Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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Fhe Omaha Daily Bee.
Po$zs 1 to B.
A Papp for the Hem
tt. West
terser j.rre 01 ijiotr.y rromuia
k, tecated Psoplo in Euwii.
""-vav F-u via. - J "
w1' Cnrr.trf -on is a FailnrB.
Paoireroui Element Able to L.e Felt
Ctir th Golden Iritis.
len Vba An Hirr ('not Its
riprcri to I KilrrtttRil lh
Benefits and Obligations
of Citizenship.
ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. lti.-ITfinler
iStolypiu'e organ, tli's Rossiu, today; pub
lished a long article apparently inland' J
M prepare tin; way Tor the prumulsntinn
of the reforms In the condition of tho Jews
as outlined In thrift- dispatches November
13. The iuifi- stated Hint with the view of
si laying the nntlelpnted st'inn nf procft
on the part of the reactionists, the projected
Jowlh reforms will nut give tho .Jew full
'quality, nor permission for them to spread
1'n uiikIi tho country and acquire the lands
tf the pcarants. but th'-y'Wlll have the
r I (.-!' to live everywhere Inside the pale
in tho country as veil aa In the- cities.
The t slilctlona imposed on Jewish mer
chants. Bint artisans will be revised. In
cluding granting- them permission to dwell
outside, tho )wle. The article reviews the
Jewish problem since it was acquired, with
Poland, 130 years ago. It declares thnt the
forcible concentration within the iale of
6.000.0)0 Jews, or 1V4 per cent of the popu
lation, lias proved a failure and has not
prevented the most dangerous elements,
the Jewish Intelllgencla and plutocracy.
.roni penetrating Into Russia over the
golden bridge, while poverty has stricken
the residue. The pale, the article asserts,'
forms an accumulator In which the revolu
tionary enemy of the Jewish proleturlut
Iihs been developed, adding:
Patriotism and I'nvcrt),
f"Men who ore condemned to live on ono
ici-rlng and two potatoes n week cannot bo
cxiecled to understand the benefit or ob
ligation of citizenship. Loynlty stops
here famine. heglAs, A full equalization
of the Jews with the Russian population,
however. Is Impossible at present, liecauso
he Jew massacres wflhln the pole are
In a state of revolutionary whltn heat
Hud would carry the torch of sedition
through the whole of tho Interior. It mu't
uwalt the final solution of the agrarian
iinwhuun, which wuiiiti prevent i no jews,
" through the mcney power, from acquiring
the land of t"-.e impoverished peasants and
restoring the state of servitude. But. with
out waiting for the convocation of Parlia
ment, i-he Jews must bo granted the right
o live Everywhere within the pal" of the.
Yftfulatlona governing tho residence and
privileges, of tjie Jews In tho interior prov
inces must be revised. Too Ions has the
problem been bandied almut from commis
sion to conmiHlon,, uutil. It has assumed
Its present acute, Inflammatory character,
which is finding expression on the one side
with the bomb . of the Jewish anarchist
and on the other side by anti-Jewish e
cesses."' ., i
Rnsalan, Colonel Sentenced.
JIOHCOlV, Nor. l.-Colonel Hemanovskl,.
commander of the Rndtoft grenadiers, has
been sentenced to eight months' Imprison
ment lti a fortress for failure to suppress
the mutiny In his nglnient In December.
l.-K'j. , . f
Matter of Inanranee Will Be tilt en
f uaalderatloa at Meeting;
In Denver.
1ENVKR. Nov. Hi. The National Grange
i ntlon occupied most of the time today
with tho ceremonies attendant on tho con
ferring of sixth and seventh degrees.
Aamn Jones of Indiana has bten ap
pointed chairman of a special committee of
i five members created to consider the que-
tluii of creating a life Insurance system ir.
Vtho grange and report st the next annual
M meeting some feasible plan ou a national
" ,. HtAld basis-. 1
Ohio and Connecticut are the only slates
1,1. 1. Ilaiv td.r Ihu ii. I vr..iil Ion r1li, .t1l
rtt.ot of delclfiLtes seems to fnvnr tlrlford
Conn., ns the meeting plucc next year.
Only one officer la to be elected at this
Bieellng a succesnor to Governor C J. Bell
of Vtrtnont. who Is a member of the execu
tive committee All othvr otllcers hold uv r
for aootbar yaur.
Cotton Factors Look for No atrike
In Fall River Textile
NKW YOI;K. Nov. lti. Ageuts hunOling
FaII River goeUt. In this market eay they
ntlclmte no trouble growing out cf tha
ib maJid for more wages. Th tone ct
their advices is to the effect that soms
form of coiii;'roii'lKO Will bo tried by which
iie eperntlve will be offered un advance,
out not ii large as they ask.
The question will not come to u critical
point foe some days, as tho ultimatum of
I ho lextiln council dts-s not become ef
fective until the isth Instant. Refore rny
radbNtl action ' can, lie tuki n. the utiloi.s
will have to hold special meetings, and in
tho meaitluic It 18 Uilevcl a buls of
agreement will be reuehid anions tho
manufacturer, according to the reports
ilreuhit'id here.
an t'ranrlaeo Kltuatlon Not taken tu
ku aplrlt lufrlendly io
, Islands.
.. WASHINGTON, Nov. lu. - Ambassador
rlght. hus supidied Ihe State department
wi'h ndiioriul extracts from mm nf thi
m.iro inipuilurit Jupaiie.te newiiuiiMrs
which, ho save, l.ile.-t ib views of ths
Kov.rumrnt lu relation lu tie friction lit
S'rs.ici.-t o grow ii.g out of the refusal
if the school hoard to aihmt Jaj,ap,.se
tH.pils to tin- public schools.
i ii articles are remarkably mudarata
Ml Irlen.l'y In lone, making It upeur tha'.
