TUT, OMATTA' 'DAniY . nFIK: NATCfTPAY". - NOV"K.rnF,K 17. liHKT. i I I 11 . j . ) 0 V J I r WINDIP (IF TIE CAMPAIGN Upnhl;cm Couia.itte Fiaixbcs Up with a Bi'sncs in tta T:tsurj. SHELDON HAS PROMlSiD N OFFICES YET Praaent Leglslatl-re Plan la o rash All mil Through Early Involving Party PUilffi Made In lil Campaign. Trim a Stiff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. 16. (Ppeclal Tel Si am.) The republican state committee, with eighteen member present, met at th h-adquarters at the Llndell hotel tonight to wind up the affairs of tho late cam llgn. Reports from tho chairman and trt-aaurer of Ui finance of the commit " ten showed that. Including the ILSOO In herited from the previous committee, II had at It disposal a trlfli over IS."). A little over IMO of thin remains In. the treasury. Short talks were mnde by Nnr ris Brown and George. I Sheldon, governor-elect, expressing appreciation of the work tho committee did during the cam paign. Secretary of State-elect' Junkln and a bunch of men from the Fourth dis trict, with recommendations for Appointive places, were present at the meeting. Chairman Roso stated that from his re ports the republicans would have ninety even members In the next legislature, with possibly a few more. So Offices Promised Yet. The great. Bulk of Governor-elect Shel don's appointments will be made after Jan uary 1 and If any announcements are n ade before that time they will be few In num ber. Buch was the statement of Mr. Shel don this afternoon. "By waiting until January 1 to make ap txrtntments I will have time to hear from nil the people who want phicos," said the .new governor, "and some who want places now may change their minds by that time." Governor Sheldon was besieged as soon ss he struck town last night and at noon ho got a little respite by going to the home t E. O. Jlaggl for lunch. . Muiy who -ailed upon hltn, of course, wore not of flua seekers or representatives of office seekers, but the great majority were bear ing advice and suggestions. Judge Lincoln Iroet called during the forenoon and was closeted with the new governor for some lme. ' Though he made one of the most strenu ous campaigns ever waged' In Nebraska nnd he had to use nil manner of convey ances to fill his speaking dates, driving across the country by day and by night, In season and out of season, Mr. Sheldon does not show any 111 effects of his hard work; In fact, he looks as well as he did tho day lie began. "Have you rested up yet?" Inquired u friend from Beatrice of the new governor. "I haven't been tired yet," answered Mr. tiheldon. Since the election Governor Sheldon has been at his home in Nehawka just resting. "I have been going to bed at 9 o'clock and getting tip at he wild. Next Tuesday he will go to Mississippi to spend two weeks, ami during that time and before leaving he will not consider up .. polntments. but Is open to. receive applies- . tions. So far not a single office has leen ' promised. Mr. Sheldon said, so It Is still a t ree-f or-all raca. nvahlna; Work on Legls! atloa. It is now planned, and It Is said the plan lias the sanction of Oovernor-elect Shel don, to have introduced und passed by the legislature during the first fifteen days of the session all of the bills covering the points set out In the republican state piat form the anti-pass bill first,- with the J. emergency clause attached; a bill to make the freight rates In effect January 1, the maximum charges to be mado by the rail roads: a separate bill giving the Railway commission ubsolute power to reduce freight rntev, with the. emergency clause; for the taxation of railroad terminals for municipal purpose; the direct primary 'bill, und the other planks of the platform. It is thought down here by some of those who want to carry out the platform