Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Cooi Fipidi Amateur Ti Fane it Gun
Clab Trap Ehoot.
(down wa mad- by r.mnVlPfi" when Atkin
son Mocked a place kl -k lor icml snd m'l"
a ninety-yard run with th" ball, cc-wing
Mlw mil s goal Mi'ohcii scored jut hrfmi
imw was called In the second nnif. when
llaidy made a place kkk from the forty
yam lint: os;n-t a tronsf wind. Mitchell
Mumbled .' oft- ti tne Win mo not
I play tm gume. in Thanksgiving day Mitch-
Ol will play M-nriiiuu. -
t. I.oats Professional auil. If In
mntenr Itlval Juit One
rllrd Tlelorr the I'lrst
Ma a.
Greatest Hatter on F.arth Mahtaiare
to !mr Pour Jiiliri.
If Iairy LaOolc. one the greatest of
batters, but not now, has any fenlng of
Ic.-ilnusv tutiurd hi peer. George A. fctone.
, it may be mingled Uh a spirit, of chagrin
....... ........ liifun.ant wrtlen 1 hii f IHVIlltI1il
mancgemcnt once exercised. This little I
slip from the Cleveland lialn Dealer Is in- .
l"i rd A:-h. r, iht-i r.nik amatrur fruin l'ju i trrvUni, Inasmuch a tho man re.tecle. I
Kaplris la.. In the fourth tout pamt nt he ' by lievcl.nid nnd other sago management i
... ... . , i closed the reason with nn average butting
.i-.u nrr H.rti,n.u. "nn me mcusi ami ruiw if thJ , tnp mnrld.
tor Jilx gun for the amateur tournament Talking about Ftone, Kditnr Joe Flannel-
which has been on for three davs on I lie I of the bporiing New Is autnoriiy for the
Omaha Oun dub's ground, at the cast end ftXtJ
of tho Douglas street bridge under the aus-1 ...noi-tH received wore such tnat he was
Idem of the Oninhn. Oun club. Charles 'passed U, und when finally Jimmy Jackson
was B'Tlimi ll mws iinmnTi Hint ie-
di-iii bragglns thut th" Fhn': itwk" nr- forc
ing on nnv one unfortunate enough to tall
within reach of. their hot sir tube. We
are not In the h'lblt of tooting our own
leorn. We prefer to let some ine els1 do
Unit If theri- Is nny tortin to be done.
The one toitehdnwn the S!inmrrM-ks made
was merely a fluke and nni i-.i:nd bv nnv
means. They niu-l have hull n inbhltsl
loot of very latg'- dimensions somewhere j
In tbtdr erowil. I earii
We play a gi'tiie with this same leani next ! t"n
fondly nt Vinton Hin et park and wish to I
ytate that there Is f'i". put tin bv Jack '
rvnnati or Foil Crook City, to hnek our
efforts on that riato. Tlie 8 hum roc ks ai!
all rlht; but they would have been Ixtirr
nam-d bad they left on' the r.x-ks nnd be ti
tailed the Sham toot balj teaif. Come to
the setati h on Sunday, fha iiinnks. anu
we'll show you how to plav foot hall.
f. C. W.thl.i'R,
Captain Kurt Crook Tram.
rdtntioi of Labr and Etcittj ef Iquity
l.oeal Oritaaliatlnn Will 4pMlit
(nnimlttees to Promote t'o-oprn-tlnn
and Kxrhaaae of Fraternal
Delennle Will (nntltiir.
eorressioiil a' lion for ye tts. !It lirlleve 1 '
Ine ebartei runs to the Winnipeg Gulf
Itillroad con. finny. This company hits al
ways tven ronsMet'Cd lirest Nortlntn
9l ihepiaril I nder Arrest lu Sooth
Dakota for border After
Htienefr of St. Iouh', a professioiuil, und
l'ord, the nmateur, wttre tlrd for second
i lace In the tournament, Just one bird be
low Ashor.
Th wciithor couditlona hnve Ieen bail lor
the shoot nil week. huy. which made tha
lipiihL on the birds which were ixecp-
I hy fur the better man of the two.
Buys: '
htone's sljle did' not suit Jlmmle Col
litis alid the Hoston American league club
turned him down twice. McAh-er seeurc'd
(eirfe for HI'S in rxchanice for llurkett.
one of the best deals, from Pt. I.ouis
midpoint, that whs ever made. KNfyrts
i who had lookul Stone over declined Hint
tionally fust all week, the traps bclnR keyed he had too muny d' fects to bold ;i major
up to thu limit oi the rules, nlxty yards.