":ne troi bl'i U extl.-uiely .x-j and that it' (! a:.y a. u o be perm If led to hinder
lite i;rowtl of closer relations betnoeii
Vmetica and J.i;n. They also Indicate
u .ie.-ire of th- J.ipttiisi- to inter Into a
". lprooHy tr.-aty with Anurlcs to
s'l.i;.- ion th, coiu: .. tf... UrlWveu the f-.j
o Wrntln MilpnrljiTIi t Hear from
Arctic Kirilnrrr Rruardlua
( ondltlun of esse!.
KVDNEV. X. S.. Nov. 1'.. A ncsvigc
has been teelved ftnm fonimnmler Roliert
E. I'esiy, the. Arctic explorer, by a loca'
firm of shipwrights Ftatlng that V
tenmer. the Roosevelt, litis been consl'..
ably daiuaKnd. ,
The message lame fnm l:attl Harbor, f
where the Roosevelt was lust rr mpi ted and I It lay on Friday last. One blnde of '
the steamer's propeller Is Rone and the
rudder is considerably damaged a n re
sult of the battle with the Ice floes. As
the Roosevelt on Its trial trip averaged
only ten knots mi hour. It Is thought these
accidents will slow It 'down to nbout three
or four knots an hour.
Rattle UnrlKir Is about isi milts from
here Jlr?. I'enry, tho explorer's wife, and
W. 8. yulgley, representing the Peary
Arctic club, tire here awaiting the Rnose
v:t's arrival.
In fnn- Provinces Pease fits Take to
lied to Weaken Pangs of
. ST. rKTKRSUURU, Nov. 17. -The crop
reports received here from soventy-uno
province and districts of Russia chow the
yield of wheat to be l.i.iXjr-.'joi'."")"! pounds anil
rye SS.n.Vi.oia.i.niin pound". The winter grain
c;op, deducting the wed grain, leaves for
feeillng the population ills pounds per man,
much of which Is exported.
Tn soverul of the Interior provinces the
peasant have taken to their heels, lying
motionless for days nt a time In order to
weaken tho pangs of hunger and mixing
their scanty supply of grain with pig weed
to inaku more inline 'or bread.
Tho ministry of commerce has declined
the proposition of the Hamburg-American
Steamship company for special concessions
In the transportation of Russian emigrants
from Baltic ports.
Betting; Xyndlcate Maid to Have At
tempted to Itamaae the
New Battleship.
TOK.IO. Nov. 16. An estraordiiiary stoiy
Is current here of bets having been laid
by foreigners in Yokohama against the sue.
cessful launching of the battleship Bat
Suma, nt ,Vokosuka yesterday and of at
tempts, lo mnke the launching a failure.
About $aUiO Is said to have lieen w-ag-ered
at rdris of 7 to 3 against a successful
floating of the warship, and workmen for
merly of Yokohama are reported to have
boen bribed to place Impediments In the
ship. The detection of these the day be-
foro the launching, it is added, led to the
discoveiy that a workman had actually
been arrested, but bis examination with a
view of ascertaining whether he was con-
noc.ted with tho alleged betting syndicate
ha thus far boon inconclusive. .
Marines of Two Nations Will
Landed In Morocco
PARIS. Nov. 16.-5:60 p. m.Hpa!n , and
Trance have arranged to make a naval
demonstration and land marines in Morocco
alio lid such measures prove necessary for
the protection of foreigners before the rati-
:v. ..;.": .:v ;
tilt" inn to, 1 1 at gvrii w i im m-i.... .
which la not expected to take place before
February 1, 1)7.
The French . cruisers, Ololre, Admiral
Attn and Ueon Gambett i, and several tor
pedo boats and distroyers will lie, held in
readiness to sull at short notice from
Franco to' Moroccan waters.
Lehaudy'a Bolloon gaeeras.
MANTKS-SIR-SIL'NE. Vepartment "'
Siene'-et-Olse. France, Nov. 1. M. l.e
baudy'a new dirigible balloon. Ixi Patrle.
constructed for the aerostatic division of
th French army, had a successful trial
here today. The airship was maneuvered
over the plain at Lavlcourt and at Faras
Ponnieres, -ten miles and buck to the start
ing point, being aloft one hour and fifteen
minutes, with five men In the car. War
I Minister Plcquurt was present. u. Putrle
Is constructed on the same wneral plan as
M. Ibaudy's previous airbliio.
Trouble in Kpnnlah Cabinet.
MADKID, Nov IS. King Alphnnsj has
lieen hastily recalled to this olty from his t
hunt lilt; expedition. It is believed thai a
cabinet crisis In sin-. pending. War MJnlster
de Luoue is resisting the pretensions of
Generals Weylcr and Pulavleja to the field
maishalsulp. vacant, owing to tho death of
Count de Chi-ste. Weylcr and Polavie).x
base tiie-ir elulini on tlali "ie(oiiei in
Cuba aud the Philippines Inlands."
(irrmssy u Peril.
MADRID, Nov. lti.-The Diarto Universal
today, commenting on the sneoch of Chan
cellor von Buelow in the German Reich
stag Wednesday, expi-esfes the opinion that
too much importance should not be sttuched
to tho chancellor's optimism, adding that
"G. i matiy Is the greatest peril to Kuropeau
1'eary Coming Soalk.
CHATUAU HAY. Labrador. Nov. 1tj.-Th.
Antic steamer Roosevelt, with the pe-irv
Arct'o ixocdition on Ismnl. which was de-
. . . .
Liycd hetv by log und head winds, sailed
for Sydney today.
