Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 15, Image 15

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Office, 10 Pearl St. Tel. 43.
Bonthweitiia Iowa Bocietf Vseti ii
Council Bluffs in Ptoember.
Vnnr Men Promlnril In tha GrawUc
and Ilaadliae Fralt nave Places
a the Prscrin, Wh lcl la
The thirty-first annual convention of the
fouthweste-n Iowa Horticultural society
will be held In Council Bluffs December B.
6 p.nd 7. Yhe pensions will be held in tlia
county court hour, local arrangements for
the meeting being In the hands of a com
mi'.te consisting of J. P. Hess, Alexander
"Wood, . f . Keeline and George Alllngh
niin. members of the Counoll Blurts Grape
Growers' Chipping association.
On the prrgram, which was received here
yesterday, are several Council Bluffs men,
among the number being Dr. A- P. Han-chr-tt,
Georg . Alllngham. J. A. Alabaugh,
O. G. Rice, J P. Hess, W. 8, Keeline, Al
exander Wood, J. R. Rice, Miss Minnie
Avery, Kenry Bperling. P.' Bigler. G. C.
Hnnmin, II. C Raymond and K. Kretch
iner. This Is Ilia program for the three days'
Finish placing exhibits.. . .
Directors' reports, by D. B. McCalla,
George H. Van lioulen, H. H. Young, J.
II. M. Jidwards. Jainea McGlnnls, N. C.
Treasurer's report, J. P. Jackson, Glen
wood. Secretary's report, W. M. Bomberger,
Appointment of committers.
President's address. F. i'. Spencer, Ran
dolph. Address, Hon. Wesley Green, secretary
of the Iowa State Horticultural society.
"Pure Food Daws and Their 'Relation to
Horticulture," II. R. Wright, state pure
(nod commissioner.
"Strawberries," R. D. McOeehon, Atlan
tic: Dr. Bender, Oakland.
"Gathering Grapes,'' Charles C. Colbert,
Address of welcome, Prof. O. 'J. Mo
Manus, Council Bluffs.
ReMponse, J. 11. M. Edwards, Council
Address, H. W. Colllngwood. New York
City, editor of Rural New Yorker.
"J'ote from Fremont County." Hon. O,
.r. Beohtell, Hamburg: Samuel Holmes,
"Ginger and Spice," J. A. Alabaugh,
Council 'Bluffs.
"Waiting fur Buyers or Looking Vp Mar
kets." Hon. George H. Van Houten, Icnox;
J. W. Murphy, Glenwood.
Discussions, "Frauds or the Real Thing
tTp-to-dat Flour, per sack.. 9 1.00
Gold Medal Flour, per sack.ff.OO
Winesap Apples, per bushel.. 75c
Jonathan Apples, per bushel.. 75c
Best Japan Rice, 4 -iounds . . . .25c
1J ma Beans, .4 pounds. .. J .25c
Early Ohio Potatoes, per bu..55c
Beets, per bushel ..50c
.Pumpkins and Squash, i tor '. '.25c
Florida Oranges, per dozen... 2ik
Nleo Bananas, per dozen. . . . 10c
Sack Salt, 10 sacks for 25c
Grandma's or Square Brand
Pancake Flour, 3 pkgs. . . . .&5c
Everything' Ouaranteed.
C. 0. D. Grocery
Bell Phone R1 815.
, Indojiendent Phone 63.
132 W. Hroadway
8. CHERNES, Prop.
In Vinegars Ciders. Putters, Jellies."
"Cherry Crop ond Talk on Varieties,"
Rev. t. G. Rite, Council Bl'iffs.
"General dile of Western Iowa A'pr'e
Crop Through tb Council Bluffs GrHpe
Growers' Aiwoclutlon," J. P. Hess, Coun
cil KlurTs; George Alllngham. Coimrii
HIltST 1 A 1 1 1 a r.,.1,.., f ,. nr 1 1 111,,'
r. H. beur, Missouri Valley ; F. I. S)wnc r.' I
Growing Apples anil ghoats. w. S. Kee
line. Connrll Bluffs.
"Mastering Circumstsnces snd Condi
tions," M. K. Zimmer, Woodbine.
"Business Topics," J. P. Hess, Council
"Vsrlcties of Fruits." W. T. Worth,
Woodbine; A. W. Pouts, Missouri Valley.
"CRre of Orchard," C. H. Detir, Missouri
"Spraying," O. W. Go,wens, Missouri Val
ley. "Ivete Spraying," A. W. Fouts, Missouri
"Talk on Practleal Forestry." Prof. It.
P. Baker, Ames.
"Orare Orowlna-." Alexander Woods. .
Council Bluffs; J. R. Rlee, Council Bluffs.
FXeetion of officers.
Discussion, "The Lnhor Proposition In
Orcharding Btid General Horticultural
Address, "Woman's Work and Interest
In It." Mls Minnie Averv. Council Bluffs.
