Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1906, Page 5, Image 5
i TMi: OMATIA DAILY RTIE: TimPAY. XOYKMT.ET? 1... V.mhI RAISE FOR RAILWAY CLERKSi Meri P,y Orde-sd br .l.rrimtn for Uider Huadrpd Koith. Tfauia r V; INCREASE WILL BE TEN f ER CENT ' ti I'm I flr I. rant. Ten IVr Cent to Ml Telcarn lh Operators On Ml Wflrrii Hnslnc. I nlon I I h K'll" Itl. i:j the salaties of 1 1 .1 1 I i I . ; a n ssllil uf lail-' 1 tn In hi. id soon. tie- a-ll ill. r has a 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 r of tune nil li! rs mm li a ami II Is only Tho I., -ii Ull.ll tha m. i r y ..f at; ! sMi-dule ImntiiK ant :lvr on ' man nml Fnvi t lu i ij Pi ill. s in, J .'tl uf ll. Is tiM-iu. l'r. si. lent I.i icy -"J i'.' . Fe leccntly v,is ijU..Ud .-. ...;r saJarles would he i.ns.,1 ..ii S'..'i. IV ami I!..- l;-t road-, ''iks cm railroads gem rally l,u-, c I, - a I'l.-.i Willi t ,i ir salaties I .- H ' in. I l.i : i i quarter. New ij leans '' '-ualia. in:i,aif. tin y Lave dis- i ' H i- aih I -.ability f making 't"tn.i'i ! . ... r,. t. . Al Now Orlentis tl(. s. ,,u i. r ,t i,,iliy.,l ii,t a tangible n oi nil.-. Wiiil' Hi,- ;il! over tlie country l,iv been miking millions unil paying itn i r-'- divid-iM". :h well as making vaM 1'iiproi en-rnts nil along the linn, the p.iy r tl.c Ucrk anil the iixn who get $") or ns a month las not been raised, hut in main- instances Is le-s than It sonic j oisr ago. II Is understood the raise will he in per i..t nnd Ik not at this time to apply I" the Imlnmpii, whose puv i- governed. In ninny Instances, liy ngicrimnts with the ut. i mis to which they belong, hut to clerks in hradiivurtcts And stations along the liti" arid employes In g.nrial. Oencisl Manager MohN-r Ik in Pottland on tin extended hiiMtie.- i trip an, I i not i x pected lionv until Horn.- tlnir nxt (-!;. It is known. Iuuvcm r. lii id. a in ii1hhk to he as lihrral as im.sihli. with tin- nun under hliii. and if ;hr otln-r I l.ii iiiiian Hp. s i-f to rulP th p.iy of the lrrk. .Mr. Moaler will not hy tb.1 ono t. slunU in th-j way on tlio I.'uion rnollic. McKibbin fh, rtrn t i- r),' .).: KrA'v it. i m t".n sy' 'iv V 'v a.i i 4 j WAR ON IUITUS Al) SCHEME (1 ! K.'T-n?'at B?iii by Gjieramint t Prs- Tiut This Clan of Advirtiiiir. HLLD AS CONTRARY TO POSTAL LAWS PERFECTLY MADE aiSian.;rd fr-iu . v'.Tk'5-i 1 "'.hi ijitidn. .' i I V'" '' ""!'! V-i. I a! Ir t,i ,.. t & ; r 5L.' ..rvj- ,K you. ir h ?Lvf,.'.',Lv dire, t ,J McKibbin, Uriscoll d Dorsry r 4TC I.. 1 L . .V ; 3 li l n Order 1 lsnril h tin- l)riHrlnirnt at W i h I u to n Ki-ttlitB forth tlir t hnrnrtrr of flir Oh Jrrtlon. I' IV ! pur: ni'-nt I t . i : l'i :'"t . to-- i in, p. hi n.Ht t tivrviv iH f.-lir-nv .ip iru.K ii. S'.r.i" p.'l a ! and lvwypapcts .1 hi;. i.k i: oil .! p..-.;iM. oil th l.asis I lii.i; lii - ut mi. h a.! rrtist innts i.- lontraiy ! th. luh-s el lh'- poftal MtaQ'k'.1 SAINT PAVL MINN. . i ..t.l'T tl k3 1 . 'it' -.. .i. p.u t in. nt II '. 'l'" !. .id ' I'tiM" '4 lr " -.ct -y m i put.; i I t ..! t' ,w pi . ' 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 p. i 1 1 1 . 1 . i ' lit! 1 1 1 1 . i ' it'.- , . r 1. t- i i-i r r i 1 . 1 1 1 hi' 1 1 it nt - 1. 1. in, I. Tlir th, .- ffi'.it I'Luiv t i , nls In puhli. . : Mjinn 1 1., i i li'.fc . iil- U I'll for tin- itisi rt l a ml i i ipnr. t h .tin. hul -i'.n tlir l'ntt-d-taihahlp at ions. I r t.. pay a r stat-s: Ml of till- sin y i tii-n- is no I voiiiioi.s or Mlrrl tlllip till- Hiiiv p month ; ai.l. 11 r; n"k Sfi'i'iid i Strphsn. snd .17 Honln in .i. 