ICpUewpal Court of Brtlew Reaches
NKW YOliK. Nov. J"S.A decision wa.4
reached uu tisl:t by the Kplscopal court I
k;-r xr zrir.
,'dlct of the diis court of tho wesiem
i diocese of New York, which found thu
i decision vu not iiwdn public.
I lie served upon B'shop Walker of the dlo
'trui of western New York and then coui
' munlcated to the president of tlie standing
commute' of tliat diocese and to lr,
U'rapsey. ho!lowing these formalities tt.o
.conclusions of the court will be made loib
: lie at Buffalo.
! The court of review met In a third ws
jsion here today and received tho written
j opinion on the ease of each member of th.:
'court, which lu;d Urn prepared following
j the adjournment of the rrf-vloua session.
(At aa eailier sitUug the c-j.irt heard, the
1 argument of couns-1.
j lr. Crupsey. whie rector of St. Andrew's
; church at R.H hesier, was placed un trial
iuiid coavigted of heretical teachings. The
lease was promptly appealed to the epls
coiail imirt of review, which dually Uifc-jpe-ta
of U lodajr
Senator i)om Not Think Chanet
v sy' Atit is the 5ar Tnture.
an t'. Krans of ork Platte l.n
doraed aa Register of t.and Oflleo
In that Place by Senators
Millard and Rarkrtt.
'From a Staff Correspondent
WASHINGTON. Nov. 1I. (Special Tele
gram.) Senator Warren of 'Wyoming' to
night, being asked his orinlon as to teiPI
revision, said:
"t see no reason for immediate revision
or the tariff, and I don't think it Is likelv
to cnmii in the near future." said he.
"Of course, there arc a good many people
who want the t.iriff revised. A large num
ber of producers of raw material would lik
to have the schedules lowered on material
produced by the other fellow, but not by
any means on their own. A manufacturer
In one iwrt of the country would le nn
IniiH to have the tariff lowered on the raw
material used by him. but would not lie so
Anxious to have it reduced on tlK- raw ma
terial used by other manufacturers. These
people constitute one clnsn of tariff re
formers. "Another class and a much sm iller one
is composed of those w l,o curneitlv deiire
it. under the belief that It will benefit Ihe
whole country and wiio are perfeellv disin
terested. Rut thc?r number U not sufn-
elently large to make u general demand.
Xlllhltllf U-tll Kn rl.-.,,... u ,1,,. ol,-l utcaliin
anil it Is not likely that n special sefflm
will be called after Marcli A.
"Conditions niuy so change dining- the
next year or two as to make revision unde
sirable. For Instance, there may be a d -crease
In the cost of living, without any
corresponding decline in wages paid to
labor. In fact, at the present time wages
are constantly being Increased In every line
of Industry. There Is not a sign of finan
cial depression or want in any part of the
country. Why change the tariff when
everybody is prosperous?"
fife for Watertonn Bnlldlna.
Th treasury department today decided to
purchase the propctly offered by H. C,
Walrath, Incau'd at the northeast corner
of Coddlugton avenun and Oak street, ns a
site for the new public building at Water
town, 8. V.. for 3. (HO.
In order, however, that a snmiientiy
large lot for the. proposed now public, build
ing may be secured the government will
enter condemnation proceedings to secure
additional land contiguous to the Walrath
property, and ii is thought that the entire
area, required can be obtained for about
W.Ooi). The government wants a lot 12 feet
on Oak street by 1(5 feet tin Coddlngton
I avenue, and will lie forced to secure .xJ3
feet through condemnation proceedings. The
I last congress appropriated $W,(K) for a site
!"! the erection thereon of the building,
. Kvana for Land Ultlce I'lace
j - Meuatofs Millard and Burkcrtt have lolned
In recommending John F. Evans of North
Platte to be register of tho land office ot
that city, to succeed George, jE. French.
Minor Matters nt Capltnl. .
' ' The secretary of the Interior V etTrtfcj
'.Trig fof.Jflvpoaals for the ewiinicUon of
i .. .. . '
the dlvevnion dnm und head works in com
nectloit with -the "North Plutt.e irrigation
nrOiect in Wvnmtnrr unit ' XT .K-' .!..:, TKn
work Involves the excavation of 0,ono cubic:'1
yards nf earth and rock, furnishing and
placing In structures PVr feet hoard meas
ure of lumber and the construction of ?,fic
r concrete nry. bms wm
tie opened at Mitchell. . Neb., Junuary 9
next. v.
K. II.' lUspham of Mitchell. Neb!', bos been
appointed examiner in th reilamatloti .r- i
I vice at n salary of ILVV "4 j
v ..uirn- niini ireej iienvery service has
been ordered established In Fayette county,
Iowa, effective Janury 2, making the total
number of routes in the county thirty-one.
Rural carriers appointed for Nebraska
routes: Kdgar, route 4, William liattan
carrier, John Harrison substitute; Panama,
route 1, William Ferguson currier, Jsae
Henderson substitute.
Iowa pontmasfer appointed r Lacey, Ma-
haaka county. Warren J. Upton, vice L. F.
ingieoue, resigned; Slater, glory countv, I Chaner by M.WW, O'Brien leads Wliaicn by
Andrew Maland. vice Bwun V. Johnson, re- SI,8M, L'wis leads Glynn, by S1.104, Wallen
moved. V meter leads Hn'uso;- bv M.2M. Ma ear leads
furDnit-f- .' .
Present $aten of Indian time
Denounced by Candidate for
MUSKoGlV.h. I. T., Nov. 10. The entire
time today of the senate Indian commit
tee wits devoted to hearing arguments In
favor of removing the restrictions placed
on the sale of Indian lands.- The morning
session was productive of much - feeling.