"Small Fruits." Henry Spelling, Council I
Ruins: Pat Illgler. Council Bluffs; George
C. Hanson, Council Bluffs.
'Horticulture Conducive to Long Life,"
H. C. Raymond, Council Bluffs.
"Best Methods of Planting Raspberries
and Blackberries," 8. li. Peters. Glen-
"Bees snd Honey Products," E. Kretch
nier. Council Bluffs.
"The Growing of the Pench," E. B. Gny,
Grlswold; J. F.. Coleman. Farragtit.
"Shipping Apples Direct, h. C. Mincer,
Hnrnhurg, manager Taylor Fruit farm.
Directors' business session.
Premiums Offered.
First, second and third premiums for
fruit displays will be awarded at the meet
ing as follows:
Countv display, first, IT; second, J5;
third, ti-
Individual display of fruit, first, J5; sec
ond. SI.
Plate of five seedlings, first. Si; second, 11.
Special sweepstakes, commercial orchard
display of four plates each of Ben Davis,
Jonathan, Grimes' Golden and Winesap, $5.
Small cash prizes are also to be given
for he best displays of different varieties.
The following are the officers of the asso
ciation: President. F. P. Spencer, Randolph: vice
president. Alex Wood. Council Bluffs; sec
retary. W. M. Bomberger, Harlan; treas
urer, J. P. Jackson, Glenwood; directors,
D. B. McCnllu, Clarlnda; George H. Van
Houten, Ix?nnox; H. B. Young, Garden
Grove; J. H. M. Edwards, Logan; James
McGinnis, Griswold; N. C. Wragg, Waukee.
nltute was In confusion and th remains
of a candle ta);en from a candelabra
showed that the thieves had taken their
time in searching the place. Nothing of
x'alue, however, found to have been
OOOD THINGS -TO EAT Lettuce, rad
ishes, onions, wax beans, celery, grapes,
grape fruit, bananas, oranges, apples,
peaches, lemons, cocoanuts, dates, tigs,
nuts, maple sugar, maple syrup, sweet
cider, buckwheat, country sorghum, N. O.
Molasses, mincemeat, pancake flour, fresh,
salt and smoked meats, poultry, fish and
game. J. poller Mer. Co., 'phone 320, 100-102-106
You (A'i't make a mistake K you order
your coal of us. We have the best coal
that money can buy. Call up T2. Both
'phones. Council Bluffs Coal and Ice Co.
CENTRAL FLOFR 11.15. Every sack
warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar
ket. Both 'phones 24.
Robbers Visit lssrr stud Doctor.
While he peacefully slumbered, as a man
with an easy conscience does, a burglar
ransacked the apartments of Attorney
George 8. Wright at the family home on
South Sixtto street. .Although large spots
or candle grease over the carpets of the
suite of three rooms showed that the bur
glar was provided with a light, Mr. Wright
was unconscious of the Intruder's presence
until he awoke yesterday and discovered
that his costly gold watch and f!5 in cash
were missing. Big daubs of candle
on the coverlid of Mr. Wrirrht's bed Indi
cated that the burglar must have looked
long and admiringly at the features of the
generally conceded handsomest member of
the Pottawattamie county bar. As nil of
the doors and windows were locked it Is
presumed the thief secured entrance by a
skeleton key'.
When Dr. Homhnch returned at 5 o'clock
yesterday morning to his residence on First
avenuet after visiting a patient with whom
he had been since midnight, he noticed two
men run towards the alley. Entering the
house he discovered that the lower floor
had been ransacked by thieves The fur-
20 pounds Cane Sugar. . . . .f 1.00
Extrs. Fancy Jonathan Apples.
per peck , . . 20c,
Extra Fancy Missouri Plpplna
or Ben Davis Apples,, per bu.50c
Extra Flea Early Ohio Pota
toes, per bu fi3c
1 0-pound sack Old Fashioned
Pure Buckwheat Flour ....40c
A cans Atlantic Corn .25o
3 cans String Wax Beans. , , . .25c
20c Salmon, 2 cans for 25c
2 20c cans Egg Pluuis for. . . .25c
2 20c cans Oreen Gauge
Plums for 25o
25c can Peacheb 15c
60c bottle Maple Syrup for. . .25c
4 lbs. Lima Beans for 25c
6 lbs. Picked S'avy Beans.... 2.V
41bs. best Japan' Ktce. ...... .25c
3 lbs. fine Prunes 25c
8 lbs. new Mincemeat. .- 25c
Extra largo Oranges, per doz.25c
Extra large Bananas, per doz.!5c
Extra tine Onions, per peck.. 15c
25c bottle Chow Chow for... 15c
If you want fancy country butter, just call up 108 and tell
them to brin 6orue. "We always have the goods and the
price is right, .2 jwunds .45
ITmns. vtrnf fine, ner ll 1 fil
-' . I - - ----vA-y
U . MYndow Gold or Gold Medal Flour, per sack $1.00
h la' i 0t list i "if1 1 aHTaTirTsiTaSTiSrT SfMsMsTSuuiSt V- y-
I Iihvc a nh e,
shabby stuff. I
everything I b
want the best.
about the good
then they come
I g-t trade. I
If you want ar.
