Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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    T11F, OMAHA nU,V lUT.: TlU'KsHAV. OVKMHF.K 1". Wif,,
-..Bii? , EuS
( '1'11" UilMMMPn
r, .
EJwsril A. Kimball Ltcturei ob Chrntiai
rc.ence at the ,ojd.
tul frvr.i
n a utterly
h r '1.
pet KTH
Ipipri.ed upon tlie-n b;
il .ell-.o of I'H lutenci .
i 'on
i .its
K v
I I A VJ VsX ,,. . I.7
J. D. Eiai, a Lander tockman,
Serionily Irjartd in Yardi.
II. U, Merriman of Falrlur,
Island Bralteman, SlrocU
a Low llrlilue nml
J. H. Heenau of X-anner. Vfyo., receHfd
erloua Injuries In the Northwestern rail
road yard yesterduy about 2 a. ni. Heenan
Is a cattleman and came In with a carload
uf cattle. With him was a friend by the
mime of Kirkland from the same town.
They were sitting on the last of a string
if cars n It was being pulled Into the
yard. There was considerable Jerking In
' the handling; of tho cars and suddenly
Kirkland looked around for his partner
and failed to see him. He flashed hi Ian-
tern on the ralla and yaw him King where !
lie had fallen. He Jumped down from the
car and pulled him off ihe tracks In front j
uf a second trttiK which was followlm;
In after the first. Tho man was found
li he unconscious. A Ions scalp wound
extended across the right side of his head j
and one ear was badly turn. lie wui placed i
on the switch engine and carried down to
the yard otTice ot the I'tilon Siock Vards
company. Here he w as at tended by Ur. I
C. M. Schlndel and later taken to tho South
Omaha hospital. Ho had partially recov- i rested James Perry, tho colored man who
red consciousness, but his thoughts are I murdered Steven Slodllck. a Polish laborer
hi i 11 wandering from the effects of the st- t.f the Cudahy Pucking company. The mur
vere concussion uf the brain. It !s thought ; ur took place about two months ug.j.
there is no fractute of the skull and that 1 Alter u quarrel In the pai-King house Perry
unless ome complications set in the man Is : struck Siedlick on the head w ith a me it
on the road to recovery. Nothing is luuik. The harp hook jk netrated the skull
known of Ilia relatives other than that h ; Rj the man died at the South Omaha how
lias brother and ulsters In Woiiihig. : pitu after an illness of about three weeks.
Trainman Seriously Hurl.
H. L. Merriman of Kalrbury met with a
painful accident Monday night. He Is a
railroad man employed on the Kock Island,
Last night, while riding north it the- local
freight he was tationed on a box car. The
train passed over a bridge about hlf a mile
01 Interest To Women.
, To such women as are not ferlotisly out
t healtrAbut who have cxacling duties
to periornV either In tho way of house
he Id caresVor In social duties and funo
tljwhichWrlously tax their strength,
aulweiTilsVurslng mothers. Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Pription has proved a most
valuable auiyt!ng tonic and luvigorat
Inc nervine. By Its ti-ielv ite. much
ertoils slckncv.- am fl;li r:ni! n V '"'
aoldej. The r-i'iratlng table and iho
tnife, won'.!, it is
ayldom haw to bo en plovnl if. tins niot
Valualle wc.)a"r?'irrcni71v I'T" r-iitllil
to itrrood time,, The-t avoriu- riescrij)
tloti"Iias proeu a great boon to ex pedant
mothers by preparing the system (or tha
coming of baby, thereby rendering child
birth safe, easy, and almost puinlcs.
Bear la mind, pl. a- that Ir. Tierce's
Favorite Prescription Is not a eecret or
pateut medicine, against which the most
Intelligent peop'0 are 'iu't naturally
averse, Iwcausc of the uncertainty as to
their con. position and harmlesscharaeter,
but Is a Kenici.NK or ssowx comihsi
tios, a full list f all Iw Ingredients being
printed, In plain English, on every bolinr
wrapper. An examination of this list of
luaredients w ill disclose the fact that it is
non-alcoholic in Its cuinposUioti. cheniii
ally pure, triple-refined glycerine taking
the place of the eoniuicmly usod alcohol.
In !v make-np. In this connection it
may not be out of place to state that the
l-.. IVoerlntion of lr. Pierce IS
lbs only medicine put up for the cure of
womto'i peculiar weaknese and ail
ments, and sold through druggists, all
the ingredieuu of which Lave th un
animous endorsement of all the leading
medical writers and teachers of all the
several school of practice, and that too
4 as remedies for the ailments for which
V "Favorite lre.-ripiion" i r.tminemied.