'null llo'li CROWDS VIEW FAMOUS PASSiE Tropic "iff for Thfmflifi Orlaliml r.ildfnrr of llrinooriit' t otn Mnr nltli Railroads. - . TATU TT1 TTTTT Tl ff Tl T A TT T TI .l -M,n jTOur wonaerrai uai waiKBSi- t h to hn .' ' 1-M-ll v s yi-t tint In twp.'ti Ihr t ii . I lIRl t hf lh.' I s. i : ii -1 1 the Hitrlihiito IK' I t. all'l I i i;.'f hki til . a I l ip i.i . i' i 1 In l l' 1 1 1 r m i 'it i in it t in . II. 1'. t r : . i nt i t Iti. has r.-iic-i .1 I has Jt In- f.'ntnnilsstona to Operator. ! r"fKnHnt-0 of a pinro liheral polU y tlir l iilon tarillc Rallroiul inmpaiiy has 1- I.Id t araitt thts Mori uplift s rmploynl .m Itt lines b' twron Ihnnha nnd Ui'ii M ). r (Mit tomniiswon on all Wrstevn t'tilnn Telrnraph i-ompstiy Inisinoss handled by them at thp vurloua Stations, the HggrPK-atf anioiint of thn iirentage not to exced $I.i per month. This has hern a hone of i on ti ttlion for years hetwern the employes and tin; enmpany, pot only on the I'tilon Ta i ilio, hut on railroad lines all over the ' "iintry. It Iihs heen considered at various times hy the Order of Kulltoad Telegra ph. .ps and on different lines has been made a part of th telrgraphsrs.' schednle. Ilere totore the railroad telegraph operators hnve In ' n lined to handle this hn?i:-.rss and to iissninn the ri'ponsihility connevted tlnri' Mith without any remuneration a.-ldc from th. ir ivgular salarhi. Dmmrr of Itntr War In Iowa. A rate war Is imminent In Iowa. It is alleged the Iluilington and Great Northern i attempted to ent rates from points in low. i to Si. la ill and Minneapolis and lhi Intli in line with the redueed rates put into i ff i i in .Minnesota by the railroad ami warehouse loiiunlhslon of that state from ill points within the state. A protest has count troin the Noi thwesti-rn and Milwau kee. President Hill of the Great Northern ari First Vi.e 1'resldenl Miller of the P.ui iitip'on hud an all-day session Monday, but il eouhl not he learned what the out COTo was. Th" l illto iil anil warehouse commission of .Mint.' Mita ucnnify iir1e a reduction of the rales within Hie state averaging & p. i- lint Hy nii'uns of this reduction Mr. inn I .1 loot eiti.S. HailiiHy nlf h ami IV-rsoniils. 1"'. O. Mehlioir. general manager of Tvoi'k Island, passed through Omaha lot west Tuesday night. l ine ol' 11." I'liicago nr .1 sp.-ip' r-. i:i ligin -lug inn th. Li'ior shertaLT.- in tie- n . st. lias istiniafd thn at I". is' i.i ihi ad. iit i. nial lien ii. mid he 1 1 . u 1 1' I i.i -ati"ti the ij. it;in tl the oiit i in t ..ti the ariou hti's lion : , oi,t i in ; i.iii. . pas-i -.-ii r ttatli of !; .--1 1 1 1 si. K. in i.i I freight . V al" I' y. gen. nil pas 1. It W .!!'..-, I. ,v -rtiooti t- V , istii n . 1! I., .mi h. al ti r whuii i n I . A.-i'iI.i "1 li lid " t 1 1 Si' ' i ,1' iv "i!. I . if it ii r I " intiiii: 'uperin I 'tin. n raeilii-itr Kilts. Kan. to h.-eoliii. l.tldKe itl-lilieiM- if Iloek llnnd. His ollit- has he n nhol- Isleil and the I'lrisihet i. ,ii ol A. I. r.illn.l. assislant sup, 1 intend" !;: at Kansas I M. . , has li... n f mUd ove,- the w st-ru distrh t and bran, lies. Alexander W. W'hltt Toi l has resigned as supi ritilenili nt ot ti,.- 1'uior I'ti'itie shops , at i 'in. ill. i and If. tam el. g. tnral lori tit. in. ha-i iiei-n aiiiointeil to ihe p. siiion In his pi .nr. Mr. Slovti will he sin ded as gen- iral foreman hy I :. 