Thompson. Twenty
eighth avenue and Dodge, ISou dwelling.
Badly Affected With Sores and
Crusts Extended Down Behind
the Ears Somo Years Later
Painful and Itching Pustules
Broke Out on Lower Part of
Body Son Also Affected.
A. D. T. Mends Pmall Roys to Pro
scribed District aad Postal
Emnloya one
A, report has been made to the Juvenile
court that the order of that court had not
been obeyed by the messenger service com
panies In respect to fending small boys with
messages and packages to the red light din
trlct and Judge Button has made the asser
tion that the order of the court will have
to be heeded.
Manager Vmstead of the Westurn Union,
which also controls the A. D. T. boys, said
In reference to the order: '
"We don't send any small boys there and
are complying with the regulations as laid
down by the court officers. Wc have plenty
of large boys who are through school or
re attending night schools, or sre past the
school age. and these we send when we
have messages or packages for that section
of the city."
Manager Huntley of the Postal Telegraph
I company said:
"We have received no such orders from
j the court, nor any notice of such orders.
; and I old not know thure was such a re
quest. We deliver no packages and besides
have no boys working for us under 16 yeurs
of age."
"About ten vears ago my scalp be
came badly afreet ed with sore and
itching humors, citiata, etc., and extend
ing down behiud the cars. My hair
came out in plaeea al. I was greatly
troubled; understood it was eczema.
Tried varioai remedies, so called, with
out effect. Saw your Cuticura adver
tisement, and got them at once. Ap
plied them as to directions, etc., and
aftar two weeks, I think, of lue, waa
clear as a whistle.
"I havo to state also that late last
fall, Ootober and November. 1004, I
a suddenly afflicted it h a bad erup
tion, pvmful und itching pustules over
the lower part of the body. 1 suffered
dreadfully. Ia two mouths, under the
skilful treatment of my dm tor, con
joined with Cuticura Soap and Cuticura
Ointment, I found myself cured.
"Six years ago my son was laid up
with a ae vera cold, a hard cough, and
finally painful eruption all over the
body. I procured the Cuticura Remedies
as soon as possible, and after his faith
ful use of same was as well as ever iu
two weeks, as rtell as I can recall. He
lias never had a return of the illness,
as far as I know.
" I have alaays been pleased to com
mend the Cuticura Kemeliiee.aiid testify
as to their elficacv. 1 am a eteran of
the Ute Civil var, '61-'tt5, between
seventy and eighty years of aire. Yours
truly, II. 51. F. Weids, Kteiiioud,
Chilian Co., 111., Aug. 31, 1905."
Cib-1-M liunul 4 tM-nul Tr-inuM tor lw
Mtt!f, fii'i- Hi".w id Btfutu L, from liit.7 t Af
cwiMiuf wt t uu ur Sw.p, i.Oim,.-n, ar., Hu --t.
M. )! h of ('Ko.-.'-t CulrJ ri ;& V. -.1 11
mlfV -. H,..v b. 1.1 utt i rfMf. A l.t(i ft.a ,ure4
t. m.( MlnrM...i CM. wur. .11 m 1.14 ttMmi iMi
S t'ri.iu. 1 "lj vl Pi.., i..iM. kJM
Mr M.4...I Fm. H I 1 L.iaul,' SB4 "All
al 5 .a, atiy, Mud., twl Uu.'
See Sunday Indner bargain No. lfi, page la.
Toledo Tcarher Aecepta Invitation to
iipeak Before the Civil Service
Miss Jane Brownlee of Toledo. O.. has ac
cepted the Invitation of tho civil service
committee of the Woman's club and the
Board of Education and will speak before
the club Monddy afternoon. November M,
on "Ethical Education In the Public
Schools." Miss Brownlee is principal of
one of the grammar Bc.hools of Toledo and
her method of ethical education hns at
tracted wldo attention and been adopted in
the ,chools . of a number of the larger
This sale includes suits of
all colors and all makes
nothing is reserved.
You will find a great
many different styles at
each price.
Come early before the se
lection is broken.
Wearing Apparel for Thanksgiving that Will
Please You.