Colonel Robert L. Owen, a Cherokee by
blood, a. prominent uttorncy .''and. candi
date for the "United States sona.t. 'jjd
In reply jto . question, as to whether he
had ever had his restriction removed; v
t'l am s free a citlsen aa any man on
this senate committee. I am a free msji.
I will not bow my head to the Interior
detriment. I have no persoanl restric
tions. I have never made and will never
make application for the removal of my
. "The fault of this government which
controls tho Indian Territory lies In the
fraillty of human nature which leads a
; "lu" to '''"'ve that he eaji govern a peupie
!!,...,... .1 .1
11 ' " " " eo-ern iii,.niselves.
Then Senator Taller of Colorado, speuk-
ing win great tcenng. declared: , "Tho
.. y . nopoHsime ror the
j there. The system is wrong
. K,nnt,,r .i .h... . i. .
te,,, wberebv tho ream,. "j?..
I ....... Mv irni(i t-u
, irnin me laim oi u cuizen of thn five cKll-
j ized tribes reeked with red tape. The
spectatois applauded his r uiarks.
AW EXPECTS liberation
I w
I'rluiurr Hones to Regal His Fellows
wllb Big Feast
NUW YORK, Nov. pi. Harry K. Thaw
haa a surprise In store for his prison com
rades. He llrmiy believes that before
Chrlstnws day he will be free, and he has
arraiig--d to celebrate hit liberation by
giving tlie uufortuiiule mus who will be
left behind within the prison walls a
feast thoy will never foigel.
Thaw Intends to lmva a contemner with
the prison committee over the affair to
Und out hew far lie eaa go with the cele
bration under tlie pilsoa rules.
Reg.-r O Ur,i. tlio Ptttsburg detective,
arrived at the Toiuba yesterday with
Evelyn Ntebli Thaw. T.Vy remained at
the cell door for mors than art hour.
Harry is very happy," said Mrs. Thaw.
"and talks with delignt aliout ha.-lng his
i Chiisfiius dinner witii me In the Lorslne,"
cil hearing in st. louis
Testimony Bears I pon Relations lie-
twren Watera-Pleri'c lomnmi)
and Dnpposed Competitors.
ST. I"H"lS. Nov. .in. When the hcuii.igi
of the depositions of the d. fense In the
Missouri ouster suit against the Standard.
Waters-Pierce and Republic OH companies
was resumed this morning it was' antici
pated by Attorney General lladley that tho
healing would conclude today. The re
maining witnees to be examined we ro
Kdivard N. Von Jlaiten, manager of the
city division, and V. H. Crandnll. ussist
nnt mjn.iaor of the Missouri division of tho
Waters-Pierce Oil company.
Flvti witness's have been examined In se
cret hearing byt Assistant Attorney Gen
eral J. P. I.lghtfcM.t ot Texas In the- taking
of deposit! ns relevant to the suit to ouM
'.he Waters-Iiercc Oil company from
Texas, and the examination of two more
witnesses today completed the present hear
ing. Mr. Iaghtfout will return to Texas
It Is learned that tile examination has
developed from the testimony that a con
nection between the Standard Oil company
and the Waters-lierco company existed
snd that In certain sections of Texas
wtiLTt the Waters-Pierce, company was
unusually strong all tho competing forces
. , , .. . , , .,
were destroyed by the Standard Oil com-
Witnesses testified thul tho Corsica nn Oil
company and the Security OIJ company at
Meauniont. two rehnorl.s owned by the
-ilandard Oil company, did not S'il to com
panies competing Willi the Wuters-l'lerce
company, and that in return the lattvr
company purchased all the oil sold In the
slate of TexTH from these two refineries.
U was ulso developed tliut maps ahowint!
the -division of territory covered by the
Waters-Pierce and the Standard companies
were prepared at Broadway, New York,
and distributed over the territory covered
by the two concerns.
The witnesses thai have been examined
were: C. M. Adams soeretary and trens
urer of the Waters-Pierce company; C. 13.
Collins, formerly private secretary to II.
Clay Pierce; Charles Hut Held IS. X. Von
Harte-i, city division manager, and C. J.
Cohn. formerly a Texas representative of
the TYutcrs-Ili rce company.
Mr. Von Harten testified that there was
competition between tho Waters-Pierce
and the Republic Oil companies. In his di
vision. In IMI. he said, the lUpubllc, In
ternational and St. I.ouls Oil 'companies
were business rivals of the Waters-Plere-o
company. The witness testified thnt -he
dlscovetcd that tho Republic and Stand
ard companies had slashed prices by se
cretly allowing rebates to customers. He
went to dealers not benetltcd hy these
rebates, he snld, and told them that they
were Islng discriminated against and In
this way prevented further reductions In
prices. He Mated that the Waters-Plerco
company was the only oil company hi St.
IxiuIh to furnish fixed prices to the trade
und thit those ijiiotstlons were practically
adopted by other concerns as a basis for
doing business. v
Mr. Von Hnrten testified that lie, was let
out by the Waters-Piurce company In lfltrt
ondilnter established the Southwestern Oil
company, which did
bUAineeS for three
months. He said the Southwestern wua'l
making Inroads In the oil business and that i
i : 12V 1 11' ' "f comP"n
', " . ... T,T sMawmswr
ioeisnion w in ine vvnir.m.1' ,t,i,!,.,u
The "hearing, adjourned until' Tuesday
morning, as there was not sufficient, time
tn"y to ,,oar ,h" ""'""""J" ' V. II. Cran-
dull, the final witness.
Thirty-Five Counties Are Completed
hy Board Making; New
York. Count.