1". Fay of t'heyti,".'. t who was general lorenian in the liilon ii- eitie sliups a t t hat pi tint . I Nothing deilnlte has l.een heard In Omaha I of the coining ni President llarahan of Hie Illinois (vntral to this city, hut il is pre sumed hi- will lie otil this way on a nipl of Inspection over the entire system inline- I dlatt ly nlier his n-eh i tton. (.. has tin - iiouiieeil the appointment of ,1. F. Titus as . assistant to ihe president. I Judge v. I. Ki-lley. formerly general so- j lit it"i of tlie linott Pacific, who inovi d to ( aliform. t on account of his health, is to sue. eed Judge Gihhiii , fernieiiv of Ar kansas, as chief adviser of the Sun Pedro. I.os Angeles A- Salt Uike road. Mr. Ki ll, v went to i.os Ang.ii s ahout a year ago and will have his heailipiarters tit 1 s Angeles. Announeeiiient was made Tuesday that the Northwesten probably would run its morning train from iitualia to Chadron. in stead of to lying line, as at present. It h..s now- been diiinitiiy ihvhictl that, begin ning in xt Sunday, the Northwestern train w hich leavis tip- I'nioti station at 7:1') a. m. will run toli.l to f hadroti. instead of to T.opg Pine, as at present. A new lime card has been made fur I'tilon Pacific trains, rffeviive November i It. rhangiug lh" schedule of three tialns. rs. 1. tlie Overland Limited, will have Omaha at ICaii a. m. instead of 9:4") a. ni.; No. 7, the I.os Angeles Limited, will louve at 12:n; p. in. of ll:! a. m.; No. V). from the west, will uriivo al 5 p. m. lu ll, in. 1! for larg lite r 1 !le' 111 to Hon nt- : the hk or th" advert i.-nn"it s to Lie period!, al itsi l'.'l-d to el.iss rat.s. Is h- law made nub-hi'-:h' r rst" to whieh nn' ttintt'-r i, ,t . i:, ,,s ,j v ,t, p is siihlect. fotms ami rdet coupons or forms p- rmissaM- parts ot a periodical, is ,! portions of sheets, whether r sni ili. deslgtietl to si i-e a- the of fume ei.riesttoiiilenie f.etween hr and lite ,1'ln rtiser are pot ad led s hut n ruing paper furnished d.r f.a his ,-, itti-.-i'lcnre. As such tistiln".' t a. i "haiidise ami are sub tle rate of 1 rem per ounce ot '.hereof. Pi inted coupons provid- i spice lor sun itiire or Insertion, mid ' "i n nt - intended to he .letatiied. iet.l ila i.i'tt'-rs and ari- tuibim" tat" i t I ,.,it p.. i o'niee or l-aetlotl if. H is unlaw tnl and post., I n v. ntie to pin. o high-".' s ta.itt r in peri, tlh als and transmit jti th. mails at seeond eisss .': . i. it t that stieh artl i-s serve e n-eiiieiii' of advertis.-r or others s m i ivartaiil lot waning Ihe lawful i.iite on 'h. ti . or mi nny fteiiodieal with l b "'le i-r liloie mav l,p pnelosed. r. in i l.-w of the prevalence and t .ie ti --ire lo ai oid tie. " ssary hardship, in- on . nlenei- and loss to piihiishets and ml vcrtisers. and that !t has grown up through a misapprehension of 1 1 r - - limits of the publishers' privileges, the practice will n it be inl tiered with before March 7. l:Vi;. Pest inastei s ate asked to immedlatel v notify publish" is of pi riodleals within their lurtsdlctloti of this ruling, that they may adjust their lius.uess to tin' conditions. t ti. 1 1. LIFE PAYS FOR DISSIPATION Woman Dies After Debauch anil Siliinlld (loarteis from Kffrt'ta of llrnvt, In ! Siead "'f :;'tl t 'hi. LINE WILL BEJUILT AT ONCE f-w t:leclrlc Hailnay ot to lie llln , dered hy I'resldent'a ' Death. (jeorge r.. Pitnpkins of l.inculn, in cliargo of the right-of-way for the Omaha, Lincoln & Beatrice Railway company, was in Omaha 'Wednesday In conference with a uluI I dt h gi.tlon from South Omaha. While tie I nature of Mr. Simpkins' visit could noi. b. -v Trnin .ier lt-e Hulra learned, he said Ihe death of Mr. Ilobison ii in w ruh s bi o.i of the Liilon Pacific would in no way affect the construction rf ioi ti ii -. ii - .i is out and ihe men of the line, which would lie pushed Just the 'li-rit.