O. Mnut'ie, 128
clean stock of Jewelry. No
make careful selection In
uy because my customer!"
They tell their neighbors
v.'ilues that they get here,
and buy. That Is the way
want you to try my store
ythlng In the jewelry line
West Broadway.
Bear In mind that Hafer Is loading cars
with lumber constantly for the farmer and
stockman. That Is the best evidence that
ho makes the lowest prices.
Doth Phones 161
i mmw
101 E. Broadway
Free Free Free
Buy a Broom and get a
Sack of Flour Free
With every Dollar's worth of goods bought
you get one-half dozen Tumblers
Fine Home Grown Sweet Potatoes 30 Cents
per Peck
Over Tvro Thonnand Dollars Seen red
ny the Bobbers,
Cracksmen blew the vault and safe In
the Citizens' bank of Henderson, a small
town In the northeastern corner of Mills
county, at an early hour Friday morning;,
securing about $2,201).
Nitroglycerine was used to blow the sofe,
which was badly wrecked, and Indication'
are that at least two charges Were used.
Some silver dollars, badly bent by the
force of the explosion, were found scattered
about the floor In the wreckage of the
vault and safe. Packs of timothy seed
stored In the basement of the building
were used by the robbers to deaden the
sound of the exploxton.
The cracksmen did their work without
attracting attention and the robbery was
not discovered until Homer Sickle, cashier
of the bank, opened up for the day's busi
ness. The robbers stola a buggy and
horse belonging to a physician of Hen
derson and drove to Hastings, where they
abandoned the rig, and are supposed to
have boarded a freight. Whether they
went west or east, however, is not known.
ns freights pasced Hastings going both
ways early in the morning.
The money secured by the cracksmen
consisted of $1,300 In currency, $500 In $20
gold pieces and about $Jti0 In silver.
Sheriff Morgan of Mills county was In
Council Bluffs yesterday afternoon enlist
ing the services of Sheriff Canning and his
force of deputies. Sheriff Morgan is of
the opinion that the Job was done by the
same gang which blew the Mortensen
saloon. Shugart ft Ouren company's and
Frank Teterson safes in this! city about
a month or so ago. The work of the
cracksmen, especially In placing sacks of
seed to deaden the noise of the explosion,
was similar to that here. Sheriff Morgan
seemed to think that the gang made Its
headquarters In Omaha and Worked out
from there.
Mr. Hughrs waji accompanied home by
Hon. Jerry Sullivan, who was the demo,
eratlc candidate for governor In W!. Mr.
Sullivan nttend'-d the mcctlrur In Des
Moines with ft proxy from one of the ab
sent members and voted for Cato Sells.
Don't buy a Hot Blast until ;ou see ours.
It Is the latest Improved H"t Blast on
the markel ; top door; side door and ash
pan; consumes its own gases and sniok";
holds fire forty-eight hours; air tight Joints.
The most convenient Hot Blat made.
Burns anything. 412 to $16. See It In our
window. P. W. Keller, 103 South Main.
We sew new soles on your shoes for 75c.
Sargent's family shoe store.
N. Y. numbing Co. Tel. 250. Night, 93.
To get a nice, even Joint In framing a pic
ture Is an art. We understand how to do
that. Bring In your picture snd we will
chow you how neat we can frame, it. If
you haven't got a picture, come In and se
lect one from our large sample line and w
will frame it up In first class style. Prices
always reasonable. Council Bluffs Paint,
Oil and Glass company. Merijam block.
Combination gas and electric chandeliers
and the celebrated Welsbach Incandescent
gas burners. Why not see us before you
buy. We can certainly please you on price
and quality of goods. Shephan Bros., R29
West Broadway. ...
Ileal K.e Transfers.
These transfers were reported to Tho Bee
November Itl by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
Margaret Drnke to w! J. and L. M.
Marisen, south 1R feet of lot 2, In
block lfi. in Walnut. Ia w. d $1.8"0
Thomas K. HufT and wife to L. P.
Iursen. part of lot 6, In I'asady's
subdivision of'lf't f2. In original plat
of Council Bluffs, In. w. d l.oun
Gerald A. Damon to John A. Williams,
lot 5, In Damon's first addition to
Council Bluffs. Ia w. d 010
Matilda R. Pleree to F. W. Bokemper.
lot 8. In block 2ft. In Central subdi
vision in Council Bluffs, la. w. d... f")
Florence F. Everest and husband to
Paul I. Van Order, lots 10 and 11, in
block 30, In Central subdivision in
Council Bluffs, Ia. w. d '.. 350
Frnest E. Hart and wife to Oirrie M.