that tho bills will be prepared before tho legis lature meets and that they will be sub mitted to Mr. Sheldon. Itrqalattlon for .lames Perry. James Perry of Douglas county, wanted for the murder of Steve Seidllk, .is under arrest in Douglas. Wyo. Governor Mickey this morning issued a requisition for his return to Nebraska to stund trial. He. Is charged with murder In the tlrst degree. Abolition of the Cash (nnd. Recommendations will be made to thu Incoming stato boards to abolish tho cash funds kept at the various state Institu tions. This suggestion was mude by Sec retary of State Galusha and will be in corporated in his bl-ennlal report to the governor. 1 Other state officers agree with the suggestion that the cash fund is not conducive to economical administration of the stale institutions. One state officer iHid it wad notorious that claims which had I en turned down by tho state board 0U CAN'T EXPECT LONG LIFE AND PROSPERITY If you persist in drugging your body to cover up aches and ails. You feel bad then try to smother your feelings (nature's warnings) with tobacco, whiskey, or COFFEE-the most dangerous friends" one can mix with. They cajole and then KILT. RENEW YOUR LEASE ON LIFE Stop tho food and drink that does not nourisL. t Jo on (Irape.Xnts and cream and a simple diet. CJuit t offee and let old Mother Nature put you well again. f You can call in the help of a' powerful friend the food beverage, POSTUM "There's a Reason" lie elite 10 Had "Tin.' iioaj tuWvltvil!e,M in pkjjs. hud been paid out of the cash funds. Thl I practice. Ii wild, should be stopped, and nil the money eotytrg Into the state Instl- i tuilon should f ) Into the state treasury nd ! pnld out on warrants, for which th proper vouchors are tiled. The cush fund is not created by law, but Is peniiltt-d by the state board, and can be nb.illi.hcd by the boards. Members of the old hoeid are of the opinion It should be abolished. , Traction nmpanlea at 'W ar. The Lincoln Traction company and the ritliens' Btroet Railway company have been going through war today as to which has the right' to Jay tracks at Twenty first and M streets. Late this evening both companies were tied up with Injunctions nnd the streets were tied up with tracks placed on top of the ground by both com panies. All the city officers, thu officers of the two companies and a number of police nnd lots of workmen were on the ground nil day, but no blood was shed. The old traction company stole a march on tho new rntniniTiv and ' began to lay tracks out on N to cross Twenty-first, which would block the new company on Its trip to the cemetery. It happened the old company laid a track In front of Mark Woods' house, and this director of the new company couldn't stand ' for that, so he got busy with the courts, while the others were busy with tho rails. Then the new company got busy with rails and tho old company got busy with the courts, and thus the matter stands. The courts will have to decide, which Is entitled to the crossing. Johnson . Desires a Change. Superintendent Johnson of the Feeble Minded institute at Realties is in Lincoln today, and will, be an applicant for the position of superintendent of the Lincoln asylum, providing Superintendent Hay does not apply for the place. Some of the lut ter's friends say he would prefer to be the assistant physician rather than the super intendent. SEKK 8 TO RKBMV HIS CHIXDRF.X Father Hrliia-a Habeas f'orpne Pro ceedings, bnt Is I nanecesafnl. HASTINGS. Neb., Nov. l.