-an Hut..' now work under uni- runic. t., r-.'.-r. iihlcii iv. re adopted at a joint "We now expect to finish the line In iwei n i The body of Louise Lindsey, aged about ' was found by the police at ilJI I 1 'avciiport strei ! at :'. o'clock Wednesday I mm-nlitg. when word was a.-nt to the sta tion by some negroes thai a woman was I dying. I Th'- house Is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, who said the woman took the l room with them Sunday aftr staying r.t ' thn Cambridge hotel. Fourteenth and Iiav j enport streets, the previous night, nnd uiaL sue was pt'iiuiM-r. in Mini n-uiii under the influence of cocaine. Police Surgeon Harris said he believed d"atll to have resulted from a protracted cocaine and morphine spree and a disease with widt h she was affected. An Inquest will be held at 3 p. m. Wednesday to inquire Into tlie clrcum stam es surrounding the death of the woman and to ascertain, if possible, the exact cause of her death. i inn -i-ived the idea of shifting the so of th". giaiti from the south and to aso to St. Paul and lUluth. thus se rf: a direct point of shipment of his This w '.O WIS . a big !ng to ship at Chicago, resent it. ri'p r. , in., no "ilallowflv ras " which was on exhibition In the window of The I fa- I!ee nflVo Wednesday, attracted eonsld r--ihle attention from thus, who pn-icl the window. All day there w is a group i-f people ixaniinlliir the tell-tale document. With It was posted the story 'n The p.-.. tellii ,g alout the dlscoveiy of this piei e of eildence thiit Ihe railr.Mds t ere in col liiflin with Ihite tlrniocrats. and clyo i story from the World-Herald head-d. ' Pal:-. Pu.-s.'- In which a t'dlrulotis ex planation of the document was attempted. The V otld-llcrald lake wa to the efTect the pass was really Issued Ir. 1'ieo, hut th. last fla-ure of the date in the man-in had been changed from a """ to i t: " An examination of the date sin wed conclu sively that It had net '..-on l.impt red with It wa aiso pointed out that th" ticket hears the name "'Chicago, Huiiii'gtoti ii Quincv Ktiilw.iy coinptiin" and in l!"o the nini'iiiii was known as the 'Huiiingion X- Mhsoini lii ei in Nehrasl; i " 'imwlng the pass was not of til'- I'") erics. Another proof of the gen-iinenc of the pass Is the fact it lirars tin words, "Not good on Cliii Hgo-Lx-iiver liaiii' Nos 1 and 6." The regulation making iascs void on these tialns did not go Into effect until long after 1V Ths pass was Issu'd to C. B. Galloway November i, on condition he go to his home nt Auburn and vote the denim Title tick" t. He illd not use It. 500 Women's Coals Go On Sale Thursday Morning Women's Tourist Coals at S7.90 A 7" 1 oy t , e-l a SYLVA CASE JNTHE BALANCE Judae Crawford Will Decide Thar dn Whether Saloon Keeper Mttnl be Punished. About two weeks ago Clarence Sylva was am sted hy Officer Waters on the charge of keeping the saloon at 17u7 North Twenty fourth Ftreet open after 1 a. in., and the ease has since occupied the attention of the city prosecutor end police judge on many occasions Pylva i laimed to be ihe proprietor, but his case was dismissed on the technicality that the license was not granted to him. The city prosecutor then filed a com plaint against John Buck, an employe of the Storz brewery, to w-!