Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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A u trie nn 8ocit af Equity witli
Oreaui&ed Laborer.
alraanlsatinn Is tnkrd )
lrn (onarrti Ihr inntina
Home Rnle to People of
I mr
MIN-M-'Al'dLIH. N.iv. :i - A turn' m I - i i . . i i . , I -i; . .. it i-m..-i .
,r" " r-p.v-!-.a!iv. 'I Mr m!' ' i.rnrriil Williniii ..
4-rmi1 fMrnifrsV u..i Mivn . 'If NuKWlfl-l. I'.-nn . Nm . 14 ;r,. i , Wil
mrlrin SnrlMy of KtiI'v. si l'n"iii'n Kv .1;..,, ,ti,i,nlv nf hif lim- ht-
lioni ..iti J tinn. r-i'.. !:... :.. i t- i ' h. f .lM , K.t , ,,,, ,..ilti it.nil.l.. H.- ,-om-In
Xt rii!. a f-ol-iii .i, liy i.- J'..rn. K: m ! ,,,.,., ,j tin si. I i.t I- i"on. i. lit in tin-
iK;iif. fantii.K.. IBI'M.1'. n ins t; l"i' in-l ,
Li "Titri nd mm" p. liH.,,! ;t. . .l.-m l.i- j ,
iiiinti v, ,i u'l Mi 'ii il. n in. i.itinn "I .
I'-;inrhi-p of ih. .niiln-iiiry t i -:
ti.iril thi4 iiin.-i linpi'it ini iviiiM.i: t 1 . i
iiwlim f 'hi- Am. 1 1. .-i'i I'.-.n i.i; f I
i .nhor , ciiiiv "1 1. in. J
Tli'-rr uiri iii.i- i ' pt -snr .i t i in.'i
iiiim ii .tti rtM.j,i- p4o( in,
WVpt MiPlis. ri;i : Intl 1 1 s. rf. Ilil i'l' III.- .i- j
ilfly, i.ili.-, Iinnlv ..'.tlniinn lln pnliry .if:
tlio furm'TV ll I. ri nrl inriy'in Bifiu
)itipm tlint li nii;ht li.r.uiii' iiHillat.-.l !i!i
lln AinTlnin l-'f ilrr ' imi "I l.nliur
X. ('. CmtAlr;., llt niKuinf'-i "T inn (
'iirican Su-i'-ly of Kuuily r-ir i' .-ni.ii. .
oi1 urcrtt iil niifiuMii Py I, Is pp-.i 'it
I ho ouppnrt of itrpanizi il Ikhnr in i h- lu
f tho omnnixod failings ncnln! ih.- ' nn.l
d mi n." tin- i ..'ininls.-io'i ii;4 n .-n.. I Hi.
t.i. aril nf Tiartr p nihil"! "
"Wb limy i-oiiii-nl lln- wln-at inuk.-i. n-.
an- ilt'liiK." miIiI Mi. C'uwl.'v "Ti'ila'
tho n 1 11 1 i'l' .Mniiii' ipi.ll art3 imi ill peini
if ihutiiiiK ilimn P...HI.-. v.- a'.' Iii.IiIIiik
'H-k OUT Whft. lillt tin' DM II I 'ft ''! w :H
Mx thai for mi, ji;.t t hi- -.rni- h In
nyn dooo. Tin- unly way In wn it'll I::--
1 I tnlllCT rnnsllllir I' l iltl 4 t I lit' lll.- t i. (
thrv (lrrrvt- t! In .hi thi ir own lilli.r ..
The vninrnisMon init'i Hint tlm Itn.nil ,.;
'I i !i'li- spi'i iihitoi 4 an- nihlilntc Imtli m' us."
I't'. lilrtit ririn-ippi-.-t pnki- ii'iillallv uf ll..
i 1 .i i rni-rs' inii riiirni .
! Tin- il. li-pnt.-n ,p. nt iho nfii riKi'iii in tnil
l"v l'3 Pi finiii' nf intf-r-1 . all hiniRli
uino of tho di'loKati"" ulijortnl .i rnlinK .hi
llio sltHt cars licca us.- ihry air npi'rati-il
liy nonunion nion.
.Appeal front Porto Hlt'o.
( .lllinir on Iht- Ar.n rii-Hii l-'i ilrtaiitir. of
liibor for ;iiil in siruiim: tin- frii'lnin uf
Forto Klro. SHnllairo lBlria., iloltnali'
to tho Arnoric-.m I-odi rut inn i l lalior from
that inland, today pi nti d to thr- foil, ra
tion a 1 OMOlutinu avklim lln- Ani'-rii-.m
Kodoration of 1.,-ilnn- urni- upon th" i-oiim -f;,
of tho I'niterl tft.i!'-." ilv oxtonnjor. of tlv
prlnrlplo of fi'lt-Ko.-iTiniinit in tlir ) uph
i' Pi-rti) Kirn, 'and thai ih. l-Yd.-r.ul.v. of
libor hiivr ii hill introdia i .1 Kianlins thif
j-rirx-ipN-: ab-.i thai tin- Ann rii -in l-ViPr,,.
. fin of Iiljni- .' that ili
li'iu.-io of ri pros4-iiiati'.-4 ipi i.p-iiz.. ih. j,..
pi" of rmtn Rli o as Ann rh-an i itir.i-ns ami
Kuai-antec thi-m tin ."ann- rinlits and piivl-l'-P'
s poHsiossi'd I iv tin- pi-oplr of all otlnr
Mlatr.s nnd li-rritnrii s nf tin- I'liit. d Slatrs
The rrsoluthm w id l.c t i nsidrtrd Iv-foro
tinnl Mdjnuriniiont.
S' nor lRli'sin-4 alyn invit.'d tin- Ann'i ii a-.i
IVdoratlon of IaUor to nir-rl m t iar in
S in Juun. forto HI Thr invitation i-.nii. r
from tlm mayor of San Juan.
fl-nnnflnlnn iif .Ii4illnl.
4.a..t..ii(,.iL. a ..... .1- -..ji ,
"' .....4u... ...k .no in . .11 ss-
tun of Iho I nlt'd Slabs as ' tyratinical ai d
untlqu'itoil, frotn the poliee court up to th.
tUlprolTle COIirt of llio I'tlil'd States." liu, I
rallinjf for tin' election of judi;. s by tn.-j
poiipb. wi re ipiroducetl by Vlcier T,, r, t -o-r
of Milwaukee, a (socialistic ilelet-ate. J
Th'- resolutions also denounce the Insurum,-! '
system ' f the ITiit'd Stab s, demand that
Japa nefi and Corcans bo'd Iti the
sanio manner msi Ihe chim se. Worn 111
1 irploymrni wnn denounced und child labor
These resolutions are presented regularly
tit oat h convi ntion and have as v. r faile 1
nf adoption.
