Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1906, Page 9, Image 9
TIIK OMAHA DAILY TIKE: TIUKSDAY. XOVKMIIKK .iMV,. :;A1N AND ITvODLCE MARIET 4' v . No. 4, iv c. Sv . - ' . I H III, I "4 U. ' W I'll''. ...lC. .V... 4 11 I"-.- htl '-Mid . No. w Ills i :s. ; no grail 2 wniie. , 'eif'SH-. ,r-Av-iW YORK S IUCKS AND BONOS '' rrJZ ,.V 4lH IWIWlJUailJ l,l(,n rights to h(.:,1. r Inter the id ir of Bu'.li Pamppned icreiirn Cih'.ti. by Actist of i m-.u .US OF WHlAT GiNLRALLY LtWLR rinclpnl rn lurliir I nrlhnp stttmtlon, nrmhrr llelnti JA e I Thrf-I urn Market ery Mon Prlres Steady. OMAHA. Xiii. It, Lkrt. 'i e cnt nusinni w-hlch developed nmnng I bulls yesterday whs checked today hv . failure of foteign cables to fnl.ow- the '"li-n advance. Pnre fr generally . l : yesbrday. News from the north- ! vas the principal factor fur strength, .;(ts being small and the weather wet. ! e hulls were cheered by b reduction hv a i p expert reducing his estimate 2fi.0oi,.ti0 :i. on the spring wheat yield. i i.cte w is m activity In the mm pit. .. cs wen- stendy Receipts were small I cash prices consequently a littlo firmer, weather generally w a.-, favorable fur , and Ni'vmnr men report Increased :' r from tint hands. c-linarjr whcjt teccliits were 1,017,000 hu. ! shipments Jfo.'no lij . against receipts i-t rar of l,436.nio liu. nnd shipments of oi hn. Porn receipts were r.:it,'4iii ha. :il shipments 864.000 hu against receipts m vfr of S4".no Im. and shipments of '.'tin hu. (.'leu tunc en were lt.2,ii) hu. of .ln-at, IX.O11.1 hlilB, of flour, 41i0n0 bu. of 'tii, 21, "no hu. of oats. 1. n et pool closed 4t:i3d higher on wheat : 'I Vi'.d higher on corn. 1 oi ill range of options: ttntatlana of the la oil larlima I'nnt mod It lea, I NEW YORK, Nov 141 .VI a K'H -Rce elpts. lS.T'i.f hu.; t xpiirK, I.I.'., hu. . mioi, a.7-i' i p'iCKiihi'H; 1 1 1 :i r K s,'iitiv hut nun. .Minr.exot.k patents. f4.H4i '; Minna- ! snta ImKi ts, $.1 4i 4 S". winter patents, t if ! '". w inter t!ai(iht., .i 4.ki3ikj; winter ti.f, sarti;:.!)!, liter low (traues. i.t"0 '' 'v. ;n Hour, tn ni; fair to good, t..rf : ". noire to tain), t,!Kil.l!i. HucKWtnl Hour, stfmlv. ;..u;... fpi'l and to .iirlvr. lii K IIKAT - steady, tl U yr '.'' In. t'h.N" MK.U-ttriid ; tine white and yel low. i; ioni se. tl.loiiUU; Klin di .!. Vtrktt k'akei t Ironp: Kipee t tb Eniir Toa ii l all Harry. ST. PAUL LEADS ADVANCE IN VALUES Ramnn nf PirrhHifi t)r l.airKe llprralnrn nnd fleporn f Hprl man Mi-iner tauaea llear Itnilna tty perulatra. 1 Name pr'-re(d. w . rit Md up t r.ioii 1 I'm ittr. t'fitrnKO, Mtlw snUre X- l. K.llll .in I r.utiirrn 1'ai'ihr and ntiirr ! ks lmproN'-! In synipath I't he i lnsel firm nt 1 !n d leii w th' let quotnt1o-!( i,f the d iv. I'or nanera mire dull d--.-pite cheerful I urn mivl, c Jap.inese mpet'inl fin it i!-l ciord at l'AKIS. Nikv. It - ti h-es on the l'imte io tl.w w-re hea1er. Ku:;t.n nm-.iifii .M closed nt 74 Mi and Ilu-'-'lan boml" of 1WM ! at 4:" no. I Mr-HI. IN. Nov !4-ti the Hivirw todav I tnicea in nnmt of the d"prtinent."i were higher. U1IA1IA LIVE STOCK MARKET Coed Cattla ire I loapt I I wtr. pUkli'R lll-.e r..u1s, Hhoi,t iU-ai -n i r- out faw of the tin h it:e- a ith rtei o.4 larac ai . A..o. i ton p. d Cowi, Which HOGS !LCW AND 00. 1. B'c.SID:S WEAK I '.tr i v. r : r m ,H vrv h- ! rintl .1 nioti iy it . ci wvi i ik- lit n r 1 1 Inr f ' . . t 1 ,h In ihrir r-,,-1 ttMV, No 1 fotiMitrv r i - 14 M V flim: No. I lead, penr 1 i I Vi 'I Ivi: . ne ,-f I inil 4 offce il poPM i.i ri, .i t II. est and rn. 71'c c. (date, lii I. f d. - r. A i t lr lea. Open. I w l-..-a;j I'c... 67S, May...! 717al -'in- ' - i I".- ,...i Miy... i 1 ! ' .iay.!!;'.'.'.!!!!.' Low. Clone. I Yes'y I hTSo 3 lis I 367 ! ! 324- Ihe Market Hecord Bays today: 'Whlli there haa been conalderable Husuranee that imnsportatlon cotnpaniea arc In a position to .lo better In the way of grain movement, n improvement Is Indicated yet, and we certainly must have a larger run of re- cipia oeinre anything approaching iiih! condition here la effected. " tlnialm I nil Trlcva. WHELT-No. 2 hanl irr'a'c; nai.i. oovsn'i'Mic; .-no. 4 nam, M-ntwc; (Hiring, K-lytWc. t'(iKN-No. . 40c; No. 3 yellow. No .1 white, 4o'4c. iiATS-No. s. aow,c: No. .1 white, i "r-. . No. 4 white, 3uVi.t31c. 1 K-,o. '2, IKK-; No. 3, SMso. Carlo Itroelfila. hcal. Corn, oat C hlcago :i7 JvanfMB City Kl . . . Xt ...:k ... u a nor No. . 40'5C ; 31 'd- Muincapolla iiniahft I'Uiiith bl. l-ouis... ISO 30 I IIICU4 4.11 l M rH( VIllN the Trndlnu and (loalnu on Honril of Trade, Nov. II 'I'odav. us yetcr- 1-rnltirPi if I'rleea t I1ICAOO. d.ii. the doinlnatlnn fc.nuie in the local I . . 'it market wan the cortinned snvtll re ii lpts in the nni t Iiw i-si . t the close of t''c market wheat tor delivery up t'orn 1 kc hlirher t rn i I-' ii snide li wi r. l"ro i Islona shoWid i In of 1 J'fr to :!."io. Tlic iiiiiiMttlon ol icsifrday 111 the wheat pit was iilis'tit toilny. the iota! volume of liailit".' be-in jt xiunll. lnrin the early p.ivt e' tne fiay the ni.irket v:is h.irely Htead'. but late In lh" aefalon sentiment hvime a-'.new l.iit rnjIliKh aiul losiutr pi l"es wet-i-nar the liigheHt ) olnt ff tin- day. The fact Hint til" l.ivcrpfii.1 markets jdnvwiil on liiu.leinie adva'.i'c In the l;o-e of the ahiirp upnirn of yesterday on the local exchange -'"'cked. the upward nmvemenl for a 14m KYK-Kirm; No 2 N'-w Yoik. Jeraey in '-l ed .-sow ork. tiA li LEY - St e. in v . ferdiiii!. 4,o . I KutTalo; niallliig. 4ift-c c. I f. nuffai i. WMKA'I'-.lieciipis. .i",..i4yi hu . exports. 7:1.41.1 bu.; Ralen. .(ni,ri hu. futures an I S"i,i bu. n.oi: apot market Meat.y; No. i. ted. l,'c i levator: No. -j red, S.'c i. o. o afloat; No 1 ni.rthiriv liilutli. SPv c 1. t. lUiffalo, No. haul. Ti'-y c. I, t. Fiuffal'i. follow nig an i-aier opening tod.4 wheat Meadid upin snvill nortiiwcsi i-ci-e:pij. but weakened .ik iln t 'warda not li on a brink In Minneapolis. The latter ral.led .ulisci o t'tlv . . u 1 1 . K illiproN'f merit e. se tt hi re. New Xoi k cioslnic puttly c lit I higher. May, h4 i-PVu'w 1-P.c. cb aed at Si'.c ; lecemher. M-'.n.S. i-liH-. i u'td at S.'-4i'. CtiKN Heceipia. il.'.i'iO bu.; exports. 52,23.1 liu : Kales, 1,'o.n") hu. ol 8pi t market Ptiady. No. 2, ih'vulor and f ie f. o. b. n float ; No. 2 yellow and N- . 2 while, MV". Option miirkit was without tranaact.oi.a and closed net unchanged. January closed 5l'4jc: May closed at iVo'jc; December closed at 52o. OAT8-Recelpts. lnB. bu. ; exporta bu.; (quit market ateadv; mixed obis 32 pcutlds. 39c; illpiied white, .TS pounds. SriViMS'iic; natuiul white, 3i pounds. C.i'ul'i'vc. KKKD Steady : apring bran. $2i.. prompt shipment. mhlJllngs. $i'.3ii. prompt ship ment. HAY-Vuiet: shipping. Svfifk-: good to choice. $1 if'al 10. HOi'jj Steady : Pacific ronst. 