4 T1IE OMAHA DAILY' HEK: SATUI'DAV, XOYKMHFjH 17, - 190(1 Ladies' Long ilj iVl Pis i F-xquisite Theatre Hats Dress Hats Evening Hats and Trimmed Hats For this event we have selected 00 exquisite tlivss hats express ing all thnt is 1)enutiful nnd ap propriate for late autumn and winter. All are artistic copies of foreign milliner's patterns. The originals could not he hough t at any price. These hats are the beautiful evening effects, elaborately trim med with fluffy ostrich plumes. Clever little Fur Turbans and Toques. - ' Velvet Hats, trimmed, with plumes, pompoms, -aigrette, breasts, ornaments, etc. A li .correct fall colons. On sale in three biff lots - - ' These Stunning Models Worth Up to S25 rv. 47- fJiii in t I. Jj. . wmm-r 4iV V- -fJ f Ilk SALE OF JEWELRY Baby and misses' gold filled bracelets, set with turquoise Btones and mono gram styles, no charge for en- ff grawng, each. 0C Gents' 10 k solid gold link buttons, no c harge for engraving, " g Zj.jJ Elastic belts and silk plaids, worth up to 50c, at , Peter Pan purses, all the and 50c styles, at Warranted to wear 25 . years, teaspoons, Aya lon flower De Luxa pattern, 110 set of six ,J Avalon cold meat A f forks HrJC :rc 15c 15c Flower De Luxe Berry Sn!'... 98c Ladies' shopping hags, the Anthony bag, strap purses, etc., fitted with "lirror and purse,-worth $1.25 and $1.50, ut Ladies' solid gold 10 k set rings, sam ples worth up to to, a guarantee with each rins, each .......... Ladies' O size smallest American watch made, fitted with Klgin or Walthani movement, cases stamped f Z l and warranted 20 years. .. kJSwJ Flower De Luxe Cream ladle. each Flower De Luxe Gravy ladle. each 98c $1 49c Oyster six, at. . . Forks, set ol Ladies' Mounted Combs AW have received all the very latest styles in combs, with jet and fancy settings, AQi extra special for this sale at t3m J IN SHEET MUSIC DEPT. All these SONG HITS, & lie Will the Angela Let Me Play Waiting at the Church Yard, (big hit) Where is Brown? (new) Why Don't You Try? The Traveling Man (new) Boy Days, ballad Best I Ever Get, coon song Cheyenne Like the Hose " You're the Fairest Flower I Never Can Forget You, Dear March of the Kugk's Cannon Ball Rag Sultanna Intermezzo La Lorella, Spanish Dance Sanltal (two-step) Dixie Belles (rag) The Chaser March Colo nlul Girl (tw'o-itep). ...-.. Add 1 cent each for postage. 1 1 j fiwm J U OMAHA 1 j a ' I I l a, K rfr a m s, v. lfty.,.,.,i,,,. -, ..ii ii. I...... , i. . , -i i i, i. in .-..n i. ii-,,,., ... .,,, ,, - i i i i i i i T V fl U I UrU Rid If 11 o sau iLaciie; oils at M These are all $25, S3D, $32.50 and $35 Suits Entire Sample Lines and Surplus Stocfc of COHEN L GABRIEL. 58 W. 15 St., New York We bought this entire stock at just about one-third its actual value. The suits are all new and very dressy fall tailored styles. Thousands have stopped in front of our windows to ad mire them. s The bargains in this sale are positively unheard of for such suits all new effects Cheviots and Series bIacks etc.-jaekets are all satin or silk Men s Suitings lined many are velvet trimmed. Skirts Checked Novelties are all made in the new box and cluster Plaid Effects pleated styles and the jackets are etons, Etc., Etc. ponys, tight-fitting long and short cdats. New shipment' of ladies' 10 button length, real kid gloves in ri white only regular $..."0 QR quality gloves, Saturdaj', i3 y at ! . . . L Most Complete Glove Depart ment in Omaha. Perrins, Monarchs, Fownes, Keyniers nnd Trefousse high grade kid gloves in hiacK, nrown, tan anil evening shades 8, 12 and 1(5 bu?ii length prices Chiffon Broadcloths Checked Broadcloths These are Genuine $25, JJJ $30, $32" and $35 Suits, at ii (0) Children's Storm-Prooi Cravenettcs, $2.98 Saturdav in our childreu's cloak department we will sell 200 nobby. little cravenettcs plain striped and plaid TTS Q O cravenetted crooda fancy and plain collars " ) wll actually worth $5, $6 and $7, at ." Ladies' Winter Coat All tho stun ning novelties in the long Winter cnats thnt Hro so inipuUir everywhere thl BOHHOI. Hmurt plulcls nnd cheoke, at Four Basement