1 ' A little book of the: endorsements ill
' be sent to aftv address, post-paid, sad
C . absolutely res' If you ruet , funis by
il'., T-Jstal card, or letter, of IT. K. . Pierce,
u iluftalo, J'TUtMn Pei,pU t.ure ,.
tipatlon. CoiutijiaMon is the cause of
aaany disease. Cure th cause and you
a--an Hi dlettntra."''-
ruddy glow into
up the rich red blood, which nature provides.
You take alum into your food by the use of,
stf called, cheap Powders in which alum is used as a
cheapening substitute for pure Cream of Tartar. There is
only one sure way to guard your health against alum
and its injurious effects Buy only an absolutely pure Grape
Cream of Tartar Baking Powder buy by the name
&m$ mil
V L-J '-a U
is made from absolutely pure Grape Cream of Tartar.
Royal is a satc-guard to health.
Read the Sign at
south of VlbrlKht and tho overhead tim
bers stru.k Merriman on the head. The
timber would not usually do this, but he
happened to be Ftandlng on a very hish
car. He was thrown down ot, .the top of
the car, receiving a severe scalp wound.
The attending physician. Pr. W. H. la
hauch, thought there was no fracture of the
skull. When the train stopped at the Al
bright iiepot he was discovered and
brought down unconscious from the tcp of
the car. It required several stitches to
close the wound In his (-calp. After this
was dun" he wa put on board the train
south bound and sent to his home In Kalr
bury. The time of the accident was about
Id p. m.
I'roitrnin fur Church r'nlr.
The women of the t'tilted Presbyterian
church have prepared an elahorate pro
gram for the annual chrysanthemum fair,
which Is to be celebrated Thursday and
Friday evening. The program is as fol
lows :
Piano solo Mr. Cecil Berri in.n,
Vocal solo Miss Emma Uiikman
Violin and cello duet Mevsis. Scovllle
Reading Miss Mil cr
Voral solo Ml Zl gler
Tiano solo Miss Hentz
Flano solo Mr. Karl Suso
Vocal solo Mi Inura I'etersmi
Violin solo Mr. George Barker
Reading M'iss Clark
Vocjil solo Mrs. E. K. Henftimln
l'laiio solo iMss Juauita Slater
Jauica I'rrrr Captured.
A telegram was received from the au
thorities at Douglas, Wyo., addrey.ied to
the chief of police In South Omaha to the
I effect that the authorities there had
I A" officer will ne dispatched to bring
j Perry to 6outh Omaha,
I Mnale Cltr ;ikii.
i G. p. Gafford. livery. Tel. JOG.
Samuel Acker, jr., reports th
birth of a
Chattel and fciliry loan., JtJoVi N gt
uustn. corrKienitai.
i J. P. Courtney ami wife are entertaining
relatives this week.
, Free I.ito-slzed portrait with ore dogen
photos till Ci rlstntas. Peterson's Studio.
I Tl.i' Koyal Achate win sive n hall nt
I the Odd Fellows hail Thursday evenlnw of
this week. .
1 Miirtb.i Piinner and littie jw were
' tlni d in police court for lx ins drunk and
t ilisordei ly on the stieet. Tney were ai -,
lestfd on tl.o L sti'eit vlari,:et.
i The women of Ierler M-tnoiial church
! will serve a school linu h Friday ut no'o,
i ai.'l a dinner in the eveinr.K 'u, whli li
chicken tie I to he prominent.
J'-t'.i t s 'lop Hi er (leliicred to ail
i p'irts of the city. Teh-phone No. s.
A number of rominent fioutli ( imah i
, ili-iiioi i al and friends of H. C. Kii Imion j
will lot. dor Mm a I uiniuei at tiie liieer
j hotel on the evening- of November 15.
fine of the Tens of S. Martin's Women's
auMtiary w.U gno u New Ktujland d riller
i at the home ot Mrs. T. i. I.aur. ;7 North
! t witeni y-t ul ni street. Tiu.ixlay from j
: to S p. in.
( The Ladies' auxiliary of th National A
soclaUoii el l.ettir i aii;ers will hold a
j special met tin ai the home of Mrs. Fran
j i es itiiick. i' my-M eond and ii streets,
' edtK'sdiy at 10 a. in
O. B. tJafToi-'., moving and transfer.
Tel. V.
The regular luonthlv meelina- of the
Woman s Catholic firdcr of Foresters of
Lt. Atcnes court, No. ofiS. will lie held
WcdiKhuay evening Ht Odd Fellows' hall,
Tweiily-fo.irth and M struts.