-(Speeial Tele gram.) Stephen L. t'arr. colored, of Sheri dan, Wyo., went to Lincoln this afternoon to Institute habeas corpus proceedings for the recovery of his sons. Harry and Her bert, who are 8 and 7 years old. Tho chil dren were given Into the custody of tho Home for the Friendless at Lincoln a little more than a year ngo. . Carr then lived In Nebraska City. A few months after giv ing them to the home he asked to have them returned to him and was Informed that they had been given over to a family, the name, of which was kept a secret. Carr then began writing to sheriffs and mar shals all over Nebraska and finally he started off on a town-to-town search for them. He located them with a circus in Kenesaw, a few miles west of here, yes. terday ' morning. ' After' a' hearing on " a writ of habeas corpus County Judge Dun gan of Hastings ordered the children back Into the custody of the state home In Lin coln and they were taken there by Super intendent Johnston this morning. Carr is determined to repent the habeas corpus process in Lincoln, If Governor Mickey de clines to order the children given to him. Missouri ' Purine Improvements. ACBURN.. Neb.. Nov. Special. - Rumors of various kinds have been cur rent here concerning the Missouri Pa cific railroad.. It 1s said that arrange ments are being mado for the complete re building -of the roadbed between Atchison and Omaha.. It appears that an appropria tion of $1.50i.ono was asked for the improve ment of the western division and that the same was " granted. Tho a ppeal, backed as It was by a statement of conditions, was heeded and in consequence Mr. , Gould made a trip ever this division last wee!t Super intendent Jay , Russell, -with other officials, also made a trip over the road, stopping at this place over night. Auburn is highly elated over the bright prospects of the an ticipated Improvements, Hasband Gets llonsehool floods. FRKMONT, Neb., Nov. M. (Special.) In the district court today-the Jury in i the repttvln case of . Rudolph Blubun against Agues Bluhsn brought in a verdict giving ull the property taken on the writ except yji worth to the plaintiff. The parties were divorced thlt summer and the contest was oer the household furniture, which was worth about ll.ajo and ,was not men tioned l the decree, which gave the wife considerable alimony. Tho defense asserts that most of the goods were purchased with mom y given Blaban by his father-in-law and were for the family use. The cuae was hotl contented. Dog Attarka Wiiaui. KEARNSJY. Neb.. Nov. IK. (Special Tele gramsMrs. O. A. Anderson had a narrow excapn from death from the attacks of a vicious bulldog today. She went upstairs In the Hamer block on an errand and on passing the dog paused to admire its little family of puppies. Scarcely had she stopped when the dog landed on her breast and planted its teeth in her face. Mrs. Anderson was knocked down by the force of the onset and would have been torn to pieces had not the owner of the dog grasped ( " V.-' ' J If. .'--v . I . M V. fj , ,' , J tVw.. ,.'1, 'f fin ,r' fit!-'' ;L s pi i xj mi FURNISHING GOODS . to enliven that fall attire. Neckwear liich, luxurious silks on which EZ your finger love to fiuger Jvl Shirts "Why not get them to fit ours do it C Mi) from v tgrtg GB it by Hip collar and pulled It nIT. The wound wns directly over Mrs. Anderson's left lye. part of the eyelid and eyebrow belli;; torn away und the flesh on her fore h!Md luctiuted clear to the bone. Church t ornrratoae Laid. PLA1NVIEW,. Nb., Nw. 16. (Special.) The ceremony if la.vlnK the cornertone for the new ttl.OOu Methodist Kplncopnl church took plaws at 3 p. m. yesjerday. Rev. T. tMthell, T. D.. th presiding elder, was in chat'K of the service and khvc the prin cipal address. Short adlresses were de livered by the pastors of tho other churches of the place and the cornerstone was laid by the pastor. Rev. J. V. Tot. rialnvlew has grown to be. a strong Methodist point and their new church will lie one of th-; ' best In tho conference. rra of Nebraska. BKATRICK Samuel Davis, while ope. rating a leather punching machine In the