A report de.ilitiK chiefly with the political
activity "f the Canadian unions rini-'uv-i;
the butdness before the con.i!!. u and it
.adjourned for tho day.
Mm. t linrlOK A. tronii.
t'AXXlIS. Nov. 11. Mrs. rimrles A.
Strong, ilaurhtor of John P. R01 kcfell.-r.
died this morning; In the Hotel Pu I'arc.
Mm. StronK liad l.eou ill for muiio tinn,
and BurTeretl a paralytic strok" on No
ernber 12. after which she sank slowlv
XI tit 1 1 the end. The body will be Hen:
to America the end of t'ds week.
Mrs. fluirlcs A. Sttfti: Mioweil aymp
totiia of Illness four yea.s ago. when
living in Lakewood. X. J'. She withdrew
from noi-iHi. Uf" at Lak'-wood and liv.l
Very quid!:.. About two years ago kUu
m lakti. lo Cannes for h-r health, but
tho change "brought no material improvc
inont In hei con.l'llor
Alra. Stronn'a huabant: was u profesaur
of pbylosopby nt Pryn Maw r. ami Inter
It professor tu Columbia university.
It was said last sprint; that tlio Hint as
id' Mrs. Strons wit the principal reasm
hv John J. Rockefeller consented to go
to Kuropiv
Albert is. Dlrrku
mtMON'i", N'-b.. Not H.-aSpe. ial)--Albert
S Pierks died at his restd'-nro in
Ihls eity this mornlii'j at tlio ago of 74
joars. Ho wan born In dormant- .md tann'
fo Illinois about fifty years age. Thirty
all years ago he settled in Saunders e iuiuy,
Whero. he engaged extensively 111 farming,
and four, years ago retired from active
business and came to Fremont. Ho was ihe
You Can Trust The People -
". I rrar m. Hi ' 1 a-' 1 It - ll aa I Iran who U bad (
1 B.4Umr had a nifh I ( ''" K.' I WiioopingC oushtwa V .
It on inart. an4 I . 1 "sl !. Ttrtl'i Ptije. t
tiKhU aW wtaud ai a . V J I Tal-Hunoy ad krt.ka V
. u ml n all awtju I lit I i A l? "I U"iT. Ut
I tht lu hi I ffJkf, A. 1 tuutbaixt kaM It la S
1 Hell's fle-Tr- . . oiT mjlj lbs I
B.or sn4 It laa i tfT-fi k -i-vV,: atmuii- I
f.4 brr. I g Q 9 TT VV Man. A tics l
1 1 D. tUiafLaa. jT F tV A. H " 1 I LF. J
Lock tor ttie Bell
2Sc 60c
MAirrr Acre
,r;:;,r.:;.;r;;;::i;r:ASiiTON and spencer tie
!."! .1"d IV. i: ; , 'l u!m c e. r I I c r 1 1 :
t.i ill iluiuli .,n.t 1,.mi1hM- i.lvv.t. H J
M- t d ' '!. 'v tl'i!" vcimft Mr I r
.1 at . o. i. .ji mid tan da 1 1. ll ' t Ill
:in - ri ill be- h-ld 1 1 i"n h' !.'. r- -l.!rn.
t, II. . Rml.
i -s a.v;i:i.i:s i .ii. x... i u
I !:-.: . X'-h m Ki:si icted a : f !v ologist
iml !'! .'ii i'iiuii, phtl inthropii-'. fri'ti-1
.i ml i "ii patu-ci ! ,T..p Hrown and t dig-. in
f ''if .!.l !', dl-'d at his home i'l South
I'.is.nlci'.a t id.i at tie eg.- '! Major
jvll ;ir nml ;is It- lu iundi
,., ,n jt ,-Un:
I U'-ll-
Mrtrkrtinu ol lloua In Hi lli-liiiv
llt-i-iii'il nf aiut 'rinit
I ml Irttr.
i .i ..A 11. ii . X.a. 14. -iSpi i i.d Ti-1-Wriin-i.
I I'l io- I'lirnnl saf: Tin to if
'hint iirj'-d :.i i the Hint It. line of
ho(;s. Total tiftpii pai klnit a Uj.Mn1. .
i op
P.u-o.1 with W,. tho pi-ot-o.linit wool; .
and for iho .-on , spmidiiiK wot k ln.-t
iai- stnoo X.ivombor 1 tho total I viiiki !
.iit.ii n-
id.-t -s
l.Ua.t"! H war Illti i
nnp Hi .is follow -:
,,lrnf .
T : o'p . itm.",.
Cll.lilgO ... ll'.lNt' 1 in"
Kansas I'll, ;'!.! i;,".'"i
South uniahu :.".- lA.nm
S; I .I'lil. . . iVt.i ii.tiiii
S.. .1. --. ph i4n.r0. s.r,.iKit
lniliiniatilis If.iKi M'.i'ii
Milwauk.- ";.i.-ii .i.iin
("mi inii.iti ... ?.".. ;m.ix.
i ntuniwa is.i' ' nl.ftm
fiil.i; Kapnis I.l. i;.im
siou t it - :;i.'m 4 i.i"i
St f'alll i.i 4'i.'i
t'lt-vi-land .-j.tnio ".'i.Oon
I 1 It it in or tllouod I n Ion l'nolllo
I rnitds io i Hf I on-
Spn-lal.i I
rill'.VKX.NI'. Win.. Nov. II
Tho f. tirral K'-atnl Jury i-onvrni'd lioro yrs-li-rda.v
nioiiiir.n and Is ooiiHidoilns a numbor
of important ta.sos. It had lwt-n niniorod
that t in-- .iary would at thi; linn- tako up
tho inat;ir of tho allrKed l'nlon facific
foftl land frauds, but the l'nlti-d States
i.flii-frs -l.i i i ii to know notliins nbn'tt tho i
44.... I'l.,. fr to .ill- (il t.rt:t KOfT4OV
m and ab nil tin- li'd.-ral build1nr. how
ovor. and it would ti"l h" surprising if tin.'
prrs.-al sission of tin- unitid jury is madi
a tin nii'i ahli nno.