City Clerk J. J. Oillin. accompanied by
his father. F.dward Gi :in. of this city
left last f-enin lor St. Jamts. Minn., to
iitteiid the funeral of Patrick liillln. a
brother of tdward Gillln and uncle to the
iitv clerk. The telecram announcing: the
Utatli was received early yesterday morning-
.jBkaelder-r' ler Kpeet to He
ar 1 it Haylaa; la Omaha In
Th N e-Sohneider-Fowler elevator i
rapidly hearing completion and the com
pany announces It expects to begin receiv
ing grain about December 1. Offices have
been opened in the Hee building and George
C. Johnson und John Morris, both from
Fremont, have been placed in t hai as.
Both men have moved with their famlllee
t Omaha and both have applied for rnem
heish.p Ut the lrno.t4 JuUa ouJlaiga.
Vigorous Health is the
most Dependable Wealth to
It reaps a steady harvest.
in food will change Health's
pinched paleness by drying
the Top Again.
Resolution Faued Frovidiir for Demand
n Lie Grier for Sash.
Former Clerk of Police Court Will
f'iiiht I'lijment and Bond t ompnny
Mill Check ()er the
ThA council tovH ucti-.i luestlay evenfng
in the alliKed shortage of Lee (Jrler, former
clerk of the police court, by adopting a
concurrent resolution to the effect that de
mand lie made n Mr. Crier and the surety
on his bond for the sum of :U7: M. said
by Comptroller Loheck to be the amount
found short in firler s account May,
1.3, to June. 1:ki;. Iat evening's rif-lu-tion
wart tiie first real ttep taken by the
council to bririr th- Grl. r matter to a head,
a controversy a.-s to the wisdom of having
firbr's records checked up by an outside
expert having caused considerable delay.
Mayor Oahlman being advised by City At
rney Iliirnam that the mayor has no
authority tu eugiiRe un expert without ac
tion c! the council has had tho effect of
prompting the mayor to turn the whole
matter over to the council.
From what the mayor ha said on the
subject it Is believed he will sign the con-
current resolution when It reaches his
office. That the city will have a suit on
its hands in the Grh r matter seem proba
ble, as Mr. Grier has expressed intentions
of fighting tho case. The I'nited States
Fidelity and Trust company, which bonded
Mr. Grier. will check tip the police eouit
books for the period mentioned.
The appointment of C. O. Meyllng as
sistant city electrician, made by City Elec
trician Michaelsen. was confirmed by the
council. Mr. Meyllng wil! cntfr on his work
j In Omaha on Thursday at a salary of tl.OoO
! per year, and this addition will put the
j electrician's office on a strong baels.
j Sewer Inspectors nmed.
I Tom and Robert i trman were ap
pointed brick sewer Inspectors at u rate
of to per day on recommendation of En
gineer Rosewater. It was explained that
the Tom Lee in question was not the
former city prosecutor of the Fame name.
Councilman Bedford Introduced a con
current resolution directing- the comp- j
troller to place In a special fund the ri.flOO i
deposited by the telephone men for . the
recent election. Tiie finance committee ,
and the lleim-I'ollock-I'armcle company '
ore getting together on the proportion the
telephone company should stand. the ;
linnnce committee holding IS.fOO a Just i
sum. wh'le the telephone men contend for !
$:..'. j
An oidinaiice creating the office of in
spector of meats, hotels and restaurants
and defining the duties of that office was
offered for first and second readings and
referred to the general committee. The !
offlco will be appointive and carry a talaiy .
of ?1 .Joo per year.
The Omaha and Gate City telephone !
franchise ordinances were returned by
me telephone committee and filed, as th
successful ordinance was voted on last
I Councilman Bridget brought in a minor
ity report on his tank ordinance,
but he was without support when the
question to file the ordinance was or-
, deret
Action oh Storm Sewer.
City Knglneer Rosewater' recommenda
tion that a sewer be constructed on Four
teenth street, between Douglas and Jack-
Dr- Graves'
Tooth Powder.
to your toilet necessities if you
want the best results. It removes
decolorations and tartar. An anti
septic a purifier a cleanser.
Ask your dentist. Able him why.
Ia handy matal ran or battles, SSe
Dr. Orvt TaMK PnuifUr
on, has taken definite shape, with pros
pects that the work will be done forth
with, or as soon as the material can he
secured. This sewer will be for surface
drainage and will obviate objectionable
features at many of the downtown Inter
sections In time of heavy rains.
The report of Alma Jackson, Churchill
Farker and James Schnelderwlnd, ap
pointed to appraise a triangular strip of
land owned by the city at Nineteenth and
St. Mary's avenue, brought forth a strong
protest from Councilman Elsasser, who
offered to double the appi-alsetnent of $3oo.
It wa resolved to pay special policemen
serving election day last week W each.
John McCarthy Wrrps and Want to
Plead Kullly Hut Cannot
Before Leslie.