Lien's Suits and Overcoats
Are here In so many styles, fabrics and
patterns that you will be able to make
selection that will please you In every de
tail and at the price you want to pay.
'Hesldes the ever dressy black, we are show
lug all tho new patterns lu medium and
dark color effects. Prices range for men's
suits und overcoats from
$7.50 to $32.50
Thanksgiving Fixings
Men's Hats In both soft and stiff shapes,
colors pearl, steel gray and t C(
black, from $3.00 down to..
Men's Fancy Shirts For dress wear, in
newest styles, very special values for
this Thanksgiving sale at
$1.50. $1.00 and
Men's Vests In white and fancy patterns,
a necessary article to every man's ward
robe; our special for this Thanks- fA
Sivlng sale, $2.50, $2.00 and l.UU
Shoes In this department 'wo carry both
men's and women's shoes, show the latest
style lasts; prices range from 171
$5.00 down to 1 D
Men's Neckwear A splendid, line in new
tolorluKs. large assortment to choose
from; our special for this Thanks.
giving sale at 50c and
: j
Millinery Specials
AH $10.00 Hats ' 5 QQ
All 5.00 Hats . Jj Q
All $4.00 Hats-. Jg
Be sure and attend this sale.
Yon can save as much on these
hats as you probably intended
to spend. - '"'''.'
The Peoples Furniture ajid Carpet Co. Established 1887,
Ladies' Plaid Silk Waists
Tomorrow, Saturday, we will
place on sale a lot of Waists
that wc have never sold for
less than $5.00. They are made
Peter. Pan style, in this sea
son's most attractive plaids
and patterns,- on sale 'tomor
row, only for
Contract Will Br Mtrned Sfit.Wffk
and Construction Work .
Hi-tun Soon..
'Indications now are that within eight
months Omaha will have an Independent
automatic telephone system all . Installed
snd In working order." t.iid Stockton Heth,
ecretury and treasurer of the new Inde-
j pendent Telephone company. "We have
made a deal with one of the largest tele
phone construction companies in the world,
thu same 'company . which has Just in
stalled an Independent automatic system
In Portland and Los Angeles, whereby that
company will tulld the Omaha plant In
Its entirety, and Manager Ftow of the
construction company hns suld he believed
be could push tho work through In eight
months with fine weather, longer other
wise. While the contract l not hlgned, we
have a. complete agreement and undn
vtaudlng with this company, the work to
ceft ll.WO.Ot.m, und the contracts will bo
slgiiFd next week."
Omeb;a promoter of the company will
still ho at the helm of the new company,
together with T. K. Parmelo and T. H.
Pollock of Flattsmouth. An arrangement
was made, some time ago with Mr. Helm,
the wealthy brewer of Kansas City, to
finance the new company, but beforo the
franjhl.'e wan voted at tho last election
Mr. Helm withdrew from the company,
saying It was too large an undertaking for
him to handle, and so the directors opened
negotiations with the Crescent Construc
tion company.
The first work will be on un exchange
building. The Omaha exchange. It p said,
is to be built to handle 1V telephones.
The promottrs cay they will put in tele
phone rates far below those permitted by
thu franchise und that there will be a gen
era! tutting of rates, which will be most
welcome to the Omaha tdephono users.
Judge Hen Maker, attorney for the new
company, is not ko certain about the con
struction ' being ' rushed through In eight
months. He said he was advised by Mr.
Stowe that with "California weather in
Omaha" It could be done in eight months,
but with Omaha weather the system would
bo in operation .any wuy by January,
Judge Uaker also said the ground for the
new exchange had not ben determined
on and would be a matter for the engineer
to settle.
Manganese tu West Mralnla.
WHEELING. W. Va., Nov. H.-The dis
ccveiy of manganese, in almost unlimited
quantities ha been made in Went Vir
ginia at a point not yet m;id public and
the claim made that experiments and testj
already made show the presence of , mil
lions of tons of the mineral.
Chicago Men Indicted In Haai-h Deal
la Nebraska Pnt l a Their
, Secarttv.