1 lll1IN M. 1M
inn 111:1
line Man I'lrmla l.nllly. lnt Ttii tlllier
rriKonora M,Bn, Tr'til.
MlTi'lIKLr-. S. 1).. Xov. H.-iSpceiul Tel
kiv. in. '- At thr session of the circuit court
today it'll. 11 irs pleaded guilty toIarpor
I-,. charee of ss-iiotini. . .licenia 11 A aPor
Xowpiaii, wiii.-h occurred .1 tnotitli .so.
The rhoothip: of tin- pollei.niun. however, j
was not fatal and the ehan. ok nro that j
bo will ii. i w. ll. Krusane was sentenced 1
w ill n- l
,,, ,,, ... ,. i,,.,. i .
to top years
' .... .4 1
nie Van Hooter, won stiatifrhd her
t.ll'l !
.at mrill lasi .pril. aim ttiuiaru t t'v. w no
,.. ...... .,, ... ...... ... :
Ids I'Mill.
The was that thev .
would piead K-tiilly but
they ilei'llneii lii I
do so.
'IV111 pie
of thriiicr nt Mirrlrian. (
SI I KR I PAN. Wyo.. Nov. 14 (Special. 1 atr1 , rf,Kh,on. Ho "wax so .xtiud In In a ;
-t-Slieridan and liortliern Wyoming i -ltuperate utierau'-os that In- forKO' o
Masons nrtv jubilant over peeuriim a iii.i- ! ln tiom to tno dlsiribc. Nebraska'
.... ., t 1 ' 1, a oucht noi allow itself tu lake too ureal
lensat'.oti Ironi the Imperial coutril for Huvnnt.lg,. of ,-xctise; the game is!
(la Institution of Kalif temple of tlio i much better rreourse.
Mvsuc Sbriue Sheridan. A .special! Kansas in yciiin g"n- hv wa utjoul ,h,
. . . , ,. . ,;iio:-t fn;T.-.i.!.4..i. antagnnlst NeUraaka hud 1
i-oprohetiti.tive was sent to (.hica,-o to to m,et . u)wii- s putting up the best faino
appear boforo th" Iiupi-riai council, and of the soas-on against me I'urnhti.-T.eris. In 1
an ure.l th- dispensation over the heads the "" o, 1j-s pHueipal loot Hall in I
.. , , ,. . , . I the -west was la the state leaijj., cum- ;
ot lift eon other applicants, it is said, Iho ..a ,ho nnlvor.ities .a twa. Ivann. 1
petition from Sheridan being tho onlv one
iant-d. Tin- row slnine will l.o itisli- ;
J ,
tutod here f'ei
tuber 12, by a tam from I
I N'a.ia tempi'' of Pcadwood. S. I, and
I the rcromonias will i.ontiti'1.. ovor two
tin. vs.
Now Theater Dedi'-Blod.
MITrilEI.L, S. P.. Nov. H.-Spceia. Tele,
gram. 1 The Gale theater, erected at a cos;
of Si.5.ii. was. d. dicat' d last niclu w ith
an audionro of l.'.im people. An addros-r,
was delivered by Hon. H. Preston and
1 a res's-inse was mad.- in- 1, t. Gale, iho
bii'lder. Five bundi'-d citliens nf this eity
bought tickets ut ?1" each for the opening
performance, which was the only bonm
asked by Mr. Gaje. 'The Mayor of Toklo"
wan the first torupany to play in the
thea ler.
South Dakota Aotornns llimiirril.
1H ROX. S. P.. .Nov. lt.-iSpecril.)--Three
well known South Dakota veterans have
boon honor, d by the eonnnander-in-ehlef
of tlio National Grand Army of tho Re
public, much tu tin- delight of their com
rades in this stale They will bo com
missioned Hlds-de-ciinp on the national
commander's staff. They are Pat Popart
men1: Commander E 1'. Farr of Pierre,
Colonel J. B. Geddls of Huron und Colonel
Joseph Phillips of Spearflsh.
Homesteader (nmmlta Sole I do.
I'ltiKRK.. 1?. L.. Not. 11 -'Special 'fol-enm.l-A
mossi ii"or came in from Haves.
totty miles went of her.- this evening and'
announced the suicide of Knos Caniuin, a
homesteader, near that plait', by the Use
of carbolic atdd. No cause Is known for the
They Know What They Want.
01 the Bottle. .
o4 tl. BotUM.
Mao oaxr rr
HEO. CO. Paduca., Ky,
Coet Ripids Amateur and St. Lou.i
Prohsh Hith Gnus at Trap Shot.
lift I lfl Mm I'nkf Part nml Hie
ondHinn Arr nt FropHlnns 1
1 uiirnnntcnt W III t lose
Tilda .
n.irli p. t.i (:-, tli- pi . 'f nial from
I.iui.-. f t:.. with Aslil.m. tho
i of 1-00:1 Hnrid". odn.-.-d.iv- lor hiali S-.n
in thr t l-i'rt y fl't It trap
I ol ih.- iirnnhj i;i.n i luh with a smrr of h.l
' h. Thr- Mi"it in th" !' Uki mind iraih
I thr hitd-i ilri-i'it inp find tin 1 1 tna i kahl -i
. orrs wore inndr. An i v p. f i ft r-ln"itt !s
i 1 oU part in thi- toiiT-tiam. m dating t In-
la. ii ll hniiirh sotin tljii nut shoot in nh ;
:t "-. Th.- tin i tiaiai-n t v .'I lin
! l-ln-.l to-l-.v .
Tin -4i.,.on. day ol thf I'.iii i.a:ii.-n! iipiti' d
i up a liltl.- hill- with Hill ly-flVf i-oni t-sian I s
on tho tlrinjt line, hut nmivit hslaiiilins tin '
; tii-Mi'tlftt! v.-nihiM- tin ti link- n 'lii'--
' ahl- iinpi-i. .-lin nl in llio sinri's nvi r Ihnsi' '
of I ho .t.aufnral day. (wo in.iti-hts
''i' in tho inoriiiiiE si tul I-M '
'll'Hrifll of I'lor.'li.-i-. Kan., a. id l-:d Klillr of
' ,VM ii"i' ""'- '" ' '' imhh i
fpif.t ion wuti a ,-n an n.-ure "i
'"only summit oa.-i:. Hilly Hmm. tno iiipn
"' fltt day. loll otT consldorahly
m ir Koon wilt, :in( it imiKS iikc no win i
'ml he ;ii on tho honors today.
ho si-nffs for tho day w-i:
Tioifrt s
II iniii'y ...