-.m the license was Issued, and the ease finally came to trial on its merits before Judge Crawford Wednesday morning- The evidence Intro dined proved that Sylva hud sold liquors as alleged In the complaint, ami Buck, through his attorney, attempted to escape conviction by asserting It had not been proved that he was cognizant of the of fense or that Pylva acted as his agent. Judge Crawford took the case under ad visement and will render his dei isir-n Thursday morning. An amurdng feature of the cae was the attempt of Buck's attorney to Induce Offi cer Waters to testify that he could not recognize beer or whisky when he saw the beverage, but the officer proved him ;elf an expert on the question. .".'--.t'., . '. t ' ' WW FkiM$ fckj I: & J ' ' A amt' mm 7.90 I Mnlo of very 1'inp wim1 niixtinvs. in luiii'lsoim.' irrny cliccks, volvpl colliir ;nil vohct triinnictl ciiil'. Tlicst' coatp iirc .() inclips Ionr. with full loose liack; !i swell gMnnrnt for youii": latlic tliiit you rau't duplicatp tr loss than : 1 J.I 0 special Thursdav Women's Kersey Coats' at S10.75 Tlit se coats or ,V indies long', niatle of tlu l'CPt all woel kersey, in lilnek and castor, made extra lull, trimmed around neck ami cuff with velvet and hraid: an exceptional 4A HT value - spceinl Thursday xlaltl Women's Clover Coats at $14.75 This lot include? many pretty coats in fine ker seys. ."iO inches lonjv, in all shades; also swell, new mixtures, made extra full and falling rvacefully from shoulders; most remarkable values special Thursday Women's Smart Coats at $18.75 A very interesting showin'g; of coats at this price, made up in elegant style effects, in fine kerseys, broadcloths and beautiful new, dark mixtures, perfect in fit ami workmanship, garments made to sell at 23.00 special Thursday -1 J8.75 Special Sale of Women's Reliable 2.90 ursi f the best tpmlity of .Ia mink. EASY JOB F0R THE CHIEF Woman tiki lilut to Kiud Iter Brother, Mlanlua? for Tnrntj. fire ifari, tl ., .: g In Hi river of the general supeiin i. .-Hit cf the various llarrlman lines. dii-jt to H. C Morris, head of the s trtiiuitig board ot" the Union Pacific, men i the i mill .service need have no nppre t :..ii regarding the new rules which . will be rttiulrcd to leant. Tlie rules il I . far less complicated than those - ttferc Issued, all unnecessary repetition i . "i iluiinuted and the rules said to be ie ; ij.-.p'.oet ami ch'arcst over issued on I 'M ii Pacific. Thn examining uoaru i. : Ik reorgaiii"d and will begin about t lirM tlw yoiir In the work of exam- :, a-- i t,i:iliics as to their proficiency in i ,- train regulations. I.atirillng lee Nliortacea. ii I'l'lnn I'itcirio is guarding against : ,i ice shortage during the coming sum nt - and to that end has a large force of n- a al work building a dam across the I.. r.. toie river at Laramie that a much ; re. t ti'. p might be harvested than in r '-:us. The company is tearing out e oil dam at.d putting In u new one, tak-1-ik :i four or live acres more of space thai ia lorui-.T The company is also preparing t" Install additional switch on; irai ks at that point that refrigerator ars might be iced there. There is a n-ituial basin car the side of the dam