19i'. H I TKS Stendv : talveann. ; lb., :c; callfornln, !1 to 25 lbs., lie dry. 24 to 30 lbs., !c. I .BATH ICR Steady; acid. 27rd2S. '(113.00; mess. Sj-?r ftot ; beef hams. $22.00 23 SO; packet, 110 5oil1.ftn; city etra India mess. JlSfowiVi.) Cut mettf.. steady; pli-Med lie'.lles. lO'i'TUHc: plc'iled bama, PROVISIONS-Reef, ti'rn-; fi.mliy. 112 M IVrjlSVic. lard. flrmer: veatern prime, fcVeiCnS.TO; r-Ilned. steady; eontlneiit, J8.V6; 12ulic. J.nrd. steady: western oritne.. 3 I $;i .4n'd9.55; retlnenl, easy; comlnent, S'6; South Aincriciin. H0.7S; compound. J7 S7Vs"e S 12",. '.,rk. steady; family. m.Viii'W. short clear. 117 .ifili i:-0i; mesa, $18.(KX(j 18.76. TALLOW r.rm; city (J2 per package), (i'.tc; country (packases free). i;v4t?iic. RICK Steady: domestic, fair to extra, I'.uio,' c; Japan, nominal. H I'TTF.K - Kit m : street price, extra creamery, 27c. ofllcial prices: Creamery, common to extra, lMt?!;1!; held, secotids to extra. 2l'u2iSc; state dairy, common to extra. Ufa 2;pf c ; renovated, common to ex tra, ID1""'! 22c , western factory, common to 1 first". h.Sn J"1"': wcati i n linltailon creailiei , I lirsts Li'u-'l'-.c. I ll KKSK- Kirm ; state full cream, small fancy, i i1,!" si ite, December best. 12'c; I state, t in lo Kood, i;al2'7c; state. October I best. 12c, state, fair to good, I2'iil2tjo; -riot, li '.iivic: skims. 3j-Ic. 1 KHi IS -Firm; state, Kennaylvanla and : nearby fancy selected white, 37U3Ro; state, choice. iM'uSV; state, mixed, extra, 3.1c; ! v. -'"ii'. average best. 30'n31c Ofnclal 1 p.i'.s- Firsts. :H'c; seconds, 2iWf2Sc. i KOl'LTRY-Flrin : western chlckena and fowls. i:!4o: turkeys. IV. Dressed, Irreg 1 libit'; western chickens, l2flfYr; spring jtuikiyt. ltVyl8c; fowls, lmj,12VkC 1 4 Tl. response NKW YoRK. Nov ke( m i,b' a prompt c.lSier cone of 11 ance in all d winch lock on .it times, and slinks a console : able dchtiet- of atoc k mar toilllV co 1 in call iiniiiH.v. witn an a I paiuuents on il"il"S' in ceria.u aul mat 1011. venerations on reg 21. .3i 2. l' to 1 1 to 3! llVfrlac. to Jft ; Tex 4n Ihe revived sireneth and m-livltv of the market waa dlsiinulf hed by a re. t.ewni of many doiunint rumors lenardlng the properili s m whb Ii the aloe Ka b-ii the moemenl The variety ami Incon sistency or aome of tll"Se sUKCesuortrt repreaent lurm.M'S on the pari of floor iterators tti roinl for tin 1 1 ansae Ions in the slock- rather than In formed state ments. I I. is l.'it Inc way open to a wide range of c .m .-ct tires as to the ntt r. tlty of tne interests w nb b were opprnt i it g on this lurge scale. l utely apecui.t- live opciHitona hv atoi K market iioota if- . suftetttd in boiih" case, while in others ' iTUKcri on tlie floor of the Stock cx ( change professed to see evidence of opera- tions for- the 111-1 ount of nitti" ot the KT"a: tapitaliats or groups of capltalmta. Uia , occasional campaigns by whom form ; an aggressive und effective leadership, which is followed with confidence by inanv ol the smaller operators. 1 The remarkable movement in St. Paul owed mui h of its large lullovvir.g to the conviction on the part of the tradeia. that some of the large concent rnted busi- j ness in the stock was for account cf ! capitalists of ritat rate resources an I 1 frequently active In the market. The rumors which nccompanled the movement have been heard many times before. An , early Intended offer of subscription rlght.4 to strn khoiders of new stock, to provide j means for the pacific coast extensions. I ai lei Mated with the passing of control of the property to Southern Pacific, or of Southern Pacific to St. Paul, as the favor ' lte with the speculative following. The comtletlon of the stock market settle- ment In London, without trouble, and with 1 . less pressure of liquidation on New York I ; than waa expected evidently left some J , bear accounts uncovered and there was , considerable buying for London acc.outKa I here today. Sterling exchange, at Paris, j fell hack from yesterday's high point, but still ruled high. The remlttaneea In pro- j resa from Paris to London are report"d , to be on account of an installment of I J subscriptions to the Pennsylvania loan J lssuea in fans, ana ineir remuiance co 1 London evidently operated to satisfy de- mands on New York at that point and 1 o relieved the tension In the money mar- ' ket here, although private dtscounta rose xtctilsnn uovh cue nana rate hi i.onuon. Money on call, loaned at a maximum of 9 per cent, compared with 14 per cent yesterday and 2ft per cent on Monday, and the rate bad fallen to 8 per cent and below at an hour when active operaHon: In the money market were still going on. Rates for time loans were firmly main tained for the shorter perloda. but money brokers reported additional funds offering for six months: loans for account of western hanks and a resulting easier tone. The movement of New York exchange at Interior ,olnts in the west alao marked the turning of the. tide In the currency movement in favor of New York. Tht excitement In St. Paul spread to the other Pacifies and the supposition grew on the Puul was to be brought Into operntiona of the Harrlmnn 'i h market cloaed animated eir lor' lone Market. NKW YORK. Nov. bt - MON F Y On fit in, :Vn'J H-r cent; rullnn r.uc. h'4 per cent; t losing c fTer at 4 per cent lime loans, lor long periods, firm lot short; sixty d.iy a. x per cent; ninety dav s. , cr , 4 per ' enl : s, x months, (!' p,,r cei.t. PRIMK MI-IRAN Tl LK I'AITII .n. ,. per cent. frTKMLlNt? KNCIIANCiK S'eiilv. with act ml busl'icss In bankers' hills .1' H v i n 4 VicWi for demand and at H.v .ii4itc.S t n f'-dav liiiis; s.xtrd i.itcs. M xi 'U'irt'' cointii' relal bills. e4.?J.'n-4.7!'S- SILVKR-liar, 71V: Mexican dollars, tV.',c. .i .1W- -C,o crnnieiit . steatlv;, firm. bonda today wcie as l'ol- and fat l.lherul linn of M.ecp n 1 1 h Ur) Utile I umlna Prices t.rnrrnllc ilead 1 l.nniba. Muff Sol'TII OMAHA. N Receipis weir Hiili 1'in.iil Monday !i.;.! Ofllcial c Tin 14. ltMi. II a" sun p. 3.1'ti -sda v . . . Iites.lav . r.nco ..121 3,.ci 4 i:..41k IK. CO' Ki. S r dl. COI. poll .... I,. S .is. ric Un eoutK)n ... i.'. S o. -is, r g do CO J pon ... L. s. n. 4s. reg.. do coupon Am. Tobacco 4s. . do tis Atch. gen. 4a do HOJ. 4a At. C L. 4B li. O. 4s do 3Vts B. R. 1. c. 4s Cen. of Oa. 6s. . . . do 1st Inc do 2d Inc do 3d inc O. & u. 4s '. & A. 3-s C tt. & y. n. 4s C. R. 1 A V 4 4.0 col. ris CL Oi S 1. g 4-.. I -ol. 1. frs, ser. A.. ColO. & So. 4H Cuba ts I. & R. Q, 4s... Ills. Sec 6s Kne p I 4s do gen 4s Hock. Val. 44s, Japan 6s L A N. unl. 4s tjiftreu. H44 .lapin s, 2d aer . i" a clo 4s ct Is 113 1 00 44s clfs 1u do 2n .-erics . 1"2 Man. c. g. 4s 12 Mex. Central 4s .13 4 do 1st Inc l." M & St. L. 4B - 7S M-. K. . T is. . .110 do 2a .l"i'Ti N. R. R. of M c . 2H N. Y. C. g. 34s . a. 1 j. t:. g. sa... No. i'ucltic 4a. . . .91 - do 3s . 91 N. W. r 4s.. .lll't 1 ). S 1.. if ft. 4s. . 9 Perm. f-cuv 34s . 74 Kc-acilng gen. 4s . 7.) S L. ti I. Mess .1"44 S L. S. 4s 83 ! C.U S. W. c 48 M 9"4 hi S14 .. 24 .. l .. v; .. t'tt 4s MS, .. 1M'4 . .l2i . . 