I.ootnit- ....
Tow-ii.i no .
Mtl'onaM .
I. in ilt mi in
I lidozwort h
Ailnnif ....
. il 11 1J 1.", 1:1 11 lit l.i I.! H -l.M
.itii i.; is ! i.: is )j 14 p.- h;
. I'l i:; Ii is K' 11 II M is 14 - l.'J
. n v i- i; 1 1 hi r, : r: il.-.
. s 1J H is 1 : 7 .' 11 1) 1 1 i '7 ;
. ill 11 l-J 17 1.1 1.1 17 II 11 pi lis
. It 11 1.' I'n 1.". in ju 15 It IK- ..l
. 17 14 14 is 1 1 I.". I'i I.", U17 r.7 I
. 17 1J 1 1 V.i i: 1 1 17 1J 1:1 I" -Ml' i
. II 11' 14 L'D l:l 1J I'.' 1 I '.I 1'll;.l
. 'i :i 1'. 17 Ii 11 17 1" V, : - l.l'i
. u in 12 p; i: u 17 l.' I-. 17 i.i'i
. is i:: 14 17 n i:: is 1:1 r. i.-.-i.m
. '.0 11 111s r. la -J" 1.' 11 Is - 157 ;
. . ir. M is 1 1 u' in H ii i'i-i. i :
. I'i 14 s .; s I., 7 n I V- l. i
. 1li l."i 15 I'i M II in 1111 i:i--i.l .
. IH 15 1 I I'i 15 11 IS 111 15 is 157 1
. -.ii II 15 is r; 1 1 :'u li 15 !s--i.-,s ,
. Ill 11 11 17 14 15 K. It 15 :n-15s I
.IS 'I n IK 15 11 17 7 .......
. I'll 1:1 17 n 15 I'i i:, 1:1 17- I Is i
. 17 tl! 1J 17 15 U 11 11 1- 11-1'.'. 1
. 11. 11 M 14 in !l ... I
. 17 l.i U' 17 VI 11 17 In 11 l.-.-l::.;
. 19 1 1 ):: in 1:1 i- 17 !i in 15- 111 !
. 17 14 1:1 Hi V. 11 in 1:1 la l-l.vj i
. mil 15 1 1.1 1:! in l-' 15 17-15::
. 15 11 It 17 IJ 14 17 14 Tl 1'i-H-i
. 1 IS H IS 15 1 17 1" 12 1X--H! '
. 17 PI VI 17 It 1 1 :n V2 i: 11-111 :
. 1-1 12 11 IS 14 11 1.s 15 I t jt-111 ;
. hi in ll 12 K 12 V) 12 n is - 1 ;;
. 15 12 11 H 1u '
. 1 1 I'l in IX 15 1 1 is :i :i pi-lf!
. 17 15 12 17 15 ...
. 17 V. Ill 17 Kl I'i ll . . .
. is 1-j n p; 11 ii
. 1.1 12 1115 11 -.. . .
II 1 1 . .
7 il . s ........ !
I hoi-f 'o . . . .
' liottlloh ...
' O' I Irion ....
Harbor ...
U 27
Anilor.-on .
.-. Adams.
Cnrtfr ....
Mlllor ....
I 'ft ti-h ....
Hardii: ...
Kvans ....
Hardy ....
Frliik ....
I H. V'Hi'ti..
I l'.i iioklni,
Talliot . . . .
j M. U.o ....
To-uier . .
I Winston . .
I MenKHll ..
1 wri.ius ..
I Mor.ell ...
I'i ..
11 11- .
17 is
I.; . In H-.
11 12 11 :- .
12 12 11 irs-.
.. !.... .
.. ..14 14 .
.. .. 13 . - .
j Ropet
' T'inrstoii
Brown . . .
! K.a-n- Will t lnsl. on
'"'' I'lold.
N 'luaska has a hard j.imi' nbeii'l Willi
sti. 1 1 1 -41 n t- :i - l.lne.ilii
i "ofti 1 1 1 isk e rs now clabii tlir t-
111 tho game wiin
two Kansis tscmts wiv
1 n-iiihmii. as
cn n.u IH inr.41 n-3 l.-lilnii tti.-t I r; e ll-.
cIhIiii. liowever. ' dnof not a.-cord wjlli Hint
of "A Student," w ho wrote tin- sporuiin
editor of The Hoe from the university, h - 1
eiaring In most Iniiiaf-i'ined terms, that !
Mi.- t'orrihui-kers were tl.e victims of uri-
f nil' l oi-iiuirniu m fVtot U11I1 111 I , il o umiilitJ.
.NHssouri and Nebraska. Iowa got ali
swelled-up over n good learn it had some .
vuuca m on . n H triaH t r lun'ilf mwi fasti V i
.onu'iiiny. with th- result it is almost '
I without a toini and without trend game:'.
Nebraska ha gone ah'-ad. iuipro ing its i
team each year end trying to moot
stronger Kai'is each your uniil this tall
tho schedule .-ailed for Jit'"- heavy anmes.
Minnosoti. Chicago urid Kansis. and these
in tho fin" of Nebraska having ptactit.iily
a gro. r team.
Haicb S11.i1 h antl Kid Ji n.ti I- w ill be the
main attr i.-ti ins at ihe boxintr carnival
nt OThotT's hall Friday night. Th-se two
promi'-r boxois of the city- have both beep
ill training tor some line ami hmh cluim
to bo confident of s ieross So much In
terest attaches to the event and the limita
tions of th" hall an- su. h ihe management
of tilt; I'lub lias decided to tul out all
passes and every unit entering the door.i
must have m paid ticket. Smith nud'i
quite a reputation a tew years am. iu 11
honor and Is anxious to g.-t back into th -g-ood
trraee of thi publle. and lo tha'
end lias been training faithfully for the
fuming bout.
The snow will make a soft Hold lor Ihe
practice of the gridiron warriors in thiA
section. This will not boilu r much, as the
snow tame on a dry, t-mootli ground. If
tho snow had come after 11 thaw when Ihe
Holds wore rough It would bo ha t'i on thu
players, us the ragged edges of giound
would make ii pretty rough sledding.
Game Warden O'Hlien, who is in at.
tendance at tho a mat tin- siiool across the
river, save the people of tho stsio nro not
an bad as in former ears in iryini; to
ship game out of season or in larger
quantities than tho law allows, but liieio
are niflttv cases, never! heless. and he ie
kopt busy following up prosecutions.