which tha company wilt eventually fill with wait-r lor its ice taipply. I nlon Pacific Improvement. W ille building shops and commissary hous-a and improving Its lines around Omaha, the I'nion Pacific is also making vast improvements on other parts of its Hum. On the Wyoming division it has tarted the construction of over seventy new buildings, which Include twenty-four ectlou houses, two new depots, one at Pine Bluff utid tho other at Superior, a new coal camp la Sweetwater county, two new Ice houses at North PUtte, ten tool houses, four charging stations for the elec tric block system, and many other build ings. Most cf these will be built durlag tb winter. rw Tariff Slierla. Tariffs have bv. n tiled with the Inter slate Coiumcrie coiiiinlsflon showing the new schedule t.f laics from the river to I'tah common points, whtih will go Into effect November il. The s 'iieduleg show a cut of from terta to $1 on tint various I class rate and similar inductions in com- f.otilty rJtes. The tales win al.o I upply castbounii from I'tah cuiunon points, i I'tih is elatid oicr Cue reduction cf ratts, ' us It mcaim a matt-rial reduction In the t c. of bringing supplies and material of j a'l kinds troin tlie east. I alaon uf Aetloa Aualuat Hill. "The I'nion Feci fie and Milwaukee roads are planning to get together to nome ex tent in the great noithwcsi. The Milwau kee and the I'nion Purine are both invad ing th tz-rrltury of Jim Hill, their future I common enemy, and it is now the gentril . belief of those In a position to know that j the Milwaukee will i-e '!ll i'nion Pi.-in racks out of latmiu to Portland, nmi i jvi'r.lon P.i-.-itlo in turn witl use ih i .',, Vok-i tctw'ten Taoitu anl , i JUi,. f i4 lu ,avc bc.-u givr.i j "ui....,r.m.,ii "fin al h gh in the , " t'.l'thrt load. Iti a a ihe r.-ilrcid , "Unit''ll" ie has Win no spt-ctil itiou 'it. , i ... , . . Omaha and Lincoln next year.'' said Mr. Simpkins, "and with the work which has been done and the headway we have made at both ends we should have little difficulty. Th.; Omaha it Council Bluffs Street Kail- I way company litis said we could use Its lines! to enter Omaha, so we will have to build only to Wi st Q street before we are prae- , tically In the city. Work will lie begun on ! tho Platte river bridge earlv iu the year.' ! MAYOR MAY OR MAY NOT SUGN On hi ion ii Vndccldfd as to Anion on It esolilt Ion In (.rlcr C'nse, Mayor Iiahlniaii is undecid'-d whether l.e will sisn the c' tn urrcnt resolution ailopted Tuesday evening by Ihe city council in the' mutter of th"- L" Orler shortage, iji sign the resolution would not he consistent with the mayoi's stand in the matter, namely, that he has held and still holdr that Comptroller Lobeck's report on the Grier accounts not stifTki.iit evidence on which to attempt recovery of the alleged shortage. The resolution will get to the I mayor's office Thursday morning from the j city clerk's office. I If the mayor docs not sign the resolution the council will override tlie veto and then insiruit the city clerk to make formal de man on Mr. drier on the surety on his bond for tlie amount In question. SIXTY-SIX YEARS METHODIST Ilcury t. Brown Honored by Friend on r'.lg Ii t -Second Birthday Anniversary. Tuesday evening the members of tha board of trustees and stewards of th" First ' Methodist church gathered at tlie home of j Henry K. Brown, lt'JI North Twenty-sixth ftreet. in honor of the eighty-second