Troop, lots 1 and IT, In block 25. In
(Vffitral subdivision in Council Bluffs.
Ia. w. d 200
Frsnk B. Alexander to William H. and
Hannah A. Baker, lots 30 mid 31, In
block 3, In Twin City Place addition
to Council Bluffs, l. w. d 1:30
Heirs of Ruth K. Hart to F J. Dny,
lots 9 and 10, In block 1. In Morning
side addition to Council Bluffs, In.
w. d ion
H. G. McGee and wife to Nels Nelson,
lots 4. 5. 23 and 21, In block . In .
Railroad addition to Council Bluffs,
la. w. d
Nine transfers; total... ....$I,HS
day while sliding down the pole St the en
gine house.
On the application of Mrs. Hannah I-ey-than.
Thomas Mackland was yesterday ap
pointed by Judge Oreon temporary guardian
fnr her mother. K.llr.aboth Mackland. Tlie
bond was placed at $l.t.niX '
Special sale on home made can'llrs. inc
a Thli ty-five-dollar diamond ring free.
Com In a id vote, one vote with every
cent s worth of candv purchased. O. C.
Brown, Purity Candy Kitchen, M W. Bdwy.
Rev. Henry Deling performed the niar
rtnEr ceremony yesterday for Hugh T. I'Ht
tcrson end Mary Sencer, Nab of Unlon
xille. Mo., and Clnrence H. Garrett of
Chicago and Etta Kemmerllng of Weston,
' Just received, s larae Shipment of self
biistlng S. ivory roasters, which we are go
ing to make a leader of; $1 60 roaster tor
I. One week only, retr.emher. See our
windows for ether bargains. Petersen
Schoenlruj Co.
Hon. W. I. Smith, Colonel C. G. Saunders
and '. M. Uarl will leave Sunday for I-n-ver
to take, depositions for the defense In
the suit hrounht by IVittawattamle county
against the Portland Gold Mining company
and Its stockholders to collect taxes. Mr,
llarl appears for the county In the suit
Can you afford to throw away that last
winter's suit when you can have It cleaned
to perfection. Give us a trial on those
fancy waists and dresses. We can make
them nice and new. We dye and clean
everything, t'ouncll Bluffs Cleaning com
pany and Rug Factory, 34 North Main St.
Tel. Bill.
NAVY BEANS There are all kinds. W
have this year's crop. Several of our cus
tomers have told us that they bake fine.
Five cents per pound. If you want some
thing fine In canned baked beans we have
w hat they yall red kidney beans. They are
extra. Hue;' loc per can. We would like to
mention something aliout our bacon. We
have had lots of compliments sIhuh It; ITc
per lb. We do not give any prises with our
collets. We self them on their merits. For
the past six years Paxton ft Gallagher have
given us a blend that has alwavs won us
friends; 35c per lb. We have another good
mixture at 2ic. Barter ft Miller.
Yon Mnst Look
At our superb stock of wall and celling
decorative pnpers If you have the slight
est notion of kceplnjMn touch with the
latest and best interior decorations. This
Is a model store in that line and you miss
much if you keep away from here. Jen
sen ft Nicholson, 238 West Broadway.
See Stephan Bros, for the latest and best
Inverted burners. 6 West Broadway.
Pyrography outfits and supplies. C. E.
Alexander, 333 Broadwar.
Illinois Coal.
We've got the Inside price on all Illinois
coal. Come dawn and figure with us for
your winter's supply. Both 'phones 183.
j Brldensteln St. Smith, 14th Ave and 6th St.
I Slander Case at Sidney.
I SIDNEY, Ia.. Nov. H.-(8peclal.)-The
most sensational case of the present term
, of court was the slander case of Mrs. Lena
Hayes against Manny Smith, cashier of
the PJvertonbonk. Both parties are well
known In, Rlverton, where they have lived
! for many years, and a large pnrt of the
population of that town was over as wit
nesses. Mrs. Hayes charged Smith with
having made remarks derogatory to her
character and good name and the latter
denied tlie charge. The trial oonsumed two
; days. After being out nearly twenty-four
jiours the Jury failed to agree and was dis
charged by Judge Macy over the long dis
tance telephone, be having adjourned court
and gone to Council Bluffs. It Is Under
stood that tha Jury stood 8 to 4 in favor
of the defendant.
Faenlty Falls to See Joke.
A number of high school students, !n
carrying part of their Initiation Into the
Omega Eta Tau fraternity, appeared In
school yesterday morning clad in jumper,
overalls and red bandana handkerchiefs
tied around their necks. The faculty old
not aprear. however, to appreciate the
Joke In the spirit that the boys did, and
Principal Thomas ordered them to leave
their classroom and later suspended them
until Monday.