NF.W YORK. Nov. Pi. -Complete official
returns from thirty-five counties In the
state show that both the leading candi
dates for governor, Charles H. Hughes,
republican, and William R. Hearst, demo
cratic and Independence league, ran ahead
of nearly all their asjociates on the state
The total vote from the thirty-five coun
ties which have reported shows that
I Hughes leads Heatw. by SOM, Bruce leads
!fari"!ln Z''- Z Va" A1M'"e 1188 a
re'! ?-715 ox;r
q , i ..u, r uv, iuciuuc ivings ana
1) New York counties. Ivitb of which gave
i pluralities to the democrats."
I The vote of seven out of thlru-rlve aa
l senibly districts in Greater Net York had
j been canvassed todav
UJM,un" '-
I of !! e.-,,. 11
tuiiia anowro n net gam or 11- ror Hence
over Chattier for ' lieutenant governor, as
compared to the canvass of tho police.
'OfllclRl returns from four assembly din
tricts In Kings couuty show a net gjlrt of
more than lit) votes for IIughes..o net rain
of ' Sua for Chanler over Bruce and s. rt
gain of 100 vote each for Jackson and
Hauler. - i , ; ' . ' . . '
i ' ' .'
Soatfc Dakota HcleatUt Finds Forage
Plant Which t.rows lit
Far North.
WASHINGTON. Nov. li-After . twico
risking his life and once nearly losing It In
the Interest of sgr'eultural science, prof.
N. E. Hansen of the South Dakota exp rl
mejst station of the Department cp Agricul
ture has found in northern Siberia aj al-
fulfA suitable to the arid lands of the north-
; Wcst. where the winters arc bitter cold.
iYof. Hansen got on the track of tho al-
ling for it that hf whs lutilly, frosm In SI-
' K.. ft . r. mil,. llas .1. u W . .
v ..u" r ,..... nee ne mane an
"lUlT trM U"s "" an1 ' J"" Informix!
Secretary Wilson that be lias been success
ful and Is on his way back with seed.
The alfalfa Prof. Hansen has discovered
has a yellow Mower Instead ot a blue. It ia
u natle of the steppes of Sllnrla and
grows well where the mercury falls to 3
or W below xro.
The country Is exceedingly dry end yet
the new alfulfa Is an ext. lUm fnr.ltl, plant.
11 of: Hansen, has secured the std and It
wm receive a inorongn test In the near fu- convention on tKo west side of tho MIssls
tura by the' detriment. ! -lpp, rlv,.r of tlt. Anti-Saloon League of
NVork of Pailua WsT Three Companies
of C vlored Noldlers Hrglst
FOUT RENO, Okl.. Nov. i The
charge el the three comiMtiib-s of ninro
troops from Brownsville, Tex., will be be
gun heie tomorrow. Major NValUce of
Fort Sam Houston arrived at the fort this
afternoon to act as paymaster. The final
orders have been received trom Waaliing
ton and all details made r. siv for the riia.
1 missal of the tllmiiarged Uoolkis m.s tl.
(are j'Sis, 1
, mmm
Diicrininatistr Bates Will Bs Fontrht to
finish j Graii Exuhaarc,
Adna Resolutions Dealana tins; Ball.
w-n nw f harared nllk Main
taining Tariffs that Injure
the Local Market.
Renewed and vigorous action is to be
taken by tho Omaha Grain exchange against
all railroads which are nlscrimtnmtng
against the local grain market. At tile first
meeting of the new board of directors
Thursday the wrcngs of the exchange were
discuss U and formnl resolutions passed as
follows : .
Whereas. Jt appears to the board of ill
r. i tors that the Omaha grain market is
being cIlMTlmlnafrri bv the ruii
roHos. on the north bv the fiiicriao. Mil
waukee Ar St. Paul, Chicago Xorhw. st
em. Chicago. S-. Paul. Minneapolis
e nana and Grent
Nurlliprn lo fii-or of
i Minneapolis: fin fhe n-oni tiv tho Phicuiro x-
1 Northwestern rftul Kuiilngtnu In favor ot
J Chicago, on the south and southwest
V? I!1", '"r"" ""'iflc. Ht.rilngton. St. Joseph
'rand Island and Missouri Pnclllc in
j favor of Kunsas City: and.
i Whereas. , It apK-ars that excessive and
arbitrary switching and recouslmung
charitis are being assessed on grain In this
market bv the Uuiliugton and l nlon Pacific
iron-, the wist and bv all the Iowa lines
from the east; therefore, be it
Rewdved by the board of dlrf-ctots of the
Omahi Otalu exchange. Tbut It is the pol
icy of the exchange to attack these dis
criminating rates and exorbitant and arbi
trary .charges at once; that such action be
taken In every ' direction that counsel may
advise, Is open to us. nrd that we enrry on
the conflict until we have obtained an abso
lute parity of rstes with Minneapolis on the
north, with Chicago In all of Nebraska and
with. Kansas City on the smith and south
west; and fair und reasonable local charges
In Omaha. -
rslem of Welghliia.
Another thing done by the board wag ihe
adoption of the system of weighing pro
poser., y Chief Welghmaster Powell after
a careful study of the systems In use at
other large primary markets of the voun
try. The elevators are to do tholr own
weighing through their own employes, but
all' weights are to be checked by tallvnn n
hired by ths exchange, their duty being to
check not only the figures recorded by tho
scale men. but Hie denomination ot each
weight used. The old system was faulty
end complaints were made against it in
many cases by Individual shippers and by
grain dealers' associations. The adopted
plan already has the unqualified npprovnl
of some of the dealers' organisations.