103 9.i sri', lu'i Thieo clays this wH-k.24.47t! ll.KSt 42...S2 Baine days last week V.I.H21 12..1-9 tr. In4 Same clays weeks ago. ..'3. 1 97 141Jn 42.1M Same days 3 w eeks ago. .U.3.5 7.1 Vt 31. 4! Same days 4 weeks as" 2.S,b." l:t'-41 2.2:i Name clays last ymr 19.i4 If. bill 4l.n4 The loilovv my utile, shows me lecelpts of cattle, lions and sheep .it South umaha (or the year to dale, cuinpared with last yeat: l"c. l9-. Inc 1 Cattle 931. S2S I'.'l lj.'-'3 Ib'gs : bi-VKi-'i 1 .'.!!'! .'.l'i ).. 4. 1' Slu-ep l.SCil.KJt l.7!'.!li 1S. '; CAlTLi-J Wl.(jrArH)NS. ' (iood to choice corn-led steers $. flo'iiS 3o I Kuir to guod corn-fed steer s 6 .( (i5.8y I Common 10 fair corn-fed Btcera 4 Unia.un cjood 10 choice range steers s.7nr!J' 4u 1 Common to fan range sieeri 3iiii'U40i loud grass cows and heifers 3.3' '34. W I Fair lo goon cowb and hellvia 2.7- iJ 30 I Common to fair cows and heifers.. l.E U-76 i ilood-choice siockera and feeders.. 4.'"4(4 Ij I Fair to good stockera and feeders.. 3.2. .'tf-4. 00 j'.omniun to lair atockws 2.;. u3.3S ! U.ills. staas. etc 2."0,u3.7i ; Veal calves 4.0.(0 4 '"0 ' The lollowing t.olc shows Hit average price of hogs at oulh Omaha for the last se v eral da) s, with conipai isotis: uo I ,c: 11 4 l-Ue. el .V ,orl liau .s...da li'li 1 .c I 1 e tun 11 1 iv e sa Ice : 1 s 1 1 No, Av Sll. Pr. .40 Av sh li. " ' M4 ,0 . . ."1 ,xi ......'.' . .' ''. '"w . . .. .... ,. . . .. .... .-, . - l'i... Sii iS .1 1 nc . . .. .' .1 . . 4 1 " 111 .V. Ill 11 K. .1 .. "" ' ... . . . t 4 " K ... . .... I" ' 1 ' 1 '" 44 . .. .: ll-l .4 14 1 ,S. ...,4 1.41 1) IH 11. 11 e .1 ;i 1 . . . ... 1." 0 '' "'' el ...... 4 i .1 9 ' .11 . . ..... ... I 4. ' ...4 14 . . 1 !' 1 c.i . ' iv li... . :.. s ' . :'. . ". " .1.. . . .a,.'.' 1. ' .. v.. 1 . l" ' n 1 4'.' 14 .. ll.i 1.1 . ce t I" 1 41 .t I 1141 .1.., Ci. . . . .'o 4" Ii 124 I hoi " lis' .1 id and I ' 1 Pi I. CI il.K III" 11 111' .1:tV - t Writ' . ml 1 J,.l M n r L r I 4 ('nl'l I K l iii ir ' 1 ' ; 1 1 ' n 1 1 M h'i- t'i .1 it. , -it t li wild l"ii r . w M-coii't'- nnrt 4 i 1 . 1 f t i 1 i a hit .1 a In 1 lc fuii iirr inii"'i Itui ?it"nlt' -I (.. IU ii.".. . M,iv LIJ,1 -1 , I' '. - Mr. Si- .1 iMfclH, ir, 1. .'. iiwt I. M il 1: nor" 1 i jT Im. Mi i.r. M)ii liiiis U.t.1 IliM iti i in' 1 1 mio K ,1 ,4)i ti. i 1 1 .vis w fi t MM 4t It' W ( tu 1 1 ii in m m K,t Mill iitUi In U' UlU llM I Hi if iiiiiv i K -1 .Vl.l I k 1 iirl.t In H !: mm Krnlm. It TI1 iii'ii, lith lie i.u flM'U llllltl lit l (I 4tlMI no ti i'.i 1 In hlliK Mt (tl Kill. 1 til i .ri 7- I t ii t iiiiN ,ti tl 1 1 if hiK tut; 01 S Illi'll lU'l-'. . Ml... . AlS .. In-l'il mi e 1 1 in k lit-.-, . tui.t l si u i f, t till r 1 ' Ult h.tit' I lit- (.' ). .til. 1 I'Hi'iitM M M 1 I f t . ( 1 4 ' 1 1 1 1 . .If ltU If H f I 4r .1.. U. ml t hm 1 i w t' .lit '..Dj Wilt' .(bi).lt .-.tuil . tltlt f .t .'SU'I u. . Unlit: t-HLCi (K M.lft 99 .lev. . 4 . I7 .P"1 . !" ,i";' . 9,-, lol 4s S A. L 4s So. Pacific 4s. .. clo lsi 4s ctfs.. So. Railway ns.. . exas it P. Is. . . I' S. L & W. 1 ulon Pac. Is., i. . S. 2d 5a.., A'.cbash Is uo deb. H Vest. Md. 4s... . & L. E. 4a. . is. Cenl ral 4b 4 91 114 Date. I laS. il9u6.19O4..W3.;i9U2.il901.lSW0. Nov. Nov. 4. ..I 6...! KM 9,"-, 113 744 Sli'4 l Nov. Nov. Nov. i Nov. ' Nov. ! Nov Nov. f- Roaton XtoeUa ROHTf)N, Nov. 141 cent; time Joatir, ci'u7 ciuoiatloiia on stocks and Atch. adj. 4a. do 4a Mex. Central 4a. nil Rnnda. Ul loans, i:'u9 per per cent, official bonda were: 5 9 5 Pi'V 6 W'T,, 6 02 1 6 "3 6 17 1 00 I 5 PS4' 4 ! ;! 4 m' 4 n 4 79' 4 .Sol 4 82 I 4 90 4 !9; 4 91 4 9f, 4 79: 4 97 4 M 4 ' 4 9 tt 4 6 61 4 79 4 '.4 4 73 4 781 G I l'i 44 4 do! 4 67 4 3 4 ul 4 M 4 7, 6 M: 6 'i2 4 M 6 72 4 01 6 b 4 67 I fi 31 6 25 1, lo 6 21 6 2X 5 W a 74. ; ti 731 n '.3, n9 6 &! 4 71 4 CP 4 73 llcllv liit.cll cic.lllcil Up l.c..te 11. - cl-se ' liiet tuKlll. Ill 1.44. ev rl t It.likl Was S..11I dial could be ret ..oiled as tleei ra 1 ile. OM chin cwta weie 1 tic- tianlcst to 111-oosc of , aiei ttiey Wt-ic. b ttii mua. iovcei. The niHiket on ieed"i-. 01 cneil this iiiornuiK 1 auoul where It icll ult yirsteiduy. Unit is, With ail clesliabie k:uda iMoiing freely at ltili kU'diiy pikes, incte is , a n 1 - ' tuui anicuiil ol coiiiiuori trahy stuff at inc Wiiiciiii of the lutitse .41, con and bo ill Mu i i aim laiuba 01 lout di sci . 1 1 1 11 1 are ; preii apt to be slow sebers ever oat. t ijuoiiHioiis on Hill. r.-: tbiud lo 110 ce ( luiiii'S. ".jii',.iii; 11 1 1 to geiid lamos. ti wu b is-, Liod to CllOICI J Ctll illlg. ... -0(4141.110, lati lo gv.cnl tailings, a.i.jO. good 1,1 ' choice wetiicis, o.'nit6.' , la.r to good ' well. CIS. H..U1IO." . Kuull to cnoice ewea, i 1...i..U.'0. Violations on feeders. C.ood to choic e I 1 niitif. '..iK4cit;.i,i, medium lahina. "u.Ootjii c'; tignt itiiobs, i4. ia'y j.S; veariliifis, l.'.tja..(&, wciueis. 4.',.,i j.ii; ewes, 441,4.; breed ing ewes. H. i.itda.tii). 11 picseiitaliv e sales: Ml. t 1 Oil! I Mill 1 e.l mi 4iv, : ses Ml lV, , A 1.11-1 iRN I A I'lili:!' I'lU'l IS I'lini'l im firm In tone wl'h initnv lioldeis Inclined I" link flll lhci Illlv .lliCeS follow Dig Md Id's tnuii the co i s t n Ions for spot sup pl'es l;i!Hi. I 1 1 1 1 1 3'nfie or Cll 1 1 1 1 il'llla fl'ill a ml from MMi lis- lor Oregon l"s lo Am. 11 Mill A U IIOI.I'.s r,, IUIIKKT. I'ondlllorn of i'rnce rod llnotallona f.fiiile and I'ani') I'rodtiee. K(ti:s Pel do! , 23c. LIVK P1.1IT.rHY Hens, I.c; rooslera. A clenlol of damage to the Aigenilne wh"at crop by (tost also hod a depirin'I effect. The mfUntion. Itovyevev. remaln"il un t'liai:gyil, the movement being a:ain much nailer than that of last yi ir. Total !ri r .try receipts W'ero a!.4o sniall, being about Ki per cent less than for Ihe same day a yaryigo. Wenther in tbO northwest was ii nsi-l It 4-1 and this Was ovpei tc:l to still f irtin r Interfere with the marketing of the n. cv cit4a 'i cv4":it .tliiinand for cash wieit in MlniHlitiulls bad ;:! bullish effect 0:1 the inarl-:ei here. CornmiHsinn bou4'es .'"d small holders were the chief sellers Dei ember openi d a shad" lo 'vl',o lowe: at 7:1T, 10 74c, sold off to 73'b 73o and then adv. 'need to 74' C. Final 'inotallons Were 1 7l'4.1(744c. Th. market clos-tl II mi. lee ranees of wheat end flour were eiiual 1 274.1' bu. Primary receipis were 1.(17. imi hu. agnlnst"C bu. for the same day last year. Minneapolis. Dnliirh nn.l c hit-ago i'port'St receipts of ''IC. cars akta'-nst 1. 21S c aia last week rtiiti !!' cars a year ago. Kxtrftine ctui'-tness prevailed in the corn market, but llin lone was lir 11. Small l icul leceipls, liixht stoeliu nnd unyettled we.vthcr In Nebraska, Iowa und Missouri were the f.irto's that n111s.1l ihe firm feeling. De mand came prlticlpallv from commission bouses while cash linvers and pit trailers 1 wt-re the sellers. Decemoer opened un c h inged to a Phade highe r nt 421-e to 42V,''r 4JV sold U to 4J4c where ,t closed, tiicmia were 1.10 enra with of contract gmde Trading in imta was quiet and the market laid about steidy. Realizing salea by local lontrs depressed the market and :tlthoui;n Ciiinrr Isslon houses were fair bidders the tleinsnd wu not sufnclenf to nrovent a light recession In prices Dooembor opened a s'indp higher at 34!