A few days ago a number of the girl
students appeared at school with their
hair platted In two braids down the back
and wearing kitchen aprons. The faculty
did not raise any particular objection to
the simple method of doing the hair, but
compelled tha girls to doflf their aprons.
A. MrliKsr A Co.
New Location of Wholesale Bakery,
516 Mynster Street, Council Bluffs, In,
Home-made Bread a Specialty.
Visitors Welcome.
600 Ferns.
Including a Jardiniere for 45 cents each,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday. If you
want one, better order at once. J. F. Wilcox.
Advertisement for Brldsre Bids.
After deliberating over tho matter for
a couple of days the Board of Supervisors
decided yesterday to advertise for bids
for the county bridge work for the year
beginning April 1, 1907. The county audi
tor was Instructed to advertise and bids
must be In his hands by 9 o'clock on the
morning of Wednesday, November 11.
Some changes are to bo made In the
specifications for bridge construction.
The registrars who served at the recent
election will be disappointed to learn that
the board decided they could not be paid
over $2.50 a day and 'allowing them six
days in the city precincts with the ex
ception of the Second precinct of. tho
Sixth ward, which is on the west side of
the Missouri river, they will recelvo but
$15 as against $25 two years ago.' The
registrars at Cut-OIT will receive pay for
four days, which will be $10.
The quarterly report of County Auditor
Buird showed that during the months of
July, August and September 1,442 in
struments had been filed, on which tho
fees amounted to $9112.10,
Finest Line of Pianos , .
Front which to make a selection. In the
purchase of a piano a person should use
unusual care. The name on a piano counts
a great deal. Our stock includes five of
tho leading makes, Conover, Cable, Schu
bert, Kingsbury and Wellington. Every one
strictly high grade Instruments. We offer
no premiums or commission, every ad
vantage Is given the buyer. Anyone can
purchase a piano now on our easy payment
plan. Come in and let us show you. Pianos
tuned, repaired and stored. Swanson Mu
sic company, 407 West Broadway.
A fine lot of m;w talkmg machine records
at Bourlclus' Piano House, 36 Broadway,
where the organ stands upon the building.
Get one of our machines and make the
long winter evenings pleasant and happy.
HOO Set of C ooking I tenslls Free.
We will give free the rest of this week a
set of $S cooking utenalls with esch Ma
jestic range sold. This is thbest range In
the market today. Prospective purchasers
should take immediate advantage of this
offer. P. C. De Vol Hardware Co.
Stop and take a ioox ki our window and
sec the famous Quick Meal range and tha
Red Cross base burners they will save
you fuel and make your home happy.
$36-33$ Broadway.
. Davis, drugs
I Clark's, sodas
I Stockert sells carpets,
Ftne; engravings at Ltffert's.
E.l Rogers' Tony Faust beer.
Get thos- new photos at Schmidt's.
Plumbing and heating, Blxby & Son.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phono S97.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. SS.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Cherry,
127 South Eighth street, yestorday morning,
a son. ,
Secretary Brooks Reed of the Commer
cial club Is In St. Louis attending the deep
waterways convention.
If your shoes need repairing bring them
to us. V fix them while you wait, tiar
gtnt's family shoe store.
. A beautiful and ornamental gas burner,
the Welsbach chick lamp, complete, $1.25,
Stephan Bros., 52!) W. Broadway.
WANTED A man to wor eicu. nouse
and barn. Apply at office or' Ix-onard
Everett, 18 Pearl St., Council Bluffs.
' Let Hicks n.ake a nobby overcout for
you. He flls It Just right. Let him make
your winter suit. He guarantees to please
Only one new case of diphtheria was re
ported to the Hotu'd of liealth yesterday,
the putient being Walter Key, Hob Fifth
THE ci t y
Mrs. John T. Henderson, who underwent
a critical operation at tho General hospital
Tuesday, was reported yesterday to be
doing nicely.
The district court grand Jury Is expected
to complete. Its oelibemtlona this morning
and make its report. X big batch of In
dictments is looked for.
j I pay $12 per ton for cast Iron; mixed,
t $1"; stove, $J; rugs, Bc per lb; rubber,
c; copper. He pur lb. J. Katelman, iu2
Main, buth 'phonm tico.
.south main street, tel. 2a.
You can enrol) any day or evening at
Western Iowa college. Students are as
sisted to positions. Send for catalogue.
'Phone for information. Both 'phones.
High grade granite work, from the best
B irre imported granites, lettering, carving,
and tracing. Fine monumental work a
specialty. Shceley & Lane, ill East Broad
way. Charles Sanderson, the veteran fireman
of No. S engine house, Is lnid up for re
pairs as the result of a fall received Thurs-
lovva ws Kotea.
CEDAR FALL8 Three persons were
nearly overcome with coal gas this morning
and were with difficulty resuscitated. They
wero David Bugg and wife from Des
Moines, who are visiting here, and Mr.