"Judge, l- want to plead guilty to every
thing but breaking into the store. I d.dn't
do that," soblied John McCarthy when he
was arraigned before County Judge Leslie
for his preliminary hearing on u charge of
burglary. McCarthy wa the man captured
near Council Bluff with a lot of plunder
from the store of F. II. Clark of Valley,
which was robbed Sunday night. McCarfhy
said he did not want to have any trial, but
wanted to have everything over with at
once. The complaint charges htm with bur
glarizing the store and stealing IM worth
of good found in his possession.
McCarthy says he was at the depot at
Valley Intending to take .the train for Fre
mont when a man named Snyder thrust
the grip full of goods In his hands and
told him It contained "peddlln's." McCar
thy went to Fremont and then to Council
Bluff, where he tried to dispose of th
good and was arrested. When told he hud
committed a penitentiary offonso his sobs)
redoubled and he cried like a child.
As the hearing was a preliminary one
Judgo Leslie could not take a plea of guilty.
McCarthy was bound over to the d. strict
court at his own request. The authorities
believe the man Snyder Is a fictitious per
son. McCarthy has been working among
the farmers near Valley, but the authori
ties claim he has a record.
Time Nearly ip In Which Candidate
Mr Suhmlt Their Kinenae
Candidutcs at the recent election have
only two moro days It, which to tile their
exp.nse accounts with the county clerk
under the law. So far a largo number ot
them have failed to comply with the law
and 111 case they fail to get their statement
in within tho limit they will be liable lo
a fine of Jl,ix. Those who have tiled and
the amount of their acoounts are as fol
ium: J. L. Kennedy, $W!5.10; 1 C. Best,
t.: L. C. Gibson, 1115; R. F. Thomas,
$i:S; Janus P. English, IlW.Io; W. W. Mc
Combs, llrtJ; C. H. Green, HK.Srt; F. A.
McArdle. K; U. G. Moorhcad, '.2.7o; l!
Leeder, S. C. Barnes, fci.1.60; W. A.
Yoder. 175; Otto Sluben, l-D. George Wells
and J. N. fatter, who were, on the so
cialist ticket, say the campaign cost them
In each case the greater part of the ex
pense Is for contributions to committee,
hall rent, printing, advertising and car
riages. W. W. Mft'iimhi aays lis paid $15
to "moochers."
Addresses Weniau'a Club and Teach
ers on Ethical Education la
Publie schools.
Mini Jane Brownlee of Toledo. O., 1
to deliver a lecture before the Woman's
flub on November X. Tha aubject will ba
"Ethical Instruction In the Public Schools. '
Miss Brownlee was for a number of year a
teacher In the public schools of Toledo and
is recognized us an authority on the sub
ject, having achieved exceptional success
In that line in her work as a teacher.
The securing of this lecture has been i
made possible by the Board of F.ducatlon
paying half the expenses, the Woman'
club providing for the reniuliul. r. In view
of thl distribution of the expense the
teachers ot the city, regardless or wmllier
the r
or not they are nieinbti of the dub,
Inwttd to attend the kcluic.
ilmi"il I demilne,
futif 'I herefore It 4
mn tn n in to
l.rt Writ.
Meiul-vrf f l!.e First Cl.'.:'eh of f'-.i t,
S. Menial, a--. li .I'll othct itiit l sit .1 in
Christian'iti intended 1- ctute Icm
niKht at I In Itnjd tlionrr ty Iliiani A.
kimbail. c. P. IV, i'f i'i.mbi', number of
the Christian Science Hn.iid of I.octurc-hip
of tin First Church of Christ. Scientist.
Hoston. Mr. Kimball is reiMided as tin
most gifted lectuicr In this i-;i iur anil I'is
meetings throughout tin- countty .if ,
largely attend., 1. Mr. Kimball was Intro-'
iluced last niKht liy John Forbes, president
of Iho Christian Science society. II .
hi Ul In part:
For a thir.l of n century Mis. Kildy hu ;
l ct .l,-:t 1 1 ' n with tii.inktrit for the iccng
nitlon of It rinht to lite, health and hull
ness nri nnllng t, I ho will of Hod. Khe .q
iho ";v:-k,v.v,'i ...v;;;.. is";',,;,,;;'; ...
ioil ami His will Shr hH rlls.-ovorf.l unil
mario known th- Filrin-c or i nrisunn nmi- .
ar,.1 ii is fi
humanity is to
frith th- rule wh.rrhv
obtain nii'Mery (vr illy-
On e r' on, who ban rvr, hr.iliil the fh k
thioneh a, .il by nirms of divine power In
ttr sini ina r, i w yupromai y of yphitual
law tl,r worhl has bt siowerl ihr nntnuonlsni
and bmreil wlih-h ina'rriallsm evor rxhlhlty
toward tin- (.irii'inllv immleil; in. lord,
then has smrrrly t- n a rrfornirr Kinro
tho day of Abel who has not lr hat-,1.
roviled, sionrd or rt iirified a martyr to his
own ii'iuisiry and mission.