Sp ecials Ig 998.1250-1485! Ladies' Fur Scarfs. a-tipeclitl Ladles' Waists, good styles, special 98c Ladies' Long Winter Coals, at. 3.98 fl Children's Cotton Eiderdown r A -W C Coats, at JUC Lace Curtains Ladies High Quality and Draoerv Soecials ? Swfss Curtains new line just re- S HOES ceiyed go on sale at 1.39, $1.25 S and 98c pair. LACE CURTAINS All our $1.25 and $1.50 Curtains go at, each, 49c. All our $2.00 and $2.25 Curtains $ go at, each, t9c. All our $3.50 and $4.50 Curtains go at, pair, $2.9S. DIMXU ROOM TABLE COVERS R Style, service, economy, coin fort. Kitted by com petent sales men. Satis faction as sured. Tomorrow we are going to Bell all our $5.00 Artloom Covers at, each, $2.98. Curtain Swiss, in dots, figures and stripes, yard, 10c. Couch Covera-r-All our cout h covers worth up to $8.50, will go on sal tomorrow at $4.50. if 5? Red Ladies' Phit Eezi. popular leader, at Cross Shoes bends with the foot out 4 25c Fancy Linens 5c Manufacturer's , sample line of stamped pillow- tops, doilies, scarfs and squares, worth up to 2 5c yard, some are slightly mussed Or soiled, but a great bargain, Saturday, on bar gain square, new store, aisle 7, each 10c Tenerlffe Doilies, each. 5c ..5ic Shoes, 3.50? The sole '4 $4 & .lr. Reed's-Cushion Sole Shoes X perfect comfort, C C K vfJ J ; at. v Fancy Art Dept. 45i45-inch Linen Lunch Cloths, 3(c; Teneriffe' Doilies, each, ."); dozen 50c Pillow Kuffles, all colorings, 4'.-2 yards long, 35c. Extra quality and extra size Laundry Bags, 4!c. Tinted Center Pieces, a(ix:)(i, all designs, 75c. " 25 c RIBBONS at 10c Heavy all silk Taffeta Hibbons big lots of fine satin ribbon plain and fancy black, white and all colors , Ladies' Crocheted Shawls at 39c and 69c Shawls, scarfs, capes and squares, made of the finest Saxony zephyrs and fancy wools, many suitable TQ. AQr for evening wear krv"Uv HOSIERY SALE Large bargain square ladies 'children's and men's hosiery plain and heavy ribbed at, a 11 r i tZn a pair JUC-JJC IMPORTED HOSIERY at 25c Plain lisle and Maco cotton double soles, some with white foot and split soles, all regular made special for Saturday, at, pair W inter Underwear 4 large bargain squares piled high with all kinds misses', chil dren's and boy's vests, pants and drawers fine Q Cfes ribbed and heavy fleeced all sizes lUmt J Ladies, vests, pants and union suits medium and heavy weight mauv stvies to se:eci irom, iiieiuumg vnt-iui, riuicure, ym- lanti union suits, at '. 39c-49c69c A Special Opening Sale in Our New BOOK DEPARTMENT - NOW IN PROGRESS Big Bargains During This Sale New Dept. in New Store OMAHA New Store North Side DEEP WATER ASSOCIATION Permanent Oreaiizttion Will Werk for Canal from Lake to flnlf. ADDRESS TO THE PUBLIC AI0PTED U. K. rMinh la Klectr4 l'realdeat lloaral of liorrrnsn Apvolated latloa. 8T. IXl'IS. M'. Nov. 1. The Ijke-tr-th-Oulf TMf? Waterways saaoclstlon br eam a fact tndiy, when the plan for per manent organisation and tha reports of the nominating committee were adopted at the final session of tha convention of thejn-o-visional aeooUUon, organized by OonsTis man William Jiorltner of Oilcago and aev. eral of his rongresnlonal aaristants, whlrh has been in sesaiou at the Cxleon for titr lust two days. The objects of the absociatlon anil ;;. iples for whlrh it stands are set f.-vc) in the following "address to the public " l re pared by the rrmimlttee on resoluilfia and unanimously adopted by the convv.v. Un : The time has arrived for a genera' -x-lan.-ioii of our i.ailoi al policy ti-r'.n ,(! worka of Internal lmpiuvement, whhh i -vi-hKiftofoie irrwilfd surh a sulior'tt-i! tnlHc In national expenditures; nlno in no naction with the grvnt sums that have hn upproprlatcd In recent years lor army uMil navy puriies, which appropriations hac tiv far excooded the expenditures for all other dr part tn e ut of our povernmert. It in our hflii-f that when, backed by pro;iTvsRive piilli eentltnent the I'nlte1 Stales rnmrm ran be Induced to em'mrk upon a ltlxiRi policy for the development i.f the intfinnl waterways of th pnilon. Itout tf Prnpmril Waterwaf. The proposed deep waterway In to extend from tHu I'hicato draiiuiae cAnal thiousli the valleyx of t ie 1 tf I'intne and lllinvlf rivers to tho Mississippi river at ruftn. 