Pempfter factory yesterday, had thu end of his little ringer taken off. BEKVEK The Iron work necessary for thd cct.ipletlon of the new Holmes building has arrived, and work will now be pushed In order to complete the building before winter seta In In earnest. AI-RION A game of basket ball was played laat night between the Cedar liai.idn High school team and a mTxtW t...m e-nm here. The game resulted In a core of -ii to 21 In favor of the visitors. ; ...fh - u ,h ' yes?enrdav afternoon YCoSn" eVrrt Th Lroom is an emnlove . ml Tallnhon d oanv it this ome Telephone company at this married y Judge bpa of the Hume pia. ., . . NEBRASKA CITY-Tho Burlington tax agent was in n cuv trio usual puriiMi ih.viiiiii vi i'umvj He paid $.!Ki.4 and left unpaid S4.0W i. Tho company owes for the last three year laim.st. HUMBOLDT Andrew J. Edwards, a civil war veteran of this city, who had been In failing health for some months, I died st his home In the north part of the city at a late hour last evening, at j the age of 71 years. : HUMBOLDT Henry Burrow, one of the I well known young farmers of this neign l horhnod. and a native of this state, was ' united tn marriage to Mrs. Cora Rue of Brock. Neb., tlie ceremony taKing place at Council Bluffs, whither tho parties went on a visit without tho knowledge of their ' lrlends. I BEATRICE Mrs. R. W. Laflln of Wy. I more, who is Interested In charily work. ' !Mtd the county poor farm today In company with Chairman Campbell of the ! county board and Inspected tn" conditions i at tne farm. The county board at Its ses : sloii yesterday allowed claims and dispostd I of routine business. BEATRICE Yesterday Coach Garrett re (Lived a letter from the mi nager of thu York fooi ball team accepting the chel- l. nge of the Beatrice eleven. The game will j 1 m tiafu ill una ' uj rimoj. -.- Ii and will be tor tho championship ot tiie tle tor high school tennis. I NEBRASKA CITir-Rurllngton surveyors 'have completed a survey of the Hue be tween tills cuy ana .-M'tiranKa t uy juiic tlon, Is. Thu road will be shortened on mile and the approach grade to the Mis souri river bridge will he reduced to twenty liel. The approach grade Is now forty-rive feet. Only light trains can now le pulled up the approach to tl.e bridge. HUMBOLDT Two important leal estate trHiisfnvs look place In this ilty this week, when the eighty-four ai re tract nf land ' 1 longii.g to J. H. Beery at the cast, ru . dg'- of the city, w hs sold to Colonel M. I I V. Hunting and J H. Morehca4 for a j 'consideration of $s SOU, and at the same j tune tlie 110-acr furm of Chailca E. ! Nun, tusi suuih of thu above, was sold 1 I io Heniy H. Kur r. a prominent tf!)0it. ! j horn breeder, for Ili.Uiu. ; BEEMEK Friday inorr.lut; at S o'cloi k I .fci her tionic. one mtlf unrth of town, oc- ' : i urn d tho d, ath of ilia. Millie Farrau. Mr j iui thf: oldit rt-.sub'ins ot Cuuu'i vojutv, : ,ii?vd S jeais. Hht: Is surie: ne' I aa.i.l.u ri jiiI 1j .r.-. all nuuinu. ill. . mi Our Garments Show What Head-and-iUnd Work e-A T -7 OUR CHESTERFIELD CLOTHES ARE GUARANTEED TO RETAIN THEIR SHAPE FOR 1 YEAR Your Own H interests should prompt you to visit this store before selecting a Suit or Overcoat. Our enormous business in crease of the last ten days (about 201) per cent over last year) proves to us that a big majority of Omaha men appreciate assortments as great as ours more than double that of any other store and this is further evidenced by the scores of men who, unable to find what they wanted elsewhere, hat! no trouble in selecting here just the clothes they had in mind. Suits and Overcoats 1:12 d All assortment of styles and fabrics not found elsewhere and of particular interest to men who want to be economical with their clothes money we absolutely guarantee that no matter what you pay, we