-,c. sold off to 34 c md close'l at 314'"- Local receipts were CO e:tr Provlalona were atrong because of .mall recelpta of live htcfs ar western ):ickii:c centers. A fair demand hv cotnmlsHlor; bouses was in evidence enrly no.'. Inter shorts covered actively. The selling was mainly by local packers. At the cloe January pork was up 2V at Iin! wis up UiyC-rl.V at Rlbi were IS" Mcher at 17.77 774. Kstlmated reeelpta for tomorrow: Wheat, i4 cira; corn, ItSc cara; oats, ',49 cars: huge, head lie leading futures ranged as follows: t. I.onls lieneral Mnrkel. ST. LOllS. Nov. 14 WHEAT Higher; track, .so. 2 led cash. 7.Vi."'.c; No. i hard, 72'c74e; lie ember, 734". May, 774c CORN I'll 111; tract. No. 2 cash. 444c; N". 2 white, 44 Villa.' ; December, 404c; May. 41 "iC. OATS Firm; track. No. 2 caah. HVrrMc; No. 2 white, 344c; December, 3J4c; Ma v. 3.V'. FLOCK rticady: red winter patents. 3.r.xn3."f.: extra fancy and straight,'u 3.4.V, clear, 12 K01l 2.90. SKKD Timothy, s-teady, H261,3.75. CoiiN MKAI.4-8teady. 12.60. UKAN Firm; Backed east track I Hlic. HAV-Firni; timothy, 12.50iJt.on; prairie, 1 iio.oc( IRON COTTON TlKaV-tt.ta. HACi.UNO Vo. IIK.MP T WINK 9c. PROVISIONS- 1'ork. higher; I 111 60. Lard, higher: prime 19.12 4. Dry sail meats, ateady; boxed extra sliorls, :'3i4; clear ribs, J9 12 4: short clears, I'.i.iii'j. Uacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $10,124; clear ribs, J'jJ.7 4; short clear, ( I 0.8 7 4. PoL'LTHY S-eiUly. chickens. Sc; springs, 9'j'; turkeys, !:ic; cluckH, lW94c; geese, 6 (1114c. IsCTTKR Steady; dairy, 1N'h22C. floor that St. the general combination, and buoyant. Bonds were firm. Total aalea par value, J1.S24.O00. Vnlted States bond were un changed on call. The following waa the range of prices on the New Tork Block exchange: Bala. High. horn, (tloaa. 95'ti Jobbing steamed creamery, 21if( KCiiiS Hlsher, 24c. Flour, hbls. Wheat, hu. . Corn, bu. . . . ( mis. bu. . . . Receipts. Shiphicnls. .... 7.000 18,000 , ...5s. 000 M.OnO , . . . 0, 000 fO.000 , . .4 43,000 73.000 Minneapolis Or 1 14 Market. MINNKAPOLIS, Nov. 1 4. FLOCR First patents. $4.2fa 4 35; second patents. $4.10 ii t. 211; tlrst c'b ara, $3.2o tx 3.3a ; sec ond clears, $2,400 rto. iiKAN In bulk, $1.25. (Superior Board of Trade quotations foi Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The. range of prices, as reported by F. D. Day on Co., Jle-111 hoar"-'. 01 Trade, was: Articles.! Open. High. I Ixvw. Close. Yes'y Wheat-, I Dec .... T'i'-a'i a Muy . .. ,:j u '' Juiy . .. itt UI41J, Fiux 1 Ore 1 19 , Nov... 1 2')4 May...; 1 23 j iH'b) 76'!i itjiij 79-n 7VV 7H4, '4l ', oo.j 119 1 1 lc.4, 1 1 234 1 20-4.1 1 2H4.I 1 .3 i 1 204i 1 -4i Attlclea.l Open. Hlgb. Low. Close. I I 734S74, I I 424''s ;3S.u I 4441 1 i 1344'" Si I S3 4 I ::'. 744tI4 ."4'i, .-l4 ."4S, 3T.4I 3341 7NS, 79 Vb4 4-'4i 424i 4341 434 44 ;44444'4; 424 44 . 31V sf'S 344 344B-4 34 364 1(4 33-4,33464: 334 14 2o I 14 40 1 14 36 I 14 624, 9 4 24 8 ci5 S 80 S 45 IU 8 40 8 60 7 t5 I 7 774! 7 774' 7 874. 74. 14 6.4 9 2S i 8 M 8 45 I 374' I 7 624' 7 724i 9 424 8 tsl 8 66 8 50 7 774 7 874 Wheat 1 'PC. May e t in- 4ec. Mjv July 'a ts I 'ec. Mav July I 01k- Jan. May Nov. Dec. .Ian. May Pit. a Jan. Way No. 2. c ash auotations were aa follows: FiAil'R-Siaadjr: winter patants, t3.aoei3.40; straight. $3.1oi4i33e; tprlrtg patanta, (i.tj0 J.-.. suaiglila, H.Xi3 60; bakers, WIllicr-.N'tt. 2 apiing, 77ytCc. No. 3, I - W W 4. , .4 U. 1-741, IJIIC. ( ORN-No. t. 4440-H4.; 4'.VU4.C 11. I'd t Cil n- V. 34c; No! 1 wiilta, tiit364c. hlE-.N Z, tuiSi4c:. bA HLJx Y Fair lo choice malting, eiKBLvS No. 1 flax, $1.10; No. 1 wpftoin. $1.19. Prim timothy, $4.30. contract gradea, $!.. PKO'lSluNt Short ribs aides (loose), I.'.ia4i.6c. Mesa pork, par bbl., $16.00, Lard, per 1j0 lba , $3,424. Bbort clear sides, lOjxrd). $-viC4o 60- iba receipts and shipments of flour and Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat : No. 1 hard, fciVjc; No. 1 northern. ileV.e; lo ar rive, 7c; No. 2 northern, "i7V, to arrive, Yea'v i ': No. J, i4'(ji6c. No. I durum, b c; lo 1 r" ' u,. l.. .toe- V aoriim .., r urrlu 6i44'. Corn: Nv. S yellow, 4u-l.c; inc. Oala: No. 3 while, 317c; 2H-il3l-4c. Barley: 3f.'i47c. Kye: ta9.c. Flax: lliV 14 15 14 26 2i 8 2ii 6 424 ( 40 7 624 7 724 No. 2 yellow, 1 white, 864(1 47&eic. norih- Clovsr, Kecelpts. ... 86,700 ...1U3.000 ...S.l.oO ... 12.000 g aln were: Kiour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu .. t. bu .. Hv... bu ... Hurley, bu 'ii ilia Produce xchaiigs today the but- ma-rkel was steady : creamery, lco"2l4o;, ibvu2-)c. Legs, firm; at mars, caaea ' "c uiird 2.ui-'c; flrats, 86c; prima flrata, 2ic extras, too. Choess, steady, USi6U4o. Shlpmeuta. a.tjuo in.uo 4o8. 6u0 U.iiA 8j0 87.8U0 I lirrps)l Gralai Uarkal l.iVKKHOOU Nov. 14.-WHKAT Ppot. ..i.dv; No. 1 rsi wsstarn wintisr, 6a 114d. l- i'ires. qulal; Deoeuibar, t 44d: starch. 1 d: May. jS 4 ,U. l;N Sixit. quiet; American J Ktiturea, ri. laSd. stulet; December, urJxod, 4a J4d, Hula lb Grain Market. IjCLCTH, Nov. 14 WHEAT ou tra.'k. 0 I bard. t4o: No. t northern. 7S: 5 northern, 7$ 4c; November, 79 4c; I" mber. 7Sc; May. Ttfcc; July. 80 u. OATS To arrlva. S2Hc. Peoria Market. PFf.RIA. "Nov H.-CORN-H!' l.e-; N'o jtiuw, uaw, oc, old, ativi No. i, new, Kansas City t.raln and Proilaloaa. KANSAS CITY. Nov. M.-VHKAT-De- ceniber, .Mcc; May, 73c; cash No. I hard, orB 7oc; No. 3. tl74(ici9c; No. 2 red. 71c; No. a. ckVp70c. CORN December. 3.4c; .May. Ti-v-c No. i mixed. 374u3S4c; No. 3. 374i3sc; No 2 white. 3Si.,4i3:c. OATS No. 2 white, 334c; No. 2 mixed. 33c. R Y K Stead v. 67 n HAY Firm; choice timothy, $13.76"ai4.Ui; choice prairie. $11.7. (1 12.n0. KclUS Firm; extras. 264c per doaen; flrata, 244u per dozen; aeconds, 184c per dozen. BL'TTETR Creamery, 2be: packing. lc. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 63 Corn, bu 30.oni 30,000 Oats, bu 12,0i"i T.iski Mllwankee lira In Market. MILWAUKEE, Nov. 1 4. WHK AT Steady ; Ni. 1 northern. 78fi'80r; No. 2 northern. 75 77 4c; May, 79c bid. RYE N'o. 1. 7'S71hC. HARLF.Y Steady; No. 2. 654c; sanipl ', 421155c. CORN Firm; No. 3 caah, 4l3 4.i; May, 4$4c asked. Philadelphia, Prodnre Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 14 BUTTER Firm; good demand; extra western crea .41..! .1 ni"... " . r. . l-.. . nrln ' ery. omclal price, .'.c; street extra nearby prints. JOo. rXiOS Firm and active; nearbv and western fresh. 