In vli'W of this Inveterate propensity of
tho human nil, id to pros, rate tho prophet
and to ri sist that whk h makes for its own
I mora! and spiritual welfare. It Is not
I slvansn that with consistent industry It
has nlvru itself tip to nilsi rpr, srntatlon
land defamation of Christian Srlenee and Its
! works and of the lender of this cause.
Mcnnlnx of the llll.le.
PeonlH throinrlioiit nil the Christian ren-
tuiles have differed roneernlrK the mean
ing th ilihle; Indeed, In benalf of tha
r)uarrl about the luble and of the r. indict
of creeds millions have pone down to vio
lent death. Our tenets declare: "We tako
the Inspired word of the Hiblo as our suf
ficient ).'Uid" to eternal life." I,lke many
olheis. we lieevo that the nible ha not
been dlitated void for word by God. iVe
believe with t'aul that the thins of Ood
and tho red substance ot the llible must
be tpiritually discerned.
Most people have commentaries or helps
to the study of the Hlble. We have a com
mentary, or key. In our text book. With
historic and characteristic Instinct the peo
ple whose love is for their own alone do
not liko ours, and even say It is danger
ous. I will not litiKi r long to discuss the
merits of this book now. Since studying
the Hiblo In lis huht we have no desire to
kill anyone or quarrel with anyone about
religion. We have learned to love the right
of every man to strive for heaven accord
ing to his own inspiration. We are tauht
that It Is abominable in the sinht of (lod
und a decent manhood to denounce, perse
cute or molest a man who dors not agree
with tmr rellgloui propaganda.
Tcnchlim of the Hook.
The book encourages us to live according
to the commandments and the sermon on
iho mount and In obedience to the htghori
conceivable moral tandaid. It teaches us
to be loving, charitable, merciful, meek
and pure, and as follower of Christ Jesus
to obey fvry mandate of God and Christ,
..iron irt ihe evtetit of forsaktnif sin. nreaeh-
inrr It. a iTi-ter,! nnrl ht.nlinir tl.o aieit A I
c-A tcinvhi to love unit lo relv on one in.
finitely good God. who is love, and that we
miy trust. Him to tho uttetmost; Indeed,
wo are led to believe we cannot trust God
too much nor expect too much from In
finite love. Wo are taught to rely on the
supremacy of the spirit and to know that
no other reliance is acceptable to God or of
avail to mortals. We are taught that the
mission of Christ Is In demonstration of an
unniysterious salvation, and that we may
expect more and gain more through Christ
than If we were to minimize the scope and
efficacy of His mifslnn.
If to be thus oliedierit, or to no too ex
plicit In obedience, be dangerous, then we
are, Indeed, the most dangerous people that
Incumber the earth.
Mind Which Was In Christ.
The spicule of mind declares that to the
extent that man Is governed by the divine
mind he will manifest perfection, health,
life, welfare, prosperity the ampleness and
completeness of harmonious exist, nee. It
was this mind which was alo In Christ
which canceled temptation and sin. healed
the pick, raised the dead, raised Jesus from
the dead and overcame "t p world, the
flesh and devil." "To be carnally minded
is death." Pin nnd d .-ease are the off
spring of this carnal mind: they are no
part of the nature or of th- procurement
of tho dtvino mind, find is good In na
ture, design. jKiwer, action, substance and
operation. All that He has tvuido and done
is good; His laws are good and He has
already oone everything thr.t is essential
to the supreme welfire of man. Conversely
we repudiate the efforts to solve the mys
tery of evil bv assuming that any part of
It has been instituted ny God, or that He
needs to Involve Himself In or with evil In
any way or for any purpose, or that He
doe so involve Himself.
What Sickness la.
Christian Science explains that sicklies
in of a kindred unreal nature and Is to he
obliterated by the sanio process, whereby
everything that has no right to exist or
continue is to become extinct through
Christ and Christianity.
If Insanity and sickness are real, then
I Ood. who includes all reality, must have
made them. If He made them and bestows
or sends them, then it Is a sin to try to
get well or want to get well.
We repudiate all assumption that HI law
Is the law of sin and death. Sickness Is
contrary to Gid. and God Is contrary to It
God Is the natural healer of the sick and Is
able, willing and ever ready to' save mor-
I'll j ftlrn I It
: Cooper's Medicines
: In Great Demand
The remarkable demand for the New
Discovery medicines with which L. T.