birth ! day anniversary of Mr. Brown, who has i be n a member of the Methodist church for over sixty-six yeurs. An enjoyable tune is jrt ported by the participants, and during th. I cclebrat on Kev. Frank L. Lovepnd. p stor j of the church, in a speech on behalf of the ! nsscnib'.ed guests, presented Mr, Brown with n line gold-headed cane. Mr. Biown was also remembered by the chapter of the Royal Arch Masons, of which he is a member, by an elaborate boquct of flowers In honor of the occasion. Hear A letter has been received by Chief of Police Dontihue from Edith K. Hut-baud of Hope. Kan., requesting the assistance of the police In finding some trace of lnr brother, William H. Husband, who left home about twenty-live years ago at the Immature age of is. The parents are dead and only three other members of tho fam ily are living and Miss Husband Is very anxious to heur from her brother. Husband has been a foreman of a ranch In Washington and is believed to have been In Omaha with consignments of cattle. Chief Donahue is making an effort to find the missing man. but on account of the meager information to work on has little hope cf success. A Ct 11 IT 1 T" a owen nechi riece o price Women's Stylish Neck Scarf, of the very best quality of natural gray squirrel Women's Double Scarf Made of the very best quality of Arabian fox fur. a regular $12.00 scarf, for Isabella Fox Scarf Of a very g-ood quality of fox fur. two lare tails and four small ones extra special value. A Monnti's Stylish Douhh- Scarf (if the very best quality of luiilitlla wolf, two hiiee tails, finished with cord nnd tails A V-iy llaiHlMitiM- IsalH-Uii Vox Scarf, Fxlra l.onn Mailt.- of two full bkins, litilylifd with Iwo larso fluffy tails a scarf wo arc v'lliiist to compare with any $ 1 o scarf on market, our special inict" lliiiiiiiinl Isabella I'ov Scarf- Made of the finest soloctod skins, two larire tails and four small ones: as good as any M'ail iu the market our special price Women's rii-clric Scul Coat New and correct shape, hipth storut (cllo'.'. lined with best satin special Jit'lCU Women's Snblc t'oney Cont .Vew blouse style made of good t-fdecierl skins $00.00 values special I!'icu 4.90 7.90 ppp&tel 5.90 $10 WW' 27.50 -mm 29.75 Mangum & Co., LETTER SPECIALISTS. ' C Kxperleiiee la Sometimes I Tesehrr, So many parents of young children do not realize the danger from croup until they have had tho expcrlenee of one severe rase in their own home. To be awakened in the Middle of tin night by the peculiar rough cough and find their little one suffering I10111 a rully developed altat k or the croup ami nothing in the house with which to re- j liovo it ia a lesson never to be forgotten. .i good remedy at hand Is of incalculahlo value in a time like this and nothing belter can be obtained than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The- fact this remedy contains no nnreotio malti s It perfectly safe to give to lint children. Ul-tfaa and Deaths. The pillowing bnths and deaths were re-p.iiti-d 10 ihe Boa nl of Health during the twentv-f tur hours ending Wednesdav noon births C. C. Carpenter. 4"ei Pierce, girl J. O. Berg, Miami, boy: Piter W. Ka'i.y, South Twenty-seventh, giii; ,1 .1. Shaw, 17" '7 1 "avenpurt. boy. 1 ii-alhs Infant Uiiiiick. 