Members of the rival ta.-iins who plaved
fo1 the 0fl'l's champlonsJijp at Chicago
I Inst month were two famous players who
m'oke Into the professional panic as mom
rers of the baitory of the Marietta o )
teem a decaue ago. The pair in question
are Pitcher Jack Taylor of the Cubs and '
First Baseman "Jiggs" Ponohtie of iho j
White Sox. Kleven years ago Tavlor
1 pitched Hiul ponohno caught him for the
I little team down at Marietta. They sen
' nrated the following year, but each nnallv
1 w.or!:e.l liis way Into the fastest of tmii-
; rti-'iy-
j It's a good thing that Flberfeld and Sic
. Graw are in different leagues. Wonder
! what would bapon if they both appeared
ion one fleldl Philadelphia North American
J Son-e of tho devotees of uutDiiiohning r.--
S'jing hero recently expressed thomsolvoit
I to tho effect that it would be a g-ood M'-a
j lo hold an automobile flower parade early
I next summer. The suggestion Is to make
Ithe event a. brilliant one. The recent fiotal
! parade in Omaha. In wlih li many auto
! inoblles participated. It Is stated, was one
of the most successful affairs of the kind
: over undertaken in that city. Pr'1.ea utr
given for Ihe most artistic . airing car,
, nost artistic runabout, most unique design
and handsomest turnout driven by a
woman. Washington Star.
Although It Is not generally known out
j sldo of her Immediate t lrr of mends and
acquaintances. Miss Kfhfl Pairynn re Is
i one of the most expert golf players in ti ls
country, she having won many valuable i
! prizes for expert playing on the links i f iho
Manhattan Country club In New Yotk I
M.Mi barryinoro s.oads nearly Hie wh.uel
I of her summer vacatloti on tho privato links '
of lier unele. John Prow. or. Ifug Island
' Kngin ibratlnn sni the eoinpur itlvo
j merit of four and six-cylinder motors is I
llio theme to !e discussed bv the engineers '
and factory superintendents of the thirl v I
'odd members of the Association of Lit ens.-.l 1
I Automobile Manufacturers at their meeting I
In Leceinber. j
, Franklin Truiiiuer. bettor known as Mon j
Trimmer, challenges uny lis jwiunder :n
i Xeliiarka or K.a for a match at osioft "s j
: hall Thanksgiving ni tornoon. I
' Tins liietz fo'it ball team his a. yet no 1
game s. hod ll.-tl ft,r Suiidav. Any leani d ,
eirirg thio dite kindly lihone L. K liainn. .
lioiiglus 4121.
i i
Mlclilvxn rlaploB mart !'.(.
j ANN AKlOK.- Mi. li . Nov. 14 Willi Cap. !
iuuu Curtis IvXl Lvhu.a iff. link IitJi a,.
I.t.'k. n .iikI I 'iiri4 1., win" .i!4 n ii.l
up. II I i l nv In. kit. K"ing H 1 4T I c ln ri'lv
.is n "l-infr.' l.r ;ii4(. ot ot mi4j 1mih4-
ess. ill. I nt.cisity .if M'chiitan toot bad
pii'.-rs .-no ! irly ..f ntvni thirty "loot
iri' left i..ti:elii foi W't sti It sti r. I'm,
h.T th. y will ri mam until i.itlv Satnr
.1... . They will 11" n go t'i Fhiln.b Ipln i
' . i ' i t t t he 1 'nlvi l .- it y . 'f l'ennst Ivn nit foot
..i!i pi. v.-n S.i 1 111 da y attotnni.n In what w
'":'!:! -t l ill Ann Arbor toul.:hl I" bo
!'..- "1st h.ipi I. ss t'ii..t hull contest
Mp h' tins gone inln in tears. Co it'll
..t .Li l. n :i.K t niltilit "ttil tl M . .-1 1 lira -i
I' rut 'I'l n i : lmw a i-lvinn- Ii win.
n.i.f:i. i.
I otirt Mops I'll In Form of Rfltltul In
llUlrlt-1 of fnluml.ln.
WASI 1 1 Nf ITf'N. Xov. 1 1.-r.o"kni.ikiinr. us
it has i,r. n i .iri.i.l Kn al tho K.-miins ra.-o
t-.nk. was to. lay ik'i larod i'locnl and W'll
T . : 1 T'-t i-. v ho vnltintrorr-d him' If n do.
I. lam to toit th. law. wn ilorl.itvil -:id s.-ntoiif.-d In 11 1 in Inn I t"ui 1 in lilt
lor imprison!-,;! nl tor two bouts The ( anso
tutu, d on t:i'' 1 iinst ruot ion of tho law pro
!iil.p:PK " 4-ttltiir op a painlnc tnhlo' In
tin- 1'lstmi of 1 'ulnirbia. Tho ih foiiso nd
1 : 1 1 t 1 llir pai aphorna ha of n bookiiinkrr
1 .."sistod ol .-tools and a 1 ash box arid
thai a ilt hullo Irii ailon was nosignod to
.t.-h hool.tnak. : in tho bottlnu Tins.
An api'oal w is at nni'o t.ik. a to Iho i-oail
"i .-lpf'i-al-. 1'ir.illtiij tho appial scnli'tit-i-
It i'l llol ho ..i'i;('d till It.'lviS.
Tin ; rut 1 has boon a nialtor of (iron: in-.-ti"l
In lln- tin 1:11; world in Ii w- of tin
fall nioitliio of tin- VV-ishltiKlon .tin koy
1 I'll'. !" b' Kin K1j1l.1v not. .lust bow tiir
l '-a- hlti llio d.'i-lsioii is i-.tard.'d liv 1 hi
ll. iU wi-s iiniii'iito.j in tho roilowhm slati--ini'tit
wiv'-n out for f.tibhontlon toiimht by
S. T. Walton, sorrilaty of tho club:
Tho iint'tinu nf ili. ashitiKtoii .Im koy
i bih. s-. bo. lull. i to fonnnoni f on Friday
ni-t. will bo carriiil throuah .looordtng to
proorntn. h il- booktuakmii has, py tin-ilo.-ision
of tho r-ouri. boon doolarod IIIokhI.
hottjiiR lift W(-i4i iii.l'i l.liials is not 11 nuti
ishnbh' ofti nsi . Iho Washlnnton Jot key
( lub will strl. tl- rarr nut tho court's do.
cision in the matt"!- pi'iidints lln- si-ttlo-inont
ol tho i-piostion on IIiihI uppoal."