Kord wu.s hiisli for the day Thursday with
li-HEiio berth. Some s.Od thut luel: ne .t
bis factor In hi hlfh batting aveniB" In
the American ustictftion anu in tn t-t-
J.".ti out til . ii poanlble ITo. The man wlthiern leairue. WntKiti", the Imll.innpolis snfti;
Cm most perfect n-cord was 'a shooter -one of the b. si ludyesor brill pfiverr i;,
named Johnson, who entered In one evrnt
the business predicti'1 'hat his percetilncij
wnota shrink in the Anierleall leacile. for
Tuesday, shot It straight and thcii shot fur , thl- reason that, the InfieUtera wonll handle
home. Score:
Hardin ...
Huntley ..
lamtn in i..
Met onuld
i'lank ....
1 Indeman
Jlol y worth
Adams ...
.Maxwell .
Morrell .,.
Oottlleb ..
OT!rlcn ..
Harber ...
Hrtiy ....
I'll tch ;
Carter I
Kvhiif '
20 IS l.'i -in 1" 2i jr. 15 .
).i : i? i h n i u l.'i i i
is 11 11 l.i i:t ll in i i 12 is l m
IT S .! M I" 11 19 11 n lri V7
15 12 12 14 )n l." Is if 1.1 l -i:c;
it. l l 1.1 is 13 12 i:i r 11 is.-i:is
2 12 13 l!t IS 1 f 2 12 If 18-W.
l'.t If 1? is i: 1fi 'i H H 1-1 1B3
2o 14 If IS 11 IS in 14 15 Ihiw.
.(....IX I I H IS 11 12 an If 12 11142
IS ! 15 IK IX If l l; 1.1 1H-1I7
l!i 12 10 lrt 14 H Hi 1ft 12 12 US
14 12 10 If If ' l.'i 8 10 11-118
11 I I 13 1'" 1! IS IK H U 17-li
IK V, 1! I'l 1 11 1.1 12 U 15-1W
IS 17 IS It; 11 IS 20 H 11 1B-H7
12 14 10 11 14 . ..
IK JJ 12 ii 14 11 2" If ! lil1o
20 15 11 IK 15 11 I'l l.'i IS lrt 15
IS 11 1.1 17 15 15 15 13 If 12-141
1!t 11 15 15 15 11 1!) 12 13 7-151
15 11 11 20 If 11 15 11 6 151.13
15 11 1.1 12 15 11 1ft 12 12 IS-ll
V 17 10 11 12 12 15 U 4 12115
IS !) 12 15 11 II ...
lb 10 1.1 IS 14 :t 17 12 1 14 VW
19 13 14 ie 12 1" ?0 15 15 1 lf
17 11 11 11 12 15 1H 12 H 12 11H
...17 15 14 14 W 11 IS 12 12 lrt-142
...19 13 12 ID 14 14 IS 14 10 15-1K
...17 14 14 IS 14 11 17 14 11 ll-Ht
17 12 W If-....
IK 11 13 11...
17 12 k !...
15 I 12 12...
7 -..
I many of Ills d: Ives went ale hi I lie
jn'nor icaKue. ,
Thu voteraji mano(for was not enamored
of the fielding or thmwhiK of.Mc.Meir's
recruit. Another American association
iniiiiwi' advised the Cleveland club not to
bid for Stone. "Stone's .'ill Halil where he
MINMJAFOL1P. Nov. 15.ri ci d Ihb t
iiiemlrtihii ol over, . Miming lo
il4 " ., , , I repriTnt more than one-sev.uith of tin
the Hamilton tame across the river lust , .-,
nlKhf and (rave the ntetr Athletics one of ' , n,"e P -puIation of the country. t;.o Amer
the worst beatings of the season at the lean Society of TCmilty, the recently formed
a"?ociation aueys. everyone was (fiau to nutloniil fnrnn
. uir j.mii-v io f pill lip pill n 11 one
RHine, but the rooters w-ere all wishiTtjf
that It mlRht have b.n tiKnlnst some of
the leuditiH teams. KruMh hud the hiah
slnle unme. with 217. nnd rickeiinn best
Intnl. with ;. the highest for the month.
Tonieht the O. I. K.s will piny the jni
nioils. Sours-:
Frush ....
l-lRgett ..
Totais ..
I. i
II. 1
ts' union, today rl-
fllliateil hi i lhnlteil ,. itree with the Amer
ican Federation of lahor, now in eunvci.
llon In-re.
After a discussion as to the ways und
mean lietwoen the repi esentatlve,M r.f tie
farmers, a .committee appointed ii I'lesi
dent Oompcrs for a more active co-.-rirr.t-
SKM'N FALLS, fl. IL. Nov. 15.-iScial.)