The new system will Increase the ex
penses of the exchange by alout fii.onn u
year. This is met by raising the weighing
fee on each car from "JS cents to So cents,
tle shipper recel Ing a .benefit of many
times 10 cents by .having an absolute check
on the weight of his grain. The plan will
be put in operation erly in December.
Proposals for st Hoar.
A proposition Was received from 'J.' L
Brandels Vt Hons offering to rent one floor
of the Ursndels building to the grain men.
J Klvtmi the Pkchanee free ouarters. Fred 1).
I Weart anil uthera urnnniuil in .rtv a hulM.
ng. for 'Hie eanhange on Farnsm street,
t, wi,A. B. Jnoultl. and S. A. Mc-
!.Whorte:( v appointed. a commitUe to In
Nriirateeti,,se'' orferr-"w 4
Secretary MuVann of Ihe Grain exchange!
says' lt has been brought to his attention r
that a solicitor for the Rock Island has'
been trying to get business from the Job
bers ou the plea that there Is no boycott;
that the road has received lately for ship
ment loo cars of grain from one Omaha
firm. Mr. McVann says this statement is
untrue: not more than ten cars have been
KhlppcJ out of Oninlui by the Rock Island
' to country mills which could not be reache.1
, . ,
by any oilier mrtd. Shaffer & Co. and the
, .
' .... .. . .. ,
elosiiv allied with tho road, ore shinn nir
over the Hock Island out of Council Bluffs
Commission Appointed to Draft Fed
eral Law' Completes Its
CHICAGO, Nov., The work of thu spe
cial commission of fifteen Insurance com
missioners ai:d actuaries selected' at the
Buusegtlon of'l'resident Roosevelt to deter
mme enuitaw r. tor to,
governing all life insurance companies has
been practically completed and an ugree
monl teached for the foundation of .a bill
Whleli . will be.drtifted for enactment by
, ciirilt at its-seiudoii this wtnlcr n'lio
commit ion ha wrked night and dav for
, . . , jj. , , , . .
tt,as tpado tunigltti tbat the work will be
completed, tomorrow, when ,a- statement
conutittlus 'Us) facts of the finding of the
conferene-er will lie given out. , -
ChHleinsn O'Brien of the. commission. In
rpoasii.g' ihe- work . lust i being 'ooni-l
ptetiat, mUi- " '', .."'... . :-
'.If P., m-, ; trying'' eonfn.... The HAX P"AN-,flCO' Nov' 1-The packa
sti'tit. and vouoaer coneeros clamored flr i of . coah coctaUJng .$1,(.M contributed by
a. gciici-nl misillit utlon er stmuisrd forms I the cltjens of Searchlight, Nev., for the
VrLwrZrt 'aJir :,,'fKL, th", Ka" rr,11,r,!,cu ",unrorer, wh,rh
At -the Mime, time we endeavored to niako,,iaU tuisslng for some time, was dollv-
an witiltabie arrangement that would sat- ered to the relii'f committee today by an
wo have found an eoultable finding an.l will i'1 ription. (.eneral Relief nmd, care or
so. rejiori to Thoma K. Drake. ITcslrtent ' Mayor Se.hmltx, San Francisco." R wtia
Koosevelt e pe.rsv.nul I representative, w ho in sealed with n San Fratielseo seal, althoucli
return will riiajrt direct to the ptesldeni , j. , . """"fc"
We-will not maie nn olflclnl reiwrt h.'; . '" "f " Jtvi m Lo,
n Chicago, but will Instead issue a state- Angeles. Tho bundle of currency boara the
m.nt cneiing all feat ores of ttia confer- j date s--o6,'" The money contributed by
"''. ' 1 ' x." ' j the titlii-ns of SearehllKht wis tranunltted
,,.v....., -..,i i-omims-;i,v
ston passed tw resolution declaring i hut as
retaliatory laws ara wrong In principle and
p.ace upon r-mcynoiqers ana companies un- Genertl Manager Christeneen of the ex
necessary expense, such, retaliatory legisJ pr,,H. con,(iUly which handled the money
latkm should be repealed. The -resolution j, his afternoon gave out the following slate- 1
will lie Incorporated in the forthcoming t ment: '
bill snd copies of It will bo sent to the) There Is nothing to bo said In regard to!
various slate legislatures this winter for i this mailer. He were uuahle to l.ial the
action. "' " i package containing the r-ilef funds In.m '
jthe citismm of S-iin nllght To close tbcj
' i Incident we made nn n..w t,,.L-,.A 1
First Annnal Convention Held NVest
of Mississippi In Progress .
' at St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. Pi. The hist annual!
America will be held here next week und
a preliminary conference of the state
superlutendents antj workers of tlie league
Is being held here now. Dr P. A. BuJier
of Columbus, O.. general superintendent of
I the league, presided st today's session.
The question of the establtehnn-nt of a
national orgu,n Is one of tlie Important
mutters before the onfereuc and a com
mittee of five was appointed to consider
the question and make a report which
will be recommended to the convention
next week. Tho committee consists of
Rev. 3. I. Lyndsay of St. I.ouls. Rev. J. H.
Nicholson of Pennsylvania, Rev. If.
Spooner of Connecticut. Rv. E. L. Chap
man of Los Angeles and Rev. II. II. Rus
sell of Nsw '
Forecast for ehrnskn The Weather j
Bnrean Announces n told Mair Is
Indicated for Kansna. Nebraska, i
Central and Knatcrn Portions of)
ath Dakota.
1 Freedom for the Hnanlnn Jrm,
Wnrren ) No Tariff Revision.
Must Give (intabn .mare Pen I.
Jlx Drowned In Western Floods.