30c at mark. CHEKSK Steady; fair demand; York lull creaina. fancy. i:V0Uc. price, 28c: fresh New 1 Adams Express ' A mat. Copper Am. C. & f Am. C. At F. pfd Am. Cotton Oil Am. C. & F. pfd Am. Express Am. 11. ft L. pfd , Am. Ice, sec ; Am. Linseed Oil Am. Unseed OU pfd. Am. Locomotive Am. Locomotive pfd. Am. S. & H ' Am. S. K. pfd 1 Am. Sugar Rertnlng. Am. Tobacco pfd ctf. Anaconda Min. Co.. Atchison Atchison pfd Atlantic C. L i Baltimore & Ohio.... ; Hal. & Ohio pfd Rrooklyn H. 1' Cnnudlan Paclrtc ! Central of N. J i Ches. & Ohio Chicago C.t. W Chicago & S. V C, M. & St. P Chicago T. A- T Chicago T. T. pfd.. . C. C, C. A St. 1 Colorado K. Hi 1 Colorado Sc So Colo. & So. 1st pfd.. . "olo. So. 2d pfd... Consolidated Oas ... Corn Products, rfg. . 1 Corn Prod. pfd. rfg. : Delaware & Hudson. I Del.. I.. W Denver R. a D. & R. O. pfd , Distillers' Securities. ! Erie . Erie 1st pfd i Erie 2d pfd i General Electric Hocking Valiey , ' Illinois Central int. Paper Int. Paper pfd , int. pump I Int. Pump pfd ! Iowa Central I Iowa Central pfd i Kansas City So ! K. C. So. pfd I Iiulsvllle A Nash... ' Mexican Central ! Minn. & St. L M., St. P. 8. g. M. M 8.P. A 8.8. M. pfd. ! Missouri Pacific i M.. K. & T M., K. A T. pfd National Iead I N. R. R. of M. pfd.. 1 N. Y. Central ! N. Y., O. A W Norfolk A W raah I w- Vti i c4cj. American ! Pacific Mall I Pennsylvania ! People's Gas 1 P . C C. A St. L.... Preaaed Steel Car.... Pressfd 8. C. pfd.... j Pullman Palace Car Reading I Reading 1st pfd.... Heading 2d pfd I Repjbllc; Steel Republic Steel pfd... Rock Island Co R- I. Co. pfd I 8. L. A 8. F. 2d pfd. I 8t. Louis S. W St. L S. W. pfd.'..... 8o. Pacific So. Pacific pfd. . So. Railway .. Ho. Railway pfd Tennessee C. A I Texaa A Pacific L. A W L. A V nf.I r-acmc Pacific rifd Expresa Realty Rubber Rubber pfd .! Steel Steel pfd Chemical , Chem. pfd 49.900 2.0O0 T.6O0 100 '")0i) 100 100 i'.Ono 100 29. ton 200 1,1100 trio 32,(HO l.'.onO B 90 2. Son .90i lO.tVm S.4O0 ' i'.cioc'i 600 131.6O0 112 444 '354 io '24'i K94 18 '734 112 lftt4 1174 1H-. 99 276 'i 1014 13li' U4 '77 176 '534 174 ;o;j 184 11"4 434 '35" a "244 894 18 '72' 113 l.i44 117 13.1 270 v 4 li'l4 134-., 118 '77" 1764 52'.4 174 201 17. 27a 1114 4- 101 36 94 240 244 W4 17 374 734 IU lao4 1164 do pfd I Huston A Al I Huston A Me. . . I Huston Kle ( Flfchburg pfd . ' Mex. Central .. , N Y N. H. A I Pere Marq. ... i Union Paclllc . , i Am. A. C. pfd. Am. P. Tube..., Amer. Sugar . . I do pfd ! Am. T. A T J Am. Woolen . . 1 do pfd 1 hum. I. A S. . . , Edison Klec. II ; Mass. Electric. do pfd Mass. Gas United Fruit .. United 8. M... do pf d t,'. 8. Steel do pfd Idventura ' Allouez 1 Amalgamated ' AtJantlc I 'Hid. . 814 Hlngham 30 .IO14 Cal. & Hecln 8U". . 80 Centennial 294 . 99i4i('opper Range ... 82 .1014 Iialv West 194 .240 IFranklln 21i .li;i4!Granbv 13 IM :lsle Royale 22 .134 IMass. Mining ... . 22e Michigan .19u 'Mohawk . 5i 1M1111I. C. & C .lMH'uld Dominion .. . 9i ((Jsceola . 13U'nrrot .l.'34Wulnc.v .l;(o Sliannon .137 l a ma rack . 31 Trinity .102 United Copper .. . 26'i U. 8. Mining 233 I. S. Oil . 19 Utah . 704 Victoria . 6x4 Winona .10fi' . Wolverine . 73 North Hutte . 29 Hutte Coalition. . leva Nevada .1' ' Mitchell . i ol. A Arizona.. . 6j j I'ecumseh -Ill -a. Greene Con . 134 Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Omaha !2.fiH.on Uhlcngo 1.dO''i7.15 Kansas City 2.c"firi.7'. ! . 6, I 2 ; . ."! ! .126 . 264 .I'd . 16 .100 .1114 '. 62 64 . 9 .1694 .1124 . 364 . 194 Iloera $r,..'.i 'dd. 10 5.6i'Kii''i.Ji4 B.rK.- :St. Joitis 2.0oi 7 On n.O.m.iri I Sioux City D.,wrt6.o0 5 a06'l.'ii I The 1 official number of cars 01 stock orougni in today by each roud was: t-attle. Unas. Sheen. v., ni. A St. r, ity Wabash Mo. Pac. Ry Union Paclllc bit led yearlings 12o tod yearllngj I P45 v-oming lambs, lecb-rs 4 m I 362 WvoiiiliiK owes, feeders 4 74 I l'i W inning ewe.-, iisilers 4 1)7,34.' yoinlna lainhs. tee tleia t' c yoiiung laiulis, feeuers i .1 V yotlilUK laillOS, feeueia 1 a4 Wyoming ewes, feeders 121 yenning e es .22 v yoiiuns lambs, leeeiet cttils 6.' yoiiung lambs, feeder c-uiis 2 9 Wyoming ewes, feeders M Wyoming ewea it.. .. voiding lamtia, feeders 1'.', W.cotnuig ewea, feeders DI Wyonorig wethers, feeders... 67.' Wyoinmg wethers, feedera... Av . ! . fiH . 46 . 94 . 80 sv stf in . . A N. W. R. leant). A N. W. Ily. (weatl. St. P.. M. & o Ry.. H. A Q. (east) H. A g. (westi R 1. A P. Ry. leas C. 1 c.. IT:: I Chicago Gt. Western I Total receipts The disiHisitton of the .4 3 .2 3 .'. Wi i:i 2.1 ..4 2 . M 15 31 .6 0 ..If. 6 .. 97 14 9 .. .. 1 1 ..4 1 -, ..274 Ho 09 261 Wyoming ; .161 Wyoming ' .tn W yomiriK 1m W youi-rig ewes, leeders.. lambs, feeders, feeder ewes feeder wet hern. , J-v, 164 144 . 254 764 I 1 4 kO J 1 rt 1 -H I 234 No. 3. No. 8. Ulu 800 5,8"0 400 2,4i 1"0 200 loo 1.4en i',3tK) 400 XO 5,9i)0 2o0 ioo "ifni 100 'i'16 (.000 200 3.500 70 0 800 "4. Hi 200 1,100 600 35.700 1.600 94 62 374 Wi 137 m 7.1-4 :i9.. '3V 85 6f, 434 76 iiivi 173" 4i 'is" 144 2.1V 167 37 894 754 i4 464 934 93 52.4 374 'rV. ir 19 7&4 219 '394 85 694 434 76 .744 H3" 44 'ii" 1424 23 166 834 864 69 74V4 1274 464 934 London Toa 1 11 11 g lock a. 1DNDON, Nov. 14 CI. -Ing quotations on the Stock exchange wet": Cons., money. .86 15-18 M; K. A T do account.. 86 9-1K N. Y. Central. Anaconda 134 .Norfolk A W.. Ail iiltii'ii, r A - o i v . a 110 eirti PiR irnftario A W.. 1214 Perm, ax-div.. .181 .Rand Mines .. 64 Reading . 18 So. Rnllwav .. Ih3 I do pfd . 21 'So. Pacific , 404'Union Pacific . . 87 I do pfd . 444! U. S. Steel . 774 1 do pfd, ex-div , t4 Wabash .174.4; do pfd .1464,Spanlsh 4s sti any. 32 15-1'id per ounce, per cent. Xhs rate 01 discount in (he open market for short bills ts t'4 per cent; for thjee. months' bltls, 6 per cent. do pfd i Dal. A Ohio I Can. Pacific .... C. A O.. ex-div W. P.. St. 13i4 I Chicago' Gt. -1 2744 !H l'.lS 13a4 116S. 91 7.4 176 22' I 53 174 2U24 ltv2-4 9 C. M. A I DeReera D. A R. G do pfd I Erie j do 1st pfd I do 2d pfd I Illinois Central.. I Louis. A Nash. . I SILVER liar. MONEY 6'u64 ... 87 ...131 . .. ...93 ...47 ... 714 ... 6 ... 744 ...34 ... 9 ... 964 ...lfc-4 ... 9ti l"4 -1073-4 . 20 . 14 . 96 1 as follows, each buyer I ber of head Indicated: 1 ; Omaha Packing Co Swift and Coniriany Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour & Co Yausant A Co Carey A- Betitem Ijibnian & Co McCrearv ajid Carey... W. I. St-phen Hill A Son F. P. Iwla i Huston A Co ! Hamilton A Rothschild ; L. F. Husz ! YW-lf ;j. H. Bulla ; Mike Haggertv J. H. Root A Co T. li. Ir.ghram : Sullivan Pros ' V. A. Rritton I Wrlsifmuth , Other buycra day's receipts purcnaslng the nuin- Cattle . .. 0.9 ...1.211 ...1.3s7 . . . . 840 . .. 90 , . . . ci) ... '.H 25k 10 121 339 C'.JI 20 40 93 13 30 17 Hogs 81ue; .ti 1 KuS 1,5.11 41.1 4"7 Wyo. wellieisalld ea : llngn. . tjSa Wyoming feeder wethers ;.!. Nebraska weihers 242 yonilng wethers 1.7 So. Dakotn yearling fd. culls 14J Nebraska ycar.lngs 1 l'i So. Dakota yearling feeders.. So. Dakota yearling teeners.. 213 W yorilng ewes 1.3 Wyoming cull ewes Ivl Wyomiiig le eder lambs 1.4 Wyoming ieeibr laniln ' 41 native la nibs I 2. s western ewe a 4 96 4il 45 93 li3 67 Ml 81 93 87 56 90 89 93 96 b'7 91 S'l 94 811 79 I'M 98 65 64 84 1'3 Pr. 6 474 5 ici'u. 6 2a " 4 10 4 10 5 15 5 86 6 4ft 4 in 4 liO 4 50 4 aO 4 20 4 ) 5 90 4 20 a 26 6 10 4 lo 5 90 4 10 4 9" 5 lo 5 10 5 30 5 30 5 aO 5 XT. 5 .10 5 30 4 66 3 S5 6 36 5c; turkeys, IJ'j.l.ic; a. 9c; spring thickens, 8c; geese-. S(44C. HI 1"! KR-P..cklng st jck, 17c; choice to fancy dairy. 