A week or two ato one of the Shrpnird
j hrolheis. au Indian family In Iy county, I
, of wh" tn therr were thtee, was nrresteil j
; for making a vicious att.'ek wllh a neck ',
yoke upon Vr. William?, a rtshlent of Wau- i
bry. wMle'the l.irt r was huntlne In Ih- (
lentt., of the Pheppai J home. The doc-
tot's assailant was arrested and now is
In the Day county Jail awultlng trial. Sol j
Slieppard. his brother, In a lit of frenzy .
shot and Instantly Killed another brother, ;
Sam Sheppird. Sol an.l Sam Slieppard.
with nnothei Indian, Amos Uoherlson. wrro
erBMged In drinking nnd playing tarrtp i.t !
th. home of Robertson, when n dispute '
arouc between the two brothers. Sol :
lumped up from the table, grasped n sliol
I.oii rt',2
1st. 2d.
Chatelain H2 2"5
Cathcrwood IS" !'
Oordy 172 bit
Xoiene 15:1 l!-
Sheldon 1'') .151
777 sTS
2.s5 !
The Colts met the FalststTs last ntirht on
the Metromvlltiin alleys snd lost two out
Is. hut he'll 'have his trouhlos In the Amor' of three games. To the credit of the Colls
it must tip raiu mat ii ey gave ;:ie i nisteits
season. a armuu
tion between the toilers of the cities and t gun which stood n-ar at hand, and before
Robertson could prevent (lie desperate deed,
fired t'le chaigc Into the neck of his brother
of dee ranire, killing him Instantly. Sheriff
C-oss of Day county was notified and sue-c-eded
in capturing the murderer lifter
ll lively chase with lli.s posse across the
fields. The sheriff with soitiw of his men
then started in quest of Robertson, tvho
was wanted as a witness. Ho had gone
Into hiding, and not until the sheriff nnd
his dpiit.ies had searched all night was he
located and arrested.
. 2 : (he tiller of the sol!, the conim'tiee re
5i'.7 1 1 nr,p'1 ,r "1C eotiventlon that the only
practical uction at this time in luriln ring
- - the Intercts of either is the co-operation
of both, the committee nrglni; n call upon
wage wotkers still outside the fold of the
lean league; let Koston pay t p.nttlhm a
urice for him." wi re the words of wirnlnp
A National league scout reported to his
employer: "Stone con sting the null, cnti
bunt and Is fast to first, but his arm Is
wciijs; a ball batted over his head sends
Mm bullooning and he needif .1 guardian
to get him around the bases otter he gei
or first. Huy hlni If yon want to. hut not
on my recommendation." ' '
McAleer made Inquiries about Stone and
Started out to land him. He did husliiesu
with Collins. I'rraldent Taylor opposed tho
deal for llurkett at nil stages, hut de- 1
dared that If Collins approved It he wouftl
reluctantly defer to his manager's judg
ment. After protracted negotiations Coi
llus came to terms with Eurkett ndd Stone
wim transferred to Ft. Louis. ,
George batted .2'S in 1305 nnd, as Watkins
predicted, was none too sure on files that
aoared over his bend. He came tn faet
and made many sensational catches, stopped
grounder cleanly, but wts not r.trong on
returns' to the Infield. McAb-er never for
a tuoment weakened on Ills man. When he
8turtd home In the. fall of 19ns lie said:
"Stone will outhlt Lary next season." He
expressed that opinion In Cleveland this
spring while discussing the procpis ts of the
Urown with Magnate Somers. "A $50 suilt
of clothes that he doi t." sold the Cleve-
.... ........... . I land club owner. "You're on," .was tho
OrllelnlM !elei-leH for State Champion- ) rPpy.
ahlp (onfeat et Week. i htono's fielding Is much Improved. He
AMKS. la., Nov. 15. (Snecinl -Cio h : eovers as much ground ns any left fielder.
Hlatlne of the Amis team has been wear- go"" forward or to olther aide with
lug a ainlle that won't come oft since his j ease and accuracy and killed many a. base
return from Iowa City, where he witnessed I hit on the local grounds In K. No otu
'.'oe college ulmost -defeat the H.iw keves. : tiel-ler. who In willing to letirn. csn pl.iv
Thla score,. In view of the fact that Am-- I long under McAleer without profiting from
defeated Coo .16 to 0. the Agrles plavlng i'he schooling of that punt master In thai
icrufo team, has caused mure or less amuse, i department, and Stone proved an apt. pupil.
the hirdest game of th
hud the whole leugn- at his hick rootlior
for him. but to no avail, for the;- could not
keel) up with the. fact that Klanck ! d
t ... the relstarts pulled
bis team to victory the hist two games.
Klanck and In Vigno were He on high
single game, with 212 apl-ce. Klanck being
high man on totals, with H.H. Vos of th" ;
Colts bowled a verv slead' game nnd was T;,e commltler'a report
l.i l .... t I.L ....... .-III. -. I'. 1 l.i. I.'., t I
Jlllri HIMIl I'l IIIS l-'MMl, "Oil .'.-. lie 1 1-
staffs arc still In the lead.