give you the best garment your money will buy, either in Omaha or anywhere else. Suits up to $ Overcoats .The Smartest Clothes for Boys conceived in the tailor shops of the leaders of Hoys' Fashion Designs. They represent brilliant ex amples of the art of framing gracefulness with sturdy endurance. The Extreme Price Range Is From $1.75 to $10.00 they don't . Underwear Awful busy Just J ' just now won ;T derful how many nien know whore to get good unaer-gar-mcnts. Cottons, : UV Woolens, 75J MP I nlou Suits, ' , ipl to 35 Gloves This store Is . the capital o f glove dom, up from $1 hush.-iud. Thomas Ksrran. died about nve years ago. luaviug In his large estate some of the finest lands In Cuming county. BEATRICE Goodrich encampment No. V: Independent Order of Odd Kellows. met Ust night and elected these officers: Flunk T. McMahnn. chief patriarch; .. B. Gashaw, senior warden: l. C. Rambo, high priest; W. j. Pease, scribe; Addison Kelley, treasurer: TV. C Kaymun, John I. McGirr. A. A. Andersi.n, trustees. COLl"MHt"8 County Judge Ratternisn has lrued permits to wed to the following named parties: A. 1 Ulce to Miss Mary Ba.-kus. John KiMieniba to Appolonla Ko siha, Alois J. Vlek to Miss Olla K. Fuchs, 8. T. Ashley to Osta Ella Buitch, Michael ft house v to IlHnnah j. Harris. Lambert M. Heesacker to Agnes Ffrtfer. Frank Gilmore to Anna Mars, Iavld E. Lans burg to Em I lie J. Aspluwnll. For the last named couple Judge Itatterman tied the nuptltil knot. BEATRICE The Woman's Relief corps gave a dinner yesterday Ht (tost hull in the court house to the- Board of Super visors, the county oTflHals. memliers of the Grand Army of the Republic, and press of this city. The rooms were lwautlfully dec orated for the occasion, and after the din ner had been disposed of toasts were re sponded to by many present. Colonel W. S. Tllion acted as toastmaster. Mrs. I. R. Gould responded on behalf of the relief corps. More than 100 guests were In at tendance and enjoyed the hospitality of the corps to the fullest extent. TECCMSEH The attention of (Vmnty Attorney J. C Moore has been called to the peculiar case o( Fred iircn, a. man aged it years who comes from Eamonl. la, Mr. Brown Is temporarily mentally unbalanced. With a companion, he came to this section a few weeks ago for the Pf'-P"" of shucking corn, and worked r 'tZy Lipps'on Spring rrek. The county attorney has wired young Brown s tlher, who Is said to bo a wealthy farmer Lamonl. to come and get his son. 1 The companion claim that young Brown j owull a yj.n to.k,.d fMrm tn iowa himself. , Mff Hyg i,r0wn has been subject to tin Insane spells for some time, having ex perienced a sad love affair earlier in life. ALBION A man by the name of Clitr-enc- ivierson. who lives In the neiyliho,. hood of Boone, drove Into town yesterday, with a team showing that It hud my-n badly overdriven. Inquiry revealed the fact that Peterson hail been to Mt. Ed ward, and had exhausted the supply of fire water In that village and had driven from that place to Albion, a dlatance of twelve miles. In Ihtrly-ftve minutes, to get another drink. He was promptly ar rested by Marshal Waring and given lodging in the city Jail until today, when he was taken before Judgo Riley, and pleaded guilty to the charge of over driving his team. Ht was fined 111) aivl costs. The team is in bad condition, but ma y reco v r. ANY critical men, who dress tame- fact that our display of woolens r fleets the very cleverest conceptions known and that In no other stove dots equal style and tiuallty )r,eval!or Is so much excellent! obtuluablt at a nominal cot. Troasers 55 to $12, Suits $20 ! $50 i7AflLio2 WILUAM JERREMQ' CONC. 09-11 be. IjIU 5u CLEVER CLOTIISi aaaaaaaBBBBBaaaaaiaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaa I M CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN AND Ty Every one the quality product of some high-class tailoring establish aUO U ment with a name for which we don't have to apologize or explain rlin fliv nro Ever)- one made by tailors national reputatious who the "know how"' down to a Cut we call particular attention to those at $3.00 and $4.00 every good thing other stores show, tojift her - with hundreds YOUNG MEN'S Young men of taste and discernment are "custom" appearance of our suits. FROM OUR MAT DEPT. is doing a big business these days must be, Omaha men appreciate good hats. Stiff Hats, $1.50 and up Soft Hats, $1.00 and up Stetsons, $3.50 and up Winter Caps, 25c and up Y0UMANS, $5.00 ' REMARRIAGE OF. DIVORCEES rJtclaJitiaa IdcpUd by Siebop Warth iieton ud Episcopal Olerfjmeu. FATHER WILLIAMS AU1H0R OF ARTICLES Dean Beeeher aad Three Others Uerllae to (ilea Document. Taking; More Radical Maod Than 4 harcn I,aw Hrovldea. With the exception of fovir ministers, all the Episcopal clergy of the eastern part of the diocese of Nebraska, Including Blrhop YVorthlngton, who Is here from New Tor, have signed a declaration on the remar riage of divorced pei-son. which was drawn by Father John Williams of fit. Burnsbas' church, Omaha, and which was adopted by tho house of bishops by a vote of 34 to ;i. The four who declined to afflg tholr signatures to this document were Dean B-echer of Trinity cathedral. Rev. T. J. Mackay of All Bolnts'. Omaha; Rev. H. V. Burgess of Plattsmouth and Rev. K. C. Smith of Central City. Their reasons i wcro they did not care to go beyond the i law of the church. They considered that, ! law sufficient. If the church saw fit to ! revihe Its law, either making It mote con- i seivative or more radical, they would con-I i form to It. but they objected to signing this declaration. t Father Williams, in explaining the decla ration not to remarry persons guilty of the one siu, said he and his associates did not refuse to remarry the Innocent party to a case of divorce for adultery; they would agree to remarry him or her as the case may be. This position they took strictly on sciipturdl grounds as they understood tho command of God. Text vf the Declaration. Tho members of the Ministerial union have not yet agro"d on any decisive bisis for dealing with divorced persons. The ar ticles and their subscriber submitted by Father Williams are; Inasmuch as It Is commanded by our I leased Lord that It Is not lawful for a man to put away his wife to marry an other during her lifetime, except for the causa of foruicatlcn. anil Inasmuch as It Is doubtful whether the sin for which our Yxird gave permission to put away a wife was the sin of premarital unchastlty. for hich the law permitted a man to put nwav his wile, or the sin of adultery or postmailtal un hastily, for which under the law a wlte waa put to death, not simply put away, thus rendering wholly doubtful the lawfulness of the remarriage ot any person divorced for any caut-u arising after martlage; now, iheivfote. we. the under signed bishop and priests of the diocese of NebiasSa. do hT"by pledge ourselves not n Miletunlae the marrltign of any person! tho has n divorced wife or husliand living. If thu dlvn-e ha been obtained fir any ihUi-o arising after marriage. Geoige Wurthtngtvii. bishop of Nebraska.! Auliiii- I.. William, titsnop coadjutor. Wesley W. Uarr.e, Urtce ihunh, liar tingtou. Rnlert B. H. Bell. OxmI Shepherd, ' Omaha. I A. H. Brook. 81. I'eti r's. Ncligh. I E. G. B. Proa ne, fit. pnul t. Oni iha. j Hun t. i. handler. t. Miry. .enisisa I City . I Thomas J. Collar. Holy Trinity, rkhnyler. It K Digga. district misxhmary, ontift. Francis W. Eaann, llly Trinl'v. Llncoin. Arthur I.. Marsh. Ht. Mary's. Blair. ! W. H. Moor, general missionary, Omaha. I ' WlllUni A. Malllgaii. Christ hureh. Utr. I jalrlce. ! ' Georae W. Palmer. St. rHephen', Ash- ( l..i j. i V. V ii:. hi A;.j.e O'.