111., and thence dnn tlie MtHlslpri to 8t. IjooIb. and is to have a minimum ilepili of Tfiii'teen fee-t ttirooahout. We recommend that, for t lxi purpoac of meeting the prob able future needs of navlRatlon. that the i minimum depth over the mitre xill.M ut t lie locks should be twenty-one feet in the tnl thil construction. The excemtlve cost of the project, s shown by the engineer's estimates. w due mainly to tlie existence of 'the prominent harrier between the great lake and the Mississippi valley. This chief obstacle, to the prosecution of this project hus beeiu re moved by the dralnaa-e canal. According to the estimates bnsed upon re cent surveys by the I'nlted States engineers the work remaining- to be done in order to complete the deep waterway channel to 8t. Louis will cost CT.Mf'A"1. Pending the Inauguration of this work. It seems Important that the I'nlted States should exercise surh control over the les Plainea and Illinois rivers as to prevent prlvste persons, companies or corporations from erecting any dams or other structures that might preaent obstacles to the prose cution of the work as contemplated by the congress of the I'nlted States Hvlrig ' considered the deep' waterway enterprise from Chicago to (St. Louis. It row remains to deal with the subject of its further projection southward to the Gulf of Mexico. In conjunction with tha prosecution of the deep water enterprise from tl. Louis northward, it becomes at once a mutter of grave importance tli.it adequate provision should be Btade by congress for the tip. .'ill.-Mi Htn of work of avi.-h auhfuantinl char- I c.-r to the lower river as to give flxed- o the channel and stability to the crty'.-K banks, ncconiplishment of which is Ui'j i"essary basis of any plan for a pcr- insi'i.;; improvement and deepening of that pi t ti' the river. He'fvnrtr present transportation facilities of In I'nited States to be Inadequate and wlioKj Ul. satisfactory, w favor appiopil uui.'f.i b.- liiu conereso of tho I nlteii St,ileK In f".4S'lent aniounts to create su. h aiidl-'.)-. ?( trHT.Kpot tutlon facilities r.s the grow '( K vi'-eils of the tiBiIon demand, and to the vri'i 'hat uch appropriations shall be sc - ttied tills assoc iation recommends to I's representatives in c.n.ress dUlsem, aj klduous and untiilr.K efforts to sicine the necessary mean vitii which 10 l-cloi a deep waterway. Fleet Inn of Officers. The following olPctis were eleclci to serve two yr-urs: President, W. K. "avHiiimgh. St. UmU; vice president s, I'avid it. Koinn. v'lnrauo: M. J. MatuKrs. New Orleans; M Ne.-lcv Memphis; J. K ilehron, Mississippi: lii.cn Jusrles, Arkttiss, a.cretury, W. V. Un der, St. Ixiuls. tieinurer. George H. Mon roe. Joiiet, serj,-tMiit-at-ttiii, 'I'lioious K. Hunter, f'hicago. Ksiititlons wete adopted prot.siini; Mating Carelessly frerjucntly causes stomach troubles, but careful eatinn will never right thttn. hen your stomach is out of condition, it needf help that no food can supply. It must be thoroughly cleansed, settled and strengthened, rood never Joej this. Jl fl E3 La La kJ are the greatest stomach medicine human tkill ever compounded. Don't attempt to cure your irtomach b dieting. Yom will half larve and pet iittle benefit. Give lieechar.i's Fills a chance and you will again know the pleasures oi a sound digestion. Appetite will return and the stomach again work without any discomfort. The skin will clear, the face plump out, while people will remark "How well you're looking;." These arc facts, not fancies. I'rovc it yourself. old Everywhere la Boss. '.iniysaat. I and Me, ugainst any treaty made by the 1'nite.l States with Canada by which tho amount of water to bo tuken from Lake Michigan for the use of the Chicago drainage cana! shall lie limited, and authorizing the presi dent of the association -P appoint lifty delegates to the convention of the nationa: rivers and harbors congress to be