Ij Vigne
Kianck ..
Eerger ...
llesiun .
5:5 ' unions to afhttntr wllh them snd further
ko ' rr,'""i"1' nded that all inenibers of the fed--vi
oration demand tho products of the farm
ers organization, since the farmers,
throigh their representatives, havo made
assurances that they will In return pur
chase nothing but union made goods.
To the end of cnrrvltig Into effect a
mutual the committee pre
Ki'dtod a lesolutlon to the effect that local
unions and cliy central bodies appoint com
mittees to co-operate in the effort' to pro
mote the demand for union labeled goods
and that u fraternal exchange of dele
gates be conllnhotl.' " -
In Its entirety
was adopted, after some discussion, by
the convention late thla afternoon.
J. X. Bell of England," fraternal delegate
of the British trades union congress to
the convention of the American Federation
of Labor, addressed the convention today.
men' on the State college campus. I'nlesa
the Hawk.-ycM tnko a mighty brace during
the urxt 1 weeka It la Ix-lleved here
tii.y arc down tor a boating 011 isoveniner
2f. Couch lllsilne refusen to discusa the
work of the Iowa unlversliy team, further
thim to say thut while there were many
substitutes lu the game, still the Hawkeyea
developed a fairly at rung nttnek on Co's
tuck Its. The authorities of the -i-ollege
hero have denied tho report Unit Ames stu
dents mrdo a big 'killing'' 011 the gam
with Nebraska. Since the Aggies defeated
tho Cornliuskcrs on their own grounds, it
bus boon said that the Ann- students who
uocoiiipaiiled the ten 111 to Lincoln carried
home 11 box oar full of money. The author!,
ties here indignantly deny that Amen mu
ilents placed h single bet oil the game.
IOW A CITY. la.. Nov. 15. (Special. ).
Hoaalaiid will referen the champlnmiht!)
game l! the eute university of Iowa,
nnd the Stue Agricultural college, t h
played here on November 21. llammil Of
,'hicago will act an umpire and Cougshell
of Ih-s Molnim will be . hernl lineman. The
ollii lals were agreed oil at conference be
tween Coaches Chalmeui and Cutlln of
Iowa nnd Hlstlne of Ames. No prepara
tion has bis n made for tlie game wllh Ames
v. I, ns the couches hnvtj K-en working to
kit the men in shape for their game with
the alumni on Saturday. The alumni team
will not be announced until Saturday morn
ing, as all of the men Invited b. play have
ii.. 1 responded. Johnson nt center, Schwlnn
at tacklo and MacOowiin lit full link nro
i.bout the only men who have signified their
int ntlon of playing. - The one thing inter
fering most with the return of the old atirn
is the fact that the majority of them are
married and 'hat. their wives absolutely
refuse to let them sti-p foot on the trriilirou.
Dudley ..
Carmun ..
8SB '.'ll'
1st .
3d. Total.
Hrltlah Delegntea Speak. .
World-wide , rx-aca for., all time mid ar
bitration rather tharr resort to nrms In
times of disputes are advocated In a utrong
resolution offered by Vice. President Dun
can cf the Federation,..
The resolution recites that universal and
cinstant peace between all nations cou-
,71? ! trlbut'W directly und lastingly to the wel-
I fiifn nf the worker i.n.1 tollers of nit ni.
' 7eoll if I. 1 1. orferc-.l h' the jlelevufew nf
Move to Snliatltnte Long-Time Lre tne Seamen's international union ask vax-
Inatead of Stale
Land a.
Hellevoe Working; Hard. .
I'.ELLEVCE. Neb., Nov. 15. iBpccial.)-
The Bellevue team Is working hard every
evening, getting In shape for the Duano
game Saturday at Crete. Realizing that it
mu-t beat Its old rival, Bellevue Is strain
ing every nerve to send one of the best
tfanis the college has yet produced to
Crete. Sevcrul changes In the" lineup have
been made by Conch Whltmore, all tend
ing to strengthen tho" team. Rice Is still
..:. rt Ih. mi ma anA Pflllnn 1rKu1ilv aril!