Cooper has been having such wonder
ful success in the cure of Stomach
and kidney troubles. Catarrh, Rheu
matism und other diseases seems to
Increase every day. His visit in New
Orleans for the past few weeks has
created a sensation in the South, the
like of which has never been known.
ills remedies are well known In this
section of the country, and the famous
cures which they have effected in St.
Louis, Milwaukee, St. l'aul, Minneapo
lis, and other large cities of the
central western states are well re
membered. The retail druggists say
they never known any medicines for
which theie was such a constant de
mand and the continued reports of
marvelous cures that arc being pub
lished everywhere ate a topic of uni
versal Interest.
The newspapers of New Orleans are
still printing interviews with those
whose cases are most extraordinary
and as this, tho last week of Cooper'a
visit draw s to a close,-tha excitement
seem to have Increased rather than
One case in particular that has at
tracted especial attetitiun during the
paot law days Is that of Mr. Leon
Labusquirtre, yi Burgundy St., New
Orleans, who had been sick for fifteen
eajs and had doctored for various
diseases without result. There w a
bright twinkle in the man's ej e and
a radiant si.iile on his face as he
greeted his Interviewer the other day,
which seemed to besjieak anything but
poor health. "I shall be pleased tu
state my experience," l.e said, In ans
wer to a rep.iedt, "tor my case ha
been a most remarkuble one, and 1
am glad of the oppurt utiliy to tell the
j 0
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I'rlM ofTrndrr Mmm to t.lir tli
I'ollrr nmrt hlna In ll,i
Crrnlnnll .
Jo l'.MilanJ Hn'1 .tiif W'l'klinio wli i ,, i,n
ticfiiier in th Poople n hulk-tine limifc ,MJ
Sou'h Twrlftl, itrrrt, hu'p rport.I th''
l"f of t'.'.i to Itio pnliro. w hi,-h tln-v hi -)tvt
m toon Chsrlrf Pin!t!i. nnnthrr
loomer in th lodninif h'HI'f. Pniiih
f.Mioi to pnl In n ppnrninc at hi- onnl
liHtitit tnl l b'iiir "nroh.I 'or ! tlm
,1 trr tivf!.
Cliatftr.l with the lun ny of th p'oKof
honk ,.f .loin, riliihnril, propriotor of w
faloon at Ninth nnd .Irlion mmi.i, ton
tmrilnK ovir y. Volt Oiri,n. an Ininnt
of the Arrailf, wn. pentrnord to thirty it.iy
;l th county .inil Wnlnrsilay mornhiK
Th rrrrnt rohl snap has lronnht to
liRht the fart that a l.usr fur collnr. value,!
at fio, was stolon from Mr. IInrman, J SI:'
South Twf nty-srvrnth slreel, omi time
slnre Inet .luly, when the warmth-prorluonr
v;i carrfully stowed nwny by Its owner.
Mr?. ITnnnnn lifts rriiumted the aM of th"
polire to HSi,f In flnr1ln her collar.
A kom wntrn, value, i at ji.,. as j-iolrn
vr n..- fro,,, r .,,
Vtnyl'V, S-'ll ropplotrn strrot. In tlip IilBh
nnfi h,ih n. wIicp Kavlrv In
On behalf ff the juvenile officer com
plaint wa filed Wednesday mornlnc b
City TYpsecutor Panic cint John An.i
on. who Is the proprietor of a ma11 to
bacco store near Thirtieth and rturdette !
street. Hlbslng that A1Iion old tobacco
to Riy Ptanwood, a minor who resides in
t!iat locality.
(raiihlc Description of Death triia
Klc (.Iven by Witnesses In
I.lsthlner Trial.
i i
Witnesses In the trial of Charles l.ightuer, !
charged with the murder of John Hanmin,
gave vivid descriptions of the death strug- j
gle between Llghtncr and Hanson on the
stand Wednesday morning. Most of the
witnesses were employed nt the grading
camp two miles west of Rlkhorn, where the
tragedy otrurred.
Charles Ilunsnn, who wa employed in the
camp declared he aw Lightner go to John
Hanson's bunk, where Hanson wa sleep
ing off a debauch, pull Hanson out of the
bunk, knock him down and kick him two
or three time. The witness then went Into
the cook tent and did not e the rest of
the trouble, except that he saw Lightner
run away and afterward saw the bloody
body of Hanson lying on the ground. Other
witnesses told practically the same tory.
Captain Haze, who went to the camp
' shortly after the killing Identified the
nloody razor with which the cutting wag
The defense contends the cutting was ac
cidental, and that IJghtner, though holding
the razor, had Just said he did not Intend
to cut Hanson, when Hanson rushed at him
and In the struggle that followed acci
dentally drew hi ami aero the Made
and severed an artery. The case will prob
ably occupy all of Thursday.