1 Finnorlal llevlevv nf Ihe Week.
3 News from III fnr( nf Nrbrnskn.
nawllral Stand ou Divorce Unesllou
4 Convention Boosts Deep Watemay
Presldent lalta ihe Ilia: i n.
Prol-lems of Child Ukiir In Cities.
O Mayor Mill Busy vtlth Pnrdons.
T Princeton Is Tooted for W inner.
Nehrnskn and Kansas Clash Today.
Ill Kdltnrlal.
It Idle f ara limr of f ar Famines.
Rumpns Over Male of f It l.ol.
i-J Market Hints for nndn Dinner.
Pare Food Gnaranty Demanded.
1.1 C ommerelnl and Financial News.
15 Council Bluffs nutt lows Vrnn,
Temperature nf Omaha lesterdatl
I p. m .
'J . m .
H p, nt .
4 p. m .
.1 p. m .
H . m .
7 p. in .
M p. m .
f p. m .
. . IH I
. . I i
. . 4S I
.. art J
. . :ts '
. , as I
, . as
.N n . m . ,
l n. nt . ,
T a ni . ,
n. ni . ,
1 n. ni. ,
I 'I n. ni . ,
II a . in . ,
12 m
Defeated Candidate Places Blame for
'Ill-suit on McCorren and
ST. LOUIS. Nov. IB Pelayed by u missed
connection on the Iron Mountain road. Wil
liam R. Hearst, wife and son and party of
friends who are enrouto to Mexico In tho
private cor Constitution, spent today in
St. i Louis sightseeing. The party departed
tonight for Monterey, Mex., where Mr.
Hearst expects to spend a month in look
ing after ranch Interests and enjoying a
When Mr. Hearst was asked for nn ex
pression concerning bis recent unsuccess
ful gubernatorial race he replied: "That Is
Ihe last thing in the world I Want to talk
about. A d Tea ted candidate, you know."
"To what do you attribute your defeat'.'"'
was Interpolated.
"To defection In the democratic party. If
I hud tint had McCurren to light in Brook
lyn and MeClellan In New York I would
have won," he replied.
"Then It was not the moneyed Interests
that defeated you?"
"It was Ihe. moneyed Interests working I
through those elements in the democratic
party." j
"IV) you think SecretaVy Root's speech I
contributed to the result?" j
"Not at all. The thing was so obviously '
unjust that its. only effect was to Increase, j
perhaps, thn enthusiasm of some of my t
followers. I feel ure it didn't cost me u
vote, und yet It didn't turn any repub
lican votes to me."
(sraoaV lary . Looking late AJlesed
Ftrtlon of Money from Resort
SAN FR.VXCISf.Xl, Nov. K The grand
Jury this afternoon resumed Its Investiga
tion of the charges that have been made
by District Attorney W. If. LAiigdon and
Assistant District Attorney Francis J.
Hcpcy ngilnst Mayor Kugene K. Schinlts
und Abraham Ruef. Unusual Interest wns !
ft I tnfh.t.l l.k l.xluv'u .... ,,..-... :
. ' , V 1
of the imllr Imenls for ennsp racy In con-
I ,. ... ,, , . .,' , , .
Im ctlon with alleged extortion front local .
French restaurants that were found against .
i . ... .
. R cviit Hinni n nnt Mi ltnf .nu,a-.1nu
It Is understood that the grand Jury m n
today gave their attention to the charge
thnt extortion was practiced on an O" Far
re".! street resort that flourished befon tho
Among those who were subpoenaed to
appear as witnessed this afternoon were
Myrtle Cerf, "Colonel" Martin Brady,
Harry Cohen ar.d Frank J. Burke. The
latter two arc, said to have been secretary j
ami .attorney, rescc-iiveiy, lor ine resort.
In connection with bis Investigation Into
alleged graft In thiH city. Assistant Dis
trict Attorney Henry said today:
"What we have already done is only a
starter. We expect that there will bo
Other indictments before we finish. All
that I now ask Is fair juries to try the
eases. . ( '
Paekaae Coatalnina 4MI05.BO for
, "Frisco Relief Disappears and
- -Carrier Replaces It.
, h. , K to a Jjtl(i Allg,.i,., hunk wlfh
rtmctlons to send the actual cash to San
iatl,t 11 in r'""f - "nK-ratP-i usiuv.
Xork Post ways the Henalor
Will Retire from Public
NEW YORK, Nov. 1C The Evening Post I
today published the following: "Thomas
C. Piatt's resignation from the United
Slates senate Is said to be ready for filing J
with Governor lliggms. Senator liatt, it I
is reported, lias decided to retire altogether '
from public lite. Recent disclosures con-
cernlng the s iin tor's domestic troubles, !
utitied' to his increasing hge. are declared '
to have forced Mm lo the dcrlnlon to re- '
llniiuish his office. "
(.amblers t.lven Muiaiua.
N1CW YOHK. Nov. lb. A warning to gam
biers thut tin;, would be prooocutcd to tlie
toll extent of the law anil that u bill will
Ikj Introduced In the legislature at the nei
ression to r- it.l the present law, w hich
p rinlts betting nt race trai ka. was gi'.eu
today by Disiiii't Aitorney Juroiue In the
ipicmv coiuw j
Swollen trami to aihinstea Ira
Beduni r 'o Fall. .
Eeavj Bain full and Eieb Tidi Ccn
tribate t- the Hood.
Lare Party Maroocfd on Island aid
Toath List Var Ba Incraasnd.
Millions of Feet of Logs -wept
.tvrny and Many Farmer and
Dairymen Ire Driven
from lloni".