iilav hla end Saturdnv. f'atitaln Benson rtanver of lnss from bad Investments. It
goes in at his old position as quarter, and , , claimed on the one side, that to stoc
Marvel is moved to left end. where he ! ... . ... ,hen, under
played last year. Tollea, one of tho speed- h !e of lands and place them under
i-st men on the team, la shifted to left lease would bring as great a revenue to
hulf. Thoo changes materially gtrengtheii I thc ,tato aB would the Interest frum sa
the team both on ortense and defense. I , . . . .,
With three inches nf mow on tin ground money, and tne danger of a large gum
two full teams Indulged in faat Bcrlmmase. lying uninvested would 1 obvlaLjd, I here
Those in the hospital ore recovering and 1 ciuestlou as to the logic of this sltua
the team, v.lll be In lhbest physical , , , . , , , 1... i the
shape Saturday. The campus ami, th ,lon- ,,ut.a number, of thecountles In the
buildings nr placarded with appropriate , northern part of the atntt contain large
signs tending toward working up . that bodies of land which was taion as In-
loyai ap ni tor vmcn . unievue college i i-ri-, for ehool binds lost In other narH
PIERRE, S. V., Nov. 15. t Special I One
CiJrstlon which will trouble the next legis
lature will be that of the state school lands.
There be a strong demand from several
quarters tor the withdrawal of the school
lands from sale and placing them all under
lease. With the , present plan there will
eoon olle ud an Immense sum of money.
which will have to be kept Invested to help ,
the schools, of the state In any xvny. an"
the larger the sum grows the greater the
IMKOTA V. W. 1. A. tF.vriO
Opens at Heriflr-ld Friday. Teiulter
VERMILION, S. D.. Nov. 15.-I Special. 1
The 'thirteenth annual convention of the
Young Women's Christian association of
South DriVotn will be held at Retinoid, be
ginning on Friday, November l'-., and clos
ing Sunday evening. On Friday evening
after the greetings have been extended the
convention will be organized and the open
ing address will be delivered by President
S"ll of Redflcld college. This service will
be h"ld at the Congregational church. The
Saturday forenoon and afternoon sieslpna
will bo held at the college and In the
evening Dr. Willis Parsons of Parsons col
lege, Fairfield, la., will' address the dele
gates. Sunday morning a union service of
all the churches will be' held fit the opera
house, at which lime addresses will be
given by Misses Theresa Wilbur on "City
Work" and Lucy Helen Pearson on "Stu
dent Work." The farewell sermon In the
evening will be delivered 'by Dr. Parsons
at the opera house.
The members of the Young Men's Chris
tian association of this city had expected
that the state Young Men's Christian asso
ciation convention, which Is held lu the
spring, wuuld come to Vermilion next year,
but they have been notified that the unnual
convention Will no to Huron, nrrnrriinr tn
the enforcement of the law. They point , ,h j.nii f ,u ,.,,. ... .
place. This Is a din-appointment to the
rious reforms and regulations. The sea
men Insist that ships flying the American
flag which ship Chinese coolies as seamen
violate the Chinese exclusion act and ask
out also that three rt-cent disasters to
vessels, the Rio Janeiro at San Francisco,
the Slocum In New. York anil the Valencia
at Vancouver, may be traced to insuffi
cient and unskillod'crewa, and assert that
a law should be passed governing this
point. ....
Suffrage for women, a national newsboys'
local men.
Mllltnrr Department Retained.
VBJP.MILION, 3. D.. Nov. 15. lSncial.)
Captain Abbott has been notified by the
War department that the military depart
ment at the university will not be dlscon
union, better Wages 'on goverment con- ' nnuea at tne close of tjie present semester,
tracts, repeal , of the . tariff on all trust hut continued throughout the pies-
The students nre resp'gidlng and
the enthusiasm liefore the Creigtiton game
cannot be comiwrod to that shown this
wc-K. Raines are bfing held every morn
ing and the yells are being revised. Ar
rangements are being made for a special
train to !o.ioe. as nearly all the students
Intend accompanying the team.
steel products srsl-Reorganization of the
meat cutters and' butchers disorganized
by the strike of, JfiOt are urged In other
resolutions. An Inflation to hold the next
convention In Llncqliij Neb., was received
from the Llncoi.-jCnimorclal club. .
ent school year. Cadets will now be com
pelled to buy uniforms
t'nlted State Sv-aator Sara er Mae
Will nun . to the
'''If. ' "' '
YANKTON. 9. Nov. lS.-CnlteJ States
The boxing game Is picking up In Omaha
and every week or late has witnessed
of the state, snd they wl;; oppose nny ac
tion preventing sales of these lards. The
support will probably come fiom the older 1
counties, tn which all or most of the land
haa been disposed of. and Is on the tax ' Penator Gamble, one of the Incorporators of
rolls. The orlUlon will come from th- the Yankton & Southern Ra'lway com
cnuntlpx which contain the large bodies of pany. which has filed articles at Pierre
land, which will never bring them any 1 this week, snys the project contemplates
good boot with some excellent prelimi- I rtVenue so long as the title remains in the the bu'ld'ng of a railroad from here to the
ih'eusp'cerof "some ThTtl.tVub"".' , ! " of lI ' of P"
or. n to the members of the club and their Cnder present provisions no lease can be . ar. behind-the enterprise and It is prac-
LEIGIB !(,'ends; ,J?e knowledge that these are , thB for H inger period than I tleally assured of gyecess.. The senator re-
i rvndhrn:r!i:rreT.era7 fl years, and then only for grazing lands. ! fused to say any. railroad I, back of the
Held In Llocolu jfiom pugs who, want to box and many To charge this would require the consent ! scheme, but- Indications point strongly to
Wednesday. Uei-embcr B. lonnng 111 10 ne p 0111 in im a,,n";- ' of congress, as that provision is a part of : It being a uieat Aorthfrn project.