held in Washington next month. President Cavanaugh called the titsl meeting of the board of governors for De cember 6 at Washington, D. C. The convention was addressed during the day by Congressman K. C. Kills ol Kansas City and C'otigi esstnan Joseph K. Ransdell of Louisiuua, chairman of the executive committee of the national rhers and harbor congress. It e port on Oritanfxailnn. The coniplclo report or the commiu-c op permanent organisation was icud . by Its clialt til.in, H. It. llawrs, of 81. Louis. The report provides: "The mine of the association shall be "Tlie Lakes to th Gulf I e;i Waterways ass : trillion.' "Tnc olijeclf of Ihe a.sorid.tiou are to pro.n He tlie htiildlng of deep waterways by urging appropriations from the na tional and state governments by allowing the. necessity of these projects; to estab lish a la-rmam nt heaibpiai tern; to urge upon all national, state nd vrnigi-esslonal conventions. iirejn ctlve of parly. tin nit-esstiy of deep W'MTways; tu stabllsli n ("! iiiiinent bureau of publielt). . "The members of tins s?ocnU'iji shall In limited to residents of me lake and Stii: slates and all statci in the Mississippi v.ill'y. "Tlie delegates to the' conventions shall . selected us follows: "One member appointed by the governor from each congrosslouul district. Appuint tn nts by tho mayors- One for each city of l and less than "J.5n) population; two rr ? 5ii to b.'xt; three tor B'i to lrt.uW; li ' lor in.uo in i.'HH); ten for 1, to V...i: twenty lor .Vi.hm t, lnoinnr. thirty for pM.ii ii to -.'.io.o,!:; ,i,ty for ;n,oi) or more. "One (leligit-- irom each river Improve tiient and cnnimerelnl nssin iatlor. and otm ndlltiimal dehg.iie Jor each 100 members. 'The oitlccrs elia'l -nsis. of president. fTve vice presidents, secretary, treasurer and serge .lnt-nt-arms A board of gov (rnr.rs. comprising the above officer a,nd one member Irom each congressional ' dis rtrict. An rxccutle rommiitee, to consist of eleven members, selected by the presi dent from the board of governors. "There shall lie a hienniHl meeting of tiic convention and the eki tlsn of efticei. shall bo lu-ld every two years " The report was unanimously adopted' without debate. Cong--essc,a:i ChampClrk ef Missouri poke at length t:pou tiie; rcquiremeats of the Missouri river, but that these were uluerie-i to tne dcsiaiuls of the prlncipil object of tins convention, tlie lakes to the gulf fourteen fe,-t i'ep channel, and that the iniprtui i.t ,.f the vli-s .uri .-m- other rivers lril.t.i.1! t t ic Mi.ssi.-ipi woi.l.l as a matter ol cmn e f illow Ine- iniiioviiiic.it of the MiH.-isxip :. Time w i? then ;:ll jwe.l lor fivc-mimm t l.-s by r.-pn 'iital!vcs of :be st jus witii delegations in the conven ts, n. A reces was taken. The convention concluded to:;itht with a bwuiiiict at the liutl Jxlf Lrou. PRESIDENT SEES BIG CUT h ef Eiecutire Spend tha Da; Hob? Panama Canal fionte. 3ITE OF PEDRO MiGUEL LOCK EXAMINED Mr. Hoosevrll View Work of Steam Shovel aad Shake Hand vltb All Americans He Meet. y 1 'A NAM A, Nov. 16. President Koo velt. who stopped at the Tlvoli hotel last nlgltt. started nt 7 o'clock this morning, with Mrs. ltoosevelt and the other mem bers of his parly, to make an examination of ihe Culebra cut. The weather was overcast, threatening rain. At -30 the presidential train arrived at IVdro Miguel, whero some st-um shovel were at work. The president had his 1 1 a lit stopped for tho purpose of making a personal exami nation. At this point In iIih cut the pe. rullar soil conditions have resulted in more or less ficituent landslides, and this fact was brought to the presldemM attention. President Kooscvelt descend.