SKATTI.i:. Wash.. Nov. bi-.V heavy
ruliiftill Wednesday. :'.4x Inches In fo-ir
hours, anda ihlnook wind which melted
fresh snows In the' Cascade mountain,
coming simultaneously, are the causes of
ihe most disastrous Mood In the history of
tho Paget sound region. The valleys of
tho White, Duwamlsh, Cedar. Green, Stuck,
Black and Puyalltip rivers aro unde or.
Hooding T'X) square miles of territory. This
includes practically cery nere of low
land lying back or-the, eastern shores of
the sound and extending from Seattle to
Tneoinn. Tho power plant at ITloc.trlm: ts
submerged Rnd' Seattle, and Tacoma arc
dependent on their local auxiliary stations
for power to move street cirs anil provide.
electric lights. The local plants, however,
hive fuel enough 'to operate several days.
All traffic over tho Northern Parlllo and
Tscoma-Seiittlu Intrrurban lines ia nt u
standstill. A week will be required to re
pair the tlnmugc to the road after tho water
subsides. '
Sl Persons Drowned.
These low lands arc thickly occupied by
small towns, iiop Ileitis and dairy, farms.
Damage done to Ileitis and herds will run
Into hundreds of thousands. Seattle's mlliv
supply cornea fro mthem, so this city will
be without milk for days. Six perrons have,
been drowned. , To tho north the Skagit,
tho largest river In the state, 1b on tho
rampage, and railroad traffic in that di
rection Is at n standstill. Tho greatest losa
by the sitcoms to the north has been done
tw thu lumbering Interests, where millions
of'fect'.of logs and shingle bolts hae
been carried Into the sound and out to sea.
High tides; combined with the floods,
have converted nil the river deltas, along
which -arc great tracts of fertile farms.
Into , muddy 'torrents, hundn ds of furnt
houses. and villages ure submerged to the
second stories and many persons , are
homeless. , '
The loss to the . Northern Pacific, ulone
will reach W.(X0 and the total loss lu
the district will run to tffO.OuO.
No rain has fullen in the. flooded districts
since nn early hour Thursday morning and
the feeling throughout thn valleys today
lv generu! 4o-llit - Hie- worst . Is ever.'- -
C onditions Improve.
KENTON,. Wash., Nov. 18. Conditions at
8:3t) o'clock Wednesday night .In Rcntrii
were greatly improved. The water has fal
len eight inches and, while the White rlv r
has Winked up Ipto. the lower part of the
town, only a few fanilllca wero obliged to
vacate their homes: . At the Junction of tin
Black and Ceilar rivers is the gravest dan
gtr, for there the water has risen and
flooded ft great deal . of property. From
present conditions It docs not apx-ar likely
that the situation here wl' become any
worse. T,at Wednesday the county bridge
at Maple Valley, known as, the Carr, bridge,
went out in tho Hood. All bridges at Ren
ton are safe,
At a point alKiut a mile and a half below
Maple Valley tbe tracks of the Columbia
aid Puget Sound railway were wiiHhcd out.
A repair train In now at this point and
rrewa of nicn aro repairing tho roadbed.
Two men are believed to have beu
drownetl at Orlllla. They ure John Viilit.
a contractor, and Patrick Calluhan, a
farmer.. - 1 " -
Br port ot Heaeoe False.
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 18. The report
received here last night that the forty or
more people who were marooned on an
island Bt the Juncture of the Cowiitg and..
Ihe Columbia livers had been rescued by
the steamer Burton, sent from 1 'or t land to
the scene for. tho punc, proves untrue.
The Burton w (is unable to approach the
island on account ot the powerful rush of
(he waters and the presence of logs and
The s.eamer Sarah Dixon has gone to the
s. aite and will ' endeavor to rescue tho
marKinil people, who are believed lo be tho
families vl farmers and fishermen. Owing
rearUerl the limit .of tlio flood It Is believed
hero that the people will be saved.
A special to the Telegram from Kalaina,
Wash., says that reports frr.pi the Cow
Ut e river district pp to noon indicate
that the crisis of the Hood situation has
been pajised and tho woum which swept
the liver clean of all enlngle and lumber
interest inundated the surrounding terri
tory and flooded the towns of Cas'le Rock,
KcJso, Ostrander and Oloqua, driving ths
people to the hills and high grounds for
safety, are beginning to subside.
A message from Castle Rock says the
water there has fallen three fort and,
barring further mlus, no more destruc
tion Is anticipated While di st ruction to
pioK.rty wan great on both sides of the
river, as far as m-ws can bo had, no loss
of life has been rcMirtetl. Loss Of live
stock, however, is reported tn have bci'ii
very heavy. Throughout the Inundated
district today peoplo driven from their
homes by the flotsl jiro camping In tlui hills
an don high ground. Many were able to
tnakn their way to the homes of frlenda
and have sin In r, but it large number win.
were forced to flee ant! leave all their be
longings Iwhlnd are without adequate shel
ter and sufficient food.
A diluting rain is fulling and unless
thee people can get to places of shelter
soon there will be great suffering from ex
posure and lack of fiKsl.
Reports reaching here say the hills along
tlie Cowiitr are lined with campers whose
homes ure still partially submerged.
A steamer or two ami several launches
have gotiM up tlie Cowiiti river to gather
up the homeless, If jxisstble mid transfer
litem to plai-es cf safety ond shelter. It
Is reported a rescue essel Is operating
bet ecu Kelso, Stella und Rainier, tukinj
refugees to the latter place.
A relief train n the Northern Pacific
left Kahuna slinrtly ufier noon to work
Its way us fur into the flooded ill st lit t us
TUe shingle and lumber Interests along
the l"owli are practically wiped out.
Thu wat'-r has swept lbs river dean, It
Is suid. not a log or bolt of shingles being
left. Tlie lots tu tliu iuiuier and sliliigla