LINCOLN. Nov. 15. (Special. A tiieeiing ; hno ,natly followers In Omiha, and what thc enal'Un-T et. In Nebraska leasis arc! Asked concerning the right to cross the 11.011 K ii--- Omaha has needed for years la a school made for twenty years, subject to re-ap- 1 Missouri river nere. neiiator uampie re-
om;tM,l(i J4TATE HALL
Alerting to He
w ill be held at th"
"I Yrv T. wn lr I the s-ib- hst w"i' s t. g lwl,"re ,nu ""n,y ?rr ,a:"'n, praisal every five years, the lease holder
every town In the slate inst wains to gi 1 , Ilra uiwtiys looking for some place L . , , , . . , ..
in on a state base ball l.-ncu.- (.rand ; where thev can stp in for a little exr- , bc,ns iv,n the preference right to the
l-dand. .Hastings. Kearney, Fiemont. Heat- , l;ai. The ' Yrung Men's Christian nssocin- land within the twenty year period, at the
V7' .0.,,,1i,li. 'r."." &'Lr ',l'!n gymnasium , when completed will till highest price offered on ro-.ippralsal. He is
'"- . . . m iiv n t r-nniii tatrin, tiuu iit.'
I 'ligne will be to prevent the oiganlr.ed j uac., uet cltili takes care of a few more.
I allowed to use the land for farming, as
plied that a chartcf had already been se
cured, liud been kept alive, in fact, by
Pleada tialltj- to Mnrder.
I-'IERRE, S. D., Nov. 15.-fSpecla I Tde
granv) f'rauk Smith was takn Into court
today to. plead to the: charge of np!irderlng
Joseph Jarry In a auloon In this city sev
eral mouths ago. His plea was guilty and
he was given a life sentence In the penitentiary.
'CaaTasslnar Board Called.
.PIERRE. S. D.. Nov. 15. (Sp;ctul Tele
gram.) State Secretary Vv'lpf today called
the State Canvassing board for Deenniber
5 and 6, to ennvara. the congressional vote
on the 5th and the stale vote on the tith.
Ask for Kirschbaum
Clothes (Warranted)
Good stores Every
where, $12 to $30.
" hub
aBiBatgsArTrw. i
tiro. 1 ltd
I Si m W'
. 1 4l 111 I:
A man can f
U. V C d 1 X
Kirschbaum suit and al
ways feci right about it.
It is distinctly good form
and good fashion. It has
none of the ill-advised
frills that make the or
dinary ready-made suit
advertise its rcady-made-ness.
We don't
know from
what stand
point you
look at the clothes
question whether
you buy on some maker's
name or some dealer's
say-so we do know that
as soon as you are a good
enough judge of style
and material you wiH
ask for Kirschbaum
clothes and insist on
having them.
0TS for UEiT3
Wyoming Dank fall.
EVANSTON. Wyo., Nov. 13. Tile bunk of
Beckwlth & Co.' was closed today, owing to
flnar-clal troubles. No statement of liabili
ties Is given. The bank Is one of the old
est In western Wyoming.
Draft on I'aelfle l.enicn.
CINCINNATI. Nov. lo.-The first draft
on the Pacific Coast league announced at
the meeting of the National Baite Ball
coianilsf-iou today wis Intlelder Bowl
Sweeney of Portland. Ore., who was drafted
by the Chicago National league team.
H-Mvues from swooping down and iretttlng , mu stui thero are thousands who -would 1 well as for hay and grazing. Such a pro- i
nil the goodpluvcrs : the state fitting the ,jk. ,,, havo athu.tlt. tlub with a club vision might be secured In this state, by I
S'-iisoit. This occurieij last season, wni-u
the K'-arney club was almost disrupted by
the onslaughts of the leagues.
rtnooKnG m ri'hikhk
Sc-orea Tnlee aud AMua flame In tbc
first llilf.