Accused hy Wife of Knocking Over
Trinki and Thlnara With
Four months after they were married
James Darnall struck his wife, Hattle, and
knocked her over a trunk, according to
her story told in a petition for divorce filed
in district court Wednesday. A year later,
she says, he struck her In the eye and
knocked her over the stove. His actions'
were such she called an officer, and ha
afterward told her, she says. If she ever
had him arrested again ha would "fix
She also say he would thke food she
had prepared for herelf and throw It out
door or give It to strangers, so she would
not have enough to eat. Then he would
lock her trunks and take charge of tha
keys so she could not get at her clothing.
She says ha was of a very jealous disposi
tion and the language he used was some
thing awful. She asks for a restraining or
der to prevent him from carrying out a!
leged threats against her.
Major M. G. Zallnskl, formerly chief
quartermaster of the Department of tha
Missouri, left Wednesday for hla new post
of duty at Waahlngton, P. C. Mrs. Za
llnskl accompanied him.
Major Charles H. Noyes, military secre
tary of the Department of tha Missouri.
left Wednesday for his old home at Ken
wood, N. V on a leave of absence for
thirty days. During hla absence Lieuten
ant C. C. Allen will act aa military aecra-
tnrv of tha department.
Bids will be opened November 24 at tha
office of Captain T. 8. Hacker, chief com
missary Department of the Missouri, for
the Quarterly supply of fresh beef for all
the posts of the department and for the
military prison at r on ieavenworm ana
Jefferson Barracks, Mo.
public what these wonderful medicines
have done for nie. My suffering for
the past fifteen years has been more
than I can describe, for during alj
that time I have seldom had a well
day. My appetite was very irregular.
Sometimes I could not get enough to
eat and at other times the very sight
of food would maka me rick. I suffered
greatly from constipation. I did not
seem to get any strength from what
I ate, was always tired, and the
sllghtert exertion would wear me out
completely. "It was a great effort for
me to attend to my duties. I was
very' nervoua and at night could not '
rest well. I would wake up In the
morning feeling as tired aa whan I
went to bed. Thera were few days
that I did not have a dreadful head
ache and times would have queer dizzy
srells. I thought for a tlma that I
had Catarrh and doctored for It, but
without relief. Nothing I could do
Deemed to benefit me, and when I be
gan to hear of tha wonderful auccess
Cooper was having with hla medicines
in tha treatment ot cases similar ti
mine, 1 began using his medicines.
"After I had taken his New Discovery
medicine orly a few days a horrible
tapeworm of enormous aisa passed
from my system and than I knew
wl at had been ' causing ma all this
trouble. From that tiina I Improved
lapidly and now feel well rd strong
again. I will u.'sdly glva any Informs,
tion I can to .iny or.a a ho la sulfat
ing aa I was."
Tha sale of Coops. 'a medicine In
Omaha has been phenomenal and at
Beaton Drug Co.'a drug store, where
the remedies are sold in this city, U
i saJd thst some very remarkable
cures have been leported r ght here
t home.
Hail OiUir of lutliKVstioii, MnoktHii.
liliiLIK or I.iiIihk t an II
llis,Mtitl) MopoaU.
Uunr I'ti'i ic iiuiiuo n.ii nan Ihi .i.ii
!i'ie eii wotiM let 1'i'ino ii l all- 't
it ImMMMlillg l.i oil. CI jcnill lu fell. till If
U'ia the n ) in die talking. n
tin in a v.lsltT o: two ot cjr bud laeai.i.
It i.sujIi) ii no a Ii. mi liod K i mi .a. nit
ot, ou. Miiinarti. siomet ma s you n.n
U .a the i.i.'iiiiiit tliJ' mi Ml b.'ui, I I
mus, hjj I, ii. .Hi. Wm car. .'.up t':t at
oncn o.v nalloMH4i iiw or two SiUait
l li.llei ul Uiii lni'j, II. meal pOMtillil
Sis hi ii oitm .. i.-oi I et. nil' I'i'I'JHd. your nuals wi!i uveal tlietn
iiImm l:i oj, brvatlt li those who talk
With joi. 'uu vc i.ail onions," ,.r
" Voue tien e.iiinK taiiujrfc,'- and all vt
a uUJi.ii ) jj belch in Hie l u of your
friend. ( huicoal la a uonUerlul alsoibor
ot odoi.i. a every one kiiowa. That 1
why btuart s Charcoal L,otene ar j
quick to stop all liases u,ij oieua or oJoi
ou loodk, or L i- lion, India, nlon.
lion I use bieall, ).cilu!;ir.t They nevr
j conceal tho odi r, cud inirr ahs irb to th it cutis' tuu i dor iJisiU'i!-, the
I v.iy taut of usina tiici., the rasou
1 for thui u. btUurl a Cl.icnal Umiii
1 in lhe flrsi plin i tup , r soinj all aoJi
! li.ish a.ij biiihiiij id jjas, and mak your
lueatli pure, fieah atvd i-wcel, afir
' jnuia Ul'"- i in ii no oiii: ' turn ol
f ur nv.ay froii! ou !... ; on l,ii,irt,u ur
ta'.V ur brcjii.