Soriotarv V,l.ln nddod that cortiin
kiuiis ot hi-ttitiK bad boi-u canfod on upon
Ih.- M,,,:nds of llio club simo lsi;i upon
.nit '..m il n a .looi(;ijii l-v .tuilxo Iiraiil. -..f
lln supr-no- .'otirt of tho dlntru t. This
'i"i l.siou t((ita- onl- w"nt to the niannor of
br'tii; horototoio provailinir
It was hold tu be no offonsi., ho nddid,
tot- a pitson lo Pinko hot--; 1 libit for this
put p. iso he plight biivo u shooi or pro
Ki.iiu. aial i ii tuinibi r in hln hat. al
Ihoiiirl. In- tniuht nol hao 11 fi.sod plait
arssiciii'd him in w hi. h to i.i business.
In pi otinuitoiit sentunoo urori l a'ls.
.Tudiro Stafford eomniont.''l on tho I'aet that
th" case was in lln- iiMluvo of a friendly
on. end lor this r.-tison tin- sentont-o was
.1 iiomiuel otic lb-, howovoi. hlnlod ibm
till nr.. -rs Miuild not bo troalor) so
! 11 1 11 1 1 .
S S. Howland. pi esldent of thf Wasb
ineti.n .liiekev i lub. said tonight that t ho
rh-i'ision in tho 1 ia-is c-isf- woulil not ititor with the ran tnoollnt.".
Inspector I'.oanlinun. thief of dotoethi-s,
r'aid ho would tako no action and would
ma k'' no a ri est nt rietinlnii tint Ihk t ho. roin
iue nni-tinw unless nrdoiod to do so by
llislliet Atlorrioy R-ik'T.
I'nlil Hoforooa Arc Kzolodod Ironi I
I iimrntN in hloh 'I be llftl. lnle.
.iiXltON. Nov. 11 At th annual general
lueo'iin.- of tho Kuc'lish I.iwn Tennis astm- t
iation hold today, the name of Heals ' '.
Wrisht was proposed a th" repi es'-ntatit e
01' tin- lTilted Sia'os on th" I'oiiiuil. but b. withi-awn whoti the iptostion of tli'- '
tiilit.i? o' the National T.-iwn Tennis Aso- !
ciaiion o! Atporle.x 011 his amHteur status
Wis fais.-U.
I-'ll l t -1 lit t -o of tlio tl"eirates vot. il for nrn'
1 1 1 i 1 1 - H apainst the pi v. posed rule rto
bntrinc any one oncagod in the manufac
ture 01 r.-iail of tennis roipiisites. either n
1 i:i:..i; -t or ' inplove. front acting as ret -1
rov haialii tppers, si-erotarv or rnati.iir4r
of any prii'.e 'lie.-tino; pirw.sed hv ih" Lwu
Tennis nssorlation or afTlliated otgaiilzi'.
liot.s. The rolnl. however, was lost, as
t!iio was not a two-thirds maturity. Th"
iliscusi..n liroucht dlroet loforotico t.
Arelalali. Falmet. socrotarj- of the All
j'TiiKlaml elub and tnaua-ror of ch.'t niplon
ship contests, wlif. also manager of .1
ttrm which m.-inn'net 11M tennis noulsltos
Th'- niretiuo; passe, a resolution that mi
pi 1 son noting as reforeo or handicnper in
an mien m.etlnr- for a fee or to whom
iii'im v was paid for traveling or living ox
pel isos be allowid to "oinete in such moot
I ri s-
nMl MIIIKM'Oa A- STIFF kaiii-:
None Too Cojyjlileqt of Result of
i Hell(e-e 4 mutest.
T'KTK. Noli., v. ,14 The DoHilio popple
an wo: lying over thi' ReHvno gume Satur
tlnv. Four vie'Hifs il five panics has md
la. nie them w( n imtldent and ihev realize
Ih:" Coach Whttifmote has a clever sv-4-m
nnd an acgi egatlon of players who
ari' game 10 tl.e lam Inch. Definite word
has come tha.1 tin.' Pail -vile team will bo
aceoiiiparded by a latere crowd of sup.
porters from fni'ulty ami Ftiidtnts, and this
moans that Bfllvvu" aims to win and bp
ci'leiitallv to yivo ail exhibition iif nervt
em! sportsmanship which will wipe out the
memory of the (li-rht from the field two
years ao with th" score .15 10 ti agnlnst
tlnm and Iwentv-two minutes vet to play.
Peine people attribute this largely to Bijle
vip's each. Pipal, who was a quitter.
Tin' Poane p am has been in fin bpirits
this wo.-k and while the utmost entire os
of last year's s.iuhiI has givn Coach
Fuhrer an horrtil.-an task yet the voting
siorr .are taking hold In good shape'. Cap-
. 4 rl III l.'tl - rtlMl Vll. II .ri on (It n.Kr. l-4i vet-
.oralis and seniors, will play tho earne of
their ! ;e tl thoir last game on iho homo
1 field.
tain Pay and wuartorbsck Rates, both vet-
1111 tiie Metropolitan all.' a lasl night
the Hlnck Kata won two out of thror
games from the El Cnudillos. The Kats
. si iit'd off like a whirlwind, but f -!l down
on their seeond grime nnd came bats:
; strong 011 the third game. As Mr. Klaek
; was up to see how his boys could bowl It
I who a case of doing something, and lie was
j well pleased witli his little kittens and
.ther" wasn't anything too good for the
' hoys. Camp of the Kals b'td high single
I Kit in- with 2T1. Ptfnkwater was high on
1 totals witli 5sn. Kaufman of the Kl Cau-
dillos was the only one to reach the 500
inaik. Tomorrow- night there will he one
I or the season between the Colts and Fal
. stiffs. Score:
Mcl.ein .
: Kaufman
! Haum.m .
1 1.7
, Pa xi on
Himiohs .
7.7 77't
1. 2.
51 :l
Solomon ....
i Camp
j Hut ens
Ui inkw aier
Totals no?
Ito nxns-NebrasUa Font Hull l.amc.
Th;s game will come off at Lincoln No
vember 17. The Rurlington will sell tickets
at J:'.ii for the loupd trip from Omaha No
vember 17, tickets good return same day.
city Ticket Office, 1502 Farnatn street.