MTTTHKLT., 8. D.. Nov 15 -(8x clal fe
OKiam.l Much to the sinptise of the l'a
roia Wesleyan football team they wire de
feated this" afternoon In a fierce gme by
the Agricultural students of Brooking, the
score being 11 to 4. Hreoklugs made lis two
touchdowns In the ht si hall', the first or.
two iinrterbac p-mts and line bucking foe
K":il when close to it. The second touch-
t 1
7 f A S
7 W I
! Afit VIA- S
house down town.
The Coinhuskt rs aro trying fur a low
rule to Chicago for tho game n xt week,
but the railroads don't seem to want la
f ill In line because of th turbulent situa
tion 11 railroad a it airs. last week when
tho I'tdi'erslty of Minnesota tram, went to
Cfit-.-ago rooters accompanied th team
and the Oldest Inhabitant of Chicago, a
cousin to th O.d at Inhabitant of Omahn,
was heard to say he had never "seen such
(loins' slnco the old cow kicked uvcr the
lantern, as there was In Cnicago after
Minnesota had won that game. Tin whoie
town was turned over to the Gophers and
they mane good us-) of ll while they owned
It. They were so good-natured In their
fun that even Ft me of the Chicago boys
could not help but fall In line and heij
them to- celcurr.te. '
The lithlelic authorities of Nebraska and
Karoas r.te not having smooth nilinsr lu
thetr effo-ts to -coino to an agreement ar
1. 1 IV- f elect Ion of officials. Suggestions
be Managers Eager and L'nsrlon have not
l-een mutuilly arcepi.ihie, nnd "4'hen It he
jui.niii unit negotiations by wire
nnd the malls did not hnve the drli-ed
i-su'it. Mutineer came (rum Liw
lenie to l.iluom for a personal loufaeem-e
rtlth Manager En-jer. After a prolonged
d.seusslon 11 was rti-ci-ioii t0 wire Prof.
(aycrofi if Chicago university :nd chair
linn r.f the western conffrnee committee
an officials, asking hi in to name a refernr.
lilil.und. n former llil.' player, who lies
omciat-d for several years in th" "Big
Nine..'' was bau-ed by Nebraska from cor-j.li1.-rat!on.)as
the COrnhuskers obfeet stren
ui usly to his sm-v lng. Prof. Rsycroft s
selertion is to lc, binding vpoti lioth man-
tivtements. For the other officials. Claud"
Rot hgeb, ex-captain of Illinois and 10 (eh
ut Colorado Agricultural college, and Clvdo
W'llllams. ex-capIMM of Iowa, were chosen
0 uinpirrs, wide Lieutenant Mettler of
Fort Riley, Kan., and a former quirter
biiok at West Point, was chosen ;i head
rlnf.-'niari Manager flnsdon was ready to
icpi'il lor tho rvtutn trip to Ixiwrene,.
: -hen 1 inessas-- ,uine from Rothg-b stt- J
. iik that he oiild not serve, as his team
v:.s to play nn Important gsme on Aatnr- j
.ay a"d he could not icaw. This nn- !
v .ounc. ment con.nelleil the Kan;ns ntanseer '
o 1 us, pone his .1. -pari u: e mid It Is possiole
that be will slay on th-- ground until Itiu
.lieciion ot oi;ieiils leaches a final dh
ejf uioii.
Ct. iiflni'11 is i vf ting a siiff tiroposition
Kuturday when Its fo.t Imll wan lor go up
apiinst Tarksi rollese. The Mi"ourlnns
l.ave alwavs given ctghiuu .1 hard game,
snd this esi ore roper-id to be in excel
I I1' ti 'in. The t-ani luiil men on the ldr.
In. s Inst Satiirilav when Crclghton int .e.
io.iska sis urteg a-intrs on - ('relghtnn
s-lf. nnd doubtless will tw-netlt from th !r
ob-ervations. Tjrfio farli'-r In the i-easn
piaKi ISkine. one jf lii strong levens of
.itv st.ite, j a tie..
vision might be secured In this state, by
applying It only to counties In which a
certain percentage of the lands have been
sold, and bringing the different counties
under lis application when they uro down
to the specified amount. Any rther plan
would certainly bo fought by the counties
with the large bodies of lands.
St. I. ul Urand Jury- Hears Mi Wlt
nesses'la l alted States Xob
Treaanrr t'aae.
ST. IXJl'IS, Nov. 15. The Investigation to
tig the responsibility for the shortage or
tfil.Srti) recently discovered In tho funds of
the s ubtreasurj' was continued todiy be-
fore the federal grand jury. j
Of the forty witnesses rubpoenaed ooly j
six had been examined when the second
day's sti-elun began today, and this is taken I
to indicate that a nioi-t thorough and rigid I
examination Is being conducted. The prln-
elpal witness so far heard by the grand j
jury was Ralph P. Johnson, cashier and I
chief ilerk of tho subtrtasury.
Kansas-rnraaka foot Bnll t;amr.