Advices have been received from Chlcagn
at the federal 'Department of Justice In
Omaha' that Patrick Kir.g. "the policy
king." ami F. S. liatrd of that city have
given bond in $ each for land frauds in
the Chicago ranch case of which they were
recently indicted by tho federal grand Jury
at Lincoin. ' ' " 1 .
Ijiwrenee J . King, .another of the -defendants,
has not et been found, and a capias
is out for his arrest. .
The Chicago ranch case Involves some
8O,W0 or more acres of laud In Bheridsn
county upon which numerous fraudulent
tilings had been msde, nlth the purpose
of defrauding the government out of title
t. the land. It ws wholly ' a Chkairo
scheme, and was engineered by Pat King
and his assuclates.
Tweaty-Klve Thaasaad Dollars Real,
tsrd froas T Judgments .
, at (llr Hall.
City and County Treasurer Pink is still
on his tax sale, which will be continued un
to ......--f I. , I .. ....
I . . V I . . ..Ill . . . . . T" 1 I
i:uui ij win iuii .wu wwr iiiui r. i no
scavenger or tax Judgment salo a as ni
Ihhed lirat, ivalistng about In taxes.
The bltiiitiig continues to be spirited in lb
tai salu.
Let them earn your warm regard
i J . J
I -'.i'ftY
' A ' ' if. S
t i ..: 1
A Jim , iiN
Then an no birch in 14 yesi's neA.a
Nor any old styles in tlu year's
CarrnenU the standard for
quality and style.
If your dealer won't show you
write to us and we will
direct you to one who will
McKittin. Driscoll Q Dorsey
Fur Manufaoturar
Saint Paul, Minn.
i m iam
A Grand Purchase of Over 500 Stylish Coats
Go On Sale Saturday at Remarkable Low Prices
MB. J. B. OltKIN. our resident New York buyer, luakfs a grand purchase of over 500 Coata from a New York foremost cloak manu
facturer, who waii very anxious to turn bis entire stock Into rat-h. and, knowing" that wo are in position to uso his superb Mock for both our
Omaha and Sioux City atoreg. he made ua a proposition which our Mr. J. B. Orklu accepted, owing to the fact that prlcu wua very tempting
and tho garments are made of the very best all wool materials, in all t he newest fitted, half.fitting and looee styles, all perfectly tailored.
Jm mr 11 ft hi ' fan
Stunning: New Coats $25
Over 150 stunning new Coats will be on salo Saturday at the above price
now, in short, we'll say, taking; from a standpolbt of style, theeo
garments are not to be seen elsewhere, even at double our price. They .
are made of finest imported broadcloth, In black and all colors, lined
throughout with best satin, and made In, either f'.aed, half-fitted or
loose styles. Some are elaborately trimmed an.l others aro perfectly
. plain tuilored, and we say again that they canuot be
duplicated elsewhere at any price, and are wonderful
valueo at . . .
Smart New Coats $19.50
Some 1C0 Smart Coats, made of all wool broadcloth, heavy or light
weight kerseys and imported mixtures, lined throughout or body lined
' inude in all of the latest fitted, half-fitted and loose
styles. All of them handsomely tailored, over 20 styles to
choose from. 9-3 and 927.SO Values, uu sale at
Stylish New Coats $12.50
Over 200 stylish Coats on sale at $12.50, regular $17.50 values Every
garment In this ofterins Is made of all wool materials. In kurseys.
broadcloth, cheviots and mixtures, in all colors and styles, and if you
are Interested in this pi le garmeut, come and cone as C i
early lu the day as possible;, aa they will not stay lu stock jU
. very long at this price, only and
A Great Sale of New Stylish Tailored Suits $IO
Saturday this store will hold the gieatest sale of the. entire season, the event will create great excitement among the economical
women of Omaha who know the character of our goods. There are over 200 suits In this great sale, made of all wool mate
rials. In all colors and In all the newest and best styles. Regular $22.60, $21.00 and up to $35.00 values on sale Saturday
the wonderful low price of
Please take note that our entile stoc k of jL'i.SO and .133.00 suits ari nut included tn this sale, but Just those that are odd suits, 'where we only haa
two or three of a style. They are all gathered and put out tut Unn'c at the above price.