-l.a I Can Do for Clothes BOYS. with H5 :10 to 50c ha science oa iniug 4 rf and SUITS particularly attracted by the. UP Cliester M. Smith. Trinity church. Crete. V S- P.'. Vr"l!". Trinity church, Norfolk. John Williams, St.. Bnrnabns-, Omaha. John A. Williams. Ht. rhlllp's. Umani. James Wise. 8i. Martin's. Hotith Omiiha. i. J. Wesctitt. Grace church. Columbus. Henry B. Smith. Pt. Lukes. Lincoln. LAWYER I'OSVIfTKD OK LARCEKV Jarj- May He Mold Nterr Uclonaina to Another. WIOUX CITY. la.. Nov. 10.-(Speclnl Tel egram.) O. C. Treadway. the oldest living member of the Sioux City bar. was con victed of grand larceny at Valentine. Neb., today. The penalty has not yet been fixed. Treadway has appealed the car" to the supreme court of Nebraska. Yle waa found guilty of offering lor sale at the Flo'jx City st.ick market a steer branded in his name bearing the brand of another ranch man. Treadway owns a much near Val entine, Neb. Check Too filow In Travels. TECCMSEH. Neb., Nov. l.-(flpe Ul.l In the case of Matt C. Joyce against Ben P. Miller and Minnie A. Miller, hi wife, on a Kink check, in the district court here, the Jury found for the defendants. Mr. Joyce is a ranchman, operating tn Idaho. In the. year lfr"; Miller, who la a horseman, went to his ranch and bargained for ?5o AgWafttfVarfVfraTatafWV Grea.iest Sale Ever Known in large Imported Vases For tomorrow we will soil otMj large vases in appear: anoe the exact duplicates of lfokewood. These are particu larly adapted for chrysanthemums and American Heauty ; roses, and cost to manufacture, $12.50. , j "We will also sell in our art department 1,(MM) vases of every description, bric-a-brac, Vienna and l?oyal "Worcester Art Novelties. This immense sale wo have placed 1 98 on five large bargain counters in the vest end j of our new store, choice, each Saturday Specials . . In Our New China. Section West Arcade New Store. Handsome cut glass tumblers with rich, brilliant cut stars, choice of 3 patterns, bel! shape, straight f A shape or fluted bottoms Saturday, at, each . ...IUC- hil uo Jarrtinicrt'i. ti, 7. aud M-lnh shapes, iipautifully glazed rich dark colors, at, When you are in the store ask 11.00 Bargain Tables. You will Hod some ot the best ba eSJWa i'v.A'-H'll W'ryiM' it This is the new French Back ' Overcoat which we were the first to show. i head of horses. One hundred and fifty of tho . animals . wcro shipped, Miller paying cash for them. Lnter, In August of tint came year. Miller returned to the ranch for his other 1(0 horses and. shipping the anl m ih-. gave Joyce a check tor them. , amounting to J1.274. on the Chamberlain I banking house of- Tecumnvh. Just ns he had dono previously. Before the check got to Its parent bunk the Institution had failed and it was not paid. Miller went through bankruptcy proceedings, . hence the lindlug of tho Jury ns statrd. In the case of Wil kin against Wllklns. on a note, the Jurv found for tho plalnlllT in the tim f Ji.oi, Robert Wllklns was sunl ' by his .wlf' Martha Wllklns. on a note for Xi.X'i Thu couple; reside In the northern part of Ih cout ty nnd this court refused them a di vorce at a previous sitting. I ulun Pacific Oder PartVaj. BEATRICE. Nob.. Nov. K-ifipeclgl Tel- j egram.) O. II. Swlngh-y of Omaha, auditor for the l.nlon Pnclt'.c, was In the clly today, and tendered P,'Q.i as part of til taxes duo Gage county from tho com pany to T-rasurer Barnard, which was re fused. The total amount for 15 Is J:i.5ti5.00. See, Sunday dinner bargnln No. lo, page li Eca Want Ads produce result. l Havllatid tc Co. CotT d Dibhog I Klchly dt't-orutod and worth up to $8.30 each Sat- )f I urday at . ,t0 to bee 'our. Cc.'lOc. I5c, B0 uud rahiK ever offered la Oiuuh (?JJ M '''' -a- - -at. . . . x