19W21C. creeiiiiery. 24027c. HA Y- Ch ili e upinnd. $9 60; inetii.iui, 19.0OJ co. use, $.i.i..i6 .00. Re straw, $tl.60(v7.00. URAN-P.r ton, $16 00. VIXIKTAitl.KS. SWEET POTATO KS Per bbl., $2 50. TOM A l'oKS California, per bajeket of 24) lbs . $2.26. WAX 15KAN8-Per one-third bu. bom. $1 26 HKKTS AND CARROPS-Per bu., 75c. LEAF LETTUCE- Hothouse. pr doa. henda. 40c. CELERY" Per dnz . 3ciHiiir. CUCl M BERS Hot house i-er dm.. 11.50. ONIONS Home grown, 5,'f per ou.; Span Ish, fl tv. per iriii', 1 oloradu, 16c. GP.EKN ONIONS Per doz. hunches. 280l HORSERADISH- Case of 2 doa., $1.90. RADISHES Per doz bunches, lie. NAVY HEAN9 Per hu.. $1.85; No. 2, $1.7t. T,If A 11KANS-- Per lb., (,tc. GREEN PEPPERS- Per market basket. 75c. PARSLEY Hothouse, per doi. bunches. 3'.c. CA Tt BAG E Holland seed, home grown, per lb., 14c. EGG PI. A NT-Per dog., $2 00. POTATOES Per bu.. 4u4u6'.c. RUTABAGAS Per lb., P.c, 150 lba. to sack. TURNIPS Per Im.. &fc FRUITS. PF.ACH ES California Salway. per box. $1.10; Colorado. $. .'6. PF.ARS Winter varieties, per bu., $2 259 8 00 GRAPES Tokay. $1 75; Mtlaga, per bbl., $..0KilH 00. APPLES Ben Davis, $2. 2T: Jonathans. $3 25413 50; New York npptea, $3.26; 1.1 time Golden. $2.75. CRANBERRIES- Per bbl, $f) Ooff 10 00. WATER MKLONS--Colorado, winter, 35c each. QUINCES-Per lmx. $2 25. TROPICA I, FRUIT8. ORANGES- Florida oranges. .!.'. LEMONS Llmonlers. extra fancy. :40 7 00 5 in l.idi t2 1.6JS ' I IIH AiO LIVE STOCK M4IIKKT ( nltle Slendy lo l,,i.,rr-lleizn Mend; heep SlrnJ) to Mronsr. CHICAGO, Nov. 14 CATTLE-Reci'lpts, 2."), head, market steady; others weak to 10c lower; c-ommon to prime steers, $4.00 4'7.30; cows, $J.D5'ti 1.75; heifers, J2.ia1i!.i 0; bulla. $2.4"ii4.6ii, (-.lives. $'.ij0i; Block ers and feeders. $2 4e4 50. HOGS Receipts, ;',) head; lnaiket steady; choice to prime heavy, $6.3nat.35; mi'dium to g(Md heavy, $rt. lipii.2t: buuiier weightB, $'-' 'd"-"' -35; good to choice mixed, $0 e,'ii6.J0; iacklng, l5.6tKiS.4J6; pigs. n.4l 6.15. SIIE17P AND LA MRS Receipts, 2J.000 bead; miirket steady to strong; Bheep, $:', 2fi5.75; yearlings, 5.25'(i.4o; lambs, $6.00 ti'i.oS. 1L2C7 864 1394 894 854 13H4 1.20(1 524 524 261 1444 Hot) 14B.4O0 4oo inn i.S-m 900 262 146 354 ftk 294 6) 35 8 t8i 66 3"" 14H 24 4 Toledo Seed Market. TOELDO, O., "ov. 14 BEBDS Clover, raah and November, $8 26: December. $8i; March. $8 40. Timothy. $1.96. Alsike. $7 71. ( otloa Mnrket. NEW YORK. Nov. 14 COTTON Spot closed steady St 30 points advance; mid dling uplands, 10.70c; middling gulf, 10 "etc. sales. fH"l bales. LlVERPtXiL. Nov. H.-lOTTON-St-ol. good bualneaa done: pricea t points higher; American middling fair. 6 2t'.d; good mid dling, .87d; middling. 67d; low middling, 649d; good ordinary, S.13d' ordinary. 4 88.1. The salea of the day were 12 u bales, of which 2,0o0 were for speculation end x port and included 8"0 American. Receipts. S8.1.0 bales. Including 18.0ii American. ST. 1XJIT8. Nov. 14 COTTON Steady : middling. 104c; salea 71 baits, ehipmeniB, 14 bales: aiork. 10ttc balea. NEW ORLKAN8. Nov. 14 -COTTON-Spot cloaei ale-ad) ; aalea. a.t'i balea: ordi nary, tc. nominal: grvod orilimry, ll-li.-: low middling. 84c: middling. IK: good iiilddllng, H4r; raiddllng fan. lo7Uf, nom inal, fair. UViC nominal. Re.eipis. U,c2j bales; Slock, 24i.64 bales. T., St T., St. Union 1 nlon U. U. U. U, U. 83.600 310 4.700 100 100 2.500 200 aoo ..147. 200 2, Son 1.100 ion 56 3o0 1 2-0 Joo 8. 8. 8 8. 8. 8 Vs -Car Va -Car. Wabash Well-Fa rgo Ex... . Went. Electric Western Union . . W. A L. E Wis. Central Wis. Central pfd .. N'o. Paclrlc Central Leather Central Leather pfd Sloss-Sherlleld Great No. pfd Interborough Met.! Int Met. nfd Total aalea for the day 944 119 334 96 154 36-V 35 54 183 24 '874 "9 W MS HvV. 32V 96 1594 36 34 V 544 1814 92 '" 46 106; iov, 474 44 St 104i 37U 361, 200 194 'j4 100 300 49.3M) 2-AJ 'i'-9 6.8 a l.i 854 17 223 374 '78'' 3'i3 36 17 219 37 "is" Sjo 9a 4A shares 3 5.V 3,-4 t4 1 564 j 137 194 T5' 2194 535 I ' 1 85 69-4 76 74 1744 123 173 17 81 44 &04 2s 494 27 694 1444 23 66 1464 16. 34 36; 694 754 524 124 454 ;u4 8K4 884 864 1294 f4 80 62 87 2614 1464 89 93 354 74 Si", 664 46 244 N 944 I1K4 334 94 169 364 344 54 1S.14 92 115 87 484 JOb 4 47 1044 3.l, b A9 155 85 I64 264 614 222 4 374 IO11 !4 4 Boston Copper Market. Closing quotations on Boston copp- ket. reorted by lxigan A Bryan, 2 Board of Trade building. On. aha: Adventure ( Mohawk 67 Allouez 37 Nevada Cons 2o Atlantic Ul North Butte 112 Bingham 31 Old Dominion.... 4 1 Black Mountain. 84 Oareola 12e'4 Boston Cona 324 Pncj. Service 134 ! Butte Coalition.. 36-44 do pfd 29 ! Calumet A Ariz. 164 Quincv l"- Cal. A Hecla 868 .Shannon 16 I Centennial 294 Tamarack loo 1 Copper Range.... 81 Tenn. Copper 424 j Dally Went 20 Trinity 11 East Rutte 10-V. L". S.. com 164 Franklin 214 C. S., pfd 45 Greene Coper 26 Utah Cons 64 Oranby 2 Utah Copper 31 Helvetia 84 Victoria 64 Isle Royal 224 Winona 9-4 L 8. A Pitta.... 274 Wolverine IU Maaaachuaetta .. 84 Cananea 26 Michigan 174 Nlpl.-islng 29 ew York Mlnlnii Utocka. NEW YORK, Nov. 14. Closing qu-tations on mining .il-ici vr: Adams Con 20 1 Little Chief ,.8i4 Ontario .... .. 36 ,Ophlr .. 00 'Potoal Savage 'Sierra Nevada jSmall Hopes . Standard Total 7.171 3.724 15.117 CATTLE There was another verv large run of cattle this morning in addition to the liberal receipts of yesterday and the Jay belore. The demund for desirable kinds I of cattle was weli maintained and the mar : ket In fair shape. I (iood beef t-leei.s were scarce and the ! market fully steady. In fact the niniket on 1 good fat cattle generally was without any I noteworthy ohante an c ompared with yes- terday. but leas eleslrable kinds were weik 1 Cows and heifers were slow to open and the trade was pretty dull all day owing t in'- i.ici mac irtpiiun ti.tve oeen inrKC and that packers were not as hungry for sup plies as thev might otherwise have heeo I While some of the best cattle may hate I Bold alaiut steady the general tendency of tne maraet waa wean and 10c lower. S'rlctly good feeders were Bgaln active sellers at good firm price and the offerings for the most part we 4Hned up In very good season In the nlng t'onimoii trashy cattle are slow . . - t stock calves are lower. Representative aalea: II KEF STEERS. Av. Pr. No. 6 35 43.... 5 35 20.... 6 50 20.... COWS. 2 00 28.... 3 00 3... COWS AND HEIFERS. 840 3 10 2 HEIFERS. 2 25 7 t 75 CALVES. 6 00 FEEDERS 2 40 9. . . . .1 15 23.... 3 15 140... Atllce Breece Brunswick Comstock Tun Con. Cal. A Va. Horn Silver Iron Silver Leadvllle Con . . 81 .160 .180 .460 . 6 .... 6 350 ....X .... 26 ...135 ..145 ...35 ...270 Treasury Malemenl. WASHINGTON. Nov. 14 Today s alalc mcut of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve, shows: Available cash bal ance. $226,835,367; gold coin and bullion. $116,750.