Bagg's mother, who is a resident of this
AVATERLOO The Blnckhawk Bar asso
elation tonight tendered Judge A. 8. Bialr
of Slanchester a farewell banquet in this
city. C. E. Pickett presided. Judge Blnlr
retires January 1 from the bench, after
twelve years' service, because of failing
eyesight. He is greatly beloved and re
spected. CEDAR FALLS Mr. and Mrs. Chris
Juhl of this city this evening celebrated
their golden wedding anniversary In the
Odd Fellows' temple, where over 300 of
their friends and countrymen were ban
queted. At 5 o'clock there was a church
service, and tbVn the large company went
to the hall to complete tho festivities.
Bishop O'Gortnan Present at Services
at Mitchell.
MITCHELL, 8. D.. Nov. l.-(Special
Telegram.) Last night St. Joseph's hos
pital. Just completed, was dedicated and
presented to Mother M. Joseph, under
whose direction it was built. A vast au
dience attended the exercises in the city
hall. An address was delivered by Mayor
Branson. The building was presented by
H. C. Preston, chairman of the commer
cial committee, and was accepted on be
half of Mother Joseph and the presentation
sisters by Bishop Thomas O'Gorman,
whose address was characterlted by show
ing an extreme. friendly teellng for
Mitchell. Dr. Thomas Nicholson of tho
university spoke , In behalf of the educational-Institution
and Dr. Van Buren Knott
of Sioux City delivered an address In be
half of the physicians. Twelve rooms in
tho hospital were furnished by citizens
and societies of the city.
The structure represents an investment
of $30,ft0. It occupies a block of ground
In the eastern part of the city. It is four
stories high and Is equipped in the most
thorough manner. The hospital was opened
to the public today. . - .
Blar Reclamation Project.
SHOSHONI, Wyo.. Nov. 1 (Special.)
A company composed of officials of the
Northwestern railway and local business
men has been organised, to reclaim a
tract of 50,000 acres of fertile land In
this locality. Engineers ara now making
the surveys. Water will be taken from
Wind river at the mouth of Littla Wind
river, so that the water rights will In
no manner Interfere with those of the
Wyoming Central Irrigation company,
which proposes to reclaim the lands of
the Shoshone Indian reservation. The
main canal will be thlrty-flve miles long.
It is proposed to water tha land not
later than September of next year. Tho
land will be worth In excess of $50 per
acre as soon as water Is turned on. and
the promoters claim they will sell every
foot of it within a few days after water
Is turned Into the canals.
Wreck Near Boston.
BOSTON, Nov. 16. False Spit, a sunken
ledge near Boston light, caused the wreck
of the schooner Mary E. Newton last ivight,
the crew of the schooner saving their lives
onlv by lushing themselves to the mast
stumps until help arrived after daylight.
Bat Awgj from Inrited Gar-iti ,ia Cmabt
and W id is Psi Moiiss.
Bryan Thnaaht to Have Played a Part
In F.anoraement of Jndae Wade
for Member of the atlonat
fFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Nov. IS (Speclnl.) With
the Invitations out and the minister en
gaged to perform the marriage ceremony,
John R Davis and Miss Clnra M. Sutb y cf
Omaha ran off and were married In Des
Moines today. That Is the story they told
to Justice of the Peace Zell G. Roe today
when they asked him to erform the cere
mony. "We Just couldn't stnnd for all our
friends looking on while we stood bofore a
minister and appeared foolish, so we Just
gave the wedding party s slip and came
here to be married alone,'' they explained
to Justice Roe. They wanted to be taken
Into the court's private office and married
without witnesses. Duvls told the Justice
that tho minister had been engaged to per
form the ceremony, the Invitations sent out
and all arrangements made for a big mar
riage ceremony and grand reception follow
ing, when the young couplo got stage
fright. The result was the performance of
the ceremony In this city today, with nmie
but strangers to witness the ceremony.
'Wants a Better Derision.
Ben I. Salllnger, attorney for Leon Loser,
the Pottawattamie county fool racer, In
dicted and convicted for swindling, was tint
satisfied with a decision of tho supreme
court In favor of his client, reversing tho
case, and today argued for a rehearing of
the case. He wonts the court to hear the
ca'se again and discharge his client from
liability for further trial.
Rlppey People Complain.
A delegation of Rlppey citizens Is in Des
Moines today to complain Into the railroad
commission of rates on the Minneapolis A.
St. Louis. The railroad made a cut rate
from Perry to Dps Moines, to meet the
Interurban rate, and failed to reduce rates
proportionately over its lines as required
by law.
Hesitates Over Mother's Prayers.
Judge James A. Howe of the district court
of Polk county Is debating between official
duty and a mother's prayers. Bert A.