2;.6ri Woolworth; Frey Wey, Fortieth and i'oppleton, 71; COURT OFFICERS GO HUNTING Adjonrn Proeredlugs I ntll Monday, When Petit Jnry Will be F.mpanrled. Owing to the fact that the federal petit . jury will not lie emjianeleel until next Mon- i day and nothing Is now neading the im- ; mediate attention of the federal courts, an ' adjournment of the regular court proceed- i Ings linn been taken, until Monday next. In the meanwhile Judge Mtiuger, Vr.lted States Circuit Court Clerk Thuramel. ! United State Marshal Warner and Assist- j ant District Attorney Lane have gone to j Pender for a hurytina; expedition among the quail preserves of the Winnebago reserva- j tluii for a few days, expecting lo return , Saturday. j The trial docket will be ready for dir- I trlbtitlon Monday and until then very little' will be doing in the federal courts. je" IHAMONDS Edholm, Kith aud Harney. Marriage Lleeuaea. The following marrlHge lieenyes l-eefi issued: Name and Residence. rtlrhanl Tyson. Omaha Mae Keiiey, Hastings. Ia Harold A. Smith. Kansas City, Mo.... lioreen I. Wllliutiin, Onuha Clarence Krye. Omaha Mauil M. Strode, Omah i ., ha e Age. 21 . ... 24 ... 24 i ... 1 I V. i L.-pit las food to work on is food to live on. A man works to live. He must live to work. s He does both better on Uneeda Biscuit the soda cracker that contains in the most properly balanced proportions a greater amount of nutriment than any food made from flour. Uineeda Biscuit NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Last Big Land Openiri; in Oklahoma RICH LANDS FOR FARMERS Over n bnlf million arros of aftricultural lands will be opened to settlement this fall in Fouthwew. Oklahoma. The quarter Sections will be sold to the highest bidders. Minimum price, $" per acre, which is a very low figure considering the richness of the soil in the por tion of the New State. Purchasers must be qualified homesteaders and comply with homestead law as to residence, cultivation and improvement. Terms Are Reasonable Purchaser has the privilege of paying for his farm in five enqal annual pay. nients. The lands are mostly renins' prairies, well watered by living streams. Corn, wheat, oats, rye, alfalfa, cotton nnd all kinds of garden products and fruits of almost every variety can be grown in abundance. This opening will be the best opportunity to get u farm at your own price ever offered the homeseeker. You cannot afford to miss it. You should lose no lime in fcottine, on the ground cither to select a butiness location or to fuiiiiliarizo yourself with the lands on which yon intend to bid. The rules and Kegulations of the Interior Department ut Washington. D. C, for opening of these land are as follows: Sealed bids shall be received not before ft a. m.. December or after 4 p. m. December 8, lSm;. at Law ton. Oklahoma. Land Oftice, where bids will be opened beginning December 10. 1900. Prospective bidders t-hotild make application for proper form on which to submit bids and for full iniormation as to conditions regarding this land opening to "Hegister and Keceivcr." United States Land Office, Lawton, Oklahoma, to whom all bids should In- addressed when proper form has been received and all conditions have been com plied with. Cheap raus first and third Tuesdas of each month via Hock Island -Frisco Lines, only direct route to the Tiig Land Opening Write for further information to .IOUN SF.llASf I.VX. 1'av.eniirr Traffic MauaKcr, Ia Salle Station. Chicago; or Frisco liuilding, St. Itouii. Rock Island-Frisco Lines ., , ,, tmi ii f I 'H ",Ui. Ill I'.t.'.UC IfiC Oe.weell la- ' 'b-.-.a,;-, and lev t.ui u ml