-1 from his train and climbed uo on one f tlie steam tdiovel. taking a seat beside Engineer t;ray, whom he sdbjei ted to a searching fire of questions regarding th.: work. I niring his conversation Lugincer 5ray took the opportunity, on behalf of himself and tho other engineers, to do clare that unlike the railroad engineers, they were not paid for overtime. The president promised to look Into this mat ter. Ho stayed on the steam shovel about, twenty minutes. Uy this time it waa raining bard. I.ork site I niHiuiiiril. President Rooseve lt told Chief Engineer Stevens that he wanted to see ail the works In connection with excavation, even to the temporury laying of tracks. With this In view he boarded a work train near Pedro Miguel and went on to the next point, where steam shovels were ut work. Here there was no danger of landslides. The presidential train continued on tin regular Una towards Panama. Tho work cf the tcond grujp of stream shovels was observ.-d and the president made a detou-.-to examine the site of the Pedro MlguJl lock. He shook hands with all the Ameri cana he met whils walking over tlio ground. At about the president en tered ihe deep portion of Culebra cut, his train going slowly In order that he inifcht observe the workings of the drill ma. nines and shovels. Ono shovel was decorated wit a a sign, .iidir.g: "We will So our bust to help you build It." Tin president spent some time in the ii- .-pest !Mir'iou of the cut, where latl Sunday twenty-iwo tons uf epluivs tvete Hi- d to throw down 35.0'IU cuoic yards of material. Tlie rain was now coming aosti in tor rents and the water poured in rivulets from the f unnel-fchaped side of the famous cut. hcvrral i harge of dynatnits tverv m'lv-k'J lu vidcr tht th tu'cslUtnt might see the effect, after which he went buck to his own train. Reception at I'alm-e. After witnessing the display of flrewoi-ks In the bay from the balcony of President Amador's palace lst night President Hoo-o- velt, president Amador and their wives at tended a reception at the Commercial club. As the party entered the orchestra played the "Star Hpangled Panner." There were more than 3"0 persons present, including representative citlsens from Color. unl Panama and their wives, who heartily cheered Mr. Roosevelt. lTesldent and Mrs Roosevelt and President and Senora Ama dor walked around the parlors, Presldcm Roosevelt having a siyiile and a kind word for everyoiu. He remained, at tha club for about twenty minutes. Representative Josu Lcfevre welcomed President Roosevelt In behalf of the youth of Panama and the na tional rsscipbly. The president replied In a highly complimentary manner, saying thnt ho always believed in the future of ; 'aim ma. At lil:f p. tn. President Roosevelt und his party returned to the hotel. Many vnl Apprentice Heady. N KW PORT, R. I., Nov. is. Th largest drift of apprentice seamen to leave Anier- a on tiny occasion is being prepared for h- naval stations at .Norfolk, Vs., and .Jort Royil. 8. C, where they will be In Id n readiness for service under Admiral R. l). Evans, commander of the Ailsntle .leet. The draft numbeis "00 nnd consists of a fine body of young men recruited .arg' y frum tho west. NEBRASKAN BADLY INJURED Grand Trunk Express Wrecked In Yard at Wnndatock hy Broken Rail. WfXiDSTOCK. Out., Nov. IB. The early morning express from Detroit for Toronto, on the Grand Trunk railway, was wrecked In the yards here today from a broken rail. Twenty persons were Injured, four seri ously. Teter fjeorgeson of Nebraska bad his hand badly torn and was otherwise injured. OOOOOOOOOOOGGOOC' UfiWL o MEM C) OfLii Cili .1 r fr O 1, - uaav V i ft mean V " J I u a e I A M Ce V ooocoo NflL If jttuni.lbtfitllMjj O C) () Clothing of Style and Quality Payments $1.00 a week. Prices 20 per cent, lower than other Credit stores. All goods marked in plain fig ures. One price to all. Take the goods on first visit here. Pay while you wear weekly or monthly We don't juggle with price tags. Largest Credit Clothiers in the world. Money back if dissatisfied. Factory to Family, 64 Stores Liberal treatment in case of sickness. Long Coats for Women Overcoats for Men : : Overcoats f or Boys : : Clothing, Hati and Shots for Mtit, Women and Children Crotfi to an any tlma and all tha tlma o O C) O C) O () C) () O O () C) () () C) O C s fs r-s r-, rs rs .- rs r r f- f rs r- y r c mm mm O .! ill mi IKHWiK hT. TOB OF-W WDKI)T ETCWTSOS Liberal r?re.it r-i- pi. to .is-.. Df riornct, Booth Omaha and Council Blnff ,