(74; gold certificates, $48,292,730. No. 19. 49. 15.. 35.. S... 3... 12... ...1425 ....12S0 ....1158 ....1016 960 r.90 754 165 9S5 375 9.15 Av. .. 932 .1186 ..1:121 ..1013 .1413 .1040 . 751 944 62.1 944 Pr. 5 65 5 75 5 85 2 70 3 75 4 00 3 00 si7.e.; ;iie size. zM.em; stii) size, 9.oo; oiner brands. 5011750 less. BANANAS Per medium-sized bunch, t :'.'(;' 25: Jumbos. $2.5(Vij3.0O. UHAPF. FRUIT Sire bl to 64 and 80 to 96. 8l.m-4l4.60. FK IS Kails way. 6c; Buyers. 64c; new stuffed walnut dates. 9-lb. box. $1.10; Cali fornia bulk. 54c; 7-crown Turkish. 16c; crown, 14c; 5-crown. 13c: 3-erown. 12o. BKEF CUT PRICKS. Ribs: No. 1. 144c; No. 2, 9c; No. 1. 80. Round: No. 1. 8c; No. 2. 7c; No. 3. 6c. Loin: No. 1. 17c. No. 2. 124"; No. 3. 84c. Plate: No. 1. 44c; No. 2. 4c; No. 3. 24c. Chucks. N11. 1. 6c; No. 5c: No. 3, 34c. MISCELLANEOUS. SUGAR Granulated cane. In sacks, ta.B; granulated heel. In sacks. $5.31. CH IC KS E Swiss. new, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 154c". Wisconsin limberger, 124c; tlna. 15c; Young Americans, 164c COFFEE Roasted. No 35. 20c Tr lb.; No. 30, 21c per lb.; No. 25, 19c per lb.; No. 20. 16c per lb ; No. 21, 13c per lb. COCOANUTS Per sack of 100. $4.60. 8YRUP In bbls., 27c per gal.; in cases. 6 10-Ri cans. $1.70; cases. U &-lb Oans, $1.80; tass. 24 24-lb. cans, $1.85. HONEY Per 24 frames, $3.50. CIDER New, half barrel. $2,76; barrel, $5 25. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west ern. 5ia''ec: Maine. $1 15. Tomatoes, 3-lb. cars. $1.10: 2-lh. cans. f.74cC(j$l.0O. Pine apples, grated. 2-lb., $3,054(2.30; sliced. $1.90 ii2.20; gallon apples, fancy, $.''; California I apricots, $l.90(i2.2c; pears, $l.,5'ii:.6o: peac. ee). I fancy. $1.75'u2 4o; H. C- peac hea, $2.ooi(jl5'. ! AUska salmon, red. $1.25; fancy Chinook. F.. $2.10; fancy aockeve, F.. $1.9a; sardines. market I quarter oil. $2.75; three-quarter mustard, common $3 00. Sweet potatoes. $1 lncjl.tfi; sauerkraut. $1.00; pumpkins, 80c'i$l.o0; wax beans, i-nv, iie'iifi 80c ; lima beans. 2-lh . 75i 'ci1 36; spinach, $1.35: cheap pens, 2-lb., 60c; extras, 96c.i$1.10; fancy. $1,351)1.75. CURED FISH Family whlteflsh. per quarter bbl., I11O lbs., $4.00: Norway mack eral, No. 1, $28 00; No. 2. $26.00; No. 3. $20.00; Irish. No. 2. $16.00; herring. In bbls., 20n lbs. each. N'orwuy. 4k, $9w); Norway. 3k, Jl'Oo; Holland herring, in kegs, milkers, 80c: kens, mixed. 70c. Kansas City Live stock Market. FISH-Trout. 12c; halibut. 12c; catfish, 1 KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Nov. 14 CATTLE I 'V' Bba'i!no?,,rc',plke lie- Ted '-Receipts, ll.'io head. Including , hea.l ; kf' i eoutlieniB; market steady to strong; choice "'1,Llr',,re '"..Jo" , LrA .i.ViLsi and export and dreiese-d beef sieera, $6.6ci.,75; ; f 'P ',.iP fr.'.h froien 9c fair to good. Jl.oo.i . 4, ; western steers. (3.50 ' 0H','rt' hfl, Jl1' JlT? frIen' Cl i6.26: Siockera and fevers, $2.ai4.oi; ; "T," "? i" 4??? T'Veen -,1ted !r?"l"" -L'' r.-a.".,.'' 'X ' So' 'ike: No. 2TAuic 'bull' hides. 99 I Lir.., ti t.rrifi on- hulls t -run -:t xf, : nalvm T"" hides, No. evt- Tork l.lve Kto.'k Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 14 BEEVES Re ceipts. 1.677 liend; common steers slow to 15c lower; others steady to l'k- higher; bulls and cows sternly; medium and common covva hIow; stee rs, $3 .75Hi 25 ; oxen. $4 0i"li' 4.75; bulls, $2.5'';(4.0o; cows, tl 15ij3.15 Llver p(il und London cables slow. Kxioits. 2. fOO quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 2.044 heod steady but dull for nied 11111 and veals and gni-Ters. Veal nnd little calves. :i. 5 5c 275: prime westerns, l.a0 4(3.75. 11' M',S Receipts. 7,i:9 stead v at $5.0i-.i:.8o. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts. 8.7S6 liead; sheep, steady at JUi.."! R.25 f"W choice. $T, 5o; culls. $1.5"''i2.5o; lamhs higher at $6 50 ii 7.0.1 ; Canada. $7.''; culls. $4 2i6.25 .).0e.''l'.I.OO; culls graswerB, $2 4elp ted CHlves, $3.00 Iteud ; market 3 25 3 X, 3 80 ft.i.eei'.i). 15. HOGS Receipts. 13.488) head; market strong to a shade lower; top, $6,174; bulk of sales, $6.n74u124: heavy, $'l.lo'!i6.174, packers, $0.074 uS. 16; l'B" an( light, $6.15.1 6-124- SHEEP AND LAMBS Reeelpta. 6.000 head; market slow and steady: lambs. $6.00 ifi7.2."; ewes and veurlinga, $4..V6'i.0O; west ern yearlings. $5.25Ji6.(Ai; western sheep, $4.2iVi4a.50; stockers and feeders, $3.7&.4)i.iJ. No. 2. loc; horse. oCicu'.i'i. Tallow, WESTERNS NEBRASKA. 49 cows 9fl 2 80 23 steers. ...1113 3 70 23 feeders. .1271 4 20 16 feeders. .1034 3 ten 26 cows 816 2 10 25 strs A l.fs 754 1 26 10 cows 991 2 Ml 10 steers.. ..1157 4 00 68 feeders.. 932 3 80 5 feeders.. 932 3 00 61 cows 962 t W 4.1 steers... .lloO 4 So 31 ute-rs. ...1115 3 65 IH steers.. . 772 2 75 12 feedera.. 9"0 3 iri 12 feeders.. 705 3 40 45 feeders.. e-8 4 15 4 feeders.. 8X8 8 50 6 cows 875 3 2 18 cows 9--5 2 80 C cows 1003 2 Do 6 bulls.... o42 2 85 8 feeders.. Hi 3 M 46 feedera. .1136 4 10 8 feeders., tv-8 3 50 2-1 feeuers.. 8T111 .1 7o 19 Kiwi 907 2 66 Korelsn Plaanrlal. IXINIKIN". Nov. 14 -Monev waa In atro: demand In the market today for the aeltl ment. Dlacounta were firmer. WUh II. conclusion of the aeltlemcnt a irlfle more animation prevailed on th - sio k exchaiic; In the Brltlsb section fi'ioiations slowi' improved but while the- (one was chcerf i consols ea.-a-d f v on the low purls exchange Americans were dl tinetlv firmer. The over-' if! t i-ii,v Wall ftrie' n.c nir.ic'O socal l".i. lg i-' tv loicnoua ana prlcus iiacbcd mar iyariiv.. Wool Market. BOSTON. Nov. 14 WOOI,-Market Is firm and active. The individual sties of territory now being made range from loO.ooO to 500,000 pounds and most houses have a part in thta hiislneas There la a stenlv call for staple Oregon and tlvere la a con tinued large movement in territory wool of all grades but quurter bloods More Inter est Is now In pulled wools. Foreign grades are firm. leading domestic (notations fol low: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above 334i3lc; X. 311)'22c; No. 1. 4i441c; No. 2, 3i fine uiiwaaliesl 2T26': uuinercbantahle. rtrSiic; lialf blooded unwashed, VM'Si.:: three-eighth blorsl unwa.shcd., .14 u34'c : quarter blood unwashed, 36f37c; dcialne. 37 gOc. Kentucky. Indiana and Misnourl: Combing. thre-elghth blood. Kl?i'34c. Texas (scourfd bafiai. 1 Inc. 12 months, 724i72c; I fine. 6 to 8 monthB. 66?i,fi7c; line fall, ctesari, ' 5StitTic. California, scoured basis, northern Choice 87?i6iic; northern good, iMciiic; mitl- i die counties, tfl'fCitc; southern. 62(dtk1c; fall free, 50c367c. Oregon ifcoured baalm, east- em No. 1. staple. iii(i.v, eastern No. 1 clothing. ff784c; valley No 1. 6'(6.,c. Terri lory staple scoured b,ils. line e'e72e; tne. dlum flne, tf7'ic; medium. 6Vil6r. Terri tory, scoured basis, gne. toflOc; fine 1114. dlum,64'u67c ; medium. fl3'nirc. Color uio and New Mozlcu spring acuured. X. CIWil ; No. 1. tUfltio. Pulled woolf, scoured basi. extra. iiWtTIc; flne. U' ., A supers, 57iV: H j super. 