This game will corns off at Lincoln No
vember 17. The Riirllngton will sell tickets
t f-'.Ui for tho t ootid trip from Omaha No
veniber 17. ticket good return same duy.
City Ticket Oftlcc, irnj Farnayr. street.
P-urlingtnn depot, loth and Mason streets.
; . H - , v.. . ' . t
' .ss-i, sf - i
i j ,
S.'l lt M rti -t lt Nttouf fcjr bt r,
Sol4ler to taa Shamrocks.
FORT CKOCiK, Nov. l.V-To the Editor
; Th- A a fuvor to the fort Croul;
: l-all team, wltl you kindly publish the
.iuAir:g lu oui pp-r:
nee 1111 game between the Shamrock
. aouth Ontaiia and mir teuui at Vlni'n
-et (talk on SunOsy lasi 1 have hbarj
.:isidei'.ihle biaggmg about the sup rlorl'.y
the Htuiitirock s foot IikII playing, done
illiilv by 1 be fn-.lnl.ers of thl team. e
imi- adndi the fact of and aocept niir a tnie rportsiren should and had
lie lesuU ef uiir gain- hen lu our favor,
iij uiio wc 11 kvc uard uy vt the klt-
Tha' Parfectloa ol Swaeta that aever
cloy, tboata eat a aouaa.
The ri'tifci'tion of purity, rirhnrss and
iiuality that made Repetti famous. The
name on every caramel.
Chocolate, Bonbons, Cindy Pebble
and all kinds of superior confections.
Mail ordi-rft rat.(ull)' and prcroptlr filled.
Write lor Frue List.
sUtylaclarisf Csaleeliaaar
411 riltk Avtaat. htw Trk
802-10 Dong
las Slrrct,
t'onir Mtli.
as 1081.
r jtou-rt
Harlan .
Carroll .
Fort Dodge
- $ .99
. .- 1.36
- 2.77
Egi Grov -
Bolmond -Mason
City -
5.1 0
- 5.90
5.4 5
- 6.40
Goad returning following1 Manaay.
tr tutt Imtormmtlom agg.'
V. G. Dooidton. Citj ; r Agaac, iStM Formam Strttl.
The Reliable Specialists
avoid approaching weakness
A disease that robs a man of I. is spirit, ambition and force should not lat
considered a trintng ailment. Inscases or ot mull may 00 prima
rily lnducoa from a variety of causes, such a negieet, Igiiorntico, overworks,
dissipation, etc. i he victim of weakness generally knows tin; cause. Loss of
power gradually develops. Occasionally weakness Is usually the first sign of
tailing powers. The man who stops the cause and begins treatment then Is
restored so (iitiekly by our method that he often does nof appreciate the calam
ity he has avoided. Deterring an uctlve and energetic, course of treatment '
means greater weakness, leading to Nervous Debility und the complications
that ensue. The evlla nre both physical and mental.
Such troubles, when neglected or Improperly treated, have been the mens
of blighting the mosi radiant hopes, rendering business 11 failure. If you aid
afflicted with any of these baneful, body-destroying, wotil-bllgbtlng diseases so
prevalent among men, come to us and wc will make a thorough, searching and
siientiflo examination of your ailments; an examination that will discloso
your true physhial condition, without a knowledge of which you 1110 groping
lo tho dark, and without a thorough understanding of which no physician or
specialist should treat you. ,
The in'in who has youth In his henrt, pure blood In his vcihs. ambition, con-,
fldence and nervous luiergy In his make-up, and who Is free, from the coiitaml.'
listing effects of these diseases or the depressing Influence of Nervous pe.
bllltv Is worth more to himself, his family, bis friends and tho world than is
the broken-flown millionaire,, with all bis wealth In the hank. We have glad
dened the hearts of thousands of young and middle-aged men who were plung
ing toward the grave, restoring them to specimens of physical manhood, full
of vim, vlgf r snd vitality. ,
We ou-e safely and thoroughly Nervous nihility. Rectal and Kidney Pis
eases and all diseases and weaknesses of ni'-n due to Ignorance, neglect, dis
sipation cr the result of specific diseases.
feet Consul;aiion and Examination ?0fflto TlZiJ t ,you0canf,otracaitu,vi
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Plan a trip to this
Wonderful Land
this Winter
There's nothing just like it in the world. It has the
i sunshine, the flowers, tho watering places of
other winter resorts, but It has thlnfs '
, to seo snd a finer, drier air
lo bieutlie. Go to
this winter, see monster growing trees, higher
tna- a :l-story office building trees that vote
standing S.OOO years ago. These are only a few
of the wonders of the gnat stut-J that knows
no winter.
Send for California books. Ask about the gnat train
service la, the
Inquire et
rhonc Douglas 311.
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