K-.'i' and f;ii.
and leidi.s your lucii will tune so mucu
hot t it to jou i . juoi nexi i,,t.;. jU3i t,y
Charcoal does other wonderful things,
too. It cart lea away from yojr slomacli
and inWFllncs, all tho Impurities thera
massed together and which causes the.
bad breath. Charcoal Is a puiItUr as well
as an absorber.
Charcoal Is now by fur the best, most
easy and mild laxative known. A whola
boxful will do no harm, hi fact, t.'iu mora
you take the belter. Btuuil Charcoal
Lozenges art. iade of Pure willow ti,ar.
coal and mixed with Just a faint flavor
of honey lo make mem palatauie for you.
but uot too sweet. You just chew them
like tatidy. They are absolutely harm- ,
Get a new, pure, sweet breath, freshea
your toinach, for your next meal, and
keep ho Intestines In good working order.
.rhee two things are tho secret of good
health and iong life. You can get all tho
charchil necessary to do ..hese wonderful
but simply things by getting Btuarf,
Charcoal Lozenges. Wa want you to
test these litile wonder workers yourself,
before you buy them. Eo smd us your full
name and address for a free sample of
Bturat's Charcoal Lozenge. Then atr
you have tried the sample, and been con
vlncet so to your druggist nnd get a io
box cf them. You'll feel better all ov,
rr.ore comfortable, and "cleaner" lnsld.
Send us your name and address today
and we will at once send you ty mail a
sample package, free. 'Address P". A.
Stuart Co., to SMiait Hide., Marshall,
Is the watchword for health and vigo.-, com.
fort and beauty. Mankind is learning- not
only, the necessity but the luxury of clean
liness. SaPOLIO, which has wrought
such changes in the home, announces hef
fster triumph
special soap which energizes the whola
body, starts the circulation and leaves an
exhilarating glo". llgrtcers anddrugfitto,
AK K you
worked ?
tired and run
Troubled with Indiges
tion? Restless at night?
Are your cheeks pale?
Is your blood thin?
then Storz Malt Kx tract
would be a boon to you.
It la a delicious, non
alcoholic, concentrated
liquid food and tonic. It
baa been endorsed by
the leading physicians
of the west, and was
awarded Gold Medal
for purity and excel
lence at Portland, Ore.,
Exposition. 1906. Write
us today for our beauti
fully Illustrated booklet
(a work of art).. It'a
6 ton Malt Extract
Den't. Omaha. B5
W as.m u ajaj 9v
For Sale by All Leading Druggists.
Money Back if it Fails
That's the Guarantee Your Druggltit
Puts Ilrhind Kvcry Box of
N'o chance whatever do you take when
you buy a box of nitOMO-I.AX, for your
druggist will refund your money if
i-LAX does not euro your cold.
Now, we must know that !'.l1MO-L.AX
is the surest and safest rold cure tr j
could not affordsjo say this.
HRo.MO-l.AX is (liftet.nt from ll
other cold cures IT'S IlKTTKH.
Not just because we say so, but
we make it so; ISIU iMO-I.AX Is eieniiil
rally prepared; It a not Just a lot of drugs
thrown, but each drug is put In
for a speUflc purpooi ; rai h ingredient
helps the other Ingredient to do their
BROMO-I.AX contains t:o nuinitie,
therefore does not have the hed stuffy
like o,ulnlno cold cures.
Get a box lrnj.iv. Sic at your druggist:!.
In orange colore u box.
Every Yomarj
UUWNI4I1 SIM! inna.'d IM.'W
Aeolll III bn.l.rf.l
MARML Vhirlmg Spray
uu tnirt.
IMI..lufflill. liMt x.r
Ml- Mini ruii'rniFnt-
li I Uiiui (
I hr -annul, tha
M S l ai,. ai-rept ijo
cmr. tml Mod L&niD far
lilutiraitd book ...1.4. tt( T
lull iiarticultxi in.1 .1.rf.. . in
MiUntUtn l.l'. MIHIII. (O.,
rot atais vt
Htn ano ixae Bta.
M. Cor. ltib anil Vu-imib sea,
Try !li Vri.t an
Cviuuuji uf Tii &e
I i.i.i i. IU. in i.n .hi ii-i
over-l I
Feel I
down ? I I
9W 1w rLii'Ll tortLly
1 h -aiiiiol iupi.Ii iha V1f..