Morlat was arrested on a charge of rob
bing a number of Des Moines stores. His
mother, at Reed City, Mich., has written
to the Judge praying for the release of the
boy, who Is but 19 years old, and promises
to pray for both the Judge and the boy If
tlie boy is but released,
Mast ain tha Banks.
State Auditor B. F. Carroll has Issued the
call for a statement from the state banks
showing the condition of the banks on No
vember 3. Tlie call also calls attention of
the bankers to the provision of the code
and the Interpretation of Attorney General
Mullen, which requires that a bank must
give not only the name but address of e&ch
bank with which It has deposits. The hanks
have been lax in this heretofore and re
ported only the city In which deposits were
No Trust Case Here,
Lfcwis Miles, United States attorney for
southern Iowa, who is in Des Moines to
day to provide for the criminal work of
the term which will open Tuesday, said
today that the evidence In the alleged
Coal trust case at Creston will not be
considered by the grand Jury here for the
reason that the law which makes the
Creston district provides that all cases
arising In the district shall be considered
at Creston. He further explained that the
fact that there axe no large railroad
terminals or general offices of railroads
in Iowa Is tha reason why there will be
no Investigation of rallritad discriminations
and grain trust manipulations in Iowa.
Prohibitionists Slighted.
Prohibition politicians of Iowa have
complained to their national chairman that
they are being discriminated against In
Iowa. They point out that officials send
In the returns of the two main parties
and throw the prohibitionists aside. The
national committees' report shows the fig
ures for the gains In other states than
Iowa and for Iowa nothing, because there
has been no count of the ballots and the
figures will not be known . till the official
count in January by the legislature. Iowa
prohibitionists think they are of enough
Importance to be counted along with tho
What Was Bryan's Tartf
It leaked out here today that a Grand
Army W the Republic member, while on
his way to Council Bluffs to attend the
meeting of the Army of the Tennessee,
met C. W. Miller, chairman of the demo
cratic state oommittee, and General James
B. Weaver, on their way to Lincoln, Neb.,
to see William J. Bryan. This was a few
days N fore the mrMing cf the !"nte roi.i
mlltrc here to mukc a ic,.iniiri-ntiHiM '
Ihe n iilou il i li tccvlilp. The .nest!"
is now tsliv nskeil. What wis the pnr
Bryan took In I lie n Hon of lh commit
tee here of yesterday In recoinmendlni
Judge M. J Wud of Iowa City. Hon
Cato Fells clilms to have the Indorsemeu
of Mr. Bryan, Claude R. Porter, late dem
ocratli' candlil.ite fur governor; John C
D'nnl.soii, late candidal.- for lleutensn
governor; Jerry B. Sullivan anil othe
prominent democrats, ami Nilevcs tint,
he will be named by the national commit
tee In the face nf ihe recommendation o
the state committee yesterday by a dtvld'M
Slate Fair Land lloaght.
feven acres nf land Isiwccn the ststi
fair grounds and the Bock Inland tracks
which the stale fair directors wanted f v
ft swine pavlliim and stock barns, har
been purehflel by n committee nf Dei
Moines cltlxcns, of which F. M. Hubbcl
Is tho he-id and tlie land will be held bj
them till next January, when the legisln
lure will be given an opportunity to buj
It for the state fair at the same prict
at which It was purchased. The director!
of thv state fair had arranged to tradi
thirty-nine acres up on the bluff back n
the state fair grounds for Ihe seven aciei
of more valuable and avcesslble land, but
Des Moines people opposed It and tin
acres without parting with the thirty-
State Fair board was glad to get the sevef
Winter visitors- 1cr. i:il Cicar
On Saturdays snd Sundays riurisg tSt
Winter the Chicago Great Western rallwsf
will sell tickets to points In Iowa at hall
tariff rates. The ratea also apply In opp'
site direction, enabling your friends to re
turn your visit. Ask J. A. Ellis, General
Agent, 151$ Farnam St., tor Information.
Man Who Killed Companion for Few
Cents Mnst ferre for
MITCH ELL, S. D.. Nov. li.-iSpectal
Telegram.) Howard Edward Yey was on
trial yesterday afternoon In -circuit court
for thf murder of James Burke lost July.
The deed was caused by quarrel over a
few cents In gambling among hoboes. Vey
was convicted on the testimony of a wit
ness and further by a confession, of th
crime made to State's Attorney Spangler
and Sheriff Cook last August. Tho Jury
brought In a verdict this morning of guilty
of murder and fixed the punishment at im
prisonment for life. Williams, a partner of
Vey, will be tried today on the same
Albany County Quarantine.
CHEYENNE. Wyo., Nov. 16. (Special.)