H.ii llngion tlepot. 1' th and Mason streets.
Omahn Men Head Papers.
Captain F. J. Kllison and II. S. Mann,
sinierint indent and treasurer, respectively.
' of the Nebraska Humane society, wont to
1 Chit ago Tuesday evening to attend a meet
j ing of t he- America u Humane association.
.Mr. Kllison will read paper on ' Stock
Trnneportailon Conditions as They Art"
and Mr. Mann will read a short paper on
"Humane Conditions in the. West."
The forests ami fields are abundantly supplied with vegetation of vari
ous Linds, not alone to beautify the land, but to furnish the ingredients for
making a remedy for every ill and ailment of mankind. Medicines made
from the roots, herbs and barks, which nature has placed w the disposal of
man. act better in every way than do strong; mineral mixtures and concoc
tions the products of the chemist's tdiop. Mineral medicines work danger
ously mi the delicate parts of the system, especially the stomach and bowels,
by eating out the lining memlirane, producing chronic dyspepsia and often
entirely ruining the health. S. S. S. enjoys the distinction cf being the
only purely vegetable remedy on the market. It is made entirely of gentle
acting, healing, purifying roots, herbs and barks, possessing properties that
build up and itivigorate all parts of the system, in addition to removing all
impurities and poisons from the blood. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism, Catarrh,
Scrofula, Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Contagious IIIcxkI Poison, and all
disorders of the blood, by cleansing the circulation of the cause, and it cures
safely as well as permanently. It is as safe for children and old people as
for those in the prime of life, and is the one blood medicine that may be used
without fear of bad after-effects. Book on the blood sent free to all who
is 1 : t n.u : T.-.I.. !
urriiiH s-n mirncan ' iwjer iieia i jjou
Awitine Frn lrom Grmny.
Whllo In Inrklsli f 11 pi t a I l'rbiittct
niti Held to be l.t-ual AtUUor
uf snltunti (401 r rnuiriit
nt AVnahltiBlon.
I. t I.N 1 a 'N, ll.-Kuil Hue. Siau,
the profi-ssoi of Koinan '.aw It. tlfortit
t asliilUjloti university al Washington, 1 1.
C, who was arretted in this tlty .Nove.r..
bt r J. i-harsod with the murder 01' Ins
motht : -in-law at lJaden ll.uh n. was fir mer
rtni.indi il for a wnk at the U"W
street ponce court Ills morning, the papi ra
In his ease not having urrhod ironi (J' l
inan .
II. Vilsmi, wlai was iclaltiod by toe
prisoner .it ihr las; iimmi i.t, bri- tly '-
runlntd the officer who nrreste.1 ll ni. imin
.scl's ipio.stions .-UBpestlim thai the dofens'
will attempi, p. sliow thai, the levolw-r
loiuid in Hhu's poss.ssion was ne er bred I
and was tuirchasoil in ('onsttnliiioplo an-i
not In C! -rniaiiy, as nlbsed In some inuir
teis. After iho roiu.ind had been oitlered, Mr.
AVllson said: Hal insists that he knows
nothing about the murder and that ho is
ipilto Innocetit of tho chii'.ge."
Hy tho advice of his attorney Hail do
dined to nmkt) any further M.ionatiit in
tho press. Tin- prisoner, whu was st
iishly dross' il. maintained a eontl lent air.
Work In ('miiMii nt I ntiple.
T I X S T A N 'IT X l ' I ' L L7. .Nov. II. - ( onsidet -able
Interest is manifested In 11 Haiti u iai
tors beri- In the arresl in Loudon of Karl
II hi on tin- charge uf uurd'-r. The pris
iii"r. who is well know 11 locally. If ft f.n
sianl inoplo October 15 after a year's resi
lience hero Willi only occasional hi oaks.
While In IVinstantlnople the prisoner did
llol lain) Aaa ii.-.iti 1 iriz'-nship. but tiuv
' d witli a Turkish passport, in winch In
was th'scrib'-d us I ho lopal adviser of the
Turkish povertinionl . t Wahinptoii. lie
had prn lically 110 relations with the Amer
ican eruliHSsy bote HI1,i was largrlv o.-. e
pled In futile attempts to obtain conces
sions and orders for American firms, in-
i eluding an order for n ba t llesbip for a
company of Newport News. Va.
1 1 end of Kronen llouo Would nnnl
Mnrrlnso of llolr llh
PARIS. Nov. 14 I'ritn a. Aim dec do
Broitile. father of Trime Robert ih- Hmaile,
,a- filril in the Paris .-ourts a demand for
annilbnent of his son's marriec". wall
Mi-s Fslelle Alex.-ui.le-.' of California.
MiK." Alexander was married I" 1'iinc" '
R'ibert tit llKifiii" August P. in Ci i'-ago. ;
and it was claimed at He lime that, at--!
cording to the laws of Frince, th" mar- i
tiags' was not valid, beoaqyo the prince's
divorce from a fnn.i' r wife had not been 1
approved and because his second ma 11 ince
bad rmt boon recordi d ucvordiinr to the J
Froreh laws. Prince Robert, 011 the 01 per
hand, claimed that his marriage was local
under tlio laws of Illinois, and in Paris
recently showed a letter from the French
vice consul in Chicago statins: thai thf i
marriage had been recorded with his t
"nmerit and was b-ial under th-- Frene
law. The prince added that lie had in- !
structed liis lawyer in Paris lo brinu- :uiii 1
igaiiisl bis family to compel t!;ni to rec- ;
OKtiize the marriage ir.iti also to r'-fntor j
inl'rests to which he was entill'-d.
NETW VORK. -Now II Prince Rroglie
and his wife, who is known irti the stage
as "Pilncess Estello do nroislie," are now
louring Id vaudeville in this country. Dur
ing the princess" singing act her husband.
Prince Robert, ctuid-jcls the onbestia.
Tni-nlMive Sailor Sontetu-eil for
lotlity Fludo l.uurds AVhile
AtthIHiik Deportation
CRONSTADT. Russia, Nov. H.-Twenty- j
five sailors, who were sentenced to hard 1
labor in the mines for life after havit c '
j toen ooriWetod for part I -ipa tioii in ti e
ICronstadt mutiny, escaped last evininir 1
t lUll-l.lll IllUllllt, l',"r.ip.'(l
. wniIe awaiting deportation.