4'.'t'63c. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Nov. 14 -WOOL-Steady. Medlum gradea 1 (.mtiiiig and clothing, 1 , :7c; light line. Dii'JlP: heavy fine. MhP'c, ! tub washed, 32iy 374c 26 Rtepl-B. . 39 feeders, " cows I cow s 126 steers... 55 cows 9 feedei a. J. 11 feeders., 4. 30 feedeiK. 22 feeders 1 2o fe-ders. 1 19 steers.. 1 5 rows. . . SOUTH 1310 .. 970 ..HXJ DAKOTA. 37 steers. .. S feeders. 30 cows.... .17 feeders. 10 feeders 9 cow s. 4 4o 4 20 8 15 3 )6 WYOMING. 876 3 80 Harold Banner Wyo. !4 3 06 4N Ciiki clorgaii, Wyoming. . iJ.'i a 60 lu le?ecii;ra.. 11. Huggins, Wyoming , ik 4 3 a" 26 fe ders. . li. Cook, Wlumliig. . 723 3 75 7 feedera. . J H. Sage, Wyumlng. . 8to 1 li lii Iccdeig.. 63 2 3 7o H. Dickinson--W vo. .11 4 05 John .1U"4I 3 n6 12 cows S34 2 ba . 900 3 25 W . It. ii.ayer-Wyo. . 971 4 4o hi cows lir.1i 3 66 . 9u3 4 10 T. 1'ricc Wyo. loo.' 1127 l"o4 4 15 4 Jo 2 Ml 2 60 3 05 3 50 3 80 gt. I.onls l.lve Stock Market. ST. 11U1S. Mo.. Nov. 14 CATTLE Re ceipts, 6.UU head. Including I.60O head Texans; market for natives steady; Texuns strong; native shipping and exisjrt Btuers, tj.7irii7.oO; dressed beef and butcher steers, $6 1 u6.4o; steers under l.niu pounds, $3 26'tJ 4i)6; Blockers and feeders. $2.00h 1. 60. cows and heifers, $2.60ti6 26; tanners, $l.U(i 2.26; bulls, $2.2'riH.oo; calves, t3.ntru7.26; Texun and Indian steers, $'ii6.50; cows and heifers. t2.1i'ii3.1o. HiGd Receipts. 6.1XO head; market steady; pigs and lights. $5 9"ii6.'.M; puckers, $tj (Ai'6.20; butchers and beet heavy, I'i.bKU 8"bilEEP AND I.AMBS-Recelpts. o' head market steady : native muttons, $3 oO i6 5o. lambs. t4.m.liT.50; culls and lijtis.a. $3.c(j3.lVi; stockeiH. $2.0o4j3 60. Sloas ( Ily Lite Sieirk Market. SIOUX CITY". Nov. 14. (Sscial Tele gram) CATTLE Receipts. I.Ono bead; market steady; beevec. $4 0"ii4i.0o; cows, bulla and mixed. $3.6i4.ll: stockera and feeders.' t2.50cf4.; calvea and jearllngs. $2.iiO'u3.5o. H11GS-- Receipts. 2.00O he-id: market weaker.- to lower, aelllng at $". l6 (l; bulk of sales. Jolv.iC'.lO. SHKEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2n0 head; 11 arktt steady. 1. 11c; $1. 5043.75; sheep pelta, No. 1. ic: No. 2. ic. NUTS-French walnuts. 134c; California walnuts. No. 2. hard shell, 13c; No. 1. soft shell, 14c; Brazils, l3U144c; pecans, WUMc; filberts. 1241j14c; peanuts, raw. 64c; roasted, 74c: California almonds, bard shell, 16c; soft shell. 18c. INVESTMENT 500 Shares of Treasury Stock fur sale In a high grade niauu facturlng plant. Same to be ued to increase the business. Com pany well rated, and holds strong trade position. t dividend paid la lyoa und 19uu, and as output Is wold for 1907 at advanced prices, dividend will be 8 or more. Investors ate invited toil investigate. Adilrej, V lot), OnuiUa, IWe. Sal 6 fcletu' 64 ateers. ...1214 7 feeders. . !il 1 1 cow a. . . 36 cows.. . H.vl A Klrklund A 3 6 l'i e!er.. 101(i 4 2," Hayes - Wyo. 23 kleeis. 6 feeilers. 11 re ,leis 4 cows. 4 cows. mil NEW YORK prime crude, f ..V'i:a. Pett ul Itialn, Nov. 14. o. b. mills. ileum, quiet: OIL- Ka:!er ; ;7c : v 11 i-i w . re fin. I New Tii. $7.6i'; Pliilud.-lpl'lii und Baltnioic Y 15. Turi-entlne, 7n4'"lc. ItOSI N Firm ; strained, common 10 too.l. $4 26 OIL CITY. Nov. 14 ol 1. -Cred.t a 1 81 Runs. Ii4j.9j7 bbls., avriage. 71. ' Mia..- aliipuienta 1-7 i bills.; averaise :o 6.' bbls. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Nov.' 1 4 -ol l.-Turi en - 81 co'.va l?t at. era 1 steers. , 30 feed.'l S I cows 10 eowa. . . . :4 feeocra. St 3 90 47 suets.. 3 -5 .3 f.-iie's. .loll 3 40 54 i' lot k 3 lo 1 c 'W a . ., C. Ashland-Wyo. .118." 4 36 I.. l..4-atlt, Nelraska . I'll 3 wi 12 feeilers. . :t .1 fiu Wilson Bros.- Nib. . : 27 2 50 9 cows. . . . i-77 2 'ii S. 1 '. Boore - Neli. . BI9 2 7o C. Avent-Mont. .1 '. ' I : '.V. sle or t . 1136 4 60 Ge r,'c WaKiu r .Mon t . vi 3 77 -'2 feeib 1 s ..lU'li 3 00 . John Kenton -Mo-u. In. i i "o 29 f (b i s . t'l 3 4f, it; jic. I . II Klcholtz-Colo loo .1210 l"i:l . If.' . '.'17 3 on 3 60 St.' Joaet.h Lite Mock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Nov. 14-CATTLlv-Recelpts. 2. .'93 head, market steady; na tives $4 Iii'ii ' 75: in" and heifers. $2.oo 450 Blockers nnd feeKlers $3 'i(4 26 I i' a )t-v-Receipts. o.TI head, mu. ket 11 shade higher; top. ' ' ' "1'k. 16 4:4'U L'4- SHEEP AND LAM BS-Reeelpis. 9-4 head, market steady. Mock tn MUM. Receipt of live stock at the six I rin-,-tr,ul .IH in maiketa yesterday: 4'uttle llogl Sh 8-iuth Omaha Sioux City Ksr.Bis City gt. Joseph St I. rata Chicago Totals eep. . 7.oi;' 3 7') is.ioo . LiK 0 2.4 m 2"o ll.i.ii 13.""' 6,'' . '.'.8'l 6 671 9:1 . i..',J .'" iV"i .26.0'l a".t"0 .' fj.3f3 tt'.:t;i 53,9'. Goldfield I bave, in connection with practical miners, secured gome most promising properties in the great (Joldneld, Ne vada, tauip. We need aid for quick development. We are confident of opening up good mines, as we are surrounded by tii shipping mines. Write for particulars. Address V16 2 ' h lo 4 in 1"VS '-e. firm; tiTc: aal '2 : sliprnents. R( S1N- I-irm: qunt. . . 'J'4.': K. 1 ' . . 1, 1 ! 1 1 ;, ti.uc-, w g, j s. ' v i.i id bb'.i C. 3 ' : !' ' 1 ' . 1 'i W W, $ ..914, receipts V " m $ :. 31 feeders.. 9 '7 3 57 27 (cede IK. U-l i 2'. Mrs C K. I tt fe ed ra p .- 8 .V. 'J 1. . dT-.. 'U .1 2i H it " v K A f ..(.., . ;. i'.i; 147 !'td-u X: feed olo. rs.. 4-N - ,c 4 . v:4i S iV-l'i'lii. cor. s 14) - ' Melal Market 1 NEW YORK. Nov . 14.-M KT I. - l'her was an advurue ol !s 6d to is In ihe lin- 1 rioti i n i", iki. with sint eioslr-g al aji'.'l 15s and rului'es at a! liu .'.a. Un-ally tne 1 mitket w is enl"! a:'0 a shade higher in 1 M-.'iiiii.'ii hv with ihe ailc I'H-e aliiniol. Spo' 1. iw .oiele. I at $4" 60 lid end $t'.7S ttskel I li'opl'tr w,i. iri'a'ilir In ii' Loml. ik.-'. vvi'li spot ."In it St "l I "9 l'" . Iti.-es Ml Vl v l' 'l'i- I.'' ally the 1 it 111 tl' TV. V. Itii I.'1'.' .III. lie t lit ' el, . t'.'lvt . V.i "':! .'.'.' : 1 -ist.fg. $.1 l..'ti' v il quiet Slid tl 1' ' ilivt.l a; '.I t ' !.'.h in tt!.' local '.l.fkct. "if l...:e'..o lii-l"- 1 i mi c c'fn I. i i ha-itseei in l is - r, 1 Spelt r Was fs 'V lnr''r (.1 L.. las in i L' "tlon. Tne b c.,1 iimtk' t l un.'h.i'nel , al 4Jt. Iiu;i we- - ! r I.i tne K jt isli inavbtt. vii' sc.".: i'd fen y iiuoi. i ; GEO. W. E. Dorsey Fremont, Neb. After Nov. 17th, tiolillu lil, .Nevada. i n s k i . in mar aud in- ' 1 ' 7.1 .1 cc ni !) ih. d eCHTcU at ilie Financial World :v iiidi ii it .o Si tlrojt'ivay I'd'J ICaiidolps. int. T.. I.emln.g r:iiuciul V. aekly si iae!e to Hcnkers sr.d I Inancicrs InJn, ti'tal: to Iniailerj and SIXKulateMa Ti.a"! ly O.'.iinelal publication of ita kind. 8eo4 f ".' f. e llii, le . T V"'l mil l eceU.UC4l fcf ita valao and . n.i j,.ur ut'w.Ti4.iloa. .( ' Or '41 li'.US .lo ic:-. I.c stalled aal ll.ik tnoi n I TICK I l 4 I H 3'I H?oat'.wni; IIHI.D ew ark i ii j