The State Board of Sheep commission
ers held an important meeting here and
passed an order placing Albany county
In quarantine until June 1, 190". A gen
eral outbreak occurred In Albany county
a few weeks ago and several bands were
exposed to scabies. If no further out
breaks occur between now and June 1, it
will not be necessary to dlt sheep In
Albany county. In case of outbreaks
each band wllb bo isolafcd and treated
promptly. The board also took the pre
liminary steps' looking to the Inaugura
tion of a number of suits against sheep
men who have violated the state Import
and quarantine laws. The first suits will
probably be brought In Sheridan county,
where no les than fifteen shippers hava
violated section 2091, R, S., Wyoming,
1S89. ! .
128 W. Broadway
Both' Phones 65
Specials for Saturday
CHICKENS, per lb...
per lb
STEAK, per lb
per lb
BEEF per lb w
ING BEEF, per lb
SAUSAGE, per lb
Boat Torgst, any aad all
Tloasts, Bo to 60.
Hons otst Bo, rag-alar pries
psr pound.
. . lOc
SMf Pot
80 tO 100
Marriage Ureases
Licenses to wed were issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence. Aire
Hugh T. Patterson, I "nionville, Mo II
Mary Hoencer, Unionville. Mo..., 3"
Clarence H. Garrett. Chicago 2'
Etta Ktmerllng. Weston, Neb 24
Thankscl vtnv Sale
On all our high grade dining room furniture
20 to V) per cent discount on our entire line
of buffets, sideboards, china cabinets, din
ing tables and (hairs from now till Thanks
giving. Keller-FarnsWorth Furntturt Co.
For Imported wines and liquors and Bud
welser beer, go to L. Ronenftld. wholesale
liquor dealer, 619 South Main street.
Hnvhes Favored Purler.
J. J. Hughes, member ot the democratic
stats committee from the Ninth district,
arrived boms vestesdnv mornlnr from De
j Moines, where the committee decided to
recommend the appointment of M J. Wad
as the Iowa member ot the nstlonai com
mittes. Mr. Hughes had planned suggi st
ing the naming of Claude R. Portsr, the
defeated democratic candidate for governor.
I but w hen he reached Des Moines he found
that ail of tla support rs of Mrch or
t M aterluo had pledged themselves tu Wad.
Orvis Market and Grocery
New York Sweet Cider, per gallon 35
Orvis" best Flour,
per Back ...... .
C hetsse,
per lb
per doi
Soda and Oy6ter Crackers,
per lb
Uurkwhfat Flour,
per lb
pur lb
per qt
per perk
Round Steak,
per lb , . .
Loin Bteak,
per lb ... ,
Porterhouse Steak,
per lb
Pork Sausage, link or
bulk, 2 lbs
Fresh Dressed
Chickens, per lb
Pot Roast.
per lb
Roiling Beef,
per lb,
New Leader Grocery
Any Patent Flour,
per sack
Best Cane Sugar,
3) pounds
Oood Butter,
per pound ,
Large Blse Prunes,
per pound
per pound
Solid Backed Corn,
per can
Rest Peas.
four cans
i-pound cans Baked Beans,
Best String Beans,
per can
B-t Hnme-Made Jelly,
glass or iar
Catsup, TiC
per bottle S "
Horse Radish, TlC
per bottle J
Boda and Oyster Crackers, RQ
per pound.
Alaska Salmon,
per can ,
Tea Dust,
per package
Bait Pork,
per pound
three pounds. .. N . ........
Any Pancake Flour, .
per package
Anchor Parlor Matches,
per case...,
Black Ground Pepper,
per pound
Fine Mackerel,
two for
Three-pound Cans
Bartlett peara. each...
Bulk Mincemeat,
per uound
laundry Poap,
10 bars for
Malt it Vita, F.Kg-OP"e
and Zest, per package.
Good Bananas,
per dozen
... QC
I Writ
1 .i
WE -CURE' $"77
Us and Ws Will Explain Everything About Vour Condition.
By the C!J Reliable Dr. Searles & Searles
Established In Omaha for 1 1 years. Tbs many thou
sands of cases cured by us mukes us ths moat
perienced bpecialUtft In ths Went, In all diseasas SO
ailments of ntro. Ws know um what will curs you ana
curs quickly. '
We Cure You. Then You Pay Us Cur Ff;. .
Ws make no mltidlng or false statements. .liitef t,f
you cheap, worlhleas treatment. Our repv Commerc
liams ara too favorably knawn, every ta
our reputation Is at stake. Y our health, rfera , witli
nes is too serious a matter to place in W of profile
"NAUEl-EKW" IMJCTOK. Honenl doctsvu tha .&,.
us their OWN NAME IN T1IKIK W , means
can Kw.t for everyone a life-long CUI-"""1" possiidu
4 . ' ,1: BVAa eitrninatlon snd consultation. V ,
"ii. r symptom Blank for hums trafttm! railroad has
, fV HI1QW Wli.ll
& Serlcs. 119 S. 14th. Ccr. 14th & Coug.Sts., "
I d must b a.
1 Cr. Searles