, . 7 ' '"
I lowed to visit the baths u
They wore al- ',
under an escort I
v.' PI4.T.I r.-iui- ip, w n.ini 1 noj-o'orpower"d .
ikilling one man. The convicts th. n donned :
i civilian clothes and dls.ippt.ared
a strict watch Is malni ,ln...i .1 '
I -- " '""It I'tH II I
.toasts of the Gulf nf Finland, bin ,,Iv one i
of the fugitives has been captured
iKtst isi, Siberia, Nov. 11. The man
who on November I'i throw- a bomb at Gen
oral Rennenkampff, governor of Trans
Balkalia, haa been identified as a workman
named Nicholas Koshun.
Til" drumhead
court-martial before which he was tried
lias condemned him to death.
Ph Icli Report Has It That Venesiirln
Is roneenliuK Fm-t to Pre.
Tent Trouble.
FORT DK FRANCi:, Inland ,.f Marti- I
tiliue, Nov. 14. The Dutch cruiser Korte- I
naor arrived here from WillorriFUd. Island'
of Curacao. m:d reported today that at the!
timo of its d'-partuie from Cuiacuo it was j
reported there persistently and it is gn- I
orally believed that President Castro of j
Venezuela Is dead, but that his death la
being concealed by tho Veueiiielan govern
ment in order lo maintain itself in power.
The Kortenaer has received orders to put
lo si a again and to leave Fort Do France
for La Guayra. Venezuela, If the death 0f !
President Cai-tro is confirmed.
The French cruisers Jurien tie La Gia
viero and Du Guay Trouiu arc ff this port
WASHINGTON. Nov. 14. Th,. Venoisu. -
Ian legation is of the opinion that rumens I
of President Castro's serious Illness aiv !
without foundation.
Fartli'iliake on Jamaica. ,
KINGSTON, Jamaica, Nov. 14. Several
sharp earthuuukes shocks were felt soutli '
and north of this island last night.
(tin r.Rnv
'mm mm
r--x' Pi DiTV Ar.r
Look for the word "RYE" in red on label.
Distillery: Distributers:
Frankfort. Ky. RUey Bross Co.. Omaha
D0OTIo2S for mi
' ' irani la-wrrmi m .Jm. riwAtJ
The Reliable Specialists
causes of success or failure
The difference between success nnd failure in business life Is due In nine
out of every ten 1 ases to lack of physirjal manhood. Your growth. our
.strength, your ability, your intellectual or business capacity, vour skill as a
workman In the usual business pursuits of life, your populailtv with other
buninn beings is all shaken and your future carter blighted if vuur standa-al
"f liiaiihnotl is dttlet.-d. You can't bo a half a man phvsb allv and a whole
man ot liorwis' . A chain Is no stronger than its weakest link.
t'pon possessing the essential eb-iiion's of manhood ri. pi nils suo-i ss in the
lomnicri ial world and the perpoiuitv of our race. Intellectual power and vig
orous manhood ciinnot be measured In dollars and cents. It is power and
pri'tibge that should ndnro with a niati as long as life its. If, and whenever
it is impaired or suspended through ignorance, negb-ei or dissipation, nattiir
will ass4-rt herself and the other bo4lily and mental functions weaken.
If you have violated nature's law you must pay tin- penalty unless you are
ngain restond to what nnturo intended yon a strong, robust, lioalthv loan
put si. ally and mentally. Hy health so Implied that beautiful antl harmonious
blending of the mental and physical forces which contribute . much to our
lia piness and success in every walk of life and the absenc- of which inntor!
nllv ..counts for failures. Tin- fact thai the trouble now i-xists makes it
necessary that there should be no apathy, no delay, no tl. foiling matter until
iat.-r on.
We cure safely ami thoroughly Nervous Debility, Rectal and Kidney Dis
eases and all tlisi ases and weaknesses of men due lo neglect, ignorance or dis
sipation or the result of specific diseases.
Free Consultation and Examination JV'ZScJr
1308 Farnatn St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
I feel that tlis'iises of nu n can and Fhonld be cured for n pine that would corie
spond with the nature of tlio iase and the amount of work and time it would take to
pink-? a cure.
t loan record entitles liim to the confidence of all men.
Over Thirty Thousand Cases Have Been Cured
Symptom blank, valuable book for wen. It tells all. Write to me all about your
uilments. IT'S ALL FRF.E. Treatment by .mail.
Office hours all day and to g;3K p. m. Sunday. 9 to 1.
C-ill or write Box 76. Oflioe 215 Soutli Fourteenth Street, Omaha, Neb.
An Opportunity for
To the man who is in search of a
home, no better opportunity can be
offered than the Low Homeseekers'
Rates in effect
every first and third Tuesday of nim
TO AritlL, UK)
also every Tuesday in November and
December to many Kansas and Ne
braska points.
Inquire- al
: h tin
TM'KKT nFKICK, 1:12 I-' .tit NAM s'l'KK KT.
'l'lione lluiiglus iilll.
Dr. Etts Says:
Do ton ant rid of acute or chronic rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica,
t heuristic neuralgia, soreness or lameness of muscles or joints Ask
the man for HHKl'MKTT-".
Sold and guaranteed at au of the follow lug More:
Cltirril CtTT PBUCB SBCO ITOBES, Cor. lClh and Chieag.t Sts.
Ctnuhs; N. W. Coi. 24lh and N St., South Omaha, Cor. 5t!i and Mam St.,
Council HI'itTs. II
BT. . Kino, .'fa ami F.irn tin Sts.
BELL PUUt CO., K ill Farnatn St.
J. K. MlSCUiRT, Cor. and
Howard sin
CH1I. K. SriAOVE, H. tiMin.
1 j .1
1 SS .v
cTnriur.Tii Wr::
Men Cured
for $6-0
Some Treated for $5.00 a Month
10 Day's Treatment $2.00
The Jibove priies intitule only plain,
simple diseases, but not special dittasfn
and disorders of men.
Iri nil curable diseases of men for tho
smallest charges possible INCLUDING
t : 1 . . .
Is one of the oldest ami moist reliable si" cialljls, of
30 TEAKS' EXPERIENCE in tho treatment f,f n
diseases and disorders of men. 31 TEABV3 Uf
OMAHA. His remarkable success, fuir dealing and
fl, J To ni.iny points in Kansas.
( Nebraska. Colorado. Wyom
?" Ing. Montana. I'tah and
JOHN ROLST, fit N Ifi'li St.
a ti i i 'u min k Sis.
An i ami l'a. in. .-1.